The Straits Budget, 15 September 1899

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 139 1 The Straits Budget. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 27 1 i t’i.-* ry House, on the 6th instant M ax Puttfarckes of a (laughter. K Selangor, on the 11th inst.. ,,t Wallace Cook, of a son.
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  • 338 1 ILK \:>i N«» Am IC1.ES. i'.ri" i and Doer. 1 ill'. Who 'hall Pay L> AL. M\rt < v i >t itions. >*ii• »j», ntj News. List. A Hvi— and Dog rSiiow. l liar's Suicide. at Tanjong Pagar. I rciify (Question, i a.'.tl itoud Murder. Ai. _rl
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  • 502 1 Sinoapobe, 15th September, 1899. PRODUCE. (Kales are corrected to noon.) Gambier buyers 5.55. Copra Bali,.••••••••••••••••••• 6.‘10. do Pontianak,» o.90. Pepper, Black 27.62£ do White, (5%) 42.50 Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.80. do Brunei No. 1.., 2.60 Pearl Sago 4.40. Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 16.12} Coifoe Palembaag, 15% basis.. 17.25 CoSee,
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  • 402 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. E. Simons. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for the 1\ and O. Ilcagal. The P. and O. Coromandel witli the mail from Europe of the 18th August, arrived on the 10th instant.
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  • 35 1 A telegram [not Reuters] from a quarter well informed as to the feeling in the City states: The general feeling is less anxious.** The reference, of course, is to the Transvaal situation.
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    • 78 1 FLYING FOX*’ WINS. London 7th September. The race for the St. Legcr resulted as follows The Duke of Westminster’s Flying For b. c. by Or me- Vampire. 1 Lord W. Beresford’* Caiman eh. by Isocohatchee-Happy Days. 2 Mr. It. A. Oswald’s ScintWant b. c. by Sheen-Saltire. %>
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    • 96 1 THE SUZERAINTY. BOER DENIAL. The Transvaal Government has published its last despatch in reply to Mr. Chamberlain. In the despatch, it admits Britain’s rights to protest on behalf of her subjects under the Convention, but denies Britain's claim to suzerainty over I be Transvaal. Finally, the Transvaal
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    • 13 1 A Cabinet Council is fixed to be held on Friday [to-morrow.]
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    • 16 1 The Australian eleven has beaten the South England team by one hundred and ten runs.
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    • 124 1 GRAVE SITUATION. BRITISH INFLUENCE MUST REIGN SI PREME. I London 8//1 September. The papers regard the Transvaal’s reply, telegraphed yesterday, as unsat is-1 factory and as increasing the gravity of the situation. The Transvaal’s reply is declared to constitute an impugnment of British supremacy in South Africa, a
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    • 180 1 WARLIKE OUTLOOK. STRONG DESPATCH TO PRETORIA. 10,000 TKOOP3 FOR NATAL London 9th September. Reuters Agency learns that the Cabinet has decided to send to the Transvaal a strong despatch, which will >robably be published in London when it is received at Pretoria. MORE TROOPS DESPATCHED. It is
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    • 25 1 SENTENCE OF THE COURT. London 10 th September. The trial of Drovfn* of d closed. The Court sentenced the prisoner to ten years’ imprisonment.
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    • 64 1 APPEAL FOR REVISION. London, 11 th September. The court-martial found Dreyfus guilty by live votes to two, but found that there were extenuating circumstances in his favour. He was sentenced to ton years' detention [in a fortress| Dreyfus signed an appeal for a revision of the sentence. The
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    • 95 1 UNANIMOUS CABINET COUNCIL. BOER ACTION. There was absolute unanimity in last Friday’s Cabinet.Council [which resulted I in a strong despatch being sent to the Transvaal Government.] The debate in the Volksraad on the concentration ot British troops along the Transvaal border has ended. A resolution was passed,
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    • 48 1 ANTI-FRENCH BOYCOTT. London, 12//i September. A movement has been started on the Continent of Europe and in America to boycott the Exhibition to be held at Paris in 1900. The movement springs from indig- nation against France arising out of the outcome of the Dreyfus case.
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    • 42 2 french expedition massacred. A French force under an officer named Lamy, which had started on an expedition to Lake Chad, has been annihilated by an overwhelming force of Tuaregs, on the expedition reaching an oa9is in the Sahara Desert.
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    • 16 2 TIMELY RAINS. Falls of rain have removed the fear of famine in Western India.
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    • 99 2 A VIRTUAL ULTIMATUM. London, Sept. 13 th. The last British despatch was delivered to the Boer Government at Pn ituria yesterday. It is reported to be virtually an nit imntnm THE NATAL COMMANDER. <ir George White, formerly Com-mander-in-Chief in India, has been appointed to the cumraaud of the
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    • 16 2 Cornelius Vanderbilt, the head of the wealthy Vanderbilt family, has died in New York.
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    • 34 2 BRITISH FIRMS PARTICIPATING. Several large British firms have notified to the Commission in charge of the British Section of the Paris Exhibition, that they intend to withdraw from participating in the Exhibition.
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    • 189 2 DEM .VXDS UPON THE BOERS. London 14 th September. Mr. Chamberlain’s despatch to the Transvaal Government has been published. >F». f'hnnnViavlam S.TVS that the British Government is unable to consider any proposal the carrying out of which is made dependent upon Britain accepting the claim of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 7. J 4-<fc '77 sra^r i,-*_»o price of the Straits Times r. or ti*/. The post free price v',- ,iu lintlaet is &2Q a year, or 40/. n.-.-i—j;iry to subscribe for a year. ript ions for shorter periods are lV. <vn e proportionate rate of price as v*-ar. ait* Budget
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  • 37 1 DEATHS. t:** 17th inst, Woodsule,PniLir infant son of F. E. Jago. j i jrjj lust., Dr. Joan Adrfaan db H i Netherlands Majesty’s Consul- tSi-* Straits Settlements. Aged vmr-. Netherlands India and Australi'i'i i»i;* r~ please copy.
