The Straits Budget, 1 September 1899

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 128 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Time's has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 18 1 h. On the 28th Aug., at Fern > Road, the wife of .1. de i i A ''Oil.
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  • 371 1 V IV. AMI- U.S. If* i r.iii-vaal. 1>- i liay. *> > ii Memorial. !>l. t<iM J If* i uVV li i bill. A... v > lotal.• n-. .Vws. i t"* Li.-»t. i ji.< \f>. I:- i< vrii Hall i V, i .t a Sui* i t;U);»r;j.onic
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  • 477 1 SINGAPORE, IsT SEPTEMBER, 1399. PRODUCE. (Rates are corrected to noon.) (iambita buyers 6.50. Copra Bali, 6.15. do Pontianak, 5.75. Pepper, Black 27.00 do White, (5%) 41.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.40. do Brunei No. 1 2.37A Pearl Sago 4.00. Coflee, Bali, 15% basis 16.12£ Coflee Palembaug, 15% basis.. 17.25 Ootiee,
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  • 430 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. Uceanien. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. O. Chusan. The mail from Europe of the 4th August, by the P. 0. Valelto arrived on the 27th August. The mail from
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    • 141 1 NO REPLY FROM KRUGER. FRESH PROPOSALS. London 24 th August. Telegraphic despatches from Pretoria say that President Krugers definitive reply to Mr. Chamberlain's despatch urging a joint enquiry into the Transvaal franchise schemes has not yet been sent. The President has only sent a tentative summary of
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    • 13 1 The Australian eleven have beaten Middlesex by an innings and 230 runs.
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    • 124 1 KRUGERS NEW MOVE. SUZERAINTY QUESTION RAISED. London, 25 th August. The text of the Transvaal Government's reply to Mr. Chamberlain s despatch urging a joint enquiry into the franchise proposals has reached the Colonial Office. Nothing has been made known in London regarding the contents of the
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    • 45 1 decrease of trade. OFFICIAL INQUIRY. Mr. E. H. Conger, the United States Minister at Pekin, is now on board the United States warship Princeton on a visit to the treaty ports of China to inquire into the decrease of American trade there.
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    • 104 1 IMPORTATION OF ARMS. REDUCTION OF ARMAMENTS REQUIRED. London 26th Augvst. It has transpired that the Transvaal and Orange Free State Governments have, during the past three years, imported immense quantities of arms and munitions of war. There is a growing feeling among the British element in the Transvaal
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    • 174 1 MR. CHAMBERLAIN SPEAKS. LIMITS TO FORBEARANCE. Jjondoa, 28i/i August. Mr. Chamberlain has delivered a speech at Birmingham, expressing regret that the negotiations with the Transvaal had made no progress. Mr. Chamberlain dwelt upon the fact that the crisis had not passed. Britain had in her dealings with
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    • 60 1 DIFFICULTIES ARISING. A semi-oflicial Note on political relations between Italy and China has been published at Rome. The Note states that, despite the intention of the Italian Government to keep the negotiations with China peaceful, and to conduct them on commercial lines, complications may arise if China
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    • 37 1 London 29 th August. In reply to Mr. Chamberlain’s last despatch, re the franchise question, the Transvaal Government has notified that it adheres to its latest offer, and declines to make further concessions.
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    • 30 1 CROP PROSPECTS IN BOMBAY. The prospects of the standing crops in the Bombay Presidency, owing to the failure of the rains, are deplorable. A famine is impending.
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    • 67 2 MILITARY MOVEMENTS. London, 30 th August. It is understood at Cape Town that a detachment from the garrison there wil proceed immediately to Mafeking, in Bechuanaland, near the western border of the Transvaal. It is also understood that a strong force will leave Maritzburg in Natal for
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    • 175 2 THE TRANSVAAL STANDS ALONE. London 31s/ August. The Cologne Gazette publishes an inspired article, confirming the news that the Transvaal Government, in its last communication to the British Government, had asked for the abrogation of the suzerainty as compensation for further concessions to the Outlanders. That
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 4/J M price of the Straits Times r. ortf*. The post free price Hmdtfet is $-'0 a year, or 40/. ••-.-ary to subscribe for a year, for shorter periods are proportionate rate of price as r. I j mior t can be sent to meet from Europe. If the n-i
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  • 6 1 DEATH. 28tb Aug. Cai t. Grant
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  • 465 2 (Straits Times 2 41 h August.) The tentative summary of the Transvaal's new proposals will very probably be found to be inaccurate in so far as concerns the last paragraph. The Boers, it is asserted, are going to give a quinquennial franchise, with one-filth representation in the First
    (Straits Times, 241 h August.)  -  465 words
  • 382 2 (Straits Times 28 th August.) With reference to to-day’s telegrams, a glance at the map shows at once the importance of Delagoa Bay in case of a Transvaal war. The Bay, which possesses a fine harbour, lies on the southeast coast of Africa on the 26th parellel. From
    (Straits Times, 28th August.)  -  382 words
  • 673 2 (Straits Times '28th August.) On Saturday we published an advertisement by which the Queen’s Memorial Committee invites any of the parties to the Memorial agreement to take up the burden that the Municipality is casting oil*. That advertisement is also in our columns to-day. To have the
    (Straits Times, '28th August.)  -  673 words
  • 364 2 (Straits Times 29 t/i August.) Him whom J upiter wishes to ruin he I first deprives of his senses” or, lest to I Boer ears that sound heathenish, let us Isay in the words of Hebrew scripture Truly the Lord hath delivered into I our hands all the
    (Straits Times, 29t/i August.)  -  364 words
  • 260 2 (Straits Times 29th Avgust.) The general opinion of the community is substantially in favour of the plan that the Queen’s Memorial Committee has suggested (by advertisement) to the Colonial Government. The advertisement issued by the Queens Memorial Committee is, practically, an appeal to the Government that, since
    (Straits Times, 29th Avgust.)  -  260 words
  • 917 2 (Straits Times,30th August.) It must be understood that to-day’s news of movements of British troops in South Africa is not otiicial news, but is what rumour gives forth. If it be true, the news is important as showing that the British authorities are alive to the position
    (Straits Times,30th August.)  -  917 words
  • 1502 2 (Straits Times, 51."/ A vy/A 1 Yesterday Mr. Gentle mai** suggestion of j>eace. He talked "1 r»-M from the Committee where he turned the proposal for a Memorial into a veritable caun* < The explanation of this sign r <: ance maybe found in a debate arose
    (Straits Times, 51."/ A vy/A 1  -  1,502 words

  • 226 3 Mr. H. I. Chope has been appointed agent of the P. O. S. N. Co., here in place of Mr. A. M. Marshall. Goh Chua Yong was, yesterday, fined fifty dollars or six weeks for bringing five unstamped letters into the Colony. v Mr. Justice Law was
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  • 46 3 Yesterday, two Chinamen were prosecuted by the Land Ofiice for removing stones from Government land at Sungei Kranjei on Tuesday last. The stones were valued at a hundred and twenty dollars. The defendants were lined a hundred dollars each, in default three months.
