The Straits Budget, 16 November 1897

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 144 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE VvEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, .Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 106 1 •\tk ixsox-Havwaud. —At St. Georges r ar Penang, on the 6th instant, by ti, K v. H. C. Henham, Acting Colonial i’hai'iain. IIenry Surtees Atkinson to Fj'KSSck Cecelia, eldest daughter of Thomas Hayward, Esq., of Birmingham. Wedstf.r-Bennie On the 11th instant, Presbyterian Church, Singapore, by t.. K«*v. S.
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  • 289 1 UiMsr. Articles. Tii*.* Cold Dollar. TIk 1 ndian Famine. Inter-olonial Sport. Lazarus Josephus Chafer. I/jtal. Mark ‘t Quotations. Shij>;ting News. Pu>scngei* List. Pol'n-o News. School Inspection Mag st rate and Police. Inter-Colonial Rifle Match. Sale of a Wife. The Moyune. Dentil from Opium. Straits Currency. Very Shabby.
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  • 504 1 Sincafore, 16th November, 1897. PRODUCE (Hates are corrected to one p.m.) Gambier, 5.90. Copra Bali, 6.50. do Pontianak, 6.35. Pepper, Black, 19.00. do White, (5%) 34.50. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.00. do Brunei, 2.37£. Pearl Sago 3.55 Coffee, Bali, picked 37.50. Coffee Palcmbang, picked.... 37.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1 ,,24.00.
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  • 363 1 The mail for Europe, this week, eaves by the M.M. s.s. Caledonien. The Vi.M. s.s. Salazie with the mail from Europe of the loth October arrived yesterday. The German mail from Europe by the Bayern arrived on Wednesday. The German mail for Europe by the Sachsen
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    • 34 1 London, Ofh November. Tn the match at Melbourne between St.oddart’s Team and a Victorian Team, Victoria made 306 runs and StoddartV Team has made 213 runs for the loss of seven wickets.
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    • 63 1 The Times, in a special article on West Africa, mentions several instances, notably at Saki and Wa, where British and French forces there have actually met. In these cases, collision between these forces was only avoided by agreement between the Commanders, to refer the inattcr to their
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    • 41 1 Four gunboats have reconnoitred up the Nile to within seventy miles from Khartoum. These gunboats shelled the new Mahdist forts at Mctenmieh, while going and coming. The forts replied to the fire from the gunboats, but did slight damage.
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    • 26 1 Mr. Rhodes has resolved to extend the Matabeleland railway from Bulawayo into Zambcsia, forthwith. The object is to tap the magnificent coalfields in Zambesia.
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    • 26 1 The Spanish Cabinet has approved of draft decrees, granting to the inhabitants of Cuba and Porto Rico the same‘Constitutional rights which Spaniards enjoy.
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    • 39 1 ]jondon y 10 th November. In the match at Melbourne, Stoddart’s Team closed their first innings for 250 runs. The Victorian team then made 243 runs in their second innings f r the loss of nine wickets.
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    • 41 1 A sensation has been caused at Paris by the suicide of M. Dreyfus, with his wife and three children. The deceased was cousin to Captain Dreyfus, a notorious military convict. The motive for the suicide is not known.
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    • 113 1 London 11th November. Lord Salisbury delivered a speech at the Guildhall banquet. His Lordship stated, in the speech, that continuous and animated, but always friendly, negotiations were proceeding with France, Germany, Portugal, and Italy regarding Africa. In these questions, said Lord Salisbury, the British Government desired to be
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    • 26 1 In the match at Melbourne, the Victorian team closed their second innings with a score of 247 runs. Stoddart’s team won by two wicket#.
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    • 56 1 A reconnoitring force under General Westmacott was attacked while retiring. The following were the resulting casualties: —Lieutenants Waddell and Maclntire and sixteen men killed. Lieutenant Kent and thirty men wounded —all of tiie Northampton Regiment. Lieutenants Ingham and Mercer and six men ol the Dorset Regiment wounded.
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    • 20 1 Colonel Adams and Lieutenants Fitfcastle and Costello have received the Victoria Cross, for gallantry in the Frontier War.
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    • 21 1 The calling for tenders for India Council Bills has been suspended for a further minimum period of four weeks.
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    • 54 1 POLLING AT LIVERPOOL. London 12th Nov. The election in t he Exchange Division of Liverpool to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of Mr. J. C. Bigham, the late member, to a judgeship, has been held. Mr. Maearthur, Unionist, was elected by 2,711 votes against 2,657 votes cast
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    • 20 1 BURDEN ON EGYPT. The expenditure on the Nile Expedi ion is seriously crippling all the E yptinn departrnts.
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    • 22 1 INTERIOR MARCH. Colonel Northcott and staff have arrived at Cape Coast Castle, and have gone inland with eleven hundred carriers.
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    • 38 1 London 13 tk November The French comments upon Lord Salisbury's speech at the Guildhall are very moderate. These comments dwell with emphasis upon the desire in France for a friendly agreement on the Niger question.
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    • 9 1 Reuter’s correspondent has reached Suakim from Berber.
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    • 54 1 Londcm, loth November. Russia has informed the Turkish Government, that, if any portion of the Greek war indemnity is laid out on armaments, she will demand payment of the arrears of the Russo-Turkish war indemnity. It is believed that the object of Russia is to prevent the reconstruction
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    • 26 1 Thirty-five Sikhs, under a native officer, have been cut off by tribesmen in the Kurram Valley. The whole of the detachment was killed.
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    • 23 1 CANADIAN MOVE. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is now at Washington, negotiating with the United States Government for the conclusion of a reciprocity treaty.
