The Straits Budget, 23 November 1897

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 130 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES/’ > < The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates ifl Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Relies, the
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    • 69 1 (js October 21st, at Downton Parisli rh rch, Salisbury, England, by the Rev. F K. Carter, Canon of Canterbury, and the Kev. C. H. Bowden of Guy’s Hospital, Hknky H. Coleridge, son of the late Rev. Juba Coleridge, Chaplain of the Ventnor Roval Consumption Hospital, and Maude Eleanor Hill.
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  • 422 1 LiiDiNd Articles. Vie Expedition. The Gold Dollar. (’.old in the Tin. New Town llall. The Milk Supply. Canada and the States. The Municipality. Indian Immigration. Luca I. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Poliee News. The Engineering Dispute. Alleged Attempted Suicide. Adjourned. The Assizes. Magistrates’ Records. 1>
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  • 510 1 Singapore, 23ri> November, 1897. PRODUCE (Hates are corrected to 12.30 p.m.) Gambier, buyers 5.75. Copra Bali, 6.60. do Pontianak, 6.35. Pepper, Black, 18.75. do White, (5%) 34.50. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.95. do Brunei, 2.88£. Pearl Sago 3.55 Coffee, Bali, picked 33.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... 38.50. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 444 1 The mail for Europe this week leaves by the P. &O. Ancona. The mail from Europe of the 29th October by the P. O. Mirzapore arrived on Saturday night. The M. M. Saghalien takes the mail for Europe, next week. The M. M. Oceanien with the
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    • 111 1 ANTI-BRITISH SCHEMING. Ijondon 16//i November. The Paris correspondent of the Daily Netvs reports that Prince Henri of Orleans is busy preparing for another expedition to N. E. Africa. The expedition includes a corps of veteran llaussa soldiers from West Africa. The object of the expedition is to assist
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    • 20 1 ANOTHER WIN. London 17 th NoremI>er. Sioddart's Team has beaten a New South Wales Team by eight wickets.
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    • 63 1 SATISFACTION DEMANDED. M. Brazzapolli, the Austrian Lloyd’s Agent at Mersina, on the south coast of Asia Minor, has been arbitrarily expelled from there by the Turkish authorities on an accusation of connivance with the Armenians at that port. The Austrian Government has demanded satisfaction from Turkey for the
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    • 25 1 NAVAL BASE IIJ CHINA, The German press is urging the Government of Germany to occupy Kiaochan in North China as naval base, permanently.
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    • 39 1 EXAMPLE FOR BRITAIN. The Times applauds he energy of Germany in dealing with China [by exacting immediate reparation for an outrage on the German Minister on the Yangtse river That journal urges Britain always to do likewise.
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    • 27 1 RUSSIAN PROTECTION. A Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer has left Odessa with a force of Cossacks. These Cossacks are despatched to protect the Manchuria railway works.
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    • 100 1 HARD FIGHTING. HEAVY LOSSES. London 18/A No m ember. General Kempster’s Brigade, on returning to the Maidan Pass, w’as fiercely attacked by the tribesmen near the camp. A detachment of the Dorset Regiment was cut off in the darkness. The detachment lost Lieutenants Hale and Brooke and
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    • 49 1 REDRESS PROMISED. The annual dinner of the British North Borneo Company has been held. Mr. R. B. Martin, the Chairman of the Company, presided. Mr. Martin said that the Company desired to deal fairly with any grievance suffered by Mat Salleh, if any grievance could be discovered.
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    • 58 1 AUSTRIAN ADHESION. The Emperor of Austria has received the delegations from the Austrian and Hungarian parliaments. The Emperor delivered a very pacific speech in which he reaffirmed his adhesion to the Triple Alliance. In the Speech, stress was laid on the friendly relations between Austria and Russia. The
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    • 37 1 DIPLOMATIC FAILURE. SIR w. LAURIER’s ILL-SUCCE8S. London 19 th November. The conferences on the reciprocity and Behring seals questions at W ashington have both been without result. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has returned to Canada.
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    • 49 1 SATISFACTION TO AUSTRIA. It is stated that the Sultan has ordered a full compliance with the demands made upon Turkey by Austria. The demands include the payment of a quarter of a million of pounds on account of a debt due to the Oriental Railways—an Austrian undertaking.
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    • 59 1 IMMENSE DAMAGE. London 20th November. A wide-spread fire in the Cripplegate quarter of the City of London has done damage, roughly estimated at four millions of pounds sterling. The whole of the buildings in Ham- sell Street, Jewin Street, Wells Street, and St. Nicholas Square have been
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    • 54 2 THE SEIZURE OF KIACI1AU. The Berlin Post states on semiofficial authority that, whatever may be China’s reply to the German demands, the port of Kiachau, seized by the Germans, will be occupied by a German force for a considerable time. Barracks will be built there as winter
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    • 17 2 The statement that the Sultan has complied with all the demands of Austria is confirmed.
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    • 45 2 VAST EXTENT. London 22nd November. The recent fire in London is believed to be the greatest there since the Great Fire in 1666. It overspread the space between Fore Street and Aldersgate Street. engine in London was engaged in extinguishing the fire.
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    • 91 2 PEACEFUL ASSURANCES. Count Goluchowski, the Austro-Hun-garian Minister for Foreign Aff airs, has delivered a speech to the delegations from the Austrian and Hungarian Parliaments assembled at Vienna. He assured them that the honour of Europe was pledged to settle the Cretan question. Count Goluchowski emphasized the existence of
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  • 236 2 (Straits Times I tith haremfcr.) The schemes of Prince Henri ot Orleans to frustrate the object of the Nile Expedition need not be taken seriously. The Prince has been advertising himself extensively of late, and has sought to gain a name as an African explorer and an enemy
    (Straits Times, Itith haremfcr.)  -  236 words
  • 434 2 Thb Singapore Chamber of Commerce invites its members to send, in writing, criticisms of, or questions about, the Sub-Committee's gold dollar scheme. That is not to avoid public discussion. The discussion, by word of mouth will come later; but, if criticisms *or questions be already in hand,
    (Straits Times, 17th November.)  -  434 words
  • 277 2 '(Straits Times. 17ih Nocembet.) The half-yearly report of the Straits Trading Company, is an interesting document. The capital of the Company is one million and a quarter of dollars and the profit earned in six months is upwards of a quarter of a million. The profit
    '(Straits Times. 17ih Nocembet.)  -  277 words
  • 419 2 The Permanent Memorial Committee invite, by advertisement, designs for ttje erection of the new Town Hall. They offer a premium of £2OO for the design that is accepted, and half that amount to the design that is held by the Committee to be second in merit. The
    (Straits Times, 17th November.)  -  419 words
  • 711 2 We publish to-day, an interesting communication from a correspondent on the subject of the milk supply of Singal >oro, wit h sj uvial reference to t he at tit ude of the Municipal Commissioners in their deal i ngs w i t h n at i ve
    (Strait* Times, 18th November.)  -  711 words
  • 269 2 (Straits Times, 19 th November.) Sir Wilfrid Laurier has returned, disappointed, from Washington. He went there to seek concessions from the United States Government which the latter was in no mood to grant. The United States hamper the operations of Canadian sealers in Behring Sea, and
    (Straits Times, 19th November.)  -  269 words
  • 321 2 There was an amusing tug-of-war yesterday between the legal members of the Municipal Commission, and the legal advisers of the Commission. The President brought up some new burial bye-laws, and explained incidentally that they had been conned by the legal advisers of the Board, and, with a few
    (Straits Times, 19th November.)  -  321 words
  • 223 2 (Straits Times, 22 nd November I The Government of Federated Mali] have experimentally taken stepstu fad tate immigration thither from Inda They have for that purpose entered ic angreementwiththeBritisliIndiaStea Navigation Company. The negotiate of the Government with the Compan were directed to ensure the Compan steamers carrying assisted
    (Straits Times, 22 nd November.) I  -  223 words
  • 785 2 4» In Mr. Clifford’s article, concluded .1 to-day s paper, there are very charms descriptions of Malayan river scenet and of waterfall bathing. 4 A Chinese Contributor suggests future Police Officers should be Cad* learned in Chinese and trained in Singapore Volunteer Artillery. The Chinese port which the mans covet
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  • 116 3 The plague continues increasing both in Poona and Bombay. 4 It is alleged that the large mining and planting community of Perak prefer a cheap dollar. The French man-of-war Surprise, carrying 6 guns and 100 men, has arrived at Penang, bound for Saigon. 4 Captain Lawson, from
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  • 27 3 The case against Dr. Von Krudy and another was to have been heard this afternoon. On application, however, the Magistrate adjourned the hearing until Tuesday next.