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  • 61 3 The Rev. 8. J. Smith, a missionary at Bangkok, is reported by the Siam Observer to be now engaged in the compiling and printing of a comprehensive Anglo-Siamese dictionary. The work will be dedicated to the King and Queen of Siam, and will consist of three or four
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  • 67 3 M. L. Jammes, tlie Manager of the Courrier da Saigon died suddenly at that city on the 13th instant. He had come out to the Colony in 1881 as professor to a Government College. He left the Government service in 1889, and distinguished himself afterwards as journalist,
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  • 97 3 Yesterday afternoon, a bullock-cart jwas conveying some boxes from Tanong Pagar wharf, when Yap Huen and Tan Ping commenced operations on one of the boxes with a chisel with a view to opening it. They were seen by Sergeant Stapley, and captured. There was a third man in
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  • 86 3 lx March last, David Brisk, the proprietor of the Australian Hotel, was charged with selling malt liquor off the premises. In April, he was fined twenty dollars for this. He appealed and recently the conviction was quashed. He now’ prosecutes Tan Cheah Heap San for instituting a criminal proceeding
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  • 91 3 A severe typhoon occurred at Kobe on the 15th instant. The pier, bund, etc., have been much damaged. The steamer Argyll was stranded broadside on. The Cltingiro and other steamers had narrow escapes. Another typhoon caused great destruction of property ashore and afloat at Foochow, early this month, including
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  • 128 3 On the 1st inst., Hoo Guan, a Chinese clerk, was, in the British Court, at Bangkok, sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment for stealing 1,564 ticals, the property of his employers, Messrs. A. Markwald and Co. It came out that the prisoner had been beaten by Mr. Moller,
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  • 124 3 The Hongkong Diamond Jubilee Memorials take the form of a Hospital and a road round the island. The construction arrangements are in the hands of a Committee. The other day the Committee met. It was decided that the plans for the Hospital, as submitted by Messrs. Palmer
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  • 134 3 A CONSTRUCTIVE CLAIM FOR COSTS. In the Supreme Court to-day, before Mr. Hyndman-Jones, Mr. Koek made a rather unusual application. An extradition warrant was granted a few weeks ago against Erich Lisser, a German Jew, who had been made a bankrupt and had absconded. Lisser was
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  • 164 3 Messrs. Huttenbach Liebert and Co. gave the Penang residents a pic-nie trip to Taiping via Port Weld in a steam-boat, the Tkaiping on the second day of the races there (19th instant). The cruise proved to be a thorough success, eighty guests taking part. A poetic leatiet,
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  • 225 3 Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones yesterday further heard the action to set aside the will of Mahomed Balim Surate, of 7 Upper Chin Chew Street, who appointed his nephew Sultan Khan Surate of Singapore and Jafi'ar Khan Surate of Padang, Sumatra, the executors of his will. Hadjee Fatimah, Balim’s
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  • 124 3 The report on the Royal Botanic Garden at Calcutta for 1898-99 notea that in connection with the question of rubber and guttapercha samples of the milky juice of species of Sideroxylon belonging to the natural family Sapotacecr were sent for examination to Professor Dunstan of the Imperial
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  • 146 3 This morning, Harry Stewart appeared before Mr. Brockman in answer to a summons issued by his wife, Sophia Stewart, for maintenance. The defendant said he was willing to maintain her. The complainant said that the defendant told her to leave his house on the 29th ultimo, and
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  • 234 3 DRINKS FOR THE MEMBERS. The Committee of the Singapore Philharmonic Society have resolved to send home for a quantity of new choral music, and a sub-committee has been appointed to select the pieces. There is already a very large library of choral music of varied character, and
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  • 219 3 FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE. [The following letter, sent to us for publication, is in continuation of an already published correspondence.] (Municipal President to Colonial Secretary.) Municipal Commissioners’ Office, Singapore, 22nd August, 1899. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, Land 6459/99 of the 21st
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  • 789 4 At San Francisco a law has been made forbidding the throwing of rice and slippers at weddings. The enactment has been passed because many persons have been blinded or otherwise injured. 0 During service at a missionary college in Carolina, a negro student of divinity seized with a
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  • 650 4 LAUNCH-BUILDING. There is said to be a most extraordinary activity in the boat-building establishments in Hongkong and the neighbouring ports. The number of launches in course of construction is so enormous that there is every prospect of a glut in the market. The demand for launches
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  • 95 4 The French Far Eastern squadron for 1000 will he the D'Entrecasteaux (Ist-class cruiser), Jean Dart Pascal Descartes and UEstrces (cruisers), Lion, Surprise, Decidee, and Zelee (gunboats). A Rear-Admiral will command the Cochin-China division which will be •omposed of the following vessels:— llengali, Aspic, Caronnde, Trurmphante, Comefe,
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  • Article, Illustration
    587 4 CONDUCTED BY KINO’S PAWN.” Solution of Problem No. 124 (Ohquist) is R—K 84. Correct solutions received from Caissa, A. O. S., and Aquarius. PROBLEM NO. 125, BY PHILIP H. WILLIAMB. The following game, played several years ago in an inter-university match, shows that the champion chess player of Hongkong,
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  • 111 4 An advertiser in the Times, who finds it “impossible to obtain domestic servants” in London, asks fifty other householders who find themselves similarly inconvenienced to co-operate with him in forming an agency to import Chinese servants to fill the want. The Lorutvn letter is not sure that
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  • 1308 4 1819, 1859, 1899. (Concluded.) Commercial Square, as Raffles Square, was called in ’59, was where all the European merchants had their offices and godowns. These were very different Irom what we see now. There was no public thoroughfare or Beach Road, but every building in the
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  • 144 4 A COMING TOURNAMENT. The Executive of the Polo Club have arranged a handicap tournament which should prove very attractive both t<» players and spectators. Kadi tie will consist of two rounds of 1" minutes each, the bell to he rung immediately time is up, when play will cease. One
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  • 150 4 According to flit; latent t; obtainable*, there arc* ever i 0* u factories in Japan ami tin* mm gross of matches manuf act export exceeds gg,< m, estimated value of y*■» numbers of workpeople various factories are e-tie: r* 2*$,7UU, while those employed own homes in
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  • 829 5 London, 28 th July. most important events this n t j ie announcement of the v t j,,. Surrey Bicycle Club. .of the oblest in England, .-Tings were famous long n!i-hcd himself in favour j.jol of the people. The owing to Mr. Atkinson’s on to the demand of
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  • 156 5 HAVAS TELEGRAM. Paris t 14 tk August. At Rennes, as the Court was about to sit, a badly dressed person, about twenty years of age, shot M. Labori in the back and escaped. Labori is expected to be laid up for about a week. Excitement prevailed at
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  • 183 5 Everyone knows, says the Church Times, that the average Protestant is conspicuously lacking in the sense of humour; and the fact has seldom been more strikingly illustrated than in a recent letter to a Protestant contemporary in which the writer complains that an altar cross and
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  • 333 5 CAPTAIN AND HIS FAMILY DROWNED. The British barque Kitty owned by Messrs. Hopkins, Dunn tfc Co., of Shanghai, and bound from Newell wang to Amoy with beancake foundered about a m. on Monday, 7th August, during the recent typhoon some tiiirty miles north-east of Amoy. The master,
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  • 231 5 One hundred and thirty-four deaths re registered at Singapore durin g the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 29.92. The British naval authorities at Hongkong have no information as to the alleged French occupation of Sanohuan (St. John's Island), near the West River
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  • 26 5 At Punjom, in July, 2, 810 tons of ore were treated which yielded over 170 ounces of bullion. The cyanide works have stopped working indefinitely.