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    • 14 1 Count Cassini, the Russian Ambassador at Pekin, has been transferred to Washington.
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  • 18 1 DEATH. On the 13th instant, at Hongkong, Melecio Jo.wriM ierra Ribeiko, of Macau. Aged 58 years. Deeply regretted.
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  • 1457 2 (Straits Times 10th Ncrcmhcr.) We publish to-day the Report of the Sub-Committee appointed by the Committee of the Singapore Chamber f Commerce “to inquire into the local Currency with the view of calling the attention of Government to the question of converting the Straits Currency to a
    (Straits Times, 10th Ncrcmhcr.)  -  1,457 words
  • 745 2 (Straits Times 1\ th November.) The First Report of the Central Executive Committee of the Indian Famine Charitable Relief Fund, dealing with the operations of the Fund from the 1st of January, until the 31st of July, 1897, has just been issued. Though a very full report,
    (Straits Times, 1\ th November.)  -  745 words
  • 425 2 (Straits Times 1 2th November.) In a note upon the Inter-Colonial Cricket and Rifle Matches on Wednesday, we remarked that if the Straits were to succeed as against all China, both at cricket and Jwith the rifle, it would be an achievement of which to be proud. On
    (Straits Times, 12th November.)  -  425 words
  • 1893 2 (Straits Times 15 th November.) Mr. Lazarus Josephus Chater has been the subject of considerable discussion in commercial circles during the last few days. Mr. Chater is, or was until he filed his petition, a pineapple preserver, a varnish and disinfectant manufacturer, and a brick maker. To
    (Straits Times, 15th November.)  -  1,893 words

  • 62 3 There seems to be an improvement in the price of Raubs. Among the passengers for Penang by the P. &O. mail are Col. Walker and Dr., Mrs., and Miss Simon. A promenade concert will be given at the Volunteer Headquarters in Hongkong, on the night of the
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  • 29 3 Messrs. Elcum and Hellier inspected St. Anthony’s Girls’ School yesterday. 73 girls were presented up to Standard VI, and they obtained 86 per cent, oi possible passes.
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  • 41 3 On Monday, the third magistrate saw T a Police officer, when leaving the court, put his helmet on. The officer was called back, and told that, if this happened again, he would be committed for contempt of court.
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  • 44 3 Yesterday morning, a Chinaman named Goh Seu Lee left his house, No. 51-1, Killiney Road, at seven o’clock. He returned very ill at ten, was removed to hospital, and died at half-past two, from excessive indulgence in the use oi opium.
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  • 47 3 The Revd. H. L. Mackenzie, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of England, is a passenger on board the P. 0. Rome, leaving London on the sth November. He is returning to Swatow, where he began work as a missionary to the Chinese in 1860.
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  • 398 3 THE MOYUNE.” SAFE ARRIVAL IN SINGAPORE. The 8. s. Moyune arrived safely in Singapore yesterday morning, having run from Balabac Island where she put in after striking an uncharted rock in ;he Sulu Sea on the 2nd of October. She left the island on the 5th instant under her own
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  • 250 3 THE JUMPING CONTEST. The programme presented to a very large house on Monday night w'as unique. The appearance of Willie HarmstonLove, a juvenile of tender years, as a dashing fox hunter, called forth great applause. Little Anne Aldean, quite a cherub, showed marked pluck in her equestrian act
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  • 44 3 The HokkAido Colliery Company in Japan has suddenly dropped a design to run colliers regularly to Singapore after capital had been raised for the purpose. It now T proposes to appropriate this sum to a general development of the business at home.
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  • 62 3 Yesterday the S.C.C., met the Garrison, the S.C.C., winning on the first innings by 151 again9t 78. The Garrison, in their second venture, made 57 for the loss of 5 wickets. The Second Elevens of the same teams also played yesterday. The S. C. C. made 78 and 63,
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  • 113 4 Bombay, 3rd Nor Chapekar. who had confessed to committing the Poona murders, was taken before the District Magistrate at Poona, on the 3rd November, and charged with the murder of Mr. Hand, and the abetment of the murder of Mr. Ayerst and Mr. Rand. A
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  • 169 4 Details of the Chittagong cyclone show that the havoc wrought is even worse than was anticipated. There is hardly a house standing, and the largest trees were uprooted. The English vessels escaped with slight damage, but twelve native cralt are reported to have been lost on the
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  • 188 4 CONTEMI*T OF COURT. At the British Consular Court, Bangkok, on the 5th instant, an action raised by the publication in t he Siam Observer of an article, containing the petition with comments in the pending case of Watson v. Naylor came up for hearing, before Mr. Archer
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  • 108 4 The P. O. table showing the proposed movem* 4 of their mail steamers, next }^r nts A public meeting is to be held at exchange, on the 17th inst tr, 1 th,! for the sports on New Year’s day Yesterday, Mr. E. C. C. Howard sworn, and
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  • 38 4 There was a record house last nHt to witness Mr. Robert Love's benefit performance. Every available place was occupied, and the audience kept merry from start to finish, the performers being in their best form. 1
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  • 57 4 H.S.M.S. Ram Rook (formerly Ofo** Buratit) lias been converted into a modern gunboat. On the 20th instant, she is to leave Bangkok for Singapore to receive her armament of four 9 pounder Armstrong guns, similar to the small ones on the Moha Cluilkri and two large guns, also
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  • 62 4 At two o’clock yesterday afternoon, at No. 13, Carpenter Street, five men induced a stranger to accompany them upstairs. When there, they took five dollars from him, and threw him out of the window. A lance-corporal saw this and succeeded in arresting one of the men. The man
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  • 67 4 Mr. Zernor, of the Union Hotd, reports that on the 9th instant, he rota from High Street to Battery Road in a ’rikisha. He afterwards found that he had left in the vehicle a purse contain ingtwo diamond rings, and two package of diamonds, tlie whole worth $3,000.
