The Straits Budget, 16 June 1898

Total Pages: 16
1 2 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French
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    • 39 1 I -On the 14th May, at Kinloch, I im K»*nt. the wife of Charles «i Wvtiberg, Bromley, Kent, of a I I H-raT Institution Hill, on the Nth I VU*. wife of O>CAR HUBK, of a I ..vji;i.t*-r
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    • 39 1 I i:kk -Si-otter.— On the 6th of June, I. ;L«- ian Church, Singapore, by I':.- s S. Walker, M.A. William l x r.- -u of fi. F. CAKSBER<:,and Editii, tie* late George Scotter of London papers please copy).
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  • 346 1 IL-.-.Li'.'- Akim l*>. Hr. II >ol**y. I !»nl (’liinp. IV < <*;,! >t» .k<\ I rv \V«r. I Hi?' off. I t::i*rn’> Intentions. I b*it**r> Fall. I r:,- "'.cig of the Stricken IlfrAL. I Market Quotation-. I Sii| j;ini; Nru-. I fi" I.i-t. I I'oirv N»»\V>. I
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  • 521 1 Sinoapore, 16th June, 1898. PRODUCE (Rates are corrected to 10.45 a.m.) Gambier, 5.471. Copra Bali, 7.45. do Pontianak, 7.10. Pepper, Black, 20 62*. do White, (5%) 39.25 Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.20. do Brunei 2.15. Pearl Sago 4.40. Coffee, Bali, picked '10.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... ,,30.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 296 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the Pit O. Parramatta. The mail from Europe of the 20th May, by the M. M. Oceanien arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe, next week, leaves by the M. M. Yarra. The mail from Europe of the
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  • 162 1 OPERATIONS IN PEDIK. THE ACHINESE KO0TE1*. On the 4th instant, the Dutch troops, operating in Pedir, advanced to Gronggong. On the 5th, they moved into the district of the Seven Mukims, which was held by Panglima Polim, one of the enemy's principal commanders. The enemy were driven
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    • 20 1 ADJUDGED A BANKRUPT. London 10 th June. Ernest Hooley has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition.
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    • 72 1 GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN DESPAIR. CRY FOR HELP. The Governor-General of the Philippines has sent a despairing telegram to the Government at Madrid. He declares that nearly the whole of the Philippine Archipelago has broken out into open revolt. The Governor-General finally states that, unless the Spanish Government sends aid.
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    • 44 1 P. S. ARMY ON THE WAY. Twenty-seven thousand American troops, under command of General Shafter, have sailed from Tampa for Key West. From there, the troops will be conveyed by a strong fleet to some point in Cuba previously fixed upon.
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    • 74 1 BRITAIN LEASES 200 SQUARE MILES. DETAILS OF THE CESSION. London 11 th June. China has leased to Britain two hundred square miles of territory pn the mainland around Hongkong. The lease includes the territory on the mainland behind Kowloon. The boundary of the leased tract will be drawn
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    • 113 1 RESPECT FOR TREATIES. STATUS QUO MAINTAINED. Mr. G. N. Curzon, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has made a statement in the House of Commons regarding Russian policy in China. Mr. Curzon stated that, according to a despatch from Count Muravieff, the Russian Minister for Foreign
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    • 34 1 RIOTING FEARED. TROOPS DESPATCHED. London 13 th June. A serious ferment has arisen among the miners on strike in South Wales. Troops have been hastily despatched to the seat of disturbance.
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    • 55 1 CENSORSHIP ENFORCED. The censorship has stopped all news regarding the expedition which has just started from Tampa, in Florida, for Cuba. The present whereabouts of the expedition are not known. Meanwhile, American war-ships have seized and occupied the outer harbour of Guantanamo, a port about thirty miles
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    • 62 1 FEARS OF ITS SPREAD. TROOPS IN THE SOUTHERN STATES IN DANGER. Nine cases of yellow fever have appeared at McHenry which is situated at the mouth of the Mississippi River. There are grave fears of yellow fever now spreading to the troops collected in the Southern States. McHenry
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    • 22 1 AGREEMENT REACHED. London 14th June. An agreement between the British and French Governments on the Niger question has been concluded.
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    • 58 1 OVERCROWDED TRANSPORTS. TERRIBLE HEAT. The transports, which had started rom Tampa with 27,000 American troops for Cuba, had to return to Tampa. The men were overcrowded in the transports and suffered terribly from the heat. Many horses died on board. The latest reports state that the transports sailed
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    • 101 1 ACTION AT GUANTANAMO. A force of American marines, who had landed at Guantanamo, were attacked by Spanish regular troops on Saturday last. The Spaniards fought under cover, and were only discernible from the Hashes of their musketry. The marines fired several volleys in 'reply, guided by the light
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    • 35 2 GERMAN DESIGNS ON SULU. Lorufon, 1 btli Jane. Attention has been drawn to the concentration of German inen-of-war at Manila. Rumours are current that the German Government has designs upon the Sulu islands.
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    • 32 2 COLLAPSE AT CHICAGO. Leiter’s wheat corner at Chicago has collapsed. Ten millions of bushels have been thrown upon the market in consequence. A heavy decline in prices has resulted.
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    • 39 2 OFFICERS REINSTATED. The [Government has decided to reinstate, on half pay, unattached, all of the officers who had forfeited their commissions by taking part in Jameson's Raid. The only exceptions are Sir John Willoughby and Colonel Rhodes.
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    • 61 2 PENSIONS TO BE GIVEN. Mr. Brodrick, the l T nder Secretary of State for War, has announced, in the House of Commons, that the Victoria Cross will henceforth carry with it a pension of fifty pounds a year. Right to pension arises when the Cross has been conferred
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    • 22 2 DBPARTURK FROM KEY WEST. It is officially announced at Washington that General Shatter’s expedition has left Key West for Cuba.
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    • 20 2 AMERICAN LOSS. The American loss in the recent action at Guantanamo amounted to only five men killed.