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  • 34 3 It is reported that the German mission in Shantung province (China) was attacked early this month. One missionary was murdered, and another was missing at the date of last advices.
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  • 38 3 On the sth instant, the number of persons on famine relief throughout India had decreased to a little over three quarters of a million. Relief works are expected to stop at the end of this month.
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  • 45 3 The total value of the trade of Calcutta with the Straits Settlements fell off in the past year by three per cent., the decrease occurring in the importation of tin, lac, and sugar, and in the exportation of opium and jute manufactures.
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  • 47 3 Regarding the opinion of the Government of India that it will succeed shortly in keeping up rupee exchange at sixteenpence, a Bank in Bombay has indented for a large quantity of English sovereigns, in the anticipation that exchange will rise to this point very shortly.
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  • 49 3 In dealing with an appeal against a magisterial decision, the Acting Chief Justice took occasion to remark, yesterday, that, if the Magistrates used Chinese symbols in their records, they ought to give the translation of them. Neither the judge nor counsel could make anything of the characters.
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  • 63 3 A meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners was held on the 12th instant, to consider the Budget for 1898. The estimated revenue for next year was put down at 5359,417, and the expenditure at S359,394. No special works of any importance will be taken in hand next year.
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  • 83 3 A telegram from the Hankow correspondent of the N. G. Daily News received on the sth inst. stated that a party of German officers belonging to the Cormoran while visiting Wuchang in one of the ship’s boats flying the German ensign a few days previously, were stoned
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  • 122 3 Mr. Justice Leach, of the Straits Cricket team, appeared at the Magistracy this morning (Nov. 9th), says the China Mail to identify a pair of opera glasses, of which a chair coolie at the Peak was charged with being in unlawful possession. Mr.
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  • 59 3 At the Hongkong Marine Court, on the 9th inst., J. MacLagen, quartermaster on board the steamship Kaiser-i Hind, was sentenced to three weeks’ {imprisonment with hard labour for I refusing to obey the commands of the captain, and Richard Fishwick, a seaman on the British ship Saint Ninian
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  • 66 3 That important fibre plant, rhea, has received considerable attention in Ceylon, this year. The Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens has planted out a considerable .area with different varities in some of his Gardens. The plant is reported to grow very well indeed, in Ceylon, and there is no
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  • 97 3 This morning, Thomas Essen, the chief engineer of the Ilong Leottg was again brought up on a charge of having attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. Robert Pinkerton, the second engineer of the steamer, and Captain Fripp, the master, gave evidence to the effect: that,
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  • 97 3 On the 29th October, the Japanese cruisers Matsushima and Fuso collided off Nagahama in Iyo province. The Fuso being seriously damaged, was beached in the hope of preventing her from sinking. No lives were lost. The Matsushima was comparatively uninjured. The Fuso is an armour-clad vessel
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  • 120 3 The Hongkong weekly share market report, dated 9th inst., says —Punjoms have continued weak with little or no business at $4 and $3.75, closing at $3.90 with sellers. The October crushing just to hand shows a total result of about 245 oz. smelted gold. —The following is the detailed
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  • 312 3 It is with very much regret, says the Hongkong Daily Press of the 10th inst., that we have to announce the death of Mr. J. I). Humphreys, one of the oldest, most successful, and most popular of Hongkong’s business men. The news was received by wire from
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  • 82 3 ANOTHER DEFECTION FROM 8ILVER. A telegram from Port au Prince states (says the Central News New York correspondent) that the Legislature of Hayti, a West Indian Republic, has established a gold standard. The Act provides for a loan in the United States for nearly three million dollars,
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  • 83 3 II.M.S. “RATTLER” V. CHEFOO. In this match played at Chefoo on the 1st and 2nd inst., Chefoo beat the Rattlers by 38 runs. The scores were Chefoo 123 and 86, the Rattler 81 and 90. The naval men pulled up considerably in the second innings, fielding, bowling, and
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  • 96 3 HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. An official note circulated to the Press concerning the cyclone at Chittagong, confirms the rumours which have reached Calcutta of great loss of life on the islands of Kutubdin and Moiscal. These places and the coast have been visited by the Commissioner
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  • 114 3 SATISFACTION IN CEYLON. A dredger, the Sir John Coode has returned to Colombo, after having been docked at Singapore, which had to be resorted to owing to the plague at Bombay. The Times of Ceylon says that the docking at Singapore was very satisfactory, and, if only the
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  • 137 3 ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL PIPES. During the early hours of Sunday morning, some thieves made a successful raid upon the leaden rain pipes at St. Andrews Cathedral, and it is estimated that nearly two piculs of lead were cut and taken away. There are some twenty pipes in
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  • 231 3 ASSISTANCE FROM THE STRAITS. A circular has been issued, under the auspices of the local Engineers’ Association, inviting the assistance of the engineers in the Straits towards the funds of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers in their prolonged struggle with the Federated Employers. The circular is as
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  • 273 3 The sixth criminal sessions of the year commenced, this morning, before the Acting Chief Justice. Ally Bin Mahomed Yusuf, who stood charged with using as genuine a false document purporting to be a valuable security, did not appear when called, nor did his bailer, Hadjie Zinau. The bail
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  • 409 3 LOOTING THE CARGO. A thoroughly trustworthy correspondent writes us (the Hongkong Telegraph) from Foochow concerning the disgraceful looting of the cargo of the Namoa by natives as follows Now the whole thing is over, the inquiry at the Harbour Office unfait accompli, and the decision of the
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  • 122 3 Shopkeepers and others renting premises in North Bridge Road, close to Brass Bassa Road, are about to send in a petition to H. E. the Governor, praying that he will cause the removal and closing up of the many so-called coffee shops and eating-houses, which abound there.
