The Straits Budget, 29 September 1899

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 132 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” fho Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 23 1 I K r J KV On the 18th inst., at H,. i .Penang, the wife of J. M. K ...o! a daughter.
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  • 478 1 JAMVf A KTI»' I.KS. 1. I I'l-v .a (’risis. Of 1 r;i M.«i k-. I.a~t Chance. Ifa i rin-vanl. will they do r S'-iioolbovß and America* Wiws. /if Ji U>‘ I »!i<' L 1 U? AL, •l i!m muot itiou^. "••[•['ini' News, hunger List, i ;<•** V
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  • 587 1 MNUM'OKB, 29tii September, 1899. PRODUCE. (Hates are corrected to noon.) Gambler 6.37$. Copra Bali, 6.90. do Poatianak, 8.25. Pepper, Black buyers.... 27.75. do White, (5%) 45.00 Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.60. do Brunei No. 1.., 2.60 Pearl Sago f-30. Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 16.12$ Coffee Palerabang, 15% basis.. 17.25 Coffee,
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  • 366 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. Indus. Tlie mail for Europe next week is fixed for the l\ O. Valletta. The mail from Europe of the Ist September by the P. O. Parramatta arrived on the 24th instant. The mail from
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  • 32 1 A memorandum received from the Colonial Secretariat this morning is as follows: “The proclamation prohibiting Chinese iui migration from the coast of China has been rescinded, except as regards Hongkong.”
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    • 58 1 London, 2Ut September. A Boer force has occupied Komatipoort on the Portuguese frontier, and Pangwana Mountain near Laings Nek. Several military commandants from the Orange Free State have arrived at .Pretoria to confer with General Joubert, the Commandant-General of the Iransvaal forces. CABINET COUNCIL TO MEET. A
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    • 6 1 Dreyfus has been released.
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    • 35 1 London, 22nd, September. The Afrikander members of the Cape Parliament have telegraphed to President Kruger, urging him to do his utmost, short of sacrificing the independence of the Transvaal, to avert war.
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    • 132 1 THE ORANGE FREE STATE. BOUND TO AID THE TRANSVAAL. London 2.W Sepfemlvi'. At a meeting of the Orange Free State Volksraad, President Steyn virtually charged the British Government with breach of faith towards the Transvaal. President Steyn said also that he felt disinclined to advise the Transvaal to
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    • 46 1 CLOSED AND FORGOTTEN. Dreyfus is staying with his relatives at Carpentras, a town in France. General Gallifet, the Minister of War, has issued an order of the day to the Army declaring the Dreyfus incident to be closed, and directing it to be forgotten.
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    • 98 1 THE TROOPS FOR THE TRANSVAAL. London 25 th SSeptemuti. The War Office is preparing to raise the forces in South Africa to fifty thousand strong. AT JOHANNESBURG. Uneasiness is increasing in Johannesburg. The merchants there are barricading their premises. Eleven hundred persons left that city within the
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    • 42 1 CHINESE IMMIGRATION. PROHIBITION REMOVED. It is stated that the Government at Washington has instructed General Otis to admit Chinese immigrants into the Philippines. It is intimated that General Otis had exceeded his authority in excluding Chinese immigrants from the islands.
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    • 66 1 STANDSTILL AT THE RAND. London 26 th September Business at the Rand is almost at a standstill. MINES TO BE CLOSED. It is expected that the mines there will be closed at the end of this month. BOERS AGGRESSIVE. The Times correspondent at Capetown states that the
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    • 83 1 TRANSVAAL CLAIMS REPUDIATED. BOER CONDITIONS INADMISSIBLE. London, 27th September. In Mr. Chamberlain’s despatch to the Transvaal Government, dated the 22nd inst., Mr. Chamberlain said the British Government were compelled to abeo- lately deny and repudiate the Boer assertion that the Transvaal is an inter* national Sovereign State.
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    • 50 2 OVER TWO HUNDRED VICTIMS. IMMENSE DAMAGE DONE. An earthquake has occurred at Darjeeling, the favourite hill station of the Calcutta district of India. As a result there were numerous landslips and upwards of two hundred people have been killed, including several Europeans. The damage done generally is immense.
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    • 20 2 FIGHTING IMMINENT. The Sirdar is preparing to attack the forces of the Khalifa, who is established near Jebel-Gcdir.
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    • 158 2 TROOPS TO THE FRONT. London 28 th Septeadter. Three thousand five hundred British t roops are encamped at Dundee, in Natal. Two regiments have arrived at Ladysmith. A detachment of the balloon section of the Royal Engineers sails for South Africa on Saturday next. Another force, 1,400
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 9 9 TSi -Xi'JM t: f i i.of t lie Straits Times The post free price 1 /,v/./*7 is $20 a year, or 40/. to subscribe for a year. n- for shorter periods are j,i r o tionate rate of price as 'i il. > Hu'l;!' t can be sent
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  • 50 1 I PKVIHS. i „-i, :hr *j9th Aug., at 6, Cros- H,,n baoith. Captain ALFRED i n i l h a Nidesa Jaladhi), f .rm* r!\ of Lancaster, His I. Mn—tv'Consul in Birmingham, I vGir*. I r, -knk 5 Monday.25th September, < K*; tii** beloved \>ife of Robert If r. 25
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  • 653 2 (Straits Times, 2ist September.) To-day’s telegram does not contain an actual announcement of hostilities with the Transvaal, but it points to the fact that such an announcement is close at hand. A Boer force, it seems, has occupied a position at Komati-poort on the Portuguese frontier, and
    (Straits Times, 2ist September.)  -  653 words
  • 715 2 (Straits Time?) 2ls( September.) The Chief Justice has given an interesting decision in a trade mark case which recently came before him. The plaintiffs, Katz Bros., Ltd., sought to restrain the defendants—a Chinese firm—from using on bottles containing brandy the device of an eagle, which it was
    (Straits Time?) 2ls( September.)  -  715 words
  • 286 2 {Straits Times 22nd September.) To-day’s telegram states that the Afrikander members of the Cape Parliament have made an appeal to President Kruger to avprt. warany means, short of sacrificing the independence of the Transvaal. These 4 Afrikander members may be described as those who belong to the
    {Straits Times, 22nd September.)  -  286 words
  • 257 2 (Straits Times 2bth September.) It is exceedingly gratifying to know that the War Ollice is preparing to raise the force of British troops in South Africa to the number of 50,000 men. Sir Redvers Buller will then take command. It might, from one point of view, be argued
    (Straits Times, 2bth September.)  -  257 words
  • 379 2 (Straits Times 26th September.) To-mokrow, it will be the duty of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners to decide whether the Corporation is to behave honourably. That decision should be made at to-morrow’s meeting —unless a full attendance is prevented by to-morrow being a Hebrew festival, or by
    (Straits Times, 26th September.)  -  379 words
  • 578 2 (Straits Times 'Slth Septemfter) In another column we publish a letter entitled “Straits Chinese and School Influences/’ The letter is, in substance, an assertion that at the Anglo-Chinese School the children of Straits Chinese are subjected to continuous influence in the direction of adopting the
    (Straits Times, 'Slth Septemfter)  -  578 words
  • 1570 2 At yesterday’s meeting of Municij* Commissioners, it was decided that th* Commission would not carry out it: bargain to buy the old Town Jfall, hut would persist in refusing to fulfil that agreement. The resolution t<» break faith with the Memorial Coirmittw* was arrived at by the
    (Straits Times, 28!It Se^ttmt'er)  -  1,570 words

  • 81 3 Lloyd’s Register ut British and Foreign Shipping J»as published a statistical summary of vessels of all nations of one hundred tons and upwards which were totally lost in 1893. The figures show that 322 steam vessels come under that designation, the measurement 290,182 net tons. This total includes
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  • 208 3 The Netherlands India Mercantile Bank intends to establish an agency at Singapore, next year. A Portuguese lad named F. Especkerman was, this morning, fined twentyfive dollars, and bound over in two sureties of fifty dollars each to be of good behaviour for six months, for offering an
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  • 45 3 The Tomini Mining Company at Batavia, which works a concession in North Celebes, received the following telegram from its manager at the mine The prospector has found a reef in decomposed rock, with free gold averaging about one ounce to the ton.”