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  • 147 4 A SELANGOR DEFENDANT. The District Court of Colombo on the 3rd instant, began the hearing of a divorce case —Lewis r. Lewis. 1 h«; plaintiff, Jessie Theodora Lewis, institute! an action for a dissolution of marriage against her husband, Mr. Caul Lew>. of Selangor, on the ground of
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  • 225 4 A concert was given last night, umk M the auspices of the Church ol hnglain Temperance Society at the Boustea Institute. Admission was free, am* considering the shortness o: the no i< given, there was a large attendance. select programme was opened >>• piano solo
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  • 67 5 TIIK OCTOBER CRUSHING. BETTER RESt'LTS. T i ij:r;i:AM from Raub, dated yesteri Vvciung, states: “Crushing is ei W d. 2.450 tons of stone realised ounces of smelted gold.” This nearly 15dwts. to the ton. At '•W’vvious clean up, which finished i: ltli October, the yield was ‘l-T,•uncos of
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  • 664 5 WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD-* r. r. r. 38TH co. U. a. Thk-k teams met last evening on the j-mlanade, to replay the first round of •m/ above Shield, which last week ended in a draw of no goals. The n ,l was in excellent condition, and fair number of spectators
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  • 69 5 A Japanese newspaper feels sure that will have no difficulty in dealing J'Jth the ailver gen now being withdrawn rfj m circulation. Forty millions will required for recoinage purposes atone, !j? Ile w subsidiary coinage absorbing xj 18 quantity. Corea will require hl Ver ti r her own domestic
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  • 164 5 THE STRAITS v. SHANGHAI. ANOTHER VICTORY FOR THE STRAITS. [Ihj telegram.] Hongkong Xov. 10th 5.2*1 p.m. The Straits innings have concluded for 138, as against 76 made by Shanghai. Score:— Glassford, b Mann ]6 Curtis, e Wallace b Mann 3.3 Steven*, c Farbriclge b Lanning 19 T. Hubback,
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  • 172 5 THE SUPERIOR” HONGKONG WICKET. On the 4th November, the Straits Team at Hongkong, with the assistance of a few Hongkong players, played a practice match on the cricket ground, the competing teams being Mr. Leach’s eleven and Captain Talbot’s eleven. The former made 188 runs and the latter 158 runs.
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  • 413 5 THE YELLOW CURSE.” We have received the following letter and enclosure from a Chinese resident in Natal. The enclosure is headed The Yellow Curse 120, West Street, l’ieter Maritzburg, Natal, 7th October, 1897. TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE u STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Herewith I beg to send
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  • 714 5 HARMSTON’S CIRCUS PROSECUTED. A FINE OF A HUNDRED DOLLARS. This morning, Mr. Robert Love appeared before Mr* O’Sullivan in answer to a summons issued at the instance of the Chief Police Officer, for carrying on a lotteiy at Harmston’s Circus, on Tuesday night. The allegation were first, that
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  • 101 5 The Pinang Gazette asks for home rule for Penang; also a Lieutenant-Gover-nor also equal rank with Bombay and Madras. The argument begins about the scarcity of police-officers and continues thus Anyhow, as we have remarked before, the Settlement pays for four officers, so the services of
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  • 1562 5 THE ACTION AT DARGAI. OPERATIONS IN TIRAH. TITE AMEER AND THE TRIBESMEN. Lahore, 28th Oct. Regarding the Chagru Kotal fight on the 20th, an officer in the fight says that the position had to be taken by frontal attack alone. The Saroba heights present towards Chagru Kotal,
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  • 109 5 —Malay Mail. If the average express speed of the Selangor railways is 10-10/17 miles an hour, with firewood cheap and oil plentiful, how long would it take to get from Kuala Lumpur to Raub on a pneuma-tic-tired motor car, with a China boy sitting on the safety valve
    —Malay Mail.  -  109 words

  • 543 6 (From the Times of Ceylon.") London, 31st October. In a speech by Mr. Leonard Courtney at Fowey, he said that, while deprecating the policy of the forward school, he believed the evidence was wanting to connect the present rising on the Indian Frontier with what was done
    (From the “ Times of Ceylon.") «  -  543 words
  • 1588 6 Via Australia.) London, 22nd October. It was announced on the loth October, that the ship-builders had arranged a compromise with the Boiler-makers and Iron and Steel Ship-builders’Union, by which the agreement of 1892 was reverted to. By this agreement an hour is allowed to the workmen for walking
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  • 83 6 THE P. O. ITie Peninsular and Oriental Company, have ordered a steamer of 10,000 tons, the largest yet built for that famous line. Ships of such great size have hitherto been reserved for the Atlantic trade, but, as the Germans have now four vessels of 10,000 tons running to Australia,
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  • 87 6 ALLEGED INADEQUATE BAIL. Tins morning, an instanter summons was served upon Mr. Kahlert and Dr. Von Krudy to appear at the police office, to arrange for more secure bail than that now given. The police are not satisfied with the bank draft now in the hands
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  • 49 6 The Senior Boarding Officer, Mr. Dennison, has returned to duty from leave in India. It is reported that the Opium monopoly at Hongkong for the three ensuing years has been farmed for about $32,000 per annum, being $9,000 more than what the present holder is paying.
