The Straits Budget, 21 September 1899

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 141 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 30 1 v■, r _a- Rochaiier Grange Road, ]r>th instant, the wife of ■jt. .it f a son. I L'»*ik'e. on the 20th i»»t., the V. or:- hwembr, of a son.
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  • 271 1 8 Ax. ALT:r;.R.'. Trr.ii'V ;i i Crisi?. iii- lfH:r-vaai L’r- OT. aL N* w-. P. NVw-s. L.f-iLth* Inst A i. brandy. y rr sun Lx tradition Case f h I’hinanian i.irmns V* A .ag iMspute. ♦t am lah. W’»i *’L n mu Gardens, buppie-. n of Trust.
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  • 574 1 Singapore, 21st September, 1899. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to noeu.) Gambier 5.65. opra Bali,.................... 6.40. do Pontianak, 5.90. Pepper, Black, buyers.... 27.62$. do White, (5%) 45.00 Sago Flour Sarawak, 8.80. do Brunei No. 1 2.60 Pearl Sago 4.40. Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 16.12$ Coffee Paiembang, 15% basis.. 17.25 Coffee,
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  • 269 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. A O. Bengal. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the M. M. Indus. The mail for Europe by the German steamer Preussen left on Tuesday. The mail from Europe of the 25th August
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    • 55 1 ACTION IN THE FREE STATE. London, loth Sept. Reuter's correspondent at Bloemfontein telegraphs that a meeting of Orange Free State burghers to consider the Transvaal Crisis has been held there. These burghers passed a resolution that they would stand shoulder to shoulder with the Transvaal Boers in
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    • 255 1 SIR A. MILNERS VIEWS. A POLICY OF THOROUGH. London 16//i September. A despatch from Sir Alfred Milner, the High Commissioner of South Africa and Governor of Cape Colony, has been published. THE FRANCHISE SCHEME. i Sir Alfred Milner, in a despatch dated the 23rd August, strongly deprecates
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    • 86 1 ACTION OF FRANCE. I London, Sept. 17 tb. The Paris correspondent of the I Times reports that M. Delcassd has instructed the Consul-General of France in the Transvaal to use his influence with President Kruger in favour of the acceptance of Mr. Chamberlain s proposals. SITUATION NOT SO
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    • 33 1 APPOINTMENT GAZETTED. London, 18fA September. The confirmation of Mr. Charles Stringer to be unofficial member of the Legislative Council of the 8traits Settlements has been notified in the London Gazette.
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    • 178 1 Later. A HUMOUR CONTRADICTED. The statement of the Paris correspondent of the Times that M. Delcasse, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs; had counselled President Kruger to accept Mr. Chamberlain's demands hae been contradicted. PEACE DESPAIRED OF. From what has leaked out regarding the reply of the
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    • 323 1 JOINT COMMISSION AGAIN SUGGESTED. A MORE CONCILIATORY TONE. London 19 th September. The Transvaal’s reply to Mr. Cham* berlains last despatch alleges that the Transvaal’s proposals, since abandoned, for the five years' franchise, one quarter representation in the Volksraad, and no further British interference, were the result
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    • 36 2 HE DESISTS FROM APPEAL. London 20th September. The French Cabinet have decided, in principle, upon pardoning Dreyfus within the next few days. Dreyfus will desist from his appeal for a revision of sentence.
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    • 25 2 EXCLUSION OF CHINESE. The Chinese Minister at Washington has protested against the enforcement of the United States Chinese Exclusion Law in the Philippines.
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    • 37 2 DOMING VIA THE CAPE. 11. M. S. Terrible has sailed to relieve the Powerful, now on her way home. Both vessels proceed by way of the Car>e. [The Poicerful i9 expected hero from Hongkong to-morrow.]
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    • 16 2 TROOPS FOR KIMBERLEY. Twelve hundred troops have been despatched from Cape Town to Kimberley.
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    • 47 2 HONOURS TO JAPANESE. The Emperor of Germany has bestowed the order of the Red Eagle upon the following Japanese officials: the Grand Cross upon Marshal the Marquis Yamagata; the third class upon Chief Naval Architect, Koyama and the fourth class upon Chief Naval Constructor, Uyeno.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 ±1 VJ/L T1M£ S S" > rt'-r' p 05- >n f* of the Strait a Time a The post free price linnet is £20 a year, or 40/. :;ry to subscribe for a year. n- for shorter periods are v- .j ortionate rate of price as >irt can be sent
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  • 550 2 (Strait s Times, 1 ofh September.) If the burghers of the Orange Free State are, indeed, resolved to cast in their lot with the Transvaal Boers, as may -he presumed that the British forces destined for South Africa will be increased. In such case, as already indicated,
    (Straits Times, 1 ofh September.)  -  550 words
  • 329 2 (Straits Times 1 6th September.) The British Government is now deliberately preparing the British mind for the conquest of the Transvaal. To-day's telegram gives the substance of despatches from Sir Alfred Milner of 23rd August and 31st August respectively. In the former despatch, Sir Alfred points out that
    (Straits Times, 16th September.)  -  329 words
  • 317 2 (Straits Time s, 18th September.) The day of reckoning for the Transvaal Boers is rapidly approaching. The recourse to the argument of force is close at hand. Mr. Chamberlain’s demands, in his last despatch, gave President Kruger a final opportunity to yield; the appeal fell upon deaf
    (Straits Times, 18th September.)  -  317 words
  • 1039 2 (Straits Times 19th September.) There is some hint, in to-day’s news, of a Boer 11 climb down but the climb down has been commenced too late. The point on which the whole telegram turns is the question of Great Britain’s suzerainty which, Mr. Kruger now says, it was
    (Straits Times, 19th September.)  -  1,039 words
  • 68 2 Captain Colernan of the s. s. t lyde reports to the police that his cook lias absconded with Slg9. Competitors in the Ladies driving competition at the horse and dog show are to be nominated by a member ot the Polo Club. An announcement was made at
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  • 33 2 Dr. Morrison, too Pekin correspondent of the Tune*, arrived in Singapoie to-day by French mail. He is h»r India, and, possibly, thereafter lor England. He takes ship for India at •Singapore.