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  • 49 3 Information has been received in Hongkong that the Aberdeen White Star liner Thermoj)yl<je t running between London and Australian ports via the Cape, has been lost on the homeward voyage. The steamer was built by Hall, Russell and Co., and is of 3711 registered tons.
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  • 49 3 It is proposed at Hongkong to reconstruct the China Borneo Company, Ltd., with a capital of $150,000, divided into 7,500 shares of the value of $2O each. The Company, which is a Hongkong venture, had gone into liquidation owing to difficulties arising from transfers of unpaid shares.
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  • 58 3 A couple of days ago, a Kling boatman reported to Inspector Branagan that he had been assaulted, and that when he complained of it at Kampong Malacca station the sergeant refused to hear him. On enquiry, this was found to be untrue. Yesterday, the Kling was fined
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  • 56 3 The transport Tartar which had called at Hongkong from Manila with troops returning to the United States, was detained by the harbour-master at the former port for overcrowding. She was allowed to leave Hongkong on the 14th instant, upon its being shown that there was sufficient
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  • 61 3 It is stated that, in spite of repeated conferences between the Italian Minister and the Ministers of the Tsungli Yam&n concerning the Italian demands, no arrangement lias as yet been arrived at, the only thing the Chinese Government are willing to grant, at present, being the institution
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  • 67 3 Yesterday, Hin Ah Hoi was brought before Mr. Wolferstan on an allegation made against him by a widow named Chan An Si, of having, on the 6th instant, stolen from her room jewellery and money valued at about eight hundred dollars. The defendant was a lodger in the
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  • 77 3 The Ilamburg-Amerika liner Snevia which collided, in the 7th instant with the Chinese steamer Kiungpak near Swatow, arrived at Hongkong on the 14th instant, and went into dock for repairs. Both ships have sustained very severe damage by the collision. A rough survey of the Suevia shows
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  • 71 3 A few days ago, E. Pestana and M. Gomes were charged by lance corporal 420 and P. C. 310 with obstructing them and rescuing a prisoner. The charge was dismissed by the bench of two magistrates. E. Pestana now accuses the police of bringing a false charge
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  • 90 3 Yesterday, it is alleged, a Kling went to two houses in Upper Nankin Street, and, representing that he was a Munipal servant, threatened to summon the occupiers for having dirty houses unless they paid him. At one house he received 20 cents, and at the other $2. A dispute,
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  • 87 3 A meeting of members of the Singapore Rifle Association was held at the Drill Hall, last evening. Major Murray presided over a moderate attendance. The following were elected as the committee: Major Murray, Captain St. Clair, Gunner Linton, Mr. Fittock, with Lieut. Hilton as secretary and treasurer,
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  • 164 3 The British Consular report on Suez for 1898 notes that a large plot of ground at Port Ibrahim has been purchased from the Government by the Shell Transport and Trading Company for an installation for the storage and distribution of liquid fuel and kerosene in bulk the
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  • 361 3 At a recent meeting of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Mr. James Robertson attended and spoke on the short reeling of yarns question. He 6aid this matter had obtained renewed importance owing to the recent prosecution of a dyer in Glasgow. An agreement had at one time
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  • 123 3 FREE PORT8 TO BE ABOLI8HRI>. HEAVY DEFICIT. INCREASED TAXATION. The Netherlands India Budget for next year provides for a deficit of over three millions of guilders, due mainly to heavy outlay on railways. It is intended to extend the tramways in Acheen, and to lay out waterworks
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  • 162 3 The Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce in its mail circular dated 16th inst. says:—lt is again necessary to allude to the 6tate of the country, which continues in a most disturbed condition, the provincial authorities being apparently unequal to the task of even attempting to put down
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  • 456 3 BRITISH SUBJECTS’ ASSOCIATION. The Malay Mail of the 18th instant gives a detailed account of the meeting of British subjects at Kuala Lumpur on the 16th instant. From 6ixty to seventy persons attended the meeting, over which Mr. S. R. Groom presided. The Chairman said that they had
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  • 2074 4 (By Scientific Agriculturist.) TOBACCO. It is always wise to have alternatives, or, to use the common expression,** not to put all your eggs in one basket.” It may be said that this cannot be carried out in small plantations. But we say that it can. What is
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  • 92 4 A correspondent complains that billiard rooms are the cause of much lemorulisauon among boys who are thus induced to stay out late at night, and not unfrequently remain out all night. He says that, in order u> indulge in billiards, these lads are •»y no means scrupulous as
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  • 140 4 H. M. S. POWERFUL.” The Poirerjul was to leave Hongkong m Sunday last. If she arrives this dternoon, as expected, she will have •overed the distance in quick time. A number of tongkangs laden with coal have been prepared, on instructions, to supply the monster cruiser when she arrives. Probably
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  • 258 4 DEPOSITION AT HAND. Pekin advices to the 7th instant state that arrangements for the dethronement of tiie Emperor are in progress, fhe Empress-Dowager's choice has letinitely fallen upon l*u lVuan, tiie nine-year old son of Duke Tsai Lan, u) succeed Kuang il»u as Emperor >1 China. Tins Imperial
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  • 244 4 Owing to lack of support, the gymnasium class in connection with the S. V. A. has been discontinued. One hundred and thirty-four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 29.92. A BCLLOOK-cart driver, living in Havelock Road,
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  • 37 4 It is stated that the Russian Government has decided to disbur>e £87 1,000 for improving Port Arthur. The principal work is the dredging of the bottom of the harbour and the construction of the breakwater.
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  • 47 4 The closing of the Philippine ports has resulted in the stoppage of the timber trade in those islands; the stoppage of the timber trade has resulted in a rise in the price of timber in the Hongkong market of some fifty per cent.
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  • 51 4 About three o'clock yesterday, a lifesentenced prisoner named Loll All Fong escaped from the island where beriberi suiierers are sent. The escaped prisoner was sentenced to death in December, 1897, for murder, but was subsequently reprieved, and sent to the island with a number of other
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  • 55 4 Yesterday, a Malay hack gharry drivercollidedwith a’rikisha in Gaylang Road. He pulled up and, with the assistance of some friends, proceeded to blacken the puller's eyes. This morning, the syce was before Mr. Wolh rstan and pleaded that the puller had collided with him. He was
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  • 65 4 A< jcording to the Jiangoon Inn?#, a Chinaman’s pig is said to have committed suicide on the municipal reclamation works there by laying its head on the rails in front of an engine. It was beheaded, and the Chinese owner is said to have thought the
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  • 75 4 The Hongkong Football Club held its annual meeting on the 14th instant. Mr. Looker, one of the nu mbers, said that he wanted this year, if possible, to take a team down to Singapore. They had already communicated with Singapore on the subject, and he thought it was
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  • 86 4 At 5 am. this the marine police searched a samp.tu at the mouth of the river, and found 8 bags of copra valued at 8 >O. The man in charge of the boat said lie was taking the copra to a merchant in Reach Road, and produced a
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  • 98 4 COPPER COIN EXI'ORTEi, I C The British Aluminium',• I i has addressed the Govcrr,n„> r *1*1 i suggesting that aluminiu, ,r j alloyed, might be used i n J i ture of coinage with a vi (;w ‘“'‘■'‘’■■i* the present copper or 1-. r<f a of
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  • 106 4 SEARCHING FOR MORPHIA Yesterday evening, a v I chintings and police made a n V ’M 16 Selegie Road, occupied U s J Moses. After a prolonged I small bottle of morphia ,f 1 together with a bottle of liver *■< i of pink pills, and a few quinU'Vi f
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  • 103 4 The 44 Merrie Moment- ..,.1 burlesque comedy and vaudeville *-‘1 pany gave an entertainment i ;i J Town Hall last night, before a'’: t audience. Dr. Harley, tlie w.-ii-k:. ‘J humourist and deceptions, cr. ~i general mirth with his Halt'-i. in Laughterland,” whilst Mis- lh and Mr. Martin
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  • 174 4 ItOW IT STANDS AT MANILA Living is very dear at Manila «.un:B to the heavy taxation. The ,lh«rl Times asserts it to he a fact that tl.fl revenues exacted there are at liigisfl rates than those which prevailed Spanish rule in the Philippines irfl tliis way,
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  • 273 4 At the Liverpool School of Tropi* «il Diseases satisfaction is export <1 at the successful result of the xi iiu >n which left Liverpool for Sierra Lon July 29th. A cablegram received 1 y Mr. Alfred L. Jones from Major K >"- leaner of the expedition, unnoi.iv'
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  • 124 5 esio.ndent writes to us: —In iir 0 f the artillery at the com- f the Boers in Wednesday's v ,r informant states their ar e Krupp” pattern. The tt authority on the subject, 1 rtillcry states it is Schnei.,(.!n that the Boers have, and nticulars of construction.
