The Straits Budget, 20 April 1897

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 127 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 250 1 >.A1»1S<. Akticlk*. War imminent. Will Cofftv Fay Ta*‘ iVrsonnel of Council. Wat. T«*dbu? Telegraphy. lxr.\L if.irk*-: '^notations. Shipping News, ftvswu.vr LDt. Police News. Chines** Clan Quarrel. Malay Princes’ Lawsuit. Boggi* Man Drowned. Council Proceedings. Tlie King of Siam. Imparture of Mr. Shelford.
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  • 498 1 Singapore, 20tii April, 1897. PRODUCE. Gambier, 6.15. do Cube No 1, 10.00. do do No 2, 8.40. Copra Bali, 6.75. do Pontianak, 5.50. Pepper, Black, 13.80. Sago Flour Sarawak,..nominal.. 2.90. do Brunei, 2.20. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee, Bali, picked 36.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... 40.00. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 385 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the M, M. e. s. Ernest iSimons. The M. M. s. s. Yarra with the mail from Europe of the 26th March arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. O. s.
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    • 38 1 THE FIGHTING ON THE FRONTIER. London 1 3th April. The Turkish Government announces that the Greek bands who had crossed the frontier have been driven back. Greek accounts say that the bands are advancing successfully.
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    • 66 1 NOTE TO THE TOWERS. The Turkish Government, through a Circular Note, calls the attention of the Powers to the fhct that, in this case Greece is the aggressor. This action is taken in view of the recent Note of the Powers warning Greece and Turkey that, in the
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    • 22 1 DISASTROUS FLOODS. Floods in the Mississippi River have damaged the cotton crop to the extent of fifty millions of dollars.
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    • 69 1 WAR A QUESTION OF DAYS. London 14 th April. M. Delyannis, the Greek Prime Minister, declares that a decisive step will be imperative in a few days to end the present crisis. M. Delyannis announces that Greece will be unable to maintain the army on the frontier
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    • 90 1 A GRAND DUKE KILLS HIMSELF. The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin has committed suicide at Cannes. On becoming painfully ill, he leaped from a high bridge there. [Friedrich Franz 111, the above mentioned Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, died in his 4i>th year, and had ruled his State since
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    • 13 1 .The* BritislT Parham ent'iiaSTfiljonriied for the Easter Recess, to the 26th instant.
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    • 31 1 THE EASTERN QUESTION. The Italian Chamber of Deputies, after four days’ debate, has passed by a majority of 146, a vote ol confidence in the Eastern policy of the Government
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    • 55 1 CONTRADICTORY REPORTS. London, 15 th April. Nothing definite is yet known of the results of the invasion by the Greek Volunteers, who had crossed the frontier. The Greeks maintain that the invaders have taken Battino and Bozovo and are advancing victoriously. The Turkish Government affirms that the
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    • 24 1 PARLEYING. Parleying continues between the Powers and Turkey on the subject of Crete, where the situation remains unchanged owing to the Turco-Greek difficulty.
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    • 45 1 THE TREASURY EMPTY. The funds of the Greek Exchequer arc nearly exhausted. It appears that the only resource is the raising of an internal loan. But the loan can only be raised by provoking a war with Turkey, and thus appealing to Greek patriotism.
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    • 71 1 WAR PREPARATIONS London, 16 th Ayril. M. Delyannis, the Greek Premier, has asked the Chamber of Deputies at Athens for t a vote of twenty three millions of drachmas for the Army and Navy. He hoped that the%pek army would be fully concentrated iWv Cfedayfc and would be fit
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    • 45 1 PLAN OF CAMPAIGN. The Council of Ministers at Constantinople have held a prolonged sitting. It is believed that they have prepared a plan of campaign. The Turkish Government has decided to assume the offensive in case of a fresh raiding incident on the frontier.
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    • 75 1 FIGHTING ON THE FRONTIER. London 17 th April. The Greek Chamber of Deputies has voted the war credit of twenty-three million drachmas. The Turkish Commander has declared that the position on the frontier is untenable, and has asked permission to enter Thessaly. The Ministers
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    • 42 1 VEME NTS. Admiral Rawson’s squadron of nine vessels has arrived unexpectedly at Durban (Natal). The object in view and the destination of the squadron are unknown. [Admiral Rawson’s squadron had been operating at Benin on the West Coast of Africa.]
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    • 75 1 On Friday, there were four hours hard fighting near Nizeros between Turkish and Greek regulars with artillery. Turkey has declared war against Greece and has recalled the Turkish Minister from Athens. The Greek Minister at Constantinople has been handed his passports. Fighting has
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  • 452 1 (Straits Times, 14 th April.) To-day’s telegraphic news is threatening. The vacillation and indecision of the European Concert have brought matters to a head. While the Concert took time to make up its mind, Greek and Turkish armies faced each other on the Thessalian frontier, and the resulting
    (Straits Times, 14th April.)  -  452 words
  • 36 1 DEATHS. At Sprint; (irovr. Grange Road, Margot, filter of Mr. an. I Mrs. A. Laspb, aged 1 vor. Ckymcle— On the 24th March, at Glenesk, TVirnton-hoatli. Surrey, Elizabeth, widow •/cmaklks Adaik Ckymble, Esq., of Sarawak, Borneo.
