The Straits Budget, 10 June 1898

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 132 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French
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    • 30 1 k* Da th- 7th May, at the Moot, L/ Wilts, the wife of Archibald L, Ir .Laa. I’ui-ne Judge, Supreme t r s:r:i t- > ttlements, of a son, Lrvru^urely).
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    • 35 1 Wakl. OnJtli inst., at St. George's l by the Rev. W. E. HodgL. \f\. Hamilton T. Petts, L'nd son EW Ivtt>. Guildford, Surrey, to I N <|;iug!it«*r of Riehard Wake, I.H t l»*n, Abingdon.
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  • 364 1 iMiirv Airnn.E'. I V. \»i -in Ticjmlse I Trtf 'jn-ii'h Situation. I IV U, .lin«f I’lfsont. I N-t i::India Mining. I The Oil Trade. I L** Nile Advance. I H(rmm»*d-in. I*, a *e Follow J I t Oivinu Way. IV- .r> of the War. i;:*p;no l)c>ire. i*AL
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  • 442 1 Singapore, IOtii June, 1898. PRODUCE (Rates are corrected to 11.45 a.m.) Gambier, 5.35. Copra Bali, 7.45. do Pontianak, 7.10. Pepper, Black, 20.25. do White, (5%) 38.75 Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.09£. do Brunei 2.15. Pearl Sago 4.40. Coffee, Bali, picked 30.00. Coffee Palembang, picked 30.00. Coffee, Liberian. No. 1 17.00.
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  • 472 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. Taws. The P. O. Verona with the mail from Europe of the 13th May arrived on Saturday last. The M.M. Oceanien with the mail from Europe of the 20th May is due to-morrow. The mail
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  • 63 1 INSURGENTS GETTING BOLDER. 6th June. News has arrived at Hongkong from Manila that there has been fighting between the garrison of Manila and the rebels. The rebels obtained the advantage in the fighting and are gradually closing round Manila and drawing closer to the town. Food is
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  • 244 1 PROTECTION OF FOREIGNERS. H. M. »S. Sirift brings news of severe lighting between the rebels and the Spaniards. On the 1st instant, the rebels made four hundred Spaniards prisoners, including one Colonel and seven other officers. Another account gives the number as one thousand,
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  • 224 1 OPERATIONS IN PEDIR. DITCH SUCCESSES. Telegrams give particulars of the Dutch successfully opening the campaign in Pedir. The Dutch troops assembled at Segli, on the coast, under Colonel Van Heutsz, the Governor of Acheen. On the 1st instant (Wednesday), the troops advanced from Segli up the Pedir
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    • 104 1 SPANISH OFFICIAL VERSION. ALLEGED AMERICAN REPUL8E. London 2nd June. Official despatches received at Madrid, state that Admiral Schley had just bombarded the forts at Santiago. The Spanish ironclad Cristobal Colon which guarded the entrance to the harbour there, replied to the American fire. The Americans were repulsed,
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    • 38 1 LOAN TO BE RAISED. Spain is arranging for an internal loan of one hundred millions of pesetas SILVER EXPORT PROHIBITED. The Spanish Cortes have passed a Bill, prohibiting the export of silver, coined or uncoined, from Spain.
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    • 26 1 AGREEMENT REACHED. The negotiations between Canada and America have resulted in reaching an agreement on all subjects under controversv between the two countries.
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    • 15 1 FORTIFICATIONS TO BE IMPROVED. Measures have been taken to improve the fortifications of Wei-hai-weif
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    • 108 1 AMERICAN VERSION. SPANISH DEFENCES DESTROYED. London, 3rd June. Explanations of the object of the recfcnt engagement at Santiago have been published at New York. It is set forth that Admiral Schley’* sole purpose in the bombardment of Santiago was to prevent the Spaniards from building fortifications at
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    • 15 2 HARBOUR IMPROVEMENTS. Russia intends to deepen and enlarge the harbour of Port Arthur.
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    • 19 2 NEW MINISTRY. The Marquis di Rudini has formed a new Ministry. The Cabinet bears a colourless political character.
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    • 73 2 FURTHER REINFORCEMENTS. London 4th June. The,Times says that an infantry brigade, under Colonel Lyttelton, will join the Nile field force, under Sir H. Kitchener. The brigade will probably consist of the following regiments —the 1st Battalion of the Grenadier Guards from Gibraltar; the 2nd Battalion of the Rifle
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    • 41 2 STRENGTH OF THE FIELD FORCE. London 6f/t June. The field force now organising on the Nile for the advance on Khartoum will be twenty thousand strong. The expedition is expected to reach Khartoum about the beginning of (Ictober.
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    • 116 2 BATTERIES DAMAGED. HARBOUR BLOCKED. The Americans renewed the bombardment of Santiago on Friday last (:Jrd instant). The American lire damaged the Spanish batteries. The American ship Merrimnc was also sent into the harbour, there, for the express purpose of blocking the channel at the entrance. She was
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    • 30 2 DUTY ON TEA. The United States Senate has passed a War Revenue Bill, with an amendment fixing the import duty on tea at ten cents a pound.
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    • 143 2 \MER1CAN DARING AND SPANISH CHIVALRY. MUTUAL GOOD FEELING. AMERICA APPRECIATES THE SPANISH. COURTESY. London 7 tic June. The sinking of the Mcrrirnac at the entrance into Santiago harbour was effected by Lieutenant Hobson and a crew of eight volunteers. It was a deed of remarkable heroism. Lieutenant
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    • 60 2 DISTURBANCES AT BELFAST. SOLDIERS CLEAR THE STREETS. London 8th June. There have been serious riots at Belfast. The riots arose from an Orange mob attacking a Nationalist procession. The mob overpowered the police on the spot, and chased them to their barracks. Fifty policemen were w T ounded.
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    • 65 2 AMERICAN TROOPS LANDED. BOMBARDMENT OF THE FORTS. Reports have reached New York that five thousand American troops have landed near Santiago. This American force landed under cover of fire from several of the vessels of Admiral Sampson’s fleet. The Americans were joined ,by three thousand insurgents. The
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    • 125 2 AMERICAN ACCOUNT. FORTS SILENCED. London 9 th June. Admiral Sampson telegraphs that his licet bombarded the forts at Santiago, for three hours, on Monday last (Utli instant.) The bombardment resulted in the Spaniards being completely silenced SPANISH ACCOUNT. The Spaniards admit that the cruiser lieina Mercedes was
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    • 55 2 TO START ON A CRUISE. The Duke of York lias gone to Portsmouth to command II. M. S. Crescent on a cruise to last three months. H. M. S. ('ascent is a thirteen gun, first class twin screw cruiser of 7,700 tons, of 10,000 indicated horse power.
