The Straits Budget, 2 November 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 131 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE "WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 16 1 i)v the .‘{1st October, at Rogie, Cluny th»* wife of Frank Ritchie, of a sod.
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    • 83 1 1'i-LM —Shepherd. —At St. George’s iTiurch, Penang, on the 25th October, U the Rev. H. C. Ilenham, Edward Pugh, Tiding Perak, to Emily Gertrude, second •laiL'bter of Richard Shepherd. Esq., Mnifor i, England. os the 27th October, at the Church of >!. itamahas, Beshill, Sussex, by the Rev. K
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  • 408 1 l.nniNG Articles. The Governor and Entertaining. Wednesday’s Telegrams. Volunteer Cavalry, l he Duchess of Teck. Fbe Gold Standard. West Africa. Behring Seals. I/X’AL. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Keck less Driving. Adulteration of Milk. Assault on the Ronetta. Alleged Housebreaking. Runaway Horse. Alleged Blackmailing, lhe Straits
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  • 512 1 Singapore, 2nd November, 1897. PRODUCE (Rates are corrected to one p.m.) Gambler. 5 6.20. Copra Bali, n 0*70. do Pontianak, 6.20. Pepper, Black, buyers 19.0*). do White, (6%) 37.00. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.00. do Brunei,..•••••••••••••••• 2.25. Pearl Sago 3.70. Coffee, Bali, picked 39.00. Coffee Palembang, picked 37.50. Coffee, Liberian,
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  • 359 1 The mail from Europe this week leaves by the M. M. s. s. Sydney. Thfe M. M. s. s. Ernest Simons with the mail from Europe of the Bth October arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe, next week leaves by the P. O. s. s.
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    • 28 1 FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT. London 26//* October. An express train on the New York Central Railway fell from an embankment into the Hudson River. Twenty-eight persons perished.
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    • 21 1 MILITARY REINFORCEMENTS. Six companies of the Seaforth Highlanders and a Mountain Battery are going to Malta from Candia in Crete.
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    • 37 1 THE ACTION AT DARGAI. The enemy’s loss in the engagement at Dargai is estimated at one thousand in killed and wounded. Captain Robinson of the Gurkhas, who was wounded in that engagement, has died.
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    • 52 1 THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. London 21th Octoiter. The Turkish and Greek delegates have agreed upon all the articles of the definitive treaty of peace with a few exceptions. The exceptions bear upon compensation to private persons for losses during the war, and also upon the question of Greek
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    • 44 1 THE GOVERNORSHIP. Turkey and the Powers have agreed upon choosing Colonel Schaeffer of the Luxemburg army, as Governor of Crete. Colonel Schaeffer is reputed to be an able and vigorous administrator, and to be a linguist conversant with the languages of the East.
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    • 25 1 FORWARD MOVEMENT. A column under General Hunter has left Berber to operate against Osman Digna, the Dervish leader, on the Atbara river.
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    • 30 1 The negotiations of the Hooley Syndicate for a loan to the Chinese Government have proved abortive. The Chinese Government is now negotiating with the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
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    • 36 1 DEATH OF THE DUCHESS OF TECK. Ixnulon, 28th October. The Duchess of Teck (the Princess Mary of Cambridge) lias died. Her death was caused by exhaustion, following upon an operation for strangulated hernia.
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    • 47 1 PROI»OSAL FOR A GOLD STANDARD. The Times says that there *is only one way of securing a stable rate of exchange between Britain and India. This way is the establishment of a common standard, w'hich, in the circumstances, can only be the gold sovereign.
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    • 60 1 DANGEROUS SITUATION IN WEST AFRICA. London, 29 th October. The Paris Temps fears that a serious crisis is imminent in West Africa, unless restraining orders be given immediately to the armed forces on both sides. It is stated in Paris that, owing to complications in the Lagos
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    • 58 1 THE WEST AFRICAN SITUATION. London 30 th October. The Times deals with the Lagos Hinterland question in a leading article. The article warns the French colonial party that Britain's patience is exhausted. It points out that Britain will now refuse to continue a series of compromises of
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    • 62 1 BRITAIN PLEDGED TO GOLD. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has delivered a speech at Bristol in which he dealt with the currency question. He expressed his entire concurrence with the rejection of the reopening of the Mints scheme by the Indian Government. Sir M. H
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    • 20 1 BRITISH BUCCEBS. The field force under Sir William Lockhart has captured the Sempagha pass with slight loss.
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    • 21 1 The funeral of the Duchess of Teck takes place on Wednesday next in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor.
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    • 48 1 OTODDART’s TEAM V. ADELAIDE. London, 1st November In the match between Stoddart’s team 9 and an Australian team at Adelaide, the first innings closed. > V, The Adelaide team made 409 runs, to which Hill contributed 200 runs. The English team made 475 runs, Ranjitsinghji contributing 189 runs.
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    • 44 2 Jdeep-sea sealing. The conference of representatives from Japan, Russia and the United States, held at Washington to discuss the Behring Sea Seal Question, has come to a decision. It has agreed upon a suspension or material limitation of all pelagic sealing.
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    • 30 2 FURTHER BRITISH BUCCESvSEB. Sir William Lockhart’s force has captured the Arhunga Pass with trifling loss. The troops Jare now descending into the Afridi sectionjof the Tirah platean.
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    • 26 2 The Norwegian Government intends to despatch a steamer in search of Andree, the explorer who sought to reach the North Pole in a balloon.
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    • 13 2 The Anglo-French West Africa Commission has held its first regular sitting.
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    • 12 2 The Egyptian occupation of Kassala has been definitively decided upon.
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  • 49 1 OBITUARY. Lord Rosmead [Sir Hercules Robinson] recently the Governor of Cape Colony, has died. DEATH. on the 26th October, at the residence of Mr. W. D. Reutens, No. 5, Queen sreet. Joseph Walter, the beloved and .nly son of H. and M. E. Angus, aged our years. Deeply regretted.
