The Straits Budget, 30 November 1897

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 85 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indie** the Philippines, and
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    • 40 1 (in th'* 20th November, at 7, Mount c ,iu Singapore, the wife of the Kev. Gikdlestone, Shellabear (late \l. Y.X of a daughter. T Matnng Tinggi, Province Wellesley, -juth mst., the wife of Leopold Es. ’hassEBIai’, of a son.
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  • 468 1 hElMNfi AKTK LES. The Municipal Loan. The German Navy. Mutmy and Battle. girMamford Raffles, Friday's Telegrams. Austria-Hungary. Lotai. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Police News. Dispute about a Medical Office. The Chingay and prices. Alleged Squeeze. Vonieipal Bonds. Alleged Burglary. Beating a Servant. He took Five
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  • 445 1 Singapore, 30th November, 1897. PRODUCE mbier, 6.70 4 Copra Bali, 6.50. do Pontianak,.... 4 6.25. Pepper, Black, 18.25. do White, (5%) 33.60. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.85. do Brunei,.... 2.38£. Pearl Sago 3.50 Coffee, Bali, picked 83.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... ,,39.50. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 ,,23.00. Tapioca, small Flake, 3.70.
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  • 396 1 The mail for Europe,this week, leaves by the M. M« s. s. Oceanien. The M. M. Saghalien with the mail from Europe of the 5th November arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe, next week, leaves by the P. O. s. s. Ganges. The P. O.
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    • 63 1 Jjondon 23 rd November. Tenders, to be opened on the 29th instant, have been invited for a fresh issue of India Bills. The Bills amount to two and a half millions of pounds for six or for twelve months, dated from the 3rd December. The tenders may be
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    • 46 1 London, 2 2nd November. A great fire in the business quarter of Melbourne has done damage, estimated at fully one million of pounds sterling. HURRICANE IN VICTORIA. A duststorm in the north west portion of the colony of Victoria has wrecked several towns there.
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    • 45 1 Owing to the representations of Russia, the reorganisation of the Turkish navy has been postponed. Russia has presented a Note to the Turkish Government. This Note demands from Turkey, the payment of arrears of war indemnity amounting to one million of pounds sterling.
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    • 69 1 London 2Jflh November. The Kaiserin Augusta a cruiser corvette, from Crete, has entered the Suez Canal on her way to China to reinforce the German Squadron there. It is understood that another German man-of-war, the Gefion is, also, going to China. The Standard?8 correspondent at Berlin states
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    • 94 1 London, 2oth November. A number of mutinous Soudanese soldiers, aided by Mahommedan brigands, have attacked Major Macdonald’s force in Usoga. They were repulsed after several hours fighting with the loss of one hundred men/ The British loss was sixteen killed, including Lieutenant Feilding and Major Thruston.
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    • 31 1 It is reported that Prince Henry of Prussia will command the squadron ordered to China. It is beliered that Germany is resolved to retain the port of Kiaochau.
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    • 32 1 Jjondon, 26th November. Reuters correspondent at Lagos telegraphs that a French expedition has arrived at Nikki. The Governor of Dahomey has started for the Hinterland there with a considerable force.
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    • 26 1 It is confirmed that Prince Henry will command a squadron of cruisers which, probably, sails from Germany for China, on the 10th December.
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    • 32 1 Indescribable scenes ot violence are taking place in the Austrian Reichsrath at Parliament. At one sitting, there was a hand-to-hand fight among the members for a quarter of an hour.
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    • 29 1 A revolt has broken out in Albania, a province of European Turkey. Severe fighting between Albanians and Turks is reported, with heavy loss on both sides.
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    • 39 1 London 27th November. A rumour has reached the Colonial Office that there has been a conflict between four hundred British troops and a French force at Nikki in West Africa. But the rumour is officially discredited,
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    • 42 1 Thirteen members of the Austrian Reichsratli or Parliament have been suspended, and have had to be removed from the House by the police. These members had stormed the platform on which the President of the Reichsrath sat. The President fled.
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    • 11 1 Further news from Uganda is of a re-assuring nature.
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    • 7 1 Parliament meets on the 8th February.
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    • 30 1 London, 29th November Stoddart's team has begun a match with a team of thirteen from Queens* land, and has made a score of 636 in the first innings.
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    • 28 1 Reuter's correspondent at Lagos telegraphs that the rumour of a conflict between British and French forces at Nikki, on the Niger, has proved to be unfounded.
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    • 26 1 It is reported that Russian ha» acquiesced in the German occupation of Kiaochau Bay, provided that she has a free hand in Corea.
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    • 18 1 Russia, supported by France, is urging the Turkish Government to begin the evacuation of Thessaly.
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    • 75 1 The Austrian Cabinet has resigned. On the afternoon of the day of 'the resignation, Baron D. Gautsch. Vob Frankenthurm, the Minister of Public Instruction, was charged with the formation of a new Cabinet. Renewed popular demonstrations took place in front of the Reichsrath; or Parliament. The police
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  • 15 1 DEATH. Os the null November, 1897, A. M. van jjuIevax deb Pals, at Samarinda, Borneo,
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  • 388 2 (Straits Times, 23rd November.) The decision of Mr. Justice Collyer, yesterday, in the action, E. J. Nanson v. the Municipal Commissioners, places the Commissioners in a very absurd and embarrassing position. Briefly stated, the plaintiffs case was that the Municipal Commissioners had no power to repay his
    (Straits Times, 23rd November.)  -  388 words
  • 649 2 (Straits Times 24 th November.) To-day's telegram announces a reinforcement of the German naval squadron in the Far East. The Kaiserin Augusta is already on her way to China from the Mediterranean, and it is understood that the Gefion another German warship, will, also, be ordered thither.
    (Straits Times, 24th November.)  -  649 words
  • 240 2 (Straits Times 'Jot/o Novemlter.) Usoga from whence comes news of mutiny and battle is a district in Uganda on the north shore of Lake VictoriaNyanza, hundredsofmiles from the coast. From Mombassa on t he coast, a railway to Uganda, 657 miles long, is under construction. Uganda is
    (Straits Times, 'Jot/o Novemlter.)  -  240 words
  • 223 2 (Straits Times 25th November.) At the date of last mail advices, an authoritative life of Sir Stamford Raffles by ftr. Demetrius Boulger, an experienced author, was on the eve of publication. Mr. Boulger has already published several historical works regarding the Far East. He proposes now to
    (Straits Times, 25th November.)  -  223 words
  • 311 2 (Straits Times 26th November.) Revolt has broken out in Albania, a turbulent province of European Turkey, on the borders of Greece. The present trouble dates from the time of the late Turco-Greek war. The Christian Albanians rose in aid of the Greeks; but the insurrectionary movement was put
    (Straits Times, 26th November.)  -  311 words
  • 1302 2 (Straits Times 1 29 th Noveml)cr.) The political crisis resulting in the resignation of the Austrian Ministry has for some time attracted public attention. Austria and Hungary, the component parts of the Dual Monarchy, are on the point of re-arranging their fiscal relations. The preliminary negotiations have been hampered
    (Straits Times1 29th Noveml)cr.)  -  1,302 words
  • 58 2 On Thursday, at Kuala Lumpur while Mr. Shellabear was at dinner u Dr. Kensett’s house, somebody enter# the former’s bed-room and stole bis d* containing clothes, &30, and the hah of three $100 notes. Luckily Shellabear had the other halves in pocket. The box was found in
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  • 62 2 The Malay Mail finds that theta* has now arrived for the British ment to open up negotiations with Sultans of the Malayan Protected for the final and formal annexation .their country by the British bmp. In its opinion, the reversions of ce heirs-apparent could be bought for and
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  • 89 2 THE FIRE AT NORTH BRH> (iE ROAD. A PROSECUTION. Quay Yong and Neo Yeok charged mischievously setting n house No. 219, North Bridge the 10th of October. Five others. Boon Teow, Toh Keng Heng, Qn a X Heng, Chea Koh Wan, aiW MoM* are charged with aiding and a the
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  • 108 3 Ahosgthe passengers by the Ancona this morning, were Mrs. Leach and Miss SharpThk resolutions for reconstructing punjom Mining Company were confined by the shareholders on the 13th instant. match (Socker) was played Shanghai on the 8th inst., between n l5 representing H.M.S. Alacrity and The Pique won
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  • 36 3 Tin: ehingay procession, says a corindent, has been the cause of raisjn.r the prices of ordinary food stuffs j n r the markets during the fast two days, some fifty per cent.
