The Straits Budget, 25 February 1898

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 128 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE "WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” -r-k, e Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and I Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the
    128 words
  • 220 1 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 25TH FEBRUARY TABLE OF CONTENTS. t \Y. Mavwell. I fr ntierWar. *r* .J »;;licror. K» AS. Troubles. \Y.A:: i -an Difficulty. k. >p-: China. Hi'’ N**'aHrr.'- livury. IlLr. <i Magistrate At o I. H.' i. *.i** il m I'l.iucKj. T- diar. B*”-- L.» Magistrates. H. t N-C.fig
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  • 531 1 Singapore, 25th February, 1898. PRODUCE (Rates are corrected to 12.30 a.m.) Gambier, 5.55. Copra Bali, 7.85. do Pontianak, 7.30. Pepper, Black, 23.00. do White, (5%) 41.00. Sago Flour Sarawak 3.35. do Brunei,., .nominal 2.70. Pearl Sago 3.95. Coffee, Bali, picked 29.50. Coffee Palembang, picked.... 34.00. Coffee, Liberian, Nc. 1
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  • 389 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. &O. Ganges. The M. M. Melbourne, with the mail from Europe of the 28th January, arrived on Sunday. The P. O. Thames with the mail from Europe of the 4th February is due to-day. The mail
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  • 144 1 FUNERAL OF THE LATE SULTAN. PROCLAMATION OF THE NEW SULTA V A TELEGRAM FROM THE QUEES. (Special telegram to the "Strait* limes. Kuala Lnmpor, Friday, 18 th February. H.H. the late Sultan of Selangor was buried yesterday at Jugra, with great pomp. Mr. Treacher, the Acting
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    • 63 1 THE DEATH KOLL. SPANISH SYMPATHY. London y 18 (h February. The death roll of those who perished from the explosion on board tiie Maine comprises two ollicers, and two hundred and fifty three men. It is officially declared at Washington that the explosion is believed to be
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    • 118 1 MILITARY INTIMIDATION. THE PROSECUTION' AND TIIE JURY. In the trial of M, Zola, a declaration by General I milieux, one of the witnesses summoned, has caused intense sensation General Pellieux declared that the evidence adduced by M. Zola, in liis defence, is calculated to disturb the confidence
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    • 29 1 FRENCH STEAMER LOST. Tilt- French Transatlantic Company’s steamer Floehat has been wrecked at Tcnerifle. Forty-nine passengers and thirtyeight of her crew were drowned. Fourteen persons were saved.
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    • 71 1 THE RAILWAY QUESTION. Ijondon 19 th February. Mr. G. X. Curzon, the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, states that he is unable to confirm the report that China has agreed to the extension of the Burmah railways into Yunnan. Mr. Curzon further stated that he
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    • 10 1 FLOATED OFF. The Victorious has been floated off.
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    • 59 1 CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE. General Boisdeffre appeared in full uniform in the Court, yesterday, during the trial of M. Zola. Genera] Boisdeffre dramatically appealed to the jury to trust to the leaders of the army. But the General gave no information on the matter before the jury. Major Esterhazy,
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    • 108 1 FRENCH AGGRESSION IN LAGOS. ENCROACHMENT ON THE GOLD COAST. London, 21 st Februarg. Mr. Chamberlain has received a telegram from Colonel McCallum, the Governor of Lagos, that a force of British Hausas occupied Boria, in the Lagos Hinterland, on the 6th instant. A French force arrived at
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    • 20 1 THE ADDRESS VOTED. The House of Commons has voted the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne.
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    • 37 1 The British Army Estimates for this year show an increase in the establishment. Exclusive of India, the increase comes to 16.946 men. compared with 1897. Of this increase, two hundred and eighty six are officers.
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    • 92 1 FRENCH AGGRESSION. SOKOTO THREATENED. London, 22nd February. The newspapers regard the situation in West Africa as of the gravest kind. They agree that the limits of British forbearance there has been reached. Reuter s correspondent at Akassa, on the lower Niger, states that two French expeditions are
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    • 38 1 DETAILS OF INCREASES. The Supplementary Army Estimates bring the total financial military increase to £1,600,000. The Cavalry has been increased by 311 men and 443 horses. The Artillery has been increased by fifteen new batteries.
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    • 31 1 STEAM INLAND NAVIGATION. It is stated that China has agreed to admit both foreign and native-owned steamers on all the inland waters of the Empire, within four months.
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    • 81 1 MR. CHAMBERLAIN’S VIEWS. London 23rd February. Mr. Chamberlain has confirmed, in the "House of Commons, the statement, made in Reuter’s telegram from Akassa, that French forces were advancing upon Sokoto. Mr. Chamberlain added that he could not believe that the French Government had authorised this invasion of
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    • 78 2 CONVICTION AND SENTENCE. SATISFACTION OF THE MOB. Lotulon, 24tk February. The trial of M. Zola at the Assize Court of the Seine has resulted in his being found guilty. He has been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment and to a fine of 3,000 francs—the severest sentence the
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    • 44 2 FRENCH DISCLAIMED. M. Hanotaux, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, has informed Sir E. J. Monson, British Ambassador at Paris, that the invasion of Sokoto by French expeditions was against the wishes and against the instructions of the French Government.
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    • 47 2 ►SIXTEEN MILLIONS RAISED. AID FROM THE HONGKONG BANK. The Chinese Government has concluded a loan to the amount of sixteen millions sterling at four and a half per cent, interest. The loan will be raised through the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, and German Asiatic Bank.
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    • 19 2 TIME FOR OPENING. The internal waterways of China will be thrown open for navigation in June next.
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  • 22 1 I DEATH. ft Oil 20th inst., at No. 50, ft Ivnang. Elizabeth Matilda, K i.'. and beloved daughter K >i R. Hasiam.
