The Straits Budget, 30 June 1898

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 129 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Thg straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 16 1 |.»7th iti-t., at At hole Gardens, the wife of Arnot ::;ui r ri iU r
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    • 51 1 m(jS Maktik. On the Ist June, at St. sidcup, by the Kevd. C. E. X, »lrner Viear, assisted by the F. Browning, Assistant Curate, i,v i»on.;.As (ii.Msos, of Chelmsford, j*t 4 of William Gimson Gimson, |i w.’i -ini Essex, to Anne Margaret, of the late Alexander Martin, of Blackheath
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  • 190 1 BIMV. ACTU LES. ■‘•lay Telegrams. ■Vlt^ioUS B < 'j»;ir:i-h Fleet. B. o tr l’av Stato" Law. opium Revenue. Be. Quotations. News. List. BL:i Ni*vvs. B i bivernment Timber. BA&.pOiptain Ashore. ii-h with Poison. Come. Firini*. Weight, Pr. i|M*rt y Case. Wrarelah. B J talk. a Kikisha. H
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  • 522 1 Singapore, 30th Jnne, 1898. PRODUCE (Rates are corrected to 12.30 p.m.) Gairtiur, 5.60. Copra Bali, 7.10. do Fontianak, 6.70. Pepper, Black, 21.25. do White, (5%) 41.00 Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.05. do Brunei 2.15. Pearl Sago 4.12;*. Coffee, Bali, picked 30.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... ,,30.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 17.25.
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  • 419 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the P. O. Chusan. The mail from Europe of the 3rd June by the M. M. Melbourne arrived on Tuesday. The German mail for Europe by the Sachsen closed on Tuesday morning. The mail for Eur* next week,
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  • 53 1 S f rnH? Times special telegrams). ANOTHER INSURGENT VICTORY. llonqkong, Tuesday. General Monet, with 1,200 men, besieged by the Filippino insurgents at San Fernando, sought to escape by a sally. In the effort to break through the insurgent lines, General Monet was killed. His forces, including one thousand Spanish
    (“ SfrnH? Times ” special telegrams).  -  53 words
  • 54 1 A ITwICE ON HIS HEAD. Governor-General Augustin offers a reward of twenty-five hundred dollais for the head of Aguinaido. General Aguinaido has now seven thousand men equipped with modem arms, most of these arms having been captured from the Spaniards. He hopes to have ten thousand men in
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    • 50 1 MORE U. S. TROOPS ON THE WAY. Lotuion 24 tli June. The third military expedition from California to Manila will sail from San Francisco on the 27th instant, (Monday next). General Merritt, the Commanding Officer of the United States Forces in the Philippines, will probably accompany this expedition.
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    • 38 1 AMERICANS DISEMBARK. NO RESISTANCE BY SPANIARDS. The American troops, under command of General Shafter, have successfully landed at Baiquire, seventeen miles to the east of Santiago. The Spanish forces offered no resistance to the Americans.
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    • 14 1 MINISTERIAL CRISIS. President Faure has sent for M. Peytral to form a Ministry.
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    • 35 1 KE-ENACTM KNT AT HONGKONG. London 25th June. Mr. Chamberlain has announced, in the House of Commons, that it has been decided to sanction the re-enact-ment of the Contagious Diseases Ordinance at Hongkong.
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    • 37 1 ADVANCE INLAND. The American army lias advanced inland from Santiago, and hold about six miles of the country around. Admiral Sampson is now landing the big guns and the camp paraphernalia of the army.
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    • 26 1 SPANISH SQUADRON ON THE WAY. The Spanish Minister for Marine has announced, in the Cortes, that Admiral Camara’s squadron is going to the Philippines.
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    • 136 1 AMERICAN ACCOUNT. THE SPANIARDS DEFEATED. London 27th June. One thousand dismounted American Cavalry attacked two thousand Spaniards in the bush, five miles from Santiago. The Americans, according to their account, drove the Spaniards into the city of Santiago. The American loss is reported to be thirteen killed
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    • 38 1 The news of the American army landing near Santiago aroused intense excitement at Madrid. THE CORTES PROROGUED. Senor Sagasta, the Premier, has prorogued the Cortes, owing to the aeated and futile nature of the debates.
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    • 21 1 SIGHTED NEAR PORT SAID. The Spanish fleet from Cadiz, under Admiral Camara, has been sighted off ?ort Said.
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    • 26 1 TIIE MINISTERIAL CRISIS. M. Peytral has failed to form a Cabinet in succession to the M€line Ministry. President Faure has now sent for M. Brisson.
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    • 58 1 CAN IT COAL London 28 th June. Admiral Camaras squadron at Port Said consists of two ironclads, two cruisers, three torpedo boats, and five transports with four thousand troops. The Egyptian Government has refused to allow the squadron to coal at Port Said. Pending
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    • 55 1 PROPOSED EXPEDITION AGAINST SPAIN. According to the New York Herald, the United States Government is sending a fleet under Commodore Schley to European waters. The instructions of Commodore Schley, according to the New York Heryld, are to bombard Spanish ports and pursue Admiral Camara. The Spaniards are
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    • 41 2 THE THIRD U. 8. EXPEDITION. FOUR THOUBAXD TROOPS OX THE WAY. London 29 th June. Four transports, with the third American military expedition to Manila, have left San Francisco for that port. This expedition consists of four thousand troops.
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    • 40 2 ON THE WAY TO SUEZ. COALING AT BEA. Admiral Camara has received orders to proceed to Suez. It is reported that Admiral Camara has made arrangements for colliers to meet his squadron in the Red Sea and elsewhere.