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  • 31 1 DKATH. I L\m *a tli*» May. at the (venural I James Ferguson Lamb, II 'il** bite James Lamb, of Prye I-»t* Wellesley, aged OBITUARY. The death of Mr. Plimsoll is announced.
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  • 737 2 (Straits Times 2nd June.) If Spanish official despatches issued from Madrid are to be credited, the Americans who have been blockading the Spanish tleet in Santiago de Cuba harbour have been partially repulsed. In may be w ell to give a few particulars as to the position.
    (Straits Times, 2nd June.)  -  737 words
  • 573 2 (Straits Times 3rd June.) According to to-day’s telegram, it was explained at New York that Admiral Scldey’s sole purpose in attacking Santiago was to prevent the erection of new fortifications at the entrance of the harbour. Having apparently accomplished his purpose—the destruction of these new defences —Admiral
    (Straits Times, 3rd June.)  -  573 words
  • 526 2 Si rails Times -ird Jane.) At yesterday’s meeting of the Straits Trading Company, the grateful shareholders confirmed a resolution of the directors proposing to give ten thousand dollars to Mr. Muhlinghaus as a wedding present. That sum is fairly liberal as a wedding present,although not more liberal
    Si rails Times, -ird Jane.)  -  526 words
  • 248 2 (Straits Times 3rd Jane.) In our Netherlands India news today, allusion is made to the fact that apprehensions of Government inter hamper gold mining enterprise there. That interference, it is feared, will assume the form d the Government taking possession ot mines under temporary permits the moment
    (Straits Times, 3rd Jane.)  -  248 words
  • 166 2 (Straits Times J /r V oifvcio —‘7 t j le On the seventeenth of two following day?, high h “/“j held at hrandan, m u kat, to celebrate the maug-it-J* 1 the tank steamer. Sultan <>f The Royal Petroleum Company, owns the steamer, ina e t f
    (Straits Times, •*/"' J /r ’  -  166 words

  • 369 3 T HE NILE ADVANCE. >• /.r Times, -UK June.) ».rohable that very soon w 11 be garrisoned by British >oldiers. The steps by tII has been made during v ti or so have been slow, t* 1 have been sure and they i;k**ly to be retraced after ;i i,i
    >• /.r Times, -UK June.)  -  369 words
  • 267 3 Tiine*, (jih June.) AM'ii iM\ al incompetence has been maintained at Santiago '■i. when; mismanagement lias w'n kt*d Spanish hopes. Tliere, -tH Vrvera's fleet, which aroused c.\ pedal ions in Spain on v* V t *rde for Cuban waters, what will be an inglorious "i\ men of war composing
    Tiine*, (jih June.)  -  267 words
  • 865 3 WILL PEACE FOLLOW (Straits Times 7th June.) The Americans are a very sensitive people. They respond keenly—and far more quickly than do their cousins in England—to emotions of sentiment, of pride, or of generosity. It may well happen, then, that the story of the magnificent old-fashioned courtesy of Admiral Cerveras—echoing
    (Straits Times, 7th June.)  -  865 words
  • 580 3 (Straits Times Sth June.) From our special telegrams from Hongkong, it appears as if our next news might be that Manila has surrendered without even waiting for the arrival of the American reinforcements from Fan Francisco. It seems that Aguinaldo, returning to his old province of Cavite,
    (Straits Times, Sth June.)  -  580 words
  • 425 3 Strait.< Times Sth June.) The battle of Manila Bay was full of incidents which should prove of considerable value to naval experts. The question is, what has naval science reaped from those incidents Not since theconflict between China and Japan has there been such an opportunity
    (Strait.< Times, Sth June.)  -  425 words
  • 1298 3 (Straits Times 9 th June.) Yesterday, we printed a portrait of Mr. Spencer Pratt, through whom Aguinaldo went to the Philippines to head the insurgent rising there. Later in the day, the Filippino refugees in Singapore displayed their admiration of Mr. Spencer Pratt by presenting to him an
    (Straits Times, 9th June.)  -  1,298 words

  • 123 4 A very large quantity of machinery is expected to arrive at Penang, in a few days, from England for the Perak Railway. The Penang Municipality have decided to build the, Jubilee Memorial Clock Tower there in front of the Old Jetty and Government Buildings, as near Light
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  • 37 4 An old Chinaman was sitting by the roadside yesterday afternoon, in Bain Street, when a samseng came up and struck him over the head, stealing from him at the same time a bag containing $6.46.
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  • 40 4 Further particulars of the Meccahindula collision confirm the report that all the mails in the Mecca went down with her. The Lindula wa$ disabled, and reached Diamond Harbour, Hooghly river, with her stern seriously damaged.