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  • 74 5 There has been a fire at Yokohama. It started in the Isezakicho in Theatre Street at nine on the 12th instant, and lasted several hours. Ten thousand houses have been destroyed,live theatres and one church, one school, one police station, and one branch post office. There was
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  • 69 5 The Straits Steamship Company have now resumed their Friday run to the Native States with t!le Han Whuff Hin. The ship has undergone extensive alterations and now provides excellent accomodation for first-class passengers. As she stops for a sufficient time at both Malacca and Port
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  • 77 5 A young soldier has gone home from Hongkong having developed lunacy through exposing his head in the sun Another has gone to hospital as a result of playing cricket in tlie sun without a helmet There are many actions of the soldier for which tin* authorities are held responsible,
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  • 123 5 In the month of April last, one Koh Keng Hean is alleged to have obtained from the firm of Messrs. Robinson it Co. a gold chain valued at ninety dollars on approval, on the promise that he would return it on the following day, or pay
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  • 106 5 CLOSING SCENE. The driver of the Perak goods train which as stated by us the other clay, was repeatedly charged by a tusker elephant, pulled up when he noticed the animal on the line, and did not steam on until, after many onslaughts with its
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  • 330 5 PIRACY AND BRIGANDAGE. BRITISH INTERVENTION COUNSELLED. Such is the lawlessness prevailing in the Canton provinces that the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce has had to lay the matter before the British Minister at Pekin by letter. The Chamber thus describes the situation Piracy is common on the West
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  • 265 5 Yesterday, Mr. A J. Elias summoned his syce named Tyeb for leaving his service without giving notice. The defendant was ordered to pay ten dollars as compensation to his master, in default, fourteen days’ hard labour. Mr. Clayton disposed of a number of public summonses this morning. Among
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  • 131 5 IiATTERY-BUILDIXG BEGl N. The latest received report from Lebong Donok, tJie head-quarters of the Iledjang Lebong mines, hears date the Mtli instant. During July, about 1,350 piculs of machinery were received there from Tuba Ilona and Hencoolen. Tliis brings up the total quantity of machinery delivered at Lebong
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  • 733 5 With the object of aiding the prize fund of the Radies Girls’Schoolconcert was given in the Town Hall last night which attracted a large aadience among them Lady Mitchell, MajorGeneral Dickson and Mrs. Dickson, Sir Alexander Swettenham, Ven. Archdeacon Perham, and other influential personages. The extent to
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  • 48 5 The Government announced at Penang, on Tuesday last, that a Public Telephone Exchange will shortly be opened there by the Telegraphs Department of Public Works. Subscribers are asked to send in their names but nothing is said as to what the charce is likely to be.
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  • 643 6 JUDGMENT FOR DEFENDANT. The case of Lambert v. W. Cutler was continued before Mr. Hyndman-Jones this morning. Plaintiff claimed $300 for the loss of a horse, caused, it was alleged, through the negligent driving of defendant, on the 25th July. From the previous evidence it appeared that
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  • 80 6 Aguikaldo's Secretary for Foreign ATairs lias addressed a circular letter to the foreign consuls in Manila, in which he asserts that the Filipinos will not give up their 7,000 Spanish prisoners except after direct negotiation with the Spanish Government on the basis of recognition of Philippine independence. He
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  • 85 6 The Japan Mud understands that an arrangement has been arr ved at by which the Japanese police will, on receipt of a formal request from t ie Consul concerned, effect the arrest of tsailors deserting or absenting themselves without leave horn ships in Japanese ports. The costs
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  • 762 6 an enlightened viceroy. The China Review —No. 6 of Vol. XXIII—begins with an article dealing with theviews of Chang Chih-Tung, an influential Viceroy in China, on reforms there. He urges military reform first and foremost on the ground that if China had an army, weak nations would
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  • 966 6 [BY A CONTRIBUTOR.] ABOUT FURIOUS DRIVING. MUSIC AND MILK. ’RIKISHAS AND DRAINS. AND MANY OTHER THINGS. I begin with the Esplanade of an evening. I am literally, after having fairly made the round of most of the largest cities of Asia -Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, and Batavia —astonished
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  • 173 6 KILLED WHILE ASLEEP. A tragic occurrence, writes our correspondent, took place at a village known as Loboh Batu in the Segamat district of Muar a few days ago. A Malay left his house and family intending to be away for some days. On the fifth night he
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  • 220 6 Yesterday afternoon, A. F. Hunter, Veterinary Surgeon, appeared before Mr. Brockman in answer to a summons issued at the instance of M. J. Nathan, assistant at the “Temple Bar,” for insult and assault on the 4th instant. Mr. Van Cuylenberg appeared for the defendant and said an
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  • 234 6 ACTION IN HONGKONG. On the question of the cable rates from India to Europe, the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce has adopted the following resolutions 'This Chamber having been asked to accord its support to the effort now being made by Chambers of Commerce in India and other
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  • 1082 6 In hot weather the least con. person must begin to think abo„? 1 f ed complexion, if she does not want V her .a positive fright. It is posaiM e V' she may be so modest as t, lfaat reconcile herself, even to this i pain
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  • 1034 7 H K PHILIPPINES. rt<'d that Benguet in Luzon, -r i»n*li« 1 place for plantations, has over coffee trees r excellently, besides some i• t i seedlings and some .‘1,000 ,u tea plants bearing well and v »r picking. There is no other von anywhere near his, and the
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  • 102 7 The Orders of the day for the meeting of the Legislative Council on Tuesday next, include the first readings of the Banishment Ordinance Amendment Bill and the United Kingdom and Colonial Probates (Validation) Bill (Bill to make valid all acts and proceedings heretofore purporting to be done and
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  • 176 7 MR. ALLINSON’S PRIZE. The first round of the Ladies and Gentlemen’s double golf handicap, for a prize presented by the Hon’ble J. M. AUinson, was played yesterday afternoon, at Sepoy Lines, with the following results: Mrs. Lovell and Dr. Fowlie 53 M iss Werry and Mr. J.