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  • 18 1 I DEATH. I v. <nneral on tiie 14th In-*;:-. HN Fi.KT* IIKR V INCEST, aged I K*ynr-
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  • 506 2 (Straits Times, 10 th June.) Mr. Ernest Terah Hooley has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition. It is startling news. Mr. Hooley was supposed to be a millionaire many times over; and his quick rise to what was believed to be great wealth was one of
    (Straits Times, 10th June.)  -  506 words
  • 679 2 (Straits Times 11 th June.) The news of the day is the leasehold’’ addition that has been made to the colony of Hongkong. The area so leased to Britain is about two hundred square miles and, since few people know what area that really represents, it may
    (Straits Times, 11 th June.)  -  679 words
  • 390 2 (Straits Times 13 th June.) The Welsh mining coal strike, which now threatens to lead to rioting, began early in April last. The dispute arose from the miners demanding an advance of twenty per cent, in wages. The men had a fixed idea that, by restricting the
    (Straits Times, 13th June.)  -  390 words
  • 417 2 Straits Times, 14 th June.) Both America and Spain have cause to lament occurrences which have placed each at a disadvantage. On the one hand, our telegram to-day reveals the fact that the army of twenty-seven thousand American troops which we announced on Friday had sailed from Tampa,
    Straits Times, 14th June.)  -  417 words
  • 310 2 (Straits Times 14 th June.) We publish a letter under the title of: Open your hats.” The writer, who signs himself Protestant,” feels aggrieved at it having been suggested to him that he should take off his hat, while a Roman Catholic procession was passing from a convent
    (Straits Times, 14th June.)  -  310 words
  • 323 2 (Straits Time*, loth Jane.) To most people, we imagine, the rumour of which mention is made in our telegrams to-day, that Germany has designs upon the islands of the Sulu Archipelago, will come as a surprise. It does not seem possible that the rumour can have found its
    (Straits Time*, loth Jane.)  -  323 words
  • 290 2 (Straits Times, loth June.) Heavy disaster has befallen y 0 an» Mr. Leiter who had eagerly sought to beat the record in wheat corners. Hie father, a rich speculator, had retired from business when the son entered the field of commercial speculation Though young in years, Leiter Junior
    (Straits Times, loth June.)  -  290 words
  • 1877 2 (Straits Times, 1 ~>th Jur*-) We publish in another column poem entitled “The of Stricken.*’ The writer deals with nation* which have once been great- -V Spain, Persia, and Turkey anttheir present state. The ?« the hope of the stricken peoples, expressed by the poet,
    (Straits Times, 1 ~>th Jur*-)  -  1,877 words

  • 151 3 The Rajah of Sarawak has notified his neutrality in the Spanisli-American war. Plague at Macao was decreasing at the date of last advices, but in the outlying villages it was reported to be still bad. 4 Thu laws of Sarawak now include an enactment fo provide for
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  • 37 3 During the 24 hours up to noon, 3rd June, 7 new cases and 9 deaths from plague were reported at Hongkong, making the total since the Ist January (153 days) 1,244 cases and 1,093 deaths.
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  • 64 3 —China Mail. It is reported that the City of Peking en route to Manila with American troops from 8an Francisco is carrying a supply of coal and the necessary appliances for repairing any damage done to the American warships in the naval engagement at Manila, and
    —China Mail.  -  64 words
  • 77 3 About 8.30 last night, while Mr. Whitefield, of the Robinson Piano Co., in company with his wife, was driving to the Tow r n Hall to take part in the Philharmonic Concert, the horse shied at something in Campong Java Road, just opposite the race course stables. The
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  • 1409 3 ARMING THE REBELS. The following news may be taken as confirming our telegraphic reports of rebel successes near Manila. The rebels at Cavite, says the China Mail have been receiving large supplies of arms. On 24th May, they received two thousand Manser breach-loading rifles and 200,000 rounds of
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  • 169 3 The Wennington Hall which left Kuchinotzu on the 23rd ultimo arrived alongside the Tanjong Pagar wharf yesterday, laden with over 4,000 tons of coal for the Mitsui Bussen Kaisha. The Pieciola after discharging her cargo of coals at Polo Brani, was yesterday shifted to Tanjong Pagar in order
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  • 853 4 [by “arpeggio.”] We have to thank the members of the Singapore Philharmonic Society for having last night again provided us with an excellent evening’s entertainment. It is a thankless task to criticise any amateur performance because one feels loth to disturb the feelings of those who have
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  • 870 4 THE PEDIR EXPEDITION. PRELIMINARY 8UCCESSfeS. The Locamotief points out that the expedition to Pedir springs from the urgent necessity for pursuing the leaders of the Acliinese war party to their last places of refuge in that State. Colonel Van Pleutsz declares this to be the oidy way to
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  • 138 4 A good storv is told of General Shafter, the officer who is in command of the American army which is about to concentrate at Key West. A cynical minded young thing with raven hair and eagle eyes was passing through the military reservation the other day and espied
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  • 221 4 SCARCITY OF LABOUR. The Deli Planters Association discussed the labour question at a recent meeting. The planters subsidise a steamer service to China in order to secure a direct supply of coolies from there. Last year, this coolie trade resulted in heavy loss owing to over two thousand
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  • 338 4 FULLER PARTICULARS. The Lindula and the Mecca left Calcutta on Sunday, the 22nd of May, bound for Rangoon. The Mecca had no l>a.-sengei>, and was sailing as an extra steamer. The lAadnla was an ordinary steamer with marts and passengers. After passing the Sandheads the shaft
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  • 324 4 DIFFICULTIES WITH SARAWAK. The Rajah of Sarawak, on the 14th May, laid before his Supreme Council, the case of the murder of two Sarawak Malays which took place in the latter part of last year in the Brunei river. The Rajah had endeavoured to obtain justice at the Court
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  • 206 4 London 19 ih May. Two American journalists, captured in Cuba by the .Spaniards, and condemned to death as spies, were ultimately exchanged for two Spanish officers. Eighteen Americans have been killed while attempting to remove torpedoes from Cardenas Harbour. America is complaining that France continues to
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  • 107 4 The Sort h. ('kina Herald says that Talienwan is an open bay, some six-miles wide and six deep, and open to all easterly winds. It was in Victory Bay, an inlet of Talienwan, that the British fleet and transports anchored in 18G0; but at both Port Arthur and Talienwan,
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  • 74 4 BRITISH CONCESSIONS. The North China Herald, relies on the best authority in stating that there is no truth whatever in the reports of successful opposition to the railway concession acquired in China by Messrs. Jardine, Matheson Co. Satisfactory telegrams on the subject have been received from Pekin, and
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  • 952 4 The present Emperor of rv most highly educated mini" 11 sat on the throne of that country “SS isceramtcsof which he lias a Iarl?„,H and he is the author of a on colour. earn *i Count Boni de Castellano m,,. returned to the French Cham ha S Republican,
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  • 46 5 transport Petersburg left 1 ]l¥ lt 6 o'clock this morning. vc-terday a arrivals was Mr. V, L*es, formerly manager of o r** Insurance Company. despatched from Singapore via Brindisi, on the 20th v *ed to he delivered on *!iV. jji-t tnt. r* i*’
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  • 40 5 ning of the oth inst., two a.' fi Tan Wall and Eng it :;9. Cecil Street, went out .j,,. vicinity of St. John's v h *vc not been seen since. ,;it~ are out looking for \.y i 4
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  • 47 5 j/ FI jian. supercargo of the s.s. I r ,.j,oits that between 9. p.m. I an<l (> am. on the loth inst., I tins of cocoanut oil, I >]]."». wont stolen from the I h was lying in the roads. I 1 oi has since left.
