The Straits Budget, 7 September 1899

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 139 1 The Straits Budget J VOIi- l' rl BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” (Cable Address: Times, Singapore.) Straits Budget, 40 Cents. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1899. Straits Times, 15 cents. No. 4,058 The straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It
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  • 323 1 Llamm. i.k. lti- Memorial. Lo< A I.. M.iikK Li>t. Puh'.v N* W'. It*’ ipoii Shooting. i»» "i Salo <'as.* 1 hi*- 1 rad** Mark Ca.-e. >uiail-j>ox •hi< >utmg. A < h*il**ra Case. Dogs. A -d lirearh of Trust, dii Hi*- Verandah. 1 li ft in Kikisha.
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  • 483 1 SINGAPORE, 7TII SEPTEMBER, 1899. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to noon.) Qambier 5.80. Copra Bali, 6.40. do Pontianak, 5.90. Pepper, Black 27.87Ado White, (5%) 42.50" Sago Flour Sarawak 3.80. do Brunei No. 1.., 2.60 Pearl Sago 4.40. Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 16.12* Coffee Palerabang, 15% basis.. 17.25 Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 386 1 The mail for Europe, this week, eaves by the P. <fc O. wan. The mail for Europe, next* week, is fixed for the M. M. Ernest Simons due on the 15th instant. The mail from Europe of the 11th August, by the M. M. ljaos arrived
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    • 111 1 FURTHER PARLEYING. London 1 st September. Reuter’s agent at Pretoria telegraphs that Mr. Chamberlain has replied to the Transvaal’s alternative proposals. Mr. Chamberlain declares that he regards these as no reply to his despatch. SUZERAINTY CANNOT BE DISCUSSED. Mr. Chamberlain declines to discuss the suzerainty question, or
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    • 20 1 AUSTRALIANS AND LANCASHIRE. The match between the Australians and Lancashire County, played at Liverpool, has resulted in a draw.
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    • 94 1 INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION INVITED. Loudon 2nd September. Further particulars of Mr. Chamberlain's reply to the Transvaal Government have been published. Mr. Chamberlain declared that Britain was ready to agree that Mr. \V. Conyngham Greene, the British Agent at Pretoria, and others to be appointed by Sir Alfred Milner, should
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    • 35 1 AMMUNITION FOB BOERS. The Portuguese Government has instructed the authorities at Lourenyo Marquez, in Delagoa Bay, to release a stock of ammunition which had been seized there on its way to the Transvaal.
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    • 224 1 FURTHER PARLEYING. London 4th September. The despatches from the British Colonial Office to the Transvaal, now published, conlirm what had been already cabled as to the drift of the diplomatic parleying. MR. CHAMBERLAIN’S POINTS. Mr. Chamberlain's despatch, dated the 28th August, reminds the Transvaal Government that there are
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    • 51 1 CURTAILED REFORM. London 5th September. The Transvaal Government, in their reply to Mr. Chamberlain’s last despatch, withdraw the offer of a quinquennial franchise to the (Jutlanders. EDITOR IN TROUBLE. The Transvaal Government have issued a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Monypenny, the editor of the Johannesburg
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    • 31 1 ACQUITTAL PROBABLE. The acquittal of Dreyfus is generally expected. But, possibly, the acquittal will be by such a narrow majority as to entail his enforced withdrawal from the army.
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    • 44 1 PROBABLE cabinet council. London 6th Septemf>er. It is stated in London that a meeting of the Cabinet is imminent. Mr. Chamberlain, who was in the provinces, has unexpectedly returned to London, and has held conference with the heads of the Colonial Office.
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    • 100 1 THE PRISONER LIBERATED. Pakeman, the editor of the Johannesburg Leader who recently seriously assaulted Mr. Moneypeny, the editor of a Johannesburg Outlander journal, has been liberated on bail. The rumour that a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Mr. Moneypeny is denied. Pakeman called at Mr.
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    • 139 1 The French Senate has been sum* moned to meet on the 18th inst. to try M. Deroulede and his co-plotters. [M. Deroulede is President of the League of L Patriots, and is an ardent AntiDrey fu site. He had plotted with the Orleanist party to overthrow the
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    • 30 2 MINING RIGHTS OFFERED. The Government of China have offered Italy certain mining rights at Ningchai, in the province of Chekiang. The Italians, however, consider this offer unsatisfactory.
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    • 46 2 THE BETTING. Later. The betting on the St. Leger is one to three on Flying Fox. One hundred to thirty on Caiman twenty to one on ictoria May, Skopos, and Dominie thirty-three to one on the others. Only the first fiveare probable starters.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 J- •>' «> v hT i! V V/, TJM^s ,.r free price of t lie Straits Times v n or ri*/. The post free price i f<i its liudfjet is ?l*0 a year, or 40/. •e.-sary to subscribe for a year, ripl ions for shorter periods are in** proportionate rate
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  • 39 1 DEATHS. Lw..i—the 2nd hist. at 189, '.Tiara Louisa, youngest .vr Mr-« K. Lambert, aged 24. A r n»'>r.*-e Belair,” River Valley U I > 6th, Ellen Keasberry, wi. m </ rlie lute Rev. BenjainiQ Peach K’t'i' rrv. in lier 72nd year.
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  • 1623 2 (Straits Times 6th September.) Sir Alexander Swettenham is sound in argument but hasty. He sees it advisable to return to the public their Jubilee Memorial money; but yesterday lie failed to see that all things, even the return of money, must be done decently and in order.