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  • 41 2 The Penang Diamond Jubilee Memorial Clock has not yet materialised. I’lie »>.‘K),OOO given by Mr. Cheili Chen Eok for the m«*m<»iial remains unspent, fhe trouble arises from the ditliciiltv of securing a suitable site ior the Clock Tower.
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  • 73 2 Take a hath everv morning to which a little Condy’s Fluid has been added. Through the intluen *e it exerts upon the nerves and vessels of the skin, the tone and vigour of the system an* strongly fortified. By supplying ozonic Oxygen whieh the open sea possesses,
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  • 52 2 On the 12th instant, a Klin, struck another Klin*, breaking li in the barracks at Tanjonz Pa,,. r arr The injured man was sent to th, i k pita], and no report was m.v|. llt police, but on the facts U, r known, the police arrested tlm
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  • 55 2 At St. Petersburg dispatch of the inst. to the Japanese Govern/ n states that the date of the o|*ni n enl f Talienwan is not yet decided on d said that some time will re rf for construction of streets and o improvement of the harbour beh-
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  • 58 2 Mb. Clayton disposed of a consider able number of public summonses tl U morning. Thirty of these were for and verandah obstruction, twenty f/ burning paper in the streets, and for keeping unlicensed eating h, JUte Fines of one to tliree dollars were imposed. Considerable delay is eau*4
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  • 74 2 Yesterday, a coolie was arrested on Tanjong Pagar Wharf with a bottle of brandy in his possession. He was seen leaving godown No. 10 w.tli it hi ].h hand. A case was found broken open The defendant argued that since lie bad no baju on, it
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  • 85 2 At the Police Court yesterday, in application was made to Mr. Brockman by Mr. Joaquin), on behalf of the American Consul, for an extradition order against a Spaniard named Francisco Tourno, at present in Singapore The defendant was represented by Messrs. Farrer-Baynes and Stuart. The order was
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  • 197 2 By the Sink, there arrived in Singapore, to-day, the first consignment of about IB,<'oo tins of a new brand of oil from tho Dutch Indies. It is known as the “Dragon” brand, and is relined by the Mining and Forest Exploitation Company of Langkat, Sumatra, who
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  • 236 2 The Seerctaiy of State for the Colonies lias confirmed the perpetual suspension from Ollice ot Dr. W. V Bott, late Government Analyst ami Science Lecturer, .Singapore. Mr. 11. Spakler, is provision i!lv recognised as Acting Consul t»*n»*r d for the Netherlands at Singapore, and Mr. L. von Zeppelin
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  • 165 3 II j* celebrated as a peppery land, W are not commonly given to sS how much England owes r “Hf 4 i pepper. Towards the close of 'jxterntli century the Dutch raised "f p,.pper against the London v fron* 3*. to 6.*. and 8.«. a pound, inber 22,
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  • 608 3 (M-iK the title John Chinaman s •> r yri- il Philosophy a writer in the says there is such an o: comic-opera to*psyturveydom t John Chinaman and most of belonging that most Englishhave been somewhat too set down him and his as v unintelligible. A somewhat r
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  • 125 3 THE P. O. AND QUARANTINE. Owiwe to the scare at Continental ports since the outbreak of the plague in Egypt, the directors of the P. and O. Company have decided that the Bombay and Australian steamers shall continue to pass through the canal in quarantine without holding any communication with
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  • 165 3 Mr. A. B. Snow, M. E., w’ho was the discoverer of the Kahayang Gold Mine situated in Borneo, and who is now exploring near the Five Kottas on two concessions held by the Pangkallan Gold Mining Company, reports that he has already seen promising indications of large
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  • 533 3 The case in which Mahnee, a Burmese woman, was charged with the theft of jewellery and household goods, the property of William Adams, a mining engineer, of Bukit Timah Road, was further heard in the Assize Court yesterday. Muhliit and Mahton, two other Burmese, were charged
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  • 782 3 MR. CONGER’S TOUR. Mr. E. H. Conger, the U.S. Minister to China, arrived at Shanghai on the 3rd inst. The Minister was considerably amused at the wonderful despatch which Reuter had wired as to the object of his trip being to investigate personally the decrease of
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  • 552 3 TELEGRAPHIC DETAILS OF THE CONCLUSION. Rbctbr wired, the other day, that the chances of Dreyfus’s conviction were strengthened by the evidence of Cernuschi. Other telegrams now show ihat Cernuschi affirmed that he had been to the embassy of a foreign Power, and that Dreyfus was his principal
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  • 217 3 the body concealed in a swamp. On Wednesday information was received at the police station of a murder having been com nutted. Yesterday, the Chief Police Officer (Mr. Cuseaden), Chief Inspector of Police (Mr. Bourne) and Inspector Suilivan, wit h a >art y of police, proceeded
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  • 631 3 WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD. REPLAYED TIE: C. CO. X. O. R. 1\ TANJONG PAQAR CLUB. ANOTHER DRAW. The replayed tie in the Warren competition took place last night, on the Recreation Club ground, before a iaige crowd of spectators. It will be remembered the last time the two teams met,