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  • 801 2 (Straits Times 26th Octolter.) Yesterday, the Legislative Council approved, in principle, of an establishment for the Governor in the Town of Penang. The principle was affirmed by a vote, on account, of ten thousand dollars for the purpose of converting and furnishing the military quarters at
    (Straits Times, 26th Octolter.)  -  801 words
  • 337 2 (Straits Times, 27th October.) Peace has now almost been concluded between Turkey and Greece. The main point of difference arises from the question of Greek consular jurisdiction in Turkey. Greek subjects there, like those of other European Powers, have hitherto been under the jurisdiction of their own consuls
    (Straits Times, 27th October.)  -  337 words
  • 253 2 (Straits Times 1 2 8th October.) 9 W Mr. Turner, who is the chief manager of very considerable sugar estates in Province Wellesley, proposes to form a cavalry force Turner’s Horse,”» as the Pinang Gazette suggests. As; there are some twenty or twenty-five Europeans on Mr. Turner’s estates,
    (Straits Times1 28th October.)  -  253 words
  • 296 2 (Straits Times, 28th October.) The death of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Teck, which we regret to have to record to-day, must be a sad blow to Her Majesty the Queen and the members of the Royal Family. For some time previous to the Jubilee
    (Straits Times, 28th October.)  -  296 words
  • 390 2 (Straits Times 2#th Odolter) The Times is quite right in saying that only by making the Indian standard of currency the same as that of Britain can there be a stable rate of exchange between India and Britain. It is for India to consider whether or no
    (Straits Times, 2#th Odolter)  -  390 words
  • 450 2 (Straits Times. 29 th October.) Our ex-Colonial Engineer, Major McCallum, has now a chance to show that quality of discretion which we did not always credit to him when he was here. For he is now Governor of Lagos; and Lagos is, for the moment, a place from
    (Straits Times. 29th October.)  -  450 words
  • 679 2 (Strait* Time*, l,t Kor, m i The Sealine Cnnf. The Sealing Conference T\ owing to the refusal oftheV.Zeminent to send a delegate sl,G Russia and the United Stated yJap sented, has come to a deefei re| decision cannot bind theBriti i Th ment whose interests are i inferentially
    (Strait* Time*, l,t Kor,mi The Sealine Cnnf.  -  679 words

  • 195 3 t kamek line from New Zealand to I idling at Singapore, is talked of. \ji Justice Law and Mr. Justice < tro to Penang by the Ravenna Jur.r- tomorrow. t i ai>v has been appointed on the 4 at doctors sent to India to enquire Into the*plague.
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  • 32 3 Kt»K lighting Penang town, the Muni' ipality there resolved to accept Huttenbachs tender at Si.99 jut lamp per month for three years, as .•omjarrd with the present rate of Si.49.
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  • 41 3 In Klang. the paddy harvest promises io lx* very large this season. Nearly very garden is now planted with paddy in. h-'t the coffee or other permanent cultivation. This is doubtless the n-ult of the present high price of rice.
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  • 41 3 A Malay woman, named Miriam, was anwnl last night for housebreaking »W r/icft at Bukit Kim Cheng. She state- the charge is the outcome of a euiispiracy. The case was remitted to tfo* court of two magistrates. Bail $lOO.
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  • 40 3 A horse and trap were seen rushing madly along Orchard Road yesterday, without a syce. Two Municipal lamps were broken by the vehicle. Policevr^.ant Hart endeavoured to stop the animal, but it was going too rapidly for him.
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  • 43 3 Du. Glennie, the newly-appointed '>sistant Health Ollicer at Singapore, *ho left home in the P. it O. steamer W//«, broke his journey at Ceylon to v »sit a brother residing in that Colony. "ill arrive in Singapore in a fortnight's time.
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  • 43 3 Iwo coolies were in the police court jj ns morning charged with trespass at >»orm <) Wharf. They asserted that the major at the dock demanded ‘‘ftv cents each from them, and, being onablt* to pay, they were arrested. They were discharged.
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  • 58 3 N the ifitli instant, the wrecked Samoa was sold by auction at 'Jociiow The hull fetched $3,225, and •he cargo realized $2,660. The court of n, tuiry sat at Hongkong, and found !a j he loss of the Namoa was due to nki,l k r upon an uncharted
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  • 52 3 T HE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 1 lollowing telegram appears in the of Ist October f v r,iMr s annual address to-day a satisfactory financial position. x years budget provides $300,000 X i nan Harbour. The Governor goes X i to nc^a 1° inquire personally conditions of the recruiting of t.,r the
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  • 66 3 Hl morning, three Asiatic dairymen, in. J^ kan and Kyroo, resider^au l^° a d and Kerbau Lane, aned, the first two sixty dollars jjfcii•*’ Ul ‘d the other fifty dollars, for a,^u^erat ed milk. These men Sirni n Uln l l lone d by Sanitary Inspector ihovfti
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  • 61 3 UNANIMOUS ELECTION. At a second special meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, held on the 23rd instant, the members elected Dr. W. C. Brown to be the’r representative in the Legislative Council, in succession to the late Hon. D. Logan. There was no contest on this occasion,
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  • 94 3 Along the Sungei Cheow Road, in Ulu Langat (Selangor), the mining population along the first two miles must be close on six thousand, and, at the present rate of development, there should be some ten or twelve thousand miners at work before the close of the year. At one
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  • 79 3 This morning, one I'akiri was charged with driving a gharry along Orchard Road, yesterday afternoon, in such a manner as to endanger life and property. Sergeant Hart, who arrested the man, said that three gharries were racing, or that they were trying to pass each other. Two escaped.
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  • 77 3 The P. tfc O. Rosetta takes Mr. Hun er of the Mercantile Bank and a number of female missionaries to Shanghai; Mr. \V. N. Dow and the Straits cricketers go to Hongkong; and Major GrantDalton and another officer of the West Yorkshire Regiment are on hoard on their
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  • 162 3 ASSAULT ON THE ROSETTA.” Yesterday, when the Rosetta was near the harbour limits, two lascars set upon the serang in the engine room, and seriously injured him by a blow on the head with a shovel. G. H. Gordon, the Chief Engineer, testified that he witnessed the assault. A. W.
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  • 245 3 The Straits Settlements cricket team that will play at Hongkong against teams from Hongkong and Shanghai leaves at four o’clock, this afternoon, by the P. &O. mail steamer Rosetta. The team, with three reserve men, includes: Mr. Justice Leach, Lieut. A. J. Woodroffe, Mr. G. P. Stevens, and
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  • 554 3 TO THE EDITOR OP THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I see by your overland numbers that the planters of the Native States have been sitting in council, considering what can be done to help their depressed industry. As some of those planters are old friends of
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  • 210 3 THE GOVERNOR’S VIEW. At a meeting of the Penang Municipality on the 22nd instant, the President read a reply from Government regarding the increase of lawlessness and want of sufficient Police Force in Penang, and said that he did not think serious crime had been committed, and, as
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  • 56 3 Ng Ah Wong, the master of a tongkang, No. 248, has reported to the Police that, at ten o’clock on the night of the 17th inst., he encountered a squall off the coast of Selangor. During the squall, a Chinese seaman, named Ang Hock Hong, fell
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  • 816 3 (From the Times of Ceylon London, 12th October. The Imperial authorities have appointed Captain Cooke, of the Canadian Military College, to be Assistant Officer at Zanzibar. At a Parnellite Convention held in Dublin, Mr. William Redmond said the Irish people sympathised with the natives of India who
    (From the “ Times of Ceylon ")  -  816 words
  • 452 3 “STRAITS TIMES” TOURNAMENT. The Straits Times Tournament is progressing steadily, and it is expected to dose in a fortnight hence. Dr. T. H. Stephens has completed his round of games with a total score of wins out of 10 games. Mr. P. McIntyre has retired from the tournament after
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  • 97 3 A few days ago, a Russian complained of having been assaulted by an Italian woman. She was charged with having struck him on the face with a plate, and broken both. The woman's statement was to the effect that the man wished to buy her daughter;
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  • 1317 4 SIR CECIL SVITH AND THE KING OF SIAM. On the 27th ult., His Majesty the King of Siam was entertained at luncheon hy the Master (Sir Cecil Clement! Smith) and Wardens of the Mercers’ Company. Sir Charles Warren was among the guests. After tlie
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  • 1290 4 THE CURRENCY. The Chamber of Commerce telegraphed on the 13th instant to the Secretary of the Government of India, Financial Department, regarding the reported negotiations progressing between the British, French, and American Governments on the currency question. Fearing possible detrimental results to India, the Chamber solicits that no
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  • 57 4 The appeal court adjourned yesterday sine die. For being in possession of a false weight, a Chinaman was, to-day, fined twenty-five dollars. A Chinese cook was fined three dollars, this morning, for carrying a fowl with its head downwards. Yesterday, a Kling was fined five dollars and
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  • 30 4 This morning, a Kling was fined two d ollars for refusing to pay forty cents rikisha hire. Also, two dollars for assault; in default ten days.
