The Straits Budget, 12 July 1900

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 109 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES a„ the Protected sZs TX.yXZpZXZ ZZTZVt [SEES ,Xs TZ* hr<> Philippines, and French Indo-China. Ind,es the p^ TAß ri-iiED over Half a Century. (Cable Address Times, Singapore.) Straits Budget. 40 Cents. Straits Times, 15 cents. vol. BUI. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY,
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    • 34 1 7th in-t at the Cathedral o! tile (ioo<l shepherd, by the h Kiv»*t Capt. Harry J Smith, of apt. M. *mith of Pnstir\ Avrdlire to Eva Mary, elde t Frank Bateman, of Singapore.
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  • 212 1 Leading Articlim. Tii** Chin?» War. Chin;». Srh Africa. Local Market Quotation. Skipping News. Passenger List. Police News. Hongkong Hank Bill. .''h tn* Market. Consuls. Ceo'U> of 1901. Fire in High Street. Regarding Transvaal War Fund. Indian Famine Fund. of Captain Tuckey. The Assizes, lh** War Fund. T
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  • 594 1 Singapore, 12th July, 1900. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to noon Gambier buyers f 7 62$. Copra Bali, 6.90. do Fontianak, 6 50. Pepper, Black 30.50 do White, (5&) 48 00 -*ago Flour Sarawak, 3 50 do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago 4 00. Goties, Bali, 15% basis 21.00
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  • 327 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the P. and O. Bengal. The German mail for Europe by the Bayern is timed to leave on the 16th instant. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the M. M Sydney. The mail from Europe
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  • 58 1 Prince Kotohito, of Japan, is a young man of practical energy. Instead of devoting the week which he spent in Austria to social frivolities, he spent his time in careful study of military institutions, visited camps and schools, and watched a game of kriegspiel. From St. Petersburg he
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  • 85 1 Tab Manila Times states that President McKinley's amnesty has resulted in several prominent insurrectionary leaders securing release from prison at Manila by taking the oath of allegiance to. the United States Government. Some insurrectionary generals have declared tiicir intention of accepting the amnesty on certain conditions. Aguinaldo is
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 \\J riMts V/iu T rr t r>o nriee of the Straits Times orW The post free price iff’’ 1 1 ,A i« **> yew, or 40 J to subscribe for a year. ;(>tl ons for shorter perio-9 are proportionate rate of price as lilt fr i 'l Kwl'pt van be
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  • 29 1 DEATH. At Pulo Laut, South East Borneo, on l-rJulv. Captain John* Tuckey, s. s. Sarie b,n, lK f.jniMTlv of Mandurah, West rn Australia. »7 years. West Australian please copy.
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    • 54 2 London, Saturday morning. The Times in a leading article, asks why diplomatic assurances continue to be withheld in’the present serious crisis, when such assurances wou ««me‘ e y set in motion the available Japanese army, of which 15,000 men have already embarked for China and 30,000
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    • 36 2 The news from South Africa is that parties of Boers are surrendering daily in the country between Winburg and Senekal, but that there are still isolated bodies of combatant Boers in all directions.
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    • 18 2 The Princess of Wales’ Stakes resulted as follows: Merry Gal Diamond Jubilee 3
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    • 63 2 London, Sunday. The British Government has requested the Chinese Minister in London to convey to the Chinese authorities in Peking the warning that the Chinese authorities will be held to be personally guilty for any injury that may happen to the Europeans in Peking. Government has asked
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    • 32 2 Mr. Brodrick announced, in the House of Commons, that Government was hourly expecting a reply to their communication to Japan regarding the relief of the besieged Legations in Peking.
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    • 26 2 It is officially confirmed that Governor Hodg«on has left Kumasi fort, with a small force, to get through to Cape Coast Ca6tle.
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    • 30 2 Sipido, who attempted to assassinate the Prince of Wales at a Belgian railway station, has been acquitted on the ground that he is not responsible for his actions.