    (Straits Times, 6th September.)  -  1,623 words
  • 62 2 The last Rugger test match between the Rev. J. Mullineux's English fifteen and a fifteen representing Australia was played on the Sydney cricket ground, on the 12th ult., before 5,000 people. The final result was—England, 13 points; Australia, nil. England thus won three out of the four
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  • 82 2 Despatches received from Pekin state that the Ministers of the Imperial Household Department have received intelligence of the existence of a formidable conspiracy, involving the deposition of the Empress Dowager and the making away with her principal supporters such as Jung Lu, Prince Cliing, Kang Yi,
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  • 221 2 England's score of 476 for four wickets, in the last Australian test match, was a line batting achievement no doubt, but it made it very improbable that the match would be finished. At the same time, against a side so strong as the Australians, the English
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  • 1008 2 RESULTS OF GOOD MANAGEMENT. In the interests of the struggling coffee planting community of the Malay Peninsula, we to-day give an analysis of the accounts of the Dumont Coffee Company, of Brazil, for the year 1898. The company is probably the largest coffee company in the world.
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  • 90 2 V Sf m S Henry’s prolonged aW. in the Far East will, it is rumoured Berlin, be brought to a conclusion in tt» putumn, whenhe will return toGeiiuaiiT In colonial and navy circles great satisfy tion is expressed that the presence ottfi* Prince in Chinese waters has
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  • 130 2 Dr. Adamson, Medical Officer of Labuan, has been struck by lightning whilst at his dining table, the result being that his legs are paralyzed, at temporarily. The local shipping Co., the Sabah S.S. Co., Limited, has just issued its fifth report for the financial year ended 30th June
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  • 409 2 MODE OF LEVYING. A correspondent complains of the system in force of levying the water-rate He says all those who have a private service are compelled to pay for it a quarter in advance, or pay a penalty If, at the end of the first month of the
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  • 529 3 The Perak Railway Ordinance—Vlll ,«99 -came into force, to-day. }>KI C an buoy has been placed A Ahana Shoal approach to on 1,1 t Thf were no cases of plague and V ,V, from it at Hongkong on the jjO •l»*‘ l 1 :,th August. k tksant
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  • 47 3 h ha- been suggested from Singapore ;tr tb** annual interport rifle mateli tak** place at Shanghai, Hongonl Singapore, between Saturday, 1 ,rt s t and Saturday, Nov. 4th, both inclusive. These dates are now ‘‘icier consideration by the managers ’he match. Hongkong won last year.
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  • 63 3 hi k< rmciTY is making rapid strides 1,1 alcutta, and punkah pullers will non be a thing of the past, as the intrnduetion of electric fans is becoming r v general in the shops, public builand private houses, while one or Ivm, of the churches expect to
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  • 42 3 A man from 90 Dunlop Street, and a child of five years of age from 58 Klang Road, were taken to hospital, yesterday afternoon, suffering from small-pox. Another case was reported, this morning, four and a half miles out of town.
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  • 79 3 It is reported that the French Government has demanded from China a concession at Nankin. Nankin is situated on the south bank of the Yangtse, about 205 miles from Shanghai. As the residential city of a iceroy, and therefore a centre of government, it is a city
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  • 80 3 It was reported at Pekin, on the 9th instant, that Italy had demanded a commercial concession from China instead of a lease of territory. The Italian Government claims also for its capitalists the right to construct railways from Hangchow to Ningpo, from Pekin to Shansi, and from
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  • 85 3 The Japanese Government has imposed a discriminating duty on Formosa teas of yen 1.60 per picul if shipped direct to foreign countries, whilst allowing the leaf to be shipped from Formosa to Japan free and thence exported abroad free of duty. This action is in direct conflict with
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  • 130 3 The British barque Simla arrived at Hongkong on the 25th August, from Cebu, which she left on July 22nd. She encountered a typhoon in Lat. 16N. 127 E At 4 30 a.m. on August 4t.h, the ballast shifted, throwing the ship on her beam ends. The masts
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  • 157 3 A Sikh temple is to he erected in Penang in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty. The need of a gurdwara, or caravanserai, for the Sikhs in Penang has been long felt. Subscriptions towards the object have come in freely and the Governor has expressed
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  • 166 3 CAPACITY FORTY TONS A DAY. Work on. the cold storage plant at Manila will now be pushed with vigour. A riverside site has been chosen. Mr. S. B. Tainter of Chicago will have chargeof the construction ot the plant and its management afterwards. Mr. Tainter states
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  • 50 3 Thi Calcutta Rowing Club announces its intention of holding a regatta in the beginning of November, which will be open to the members of all Amateur Rowing Clubs in India, Burma, Ceylon and the Straits. There will be Challenge Fours, Challenge Sculls, and Pairs, besides minor events.