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  • 61 7 Colonel Walker proposes to take a team ofStrai s cr.cketers to Burmah in November next. Two matches will probably be played, one each against Mandalay and Burmah. Dr. Fox, Messrs. McKenzie, Curtis, T. R. Hubback, A. B. Hubback, C. G. Glassford, Anthony, D. A. M. Br<>wn, Reid
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  • 1066 7 On the Tennis Green. Ella—Fred is J terribly green. Stella-Green! He’s i so green that he makes grass look pale J when he stands on it. j The Pope, when signing official documents, uses a pen made from the feather of a white dove. In all other writing
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  • 315 7 For "razing a pony on the roadside, a syce was fined four dollars at Penang on Tuesday last. Assistant Superintendent D. Stuart has left the police, and taken a commission in the Royal Artillery. Mangaroo, a Bengali dairyman, was yesterday fined S50 for selling milk adulterated with
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  • 68 7 The returns from the Pahang Corporation's mines for the month of July were as follows Sungei Lembing I Tons of stone crushed 2,007, oxide of tin produced ;*6.i tons; with 35 heads of stamps running for 27 days, working expenses $19,750. Jeram Batang: —Tons of stone crushed 1,198,
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  • 244 7 TO BE WOUND UP. PURCHASE BY THE SOUTH BRITISH CO. We are furnished by Mr. A. S. Murray, Secretary of the Straits Insurance Co., with following item of information: Mr. E. H. Forwood having failed to complete his scheme for the reconstruction of the Straits Insurance Coy.
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  • 258 7 THE FIRST DAY. The Royal Artillery sports at Blakan Mati on Thursday were watched with interest by a large crowd of spectators, among whom were a good many men from Fort Canning, who went across in the military steam launches Queen and Empress.*’ The events commenced
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  • 130 7 On Wednesday night, about half-past nine, Mr. St V. B. Down heard a man in his verandah calling out. Mr. Down went out and saw a European on the verandah. Mr. Down demanded to know who he was and what he wanted. The man, who turns
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  • 120 7 REPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. In their statement of accounts for the half-year ended .‘loth June, 1899, the Committee of the Singapore Club state that the accounts shew a balance in favour of the Club of $2Bl. The number of resident members on .‘loth June, 1899, was 152
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  • 825 8 DAx'SS TO THE AUGUST 4th. BOER WARLIKE PREPARATIONS. London, 31st July. News from Pretoria states that Mr. F. W. Reitz, the Transvaal State Secretary, has been interviewed with regard to the recent discussion in the Imperial Parliament on the situation in the Transvaal. Mr. Reitz says
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  • 40 8 Harmstok’s circus arrived here this morning from Townsville, Queensland. The circQS is going on to Java to-mor-row for a tour and is expected to return to Singapore in October. The circus will perform here for about a Mftftnight.
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  • 1872 8 There is talk in town of a new tinmining company that is, by report, to strip a Perak valley by hydraulic pressure. There can be no doubt that the present scarcity of labour in the Malay States will bring to the front the hydraulic system of mining,
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  • 182 8 The first general meeting of the shareholders of Messrs. Riley, Haigreaves, and Co., Limited, was held at the Company’s offices, Read Street, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Robert Allan, M. I. C. E., managing director of the Company, occupied the chair, and there were also present Messrs. H. Muhlinghaus,
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  • 338 8 It is notified that territory stretching over an area of about 94 acres on the Lingga Itiver, and known under the name of Sempang, which had been ceded to the British Government by the State of Rembau in 1892, is now incorporated into the Settlement o’ Malacca. The
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  • 824 8 ACTION OF THK MEMORJai COMMITTEK. WHAT THE MUNICIPALITY provide, others may kin;, n,>1 Mr. G. A. Derrick, Secretary ljf Diamond Jubilee Permanent M,., Committee, forwards to us the of a meeting of the Committee i‘ Ue! i Thursday afternoon. It i 9 that the minutes are subject
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  • 765 9 aciieen. v ;l yiruushlad hears that r Acheen leaves no stone V r ,Gi on trade and cultivate is eager to wipe out tie war in the pacified ir .er-* colonisation is now t i;e most effective means \irvviaping the resources of l Tiie Governor urges that, in
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  • 326 9 THE ADMINISTRATION REPORT. The Administration Report on the Settlement of Malacca for 1898 states that the revenue for the year amounted to §392,725. This is the largest ever received, is more than 3| times the revenue of 20 years ago, and is no less than §43,965 in
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  • 304 9 The first ordinary meeting of the Siam Electricity Company was held at Bangkok on the 19th instant, with Admiral de Richelieu in the chair. The Chairman explained that the Company’s business was still in the development stage, but matters were progressing; the receipts had increased, and outlay had
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  • 3097 9 [A ROMANCE BY MR8. EGERTON EASTWICK.j THE MEANING OF THE SHADOW. Chap V. Mademoiselle Chatrian was not the only person to whom the evening afforded scant entertainment; Judith Masters also had been scared by the vigorous nature of the proceedings. She had danced several times with her
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  • 130 10 Mr. Clifford, in Blackwood, under the title in chains,” gives the story of how the rock-beset river Sempan, in Pahang, has. been made subservient to man’s wants. A few years ago only he was the first white "man to descend it, with a few adventurous Malays. He was—fortunately
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  • 48 10 The Steamer Resolute foundered in the Hooghly river near Calcutta about a fortnight ago after collision with the British India Steamer Scindia. Commander Waller of the Resolute Mr. Hudson, the chief engineer, Mr. Hunt ey, the second officer, and Mr. Stone, the third officer are missing.
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  • 391 10 No British Indian rupees have been coined since 1893. The body of a pauper was found at 10 a.m. on the 27th instant, in Anson Road. A Malay named Alayo of 339 Gaylang Road, died of small-pox at 2.15 p.m. on the 28th instant. Mr. H. Laugher,
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  • 46 10 Inspector Watcham has arrested Lay Toon, Lay Sai, Lay Hay and Lay Gall at Tanjong Rhu in connection with the death of a Malay named S’mon, who was attacked in company with another man whilst in a Malay fishing boat ofl Tanjong Katong.
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  • 68 10 Lloyds returns of vessels totally lost, condemned, &c., for the third quarter of 1898 have been issued. One hundred and three steamers with a net measurement of 90,6;*6 tons are entered. Fortyeight of these with a measurement of 49,686 tons flew the British flag. The sailing vessels
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  • 162 10 SCHEMES FOR THEIR BENEFIT. The (Jovernment of Selangor is said to have two schemes on foot for the benefit of the Malays. One scheme oilers greater facilities for intelligent Malay boys to acquire an Englisheducation, with the idea of fitting them to take up appointments in
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  • 36 10 Mr. George Colquhoun, the Glasgow City Treasurer, (honorary) and a wellknown solicitor of standing, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement. The victims of the embezzlement are clients, and they are numerous.
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  • 52 10 —Malay Mail. WIDE POWERS OF THE RESIDENT. According to an enactment published in the last Selangor Government Gazette the British Resident has not only power to banish a European from that State, but also to prevent him from residing in the British Colony of the Straits Settlements.