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  • 1184 4 (Special for the Straits Times supplementary to telegrams already published). The Cricket match at Kuala Lumpur has ended. The Selangor team were all out in the second innings for 203. The Perak team won the match by an innings and twenty-three runs. The
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  • 123 4 To-day, at noon, an Ordinary General Meeting of the Straits Trading Company was held at the Company’s office, No. 17, Collyer Quay, for the following purposes —To receive the accounts and Balance Sheet for the half-vear ending on the 31st March, 1898, and the Directors'
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  • 131 4 There is issued from the Art Journal office a reproduction of the chief pictures of 1898. The book consists of 128 pages, containing a couple of hundred or more reproductions of the chief pictures of the London galleries. The work is admirably done, almost better, we think,
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  • 1081 4 KIAOCHAU. GERMAN ENTERPRISE. Tbingtao, which is the port meant when Kiaochau Bay is spoken of, is on the south-eastern side of the point whichjutsoutin a south-westerly direction from the mainland on the north side of the entrance to the Bay. With south-east winds blowing, ships have
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  • 350 4 The outward O. S. S. Laertes is tirrj to leave Penang this afternoon. ShorJ her departure be not deferred, she:: J be looked for on Saturday, the 4*1 instant. I The Kingsin liner llelloua left HoiuJ kong, at 5 p.m. on the 31st ultimo,uni is due here on
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  • 68 4 A Malay named Hassan. prahu at Tanjong Rhu,says tna v 8 a.m. and 2 pm. on the box containing jewellery to vII of Sll9 was stolen from him 4 plainant’s brother who at the time states, howevei, knows nothing about the m the police are all the
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  • 2012 5 (All Rights Reserved.) I T r d cycle, as commonly used, is taken to mean the rear- n M \afety bicycle which is the i of machine chosen, and by the overwhelming present-day
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  • 531 5 The following are some interesting notes concerning the electrical features of the American Government's hasty preparation for w’ar. They are taken from the press, and owing to the attempts of those concerned to avoid publicity they cannot always be verified. Those which can, however, will be so
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  • 638 5 A RESIDENT’S DESCRIPTION OF MANILA. A gentleman, who recently arrived at Hongkong from Manila, on hoard the Japanese cruiser Akitsushima has been giving an account of the deplorable state of the Spanish soldiery and of the manner in which the Chinese in Manila are utilized. He confirms the
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  • 53 5 A hokien named Jam Keng Ching, a trader at SO, Amoy Street, reports to the police that, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. yesterday, some one robbed him of worth of clothing and jewellery. He suspects a man living in the same house, against whom he has taken
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  • 79 5 A NEW DECORATION FOR H. H. IBRAHIM. To-morrow and on Saturday, quite a number of people are going to Johore, to attend the formal handing to the Sultan, by the Dato Sri Amar d’ Raja (Abdul Rahman, C.M.G.) of the insignia of the Osmanieh Order. Abdul Rahman,
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  • 43 5 Mr. W. E. Moulsdale, who is to be Manager of Tanjong Pagar Dock, left England for Singapore on the 29th of May. The Penang Young Men’s Association were to meet yesterday evening to debate the question: Is universal peace probable
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  • 24 5 One hundred and fifty-seven deaths were registered at Singapore, during the week ending on Saturday last, with a ratio of 36.06 per thousand.
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  • 34 5 The Telegaph Company issue a notice that there is a delay to the outward cable traffic. The delay is owing to one of the Alexandria-Malta and West Coast African cables being interrupted.
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  • 35 5 Among the passengers for China by the I erona due here to-morrow afternoon, is Mr. Macdona, M.P. for Rotherhithe. He is said to be coming out on behalf of a Commercial Syndicate.
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  • 28 5 Yesterday, the shareholders of the Straits Trading Company decided to felicitate Mr. Muhlinghaus on his marriage, and to present him with $lO,OOO as a wedding present.
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  • 32 5 During a thunderstorm at Rawang on last Saturday afternoon, a Malay was struck and killed by lightning. Two bullocks and five buffaloes were also killed at the same time.
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  • 57 5 The Norwegian steamer Brand arrived this morning. The Captain reported that his vessel went aground on May 26th, at 7.30 p.m. on the Blenheim Slical off' Klang. She remained there until Wednesday, when she was towed off by the Dock Company's tug Mercury. So far as can be
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  • 73 5 llad.ii Amat, of Cross Street, reports that between 9 p.m. on Wednesday and 4 a.m. yesterday, his house was entered and property, valued at Si4o, stolen. The front door of the house, it appears, did not shut closely, and the thief is supposed to have entered by that means.
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  • 74 5 The clothing and jewellery valued at $430, which a Hokien trader yesterday, reported to the police had been stolen from his house at 80, Amoy Street, has been recovered. A part of it was found in the possession of a man who has been arrested for theft,
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  • 94 5 The Senior Magistrate yesterday afternoon, disposed of a case of assault, which took place at the latter end of April. It appears that a man, named Cohen, was seated outside his house in Selegie Road, when the child of a woman named Azza, living next door came
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  • 133 5 Mr. S. J. Morrison is to make the preliminary survey of the Shanghai-Soochow-Chinkiang and Nanking Railway, on behalf of the Concessionaries, Messrs. Jardine, Matheson Co. and the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. The work will commence at once. Mr. Morrison came out to China originally for railway work, and
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  • 34 6 THK WAK IN CUBA. A Havas telegram dated Paris, 27th May, says; Senor Sagastu, the Spanish Premier, believes naval warfare in Cuban waters to be impracticable. Admiral Cervera will remain at Santiago.
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  • 55 6 l,AVT VKriT SEASON. Tnv date for holding the Malacca AjpictiUtnal Show has heen postponed to the Lhh and 14th ol July. The tot the poMpotionienl is that the Haul season r* unu&gt;uall\ late this year, Atnl that the hulk ot the fruit will not tv- lijv t»\
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  • 57 6 \utu Axvtufc* dttetUoo. k |v*.''VaeaaUvV ot ih.e 1\um Vhv-tUc nitt r -v &lt;V'vm to mot tv’" v i i v ’.a c v-w about 7. I'he pu-vo &gt;ov«.bv'.t iv; this ts V.t x/.'a Uut\ thieves, with vvtu's &gt;up&lt;nl» dresses, and vvuuc English songs. Children under 1- ami soldiers
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  • 95 6 Mu. J. A. Harw ood, Solicitor-General, Penang, reported his return from leave of absence, and resumed duties on the 20th May. The leaves of absence taken by I)r. Croucher, Mr. H. Firmstone, and Mr. Kindersley have been extended. Mr. H. Muir, Chief Engineer of the steamer Sea Belle
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  • 180 6 The Opium steamer Lightning, arrived from Calcutta this morning; besides general cargo, she brought about 400 tons Indian coals, BO cow's and 59 buffaloes. The British steamer Indrapura consigned to Behn Meyer Co., is due here about fifteen days lienee as she is reported to have left Suez
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  • 280 6 PRECAUTIONS AGAINST DEARTH. The report of the Committee on the National Storage of Wheat, especially with reference to the question as a security to the country in case of war, has been issued. The committee has held fifteen meetings and between fifty and sixty witnesses have been examined.
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  • 736 6 PRELIMINARY PROCEEDINGS. The Dutch field force, assembling at Segli, for the invasion of Pedir consists of four regiments of infantry, and twelve brigades of armed police, besides cavalry and artillery. Colonel Van Heutsz, the Governor of Acheen, will take the command. A column will move into Pedir
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  • 99 6 A Nonconformist minister in Northampton lias been elected vice-president of a cricket club. When informed of the fact, he wrote to the committee of the club stating that hvi would be willing to accept the] honour on certain conditions, of which the following are a
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  • 1263 6 HOW TO PUSH LIBERIAN. I A planter in Serdang, East Sumatra, in describing how coffee planting is faring there, says that three years ago, there were only four coffee estates in that district, representing less than 1,000 acres under cultivation: and now there are 24 estates, the smallest
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  • 263 6 In the course of a letter to the Economist of 30th April—discussing“exchange and the tea trade” —Lord Farrer says: Of all the michievous currency delusions prevalent in the mercantile world, there is perhaps none more mischievous than the notion that a nation can by depreciating its
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  • 238 6 Mr. J. F. Lamb, the Secretary of the Penang Turf Club and the Golf Club, died at Penang on Sunday last. Mr. Lamb was a native of Penang and was educated at Clifton College. He came out to Penang about twelve years ago, as
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  • 44 6 A Manila man, named Sisto Celis, has reported to the police that his cashier, Saturnino Alamoso, has disappeared from his godown in Battery Road. The cashier is stated to have taken with him cash and jewellery to the value of $7,00u.