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  • 68 3 Captain Robson of the steamer lfailooitg which arrived at Hongkong onthebth instant, reports that a collision occurred .early on the 7th inst., off the Lam mocks, between the Ham burg Amerika liner Svevia and the Chinese steamer Kiangpak. The Kiangpak arrived in Swatow with her bows completely ovein.The
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  • 132 3 A colossal statue is about to be proofed to the memory of the late Ferdinand de Lesseps, who conceived and executed the Suez Canal. Appropriately enough, the statue is to be erected at Port Said. The artist has done his part of the work,
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  • 919 4 MR. BAILEY’S PROPOSAL CRITICISED. (From a Correspondent.) Hating been in the Fijit, and seen the banana cultivation there as well as the trade with Sydney and Melbourne, one is led to say a few words that might he of interest just at the present moment when it
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  • 965 4 London, 18fA August. Fob the first time since tbe inauguration of the World’s Championships, the One Mile Amateur Championship of the World has been brought to England, the rider to accomplish the task being T. Summersgill, the well-known Leeds crack In this event he was followed home by
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  • 2240 4 A SCHEME FOB SINGAPORE. At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday afternoon, mention was made of the scheme which had been drawn up by Mr. H. R. J. Burstall, of the firm of Messrs. Burstall and Monkhouse—of 14, Old Queen Street, Westminster—for the electric lighting of
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  • 364 4 .—Hongkong Telegraph H. M. S. POWERFUL. I H. M. S. Powerful came into Hongkong harbour on the 7tli instant, having made a remarkably quick passage from Japan. She left Yokohama at 2 p m. on the 3rd. Her average speed was from 16 to 16£ knots an hour.
    .—Hongkong Telegraph ■  -  364 words
  • 23 4 One hundred and forty-one deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 31.46.
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  • 1005 5 f from our Correspondent). Kmla Lip is j Sth September. SMALL-POX. a lditional cases of small-pax are rV i from the Temerloh District, trom a place called Tanjong t;i i\ ilv* of the patients being v- Tiiis makes a total of 23 ?cir i i with 4 deaths,
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  • 523 5 A Manila newspaper has received a letter from Singapore, alleging that the Chamber of Commerce and the commercial firms of that city will petition the English Government relative to the difficulties that exist, with regard to the importation of merchandise into Manila City from Singapore. Singapore has always
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  • 96 5 The Bangkok Times understands that arrangements are being made for the establishment, in Bangkok, of a branch of a piomimmt Singapore firm of general merchants. At present, says that journal, Singapore gets a good deal of Bangkok custom—a fact held to prove that the business methods at
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  • 139 5 The dead body of a child, apparently about a week old, was found in a dustbin in Nankin Street this morning. This morning, two Malays were charged with the theft of two bullocks worth 5130, and were sentenced to a year’s imprisonment each. E. Pest ana and
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  • 47 5 The case in which Mr. Adams, mining engineer, ofßukitTimah Road, charged Burmese woman named Mahnee with theft, and two other Burmese, Muhhit and Mahton, with abetment, was concluded in the Assize Court yesterday. The jury found prisoners not guilty, and they were discharged.
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  • 64 5 Further evidence was taken, yesterday, in the case of Mahomed Cassim bin Shaik Mahomed against Isaac de Silva, for criminal breach of trust, in respect of jewellery valued at $4,193. There was much difference of opinion as to the accuracy of this figure, and the case
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  • 63 5 Last night, there was a pleasant concert in the Regimental Theatre at Tanglin. The programme, an excellent one, was arranged by Bandmaster Tyrell, and was generally appreciated by the large audience Sergt. Williams appeared in two new comic songs, which are sure to be heard elsewhere before
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  • 83 5 A correspondent, while admiring the zeal of the dog-shooter, fails to see why it is necessary to shoot puppies. It may not, he says, be easy to fix a pup’s age, nor to decide at what age unregistered dogs may be shot, but he thinks the shooter should
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  • 103 5 In a very interesting biographical sketch of the Baroness Burdett Coutts, the London Letter says it is not generally known, or it may be more generally forgotten, how large a part she played in suppressing piracy in the China seas. A keen Imperialist, she equipped an expedition,
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  • 227 5 The Morning Fost says Sir Henry M’Callum, Governor of Newfoundland, is to he congratulated on following the example of Sir Alfred Milner, who recently made a tour of the outlying districts in Cape Colony. Fast Governors of Newfoundland have adopted too much of a stay-at-home policy. Newfoundland
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  • 452 5 The annual meeting of the Singapore Rowing Club was held yesterday afternoon, in the S.C.C. Pavilion. The President of the Club, the Hon’ble W. R. Collyer, took the chair, and there were also present: Messrs. Davis (hon. treasurer), Rodesse (hon. secretary). ScottRussell, Somerville, Ager, Upton, and Scoular.