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  • 564 2 (Straits Times, 7 th September.) In its last published despatch the Transvaal Government admits Britain’s rights to protest on behalf of her subjects underthe South African Convention, but dfenies the right of suzerainty. It accepts the suggested conference at Cape Town. Such is to-day’s news. All it
    (Straits Times, 7th September.)  -  564 words
  • 1051 2 (Straits Times Sth September.) From to-day’s telegrams one would judge that the English Press must have got a bit over-excited unless, of course, the wording of President Kruger’s despatch is offensive in some way that we do not know of here. The mere fact that President Kriiger
    (Straits Times, Sth September.)  -  1,051 words
  • 515 2 (Straits Times, lUh September.) The various stages of the Dreyfus case are so completely dealt with in a special article in another column, that it seems unnecessary here to refer to them in detail. Dreyfus has undergone his second trial, an open trial, at Rennes, and he has been
    (Straits Times, lUh September.)  -  515 words
  • 2318 2 (Straits Times 14 th September.) The Bujang case*' 'was again before the Municipal Commission yesterday. For convenience sake, it may be explained that one Bujang, a health department peon, was wrongfully fined at the police courts in consequence of a misunderstanding arising from impersonation, and mistaken identity,
    (Straits Times, 14th September.)  -  2,318 words

  • 284 3 THURSDAY, 7 TH SEPTEMBER. Jixrikishas have been introduced into Pekin. Mr. Birch, Resident. Negri Sembilan, returned thither yesterday by the Malacca. The Assizes at Penang opened on Tuesday last with nineteen cases for trial, including one of murder. An anti-foreign riot occurred on the 23rd August at Shuenking, Szechuen in
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  • 48 3 Owing to the small attendance of members at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Rille Association, in the S. C. C. Pavilion, yesterday evening, no business could he transacted. The meeting has been postponed till this evening, in the Drill Hall, at half-past five.
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  • 49 3 Reuter’s telegram relating to the betting on the St. Leger arrived just as we were going to press yesterday afternoon, and there was some error in the reading of the message. The odds were stated as being “on certain horses, whereas they were against certain horses.
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  • 48 3 At Hongkong on the 30th August, the Governor, Sir Henry Blake, entertained Sir Thomas Jackson and a large party of friends at tiffin in Government House. After tiffin, H. E. presented the new knight with Her Majesty’s letters patent conferring his new honour upon him.
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  • 85 3 At nine o’clock last night, Pte. Pearson of B. Company, K. O. R. shot himself in the barrack room at Tanglin. He was sitting on his bed when, placing his rifle between his knees, he blew out his brains. He was a remarkably steady man, there being
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  • 84 3 News has been received from Pekin to the effect that the Empress-Dowager is ill. The nature of the disease is not stated. The outlook at Pekin is considered to be most gloomy and affairs have reached a dangerous crisis. A conflict between the soldiers under Prince Ching and
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  • 78 3 By permission of the Sultan of Johore, a horse and a dog show, under the auspices of the Singapore Polo Club, will be held at Tyersall, on Saturday, Sept. 30th. Besides the four classes fordoes, fox-terriers (rough and smooth hairea), chows, and other dogs—there will
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  • 55 3 At yesterday's hearing of cases at the Assizes: Goh Tin Teng for house-breaking, and dishonestly receiving stolen property was sentenced to imprisonment for four years. For attempted theft and housebreaking Tan Soo received four years. Tan Ah Bui was sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment for housebreaking by night
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  • 129 3 PLAGUE OUTLAY. The Penang Municipality on the 1st instant passed a resolution that the Government be approached with the object of ascertaining whether, in view of the expenditure incurred by the Municipality in suppressing the plague —an expenditure incurred for the benefit not only of the Municipality but
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  • 156 3 A MISSING WITNESS. At the Assizes this morning, a Chinaman named Chin Kam was, arraigned on a charge of stabbing another Chinaman named Yang with a knife. The evidence showed that prosecutor and prisoner were cooks at Tanjong Pagar Docks for the carpenter coolies, and that
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  • 273 3 Yesterday, before the Bench of Two Magistrates, Arna Sallam Pillay was indicted on three charges of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery valued at three hundred and ninety-six dollars belonging to three different persons. He was sentenced to one year on each charge, the sentences to
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  • 117 3 The Calcutta Customs report for the fiscal year 189 S-99 shows that the trade of that port with the Straits Settlements during the period under review improved considerably, and showed a percentage of 3.93 against 3.67 in the previous year. It is worthy of note that glass
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  • 676 3 AT MANILA. At 6th instant, the date of last advices from Manila, the fighting in the neighbourhood was confined to skir* mishes. Rumours of an approaching advance by the Americans were current. On the 3rd, a detachment of Col. Bell's scouts had been out surveying the coun* try.
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  • 105 4 Tiie other day, says the Malay Mail some mining land was put up to auction in the Ulu Langat district and sold for something over upset price. This was by arrangement. When the auction was over all the bidders who had been on the ground—but who had
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  • 107 4 The Malay Mail thus comments Upon tlie news that the Kechau Gold Mining Company has been floated This announcement once more emphasizes the fact that there is a danger in Singapore companies carrying on business in the Federated Malay States without registering here. By neglecting to comply
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  • 113 4 TO THE EDITOR OF TIIF. STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —In your paper dated August 18th (Straits Budget), I notice an article referring to Borneo diamonds, in which Mr. s’Jacob’s name is mentioned as being our representative in Soerabaya. I beg to contradict Mr. s'Jacob is privately interested with Dr.
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  • 456 4 REITER AS STAND-BY. In South India, especially in the Wynaad district, pepper growing is coming into favour among planters as a second string to coifee and as an investment by itself. In the Wynaad, few attempts to cultivate pepper on a large scale appear to have been made
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  • 506 4 LABOUR QUESTIONS. London 2bth Avgust. A great labour demonstration was held on the 20th in Hyde Par;k, when a number of speeches of a more or less socialistic character were delivered. Resolutions were carried demanding cheaper houses for workmen, and the creation of a court, which
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  • 218 4 —Perak Pioneer. The District Surveyor, Lower Perak, Mr. Koch, is busily engaged in surveying concessions of land granted to Messrs. Aylesbury and Kui Tek Kui for coconut plantations at Bagan Datoh. A Tamil mandore has also acquired land there for the same cultivation. A European planter from Ceylon
    —Perak Pioneer.  -  218 words
  • 50 4 H.M.S. Powerful was still at Wei-hai-wei on the 17th August. The Plover had gone to Chefoo. The Aurora, was expected daily, and on her arrival the Powerful was to join the fleet for the remainder of the cruise, which was to finish at Yokohama on the 30th August.
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  • 318 4  -  JULIEN DALZIEL. A STORY OF TANJONG PAGAR. The following poem is sent from a steamer now repairing in Singapore. From the construction of the third verse we assume that the divinity to whom the poem is addressed is either Chinese or of some race mixed with Chinese.
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  • 354 4 The Aorth China Daily Xetvs points out that the announcement that Talienwan would be opened as a free port as soon as the railway is finished w r as really supererogatory, this being one of the terms of the agreement made between China and Russia for the lease to
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  • 107 4 The latest addition to periodical literature at home is The Press,” an illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the journalistic profession, printing, and the graphic arts. This, the first number, contains several articles of interest; but even more interesting are the fine specimens of art supplements produced ny
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  • 441 4 THE WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD. The tie between C.” Co. K. O. R. and the Tanjong Pagar Football Club, in the first round of the Warren Challenge Shield competition, was played last night at Anson Road on the ground of the Tanjong Pagar Club before a fair crowd of spectators.