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  • 192 2 ifcc'Ht Times IS th February.) M. Zola is attaining the aim he has had in view since the acquittal of Major Esferhazy had apparently barred the way to the re-opening of the Dreyfus ease. Zola charged the French Government and several French military officers, including General Pellieux,
    ifcc'Ht Times, ISth February.)  -  192 words
  • 246 2 (Strait g Tillies 18/A February.) A well merited tribute was paid to the late Sir WKliam Maxwell at yesterday’s Legislative Council. The Governor lamented the great loss inflicted upon the public service, and on the community in general by Sir William’s death; and he desired
    (Straitg Tillies, 18/A February.)  -  246 words
  • 389 2 (Straits Times 19 Hi February). Loud George Hamilton, according to a telegram dated February 8th, has concurred in the opinion of the Viceroy that the hostilities among the tribes on the North West Frontier were principally due to an unprecedented outbreak of fanaticism which the tribal organsiation
    (Straits Times, 19Hi February).  -  389 words
  • 562 2 (Straits Times, 21 st February.) To-day's telegrams point to a very serious condition of affairs in West Africa, especially in Lagos, Colonel McCallum’s Governorship. French aggression and encroachment in the back country or Hinterland of Lagos have brought matters perilously near a collision. To show the disputed
    (Straits Times, 21 st February.)  -  562 words
  • 383 2 (Straits Times 22 nd February.) As we indicated yesterday, the centre of interest has for the moment changed from Asia to Africa. The probability of collision is not so much between rival fleets steaming in China waters, as between rival expeditions marching through West Africa. The map
    (Straits Times, 22nd February.)  -  383 words
  • 286 2 (Sfraits Times 23rd February.) The relations between France and Britain in Africa seem less dangerous than they did yesterday. It is true that Mr. Chamberlain has confirmed Reuter’s telegram, which stated that two French expeditions were advancing upon Sokoto. But, on the other hand, Mr. Chamberlain, referring
    (Sfraits Times, 23rd February.)  -  286 words
  • 200 2 (Straits Times, 24 th February.) It is gratifying to record that the French Minister for Foreign Affairs has informed the British Ambassador at Paris that the Sokoto incident was against the wishes and instructions of the French Government. That is precisely as we have ventured to
    (Straits Times, 24th February.)  -  200 words
  • 294 2 (Straits Times, 24 th February The statement that the inland waters of China are to be opened to naviga- tion in June is very attachment of a date to U mise makes it probable that >1 W mise will be fulfilled. If So t > up
    (Straits Times, 24th February )  -  294 words
  • 177 2 (Straits Times 24/A February.) I The Chinese Government hasatajj raised the sixteen millions ~terlin:ia:B It has again found the Hongtafl and Shanghai Bank a friend in That Bank had already raised laB for the Chinese Government, amivB ready to finance the present oaiB long ago. But the Chinese
    (Straits Times, 24/A February.) I  -  177 words
  • 904 2 (Straits Times, 24 tic M. Zola has been convicted, an received tlie heaviest sentcn- e French law allows. He bad a ‘S the French Government and French Generals with conspiracy, 4 two heads. First, he charged them combining to conceal the innocent Jewish officer named Dreyfus? n uW
    (Straits Times, 24tic )  -  904 words

  • 71 3 The Rev. Father Couvreur has arrived from Shanghai. —4 Great naval preparations are said to be going on in Japan. 4 The Straits Observer, a newspaper of Penang, has ceased to exist. —4 Mr. Judicial Commissioner Jackson arrived yesterday from Pekan by the Verdana. 4 One hundred
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  • 38 3 Yesterday, Mr. Howard sat on the bench of the Third Court from a quarter to ten in the morning, till twenty minutes to six o’clock in the evening, with a short interval for tiffin.
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  • 33 3 A watchman, employed in Oxley Road, had his box rifled yesterday of money, jewellery, and clothing stated to be worth $lOO. A syce who has disappeared is suspected of the theft.
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  • 33 3 Wi Wan Swee, a servant employed in the General Hospital, was, this morning, sentenced to six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment for stealing a watch, the property of Sister St. Martha.
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  • 31 3 Forrester Taylor pleaded guilty at the police court, Penang, on Tuesday, to the charge of deserting from the Royal Artillery at Singapore. The case has been transferred to Singapore.
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  • 37 3 This morning, a Chinaman, who alleged that he earned a livelihood by buying up the tin-plate linings of cases, was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment, for being possession of a quantity of melted tin.
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  • 35 3 Yesterday afternoon, a Malay woman was charged with bigamy. She has been married three times, and all her husbands are living the last being a Malay constable. She was committed for trial. Bail $500.
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  • 63 3 A petty officer, belonging to H.M.S. Whiting, is reported to have been assaulted yesterday, at 177 South Bridge Road, where he went with several companions to obtain food. While in the house a dispute arose, plates and other crockery were thrown about with the result that the petty
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  • 70 3 Yesterday afternoon, while a tiger intended as a gift from the Sultan of Johore to the Sydney Zoological Gardens, was being shipped on hoard the s. s. Darius some of the bars of the cage gave way with the result that the tiger very nearly escaped.
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  • 81 3 There will be several changes in the present arrangement of the superior Police Officers when Mr. Riccard goes on leave a month hence. These changes were given in this paper three months ago, but they may be repeated. Mr. E. H. Bell, takes charge of Penang as Chief
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  • 83 3 A Buffalo, which was landed on Sunday last, from Malacca, in company with five others, broke loose about 10 o’clock in the morning, and caused great havoc in the neighbourhood of Hong Lim Quay. During the course of his peregrinations he attacked an old Chinaman whom he
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  • 89 3 Tan Chong Liang, who is regarded by the police as a dangerous character, was arrested on the Bth in order that lie might be bound over to be of good behaviour. The case was postponed till to-day, and he was released on one hundred dollars bail. This
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  • 128 3 The next steamers of the Russian Volunteer Fleet to arrive are the Saratov from Odessa and the Kiev from the North. The former has already left Colombo and is due here about the 22nd or 23rd instant, probably late on i lie 22nd. She brings a large number
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  • 514 3 DANTE SHOOTING CASE. This morning, before Mr. Howard, the two marine officers, Langrich and Neumann, who stand charged with wounding a sampan-man, again surrendered to their bail. One of the Chinese sailors, named Cheng Ah Keng deposed that he struck work on board the Dante on Jan. 6th with several
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  • 595 3 FULL TEXT OF THE JUDGMENT. Sir Lionel Cox delivered judgment yesterday afternoon in the matter of the summons taken out by an assistant in a mercantile firm to reverse a garnishee order (the circumstances of which had been previously reported). The Chief Justice in delivering judgment yesterday
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  • 163 3 A montii ago a report was made that an act of piracy had been committed and that the police had pursued th( pirates as far as Pulo Langsat and had succeed in arresting three out of four. It was also stated that the police had been tired
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  • 83 3 The labours of the annual conference are over and Bishop Thoburn has lefi for India. The appointments, which, in the Methodist Church, are made annually remain with two exceptions as they were last year. The change is that Mr. Wood takes charge of the Anglo-Chinese School at Ipoh.