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    • 54 2 THE U. S. SQUADRON. COMMODORE WATSON IN COMMAND. Commodore Watson has been appointed commander of the United States squadron proceeding to the coast of Spain. This squadron consists of three ironclads, four cruisers, and three colliers. [Commodore Bchley, named in yesterday’s telegram as commander of this squadron,
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    • 96 2 NEW MINISTRY FORMED. M. BRISSON IN THE PREMIERSHIP. M. Brisson has succeeded in forming a Ministry, to replace the Moline Cabinet which had resigned. The new Ministry is now complete. M. Brisson is both Premier and Minister of the Interior. General Cavaignac is Minister for War. M. Delcasse takes
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  • 44 1 BKATHS. at 95. Albert wife ot Hermokd Brasr Ii-vro nil, youngest daughter of aged 20 years and 2 days, i*-’. i- aet*e »t this, the only intimai: N :>.~r!uiuL Indian, French, and ti.. j please copy. i»s ultimo, at Victoria, Australia Buv.liAN, I..K.0.P., M.K.C.S.
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  • 456 2 (Straits Times, 24 th June.) Next Tuesday, a third American expedition will sail from San Francisco for Manila, and General Merritt will probably accompany it. The first expedition consisting of twenty-five hundred men, mostly volunteers, under the command of General Anderson, left San Francisco on May twenty-eighth, and
    (Straits Times, 24th June.)  -  456 words
  • 488 2 (Straits 'Times 25 th June.) Mr. Chamberlain has announced in the HouseofCommons that the Government have decided to sanction the reenactment at Hongkong of the Contagious Disease Ordinance. That is cheering news, if it means that a similar announcement will shortly be made regarding the Straits Settlements. But
    (Straits 'Times, 25th June.)  -  488 words
  • 213 2 (Straits Times 25 th June.) It appears that the Spanish Minister of Marine has announced in the Cortes that Admiral Camara's squadron is £oing to the Philippines. If so, it is odd that we have had no advice of the fleet passing through the Canal. In the
    . (Straits Times, 25th June.)  -  213 words
  • 707 2 (Straits Times 25 th June.) A little while ago, we were able to give some information of interest in regard to the coffee growing industry in Brazil and its prospects in the future. Since then we have been supplied by a well known Malayan planter with a
    (Straits Times, 25th June.)  -  707 words
  • 1107 2 Straits Times 27th Jane.) We publish to-day an interesting article entitled Native States Law.” It may be remembered that when the Straits Times took the matter up, some six or seven years ago, the system of law in the Native States was very unsatisfactory. The Native States
    Straits Times, 27th Jane.)  -  1,107 words
  • 1345 2 (Straits Time*, 30 th Jun'.) Y V V V A From the first of July, the fV* Farmer intends to refuse to fit'll I*-* pared opium, except in greater <l uanJ ties than he has hitherto eoM Hitherto, the minimum quantity chandu sold to consumer* lias been
    (Straits Time*, 30th Jun'.)  -  1,345 words

  • 50 3 LiEUT.-Colonel McCallura, Governor of Lagos, was, at the date of last mail advices, staying at the Clifton Hotel, Welback-street, where he was being treated by Dr. Patrick Manson for severe illness contracted by him in the Lagos hinterland. Mrs. McCallum is understood to be with her husband there.
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  • 66 3 The royalty on tin exported from Perak is now fixed at $44.50 per bhara when the Penang price of tin per picul stands at over $42 and up to $43. Ihe duty will be raised by 50 cents per bhara for each increment in price of $1 per
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  • 352 3 A coin collector in Java advertises for an exchange of coins. Early this morning H. M. S. Hermione left the roads for gun practice. H. M. S. Bonaventure was to leave Hongkong for Manila on the 18th instant. There were three cases of plague and one death
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  • 33 3 The Tokyo Tramway Company apologises to its shareholders for inability to declare a dividend of more than 35 per cent, this year, because of the enhanced prices of commodities.
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  • 29 3 Yesterday, on the prosecution of Forest Ranger Rodrigues, Kwek Kim Swee was fined twenty dollars or three weeks imprisonment for cutting Government timber without a permit.
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  • 49 3 GREAT LOSS OK LIKE. The Chinese warship Foochi foundered, the other day, in a heavy gale near Port Arthur owing to the parting of her cable. One hundred and fifty lives are said to have been lost, only four of her crew reaching the shore.
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  • 39 3 Since the commencement of hostilities between America and Spain, the export of coal from Newcastle, New South Wales, to San Francisco has been very largely increased. The quantity despatched during the month of April totalled 26,756 tons.
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  • 82 3 This morning, before Mr. Wolferstan, Toll Woo was charged with using a false weight and was fined twenty-five dollars with the option of one month. Inspector Bateman, of the Weights and Measures Department went on his surprise visits in shops in North Bridge Road, and happened
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  • 55 3 Captain Rolufs, of the steamer Ban Liong, reports that, last night, he took a gharry from the Hotel de T Europe and went to several places in town. Subsequently, he missed his pocket book containing Dutch notes to the value of 140 guilders and Singapore notes
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  • 53 3 Yesterday, before Mr. Howard, three Chinamen were fined fifteen dollars each, or three week s imprisonment, for throwing poisonous stuff, (toobah root) into the Kranji river, on the 22nd instant, to catch fish. When the root is thrown into the water, the fish float, the root
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  • 53 3 Yesterday, before Mr. Wolferstan, Tan Ah Meng, a Hylam, was charged with assisting in carrying on a Whaway lottery, at the Gas works on the 22nd instant. He pleaded guilty, and was fined one hundred dollars with the option of a month's imprisonment. Twenty dollars were awarded
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  • 54 3 MISSION STATION BURNT. The American mission station at Hoiping, in Canton province, was attacked by a mob on the 14th instant, and the school attached to the Mission was destroyed by fire. Dr. Bedloe, the United States Consul at Canton, made urgent representations to the Viceroy to despatch troops
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  • 67 3 The China Gazette of the 13th June says —We learn that the entire British fleet at Wei-hai-wei, with the exception of the Narcissus, Alacrity and two torpedo destroyers, was to leave for a six weeks’ cruise yesterday. But the Admiral remains behind in the Alacrity, which perhaps shows that
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  • 84 3 POLICE OFFICERS TAKEN FOR BURGLARS. Last night, as Captain Hamilton and Sergeant Brennan were going their rounds in the Tanglin district, they noticed a gate open in Scotts Hoad leading to number 73, occupied by Seng Koh Tuan. On going into yard, they noticed a ladder up against
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  • 86 3 One of the pressing necessities of Hongkong at the present time is timber, says the Chi' a Mail. There is, in fact, a timber famine. One of the results is that building is more costly and costly building means higher rentals and an additional cost to the costly
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  • 99 3 According to American newspapers, the amount of prize money to be divided between Admiral Dewey and his officers and men is 5187,200 gold. Admiral Dewey gets one-twentieth portion or $9,1100; his fleet captain about $1,800; and the remainder is divided among the seven ships in the following
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  • 110 3 Information reaches the China Mail that the Admiralty has sanctioned the plans for the extension of the Naval Yard in Hongkong. The present Naval Yard comprises acres. Under the new scheme, which does not, in the meantime, provide for a graving dock, the area will be increased
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  • 283 3 Early, this morning, Chief Municipal Inspector Pereira reported to the police that several bullock and rubbish carta had been stopped at the junction of Jalan Besar and Rochore Road by cart drivers out on strike. An inspector •of police at once went to the scene of the
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  • 154 3 Mr. C. Ephraums, the Peral Pioneer says, on the 12th instant, bagged in Ulu Kampar a full, grown tigress which was facing him in a crouching position on a bit of rising ground ten yards away and was killed by a single shot from his eight bore rifle.