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  • 42 3 (jina Kkxo Bok and Chia Keng Beng w er*' yesterday charged with causing h ur t to a Malay servant. They were find ten and twenty dollars respectivtdv, in default, fourteen days and one month. The fines w'ere paid.
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  • 42 3 A football match was played on the old gaol ground yesterday afternoon, between a team of the employees of Messrs. Riley, Hargreaves and Coy., and a team from St. Joseph Institution, ranking in a victory for the latter by three goals.
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  • 51 3 Last night, Inspector Hentig of the Jinrikisha Department arrested ’rikisha pon. No. 89, in the act of taking five rents from a ’rikisha puller in South Bridge Road. The man, who was formerly in the Pahang police force, was sentenced, this morning to fourteen days rigorous
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  • 53 3 On Sunday morning, Tay Swee Tong, was arrested on board the Siam in Singapore harbour, in possession of a tub containing smuggled cliandu to the value of one hundred and ten dollars. Yesterday, he was brought before Mr. \\’olferstan,and fined athousand dollars, or three months. He elected to
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  • 66 3 At four o'clock this morning, a Malay, named Hadji Mahomed Salleh, residing at No. 2.16 Syed Alwee Road, was aroused and saw two men carrying away his box. He gave chase and the men separated. He followed and arrested one, named Amin. The box is said to contain
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  • 117 3 Mr. Norman Prentice, assistant in the Horneo Company, (Ld)., has applied !or and been granted a warrant for the arrest of Harold M. E. Hanauer. It is alleged that H. M. E. Hanauer drew a dieque on the Hongkong and Shanghai Hank for Si 5o in favour of
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  • 140 3 A Havas telegram dated 18th instant, ?lves further particulars regarding the phase of the Dreyfus scandal. Ilfe Hreyfus family, who are rich Jews, ,ir leaving no stone unturned to try prove the innocence of Captain fe yfus, now undergoing sentence for straying French official secrets to a
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  • 38 3 This morning, a Chinaman who was arrested yesterday for trespass at Tanjong Pagar Dock, urged that he had been taken into custody because he refused to give the watchman two cents, i he man was cautioned.
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  • 55 3 This morning, a Chinese priest made an application to withdraw a charge of kidnapping made against another Chinaman. The relatives of the latter had given security that the child should be returned from China, and the priest was satisfied. As the police raised no objections, Mr. Howard allowed
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  • 71 3 J he scene in Mr. Wolferstan’s court this morning battles description. Between five and six hundred cases had to be heard, and as many persons tried to crowd the court. By dint of muscular argument the people were kept in some sort of oi dcr. Chief Inspector Mayhew
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  • 67 3 A fsterday, Sergeant Collins arrested a Chinaman for throwing three small cakes into the lockup at the police court. This morning, the man was brought before Mr. Howard who enquired if the prisoners were allowed any food while awaiting disposal by the Magistrate. Serjeant Collins said they might
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  • 68 3 This morning, three Chinamen were placed before Mr. Howard charged with assisting in managing a whaway lottery at No. 127 Cross Street. Sergeant Rainbow prosecuted. The evidence shewed that the men were engaged in filling in tickets when arrested. They denied this, but admitted that they were
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  • 75 3 ALLEGED INCENDIARISM. The Deputy President of the Municipal Commissioners has concluded his inquiry into the cause of the recent fire at 219 North Bridge Road, a house belonging to a Chinaman. Mr. Egerton’s finding is as follows: 44 The fire was not accidental, but
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  • 104 3 Last night at the Town Hall a dress rehearsal was given of the drama, A Bad Penny and the comic opperetta, “The Crimson Scarf” which performed by a company of local amateurs on Thursday and Saturday next in aid of the Tanglin Church House. A small charge
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  • 113 3 SINGAPORE NEWS FROM HONOKONtJ. An amusing story is told of Spanish childishness at Singapore. A German clerk entered a griffin for the recent races, and named his horse Aguinaldo,’ which happens to be the name of the rebel leader in the Philippines. This is said
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  • 104 3 The Perak Sugar Cultivation Company has issued its twelfth annual report to be laid before the shareholders at Shanghai to-morrow. The report covers only a period of eight months. The accounts submitted for the eight months show a profit on working account of Tls. 20,402 which is transferred
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  • 564 3 A QUESTION OF CONVERSION. JUDGMENT. Yesterday afternoon, in the Supreme Court, before Acting Chief J ustice Collyer, the case was heard; In re Municipal Mortgage No. 395 for S500, dated 13th June, 1896, between E. J. Nanson, plaintiff, and the Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, defendant.
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  • 245 3 A four-oar’d race. Last evening, a four oar'd race was rowed between crew's belonging to the Singapore Rowing Club. It was originally intended that one of the fours should represent the Civil Service against The Rest, but the former found a difficulty in filling up the bow
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  • 5745 3 The victorious Straits team, trailing clouds of glory, returned from Hongkong this morning on board the P. O. steamer Ancona. The steamer, though not expected until noon, arrived alongside the wharf as early as nine o’clock, and, consequently, there were very few people there to welcome
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  • 147 4 ONE MONTH S IMPRISONMENT. This morning, Thomas Essen was brought up for judgment for having attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. The Acting Chief Justice said the prisoner had pleaded guilty to the charge. It was said that he had been suffering from the effects
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  • 869 4 (From, a Corresponrf^ f I The inspectors of the Enw. I tingent have, at len£h approach the Secretary- of k| Colonies with a view to a reel t j fort of their position, their emoluments attached to th* l’« hold. This rank of the divided into four
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  • 350 5 -That small but most useful body, t ie China Association”— as the Manches;,r dunrJian .recently called it—has .’djished for the information of its T|]»'iiibers certain correspondence affectin„ their interests, in anticipation o \J. Annual Report. If the list of 537 subscribing members suggest adoubt as t
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  • 325 5 A o allaxt rescue from drowning was made on Tuesday night, 16th inst., says the Ifoiiykoiuj Daily Dress by Bombardier Vaughan, of the Royal Artillery, and Private Barnett, of H. Co., West Yorkshire Regiment. The Commissariat launch Jubilee was proceeding to Stonecutters with a number of
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  • 70 5 I he Hongkong Daily Press considers la t the Singapore Chamber of Com(«old Currency Sub-Committee ia s underestimated the number of old wiars available for conversion, when e Proposed token dollars come into *K CU ijti° n It thinks that conversion ould pe effected at a few
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  • 1522 5 DISPUTE ABOUT A MEDICAL OFFICE.” ALLEGATIONS OF CHEATING. Emile Kahlert and Dr. Von Krudy were brought before Mr. Howard, this afternoon, and charged by Frederick Dreiss for alleged cheating in respect to the value of the 44 Medical Office, and inducing him to deliver to them $9,000. The allegations of
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  • 141 5 Five conquering cricketers go today by the Seem two by another local steamer; and two by the mail to Penang. The S. C. C. gave a smoking concert at the Town Hall, last night, in honour of the Straits Cricket Team and the Singapore Rifle Team. Chin
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  • 78 5 Yesterday, at the Assizes before Acting Chief Justice Collyer, Chong Choo was charged with the murder of a Chinese recruiter, by throwing him overhoard from the s.s. Kutsang on the 3rd of September, during the voyage from Hongkong to Singapore. The case occupied the whole day. The jury
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  • 36 5 The amount realized in Municipal fines in the Second Court, yesterday, was four hundred and forty-nine dollars. There were nearly six hundred cases, and the Magistrate sat till six o’clock to clear the file.