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  • 372 3 THE JAPANESE ARMY. The Japanese array is now almost completely armed with the Murata repeating rifle. Only one of the divisions used this rifle during the war with China, the common weapon being the Murata single rifle; but since the war the manufacture of the repeating rifle
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  • 223 3 The Chief Justice sat this morning to hear the suit of De Cruz r. Anguillia. It was brought by the plaintiff* to recover the sum of 5170 damages said to have been sustained through the negligence of the defendant’s servants under the following circumstances The plaintiff* was
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  • 165 3 A COMPLICATED CASE. Y esterday, the First Magistrate gave some time to the second hearing of a cross-summons case in which twelve Bombay merchants appeared as defendants. They are divided into two parties of five and seven. The party of iive consists of Nagordas, Ujambee, farachan, Bisram,
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  • 2370 4 A REMARKABLE CASE. MURDER AND CONSPIRACY. -ATTEMPT TO SWEAR AWAY A MAN’S LIFE. From Our Correspondent. Velan, 14 th February. On the 9th instant, the Judicial Commissioner was engaged here during the greater part of the day in trying a Temerloh murder case. A mixed
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  • 96 4 (Via Manila.) Madrid, 28th January. The number of submissions in Cuba is increasing daily. The rebel leader Arangurean, the assassin of Colonel Ruiz, who met him under a flag of truce, has been killed in action. The American cruiser Maine anchored in Havannah Bay, strengthens the cordial
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  • 1552 4 THURSDAY, 17th FEBRUARY. PRESENT. H. E. The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, q.c.m.g Hon. C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary. Hon. W. R. Col Iyer, Attorney-General. Hon. F. G. Penney, Colonial Treasurer. Hon. E. C. Hill, Auditor-General. Hon. A. Murray, Colonial Engineer. Hon. G. S. Murray. Hon.
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  • 2335 5 IKST1 MATES FOR 1'OS. A I <|:UVICK KXCHA.NUE .omp'knsation. mI.oNIAL ENGINEERS SALARY. date the ilst January, the Statf* conveys approval of for 1 subject to certain These remarks run as fol;i,l to li-arn from Sir C. Mitchell's y 0 444 of the 18th ultimo, tlint iP.uo-.-'b for the
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  • 133 5 London, 11th February. Vladimir Bourtheff, prosecuted by the Crown onacliarge of soliciting, encouraging, and persuading persons to murder the Tzar, has been sentenced to eighteen month's hard labour. Bombay, 12th February. The losses on the frontier from the 10th June to the 7th February amount to 684
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  • 46 5 Mr. Melton Prior, the war artist of the Illustrated Iryndan Netcg, left Shanghai for Kiaochau Bay on the Bth instant. 4 The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 25th January, is expected to be delivered on the 21st instant.
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  • 22 5 Yesterday afternoon, a Malay woman named Medah, was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, for borrowing some jewellery and pawning it.
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  • 37 5 Li Hok Gian was yesterday afternoon, sentenced to six months’ hard labour for, as a servant, stealing banknotes to tiie value of one hundred and twenty dollars from Mrs. Allan residing in Oxley Road.
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  • 46 5 A Buffalo broke loose at the wharves yesterday afternoon, and attacked a Chinaman, inflicting a nasty wound upon the man’s leg. The animal was subsequently shot by Sergeant Macintosh. This is the second bulfalo that has done hurt within the last week.
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  • 45 5 Yesterday morning, a dispute took place between two gangs of Chinese coolies, belonging to different clans, employed at the Stamford Road Canal. On the arrival of the police the men were engaged in throwing brick-bats at one another. Five men were arrested.
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  • 50 5 A Chinaman's house at 57, Queen Street was broken into early this morning. A constable on duty saw a Chinaman leaving the premises with a bundle of sarongs under his arm. Chase was given by the constable who effected the thiefs arrest and recovered the stolen property.
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  • 58 5 The B. I. steamer Lalpoora brought 20 bullocks and one bulfalo yesterday. The British torpedo boats Whiting and Fame both went alongside the Tanjong Pagar wharf this morning to coal. Thes. s. FA plan stow* was undocked, yesterday, her place in dock being taken by the O. S.