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  • 523 5 COAL. ia.* scarcity of manufactur■;11• i-i the Philippines, the f coal is very limited, and n hardly exceeded 25,0<X) jim. In 1892 nearly double >•/ ’y found a market here. In ;ti imported from Newcastle, Wait s, alone amounted to .in to 89,789 tons. A .,riion of
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  • 481 5 NO ORDERS FOR THE CAFE. Soon after break of day this morning, Her Majesty’s first class cruiser Powerful, of 14,500 tons and 25,000 horsepower, arrived from Hongkong and dropped anchor about a mile out. The splendid fighting machine could not bear a more appropriate name. Power
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  • 162 5 The Philadelphia M ou/ fact arc r states that over f>,000,000,000 gallons of petroleum are now produced annually in the world. Of this amount 2,">00,000,000 gallons are produced in the United States, 2,250.000,000 gallons in Russia, and the remainder is distributed among a dozen countries, Austria producing 87,00U,*j00 gallons,
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  • 122 5 Was it conquest or the shimmer of the gold that dazzled the eyes of the French Government and caused the despatch of Gen. Duchesne and his 8,000 men to die like Hies in Madagascar There aie circumstances which more than warrant lt is now 14 years since gold
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  • 804 5 PETROLEUM. The passing-over of the Muara Enim Petroleum Company which works oil fields in Palemfcang (South Sumatra) to the Shell Transport and Trading Company runs counter to Dutch patriotic feeling. But, the Batavia A 'ieutnshlad finds the common action of the two Companies inevitable, owing to Dutch capitalists
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  • 1148 5 sary for new ones to be built. —Manila 'll* AFFAIRS ON THE 11TH. MILITARY OPERATIONS. Sharp skirmishing continued at the front. On the 7th inst., a reconnaissance in force resulted in a brisk engagement. The insurgents fled the moment the Americans charged, leaving a large quantity of Filipino
    sary for new ones to be built.—Manila 'll*  -  1,148 words
  • 372 5 This morning. Lim Mung was brought before Mr. Howard on a charge of having murdered Lim Whatt on tlie lltli inst., at ITu Pandan, off* Bukit Timah Road. LimJGoon and Lim Chu are alleged to have buried the body. Mr. Cascaden appeared for tiie Crown, and
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  • 133 5 THE ZOLA CASE. Last year, M. Zola was tried and sentenced at Versailles for libelling the French army in ccmnection with the Dreyfus case. M. Zola appealed against the decision, upon which a new trial was ordered. The new trial is fixed to take place at Versailles ontlie23id
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  • 1201 6 SOME NOTES FROM HOME. Dresses for girls, especially for those maidens who are beginning to be grown up, and wear their skirts almost to the ankle, differ very little in style from our own, though the materials are simpler, and it is in very bad taste to have
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  • 85 6 A Japanese newspaper has been to the trouble of calculating the money spent by the officers and crew of the British warships recently assembled at Hokodate, during the ten days of their stay. Thetotal,itseems,amountedtoover yen 150,000 in all, including yen 5,000 in tramway fares, yen 450 in
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  • 93 6 Mukobata Jisaburo, one of the Japanese ’rikisha men who was granted a life pension by the Emperor of Russia on account of his having saved the life of the Emperor when he was travelling as prince in Japan, has, it appears, been dissipating his money in all
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  • 87 6 Yesterday, two Chinamen, who are alleged to be connected with the theft of a quantity of Beecham’s pills from the Singapore Dispensary, were brought before Mr. Wolferstan. Mr. Downes, who said he was an English solicitor, but was not an enrolled member of the bar here, asked
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  • 92 6 Efforts are being made to revive the holding of monthly temperance meetings, formerly held in the bailors’ Home, and with this object in view the first of a new’ series of meetings tvas held last night. Mr. Cameron gave an address dealing with the evils of intemperance, which
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  • 91 6 A meeting was held at the Darul Adab Club last night to consider the protest made by the Mohammedan Starlight Football Club against the referee's decision in match in the Darul Adab Cup Competition, played last Sunday, between the Starlight Club and the Darul Bahar. The Mohammedan
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  • 1126 6 Ark you hoing attended to asked tho girl in the tea-•■hop. No,” was the reply, Bring tne a glass bun and a bath of milk, please.” Since the beginning of the century no fewer than 52 volcanic islands have risen out of the sea. Nineteen of that number
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  • 165 6 Bodies of a Chinese pauper and a Chinese infant were yesterday found in Omar Road and Beach Street. A native constable has been found to be suffering from small-pox. He has been removed to hospital. A launch will leave Johnston’s Pier for the Swimming Club Bungalow tomorrow,
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  • 64 6 Two samples of tin ore from Tainpin sent up lately to be assayed prove to be above the average quality, one being first class ore. As the mines in Kuala Pilah have proved very productive, there is every reason to suppose that there is tin in Tampin,
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  • 58 6 Therk was a crowded audience in the Regimental theatre, at Tanglin, last night, on the occasion of a concert in aid of the Soldiers and Sailors' Families Association. The programme was an interesting one, and was much enjoyed. The performers included; Mrs. Marker, Mrs. Salzmann,the Misses Murray,
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  • 87 6 In America there is no position connected with the running of £great establishment that is not filled by women. There are women advertising managers who receive salaries of 5,000d015. a year, women buyers and women dressers, and superintendents and managers who earn very nearly as much, and
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  • 69 6 Yesterday, Haji Yahava H»:; r, Kaha, Jais, and a woman named l"*' were brought Mr. Wolferstan theT* three on allegations of l»ou? f ’-hr .ly r and theft of jewellery valued at the property of Haji Mahomed k'„ lst the others on a (>har*’ of dishonestly retaining a
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  • 113 6 This morning, Hoo Ah Yeo* in the Opium Farm r’j x Street, was prosecuted by Khoo Hm Yeang, the managing partner 0 f th,‘ farm, on a charge of stealing r ian f valued of $63, the property of the f ir n The man s
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  • 111 6 The increase in the consumption ot tobacco in the United Kingdom since the year 1841 has been enormous From 23,096,281ib5, giving a consumption of 13]ozs. per headofthe population it has advanced to 81,116,9991b5, repre senting exactly 2lbs per head, burin* the financial year ending Man h
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  • 123 6 THE POWERFUL.” The Powerful finished her coaling operations at seven o’clock last night This morning, however, the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. received an order to supply the cruiser with a further 8X» tons of coal, and it will be put on board in the course of the day. There is
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  • 142 6 A new tug boat to replace the old Sunda was launched at the New Harbour Dock shipyard to-day at 1! o’clock. The dimensions of the new boat are 95' 0 x 19 6 x 11 O' deep. She is modern in every way and ought to prove
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  • 218 6 A powerful electro-magnet, tin invention of a German prole?-"' recently added to the equipment of tin Manhattan E)ye and Ear Hospital, w e tested with great success recently when an operation was performe* 1 on a patient, who was brought to that institution almost blinded from