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    • 158 2 Later. Great Britain has suggested to Germany that she should endeavour to induce Russia to agree to entrusting to Japan the pacification of China. But Germany declined lest she should impair
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    • 84 2 JAPAN S LIBERTY OF ACTION. It is now announced that on the 27th June, Russia notified Japan that she (Russia) leaves full liberty of action to Japan to send troops to the aid of the foreigners in Peking, especially as Japan had expressed her readiness to act, having already obtained
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    • 97 2 London Monday. General Buller reports from Pretoria that the enemy have put 800 British prisoners of war over the Natal border from the town of Reitz. These released prisoners are proceeding to Ladysmith. There are no officers amongst them. Colonel Paget on the 3rd inst. drove
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    • 21 2 The Americans have won eight out of the thirteen amateur athletic championship competitions between American and English Universities.
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    • 14 2 The Oxford and Cambridge University cricket match ended in a draw.
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    • 25 2 Later. Two more native Indian cavalry foments and another battery 0 f an are under orders to proceed to China^
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    • 35 2 AMERICA S PREPARATIONS. The United States Government given orders for 6,254 regular trn£ to sail for the Philippines with the i n te tion of despatching them to Chin* instead, if it be found necessary
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    • 53 2 M. Delcasse, the French Minister f Foreign Affairs, has stated, in the Chair D ~r~ K Co\i T thousarFrench troops have left for China that 4,000 more will be on the thither before the 20th instant M. Delcassĕ further stated that «in more troops would follow aseirr
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    • 48 2 The British Government has accepts the offer made by the Colony of Victoria to supply a naval contingent for servir* in China. An offer by the Government of South Australia to supply the Colonial gunboat Protector for the same purpose has also been accepted.
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    • 9 2 Genera! Br.llcr has arrived at Tret.:::.
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    • 87 2 Loiulen Tuesday. General Buller has left Pretoria, after a conference with Lord Huberts. The Boers under Commandant Lircmer are active around Rustenbure Colonel Mahon, on the 6th and 7th instant, had an engagement with 3,00# Boers who were threatening the railway near Springs.
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    • 50 2 Lotulon, Wednesday menung. It is declared in St. Petersburg that Russia sets no limit on the number ot troops Japan sends to China; Russia does so on condition that t jlB in no way constitute* a mandate placing Japan in a privileged position.
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    • 43 2 Mr. Brodrick announced in House of Commons that reinf 1 e ments of men and ships are on t•' way to China. He said also that the Bntisn Government are quite prepared to ta anyaction which the situation necessitate.
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    • 8 2 Prince Kotohito has arrived in Petersburg.
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    • 11 3 r val A«'ent has been given to Federation Bill.
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    • 62 3 I ?hO BT of SUPPLIES. I r.Va=e of mof the Imperial I I r-v and Derbyshire Militia by rec-inled as indicative of I f the Boer supplies. I*-, r r )rj ers state that while in I- 1= they «offered intensely from I rl starvation.
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    • 12 3 I of racial bitterness at the |v, increasing.