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  • 866 2 (Straits Times 1 ath April.) Yesterday, we published an article U7 l d\A* \YYck ,w A 6QT uieu \V lli Cuiite l U\ Hesitating Investor.” To-day, we publish two letters on the same subject, which is, indeed, of interest not only to the Malay Peninsula, but to
    (Straits Times, 1 ath April.)  -  866 words
  • 247 2 (Straits Times 15//* April.) Mr. Bogaardt took his seat, to-day, at Legislative Council in succession to Mr. Shelford, resigned, That is a very proper arrangement. Just a year ago, Mr. Bogaardt, who was departing from the Colony for a few months only, left, in Mr. Shelford’s possession, two
    (Straits Times, 15//* April.)  -  247 words
  • 277 2 (Straits Times 19th April.) War is declared by Turkey; and the sympathy of the world is with Turkey. She is not the aggressor. After long patience, Turkey declares war as a necessary measure of 9elf defence, and the moral support of sovereigns and statesmen is with her. Greece has
    (Straits Times, 19th April.)  -  277 words
  • 553 2 (Straits Times 19/A April.) The sporting public were exceedingly disappointed that Saturday’s Straits Times contained no report of the first day's racing at Kuala Lumpor. We also were disappointed, the more especially as we had sent to Kuala Lumpor a member of our own staff'to report the races.
    (Straits Times, 19/A April.)  -  553 words
  • 104 2 CEYLON IDEAS. At a meeting of the Ceylon Diamond Jubilee Celebration Committee on the 7th instant, it was decided that collections should be invited for a Victoria Home for Incurables as a permanent memorial for the whole island. It was also announced that it was the intention
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  • 530 2 PLAGIARISM DETECTED. The Times of Ceylon thus shows up a case or plagiarism:—ln one of the Straits Times brought by the s.s. Kaiser-i-llind is a long and plaintive letter signed by A Singhalese.” It is embellished with selections of pathetic poetry, and is full
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  • 57 2 Extensive preparations made in Ceylon for re< av<! of Siam. The King C t ,'H Governor on board hi 8 VH j address was to be nr**™ l ar «i on landing. The King* Ij visit Kandy, before pmeeediJ 1 voyage. The Buddhists i intended to spend
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  • 721 2 London, Frulay, 26// t j, I How the rational” dress ha I peared in England! Last wet.u 15 weather was splendid forc-yelim* V 1 spent the greater portion*’?! awheel. 1 could not help that amongst the scores cyclists I saw on the road oulv clad in the
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  • 18 2 a Siamese Malay Rajahs are meet now with higlf honour, and 1 tionally gracious treatment Government at Bangkok.
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  • 65 3 ...warship KcUirtur left I TH i, r s iiu'un this morning. nt thousand trade marks are I ,r K have already been regisBb 1 foreigners in Japan. to contradict the 1/uT r'-rrt that Messrs. PuttHp( propose to establish a > r.viiorrow’s mail. Mrs. Bland goes u y,
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  • 29 3 I i, Mating of Englishmen of province Wellesley, held at I ,i. th« "tli inst., it was decided Ji there on St. (ieorge’s Day, B’i;rit>t April-
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  • 46 3 I rut ,hv before yesterday, two Buggis I -ihng in tin* mud at Tanjong W', While lidiing. their boat, which I ;j -.nine distance away, began I a:. 1 they had to swim after it. I t;p* men was drowned before tin* boat.