    —Malay Mail.  -  52 words
  • 66 10 NOT FRIGHTENED BY FINE. A syce who fined at Penang §20 on the 16th instant for furious-driving was again, a few days afterwards, prosecuted for the same offence in Northam Road. The defendant was fined SdO, and the magistrate remarked that if he re-ap-peared before him
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  • 72 10 The India plague summary for the week ended 13th August shows that in Bombay city plague deaths fell from 84 to 70; in the presidency, however, the deaths rose from 3,386 to 3,450. There was a slight decrease in Poona city, viz., 1,130 to 1,064. In the districts and
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  • 76 10 It has been urged that the Memorial Hall site on the slope of Fort Canning hill is unsuitable, because of the presence in the vicinity of numerous disreputable Chinese shops and native huts. With the erection of the Memorial Hall, however, the neighbourhood will rapidly improve. As
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  • 86 10 One corporal and two constables of the Singapore police arrived in Colombo on the 16th instant for the purpose of arresting one De Silva, a Singhalese man, who absconded from Singapore a short time ago, and is said to have taken with him, so tlie charge runs,
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  • 148 10 TELUK BLANGA V. ]>ARl'L BAHAR. On Sunday afternoon the Teluk Blanga Football Club met the Darul Bahar, last year’s winners of the Darul Adab Football Cup, in the sixth and last game of the first round of the Darul Adab Football Cup competition. The game was played on the
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  • 170 10 The Reuter’s message to be found in “Latest by Wire” that the British India Company are to have a servic e between Rangoon and Penang, to connect with the improved China service of the North German Lloyd Company, aroused enquiry at Colombo. The local agents of
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  • 1554 10 OLD TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK CO. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. An extraordinary general meeting of the Old Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Ltd., was held at the Company’s Office, Collyer Quay, to-day. Mr. J. Anderson occupied the chair, and the others present were: Messrs.Waddell,Caddell, Laird, Haffter, Romenij, and Witthoeft (directors); Hon’ble
    1,554 words
  • 39 10 HON. C. STRINGERS I KIZK The result of the 41li round P. H. Pearce brat F. Mi unit t uj» A J. Campbell Kev.8.S. Walkers A. Mackay .1. H. Drywlaie 3 A. A. Earle Capt. Jones
    39 words

  • 1061 11 H K LAST TEST MATCH. London, 14 tk Avgust. !jri al and undoubtedly the 1 ,-vent of the present cricket onimenced to-day in fine peculiar and extraordinary attached to the match, England's last chance viii— her position in this of contests. A sugges- i the time
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  • 181 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —On Saturday, The Moralist commented on the evils of furious driving as practised by gharry drivers and ’rikisha-pullers. If your excellent contributor happened to be on the Esplanade about 6 p.m. on the same day, he doubtless witnessed an exhibition
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  • 274 11 A planter named Moltzer has had the good luck to shoot two tigers at uhe same time at Klumpang, in Deli. Sheep had been carried ofl’there by t igers, upon which he laid traps, small and arge, without success. Early on the sth instant, he saw a striped
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  • 679 11 POSITION OF THE TOURNAMENT. The tournament match on Saturday, between the S. V. A. and Officers of the Garrison, was unfinished when stumps were drawn, the game standing much in favour of the Volunteers. The match will be finished off on Saturday next. The positions of the four elevens
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  • 78 11 SEPOY LINES MONTHLY MEDAL. The result of play on Saturday for the monthly medal at the Sepoy Lines was as follows Fowlie 42—38 80+2 82 Carver 48—46 04 8 80 Evans 48—47 95 —8 87 Middleton 51—52 103—14 89 Gentle 61—53 114—24 90 Napier 49 —56 105—14 91 Sharp
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  • 1716 11 London 14 th August. The Aurore by announcing some of the intended revelations by General Mercier, trumped the General’s best card at the Dreyfus court-martial. He, therefore, dropped his case on Saturday. His humiliation was palpable. At the sitting of the Court at Rennes today, M. Casimir
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  • 216 12 At 6-30 p.m. on the 26th inst., six men went into 21-5 Sago Street and stole jewellery and clothing to the value of $417. The men afterwards entered the Temple close by and assaulted the man in charge. Chan Ah Moy, of 77 New Bridge Road, reports that
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  • 283 12 Two Bills will be laid before the Legislative Council to-morrow. One of them aims at amending the* Banishment Ordinance, 1888. This Bill is introduced at the direction of the Secretary of State. An extraordinary power of deportation, exercisable against foreigners only, was vested in the local Executive Government
    283 words
  • 15 12 There will be a concert in the Regimental Theatre at Tanglin on the J5th prox.
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  • 45 12 The number of Municipal summons cases on the First magistrate’s file, this morning, reached ninety-nine only. Lieut. H. Galloway, says the United Service Gazette 1st., Batt. Royal Lancaster Regiment, has been selected for service with the Malay States Guides in South Africa.
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  • 31 12 Yesterday, a Malay named Draman was sentenced to nine months rigorous imprisonment for stealing from one Haji Syed the sum of a hundred and ninety dollars on the 18th instant.
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  • 33 12 Yesterday, one Tan Chav Chu snatched a bangle worth two dollars from the wrist of a child in Cecil Street. This morning he was sentenced to three months’ hard labour.
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  • 51 12 Advices from Mauritius to the end of J uly show cases of plague to be frequent, at an average of five a day. The disease was on the increase and was assuming an epidemic character. The plague there is spread not only by rats but also by
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  • 47 12 Is a recent leading article on the Colonial Nursing Association, the Times remarked It seems that to supply nurses to such of our countrymen as have to face the dangers of life in West Africa, or Mauritius, or Singapore, is a plain public duty.”
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  • 52 12 At the date of last advices from Siam, the drought there was expected to break up shortly. Heavy rains had fallen in two provinces where the farmers are confident they will be able to get at least one crop from the soil, though, of course, it will
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  • 47 12 THE SAMBAYANG HANTU.” About a hundred guests, many of them ladies, paid a visit to the Opium Farm last night, it being the occasion of the Sambayang Hantu. The place was pleasingly decorated, and the wants of the guests carefully attended to by Mr. Chua Beng Chan.
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  • 51 12 A Teochew named Heng San, having a shop in Upper Circular Road, reported to the police that at 6 o'clock last night, he saw everything secured in his shop. But shortly afterwards he received informaation that the shop had been entered. 51,350 in notes, and $5OO in silver were
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  • 51 12 The first game in the Polo handicap tournament was to have been played on the Race Course yesterday afternoon, but was postponed till Thursday. The competing teams are: —C, Capt. Laurie, Col. Whitley, Mr. Young, and Mr. Borrett; D, Mr. Symes, Capt. Marker, Mr. MacDougal, and Mr.