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  • 353 3 Yesterday, before Mr. Wolferstan, Tamby Napoo Mericanwas charged with dishonestly disposing of stolen property, to wit one cigar holder case, the property of Messrs. Gosling and Company, knowing or having reason to believe the same to be stolen property. Mr. Thomas Gosling stated that several similar thefts
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  • 1808 4 SUCCESSES OF THE INSURGENTS. [The substance of the following news from Manila appeared in the Straits Times of the 18th instant in telegraphic form. The subjoined intelligence, however, contains full detail of the events described in our special telegrams.] H.M.B. Linnet arrived at Hongkong on the 17th instant
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  • 166 4 AT THE TOWN HALL. The 6taff warrant officers and staff sergeants of the garrison, as a return compliment to the warrant officers and sergeants of the West Yorkshire Regiment, will give a ball, at the Town Hall, on June 28th. In the morning, a cricket match will be
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  • 447 4 The O. S. S. Nestor which left Jeddah heavily freighted with hadjis on the 6fch instant, arrived yesterday and proceeded to the Tanjong Pagar Wharf. The Sappho arrived from Klang on the 22nd instant and landed 14 horses at the Borneo wharf. The O. S. S. Myrmidon, from
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  • 975 4 COFFEE PLANTING. Voices are raised in Java for helping the declining cultivation of coffee there by abolishing the export duty on that article. Political economy is in such disfavour with the ruling powers, that export duties are levied not only on coffee, but also on tobacco, indigo, tin,
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  • 289 4 SIGNS OF GERMAN BYMPATRY I The statements respecting the 4r»l bishop of Manila, made in the follow J extract from the China Gazette of SI 13th June, must be taken with J reserve. If they are correct, the flight! must have been effected very secret I
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  • 102 4 Yesterday, a successful sale of laii'jy articles was held in the Town ho*< The object of the sale was to aupniei the funds of the Chinese Girls’ the headmistress of which, Miss Brown, worked hard tobring the sale M a successful issue. Large numbers of lad'-** attended
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  • 155 4 The Itughy after discharging about half of her cargo of coals lor the h*'*l- at the Tanjong Pagar Company’s wharf at Pulo Pram, j yesterday shifted to the whan o Straits Trading Company on the island, to discharge the remains her cargo t v The Remv*, consigned to
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  • 434 5 tkk day was not a particularly ritin" ‘lay for the holding of athle- "and the West Yorkshire might ?1 lid much better weather. But h3 also have had much worse, fortunate that the rain which to fall every minute, yesterf;'Vernoon, held off until all the j‘ Kl
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  • 103 5 A i.fwakd of ten dollars is advertised •r M:** recovery of a lost account book. 'Ah I. ke Yew. of Kuala Lumpur, tenders for surveying land at fl M >. Ibn.none took a run to sea •c'tt-May ami returned to harbour at K r uat« k aiternoon.
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  • 27 5 "V"' vemiiir, the final in the single ,r tlie Sapper cup presented of the K. E. was played t>w.»n U fi. Sette whose score
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  • 27 5 Beattie brought hinaman before the I L M r playing in a common I prisoners were lined fii with the option of live l; i -soniueiit.
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  • 41 5 tj,,*" has been honoured A*r i x 'd New Orleans and at ’•*l The street that a’h* b'*cn known as Spain •>»* 1 dir christened Dewey MV-. 4 -io Spain signs were t if bt-aring the name of 4i U.I
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  • 36 5 District Magistrate Mr. John Turner Wellesley, visited 'f d ViW f ;[lU pectedthe land on beU ;IV 11 > syndicate. He grants i- planter has Lr r .district, inquiring about r, l cultivation. >
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  • 37 5 The Rangoon Municipality has agreed to depute its Secretary, Mr. J. Short, to go to Singapore to enquire and report on the pawnbroking system at work there. At Rangoon, the Municipality license and control the pawnshops.
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  • 48 5 A crocodile is reported to have been captured in Lower Perak, in whose stomach was found a human leg besides portions of three human skulls, fishing hook**, lines, and pieces of whitedrill and khaki cloth. This crocodile is credited with having killed three Malays.