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  • 614 3 I Tt"W*y 9//l July -irurday afternoon, a special :r in Hongkong came too late ration in Saturday’s paper, Ili:e in a way, the Straits Times *ut a telegram of any descrip- h.e chief point of the telegram V that tlie* reported massacre Lieign Ministers at Peking on
    I Tt"W*y 9//l July )  -  614 words
  • 326 3 (Straits Times, nth July.) Through the medium of Yuan-Shih-Kai, Governor of Shantung Province, and of Sheng, the Director at Shanghai Chinese Imperial railways, we have npws to-day that two Legations in Peking were safe on tho -.-j mac xne oesiegers nave nad sueff a thorough taste of the mettle
    (Straits Times, nth July.)  -  326 words
  • 1497 3 (Straits Times 11 th July.) In the purely military aspect of the situation in South Africa, things appear to be going well all round. General Buller has conferred with Lord Roberts, and has left Pretoria entrusted with the carrying out of some scheme probably in the district east
    (Straits Times, 11 th July.)  -  1,497 words
  • 145 3 The first of the 7.5 in. quick-firers, which are hereafter to form part of the armament of the Royal Navy, is shown by the great firm of Vickers, Maxim and Co. at the Paris Exhibition. The new gun weighs 16 tons, or, with mount and shield, 26
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  • 718 3 NEWS BY WIRE. London Ist July. Admiral KeiApff, in command of the American forces, wiring from Chefoo yesterday, says that when the Legations r were ordered to quit on the 15th, they refused and are still at Peking. The expedition which Admiral Seymour conducted against the Arsenal
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  • 554 4 The laws of Sarawak now include a naturalisation enactment. Th* model hackney carnage proposed to be built by the Municipality is expected to cost $2OO. 1 Major G. l" B Kiluck, Military] Commandant in Sarawak, has rescued his appointment to date from the June. Races are to
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  • 131 4 The No*'h-Ckina Daily News published the following telegram from the North, which has been received in Shanghai:—Prince Ching, the Grand Secretary Hsti Tung, Kang Yi, ana Chi Hsiu have presented a joint memorial to the Empress-Dowager exhorting her to take the Emperor with her to Hsian, the capital
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  • 1009 4 A E. Walters, the well-known Eng-1 lish long distant crack, has again proved himself to be one of the most consistent of stayers, as in th e Four Days International paced race at Berlin, of 3 hours per day, he totted up the respectable score of 372
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  • 169 4 A CHINESE PROTEST. The President has sent to the Unitec States Senate several letters from the Chinese Minister, Wu Ting Fang, setting forth reasons why, in the opinion of his Government, the American-Chinese exclusion laws should not be made applicable to the Philippine Inlands. The Minister says
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  • 455 4 NO MEANS OF LOCOMOTION. WHY NOT ’KIKISHAS A most extraordinary, disgraceful, and vexatious state of things exists in Baris at present, writes a correspondent. It is almost impossible to move about the capital except on foot. The means» of locomotion are so insufficient as practically to be non-existent.
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  • 1633 4 Globe. Bobs of a clean lived stock and bred in a healthful atmosphere, used from his infancy to a spare diet of plain food, and inured to a life of toil in the open, I the Australian bushman has everything on his side to fit him for
    — Globe.  -  1,633 words
  • 103 4 At the Legislative Council m-etm? on Tuesday, a Bill will be br-uci in to continue the operation 1 the Hongkong and Shanghai Ordinance of 1899. Jhe put forward under the instruc < of the Secretary of State. considered advisable in the intere» trade in China that the
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  • 402 5 jjjE POPULATION. r re «ent city of Peking is divided rt i.jns, the northern or Tartar ■://anthem or Chinese city. Vi ĕni city is almost exclusively "V bv Chinese. The general shape n.av be roughly represented "Vlaced upon an oblong, the tor the Tartar and the < hinese city.
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  • 85 5 A GERMAN CONTINGENT. A; tin; <lite of last advices from H the German residents there *i <l‘ri'Uid to form a Volunteer i r -iu ai t of the local Volunteer f'h•' fiie Emperor of Germany, n beins wired to, favoured the d t A ni«-r*t iiur of German
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  • 257 5 NO THANKS, NO PAY. A correspondent in Rome writes: j 1 military element at the Vatican e:n to he a most uneasy one, as no 'j'Uer are the difficulties of one body iard settled, *>r at least reduced to i‘dxui t mutterings, than those of an«j-i,.- r
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  • 564 5 DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT l BURNED OUT. r h H f ER f as a considerable fire last night at the drapery and fancy goods P B h?n Mr A A F X in High Street, ihe shop and contents were in the end entirely destroyed. Signs of