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  • 233 4 Germany is more promising. —Malnj Mail. The death of Mr. A. Walker of iSungei Iiengam Estate, BatuTiga, is announced. The deceased had a high reputation as a planter, having had considerable experience in India and Ceylon. He worked for Mr. Bailey first on Lowlands and later at the
    Germany is more promising.—Malnj Mail.  -  233 words
  • 65 4 A holt April next, naval manoeuvres will be held on the largest scale yet attempted in Japan, all the ships, including the battleships Ifatsuse and S/ii/iishima numbering some 160 of all descriptions will participate in it. The Emperor will assume the command and the mameuvres will be
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  • 63 4 A correspondent says that during the day stray cattle are dealt with by the police, and asks why they are allowed to stray about the streets after dark, when their unseen presence is a real source of danger to traffic These animals, he says, belong to persons who
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  • 513 4 COOLIE DESERTION REGISTRATION THE REMfj, v The Malay States Minin* As S oci atir met at Kuala Lumpur, on the v August, to consider a scheme by Mr. Pasqual, (the Secretary) f registration of mining coolies. M r j Yew took the chair. Registration urged as the best
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  • 278 4 THE DAMAGE DONE. The Hongkong Telegraph gives particulars showing the extent of the damage done to 11. M. JJonaveutare on her grounding in Korniiolf Bay. There w :<■ dents and rents on both sides of the ship, extending from the lore bulk-head to the boiler-room bulkhead
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  • 519 5 If r ,r,„ our Correspondent.) Kuala lapis, 31s/ August. j,,,.ICK, AND RECREATION. v station at Endau, Rompin just been accidentally t v lire, the result of a lighted I *i -z been carelessly thrown fattaps while the building /.-thatched. This station in 1*92, during the owing to tlie
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  • 99 5 -Ram from the Governor of oat.-d the Kith inst., states i investigations so far made daring the recent storm in •d i Kiu>hiu, 11 persons were t; »i* eity of Kagoshima and injured, while bfiO houses i and were badly damaged. boats were wrecked. In the 'Diets
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  • 1810 5 BY ‘SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURIST/ I. (coffee.) There has been a great deal too much of haphazard cultivation, without science or exact knowledge and often in virgin soil, or under particular circumstances, it has seemed to answer well. But it has always,—invariably,— turned out disastrously
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  • 75 5 Sir Frank Swettenham arrived from Penang by the Loodiana, to-day. Two fresh cases of small-pox have been reported from Pulo Tekong. A new police hut has been completed at Tanjong Katong, and taken over by the authorities. A lance corporal and three constables will occupy the station.
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  • 37 5 At the Government dock at Sourabaya, successful experiments have been made with petroleum refuse as fuel for boiler furnaces. One advantage is that the refuse does not take up so much storage room as coal.
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  • 39 5 Six hundred; and ten deaths were registered at Singapore, last month, with a ratio of 30.83 per thousand. In the week ending on Saturday last, there were one hundred and forty-six registrations with a ratio of 32.60.
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  • 48 5 Lek Gwa Yang, a Teochew, was arrested, yesterday, for the alleged murder of Tan Ah Kiang at the eighth mile on the Pongol Road, last Tuesday morning. The accused was brought before Mr. Wolferstan, this morning, and the case was postponed till the 15th instant.
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  • 50 5 The s. s. Cnmiurthenshire and the P. A' O. s. s. lioltilht recently grounded in Yokohama harbour. This seems to indicate that the harbour must be gradually silting up. The Uokilla was drawing only 24 feet of water at the time, but touched mud ne;u* the pier nevertheless.
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  • 74 5 The steamer Ginng Ann brought to Batavia from Singapore on Saturday last, two Dutch military deserters from Borneo who had put to sea in a fishing boat in the hope of reaching Singapore. On the way they fell insensible from hunger and thirst. The current carried them
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  • 76 5 The Orders of the Legislative Council for next Tuesday include an additional vote of $10,889 for the repairs to the Sea Hclle. This does not include $6,047 which the Government dispute, and in regard to which we have alreads published papers. There are also the tii st reading
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  • 78 5 The following are the results of cases tried at yesterday’s hearing. Kwang Mek Tin and Tan How ah were each sent to prison for three years Tan Ah Joon and Yeoh Ah Hai to live years’ each for theft and retaining stolen property. Pong Ah Mgee pleaded guilty
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  • 137 5 Mr. R. P. Reid, of Aspen, Colorado, has just returned to Manila from a prospecting expedition close by in the region of the Laguna de Bay. In se\ eral of the river bods in the region south of the Laguna Mr. -Reid found fairly good alluvial gold. He
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  • 587 5 INQUEST THIS AFTERNOON. The inquest on the late Dr. de Vicq was held at the General Hospital, this afternoon, by the Acting Coroner Mr. J. P. Joaquim. Mr. Cuscaden appeared for the Police. The first witness was Mr. Hoynck Van Papendrecht who spoke of his
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  • 125 5 The following are said to be the terms of agreement entered into between General Bates for the U. S. and the Sultan of Sulu. The U. S. will protect the Sultan and his people against all ’oreign aggression. The Sultan agrees to recognise the sovereignty of the
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  • 80 5 PROGRESS IN KUALA PILAII. It is stated that the Kuala Pilah District is developing rapidly. Applications for mining land are continually being received by the District Officer and great things are predicted for this district. Just at present, however, it has a notoriety for tigers. These brutes are
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  • 1108 6 SIB CHARLES MITCHELL'S VIEWS. GOLD CURRENCY OBJECTED TO The now published papers laid before the Indian Currency Committee include a despatch from Sir Charles Mitchell, dated March 1898, forwarding resolutions in favour of fixity of exchange on the basis of two shillings to the dollar, passed by the
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  • 151 6 Royalty is now at Aix-les-Bains in the person of his Majesty King George of Greece, and no Royal visitor could well be more popular. His cordial manners towards the simplest peasants have endeared him to the townsfolk, and the marked empressement shown by them every year on his
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  • 155 6 ll in Ah Hoi, a Macao was charged, this morning, with the theft of a tin box containing $l2O in bank-notes, jewellery valued at $145, and a draft for 360 taels worth about $5OO the property of Chan Ah Si. The case was remanded. Eight Klings, last night,
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  • 172 6 Yesterday, Isaac de Silva, alias Isong Hamy, was brought before Mr. Howard for enquiry into an allegation of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery to the value of $4,179, the property of Mahomed Cassim bin Shaik Mahomed, jeweller, of High Street. The prosecutor said
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  • 165 6 There was a large import of pineapples to London early in August. They were to be seen on the costermonger’s barrows. The average shop price, while the consignments last, is 6d. a pine, but the barrows undersell this, and commence at 4d., and are, moreover, willing to
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  • 984 6 DATES TO THE 1st IN8TAXT. MILITARY OPERATIONS. General Wheeler, who had been despatched to the Philippines on special duty, has arrived there. On the 30th August, General Wheeler received orders assigning him to the 2nd Division of the 8th Army Corps w ith General McArthur commanding. The Manila
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  • 190 6 1 There is talk, and it may go no further than talk, of abolishing the present class of quartermaster in the Army and of giving the duties to a combatant officer. In the native army in India this is done, and answers well; but to the British Army