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  • 1710 4 NEWS, NOTES, AND REPORTS. NEW ORIENTAL BANK. A general meeting of the shareholders in this bank was held on the 22nd October, at London, to receive an account of its affairs from the liquidator. —Mr. T. A. Welton, as liquidator, informed the meeting that the sales at last
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  • 290 4 THE OFFICIALS AND THE PRESS. To judge from the report of the N. C. Daily Netrs, says the China Mail the Shanghai Autumn Race Meeting was 4 a frost,’ owing apparently to new regulations introduced by the Race Club Committee limiting admission to the Grand Stand and the
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  • 214 4 A letter has been received from the Singapore Cricket Club, asking that if possible the match at Singapore during the Christmas holidays may be made a three days one, and that, on the afternoon of the third day, an Association football match may be played. No definite reply,says
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  • 129 4 Discussing the three kerosene oils imported into Swatow, Mr Scott, the British Consul, writes: —At present Russian bulk and case oil is much cheaper than its rivals, Langkat oil is cheaper than American oil, and it would seem as if, so far as this market is concerned, American
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  • 38 4 On the 16th inst., duringthe vovage of the s. s. Cerberus from Bangkok to Singapore, the Captain reports that a first class passenger, named John Rogers, died of cardiac syncope. He was buried at sea.
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  • 251 4 (From the Times of Ceylon Vienna, 4th November. The Reichsrath resumed sitting for the first time to-day since the protracted sitting of the 29th ultimo. The German Nationalists renewed their turbulence by howling and yelling for many hours in order to prevent discussion of the important bill
    (From the " Times of Ceylon ”)  -  251 words
  • 1282 4 Paris, 11th November. Efforts continue to be made for a reconsideration of the ease of Captain Dreyfus, the military convict in Cayenne. The Council of Ministers at Paris has reported that the conviction of Dreyfus was in accordance with the evidence and with the law. Dreyfus’s friends have
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  • 30 5 man-of-war Koningin i\'Hhtlini*aleft tliis morning for Acheen. Two rikisha pullers were, this or nine, lined fifty cents, or five days’ Tnl h for squabbling over a fare.
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  • 33 5 TgK godown of an Arab, named Taib y.unjee, 15, Malacca Street, .was Vn'ken into last night, and knives, silver, T I .M lace, valued at $350, were stolen. —A
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  • 33 5 meeting of the Church of England TemP eninc0 ociet y be held at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, this evening, at m., and not at St. Matthew’s Church as previously notified.
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  • 38 5 Last night, a Macao woman jumped from the upper window of No. 19 i m ith Street. She was brought to the Central Police Station, and from there *3S removed to the hospital.
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  • 41 5 The Police have received a report from Messrs. Stiven and Co., that during the night before last, while one 0 f their boats was lying in the river, some thieves got aboard and stole seven cases of gum copal.
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  • 46 5 What will become of the tical inquires the Bangkok Times if the views of the Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce are carried out? In the opinion of that journal, if anything is really done, Siam will presumably have to follow suit.
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  • 54 5 Mapersah was charged this morning with having on the 13th instant, pushed a man named Ambar into the sea at Tanjong Pagar, in such a way that it the latter had been drowned, the prisoner would be guilty ol murder. The hearing was postponed till the
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  • 45 5 Ri atemala, a Central American Republic, has decreed the exclusion of Japanese from its borders. An emissary of t lie Japan-Mexico Emigration Company who wished to make some inquiries concerning coffee-growing and to select seeds has recently been refused permission to land.
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  • 48 5 Yesterday, at the Assizes, Wong Ah Poll was sentenced to 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment for housebreaking and Chew Ho, for a similar offence, was sentenced to three years’ rigorous imprisonment, and to receive eighteen cuts with the rattan. To-day. Lee Kim Swee was indicted for housebreaking.
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  • 66 5 CATTLE DEALER’ S COMPLAINT. Ki pa Ritchei, a cattle dealer, living at is Itochore Canal Road, lias informed the Police that on the 13th inst., he sold to Merappa Chitty two bullocks, tor Si 92. Yesterday, he went to the Chitty with the receipt already signed in order to get
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  • 63 5 Last night, a Chinese boy, about ten years of age, was arrested for fraudulent possession of two fish. When caught by the police his touchang, which was false, came off. It was assumed that he wore this in order that he might easily escape, if he fell into
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  • 61 5 Vesterday, the Chief Police Officer, und Sergeant Hart gave evidence in ’jhe case of return from banishment of Chye, of’rikisha notoriety. It was proved that he was the man avho was •crushed last January; but the case postponed till Friday, in order that evidence might be produced, to
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  • 81 5 Yesterday, the detectives arrested, a warrant, a Chinaman on a charge baling on the 2nd ultimo, from a lfJ UBe in Circular Road, banknotes, cash jeweyery, roughly valued at $2,130. °or persons were originally arrested if l tried for this. One of them, a fo k?* 8 en ence
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  • 66 5 The following is Lady Mitchell’s report on the needlework of St. Anthony’s Girl’s School. The examination was made yesterday:—‘‘lnspected the needlework this morning with the help of Mrs. Kynnersley. I find the work even more improved. Seventy-three girls were presented up to Standard VI, and we have
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  • 117 5 THE GLENCONA.” The sailing ship Glencona which arrived here on the 14th of October, with 4,000 tons of Cardiff coal, consigned to Messrs. Paterson, Simons, leaves to-morrow for Chittagong, from thence proceeding to Dundee with a cargo of jute. The Glencona is one of the largest sailing vessels that have
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  • 167 5 ALLEGED CRIMINAL INTIMIDATION. This morning, eight dirzees weije charged, in the court of two Magistrates, with using criminal intimidation to the dirzees in the employ of Messrs. Robinson A Coy. Abdool Rahman, the head dirzee, gave evidence to the effect that he had been threatened, and that
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  • 163 5 This morning a respectable-look-ing Chinaman, named Lim Ah Hong, dressed in European costume, appeared in the Court of two Magistrates to prosecute another Chinaman named Lee Boon Eng for having robbed him of six dollars in Malay Street on the afternoon of the 25th ultimo.
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  • 237 5 Last night, a revenue officer received information which led him to stop the puller of ’rikisha, No. 2754, in North Bridge Road. In the vehicle was a Chinaman with two mat bags, each containing at in capable of holding more than a gallon. A second man, a Chinese
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  • 664 5 We issue to-day, conjointly with the Pinang Gazette and the Malay Mail Pictorial Supplements relating to Penang, to Selangor, and to Perak. All three sheets are issued with the Straits Times; but, with the Pinang Gazette there are issued only the two
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  • 60 5 At half-past eight o’clock, last night, Mr. Leicester, son of Mr. Leicester, the apothecary at Kandang Kerbau hospital, went to the High Level Reservoir for a ride. He left his bicycle at the entrance gates, but on his leaving the gfound, he found that somebody had walked
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  • 741 5 (From our Correspondent.) From the district of Ulu Pahang, there was exported, during September, a total of 2,895 ounces of gold. Raub heads the list with 1,517 ounces, Selensing contributed 821 ounces, and the Punjum output wafr 557 ounces. Not much tin ore was exported in September from
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  • 100 5 Mr. J. Nauss, the mate of the German steamer Oceana lying at Tanjong Pagar, has complained to the police that on the night of the 17th, between one o’clock .and five o’clock, one of the seamen, named Kumbricht, entered his cabin and stole a silver watch and
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  • 265 5 HUGE PROFITS AS USUAL. The following is the directors’ report of the Straits Trading Co., (Lim.):— Singapore, 16th November, 1897. Gentlemen, —Your directors beg to submit the amounts for the six months ending the 80th September, 1897, being the first half of the business year 1897/98.