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  • 92 5 In connection with the recent amateur dramatic performances of 44 The Crimson Scarf, v given in aid of the funds of the l'anglin Church House, there lias been shown to us a statement of accounts audited by Mr. A. K. Swan. The Committee of management ask us
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  • 88 5 The body of the man, who was reported missing in connection with the gun-powder robbery which took place on Wednesday last, has been recovered. The man's companion, who gave information to the police of the robbery, says that the deceased jumped off the tongkang into the water because
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  • 186 5 Yesterday afternoon, the Chief Justice was engaged in hearing an action which had an interesting termination. It was a claim brought by Ismail Mahomed Co. against Elias Hanny a jeweller of Hill Street to recover $206, money alleged to be due on an account and for the
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  • 3141 5 NO. 13.—IN THE RUSH OF MANY WATERS. Our homes are whelm’d ’neath a watery waste, Awake ye. our thousands, *»nd flee Crawl, wrijrjrle, and strutrjfle, and haste, O haste To the and the branch, and the tree. The purring flood is around stnd about, His waters are
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  • 338 6 ANNUAL TEA MEETING. Last night, the Methodist annual tea was given in the Anglo-Chinese School. There were about one hundred and twenty persons present. The six tables were in charge of ladies, who, to a large extent, if not altogether, provided the good cheer. The first was
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  • 1141 6 We are all glad again to see H. E. Sir Charles Mitchell return to our shores looking so well. He looks, indeed, so well, that one would be almost disposed to ask why he should so shortly leave for England, except that even Governors are entitled to
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  • 65 6 A correspondent says —There are fifty-three public houses and three hundred and sixty-eight farm spirit shops in the island of Singapore Taking the population at two hundred thousand, this would give one liouse where liquor may be obtained, to eveir four hundred and seventy-five inhabitants. As a
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  • 72 6 Yesterday, Captain Eilbracht, of the Dutch steamer tipechnan, was summoned instanter for bringing into this Settlement from Batavia a decrepit and sick Chinaman. He admitted the charge. M. de Yicq, the Dutch ConsulGeneral, asked for a postponement and the bench of two Magistrates granted it sine
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  • 268 6 (Havas Telegrams.) The trial of M. Zola began on the 7th instant in a crowded court, and strong measures were* taken to preserve order Zola looked pale, but showed no signs of emotion. The Court decided that the evidence and argument should t* confined to the charges
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  • 1222 7 I London, 6th February. I says Russian official I A* m L* ontieff anti Prince Henry I be restricted to a feeling I ,,ri l-it’-fartion if they are success|o?^ n ,,n I th«- Niger Protectorate regardI > V‘. A ith the Ed ilia trihes states I r.J
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  • 145 7 In the United States Consular Court at Shanghai on the loth instant Thomas Gay, an able seaman on the American ship Luzon, pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to set- the ship on fire, lie said 44 I went aboard the ship one night, and I went
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  • 348 7 A correspondent who has made himself acquainted with the opinions of the better class of Chinese on the cracker question writes: It is inconceivable what some men who are wedded to old ideas, and who are apparently incapable of grasping anything new, will commit themselves to. There
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  • 1084 7 ACHEEN. The Governor of Acheen has thrown aside, as unfounded, the statement that the steamers plying thither, under the British flag, from Penang, lend themselves to smuggling. Neither the Dutch Consul at Penang nor the Dutch officials on the coast of Acheen, have heard of anything of the
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  • 89 7 Two cargoes of onions are on their way from Bombay to the Straits. Mr. Jasper Young, of Boustead and Company has joined the Board of the Chartered Bank. Admiral Buller left Shanghai on the 9th instant in H. M. S. Pique for Tinghai, where he was to
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  • 26 7 The Right Reverend Dr. Carvalho, Bishop of Macao, arrived here during the forenoon of yesterday, and left in the afternoon for Macao.
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  • 32 7 The residents of Niven Road complain that night is made hideous by the serenading practices of a party of Malays. This street is close to Kandang Kerbau Police Station. Corr.
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  • 37 7 It lias long been a subject of comment that there should be an opium tester in the employment ol the Government. At present, the tester is in the employ of the opium farmer. Corr.
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  • 40 7 Yesterday afternoon about 1.: 10, there was a light between some Hokien and Teochew coolies at Boat Quay concerning the loading of goods in a tongkang. Five men were arrested, three of whom have been sent to hospital.
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  • 37 7 A woman living at Kampong Bahru reports to the police that her box was broken into by thieves during her absence, on Saturday night. She states that about SK37 worth of property has been stolen.
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  • 34 7 The conviction of Yalberg, for stealing money from the Singapore Club, was to-day upheld by Mr. Justice Leach. His Lordship said that he quite disbelieved Yalberg’s story. The conviction must be conlirmed.
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  • 42 7 X ews has reached Penang that the Austrian Lloyd steamer Medusa has been wrecked on one of the Coco islands, north of the Andamans. All hand were saved and were on an island awaiting relief by one of the Company's steamers.
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  • 36 7 Details of the Sultan of Selangor’s funeral bear out the particulars we published on Friday. Mr. Treacher the Acting Resident-General, won praise fqr his tact on the occasion not to offend Malay susceptibilities.
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  • 46 7 Mr. H. Clifford, says a home paper, is writing another book on subjects of the Malay Peninsula. It will be published by Mr. Grant Richards. The book will consist chiefly of the stories now appearingjin the Straits Times under the title Tales of Malaya.”
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  • 55 7 The following new regulation for the Hongkong Police Force has been made: No subordinate officer or constable shall, without the permission of the Captain Superintendent of Police, lend money at interest or in consideration of the repayment or promise of repayment of a larger sum, or on
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  • 70 7 Early yesterday morning, Police Constable, 223, found an iron safe on some waste ground off Jalan Besar. On enquiry it was discovered that the safe belonged to Mr. Abdul Gaffor of 97, Sungei Road. It seems that his office was broken into by thieves, who carried off the
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  • 71 7 Between Friday night and Saturday morning, a cowardly outrage was perpetrated upon a couple of ponies belonging to Mr. J. Winter who resides at Institution Hill. One of the ponies in question was wounded in the shoulder by a cut some six inches deep, while the other animal
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  • 75 7 A correspondent says that it is almost certain that, in our midst, there is a source from which the British dollar is imitated and counterfeited. At this moment, a Teochew man and a Macao woman are in the hands of the Police. The former is alleged to
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  • 69 7 Inspector Rairhurst is reported to have made a clever capture of counterfeit dollars yesterday. lie gave $10 to his agent who purchased twenty counterfeit British dollars from a suspected man. The Inspector could not see the transaction in bad money, but, on arresting the man, he found fifty
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  • 84 7 About yesterday morning, a Police Constable stationed in Rochore heard cries of alarm proceeding from a house in Clieong Tee Place. On entering the house, a woman living there told the constable that she had seen a man coming down the stairs with a knife in his hand,
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  • 96 7 A cricket match was played on Saturday afternoon, between the S. C. C. 2nd XI and the S. R. C. andw r as w r on by the former by 26 runs and five wickets. L. B. Hannaford for the S. C. C. took 7 wickets for the excellent
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  • 139 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE BUILDING NEWS.” Sir, —My attention has been called to a notice under “Prize Competitions” in your issue of 21st inst., giving my name in connection with a Singapore town hall competition. I write to say that I am not in any way
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  • 62 8 new appointment. Ex-Congressman Edward H. Conger, of Michigan, I*. S. Minister to Brazil, has exchanged posts with Charles Page Bryan, of Illinois, Minister to China. A Washington despatch, says:—There was considerable objection to Bryan’s nomination on the ground that he had no diplomatic experience. Mr.