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  • 28 6 Mr. Miller of Barganny House reports that his servant has disappeared with thirty dollars of Mr. Miller’s and twenty-four dollars and ten shillings belonging to Mr. Risk.
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  • 39 6 Last January, the man Kho Chye, of ’rikisha strike notoriety, was banished. Yesterday he was discovered by Mr. Hooper in the town and was promptly arrested. The penalty for returning from banishment is penal servitude for life.
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  • 41 6 The Government of India is making all necessary arrangements for observations of the eclipse of the sun next January. Several parties of observers will be employed along the zone of country where the eclipse will be best seen.
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  • 44 6 Yesterday, a bullock cart driver, knocked down a ‘rikisha driver in Canal Road, and fractured his leg. The injured man was removed to hospital, and the Kling driver arrested. The man »was before the magistrate this morning, and the case was adjourned.
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  • 52 6 This morning, an Eurasian, named Goodenough, was fined fifty dollars, or three weeks, for amusing himself, yesterday, by breaking sundry articles of furniture, the property of an elderly widow woman named Taylor. It was stated that the defendant was very excited, and terrified the inmates o
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  • 52 6 Ox Wednesday, one of the crew of a Dutch man-of-war in port shot himself. Some difficulty was experienced by the police in obtaining information, and in getting the body ashore for medical examination. The funeral took place in the evening. There were four officers and forty o the crew
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  • 59 6 A Chinaman named Ang Ho has reported to the police that, yesterday, he left his house in Havelock Road and went to collect four hundred and fifty dollars in Beach Road. When he got there, he found that his servant had anticipated him, and, with a forged receipt,
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  • 65 6 The wreck of the s.s. Poh Jlin Guan was successfully blown-up, last Saturday afternoon, in the Perak River. It will be remembered that the Poh Hin Guan was run down there by the s.s. Neera about a year ago, two miles from Teluk Anson. The wreck stood in
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  • 66 6 A Qhixamax, named Kau Ah Chay, a cashier at No. 19 North Circular Road, says that, on Wednesday afternoon, he was accosted by two men, who robbed him of a fifty dollar note, nineteen dollars in silver and some copper. Mr. Bell, the Chief Police Officer, was on the
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  • 69 6 ENTERPRISE AT BANGKOK. The Siam Observer hears of a big scheme in hand by the Borneo Co. to ensure a supply of cheap oil in Bangkok in a few months’ time. The firm is said to be going in for new tanks, the largest in the place,
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  • 72 6 This morning, Mr. H. C. Jantz prosecuted his Hylam boy for stealing a suit of clothes and trying to pawn them. He was arrested by a detective. The garments were worth eighteen dollars. The prisoner had but just been dismissed from another situation on suspicion of having
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  • 57 6 The following statement show. position of the chief revenue a! thl; of Singapore Municipality for f^ OU nts nine months of 1897, and how compare with the same pericd in 1896 Rates &U4.LT' J Taxes 93,1.33 Licenses and Fees. 19*579 T?’!? Slaughter Houses. .32,*390 Markets 69,725 Water Supply
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  • 102 6 Ax announcement is made bv Shanghai journal that the coal produce!! from the newly opened mines of th Chin Yung Ho Mining Co/s property in the South Taiwu range of hills not f a from Amoy has proved to be of<*ood quality. It is stated that a quantity
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  • 96 6 The death rate for September was 15.29 against 48.35 in September, 1896 Cholera, of which t(iere had previously been only one case in January and one in August, caused 21 deaths in September The cases were sporadic and there is every hope of its soon being stamped
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  • 138 6 At Trincomalee, in Ceylon, on the Ist instant, Lieut. S. T. Armitage of H. M. S. Cossack committed suicide. The man-of-war was in harbour at the time. Two shots w’ere heard below, and Lieut, Armitage was found lying in his cabin dead with two shots through his
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  • 147 6 Telegraph extension in the Philippine islands has been carried out by the E. E. A. China Telegraph Co.’s steamer Sherard Osftom which left Singapore on the 14th Sept. last, luburan on the w est coast of Cebu w as connected with Escalante on the east coast ol Negros;
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  • 175 6 This morning, T. Essen, Chief Engineer of the Hong Leong w*as brougn before Mr. Howard, on the change oi having attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat on board the s.s. Ilw l [1 Leong on the 19th of October. Mr. Stewart appeared for the Crown.
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  • 33 7 HONGKONG r. SHANGHAI. [Ihy Telegram.] Hongkong, Thursday 5.55 p.m. S t he match between Shanghai and Hongkong, the former, in their first nnirf'' scored 173 to which Hongkong replied with 162.
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  • 54 7 rOMH-KTE VICTORY FOR THE STRAITS. HONGKONG SCORE 916. I By Telegram.] Hongkong Thursday 5.55 p.m. Honckonc has fired off’ in the Intercolonial Rifie Match. The total score was Vl 6. The Straits Team has thus secured :he Championship of the Far East, Shanghai only scoring 860. The
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  • 536 7 HIE WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD. 1st round. R.A. r. E. CO., RIFLE BRIGADE. Thk teams should have met last night on the Esplanade to decide the above tie, but owing to the Rifles being unable to get together their full team they decided to scratch, and, consequently, the U. A.