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  • 60 12 The concert, under the direction of Mr. Salzmann, in aid of the prize fund of the Raffles Girls’ School, was repeated in the Town Hall last night, before a large audience who were charged a reduced rate for admission. The programme was identically the same as that
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  • 70 12 We see by the latest Indian papers that the latest reports from the threatened districts generally, in Bombay, Madras, and the Central Provinces, are favourable, and have greatly relieved the anxiety with which the agricultural prospect was beginning to be regarded by the Government of India. It
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  • 89 12 The Hon’ble J. M. Allinson yesterday afternoon, presided over a special meeting of the Fire Insurance Association of Singapore at the Exchange. Resolutions were submitted and approved agreeing to the appointment of a paid secretary, and the rules of the Association were altered accordingly. The cordial thanks
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  • 378 12 DECREASING OUTPUT. INCREASING REVENUE. The output of tin and tin ore in Federated Malaya from the 1st January to the 31st July, 1899, was 365,800 piculs against 385,252 piculs in the corresponding months of 1898. The decrease in out-turn reached 19,452 piculs. The duty collected in those months
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  • 408 12 In June last Mr. Stuart, on behalf of certain members of the Malacca Hindoo community, moved the Supreme Court in Singapore under an order to transfer the proceedings of the Malacca Temple Case here. The action was one to declare that the election of Sedumbran Pillay as
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  • 1090 12 AN ALIBI. THE ACCUSED DISCHARGED. MR. DOWN WILL APPEAL. Yesterday afternoon, Pte. G. Dalton, K. 0. R. was charged before Mr. Howard with house trespass at No. 50-1 Grange Road, the residence of Mr. St. Vincent B. Down, on the 22nd instant, and also with assaulting Mr.
    1,090 words
  • 395 12 JUDGMENT FOR THE ARBITRATOR In the Supreme Court, yesterdav. tf* Chief-Justice gave judgment m appeal of Low' Kim Pong to set an arbitration award made by Dr Lin Boon Keng and Chan Leow Ian. (arbitrators) between the plaintiff ax. 1 Cheang Learn Neo, on the 3rd April.
    395 words
  • 80 12 Mr. 11. I*. Hodgson made som* remarks on the deterioration oi Soutl* Indian coffee at a Planters’ Association Meeting. He showed how the art i*4 curing had been perfected in > ,,u 11 America, and how, meanwhile, twe methods of curing of a quarter a century ago
    80 words
  • 85 12 One of the sons of the King oi m Prince Chakrahongse, was expert.-u t-* leave Bangkok for Singapore on I n lay last, to proceed to Europe bv tin* I. mu ward French mail boat on the September. The Prince travel- t*» Singapore in the Ma/utchoIJii < Siamese
    85 words

  • 189 13 F i ong hydraulic tin MINING CO. y j, published to-day the pros\;/'f The Ternelong Hydraulic U Company, Limited” The the Company is to mine a ppcr Perak, using hydraulic win the tin. It is set forth .wpeetus that in hydraulic expense is the one of
    189 words
  • 303 13 I LK .1. M. ALLINSON S PRIZE. I r<>m >i orrespoh/lent.) d round in the Ladies* and :i"s g*»if competition for the M Allinson’s prize was played I: Course yesterday afternoon. l‘*.lo, the Ladies’ course was accounting fur the seemingly ■!'*•> handed in. We noted one v.iiieh
    303 words
  • 114 13 1,; ‘*r>t(K»d that, owing to the law taken, the Town Hall "ha*«*,l hy Sir Alexander ,1 >. which was to have been •h in nimnittee of Council ti, will he adjourned fora V advertisement from the < -Jubilee Permanent Memorial there appears another nn nt sent to
    114 words
  • 806 13 (Written for the Straits Times: Mrs. Rodger, in black satin with innumerable black chiffon frills, black jet partly covering the exquisitely fitting bodice, and a toque of violets, looked very distinguished. Mrs. Douglas was beautifully gowned in apple-green muslin, bodice prettily trimmed with white alenciennes lace
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  • 1125 13 NOTES, NEWS, AND COMMENTS. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. Following the statement made by the Chairman at the recent half-yearly meeting, the British North Borneo Co., has decided formally to take over and occupy the Tambunan country, in North Borneo. The Tambunans, who are the most numerous and warlike
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  • 224 13 The A etc ork Herald's correspondent at Trieste reports an interview which he had there with Admiral Dewey who, replying to his remark that Germany had intended to interfere in Manila, is represented to have said“ Yes, Prince Henry is a man of the type of his
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  • 140 13 THE ANNUAL PRIZE MEETING. His Excellency the General Officer Commanding having given permission for the Garrison Rifle Club to hold their sixth annual rifle meeting on some date to be fixed later, the Club will hold a general meeting of its members on Friday next, at 9
    140 words
  • 117 13 Thk works to be undertaken in the improvement of Port Arthur, for which the Russian Government have assigned a sum of 11,000,000 roubles, include the construction of two moles, a considerable deepening of the dock, roadstead, and entrance channel. On the completion of these operations, naval
    117 words
  • Article, Illustration
    842 13 CONDUCTED BY “KINGS PAWN." I All chess correspondence should be I addressed to King's Pawn.” I Solutions of Problem: No. 125 (Williams) IP. 1£. 7. Correct solutions received from A. O. 8., and Aquarius. RUY LOPEZ. Notes from the Field. White. Black. M. Janowski. Mr. Blaekburne. 1 P—K4 1
    842 words

  • 114 14 One case of* small-pox has occurred at No. 37 Kalang Road, and one at No. 50. The M. M. Laos, with the mail from Europe of the 11th August, left Colombo at 5 p. m. on Monday, and is due here on Saturday, at about 2 p.
    114 words
  • 27 14 Yesterday evening, police observation at the Esplanade resulted in an influential towkay, and an Arab, being summoned for furious driving, and a syce for obstruction.
    27 words
  • 61 14 Yesterday, a Bengali was fined twenty-five dollars for converting his premises into a dairy without a license. A Chinaman was ordered to pay fifty dollars for storing blachan in two houses without permission. Several persons were required to pay ten dollars for noncompliance with lime-wash notices. The cost
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  • 68 14 The Siamese gunboat Malta Chakkri 2,400 tons, carrying 180 crew and 12 guns anchored in the roads about 7 o’clock this morning. Capt. Richelieu is in command, and H. R. H. Prince Chakiabongse is also on board. The Prince is on his way to Europe by the
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  • 52 14 The Municipal Commissioners have already issued sign-boards to cattlesheds, stables, and rikisha depots. Today, a number of sign-boards of various colours have been issued to attap makers, offal boilers, tallow melters, charcoal burners, timber yards, dye makers, firework manufacturers, fish dryers, fruit preservers, match stores, marine stores and several
    52 words
  • 131 14 In the Supreme Court yesterday, Mr. Farrer Baynes, with him Mr. Stuart, applied to the Chief-Justice for a rule nisi calling upon the Acting Senior Magistrate, the Superintendent of Prisons, and the Dutch Government to shew cause why a writ of habeas corpus should not be issued
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  • 1061 14 TUESDAY, 29th AUGUST. PRESENT. H. E. Governor Sir Charles Mitchell, g.c.m.g. H.E. Major-General J.B. B. Dickson, c. (Officer Commanding the Troops). Hon. Sir Alexander Swettenham, K. c. m. g., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill (Auditor-General).