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  • 102 8 TELEGRAPHIC DETAILS. St. Michael’s, Jan. 23 —British steamer Crwrnariy, Shanghai, New York, while entering harbour during S. S. L. gale this day, totally wrecked all hands saved, some part ot the cargo may possibly be recovered; tear little prospect of salvage, ship or cargo. London, Jan. 2Mh.
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  • 114 8 DA MAH E ESTIMATED AT $5,000,000. Ki ller details ot the groat fire at Manila early this month, show that seventy or eighty houses weie completely destroyed and a similar number partly destroyed. The fire began in Rosario Street, off the Cervantes Square. The damage is estimated
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  • 104 8 BOYCOTTED BY CHINESE. It is announced that the Chinese merchants in Hongkong, and okohama, have entered into a compact not to load their goods in the ships of the Nippon h usen kCaisha in their transportation between Hongkong and the respective Japan ports, and this agreement has
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  • 129 8 THE I’.RAVES” ON THE WARPATH It is reported that something like a state of anarchy exists around the city of Kiachau, in the island of Hainan where thousands of rioters, including a great many disbanded braves, have broken into revolt against the mandarins. No less than eleven
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  • 187 8 HAVAS TELEGRAMS. Paris. 1 (itIt FP-rtrrry. On the i'th instant, a handwriting specialist named Bertillon, deposed in court that the bordereau'’ or schedule of military information, brought as evidence in the court martial against Dreyfus was in the latter's handwriting: On the loth, Bertillon again testified that Dreyfus
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  • 1500 8 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANK. HALF-YEARLY MEETING. The ordinary half-yearly general meeting of shareholders in the Hongkong and Shanghai Corporation was held at Hongkong on the 12th instant. The Chairman, Mr J. J. Bell Irving, after reading the report, said—Gentlemen, the directors have great pleasure in coming before the shareholders with such
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  • 161 8 A disaster occurred on 26th January on board the gunboat Bouncer tender to the Wildfire, flagship of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles F. Hotham, K.C. B., Commander-in-Cliief at the Nore, whilst at gun practice, near the Xore. The Bouncer left Sheerness with two training classes from the Naval School of
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  • 1332 8 THE ARRIVAL. THE DEUTSCHLAND COMES SECOND. Of Prince Henry’s squadron, the Gejim arrived at Colombo, first, she reached that port on the afternoon 01 the 8th instant, with news that the Deutschland her companion vessel, with Prince Henry on board was not far behind. The Deutschland
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  • 336 8 THE ALGERINE IN DOCK. The Shanghai Daily Nens of the lOti inst. says: ‘Captain Domville of the Algerine left yesterday on board the storeship linmher for Hongkong en ronf* for home.’ The Shanghai Mercury of the loti inst. reports that the damage sustained by the Algerine in
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  • 1685 9 NEWS. AND COMMENTS. •MTi.KSHIPS’ COALING TEST. f.xpciimental coaling test has 1 i* Portsmouth with the object ill** rapacity of the port to mull on expeditiously in war of the four ships that were j th,- 1/.7/V did much the best, get- tons abroad in nine hours. -:> nt
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  • 139 9 Two Russians men-of-war arrived at Colombo on the lltli instant. They were the Sissoi Veliky (Sissoi the Great) and the Xarurin both new warships of approved type and very similar in point of build. The Xararin is of 9,476 tons 668 feet long, with a beam of 67
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  • 312 9 The Griffins for the Spring Meeting were drawn on Saturday afternoon in Mr. Abram's Yard, North Bridge road. A good attendance of men connected with racing were present, among whom was the Sultan of Johore. The griffins, which were one of the finest consignments of horseflesh ever imported
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  • 236 9 The Vyner arrived on Friday with a cargo of coals from Sadong, for Paterson Simons Sc Co. The Amigo which brought a cargo of almost 4,000 tons Indian coal and some coke from Calcutta, went to the w'harf of the Smelting Works at Pulo Brani, on Saturday last,
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  • 950 9 “SOWING THE WIND.” The Brough Comedy Company is the best dramatic company that has visited Singapore during the last ten years. Probably it is the best dramatic company that has ever visited Singapore. In saying so, we do not forget that within the last ten years we
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  • 155 10 Messrs. Page and Gwythers annual circular gives full details ot the gold, silver, and dollars shipments to the East during the last ten years, together with particulars of India Council bills sold during the same period. Compared with 1896 the figures from Europe for 1897 show the following differences
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  • 409 10 AN INTERVIEW WITH HER. One who had an interview' recently with Mrs. North, the well-known Phrenologist and Palmist, staying at present at Bailies Hotel, sends us the following account of his experiences: It was with a feeling of scepticism that 1 approached the sanctum of the far-famed
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  • 14 10 The Danes, at Bangkok have petitioned the Danish Government to appoint a Consul-General there.
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  • 34 10 Bishop Foss and the Rev. Dr. Goucher have left for America by the Pacific route. The first magistrate had two hundred and forty Municipal summons cases on his file this morning.
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  • 26 10 A shop-keeper whose scales showed that he was cheating his customers to the extent of ten per cent., was, this morning, lined five dollars.
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  • 26 10 The police bugler at the Central Station, was yesterday, sentenced to one month and fourteen days, for stealing an orange and assaulting a fruit seller.
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  • 23 10 This much vexed question is being revived. Last week several convictions were obtained. To-day, there were thirty-six prosecutions followed by convictions.
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  • 28 10 A Bengali baker was this morning, fined twenty-five dollars for keeping filthy premises. He had already been fined fifteen dollars on a previous occasion.