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  • 406 6 IS IT DECAYING For the moment English cricket is under- a cloud, but those who are competent to judge declare that, though there is a temporary set-back, we will be able to hold up our heads in a year or two, and once more take the foremost place
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  • 946 6 Lady Colin Campbell, well know a clever journalist, is also a most effi speechmaker. rjleii t Madame Melba loves bird' of kinds, cage-favourites especially she is a frequent visitor to tl uL bird shows. eadlT Bramble—“ Dobbs thinks he i* a e( r poker player, doesn't he?" Thorne
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  • 271 7 a* Y OFF TAN JONG KATONG. I w weeks ago two Chinamen, li-hing otf Tanjong Katong from ui <*at wo re set upon by 5 Malays, r ,h*d the Chinese boat. A free both the Cliinamau were ,1 -uveral times, and in consc- a their injuries had
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  • 117 7 -i Bhoda Broughton is one of the < 1 mi die of all our novelists for t!.»* thirty years of her writing 1 i'" ll’s Journal says) she has i*" than one novel for every *vritt«.*n by her neighbour, Miss Since her first novel, 1 Fp as a
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  • 76 7 CHEW RESCUED. 1 itii-sli ship Jane Burrell, from i* Australia, with a cargo of 4 »r i consigned to Smith, Bell 4 was totally wrecked on Hih last off the X. W. coast of h*and (if Libago, in the Basilan J‘ Ihe captain, two mates and ‘•Ween
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  • 977 7 FOOTBALL IN SOUTH AFRICA. The committee of the English Rugby Football Union has accepted an invitation from the South African Rugby Football Board, to send a team to Soutn Africa next June. It is intended to make the duration of the tour somewhat longer than usual to enable
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  • 599 7 London, 11 th August. The principal cycling event decided during the recent holidays was the final heat for the Century Cup, which was run off on the famous Crystal Palace enclosure on Monday last. The contestants were Emile Bouhours, the French middle distance crack and the holder of
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  • 41 7 A launch will leave Johnston’s Pier for the Swimming Club bungalow, to-morrow, at 10 a.m. There will be a pick-up game of water polo, and as many players as can possibly do so are asked to turn up.
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  • 236 7 On Tuesday next, the Libelle leaves for Labuan with twenty chests of dynamite and one case of detonators. Whilst loading coal on a boat at the P. O. Wharf yesterday, a coolie fell off the gangway and was drowned. The police yesterday raided a house in Sago
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  • 57 7 A meeting of the shareholders of the above company was held yesterday. Mr. Robert Allan presided and the other directors present were Messrs. Benzie, Stormont, Preston, and Sanderson, with Mr. T. C. B. Miller (Secretary). There was no important business transacted, but the Chairman spoke hopefully
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  • 69 7 y Tiie^Consul for the Netherlands in Penang, Air. II. Spakler, arrived here in the Tambora yesterday. He is the official likely to succeed the late Dr. de Yicq in his duties of Dutch Consul-General. Mr. L. von Zeppelin Oberm idler, the Netherlands Vice-Consul, is going to Penang
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  • 101 7 In the month of April, D. Brisk, the proprietor of the Australian Hotel, was summoned for selling liquor and allowing it to be taken off his premises. In June he was fined $2O for this. Last month he appealed and was successful. In the original prosecution, Saminathan,
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  • 75 7 A Correspondent hears from Manila that professional men must now count the cost of going there, unless they possess diplomas, ifcc., from American universities. This is considered to be a hardship by Outlanders already established in Manila, nnd it is thought that the pressure now being
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  • 136 7 Mr. Gan Eng Seng, a Straits-born Chinaman of considerable note, and of some position and influence in this Settlement, died this morning at his residence in Amoy Street, at the age of about 50. For the greater part of his lifetime, he has been
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  • 72 7 In consequence of the large demand for plumbago and the unprecedented rise in the price of it, this industry has, during the last few months, advanced by leaps and bounds in Ceylon. Roughly speaking, it may be said that mining operations are carried on upon at least
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  • 211 7 EXCESS OUTLAY IN 1898. A Bill is to be introduced, next Tues** day, into the Legislative Council. It is intituled an Ordinance for making final provision for the public service for 1898. The schedule enumerates items of outlay coming to $332,087. The following is the appended statement
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  • 218 7 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The nineteenth annual report of the Committee of the Singapore Rowing Club records the fact that there is again a substantial balance to the credit of the Club, which has been increased up to date to about $300. But this sum, and more will
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  • 248 7 It is notified, on behalf of the United States Government, that no merchandise shall be brought, under penalty of forfeiture thereof, into Cuba, Porto Rico, or the Philippine Islands, from the United States or any foreign country, in any vessel measuring less than thirty tons gross in capacity.
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  • 3285 8  -  A ROMANCE BY MRS. EGERTON EA8TWICK.] A HAZARD IN PASSION. Chap. IX. Judith lay awake long after the sounds of Helen’s footsteps, and of the light rustle of her gown had died away in the darkness, trying to pierce the deeper shadows which had that night taken
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  • 45 8 The Spanish Government have awarded to Captain Harry Pfort, of the steamer LaJbuan, a chronometer-watch and chain for bravery and humanity exhibited by him in rescuing a number of Spanish Bubjeots, and several priests, from Balabac in the southern Philippines, some months back.
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  • 1058 8 ACHEEN. At the reception given at at by the Governor-General, on th* ht!** day of the Queen of Holland delivered a speech in answer to gratulations by the vice-presidM,? 011 the Council. The Governor-!,,",. r reviewed the course of events since tb previous birthday anniversary fdwl lb in
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  • 251 9 A I.Li:<; EI > HIN DRANCES. V t <>>j Mall thinks it a pity that u.vrniiiont ot Pahang throws so l. ulties in the way of would-be n..: > It is, it says, almost impossible Aii. a lease of land fur the purpose ..-mining. The usual demand
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  • 78 9 i' ilit? festival of tlie blessed Virgin Mary, 11 lie occasion, a demona J’-ILious character was 1 -kt in the grounds of the Du* grotto of 41 Our Lady miners were hung and !ii> suspended. Several allowed various Latin tastefully got up by Mr. G. 1 -n*
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  • 72 9 of II. M. S. Orlando TT was killed by the d discharge of a revolver in 'ii on the ;*rd instant, in V A lf rr »tory at Hongkong. T time, was out on a with tome comrades, k- r. ir' tlKlt was looking down kt 1 V
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  • 1126 9 I was gratified to see from the monograph by Dr. Hanitsch in the straits Times that Singapore mosquitoes are of the non-malarious kind. They bite all the same; but still it is the case with most of us that their bites do no great harm and very
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  • 338 9 The Vyner has been sold in Manila for 545,000 as she has proved too small for the Sarawak-Singapore run. 4— The racer Parthenop<rus 1 which was sent back from Singapore to the colonies, has been sold to Mr. 11. J. Hunter for 100 guineas. There is said
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  • 41 9 The Italian inan-of-war Marco Polo 5,128 tons, arrived here from Hongkong yesterday. Captain Tucoronato is in command, and she carries a crew of 405 and 32 guns, and is expected to leave for Italy on the 16th inst.