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  • 63 3 A typhoon, which came on suddenly, raged at Kobe on the 15th August, and did considerable damage, the pier being wrecked. The steaineis Chiuguo and Argyll were driven ashore. It was a fortunate thing for Kobe that this storm broke at low water, for had it occurred
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  • 52 3 An Austrian scientific party will visit India towards the latter end of October to observe -the display of meteors which is expected to be unusually brilliant. Two observation stations are to be fixed at Delhi, some five miles apart, telephonic communication being maintained under arrangements made by the
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  • 161 3 This morning, Mr. Wilkinson occupied the bench of the Fourth Court and disposed of fifty public summons cases. These included street obstructions, circulating perforated copper coin, keeping eating houses open after hours, and occupying Crown land. The fines imposed were nominal. Yesterday, one Y"eow r Puan was fined
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  • 184 3 JUDGMENT RESERVED. The case of Katz Bros v. Kim Hin and Co. was continued in the Supreme Court yesterday. This was an action in which plaintiffs alleged that, the defendants had infringed the trade mark, an Eagle, used by plaintiifs on a particular class of brandy,
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  • 216 3 RIOTING BY CHINESE. At Amoy, on the 2.‘lrd August, the Japanese Consul, accompanied by his Secretary, went to Tiger Hill to raise the Japanese flag. They were met by a large crowd of Chinese, who commenced to throw stones and made such a hostile display that
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  • 1052 3 ("WRITTEN FOR THE BTRAIT9 TIMES.”) The rich soil of the Peninsula, embracing both highland and low alluvial, and the tropical climate are calculated to produce a vast variety of the most valuable agricultural products. In fact, the Peninsula may be described as the richest tropical agricultural country
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  • 168 3 THE CLUB TOURNAMENT. The handicap tournament of the Singapore Polo Club progressed one stage yesterday when A. Team, consisting of Captain Duff, Major Lewes, Mr. Morrah and Captain Pinhorn were beaten by B. Team, Mr. Johnson. Mr. Jackson, Mr. Crane, and Mr. Lain! by 4 goals to 1.
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  • 145 3 In the Supreme Court this morning the Chief Justice gave judgment in the case of Xeo Ong Tew, plaintiff, and Xeo Ong Hec, defendant, in the mutter of Sit Kee Ann, a claimant. The acts of the case were that the pl ontiff brought an
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  • 153 3 In monopolising the importation of leaf tobacco, the Japanese Government raised the import duties on cigarettes and cut tobacco to 10 per cent., ad valorem. By the new duties the tax on the tobacco manufactured from imported leafand on imported cigarettes has been made equal. When
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  • 681 4 annual general meeting. Tee annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Cricket Club was held at the Tanglin Club last night, the President, the Hon’ble C. Stringer, in the chair. The meeting was fairly well attended. The first business was the reception of the
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  • 94 4 The •British sailing ship Glooscap Capt. Spicer, laden with Philippine sugar, which arrived recently at Philadelphia, tells a weird tale in its log: Mid-ocean, 14th May.—Lowering weather, passed battered derelict wreck. Wreck gave chase; impossible to outstrip. Sailors morose and feared to look behind, many
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  • 1124 4 AT MANILA. MILITARY OPERATIONS. At the date of last advices from Manila, an advance upon Tarlac, the insurgent capital was at hand. On the 9th August, the troops moved up the railway line to their outposts, at 8 a.m. at San Fernando where they rested until daybreak. As
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  • 352 4 An official of the Agricultural Department of New South Wales has been spending a holiday in China, and, mindful of the needs of the colony, made numerous inquiries as to the possibilities of improving the present markets and opening up new’ ones for Australian coal, frozen
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  • 125 4 M. Defrance, the French Minister at Bangkok, was a passenger by the French mail for Saigon. On his arrival in Bangkok, M. Defrance is to continue the negotiations begun in Paris last winter for the settlement of the different questions pending between France and Siam. First there
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  • 868 4 “A prudent man,” says a wittj Frenchman, is like a pin. His head prevents him from going too far.” The gentleman explained to the physician—“They both ate too much pudding at dinner. Soon my mother-in-law got very sick, but I knew mj wife would, so I waited before
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  • 756 4 I have been asking myself if )VA of taking a solemn vow it won possible to avoid mentioning ]J the course of a fashion article n doubt it, and to-day I am not the attempt. That dress is al kln dainty and luxurious to-day and the whole meaning
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  • 89 5 r .,*xt examination of officers Malay will be held at Kuala n a Taiping on the 9th and r.'. o toher next. I t ;kk telegram to the Bangkok I that < General Otis has applied I -i States Chinese exclusion I Philippines. I I t inamen
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  • 22 5 mrnoon, three men i :r >m Hogans workshops, i: i'i, to hospital suffering .and another was taken si Mackenzie Road, this
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  • 38 5 I ..nit. those employes of the f ar Dock Company that I .n■' i Iroin duty, (about sixty I 1 tr the wharf in the tug I i trip about the island and I .1 < iliore.
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  • 39 5 I r oav, a Chinaman was found I ,;i rin; footpath in Teluk Ayer H»* was taken to the Pauper I' i. and on arrival there he was suffering from cholera. The klit-er lias been communicated
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  • 42 5 Bangkok Tramway Com]>any it the 20th August, and passed the and accounts presented. A 1 of six percent, for the half- i ling on the June last was .-I i lie net profit during the .tr was 10.17 S ticals.
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  • 45 5 ‘•rnrmr, t f ('nwlte publishes a imn issued by the Board of iv containing information as i it ions prescribed by the I with the importa- i •_> i *i *o Great Britain, with a I r. ntionof tlie re-introduc-I ii--i; to that country.
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  • 46 5 i »;k of i in* ballot for tlie S. C. C. iiiinit!ee, which took place meeting on Thursday n_. u i' ms follows: —the Hon’ble 1 mii.iv, Messrs. Broadrick, Carver, Hilton, Linton, Makepeace, i t:t. Sfott-Uussell, Saunders, Muir, and L. W ebster.