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  • 241 5 For a long time past, says the Honglong Telegraph the police have been receiving complaints from Chinese of being assaulted by cyclists, whom therb was no possible chance of catching. In some cases the wheelmen carry sticks or riding whips, with which they slash across the face
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  • 265 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —The Municipal bye-laws on the water supply, approved by the'Governor, lave been published for public informa;ion. There are one or two points in them which call for attention. One of these aws is that horses shall not be
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  • 293 6 A correspondent says:—lt is not surprising that offences against property should be of frequent occurrence when there are not sufficient supervising officers to see that the men on beat do their duty. Outside the detective department, there are four police divisions in this island. These are known as
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  • 302 6 (From a Chinese Contributor.) The Ceylon Government will in future fill their vacancies in the Police force with their Civil Service Cadets, and, 1 think the Straits Government ought to do the same. Hitherto the knowledge of Chinese of the cadets is only available in the
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  • 239 6 CHAMPERTY AT HONGKONG. A Chinese interpreter and a solicitor s Chinese tout have been convicted of Champerty at Hongkong. Champerty means a bargain with some person who undertakes at Ills own cost to recover property on condition of receiving a share thereof if he succeeds. The defendants had
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  • 410 6 preservation ok teak forests. The Siamese Government has promulgated a decree for the protection of teak forests. For many years past the destruction of immature teak trees has been a reproach to Siam. The decree stictly forbids, under penalty of fine or imprisonment, the felling or girdling of
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  • 58 6 The Imperial Insurance Company, of which Messrs. Barlow Co., are the agents here, have brought out a neat w all calendar for 1898. Yesterday, at noon, a Javanese servant employed at the Hotel de l’Europe, W’as arrested for stealing a walking stick, the property of Mr. Ockerse.
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  • 36 6 Yesterday, a Dutch sailor, belonging to the Dutch man-of-war Koningin Wilhelmina, which left for Acheen yesterday morning, w*as arrested by a Sikh constable. He w'as handed over to the Dutch Consul this morning.
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  • 50 6 An amateur dramatic performance will be given in the Town Hall, on Thursday, and Saturday of next week, in aid of the funds of the Tanglin Church House. The booking is already, it is notified, extremely gratifying. Full particulars as to the performance are contained in the advertisement.
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  • 83 6 Yesterday, a quarter-master of the s. s. Moynne laid a charge of assault against Captain Kemp. The Captain made a complaint against him, with the result that Captain Craufurd fined the quarter-master five dollars. This morning, three Chinese firemen, were charged with refusing duty on the s. s.
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  • 91 6 COINER GETS 8EVEN YEARS. Yesterday, Lim Tek Swee, was sentenced to three years’ rigorous and two years’ police supervision, for housebreaking, and theft by night. Tay Neo, Tan Kan, arid Tan Yah, were charged with counterfeiting coin. No. 1, was sentenced to seven years; No. 2, to be
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  • 67 6 The Japan Times is informed that, there are about 200 student jinrikisha-men in Tokyo, one of whom is reported to have been once a second-year student of the Imperial University, while another was a writer on the staff of a provincial paper. Most of these humbled students are
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  • 67 6 On the 19th of October, the police discovered several stolen articles in a house at Tanjong Rhu. Two constables were placed on guard and further aid sent for. These men were set upon by a crowd, and the stolen property carried away. This was recovered later, and several
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  • 65 6 NATIVE SOLDIER’S SKULL FRACTURED. During the small hours this morning, a Malay, named Rabideen, a corporal in the Royal Engineers, was found at Borneo Wharf in an unconscious condition. He was taken to the Pulo Brani, when it was found he was suffering from a fractured skull.
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  • 75 6 At half-past four this morning, when the Marine Police boat was proceeding up the river, a sampan was observed alongside a tongkang. On the approach of the police boat, the men in the sampan bolted. The boat was captured and two boxes of gum copal, the property of
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  • 99 6 THEFT ON THE S.S. LIGHTNING.’ A Chinaman, named Peng Yuen, a passenger from Penang to Hongkong, per s. s. Lighttiing went ashore when the vessel reached Tanjong Pagar Wharf. When he returned, lie found that his box had been broken open, and $429 in banknotes and cash abstracted. He caused
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  • 174 6 Yesterday, writes a correspondent, after having completed the building and furnishing of a new’ residence at Tanglin, in the neighbourhood of Scott's Road, Mr. Heng Yong Siang, the wellknown baker, celebrated the event by giving a house-warming, to which many of his friends and relatives w r
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  • 200 6 According to despatches received by the Northern Territories Goldfields of Australia, Limited, it appears that, pending the completion of the company’s machinery, a considerable portion of its property has been let out to Chinese miners upon tribute, they paying a royalty upon all gold won. Acting upon their
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  • 177 6 SEVENTH LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. We have received from Mr. Egerton, the seventh list of subscriptions to the Diamond Jubilee Permanent Memorial. This list accounts for a sura of $2,435, and with $79,396 previously acknowledged, brings the present total to $81,831. Captain J. Craig, Mr. Toh Lim Song,
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  • 236 6 The Times Weekly Edition of 22nd ult., contained the two games played by telegraph between Singapore and Hongkong, but makes no comments on the moves. The Field ”of the 16th has thfe following: “L.M. C. (Singapore). Both correspondence games between Singapore and Hongkong are unfortunately unsuitable, because in each
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  • 362 6 EXTENSIVE HARBOUR IMPROVEMENTS. On the 10th of October, says the North China Daily News before a large and brilliant assembly of naval anc military otlicials and officers of the civi department, the Governor-General of the Amoor, General Dukoft'ski, laid the first of the ten-ton concrete blocks of the new
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  • 578 6 (Irom a Correspondent.) From time to time, the public ,i, the medium of the Straits 2 im! something of what is bein<. hear their benefit by the Legislature tion to the pawnbrokers. What u thus learn is confusing. A year 6y do ago, the idea was that
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  • 181 6 The half-yearly report and accounts of the E. E. A. and C. Telegraph Company, for the period ending ‘Kith June, are to hand. The gross receipts, including Government subsidies, have amounted during the period to £290,749, against £313,014 for the corresponding half-year of 1896. The working expenses,
    181 words
  • 37 6 At the Government opium sale at Calcutta, on the Ist instant, three thousand two hundred and fifty chests realized an average of about R«. which is said to be extremely low compared with last year.
    37 words

  • 926 7 A PUBLIC DANGER. THE commissioners and the dairymen. The dairymen, or rather a number of thenb the ot ier da F> wr i tes a correspondent, sent a petition to the Governor, explaining of the hardship they would sufi£ r if their weds were c l° se
    926 words
  • 301 7 APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES. A public meeting was held at the Exchange, yesterday afternoon, to make arrangements for holding the customary sea and land sports on New Year’s Day. There were present: Messrs. C. Mringer, J. P. Joaquim, G. P. Owen, A. J. Sisson, M. ltodesse, W.