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  • 38 5 Yesterday, Captain Sundberg of the s.s. Arratoon Apcar reported to the Mas-ter-Attendant that a Chinese deck passenger jumped overboard and was drowned at 10 p.m., on the 20th instant, while the vessel was at sea.
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  • 41 5 At the date of last advices from Bangkok (17th instant), Tan Ki Cbuan, deported from Singapore thither for complicity in the riot that failed, had not yet found sureties. He was to be detained in the prison there.
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  • 47 5 The Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, who employ a considerable number of Sikhs, have placed these employes on the same footing as those in the sendee of the Government, in respect to the privileged rate for remittances to India, and compensation for the dearness of grain.
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  • 48 5 Yesterday, at the Police Court, Chief Inspector Jennings brought up four Japanese women on the ground that the coffee shops they kept in Tanjong Pagar Road constituted a nuisance, both to the neighbourhood and to the public passing along that thoroughfare. The case was postponed.
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  • 45 5 The Northern Assurance Company, of which Messrs. Crane Brothers are the Singapore agents, have sent an attractive wall calendar for 1898. The Queen Insurance Company, of which Messrs. Hooglandt are the Singapore agents, send an emblematic wall calendar, blotting book, and diary for 1898.
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  • 49 5 This morning, Teo Su was charged before the court of two magistrates for stealing a box containing ten dollars. He was found guilty and admitted five previous convictions. He was sentenced to one year’s rigorous imprisonment and fined one hundred ddllars, in default, six months’ additional imprisonment.
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  • 56 5 Those who attended the Judicial Commissioner’s Court on Tuesday week were, says the Malay Mail agreeably surprised to see two ladies accommodated with seats on the Bench. This is the first time, we believe, in the history of Kuala Lumpur, that ladies have graced the Bench
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  • 73 5 The Siam Free Press says that the Siam Exploring Company, a British enterprise, has secured from the Siamese (iovernment a concession for a railway from Bangkok to Chiengmai, in Northern Siam, a province which abounds with teak forests. The Company is now negotiating for the construction
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  • 91 5 Yesterday, a Malay woman, riding in a ’rikisha, was upset owing to another vehicle colliding with the one she was in. She picked herself up, and is alleged to have assaulted the puller who caused the accident. She told the magistrate this morning that, in trying
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  • 115 5 The Siam Observer thus describes the situation on the east coast of Siam Practically the whole of the district from Chantaboon province southward is under martial law, the highest authorities there, next to the King, being the heads of the Naval Department. So well organised is the
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  • 643 5 Iff WAGES OF TOWN SCAVENGERS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE u STRAIT8 TIMES.” Sir, —In the interests of fairplay, it is asked by a large number of Asiatics that you will afford a little space for an appeal to the fair dealing public. At a meeting
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  • 112 5 The missionaries of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, writes a correspondent, are displayed great activity at the present time in the neighbourhood of Kampong Bencoolen in the way of openair preaching at night. Last evening, Dr. Luering was engaged in holding forth at the corner of Albert Street to
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  • 56 5 ACCIDENT ON THE S. S. MOYUNE.” An accident occurred, yesterday afternoon, on board the s. s. Moyvne in dock at Tanjong Pagar. A coolie engaged in working cargo fell from the deck into the mainhold and smashed both of*his knee caps, and was otherwise injured. He was' removed to tta
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  • 1666 6 EXPORTS OF TIN AND GOLD. PAHANG FINANCE. (From oar Correspondent.) Fekan 15/ h November. Mr. Ellerton has returned after an extended tour of inspection in the Rompin portion of his District. All the timber-cutting towkays there have, contrary to general expectations, returned to Singapore taking away their
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  • 83 6 SULTAN OF 8IAK’s HOUSE BROKEN INTO. Syed Ahmed Sireh, the caretaker of the Sultan of Siak’s house in Ballestier Road, has reported to the Police that at two o’clock on the 19th, he left the house securely closed. Yesterday, he visited the house and found that cruets, knives,
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  • 99 6 The tombstone ordered for the grave of the late Capt. Syers has been duly erected at Pekan. It consists of a w hite polished marble cross surmounted on a red granite base. The cost amounted to *345. Ultimately, says the Malay Mail the last resting place
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  • 105 6 Hong Loon, yesterday evening, knocked ofl’ the hat of a ’rikisha lure in South Bridge Road. He .picked it up and ran away. A detective promptly arrested him. This morning, the man pleaded that lie was going home at the time and w r as wearing
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  • 123 6 The news of the appointment of General Blanco to the position of Governor-General of Cuba has been received, says the China Mail with satisfaction by his numerous admirers amongst foreigners acquainted with his administration in the Philippines. It is considered to be a splendid answer to his detractors,
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  • 129 6 Advances in wages, which have of late been a marked feature in .Japanese industrial life, have been concurrent with the upward movement in the prices of commodities in that country within recent years. On this latter subject the Bank of Japan has published some interesting stat istics.
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  • 194 6 r A PESSIMISTIC VIEW. A visitor to Singapore, writes to us (the China Mail) in a very pessimistic vein. He says: —As a place of residence, Singapore is delightful, but the Society is tinged with Anglo-Indianisra and is eaten up by its own importance. What strikes
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  • 2371 6 NEWS, NOTES, AND REPORTS. A NEW STEAMER. A new steamer for the Steamship Nederland was launched last week from the wharf of the Netherlands Company for Shipbuilding. The steamer is named the Madura, is 322 ft. long, 44 ft. broad and 23 ft. deep, and measures,
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  • 116 7 Mr. J. t. Vernon’s Hongkong Share dated 17th instant, says:— unjoins have been done during the **ek at $3.75, $3.50, $3.75, and $3.90, closing at $4.10. Holders of scrip not J ll their own names should note that, at a Meeting held on the 13th instant, it J** 8
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  • 167 7 The new Lady Arnold (Japanese) is about 32 years of age. The brother of the Emperor is named for the command of the German fleet on the China station. 4 An election of a Municipal Commissioner for Penang takes place there on the 7th of December. Bishop
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  • 33 7 Thus says a correspondent: the dirty Bible that has so long been an object of aversion to persons taking the Christian oath in the Second Police Court has been rebound.
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  • 37 7 The general meeting of the Straits Trading Co., was held to-day, at which a dividend of ten per cent, and a bonus of $2 per share were declared. The accounts presented were passed.
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  • 31 7 The Royal Insurance Company and the London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, of both of which Boustead Co., are the local agents, send wall calendars and a diary for 1593.
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  • 39 7 Owing to counsel being unable to appear in the Magistrate Court to-day, the further hearing of the case against Peli Tat and Ena Seeyena Sourajin, lias been postponed till two o’clock on the 2nd December.