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  • 28 4 The upper house of the Peruvian Legislature has carried a Gold-Standard Adoption Bill by a majority of one, according to a telegram received in Japan.
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  • 45 4 Mr. D. Stewart, the newly-appointed Assistant Superintendent of Police, arrived by the last mail, and will take up his duties as an assistant superintendent in Singapore. Mr. Stewart formerly held a commission in the Militia. Captain de Hamel leaves for Penang to-day.
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  • 58 4 The Perak Pioneer hears that the Government of that State will shortly issue a notice, offering special terms to persons desirous of taking up land for rubber tree planting. The quit rent will probably be fixed at 10 cents an acre for a limited period, after which the
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  • 56 4 About midnight last night, Gunner Pratt, R.A.. reported that a ’rikisha puller had stolen two dollars from him. The man was arrested. This morning, the prosccutorsent word that hedeelined to appear against the puller. The police object to this course, and have subpo'naed Pratt to appear on Friday.
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  • 56 4 It was officially announced, in Tokyo, on the 12th instant, that, from that date, an agreement concluded between the French and Japanese Governments for reciprocal protection of all industrial rights comes into force. Japanese in France and Frenchmen in Japan will in this respect, therefore, enjoy full
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  • 67 4 The new Japanese gold coins are said to bear a fine appearance. But Osaka business men are not taking kindly to them. Their complaint seems to be that the small size makes them inconvenient for general usage. There is a constant demand at the Banks for notes
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  • 59 4 THE WARREN SHIELD. The Warren Shield Football Competition will commence on Thursday, the 4th November. The ties are as follows No* 1: “C Company, Ist Battn. Rilie Brigade, v. 38 Company, S. D., R. A. No. 2: Royal Engineers v. 25 Company, S. D., R. A. The remaining companies
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  • 87 4 A man, Teo Ah Jee, living on Thomson Road, says that, yesterday, his towkay entrusted him with $lOO. On his way home from Singapore, three men relieved him of seventy of the dollars. He says he knows one of the men, and the Police have taken out a
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  • 86 4 Dr. Nightingale intends, it is said, to engage a lawyer from Singapore in obtaining $lO,OOO for alleged hbel by the Bangkok Times. Another action against that journal is pending for $3,000 damages. The plaintiff is a Siamese, who brought a similar action against the Siam Observer in the
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  • 125 4 Lam Ah Lok, a cook of 4 Street informed the Police, yesterday evening, three men,"*’ whom he knew, gave him a ne of drink, and stole his box whL h B 4 stupefied. He produced a white with a quantity of which he alle4a was drugged. In
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  • 124 4 ONE MAN DROWNED. The squall in the Straits of Malacca on the night of the 17th inst., sewnZ to have been unusually severe. Yesterday, a case of drowning was reported as having occurred during that nHt and, to-day, the Police were informed that, during the same squall, a
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  • 136 4 A dozen years ago, says a corresjKmdent, there was a boom in land, and prices went up to fabulous figures. This did not last long, and was follow ed by a sudden depression, which practically ruined many small speculators. Land was for a number of years considered
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  • 188 4 On the complaint of Mr. Arnot Reid two syces —Aliwang and Adan employed by a Chinaman, were charged with reckless driving on the afternoon of the 7th October. The case was heard, yesterday, before the Chief Magistrate. Mr. Reid s evidence was that, while he was cycling
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  • 193 4 ALLEGED FRENCH PROTECTIONThe Franco-Siamese question solved, says the Siam Free I'ress, J we are to believe Palace gossip. is a French protectorate in princip* 1 Such is the Siamese version of the telegraphic messages which hav* within the last few days flashed between the King and Court. There
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  • 443 5 ;ir e very few professional iH >v hich find sufficient favour Singapore public to attract f r a i r uidience. Harmst on’s Circus, r always f»as been the brilliant t«* that rule. This was e,C verified last night—the opening j:i *},e visit— by tlie presence of a
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  • 138 5 A vvi-.kk or so ago. a Chinaman made dalse statement in the course of a judial proceeding. lie was given a chance tin* statement-. He was emitted to the court of two magistrates tor giving false evidence, and an additional charge of ottering an illegal salification was put
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  • 143 5 1 dlie cml of last month, almost all crop of this year had been and weighed, with an average L .ot nine to ten piculs to a field, widely differ as to the quality he crop, but i s generally conti*/L/ to satisfactory enough, says fJl, rant. Both
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  • 847 5 ACHEEN. The Sourabaya Courant says that the Government is now determined to end the Acheen war. Both the GovernorGeneral and the Secretary of State for the Colonies are bent upon accomplishing this. Experts say that there is only one way to do it. The enemy's bands must be
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  • 499 5 The story of the Philippine rebellion is carried on in bulletins, published in the Comercio, from the 30th Sept, to a recent date. On the former date, subscriptions to the loan raised locally to meet the expenses of quelling the rebellion closed at Manila. The amount had been
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  • 245 5 The Governor-General has just secured important concessions from the King of Cambodia (a Protected State). The king lias agreed to abolish slavery, and to give his subjects the right to freely buy and sell iand. The king’s own domain can now be disposed of or leased to settlers.
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  • 2825 5 ATHLETICS. In the League Championship there was one big surprise, for Aston Villa, the champions, were beaten by Blackburn Rovers. The other winners in the League were Bolton Wanderers, Sunderland, Liverpool, and West Bromwich. Three matches were drawn. Among other games there
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  • 381 6 T11E FINANCES. Some idea of the financial position of the Hongkong Government may he formed from the draft Estimates for 1898. It is estimated that the revenue for the ensuing year amounts to 52,628,201 compared with an estimated revenue of 52,446,065 for the current year. The details of
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  • 59 6 RAILWAY ACCIDENT. On the Tokaido railway, in Japan, on the 3rd instant, a train laden with coolies to repair a wash-out on the line fell into the chasm, owing to some mismanagement. The train rushed on an incline into the chasm, sixty feet below the level of the line.