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  • 54 5 '""N 11« *a, the managing partner IlokSoon, No. 45 Fraser Street, ■•I'D-tfl yesterday, on charges of J bivai-li of trust in respect *i'■** belonging to the firm, murnmi:. Yeo Soon Hoa was b«*fore Mr. Wolferstan and i ior a postponement. That was an«l h** was liberated
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  • 68 5 -ht. at the Tanglin Club, a u of talented amateurs pro- 1 t ban three plays. Astheper•lT the Tanglin Club was for a 1 "aice, and as it might be T was in substance an excelirsal, it would seem un* to any critical account ‘■fine's work. It may,
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  • 148 5 "LJ> |;<)YS r. 11 F COY. I <0 kxdly game of Association Foot- played on the Esplanade i l > alternoon between the Old KU1S a, »d “F” Coy. of the King s -iiu. iit; and after a tough tussle, u i:»*rs retired winners by three •> iw.).
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  • 68 5 WARREN SHIELD. In the football competition the following ties are fixed: Monday, 4th Sept.: R. E. v. Old RafHesian Club; S. R. C. ground; kick off, 5 p.m. Tuesday, 5th Sept.: A Coy. R. Lane. Regt. v. D Coy. R. Lane Regt.; Tanglin ground kick off, 5 p.m. Wednesday,
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  • 328 5 ANNUAL MEETING. A fairly large number of members attended the annual meeting of the Garrison Rifle Club held in the Schoolroom, Fort Canning, last evening. The meeting was called for the purpose of making arrangements for the holding of this year’s prize shoot. Garrison Adjutant Lieut. Johnson,
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  • 368 5 The following, which we have somewhat abbreviated, has arrived from the Native States with a name and address attached to it which we imagine are not genuine. The communication seems to he intended to be humorous. But the person who sends it (unlike most humorists) does not
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  • 1818 5 At the Tanglin Club amateur theatricals last night, I laughed To explain the full significance of that, I must add that it is not my custom to laugh in Asia. While Asia is a part of the world in which one can live and die and love
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  • 124 5 HAVAS TELEGRAM. Paris 17 th August. An order has been issued for the arrest of M. Guerin, the President of the Anti-Semitic League, on the charge of conspiracy against the State. He refused to obey the order, and remained with forty of his friends, all armed, at
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  • 222 5 MARRIED V. SINGLE. The rowing race between fours of married and single members of the Rowing Club took place yesterday afternoon, over the regatta course, under favourable conditions. There was some amount of swell on, but' not enough to affect the oarsmen to any extent. The fours
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  • 243 5 MRS. LOVELL WINS THE CHAMPIONSHIP. The Autumn tournament of the L.L.T. Club was brought to a close last evening, when, before a large gathering, Mrs. Lovell, runner-up for the Championship, met Mrs. Waddell, the holder. After a hard fought game, Mrs. Lovell won with 7-5, 6-1. The
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  • 3831 6 [a ROMANCE BY MRS. EGERTON EASTWICK.'I A TRAGEDY IN WORDS. Clujip. VII. Sir Dugald did not meet his wife until seven o’clock that evening. She had returned from her drive and was resting on a couch in her dressingroom, when she heard his step crossing the boards
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  • 398 6 The Russian dredger Pern left t r Port Arthur about n*»*»n yesterd iy The dredger Moroi, 207 tori'. Iron. Greenock, is now on her way to Port Vrtliur. Bodies of Chinese paupers have heffound in Japan Street and lanjoni Pagar Road. Among the passengers arrived by M.
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  • 23 7 os Saturday, a Chinaman was fined g hundred dollars, in default, three jjj.jnth-, for removing laterite from iJoverninent land at Tanjong Karang.
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  • 38 7 men said to havejbeen conernrl in a piracy committed on the Portuguese steamer Taiping on the River, having been convicted ,n »iieir own confession, were on the j/.h August taken from jail at Canton id b-headed.
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  • 45 7 fhi- morning, James Clarke was r ;hr- Mr. Howard on the charge of :h»*.ituig in respect of ten dollars, the of one Lim Keo Wah. The defend tnt asked for a postponement in] applied for hail. The case will be heard <>n Wednesday.
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  • 46 7 On Sunday alter noon, the Straits Natinn i\ Kent haII Club (Chinese) met the Ihrul Association (Malays) in the tram*; of the second round of tin* litni] AJab Football Cup. The „Mirie 1 iii an easy win for the (,'ljinoc f-v two goals to nil.