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  • 212 6 ARMY r. ROYAL NAVY Owing to the rain which f.-ll day, the match which had been. between the garrison eleven anrf representing the Navy was at fir &gt; doned. Later in the dav h was decided to commence naval eleven went to the wicket s' were dismissed for 83,
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  • 497 6 Mr. Bryce, M.P., is an enthusiastic cyclist. He has just returned to London from a long spin on the Continent. Oletimer: Is your married life one graud sweet song?—Newlyw d: Welt since I got a baby it's more like n grani opera, with loud calls for the author
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  • 702 7 MINING. r „hayn Courant notes that a Th* V m prospecting company there, Reived highly favourable r r nni its concessions, would not advices public. The -ik* i“ Id the concessions under permits. It was afraid that rWnds India Government, on -e h good news, would refuse to
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  • 61 7 Tfte Sultan of Pahang notified his neutrality in the Spanish American war on the 1st instant. The Resident of Pahang is disappointed at the slow rate of progress in making the Pahang trunk road. Mr Clifford notes that the gold mines, of Pahang, with the exception of
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  • 38 7 The usual half-yearly sale of useful and fancy articles, in aid of the funds of the Chinese Girls’ School, takes place in the Upper Room of the Town Hall, on Friday, the 24th of June.
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  • 59 7 The Parsee Theatrical Company will play Ali Jiaha this afternoon. At 9 p.m. a new piece Zuhra or Love for Love will be produced. AH for Gold will be the piece for Monday night. It will be played under the patronage of Lieut Col. Pennefather, the Inspector General
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  • 112 7 From all accounts, it appears that the initiative is to be taken by the Netherlands Navy in the East in the use of petroleum oil refuse as a fuel; for it is reported from Java that the Dutch gunboat Soemhmg is to be fitted for burning petroleum
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  • 193 7 Though very fine coffee can most undoubtedly be grown, and is grown in Mexico, and prices are good, still the growers find the expenses of production are not covered. The absence of money is great also. So much is this the case that the Japanese Society formed
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  • 190 7 The Sultan is reported to have left Derby yesterday, and may be looked for ab *ut the 10th instant. The Ptcciola which is due here on Monday, from .Japan,’ with a cargo of coals, is expected to dock here in order to have a new tail shaft fitted
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  • 30 7 The following is the handicap for the Selangor Grand Handicap” Vanitas 11.7 Locky 9.4 Blazon 7.9 Triton 7.2 Boyton 7.0 The entries for the races close to-day.
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  • 440 7 Below, wo give the iinisli of the cricket match played between Perak and Selangor. Our description of the match left of on Tuesday, when Selangor adjourned for tiffin and the score was lid runs for three wickets. After the interval, says the Malay Mail things went from
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  • 331 7 London 6th May. The clangers ofcyclingarestilla favourite theme for paragraphists seeking sensationalism, but it is typical of their lack of material that an incident should he headed “Tragic Termination to a Bicycle Ride,” which was a case of suicide. The poor fellow was a sufferer from insomnia,
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  • 1797 7 Apropos of the Christian Marriage Bill, a lady has asked me to urge that polyandry is the system of marriage best suited to Europeans in the East. Her argument proceeds on two lines. First, she points out that it is exceedingly difficult for most wives to secure
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  • 256 8 TO THE EDITOR OF THE U STRAITS TIMES.’* SirI beg to bring to your notice the deplorable state of the roads in Malacca. The wide and general devastation which the heavy rains committed here about two months ago, so far from being repaired and obliterated by a
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  • 426 8 PROGRESS IN PEKAN. Mr. II. H. Ellerton, the District Officer of Pekan, in his report for February and March last, describes visits to several mining centres there. He first inspected those on the Luit river. GOLD. He reached Kuala Chembak on ,*&gt;th March, were Mr. Dumaresq is
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  • 2238 8  -  All Bights Reserved. (By F. T. Bidhile B. A.) II. NOVELTIES IN CONSTRUCTION. The desire of inventors to produce a cycle in which there shall be no chain to convey the motion of the rider’s crank shaft to the axle of the driven wheel is
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  • 338 8 A FALSE PROPHET. A false prophet, named Kydong, has just been despatched from Tonquin to France, on his way to French Guiana, his place of banishment. Such strong suspicion rested upon this reputed prophet for stirring up a recent rising in Tonquin that the Governor-General decided upon
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  • 1624 8 I» the Strand. Rn m^ (carelessly): Did you see mv^ 0 1 the paper this morning*” Hii if rival (abstractedly) x 0 WharJ 0 1 cured of S' "'f'vot Stage Manager: Mr. Hoaw take the part of Alonzo.” Mr U Q have never seen this play b 0
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  • 253 9 There will be races at Johore on Saturday, first. A dissolution of partnership between William Jardine and Lim Hoh Poah in the Central Engine Works is announced. 4 Mr. George Gilmour, consulting engineer, has left Penang to assume the management of the Central Engine works, Singapore. The
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  • 45 9 On Saturday afternoon, a cricket match, was played on the S. C. C. ground between Public Schools r. the Itest. The Rest, who went in first, retired after making 160 runs for live wickets, the Public Schools then scored 108 runs for three wickets.
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  • 46 9 Yesterday afternoon, a Police constable saw a Malay carrying some carriage lamps along Rochore Road. On seeing the constable, the man dropped the lamps and ran away. Chase was given, but without resulting in a capture. Owners are wanted fo r the lamps.
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  • 47 9 CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. Again a very satisfactory improvement has taken place, in the health of Bombay during the week ending the 14th of May. The total deaths from all causes for the week ending the 17th were 616, and only 107 from plague.