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  • 275 7 -Perak Pioneer. M *arefSBorfecTtS tJS causing consul- havoc among cattle at Batu side r30,o With i n ie last month or two. K,ir r a ’i head have been carried off, and o« r are getting more daring day by tbe The reward of offered for the tion
    -Perak Pioneer.  -  275 words
  • 542 7 H ASTING AM) PLANTERS. fHK Ofnaiun s lys that M. Doumer, MlC Governor-General, has ordered the preparation of returns, showing the r,umber of plantations and planters in Cochin-China. That journal asserts ri, ;i t correct returns will show the if ty of planting enterprise there. About Htrrii years
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  • 234 7 Ox Thursday night, a banquet was given at Johore in honour of His Highness the Sultan, by the opium and spirit farmers of Johore. A programme of music was played by the Johore band during dinner, and afterwards there was more music, the company separating early yesterday
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  • 199 7 With the summer heat in Italy has come the usual increase of crime, and particularly suicide. Apropos of the latter, a rather curious story has come from Como. A large dog, of evident good breed and station,” was seen to go to the edge of the lake,
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  • 339 7 Beux, Meyer Co., on the 19th instant, wrote to the PostmasterGeneral, informing him that it is the intention of the Norddeutscher Lloyd and the Hamburg-American Line conjointly to maintain a regular fortnightly mail service toand from the East, calling at Penang. The first steamer of the new service
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  • 1708 7 It seems to be forgotten that there is in the Straits Settlements a wild birds' protection Ordinance. The other day, when riding in the country, a friend tells me that he saw two bullock-carts laden with hampers full of birds that are under the protection of the
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  • 195 7 THE P. O. BRINDISI ROUTE. A Rome despatch advises that the Italian Government, the Italian Railway Companies, the Sleeping Car Company, and the P. O. Company have concluded an arrangement by which the Mail service to India via Brindisi will be considerably improved In future, English passengers to or from
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  • 577 7 ANNUAL REPORT. Mr. W. L. Carter, as Acting Collector of Land Revenue, signs the Singapore t Forest Reserves Report for last year < He says that there is little or no material for a report on the condition of the Forest Reserves in Singapore in 1808. In
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  • 3384 8 A ROMANCE BY MRS. KGERTON EA8TWICK.| PASSION AT PLAY. Chap. XL What strange whirligig of emotions and veiled purpose circled within this small area of exclusiveness! Mary Storm felt herself surrounded by electric currents of which she could not tell clearly either the direction or the intent,
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  • 701 8 The business of the Assizes will u resumed to-morrou\ The Queen has approved of Mr IAndrews as Consul of Siam at Rangoon The signallers of the R. G. Artillery are to be inspected at Blakan Mati on Friday next. Second Lieutenant T. I). Jackson i, promoted to
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  • 42 9 ~F HI arc now twenty-two patients, t 0 f whom are women, in -r;Kill-p liospital at Ballestier P j A fortnight ago, there were ♦vltv i t* i* nts. There have been no in .hospital from this disease this j eriod.
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  • 73 9 A yr(>.\(. l-M.AR V. “C* CO., K. O. R. A hhiiNOiv game between teams representing Tanjong Pagar and “C” K 0 K was played on the ground f t:a* f rmcr on Saturday. Neither w,i'» fully represented, and the -trr.e ended in a win for the soldiers by n
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  • 80 9 i,„h 1;. n- Geok prosecuted one Teo f-r a>sault, with the result that he to pay the defendant twenty dollars, default three weeks. This morning, a Kling girl and a puller were before Mr. Wilkinson f: disorderly conduct. She said the p:;.r demanded his fare before com-l;-::ng his journey.
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  • 103 9 Thl tie in t lie second round of the w i\ .V\aV» Football Cup, which was o have f e**n played on Saturday last, 1-frtween the < >ld Ilafilesians and the Ihrul Madioor, did not come off. The Malay team have stated that they are unable t
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  • 99 9 THE i\VO JONES. 1 hi: t ilt of the play for the monthly 'uil. at the Sepoy Lines on Saturday, E' as follows: K j H. I). Jones 42—45 87— 6 81 41—41 85—3 82 H rne 47-49 ‘.HI—10 86 K t'ollver 49—53 102—15 87 I k'h* 45—48 93—6
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  • 181 9 J 'V u the end of December, it is i**<i t: j hold a Christmas Fancy I; :i n a*inasons' Hall, George Street, with the object of helping ll "11 a debt resting on St. I >te Church, Edinburgh. St. i' the church of which the
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  • 73 9 THE POWERFUL.” 4.u^?i BRB 7 e re a B°°d many visitors to the Powerful on Saturday afternoon, but coaling operations going on the ship was not as spick and span as she would otherwise have been. Every facility was afforded visitors to see the ship. Telegraphic orders were received from
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  • 71 9 There was a large attendance at the S. V. A. Smoker in the Drill Hall on Saturday night, the guests including several officers of the Powerful. The programme included contributions by Messrs. Whiteside, Fabris, Aitken, Ager, Diss, Powell Robinson, Koek, and Dunman. Sergt. Williams, King’s Own,”
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  • 526 9 COMMITTEES V. RE8T OF 8. C. C. A match between the Committees of the S. C. C. and the Rest of the S. C. C. was played on the Esplanade on Saturday. The Committees batted first but made a poor show, only totalling 37. The Rest replied with 240,
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  • 560 9 THE BOER SOLDIERY. irregulak forces. I I Two weeks ago, Mr. John Wilson, an Outlander who had resided two years at Johannesburg, which he left in July |la8t, arrived at Colombo from Natal. I At Colombo, in an interview with a representative of the Times of Ceylon
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  • 116 9 There is at present in Singapore a Japanese gentleman—the Rev. S. Sasaki —who contemplates the conversion of Singapore to Japanese Buddhism. A temple has been fitted up at 377, Victoria Street, where the Rev. S. Sasaki lives, called the Hongwanji,” and here the doctrine will be preached
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  • 112 9 A Macao woman named Leh All Moy of 115, South Bridge Road, reported to the police that about 10 pm. oh the 23rd inst., four Chinamen broke into her room and stole jewellery to the value of $379. All the men wore masks, three of them being armed
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  • 837 9 NOTK8, NEWS, AND COMMENTS. THE EX-KING OP ANNAM. The ex-King of Annam, now a State prisoner of France, has been permitted to pass the autumn at Roy an, where on 26th ult. he was thrown out of a carriage and had an arm broken. The Prince was
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  • 160 9 This morning, a Eurasian named Grant and one Garanto Rozario were placed before Mr. Clayton for having, on the night of the 18th instant, enterea a liquor shop in Albert Street; called for liquor to the value of eighty-four cents; endeavoured to leave the Shop without paying for
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  • 161 9 NEW PUISNE JUDGE. Mr. Justice Harwood sat in court on Friday as puisne judge at Penang, and tried small causes. Upon His Honour’s taking the bench Mr. Ross, on behalf of the Bar, congratulated him upon his appointment, and expressed his regret that such appointment was only temporary.