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  • 51 5 j» KKI u:.\, ex-Audit Otiice clerk s»*langor <lovernrnent, who in inmate »»f the leper hospital at Lampur, is reported to have wiiiride by means of an overLetters which he left ■,r ».j- familv and friends disclosed his ,f putting an end to his life, lid by swallowing
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  • 68 5 i a: .-a:n Chevalier, of the Dutch which arrived this j tr* rin tic* east coast of Sumatra, r r t- that, on the Brd instant, C 1 u)i four natives, the crew of a >r! I prahu on a voyage from •i: !_•■•in. The* Sti'l;
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  • 109 5 WITH SINGAPORE. I j 'h rnfory I ol the I M v mentions that a gentleman I t? T*lt from there to the East into the prospects for I r. a trade in cattle and I h het wren Port Darwin ;.*r .re. A scheme lias been
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  • 109 5 r mi: kmi'KK'h: < opinion. > iv- to a Peking dispatch, a n lv memorialised the Throne 1lie strictures made on the r and officials in the verna- i- ill over the Empire and j i a their privileges should he The Emperor, however. I hack
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  • 185 5 Iil. MhKIINU TO-DAY. r linui v general meeting of 1 1 nin-ulu Prospecting Com<1, was held at 11, CoUyer 1 v at one o'clock afternoon. of the meeting was to eon- T !>i proposed modifications in ot association. The first situation in the articles is to
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  • 1468 5 To go through the process of being serenaded, without loss of dignity, requires, in a man, some tact. It is all right for a woman. If one or more gallant Filippinos, or members of any other romantic Eastern race, choose to stand beneath a lady’s room and
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  • 61 5 A VISIT TO JAPAN. Prince Henry of Prussia is said to have applied to the Japanese Government for sanction to cruise along the coast of Japan. The Prince's request having been granted, the Gejion, with the Prince on board, the Deutschland. and the Kaiser in Augusta, will shortly
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  • 141 5 East night, a very successful and well attended concert was given at the Boustead Institute, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Salzmann. The occasion, though not exactly a re-opening, was the first conceit given after the renovation of the concert hall. The programme, it will be observed,
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  • 1767 5  -  [All Rights Reserved.] (By F. T. Bidlake, B. A.) V. THE TROUBLES OF A NOVICE. The trials that a novice generally encounters after he has made his dehut as a rider, and has achieved the art of mounting, dismounting, and preserving his balance naturally, fall
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  • 1112 6 WAR AND THE BOOK MARKET. Whatever way the alleged war may be affecting the book market in America and Spain, it certainly shows little influence on the sale of literature in this country. True, this is not a busy season in any year, but inasmuch as the
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  • 156 6 TO THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, “Arpeggio’s" unfavourable comments on some of the numbers rendered by the Philharmonic Choir at Thursday night's concert comments in which I, with others, concur lead me to suggest for the consideration of the Committee of the Philharmonic Society that
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  • 357 6 The exportation of arms and ammunition from this Colony to the Philippines is forbidden for six months longer, dating from the 12th instant. Tuesday, the 28th instant, will be observed throughout the Colony as a Public Holiday in honour of the Anniversary of the Coronation of the Queen.
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  • 1198 6 A MANAGER’S DISMISSAL. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, a case involving some interesting points came before the Hon’ble Sir Lionel Cox. The action was one in which Mr. W. A. Leach, until lately manager of the Straits Development Company’s saw r -mills, sought to recover damages
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  • 259 6 THE TOTALISATOR. The Malay Mail understands that at the approaching race meeting at Kuala Lumpor, the totalisator will no longer be open to the public as before, but will be strictly confined to members of the Selangor Turf Club only. GRAND noUSE. Plans have been drawn up for
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  • 159 6 The Norwegian steamer Dr. Hans Jurg Kiarr with cargo from Odessa for a Russian port in the north, arrived alongside the Borneo wharf yesterday morning, and coaled. She left this morning. The Tanrarrille arrived alongside the Tanjong Pagar wharf on Thursday from Pulo Semilan, with oil for the
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  • 66 6 Mr. A. S. Anthony^ Captain of the Penang esterdav afternoon the fl v L Pnnre passed through th* i N East to West. the tan The Resident General ha<? August 2Rth as the day U J J ball at his new house will be hel.f A PLANT
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  • 27 6 It is reported in the T that Prince Rabi, the of Justice, will leave f or hm 7 month for the sake of his l^alt!''
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  • 27 6 Lord Newburgh intend* 1,.Singapore shortly in his yacht ft From here he goes to Java and IV* where he hopes to enjoy some M,. n
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  • 33 6 Two murderers were to he hair,.; Penang this morning. <)ne is a who killed a woman in iris kt,, The other murderer a ChinamaV name—had killed his own wife.
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  • 36 6 Messrs. Boustead and Company v porta case of theft at Collyer Sometime between yesterday and t<X three skeins of yarn were stolen out oh bale. The case is being investigated h the police.
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  • 38 6 The district officer at Tain pin report that during April two black panther? and two leopards were brought in Three of them were trapped alive m were exported to Singapore. The fourth was shot by a Malay.