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  • 60 3 K I’frrrr'/'ufj* of the Legislative j, r l have been issued in :m owing to the length of last ir M-ion. the short hand report pages, against 171) pages in of the present volume r p-tfivnce purpo.-es is marred by v ii lt tai»le of contents and the
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  • 121 3 I The captain and ollicers of H. M. S 1/2 >* have ottered two prizes: one for tdi-' singles, medal play, and tin* Lj„. r for men's singles, also medal [jay conditions: two rounds of the Liis mi ler sealed handicap. Entries prthe latlies’ singles close
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  • 359 3 W k !**ivt* to acknowledge receipt of ">jy of the first issue of tlie tuir.' Racing Calendar, for 1896. ~f volume is attractively but neatly and the general get-up is 'uv creditable to the publisher, r <■ I*. Owen, Secretary to the ut Racing Association and
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  • 119 3 THE MUNICIPALITY GIVEB WAY. There has been a coolie strike at Shanghai, as a consequence of an attempt to increase the license fee for wheelbarrows. All the coolies with barrows refused to work, and the upshot is that the Municipal Council has given way, and issued
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  • 127 3 ACTION AGAINST AUSTRALIA. A Japanese newspaper learns from the authorities of the Japan Foreign Office that in case of a Japanese Exclusion Hill being adopted in Queensland and other Australian colonies, Mr. Kato, the Japanese Minister in London, has been instructed to lodge a protest against the measure
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  • 194 3 It is with satisfaction, writes a correspondent, that we see that the State of British North Borneo is being represented at Her Majesty’s Jubilee, in a manner worthy of the spirit and enterprise which have always distinguished the pioneer efforts of one of the youngest of our British
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  • 346 3 MR. CAPPER’ S WEDDING. A FASHIONABLE EVENT. At the marriage of Mr. A. H. Capper to Miss L. C. A. Jones, at Penang, on the 7th instant, the bride was given away by her uncle, the Hon. J. M. Vermont. The Pinang Gazelle states that the bride looked charming in
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  • 286 3 JUDGMENT ON A PRELIMINARY POINT. LEAVE TO AMEND GRANTED. This morning, at the Supreme Court, Mr. Justice Leach decided a point In connection with the action, Tunku Mahommed and others v. Tunku Ali and others. In this case, the first named plaintiff, as administrator of the estate
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  • 234 3 THE PERMANENT MEMORIAL QUESTION. The Hongkong Diamond JubileeCommittec considered, on the sth instant, twenty permanent memorial proposals, of which fourteen were rejected. The remainder would be taken into further consideration. The Daily Dress says: The choice, we believe, lies between the proposed hospital for women with training
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  • 211 3 ELECT RIC LIGHT. Mr. L. E. Bennett, an American citizen, has obtained the exclusive right to supply Bangkok and suburbs with electric light, for the next ten years, with the option of renewing the concession for a further period of ten years at the end of that time.
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  • 443 3 DOROTHY.” “Dorothy” is, for some unexplainable reason, not a much played opera in this section of the East, and yet, Stephensoh and Cellier’s work is so simply quaint and such an easily-digested trifle as to make it, one would think, amongst tlie first to be chosen
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  • 267 3 GERMAN PLUCK. According to advices from Changsha, Mid China, a German traveller, Eugene Wolf, has succeeded in entering that city. Thus, he is the first European who has ever been able openly to get within the gates of that hotbed of anti-foreign fanaticism. He left Hankow over
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  • 80 3 A Tokyo press despatch of the 27th March states that, on news of the impending currency changes in Japan reaching Europe and# America, the price of silver began to show a further decline. Count Okuma, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, therefore, instructed the Japanese Ministers in the United
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  • 471 3 HIS MAJESTY’S DEPARTUKE. yesterday’s arrangements. LADY MITCHELL’S RECEPTION. Yesterday afternoon, at 4.45, Lady Mitchell held a reception on the lawn at Government House. The function had been arranged in honour of the King of Siam; and, at the place of reception, the King and Lady Mitchell
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  • 317 3 —Madras Times April 1st. In the Federated States of the Malay Peninsula, a good many Eurasians and respectable natives from South India are engaged in Government service. Besides the large numbers of clerks, the States employ numerous surveyors, demarcators, draughtsmen, road inspectors, clerks of works, dressers,
    —Madras Times, April 1st.  -  317 words

  • 2424 4 LEPROSY IN PRUS8IA. Thb results of Professor Koch’s study of leprosy in East Prussia last year, have just appeared. He is of opinion that the cases he saw there were not connected, like those in Norway, Sweden, Finland, <fcc., with the leprosy of the Middle Ages,
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  • 93 4 —Kobe Chronicle. The Japanese Parliament has passed a law that no foreigner may become the editor, printer, or publisher of a newspaper. Most of the foreign-owned newspapers in Japan are in the hands of Englishmen. The law is alleged to be in direct contravention of the spirit
    .—Kobe Chronicle.  -  93 words
  • 220 4 HOKIENS VEK8U8 TAICHEW8. A TAICHEW KILLED. A quarrel, whicli arose out of a very small incident, but ended fatally for one of the persons involved, took place yesterday between a number of Chinamen. At eleven o’clock in the morning, seven Hokiens took a cartload of planks from
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  • 579 4 Three sisters and one brother were married at one and the same time at a suburbau church at Vienna last month. The friend: “Do you think your husband expected to go to heaven Mrs. Widdilove: Yes, indeed. What reason have you for thinking so Mrs. W. (sobbing): ‘Oh,
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  • 321 4 With reference to our list, published to-day, it ma T fl venient to note that the I‘imL,. has also received some further L" I** 1 tions, which we do not as vet; *7* in our total. The amount" still'* acknowledged from the Gazette recorded when, in due
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  • 40 4 During March, the mill at Punjoiw ran 30 days, crushing 960 tons of ore, yielding 231 ozs. of smelted gold. Wu tons of headings crushed, yielding !<** ozs. of gold. Fifty tons of concentrates calcined, yielding 47 ozs. of gold.