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  • 42 9 Ths new organ ordered for St. George’s Church, Penang, as the memorial of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee, will not be out till the end of this month. A competent builder is coming out from home and will superintend the construction.
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  • 44 9 A priest named Cuaz was consecrated a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Bangkok on the 3rd instant. This makes two bishops of that church now stationed there. The new bishop had been fourteen years a curate at Chantaboon.
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  • 42 9 Sir Lionel Cox, the Chief-Justice, will leave Singapore next Monday afternoon for Malacca to undertake the Malacca Assizes. Sir Lionel Cox will probably make the journey in the Sea Belle and will be absent for four or five days.
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  • 47 9 The rainfall registered on Government Hill, Penang, from 9 a.m. on Tuesday to 9 a m. on Wednesday was 9.30 inches, and that at the Fort between the same hours was 6.05 inches. This is the heaviest fall there in twenty-fours noted for some years.
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  • 42 9 A dead goose was thrown into a dustbin on Saturday morning in Selegie Road. A Chinaman promptly took possession of it. It was probably roasted and hawked about the streets at night. It seems advisable to bury dead poultry.— Corr.
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  • 42 9 The American transport Morgan City carrying 800 troops for Manila, has been wrecked on Onomichi on the Japan coast. Provisions have been sent to the spot from Kobe. The Japanese cruiser Yoshino has gone from Kure thither to render assistance.
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  • 63 9 Whilst Mr. Barr was playing billiards at the Hotel de l’Europe, on Saturday evening, a gold watch and chain was stolen from his jacket. Inspector Bourne made investigations, and subsequently the watch and chain were handed to him by a boy,” who said he had found them
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  • 81 9 Regarding the prospects of famine the situation (29th August) may be said to be much the same as during the previous week. Rainfall is insufficient in most areas outside of Bengal and in many districts of the North-West Provinces and the Punjab, though some good falls are
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  • 87 9 The Sungie Salak Prospecting Syndicate (Limited) has been registered in London with a capital of £20,000 in £1 shares. Its object is to acquire certain tin-mining properties at Sungie Salak, in the district of Perak, in the Malay Peninsula, to adopt an agreement with J. Tait, Jun.,
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  • 139 9 Over two hundred men of the London Scottish Rifles have signified their desire to serve in South Africa, in case of war, and Lord Wolseley has notified his willingness to allow 100 of the Volunteers to take part in active service should the occasion arise. There
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  • 287 9 Thk avidity with which the children attending Saturday s concert “drank in the several items of the programme was sufficient proof of the entire success of the entertainment, and must have been gratifying to its promoters. The Town Mall was crowded. Among the audience there were a
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  • 518 9 THE DARUL ADAB CUP. TELUK BLANGA V. DARUL BAHAR. The undecided tie between the Teluk Blanga Club and the Darul Bahar in the last game in the first round of the Darul Adab Football Cup competition was replayed at Jalan Besar on Sunday evening. This was undoubtedly
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  • 231 10 PROBABLE ADOPTION IN SIAM. The Bangkok Times says that the Siamese Government has under consideration the adoption of a gold standard for its currency. That journal says that many of the expert merchants there favour the proposed change. It is said that Siam is in a position to
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  • 598 10 PARTICULARS OF THE ACCIDENT. The Times of Ceylon thus describes the accident that rendered the Darius overdue. The Darius left Melbourne for Singapore via ports with a cargo of horses on the 22nd of July. Until the 14th of August everything went well, and the Darius met with
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  • 606 10 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS. The Hon’ble J. Burkinshaw has given notice of his intention to piopose at to-morrow's Legislative Council meeting, the following amendments to the Bill now before the Legislative Council to amend the Banishment Ordinance of 1888. The Bill consists of one section only, which provides that
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  • 170 10 A correspondent writing from Yunnan to the Avenir du Tonkin says that the anti-foreign feeling among the Chinese there is very strong indeed. Riots against the French have broken out at two places in that province. The mandarins at the capital of the province knew very
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  • 1137 10 New Yobk, 29th August. President McKinley, addressing the troops at Pittsburg returning from the Philippines, eulogised in glowing terms the conduct of all forces, and declared there would be no parleying with the insurgents until the insurrection was suppressed. London, 30th August. Sussex has beaten Hampshire at
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  • 578 10 The first annual meeting of this company was held on 17th August, at .the offices, 16, Leadenhall-street. Sir Marcus Samuel presided, and, in moving the adoption of the report he said: The profits were above the average of the three years previous to the purchase
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  • 1033 10 NOTES, NEWS, AND COMMENTS CABLE RATES. Sir Edward Sassoon has rr; V( n to call the attention of the H f r 0t,c<i Commons to the very 0f for foreign messages maintained?® telegraph companies in Britain 7 special reference to the extra, t!l charges on Indian message* move:
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  • 354 11 n t c* Supreme Court, to-day, the Justice gave judgment in regard ♦he application of Mr. Farrer with him Mr. Stuart, for a rule .lling upon the Acting Senior vcrate, the Superintendent of ,ns and the Dutch Government to i-o whv a writ of habeas corpus i
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  • 45 11 grown tiger was trapped at 1 Iv*w, in Perak, by some Malays, v (‘attle the beast had been n i ‘Tty free lately. It was shot corporal, but did not give -bi.-t until some seven bullets 1,1 lodged in its body.
    45 words
  • 45 11 on the Penang Harbour “I r >vcrnent scheme will, it is rtcdj begin shortly. The resident r icer, Mr. C. W. Anderson, arrived ‘1 1 ew ays a 8°> an( Mr. Boteler, ‘’’reman, has also reached Penang. 0 uivers are, moreover, coming out.