    301 words
  • 363 7 THE MORALE OP CHINESE DEALERS. The disturbance in the import market caused by the recent violent fall in exchange has, says the Hongkong Daily Press put the honesty of some of the Chinese dealers, who have neglected to cover themselves, to a severe test. It was foreseen
    363 words
  • 64 7 The Malay Mail is informed that, Khatib Koyan, the Penghulu of Sefhpak t Selangor, managed to kill a young tiger in his padi field on Saturday last with a gun. The brute is said to have already been responsible for attacking people, and meaiured 4 feet long
    64 words
  • 1441 7 THE CASE FOR INDIA Dealing with the rejection of the American proposals with regard to the free coinage of silver, the Times says Senator Wolcott and his colleagues, with the support of the French Government, were instructed to propose, first of all, the opening of the Indian
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  • 315 7 ALLEGED ASSAULT BY CHINESE ROWDIES. It was freely reported on the 4th inst., says the China Gazette that the German Minister, Baron von Heyking, who, with the Baroness, is on a tour of inspection up the Yangtse, had been assaulted by Chinese rowdies at Wuchang or Hankow, and
    315 words
  • 142 7 “The girls of the Raffles Girls’ School’’ says the Report “have done very well indeed. The needlework in each standard is extremely good, and in the higher standards it is most excellent. I see great improvement during the last two years. One girl was absent ill, but
    142 words
  • 2373 7 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPOETS. QUEEN’S JUBILEE GIFTS. The exhibition of the Queen’s Jubilee gifts was opened at the Imperial Institute on 18th ult. The exhibition has two objects—to provide pleasure for the visitors, and to assist the Prince’s Hospital Fund, to which half the proceeds are
    2,373 words

  • 92 8 The Chinese Government, says the China Gazette of the sth inst., has finally signed the concession for the construction of railways bv the HooleyJameson Syndicate. This i& quite apart from the Loan, the negociations in which are still proceeding, but have been interrupted by the Empress Dowager’s
    92 words
  • 110 8 The dollar and silver have both begun again to drop. The Scotsmen of Perak, will give a dance in Ipoh, on St. Andrew’s night. Thebe is some talk in Seremban of the Government buying up the Sungei Ujong Railway. The Babas are said to be giving full
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  • 38 8 There are twenty-four cases pn the calendar of the Penang Assizes, which commenced on Tuesday last. Of these two are for murder. The only other case of importance is that against five Chinese charged with gang-robbery.
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  • 40 8 Yesterday, a Malay, named Semaga, was brought before Mr. O’Sullivan on a charge of housebreaking and theft within the jurisdiction of Netherlands India. He was committed for fifteen days pending the orders of Government as to his extradition.
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  • 45 8 Yesterday evening, a crowd of a hundred men gathered on Tanjong Pagar Road and became disorderly. When the police approached, cries of pah were uttered. Inspector Dickson dispersed the crowd, and a Sikh constable arrested twp men who were fined nominally this morning.
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  • 52 8 About half-past eight this morning, a fire broke out at No. 23, Fraser Street; the house was uninhabited, the owner being away. The back room caught fire, but the flames were quickly extinguished, though not till the house was considerably damaged. The fire brigade turned out
    52 words
  • 62 8 Some three weeks ago, a dog, alleged to be ferocious, the property of Captain Fripp, bit a gharry syce, named Adiakalan. A summons was obtained against the owner for allowing a ferocious dog to go about unmuzzled. After two postponements, the case was called yesterday, and as
    62 words
  • 56 8 The Pinang Gazette arranged a combination of attractions for its readers on Wednesday of this week. It presented them with two coloured supplements; a communication from the Queen with reference to the Pinang Gazette's Diamond Jubilee pamphlet; and a federation scheme for the British Empire outlined by the
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  • 66 8 This morning, a man in receipt of twenty dollars a month appeared before the Commissioners of the Court of Requests at the instance of a Chetty. It transpired that the creditor was already receiving five dollars a month from the debtor on an order of the
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  • 78 8 The following telegram dated 7th Nov. has been received from the N. C. Daily 'News' correspondent at Hankow —A very prompt and satisfactory apology has been obtained from the Viceroy Chang Chihtung for-the attack by the mob on German Officers visiting Wuchang in a boat of H.
    78 words
  • 62 8 captain de hamel's activity. A smart capture by the Police is reported Ifrom* Penang. A gang of about ten armed Chinese attackea the house of a Chinese planter at Relau, wounded him, and carried away a quantity of property. The next morning, Captain de Hamel and several detectives
    62 words
  • 100 8 The native corporal R. E., named Rabideen, who was found* yesterday morning, at Borneo Wharf in an uncon-< scious state, the result of a fractured skull, was removed to Fort Canning hospital during the morning, and died at noon. The police are making inquiries into the matter. They
    100 words
  • 118 8 Yesterday afternoon, at the Assizes T. D. H. Oliver a Ceylonese Eurasian, was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment for forgery, and for using a forged document. This morning, Teo Tek Lai, was sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment for stealing two bottles of brandy. He had ten previous
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  • 140 8 Yesterday, before Mr. O’Sullivan, H. F. Kesslar, a Market Keeper in the employ of the Municipality, was charged with having as a public servant, accepted a gratification of $2.50 on the sth April last, from Chan Chu Hock, to forbear to shew, in the exercise of his
    140 words
  • 167 8 The new oil mills and refinery, to be called the Bintang Oil Mills, which are being erected at No. 119, Havelock Road, by Mr. Muhlinghaus, will not probably, be completed until about the middle of Jiext year. The mills will stand on the site of premises
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  • 249 8 Chi* Ah Shi, a Macao woman, was charged this morning before Mr. Wolferstan, with selling a girl under ten years, named Lo Si. Mr. Evans, the Protector of Chinese said that on the 13th of May last, per s. s. Vindobonu a woman named Lee Ah Ku,
    249 words
  • 833 8 A MOST REMARKABLE 8T0 BY Yesterday Afternoon, pel, T Ena Seeyena Sourajin, the uah.,** third court, were brought 0 Wolferstan on remand *t. Tat was charged with t Singapore, about the beginning fc last, lorged a document nurn^T* 0 be signed by one Cho ng P Yewrf;
    833 words

  • 343 9 —China Gazette. I in the Tsung-li Yamen, I L d Yang Yih-chih, has presented to I Throne through the r amen, a I memorial praying for the adoption of a Id standard for China. Such a step I C believes, will benefit China in her I
    —China Gazette.  -  343 words
  • 104 9 19th NOVEMBER. The Conditions of Service for men locally recruited for the European conItingent of the Straits Settlements Police I Force are notified. The .Singapore Municipal electoral Mists fur L s 98 are published. Mr. J. Anderson is appointed member of the Pilot Board, vice Mr. W. M.