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  • 82 9 PLAGUE PRECAUTION. Mr. \Y. K. Davidson, the Mayor of Colombo, caused a proclamation to be made throughout the town by beat of tom-tom on the 28th May to the effect that he is prepared to pay two cents for every dead rat produced before the Municipality. The
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  • 201 9 LOSS OF THE MECCA.” It would appear that the B. I. S. N. Co.’s s. s. Mecca was lost through an accident, whilst rendering assistance to the s. s. Lindula which belongs to the same Company. The Lindala voyaging from Calcutta to Rangoon, broke her shaft, and was taken in
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  • 71 9 Owing to the races the Monthly Medal for May was not played off till June 4th. The result was as follows Elcum 4‘l 48 6=8.", Vade 43 42 ]=x« J. C. D. Jones 47 44 4=87 Maclaren 47 44 4=87 Middleton f&gt;3 51 16=88 Grigor Taylor
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  • 127 9 This morning, a Chinaman, named Tan Lim Keng, a trader at No. 45, Clyde Terrace, reported to the police that he and ten others had their usual rice yesterday evening, about 7 p.m. and that shortly afterwards, they became giddy as if they were suffering from the
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  • 138 9 At the annual general meeting of the Commercial Union Assurance Company, held in London, on May 4th, the accounts for 1897 showed a slight decrease in the premium income, a large decrease in losses, and a substantial addition to the Fire Fund. The net fire premium income
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  • 161 9 EXAMPLE SET AT COLOMBO. Sometime ago, it was authoritatively intimated at Colombo that all officials, who were connected with the harbour, and had occasion to board steamers and vessels arriving from plague infected ports, should undergo inoculation with plague serum. That suggestion did not take with the pilots
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  • 225 9 Thk Henri Keith with oil from Pulo Semhilan, arrived on Friday and coaled at Pulo Brani, leaving for Hongkong on Saturday. The Picriola arrived from Moji yesterday, with over 1,400 tons coal for Mr. Bogaardt, and went alongside the Pulo Brani wharf this morning, to discharge. The O.S.S.
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  • 47 9 A vessel has arrived at Hongkong with letters from Iloilo up to the 30th of May. Iloilo was then safe and quiet. The garrison had been strengthened by about a thousand soldiers withdrawn from Capiz and other stations. Provisions were rather scarce and dear.
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  • 52 9 A telegram from Labuan reports that two American warships have been seen cruising in the Sulu Archipelago. [The object of such a cruise must be to interrupt Spanish vessels carrying despatches between tne Philippines and Labuan. Some particulars about the situation in Sulu will be found in
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  • 192 9 CHINESE FUNERAL PROCESSION CASE. The other day, Superintendent Bell prosecuted Khoo Khean Hong, clerk in the employ of Mr. Lim Kek Chuan, an Opium Farmer, before Mr. W ilkinson, for using instruments in Light Street, Penang, contrary to the terms of his license, and for omitting to carry out
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  • 446 9 FISCAL. Mr. Clifford’s report on Pahang for April states that the reports as to the collections of revenue continue to be satisfactory, the amounts collected during the first four months of the current year exceeding those made during the corresponding period of any previous year. The increase is
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  • 226 9 An amusing account has just been received by private letter from Sulu of the mortal fear displayed by the Spanish Governor there. Fearing an American invasion, or his life in jeopardy from the friends of those he killed some little while back, he no longer trusts himself
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  • 505 9 LUNCH TO THE CRICKETING TEAMS. The Perak and Selangor cricket teams which had just played an interstate match at Kuala Lumpur, were entertained there by the Resident General on the 1st instant. SPEECH BY THE RESIDENT GENERAL. At the close of the lunch, says the
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  • 46 9 Among the passengers, by the P. 0. Verona on Saturday afternoon, was Mr. E.V. Carey of Selangir. Mr. A. Stuart, the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Mrs. Stuart and Captain Lyons oftKe federated Malay police force, arrived to-day by the Kamakura Maru from Europe.
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  • 249 10 THE DIFFERENT NARRATIVES. The mail papers now received contain the press correspondent’s telegraphed accounts of the battle of Manila. After careful comparison it can be seen that no English newspaper of Monday, 9th May, had quite so good an account as had the Straits Times of
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  • 858 10 INTENDED INCREASE OF FREIGHTS. There is a good deal ol talk in Singapore about the rise of freights announced by the conference steamers as from the 1st July. The increases to be 7/6 per ton homewards, and there is also to be an increase outwards. To-day, a representative
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  • 831 10 PRESENTATION OF A TURKISH ORDER. From Friday evening until Monday morning, Johore was crowded with a large influx of European visitors who were the guests of the Sultan of Johore. The occasion of the festivities was the presentation to the Sultan of Johore, on behalf of the
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  • 886 10 NEWS FROM SPANISH SOURCES. BEFORE THE BATTLE. Files of the Manila Cwncrcio have come to hand, for the first time since the outbreak of hostilities. The dates extend from the 22nd April to the 26th May. War broke out on the 23rd April, and news of it is
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  • 817 10 London, 24th May. Replying to a question in the House of Commons, Lord G. Hamilton said the Government of India has taken no steps to establish a gold standard, and it is distinctly understood that the general borrowing powers of the Secretary of State will not be
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  • 449 10 DEPARTURK OF TWO CEYLON PLANTERS. The s. s. Caledonien the other day took away from Colombo Mr. W.Gora* Brown and Mr. E. L. Watson, who to the Straits to take up rubber cultivation in Perak. Mr. Gordon Broun, until a little over a month ago, was
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  • 1499 11 «PORT. r t j, e four chief matches set iuie to an abrupt terminaMay, the wickets, owing to ll t rain, assisting the bowlers i! iy in most cases. At Lord s, Palatine cut up badly before an l Ground. Their over- V,i for seven
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  • 74 11 Mrs. Fowlie was among the passengers from England who arrived yesterday. Colonel Pennefather was last night presented with garlands and bouquets at the Parsee Theatre. The Tanjong Pagar Dock Coy. invite tenders for the construction of coolie lines on their premises. The Chartered Bank landed in Penang
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  • 34 11 The Agenda at the Municipal meeting, fixed lor to-morrow, at 2.30 p.m., includes town lighting, payment of water-rate by landlords, hack carriage and jinrikisha fares, and also bylaws regarding burial grounds and fruit-pre-serving.
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  • 49 11 It is reported that Mr. Ung Bok Hoey, of the Middle Temple, has been lately called to the Bar, and is expected to return to Penang very soon. Mr. Bok Hoey was the first Chinese pupil of the Penang Free School, who obtained the Queen’s Scholarship.