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  • 480 6 A correspondent says: —The work of the annual inspection of schools is going on apace. The leading English schools have got through the ordeal, but with results very unlike those of past years. This is due to a system of examination which is a little more searching than
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  • 354 6 Place aux Dames.” Says New York 44 Life 44 AH over Europe arc wandering this summer anxious and agitated American women, with one haunting apprehension forever in their hearts and minds. When they meet in foreign cities they immediately ask each other disconsolate and unanswerable questions anent a
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    • 31 6 A hanging lamp and pipe and tobacco were stolen from the verandah of Mr. Sam Reid’s house, on Mount Sophia, last night. The verandah is easily accessible.
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    • 36 6 A horrible story comes from Arakan, Burma, of a woman cutting up her step-child, a boy of three years, and serving up portions of the body dressed as a curry to her husband.
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    • 38 6 This morning, a Chinaman was fined fifty dollars or two months, for offering an illegal gratification of two dollars to Serjeant Hart as an inducement to omit to exercise his official functions. The fine was paid.
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    • 45 6 This year’s cat show at the Jardin d’Acclimatation at Paris will have the attraction of a mouse hunt. The first prize will be 800 francs in money, the owner of the second successful competitor receiving an artistic bronze statue entitled La Victoire.”
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    • 48 6 This afternoon, Captain Barwise of the Glaucus charged two of the crew, named Eddy and Tracy, and a man named Bennett, who belongs to another ship, w ith the theft of a quantity of the ship’s liquors and tobacco. The case is proceeding.
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    • 51 6 Yesterday, two Chinese assistants of the Selegie Road pawnshop were committed for trial for alleged criminal breach of trust, as servants, in respect to a considerable quantity of jewellery, which had been pawned in their firm but removed and repawned in other shops by them. Bail $5,000
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    • 58 6 A popular choral and orchestral concert will be given at the Town Hall, to-night, by the Philharmonic Society. The solo instrumentalists will be Mr. Seumenicht and Mrs. Mclntyre, and the vocalists: Mrs. Kersting, Miss Werry, Mr. Kirk, and Mr. Phillips. Selections will be given by the orchestra, and
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    • 423 6 ATTACK ON A FORT. At Mandalay, the capital of Upper Burma, Fort Du fferin has been attacked by a band of fanatics. A Buddhist priest there had given out that he was invulnerable, and had gathered a band of followers. The police heard that the priest was
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  • 88 6 Advices from MariS typhoon devastated the island JT on the 12th instant. The t Carigara and Burugo, on the o*"'' 0 01 side of that island, have been a Tb. town rf U,e damaged. An enormous wave i u 5 over part of the island, and sweat* many
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  • 141 6 THE STARTING MACHINE IN ENGLAND The trial of Gray’s Australian start, ing machine, for which arrangements had been made by the English Jockev Club, took place at Newmarket on the 30th September in the of H. R. H. the Prince of wSKT Lord Rosebery, Lord Durham Lord Stanley, Mr.
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  • 147 6 A correspondent assures the Pinanq Gazette that of the successful competitors in the recent Civil Service examination, whose names were published in our columns the other day, none are likely to take Eastern Cadetships. He points out that, as the examinations for the Home Civil Service, the Indian
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  • 173 6 SMART 8YCE, AVARICIOUS PEON. Yesterday, rikisha peon, No. 4:'. attempted to extort twenty cents from a hack gharry syce. The syce seems to have been equal to the occasion; for, before giving the money to the peon, he took care to mark it. He then went to a Sikh
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  • 155 6 petroleum. It is reported that Mr. H. J. the Penang agent of the Royal y Dutch Company of Langkat, has a H to Government for permission to hui a petroleum tank on the left hank o. the Prai river. a cadet in danger. Mr. E. L. Talma, a
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  • 221 7 JAPANESE VIEWS. Japanese paper, the Yomiuri Shim devotes two articles demonstratt Japan is entitled to take parWashington Conference for the 10 r vation of marine animals. Conning that fur seals have a breeding '‘hnd on the Kurile islands—and that the Behring Sea seals tit Japan’s coasts, coming
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  • 249 7 The Paris correspondent of the luM writes: -At the request of the Hvg ienic Council for the Department of the Seine, the Perfect of Police has u>t issued an order to all the hair•utters of Paris containing instructions to the measures to be taken for rjuarding against those
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  • 296 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES. About three weeks ago, two 1 hin* <i* women were arrested, at the instance of the Protectorate authorities, n a charge of buying, selling, and letaining a Chinese girl, named Sim Moo, for immoral purposes. A fortflisht ago, the
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  • 57 7 Last night, a raid was made on a twakow moored in the Kallang river, and a number of boatmen were arrested for gambling. Quite an assortment of gaming appliances was found. The boat was covered in, an opening being left at each end. The men were
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  • 58 7 At the date of last mail advices from Rangoon (18tli instant), the rice market was firm, in consequence of an improved demand from the Straits. Chinese had been buying freely, and prices had steadily risen. Demand, however, ran entirely on ready rice, and rice for immediate milling, and
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  • 690 7 FALL OF MB. W. Q. WELLS. It is a pity to see Mr. W. G. Wells falling away from grace to the extent he has been doing of late, judging from the preliminary pars, interviews, and portraits that are appearing in connection with the forthcoming publication of
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  • 892 7 STRAITS TIMES TOURNAMENT. A rather interesting discussion amongst some of the chess players, about the notes on the game between Dr. T. H. Stephens (White) and Mr. P. McIntyre (Black), deserves attention. It is pointed out that the advice given in note (a) is contrary to that in chess
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  • 284 7 By the German mail steamer Sachsen, there has arrived here from Germany a geologist, Dr. Y r olz, by name. He intends, says the Deli Courant to prospect the State of Panei, in Sumatra, for riches supposed to be hidden in the ground. Mr. Otte, a surveyor at
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  • 248 7 RAKFLE8IANS V. H. M. 8. IPHIGENIA.” A lively game at Socker” was witnessed, last night, on the Recreation Club ground, between the above teams, and, although neither side could gain a decided advantage, the game was left drawn, no goals having been scored. The Boys had certainly a large
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  • 151 7 On Monday morning, says a correspondent, a sampan man was arrested on the river while removing some sago flour from a tongkang belonging to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company. It is alleged that the man w r as made over to a constable, and taken to Havelock
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  • 99 7 It is notified that Government have sanctioned the detention in India, for as long a period, up to one year, as the services may be required, of all timeexpired men and men for transfer to the Army Reserve, who would ordinarily have to proceed to England
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  • 880 7 Jjondov Ist October. When in the summer J. W. Stocks successfully attacked the hour record the day was good, but not ideal, and a month or so later, J. Platt-Betts reached within a very few yards of it, and succeeded in disturbing some of the intermediate figures. Now,
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  • 87 7 Some three weeks ago, a theft was committed in a house in Circular Road, and notes and cash, exceeding fifteen hundred dollars in value, removed. It was also alleged that a stupifying drug had been administered. Four persona were arrested, one a boy residing in the
    87 words

  • 1394 8 Most people not connected with the rubtor trade and ignorant of bo tan v seem to have an idea, says The Financial News, tliat all varieties of indiarubber are very much alike —that they are the produce of much about the same tree, that all the slightly varying
    1,394 words
  • 538 8 The Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria is stated to he the richest Royal personage in Europe. The last Duke of Modena bequeathed three millions of pounds to him. Mrs. Lynn Lynton has settled down for good at Malvern, where she still does a good deal of literary and
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  • 89 8 Lady Mitchell’s reception, yesterday, was numerously attended. The Governor is not likely to leave for India till about the 20th of December. A French transport, travelling from west to east, passed through the port yesterday. Dato Meldrum and 180 bullocks arrived, to-day, in the Darwin, from Port
    89 words
  • 25 8 Negotiations regarding the new' treaty between Japan and Siam are expected to be concluded on the return of the King to Bangkok.