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  • 39 7 Several Chinese traders in Singapore are negotiating with the Ross family for the purpose of acquiring the right of trading with the Cocos islanders, in beche-de-mer, copra, coco-nut oil, pearls and other products of the islands.
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  • 45 7 This morning, a Javanese, a servant in the employ of Mr. James Wheatley, was sentenced to three months’ rigorojus imprisonment for criminal breach of trust in respect to a silver fish knife, and fork, valued at $30 entrusted to his care. A,
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  • 40 7 The mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Brindisi, on the 27th October, was delivered on the 22nd instant. The mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 2nd November, is expected to be delivered to-day.
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  • 45 7 The Victoria Institution at Kuala Lumpur has now 325 boys on the rolls, but it was built to accommodate only one hundred pupils. The Selangor Government has now given six thousand dollars as building grant for the enlargement of the school.
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  • 56 7 Yesterday, Lim Lok was discharged, on a charge of housebreaking. This morning, Quek Boon Teo and Yeo Yok was placed in the dock on a charge of criminal breach of trust and theft, in respect to a quantity of jewellery received in pawn in a shop in Selegie
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  • 67 7 A transport will leave England on Nov., 11th, and convey No. 18 Company Eastern Div. R.A., from England to Gibraltar, and the Ist Bn. Border Regt., from England to Malta. She will afterwards take the Ist Bn. Royal Lancaster Regt., from Malta to Hongkong, the Ist Bn. West
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  • 78 7 It is stated that the King of Siam’s two sons, who are at present Naval students in England, will be accompanied to Siam by their instructors in naval science. The King is anxious to build up a navy. He was seized with this ambition a few years
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  • 73 7 The practice of raising money from guests invited for the purpose to feasts has become very prevalent among certain Asiatic officials in Selangor. The Superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs there objects to it, ancP is said to have issued a departmental circular in which he speaks of these
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  • 96 7 SIX MONTHS AND TEN CUTS. On the 18th instant, a Chinaman, an old offender, was arrested by the detectives in St. Andrew’s Cathedral yard, in the act of removing the bottom portion of a zinc rain pipe. This morning, he was brought before Mr. Wolferstan and charged with
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  • 123 7 Mr. Demetrius Boulger’s Life of Sir Stamford Rattles is finished. It will tell for the first time the story of the founding of Singapore from the official records of the Government of India. The volume will be illustrated with a photogravure of Sir Stamford's portrait in the
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  • 146 7 It is reported that at the end of the year, many of the licenses of liquor shops in several parts of the town are to be withdrawn, where it is thought there are too many for the needs of the several localities as at present. The
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  • 260 7 A representative of the Central News was informed by Mr. Herbert Ailingham, the surgeon who performed the operation, that the Duchess died from failure of the heart. In May last, Mr. Allingham performed an operation for strangulated umbilical hernia, and though at the time it was most
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  • 221 7 DEBTS $52,000. This morning, in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Leach, Mr. Frederick Lederer, Managing Director of Messrs. Katz Bros. Ltd., applied for a receiving order against Chop Chin Tye, piece goods and silk merchant, of Beiich Road. Mr. F. M. Elliott (Messrs. Rodyk and Davidson) appealed
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  • 244 7 This morning, Mr. Brydges on behalf of Mr. Niblett made an application before Mr. Justice Leach for an administration order in the bankruptcy against the estate of the late Hadji Ahmad Bin Eusop. Mr. Fort and Mr. Koek opposed. Mr. Brydges said the petition arose
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  • 180 7 This morning, Chief Inspector Jennings gave evidence before Mr. O’Sullivan against two Japanese men and a woman who were summoned for keeping so-called coflee shops, which were alleged to be in reality brothels. He said that he and Inspector Dickson visited three houses in Tanjong Pagar
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  • 130 7 Last week, a warrant of arrest was issued against Captain Fripp for neglecting to answer a summons issued at instance of a syce named Adiakalam for assault. Captain Fripp surrendered and produced evidence to shew that he had paid the complainant twenty dollars in satisfaction of the
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  • 801 7 BEFORE WHAT JUDGE? The adjourned public examination in bankruptcy of L. J. Chater, pineapple preserver and brick manufacturer, was set down to be taken this morning before Mr. Justice Leach. Mr. Ellis (Messrs. Drew and Napier) and Mr. Van Cuylenburg appeared for the creditors. Mr. Anthonisz, Official Assignee,
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  • 803 8 GUTXA COLLECTION. 1 THE WEALTH OF HOMAN. V STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION. (From our Correspondent.) Pekan 2 2nd November. The two Malays; Man and Mei Akir, referred to the other day as awaiting trial before the Judicial Commissioner on a charge of murder, have escaped from the Temerloh—lock-up and
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  • 982 8 (From our Pahang Correspondent.) Umat continues to strut about the streets of Pekan, little caring for the fame that has been suddenly thrust upon him, as it were, by Mr. Clifford’s second Tale of Malaya.” Those who can most appreciate all that Mr. Clifford has written about
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  • 141 8 IMPORTANT DECISION. The Judicial Commissioner, Mr. L. C. Jackson, has decided an important Chinese intestacy case at Kuala Lumpur. Yap Ah Shak, a Chinaman born in China, died, the other day, intestate, in Selangor. The Senior Magistrate, Mr. Venning, held that, the deceased being a native of China,
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  • 181 8 A w eek ago, a Chinese Baba was arrested for being in possession of illicit chandu alleged to be worth SI,050. It w-as afterwards discovered to be treacle, with a small quantity of chandu in a bladder inserted in the tins. Yesterday, further evidence was
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  • 361 8 With regard to the Java Budget, it may be mentioned that one of the members of the States-General strongly disapproved a continuation of the Acheen War. He argued that nobody was inclined to accept the responsibility of the beginning of this war, for which no reasonable motive could be
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  • 622 8 HACK GHARRY OWNERS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” I Sir, —It seems evident that all classes i of the community feel the burden which the cost of living entails. The marine engineers took the initiative, and demanded higher wages, the Municipal and Government subordinates
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  • 68 8 This morning, Inspector Fairhurst prosecuted a pawnbroker, named Lam Fong, residing at 72 South Bridge Road, for receiving into pawn, in contravention of the Pawnbrokers’ Ordinance,, clothes bearing the stamp* H. C. D. Inspector Jones of the Hackney Carriage Department shewed that a ’rikisha peon named Majid
    68 words
  • 93 8 His many friends will regret to hear of the death of Captain William Moppett, late master of the Poh Ann. Four months ago, Mr. Moppett went to the General Hospital suffering from cancer in the face, and he succumbed to that malady, last night. Captain Moppett
    93 words
  • 2067 8 “AS OTHERS SEE US THE STRAITSSETTLEMEKTS (By the Special Travelling **.‘11**, a iSa*. towninTC? Scttlemeatg 7^ to the Equator, at the southern J' 1 c, the Straits of Malacca; Penan*® 1 of next in importance, being j,A le Pott northern entrance thereof ol ted such as Malacca itself, g0 to
    2,067 words

  • 193 9 The Government Gazette is again published punctually. The Stfaits Settlements Postal Guide lor 1898 has been issued. The next Criminal Assize at Singapore, is fixed for the 11th January. Tn* British India Steam Navigation Company advertises Christmas holiday sea-trip rates. The Presbyterian Church was again •ntered last
    193 words
  • 26 9 One hundred and forty-six deaths were registered in Singapore, in the week ending on Saturday last, with a ratio of 36.78 per thousand.
    26 words
  • 38 9 Messrs. J. F. Carnegy, and J. W. W. Hogan, are said to be the two successful candidates of the five apothecaries, who presented themselves last month for examination for promotion to higher grades in the service.