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  • 54 5 Yesterday, before Mr. Howard, \V. Williams was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour for stealing money from a Rikisha puller’s box. Prisoner also had refused to pay the coolie his fare and was ordered to pay the man eighty cents with the option of
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  • 62 5 There are two rikisha depots at 44 and 46 Havelock Road respectively. Yesterday an argument arose there as to how much space the rikishas of the respective establishments shouldoccupy on the five foot path. Words were followed by blows and the police had to quell the disturbance,
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  • 65 5 A marriage was solemnized recently in Japan between Mr. J. Dow and Miss Anthony,eldest daughter ofMr.and Mrs. J. Anthony of Penang. Mr. J. Dow was formerly engaged in the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in Singapore of which his elder brother was manager. The friends of the bride’s family in
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  • 78 5 Tan Chin Am, yesterday left his house in Middle Road, in charge of a woman and gave her instructions to put 31,517 in notes and silver into the safe, of which she possessed a key. On the owner’s return, he was told by the woman that she had
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  • 80 5 Tiie body which was recently picked up at Borneo wharf, is that, it is believed, of a man who may have committed suicide. He was known to be in debt and to be an opium-smoker, and the. police can lind no ground for supposing that the
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  • 79 5 u Camping and Tramping in Malay' is a book by Mr. A. B. Kathbone, which Messrs. Swan and Sonnenschein have in preparation. It is an account of fifteen years’ pioneering in the native Malay States. Mr. Kathbone dwells on the early story of Malaya, in contrast
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  • 66 5 London 17 th June. The India Loan Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons, the amendment by Sir W. Wedderburn in favour of the appointment of a Select Committee of Inquiry into Indian linance being rejected. The following is the result of the race
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  • 103 5 Yesterday, before Mr. Wolferstan, Leong Ah Cheong was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of ninety dollars, as a cashier. Hoh Ann Kee, towkay of a saw-mill, said the accused was his cashier, and was in charge of all money received. Witness had occasion, one day,
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  • 1911 5 This question of the fashionableness of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club is getting to be a serious matter. There was a time, lam told, when it was sufficient in Singapore to say that you were received at Government House. That, at all events, is how a gentleman,
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  • 1023 5 A FANCY DRESS “AT HOME. (From our Correspondent.) To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Chinese Lawn Tennis Club, an ‘At Home was given at the C. L. T. Club house by the members on Saturday the 18th, at which the hosts and some of the guests appeared in
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  • 126 6 There lias been no development of importance in connection with the bullock cart strike. In the town there are several carts at w r ork, but they have to be accompanied by policemen. In the country districts, work has been almost entirely suspended. A report was current
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  • 163 6  -  Enwxx Anson). Best, mighty Brain! itiat s« etlied with plan and scheme; Triumph or failure shall not stir again Its subtle coils. Softer than summer dream Falls on thy brow this Peace without a pain. Sleep, Body! w hicli was tenement and town To such a sou! as saw
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  • 1905 6 44 I’ve just been looking through the home papers,” said the Bluestocking, and I am more than ever struck with the hopeless vulgarity of our modern life as displayed in the illustrations to the Gladstone memorial numbers. In one popular weekly journal I found a gruesome picture of
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  • 976 6 CYCLING IN JAVA The world-wide spread of the cycle craze is evidenced by the statement in the Foreign Office report of our Consul in Java that an enormous increase has taken place there in the importation of bicycles. It is pleasant to read that Eng-lish-made machines have
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  • 54 6 The port of Kwangchauwan. opposite Hainan, just leased by the French Government, has disappointed expectations. A Tonquin newspaper goes so far as to suggest that the selection of Kwangchauwan had been a mistake altogether and that the place is practically useless. The entrance, it is said, is difficult and
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  • 132 6 Malay film". It is reported that Mr. Benington met with a bad bicycle accident just before sailing and is now in the doctor’s hands in Penang. It is doubtful whether he will be able to move on to Tai ping for some time to come. The Residents are
    _,, Malay film".  -  132 words
  • 252 6 EFFECT* OF MAIiKET FAK.MI.V. A correspondent writes as follows: The permission accorded by the cipality to the Market Farmer <1 blyd* Terrace Market to increase tin.* rents, has had tiie effect oi driving aw .1.* many of the old stall-iiol lers, who no*’ 1 Itain that
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  • 162 7 tv*iJent-General is shortly leavT l>: inp'r for Perak. He will stay prefer sol,l6 Bi rr, has this day taken f t hf* Singapore branch of :a m k n rr Shanghai Bank. ie H K n j ,j. P Club, and the Selangor v.‘ under discussion a
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  • 34 7 Between* one and two o’clock, this o rniisz. a thief or thieves entered the toj'K of a Kurasian named Palmer, and ,v arnp-'i with -Vl,>6. The window had *> n l**ft open.
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  • 35 7 Whkn H. M. S. Ifrrinione went out a cruise on Friday last, she lost a Fifty dollars reward is adver•Jd for its recovery. The torpedo was r seven and a half miles out.
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  • 36 7 IThf. Slum uf,s*rrer understands that a strong committee is engaged in drawir.2 up law codes for Siam, both civil and r.mintl. and that the«e will be drawn ur on'he lines of the Japanese codes.
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  • 48 7 I "hf kid body of a Chinaman was iviin'he five-foot way in New Marker i i this morning. There were no mark- [violence, and the man, who w-ck wn to have been ill latterly, is i; H‘ i to have died in the street.
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  • 36 7 IHi Philharmonic Society, through t:.“ exertions of Mr. St. Clair, the 'eductor, are about to become i ot two excellent pianofortes, h are intended to replace the -'truiih-nts that have done duty in past.
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  • 43 7 IHE A istrian cruiser on Saturday afternoon and the *-t laiy salutes were exchanged. The 7i« a ve«sel of 1 ,‘i4o tons, and a vot 22. A men and nine guns. horn I'ola, and is expected to a Wednesday for Manila.
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  • 43 7 K[ -t mat«*li, Professions The have been played on the to-morrow, but, owing to a getting together the elevens, ;•Men through. Instead, 1 will play the Garrison. The v *V irl ;l It) am. Mr. J. Carver VM/ing the S.C.C. eleven.
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  • 149 7 m V m, steamer Polyphemus, expected to leave r \vV‘ i l ernoon aii(^to arr i ye here 'i-ty n»*\t, the 29th instant. _v. ,r '>. troin Melbourne via c alongside the Tanjong n Saturday afternoon, a cargo, about l.ouo ’i!.. l aili burses. r.rj. x r, ri,l
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  • 64 7 The men of H. M. S. Hermume were out route marching this morning. When passing the Cathedral about 8.45, a second class petty officer named John Learney fell down. He was taken to the Sailors’ Home where he shortly afterwards died. The ship’s doctor, who was present,
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  • 78 7 This morning, before Mr. Wolferstan, Mr. P. C. Fonceca, of the Telegraph Office, living in Wilkie Road, prosecuted a Hylam boy for stealing a silver spoon, value $2. Mr. Fonceca said the spoon was given to his mother as a present from his brother in London.