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  • 27 8 Yesterday, a Chinaman was sent to prison for six weeks, for being a reputed thief, and unable to give a satisfactory account of himself.
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  • 24 8 One hundred and deaths were registered here during the week ending on Saturday last, with a ratio of of 38.54 per thousand.
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  • 30 8 A llokien woman reports tothe Police, to-day, that her son, aged 14, has run away from his home with two hundred and eightv-one dollars' worth of jewellery.
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  • 48 8 A hungry looking Chinaman pleaded guilty, this morning, to stealing a dollar’s worth of onions. He said he was driven to it by poverty. He was sent to jail for fourteen days. Another man was similarly sentenced for being found in possession of a basket of potatoes.
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  • 45 8 The following passengers are booked from Europe, for Singapore, in the s. s. Ernest Simons due to-morrow morning: -Mr. Klink, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Shaw, Mr. Stahlhelin, Mr. and Mrs. Ter Kinte, Mr. Gray, Mr. Ilalin, Mr. Everett, Mr. Lopacniski, and Mrs. Kunst.
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  • 65 8 Goii Lee Pong, aTaiehew mason, was working in a pawnshop in Merchant Road, on the 18th instant, when he fell a distance of twenty feet. Last night, he died owing, it is believed, to the injuries he received, and an inquest will be held. The man was not
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  • 64 8 Two Chinese ladies -Dr. Hu King Eng and Miss Wang—are to be the delegates of the Celestial Empire at the Women’s Congress to be held in London in 1898. The former, who is known as the Miracle Lady,” on account of her success in the art of
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  • 64 8 Three Chinese youths were, this morning, charged by a respectable Chinese woman, who described herself as a maid servant, with having pelted her with fruit and stones yesterday. Her baju was much stained. She was in a rikisha with a companion, in South Bridge Road, when it happened,
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  • 136 8 This morning, tw r o w r ere charged with trespass in the General Hospital. Dr. Fry explained that a number of persons made it a practice to visit the hospital early in the morning. A notice in five languages was put up at the main entrance
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  • 80 8 The Afridi soldiers in the Indian army have now been told in a formal Order of the Govemor-General-in-Coun-cil that they will not be required to fight against their own kith and kin. Every effort will be made also to spare the property of those serving in the ranks,
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  • 109 8 When the Czar and Czarina took their departure from Paris last year, they handed over 100,000 frs. for distribution in alms. After some delay this has been effected by the charity administration of each municipal district, a two-franc piece being handed to every recipient. One of
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  • 98 8 Yesterday, a Chinese and an additional constable were arrested in Arab ►Street for being disorderly. This morning, explanations were given in court. The hawker stated that the constable had for some time persecuted him and endeavoured to extort money. Yesterday, he said, the constable came to his
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  • 125 8 A true story of Chinese devotion comes from ITu Selangor, and is vouched for, says the Malay Mail by respectable people. A Chinese tin-ore purchaser became very ill. After trying all sorts of remedies, the wife of the sick man procured certain herbs, which she proceeded to boil
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  • 165 8 The pawnshops in Singapore are not to be disposed of by tender as was recently proposed. The town had, for this purpose, been divided into districts, the pawnshops in which were to be let to the highest or most suitable tender. A legal objection has knocked the scheme
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  • 213 8 The charge of theft, partially reported yesterday, against the three men, Eddy, Tracy, and Bennett, was dismissed, the evidence being altogether insufficient to support it. Eddy and Tracy were then charged with leaving the ship without leave. Tracy explained that he had been struck by the
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  • 74 8 TA>* KEE CHI’AX WILL rf The Governor in Council 1 P0RT d the banishment of Tan 0rd «N man who, it was alleged disaffection at the time a m C,t d to threatened riots. Tan K ee f (t be banished to Siam, to whi/i aQ
    74 words
  • 116 8 HE HAS NOT COT THE GARTER According to a contribute World, the King of Siam is verv* 0 because he has not had the Gaol r,a l to him. The Shah and the Snl, both Knights, and so, as he it, there was no reason wl, v
    116 words
  • 171 8 DROWNED IN THE BATH AT TAXGLIN Private Charles Chalcraft, of the liif Brigade, committed suicide in a nm deliberate manner in the bath at Tan*. 1 in Barracks, yesterday. Several of hi$ comrades went down to have i batli yesterday afternoon, and found the deceased’s helmet and
    171 words
  • 129 8 A Macao man, Cliee Quee, came tt the Police yesterday, and complained that, at ten o’clock, on the nigh] of the 26th, a man, named L« Keng, gave him a drink that sent him to sleep, and, when lie awoke, he found he had been
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  • 312 8 THEFT AT MESSRS. JOHN LITTLE CO’S. A Chinese upholsterer, in the employ of Messrs. John Little, was charged, thb morning, with the theft of several yard: of furniture velvet. Mr. Elliot appeared for the prosecution, and stated the following facts: —About ten days ago, 3 servant in the employ of
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  • 583 9 as been suggested that an appre- t notice of an amateur concert w hat is expected than an honest v.nie; hut, in the case of last night’s en the two may, perhaps, be e °yen in one. Mr. St. Clair has f dually worked up a body of
    583 words
  • 135 9 ‘'A< ES, SPEARS, AND TORCHES. M 1 v 1 AK A i il niandore in charge of r Nathan s house at Passir Ris, iia t In* went to bed at half-past t 11 nifflit, and, at half-past one, u n*.dhy sixTaichewsoutside his kv hu
    135 words
  • 522 9 ACHEEN. In Acheen Proper, the tramway intc the districts overrun has almost reached an important place called Indrapurie, j The country people make frequent use of the line. The tramway will prove very serviceable to the troops now occupying the district of the 22 Mukims which used to
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  • 237 9 Lord Napier of Magdala writes to the Times advising a policy of thorough in the Indian Frontier war. “The whole border,” says Lord Napier, “must be disarmed from end to end if we are to have peace for the future,” though that need not interfere with local
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  • 699 9 8. C. C. r. RIFLE BRIGADE. A good game was witnessed, last night, on the Esplanade between the S. C. C. and the Rifle Brigade. The Rifles had got a tip-top team together, but, unfortunately, the Club were unable to put their usual team in the field, the consequence
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  • 81 9 This morning, Mr. Allen, Manager of the Perseverance Estate, charged a Chinese servant for theft of a number of empty bottles and some gunny bags, and a hawker for purchasing the same, knowing them to have been stolen. Witness said that hawkers were never allowed on the
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  • 84 9 Efforts are being made to construct a railway from El-Tor to the summit of Mount Sinai. On the mountain, which is only accessible on one side, a depot will be erected near the spot where the stone cross placed by the Empress Helena (mother of Constantine the Great)
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  • 1224 9 TRADE MOVEMENTS. The trade coffee year, which closed June 30, has passed into history with a record of large supplies; increasing stocks; unusual advance in deliveries; heavy decline in prices, amounting to 5$ cents per pound for No. 7 Rio. From 1887 to 1806 was a period of high
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  • 223 9 We do not think, says the Pinang Gazette we are committing any breach of confidence in publishing the outlines of a report that has reached us. It runs thus Mr. John Turner, of Caledonia Estate, contemplates applying at an early date for Government permission to raise
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  • 223 9 SIR C. MITCHELL AS A PERSIAN SATRAP. The Pinang Gazette says tHat the Committee, appointed to protest against the withdrawal of the troops from there, lias despatched a letter to the Governor but had received no reply up to the 26th instant. That journal then criticises
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  • 3013 10 MONDAY, 25th OCTOBER. PRESENT. H. E. The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, g.c.m.g. H. E. Lieut.-Colonel Bogle, h.e., Officer Commanding the Troops. Hon. C. W. Sneyd-Kynnerfcley, Acting Colonial Secretary. Hon. E. M. Merewether. Acting Resident Councillor of Malacca. Hon. T. de M.Braddell, Acting AttorneyGeneral. Hon. F. G.