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  • 371 5 S. V. A. r. TAN JONG I’AGAH CL I'D. A friendly game between teams representing the 8. V. A. and Tanjong i'agar was played on the ground of the latter yesterday afternoon. Neither side put its best team in the field. The 8. V. A. were two men short,
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  • 1163 5 Why do you make my face black and cause me to be ashamed in the presence of my friends, Tuan said a syce, the other day, to an old resident returned. An explanation naturally followed, and it was alleged that in old days the Tuan, on the
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  • 291 6 IS IT DECAYING Mil K. J. Key, the popular captain of the Surrey eleven, says English cricket is certainly not going back it is advancing prodigiously, and if anything batting has advanced at a greater ratcffianbowlifig: But it must not bo overlooked that the wickets have improved wonderfully
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  • 176 6 The L. and C. Express says that the French Government at Saigon has decided to start an experimental garden there for the purpose of studying economic plants. The move is a good one. They have long had in the neighbouring colony of the Straits Settlements a botanic
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  • 2813 6  -  |A ROMAICS BY MRS. KUBRTO3 BASTWICK.j WITHIN A CHARMED CIRCLE. Chap. X. Du. Storm had no time to ask questions about the yacht and its owners, for, almost as his wife spoke, they reached the entrance to the drawing room, and found Louise Chatrian awaiting them. In
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  • 140 6 THE CHING-WO.” The steamer Citing ITo, which arrived here from China on Wednesday, and the same day was ordered to leave the waters of the Colony within 21 hours, sailed for Amoy to-day about noon. The Citing Wo was bound from Yokohama to London. Ka font* she called at Amoy
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  • 262 6 One of the most interesting features of the campaign in the Philippines has been the part played by the Chinaman. As a stretcher-bearer, u i ffa l o-driver, common coolie, or mean*of the disposal of loot, his services have roved invaluable. During the entire march of
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  • 321 7 mer showing no colours, passed weu to east at 7 a. m. to-day. 4 Futtfarcken k Co. advertise Vr hive authorized Mr.J. Brunner n «t tllC' Mtl n ti;»*ir firm per pro. r 0 fit- 11 t for Japanese matches is 1 j he better at Shanghai
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  • 27 7 iiiK (mni-fs in Bangkok now *;.irl Iv the Chartered Bank oi ir.i< A Mralia, and China have been t tin* Bank tor JU<),OOO tieals.
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  • 31 7 fn:.- uinnnoon Sir Lionel Cox, the :iM .1 u-t!•;•*. leaves for Malacca, to n-l t ti:e hu*iness of the Assizes Sir Lionel is expected to return n M<*!i*|;iy next.
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  • 32 7 Ai tiie Assizes to-day, Gob Seng was nr. d i.j three years’ rigorous >niiM*iit for attempted rape. 1 b* uing ol the lemaining charges l' tponed to tlie 2(»th 111st.
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  • 35 7 II*;. thuria has again made its m the suburbs of Nagasaki, I ’v rgo people have already been v the infected dogs. Strong l are being taken by the authoT suppression of the disease.
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  • 35 7 Chinaman of YokoC a circular about what lie i*e unfair proceedings in tlie I a Chinese Chamber oi there. It is gratifying to Chinamen taking so much T in such a matter.
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  • 39 7 that Messrs. Seng Teik P-mgoun, have purchased the Mr. Waller, thesuperin- v "i tin* Company, was to proceed c ue where he expected to meet The steamer is to run n »ia, the Straits, and China.
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  • 46 7 lKI:I>AV a Jew named S. E. n u\ 2:1:1, Bencoolen Street, was a Chinaman to go to a house in New Bridge Road, r 1 r <? Solomon put *60 on a wa s stolen, together with <:lA an d chain, valued at *200.
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  • 56 7 The Perak Pioneer hears that an arrangement has been made whereby the Chartered Bank in Taiping will occupy a set of rooms in the Government Public Offices behind the Treasury. The gain to the Government by allowing the bank to come into the public offices will amount to
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  • 59 7 On the 12th inst., a Chinaman went to a Kling stall in South Bridge Road, and asked for change for seven 20 cent pieces. The money was afterwards found to be counterfeit; and on the ICtli inst, the man came and asked for more change, but was arrested.
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  • 53 7 A foreign doctor has made a sensational discovery in four godowns at Xewchwang, North China. In the godowns were ranged up in tiers two thousand coffins, containing the corpses of Chinese who recently died from plague. The coffins were awaiting shipment by junks to southern ports, in
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  • 59 7 Notwithstanding local production, there has been a large increase in the imports of Russian and American oil into Burma last year. The consumption of imported kerosene oil will not likely die out, or fall much below its present extent until the reliners of local oil are able to
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  • 59 7 Inc school record of St. Xavier’s Institution at tho recently held yearly examination includes a Queen’s Scholarship and a larger number of passes in the Senior Cambridge Locals than can be shown by any other Straits school. The average enrolment has been 402, and the average attendance .482,
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  • 50 7 An international shooting match took place at Hongkong between a team of American soldiers of the 20th Kansas Volunteers and the Hongkong Volunteers. The Americans were armed with Springfield rilles. The Hongkong Volunteers shot with Lee-Met-lord and Martini-Henry rilles. The Americans scored 545 points against their opponents' 852.