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  • 51 7 VK': kt *i>.\v evening, a horse belonging to Mr Abrams fell near the Hotel de lKum|M\ The syce was helpless, and a Urni* ii nuhcr i»l persons in the verandah j! tin* h »t**l looked on indifferently. InsjurTur Sullivan happened to drive up. and lie speedily put matters to
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  • 58 7 Ihk tilth criminal assizes lor the nn-nt year commences its sessions h-m urovv. There are twenty cases on ’•n.* cai.-u lar, involving thirty persons. Ri* are, one of rape, one of :iI u r I'll ht ry, six of house breaking, •'-it i theft, one of house trespass
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  • 58 7 Vi ;t quarry near Green Lane, at ena!i^ on W ednesday last, a coolie a large rock was killed by the i'ltit-r taliiiu; upon him. Superstitious in tii** neighbourhood say that ine .spirit of the quarry requires the Ij-atli i.i o man every year. It is that every
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  • 68 7 V'l i.oior Branagan is appointed to barge of the port. This will r ii* v.: the central division of some of a work. This is a move in the n direction, but it will not avail unless the efficiency of the marine •orce is rendered possible by giving
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  • 57 7 the Supreme Court, this morning, **i_bhief Justice gave judgment in the 110,1 brought by Chop Hop Whatt a^‘ llfot Supramunan Chetty. Plaintitl* fanned damages for the alleged mugful seizure of property in 19, Lin Quay, and the boat Hup Judgment was given for $l5O ah costs. Mr. Khory
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  • 310 7 THE ALLOTMENT MADE ON SATURDAY. It is understood that the shares of the Temelong Hydraulic Tin Mining Company, Limited, were completely allotted on Saturday afternoon, a few hours after the list closed The desire to make the allotment at the earliest possible moment was due to the
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  • 201 7 TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS. The Bombay Gazette says, with regard to the despatch of the first contingent of troops from India to the Cape in case of war with the Transvaal, that beyond two transports of the Royal Indian Marine —the Clive and the Canning —at least
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  • 214 7 A yeak or two ago, says the Vvnang Gazette a block in promotion arose before the cadet element of the colonial government service, and it was arranged to confine appointments to the posts of sheriff and deputy-registrar, in Singapore and Penang, to cadets. No sooner, however, did
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  • 428 7 HE 18 THE NON-MALARIOU8 KIND. HIS BITE IS HARMLE8S. (By Dr. Hanitsch of the Raffles Museum.) The last number of Nature to hand, of August 10th, contains an article on the Cause and Prevention of Malaria/ being a reprint of a Report from Major Ronald Ross to
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  • 72 7 The Cyclops brought a consignment of special new tea-making machinery by Messrs. Marshall Sons of Gainsborough, for Messrs. Tan Hoon Chiang and Peralta of the Malacca Tea manufactory, at Bukit Tunggal. This machinery, which cost about 810,000, had been ordered owing to the impossibility of meeting the increasing
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  • 61 7 News reached Shanghai on the 2t>th August, that, at Hankow, Cossacks laving interfered with Messrs. Jardine, Matheson <fc Co.’s fencing around their property on the so-called Russian concession, the Woodlark, under orders from home, landed an armed party. The Cossacks upon this retired. The Esk has gone
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  • 65 7 RELIEF MEASURES. Arrangements are being made to deal with the famine in the Deccan and Guzerat. Grass will be collected and will be pressed and sent to the Districts. Food grains will be purchased as required by the district officials, and relief labour employed in the
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  • 57 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Sib, —In your issue of the 30th Aug. under the heading “40 years ago,” I note your correspondent says Captain Gottlieb was a German or a Dane.” Pray allow me to contradict this; he was neither one nor the other. 1
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  • 418 7 THE LEGAL POSITION. CRITICISM OP THE MUNICIPALITY. THE GOVERNMENT WONT BUY THE TOWN HALL. (Government to Memorial Committee.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 2nd September, 1899. To the Secretary, Permanent Memorial Committee, Sir,—l am directed to acknowledge your letter of the 26th August, reporting that the refusal of
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  • 264 7 SWIMMING CLUB r. R. A., FORT CANNING. Under the most pleasant conditions, a water polo match was played oil' the .Swimming Club Bungalow at Katong yesterday morning. The competing teams were the Singapore Swimming Club and the R. A. stationed at Fort Canning, captained respectively by Mr. I\
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  • 68 7 The first criminal case that came before the Japanese court at Yokohama, under the revised treaties, was that of an American named Robert Miller •‘.barged with taking three lives. His trial was held befoie four judges there. Tiiey found him guilty of the murder of Nelson
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  • 585 7 NOTES, NEWS, AND COMMENTS. LIANG TIN LANDS. On the 9th ult., the statutory meeting of the Liang Tin Lands Company was held in London. Mr. James Booth, who presided, stated in the course of his remarks that though hitherto tin-mining had been almost confined to the western
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  • 66 7 This morning Isaac de Silva, alias Isong Hamy was brought before Mr. Howard for alleged breach of trust in respect of jewellery valued at $4,193 the property of Mahomed Cassumbin Shaik Mahomed, jeweller, No. 9 High Street. Mr. Van Cuylenberg asked for a postponement and applied for
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  • 91 7 Towkay Gan Haw sometime ago the opium farm contract at Palo Siantan and Yemaya, in tLie Rhio Archipelago, for six year-, on payment of $4,000 yearly. He paid $B,OOO in advance. The contr i has now been transferred to the Julian of Lingg*. Under tne terms of the
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  • 798 8 absurdity, episode, comedy. The reserved seats at Saturday night’s amateur theatrical performance were fully occupied, the whole of the Hall was, in fact, full, and the audience was as appreciative as it was large. Just after nine o’clock Sir Charles and Lady Mitchell arrived accompanied by Capt. Duff,
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  • 701 8 ACHEEN. At Tampat Tuan, a distant outpost on the Acheen coast, the Dutch garrison had an anxious time of it on the 31st July. Of the garrison, fiftyseven strong, forty-five men had marched out on an expedition, leaving only twenty to hold the fort. Suddenly, a large band
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  • 69 8 QUEgK’8 STATUE AT COLOMBO. Two years have parsed since the decision in the Ceylon Legislative Council to procure a statue of the Queen for Colombo in commemoration of Her Majesty's Jubilee. The order for the statue was put in the hands of Lord Stanmore; but no communication
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  • 1707 8 London 13 th August. Doctor Leyds has been instructed by the Transvaal Government to proceed to Lisbon immediately in order to lodge a vigorous protest against the detention at Delagoa Bay of a large consignment of ammunition, destined for the Transvaal, on board the steamer Reichstag. A
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  • 236 8 THE MONTHLY MEDAL. The August monthly medal of tie Singapore Golf Club was play-d forou Saturday by a very limited number members, and resulted in a win for Pearce with the good score of >;j nett Stringer being second with 85 nett The course was considerably
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  • 293 8 The Courrier de Saigon draws at ten tioii to the increase in opium-smuggling there, owing to the high price ol the drug in that port arising from tiie monopoly system. Many Chinese have now taken up this business on a large scale, and the article is brought into
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  • 41 8 It is estimated that the Klondyk* gold output this month will amount to 20 million dollars. The buying up vi claims by British capitalists continues, and it is believed that the latter win goon get control of the whole Klonuvkt region.