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  • 95 5 The Sarawak Gazette of the 2nd I instant states that the telephone system for Sarawak Proper may be said to be now fairly started. The success of the first wire to the Borneo Company’s Office and thence to the company’s outstations led to the extension of the
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  • 119 5 LIGATIONS BURNT WHOLESALE. A young Chinaman, whose father holds high office in Canton, arrived at Hongkong on the 28th June from Peking which he left on the 14th June. He states that then all the Legations had been burnt, excepting the British, Belgian, and AustroHungarian. The guards
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  • 1170 5 PETROLEUM BORING. The Royal Langkat Petroleum Comfo a r° y .«flf J tk‘ i88U6d its nnual r *P°rt i 1% *®f 8 .,f he et P rofit was over 3o9,0(K) guilders last year. A dividend ot 4 per cent, on preferred shares and one 6 per cent, on
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  • 53 5 The Queen has issued Her exequatur empowering Baron Anatole de Kiister to act as Consul for Russia at Singapore. Baron de Kiister has reported his arrival and assumed charge of the Consulate The Queen’s exequatur, empowering Mr. L. Groĕtaers to act as Consul for Belgium at Singapore, has received
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  • 391 5 VrtcRs. Latham and Mactaggart, in their weekly circular, report as follows The market has been very depressed since our last reports, and rates in most cases have further declined. Hongkong reports an inactive market with but little chance of improvement until affairs in North China get more
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  • 91 5 MAY RETURNS. The returns from the Pahang Corporation’s tin mines for the month of May were as follows 8UNGEI LEM BING. Tons of stone crushed 2,400: oxide of tin produced 40 tons, with forty heads ofstamps running for twenty-nine S23 000 T e WOrking ex Pe“*es were JERAM
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  • 178 5 THE SPICE IN MALABAR. Pepper (viper nigrum) is grown in Java and other Asiatic countries, but that which comes from the Malabar coast is acknowledged to be the best. The only districts in Malabar in which pepper cultivation is largely carried on are Kottayam and Kurumbranad The
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  • 255 5 GOVERNMENT PROCLAMATION. The following proclamation has been published by the Government regarding the census-taking next year: In all western countries it is the custom to take a census of the number of iho people, and in ail countries under the British rule the census has been
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  • 244 5 BRITISH RULE DI8TA8TEFUL. The Labuan correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph says that the idea of British rule under the Federated Malaya system is distasteful to the Malays in Brunei. The reasons brought forward for upsetting the present protectorate system in Brunei are, in his opinion, untenable.
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  • 395 6 The following notification appears in the Government Gazette Officer Administering the Government S. S.j to Secretary of State for the Colonies. Singapore, 19th April, 1900. Sir —I have the honour to report on the collections made in the Colony on account of the Transvaal War
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  • 79 6 A Havas telegram, dated Paris 25th June, states that another battalion of marines will be held in readiness ft Toulon for despatch to China, along with two batteries of mountain guns. On the 27th June, news came that the Viceroy of Yunnan had wired to the Chinese
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  • 91 6 The fifth of the series of concerts for children was given in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon before a audience of youngsters. Mr. R. Allen and Mr. Severn, R N., who were to have sung, were uuable to attend, but Mr. Batty and Mr. Koek stepped in
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  • 125 6 j| the fifteenth list. Eft Previously acknowledged 862,334.57 Collected from Singapore Rec. U Club by S. Mowe— P Stuart Mowe 6 J. Pereira H E. Tessensohn 6 H C. Oliveiro 2 O. A. da Silva 2 U P. J Woodford 2 H W. Rvan 5 If Stanley
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  • 416 6 Mr. A. R. Linton is going to Calcutta shortly to join the office of the Mercantile Bank there. On Thursday afternoon next the S. V. R play the S R. C. at Association football on the Esplanade. E. Lanz. i P- P* c A private letter from
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  • 35 6 Per M. M. s. s Annam from Marseilles— Mr Onnes. From Bombay—Mr. Leon Marques. From Colombo—Messrs. Mac Inerny, A. Dh *rs, Wygn»rden, F. Roxas, ArdiLi, Fry, Miss P. Lervy, and Mrs. Dupuy.
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  • 47 6 A mixed doubles tournament will be commenced on Monday, July 16th, for a prize presented by Mr. J. G. Mactaggart. The tournament will be an American one, and each pair entering will play eight games against every other pair. Entries close next Wednesday.