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  • 463 9 I SENTENCED TO DEATH. At Bangkok, on the 15th September, I Nai Choem was put on ilia trial £qr I the wilful murder of his father, the I late Nai Chamroen, a timber merI chant of Samsen. The deceased wag la very rich man, who died suddenly
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  • 1471 10 London 13/A Sept. M .Zola, in a manifesto in L'Aurore prophesies a thunderclap abroad as regards the Dreyfus case. The irritation in Germany is growing, as it is realized that the Kaiser, in making a definite denial ot German relat ions with Captain Dreyius, made an overture
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  • 111 10 On Tuesday morning last, while the ballast train was runiiingmi the Province Wellesley railway, two Klings, engaged in putting ballast into the trucks, tried to swing a large log ot wool off the truck on which they were standing. Both men lost their footing. One man fell into
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  • 1330 10 WHAT MAY HAPPEN. Th* black population of South Africa, says a Times correspondent, outnumbers the total white population in a proportion of something more than lour to one. It takes little or no note of the political divisions created by white jurisdiction, and, while divided
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  • 193 10 There was an enjoyable and largely attended entertainment, on Saturday night, at the house of Dr. de Sturler, in Paterson Hoad. The concert was arranged by the French Consul, M. le Comte de JouIIYoy d’Abbans, with the assistance of one or two friends, and was provided
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  • 103 10 DEFAULTING MANAGER SHOOTS HIMSELF. On the arrival of the Calypso at Tanjong Pagar Wharf, from Deli, esterday, a Euiasian passenger named Edwin \Sthem tie stepped to the side of the vessel and shot himself, the body falling into the dock. Deceased was fo merly manager to .Messrs.
    103 words
  • 285 10 u I Prince will shortly' Tr"*"'^ ,,n I Europe or America. to «r i, We regret to aunwncc t! I fecoular, wife of Mr. R s tr Mn I yesterday at Bangkok r I i I It is reported from I* e ki n llaf I Irench
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  • 37 10 The Chinaman who was sent to tU* hospital by Mr. Edgar, of Pasir Lnvprgr. on the 22nd inst., sullering from a w;ound on the foot caused Dy a plank falling on it, died last night.
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  • 45 10 The Kuala Lumpur District Hospital, which is usually crowded with patient?, is now reported to he almost dc-»it< 1. I: is imagined that the high price <d tin and tno scarcity of labour are the main reasons fur this state of allairs.
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  • 38 10 The Russian transport DuW«//7, d,lilU tons and carrying a crew ol Jl9, arrived here from Odessa yesterday, hound for Vladivostok. Capiain Smeleky is in command, and there .uv 2.‘H emigrants and 2'J‘J convi-ts un board.
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  • 47 10 It is reported that tint .has assented to all of Italy s *Fni ui<K with the exception of the const i net ion of the railway from Pekin to the Western Jlills and the granting «*i exclusive mining privileges to H.Italians in Chekiang.
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  • 58 10 Gang robbery and robbery with vi l lence are, says the Malay M<n f T! offences in Selangor which cent iii’a* t) render both life and moveable pi"i* rT > unsafe in that part ol t!ie w* rid. journal comes to the conclusi *n but Hogging
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  • 57 10 Mr. Brockman had Lid Mun•« i;»:il summons cases on his lib* lor'ii-p -1 this morning. Two of these w«-n-b'» olleiing for sale adulterated nnl*» another was for vending unwliob lish, and the remainder were m «iid} 1 1 non-compliance with limewa-ii 1 The penalties in tlie milk <
    57 words
  • 132 10 Tiie Japanese are rather ex* i' discoveries of gold and pet r« dm mi have just been announced, ii has been found in Ve/o, the n island, which is under ice ami n half the year, and the climate oi v.l;-' 1 is not unlike that of
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  • 60 11 I i tf >d States has sent artillery I iHE investigate the effectiveness I ,r f rt Mountain batteries employed by I "‘v rUi in India and by the French I tn '\i 1rascar. with a view to selectiag I «r. > v adaptable for transport on 1
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  • 48 11 I -ted that a new rubber plant I 1 vn in Madagascar. It is the I j, ,ji■ i common in the island, I i.of the genus LundolI jkalaves draw from it a I containing 5 per cent, of I a fi le, apparently, for indusI
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  • 46 11 <.ii the 19th instant, a i n with twenty tons of tin, Messrs, iljustead Co., r -hipinent on hoard the i’m for New York via .iiiidt-red owing to a strong her against a steamer. r.* >aved, but the tin was V‘” lust.
    46 words
  • 47 11 I v Than Seng was sentenced I id Two Magistrates to I imprisonment lor houscI \\>. 1 P* Arab Street and I *x containing wearing I i iin Seng was before Mr. I j., flu* theft of an idol at I Bridge Road. He got two
    47 words
  • 46 11 j., McKinley has signed a i the Cubans declaratory ;v independence. It pro- g. :n»ral election will he t!,,* inland soon alter the *l,O census nowproeeed- t of tlie United States t. iti'th L to give Cuba a eon,l _<a ermnciit and complete i;dc:i"e.
    46 words
  • 49 11 \v, Pong Yeah Poo, Pong and two others were before ;i. r-trm f*»** being connected -> i»f a quantity of BeechamV r 1 it* Singapore Dispensary i appeared for the first two. uiin-rs gave evidence on prosecution. After liear•l jit c, the magistrate dist o ,j fondant**.
    49 words
  • 103 11 I observer the Foochow m-t appeal* to he booming 1 1 c liners dealing for London I his happened at tin* [I i i},c month, not reckoning U v. n i,g Suudav. The Hem'ciute I ii i 2nd in-t. and the Formosa I it nai Stnifor on
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  • 107 11 A"i/o, to-day, a rikisha i> .nit'il All Feong was charged i•; liaiing property leit in Mrs. Ellen Comerford j 11 :Lam* said that, on the sth hr It ft a black handbag ing a »>ox of jewellery value SbOU 1 ;n notes in a rikisha. Too
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  • 152 11 I AN l NWIs.K SOLOMON. I i lining, Chu Eng, Tan Eng I i i- Kim Yoiur, and Tan Tang I i< lx .»;ie A r. o.lei .-tan oil I i the ihst two with being conI the robbery of a watch and I i*.» two hundred dollars,
    152 words
  • 367 11 The Legislative Council met this afternoon, there being present H. E. the Governor, the General Officer Commanding the Troops, the Colonial Secretary, the Colonial Treasurer, the Colonial Engineer, the AuditorGeneral, the Hon’bles J. Burkinshaw, C. Stringer, and J. M. Allinson. The Colonial Secretary laid on the table the
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  • 224 11 Mu. Yelge, an Englishman, has been testing the soil of northern Luzon as to the possibility of growing Sumatra tobacco, and has conclusively proved that its introduction is practicable. Mr. Yelge had previously been engaged in tobacco planting in Sumatra, where the soil would produce a
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  • 192 11 C CO. K. O. K. r. TANJONG PAGAR F. C. The competition for the Warren Challenge Shield was continued last niaht when “O’Co. of the “King’s Own” met the Tanjong Pagar Club on the Esplanade. The teams had met on two previous occasions, and each I time the game
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  • 550 11 THE PRESENT CRISIS IN COFFEE. (From a Correspondent.) We notice that some fine coffee estates have been lately passing under the hammer of the auctioneer, and more would seem to be following, for we see one advertised for disposal this week. Although it is true that coffee has
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  • 75 11 The War Olliee has decided upon an interesting departuie in regard to the militia. Machine guns are to be issued i;o a certain number of regiments, and in the event of the policy proving successful the weapon will be generally supplied to the force. This step has
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  • 76 11 According to the Washington correspondent of the London Shutdunl, various American consuls in China have been suspended and ordereu home. 1 lipy aie said to he charge*.! with being implicated in the filibustering expeditions sent tor the relief ol the Filipinos. The State Department officials are endeavouring to
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  • 113 11 The premiums which have been asked at Lloyd’s for insurance against the risk of war between the Transvaal and Great Britain have been, since Mr. Chamberlain’s speech, bo gs. p»r c «»nt. Omitting the shillings, which are, of course, the commission of the underwriter, this is exactly
    113 words
  • 839 11 MEETING OF SUBSCRIBERS. A meeting of subscribers to the fund for the importation of trained nurses to Singapore was held in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon. The Hon. C. Stringer presided, and there were also present Lady Mitchell, Mrs. Frizell, >fcs. Waddell, Dr. Simon, Dr. Fowlie, Dr.