    45 words
  • 1880 11 SKETCH OF THE CASE. OCTOBER 1894, TO SEPTEMBER 1899. Many are tired of reading of the Dreyfus case, but they are tired of it because they have no clear notion of what has happened. To most the case is a great fabric of disjointed incidents. In the following
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  • 269 11 A Hokien woman living at 1, VVayang Street reports that on the 9th inst. a man caught hold of her and stole three hair pins and a diamond ring, value $235. A Malay fisherman residing at Siglap reports that his house was entered on the 9th inst., and a
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  • 186 11 s. R. V. THE “REDPOLE.’’ The following are the scores of the cricket match played on the Esplanade on Saturday between tlie S. It. C. 2nd XI and H. M. S. liedpole s. r. c. 2nd xi. C. A. Clarke b Booth 5 E. de Souza l.b.w. Payne 22
    186 words
  • 61 11 Two Russian transports anchored in the Roads yesterday. The Saratoff, 3,458 tons, 134 crew and 10,000 horse-power, from Odessa, and bound for Vladivostock, Captain Cheikh Achiry is in command. The Petersburg Captain Lakmatoff, from Vladivostok, is expected to leave lor Odessa on the 12th Sept. Her tonnage is
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  • 191 11 A Dutch steamer passed through here from east to west at 9.30 this morning. H. M. S. Phoenix 1,050 tons, carrying 106 crew with six guns, and commanded by Captain Reginald Cochran arrived here yesterday from Cocos Island. The P. and O. Mail of Saturday brought to
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  • 29 11 There are twenty patients in Ballestier Road hospital suffering from small-pox. It is noticeable that recent cases of the disease iiave been at once reported by those concerned.
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  • 44 11 The chief items of business to come before the Municipal Commission at to-morrows meeting are the Committee’s report on the Jinrikisha Bill; a communication from the Permanent Memorial Committee; a report on electric lighting; and the proposed widening of Cavenagh Bridge footpaths.
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  • 102 11 On the 2-1 th of last month, a cheque for $5O, on the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, together with some other papers was blown through a window at the K.O. R. quarters. The papers were recovered, but the head “boy” at the barracks is said to have picked
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  • 131 11 BRITISH SUBJECTS’ ASSOCIATION. A public meeting of British subjects is announced to be held at Kuala Aimpur, on the 16th instant. The business before the meeting is To consider the formation of a Selangor British Subjects’ Association and, if approved, elect a President, Vicepresident, and a Committee. It
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  • 206 11 At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, a Chinese coolie formerly employed at Messrs. Howarth Erskine’s godown was charged with stealing a coil of wire. The case was proved. The coolie, or a, confederate, had placed the wire underneath the corrugated iron fence round the godown. It was seen
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  • 328 12 A Chinaman named Tan Hoo of 7, Upper Keng Cheow Street, reports that his coolie decamped yesterday, taking with him 5775 from a box. Five Malays have been arrested in connection with the theft of 5i,623 from a fisherman’s house in Siglap. An Hindoo woman named Gilassie, living
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  • 481 12 If affords food for contemplation that, whereas two articles, both practically innovations, may be equally boomed, one shall catch on and the other be discarded. Compare the boom in long cranks and free wheels. At the outset both started from the same mark, so far as publicity and
    481 words
  • 1141 12 What curious things human emotions are, and how strangely they overcome one in all sorts of unexpected places. I have worshipped in most of the famous churches of'the world; have heard Mass and Vespers in St. Peter’s at Rome; listened to the Dies Inn in the Sistine
    1,141 words
  • 480 12 TROOPS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. The War Office is receiving many applications from officers on home service who are anxious for employment in South Africa, the offers coming from all branches of the Army; but as yet acceptances have been few, and most of the officers selected
    480 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 12 CONDUCTED BY 44 KING’B PAWN.” All chess correspondence should be addressed to M King's Pawn.” Solution of Problem: No. 128 (Tanner) is Q—Q sq. Correct solutions received from Caissa, A. O. S., Aquarius, and Nemo. White mates in two moves. White mates in two moves.
    46 words
  • 1298 12 NOTES BY C. E. HAN KEN. White. Black. Mons. A. Smitten Prince Dadian. 1 P—K4 1 P—Q3 A favourite form of the close game with the native players of India, and hence its name. 2 P-Q 4 2 P—K Kt 3 Stronger, perhaps, than Kt— K B 3,
    1,298 words
  • 52 12 Thkke were a hundred and ei-rnt) Municipal summons cases on tin* 1 Magistrate’s file, this morn in-. disposal. Of these* three were l*' 1 neglecting to report small-pox ea~* and one for offering an illegal gratihea tion to an inspector. Tlie rest wei* mostly for failing to comply
    52 words
  • 70 12 Sir W. H. White, the Constructor at the Admiralty, has designedanew battle ship, to be laid down at Chatham Dockyard, on the slip on which tin* Venerable— which is to be launched in November—is now building. The new vessel is a type of that now being built by
    70 words

  • 1687 13 .v[’f K. loBAit’O, AND OTHER 1'I.TI VATIONS. IFNTIH' AGRICULTURIST.” II. (Coffee of the coffee tree yield .-nt of lime salts, and 20 s-alts. Hence, while -oil is best for the plant, 1 ,ne is the principal iicated in the manure. plentiful in wood-ashes, t tl and burnt
    1,687 words
  • 212 13 CALCUTTA RUGBY JUNIOR CHALLENGE CUP. The final tie in the Calcutta tournament, writes a correspondent, was played at Calcutta before a very large number of spectators on the 30th ult. between the Armenian College and the City and Suburban B. team. The teams being well represented, the
    212 words
  • 488 13 35th CO. R. A. V. BAND AND DRUMS, K. O. R. Another tie in the competition for the Warren Challenge Shield was played last night on the Recreation Club ground, between No. 35 Co. R. A. and the Band and Drums of the Regiment. There was a large turn
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  • 108 13 Three more cases of small-pox (Malays) have been reported from Pulo Tekong. A draft of Royal Engineers left home for Wei-hai-wei at the end of last month. The Committee of the Distressed Strangers’ Fund gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a donation of $100 from the Engineers' Association.
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  • 28 13 Mr. Wolferstan recorded evidence of an allegation of receiving an illegal gratification of three cents made against P. C. 664, Kassim, and committed him for trial.
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  • 30 13 The Government outlay on the Singapore Volunteer Artillery, last year, came to $9,456, made up as follows: Capitation allowance, $2,065; general expenses, $2,606; staff, 83,127; ammunition, $1,658.
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  • 43 13 On Monday, one Tali was sued in the Court of Requests by his landlord, for whom Mr. Buckley appeared, for the recovery of ninety cents, arrears of ground rent on some property at Telok Blangah. Judgment was given for plaintiff.
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  • 41 13 The military outlay of the Colony, last year, was —Military contribution, $860,694; new barracks, $71,281; lodging and rent allowance, $8,537 water supply to Tanglin Barracks, $2,036; total, $942,548. With $2,275 to the Crown Agents, the total comes to $944,823.