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  • 41 6 The Sanitarium, says the /VrPioneer, at Port Dickson has bees furnished and will shortly he ready k occupation. It is said to lie a very nice building, and shrubs and tree- re being planted in the grounds surroundg it.
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  • 31 6 Another pine-ap,ue preservingestablishment lias been started at Fenangtliis time by a European at Aver IttE Five other establishments of a like character are going concerns in tha: Settlement.
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  • 37 6 It turns out that, besides the and Indian mails for Burma, European and Indian mails for Penary, and the Indian mails for Singapoieani Malacca, have been lost by tin* found*: ing of the Mecca.
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  • 49 6 A case of housebreaking and th<has been reported to the police by Burmese traders living at Hi". ir Street. This morning, about .'Biu. of the men found the door ol the open and discovered that one stolen a tin box containing etc., to the value of &>GU.
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  • 47 6 The Malay Mail says that, in Kuala Lumpur races. BoyMi been scratched for the rand > Cup, the fourth race on the f.r~t leaving the issue to be decided vtv V Locky” Triton" and Blazon entries for the third race on t <* day should include ‘’Chop^ti'K
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  • 57 6 A Chinaman named I loo 7T at 2J32, Roehore Road, says ’'u day, he and his clerk went to of his shop to cook some :i, leaving a coolie ad«-* i ,l counter. On their return. that the till had been loreed W that the coolie
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  • 65 6 A Chinaman named livinir at H 4. Hocklam lr jtU commit suicide on the l tv 9th inst., by drinking k< afterwards taking a lartr*- »>• Yesterday afternoon, Hie fct sent to the hos|>. al, again tried to take lip ,„t ting his throat with 1 a broken
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  • 66 7 ~eting of the Penang MuniciA a pith instant, the President, Vt K»'iincdv, said he had received P from Mr. L. C. Brown, on I the Presbyterian Mission f l mission to erect a Church .< nqq the vacant piece of r ni l Protestant Cemetery j 4
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  • 87 7 r. -in the Siam Ottgerrer ,^u u' tion of the Petchaburi ir‘ u m' lianirkok, has been sancV' Mr P- C. Kinch has the l r ,r tic* preliminary survey Tj the construction of the line :r; ,..j out departmentally by 'J.,The branch line to Pra.n in course
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  • 108 7 P r;J the l/tivlnla and the Mecca which *Tded oil' the Hooghly river, have J r i pl »n amongst seamen as unlucky wavs the Rangoon Gazette. Hardly •Ur uf her by no means short life passed, in which the latter was not r casualty or some very
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  • 232 7 T;;; f.Uowing is the result of the ;Qr Monthly Medal Handicap: \V sti\ >n 14 11 85 scr. 85 K »t*‘rl'On 14 4*2 86 scr. 86 P Scott 4< 4/ 94 8 86 ,6. l»yer •>! 47 98 10 88 I(j M;. *tagjr ;4l l 56 56
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  • 220 7 ulinival of the Good Sheprr'! v, 't‘ r*iay, the Feast of Corpus v.;i' »M*lr! i rated with much The Church, both inside ua- Tastefully, though per- niily. d* roratetl, and the high !,,l magnificent. Bishop ''fed hy Kevds. Nani and performed high mass, >n of which
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  • 3566 7 Mr. Chamberlain was present on May 13th at the annual meeting of the Birmingham Liberal Association. Before commencing the business of the meeting, he referred to Mr. Gladstone’s illness, and moved a vote of sympathy. In a speech which followed he discussed home affairs, and then turned
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  • 560 7 CAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT. FINDING AND VERDICT. The Aden correspondent of the Times of India writes under date, May 25th The enquiry into the causes which led ;o the wreck of the China was concluded lere on Monday, the 23rd instant, after occupying ten days. The
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  • 1988 8 I London, 23th May. Mp. Winter Knight, acting as a correspondent lor the Tiimx, succeeded in landing in Cuba in a skiff, but was captured by the Spanish officials, and is now. imprisoned in Cubanas. The Britisn delegates to the forthcoming Sugar Conference have been appointed. Reuter's
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  • 27 8 Senator Alliston lias drawn up an estimate, from which he calculates that the war will have cost a minimum of‘ by July 1899.
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  • 69 8 The llavgoon Times notes the prevalence of illicit coining in India since the closing of the mints. The counterfeit rupees are hardly distinguishable from the rupees turned out by the mints. The coiners make from 25 to 30 per cent, in the business. This is possible because, since
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  • 143 8 RESISTANCE AT COLOMBO. The proposal of the Ceylon Government that the officials and employees of Colombo Harbour, who are liable to come into contact with vessels from infected ports, should be inoculated with plague serum, has resulted in a fiasco. The refusal of the pilots to be inoculated,
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  • 337 8 Thk Otter.<pool which left Kuehinotzu on the 26th ultimo, arrived on the 11th instant and went alongside the Tanjong Pagar Wharf yesterday witii 4,000 tons of coal for the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer 1 ladimir from Odessa for tlie north with Russian troops, arrived
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  • 707 8 THE TBIAL MEETING. The Johore trial races were held on Saturday, at Johore, in the best of weather and in the presence of a great number of spectators. There was a fair sprinklingof Europeans present including several ladies and gentlemen from Singapore. The temporary stands, which had been
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  • 85 8 A Chinaman, living at 5, Hocklam Street, states that on Friday last, he and live others were suddenly taken ill after partaking of some food. Dr. Lim Boon Keng was call in and eventually they all recovered. The complainant suspects the cook, who has bolted, of putting something
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  • 1043 8 DISCOVERY AT BVKIT hit, I A telegram has been ro,.,- Baub, dated 12th instant', SB Have struck reef at carrying good gold. l n i t ti 15 inches not yet through.’ s!S *1 been, flooded temporarily.- FIVE-WEEKLY REPORT I THE REST CLEAN UP OK x U
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  • 347 9 UV VI THIS AFTERNOON. u nt wa? given at the Supreme afternoon in the case of ::i ;j p Straits Development ComM C upied the attention of -ir Lionel Cox on Friday r: ‘7 r stated that this was 8*‘ n wnirh the plaintiff, Mr. a Miiined as
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  • 155 9 Thf II I) O. Company’s steamer, :.i ill'll troin West to East i iy ;tttiT!i<M »n. ■Ik I.* u h undertakes by adver--;u rr r M-lasMiy timber, and to sup-*--**iI utj-ids fur building purposes. >;x ii »iidred and seventy-seven W'Te registered at Singapore 7:! 1'i't iii'*ntli. with
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  • 30 9 i J i i.J'l' -t 1 1 Burs up to noon, 5th n t'» 3 deaths from n-poBed at Hongkong, ,T >1 di!Be 1st January (15G 1,110 deaths.