    839 words
  • Article, Illustration
    530 11 (conducted by “king’s pawn.”) All chees correspondence should bo addressed to King's Pawn.” Solution of Problem No. 131 (Hamblin) is P— Q 5. Correct solutions received from Caissa, A.O. 8., and Aquarius. Kiny dam hit Dcrlitirtl. Notes ry <\ E. Raskex. White. Black. Mr. Skipworth. Mr. Coker. 1 P—
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  • 1873 12  -  BY ERNEST NEEDHAM. I. (AU rights reserved.) Football What a magnetic name to hundreds of thousands of devotees of the winter pastime—a pastime which appears to possess a power that cannot be resisted. Football and cricket are, perhaps, the most popular recreations even cycling, golf, tennis, and other
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  • 115 12 The death has taken place in New York of Frank C. Ives, the famous billiard player, who had no little right to claim the all-round championship of the world. By unique cannon play he once had the best of Roberts, and, so to speak, the latter,
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  • 158 12 Dean Gilbert Stokes once made an appearaLce in the Lagos Supreme Court, on an occasion when he was occupied on that extraordinary mission to the natives, for which he is said to have supplied all the funds himself. He had been called as a witness to the character
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  • 354 12 A consular agent at Macassar, Mr. Karl Aner, has reported on the pearl fisheries of Dutch East India, and says that shells constitute one of the most important articles of exportation from Macassar. Up to the beginning of this decade, they were sought almost exclusively by
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  • 1090 12 London 1st September. Teddy Hale, the English Century rider, is progressing favourably with his selfimposed task of riding 100 miles a day, for a year (8undays excepted), he having already covered close on 3,000 miles. Hale looks upon his 100 a day as a pleasure spin and
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  • 97 12 At the date of last advice, Manila (11th instant), the i n L' o,c forces were strongly entrenching selves at Tarlac, Aguinaldo 6 ta S Aguinaldo has three lines of entrir f ments there and a large force to them, but has little ammunition t? 4 Americans were
    97 words
  • 117 12 The Weihien correspondent of th North China Daily Net's writes :~p gress is being made at the Carlowit? coal field, eight miles south of the city The coal shaft is sunk to a depth o* 30 metres, and the {respecting well located further north, has been
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  • 108 12 SATURDAY NIGHT AT TELUK AVER. Thh Singapore Chinese Weekly Entertainment Club, consisting of most of the leading Chinese of the community, will give a pyrotechnic display on the sea, opposite tiie Teluk Ayer reclamation ground on Saturday next, at 9.80 p.m. Tongkangs will be used, and the
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  • 434 12 I For the last three years the Russian Government has been silently constructing a road from Resht, a Persian city 18 miles south-east of Enzeli, the Persian port on the Caspian Sea, to Teheran I This new road runs in a south-easterly direction from Reslit, and is
    434 words

  • 116 13 T 4tl ir v rate at which the dollar 7fl' ‘,f during the quarter comOctober is two shillings. ISl ;i a n steam dredger, iVo. 7, L ?K ~r r:V, „l this morning from o„. u bound for Vladivos- 4 lM) ed Soodin w*as yestern connection with
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  • 45 13 A NTI-NOISE SOCIETY. I anti-noise society at New I -ing for legislation before I i. iiadie-, due to street noises, I cit izenship to suicide. I numerates amongst existing I railways, cobble I 1 ai l organs, street vendors, I u s, and night brawling.
    45 words
  • 91 13 I ,l\ appointed head of a public I n' m Natal recently went on I a week, and during I i* w.i- naturally supposed I. i. i clerk would take I Judge of the surprise of I d- < mcerned, when on the day I lt ;r chiefs
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  • 124 13 I Kim Yung, who stood charged I c d I.reach of trust, failed to I i .lay.and his bail, a hundred I rented. He was employed I S| Fann, and his mode of I alleged to have been to I _j in customers liquor in excess I paid
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  • 137 13 I < r co., king’s own.** I *Mij.etition for the Warren I’ ill iiilleiige Shield was carried a u* <-r la.-:t night, when “H I tie King s Own met F Co. I Kind's Own in the second I 1. game was played at J h-lm. ;»nd
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  • 146 13 H 1TDE OK THE ZULUS. i f in the event of war in I i d, liinizulu, one of the lead- l the Zulus, has not yet mind which cause he and H will i-pouse. lie has already i* died by the Boers. It is H remember
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  • 118 13 A correspondent again draws attention to the danger attending the practice of dtiving groups of cattle tied together five abreast through the town. Yesterday, he says, a number of Chinamen standing at the junction of Hill Street and Stamford Road barely saved themselves from being trampled upon;
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  • 124 13 Lieut. Galloway has returned to Taiping from Kampong Dew r where he had been for a w*eek, in company with Mr. Maude, of Yam Seng Estate, after a man-eating tiger which killed a Malay the other clay. The wdly brute has eluded them, though there was
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  • 123 13 Regarding the linking up of the Mergui telegraph w r ith Singapore via the Malay States, which Mr. Henniker Heaton and Sir E. Sassoon apparently regard as a simple matter, the Bangkok Times points out that the Indian telegraphic authorities hold a very different opinion. They believe
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  • 162 13 The new monster ship of the hite Star line, the Oceanic was to make her first trip across the Atlantic about the middle of September. The Great Eastern, which was considered too long to be safe a generation ago, was 6Soft. long; the Oceanic is 24ft. longer, or
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  • 246 13 he baffles the police. At about half-past five yesterday afternoon, a dispute arose between a Chinese boatman and his fare at the landing place opposite Messrs. Paterson Simons <fc Co.’s godown. From wordthe disputants proceeded to blows. In the course of the struggle, the passenger was pushed
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  • 468 13 AN ACCU8ATION OF PROSELYTISING. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAIT8 TIMES.” Sir, —Some three years ago, an exciting correspondence was passing through die columns of your journal on the subject of proselytising that w'as then alleged to be developed among Chinese pupils in the Anglo-Chinese
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  • 220 13 Trouble is brewing among British sailors generally. There has been quite a boom in shipping circles for sometime; shipowners are sticking out for their own prices, and the profits of the shipping companies are large. But Jack has shared in none of this prosperity, says the Labour correspondent
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  • 105 13 It is common talk in America that 1 the British have picked up all the good things in Cuba while the Americans have heen considering the political future of the Island. f lhe New York Press says that business circles comment freely on the fact that theie
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  • 648 13 This morning, Claudius Femelet, a Frenchman, was brought before Mr. Wolferstan, on remand, for enquiry into allegations that he had obtained possession of one Louise Severe for immoral purposes, and for having received her knowing that she had been procured for immoral purposes. Mr. Evans conducted the
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  • 88 13 Mr. Wm. Baker, of 142, Serangoon Road, reports that his house was broken into yesterday. The thieves, who got into the house through a window, took two watches and some clothing, value 4*58. A Chinaman named Tan Mali Sin alleges that $3OO dollars in silver, and clothing and
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  • 70 13 Last night, at the office of the Cable Company, the members of the medical profession and a few others were present at an exhibition and lecture inconnection with the Rontgen Rays. The intention was to let the members of the medical profession have an opportunity oi
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  • 1009 13 REPORT FOR 1898. FACT8 AND FIGURES. A report on the Straits Settlements for 1898 was laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. It bears date 20th September and is signed by the Colonial Secretary. Most of the information given has already been published in departmental reports reviewed at the
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  • 327 14 Now’ that the question of Australian federation seems in a lair way ol being settled, the Australian Colonies are themselves considering matters which must engage tlie attention of the Federal Parliament at no distant date. For many years w’e have been familiar with Military conferences in Australia,
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  • 98 14 A Russian navigation company is understood to have under consideration the establishment of a service between Aden and B »sra which would also touch at Bandar Abbas and Bushire. Basra, which Dsitiiatedon the Euphrates,some fifty-six English miles from the Persian Gulf, is accessible to vessels of 500
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  • 97 14 In tlie first eight months of this year, 422,530 piculs of tin and tin-ore Wt*re exported from the Federate* i Malay States, against 447,898 piculs in the corresponding months of 18.48 The duty collected w r as $3,659,237 against $1,915,704 in the same period in 1898. In other
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  • 2730 14 {By 11 Scientific Agriculturist TOBACCO. While the plants in the nursery are coming on, the ground on which they are to be set should be prepared by ridging, and this should be done a couple of weeks before the plants are set, in order to allow the
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  • 359 14 A Kling living at IVrak Uoa4 r I the loss of property f rum i J ;VT I Jr, yesterday. fious*| A Taichkw named Tan ;T ye lia I <°> »»at Quay, reports that at I iuesday his clerk absconded wki ‘i, b i| Fo« snatching a
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  • 33 14 In consequence of the illness '»l Mr. Justice Law, the Court of Aj pal been put oil from the 7th Oct. tu a date yet to be lixed iu December.