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  • 115 4 The Flower Show prize list has ••••cn issued. The Show will take up two days. On the first day, 13th May, it will be open from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. On the second day, 14th May, tin* >h" tt will be open from 10 a.m. to
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  • 90 4 Three miserable-looking hinaimaj, victims of morphia injection, were tlus morning charged with being in F ,s9es sion of morphia and the means o injecting it. One of them wa unnerved, owing to deprivation ot J* drug since yesterday, thkt In* waP lina J to stand, and was evidently
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  • 140 4 Mr. Shelforii left this morning eight o’clock in the mail steamer /<" v for Europe. The early hour ot d«*| ture must have prevented manv u would have liked to say good *>• from appearing on board at sucli early hour; but, nevertheless, t»' was a
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  • 96 5 the new learning. i sire for a knowledge of the T fV l in kage is extending rapidly, the' Tientsin correspondent of rlt V 11,-CI'Uia Ihiily Ne.-s), and a titf 7- her of voting men and lads I1,, p,viinr such opportunities as iff 7 i. ikinc a
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  • 162 5 foreign examples. T Virerov Chang of Wuchang and U ,r Tan of Hupeh have recently a j proclamation notifying the 1 u f Hupeh province that the if'l lias ordered the building railway between Pekin and ttiikew* for*the benefit of the Gov-r-p.-Ht and the people of the eounrr
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  • 252 5 ITS SI 1*1*08 ED VALVE. (I rout a i 'm* respondent.) It is not generally known to those juicquaintnl with Chinese matters, that the post of Chinese Consul-Gene-ral jn Niigapon* is a subject ot much interest in Mandarin circles, and its injuisition is keenly sought for. It
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  • 269 5 I*** V. ii>liington correspondent of the iMihj Chronicle says he is authorised to that President McKinley, under authority conferred upon him by lt; recently passed Bill providing for *je railing of an int(‘rnational monetary ,f jiilen»nce. will appoint three or more fmal commissioners or envoys to principal nations
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  • 63 5 Pollard’s Lilliputian Company attracted a large audience to the Tawn Hall last night, when they repeated their performance of Dorothy. The bouse was most appreciative of the efforts of the juvenile performers, and appeared to thoroughly enjoy the presentation. The tuneful music was well rendered; and several
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  • 401 5 Tjondon 19£/i March.. The challenge of that man of mighty muscle, Sandow, to ride any distance over ten miles, against any rider, seems to have been published without his authority. Therefore are our “cracks” mournful and depressed. Why, almost every prominent speed man in England accepted, or
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  • 461 5 SIK ISAAC HOLDENS PRESCRIPTION. Mrs. Emily Crawford contributes to the Young Man an interesting account, of her friend, Sir Isaac Holden, M.P. The millionaire of Yorkshire is now nearly ninety. He lost his second wife six years ago. She was then eighty-three years of age. and
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  • 27 5 Y EBTERDAY, a Chinese, with a record of thirteen previous convictions, was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment, and twelve cuts with a rattan, for theft.
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  • 39 5 This morning, Mr. Kliory applied to Mr. Wilkinson to allow the two men charged with manslaughter, in connection with the affray in Rochore Canal Road on Monday, to be liberated on bail. This was allowed in $l,OOO each.
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  • 246 5 GERMAN COMMERCIAL MISSION. I)r. Knappe, the late German Consul at Hongkong, is President of the German Trade Commission to China. At the date of last advices, he and the members of the mission were at Hongkong, preparing to start for the ports on the Yang-tse river. The
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  • 558 5 The first article in the current Hotfminsfer Renew is by Mr. William Robertson, formerly of the Chinese Mail in which he sets forth his view as to our true policy in China The Court «*it Pekin, and more aspeciallv the obstructive local officials, are
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  • 848 5 (By A Hesitating Investor.) Will coffee pay The answer concerns the stately Resident-General almost as much as it concerns the doubting investor. From the Government royalties on tin produced from alluvial mining, there has been built up a costly administrative system; and, from the same mining royalties,
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  • 796 5 She: They say people who live together get to look alike.” He: “Is that so Well, just for the interest of science, let’s try it.” Mr. Percy Fitzgerald has nearly finished his labours on the edition of Boswell’s “Johnson,” which he is preparing for Messrs. Bliss, Sands,
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  • 263 6 Maluy Mail. IMPROVED COMMUNICATIONS. The long-looked-for Reko Road has been begun. The old bridle path from Kajang has been almost impassable for some time, and has caused no little inconvenience to the planters who have taken up land there during the last two years. The young coffee on
    Maluy Mail.  -  263 words
  • 1420 6 Mrs. Bex h am You said that you would love me all your life.” Benliam: “How did I know how long I was going to live He: Do you think your father would offer me personal violence if I were to ask himfor you! She: “No, but I
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  • 23 6 THURSDAY, 15TH APRIL. There is to be a St. George’s Ball at Penang on St. George’s Day. Are there no Englishmen in Singapore
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  • 24 6 One hundred and sixty-three deaths w’ere registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand stood at 41.06.