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  • 45 9 At?. Tr m~ 1 Merchants in tlie !n hniia Bosed at noon on V U 11 ln respect to 1 dad-tuiicB At the Armenian tii*-, 1 !l M ui. ki mass was said T’'*' °f tile soul of the istat.-snian. 1
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  • 47 9 ■Uh. r Sr« i i'<,V !!j u 1 ,i v an 8 Kem Tian, U J street, reports that bln 1111 n ie Hth instant J%ri *>«- ri lath instant he w th of jewellery from i 8 of his *>ed. He aln boy, v.-ho has
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  • 176 9 HEAVY FINES. T E8TERDA.Y, before Mr. Howard, six Chinese women and a boy, were charged with assisting in the management of a Chap Jee Kee lottery in Neil Road, on the 19th of May. Col. Pennefather appeared for prosecution Mr. Stevens appeared for two of the women
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  • 57 9 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co., Limited, has received the following telegram from the mines giving the result of the May clean up The mill ran 29 days, crushing 2,550 tons of headings and yielding 262 ozs. of smelted gold. Twenty tons of concentrates were ground in Berdan
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  • 97 9 A Chinese woman living at 168, Middle Road, states that, last night, she was going along Victoria Street with her husband in a ’rikisha, when three gold hairpins set with diamonds valued at $3OO were robbed from her by a man behind the rikisha. At the time
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  • 130 9 The M. M. steamer fi'odavery, which for some years past has been on the Singapore-Batavia run, and which left here on the 12th instant, is expected to make another trip to Singapore, after which she will be disposed of. The La Seyne which is to replace
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  • 165 9 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —May I draw attention through your journal to the idiotic manner in which some people express themselves. I happened to be passing by the convent yesterday, and saw a procession moving from the convent into the Roman Catholic Church
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  • 134 9 TO THE EDITOR OF THE u STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —As punishment by fine does not seem to arrest or diminish gambling amongst Chinese ladies, can’t you, Sir, or the/‘ Moralist suggest to Downing Street some remedy to substitute for the useless fine, say the Cangue, imprisonment,
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  • 1553 9 INSURGENT ACTIVITY. (Supplied to the Strain Times by a special correspondent icitk the American Fleet.) Manila Bay, 3rd June. General Aguinaldo and his assistants are bringing order out of the masses of the rebels and are making tilings very lively for the Spaniards. Severe fighting has gone
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  • 56 9 The Calcutta Englishman complains of the drain upon the Sikhs in India for military service in the Straits and elsew here beyond India. It is of opinion that in the Straits too much reliance is placed upon India. The Malay ought to make a good soldier, and
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  • 646 9 HOISTING OF THE BBITISH FLAG The correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury thus describes the taking-over of Wei-hai-wei by the British authorities:— Island of Linkungtau, 24th May. On Sunday last, the Alacrity arrived, having on board Consul Hopkins of Chefoo. At 9 a.m. yesterday, a detachment' of blue-jackets (45 in
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  • 129 9 A native correspondent at Pekin states that the Emperor has, of late, taken quite a pleasure in attending the military drills and manoeuvres of the Imperial Guards and the Pekin Field Force now going on in the Southern Hunting Parks, and so interested has his Majesty
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  • 139 9 A serious interference on the part of the Chinese with the rights conferred by the extra article of the Treaty of Tientsin, confirmed by the Chefoo Convention, has to be recorded. A proclamation signed by the Hupu (Board of Revenue, Pekin) has been issued, levying a
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  • 2618 10 THE COFFEE MARKET. Larger supplies were offered by auction, in the London coffee market on the 20th May, and with more demand nearly the whole was sold at steady to very full prices. Costa Rica sold at previous rates for ordinary, but the bulk desirable qualities sold readily
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  • 81 10 The Malay Mail remarks: —The report anent the discovery of a rich gold reef has not only failed to materialise but has also served to point the old moral that All that glitters is not gold.” and that iron pyrites can be easily palmed off for gold
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  • 88 10 Early this month, the Grand Oriental Hotel at Colombo was lit throughout for the first time, by electricity from Messrs. Boustead Brothers' mains, and the effect was pleasing in the extreme. All the large hotels are now lit with electric light in Colombo, and it may,
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  • 224 10 The Kobe Herald of the 27th May says We learn that the Blue Funnel liner Palinurus has just changed hands, Mr. Oaki Kikusaburo, the well-known shipowner of Osaka, having bought her. The purchase was negotiated by Mr. Drewell, we understand. The price has not transpired. The Japanese ensign was
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  • 191 10 Tiie Kendal Castle arrived on the 12tli inßtant from Falmouth and discharged some explosives into lighters at Passir Panjang, going alonside Tanjong Pagar wharf yesterday to discharge general cargo. She comes to Guthrie Co. The S. S. Diomed arrived from Jeddah yesterday with a number of pilgrims on
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  • 1530 10 THE SPEECHES IN' U Ok so exceptionally eloquent a charac-te. were a delivered in the House „f V the House of Commons on Knlr W 20th ult., in reference to funeral of Mr. Gladstone ti, constrained to print extr™ them. The speeches i, sho'dd S are contained in
    1,530 words

  • 96 11 **’>' "i THE EMPEROR OF CHINA. \r< hes received from Pekin at s n ? 'tate that the Emperor, act!i2 '> n t l H* advice of independent coun“’rs has repealed the obnoxious '‘•tax, to which riots at Amoy, n, -h<*\v, and other places were partly an
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  • 130 11 I.1MITED LIABILITY. ♦-rninent of Ceylon propose to Ti| limit the liability of pilots J main provisions are these: pp*»int<v 1 by the (Governor shall V-, >i neglect or want of skill v/i U,M ‘J one thousand rupees. V. f ve nt of his being entitled to °f pilotago
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  • 1422 11 WEI-HAI-WEI. The Wei-hai-wei correspondent of the A orth China Daily News states that on the 23rd May, British bluejackets were landed on Liukungtao to look after public property, and the marines were sent to occupy the barracks vacated by the Japanese on the mainland. It is
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  • 154 11 Ir is" reported at Shanghai that Russians are now in sole charge at all the docks at Port Arthur. Efforts are also being made to buy up all available land from° the Chinese; hut little business has been done, prices being too small. It is also reported that
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  • 261 11 The King of Siam is expected to visit Japan on a short holiday in August next. Gas in the East—where coal is dear —is not the light of the future, soys Indian Engineering. The Singapore Philharmonic Society will give a Popular Orchestral Concert about the end of
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  • 32 11 The programme at the ParseeTheatre, last night, under the patronage of Mr. Seali Liang Seah, was numerously attended. The play staged went off successfully with the aid of English songs.