    38 words
  • 40 9 On Wednesday, a Chinaman at the fourth mile on the Bukit Timali Road was plucking fruit from a jambu tree when he fell. He was brought in to the General Hospital, and died yesterlay morning from his injuries.
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  • 41 9 Owing to the continual obstruction by carts at the junction of Boat Quay and Bonham Street, Mr. Tan Jiak Kim appealed to the Police. This morning, a number of bullock-cart drivers were lined nominally for such obstruction.
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  • 48 9 is said to have been found. —Malay Mail. The gold district in the vicinity of Raub is now beginning to boom. Several claims are now being prospected and the results have been highly satisfactory. Plenty of good paying stuff is said to have been found. —Malay
    is said to have been found.—Malay Mail.  -  48 words
  • 50 9 During the early hours, this morning, some thieves effected an entrance into the back premises of a house in Queen Street, and got clear away with a number of geese, ducks, and fowls, which the owner had taken considerable trouble to fatten for the coming Christmas feast.
    50 words
  • 55 9 The whole of yesterday was taken up in hearing the charge of criminal breach of trust, against Tuck Boon Teo, and Yeo Yok. They were acquitted. This morning, Wee Kim pleaded not guilty to a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Tay Poll Kim, by knocking out
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  • 94 9 Yesterday evening, says a correspondent, a ’rikisha puller was goinc along Prinsep Street, with a Kling and his wife as fares, when he ran end on into a cow. The sudden concussion threw him down, with the result that the fares were thrown out of the vehicle,
    94 words
  • 61 9 At five o’clock yesterday evening, five Teochews were fishing in a pukat boat at Pulo Obin, when three of them were struck by lightning and killed. One of those struck fell into the sea, and his body has not been recovered. The bodies of the others were
    61 words
  • 61 9 This morning, a large area of the low-lying portion of the town was fifteen inches under water, owing to the unusual spring tides, and rainfall in the country districts. This is the season for heavy spring tides, and next month they will be higher. They cause a
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  • 62 9 Messrs. A. Gentle and T. Sohst are nominated to be Municipal Commissioners for Singapore with effect from the 1st January, 1898. Mr A. Gentle is re-appointed to be President of the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore, with effect from the 1st January, 1898. Mr. W. Egerton will continue to
    62 words
  • 67 9 This morning, H. F. Kesslar a Municipal market keeper was brought before Mr. Howard on two charges of receiving Illegal gratifications for omitting to exercise his official functions. Mr. Fort who appeared for the prosecution, said he did not wish to go on with the case as the man
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  • 61 9 It is notified in to-day’s Government Gazette that information has been received from the Consul-General for the Netherlands at Singapore, that the prohibition of the importation of cattle from the Straits Settlements into Acheen and its Dependencies withdrawn on the 16th instant, but that cattle will have
    61 words
  • 78 9 The latest addition to the Japanese navy was made on the Bth November, by the launch at Yokosuka of the cruiser Akashi. The A has hi is a steel, twinscrew cruiser of 90 metres in length, 12.70 metres beam, 4.80 metres draft, 2,800 tons displacement and 8,000
    78 words
  • 93 9 On Wednesday, a Chinaman went to a shop-keeper in Rochore Road, and asked for silver in exchange for two fifty cent rolls of copper. The matter was settled and the Chinaman left the shop. The shop-keeper then took the rolls up and found them rather heavy; they
    93 words
  • 106 9 THE CONSULTATION TOURNAMENT. The players in the Consultation Tournament are paired by drawing as follows: A. L. Chittenden and W. MosbergeD. J. B. Elcuni and \V. Makepeace. P. McIntyre and \V. Craig. T. R. Miles and B. H. Buxton. P. A. Reutens and Stuart Mowe. T. H.
    106 words
  • 138 9 HE WAS BUSY ON MAIL DAY. This morning, Mr. T. E. Earle, of Messrs. Gilfillan Wood and Co., applied to the Acting Chief Justice to be excused from serving on the jury, on the ground that he had already been summoned three times during the
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  • 1318 9 THE ESTIMATES FOK 1898. ANOTHER NEW LOAN. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, to consider the estimates for 1898. There were present: Mr. Egerton (Deputy President), Mr. Evans, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nanson, Mr. Choa Giang Tye, and Mr. Tan
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  • 268 9 A DOLEFUL PICTURE. In the current number of the Edinburg Review appears an article on The Internal Crisis in Germany.” From an elaborate study of statistics the writer comes to certain conclusions which amount to a revelation. German domestic discontent, which becomes more apparent every year, is
    268 words

  • 1185 10 PETITION FROM THE SINGAPORE PILOTS. The Singapore pilots feel aggriev d at the Pilots 5 Bill, which passed the Council yesterday. They embodied their objections in the following petition to the Governor: 1. That th»* attention of your petitioners has. most regrettably, only recently been drawn to
    1,185 words
  • 66 10 M. Alfxeieff, the Russian oflicial who succeeds Mr. McLeavy Brown as Financial Adviser to the Corean Government, draws a salary of 3,000 yens a year. It is stipulated that his successor must be a Russian. The Corean Government has under con~ deration a proposal for the dismissal
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  • 90 10 CONSULAR JURISDICTION. The Government Gazette publishes the text of Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Siam extending the operation, in Siam, of the treaty of the 3rd September, 1883. The result of the negotiations is that six more Siamese provinces have been brought under the provisions of
    90 words
  • 133 10 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co., corrects the statements regarding that Company made by Mr. J. V. V. Vernon in his Hongkong share circular, quoted in our yesterday’s issue. At the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on the 13th inst., no date was mentioned as having been
    133 words
  • 130 10 FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. Havas telegrams to the 19th instant, state that General Pellieux lias been charged by Government to enquire into the Esterhazy affair. Esterhazy had been named by tlie Dreyfus family as tlie real guilty party in the crime for which Captain Dreyfus had been sentenced. The
    130 words
  • 128 10 TIIE PORT OF KIAOCHAU. The Hongkong Daily Press describes Kiaochau Bay, which has been seized by the Germans, as being situated on the south coast of the Shantung promonto y in lat. H6 N. and long. 120 E. The bay is a magnificent sheet of water at
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  • 2782 10 THURSDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. PRESENT. H. E. The Governor, Sir Charles But.lin Hugh Mitchell, g.c.m.g. Hon. C. W.. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary. Hon. T. de M.Braddell, Acting AttorneyGeneral. Hon. Licut.-Colonel Bogle, R.E., Acting Colonial Engineer. Hon. F. G. Penney, Acting Colonial Treasurer. Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. Lim Boon Keng.
    2,782 words

  • 188 11 In several parts of the town, writes a correspondent, many new tenement houses have sprung up, of late, superior to the ordinary run of buildings known ls ?hop-houses. There is evidently a take on the part of investors in hj'ise property to build what are ®own in Hongkong
    188 words
  • 65 11 Malay Mail. I Goodexough, the Forest Inspecll.:Was walking in the jungle on the Ep 1 Road tlie other day, when he |v lr to a disused mining shaft, which ItT den by the overgrown grass. IllrV' t was about twenty feet deep. Ienough fractured his
    Malay Mail.  -  65 words
  • 48 11 ATE IU >, of the Rifle Brigade, 15 recently, and was arrested LjJr ras was brought back by the s. s. mt enan f» in cha F ge of C 2r r tu b Ji *o e rt and two privates. He tn to the Lines on Wednesday
    48 words
  • 916 11 THE WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD. SEMI-FINAL ROUND: 8. C. C. AND A CO., RIFLE BRIGADE. This tie in the above competition was played last night, on the Esplanade, before a large crowd of spectators, unfortunately owing to the heavy rain during the previous night, and also the ieavy showers during
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  • 670 11 FEDERATION AND ITS RESULTS. Rumour says that M. Douraer, the Governor General, intends to proceed to France to explain his administrative reform schemes to the Home Government. Reform is mainly a matter of money. Borrowed money has been freely spent. Tonquin does not pay expenses, and its chronic
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  • 1193 11 “A BAD PENNY". AND THE “CRIMSON SCARF." An amateur dramatic performance was given at the Town Hall, last night, in aid of the Tanglin Church House. The audience was large, and it was appreciative. People were, also, more than usually interested because the performers, as a body,
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  • 49 11 Ho Ah Poii was fined fifteen dollars this morning, for bringing five unstamped letters into the colony. In our obituary column the death is announced of Mr. A. N. van Gilse van der Pals, who was formerly a partner in Messrs. Pertile, van der Pals Co.