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  • 30 10 Yesterday, a gunner of the Royal Artillery, was fined eleven dollars on four charges in connection with nonpayment of 'rikisha fare; the alternative being a month’s imprisonment.
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  • 40 10 Half a dozen K lings were summoned before Mr. Egerton, this morning, for obstruction in Market Street. They urged that they merely stopped their carts to obtain money due. They were fined two dollars each and costs.
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  • 58 10 A wife murder is reported from I poll. Husband and wife were both of them Klings. She left him for an omnibus driver. The husband asked her to come hack, hut she refused. I'pon this, lie seized her by the hair and almost cut her head otf with
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  • 57 10 E. P. C. Carr was summoned on Saturday by his w ife for threatening to hurt her in body and limb. He was bound over lo keep the peace for three months and to find a surety for one hundred dollars. As he could not obtain surety,
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  • 58 10 A correspondent remarks that recently the court of two magistrates had to he temporarily closed, owing to the heavy woik on the hands of individual magistrates The labours of this court have been resumed, hut the fact that, for some time, it could not he worked goes far
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  • 106 10 A hotel keeper named Quintal, registered in Bangkok a Portuguese subject, had a case before the Portuguese Consul, who decided against him. He then claimed to lie a British subject, and produced documents to show that lie was a native of British Guiana. But lie could not
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  • 121 10 TWO BRITISH SUBJECTS SHOT DEAD. From Kwaang, Muang Xakonsawan, comes news of a grave affair in which two British subjects were shot dead and one seriously wounded and since dead, by an armed band of natives. In January last, about 200 Shan cattle traders (British subjects) brought
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  • 44 10 Neo Hatu has been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment for being found in possession of a number of counterfeit twenty cent, pieces and five British dollars. Two other persons, a man and a woman, are waiting magisterial enquiry on the 25th instant.
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  • 152 10 A robbery was committed last night by six Chinamen, who forcibly entered SB, New Bridge Road, armed with cudgels and other weapons. It is thought that the thieves broke into the house with the intent of robbing some women there, who were said to have a large
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  • 201 10 The O. S. S. Polyphemus which left Hongkong on the 15th instant, arrived alongside theTanjong Pagar Wharf yesterday, laden with general cargo and a few hundred tons of coal. The And a niti, after discharging about one-half of her cargo of coals at the west end of the
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  • 387 10 This morning, there came on before Mr. Justice Leach,for further consideration, the suit of Niblett vs. Pierre Hugo Ledeboer. It was brought to recover the amount of a taxed bill of costs, which had been delivered, it was stated, as far back as April last for professional
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  • 978 10 A JUDGE MIXED UP." During the hearing of a Magistrates* appeal, itself of no public interest, Mr. Justice Leach, yesterday afternoon, said that the notes of the lower court were so ungrammatically drawn up that it was impossible to make head or tail of them. It appeared to
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  • 598 10 A VERY HARD CASE.” AFFECTING SCENE IN COURT. As the Chief Justice was about IBB rise yesterday afternoon, Mr. Koek, behalf of Anna Revietz, applied warrant to arrest one Isodore < rolder Wm berg, and to have him produced the court in respect of a suit \vhk-hi|>|§! been tiled against
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  • 57 10 At a recent meeting of the <-o tee of the Perak Turf Club, it decided that galloway grillins 1-| t0 j hands and a half, aged over tour a--under seven years, that have r.t been raced, would be the most description of animals for the Aug j meeting
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  • 503 11 ..u|'H 'I IT AT HONGKONG. ,-.rt'TE ABOUT A SYNAGOGUE. n .rkung, oil the 12th instant, u vr,ported in a special telegram a r, :t r .,;,v Times, the Chief Justice delivered judgment in the of H? Xl L 7 it was an action brought d. Gubbay, A.
    503 words
  • 261 11 •ii: A Yates, chief constructor at '■'in tii Dockyard, on January 13th, a lecture before the Portsii Uo-rary and .Scientific Society M-xlcrn Battleship/’ Recalling battleships at the Naval rV, inJuncla-t, he pointed out that M /ate impossible to realise their :r ibi the most important half dtip
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  • 652 11 A VILLAGE PRIEST.” Tell us a bluggy one,” was the cry of Helen’s babies; and it may be that amidst a leisurely, a frivolous, or a much amused population, there is demand for the harrowing drama. But in this part of the world, amidst a European population
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  • 89 11 A man has reported to the police that, shortly before 10 p. m. on Sunday, he w ent to a house of bad repute in Hongkong Street, where soon afterwards four Chinamen entered and assaulted him, and a woman, who w*as in his company. He states that
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  • 46 11 It is now finally decided, says the Siam hree Press that Prince Damrong, the Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs, will shortly leave for Europe to take up the position vacated by Prince Sevasti, and to arrange, if possible, several delicate questions with France.
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  • 2712 11 (From Commerce of '2Gth January.) A man who has been living and working in the Malay Peninsula for nine years may reasonably be supposed to have an intimate knowledge of the Peninsula s commerce and industries. When I took Mr. Bibby in hand I put him through
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  • 548 12 (From our Correspondr/it.) la nor it SCARCITY. It is reported that then* is some difficulty in retaining labour in the l lu Pahang mines, especially at Penjum. where the supply is said to be much reduced. The increasing activity now manifested in the construction ot Government roads and
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  • 56 12 On Monday morning last. a Macao woman, refill ng at Wayang Stre X, was seriously burnt bv her clothes catching on fire while refilling a lamp. She lias been taken to the hospital, but it is not expected that she will recover. Her brother, in trying to extinguish
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  • 67 12 This morning, Sergeant Beattie found the body of a Chinaman in the harbour The Italian man-of-war Marco Polo left Port Said on the Ist instant, on her way to China. Major-General Jones-Vaughan, having returned from Changhie, resumes command of the Station. M r. Chamberlain's favourite author in
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  • 47 12 THE KIRKDALE.” The Captain of Lie s. s. KirMale from < rlasgow, which is due here shortly, has reported at Penang, that his vessel was aground in the Red Sea from the 25th to the 27th of January. She had a cargo of dynamite and gunpowder on board.