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  • 71 7 In connection with the reconstruction of Osaka harbour, two harbours, an inner and an outer one, are now being made, and when completed it is stated that twenty-four vessels of 2,500 tons will he able to find safe anchorage inside the breakwaters. The work is a big
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  • 75 7 Yesterday morning, the festival of the Seven Dolours was celebrated in the Church uf .St. Joseph with more than usual splendour. There \yas a very large congregation. The choir was accompanied by the organ and an orchestra of stringed instruments, and the Mass Laus Deo,” by Lambillotte,
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  • 78 7 On the 3rd instant, three prospectors returned to Manila after having spent several weeks in turning over rock on the island of Cebu. They report the location of several rich claims, and their stories are backed up by excellent specimens. The metal is comparatively free, and is not
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  • 85 7 On Saturday .afternoon, the S. V. A. had Maxim firing practice oft’ the reclaimed ground at Teluk Ayer. The four guns were taken out, and firing took place at a barrel surmounted by a flag at distances varying from 700 to 1,000 yards. As, however,
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  • 69 7 THE PAKNAM AGROUND. Just over a week ago, the PaJcnam, 471 tons, commanded by Capt. Craig, got ashore on the bar of Banjermassin Harbour. The cause of the accident was an exceptionally low tide. The ship remained on the bar a day or so, and then floated off without having
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  • 74 7 Some trouble recently occurred at Talienwan over the purchase of Chinese lands by Russians, who offered Tl«. 6 and Tls. 4 per mow according to quality. Some malcontents thereupon stirred up the people, and assured them the Russians would heavily tax them, and succeeded in creating a
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  • 63 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’’ Sir, —In the report on the above school given in Thursday’s issue of the Straits Times the words and leave it while still only half-educated should have read and do not leave it while still only half-educated.” This, of course,
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  • 85 7 Amongst the vessels recently sent to Manila for the United States Government was the old wooden paddh steamer White Clout/, very well known on the Canton run. On the way, the ship’s side caved in and she went down ninety miles from Hongkong. The captain and crew
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  • 91 7 An attractive account of the TransSiberian Railway is given in the Contemporary lievieic. It is stated that when the grand line is open throughout, the journey from Moscow to Newell wang or Vladivostock will be made in four days, and Shanghai may be reached from London in
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  • 96 7 Lord Kitchener, in opening the Atbara Bridge a few days ago, said he hoped to open a railway station at Khartoum within the next four months The final report of inspection and tests of the Atbara Bridge, as built by the Pencoyd Iron Works, Philadelphia, states that
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  • 114 7 THE AMOK CASE. In the month of May last, a case of amokoccurred on board the Sri PontianaJ: in which several persons were killed and wounded. The amokrunners were Awang and Salleh, father and son. The former was shot by Captain Koenig, and the latter, who was wounded, it is
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  • 125 7 The typhoon which passed over Japan at the end of last month wrought great havoc. The destruction ol property and tlie loss of life turns out to be much greater than was at first supposed On the island of Shikoku more especially on the eastern I\o province, the
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  • 1178 7 THE SULTAN’S BIRTHDAY. PRATERS. Yesterday, Sunday the 17th, His Highness Sultan Ibrahim of Johore, K.C.M.G., completed his 26th year, and Johore was en fete in celebration of the birthday. Early in the morning, the notables of Johore assembled at the Dewan, where the Sultan attended also, and where His
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  • 166 7 SWIMMING CLUB l*. It. A. FORT CANNING. The return water polo match between teams of the Swimming Club and the Royal Artillery at Fort Canning was played yesterday morning off the Club bungalow at Katong. The result of the game was a win for the Club by five
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  • 215 7 Captain Wei by, who recently made a journey of exploration through Abyssinia and the regions of the south-west of that country, lias arrived at Cairo. Starting from Rerbera, Somaliland, last September, with dl Ahyssinians and i) Somalis, Captain CMby first proceeded to Harrar, and then to Adis Abeba.
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  • 493 8 REPORT ON BATU BERSAWAH. Mr. H. Chevallier, the District Officer of Kuala Pilah, paid a visit to the Batu Bersawah gold mine there on the 21 st August. About one thousand tons of ore were then lying on the surface ready for crushing. He is indebted
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  • 160 8 An action —Sampson v. Basagoiti (China Mutual Life Insurance Co) —is pending in Bangkok, in the British Consular Court. The case was mentioned a few days back, when along argument took place between Mr. Skinner, for the plaintiff, and Mr. Naylor, for the defendant, as to whether
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  • 204 8 Ranjitsinghi has piled up 3,000 runs this season in first-class matches. This beats his own previous best in 1896, when he compiled 2,780 runs in 53 innings, of which 46 innings were completed, giving him an average of 57 91. But in the games in which
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  • 524 8 0* C. C. v. K. O. B. A match between teams representing the S. C. C. and the King’s Own Regiment took place at Tanglin on Saturday. The S. C. C. batted first, Airey and Dunman going to the wickets. Both men immediately set to work and runs came
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  • 86 8 SURVEY SHORTCOMINGS. Owing to the very numerous applications for mining land, and to the inability of the Survey Department to cope with the work, it is notified in the Negri Sembilan Gocernment Gazette that, excepting applications for hydraulic mining, no more applications for mining land or
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  • 103 8 Ir has been estimated that there are at least 2,000 British subjects (not naturalised Americans) now serving in the Army of Occupation in the Philippines. Some have been in the British Army, Navy, Cape Mounted Police, and other organisations of a similar kind. It is satisfactory to know
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  • 502 8 AN ANTI*AMERICAN ASPECT. Malolos writes in the Hoiigkong Telegraph of the present condition of Manila. With well armed bands of Filipinos some sixty miles distant on the northward and less than twenty miles to the south, he says, occasional gangs of native banditti committing all sorts of
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  • 106 8 A BRITISH SUBJECTS’ ASSOCIATION. Between sixty and seventy gentlemen attended the meeting at the Kuala Lumpur Rest House on the 16th instant, for the purpose of forming themselves into a British Subjects’ Association. The utmost unanimity prevailed, and, the Association having been duly formed, the following gentlemen were
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  • 143 8 SECTARIAN HATE. Keen animosity is reported to prevail between Roman Catholics and Protestants in China. The attempts made by rival factions of natives to secure the support of the missionaries in local disputes and clan tights, are, as matters now stand, calculated to raise a crop
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  • 106 8 ANNUAL EXAMINATION. The annual inspection of the Penang Free School ended on the 9th September. 526 boys were presented for examination against 511 last year. The Seventh Standard showed many failures in composition and reading. Mr. Wilkinson, the Acting Inspector of Schools, ascribes this partly to the
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  • 135 8 Abdul Rahman, a Kling, has had three of his countrymen arrested on a warrant for wrongful confinement and using criminal force. It is alleged that the men poured liquor down the prosecutor’s throat and kept him from going to Court on the 14th instant, and a case was,
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  • 92 8 THE CHING WO.” The China Mutual steamer Ching Wo, whose return to China was necessitated by the fact that on the voyage from Amoy with coolies, she touched at Hongkong, left on Saturday afternoon with her cargo and passengers. What sho will do on arriving at Amoy is uncertain; in
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  • 109 8 On Saturday, a Chinaman named Lee Tek Koot fell from the roof of a house in South Boat Qua}'. He died the same evening. A horse which had escaped from its stable knocked down two Chinamen in Havelock Hoad on the 16th instant, injuring both men seriously.