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  • 57 7 annual examination of the Jim Hean” Free School was LL' U( *®d yesterday, the percentage of itan?4?k* a ne d being fair. We under- -arl r Cheang Jim Hean spends of th; every year for the upkeep 8 hool, which has over a hundred tlish^ n
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  • 1037 7 THURSDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. PRESENT. H. E. The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, g.c.m.g. Hon. Bogle, r.e., Officer Commanding the Troops. Hon. C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary. Hon. T. de M. Braddell, Acting AttorneyGeneral. Hon. F. G. Penney, Acting Colonial Treasurer. Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. Lim Boon
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  • 295 7 Shanghai Daily Press. GOLDFIELDS NEAR PEKING. There have been many rumours of rich goldfields in China from time to time, and it is know’n that in Manchuria, and the north and south west of China, there exist many fields of mineral wealth. In these districts "old is
    Shanghai Daily Press.  -  295 words
  • 161 7 MR. tOVE AND THE FINE. Last night, a fairly good house attended the performance. Mr. Love announced* that he had been fined one lundred dollars for having given prizes ;o the people who attended the show\ He had been also told that, if he gave any more prizes,
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  • 1396 7 PUBLIC EXAMINATION. THE BRICKFIELD TRANSACTION. 1 he public examination in bankruptcy of L. J. Chater, pineapple preserver, brick manufacturer, &c., of Bencoolen Street, and Passir Panjang, w’as held at the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. The summary of the debtor's statement of affairs showed unsecured liabilities, expected to
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  • 234 7 This morning, eight Chinamen and one woman were charged before Mr. Wolferstan with gang robbery, and receiving stolen property at Mr. Nathans house at Passir Ris, on the 29th of October. Mr. Newland appeared for the Crown. Abubaker said he was mandore to Mr. Nathan. On
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  • 689 8 Next week, there will be issued three sheets, printed in colours, showing views of Penang, of Kuala Lumpur, and of Ipoh; and the sheets will be issued, on the same day, as supplements to the Straits Times to the Jfinang Gazette and to the Malay Mail respectively.
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  • 178 8 Via Uancjoon). London, sth November. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, speaking at Sheffield, said lie thought that drastic reforms in Army administration were required before any increase in the Army, ensuring adequate returns for the large expenditure. Mr. Balfour, speaking at Norwich, denied that the Government had directly
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  • 1931 8 THE CAPTAIN V. THE OWNERS OF THE WILL O’ THE W ISP. This morning at the Supreme Court before the Acting Chief Justice, the further hearing was resumed of the action of Captain Busk, late master of the s. s. Will o' the Wisp, to recover $491.30
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  • 392 8 >imla, 3rd November. To-day's news from the Tirah force does not report any further fighting. General Lockhart is encamped in the Kambar Kliel country close to Bagh where tribal meetings are usually held. The Maidan Valley is extensive, well cultivated, and thickly studded with villages, but hardly
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  • 120 8 THE GOLD YIELD. The goldfields of West Australia are officially reported to be progressing, and the export of gold is increasing at a marvellous rate. Up to the end of September, this year, the export was 451,047 ounces, valued at XI,713,978, and there is every prospect of the
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  • 77 8 At Rangoon, on the Bth instant, the quantity of old crop, still remaining in millers’ hands, was very trifling, and what was offering was being picked up at Rs. 260 to Rs. 262-8. A sharp drop in Straits exchange had tfie effect of causing the Chinese to withdraw
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  • 870 8 “STRAITS TIMES^ T0UUNAMEvr GIUOCO PIANO. White. p (Mr. G. S. Reutens) (Mr i tL 4 E-t. M3 fc* 4 Kt—K B 3 B-k- k r 5* a K x B QxR kt (th) q-B 8 (ch) K—K 2 (A QxP(cb) Kt—Q o Castles P-oVt t Kt—QB8 O-K.o »-<<;(*) i-K«,
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  • 107 9 I r ,ported that the Ceylon GovernI r in future, to oilicer the I: eh**' 11 the Civil Service. I ns hundred and sixty-eight deaths I-.-,* _r>t'T'*d here in the week ending I ’.ay last, with a ratio of 45.52 I. ,r thousand. I I pn: Hon.
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  • 44 9 HONGKONG r. SHANGHAI. H N-IKONO WIN BY TWO WICKETS. \lhj Telegram Hongkong Friday, 5.10/cm. ii \okoni; have scored 1(>2. and 201 h; V wickets in t' eir second innings, ;hu tcating Shanghai l»y two wickets. T Shanghai scores were 175 and ISO.
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  • 31 9 wealthy money-lender of Calcutta I war. the other day, buried alive by a friend who was looking after him in his ili/j the friend walking oil* with all valuables.
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  • 35 9 The last Penang Assize of the year ill Im> opened on Tuesday next, before Mr. Justice Law. The calendar is wpected to be a heavy one. So far 21 b»-s have been committed.
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  • 28 9 Tin-* morning, Inspector Fairhurst '•harp'd a Malay named Senega with iio'm-hreaking at Karimun within the 'urisdirtion of Netherlands India. The was postponed for further evidence.
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  • 35 9 1 in: latest defensive suggestion at '•-nantr is the formation of a European 'hooting Club to include other nationa- tic? than British, and to be organised to a kind of armed special constable
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  • 42 9 P lias been settled that I)r. Yon ri, dy shall endorse his draft on the in favour of the Manager,, and lt die Manager shall place the sum of >! ‘>,000 to the credit of the Colonial 1 n-a-urer.
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  • 47 9 B;. p. J. Sproule is appointed a d‘iL r i>trate at Penang, Messrs. H. Marriott and Ralph Scott are appointed /pity hand Revenue Collectors at M fla. t a and Mr. C. Michell acts as h t nr 0 f p anc t Revenue at Singapore.