    47 words
  • 251 12 From our Correspondent.) The recent heavy rains, for the last fortnight here, have worked great damage to the paddy crops. Another meeting of the Malacca Club was called on Saturday, the 19th instant, where, in order to provide for the greater demands of a detailed estimate for improving the
    251 words
  • 362 12 (I'Tom our ('or respondeni.) MIXING MATTERS. ]*el;an, 21st February. There was a fatal accident in the Rukit Jalis mine, at Raub, the other day, in which a Chinaman lost his life. The deceased was at work in a shaft when suddenly he way seen to fall forward. When
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  • 781 12 According to reports, more or less trustworthy, the miad of the young King Alexander of Servia has become impaired and his heart is much affected. These statements are of interest now in view of the events which have just taken place in Servia. Prince Bismarck has received the
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  • 2156 12 Yesterday, an ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held. There were present: —Mr. Gentle (President), Colonel Pennefather, Messrs. 8ohst, Nanson, Meyer, Evans, Choa Giang Thye, and Tan Cheng Tuan. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed, the President laid upon the table the
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  • 215 13 Earner So rotor of the Russian Fleet, arrived yesterday from ami anchored out in the harbour. :i1 the afternoon, she steamed to ■ft 1’aitar Wharf to coal. She brings military force for Vladivostok, *x; eet« d to resume her voyage '*’K this afternoon. f 1 aiueward Spanish mail
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  • 62 13 THEY COAL THERE. (Special telegram to the Straits Times.) (From our Correspondent.) Penang Wednesday l.bop.m. Two Russian men-of-war, the Navarin and the Sissoi Veliky arrived here yesterday and coaled. They took in several hundreds of tons of coal. They leave to-day for China. Large parties
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  • 2327 13 THE CASE FOR SIAM. STATEMENT BY THE KING. TRUST IN BRITAIN. (From the Morning Post Correspondent) Paris, 28 th January. A French Diplomatist with whom I have frequently had the pleasure* of conversing, has just returned to Paris after an extended stay in Italy and Egypt. He had
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  • 268 13 THE GERMAN AND THE RUS8IAN WARSHIPS. THE PRINCE ARRIVES TO-MORROW The Gefion which is a 20 knot cruiser, arrived in Singapore roads at one o’clock this afternoon. Captain Ainslie, A. D. C., had driven from Government House, and he left Johnston’s Pier in a stez.m launch so as
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  • 525 13 “THE CASE OF REBELLIOUS SUSAN.” It is, perhaps, not the fault of the Brough Comedy Company that all the plays they have hitherto produced in Singapore are based upon incidents of sexual immorality. It may be, perhaps, that it is impossible to find many good modern plays
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  • Article, Illustration
    1019 14 (CONDUCTED BY king’s PAWN.”) All Chess correspondence should be ad ircsseU to King s Pawn.” Solutions: Problem No. 14, by L. M. Cordeiro solved by B—R 7. Problem by C. Planck, solved by 1 Q x P, B Px Kt, 2 Q— K 4 (eh), PxQ, 8 Kt mates.
    1,019 words
  • 119 14 The Hongkong Race? came off successfully on the 15th, 16th, and 17th instant. 4 Canon (i keenstock, the Anglican clergyman at Bangkok, arrived to-day from Europe in the Sunda. Ox the proposal of the Minister for Foreign A [fairs at Madrid it has been decided to increase
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  • 167 14 FOURTH TEST MATCH. The fourth test match,which was played at Melbourne, lasted from the 29th January to the 2nd instant. The Australians made 82.8 in their first innings, to which Hill contributed 188. Stoddart’s team made 174 in their first innings. The Englishmen followed on and concluded their
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  • 379 14 “THE PASSPORT.” Last night, the Brough Comedy Company produced The Passport,” a farcical comedy suggested by an incident of that exceedingly smart novel, 11 My Official Wife.” The story of The Passport turns upon certain misunderstandings created by the amiable indiscretion of Ferdinand Sinclair in assisting Mrs.
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  • 113 14 The last two nights of the Brough Season will be devoted to the production of two of the most popular plays which have been produced in London during the past decade. “A Pair of Spectacles” the famous comedy, by Sydney Grundy, announced for this evening,
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  • 169 14 The Austrian Lloyd steamer Amphitrite left Hongkong on Monday last, the 21st instant, and should be here by -Saturday next, the 26th. The O. S. S. Diomed from Japan and Hongkong, left the latter port on the 22nd instant. She might therefore be looked for either on the
    169 words
  • 1401 14 f The following account of a journey in Kegri Sembilan is written by a Lady who recently penetrated into a part of the Peninsula where no white woman had ever before l*eea seen..] A STUDY IN NATURE. PLEASURE UNDER DIFFICULTIES. (Second Article.) Makanan suda
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  • 185 14 THE TRI NE ROAD. Two thousand dollars will, ‘t reported, cover all the damage that tfl* part of the Trunk Road that is Mr. Browning’s charge sustaineddur:B£ the flood, last month. The Dong and another bridge at the 40th ,Kr were much damaged, and some h slips occurred
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  • 683 15 I A \\l AL MEETING. I K I OKKKE QI'ESTION. I Planters' Association I T ME "annual meeting at Kuala Ih V the 19th instant, with Mr. i v in the chair. |h ..r. hminarv business had I through, Mr. C. Meikle l" 1 ,t 1 following resolution.
    683 words
  • 146 15 I Singapore). I Krnest Simons from MarBiLi !> i: Nliss Clementi Smith, U r i V ;ui kinrwlyk, Mr. A. J. Souman, ■V. Rodger and friend, Mr. I*, j! 1 1 M, l,.f t; b.v, Mr. I.cyzers! mx /*o/ >nmiien connecting with s *i!nzte at Colombo, from Marlb
    146 words
  • 1085 15 HIS ARRIVAL AND LANDING. MOVEMENTS AND ARRANGEMENTS. Yesterday, about one o’clock, as already announced, the Gefion arrived at Singapore. About 6.30 p.m., the Dentschlaiu1 following the Gefion dropped anchor inside the Sultan Shoal off’ Pasir Panjang. Early this morning, the Deutschland went to the wharf to coal, and
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  • 374 15 RESULTS OF FRIDAY’S PLAY. SINGLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Somerville scr. beat Miss Buckley 6-2, 6-3. Mrs. Reid scr. beat Mrs. Jolley 5-6, 6-2,6-5. B. CLASS. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Mr. and Mrs. Holland 15, beat Mr. and Mrs. Hooper 15, 6-4, 6-4. Mr. and Mrs. Schragcr ser. beat Mr.