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  • 46 11 Between seven and eight yesterday morning, a Kheh woman, living at Ong Siang Street, missed three gold bracelets which were left in the pocket of a coat hanging on the wall. The bracelets were valued at $lOO. Suspicion rests upon the toti man.
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  • 48 11 Yesterday afternoon, a Chinaman was arrested in Cross Street, for snatching earrings from a woman in a ’ricksha. The man is supposed to he the same individual who snatched the earrings of another occupant of a ricksha some days ago. He is an old offender.
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  • 46 11 General Jones-Vaughan is said to have been very much pleased with the result of his recent inspection of the Malay States Guides, and expressed himself accordingly to the Commandant of the Corps. The excellent state of the Armoury drew special praise from lI.E.
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  • 58 11 A HASH SUGGESTION. The rinang Gazette in dealing with the question of a site for the Singapore Jubilee Memorial Town Hall, considers that Raffles Square is preferable to the Old Jail Site In its opinion, space for an elongated building might be found in the central
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  • 283 11 The steam yacht Fedora was undocked this morning, when she was taken to the Borneo wharf, for the purpose of coaling. The Latona which arrived from Saigon yesterday morning, coaled at Tanjong Pagar, and left in the afternoon, taking with her about 160 head of cattle for Atjeh.
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  • 96 11 SEVENTEEN DWTS. TO THE TON. A telegram from Raub, dated 6th instant states The rough cleaning up of the battery yielded 3,300 ounces of amalgam, the estimated quantity of stone crushed being 1,350 tons. [Taking the gold in the amalgam at 35 percent., the gold yield will
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  • 144 11 commerical enterprise. The Siam Free Press notes that Japanese commercial enterprise in Siam is going ahead. For instance, the other day, an agent for a Japanese firm bought 400,000 piculs of rice in Siam and sent them to Japan by a number of steamers, specially chartered for
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  • 187 11 The most marked feature in the Board of Trade returns for April, recently issued, is the large increase in the imports into the United Kingdom accompanied by an equally large decrease in the British exports, in each case far exceeding any such change which lias, with
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  • 357 11 According to a report of the British Suez Canal directors, as to the returns of the navigation of the Canal for the year 1897, as compared with those of the two previous years. The net tonnage shows a decrease of 660,910 tons as compared with 1896, and
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  • 171 11 Intimation was received at the Chinese Consulate in Singapore, on Sunday evening, that Prince Kung had died on Monday, last week, at the Royal Palace in Pekin, at the age of 70. The news was first telegraphed from China to London, and from thence it was circulated
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  • 537 11 A sEßious development of the disorders precipitated in Italy by the rise in the price of bread (but now believed to have a political origin), occurred on May sth, the riots spreading to many towns in the centre and north of the Peninsula. At Pavia, the
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  • 65 11 SHALL HE HAVE A COUNCIL? It is suggested at Penang that the time has come for the Resident-General to have a Council pf his own, which might consist of the several British Residents, the highest Native officials, and a few of the British officers, such’ as the
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  • 1525 12 AN ATTACK ON MOUNT FABER. If the field day which took place yesterday had no other result, it served to demonstrate how small a body of men aided by effective artillery fire; could hold Mount Faber and successfully keep in check a much more &gt; numerous body
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  • 173 12 A sale by inscription took place at Amsterdam on 6th May, comprising 12,911 bales Sumatra tobacco and 347 bales Borneo. Though valuations ran pretty high, they w T ere largely exceeded by the actual sale prices. So great was the demand that about 3,000 bales were sold
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  • 503 12 8POT AND TERME. Sanderson &lt;fc Co.’s monthly coffee market report, dated London, 12th May, states, as regards spot coffee, that, when the market re-opened on the 14th April, after the Easter holidays, extensive supplies were catalogued—chiefly of Central and South American kinds. An active demand arose, especially for
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  • 141 12 With reference to our article of yesterday on the Shipping conference, it may be of interest to note that, at a meeting of the directors of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, held on the lltli May, the subject was under discussion. The Shipping Committee had adopted a resolution
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  • 109 12 BADLY WANTED AT PENANG. Sir Alexander Swettenham is expected to visit Penang, probably in a fortnights time. The Penang GazeVe says that the news of the proposed visit has given general satisfaction in that quarter. There are said to be certain local matters which urgently call
    109 words
  • Article, Illustration
    951 12 (conducted by “kings pawn.”) All chess correspondence should be addressed to King’s Pawn.” Solution ol Problem No. 37 (Reutens) Q—Kt 6 Kt at K 8 or B moves; Q x P (ch) Kt x Q; Kt—B 4 mates. If K—Q 3, Kt— B 8 (ch) and Q mates. If
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  • 632 12 London, 1 3//&lt; May. A truly marvellous ride \va- acromplished on Monday, May t*th. at the Crv; tal Palace Track, England, by the '.veilknown record breaker, .1. Platt-Betts. Assisted by the celebrated Dunlop pacers, he made a successful attempt on J. W. Stock’s mile world’s record of
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  • 55 13 I a Chinese coolie named I while carrying oil at Tanf» r,, tt-lnrf, -lipped and fell, strik-| u i. tin&gt;t a piece of iron. 1 he I.; 1 v »‘d to the hospital where |-&gt; wi V to he suffering from a |t* a 'T
    55 words
  • 66 13 I v evening, about 7 o’clock, I i&lt;h*nt occurred nearly, I [I i.»re Police Station. Dr. I «nv with his wife, was ft t *wn when the vehicle I rurriaire driven by Mr. I Mr-. Kowlie were both I- the drain at the side of I iinnately escaped
    66 words
  • 73 13 I afternoon, a rickisha I ij.-.f Keng, returned I iii.iii Hoad, taking with I .w »’l beans, which he r, with some rice. About I ,_n tiie meal lie com* in his stomach, where* I went to a Chinese n* medicine. Meanwhile, I .-f worse and was
    73 words
  • 220 13 I fit .-okt Foi: 1897. I ..f tin* Singapore Chamber I i. »r is bulkier than I tin*gold dollar agitation. I |vrt&gt; which have engaged I j.:. nul tiie Committee of the I .I* iriuix last year are: I rrtii' Y. Government Note I -hips legislation,
    220 words
  • 220 13 I AM-a Ion SHORTCOMINGS. I w*' il Playfair says, in his report I :il lt 1,1 February, an Imperial I 1 H lina was put in operation, I 1 b e Maritime Customs beI r its management. Up I tlii*organisation lias not I ;‘*3ly matured to
    220 words
  • 254 13 8. C. C. v. R. E. An Association football game was played between the above teams, on the Esplanade, yesterday afternoon. The ground was in good condition and a fast game resulted. Each team had only 10 men, there being a defaulter in each. The Engineers kicked off towards
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  • 247 13 IN THE CATACOMBS. Visitors to Rome, says the American Exporter, will be able in a short time to view the many catacombs of the Eternal City in the actual light of modern times. Incandescent lamjs, charged with electricity furnished by American dynamos, will be used to illuminate the
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  • 227 13 The German steamer Scandia, under charter to the Russian Government, arrived from Odessa yesterday, en route to Port Arthur with a large number of soldiers, and will leave for her destination to-day after taking in about 1,000 tons of coal at the Borneo wharf. The Kingsin steamer liertha
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  • 54 13 Mr. Stonor, the District Officer of Ulu Langat, in his report for April, mentions a visit paid by him to the Balgownie coffee estate. There, he was shown Mr. Shepherd's pulper, a most ingenious contrivance of his own invention, and one which appears to he finding general
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  • 2071 13  -  (All Right Reserved.) (By F. T. JJidlalce, B. A.) III. GEAR, CRANKS, AND POSITION. Gear is a word of very special and definite application when used with regard to a bicycle, and is often confused by novices and persons unacquainted with machinery with the wider
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  • 34 13 A rei ter telegram to the Bangkok journals, dated London Ist inst., states that the Americans have captured the Spanish gunboat Leyte while it was attempting to leave Iloilo with despatches.