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  • 1119 9 ILLE J> WHILST HORSE RIDING. E evident on bukit timah road. was shocked to-day at r: that Mr. de Vicq, the much Consul-General here for the f .V.-rlands, had met with a fatal acci- r V v muriiing on the Bukit Timah j he fatality
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  • 414 9 S. V. A. r. OFFICERS OF GARRISON. The match between the above teams was continued on .Saturday, on the Esplanade. The Volunteers who batted the previous Saturday had made a total of 171, whilst the Garrison Officers had three wickets down for 30 runs. Capt. R. A. Dufi continued
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  • 102 9 The entries for next year’s Derby and Oaks show 23 American-bred horses for the former and 13 for the latter. Lord William Beresford has contributed several entries, and Democrat is amongst them. He is being talked of as the best two-year-old colt in England at present, and
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  • 569 9 TOURNAMENT ENTRIES AND HANDICAPS. SINGLE HANDICAP. A.” CLASS. S. Reid—15.2, W. C. Symes and A, R. Linton—5, F. Palzmann—3, G. P. Owen—2, L. E. P. Wolferstan —1, F. W. Pearce, J. Campbell, A. G. Wright (scr.), L. Battenburgh, and W. S. Barret-H, W. H. Rose and A. B.
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  • 150 9 EXCOUNTER IX THE JUNGLE. A Tamil coolie in Perak came across a gruesome sight, the other day, when out fishing in a jungle stream. On emerging from a thicket, he came face to face with a corpse, the bones picked clean in some parts, and an enormous tiger
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  • 72 9 A Reuter telegram to the Bangkok press dated 31st August, states that, in the House of Assembly at Cape Town, Mr. Schreiner, the Premier of Cape Colony, has been attacked for allowing quantities of arms and munitions, destined for Bloemfontein, to pass over the Cape railways. Mr.
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  • 77 9 The Fantee was to-day put up for sale by Mr. H. A. Crane, and was knocked down to Mr. T. C. B. Miller for $4,300. Opening of the fifth criminal assizes for this year took place to-day. There were 24 cases on the calendar, but none are
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  • 42 9 Ox the arrival of the Norwegian steamer Breid here from Sadong at 3 a.m. this morning, a Chinese stowaway who had been discovered shortly after leaving Sadong, jumped overboard and swam ashore while the boat was anchored in the roads.
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  • 43 9 This morning, there were a hundred and sixty-nine Municipal summons cases on the senior magistrate's file for disposal. The majority were for noncompliance with lime wash notices, a few for overcrowding cattle, and two for offering illegal gratifications to Inspector Hoedin.
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  • 57 9 Mr. W. J. Drybrough, who was considered the best polo back in England, was killed while playing early in August. His pony came down, whether from a collision or not does not seem very clear, and rolling over him caused such injuries to his head that he
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  • 77 9 A correspondent pointing to the fact of the keepers of Chinese liquor shops selling drink to boys, says that a lad of fourteen was, the other day, found near Selegie Road, in a comatose condition, the result of having drunk a quantity of poisonous gin. Another
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  • 77 9 P. O. STEAMERS. From an answer given by the President of the Board of Trade in the House of Commons, it seems that the P. O. steamers in which deductions from tonnage have been dis-allowcd because the space required by Section 210 of the Merchants Shipping Act, 1894, was not
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  • 85 9 MR. CHAMBERLAIN’S RULING. Recently, the Legislative Council of Ceylon, without waiting for the sanction of the Secretary of State, approved of a Government loan to the Municipal Council of Kandy. The result is that Mr. Chamberlain has laid it down that the Governor cannot make any advances
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  • 94 9 A paper laid before Legislative Council to-day contains correspondence between the Master-Attendant and the Dock Co. regarding a bill for repairs to the Bea Belle. In the concluding letter, dated 30th August, the Master-Attendant says: I am to state that you will not be considered to
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  • 80 9 Two Malays were, this morning, fined two dollars each for cock-fighting. On Sunday night, Li Hok and Ong Tan snatched a watch from one Vanjon in Malabar Street. Yesterday, Mr. Wolferstan sentenced them to thiee months' each. Another man received a similar sentence for snatching a gold ear-ring
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  • 202 9 Yesterday the Chief Justice heard further arguments in regard to the application for the extradition of the man Mutter. Mr. Farrer Baynes and Mr. Stuart were for Mutter; the Attornoy General for the Crown; and Mr. Carver for the Government of the Netherlands Indies. Mr. Farrer Baynes
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  • 127 9 DANGER TO AN AUSTRALIAN. MR. HUTTENBACH COULDN’T AGREE. The Selangor Planters' Association send minutes of a general meeting held on 22nd July. Some account of this meeting has already been published. It is now, however, to be added that the Chairman, Mr. W. \V. Bailey, said he would
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  • 344 9 MALACCA CLUB V. MALAYS. A match, postponed from Saturday, August 26th, on account of rain was played on the Club ground at Malacca on September 2nd. There was a good attendance and much interest was taken in the proceedings. The following are the scores: MALACCA CLUB FIR8T