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  • 51 13 This morning, Bell Ah Ann, the head canteen boy K. O. R. was brought before Mr. Howard on a charge of misappropriating a cheque for five hundred dollars, the property of the Canteen Fund K. O. R. The case was remitted to the Bench of two Magistrates, next
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  • 55 13 The tie between G.” Coy. and E.” Coy., King's Own Regiment, in the first round of the Warren Football Shield competition, which was to have been played at Tanglin last evening, did not come off on account of the rain. It is understood that the game will be played
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  • 95 13 During the past fourteen years there have been 990 promotions from the ranks in the Army. Amongst these there were only 343 Second Lieutenants' commission given away. So far as Cavalry commissions are concerned, only two have been granted from the ranks in the past three
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  • 168 13 PLENTY OF MUNICIPAL WATER. During the past few weeks, the water in the Thomson Road reservoir has, owing to lack of rain, been gradually falling until it reached a lower point than was ever reached before. The rainfall of the past two days has, however, set matters right
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  • 789 13 REPORT FOR 1898. SURPLUS OF $483,001 The Financial Report and Statements for 1898 were laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. They are signed by Mr. F. G. Penney as Treasurer. The actual revenue, as per the year’s accounts, was $5,071,282 against an outlay of $4,587,367, thus showing
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  • 769 14 THE COMPANY WOUND UP. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the straits Insurance Co. was held at noon, to-day, to consider resolutions relating to the winding up of the Company. The Chairman, Mr. D. \V. Lovell, presided, and there were also present: the Hon’ble G.
    769 words
  • 2533 14 (Dates to the 24th August.) THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. WARLIKE PREPARATIONS. The British War Office is arranging for the despatch to the frontiers of Cape Colony and Natal of 23,000 infantry, 4,000 cavalry, 2,800 artillery, 1,260 engineers, and 300 mounted police The military authorities have already accumulated
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  • 1137 14 London, 2tol Septeti*,. The match between the Australians and Mr. C. I. Thornton's England Eleven resulted in a draw matches between Lancashire and Middlesex, and Essex and Warwickshire, also ended in draws. Kent \a< beaten .Sussex by nine wickets. The Saturday liivien- states that General Sir Redvers
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  • 67 15 1 a. nllon, the champion among s*o far as sprint racing is d. made his lirst appearance at :i -1-on u*n August Bank holiday, *e won the one mile scratch and Hie quarter mile time trial to his o -0 seconds. On the following 1 lie won the half-mile profes-
    67 words
  • 3021 15 TUESDAY, 12th SEPTEMBER. PRESENT. H. E. Governor Sir Charles Mitchell, o.c.m.g. H.E. Major-General J. B. B. Dickson, c. b. (Officer Commanding the Troops). Hon. Sir Alexander Swettenham, k. c. m. g., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. R. Col Iyer (Attorney-General). Hon. K G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C.
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  • 75 15 At Kiaochau, an officer and five men of the German man-of-war Gefion went out sailing in the ship's gig on 27th August, and the gig canted. The officer tried to swim towards the Gefion and was picked up several hours afterwards. Of the men, two made for
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  • 91 16 H'M. S. Powerful arrived at Hongkong on the’Tth instant, from the North, flying her homeward bound pennant. Her Majesty’s gunboat Goldfinch sailed for home this morning. She has seen long service on the Australian station. Thr Committee of the Fire Association of Singapore have appointed Mr. E.
    91 words
  • 38 16 Captain Davidson-Houston arrived at Penang by mail on Saturday last. 1 his officer is the newly-appointed Assistant Superintendent of Police, and will be stationed in Penang. Capt. DavidsonHouston was in the British Honduras constabulary for six years.
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  • 43 16 Seven men were arrested on Tuesday for being without any ostensible means of subsistence. Yesterday, two were discharged; two bound over to be of good behaviour for six months, in default six months’ imprisonment; the others were disposed of for three months.
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  • 57 16 A Chinaman was before Mr. Wolferstan, this morning, on a charge of theft of a hundred and twenty dollars in cash and jewellery from Chye Choon on the 13th instant, also for offering twenty dollars to detective No. 302 to let him go. The case will be disposed
    57 words
  • 63 16 The Commander of the P. A" O. Mazagoa reports that on the 11th in Bat. 3" 2' N. Long. 100 40 E. he picked a Chinaman oil’a derelict junk. The junk seemed to be of about 20 tons and was partly under water, but the stem was
    63 words
  • 58 16 Pong Yiah Poo and Pong Heng Chaw were before Mr. Wolferstan, this morning, the former for retaining possession of fifty-three boxes of Beecham’s pills belonging to the Singapore Dispensary, on the 18th ultimo the latter for disposing of the pills. The case was postponed till the 21st instant,
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  • 113 16 Attention is called to the revised programme of the Autumn race meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club, announced to-day. There are only six races on each day which, as we have already explained, is due to the non-arrival of the grilling in time for the meeting.
    113 words
  • 108 16 AX ALTERATION SANCTIONED. The Governor has sanctioned certain alterations in the Singapore Volunteer Artillery regulations. Under Regulation XIII, recruits are now required to put in during the year 8 squad and carbine drills (or until passed by Adjutant), 8 maxim drills, 12 2.3 R. M. L. screw
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  • 87 16 A LOWER RESULT. A telegram from Raub, dated 13th instant, states: The crushing is finished, 2,550 tons of stone realized 1,600 ounces of smelted gold. This works out to an average of twelve pennyweights and nearly nine grains to the ton. A ft the crushing which finished on
    87 words
  • 334 16 At the Assizes to-day three Burmese named Mahnee, Muhhit, and Mahton were charged, Mahnee with criminal breach of trust and theft; Muhhit and Mahton with abetment of same and severally with cheating and dishonestly inducing a delivery of property. The prosecutor, William Adams, mining engineer, of
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  • 403 16 The following is Mr. Wilkinson's report dated August 23rd. The annual inspection of this school was held on 24st, 22nd, and 23rd August by Mr, Codrington and myself. 184 boys were presented for examination, 2S of whom were in standard VII. The work in the lower standards, so far
    403 words
  • 3174 16 Ax ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday. Mr. Gentle presided, and there.were also present: Messrs. Evans, Nanson, Anthonisz, Sohst, Riccard, and Choa Giang Thye. THE TOWN HALL. The President mentioned that out of the minutes of the last meeting arose the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 LAND SALE. At Messrs. Powell and Co.’s land sale, yesterday, No. 2 Orchard Road, containing an area of 7,050 square feet, was bought by Mr. W. C. Niblett for 700. Five shop-houses in Middle Road were knocked down to Mr. Nathan for $4,600. Seven allotments of land and houses in
      93 words

  • 37 17 The citronella grass plantation in Negri Sembilan is said to have just changed The new owner is a Kling merchant of Singapore, who is going to extend the cultivation and is getting a European manager out.