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  • 639 13 A good story is told of the present Master of the Charterhouse during his reign as head master of the school at Godaiming. An amateur farmer in the neighbourhood was showing Canon Haig Brown over his model farm, and as they issued from the piggeries, which were built
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  • 1093 14 THE AUTHOR OF LOOKING BACKWARD” Some of the American papers report that Mr. Edward Bellamy, the wellknown author of Looking Backward/ 1 is seriously ill; in fact, he is said to °be dying of consumption in Denver, whither he went some months ago in the hope of regaining
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  • 77 14 GOLF STICKS. Amongst other goods in the manufacture of which the United States seem to surpass us, golf-sticks may he mentioned. In the American Consular Report on this subject, it is said: “That most American articles manufactured from wood are both cheaper and hotter made than similar
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  • 74 14 ladies’ monthly medal handicap. Play yesterday resulted in the following scores: Scoiv. H’cap. Total. Mrs. Saunders.. 76 scr. 76 MissSal/mann 2 Miss Fraser 2 Mrs. Stringer ..82 4 7&gt; Mrs. Lewes —4 MissWerry ..67 6 61 Miss 8. Lyall ..80 6 71 Mrs. Parsons 6 Mrs. Nanson
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  • 289 14 PROGRESS IN FLU LANG AT. Mr. O. F. Stonor, the District Officer of Uhi Langat, in his report for April, remarks that during the year 1*96 the Ulu Langat District was credited with turning out 7,5*0 piculs of tin, or an average of about 650 piculs per
    289 words
  • 181 14 We print to-day a portrait of the Honourable Edward Spencer Pratt, U. S. Consul-General at Singapore, formerly U.S. Minister at Teheran, and, more recently, the discoverer of the Filipino rebel Aguinaldo, who is leading the Philippine rebels in Cavite. Aguinaldo was living quietly in Singapore, ruminating
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  • 586 14 FACTS AND FIGURES. Mr. J. Driver, the newly appointed Inspector of Schools in Federated Malaya, has sent in a report on education there as carried on in Government and grant-in-aid schools. The Government schools number thirty four; and the grant-in-aid ones, three. The attendance of the scholars
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  • 183 14 A Parliamentary paper has been issued containing recent correspondence relating to sugar bounties, which has passed between the Sugar Refiners* Association and Her Majesty's Government and between tiie Foreign Office and certain of the Cont inental countries interested in the question. On Dec. 1.3 of last year, Mr.
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  • 90 14 Perak Pioneer. A few nights ago, a Malay, living at Bruas, shot a couple of tigers. Tliey were both full grown ones, and the carcases were brought to the station for the usual reward in a rather decomposed state. It appears the brutes had terrorised the locality
    Perak Pioneer.  -  90 words
  • 89 14 The greater number of the new gowns (the Daily News gossip says) are made with a high, hut not full, chemisette of silk or crepon finished with the stock, now no more than a stiff collar on which are drawn folds of some softly draping stuff. Some of
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  • 60 14 The Russian troons left a,ui K^ Arthur this mornln p nga The Bombay mg for the Sikh police in tr &gt; has been suspended for th* the drain on fndia for Sikhs is^ ot The New Harbour bock c announce their intention to government for anordinan‘v. yto4
    60 words
  • 50 14 A Macao woman, living a Albert Street, reports to the kl; between yesterday morning while she was absem H* home, she was robbed of &lt;ki jewellery to the value ofTs"** 1 suspects a woman, whom she 'u* charge of the house, but vk 1 missing on her return.
    50 words
  • 67 14 AcASEof suspected stupifyinHv.c occurred yesterday at Ciiivena,, r tage,’ Devonshire Road. Mr« i.jj* her two children, aged respective!,? and two years, and a boarder, Mr 1W had for breakfast an omelette ttbjr afterwards they became sick T. 7 suspect that one of the servants k discharged, mixed
    67 words
  • 110 14 A CANTATRICE FROM JAVA The coming of Mrs. Burgharfr Boshouwer to Singapore is announce in our advertising columns. Me Burghardt-Boshouwer is a talent* singer, who has been successful!? touring in Java. At the end of month, she was giving concerts in Central Java. She intends to embark
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  • 104 14 With regard to the emolument* &lt;h our diplomatic representatives abroad, a topic of interest in connexion win Sir Philip Currie’s change of post,trit best paid Ambassador is Sir K.J. Munson, who, at Paris, receives £o,ooo. Tht Ambassadors to Constantinople, Berlin and Vienna have each £&gt;,ooo. Ik Ambassador to
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  • 139 14 U NSUCCESS F u L N EGOTIATI05 The Siam Free Fret* announces tue failure of the France-Siamese negotiations to settle the question o! Iratrt protection over alleged Siamese sulject*This protection question has been pew ing for years. Many persons cluing French protection are now in prisons for
    139 words
  • 116 14 Besides about 2,0U0 tons e&lt;»ai the s.s. Solingen brought from yesterday, she landed 78 hors*'?The Irene re-shipped all hei exp ll at Tanah Merah yesterday, an China; and so did the s. s. L* The O. S. S. Medusa is expects Bangkok on the 11th instant. The steamers
    116 words

  • 1137 15 KNf AN' ADDRESS TO MR. SPENCER HKV ‘ir *SD DRINK TO AMERICA, \M». AND ADMIRAL DEWEY. j States Consulate at Hh v yesterday afternoon in .‘ate uf bustle. That hustle sr. li ;'y to Rallies Hotel, of
    1,137 words
  • 490 15 BORING IN COTIE. The Deli Courant gives particulars of the oil-fields in Cotie( Netherlands south east Borneo now worked by a syndicate of which the Arm of Samuel A* Co., London, is the principal member. This syndicate is said to have a very large capital. The ground is
    490 words
  • 2559 15 Yesterday afternoon, the usual fortnightly ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held. There were present: Mr. Gentle, (President), Messrs. Fort, Nanson, Moses, Evans, Sohst, Choa Giang Thye, and Tan Cheng Tuan. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed, the President "laid upon the
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  • 633 16 The construction of the Siberian Railway is progressing. Some 5,000 miles of steel rails have been laid already at a cost of 350,000,000 roubles. July Ist 1904, it is thought, will see locomotives running from the shores ot the North to those of the Japan sea.