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  • 167 10 The holding of financial feasts is a peculiarity of certain Ceylonese in Selangor. When one of them is in need of money to meet urgent demands, he notifies his friends and countrymen of his intention to hold a financial feast by means of invitations. Those who come partake
    167 words
  • 334 10 There will be a race Gajah (Perak) on the 9thtf\- R at liat atn °f NovernU Mb. W. B. Pryer arrived by th.. E ™.‘t this morning' staying at the Rallies Hotel dn l Nine acres of land in Kintib, bought by the Datu T|l .r ave
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  • 65 10 Pieces of land, near Neil Road and in Rochore district, are notified as required for public purposes. Vessels from Amoy are no lonser quarantined here. The 9tb November, the Prime ot Wales’s Birthday, will be observed as a public holiday. Mr. Douglas Stewart is appointed A ssistant Superintendent
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  • 80 10 London 9/A October. The following is the result ot th* Duke of York Stakes. 2,000 sovs. Lord William Beresford’s be Diafdca by The Sailor Prince— Rizpah, 4 >rs. Bst. 4lbs. M. Cannon Mr. Houldsworth’s b c Jxiveno, byi*n° Or—Napoli, 6 vrs. 7st. lSlbs. < ah» Duke of Devonshire’s b
    80 words
  • 98 10 The statement of the probable a** of Perak for next year sets the baD to credit on the 31 st December, $298,783, including amounts not re. able. These assets, not realisable, loans to Negri Sembilan and amounting to $220,640. Ot t J ie P > u >( j
    98 words

  • 47 11 Owin'* to the rise in the price of t rtfnese coal, says the Nagasaki Press, h Japanese railway authorities are Mg to make a trial purchase of 30,000 nuls of Australian coal. Should the coal prove satisfactory, fur- h r purchases will he maUe.
    47 words
  • 139 11 1,E( AY AND COLLAPSE. Jr aj |*ea r > to the Hongkong Telegraph t h«>uirl» the last hours of the SultanI Brunei are now rapidly drawing t hr dose. Year by year the Sultan’s Iv, n ncs ar»* shrinking, his lands are s i n <: from him, and
    139 words
  • 181 11 The 1 'tiding Hock Kian Captain Maddox, arrived here from Swatow yesterday morning. In the evening, at about half-past seven, an explosion took place in the port coal bunker. The chief engineer unfortunately happened to W walking by at the time, and the hunk* r hatch,
    181 words
  • 173 11 Mk. Alexander Whyte, the well known Manist and naturalist, formerly head of the Scientific Department in the Vlministration of Brit ish Central Africa, has hecn in Aberdeen for a few days, un his way through to Braemar, where hf intend' spending a well-merited holi•layaiterhis arduous exploratory and
    173 words
  • 189 11 ME PRESIDENT’S BIRTHDAY. I’tvE months ago, a number of prominent Chinese commercial men in founded a Club that is called liincse Merchants’ Club. The Club J? housed in spacious premises in Club and is proving a highly success1, institution. It is run upon lines, the rules, conditions
    189 words
  • 464 11 SIR WINFIELD BONSER. Sir Winfield Bonser, while cycling out of Dorchester, in endeavouring to avoid a cart, was badly thrown, and sustained a sprained ankle. He was removed to a neighbouring hotel, where he was under medical treatment at the date of mail advices.