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  • 373 14 A CANADIAN VIEW. In the Canadian House of Commons, recently, Mr. Mulock, the PostmasterGeneral, put the important question of the Pacific Cable scheme before the members in a very lucid manner. There is a unanimity of feeling on this question, evidence of which is given by the
    373 words
  • 82 14 The Darius, Captain Frith, which left Melbourne on the 21st July for Colombo and Madras with a cargo of horses is eleven days overdue. She was last seen at Thursday Island on the 2nd inst. Masters of vessels proceeding in that direction are requested to keep a
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  • 1530 14 SOME STRAITS MEN. OF MAXWELL,MANN, LEWI8,MCNAIR,EARLE, MITCHELL, GOTTLIEB, BRADDELL, GILFILLAN, AND OTHERS. (Written for the Straits Times.) We remember a great many of them, from officials to merchants and professional men, and that in all the three Settlements; and we conceive that a few jottings about some
    1,530 words
  • 141 14 Attention is called in the net Taghlatt ((iennan) to tin* t« 1 Russia h;ir> quietly and uiiobtrur-n**) completed the formation of an 1 army in Central Asia. Two 1 ui k l, j army corps have now heen and placed under the command Lieut.-General Dukhovski, G<»v**i:. Turkestan.
    141 words

  • 488 15 haI.F-YEARLY MEETING. -ilf- yearly meeting of the lIlt Shanghai Bank was held i, instant. Mr. R. M. Grey, t n presided: Mri'tn said Gentlemen, the t vr the pleasure of coming with another excellent able to recommend a i im {.ershare, place 10lacs iking it up to £11,000,000
    488 words
  • 197 15 AND FIFES, K. O. K. Nf, v Lame between the S. V. A. Brums and Fifes of tlieK.O. l |*1 ived hist night, on the < reatinn Club end), before •w.i (> t spectators. The S. V. A. 1 > it ot i practice and disjointed, *> in the
    197 words
  • 1321 15 Messrs. Archibald Constable and Co. are withholding the publication of the promised work on “The Belvoir Hunt” until September. The superstitious awe with which the subject of coincidences is regarded by many talkers and writers is remarkable in an age of scientific inquiry, when the doctrine of chance
    1,321 words
  • 795 15 Trifling— Dyer— Did her father interpose any serious objections Duell No just an ordinary kick. 5 A Rising Musician.—“ Doesn’t Miss de Bang get up from the piano gracefully Oh, yes; I am always so pleased to see her do it. Like Most of Us.—Watts—“ What would you
    795 words
  • 894 15 London 4 th August. E. Hale the well-known long distance racing cyclist, who for the past 16 years has been particularly conspicuous in long distance events, both on road and path, commenced his self-imposed task of riding 100 miles per day, (Sundays not included,) last Monday morning. Punctually
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  • 150 15 Lee Ghan Hoh, a Chinese woman, was in Tringanu Street last night when a man approached her, threw a handful of pepper in her face, snatched her hair-pin worth ten dollars, and ran. P.C. 66 pursued him and caught him in Smith Street. This morning, he was brought
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  • 139 15 The following is the bill of the play ’or the Tanglin Club and Town Hall amateur theatricals, on Friday and Saturday respectively: Ciazed: —A Musical Absurdity in one Act, by A. R. Phillips. Mr. Smith.. Mr. W. Dunman. Mr. brown Mr. C. I. Carver. Sally Mrs Marker. A
    139 words
  • 119 15 The polo tournament which should lave commenced on Monday, will start to-morrow (Thursday) when two matches will be played. The teams will be as advertised, with the exception that Captain Houghton will play in place of Mr. MacDougall in I). Team. The sides will be: C. Captain Laurie,
    119 words

  • 478 16 In the Supreme Court this morning, the action of Katz Bros. v. Kim Hin <fc Co., was heard. This was a case in which a trade mark was involved, defendants being alleged to have infringed the trade mark used by the plaintiffs on a particular class
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  • 335 16 The cable steamer Recorder left for Java at a.m. to-day. Lady Mitchell's reception yesterday was numerously attended. Cases of small-pox have been reported from 58, Klang Road and 29, Serangoon Road. The Netherlands Consul-General advertises the letting of revenue farms in Sumatra. M essrs. McAlister Co. have
    335 words
  • 85 16 There will be no griffin races at the October meeting of the Sporting Club. The reason is that the griffins will not have arrived from Australia in time to allow' of their getting into condition on the Course. The Committee of the Sporting Club are going to
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  • 41 16 In honour of the nineteenth birthday of the Queen of the Netherlands, a number of ships in the harbour were to-day dressed with bunting, among them the Dutch gunboat AI hat ros and H. M. S. Redpole.
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  • 42 16 The Hongkong Hotel Company met on the 21st inst., and declared a 6 per cent, dividend. A few years back the Company was in a bad way with no prospects of a dividend. The capital now stands at £600,000.
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  • 41 16 The agenda of the Legislative Council meeting for Tuesday next, includes the second reading of the Banishment Ordinance Amendment and United Kingdom and Colonial Probates Bills and the committee stage of the Bank Notes, Town Hall, and Jinrikisha Bills.
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  • 50 16 The man Teo Seng, who recently escaped from the criminal prison at Singapore was arrested at 10.45 p. m. last night, in Havelock Road, with a large knife in his possession. The statement by the Penang police that they had arrested the man is, therefore, a mistake.J
    50 words
  • 52 16 Mr. J. V. Kennedy, the President of the Penang Municipality left that port on the 12th instant for Europe on sick leave. The Chamber of Commerce had expressed to him by letter their thanks for his public services, and the Chinese community had presented him with
    52 words
  • 47 16 The calendar of probates and administrations granted by the Supreme Court of Hongkong during 1898, include the following: —Mr. J. D. Humphreys £426,000; Mr. C. St. G.Cleverly $160,400; Mr. W. H. McKenzie £124,800; Mr. E. Sharp £1,153,000; and Mr. W. S. Stanley Adams £318,718.
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  • 52 16 Advices from Manila to the 24th instant report active skirmishing at the advanced posts there. On the 16th instant, there was a sharp combat at the town of Angeles which the Americans stormed with the loss of five killed and seventeen wounded. The Filipinos lost 40 killed and
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  • 57 16 IT IS FIJI THIS TIME. The London Standard, under date sth instant, states that Sir George O’Brien, Governor of Fiji, has resigned. On the 4th instant, the Sydney Morning Herald announced that Sir George O’Brien would probably resign, and that Sir J A. Swettenham, Colonial Secretary
    57 words
  • 63 16 Yesterday evening, one Lim Swee Toh was arrested on the Esplanade for rashly riding his bicycle. This morning, the constable said the defendant was gQing at the rate of twenty miles an hour, and had his hands off* the handle. Inspector Branagan corroborated this. The defendant
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  • 991 16 COLONIAL ENGINEER’S VIEWS. I 1 HE PREFERS ELECTRICITY TO GAS. j j In the report of yesterday’s Municipal meeting there is reference to the question of town lighting. A memorandum of Mr. A. Murray, the Colonial Engineer, on the report of Mr. Tomlinson, prepared in March last, was
    991 words
  • 126 16 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.'* Sir, —I hope the S. V. A. will soon have the advantage of being able to manoeuvre and drill with their new guns under more advantageous conditions than exist in the S. V. A. Drill Hall. The
    126 words
  • 160 16 The competition for the Cadonau Billiard Cup among members of the Singapore Club was concluded last night, the final between Dr. de Vos and Mr. J. D. Saunders being watched by some forty or fifty members. The tournament has been going on for some weeks there
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  • 329 16 Ox the iOtli instant General Otis issued an order closing all the ports of the islands except those held by the American troops. Thus inter-island trade is again crippled. The new order is the result of close observation of the experimental opening of the ports some weeks ago.