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  • 75 9 ini; Society for the promotion of ■'Ktlc Education in the East has at l r t'Hind a successor to the late Miss who, it will be remembered, for in y years occupied the position of ,lr '.-«-tress to the Chinese Girls’ School Miss Gage Brown arrived from
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  • 80 9 K hear, says the Pinang Gazette that, y !l c inching of the Trustees of the U** chool held on Monday, Mr. W. Reaves, m.a., the energetic and UK ti r oa( l-Master, was granted six s leave from January next, and Z'lt, mark of their appreciation
    80 words
  • 947 9 The members of the Chinese Christian Association, had a lively hour’s debate last night, at the Prinsep Street Chapel. The subject chosen for discussion was that Straits youths should be trained and encouraged to go in for other kinds of employment than the clerical.’* Some
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  • 1381 9 The Standard of 13th October discusses at some length the various Jubilee Addresses sent to Her Majesty from all parts of the world, and incidentally the Standard pays me quite a pretty compliment. It selects for its special commendation a sentence from the address of the Chetties
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  • 42 9 This morning, Kho Chye, who was banished last January for being engaged in the Vikisha strike, was brought before Mr. Howard, charged with returning from banishment. The police asked for a postponement till Tuesday, the 16th instant. This was granted.
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  • 50 9 With reference to section 3 of Ordinance XV of 1897 (“An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the ResidentGeneral of the Federated Malay States the Governor has appointed Mr. William Hood Treacher, c. m. g., to act in the Office of Resident-General. of the Federated Malay States. A
    50 words
  • 3338 9  -  [by HUGn C LIFFORD. J NO. S—ON MALAYAN RIVERS. Onward o’er nun’ en aard-i, through a wildern**ea sombre with forest. Day after day they glided adown the tnrbclent river; Night after .nitrht, by their blaring fires encamped on it* border*. ‘‘Now throngh ruahin* chute*, among green island*
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  • 201 10 Yesterday afternoon, the pupils in the Convent gave a dramatic entertainment. The title of the play, which was of a religious character, was Fabiola, or the catacombs of Rome.” It was given in honour of the feast day of the Right Rev. Dr. Fee, Bishop of Malacca.
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  • 1049 10 THE HOME GOVERNMENT. Mr. Ckemer, the Minister for the Colonies, has declared in the States General, that the Finance Minister in Holland is opposed to raising a loan for-Netherlands India at present. Tin Minister for the Colonies also announced that tlie Government intended to g» on with the
    1,049 words
  • 60 10 Colonel Pexnefatiier returned from Pahang by the Lady ],o»gden on Saturday. Seven hundred and thirty-five deaths were registered here, last month, with a ratio of 41.92 per thousand. The Za 'cena from Samarang via ports reports having, on the Bth instant, in Banka Straits, spoken the British
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  • 35 10 To accelerate the mail service between Hongkong and Japan, the P. and O. Company are to place the Rosetta and Roh ilia on the run, in plat e uf the Verona and Ancona.
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  • 34 10 Lim Toxg Chuax, of 14, Ang Siang Hill, complains to the Police to-day that, on the 13th inst., his cousin came i*to the house and stole his(Chuans) mothers hairpins, worth Sioo.
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  • 35 10 With regard to the paper chase on Wednesday, it is intimated that no invitations are being issued, but that Mr. Cuthbertson will be glad to see all interested in paperchases at the finish.
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  • 45 10 Nearly a score of ’rikisha pullers were brought up this morning for playing cards. Some of them admitted the the fact, others said they were looking on. They were fined two dollars, or four days, each. This means more than half a week’s earnings.
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  • 42 10 A FOUR-oarcd race will take place shortly between a civil service crew and a private crew captained by the Secretary. Regular practice will he resumed on Tuesdaysand Fridays, when a member of the Committee will attend to arrange crews.
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  • 43 10 Three Malays, two of them women, stand charged with perjury, by giving false evidence in the court of two Magistrates with intent to injure another. The case was brought up this morning, and postponed till the 22nd instant. Bail $200 each.
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  • 45 10 J. LITTLE CO. (LD.) Messrs. John Little and Co. (I'd) advertise a select and varied assortment of Christmas goods. Toys of all kinds and sizes take front rank. Cosaque®* chocolate creams, fruit sweats, nuts, plum-pudding, cakes, and hancf-painted boxes for presents swell the tempting display.