    633 words
  • 145 16 (For Singapore). IVr Germaa s. s. Jiay&lt; rn from Bremerhavon due on the J3r&lt;i June: —Messrs. C. Manders, N. 11. X. Ilenket. M. J. MohrA. van ce Koppel, 1). Haalmans, To Jzu \V. J. Carols, Ludwig Bailuf, B. Rupert. B. Graft dvk, Fritz Krause, J. W. StousSloofc, August
    145 words
  • 333 16 SELANGOR TURF CLUB. The entries for the races at the meeting of the Selangor Turf Club on June 16th, 18th, and 20th, are as follows: FIRST DAY. Race I: —Phyllis, Bushrat, Nellie, Cabin Boy, Victoria, Fashion. Race II :—Crusader, Lady Betty, Geisha, Snowflake, Emma, Nancy Lee, Klondyke,
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  • 380 16 THE GIFT OF THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Sik, Was the announcement that the straits Trading Company had made one of their directors a wedding present of $10,000 made by you on reliable information or as the result of an
    380 words
  • 2487 16  -  [All Rights Reserved.] (By F. T. Bullake B. A IV. TYRES, BRAKES, AND ACCESSORIES. TYRES. For many years the great tyre question has been a topic of heated controversy among cyclists. No longer, Jiowever, does the battle rage on solids versus pneumatics, nor does the
    2,487 words
  • 131 16 Coloured lawn handkerchief- wit- f 1 white borders are ju-t now in dem.-m A pretty fabric has a Chantilly 1 1 tern running from selvedge to The tallest of the royal women in hu are said to be Queen A me lie ot 1 and the Crown Prince--
    131 words

  • 226 17 RISIS BBT IN. crisis has set in at Selangor. V: A the immigration of Chinese ffl; 1 n &gt; rave no cause for uneasi- 'n bad times came and the e?i immigrants decreased. As, r;in, r i number of mines were being ho*' ver U ,l the
    226 words
  • 438 17 arrivals. p f /v lurpmtier from Batavia: vJ-r- W. Jansen, Taylor, Worsley, Dinst.. Launay. Shaul, aud Paulus. &gt;a r pho from Klang via ports:— jfr-**An,haiit. Messrs. McTaggart, and brir.t l in I la from Muar: —Messrs, j \j Macdonald, W. Noble, and A. G. Van l)Vk j vr
    438 words
    • 134 17 U nder this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str. —steamer sh.—ship fcq.—barque Brit.—British U. S. United States; Ft. French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Jobore; Ac., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf; J.
      134 words
    • 1179 17 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Asturia, Ger. str. 3,319 tons, Capt Haln, 9th June. From Hamburg, 3rd May. G.c., B. Meyer A Co. For Hongkong, 10th —W. Antioco Accame, Ital. bq. 1,006 tons, Capt Monti, 8th June. From Penang, 5th June. Ballast, Boustead Co. U —Rds. Cerberus
      1,179 words
    • 443 17 Name, poit probable date of arrival aid name of agents. Steamers. A. A pear, Hongkong, June 10; S. A Moses. Ajax. Java June 9; Mansfield. Anchises, Liverpool, June 18; Mansfield. Atnida, Hongkong, July l P. Simons. Ballaarat, Colombo, June 18 P. A O. Bantam, S’baya, June 30; Daendels.
      443 words
    • 1268 17 Flao 5 Vessel’s Name. A Tons Captaih I From Sailed Cohsionem. a Kio. j J’ne 1 Sappno Brit str. 329 Wahl Klang May 31 |S. S’ship Coy. Ltd* 1 Fail Sang str. 1410 Moncur Moji May 21£oustead and Co. 1 Fedora yet. 153 Barnard Rangoon May 28 IC. Hock
      1,268 words
    • 715 17 Date. Vessel’s Name Flao&Rig Captain Destination 1 June 1 Centaur Brit str. Bannatyne Bangkok 1 McAlister str. j Smith Macassar via ports 1 Malacca str. Olsen IT. Anson via ports 1 Sri Tanjong Pinang Dut str. Nacodali Rengkalis and Bagan 2 j Cho.v Phya Brit str. Jellicoe I Malacca
      715 words
    • 81 18 PASSED SUN PA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. 1 Flag &gt; j Date Date (and Ship's Name. Commander. of From where Destin- Rej Rig Sailing j ation marks. j May 30 Brit s. Old K'sington Tucker Mar HlVnarth .Hongkong 30Ger bn.R. Rickmers Benekc Feb Hongkong June 1 Dut s.s.
      81 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      352 words
    • 346 18 LEA PERRINS OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE P Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester: Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., Londcr and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. “A SOVEREIGN REMEDY” For SORE EYES (due to
      346 words
    • 715 18 H. H. exchange BUIJS with Te *»l. J*v, SCHWEITZER'S The Best t Purest COCOA. Now specially packed in double-1,dd.7 ersensuringfresshness for v.-ar?, in all c i IN CASE OF FIRE. Your house takes fire. What burrs The lightest and most inflammably of course—furniture, doors,shelve; panelling, and other woodwork. stone or
      715 words