    104 words
  • 176 9 KRE.VCII AND RUSSIAN INTR IGUE. A communication to the China Gazette pated Pekin, 4th inst., says it lias been wcertained beyond doubt that Russia pnd France are actively conspiring to procure the dismissal of Sir Robert part trom his post of Inspector-Genera ft the Imperial Maritime Customs,
    176 words
  • 205 9 COST AND CONVEYANCE. I may be worth knowing, writes a ■''Respondent, that, for cheapness and in the conveyance of parcels from H^ me to the far-east, the P. O. is the Hf- As a case or two in point, it K* v e mentioned that a short
    205 words
  • 2784 9 I GOVERNMENT AND THE WATER SUPPLY. MILK 8ELLER8’ PETITION. A meeting of the Municipal CommisI HJ, on was yesterday afternoon. I There were present Mr. Egerton, (Deputy President), Mr. Sohst, Mr. YV. Nanson, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Evans, Mr. J. I. Joaquim, Mr. Tan Cheng Tuan, and I Mr.
    2,784 words
  • 113 9 THIEVES CAUGHT IN THE ACT. In consequence of the extensive robbery of lead piping at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, as reported in the Straits Times a few days ago, a couple of Chinese detectives have been placed on duty there since the .occurrence. Last evening, at about half
    113 words
  • 144 9 COMPLAINT FROM BALLESTIER ROAD. Some months ago, the inhabitants of Ballestier Road petitioned the Municipal Commissioners to put up a few gas lamps in that locality, but as yet their request has not been complied with. There is a talk of further agitation in the matter, as
    144 words
  • 197 9 Simla, 8th November. Camp Maidan is heavily fired into nightly. On the evening of the 6th, Lieutenant Gifford, Northamptons, was killed and Captain Sullivan, 36th Sikhs, severely wounded in the arm, the result of sniping. A foraging party sent out of the 6th to the west of
    197 words

  • 905 10 THE WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD. 2nd round. S. C. C. V. I. CO. RIFLE BRIGADE. This tie between the above teams was played last night, on the Esplanade, before a large crowd of spectators. The ground was in excellent condition, and a good exposition of the game was witnessed. Punctually
    905 words
  • 989 10 Tiie petty but regrettable discourtesy to which the reporters of the Shanghai daily papers were subjected the other day, by the President and Secretary of the Race Club, which resulted in the suspension by the whole of the Shanghai press of publication of the proceedings, forms only
    989 words
  • 561 10 THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI SCORES. Hongkong fired off in the Interport Rille Match no the 11th inst., and made a total of 916, or 18 less then Singapore. The conditions says the Daily Press were not very favourable, the wind, from the right rear, being of variable
    561 words
  • 18 10 Part four, including D. E. and F., of the ClifFord-Swettenham Malay Dictionary has been received.
    18 words
  • 25 10 A Eurasian and four Chinese, all women, were fined five dollars, or ten days’ each, for playing cards in a house in Prinsep Street.
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  • 277 10 On Wednesday, in conjunction with the Straits Times the Malay Mail issued the coloured supplement showing views of the principal places of interest, and of the mercantile houses in Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. The Malay Mail in a special number, devotes nearly ten columns of space to
    277 words
  • 435 10 AN OLD DISPUTE SETTLED. (From a Coi'rcsporulent.) After years of contention, the dispute on the question of the right of the Governor and the Secretary to a free supply of Municipal water, and to favourable rates for Government institutions, is drawing to a satisfactory conclusion. A
    435 words
  • 796 10 STRANDING of the MOYi This morning, a Marin* r ting of A. W. S. 0’Suii[i" e n C Utt Magistrate, President Canty*" 1 Craufurd,R.N, F.M.<t, ner, and Charles Odd MatW rl U ner, as members, sat by of H Governor, to enquire into stances wliich led
    796 words

  • 718 11 T IIE “LITTLE ONES” ENTERTAINMENT. Notwithstanding the very unpropitio\ ls weather, yesterday afternoon, the entertainment announced to take place a t Rallies Girls’ School was successgiven. Before half past five, every available seat was filled. The room was decorated with festoons ot everand a soft light was
    718 words
  • 97 11 NIGHTINGALE V. THORNE. .J. N this action Mr. Tilleke, for plainMed on Wednesday, (14th inst.,) the Doss-interrogatories in the commission 1 j ssu,i( l on the application of the defen‘Jant to examine the Veterinary Surgeon Singapore. At the same time, a /Ojnmission was asked for by Mr.
    97 words
  • 2425 11  -  [BY HUGH CLIFFORD.J NO. 5.—ON MALAYAN RIVERS. (Concluded). Onward o’er nnnken Banda, through a wilder* nee* nombre with forest, *'Day after day they glided »down the turbe lent rirer; Night after ni?ht, by their blaaing fire* encamped on its border*. 11 Now through rushing chutes, among green
    2,425 words
  • 109 11 A COMPROMISED THAT FAILED. This morning, Captain Fripp of the Hong Leong was brought before Mr. Howard for neglecting to answer a summons, last Thursday. The case arose out of alleged assault on a hack-gharry syce. Captain Fripp stated that he settied the matter outside by the
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  • 149 11 OUTRAGE BY DYNAMITE. At the Pahang Corporation Mines, a few nights ago, there was an attempt to blow up with dynamite a large bungalow, now disused as a residence, but used as an office and containing the cash safe. As it happened, the usual guard of four Sikhs
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  • 1130 11 I thank thee G. P. O.—Owen the Indefatigable. You have, I see, hearkened to my modest tip,” and have arranged a great concert in honour of the victorious cricketers. Well and worthily done! The programme will, of course, be very extra special, and the chief items thereof
    1,130 words

  • 174 12 THE ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Yesterday afternoon, Thomas Essen, late engineer of the s.s. Hong Leoug, pleaded guilty to having attempted (to commit suicide by cutting his throat on board the steamer, on the 19th of October. Mr. Van Cuylenberg, his counsel urged in extenuation that his client, had for
    174 words
  • 294 12 The official bulletins in the Comercio up to the Bth instant, make light of the rebellion and speak only of encounters with brigands. But, in the province of Bulacan, near Manila, the Government has forbidden craft of any kind, save postal vessels, from plying on the rivers and
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  • 1120 12 SINGAPORE TRADE. The report of the Netherlands Consul General at Singapore for 1896 is published in the Java Government Gazette of the 9th instant. It notes that the import trade there from Holland increased, mostly owingto the establishment of direct steam communication betw een Holland and Singapore through
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  • 311 12 Some slight satisfaction may be derived from the proceedings of the congress on leprosy which has been sitting at Berlin. Though there are still mysteries as to the origin of one of the w f orst scourges of humanity, and though it still prevails in some civilised
    311 words
  • 158 12 (For, Si ngapore). Per M. M. s. s. Laos from Marseilles Nov. 21:—Mr, and Mrs. Desborough, Mrs. Malherbe, Col, and Mrs. Tomkinson. Per M. M. s. s. Saghalien from ‘Marseilles Oct 31: —Mr. Geppert. Per M.M. s.s. rolynesien connecting with the steamer Saghalicri at Colombo, from Marseille Nov.