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  • 226 10 THE FUNERAL YESTERDAY. Yesterday, there were interred the remains of the late Mr. De Vicq. The funeral cortege left Cree Hall about 4.45, and proceeded to the cemetery. The attendance of mourners following the hearse was very large, and a still larger number of
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  • 175 10 Early last month, the race for the 220 yds. Amateur Swimming Championship of England took place at the Brighton Baths. Unfortunately the holder, J. H. Derbyshire, was absent through illness, but great interest attached to the event owing to the appearance of F. C. V. Lane, the Australian
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  • 487 10 Mr. F. G. B. Dykes, in his report on mining in Negri Sembilan during the first six months of this year, notes that the output of tin up to 30th June, was piculs 23,389, and in the same period of 1898 piculs 22,455, showing an increase
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  • 785 10 RESOLUTIONS AND VOTING. The following minutes are issued subject to confirmation. The main point now waiting decision is how the Municipal Commissioners will vote, at their next meeting, on the resolution, now before them, that they shall acquire the Town Hall, and pay the *120,000, subject to
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  • 119 10 This morning, one Jee Ann Watt, residing at 111 South Bridge Road, was brought before Mr. Brockman for having offered and brought a clock to Sanitary Inspector Hoedin with a view to induce him not to summons him (defendant) for non-compliance with a lime-wash notice. This was on
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  • 272 10 NO LOAN REQUIRED. The Siamese Government recently had under consideration the proposal to raise a foreign loan; but, according to the Bangkok Times, it has decided to let the matter drop for the present. The object of the loan was to enable the Government to carry out its
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  • 349 10 THE WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD. Elevens of the Royal Engineers and the Old RafHesians met yesterday on the S. R. C. ground in the first round of the competition for the Warren Challenge Shield. A fair turnout of spectators witnessed the game. The R. E. were represented by the same
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  • Article, Illustration
    806 10 CONDUCTED BY KINO’8 PAWN.” All chess correspondence should be addressed to M King’s Pawn.” Solutions of Problems: No. 126 (Vrana) B —R. 6; No. 127 (Carreras) Q—B. 6. Correct solntions received from Caissa, A. O. S., Aquarius, and Nemo. French Defence. NOTES BY C. RAN KEN. White. Black. Mr.
    806 words
  • 1121 10 A RECORD PERFORMANCE I The following from a Colonial I temporary is, we suppose, a record, I formance in the way of I “non triers”At the RichZ*l Racing Club’s meeting, the other d» C 'I the stewards adopted an unusualeou I in dealing with a
    1,121 words

  • 374 11 Saturday afternoon,Teo Kay, Kam '»ik, kaiiL r Yang, and Chan Sim were Mr. Wolferstan for enquiry into -Mtionsot dishonestlyretainingstolen property, namely, banknotes worth two uni red and sixty dollars and jewellery ii a d at tight hundred dollars, belongp- to Mrs. Comerford. Mr Buckley prosecuted
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  • 84 11 Mr. G. P. Owen is still seriously indieposed with fever. It will be some time before he will be able to get to town. Two Italian men of war, the Carlo Alberto and the Liguria are expected here shortly from Europe on their way to China. Early
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  • 28 11 Hearing of the arguments in regard to the application for the extradition of the man Mutter were concluded before the Chief-Justice yesterday. Judgment was reserved.
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  • 53 11 The death took place at Belair,” River Valley Road, this morning, of Mrs. Ellen Keasberry, widow of the late Rev. Benjamin Peach Keasberry. The deceased lady was in the 72nd year of her age. Curiously enough, the Rev. B. P. Keasberry died suddenly whilst preaching twenty-four
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  • 47 11 Goh Eng Choon, for committing a theft at 88, Serangoon Road, on the 17th July, was sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment. Tan Boon Chuan for house-breaking and dishonestly receiving property was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment. For house-breaking, Tan Joon Lee received four months.
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  • 63 11 The Russian steamer Voronej which arrived here yesterday from Vladivostok, spoke near Amoy, on the 31st August, the Italian ship Cavour bound from Singapore for Shanghai. The Cavour signalled that she was in a leaky condition but did not require any help, and wished to be reported
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  • 60 11 Her Majesty’s first class gunboat Guldjinch arrived to-day from Australia, via Batavia. The Goldfinch is commanded by Capt. C. W. S. Leggatt, and has been some years on the Australian Station, having been recommissioned at Sydney in April, 1890. Like all the ships on the Australian
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  • 75 11 At 6.15 p.m. yesterday, a Chinaman named Tang Keng Pong reported to the police that another Chinaman, Ah Khang, had been murdered near the Bth mile-stone on the Pongol Road. The police, on proceeding to the spot, found the man quite dead lying on the roadside. Several
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  • 103 11 THE MARKET FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS. It is said that there is a market in Singapore for Jubilee Memorial subscriptions. That is to say an enterprising broker is said to have offered to buy such subscriptions, meaning that, if Smith subscribed S100 to the Memorial, the broker will pay