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  • 150 8 It is announced as certain by the Saigon Opinion that M. Doumer will return to France in October or November. According to that journal, he has been recalled in order to explain his policy to M. Decrais, the present Minister for the Colonies, who despairs of coming
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  • 145 8 the position up to sept. 4th. The following table gives the position of elevens in the County cricket championship at home, up to Sept. 4th. There are, of course, several matches to be added, and positions may be materially altered: Played. W. L. D. Per Cent. Surrey
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  • 1088 8 JUBILEE MEMORIAL CLOCK On the 31st August, the Kirn j the Queen of Holland, an ceremony took place at The clock presented to that t (l r British residents there as a of the Diamond Jubilee, 1 'i. rr,on al made over that day to the aiitV’ The
    1,088 words

  • 429 9 v Tit \i-- Dewey is expected to arrive v a V ik cn the 28th instant. ihk >: U o passed through here v.»-'t a-t about midnight, last :..:i:t 4 Thk l> i.-- alter repair at Colombo, ti. it r t<>r Calcutta on the 11th l iii:
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  • 32 9 A Chinaman named Chong Beng was attacked by four men in Teluk Ayer Street and robbed of a diamond ring and a gold watch. Two of his assailants were arrested.
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  • 35 9 Boh Ah Hong a boy employed at the K. O. R. canteen was yesterday sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for the theft of a S5OO cheque the property of the Canteen Fund.
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  • 50 9 The Currency Bill was read in Council on 10th September, the authorities not waiting for the decision respecting the Mint question from London. Sovereigns will be legal tender at fifteen rupees; and the Government will give fifteen rupees for a sovereign, but not a sovereign for fifteen rupees.
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  • 49 9 The cargo steamship service between Hamburg-Bremen and China-Japan from 1 Oct. will be increased, in so far as besides the semi-monthly sailings from Hamburg, and the monthly departures from Bremen, German steamers also will be despatched every four weeks from Bremen and Antwerp to the Far East.
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  • 65 9 A concert in aid of the Soldiers and Sailors’ Family Association will be given at the Tanglin Barracks theatre on Friday the 23rd. The programme includes songs by Mrs. Marker, Mrs. Salzmann, Miss Craig, the Misses Murray, and Messrs. Carver, Dunman, Fabris, Salzmann and others. The booking ollice
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  • 78 9 Two new teachers have arrived in Penang for the Anglo-Chinese School. They are Messrs. James M. Hoover and Lee Teng llwee. The former is a young American the latter is a young Chinese baba, born in Java, who was originally educated in the Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore, and who
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  • 85 9 In tiie Polo Tournament at Calcutta, tiie Poona Lancers had the pull over their adversaries for most ot the game, and won by four goals and four subsidiaries against two goals and one subsidiary. In the second match the Poona Horse were the favourites but the Gunners
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  • 85 9 A Eurasian named Grant was charged before Mr. Brockman with assaulting Tan Seng, living in Albert Street. It is alleged that Grant with four others went to prosecutor’s shop, and after refusing to pay for their liquor assaulted him. The case was adjourned till the 25th inst. Clioo
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  • 120 9 POWERFUL AND TERRIBLE.” H.M.S. Powerful, homeward bound, is expected here from Hongkong on Thursday, on which evening her officers will be the guests of the officers ot the King's Own,” at Tanglin. The Powerful is to bo relieved by the firstclass cruiser Terrible which was expected to sail on the
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  • 153 9 QUICK DESPATCH. At the meeting of the Legislative Council this afternoon, the Colonial ♦Secretary was to have moved that a grant-in-aid of $10,000 be made to the Penang Municipal Commissioners towards their expenditure in suppressing the outbreak of plague, recently occuring there. The Colonial Secretary mentioned that the
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  • 87 9 There was a large gathering in the Botanical Gardens last night to hear the band of the King’s Own.” The full moon was partially obscured by clouds, but what was lacking in the way of light w'as fully made up for by the excellent performances of
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  • 161 9 A Chonstadt paper, the Vest nil: says that those countries which do not possess numerous coaling stations for their fleets in all parts of the world must set about securing a special type of coaling vessel for use in time of war. The paper adds We
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  • 165 9 At Mr. W. F. C. Asimont's land sale yesterday afternoon, No. 27, Omar Road, with an area of 1,550 square feet, was bought by Shaik Aboo Bakar for $2,600. Freehold land at Roehore, containing an area of 5,850 square feet, fetched $605, Mohammed Khan being the purchaser.