    158 words
  • 6654 12 THE STRAITS r. HONGKONG. THE HONGKONG INNINGS. {16th November.) On the 15th, we published, from the Hongkong Daily Press a full report of the Straits innings in the match the Straits v. Hongkong. To-day, from the same paper, we give a detailed report of the Hongkong innings. Brief
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  • 138 13 INCENDIARISM AND SUICIDE. TnE Pinang Gazette gives particulars of a fatal fire at Tupai, a village two miles from Taiping, in Perak. It appeared that a Chinaman, who had on Tuesday last, the previous day, quarrelled with Captain Ah Yam’s wife, obtained a lighted torch, and while in
    138 words
  • 100 13 The man Kho Chye, who was banished last January, in connection with the ’rikisha strike returned, was arrested a week or so back, and a Sreliminary enquiry was held by the [agistrate with a view to sending him to the Assizes. The penalty for his offence is penal
    100 words

  • 1050 14 The following communication has been addressed by the Board of Trade to 1 the secretaries of the Employers’ Federation of Engineering Associations and of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers respectively:— Board of Trade, 7, Whiteliall-gardens London, S.W., Oct. 20, 1897. Gentlemen, —I am directed by the Board
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  • 176 14 MONDAY, 22 ND NOVEMBER. Major-General Jones-Vaughan has arrived from Brindisi. The Austrian cruiser Panther arrived here, yesterday afternoon, from Bangkok. Among the passengers by the P. 0/ Mirzapvre yesterday morning, were Dr., Mrs. and Miss Simon from Penang. A China boy employed at the Tanglin Club complains to the Police
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  • 41 14 It is said that, Mr. Anderson of the Perak Public W orks Department, who is now in Japan, lias been commissioned to engage the services of as many as six hundred dhobies in Japan, for the Federated Native States.
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  • 53 14 Yesterday morning, a bag of soap was entrusted to a rikisha puller to convey to a certain place, but he seems to have disposed of it on the way. He said that a man claimed the bag and lie gave it up. He was sentenced to
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  • 42 14 This morning, three Chinamen were brought before Mr. Wolferstan, on the charge of picking the pocket of Manasaiboo Mcrican of $125 in banknotes in Kling Street, on Saturday morning. The ease was remitted to the Court of two Magistrates. Bail $250.
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  • 55 14 On Saturday, the S. C. C. cricket match, Public Schools v. The Rest,” was to have been played on the S. C. C. ground. The Rest went in first, but rain bought play to an end with the score at 40 for 1 wicket, R. T. Reid not out
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  • 52 14 This morning, a Chinaman was found smoking in the dock of the Second Court when Mr. Wolferstan was on the bench. He was charged with disorderly conduct, and pleaded that he did not think there was any harm in smoking in the Court. He was fined
    52 words
  • 85 14 Mr. T. Guild, chief warder at the Singapore Prison, goes home shortly on twelve months leave of absence, prior to retirement on pension After seven" teen years service. It was expected that he would have left on Friday last, but, for some reason or other,* the granting of
    85 words
  • 54 14 A very feeble response, says the Pinang Gazette, has been made by the Engineering establishments in the East, to the notice calling for tenders by the Perak Government for Steam Ferry Boats in connection with the Penang Railway Service. There is only one from Singapore, while the
    54 words
  • 54 14 Bicycle stealing seems to be getting common. Another case is reported from Telok Kurau, where the Police have been informed that two bicycles have been stolen. The Police, in regard to the difficulties of identification, suggest that the owners of bicycles, would do well to place some private
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  • 59 14 We are asked to state that, in presenting the case for Thomas Essen, charged w ith attempted suicide, Mr. Van Cuylenberg said the circumstances which led to the unfortunate event were, that the prisoner had been* without sleep for four nights previous to the 19tli of October,
    59 words
  • 72 14 There are more than five hundred Municipal summons cases on the file of the Second Court for hearing to-mo/-row. Three hundred of these belong to the week ended on the 15th instant, and were not served. The Magistrate of this Court certainly has his hands full; for,
    72 words
  • 68 14 Tnis morning, Captain Craufurd held an enquiry into the circumstances attending the drowning of a Chinese seaman belonging to the s. s. Oolong at 110 110 in the Philippines on the 14th instant. Several witnesses w’ere examined who stated that the man was employed making the anchor
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  • 79 14 The Principal of the Raffles Girls* School desires to thank most heartily the numerous parents and friends, who turned out on such a wet night to give their support by their kindly presence. She desires to express her appreciation of the hearty support they have given the
    79 words
  • 85 14 DRUNKEN KLING’ S DEATH. At half-past six o'clock on Saturday morning, a Kling, named Pulosamy, was arrested at Jalan Sultan, for being drunk and disorderly. When brought before the Magistrate the same morning he was considered to be still too drunk for the case to proceed. He was, accordingly, sent
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  • 80 14 Bishop Hose was the celebrant at the Choral Eucharist, yesterday morning, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. There was a large congregation. There was also a good attendance at the evening service, when the Bishop was the preacher. He leaves for Sarawak this week. The Rev. W. E. Hodgkinson proceeds
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  • 154 14 TAN KI CHUAN AT BANGKOK. Tan Kr Chuan was arrested on the 15th instant, at Bangkok, on his arrival from Singapore by the ss. Gorgon and was detained in the Bangkok Police Station. Tan Ki Chuan was deported from Singapore on account of his alleged connection
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  • 92 14 Yesterday evening, a little before six o’clock, a pair of horses belonging to Mr. Low Cheng HeeJ of 53, Boat Quay, ran away, and collided with two ’rikishas. The shaft of one of the ’rikishas penetrated the body of one of the horses, killing it on the spot.