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  • 55 11 Complaints have been made of late to the police by Mr. Hillier, of Cross St. Branch School, to the effect that some one has been stealing the piping attached to the school. A detective was placed on the watch, and last night a man was arrested in the
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  • 66 11 A Hokien named Lim Low, living at 30, Upper Macao Street, reports that between lu last night, and 5.30 this morning, a box containing jewellery and clothing to the value of 5527 was stolen from his bedroom. There were no marks of a forced entrance, and the police
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  • 89 11 The extent of the Sulu Archipelago under Spanish protection, to which reference is made in one of our leaders to day, is defined, in a protocol signed at Madrid, March 7,1885, by representatives of Great Britain, Germany, and Spain, as including all the islands lying between the
    89 words
  • 171 11 MR. CHAM1IERLAIX WILL CONSIDER THE MATTER. The Secretary of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce has receive*! from the Hon. C. W. S. Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary, the following letter in reference to the Straits Currency Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 10th June, 1808. Sir,—With reference to your letter of
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  • 113 11 It will interest the friends of Mr. C. Wiggins to know that letters have been received from him, from home, of a date up to 16th May. He went home by the P. O. Borneo, and, as a tribute to P. O. feeding he notes that on
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  • 103 11 Yesterday afternoon, five or six Dutch and German sailors presumably under the influence of drink, endeavoured to board the M. M. Adour the crew of which ship resisted the invasion. In the fight that followed, the Dutchmen and Germans tried to force their way by means
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  • 117 11 The Cunard Steamship Coy's Mediterranean steamer Trinidad has been sold to the German Government, and has left Liverpool for Wilhelmshaven to load naval stores for German Kiaochau. The Trinidad is having all her cabins taken out so that she can load as much cargo as possible.
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  • 458 11 M. Hoshi, the Japanese Minister, called at the United States, State Department on the 19th May, and denied the reports originating in St. Petersburg that Japan had objected to the acquisition of the Philippines by the United States. The Times New York correspondent says
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  • 429 12 MR. A. CLOUET SUMMONED. Yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Elcum, Mr. A. Clouet was summoned for (1) erecting a boundary wall without giving notice, and (2) for not sending in a plan to the Commissioners of the Municipality. There was also a third charge of not providing a
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  • 120 12 In the Summons Court, yesterday, on the prosecution of Chief Sanitary Inspector Mayhew, Ta Ti Kow, was tined twenty-live dollars and costs for storing fifty-six cases of petroleum in excess of the number allowed in his license. In the same Court yesterday before Mr. Elcum, Syed Shaik Alsagoif
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  • 228 12 The Admiralty, from all reports, is wide awake at present to the growing importance of the destroyer in naval warfare. Little by little, says the Morning Post, a formidable fleet of destroyers is being gathered together in home waters. Some of these little vessels have been sent,
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  • 507 12 FIRST DAY. Yesterday afternoon, the first day of the Rallies Cricket Club athletic sports was held on the Raffles School ground. The programme was a long one, and included a larger number of entries for the various events. A good many Europeans were present. From start to
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  • 400 12 THE EVIL MET AT HONGKOXG. At Hongkong, a company was started in February last, for the encouragement of thrift as a remedy against high house rents. It bore the name of the China Provident Loan and Mortgage Company. The first meeting of shareholders was held at Hongkong
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  • 357 12 R. A. r S. C. C. A friendly game under Association rules was played yesterday afternoon, between the above teams. The R. A. winning the toss elected to play towards the sea. The S. C. C. were without the services of some of their usual players, and had not
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  • 276 12 It is curious to notice how, since Lord ►Salisbury's Convention of January, 1890, in regard to Siam, the Siamese authorities constantly turn to India for assistance in the various departments of the Administration, remarks the Manchester (xttardian. Prior to that time, when Europeans were needed they were
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  • 159 12 A movement is on foot for a combine of cotton mills in Japan. A meeting of representatives of the industry was held recently and the following proposals were discussed: —(1) To establish a large cotton mill company under the name of the Cliuwo Boseki Kwaisha (the Central
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  • 592 12 We are Nations old in story, But the robber years outwore Our great strength that won us glory In the spacious days of yore; They have left us bruised and gory By the road we tread no more! We lie impotent and dying, As the
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  • 169 12 The Japanese cruiser Takasmjo lias completed all her trials, speed and gunnery, and has been finished for sea at the Walker shipyard of the Elswick firm. She realised a speed of knots. Her crew are on board, and she leaves for Japan very shortly. The Hai -Tid'd and
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  • 664 12 THK EMPEROR REstivf. At a private council of the V and his ministers recently ki 1 stated that the Emperor L eld reason why China was in h l s U 4 ’V condition. A minister replied usual formula, urging his to give heed to such
    664 words
  • 89 12 (For Strut apore). eT Per German s Hw* r>' ,r l11 haven via ports, due <v n the r l Mr. August Diehn, M r. and c Miss Elfride WilWorg.j Mr.jjnd rderslcy, Mr. ft. Mageef} Mr-JHIo.*"' Mj. Maas, fl M Jie* Per M. M. MiVnonjiu' from June 5:—Mr.