    49 words
  • 39 11 It is reported from Raub that Messrs. Nicholas and Walsh are making excellent progress with their two sections of the road, and that the steam roller is already at work between Tras and the Gap.
    39 words
  • 36 11 A well-coxtf.-ted football match was played on the old gaol-ground, yesterday afternoon, between a team of H. M. S. Plover and a team from the Raffles School. The bliujackets won by a goal.
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  • 39 11 This morning, Mahomed bin Lumbok, a Johore constable, was to have surrendered his bail, he being charged with deserting from Johore and carrying away his uniform. When the case was called, it was found that he had absconded.
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  • 40 11 Fifteen Chinamen were arrested at gun fire this morning, for sleeping on the slope of Fort Canning Hill. They were brought before Mr. Howard who sentenced fourteen of them to ten days’ rigorous imprisonment each. The other was discharged.
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  • 41 11 Two Malays, were arrested yesterday, for cock-fighting in Mayo btreet. Two birds were captured. The men pleaded that the birds were amusing themselves on their own account. They were fined five dollars each. The birds were restored to the owners.
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  • 67 11 A cricket match between the S. C. C. and 8. V. A., was commenced, last evening. The S. C. C., going in first, had made. 46 for 5 wickets when stumps were drawn. A cricket match—Warrant Officers and Sergeants of the Rifle Brigade v. {the Warrant Officers and Sergeants
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  • 1549 12 The fortress of Singapore is once more safe. His Excellency Major-Gene-ral Jones-Vaughan has returned, looking exceedingly well; and we sleep in peace. Colonel Bogle has become less of a pluralist; but he still combines the offices of commanding the Royal Engineers, andj of being Colonial Engineer of
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  • 99 12 It was amusing, last night, writes a correspondent, to note the ingenuity in which several crowds of Chinese gamblers during a wayang performance in Albert Street, succeeded in baffling the police. Amongst the variety of refreshment stalls were several with cakes and sweetmeats exposed for sale When
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  • 661 12 ACHEEN. Telegrams received at Batavia on the 19th instant, state that the Second Chamber of the States General has debated the Acheen war question. A motion had been brought forward for the appointment of a committee to consider how to end the war quickly, without giving up any
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  • 64 12 Wee Kay Chung, of 31, McCallum Street, went out between six and seven o’clock yesterday morning, leaving his door open. When he returned he found that th?re had been a visitor during his absence, and that the visitor had appropriated three krosangs, said to be
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  • 66 12 At a quarter to three o’clock this morning, Lance-Corpl.,No. 20, arrested a Chinaman as he was descending a lamp post in Middle Road. He had put out the gas, and had, also, extinguished three other lamps. This morning, he was prosecuted under section 132 of the Municipal Ordinance,
    66 words
  • 1018 12 London 29th October. 11 The honorary treasurer*of the National i I Cyclists’ Union has made a little history I by attempting to pass the barrier at a London Railway station without being provided with a ticket shewing that he had I paid for his machine. He explained that
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  • 48 12 Hye Honq Joo, a sampan man, who plies off Clyde Terrace, has informed the Police that at six o’clock yesterday morning, he was attacked fty six Hokiens while in his sampan. Several held him down, while the others rifled his box of the'sum of 512.50.
    48 words
  • 580 12 Loxdon, ]4th v The 8irdar Kitchener will duct the occupation of Kassafxfc^ 11 84,4 “'nisei,. Major Arnold, with a,o^S embefstabular}- and Maxims, is adv a nc 'f'P 00 Lokoja to attack the slave-raid- g fr m ofldah. ave raid 'ng Priac, Owing to the winter, the t.
    580 words
  • 71 12 MR. VAN CUYLENBERGS BREAD AND BUTTER.” This morning, Mr. Van Cuylenberg asked Mr. Wolferstan to postpone a case for a time to enable him to at ten i;o a case in another court. As there seemed to be some difficulty about this, ;he magistrate suggested that the awyer should hand
    71 words
  • 74 12 Some little commotion, wrlteB a itv respondent, was caused in the viein y of Noordin Lane, in consequence u high tide yesterday, where the ate f t a considerable time was fully three deep in the street. In some P al f, Waterloo Street, it was nearly
    74 words

  • 762 13 hard fighting. Simla, 17th November. (E sekal Kerapster with the Third je on Monday marched three miles the camp in the Waran j>v The enemy collected on the ridt0. the north and fired on a.flag of at close range, killing one and finding another Gurkha, and then
    762 words
  • 4305 13  -  [by HUGH CLIFFORD.] NO 6.—THE SPIRIT OF THE TREE. Ere the danx earth sank ’ne&th the tread of man Ere huts were built in the dell; Ere the streams were girt with the bamboo span, When none save the winds dared fell; Wlien the Faities and Sprites,
    4,305 words

  • 118 14 For the past two nights, says a correspondent, the neighbourhood of Albert Street has presented quite an animated appearance, in consequence of a wayang performance being given on a large scale, both day and night, at the expense of a Chinese trader living close by. The wayang is
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  • 45 14 The Siamese Government has now a Japanese legal adviser —Dr. T. Masao, by name. Dr. Masao has been educated in the United States where he practised law. He is the only Japanese who has ever practised before the United States or Federal Courts.
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  • 252 14 Among the passengers by the Saghalicn on Saturday afternoon, was, Mr. G. Gaggino. The Privy Council have decided against Tilak, who appealed in the Bombay Sedition Case. The conduct of the Northamptonshire Regiment in an incident of the Frontier War is highly praised. A fire took place
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  • 22 14 A number of cows were impounded yesterday, while straying about in Government Domain. The owners will be summoned.
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  • 31 14 Two men on Saturday, and one this morning, were charged with desertion from the Police Force. The case were remitted to the Court of two Magistrates. Bail S100 each.
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  • 45 14 Ciiua San w 7 as charged, this morning, with the theft of a piece of wood, valued at seven dollars. He said, he saw 7 it lloating in the sea off’ Beach Road. He was sent to prison for three months.
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  • 41 14 This morning, a Russian sailor, was charged with the theft of a bottle of brandy. He pleaded that he was drunk, but that he had paid for the liquor. He was fined fifteen dollars, in default, a month.
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  • 39 14 Yesterday, Mr. J. P. Chven and Mr. Maw, w ent out in search of the tiger that carried away a calf at Tampenis on Thursday. The beast was successfully tracked, and was shot dead by Mr. Owen.
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  • 45 14 Mr. A. W. S. O’Sullivan goes by the homeward mail on nine months’ leave. It is expected that Mr. Anthonisz will take charge of the duties of the office, for a month or so, when he will be relieved by Mr. Egerton.