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  • 154 7 The Negri Senibilan Goccrvmewt Gazette publishes the annual reports of the departments there for 1897. The revenue for that year reached 5572,54"), an increase of $17,216 over 1896. The total expenditure for the year was 5607,818. On Ist January, 1898, the financial position of the State stood thus:—
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  • 411 7 The following is the report for presentation at the ninth ordinary general meeting to be held on 29th June, 1898. “The last report was dated 24th November, 1896, and was presented at the annual general meeting on 2nd December, 1896. At that meeting, Messrs. Reid, Gentle,
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  • 86 7 CHAMPIONSHIP CUP ENTRIES. The entries for the football championship cup closed on Saturday evening. Six elevens have sent in their names as competitors viz:—S. C. C., the West Yorks Rcgt.; the R. A., Fort Canning: the R. A., Blakan Mati; the Royal Engineers; and the Tanjong Pagar Football Club.
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  • 68 7 The athletic sports gymkhana of the Singapore Cricket Club takes place on tbe Esplanade on July 9th. The programme embraces the usual events, flat and cycle races, a 100 yards Veterans’ handicap, and tugs-of-war between teams representing the officers of the West Yorks Regiment, the officers
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  • 99 7 On Saturday afternoon, a good number of spectators assembled on the Esplanade to watch the final lawn tennis match between Mr. \V. A. D’Cruz and Mr. Gomes for the championship cup presented by Mr. J. R. Cuthbertson. After a good game, Mr. W. A DCruz won by 6-1,
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  • 102 7 The Sepoy Lines Golf Club monthly medal was played for on Saturday last. Only three competitors handed in scores as follow Allinson 90 5=85 Weever 160—16=90 Elcum 96 6=90 The Captain and Officers of H. M. S. Plover recently stationed in Singapore, have kindly presented the
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  • 222 7 On Saturday, an eleven of the S. C. C. played the next XVI on the Esplanade. The match ended in a draw, the next XVI putting together 128, and the Club making 76 for six wickets. The following are the scores NEXT XVI. F. M. Elliott b Reid 33
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  • 108 7 Yesterday, Capt. Hamilton and Sergt. Major Putteh effected a smart capture. They arrested twenty five Javanese near Tanglin Barracks on the charge of fraudulent possession of property. The property consisted for the most part of military kit, uniform buttons, regimental walking sticks, hospital beds etc. The Javanese
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  • 318 7 The bullock cart strike is over. This morning, the police have been withdrawn, and the carts are now being worked as usual. The result will be, we apprehend, that efforts will be made by the owners to keep their stables in a less filthy condition than hitherto.
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  • 222 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’* Sir, —As street obstructions are now under consideration by the Municipal Commissioners, will you allow me, through the medium of your valuable paper, to call attention to the different streets which demand immediate clearing —namely, Collyer Quay, Boat Quay, Market
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  • 203 7 It may be remembered that our fail contributor “The Tattler’ asked on Saturday the question, how much licence will be allowed in interpreting the words historical fancy dress in the invitations issued by the Netherlands community to a ball in honour of Queen Wilhelm ina.
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  • 656 7 [BY A CONTRIBUTOR.] The people in the Native States are disappointed and there is a strong feeling that, unless a competent Court of Appeal is constituted, the office of Judicial Commissioner should be abolished. After years of agitation caused by the faulty administration of justice and the
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  • 101 7 The case of Tam by Napoo Merican. shopkeeper in North Bridge Road, who was charged on the instant, before Mr. Wolferstan with dishonestly disposing of a cigar holder case, the property of Messrs. Gosling A: Co., came on for hearing this morning when Mr. Braddell, who appeared for the
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  • 54 7 A horse attached to a carriage which we believe belonged to Mr. Seah Liang Scab, ran away yesterday soon after noon in River Valley Road, and knocked over arikisha in which were two women. One of the occupants of the rikisha sustained a scalp wound and had to
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  • 30 8 A steamer has arrived this (Monday) morning at Hongkong from Iloilo. The Spaniards still hold Iloilo. No American warships have arrived there. Iloilo is quiet. Food is very dear.
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  • 270 8 MEETING TO-DAY. A special meeting of the Municipal Commission was held this afternoon, Mr. Gentle, presiding. The object of the meeting was to pass the supplemental budget, and certain bye-laws. Supplemental Budget No. 2 of 1808 first came under consideration. The votes for expenditure required were as follows:
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  • 337 8 NO CONTEMPT OK COURT. At the British Consular Court at Bangkok, on the 18th instant, Mr. Archer, the Consul, heard*a motion to commit Mr. F. MacCullagh of the Siam Free Press for contempt of Court, arising out of an article published in that journal in connection with
    337 words
  • 76 8 Tt is reported that the Royal Packet Navigation Company’s Steamer Siak has been taken off the SingaporeSiak run. The Iromrer a new’ steamer, replaces the Scale. The Brouver is of the same size as the Sink, and is specially built for navigation along the east ♦•oast of Sumatra
    76 words
  • 1644 8 (For the Straits Times.) (From a correspondent with the American Fleet). GENERAL AGUINALDO'S FORCES. THE DECLARATION OK INDEPENDENCE. Manila Bay 17 th June. No place was ever more at the mercy of a foe than is Manila to the Americans and Insurgents. The former by sea and the
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  • 1654 8 (Being the fourth article of the series Life in Siam” by Harry Hillman lately of Bangkok). CHINESE SMUGGLERS. Where tinned goods are purchased by the servants they are invariably smuggled. Often a boy will bring in butter or other similar articles, and mention a price for it
    1,654 words
  • 54 8 At the date of last advice'- 14 1 aV< in Canton was gradually l the number of admissions to >• a hospitals being much f n,a three fortnight previously, when M r te»l to four hundred cases wen* nth daily. In the middle of tlm there were
    54 words

  • 128 9 ITV now being enrolled in Department. r department, local Koyal y* r district, advertises for a t y press telegram states A of lwe of the district i- is 99 years from the Ist r.'ji f r tt >n and Kapok Company y ?h‘*v now own and
    128 words
  • 24 9 r iM hours up, to noon, 20th :imand one death from reported at Hongkong, since Ist January (171 "’Ji'rist-s and 1,1.‘*7 deaths.