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  • 254 11 It is characteristic of the management of this circus that, whether the tent be full or not, the x>rogramme is worked through in its entirety. Last night, the audience was not so numerous as usual, but the performance was admirable. The opening entree of mounted ladies and gentlemen
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  • 1016 11 (From the Times of Ceylon.") London, 19th October. The Cretan question is again becoming prominent. The Sultan is indisposed to withdraw the Turkish troops from the Island, and insists on the Governor being an Ottoman subject. It is believed that the Powers will unitedly adhere to the
    (From the “ Times of Ceylon.")  -  1,016 words
  • 399 11 Bombay, 19th October. The advance* on Tirah begins on Wednesday. The Masuzais have sent a defiant letter, replying to Sir W. Lockhart’s proclamation. They accuse Government of tyranny, and state their willingness to make peace provided the price of salt is lowered to 4 maunds a rupee,
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  • 52 11 Thb King of Corea has proclaimed himself Emperor. It seems that the Corean officials have become almost unanimous in their desire to have their Sovereign to assume the Imperial title, which they consider one of the prime necessities for upholding the dignity of the nation as an
    52 words
  • 429 11 ZUKERTORT OPENING. White Black (Dr. T. H. Stephens). (Mr. P. A.Reutens). Kt—K B 3 P—Q 4 P-Q 4 P-K 3 P—Q B 4 Kt—K B 3 B—Kt 5 B—K 2 P—K 3 Castles PxP PxP Kt—B 3 B—K Kt 5 B—K 2 P—B 8 P-K R
    429 words
  • 113 11 Inspectors Bugden and Fairhurst went to Passir Ris yesterday, to investigate the gang robbery that took place, on the previous night, at the house of Mr. Nathan’s mandore. No arrests were effected. It appears that the gang used a boundary stone, slung with ropes, as a
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  • 118 11 The annual general meeting of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was held at the Golf Pavilion last night. The members present were: the Hons. W. R. Collyer and C. W. S. Kynnersley, Drs. Simon, Van Langenberg, and Ellis, and Messrs. Egerton, Johnston, Gaffney, Wolferstan, Newland, Michell,
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  • 1540 12 Siitcß it has been definitely decided that the British military are to be withdrawn from Penang, the Straits Government have resolved to do what is best to reassure the people of Penang, and to remove from them all possible grounds of panic. For that purpose, the Straits
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  • 110 12 A Correspondent remarks:—lt is gratifying to notice in a paragraph in yesterday's issue of the straits Times that, at last, a Chinese woman has had the courage to cause the arrest and obtain the punishment of three Chinese rowdies for pelting her with fruit. The objectionable practice is
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  • 3348 12  -  |by HUGH CLIFFORD.) No. 4—THE STRANGE ELOPEMENT OF CHALING THE DYAK. The Woodn are old, and vwt, and wide, These Forest Land*, through which we etride; We’ve known them lonff, we’ve known them well, Their every nee ret folk* may tell. And yet, and yet, theae Woods
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  • 73 13 T alleged that Geylon coast Moorn and Chetties, chiefly, are doing ‘'■ness on an extensive scale in rub!l.v teas which they pack locally and ‘S’t«> the Straits Settlements. They Raided more or less in this trade by hunts peons and tea-room servants, lhe teas which
    73 words
  • 99 13 CHINAMAN KILLED. J,!* nday night, a Chinaman, while i 1(r Klri tr,J in the gambling farm to his MV tr ie waterworks two miles out was attacked and carried 4 tiger. The rnan, who cultivated irM in a swamp near the to hi^ ork a, seems to
    99 words
  • 167 13 H. M. S. rim er left this morning, for the westward. 4 H.M.S. Grafton arrived here on Saturday afternoon, from Hongkong. Two R. A. men of Singapore are supposed to have deserted for Klondyke. 1 A ’rikisha puller was this morning, fined five dollars, in default, seven
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  • 30 13 Two West Indians, were fined two dollars each, or four days, for damaging a ’rikisha. They were also ordered to pay the fare of fifty cents.
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  • 28 13 A Chinaman, named Wee Ah Peng, was run over by a handcart on Saturday, and very seriously injured. The puller of the cart is in custody.
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  • 25 13 Seven Malay women and three men, were fined two dollars each for gambling. Some other people arrested in Hongkong Street, were fined ten dollars.
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  • 42 13 A Javanese mandore in the employ of Mr. Choa Kim Keat at Balestier Road, has reported to the Police that during last night., his house was entered and his box containing property to the value of $293 stolen.
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  • 43 13 Ramie cultivation seems likely to be taken up in Ceylon at present there are five acres under the fibre near Kurunegala, and experiments will probably be mado in different districts to test the actual cost of producing the ribbons and th efilasse.
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  • 50 13 Over $9,000,000 worth of tin, in block and ore, has been exported from Perak so far this year, paying a duty $1,000,000. The total value of tin exported from Selangor up to the 30th Sept, amounted to $7,796,60S, the weight being 249,541 piculs. The duty paid came to $847,537.
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  • 48 13 Mr. Harry Hillman, of the Siam Observer points out to us that we havft erroneously stated that Dr. Nightingale has brought an action for libel against the Siam Observer whereas Dr. Nightingale’s action is against the Bangkok Times. The mistake was an error* of sub-editing.
    48 words
  • 51 13 The following is taken from the Times weekly edition 8th October. 11 L. U. Cordeiro (Singapore Chess Club). We note with much interest your double victory in the telegraph match with Hongkong. We thank you also for the games, and will try to find room for them presently if
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  • 54 13 On Monday last, a Sikh, arrested at Penang for passing a counterfeit $100 note, said that he had received the note at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Singapore. Inquiries made at Singapore showed that the man’s statement was true. The note is said to be cleverly and
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  • 55 13 For causing the death of a prisoner in the course of torture, to extort a confession, two police sepoys have been sentenced Jo death by Mr. Kincaid, the Sessions Judge at Satara, (India.) The chief constable and the head constable (natives), for abetment, have been sentenced to ten
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  • 51 13 Penang report has it that, Herr Delprat, a practical railway engineer, a specialist, from Java, who is personally known to the Resident-General, Sir Frank Swettenham, has been engaged to report on the existing railway system of Perak, and to suggest the best means of extending it throughout the
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  • 74 13 A Chinese cashier, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect to six hundred dollars. He was sent to cash a draft on the Chartered Bank. On this way back he said that his pocket was picked of notes for that amount. This morning, he offered to
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  • 76 13 At eleven o’clock last night, Police constable 188, while on duty in Beach Road, saw a man standing on the beach. He walked up to the man, and turned the light of his lantern upon him. At that very moment the man dropped down in a
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  • 85 13 In a Court of Requests case this morning, a Municipal employee was sued for money lent him before he became a public servant. Mr. J. D. Stuart who defended, contended that it did not matter that he was not a public servant when the money was lent, as
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  • 81 13 FIRST SHIPMENT AT COLOMBO. Sumatran petroleum is being introduced to the Ceylon market, and the first shipment, consisting of 10,000 cases, arrived at Colombo by the steamer Decimu 1 the other day. The importers say that their firm at Calcutta alone import 10,000 cases monthly, and the demand
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  • 151 13 Tins morning, Mr. O’Sullivan, as Commissioner of the Court of Requests gave judgment in favour of a tindal employed in navigating one of the lighterage tongkangs belonging to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Coy. This man is employed at twelve dollars a month, and is expected to make
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  • 230 13 Mr. Hewitt, of Labuan gives in the British Nortt. Borneo Herald the following particulars of the new island which was recently thrown up by volcanic action, on the coast there, between Mempakoi and Lumbidan. It made its appearance on the 21st September :—The island, which is about
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  • 76 13 SECOND ISSUE SUBSCRIBED TWICE OVER. Applications for the second part of the issue of the Singapore four per cent. Municipal Ix)an of $500,000 closed on Saturday. The issue, which consists of $100,000 in 1,000 mortgages of $100 each, was subscribed more than twice over. The subscribers at
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  • 105 13 In an article in the Idler of last month, entitled “My Peep at Penang,” Mr. Percy Cross Standing says: When I was there, Penang was actively agitating for a wharf of her own, to be erected (of course) at Government expense. And quite right too!