    89 words

  • 1074 13 I v vTi:i> I5Y king's pawn. I i-'MTCspondence should be I 0 Kings Fawn.’ ft Problem No. 3H (Obermunn) N w (Sorke) Q—K Correct ft-* from Nil Desperandum, i Lon*ires. ..raii'lum draws my Attention I |,ints on problem composiI tiiat absolute purity in the T j r>n cannot be
    1,074 words
  • 436 13 An extraordinary general meeting of the above company was held at the oflices, 101, Leadenhall-street, on 16th May, the Hon. H. C. Strutt, M.P., (chairman of the company presiding. The Chairman said that he desired to lay before the shareholders the state of affairs which
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  • 129 13 The net value of the import trade (distinguishing foreign and native imports) of the Treaty Ports of the Yangtze for 1897 w-as as follows: Foreign X 12,323,055. Native £4,756,805. The value of exports from the Yangtze ports last year was £16,024,081. With regard to the shipping
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  • 185 13 The Italian steamer fjttiinhro is due here from Hongkong either on the 20th or 21 st instant. She brings cargo for Singapore. The O. *S. S. Jason, having discharged her cargo in the roads, is expected to proceed to Tanjong Pagar either to-day or to-morrow-, where she will
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  • 490 13 ARRIVALS. IVr s. s. Sultan from Fremantle :—Mrs. D. Kerr, Miss Kerr, Messrs. 13. Kerr, H. Stone, W. Newman, G. James. J. B. N. Bowling, C. E. Newman, G. S. Streeter, and C. E. Mousley. Per s. s. Siik m from Deli:—Messrs. J. R. Hultie. J. P. C.
    490 words
    • 104 13 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer sh.—ship bq.—barque Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’s Wharf
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    • 1390 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. A tala, Brit. str. 2.388 tons, Capt Langworthy lfith Juno. From Saigon, 12th June. Rice. M. B. Kaisha. For Dunkirk, 16th —W. Hatnvier Brit. str. 216 tons, Capt Robertson, loth June. From Klang, 13th June. G.e., and 50 d.p. Wee Bin and
      1,390 words
    • 966 14 Y FLAG i '1 I S Vessel's Name. A j Tons Captain From Sailed Consignees. 5 I JW" i I 1 I q Ulysses Brit str. 2281 Brown iHongkong < June 4W. Mansfield A Co 9 ax str. 1691 Robinson 'Sourabaya June 6W. Mansfield A Co. 9 W’nington Hall
      966 words
    • 623 14 7 Date Vessel’s Name iFlag&Kig Captain Destination i June 9 Tancarville Brit str. Brown Shanghai 10 Batavier str. Robertson Malacca and Klang If) Kian Yang str. Kunath Muar 10 Singapore str. Firth Bangkok 10 Neera str. 1 Coysh T. Anson via ports 10 Perdana str. Marshall Kelantan via ports
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 64 13 STAMPS. H. H. BUIJS, Tegal, Java desires ex *hange with stamp-collectors ia the Straits Settlements, Borneo, Siam. etc. L'46 SCETYLEN for PRIVATE or INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING HANDBOOK of practical hints and price-list of producing apparatuses sent gratis and postage free by OEROY Fils A?n6, Engineer, 71 to 77, rue du Theatre,
      64 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 822 14 IN CASE OF FIRE. Youe house takes tire. What burns first The lightest and most inflammable stuff, of course —furniture, doors,shelves, floors, panelling, and other woodwork. If it is a stone or brick house the walls will probably remain standing—a melancholy sight. Were not this a principle of universal application,
      822 words
    • 540 14 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL 5>o;d Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., Londr.r and export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. B I THE BEST REMEDY FOB ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT AND
      540 words

    • 38 1 /</r of the mail arrangement a i ****ry to gi> r tke latest u p f irt' j k in a loose svpplctncnt ,n,iecuie/ice of those nho fie x net! > n t/o‘ loose < nbniys repeated next week Jure.
      38 words
      • 28 1 i.tliMAN' < I AIM A I’ORT. I/O/uloH, 1 ~*llt Jane. <1> rll :aii newspapers are openly »tin* probability of Germany r j t port in the Philippines.
        28 words
      • 37 1 A pp at SANTIAGO, y. f ii an lieutenant has made a vatiuii around the harbour *0U5 lit ;j_. r# M>1 ts that tiie whole ol the under Admiral Cervera is 'UU- if .r r
        37 words
      • 22 1 H'ANIdl BARBARITY. jiir-tl Miinpso’i telegraphs that the ,,f fh»t American dead in that rtl luivc been barbarously mutiiLted.
        22 words
      • 55 1 I'liKCAKIOUS POSITION. e Kp-ncli Ministry have been e:-a.:ed in the Chamber of Deputies -v j majority of fifty, in a debate on their general policy. jurntly the Chamber passed a tli .r d resolution of confidence in the Ministrv by a majority of twelve. Nevertheless it is believed
        55 words
    • 264 1 A han'.k f Ministry is now ini) en--1:. Kranei*. The present Cabinet, ui;'k the premiership of M. Meline, >tliiity-fifth Ministry that has held att in France since the fall i ti.»: Fin).ire in 1870. M. Meline 1 into oilice in April, with a d**« id** 1 Protectionist policy,
      264 words
    • 625 1 N/j,, Cuba is in a bad way. 6* •,i ,l v i s nc e we had information *<*;.' was blockaded in *tli a licet of Spanish warthem the best warships ’>*. Pressed. Then came the tj r. ie American blockading Admiral Schley, had made an attack on
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    • 34 1 A Chinaman, named Tan Sew Meng, livingat 41, Newmarket Road,committed suicide early this morning, by hanging himself from a beam in his house. When discovered his toes were touching the ground.
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    • 46 1 Another tiger has been shot at Bruas, Perak. The brute was carrying of a dog belonging to a Malay when the owner killed him with one bullet. A week or so back two timers were shot by a Malay in the same district.
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    • 36 1 During the 24 hours up to noon, 7tli June, 5 new cases and 3 deaths from plague were reported at Hongkong making the total since Ist January (198 days) 1,207 cases and 1,114 deaths.
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    • 38 1 The title of Second in Command of the Malay States Guides lias been abolished, says the Perak Pioneer. Officers in charge of the three out detachment will henceforth be called “The Officer commanding Detachment.” .1.