    92 words
  • 98 14 Lim Quee Kiaouw, a planter living behind the Perseverance Estate on the Gelang Road, was aroused yesterday morning at four o’clock by the barking of his dogs. On going out he saw three Javanese standing in his tapioca plantation. One of them ran away on
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  • 135 14 STRANDING OF THE KOSTROMA.” < J blow up*portions of the reef. —Times of Ceylon. ATTEMPT TO PULL HER OFF. According to latest information received, the Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kostroma which ran on the Elba reef in the Red Sea about the middle of last month, seems to be fixed
    — * – – – < J blow up*portions of the reef.—Times of Ceylon.  -  135 words
  • 152 14 This morning, the town was a scene of unusual liveliness owing to preparations being made by the Teochew, Kheh, Cantonese, and Hylam clans to carry out their annual religious procession. The institution is Very ancient, and its object is to shew reverence to the patron saint of these
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  • 65 14 JOHORE SUBSCRIPTION. Previous Total $81,831 H. H. The Sultan 300 H. H. Tungku Khalid 200 Dato Bintara Dalam 100 The Uuku Sulieman 100 J. Campbell Kerr 100 Dato Sri Stia d'Raja 30 The Unku Mat 60 T. Rawson Kerr 30 Total $82,981 In addition to the above
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  • 147 14 PLAY IN A FLOOD. The annual gold medal was played on Saturday last, only the silver medallists being eligible to compete. On account of the heavy rain, only four mefnbers played. In Messrs. Stiven and Vade’s second round and Drs. Ellis and Van first round, the
    147 words
  • 800 14 A QUESTION OF C()vv Pn *mm This afternoon, in the i|S before Acting Chief ease was heard: i n Mortgage No. Wr&gt; f b'ith June, 1896 bet® 3oo, 'SM Nanson, plaintiff, and the M Commissioners of tho -r pore, defendant. It a^" n summons for the determln following
    800 words

  • 1174 15 CHINESE OPINION. Thi* morning, a representative of the &lt;traits Times interviewed a prominent Member of the Chinese community on the subject of the proposed gold standi for the Straits Settlements. That vn tl* man, while willing to express an Amnion, was desirous that his name w iUll
    1,174 words
  • 166 15 The public are warned by the Police to beware of pick-pockets in the vicinity of Commercial Square and Kling Street. There seems to be quite a swell mob of Chinese thieves infesting the locality. Five of the fraternity were taken into custody on Saturday. In the first
    166 words
  • 233 15 MATCH WITH SOUTH AUSTRALIA —TALL SCORING. Adelaide, 29th October. The weather was perfect and the match was largely attended. Lyons was chosen captain. He won the toss and went to the wickets. The feature of the day’s play was Clem Hill’s splendid performance of 200 not out. The
    233 words
  • 1121 15 THE MONTHLY REPORT. The Acting Mining Manager’s Report for the four weeks ending on 18th November, 1897, is as follows: MINING. Rauf* Hole 220' Level.— The Main West cross-cut has been extended 45' during the month making a total distance from the shaft of 373'. We have passed through
    1,121 words
  • 1147 15 NEWS, NOTES, AND REPORTS. THE C. D, O. At a meeting of the Straits Settlements Association, held on 28th ult., a long report from the Branch Association at Singapore was read on the prevalence of venereal disease in the Settlement. The meeting was unanimously of opinion that an
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  • 174 15 A Chinese correspondent says —Last w r eek there was a long debate at the Municipal Board on the question of framing certain bye-law's on the Burials Ordinance. Some of these w r ere objectionable to the Chinese, others were already provided for in the principal Ordinance.
    174 words
  • 189 15 It i« well-known that only a firstclass entertainment can induce Singapore society to leave the comfort of the verandah for the discomfort of the Tqwn Hall. Mr. Lincoln on Saturday night, again proved that his rnelomonologue is a first-class entertainment by attracting a crowded audience whom he
    189 words

  • 1866 16 (From the Times of Ceylon.) London, 9th November. The Times, discussing the policy of hastening the advance on Khartoum in view of the French advance on the Upper Nile, says it has been clearly intimated to the French Government that Great Britain will consider such proceeding in
    (From the Times of Ceylon.)  -  1,866 words
  • 252 16 TUE FRENCH ARMY SCANDAL. Paris, 16th November. The Cuban insurgents have blown up with dynamite a railway train, at Nuevitas, near Havana. The casualties were twelve killed and twenty-seven wounded. The Dreyfus affair continues to engage public attention. The Figaro had aroused a sensation by publishing documents sent
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  • 184 16 We regret to announce the death of Mr. R. Tresilian, assistant accountant at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. The death occurred at the General Hospital, at eleven o’clock on Saturday night. The deceased gentleman had been ill for about a fortnight with fever, and had had
    184 words
  • 43 16 For Mauritius, Amigo, on 22nd Nov., M. S. E. Angullia. Hongkong, KuUang due 22nd Nov., Boustead A Co. Penang and Calcutta, A. Apcar on 22nd Nov., Sarkies A Moses. Hongkong and Japan, Kaisow f due 26th Nov., Borneo Co.
    43 words
  • 773 16 PROSPEROUS FINANCES. The Governor of Ceylon, Sir West Ridgeway, opened the session of the Legislative Council of that Colony on the 5th instant. H. E., in his address, stated that prosperity continued to prevail there, so that the revenue increased by leaps and bounds. He estimated for 1896
    773 words
  • 600 16 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Hehe from Deii •—u hart, and De Woog. (W, Per*, g. Wilhelm from v Van Engers m Per 8.8. Sn Tanjonq Penann t Messrs. H N. RidleJ, and a Per M. M. g. s. Caledonitr, hama:—Mr. G.G. CareT Frl °"1. Yo W Mn Lazarus.
    600 words
    • 171 16 Under this heading the following abbrevis* tions are used :—str. —steamer sh.—-snip bq.—barque; Brit. —British U. S. I n lted States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut.--Dutch doh. —Jobore; Ac., G. c., Genera cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf L P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
      171 words
    • 2754 16 Arrivals Hives Nooh Of SaturdayBanka, Dut. str. 124 tons, Capt 09 &gt; d Not. From Palembang, 20th Nov. 28 d.p. Llm Chin Swee. For Muntok, —m*. D/tn Hin Guan Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt Jrmie 21st Nov. From Rians' 19th Nov. I? l po’d.p. W r ee Bin
      2,754 words
    • 1197 17 Bl hi&gt; j &gt; 1 1 h Vessel’s Name. A Tows. Captain From Sailed. Consignees Q Rio Nov 10 :S. D. Carleton Am sh. 1788 Amsbury Shanghai Oct 15 Boustead and Co 14 John Baizley bq. 700 Holstad Muntong Oct 20(McAli8ter A Co 15 Ban Seng Guan Brit str.
      1,197 words
    • 589 17 i Date. Vessel’s Name FlagAßig Captain Destination 0V Pa ee Brit str. Hunter Kemaman via ports Sultan f. B r Chopard Bagan via ports Ban Hin Guan str. D’Cruze Klang via ports 16 Kian \ang str. Kunath Muar 16 Sri Tringganu str. Shimmen Malacca 16 Kian Ann str. Moss
      589 words
    • 96 18 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Kao 7 Date' Date. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From where Destin- ReRig. Sailing ation marks. Nov 10Dut s.s. Oengaran Sharp Nov 10 Batavia Rotterdam 13 Brit s. Milverton Ireleaven July 15New York Anjer f.o. 15Nor bq.Fonografj Gundersen July 15Cardiff Bangkok 15
      96 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      451 words
    • 31 18 WANTED. SITUATION as table servant or dressing boy, travelling preferred, Ceylon, ana registered servant, speaks English, good certificate and references, Ac. Apply to 80/11 8. TAM BY, c/o Straits Tim es.
      31 words
    • 594 18 lit ft PERRINS 1 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE of every Bottle of the Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosso Blackwell, Ltd., London; and Export Oilmen generally. SAUCE. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. THE STRAITS AND MALAYA P during the Queen's Most Glorious Reign
      594 words
    • 135 18 J£ENSON’S_WATOHES Manufactory, Ludgate Hill, London. MAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEN. Specially manufactured and recommended for use in the East. Benson’s Special Strength “FIELD” WATCH. A Gold Keyless English Half Chrono meter, £25. BENSON’S u LUDGATE n WATCH. A three-quarter Plate English Lever fully compensated. Silver, £5.5*., Gold, £12.12«. Special
      135 words
    • 445 18 JOSEPH baker^ Confectioner Vienna B kss 6, Victoria Street (Next to the Convent) ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVat a* NEW STOCK OF A CHRISTMAS COMESTIBLES. THIS stock includes chocolates v bons, crystallised fruits D almonds, figs, &lt;fcc. These are best French Houses, and their q£jjJ* very superior. 18 AN INSPECTION IS INVITED.
      445 words