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  • 32 6 Preparations for the Federated Malaya Durbar are already in progress at Kuala Kangsar. Orders for the purchase of no less than twenty-one buffaloes have been issued, says the Perak Pioneer.
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  • 55 6 At Rangoon, on sth April, it was discovered that Rs. 75,000, besides a cheque for Rs. 15,000, had been stolen from a safe in the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. The money was chiefly in notes. The safe had not been forced. Suspicion has fallen on the manager’s native
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  • 51 6 The Perak Government Gazettte contains the following notification :—Officers wishing to appeal from the judgment formed upon their cases by the .Government should, before sending in any memorial on the subject for transmission to H'.E. the High Commissioner, make a representation, through the proper channel, to the
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  • 75 6 A Kltng man was arrested last night by the police for drunkenness, and was conveyed to the lvandang Kerbau Station. During the night, it was found that he had cut his loin cloth into strips, and that he had made a determined attempt to commit suicide. In this
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  • 79 6 This morning, an unfortunate accident occurred on board the steamer Celebes, now in dock. A Chinaman, who was carrying a plank across the gangway, missed his footing and fell on to a painter who was at work on the sides of the vessel. Botli men w f ere
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  • 83 6 This morning, two Malay constables were charged before Mr. Wilkinson for using criminal force. The complainant was a fishvendor. He was, on Tuesday, called to the door of Kandang Kerbau Police Station by one of the defendants, and, as he would not sell his fish at the price
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  • 108 6 11. E. Chang Yin-huan, Special Ambassador from China to Queen Victoria’s Jubilee ceremonials in London, arrived at Shanghai with his official retinue on the 3rd inst. He was to join the Einprett#of China y and travel by this steamer to Vancouver. Upon arrival at New’ York, the
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  • 104 6 On the 7tli inst., an indignation meeting of Shanghai residents was held. It was the largest meeting <?ver hold in Shanghai. Resolutions were passed denouncing the action of the Foreign Consuls and that of the Municipal Council for surrendering to the mob, and calling upon
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  • 891 6 CANNIBALISM IN THE MOLUCCAS. The Batavia Nieuirgblad says that a man-of-war, the Jar a, will shortly be despatched to Etna Bay, in Netherlands New Guinea, to punish certain cannibals who had, as alleged, committed an outrage on an Australian cutter, the Lizzie in that quarter. It appears that
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  • 103 6 ENORMOUS TIGER SHOT. The Perak Pioneer of the sth instant gives particulars of a tiger hunt at Ipoh A tiger had killed a buffalo, and Mr C. S. Ogilvie, who had already shot many of these beasts of prey, started in quest of it. After a long
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  • 129 6 TOO MUCH WHISKY-SODA One Thomas Raddin, agent for the firm of Reed and Barten of New York, died suddenly, the other day, in a hotel at Sourabaya. It is alleged that, owing to cholera prevailing there, he used to take fort.y-tw 7 o to ninety-six glasses of whiskysoda
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  • 126 6 For some time past, the Hotel de I*Europe has been more or less infested with thieves, and a watch has been set on suspicious characters. Yesterday, one of tllese appeared with a paint \>ot, and proceeded to some of the rooms of he hotel. On returning,
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  • 333 6 “la mascotte.” Pollard’s Lilliputian Opera Company again performed, with much success, last night. The comic opera selected was Andrau’s “La M ascotte.’ In spite of the heavy rain, a good audience had assembled in time to see the curtain raised, wdiich fact alone says a good deal
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  • 1145 7 Singapore, 15/4 April, 1897. ishareholders of the Jelebu Minf° 1 1 Trading' Company, Limited. i 22 1 |h rectors beg to submit a statel°ur f t 0 Company’s accounts for the ,nt ''from August 9th, 1896, to February r* rl IM .ipjr tin* second half of the r \
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  • 1038 7 The Managers Report for the live weeks ending on 7th April, 1897, runs as follows: MINING. Kaub Hole Section. —In the 220 feet level, the work of extending the different levels is proceeding satisfactorily. In the main level going south, we have not yet succeeded in cutting the main
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  • 54 7 FALL IN TIN EXPORTS. The Perak annual trade returns for 1S96 note that exports shew a falling off of $2,BBT,734. Among the items that shew a falling olf in value are tin and manufactured tin, $873,977; tin-ore, $1,880,323. The imports indicate a falling off amounting to $867,432, mainly
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  • 249 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE CHINA MAIL.” Sir, —Referring to the newspaper comments on the shady character of the dealings in Straits Insurance Shares, I fear the honest broker is occasionally to be found “not at home” elsewhere than at the two sister ports between which we
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  • 1026 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —The article you published yesterday under the title: Will Coffee Pay is interesting to me, chiefly as an object lesson in the great fact that cheap silver is to the interest of the Straits and of Malaya. At a
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  • 79 7 Mr. Stringer was among the arrivals by mail from Europe, this morning. Messrs. Spencer <fc Co. of Madras have a representative in Singapore at present trying to open up a trade in Indian cigars. The firm are very large manufacturers in India. An agricultural show will be
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  • 27 7 (IIif special telegram.) Kuala Lump or, Friday. Mr. John Wellford, Chief Surveyor of Selangor [recently returned from leave] died this morning of laryngitis.