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    • 54 1 A Frenchman, named Agassiz, living at .">9, Hill Street, reports that between 3.30 p.m. on the 14th and 10.30 a.m. on the 15th inst his safe was broken into, and that 8232, several cheques, and a money order were stolen. He suspects a llylam boy. The loek of
      54 words
    • 46 1 Father Sorin is shortly leaving for Penang to relieve Father Nain as Meat* of the Chinese Roman Catholic Church in the Northern Settlement. The con* gregation of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd arc raising a subscription purse for presentation to the Rev. gentleman.
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    • 85 1 A YAMEN DESTROYED. A riot occurred at Ningpo, a treaty port in China, on the Bth instant. One Yamen was looted and completely destroyed. Theoflicialsallfled. Thecauseof the riot is said to be owing to the recent increase in taxrtio i and the high price of rice. Six
      85 words
    • 93 1 OITRKEAK OF ItERELMOX. A RERKi.uoN has been started in th province of Canton and the insurgents have captured the city of Chowehowfu, a little to the north of Swatow, and put to death the District Magistrate and his wife. The Magistrate’s Yamen has been burnt and the whole
      93 words
    • 119 1 SEIZUKB AT HONGKONG. Ox the sth instant, it was reported at Hongkong that the Canton steamer I'asig had been purchased, and that it was understood she was about to ply between Manila and Hongkong. On Thursday it oozed out that the vessel had been ra ided by
      119 words
    • 99 1 Lir-Ki xoTAf. :>lst Mdy. Ox the 25th inst. the Hag-ship Centurion. Vice-Admiral Seymour, came right into the harbour, demonstrating the fact that there is ample water for her, and she was drawing at least 2711. cilice the British flag has been hoisted the Chinese are quite eager to rent
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    • 102 1 American ladies, it is asserted, are determined to do something to show their patriotism. They, therefore, held a great meeting in Carnegie Hall. About two thousand leading women, including representatives of the principal modistes 1 were there. Speeches were made advocating the boycott of all French goods on
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    • 1236 1 A CORNISH MINERS OPINION. The L'urnlsh Post publishes tlie following letter from Mr. James Chas. Warren, formerly of Cornwall, Camborne, now tin dresser at the Bundi tin mines, Kememan, Siamese Malaya LOOK MINING IN MALAYA. It may be of intere*t to iea*i a few remarks on tin
      1,236 words
    • 315 1 POOR SHOW AT MANILA. Tiie Hongkong Telegraph's Manila correspondent has no high opinion of the .Spanish soldiery there. He considers it to he pitiful to see so many schoolboys valiantly playing at war. The Spanish soldiers he says, are probably about as young as our own Thomas Atkins
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    • 416 1 TIN MINERS AND TIIE DOLLAR. A general meeting of the Malay States Miners’ Association was held in Kuala Lumpur recently. In the course of the proceedings, a letter from the Government, re the proposed alteration in the currency of the Straits Settlements, was read. M r. Pasqual,
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    • 943 2 HKAVY FINES IMPOSED. Yesterday afternoon, before a court of two Magistrates, consisting of Mr. Elcum and Mr. Howard, the adjourned hearing of the Chap Ji Ki lottery case was concluded. The defendants were (1) Boon Neo, alias Kim Neo, charged with using a place of which
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    • 36 2 Bth June. China has conceded to France the right of constructing a railway from Pakhoi to Yunnanfu. China has also agreed to give the compensation demanded for the assassination of Pere Bertholdet at Kwangsi.
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    • 165 2 It is known that the President of the Tinted States desires to secure the services of a large number of negroes for the invasion of Cuba, but under the first call only four companies were obtained, all from the Northern States. What he wants to do
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    • 160 2 London, 26 th May. An inlluential committee is forming in England to promote the AngloAmerican Alliance. The United States troops camped at Florida celebrated the Queen’s Birthday very heartily to demonstrate their good will towards the suggor-ted alliance between Brit ian and America. Commenting on American
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    • 285 2 The Trent haul Hall which comes to the consignment of Boustead it Co., may be looked for within the next four or five days. It is understood that she calls here for the purpose of coaling. The Indo China steamer Suisany left Calcutta on the 15th instant, and
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    • 1186 2 THE SITUATION ON THE 4TH JUNE. INSURGENT ACTIVITY. The accounts of last w eek’s fighting in the neighbourhood of Manila, says the Hongkong Daily Pres* of the 8th inst., are unanimous in stating that General Aguinaldo and those of whom he is in command have shown that they
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    • 624 2 THE FRENCH AT K WAXG-CHAU-WA X. Thk < lovernor-General of French Indo-China recently paid a visit to Kwang-chau-wan the Chinese port, off Hainan, recently leased to France. The Governor-General went there along with Admiral De Beaument. The reception they met from the Chinese authorities at Kwang-chau-wan
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    • 99 2 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Sappho from Klang via ports: Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Messrs. Plant, Nicholson, Robinson, Thoburn, and Bourn. Per s. s. lluhtf from Palenibang:—Mr. Moldenhauer. Per s. s. Glentpjle from LondonCapt and Mrs. Campbell, and Mr. Alford. Per s. s. Tib re from SaigonMessrs. Blanc, Rault,
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    • 34 2 For W. Australia. Sultan, on 17th June W. Mansfield Co. or Boustead Co. Bangkok, Alhoin, due 17th June, Born.. St. Petersburg via ports Siam, of June, Behn Meyer <t Co.
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    • 141 2 I F LAO Vkss* l’s Nam <fc Tons. Captain Fbom Sailed. Consignees. Rig J’ne j T 15 Kwang Ping Cli. str. 1242 Calder Middlesbro May 2 Borneo Coy D 15 Ettrickdale Brit str. 2408 Dower New York Apl 22Standard OH to. 15 Sappho str. 329 Wah! Klang ’June 14S.
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    • 111 2 Date. Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination June 15 Avala Brit str. lungworthy Dunkirk 15 Kendal Castle str. Watson Hongkong and Japan 16 Kian Yang str. Kunath Muar and Malacca 16 Isabella str. Hudson Muar and Malacca 16 Sultan str. j Chopard Bengkalis and Bogan 16 Chow Thya str. Jellicoe
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