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  • 175 9 Mr. Spencer Pratt late ConsulGeneral of the Cnited States in Singapore, has it is stated, transmitted, to the U. S. Department for Foreign Commerce, a copy of a letter addressed by him to General Otis, at Manila, in which he states that upon relinquishing hi 3
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  • 1359 9 London, Sept. 7th. Mr. Schreiner's organs in London, realizing that Pretoria is hopeless, have wheeled completely round, scouting the abandonment of the suzerainty. Mr. Moneypenny, editor of the Johannesburg Star and the correspondent of the London Tunes relates his escape, which was due to the imbecility of
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  • 862 9 THE FOhCE FROM INDIA. Bombay t bth September. The following have been warned to prepare for service in South Africa and to be ready to leave their stations in India fully equipped at the shortest notice: The Cavalry Brigade: The 5th Dragoon Guards; 9rh Lancers; and
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  • 2285 10 TO THE 1st SEPTEMBER. THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. In the course of a speech delivered at Birmingham on the 26th August, Mr. Chamberlain dwelt at some length upon the Transvaal difficulty. He said that President Kruger, in making answer to the communications of the British Government, had
    2,285 words
  • 1072 10 I Me. Mortimer Menpes n a daring experiment in end*, mad I to adapt the furniture and d V Jtil of a Japanese interior to the n^ rat I modern English house the illustrations in the cuSSf* fr '< of the Studio, I fancy tu exquisite as
    1,072 words

  • 250 11 I Tb i i t;vi*s in Orchard and Grange I r* -blown down during the gale 1 i-t night. 1 I \j Kivhing has been appointed P< r.», i iif-i♦* for the 4 British cor- re n i i tie* survey and registry of ClippingI 4 I
    250 words
  • 42 11 r of Enquiry will assemble on ,l u > f»r the purpose of enquiring i* *iting on the illegal absence ■U'-y of kit (if any) of No. 605, Tgeant J. 1*. Davies, Army Pay ii* gaily absent from the 2nd
    42 words
  • 39 11 !i niing, at eight o’clock an iic-asuring eight feet, was n« t by some fishermen at »»i. The reptile was very d imaged the net. The men r v h clubs and sold the carcase •’> 'ills.
    39 words
  • 38 11 “I IS Boat Quay, reports 1 that 13 bags of cotton, have been stolen from >• 'l lay. w living at 49, Teluk Ayer, x. tT 1 diamond ring valued at "b»len from a table in his >'-Vrday.
    38 words
  • 54 11 tic in the Warren i competition was played Ki r l i l riio °n on the Tanjong ii r 14 J .ground, the teams being V King’s Own Regiment l W- R O. A. The afternoon one lor football. The V> t) < o' e<
    54 words
  • 68 11 Lim Ching, a Hokien of 28, Macpherson Road, reported to the police that he was walking along Serangoon Road yesterday, and, when near the third milestone was attacked by five Chinamen, who robbed him of a bag containing $ll3. No marks of violence \>iere found on the
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  • 57 11 At Mr. H. A. Crane’s land sale, yesterday afternoon, Nassim Lodge in, the highest bid being 514,000. Some 20 acres of land at langlin were also bought in. A piece of freehold land in the district of Amokiah, containing an area of 20 acres, 3 roods, and
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  • 89 11 Another case of small-pox has been notified from Pulo Tekong. Besides the usual police complement, a European constable, a lance-corporal, and 10 native police are on quarantine duty in the island. Owing to information received by the Municipal sanitary authorities, the whole of the staff made a raid this
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  • 133 11 TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,— In your issue of the 9th insfc. I noticed a paragraph to the effect that the price of plumbago had risen very much in Ceylon, and that mining is being carried on on an extensive scale. Strange it is
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  • 436 11 In the course of a speech on the Currency Bill, at Simla, the V T iceroy of India said that in introducing a Bill to establish a gold standard with a gold currency in India, they had arrived at the remarkable result of a consensus of opinion
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  • 1887 11 PROGRESS REPORT. The Raub Manager’s report for the months of July and August, 1899, runs as follows:— MIXING. Raub Hole —At the date of my last report, we were getting some phenomenally rich ore, 1,010 ounces per ton in a small chute of stone which we bad cut 6o'
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  • 236 11 From the appended list of champion rieket counties, it will be seen that, since the formation of the Championship 26 years ago, seven counties have gained the distinction. •6 c ic >. E a* O 65 Jr 1873 Nottinghamshire 7 5 1 1 1873 Gloucestershire
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  • 63 11 JODELITE 44 Jodeluk is the name of a prepara- ion for which the Borneo Co. are the Singapore agents. “Jodelite” will prevent dry rot, the attacks of white ants and teredos in timber, and dampness in walls, bricks, or stone. There are many testimonials as to 44 Jodelite’s efficacy for
    63 words
  • 1167 11 I i NOTES, NEWS, AND COMMENIS. THE CHINB8E REGIMENT. A correspondent, writing from Wei* hai-wei, says: We are getting recruits i as fast as we can take them and our i standard height is higher than the Guards. Up to date we have 300, and, although the
    1,167 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1047 12 (conducted by “KINGS pawn.”) All chess correspondence should be addressed te “King’s Pawn.” Solutions:—Pro lem No. 129 (Wilson) P>- R 2: No. I*o (Pulitzer) P—Kt 7. Correct solutions received from A. O. S., Aquarius, Torpedo and Caissa. Played at the City of London Chess Club in Mr. Blackburne’s simultaneous
    1,047 words
  • 93 12 We have received a copy of Wright’s trade directory of Australia, India, China and Japan, Canada, South and Central America. Mexico, the West Indies, and South Africa. The directory is a very complete handbook of trades, professions, commerce, and manufactures in the countries enumerated, and should
    93 words
  • 52 12 Hongkong, liormida on 20ili Sept., Behn Meyer Jk Co. Fremantle via ports, Sultan, due 22nd Sept., W. Mansfield Co. Penang and Calcutta, Lightning, due 22nd Sept., Sarkies <fc Mosp9. Hongkong, Chrhjdr-i, due *2oth Sept., Boastead «fc Co. Liverpool via ports. P. De SatrvMcgvi, on 27th Sept.,
    52 words
  • 37 12 (For Singapore.) i’ci 31. 31. s. s Polyntsien iroizi Marseilles Sept. 10—Mr. Battie. Mr. It. H. i*au day. o _l r 8 s Awwm from Marseilles, Sept. 21—Mr. J. Van Vollenhoven, and Air.. J. Obreen.