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  • 40 7 Mr. Howard Newton, lately Assistant Municipal Engineer at Singapore, and now holding the corresponding post at Bombay, has been made a full member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, of which he was formerly only an Associate.
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  • 48 7 Calcutta 5th April. The plague at Hyderabad and Sukkur is seriously increasing. The Poona returns are steady. At Kurrachee and Bombay, there are slight decreases. 7th April. The plague is increasing in the Punjab. Two medical officers have been specially deputed for plague duty in Sind.
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  • 81 7 We are sorry to learn that the St. George’s Bail Subscription List is not filling so fast as was expected, only 28 Englishmen having sent in their subscriptions so far. As the Committee will not feel justified in giving the ball, unless there are at least 50
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  • 233 7 A L LEG El) MI8M AN AGEMENT. (From a Correspondent.) A paper, embodying several grounds of complaint against what is alleged to be mismanagement of the Soldiers and Sailors Home, is being circulated for signature among the military who frequent this institution. It is intended to
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  • 1166 8 The theft of the Jelebu seven thousand dollars is, I think, the flrst theft of a treasure box recorded hereabouts. Why there are not more such thefts, I cannot tell. The temptation is great; and, with sufficient arrangement beforehand, the risk would not be large. Some day,
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  • 531 8 The county magistrates at Kingston-on-Thames had remitted to them on the 25th ult., for conviction from the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court, the case of Hawke v. Dunn.” Mr. Reginald Brown appeared for the appellant, and Mr. T. Allingham represented the defendant. The Chairman
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  • 1774 8 THE BTRAIT9 CONVERBAZIONE. The following is the formal announcement of the Straits conversazione in London: A conversazione will be held on Friday, the 7th May, at the Galleries* of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, Piccadilly, from 9to 12 o’clock p.m., when
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  • 163 8 A COOLIE TAX. A Bill is to be introduced into th Legislative Council, intituled an Onjj nance to provide funds for the of Immigrants’ Examination Iw? The object of the Bill is to raise a f Un( i for the purpose of building depots f or the examination
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  • 200 8 Some thirty officers and men paraded in the Drill Hall, on Thursday, at 5.15 p.m., and proceeded by launch toKatong, where the usual Easter Camp was formed. As customary, the Commandant made a speech after dinner, and ex pressed a hope that the Corps would
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  • 324 8 THE COAST DISTRICT. Mr. E. W. Birch, the Acting Resident of Negri Sembilan, paid a visit to the coast district of the »State towards the middle of March. On the 13th, he reached Rastf Puteh and visited Mr. Englers charing, where fifty acres had already been planted with
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  • 741 9 iU Tim™ of Ceylon.") I,on don, 4th April. ift l despatch published at Lisbon t -i Portuguese force lias been iV the natives of Guinea with three officers and several men r 1 r an jherlain, in reply to a question V of Commons, said that Presireplying
    ... iU “ Tim™ of Ceylon.")  -  741 words
  • 770 9 What do you think of Homburg?** A wonderful place, my dear boy, wonderful How’s that It’s the only place where they ever succeeded in making me drink water.” The Prince of Monaco is a working Royalty. He interests himself in fishery matters, and to assist him he has,
    770 words
  • 124 9 THE INDIAN FAMINE. STRAITS TIMES FUND. FIRST LIST OF u NO. 2 FUND.” (Wednesday y 14th April.) From Fund No. 1 there was remitted to India $38,000, leaving a balance in bank (as certified by the auditor) of $510.53. The total collection to-date (cents being omitted) is, therefore, as follows:
    124 words
  • 627 9 LAND AND MINES. The deparmental report on lands and mines in Perak for 1896, states that the year has proved a record one for the department; most material and encouraging progress has been made. The revenue is largely in excess of any figure which has ever before been reached.