    37 words
  • 75 17 At the Assizes yesterday, Lim Eng Yong was found not guilty on the charge of using as genuine a forged document, and was accordingly discharged. Y'eo Koon Chai was arraigned on a charge of making false entries in account books, with criminal breach of trust as a servant,
    75 words
  • 87 17 In the Seremban Resident's Court some days back, a case was heard in which Mr. Tedlie claimed certain mining shares in the Seremban Tin Mining Co. and the South Raub Gold Mining Co. from Mr. F. D. Osborne of Perak. Mr. Adams represented plaintiff; Mr. Bromhead Mathews
    87 words
  • 886 17 OPENING OF THE TOURNAMENT. On Wednesday evening the S. C. C. Autumn tennis tournament opened on the Esplanade. Shortly after play started there was a downfall of rain, and the games were stopped. Later in the evening, however, play was resumed. The interruption was responsible for
    886 words
  • 1154 17 ARRIVALS. Per 3. s. Sappho from Klang via ports— Mr. Egerton, Messrs. Watkins, and Goodyear. Per s. s. Bangkok from Bangkok—Mr. Sveistrup, Capt. Fraser, r,a., Messrs. Natton, and Grunberg. Per s. s. Lady Mitchell from Singoja— Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Laws, and Mr. P. Wise. Per s.
    1,154 words
    • 172 17 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str.—steamer sh. —ship; bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p. —Horse-power Brit.— British U. 8.—United States; Fr.— French; Ger.—German; Dot.— Dutch; Joh.—Jobore <fcc., G. e., —General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar
      172 words
    • 1348 17 Arrivals Since Noon of Ykstereay. Benvenue Brit. str. 1,487 tnns, Capt Potter, 14th Sept. From Hongkong, Bth Sept. G.c. P. Simons and Co. For London, U W. Ching Wo, Brit. str. 2,517 tons, Captain Harris, 13th Sept. From Yokohama, 22nd Aug. G.c., and 438 dp. Borneo Coy
      1,348 words
    • 606 18 iftune, port probable date arrival, and name of agents, Htiamui. ▲torgeldie, Europe, p’»d Canal, Aug 22 AlgtuawUD, New York, Sept 17; P. 8. g£ u Hongkong, doe Sept F. Simons. Alesia, H’kong, Sept 19; B. M. Algoa, Europe, p’sd Canal, Sept 1 Ambria, Hamburg, Nov 5 B. Me3
      606 words
    • 1336 18 *‘b£G Vj-w Jf \M i 'v’jl'i'iS rh(*M -lit r r >*.. i *:>«. r> ("how Brit sir. 10."3 Wi’linm-mi 'Lvntow Aug i‘.» .l* y. v r (> Ytoroi drod. 2-'< 2 iHuhe {Greenock June HI', 8:mio;i-.-n, j 4 > 0 Gonlpata Brit sir. 1330 -Jacobs iliangoon Aug 30 Bou
      1,336 words
    • 527 19 1 V ..v.i.k Same FlagAßig Captain Destination Brit str. Scott Rangoon •i oi*od Ruhe Shanghai and Port Arthur .trU't»*gui Spa str. Roldos Manila Mr i n lap str. Thompson Hongkong and Japan ,i Marti str. Murray London via ports Ihit str. Nesbitt Snmarnng via port* y r sir. Chopard
      527 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 311 18 mmm sehss-hhtsheu \E'» 'liral work on t*u> inn««*< i:» I irn»st i.-ntiflo hr;.- 1 >j tu:»l ni»*:»n«of s. li out »•;>• ovci t'**r arrvoiu an:l‘!i<>nal debility, of y. «b pn ssion of * a•. Arc .with pnuti. *1 nJiM-rvati m- m.irr :nr«“ ruul full dir.riions for rcriv. 1
      311 words
    • 1174 18 C2 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY Tliis successful ua<i highly p-ipular reirifc'fy, u* employed in th* Continent tl Hr»jp.t«U tv Rhmi'1. Ko**an, Jobe t, Velpeau, ini others, combine* nil V l-'fxt't to be s iiurhl in t of tLo km and surp i»ses evervtmn/ li;ti;ert.» eim luyed. THERA PI ON No.
      1,174 words
    • 253 18 fk§0*lf Medicine<0f the kind ewerded a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 1883 D R LALOR’S FHDSmOD HAS THE LARGE8T SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE For forty year* has maintained its world-wide reputation as the Best and only aafa reliable Phosphoric Care for Brain Wreckage, Paralysis, Sleeplessness, Dyspepsia, Nerve, Kidney and
      253 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 186 19 \LGEMEENE MAATSCHAPPY V\\ U5VE\'SVEKZEKERIXtf EN LUFREVrE GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY COMPANY. Established in Amsterdam, 1S80. Guilders 1,000,000. 80,000,000. t i rioed !i t:t;? I inured i-o; iv.* Fund 1 >07 I* 1 < diice, F'ourabaya. A 1 .i. Andriessc, Head Agent, i* ii. von Ilemert, (signs per pro). [\m T(*j{
      186 words
    • 342 19 C.-’ »J t- t i C. 7 tn.L CIO NATURE 4 r A' V* j IS NOW PRINTED N BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE. WRAPPER of every Boith cf the TAiL WORCSSTERSHIRE m <. I C i r t. i u vi_i: v v o •d 4 i kt
      342 words
    • 298 19 AN IDEAL TONICSERRAVALLO’S TONIC (BARK AND IRON WINE) Stimulates the Appetite Strengthens the Serves Regenerates the Blood Pleasant to the Palate. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY MEDICAL AUTHORITIES. This Austrian Tonic Wine is a highly concentrated, strength-giving food has no styptic ta-te, does not disturb the stomach or constipate the bowels, is
      298 words

  • 898 20 Revised Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1899. This Programme is substituted for THAT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED. OCTOBER 24th 26th arid 28th FIRST DAY. Tuesday 24th October. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—Value $260. A Race for Maiden Horses—Weight a9 per scale (10st.). An allowance of 211b. to horses
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 172 20 SELLY WALSH, LTD NEW NOVELS at 1150 each. The Perils of Josephine by Lord E. Hamilton. The Land of the Wombat by William Silvester Walker. In the Shadow of the Crown by M. Bidder. The Crime in the Wood by Esme Stuart. The Dominion of Dreams by Fiona Macleod. In
      172 words
    • 219 20 RILEY, HARGREAVES COY., LTD. ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS, SHIP BUILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Are prepared to supply from stock: LUBRICANTS. Engoline” Cylinder Oil, specially suited for Oil, Gas and Steam Engines, reducing, wear to a minimum, price, $1.35 per gallon. Heavy Axle and Mineral Lubricating Oils. BOILER COVERING. Patent Mica Dust, Fossil Meal
      219 words
    • 653 20 THE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR. (By Mrs. Egerton Eastwick.) Printed on antique toned paper, with wide margins and uncut edges—259 pages. PRICE—$2/- or 4/ The Saturday Review says —The local colour is well done and picturesque, the style is cultivated, and the character of the Resident Councillor himself capitally worked out and
      653 words
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