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  • 40 14 Shanghai marksmen are fretting ’-ijhi form for tlie forthcoming inierp«.rt riD* match. In a recent shoot over the 600, and 800 yards, Gunner J. M Macdonald scored loo out of a pu^ 1 ;t of 105.
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  • 43 14 The Siliau Coffee Estate, wii»* fi >* some ten miles from l'«*ri l>i«*k- -n. ,J Sungei Ujong, was put f<»r lt Messrs. Powell and Co.'s ?‘D r m his afternoon and was knocked ,Ali to Mr. R J. Uahinin for $>.5'*o.
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  • 39 14 A Chinese shopkeeper at Hongkong, the other «l;iy. months’ hard labour for loi- m irade mark of the Eagle brand 1 ilensed milk. This kind <»t Iran i 1,1 to he very common in Hungk tn-
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  • 92 14 On the 2nd July a Chinaman i*i lie loss of property valued <4,000. Yesterday the wife of t. dainant obtained a search wan u vitli Police Corporal No pr«» 2 Read Street, occupied by nan. On the way was j »!>■ icr husband. While the h«*u-» •eing searched
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  • 796 15 I -f?K EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’ j a Li reference to the editorial I ter regarding the Anglo-Chinese I T 1 iblished in yesterday's Straits hi the American masters of the emphatically deny having ever, a-i, spoken of, or hinted at, the 9 /v
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  • 1067 15 The Autumn meeting is fast approachr r n Tra nin g for it is in full swing, and 1 have therefore prepared a few notes on the horses in training and the prospects of the coming meet. The Autumn meeting will be lacking ,n j nu,nl:,er of races
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  • 78 15 This morning, Lek Gwee Yang, and a Malay named Sudin, were brought before Mr. Wolferstan for enquiry into the allegation made against them of the murder of Tay Ah Kiang at the Bth mile on the Pongol Road. Mr. Cuscaden conducted the prosecution. I)r. Leask said the
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  • 74 15 A number of the Hongkong Volunteers having offered their services for the Transvaal, the Chinn Mail hopes no such foolish step will be taken, for it is extremely unlikely that the War Office would incur the cost of transporting from Hongkong to South Africa the twenty
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  • 103 15 A friendly game of Association football was played on the S. R. C. end of the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, the competing teams being the Recreation Club and a team of the King's Own Regiment. From the kick-otl the soldiers brought the hall well down the ield and their weight
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  • 127 15 The management of the national •Export Exposition at Philadelphia—which show should by now he open —have been getting together a collection of American villages. But they have run across an unexpected obstacle with reference to the Filipino village. An agent of the Exposition has cabled from Manila
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  • 142 15 An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Straits Insurance Company was held at noon to-day at the Company’s ollices. Mr. I). \V. Lovell presided, and there were present: Messrs. T. S. Thomson, Hon. G. S. Murray, W. Naef, C.W. Laird (Directors); A.S. Murray (Secretary); and
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  • 584 15 {From our Correspondent). Kuala Lipit, \ttth September. IN THR LAW COURTS. Mr. L. L. Bailey, the manager of the Penjum Mines, sued Mr. J. G. Rogers in the Lipis Court, the other day, for recovery of a sum of $245, being cost of the latter’s passage from Australia
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  • 72 15 When one reads of excursion trains being run to the Great Wall of China the fact that after all there is some movement in the country is brought home to one. In the Peking and Tientsin Times we read that weekly excursion trains from Peitaiho to Shanhaikwan
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  • 133 15 The cyclist is so generally considered a nuisance to the community at large that it is refreshing to hear of at least one direction in which he can be made useful. The District Council of Finchley, in order to avoid delay in bringing their lire brigade to
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  • 827 15 “Jenny” Walters, the popular Polytechnic middle-distance crack, has returned to England bearing his blushing honours with becoming modesty. Although during his continental successes he secured one of the most coveted records, that of the 24 hours, beating Cordang’s Sydenham performance and setting up new records from one
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  • 859 16 A PROFITABLE HALF YEAR. PRESENT POSITION OF THE LODE. We give below the directors’ report and accounts for the period from February 9th to August 6th last of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Co. The report says: Ydur Directors beg to submit a statement of the Company’s Accounts
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  • 49 16 In the course of February next, we understand, the Penang Recreation Club are sending cricket and football teams to Singapore to meet teams of the Singapore Recreation Club. Consequently, the Singapore men are about to go in training. Tennis and billiard matches will also be played.
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  • 77 16 The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce decided, on the 9th instant, that the time bad arrived, the bubonic plague having become merely sporadic, to ask the Government to be good enough to write or telegraph to the Straits Settlements Government a request for some modification of quarantine restrictions and
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  • 68 16 Paris 20/A Sept. A Franco-Chinesc agreement has been concluded for the construction of a railway from Lungchau to Nanningfu in South China. M. Guerin, the Ai-ti-Semite agitator, whom the police besieged in a house at Chabrol Street, Paris, surrendered this morning. The surrender took place the moment the
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  • 89 16 Malay Mail. Mr. Stanley Vine, the new District Engineer, has arrived and will be stationed in Kuala Lumpur for a time under Mr. Norman, the District Engineer. Mr. A. S. Baxendale was badly stung by hornets whilst playing golf on Saturday. They attacked him on that part of
    Malay Mail.  -  89 words
  • 79 16 A water polo match takes place on Sunday at 8.30 a.m.,at TanjongKatong between the following teams, representing the Swimming Club and D Company, K. O. It.: SWIMMING CLUB. Goal: W. A. Darke. Backs: Ronald. Hutchison. Half Back: P. H. Upton (Copt). Centre Forwaid: C. M. urtis. Forwards: F.