    627 words
  • 1289 9 Thursday, 15th April. PRK8KNT. H. E. The Governor, Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, g.c.m.g. Hon. C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Acting Colonial Secretary. Hon. W. R. Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon. F. G. Penney, Acting Colonial Treasurer. Hon. Capt. Anderson, r.e., Acting Colonial Engineer. Hon. G. S. Murray. Hon. W. J. Napier.
    1,289 words
  • 42 9 A special general meeting of the shareholders of the Punjom Mining Co., Ltd., is to be held at Hongkong when the opinion of the shareholders present will be sought as to the raising of capital or the reconstruction of the Company.
    42 words
  • 208 9 —Truth. Red tape is not absent even from the proceedings of so modern and progressive a body as the London County Council. The Council have just issued some regulations for their open-air band performances, which will commence on Easter Monday. This year, it seems, the Council have
    —Truth.  -  208 words

  • 117 10 A Philatelic Society has been established at Taiping. It is reported that a bi-weekly newspaper is about to be started at Penang. Raub shares were quoted in Hongkong, on the 10th inst., at *16, with buyers. Hudson's Surprise Party, after an extremely successful season in Hongkong, have
    117 words
  • 65 10 Private Waghorn, R.M.L.1., was tried by Court martial on the 9th inst. on H. M. S. Undaunted at Hongkong, for assaulting his sergeant. The sergeant ordered the prisoner to parade in heavy marching order, whereupon the prisoner refused and struck the sergeant on the face. The pair closed and
    65 words
  • 159 10 The Siam Free Press understands that the.Xing of Siam will seek in Europe to arrive at some settlement with France as regards pending difficulties. The latter turn upon the interpretation of the Treaty between France and Siam in 1894 as regards the extent of French protection over
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  • 155 10 ARREST AT COLOMBO. Upon telegraphic instructions received by the Ceylon Government from the authorities at Singapore, an arrest was effected at Colombo, on the 9th instant, on board the German steamer Saclixen, of a German named Adolphe Ivunke alia* Trofe, who was a passenger on board. The
    155 words
  • 193 10 NEW DEPARTURE IN SIAM. The new Chief Judge of the Criminal Court of Siam, Phra Kraisee by name, is the first judge appointed there by Royal letters patent, and also the first who has taken a judicial oath as a preliminary to entering upon his duties. This
    193 words
  • 992 10 NO. 11.—GLIMPSES OF NATIVE LIFE. Continued.) (BY MISS AUGUSTA I>E WIT.) After the bath, the Javanese proceeds to take his morning meal; and this, again, is a public performance. The noon repast —the only solid one in the day—is prepared and eaten at home. But
    992 words
  • 276 10 Training for the Spring Race Meeting has been quite upset by the extraordinary amount of rain that lias fallen during the past month. The course has become so swampy that it had to be closed for the greater part of last week. The going on the inside track—the
    276 words
  • 158 10 towards foreigners. —Hongkong Telegraph. ANOTHER INDIGNATION MEETING. Shanghai, 10 th April. At the indignation meeting held on Wednesday (7th inst.) resolutions were passed (a.) protesting against the recent action of the authorities in giving in to the wheelbarrow coolies, and (b.) insisting on it that
    towards foreigners.—Hongkong Telegraph.  -  158 words
  • 33 10 H. M. S. Endymion and Minerva arrived here yesterday morning from Hongkong. They leave for England to-day. H. M. S. Undaunted arrived here this morning from Hongkong. She leaves for Trincomalee to-day.
    33 words
  • 2567 10 WKST DAY, THURSDAY, loTH APRIL. (BY OUR OWN reporter). A Three Days* Race Meeting, held under the auspices of the Selangor Turf Club and the Sungei Ujong Gymkhana Club,openedafc Kuala LumpuronThursday in delightful weather. The event is a notable one in the history of racing in Malaya. For
    2,567 words

  • 180 11 We take the following from the Camp Gazette published on Saturday afternoon: When the last Camp day is over, and the tents are emptied and struck, When w T e’re going back to the office, and feeling down on our luck, We shall wrork, and
    180 words
  • 365 11 MONDAY’S RESULTS. CHAMPIONSHIP. Elliot v. Egerton. (unfinished.) B SINGLES. Ruddock rec. 5 beat Sout.ham, owe 1. Lysley owe 5 beat Girdlestone scr. McClure owe 2 v. McArthur sir. (postponed.) C SINGLES. Kdlin v. R. T. Reid, (unfinished.) A DOUBLES. Deunysand Linton 4* 2 heat Vade
    365 words
  • 243 11 TO THE EDITOR OK THE STRAITS TIMES.’’ Sir, —ln the interests of the public, it seems desirable to draw the attention of the Chief Police Officer to the fact that men, who, unfortunately, fall into the hands of the police, are sometimes brutally treated by Asiatic constables.