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  • 127 11 HOW TO TREAT THEM. In Formosa, white ants swarm. In ten years, large beams which were painted with tar mixed with large quantities of carbolic and arsenic, have been eaten to a shell by these destructive termites. Being prevented on the outside, they worked their way up the
    127 words
  • 767 11 “A.” Co. K. O. B. r. “D” Co. K. O. R. The game between “A” and “D Cos. King’s Own in the first round of the Warren Challenge Shield was played last night at Tanglin Barracks on the usual play ground before a large crowd including nearly the whole
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  • 74 11 A COMING EXHIBITION. The next exhibition of paintings, etc., under the auspices of the Singapore Art Club, will be held in the Town Hall early in November, the exact date to be announced later. Persons desiring to join the club should communicate with Mr. J. Graham, the
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  • 916 11 REPAIRS TO THE SEA BELLE.” GOVERNMENT AND DOCK CO. DOCK CHARGES OBJECTED TO. Correspondence relating to the cost of repairs to the Colonial steamer Sea Belle was laid yesterday before Council. On the 4th March last, the Master Attendant wrote to Mr. Moulsdale, the mnager of the Tanjong Pagar Dock,
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  • 1416 11 DATES TO THE 18th AUGUST. London \\th August. Tee newspapers published in theTransvaal, in the Boer interest, threaten that in the event of hostilities with Great Britain the mining plants of Johannesburg, worth millions of pounds sterling, will be wrecked, and that Johannesburg will be reduced
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  • 92 12 F. Jagia, master of the s.s. Savoia reported to the police the loss of a silver watch, value $lB, and a gold guard value $7 from his cabin yesterday. Six Chinese sailors are reported to have deserted from the Rothesay yesterday, and a telescope and several other
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  • 3955 12 TUESDAY, 5th SEPTEMBER. PRESENT. H. E. Governor Sir Charles Mitchell, G.C.M.G. H.E. Major-General J.B. B. Dickson, c. u. (Officer Commanding the Troops). Hon. Sir Alexander Swettenham, k. c. m. o., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill
    3,955 words

  • 72 13 (For Singapore.) l’t*r M. M. s. s. Tonkin from Marseilles, -"—Mr. H. W. Pilcher. r M. M. s. Polynesian from Marseilles 10—Mr. Baltie. M. M. 8. s. Annum from Marseilles, Mr. J. Van Vollenhoven, and *'lr.. J. Obreen. (For the Far East.) P* r l*. o. g 8
    72 words
  • 244 13 London, 28 th August. The newspapers consider that Mr. Chamberlain’s last warning to the Transvaal, contained in his Birmingham speech, was final. Lord Kitchener, in opening the Atbara bridge, said that hoped to open the railway station at Khartoum within the next four months. The Times announces
    244 words
  • 491 13 arrivals. Per s.s. Pakai from Siak—Mr. C. Baxendale. Per s. s. II sa from Penang—Messrs. Gracia, and McAlister. Per M. M s. ceaaien from Shanghai— Mr. Chang Chin Hsun (Chinese-Consul-General), and Mr. C. I). Janse. From Hongkong—Messrs. J. H. Troin. H. W. Bray, W. Douglas, E. H. Davis,
    491 words
    • 205 13 Underthis heading the following abbrevia- tions are usedstr.—steamer; sh.—ship bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht Cru.—Cruiser Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—’ Torpedo H. p. -Horse-power; Brit.— British U. B.—United States; Fr French Ger.—German Dut.— Dutch Joh.—Johore Ac., G. c..—General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. D.-Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
      205 words
    • 901 13 Arrivals Since Noon op Yesterday. i B in Whatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt Olsen, 6th Sept. From T. Anson, 4th Sent. G c.. and 09 d p. S. Steamship Cov. For Ktang, 8th—Rds. Brnuirer Dut. str. 342 tons, Capt Chevalier 5th Sept. From Deli. 1st
      901 words
    • 571 13 /Van#r, port, firobablp date of arriml, n.m name of agents. Steam ers. Abergeldie, Europe, p’sd Canal, Aug 22 Afghanistan, New York, Sept 17; P. S. Argyll, Hongkong, due Sept P. Simona. Aleaia, H’kong, to leave Sept 10; B. M. Ambria, Hamburg, Nov 5 B. Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg, Sept
      571 words
    • 844 14 I /LAX* 5 < Vigil's Nam* A Ton.-. Captain Fbom Sailfi Consigns**. 3 Rig. P’pt 31 Rob* Brit sir. 267 Davidson Penang j Aug 29 Beng Chin 31 Eian Ann str. 101 Roberts Djambie Aug 30 Wee Bin and Co. 31 Rubj str. 1 149 Sellars Palembang Aug 30'Wee
      844 words
    • 485 14 Dats. I Vbsssl’s Name ,FlagAßig Captain Distinction Aug 31 Kedah Ger str. Ralph Bangkok 31 Vorwaerts j str. Bruhn Sarawak Sept 1 Calypso Lo.vry Penang and Deli 1 Australind str. Mills Fremantle via ports 1 Ban Whatt Hin str. i Olsen Teluk Anson via ports 1 Indralema str. I
      485 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 920 13 NOTICE. IN the matter of Tan Ofok Oo, Administrator to the Estate of the lata Tan Toon, deceased, and hitherto carrying on the business of merchant under the style or Chop Heng Leong at Simporna, debtor. Whereas under a Composition Deed dated the 4th day of August, 1899, it was
      920 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 453 14 LEA A PERRINS' OBSERVE THAT THE A SIGNATURE fJ St/fl' jf si V PRINTED /f j in BLUE ink DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE void Whoiesa’e by the Proprietors, i Worcester; I H H B A BB BlackwalU Ltd.. Londrr; WK JH 818
      453 words
    • 571 14 COMMON 8EN8E» A MW nwdirul work on the ra uid effectual means of *>if r ex-- n •H-nuir yriie. 4c.. with practical obwrnf,.,, JirwaioM for removing certain JwMjMMntg. dtochw. •eeotvi-.rv^m^i 1 Ac.. tod via *KmiU 4. r n*ry *Wt i-> rrto. IMPROVED STILLS whs*®"? DMOTFIftAiNf maker 75. rui <tu Thtttr,
      571 words