    24 words
  • 42 9 of work at the’Town Hall. v k. on behalf of the Chinese ,1, realized upwards of $l,.*K)O, ;in anonymous gift of $lO. ’.W; "••-Brown and her friends beg k verv heartily, all who so kindly *o make the sale a success.
    42 words
  • 41 9 vlwarJ has been appointed s t- additional ('oniniissioner of the r* K,- ;iiests,on Mondays, Wednesv? Fridays. This will relieve the 'n M /s-trate of some of his work, ia:. k > i-iiu to help his colleagues. >•irtun* commenced to-day.
    41 words
  • 47 9 the > s. Lightning landed 400 the quarantine station, in in*/.- .f a case of plague having ohr! ~ii hoard. The vessel also rri-d ad.-tu' liinent of the Hongkong indent, im their way to India. The ri» ai '*iii‘_r kept on board under ihrown guard.
    47 words
  • 47 9 iv n*»i: Kairhurst is ordered to u Sergt. Ilrennan has been tri to tht rank of inspector, and uv. rhanre of I>. division. Sergt. U***n made acting inspector k, -T.arir. and K. 1\ Welsh lias got ■ir k of full sergeant and been 1 drill-instructor.
    47 words
  • 47 9 man. named Hadjie Miriam liv-'M-rhanl Road, reports to the Nit ii- 1 avail, a Javanese woman, early yesterday morning, filiation alter the ayah’s depar-1-iinant alleges that she found •7 1 hie value of 51,066 missing. l :V i,t the police have not two the absconding
    47 words
  • 50 9 -an. mimed Chew Ah Tuan, V l 'returning home along Smith Street, lie K, 'i r y four Chinamen. He !a they stole from him a i'< and badly assaulted ‘omplainant followed his lIU u ‘Teeded in giving one Subsequently, two ii* v. s were identified and
    50 words
  • 89 9 ;if K IN IM KET. i 1 >• reports increasing '••t, a Siamese Mala- f Prince Damrong, r for the Interior, 1 r hut the visit has not Since the Minister t to have been a good Ur... r )i fl puket. and the instances accused rbances. A
    89 words
  • 106 9 At Punjom, in May, milling was carried on lor 29 days, crushing 50 tons from the mine, 100 tons from Tankong section, and 2,400 tons of old headings for a total yield of 262 ozs. of smelted gold. The Berdan pans only worked about half time owing to putting
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  • 120 9 W ith regard to the future of the Philippines, Aguinaldo has given out that the object of the insurgents is to become part and parcel of the United States, or if this cannot be arranged, to become an independent republic, and that if any Power other than the
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  • 162 9 A courageous rescue from drowning took place in the harbour shortly after mid night yesterday. It seems that a man named Mat, who is the chief chinteng in connection with the revenue department of the Opium Farm, went out in a sampan to board the s. s.
    162 words
  • 219 9 Two matches were played on the Esplanade yesterday, S. C. C. i*. Oliicers of the Garrison, and 8. C. C. 2nd XL r. the Garrison 2nd XL In the game between the Ist XI. of the 8. C. C. and the Garrison Oliicers, the S. C. C. in their
    219 words
  • 203 9 One of the most important companies—indeed it has the potentialities of being the most important -that lias ever been projected in connection with British trade in China lias just been registered by Messrs. Harwood and Stevenson, 31, Lombard-street, E. C., with a capital of £250,000 in
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  • 547 9 EFFORT TO INCREASE SALES. From the first of July, opium is to be retailed to the Singapore buyers under different conditions to those which have eitherto prevailed. It has been the custom in the past to sell not less than three boons at the price of seven
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  • 274 9 The Austrian cruiser Fruudsherg took 100 tons coal out in the roads yesterday, she goes to Manila. The Oak Branch is reported to be bringing a large cargo of Japan coal for this port. The German steamer Holstein which arrived from Hongkong on the 20th instant with cargo,
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  • 1492 9 (For the Straits Times.) (From a correspondent with the American Fleet.) THE WEAKNESS OF THE SPANISH TROOPS. THEY TAMELY YIELD WITHOUT FIGHTING. GENERAL AGUINALDO’S FORCES. Manila is surrounded by the insurgents. There are three forces deployed about the city: one to the south between Malate and
    1,492 words
  • 125 9 This morning, a meeting of the Malaya Peninsula Prospecting Company, was held at 11, Collyer Quay. The meeting was called for the purpose of receiving a statement of accounts up to the 28th June 1898, and to appoint officers in the place of the directors retiring.
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  • 2592 10 THE WAR. London 9th June. The Senate of the United States has adopted an amendment to the War Revenue Bill directing the coinage of silver, at seignorange rates, to the extent of four million dollars a month. AdmircA Sampson, commanding the Key West squadron, has telegraphed
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  • 66 10 Somewhat unexpectedly, the Chinese authorities have awakened to a sense of their international responsibility. On the 20th instant, Mr. H. M. Hiilier, Commissioner for the Kowloon District of the Imperial Maritime Customs officially notified the captain of the U.S. despatch boat Zafiro that he must remove his vessel
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  • 254 10 BETTER REPORTS FROM LONDON. The following is an extract from a mercantile firm’s letter by yesterday s mail:— Liberian Coffee. -Thanks for the sample you send us. Directly we opened the canister we saw that the quality was very distinctly better than any sample we have before seen
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  • 16 10 (For Singapore). Per M. M. s. s. Salazie from Marseilles— July 3:—Mr. D. Jones.