    45 words

  • 32 11 iS Tve Hi, a Macao woman, was, 'Saturday, fined £5OO, in default six fur being in possession of 5132 nV u, V illicit cliandu. The fine was not U !,i
    32 words
  • 58 11 annual Chingay Chinese proecsplace next Monday at noon. carried in state from his the Orchard Road cemetery, ;ii -r by the procession at Read t and f»*• 11 n thence conveyed, with .»ni;>. to the Hylam Temple, j i.. remains in town until January. jr will be
    58 words
  • 61 11 j* ,ar<l of Officers will assemble at orderly R om, Tanglin, at 11 a.m. Wednesday, the 17th inst., and will Xrv. irds proceed to Fort Canning ibakang Mati, for the purpose of t*, on certain sites at the above f,.r the erection of buildings pro- i in connection
    61 words
  • 68 11 court martial was held at Honglioniz. on the 5th instant, on board II M > I i r 1ar Hnimiuel, when Montague IVnfoM, Assistant Paymaster of II.M.S. //,„«/,*/*.was charged with misappropriatiDi: public money. The charge being real, evidence was taken at some length, and the court found
    68 words
  • 96 11 Nine men, mostly Malays, were •nrrc-t. il. yesterday afternoon, in Jalan n’gtn, for cock-fighting. One of the j re 'iicis is the great local authority on thi' kind of sport. Eight birds were cam 1 v the police one of them was |,!ir. Five of the men admitted the
    96 words
  • 90 11 I'lining Gazette. extort trade. Mr. Goh Boon Keng, manager of Mr. I .eng (’beak's rice mills at Penang, to proceed to Colombo, in order m make arrangements to export Straits rice to that port. It appears that, a few years ago. rice used by the Klings was imported
    I'lining Gazette.  -  90 words
  • 103 11 THE I’EPl’ER EXPORT. Oimcn.TiEs have arisen between the ‘Utb «>f Perlak and the Resident of Wit* (Aclieen Coast). Some raiding 1 ■■•-•cully took place within Edie territory, the Resident charged the Rajah of Perlak wirh abetment. The Rajah denied I’D.* Dutch authorities have retained iiic 860.000 of the dues
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  • 200 11 Saturday night, a vocal and instrumental concert wras given at the Tem- Club, Hill Street, the object ln S to assist the funds of the institu1 jii l be room was well filled, and an aborate programme, consisting of /Lotions on the pianoforte, solo songs, j r
    200 words
  • 54 11 On Friday, a young man, named Goodenough, was fined fifty dollars for breakingthe furniture belonging to Mrs. Taylor. This morning, Mrs. Taylor applied for a summons against him, praying that Goodenough might be bound over to keep the peace for six months, as she was afrail lie
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  • 106 11 NO LAWYERS ADMITTED. At Raub, on the 1st instant, a Tamil Public Works chief clerk, named Duray, was acquitted on charges of extortion and receiving illegal gratifications. He had held a feast at which the guests present had made him presents of money. The evidence failed to establish
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  • 122 11 Last Wednesday, a large audience assembled at the Town Hall, Penang, to witness Tableaux Vivants or Living Pictures carefully planned by several of the leading ladies and gentlemen of Penang, in aid of the Jubilee Permanent Memorial in St. George’s Church. The tableaux presented in the
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  • 164 11 Mr. Frank Lincoln, the humourist, vept a crowded house in one great roar of merriment from the beginning to tlie end of his performance at the Towm Hall, on Saturday night. It was a great »erfonnance. Everybody laughed, and omo people laughed so much that the ears
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  • 282 11 THE REBELLION. The official bulletins give particulars of successful encounters with rebel bands. But the extent of the rebellion may be better judged from the intention of tlie Home Government, mentioned m the Comercio of the 27th October* to raise more money to cope with it. The Home
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  • 52 11 The Tjwly Longden brought from Singgora, on Saturday, 11. E. Phya Sukham, Chief Commissioner of Singgora, his private Secretary, and two Assistant Commissioners; and 11. E. Phya Mongeheek, Governor of Mongcheek: They will leave by the mail for Colombo to meet the King of Siam on his return
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  • 81 11 The Penang Turf Club met on Friday last, and amended the program me for the Meeting there next January. The value of the Penang Derby w r as raised to Si,ooo, the largest prize ever presented by the Penang Turf Club. The value of the Paddock Cup,” the
    81 words
  • 79 11 A telegram received in Ceylon from the King of Siam says that the King expects to arrive atTrincomalee in that island on the 30th instant. He is to leave Trincomalee on the 3rd December, and arrive at Singapore on the 10th. His arrival at Bangkok is fixed
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  • 182 11 On Monday afternoon, a young intelligent Chinese girl applied to the Acting Chief Justice for an order to have an adopted child made over to her. Briefly, the following w’ere the facts related by the applicant. The girl, some years ago, had married a Chinaman, but
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  • 412 11 SALE BY SAMPLE OR SALE BY DESCRIPTION This morning, in the Supreme Court, acting Chief Justice Collyer gave judgment in the case of Meyer Bros, v. M. M. Noordin and Co. This was an action to recover damages in respect of an alleged breach of contract in
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  • 80 11 The calendar for the Assizes, which commences its sittings to-morrow, contains twenty-five cases. Of these, four are for murder; two for attempted suicide; four for gang robbery; three for using as genuine a forged document one for counterfeiting coin; three for housebreaking; one for cheating and forgery; three
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  • 92 11 OFF BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. The earthquake on the North Borneo Coast, on the 21st September, has resulted in the rising of another islet. The sea off’ the north coast of Banguey island was seen to be in violent commotion, and a squall arose. When the storm abated,
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  • 156 11 The contest for the Autumn Cup took place on Saturday, at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, and the following were the scores J. Campl>ell 41 44 85 8 77 .1. B. Eleum 40 47 87 6 81 W. C. Southam 51 49 100 16 84 Dr.