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  • 152 6 A successful bowling match for a silver cup, given anonymously, was concluded at the Tanglin Club on Saturday night, and was won by Mr. J. Keddie with the gross score of 818. The other scores were: A. J. Macdonald 785 F. D. Mactaggart 713 A. A. Gunn
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  • 2187 6 The mail from China yesterday brought papers up to July 2nd. The news given below is taken from Hongkong and Shanghai papers. The new gunboats BramhU and Britomart have been commissioned for service in China waters. H M. S. Argonaut is leaving shortly for
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  • 1539 6 TWO BRIGADES TO BE SENT. Simla, 25 th June. The following is the full scheme foi the Ist Brigade (Sir Norman Stewart) —7th Bombay Infantry, 24th I Infantry, Ist Sikhs, 26th Bombay in»»try, and 43rd and 39th f ield Hospi 2nd Brigade (General CreaeJ
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  • 111 7 The Goliath battleship, Captain Lewis E. Wintz, arrived at Malta on 12th June from Gibraltar. The Powerful cruiser, has been paid off at Portsmouth by Captain the Hon. H. Lamhton, and the crew went on leave till July 23rd. The Iphigenia cruiser, was paid off at Portsmouth the
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  • 828 7 London, 27th June Sir William Ashmead Bartlett, the husband of Baroness Burdett Coutts, who went to Africa as a volunteer, has addressed a letter to the Times setting, orrible details the inadequacy of the medical arrangements during the war,and theconsequent misery entailed on the sick. He
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  • 315 7 I The July monthly medal was comI peted for on Saturday and resulted in a I win for Mr. H. C. Sells with the nett I score of 83. The following are the scores handed in:— H. C. Sells 63 50 20 83 S. S. Walker 48 60 14
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  • 361 7 B. V. R. CS. ET. JOSEPU’S CLUB. As the result of a challenge from the St. Joseph’s Club, a game of Association football was played on the Old Gaol site, at 5 o’clock on Saturday afternoon, between a second eleven of the Singapore Volunteer Rifles and the first eleven
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  • 312 7 r THE 8. C. C. TOURNAMENT. I CIVIL SERVICE AND LAW r. OFFICERS OF T«»B REGULAR FORCEB, <fcc. The first match in connection with the t-ncket Club Tournament took place on aturd a y, between teams representing Civil Service and Law, and Officers of the Regular Forces and S.
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  • 60 7 Per M. M. b. e. Laos for Colombo—Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, Messrs. C. Browu, Brother Adolphe Victor. Brother Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Aboaf, Mr. N. Pnparopoli, and Mr. Smetzky. For Mar»eilles— Messrs. J. P. van «»cr Does de Bye, E. Lans, Dr. Hoare. Dr. and Mrs Leask,
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  • 72 7 We regret to hear of the death, at Pulo La ut, on the Ist inst. of Captain Tuckey, master of the Sri Borneo. Captain Tuckey, who had been in these parts for many years, was seized with a paralytic stroke on the voyage and never recovered.
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  • 457 7 The Spanish transport Montevideo left for Barcelona yesterday afternoon. At Penang, at the date of last advices (sth instant), scarcity of ice had set in. The demand outran the supply. The B. I. transport Naining (So. 3), with a wing of the Ist Sikhs for China, passed
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  • 172 8 WELCOME TO PLANTERS. The Times of Ceylon says that one of the best things that could happen for British India tea, especially in the present condition of the industry, when prodnotion has outstripped consumption, is a China war which would put a st“p to tea exports from
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  • 351 8 HUSBAND, WIFE, AND MOTHER-IN-LAW. The Assizes were opened this morning. There are twenty-three cases on the calendar. Lazarus, a Kling Christian, who wore his rosary and cross in the dock, was -charged with attempting to murder and .causing grievous hurt to his wife Katharina and his mother-in-law Mariama.