    16 words
  • 1218 10 J-osnos, ]*sl A shoemaker, whose namhty are at present unknown ’‘SB Hred twice at Count tary to the German Embassy U S n! the Embassy. Count wounded in the thigh bv f 9 bullet being stopped by a but* 9 assailant, when arreted’ fired man, who escaped
    1,218 words

  • 235 11 Them: was a goodly number of civilian? j-n-sent yesterday, besides a large num r < f the military community with their wives and children, on the S.R.C. groan to sec the cricket match between the stati sergeants and sergeants of the West Yorks'r. the staff* sergeants and servants
    235 words
  • 504 11 ARRIVALS. ,;r from Penang: —Mr. and h 11-iyni?.*. Miss Bavnes, and Miss l»>it>iftto from Sourabava: —Mr. Kolfl. Mr ;md Mrs. Glibbe, and Vwnistra. s ('"'larrru from Batavia: a r K <iiiykons* H. (iuykens, J. Harris. m-. J. ‘harne Kalff, Kummel and »I orv t) r <v from Palembang:
    504 words
    • 133 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —Btr. —steamer sh. —ship bq.—barque; Brit.—British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Jobore; Ac., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo
      133 words
    • 1360 11 Arrivals Since Noon op Monday. Adrift, Ger. str. 3,470 tons, Capt Reuter, 28th June. From Hongkong, 21st June G.c.;B Meyer Co. For Hamburg, U—W. Ban Fo Soon, Dut. str. 222 tons, Captain Odink, 27th June. From Sambas, 2Gth June. G.c., and 45 d.p. Lim Assam. For Sambas,
      1,360 words
    • 455 11 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agenti. Steamers. Afridi, Hongkong, July 4; P. Simons. Arabia, Hamburg, June 26 Bchn Meyer. Atnida, Hongkong, July 1; P. Simons. Augsberg, Sydney, July 9 Behn Meyer. Ballaarat. H’kong, July 29; P. A O. Bengal, Colombo, July 30; P. AO.
      455 words
    • 926 11 u tii h Vessel’s Name A Tows. Captain j From Sailed. Consignees. ft Rio I J’ne 1 23 Nestor {Brit str. 2417 Asquith Jeddah .Tune 6W. Mansfield A Co. 23 Kian Yang str.j 70 Kunath Muar June 22 Khoo Teong Pan. 23 Sumatra Ger str. 407 Cassens Deli 'June
      926 words
    • 570 12 Date. Vessel’s Name FlagAßig Captain Destination 1 June 23 Niobo Ger str. Pfaff Hamburg via ports 24 Neera Brit str. Coysh |T. Ansou via ports 24 Gorgon sir. Morier Bangkok 24 Glenfalloch str. Peters Hongkong and Amoy 24 Kian Vang str. Kunath Muar 24 Kanec str. Baker Sandakan via
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 Set?toners COCOATINA Tbe Best Purest i COCOA Now specially packed in double-lidded cani£ersensurinjrfresshnessfor years, in all climates.” MESSRS. G. R. LAMBERT CO., Have just received fresh supplies of ILLUSTRATED POST CARDS, WITH VIEWS OF SINGAPORE. SINGLE CARDS, Already Stamped. 1.5 CENTS EACH. 1 DOZEN Si.50. (1. R. LAMBENT CO.
      49 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 368 12 A SOVEREIGN REMEDY” ii For SORE EYES (duo to sandy blight or other causes), CHAFED SKIN, FILES INSECT BITES, STINGS, SCALDS, CUTS, SUNBURN, EARACHE. NEURALGIC and RHEUMATIC PAINS, THROAT COLDS, and SKIN AILMENTS generally, is CARBOLIC OINTMENT, Large Pots, 13]d. each (English rate) \V. C. Fitzgerald, Chemist, Wellington, New Zealand
      368 words
      441 words
    • 786 12 THINGS 8lAM^7IiI^== There is a man in Scotland wh„ write many readable and He signed himself “A Country and a bright parson he is. One oYs-"**».• is entitled, -Things Slow". lL h, "Sl good line of thought for an !i Well, here is one of tliethf, learned—that disease doesn’t 9low
      786 words

    • 38 13 ip.,re of the mail arrangements U „ere.<.«iry to gire the latent i ,r t el: in a loose supplement fj ronreuienee of those mho pie „p,rs contained in the loose ,shntys re peat next meek Jure. l l
      38 words
      • 55 13 VI oF GENERAL MERUIIT* A ..oVKKNMEXT TO HE SET IP. London 3 Oth June. M.nitr. the Commander of r an army in the Philippines, T* Frauvi-co yesterday. r M.rritt will hurry on to t tl u.fjila. r irr ivin2 at Manila, he will issi.e J il4l ,tion announcing
        55 words
      • 29 13 WA'i'KK-SI’PJ'LY OFT OFF. jr reported at New York that the A: er i, a:i army, operating against lias cut the mains of the water-supply to that city.
        29 words
      • 37 13 EXTENSION proclaimed. president McKinley lias proclaimed x rxO'iisiou of the blockade to the j: jijyf thu southern coast of Cuba. Thr M.xkade is also extended to e; ~rt uf Sail Juan in Porto Uico.
        37 words
      • 57 13 THK NAVIGATION REGULATIONS. Mr G. N.Uurzon, the Under Secretary of jute for Foreign A Hairs, has stated in tin- House of Cominotis that the liritiri. Government will insist on the ChiiifM-GuviTinnent revising the regulation it h.i> framed for inland navigation. T>v regulations, said Mr. Curzon, will have
        57 words
    • 409 13 are two extremely satisfactory aniioiiiiivniehts in the news Ahead of -> Mail.” that we published yesterday, lie first is that Mrs. J. R. Green, the widow of tin* famous English historian, ii commissioned by the Govern;i ‘-nr of the United States to write a .?tury of
      409 words
    • 955 13 It is evident that in tiie matter of clearing the streets and verandahs, both the Municipality and the police will have to work circumspectly. The native population, are. daily becoming., more and more discontented at the action of the Municipality, as is shown by the late bulleck
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    • 41 13 Dr. Mugliston, the medical officer in charge of Tan Took Seng Hospital, is making an effort to induce the hospital committee to remove the hospital to another site. It is alleged that the present site is unhealthy.