    243 words
  • 410 11 arrivals. Per s. s. Neera from Penang via ports Mr. Vivier. Per s. s. Chow Phya from Klang via ports:—Messrs. Bean, and Westerhout. Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports: —Messrs. Bid well, and Allen, and M iss Man. Per s. s. Pakan from Batu Paliat:—Mr.
    410 words
    • 240 11 Under this heading the folio wing abbreviations are used —str.—steamer; sh. —ship bq.—barque; Brit—British; U. 8. United States; Ft. French; Qer.—German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Job ore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo Wharf;
      240 words
    • 1277 11 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Ban Fo Soon, Dut. str. 223 tons, Captain Odink, 17th April. From Pontianak 15th Apl. G.c., and 26 d.p. Lim Assam. For Pontianak, U—Rds. Banka, Dut. str. 192 tons, Capt Vos, 18th Apl. From Palembang, 17th Apl. G.c., Lim Chin Swee. For Palembang
      1,277 words
    • 349 11 Name, port probable date of arrival and name of agents. A. Apcar, Calcutta, Apl 23; S. and Moses. Aden, Hongkong, May 27 P. A O. Australind, Fremantle, Apl 19; Boustead. Breconshire, Hongkong, Apl 21; G. Wood Bayern, Hongkong, May 2 Behn Meyer. Borneo, London, May 4; P. AO.
      349 words
    • 1072 12 Flag Vessel’s Name. A Toss. Captaih Fbom 8aiuu>. Consignees. A Rio j Yong Yot Sia. gb. 350 Backe Bangkok Apl 7 Siamese Consul. 12 Malacca Brit str. 4»»5 Daly T. Anson Apl 10S. S’ship Coy. Ltd. 12 Pakan str. 84 Scott .Batu Pahat Apl 12 Wee Bin and Co.
      1,072 words
    • 660 12 Date. Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination \pl 12 Palamcotta Brit. str. Windebank Calcutta via ports H 13 I Ban Whatt Hin str. Olsen Billiton and Pontianak 13 Neera str. Coysh Klang and Penang 13 I Ban Hin Guan str. H’Cruze Klang via ports 13 Hebe str. Inkster Penang and
      660 words
    • 88 12 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. 1 Flag j Date ReDate. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of Fuomwherk Destin- marks Rig. Sailing ation i Apl 7 Ned s.s. P. Marie V. d. Lee Apl 7 Batavia Amsterdam 8 Ned bar. M. Johanna V. d. Laag Oct 19 New York
      88 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 697 12 LOOKING FROM THE LONELY ROCK. The island of St. Paul is merely a great rock in the Southern Ocean. It is the top of volcanic mountain. There are no means of sustaining life to he found on it. The nearest inhabited land is Australia or Africa. To that ugly and
      697 words
    • 176 12 We hope M iss Eden’s recovery may indeed prove permanent, and if it does she will find no words too strong when she sppaks of the remedy which wrought it. But, oh, the vast multitude who still stand, like the shipwrecked people on the island, looking for rescue —victims of
      176 words
    • 522 12 Pure, Rich Blood is the soil in which roots life, fcealu strength, happiness. The soil of the blood can be drained or impoverish* like any other soil, and can be fertilized and nourished in a similar wav You can get back the old spring an* snap. You can enjoy labor
      522 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 639 13 observe that the SIGN A TURE 0 Sole Cro a r o XP -w IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIP, ON/LlY ACROSS THE OUTSU 3 W RRPPER cf every Bottle c; the IO 22-Z X. WORCE. .iTJSRSHIRE the Proprietors, /cf*. C r c”: we’!. Ltd.. London G generally. .i
      639 words
    • 282 13 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral For Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Influenza, and Incipient Consumption, no remedy approaches Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It has long been the most popular and successful anodyne expectorant in Pharmacy, and is everywhere approved and recommended by the Faculty. It soothes the inflamed membrane, breaks up irritating mucus,
      282 words
    • 72 13 RILEY HARGREAVES &COY. NEW STOCK. New Stocks of Engine Room and Deck stores and Fittings, Pumps, (Eng Telegraphs, reply and non reply) steam winches, stores, side lights, ship’s bells, engine, packing &0., &c. BICYCLES. NEW STOCK. HIGH GRADE MACHINES OF LATEST PATTERN ALSO, A GREAT VARIETY OF ACCESSORIES. NEW DISINFECTANT.
      72 words
    • 219 13 “TIMES” AND “BUDGET” Straits Times post free, $30 a year, or $2£ a month, or ten cents a copy. Straits Budget post free, $20 a year, or $6 a quarter or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, 15 cents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10
      219 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 372 14 JOHN Co. Ltd SINGAPORE. ELECTRO PLATE DEPARTMENT.—Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Prizes for Athletic meetings, <fc c We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, &c. sv ■P
      372 words