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  • 1155 8 BRITISH AND GERMAN BRAVERY AT TAKU. Admiral Bruce reports that the conduct of Commander Stewart, of H.M». Algerine and of Capt. Lans,ofthe lifts, at the bombardment of Taku, was magnificent and elicited the admiration ol the allied ships The forces now ashore at Tientsin number 14,000. with
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  • 1217 8 UNIQUE EXPERIENCE OF THE “TERRIBLES (From the Special Correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press. Taku t 22nd June. History has once more repeated itself —the Taku Forts being again bombarded and captured by the forces of a combined foreign fleet The fight took
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  • 123 8 The directors of the I.abu™ Borneo (Limited) in the, r r .n, rt ar4 Dec. 31 last state that the !,V t 0 which was somewhat below that V I T previous year, has been almost J J i disposed of in the island. The d
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  • 104 8 The China buiit by Mes*r« \v,«i Richardson and Co.' (I.i,?V order of the Austrian |j„J’ <f Navigation Company, of Tri w their China and Japan trad,-, r went for a very successful trial trip -.f f stean er 18 4,6 l-ngtl, tv o2 2 feet beam, and
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  • 275 8 A Bill is to be laid before the Legislative Council this afterno. nto| rovide for the better administration of Christmas Island. The lb 1 is published in the last Gornnnmtt Gazette The statement of objects and reason* runs as follows: By the Queen’s Letters Pat* nt hearing date
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  • 247 8 SHORT-REELED COTTON YARN A meeting of the board of directors o! the Manchester Chamber of Coimner e was held on 13th June. Mr John I lioin--Bon. president, occupied the chair, was mentioned that in Octo r i deputation from tne Chamber i- 4 interview with Sir
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  • 43 9 I TA \tl' Mll-LIMi I f r ,m Ki'ib, dated 9th -z:*’ r:A Vi )t the electric 40 1,- 1 j- tU h Australian Gold j s < rushing successW J t |.o the case with K: j r > stamp mill. r
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  • 655 9 I BrP „pif-K 1899. I t; t lf working of the j Wy.’-> vin 1*99 lias been i B j t he departmental j, venue, the only x n-n years being in in the estates I .mg orders and I. were made during Mngapoio amounted j B- J..,
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  • 967 9 MARINE ENQUIRY TO-DAY. At the Marine Office this morning, an enquiry was held into the circumstances attending the collision between the B. I. steamer Palitana and the s.s. Aries which took place near Sultan Shoal on June 29th. The Board of Enquiry consisted of Mr.
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  • 71 9 THE INDIAN RETURNS. Only 282 plague deaths occurred in the whole of India during the week ending on the 26t h June. Of these 106 occurred in Bombay and 108 in Calcutta, while the North-West Provinces, the Punjab, the Central Provinces, Hyderabad, Rajputana, Central India, and Aden
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  • 66 9 The Japanese Government has informed the Washington Treasury Department that it has issued an order restricting emigration to the United States to five persons monthly. *A similar decree has been issued in regard to Canada, with the exception that ten persons a month are allowed to emigrate. The
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  • 89 9 The extinction of British merchant seamen is engaging the serious attention oi the Navy League, who are appalb d at the thought of what might happen to our merchant service if the Naval Reserve had to be called out. The Right Hon. C. T. Ritchie, speaking in
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  • 165 9 There ha 9 been much indignant comment at home upon a scandal which has arisen in connection with the summer military training at Aldershot. After the field manoeuvres on 11th June, the troops were marched back to barracks, a considerable distance, in intense heat, the only
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  • 197 9 (From Dutch, Sources.) The Hague 4th July. General Hunter has crossed the Vaal River. On Sunday he reached Frankfort without meeting with any resistance. General Macdonald has joined Lord Methuen. They have captured one of the commanders under General De Wet and also Wessels, the head
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  • 353 9 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —With reference to the remarks of the Labuan correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph, in your issue of 7th mat., 1 must take the liberty of traversing some of his statements, tnough probably it will be done more fully, later,
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  • 151 9 (From our Correspondent.) A disastrous fire broke out at the village of Yong Peng, on the sth inst., destroying nearly 200 houses, chiefly Chinese shops. Property amounting to about $2u,000 is reported to have been lost. Yong Peng is a large flourishing village situated on a hill