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  • 43 14 Two other men alleged to be of the gang of six or more robbers who took twelve dollars from Chee Ong Yew on the 26th instant, were arrested yesterday. Tfiey were remanded pending the arrest of the remainder of the gang.
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  • 43 14 Hadji Sultan, a Kling, was charged this morning, for cheating Lim Poh Chim, in respect of a Dutch dollar, and for being in possession of two counterfeit Dutch dollars. The case was postponed till the Bth of December. Bail $3OO.
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  • 61 14 This morning, aChinese bullock-driver was brought before Mr. Howard for cruelty to a bullock, and for offering seven and a half cents to a constable. The man alleged that the constable demanded fifty cents, but that the accused had only seven and a half cents, which he gave
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  • 32 14 It is said to have been decided to establish a Malay college for training School-masters at Taiping. There are 105 schools in Perak with an average of 42 at each.
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  • 46 14 Some twenty or more Chinese, says a correspondent, were observed gambling yesterday morning, in Pekin Street. Upon the attention of a Malay constable close by being called to it, remarked, that he could not interfere as it was not on his beat.
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  • 49 14 RIKISHA ACCIDENT. On Saturday morning, during the prevalence of the high tide in South Bridge Road, a ’rikisha with a European fare ran too close to the drain, and the passenger was thrown out. Beyond a ducking and a bruise or tw 7 0, he escaped, apparently unhurt. 4
    49 words
  • 53 14 Tan Lon Tian w 7 as found at half-past eleven last night, at Boat Quay, with a Hour bag full of rice. He was arrested This morning, he produced a witness who swore he gave him the rice. The Magistrate did not believe this, and sentenced the prisoner
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  • 57 14 At a quarter to one this morning, Wee Ah Keng was arrested at the Presbyterian Church. Before the Magistrate, he pleaded that he had »been to a wayang and was going home, but, as it was late, he went into the portico of the church to sleep.
    57 words
  • 71 14 The late Mr. Lim Teng, rice merchant, of the Chop Swee Choon, in South Boat Quay, who died recently, w as buried yesterday morning, and the funeral was made the occasion of more than ordinary display on the part of relatives and friends, as the deceased’s wife, who
    71 words
  • 63 14 Captain Cr.uitkd’s house in Wilkie Road, was entered on Saturday night, and some pots and pans stolen. The property was recovered and three arrests e fleeted. Last night, My. Spanjaard’s house in Wilkie Road w 7 as visited, and the thief took away sundry articles, including
    63 words
  • 69 14 Middle Road, near the Methodist School, w as, w rites a correspondent, the spot selected last evening, for the openair campaign now going on in the neighbourhood. Dr. Luering conducted, and the Malay convert, who addressed the audience, was listened too with some curiosity amongst his countrymen. A
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  • 77 14 The Siamese gunboats Makut RajaIntmar and Ram Rook arrived this morning from Bangkok bringing several Siamese noblemen, who have come to Singapore to await the arrival of the King. The usual salutes were exchanged. The Makut Rajakumar is a vessel of 550 tons, with a horse-power of 400,
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  • 89 14 CHAP JI KI.” On Saturday, the Inspector-General of Police, and a constable made a raid on house No. 113, Bukit Pasoh, and arrested a woman, named Low Choon Neo, assisting in the management of a “Chap Ji Ki” lottery; also two other women, named Goh Ba Tak and Ko Li
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  • 84 14 At the Assizes, this morning, before the Acting Chief Justice, Chakra, Namwaylam, and Anguswami, three Klings, were indicted, the first for the murder of a Kling, by throwing carbolic acid over him, and the other two for aiding and abetting. On a second count Chakra was charged with
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  • 93 14 The great rush for British dollars which imposed so heavy a strain upon the resources in men and machinery of the Bombay Mint, is said to have dropped as suddenly as it arose, and the coin, is now only being made at a little, beyond the ordinary rate.
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  • 84 14 The Madras Times thus comments on the allowance of ten per cent, granted to the clerical branch of the Straits Settlements service If anyone at all is to receive exchange compensation allowance, we should certainly be inclined to give it to the poorer clerks in the Government service,
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  • 125 14 The cricket team, says the Perak Pioneer has not yet been chosen for Singapore, but it is almost a certainty that no football eleven will go. This will be a disappointment to the Singapore people, and it seems a pity that an eleven of Perak footballers cannot
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  • 108 14 A CEYLON planter’s VIEWS. Mr. W. H. Cowley, who for several years planted in Ceylon, has recently returned tathat island from the Straits Settlements. He says that there is plenty of good jungle to be obtained in the Straits, and that the Government is offering every facility to
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  • 129 14 Tow kay Loke Yew, says the Malay Mail is now 52 years of age. He first came to Selangor when little more than a boy. After a short stay here he went on to Larut where lie stayed for some fourteen years —mining and farming. No other
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  • 217 14 ENGLAND V. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Owing to the frequent adjournments because of light showers less than an hour’s play took place on Monday, the 25th October, the last day of the match between Mr. Stoddart’s team and South Australia, and the game ended in a draw, if anything slightly
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  • 70 14 Mr. Gob Boon Kenw I Leng Cheak’s rice gone to Colombo tom-flrf Penan g,J to export Straits S comes with good liters t on. Already, he says, this year several slmirJm? has '3 Penang rice is milled rief w and possesses advantage ovr^V 10 nee. Mr
    70 words
  • 130 14 Mr^lfaTd Imperial Souvenir,'" devised inH b/ Mr, H. Anthony Souvenir consists of a translation of 1 third verse of the National Am J metrically rendered into fifty of tlZj important languages Wen in Queen s Empire. The work is, t, Vl S mission, dedicated to Her Maiettij
    130 words
  • 195 14 The friends of Captain Walter MooiJ master of the Vyner, will to learn of his decease. He was auhl Master-Attendant’s Office at half-pael ten this morning, to make arrangj ments for his mate to act for hil during the next trip; as he felt 1
    195 words
  • 301 14 The interest aroused by the criticise of the amateur performances in aid <* the Tanglin Church House seemed tv attract a large front seat audience last Saturday night. Thursday s programme, comprising The Bad Penny and The Crimson Scarf,” was with the same cast. The former is
    301 words

  • 993 15 The annual athletic sports of the [’oval Artillery were held on two days s i week, on Thursday at Blakang Mati, n T on Saturday at Fort Canning Hill. ic-ut.-Colonel Casey was judge. The Committee consisted of Captain Warren in <l Lieutenants De Bury, and Lewis. V‘
    993 words
  • 149 15 (From the Timet of Ceylon London, 19th November. A fresh draft of Wales Fusiliers has been ordered to Crete. In Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to-day the Lord Chancellor, Lord Hobhouse, and Lord Davey, with Sir Richard Couch, heard the application in the Tilak sedition case,
    (From the Timet? of Ceylon.)  -  149 words
  • 157 15 SPREAD OF THE EPIDEMIC Bombay, 15th November. During the 48 hours ended yesterday, there have been 134 fresh cases, and 94 deaths of plague in Poona city and the Cantonments. The total mortality was 100. Numerous cases are occurring in the districts surrounding Poona. In the various hospitals
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  • 73 15 Paris, 22nd November. General Pellieux continues his investigation of the charges against Commandant Esterhazy, in connection with the Dreyfus scandal. The enquiry has been postponed pending the arrival of Lieutenant-C<§lonel Picquart, now in Tunis, whom Commandant Esterhazy charges with having fabricated a number of charges against him. A
    73 words
  • 159 15 S. C. C. V. S. V. A. This match was concluded on Saturday. The following were the scores •s. c. c. G. P. Stevens, b Parsons 9 A. J. WoodroffebParsons ..4 A. J. Leach c St. Clair b Davis 2 E. S. Ezekiel b Davis 3 R. T. Reid
    159 words
  • 500 15 DETAILS OF THE GERMAN SEIZURE. (From the China Gazette.) On Sunday morning the three German warships— Kai*er flagship, with the Admiral on board, the Prime** Wilhelm and Arcona —entered the bay, and the Admiral sent word on shore to the General commanding the garrison, who held three forts
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  • 193 15 HANGKOK TIMES. The Straits Times lias just issued another set of pictorial supplements, the scenes selected on this occasion being taken from Penang and Kuala Lumpur. Penang is honoured with a couple of plates—issued by the Straits Times and the Pinang Gazette jointly —giving views of the
    193 words
  • 146 15 MR. VADE WINS. The November monthly medal was played on Saturday last, and won by Mr. Vade, who in his second round tied the record single round while his gr6ss score tied the record double round H. V. Vade 42 37 79 1 HO F. S.