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  • 130 15 The Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company lias published its report for 1897. The report shows a profit of 5126,445, against 5106,554 in 1896. As] per cent, dividend is recommended. The Hongkong Hotel Company reports a profit of S 30 f 448 during the second half of
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  • 147 15 MR. COLLYER AS A WITNESS. Mu. Collyer, the Attorney-General, was a witness in the suit of G. Rappa eg. R.M.V.E. Supramanian Pillay lieard before Mr. Justice Leach, this afternoon. It was brought to recover possession of a house situated at 186 Rochore Road, and some question having
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  • 491 15 A young man who keeps a collection of lorks of hair of his lady friends calls them his hair breadth escapes. in the Aberdeen Express. The Me Haggis (pityingly): “An’ d’ye no play gowf? Southerner (apologetically): N—o —o; but I speak it/' Edie “Why do you never speak
    491 words
  • 390 15 The Morning 2W, of 29th January, discussing the very interesting statement on Franco-Siamese relations that, yesterday, we published, says: It would be a great wrong to the people of Biam to hold out a hope that Britain will interest herself in their behalf unless there were sufficient reason
    390 words
  • 548 15 London, 28th January. The experience of riders in this country who have been u>ing the new illuminant, Acetylene, on their machines is pretty uniform so far as the light-giving i>roperties of such lamps are concerned, but it is also generally conceded that the draw* backs are very
    548 words

  • 1099 16 NAVAL MOVEMENTS. It is reported at Hongkong that, Admiral Puller will go to England by the P. O. mail leaving on the 19th inst. The Admiral is at present in Shanghai, where he arrived in the Eigne on the 6th February. We regret to learn from
    1,099 words
  • 441 16 THE ANNUAL HEGIRA.” THE PASSENGER LISTS. THE P. O. “Ganges” 25th February.—Mrs. Adams; Mr. and Mrs. Earle; SergtMajor and Mrs Shillington and family, Mr. It. A. Law; Mr. J. A. I'eggs; Mr. Iregory. “Shanghai,” 26th February.- Lieut Cochrane, Col. Bogle, k.e. “Coromandel,” lltli March. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell; Mrs. Lav.
    441 words
  • 547 16 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Perdana from Kuantan :—The Judicial Commissioner and his clerk, Messrs. W. Gregory; and R. Greentree. Per s. 3. Ban Poh Guan from Macassar:— Major-General Penn, Mrs. and Miss Penn, and Miss Stratton, Per s. s. Speelman from Batav/a:—Mr. and Mrs. MorrisJ Messrs. E. Tonning,
    547 words
    • 261 16 I Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer sh.—ship bq— barque Brit.—British U. S. United I States; Fr. French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch Joh. Johor©; <tc., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo
      261 words
    • 1205 16 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Kirkdale Brit. str. 1,853 tons, Capt Cambridge, 24th Feb. From Glasgow, 6th Jan. G.c. Boustead and Co. For Manila, 26th— W. Kamakura Maru Jap. str. 3,796 tons, Capt Preunt, 23rd Feb. From Yokohama, 5th Feb. G.c., and 5 d.p. P. Simons and Co.
      1,205 words
    • 364 16 Name port probable date of arrival ana name of agents. A. A pear, Hongkong, Feb 28; S. Mos* Alton. Cardiff, Feb 27 Amphitrite, H’kong, Feb 24; Rautenberg Alboin, Bombay, Pft Feb 17; Borneo Cov. Ballaarat, London, Mar 27 1*. 0. Bayern, Bremen. Mar 3 Belin Meyer Borneo, Hongkong,
      364 words
    • 1096 17 Flag l -kl’s Name. A Tons Captain Fbom Sailed Consignees. h gse Rig. j Feb n Dut str.' 669 Eilbracht Batavia Feb 16 Daendels A Co. r e p‘p'nanak str. 311 Deimage Pontianak Feb 14Yong Ban Seng J7 wra Brit. str. 120 Marshall Kuantan Feb 16Teng Quee 1* T
      1,096 words
    • 616 17 I 1 ate. Vessel’s Name Flag&Kig Captain Destination H Ban Whatt Soon Brit. str. Rouse Billiton and Pontianak li X**era str. Coysh j T. Anson via ports Sri Tringganu str. Shiramen Malacca Perdana str. Marshall K. Pahang and Kelantan 1h Zweena str. Nesbitt P Sembilan 1* Sultan str. Chopard
      616 words
    • 69 17 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flagi~ Date~ Date. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of Fromwhere Destin- ReRig. Sailing ation marks. j rFeb 14Ger bq.Rohilla Hoyer Nov 3Savannah Anger f.o. 16 Dut s.s.Prinses Marie Lee Jan 8 Amsterdam Batavia 16 Am s.J. F. Chapman Thomson Feb 6 Manilla New
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 835 17 “TIMES" AND “BUDGET.” Straits Times $80 a year, or $2£ a month, or fifteen cents a copy. Post Free, $8£ a quarter. Straits Budget, post free, $20 a year, or $5 a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, 16 cents a line; 2nd and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 252 18 NORTH-CHINA DAILY NEWS. (Daily Paper.) Subscription 24 taels per ann., postage extra, and North-China Herald and Supreme Court and Consular Gazette. (Weekly Paper.) Subscription 12 taels per ann., postage extra. THE above have bv for the largest circulation in North-China, and are to be fonnd not only at all the
      252 words
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    • 555 18 T’HE PRYE RIVER DOCK 1 PENANG. The above Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 320 feet. Breadth at entrance 60 Depth of water on sill at) jg
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