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    • 104 13 WHY HE FAILED. Mr. Ernest Terah Hooley, who Tiled his petition in bankruptcy, early this month, attributes his failure to blackmail. He alleges that a syndicate of newspapers absorbed all his profits, and that he paid one newspaper £40,000. A single article cost him £lO,OOO. The law court
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    • 102 13 The Acting Governor arrived at Penang on Saturday, shortly after noon. Among those present to meet Sir Alexander Swettenhain at the landing place was Mr. J. V. Kennedy, President of the Municipality. Sir Alexander walked down the Jetty with Mr. Kennedy to Downing Street, where
      102 words
    • 47 13 COMMUNICATION OPEN WITH LABUAN. The steamer Churruca arrived at Labuan from Iloilo this (Thursday) morning. The Churruca brings advices from Iloilo up to 26th June, at which date all was quiet. H. M. Gunboat Raitler arrived at Iloilo from Manila on the 24th June.
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    • 61 13 Sir \V. Bonsek, the Chief Justice of Ceylon, cannot stand shuttling in the witness box. The other day he announced in Court at Galle that he would not tolerate it. On the 16th instant, he called up a witness and sent him to jail for two weeks for
      61 words
    • 58 13 OFFICIAL INDECISION. Tunnelling operations on the liailway between Taiping and Kuala Kangsar are said to be at a standstill, owing to the indecision of the powers, and it is reported that differences of opinion have arisen which will necessitate the continued idleness of the officer engaged on this
      58 words
    • 78 13 A DAY WITHOUT A DEATH. The Bombay plague returns, published on the 17th instant, are said to be the most gratify ing that have been published for a considerable time, not a single death from plague being reported. There were only four attacks, including two old
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    • 91 13 Last night, the Parsi Theatre was patronised by the members of the ‘‘Weekly Entertainment Club.” There was a big house and the play was greatly appreciated. The special attractions were, as usual, the comic English songs by Master Rustamjee which kept the audience greatly amused. To-n:ght, there will
      91 words
    • 112 13 A CUKIOI'S TALE OK THE SEA. The British steamer Ilotrick Hall which arrived at Colombo, the other day from home, had to report the loss of her third olßcer oil the way out under unusual circumstances. The oflicer, Mr. Francis Barnes, had never been on a
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    • 222 13 Mr. R. Macaulay, the President of ihe Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, whose head office is in Montreal, has been circumnavigating the globe in the interests of the Company and has come into personal contact with the district managers. Scarcely a quarter of acentury ago,
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    • 347 13 (From Spanish Sources). Files of the Comercio from the 28th May to the 13th instant, have come to hand. The censorship allowed of little publicity for news of military operations. Silence was kept about the rebellion until the Ist instant, when details were given of an engagement between
      (From Spanish Sources).  -  347 words
    • 182 13 PROTEST BY THE BENGAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The memorial of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce to the Currency Committee in London is published by the Chamber. The memorial points out that the proposal to melt down ten crores of rupees annually will cause distress and alarm.
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    • 222 13 The Austrian Lloyd’s steamer Maria Valerie left Colombo on the morning of the 28th instant, and may be looked for on Wednesday, the 6th proximo. The Glengarry which arrived on the 28th instant, from Moji in Japan, is discharging her cargo of about 2,BUU tons coal, for Paterson,
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    • 487 14 S. C. C. v. R. A. 35th Co. The R. A. from Blakang Mati met the Glub in a friendly Association game on the Esplanade, yesterday afternoon. The Gunners winning the toss, played towards the sea. The Club men had the disadvantage of the sun in their eyes, but
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    • 312 14 THE KINGS TKIT. Thk King uf Siam left Bangkok on the 2brd instant, for a trip down the coast of the Malay Peninsula. The tirst place to be visited is Laeon. The King, says the Bangkok Times will probably go as far south as Kelantan, where some of
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    • 764 14 notes, news, and comments. COAL STRIKE. A conference of representatives o the Associated Coalowners and of the men on strike was held on 31st ult, at Cardiff. The representatives of the men said they were ready to accept a 10 per cent, immediate advance, and they also demanded
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    • Article, Illustration
      1113 14 (conducted by “king’s pawn/ 7 All chess correspondence should be addressed to King’s Pawn.” Solutions of last week’s problems are deferred to next week, in order that solvers may have more time to attack the difficult problem by S. Lloyd. PROBLEM NO. 43, BY C. E. C. TATTERBALL. BLACK.
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    • 137 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. g. Sappho from Klang via ports Messrs. Machean, Poundall, and Groom. IVr s. s. Sri B (iiuljar from M. D, Sanah. Per P. <fc 0. s.s. Japan from London —Mr. Scrutton. Per s. s. Sumatra from Deli—Messrs. H. Yon Mechelen, and Sliibuya. Per s. a.
      137 words
    • 445 14 TO the EDITOR of the “3Tp Arr I Sib,-The leading artier** I 'l appeared in yesterday’s I journal has attracted the atw**l the more respectable member. 'l* I Chinese community, who f I prove of the new policy a t I he enforced by the Or.ium p
      445 words
    • 74 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. "Plag i Date Date. and IShip’s Name. Commander. of From where Destix- Ke Rio. I Sailing ation mabks. June 21 Brit bq. Laurel bank Lindsay Mar 2 New York Shanghai 21 Brit bq.Caradoe Jones* :Mar SFdelphia Hiogo 21 Am s. Helen Brewer
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    • 204 14 i Flag S Vessel’s Name. a Tons Captain From Sailed Consigns**- Rig. i J’ne 29 W. O’the Wisp Brit str 166 Willock Teloban June 26Chay Guan 29 Sri Bandjar Dut str. 544 Flack Cotie June 22 Ang Liming 29 iNiini Novgorod Rus tra. 2582 Morosoff Vl’vostock May 28 Borneo
      204 words
    • 130 14 i 1 I Date Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination June 29 j Kriemhild Ger Ar. Jager Havre and Ham! urg 29 Chow Phya Brit mr. Jellicoe Malacca and Kiang 30 Isabella 4r. Hudson Muar 30 Singapore 4r. Frith I Bangkok 30 Ban Whatt Hin Sr. Edwards Billiton and Podti
      130 words