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  • 3982 16 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Muni1 cipal Offices yesterday. Mr. Gentle presided, and there were also present: Messrs. Evans, Sohst, Nanson, Anthonisz, Moses, Tan Cheng Tuan, and l Riccard. The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed. PRESIDENT’S REMARKS. The President remarked
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  • 68 17 Yesterday, Lim Mung, Lim Goon, and Lim Chu were again before Mr. Howard for further enquiry into the allegations of murder and disposal of the body of Lim Whatt on the 11th instant. Lim Chu Chin said he saw Lim Mung striking his father ou the
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  • 156 17 Mlle. Delamarne’s French Opera Company gave an entertainment in the Town Hall, last night, before a large audience. The programme, which consisted entirely of French songs, was a capital one, and, though possibly there were some in the audience who laughed when others laughed, it was not
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  • 188 17 PROGRESS IN HIS KINGDOM. The King of Siam held a reception on his birthday—the 21st inst. —and delivered a speech reviewing the march of improvement in that country since the previous birthday anniversary. The King dwelt upon the headway made in railway surveys and construction, and in
    188 words
  • 214 17 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS. profession pairs. **nd Faber beat Wolferstan and Evans, 2-6, 6-3, 6-3. A DOUBLES. FINAL. Ezekiel and Upton v. Campbell and Salzmann, unfinished. b DOUBLES. Gunn and Booth v. Edlin and Graham, unfinished. “a” singles. Linton v. Pearce, unfinished. b singles. Clerk beat Scoular,
    214 words
  • 22 17 Penang and Rangoon, Pentakota on 30th Bept.. Boutiead 4c Co. Manila, Camorta, on 3rd Oct,, Boustead A Co.
    22 words
  • 860 17 ARRIVALS. Per 9. s. Hong Wan from Malacca —Mr. W. South. Per s. s. Sappho from Klang via ports— Mr. Minjoot. 1 er s. s. Giam Ann from Samarang— Messrs. Meyer, and F. Canter Fischer. Per s. s. fsindaura from Calcutta —Miss Weizman, and Mr. Johannes. From Rangoon—Mr.
    860 words
    • 133 17 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh. —ship; bq. —barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru.—Cruiser Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H. p.—Horse-power; Brit.— British U. S. —United States; Fr.— French Ger.—German Dut.—Dutch Joh.—Jobore Ac., G. c., —General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. D.—Tanjong Pagar
      133 words
    • 1095 17 AmmiTALS Sines Noon or Ye*<erday. Adeh, 8ar. str. 189 tons, Nacodah, 28th Sept. From Sarawak, 24ih Sept. G.c., and 17 d.p. P. Simons and Co. For Sa awak. U—Rds. Canton P. O. str. 2,164 tons, Captain Lockstonc, 28th Sept. From Yokohama. 6th Sept. G.e. P. O. Cov.
      1,095 words
    • 576 18 Nome, port probahU date of arrival, a.ic name agent*. Steamers. Abergeldie, Europe, p’sd Canal, Aug 22 And»iU>ia, iioi gKong, Nov. B M. Argyll, H due Sept P. Simons. Ambria, Hamburg, Nov 5 B. Meyer. Annain, Marseilles, Oct 17 M. M. Bamberg, Hamburg, Oct i8 B M. Pojoro, fiHIIltiurg,
      576 words
    • 109 18 PASSED 8 UN DA STRAITS UR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag i Date j Date. and Ship’s Name. Captain. of From where DestisRmj. Sailing. 1 ATI )S M Sept 18 Dut s.s. Oengaran Sharp lAug 13 Rotterdam Batavia 20 Dut s.s. P’inses Sophie Soomer Sept 20 Batavia Amsterdam 22Nor bq.Adela
      109 words
    • 1257 18 fi^” e Vessel’s Nam 6 D.r-. (Captain From I Sailej Co'si^ EM Rig. **pt i 20 Sumatra ;Ger str. 407 Ricgen ;Deli Sept 19 Pehn \r»*v^rc 0 20 Ho»*g Wan Brit str. 116 !Hudson Malacca |Sept 19 Wee Bin and Co 20 t*mily Reed Am sh. 1467 jXicols [New
      1,257 words
    • 671 19 I Vsssbl’8 5am* Flag ARig Captaih Dbstivatioh V* I H Dut 8tr Nacodah Singkep H Seng Guan it 8lr Lyon Bangkok (’’.o'* Phva 8 r JjBicoe Malacca and Klang if me Wan 2^ 8 tr S ud OD Muar and Malacca lineal PAOstr. Barcham Bombay H Vnn de Lyn
      671 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 906 18 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL hiv medical work on th# i-aiuw and mo*t scientific •r.l effectual inetm of ever diacmered f<*r oervoua and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of apinbe Sc .with practical observation* «»n inarr ate and full direction* for removing certain uj«}ua)inca ion* ’hat destroy the happen#** <»f wedded life.
      906 words
    • 200 18 BRANDIES. Jules Coadou, Champagne Cognac. Specially Selected, Specially Selected, Specially Selected, Henne-sy’s Very Old Brandy. Exshaw’s No. 1, Finest Quality (Wired). P. B. Very Choice Liqueur. Very Old Liqueur, Vin. 1865. Also Cheaper Brandies for Cooking Purposes* We would draw attention to our 4 Specially Selected Brandies; they are all
      200 words
    • 23 18 UNTOUCHED BY BAND. a h FOOD For INFANTS and INV»T.r|>g When prepared is similar to Breast Milk. ME1XIN*S FOOD WORKg, PgCKHAM, UMyPOW, ENGLAND.
      23 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 217 19 THE MOST REFRESHING DRINK IN INDIA. ►> t NTSERRAT 99 (TRADE MARK.) LIME FRUIT JUICE 4* jq me. i AV9f*iPT* ao vi• m Wa counsel (h6 Poblio to Moiitwrffct Llmo Juic€ »hTs:»;5 a c ”.riK?«h.y*i^ u r«“i.?« .».>...m. u>«»«.»i«™ of alcohol. MO\T»Ff:KAT I IMF. FHl’IT JUICE, either alone or with
      217 words
    • 426 19 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL, Whoksa’e by the Proprietors, Wo* pw'er: f*"o»se Bia kweih Ltd., tond.r .1 i Export Oilmen n c.i orally. retail everywhere. rwi At Medicine if the kind ewarded a Certificate
      426 words
    • 178 19 TOSH WHISKEY. MACKINTOSH ft CO., INVERNESS. WHOLESALE AGENTS. SINGAPORE PATERSON SIMONS ft 00. KELLY WALSH LD. NEW BOOKS NEW r EDITION8. The Break-up of China, by Lord Charles Beresford 7X0 Chemistry, General, Medical and Pharmaceutical, bv John Alltield.$ 9.00 Complete works of Robert Browning on India paper, in one volume
      178 words

  • 908 20 Revised Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1899. This Programme is substituted for THAT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED. OCTOBER 24th, 29th, and 29th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 24th October. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—Value $250. A Race for Maiden Horee9 —Weight as per scale (10st.). An allowance of 211b. to
    908 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 412 20 THE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR. (By Mrs. Egerton East wick.) Printed on antique toned paper, with wide margins and uncut edges—259 pages. PRICE—$2/- or 4/ The Saturday Review says:—The local colour is well done and picturesque, the style is cultivated, and the character of the Resident Councillor himself capitally worked out and
      412 words
    • 315 20 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK 1 PENANG. The above Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 320 feet. Breadth abentrance 50 Depth of wat* r on sill at 15
      315 words
    • 191 20 OUR HIGHLY REFINED PRIME 1 COCONUT OIL, tasteless, udourless, and free from acids, and suitable for all culinary purposes, is now obtainable from MCALISTER CO. HOON KEAT CO. ANN LOCK COYONG LEE SENG CO. AND WHOLESALE AT THE B1KTAKG OIL MILLS, 119, JTaiv.tar.1f Road. U. C. MESSRS. G. R. LAMBERT
      191 words
    • 583 20 champagne MDIS ROEDEKKR, EXTRA Mv (Reserve for Great Britain) Louis Roederer, Carte Bi an BRINKMANN 4 C ’o Sous Importer*. 10 J— JOHN LITTLE 4 CO. LTL) should read the HISTORY OF RAl’B and of how the price of the S ha r < from about a sovereign to a
      583 words