    329 words
  • 678 16 (From our Corrcgpondmt) I Kuala Lipie, Iblh Av I PUBLIC WORKS. I Mb. Stokoe, the Head of the |> I has gone to Pekan and KuantanI first visit to those places. r p I he will have a lot to do, the chief *l’ I to be started
    678 words
  • 160 16 The firm of War nor, Barnes, an 1 has been registered as a lni‘ ina company by Linklater and Co., vv 1 capital of 100,000 in £1 u shar*'?. object is to acquire tlie husine?“ general merchants and conuni" agents, shipbrokers, and ri«*e carried on by
    160 words

  • 381 17 me POINTS of interest. ;ie have a very general idea new Johore Railway will pv have no particulars of the >f stations and other in- which is of interest to residents -Cities affected. We have, u:tn the courteous assisMr Kenny, gathered some where the lines will run
    381 words
  • 54 17 u-tHH* yesterday, granted ease of a man named i' at present in prison and irn of the rule Mr. Carver the Netherlands Govern-i-e* Attorney-General gave an kuij that Mutter would not be i until further orders from *ne Court. The hearing of was adjourned till Monday, haynes
    54 words
  • 179 17 tor Singapore.) v Tonkin from Marseilles. H Pilcher. Polynesian from MarMr. Battie. r the Far £a*t.( >. s. Java from London, Vir an-1 Mrs. D. W. Bell. >. Home connecting with ■ntfnnirl at Colombo, from 1 Mr. Beattie, Miss C. L. Miss Condon, Mr. R. Vi t L.
    179 words
  • 3597 17 An ordinary* meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday. Mr. Gentle presided and the other members present were: Messrs. Evans, Sohst, Anthonisz, Meyer. Moses, Iticcard, Choa Gian Thye and Tan Cheng Tuan. The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on the 16th August,
    3,597 words

  • 1842 18 DALES TO THE 9th AUGUST. London 5th Avgust. President Krugers son, who is the head of the Secret Service Departm *nt of the Transvaal, on the eve of the conference at Bloemfontein between his father and Sir Alfred Mi'ner, asked the principal detective who was
    1,842 words
  • 39 18 Teluk Anson via ports, tan WKatt Hin on 1st 8ept., Straits 8. 8. Co. Klang via ports, Sa t pho on, 2nd Sept., 8traits 8. 8. Co. Hongkong. Lightning due 3rd 8ept., Sarkies A Moses.
    39 words
  • 857 18 THE FINAL RESULTS. The twenty-eighth tournament of the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club has this year produced some very interesting play, j Th e last tie in the Ghampionship takes place took place on Tuesday between Mrs. Salzmaun and Mrs. Lovell, and the winner has, on Friday, to
    857 words
  • 671 18 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Ho Isony from kVlantar Messrs. Hendricks, and Mackay. Per s. s. Korat from Bangkok—M r w and Miss Ledeganck, Mr. and Mr>.Griit!/ Messrs. Pollock, and Edie, and MiW F|. Per s. s. Sappho from Klang via n Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Messrs Scott, and
    671 words
    • 171 18 Underthis heading the following nhhr**' lions are used str.—steamer >'P; bq.—barque; sch schooner; Yet.- n Cru.— Cruiser Gbt.—Gunboat; 1 f r 'orpedo; H. p.— Horse power »ni.British; U. 8.-United French Ger.—German ;Dut.-nuti-Joh.—Jobore: Ac., cargo d.p.—deck passengers: U. T usST T. P. W.-Tanjong PsgarWharLL P. D.- Tanjong Pagar
      171 words
    • 802 19 TRADING VESSELS C. sjvrg Soon of Yesterday. AHKIVAL" \\r jf -rr. 210 tons, Capt Bruce, I' Klang, 28th Aug. G.e., v\'. Bin and Co. For Klang, v < >. ~tr. 2,047 tons, Captain \u_r. From Yokohama, 12th i a o. Coy. For London, U .7 but. str. 102 tons, Capt
      802 words
    • 576 19 Name, port probable date of arrival, a*d name of aqente. Steamers. Afghanistan, New York, Sept 17; P. S. Argyll, Hongkong, Sept 12 P. Simons. Alesia, H’kong, to leave Sept 10; B. M. Ambria, Hamburg, Nov 5 B. Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg, Sept 20 B. M. Annam, Marseilles, Get 17
      576 words
    • 120 19 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag i i Date Date. and Ship’s Name. Captain. of From where; Destin- ReRig. ‘Sailing. i ation. marks i i Aug 21 Brit s s. St. Giles 1 jjuly 80T;ible Bay Anjer f. o. 21 Ger bq. Magdalene Susewind Apl 30New York
      120 words
    • 1124 19 r i C LAO i i I h 1 Vessel’s Name. A Tows. Captain j From Sailed.! Consignees, q Rio j j Aug I l>3 Korat Ger str. 1223 Bannatync i Bangkok Aug 18 Behn Meyer Co. 23 Chwn Shan Brit str. 1282 Messer (Swatow Aug 14 Guthrie A
      1,124 words
    • 728 20 J III Date. i Vessel’s Name FlagARig) Captain Destination I i Aug 24 Calypso Brit str. I Lowry Deli 24 Glenfalloch str. j Peters Hongkong and Amoy 24 i Chow Phya str. > Jellicoe j Malacca and Klang 24 Kian Yang str. Chopard 1 Muar and Malacca 24 >
      728 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 20 19 SCHWEITZER’S COCOMA Ills Best s Pirest COCOA, x cm tfpeeullT packed in d<mbla»Lddedofilers exnuiBf freeomeae for jean in all climates.
      20 words
    • 1028 19 “TIMES” AND “BUDGET.” Straitt Timet ISO a year, or $2$ a month or fifteen cents a copy. Post Free, $8} a quarter. Straitt Budget post free, $20 a year, or $5 a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, 15 cents a line; 2nd and
      1,028 words
    • 44 19 LEA PERRINS p OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE '‘C.fd Who!* 3 sole by the Proprietors, Worcester: Cross® Blackwell, Ltd.. Londcr and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. AUCE.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 132 20 ALGEMEENE MAATSCHAPPY VAN LEVENSVEKZEKERING EN LIJFRENTE GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY COMPANY. Established ix Amsterdam, 1880. Capital Subscribed Guilders 1,000,000. Amount Insured 85,000,000. Receipts 1897 4,367,000. .Reserve Fund 1897 11,700,000. Head Office, Sourabaya. J. Th. Andriesse, Head Agent. P. Th. von Hemert, (signs per pro). Inspector, Sergd S. Grigoriefl, Batavia. TRANSATLANTISCHE
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