    146 words
  • 69 15 (For Singapore). Per M. M. s. 8. l*aa from Marseilles Nov. 21Mr. and Mrs. Desborough, Mrs. Malherbe, Col, and Mre.Tomkinson, Mr. Dare, Mr. C. B. Buckley, Mr. J. Windsor, Mr. A. Bchouter. (For the Far East) Per P..A O. s. s. Java from London, Oct. 30Mr. E. Bumie,
    69 words
  • 1976 15 NEWS, NOTES, AND REPORTS. THE PREMIER AND MR. CHAMBERLAIN. There is a rumour that Lord Salisbury and Mr. Chamberlain by no means see eye to eye in the matter of the present negotiations with the French Government over West African affairs. The difference of opinion extends over a
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  • 1448 16 SEVERE FIGHTING. WINTER AT TIRAII. Simla, 11th November. During the retirement from a reconnaissance madqon the 9th instant to Saransar. the troops of the rear-guard were closely pressed by the enemy from all sides, and heavy loss was sustained by us:—Killed Northamptons, Lieut. Waddell, Second Lieut. MacIntyre
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    • 188 16 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, To criticise a critic is to be bold, but I think your dramatic critic was unnecessarily severe and unkind towards some of the amateurs who appeared at the Town Hall, on Thursday. I also think that he was wrong
      188 words
  • 520 16 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Giang Seng from Joana :—Mr. Kruthoffer. Per s.s. Hebe from Deli: —Mr. V. Ryn v. Alkemade. Per s. s. Ban Fo Soon from Pontianak Mr. Reehorst. Per P. O. s.s. ylucona from Hongkons— Messrs. E. W. Neubronner, F. W. Talbot, Whitley, A. B. Hubback,
    520 words
    • 208 16 Uader this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer; sh. —ship bq. —barque: Brit. —British; U. S. United States; Fr. french; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Job ore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
      208 words
    • 1316 16 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Andania Brit. str. 1,828 tons, Capt Mills, 27th Nov. From Rangoon, 21st Nov. Rice liorneo Coy. For Japan, 28th—B.W. Bengkalis, Brit. str. 90 tons Capt Hendry, 28th Nov. From Siak, 27th Nov. G.c., and 63 d.p. Wee Bin and Co. For Muar, 29th—
      1,316 words
    • 494 16 Name port probable date of arrival and name of agents. Ajax, Liverpool, Dec 12 Mansfield. Antenor, China, Dec 7 Mansfield. Australind, W. A’tralia, Nov 28 Bousteac. Bellona, Hongkong, Dec 27 Rautenberg. Benmohr, K’notzu, shortly, P. Simons. Borneo, London, Jan 13 P. A O. Canton, Hongkong, Jan 3 P.
      494 words
    • 1038 17 ti Flag 5 Vessel’s Name. Tons. Captain I From Sailed. Consignees. Q Rig Nov 21 Trym Nor str. 710 Hannestad Calcutta Nov 11T. C. Bogaardt Borg n 8tr. 737. Jacobsen Moji Nov 9-Borneo Coy Ltd. 22 Hanseat str. 2177 Hamre New York Sept 30 Boustead and Co. 22 Kian
      1,038 words
    • 619 17 j Date. Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination I Nov 23 Bergkalis I Brit. str. Hendry Pakan via ports 23 j Jason j str. Owen Penang 23 Kian Yang str. Kunath uar 23 j Ban Hin Guan str. D’Cruze Klang via ports 23 Sri Tringganu str. Shimmen lalacca 23 Ban
      619 words
    • 120 17 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date Date. and *****’s Name. Commander, i of From where Destin- ReRig. Sailing j ation marks. Nov 17 Brit s. East Lothian McFarlane I Tegal Azores 18,Ital bq. Avanti Savoia Amoglio Oct 26Singapore London 19|Am 8. S. Skolfield II Wilson Java
      120 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 374 17 KELLY WALSH, LTD CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ENGLISH CARDS, including a selection of choice Hand painted ones. JAPANESE HAND PAINTED CARDS. k.&AVS. SPECIAL SERIES OF SINGAPORE CARDS. for sending to home friends. Ten varieties 40 cts. each. Set of ten S4.00 KELLY WALSH, LTD. THE
      374 words
    • 924 17 NOT EVEN IF IT COST TWENTY SHILLINGS. A notable percentage—about one-third, I think —of the power of a steam engine is used up in overcoming the friction of its own parts. Hence inventors are constantly testing devices to reduce friction. Yet they can never overcome it; and the resistance created
      924 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      724 words
    • 255 18 M C ALISTER 00. GUNS, RIFLES, E m Haramerless Breech-Load-ing Double Barrel Guns each $95.00 Breech-Loading Double Barrel Hammer Guns from $35.00 to $85.00 each Breech-Loading Single Bar- rel Martini Sporting Rifles each &J3.00 Breech-Loading Rook Rifles $26.00 Quackenbush Safety Rifles $15.00 Gun Cases of solid brown leather, with strong
      255 words
    • 268 18 GOLDEN RAUB WITH 3 MAPS AND A STATISTICAL TABLE. Price: One Dollar: to be had at the Straits Times Office, or from Kelly and Walsh (Ltd.), or John Little Co. (Ltd.) JOSEPH BAKER. Confectioner Vienna Baker. 6, Victoria Street (Next to the Convent). ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVAL OF A NEW STOCK
      268 words
    • 701 18 befoj DOCK COMPASS 1 Shipwrights, Engix EER o t I Brass Founders \vu iBP lE i* Graving Docksup*? and 21 feet on sill. 10 and Masting Sheers worked uT’ Shed^ 8,ve range of Proprietors of Powerful Rt. Steam Launches, and Lighter? GENERAL CONDITIONS a* RELATING TO THE CO M pL«
      701 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 757 19 MADRAS. P. ORR SONS, MOUNT ROAD, Xo.23. Single piad. and Ruby piad. and Sapph piad. and Kind. •> Diamonds ■> RjBies Coil. Rs. 275 195 235 295 275 No. 25. Three Band Diamond sides. Rs. Diad.,Ruby, Sapph. 285 Diad. and 2 Emds. 295 Diad. and 2 Rubies 315 3 Diamonds
      757 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 374 20 JOHN LITTLE Co. SINGAPORE. Ltd ISTew arrival of -A-merican Cooking Stoves. FOR WOOD OR COAL. 4= I m i m X Vi NEW NIVAL. Size of oven. I6j r x 17 x 10* Firebox will take wood 20} long. A good Family Stove Six S' Boiling rings. £0 0/0 Exch.
      374 words