    37 words
  • 1606 12 (BY “A new-comer.”) Never, I think, does any one forget the painful experience of making, or returning, first calls in Singapore. It is, to iris-quote the poet, a linked torture long drawn out, and by it the new-comer is maddened, saddened, and bowed down with care at
    1,606 words
  • 457 12 THURSDAY’S RESULTS. A DOUBLES. Campbell and Salzmann v. Carver and M< •rrison, unfinished. White ami Liuton v. Pearce and Rose, unfinished. B JJOUBLFS, Edlin and Graham beat Young and Kerr, 6-3, 6-3. Gunn and Booth beat She ward and Giddy 6-1, 6-2. A SINGLES. S.
    457 words
  • 584 12 ARRIVALS. per M. M. s. s. La Seynr from Batavia Messvs. Heytman, A pear, Deen >oumar Novoa. C. Yersin. and Max Schumaker. Per s. s. Sri Rortuo from Sourabaya Mrs.; Merc hie, Messrs. A. Galt, and Koyan. Per s. s. Mtm from Malacca ,1. C. Campbell, and Miss
    584 words

    • 137 13 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh. —ship barque; seh.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru.—Cruiser Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H. p.-Horse-power Brit.— British; U. S. —United States; Fr. French; Uer.—German; Dut.— Dutch; loh.— Johore Ac., G. c., —General cargo d.n.— deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. r.
      137 words
    • 1041 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. fan I Hiatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 ton9, Capt “Is*' 'D, 2(ith Sept. From Klang, 18th Sept. f »c., and 52 d.p. S. Steamship Coy. For fviang, 22nd—Rds. brei>i. Nor. btr. 645 tons, Capt Johannessen nth Sept. From Sadong, 17th Sept. Coal.
      1,041 words
    • 569 13 Nome, port, probable date of arrival, and neme agents. Steamers. Abergeldie, Europe, p’sd Canal, Aug 22 Argyll, Hongkong, due Sept P. Simons. Alesia, H’kong, Bept 19; B. M. Algoa, Europe, p’sd Canal, Sept 1 Ambria, Hamburg, Nov 6; B. Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg, Sept 18 B. M. Annam, Marseilles,
      569 words
    • 845 13 r 1 h I Vbssbl's Nam i 4 Tone. Captai* Fbom Bailii>. Oomwm a i 'Bio. S’pt 13 SaidoolAyam Dutsch. 427 Nacodah Pontianak Sept 4 Ban Seng 14 Kian Ann Brit ttr. 101 Roberts Ojambie Sept 12 Wee Bin and 06. 14 Sane Borneo Dot str 356 Tuckey Sourabaya
      845 words
    • 607 13 Dati. Vessel's Name FlagAßig" CafTaln Dbstihatio* i Bept 14 Ching Wo Brit str. Harris China 14 i Chow Phya str. Jcllicoe I Malacca and Klang 14 Libelle str. McGill j Sulu via ports 14 Bangkok Ger str. Bortfeldt Bangkok 16 Ban Whatt Hin Brit str. Olsen Klang via ports
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 460 13 COMMON SENSE-"‘NUTSHELL .V new medical work, on the causes and moat scientific -u;d effectual mean*of sclf-et'.r# ever d'seovercd for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirits, Ac., with practical observations on marr.age and full directions for removing certain disqualifications that destroy the happiness of wedded life. It
      460 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 502 14 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE W IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE M>id Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester: rrossi Blackwell, Ltd., Lor.dr and Export Oilmen generally. j 3A tA 1 5 RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Hedklwevf the kind awarded a Certificate
      502 words
    • 827 14 NOBODY WILL STEAL THEM. Therb are two reasons why the Crown jewels are never stolen from the Tower of London. They are in a strong place, well guarded, and are dangerous things to handle when dishonestly come by. Most losses of valuables are due either to carelessness on the part
      827 words
    • 572 14 I HOTEL CH. VAN HORCK, GAROET. ttelefen op 2200 voet hoogte PAY1LJ0EN SYSTEEM GROOT PARK MET Speelplaats ▼oor kinderen. Een ruime Billard-en Spee) Zaal. Tafel en Keuken onder toezicht Europ. Kok. m By Royal Warrant to Her Majesty the Queen. DEWAR'S Perth Whisky. (50 Gold Prize Medals.) SOLD EVERYWHERE. JOHN
      572 words
    • 268 14 BBITISII AN'HFOULING coMPosmos AND PAINT CO. LIMITED Ton Hoveling', procea. I Manufacturers of quick dr»i» I Enamel Compositions for shins'YX The most effectual prevention Corrosion and Fouling n,t even in the most fouling for Steam and Sailing Shin* 3 RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT 4 r 1 Agents, Singapore. 8. 9/6/900 TEACHERS “HIGHLAND
      268 words