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  • 133 13 It sometimes happens that sailors are fined in the police courts, and have no money with them to pay. They naturally ask to be taken on board their ship. This morning, Mr. Wolferstan decided that the police should take two men to Tanjong Pagar Wharf. He was informed
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  • 157 13 At four o’clock yesterday afternoon, five Chinese in a sampan boarded a tcyigkang in the harbour, and stole $7l in cash, five tins of oil, one tin of biscuits, and other goods. A man on board gave an alarm, and the Police boat started in pursuit of the
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  • 228 13 The following is the officers’ list of H. M. S. Grafton, which arrived here on Saturday —to remain for some time. She is of 7,350 tons and 10,000 tons. The Grafton came down from Hongkong in 3 days and 23 hours, of which 7 hours were
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  • 100 13 The Director-General of Statistics estimates that the area under rice cultivation in India is substantially in excess of that of 1896; and that the prospects are excellent in Madras and Bengal. The state of the European markets has been causing the rice merchants at Bangkok serious concern and
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  • 692 13 CORRESPONDENCE THERE AN ENT. Correspondence between the Penang Committee and the Acting ResidentCouncillor of Penang on the subject of the withdrawal of the garrison detachment from there has been published. The Committee had been appointed at a public meeting held there, to protest against the withdrawal.
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  • 193 14 ACTION AT DARGAI. In the action at Dargai on the 18tb October, when Sir W. Luckhart’s force carried the Chagri Kotal pass, the enemy mustered 12,000 strong. They were found posted in great strength along the crest of the western heights. General Yeatman Biggs began the attack
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  • 492 14 GOOD STORE NY SINGAPORE. On Saturday afternoon, at the Balesfier Range the Singapore Team fired on the annual match with Hongkong and Shanghai, and succeededin compilingthe remarkably good total of 934, an average of 93.4, out of a possible 1050. This is, curiously enough, exactly the
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  • 28 14 Tn Ceylon Chest dub has been successfully inaugurated, and jt has decided to indent for chessmen boards. A handicap tournament for a prise is to be started immediately.
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  • 1191 14 For once we have got through the week following Race Week without any matches being rqn. Possibly the wet weather is in a way responsible for this, as more than one match was suggested, and but for the rain, would probably have come off. Looking back on the
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  • 160 14 The monthly medal was played for on Saturday scores: 1st. 2nd. heap. Net. H. Vade 41 42 1 84 Dr. Ellis 43 46 5 84 T. Earle 43 51 6 88 A. P. Harrison 51 52 14 89 F. S. B. Gaffney 54 48 12 90 F
    160 words
  • 156 14 8. C. C. V. 8. R. C. The S. C. C., played the S. R. C. t on Saturday afternoon. The scores were 8.C.C. C. O. Blewitt c. Buxton b. Jans/. 0 H. W. Sharp c. do. b. do. 14 E. Maxwell l.b.w. b. Valberg 13 A. Hardcastle st.
    156 words
  • 97 14 For Singapore. Per German s. 8. Bayern from Europe:— Mr. P. Kolff, Mr. S. Brock, Mr. W. Speck, Mr, H, Frei. Mr. M. Welte, Mrs. J. Huber, Miss Eckhout, Mr. and Mrs. Arensma, Miss Freida Claussen, Mr. Pedro Saavedra, Mr. and Mas. J. H. Marinus, Mr. Wilch Beldenek,
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  • 798 14 NAVAL. The next flagship for the Australian squadron is to be the 1st class cruiser Royal Arthur (Same class as the Grafton). instead of the 2nd class Minerva and the St. Gecorge 1st class cruiser, Flagship of the Cape Squadron will be
    798 words
  • 2518 14 GERMAN TRADE IN H0\'(Uvre AND THE STRAIT3° k0!,,J The first of a series of “The Foreign Commercial <* was contributed bv a a5M n respondent to the GlmnoJ' ,P*October 2nd. It deals wkh < Competition Hongkon* the Settlements and Ceylon.”° r\ traai says ne *fii9 The commercial condition
    2,518 words

    • 383 15 TO THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,- In your issue of yesterday, there appeared a short paragraph touching upon an alleged theft on the s.s. Glaucus. The men were discharged on this, but two of them were further charged with leaving the ship temporarily without permission. Before convicting
      383 words
  • 598 15 ARRIVALS. Per P. O. s. s. Rosetta from London:— Messrs. Galbraith, Chapman, Miss Chapman, Miss Thomas, Messrs. Williams. Claudet, Mrs. Hutton, Messrs. H. Gittins. King, Saint Bois, D. Stew'art. and Thompson. From BrindisiMr. and Mrs. Burkinshaw, and Mr. Paton. From Bombay:— Mr. M. M. Patel. From Penang, Mr.
    598 words
    • 185 15 Under this heading the foil owing abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer sh. —ship bq. —barque; Brit. —British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Jobore; Ac., G.c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
      185 words
    • 1434 15 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Ban Hin Guan, Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt D’Cruze, 31st Oct. From Klang, 29th Oct. Q.c., 93 d.p. Wee Bin and Co. For Klang, 2nd—Rds. Banka, Dut. str. 124 tons, Capt Vos, 1st Nov. From Palembang, 31st Oct. G.c., and 21 dj>. Lim
      1,434 words
    • 407 15 Name part, probable cbite. of arrival and name of agent*. Achilles, L’pool, Nov 10; W. Mansfield. Ancona, Hongkong, Dec 22; P. it O. Bawean, B’massin, Nov 12; Daendels. Bantam, Batavia, Nov 16. Daendels. Ben venue, London, Nov 23 P. Simons. Bayern, Europe, Nov 11 Behn Meyer. Beilona, Hamburg,
      407 words
    • 985 16 u Flag 1 h Vessel’s Name. Tons Captain Prom Sailed ConsigneeQ Rio. Oct 35 Esmeralda Sel. yet. 171 Nacodah Klang Oct 24 Selangor Govt. 25 Nienhuys Dut. str. 514 Schmitz iß’jermasin Oct 21 Daendels and Co. 25 Farfalla Ital. str. 147 Hamilton Tringganu Oct 24Gaggino <fc Co. 26 Palinuruß
      985 words
    • 599 16 i t I Date, i Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain j Destination 1 4>ct 2/» Hecuba Brit str. Reese Sandakan via ports 2o Taliboosoot Dut brig j Nacodah Pontianak 2d Giang Ann Brit str. Dunlop Samaraug via ports 2d Ban Hin Guan str. D’Cruze Klang via ports 2d Bengkalis str.
      599 words
    • 80 16 PASSED SUNDA STRAIT8 OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag JDatk "j Date. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of (From where Destin- ReIG Railing atjon m\rks. i, Oct 23 Brit s. L’rel Branch j S. Australia 23»Nor. bq. Elida Andreasen Aug 29 Rio Janeiro Anjerfo. o.f. 25 Nor. bq. Rlverland Zachariass&n Sept
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    • 573 16 a-* t j r. r\ OBSERVE THAT TH SIGNATURE Jj za IS' < Vi IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WC3JC33 SoV V/'M’f; hv ihd Proprietors, j Mi!.. London r» :c» i'vnjr: 9 !mcn general!y. HUTAiL EVERY**HERE. zs I
      573 words
    • 823 16 THE OPINION AND trvV^ Fikst let us have whatti FACr then the facts u pon opinion, and finally Wp UssdE the facts justified that opSio*** k The doctor’s opinion was M Buffering from, chronic- inila brain. J a 111 on cf The facts as set forth K „i the Parent
      823 words