    156 words
  • 399 11 S. C. C. V. CIVIL SERVICE. This two days’ match was completed on Saturday, the S. C. C. winning on the first innings by G runs. Scores 8. C. C. FIRST INNINGS. R. T. Reid b Valberg ..3 E. S. Ezekiel b Wolferstan 3 V. 1>. Parsons c Anthony
    399 words
  • 1220 11 HONGKONG OPINION. THE HONGKONG DAILY PRESS.’’ The Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce appointed to considerthe currency question have arrived (says the Hongkong Daily Press of 6th November), at a wise decision in recommending the adoption of the gold standard and the degradation of the dollar
    1,220 words

  • 1140 12 STRAITS TIMES” TOURNAMENT. The tournament was brought to a close last Saturday evening, the last game played being between A. Hood Begg and W. Mosbergen. The notable feature of the tournament is the quality of the games played, some of which may he compared with those of the great
    1,140 words
  • 223 12 To fresh complaints by the Municipality of Penang regarding the inefficiency of 11 io Police there, the Acting Colonial Secretary replied, on the 1st instant, that another Police officer was already on his way to Penang, and that Penang had a greater strength of superior Police officers than
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  • 88 12 For Singapore. Per M. M. s. 8. Salazie from Marseilles 24tli Oct:—Mr. and Mrs.Gutcher,And Miss Webb, Mr. Hoorweg, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, Mr. Davoine, Mr. and Mrs. Kneuzle, and child, Mr. E. Foerster. Per M.M. s.s. Saghalien from Marseilles, Oct. 31:—Mr. Bickart. Per M. M. s.s. Polynesien connecting
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  • 313 12 THE STRAITS r. HONGKONG. BRILLIANT VICTORY FOR THE STRAITS. [By Telegram The telegram received on Monday, just before going to press, gave the score of the Straits Team, in the match, the Straits v. Hongkong, at 250 for the loss of six tvickets at luncheon time. The innings
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  • 79 12 THE SHANGHAI SCORE. SINGAPORE BEATS SHANGHAI. [By Telegram.] Hongkong Tuesday, 12.32 p.m. The Shanghai Team, in the Intercolonial Rifle Match, have fired oil* in the competition. Their total score is S60. This means a victory for the Straits, as against Shanghai, by the substantial majority of 74
    79 words
  • 229 12 TIIE STRAITS v. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI. ANOTHER GREAT VICTORY FOR THE STRAITS. (By Telegram.) IFongkong 13 th Nov., 6.25 p.m. To-day, the Straits met a team representing Hongkong and Shanghai. The Straits, going in first, put together the fine score of 381, Mackenzie contributing no fewer than 163.
    229 words
  • 2549 12 i innings of 4l\ —Hongkong Daily FULL REPORT. The 1897 Hongkong cricket week commenced November 8tli when the representatives of the Straits Settlements opposed the Hongkong team. Happily the weather was, contrary perhaps to expectations, fine, although there was not very much sun luring the day.
    i innings of 4l\—Hongkong Daily  -  2,549 words

    • 158 13 IE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES/’ 1° your issue of the 8th instant, an incorrect version of the tiie tiger we met by accident at B fin on Sunday last. As it was written by some one who nit the least idea of the affair, I
      158 words
  • 652 13 ARRIVALS. from Bangkok:—Mrs. lll !l ff pore from Bangkok:—Mr. Chow BJn/a from Klang via Laurie, Hall, and YVesterWra y ant son from Deli Messrs. Dennis, i,' Trieste from Trieste: —Dr. Be a/' v Rev. Klerck, Bev. Hi. ,i. r ,N 'hiehting, Mrs. Liedenberg, Hr j* an d Mrs.
    652 words
    • 208 13 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer sh.—ship bq.—barque; Brit.—British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Jobore; &c., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W. Borneo Whar f; J. W.
      208 words
    • 1252 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Banka, Dut. str. 124 tons, Capt Vos, 14th Nov. From Palembang, 13th Nov. G.c., and 34 d.p. Lim Chin Swee. For Muntok 17th —Rds. Bantam, Dut. str. 2,132 tons Capt Preussner, 14th Nov. From Batavia, Pith Nov. G.c., and 56 d.p. Daendels Co.
      1,252 words
    • 126 13 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. F lag j Date Date. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From where Destin- ReRig. Sailing ation marks. Nov 4Ger s. Wandsbek Lorenzen Oct 21 Probolingo Azores f.o. j 4Ital s. S. Fanny Chiozza Oct 23 Samarang Azores f.o. I 5 Brit s.
      126 words
    • 1074 13 H j FLAG 5 Vessel’s Name. A Tons. Captain I From Sailed. Consignees. a J Rio Nov i 8 jYashima Jap cru. ***** Arima Colombo Nov 2 Japanese Consul 8 Y’maguclii Maru str. 2038 {Kawamuro Yokohama Oct 19 P. Simons and Co. 8 India Brit str. 2591 Robertson Calcutta
      1,074 words
    • 617 14 I|. Pats. Vessel’s Name iFlag&Rig Captain Destination Nov 9 C. Hock Kian Brit. str. Maddox Hongkong and Amo) 9 Ban Hin Guan str. D’Cruze Klang via ports 9 Sam Tor t str. Taylor Bagan via ports 9 Bengkalis str. Hendry Muar 9 Devawongse str. Curtis Bangkok 9 Chelydra str.
      617 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 499 14 TO PREVENT OP, REMEDY Insect Bites or Stings, Itch, Piles, Ringworm, and other Skin Ailments, CALYERT’S 20 o/ /O Dcutiirico Dcjiuala CALVERT’S GARBOLiO TOOTH POWDER 6d., Is., Is. Gu., lib. 5s. Tins, or GARBOLiO dOIP 5 PASTE, Is* Tablets in Metal Box (English rate). IF USED AT BEDTIME IT WILL
      499 words
    • 743 14 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the OrtlOZNAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse A Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oihnen genorally. RETAIL (EVERYWHERE. m a THB BEST REHEDY FOB ACIDITY OF THU STOMACH, HEARTBURN,
      743 words
    • 1079 14 POISONED FROM We call particular attention to ,i T joined statement. X 0 incident of iu.* uU of equal interest and important k,nd occurred of late ."‘PWance >■- jccurreu 01 late years, a der.uZ.'?’ *>a» startling in its general sconT^ 100 of corroborative detail, certamh- van fu the conclusion that
      1,079 words