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  • 214 9 The following are the cricket averages of the S. C. C. during the past year: 1ST XI. BATTING. T, No. of Runs. Av. InninKS Reid 613 85.05 21 W. Dunraan 607 25.65 31 C. W. Abrams 519 23 59 23 Mactaggart 200 18.18 14 Hannaford
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  • 157 9 THE LORD MAYOR’S THANKS. Mr. W. H. Friz ell, as treasurer of the Straits and Malayan South African War Relief Fund, has received from the Lord Mayor of London the following letter:— The Mansion House, London, June 13th, tfiOO. Dear Sir, —I have received, with great pleasure,
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  • 514 9 The Siamese gunboat hum hut, It about 7 o’clock this morning for Puket. The Tiger and the Rose the regimental paper oi tlie Yoik and Lancaster Regiment in Agra, has a daily afternoon edition. The Garrison Rifle Club aro holding a practice shoot at the Tanglin Range
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  • 1842 10 TUESDAY, 10th JULY. PRESENT. His Honour Sir Alexander Swettenham K.c.M.G., Acting Governor. Hon. W. Egerton (Acting Colonial Secretarv). Hon. W. R. Col Iyer (Attorney-General). Hon. E. M. Merewether (Acting Colonial Treasurer). Hon F. St. G. Caulfeild (Acting Colonial Engineer). Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. T)r. Lim Boon Keng. Hon.
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  • 657 10 P. O. COMPANY. HALF YEARLY MEETING. Sir Thomas Sutherland presided or June 12th at the 119th half-yearh meeting of the P. A O. Company ii London. So f«r as his vision went, Sir Thomas Sutherland said, that he saw no reason t doubt that the rest of the year would
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  • 746 10 SINGAPORE CHALLENGE SHIELD. FIRST ROUND —S. C. C. V. R. E. The S. C. C. and R. E. teams met last night on the Esplanade, in the first round of the competition for the Singapore Challenge Shield, before a large crowd of spectators. The ground was in grand condition
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  • 68 10 The Manila Comercio gives particulars of an encounter, last month, between pirates and American troops in Sulu. The pirates came from Borneo and terrorized the Sulu people. They had also captured avessel with goods valued at $12,000. Major Sweet fell upon them in their stronghold on the
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  • 955 10 GOVERNMENT STATEMENT I Os the 14th ult, i„ the h I Commons, the followin'.',/; took place on the situation in Sir H T'* ask the First Lord of theirs 1 he can give the Hou<e an v r V to the state of affairs in < Jrrrutlf
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  • 913 11 I MAKING ISQUIB*. I ‘.efokthe “pautasa. I v afternoon, the Marine I V^ :£KI A 1 ,irv into the circumstances collision between the B l ■j-st and the s.s. A ries off I wa s resumed. The ’Vehalf of the Aries was f V r•
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  • 85 11 At the Penang municipal meeting on b riday. the question of continuing the municipal extermination of rats came up. It was pointed out that 62,000 rats had been killed and paid for, and that the Commissioners had exceeded their limit by 1,500 dollars. Rats were then pouring
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  • 64 11 At the Assize Court yesterday, Chong Sang for housebreaking was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Chan Kay Hin was found guilty of causing hurt to a woman at Kandang Kerbau by striking her on the arm, and was sent to gaol f*»r three months. Tai Ah Fan yesterday
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  • 52 11 The band of the 16th Madras Native Infantry wil! play the following programme of music in thegardens, next Friday night, weather permitting:— March San Salvatore... .Godfrey. Overture Masaniello Auber.* Valse Marchen mus den Quellenthnl. .Fetras. Reminiscences of Scotland. .Godfrey. C >vatina Anna Rolena. .Donizetti. Selection... .The Lucky Star.
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  • 139 11 Pilgrimage to Mecca is by no means on the wane. Thi« year the number ol pilgrims was 220,0uU, or about 20,000 ujore than the total of the preceding year. France alone has succeeded, in her North African possessions, in preventing many Moslems from visiting Mecca. This,
    139 words
  • 326 11 The Horse and Dog Show on Saturday, in H.H. tiie Sultan of Johore’s grounds at Tyersall, promises to he a great success, and the only tiling now required is a tine day. f J he entries for liie lour classes of dogs are good, only
    326 words
  • 513 11 ARRIVALB. Per 8.8. Neera from Klang via ports Mr. Raynard. Per s. s. Hye Leong from Teluk Anson via ports—Mr. and M-s. D. Ross Smith, Messrs. W. A. Hayward, F. M. Macrae, Ogilvie, Darke, and Robeck. Per s. s. Vorwarts from Sarawak—Mr. C. Lange, and Mr and Mrs.
    513 words
    • 165 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer sh.—ship: Dq. —barque; sch. —schooner; Yet. —Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor Torpedo H.p.—Horse-power; Brit.— British U. S. —United States; Fr.— French Ger. —German Dut.—Dutch: Job. —Johore Ac., G. c., —Genera 1cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncer tain; T.
      165 words
    • 1099 11 ARRIVALS SINCE NOOR OF YESTERDAY. Ban Whatt Hin t Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt Olsen, 11th July. From Klang, ,9th July, G c., and 13' d.p. S. Steamship Coy. For Klang, 13th—Rds. Clive, Brit. str. 130 tons, Captain Owen, 10th July From Penang, 7 h July. Gc.,
      1,099 words
    • 663 11 Home, part, probable date of arrival and name of agents. Steamers. Acara, H’kong, to leave July 15 Aglaia, Bombay, July 10 Rautenherg. Alesia, Hamburg, July 16 B. Meyer. Albenga, H’kong, to leave July 24 Alicante, Barcelona, July 12 Barlow. Baron Innerdale, Barry I’ft June 6 Baliaarat, Colombo, Aug
      663 words
    • 738 12 I if LAO f I «MSU’II Nam*. U'ows I Captau. t*ov Bail»u Coasioaiae. I J1 k Hnk Tiioe Dut atr. 397 Hubert Saigon July 2 Eng Ghee Seng i AU9 str. 150 S iZuby Miudlesbro Apl 28,<iaggino-* Co. k Topnkai Bril Btr. 30i6 ,Davis Liverpool June a Borneo Coy
      738 words
    • 415 12 Datk. Vessel’s Namb }Klag&Kig CaptaaS Destination Jnie 7 Penane Brit str. Rawlingson Port Diet son J y 7 Giangleng sir. Dunlop Samarar.g via ports 7 Siam Btr Holton Bangkok v-e™ str. Coysh I Teluk Anson via ports k 7 j n gtr. Taylor Muntok aud Palembang 7 Pin Seng
      415 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 323 11 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY 2 Thin mie<-e*«ful an J nighly p »p>ilai rt»iu«*dy, as emr.ioyed in th** ('uatioeaul IkjpitM' by K:«<«jrd, Ko*t»a. Jobe t, Velpeau, an«l others, «lanlauea all dexH-r <la to be sought in a mcdirin* of tLe kit* J. aud employed 'J'HERAPION No. 1, in a few
      323 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 for Ladies.I A Remedy for all Irre^uleritlee. Supenedijag Bitter Apple, Fennyro/al, ii C ch a, fce. Sold by Singapore Dispensing Co., Ltd*» Raines Plaoe, Singapore. Prop» Utor: R.‘." T, N «OITM* MOTON. PNOLANOk $4$ The priee of the weekly mail edition of the Straits Tim** is four and-a-half dollar per
      58 words
    • 427 12 LEA PERRINS p OBSERVE THAT THE 8IG NATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL •>o:d Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester: Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., Lender.; and Export Oilmen Generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. AUCE. fhiOhly Medicine if the kind awarded a CerhJ.cate
      427 words
    • 797 12 COMMON 8EN8E-*HUT8Hpi7 •mi tau vb,ii,..L™:;'.'" -ZT: •pint.. *c «iih S* 4irecti-.n* ?-,r remotrirur < **rr .m < ttoy I,f. w denwiM n to.di« h i r jrw M, .n i Ac., un no «ufferer iihouM tail K r Bond (kiyMllbaknnlTt... I •horfTM.e..,, eo..u«rrc ft A Now special y packed in
      797 words