The Straits Budget, 13 April 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 145 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE 'WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Ti e Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 136 1 Walker- King. On the 2nd March, at St. Peter*** Church. Belsize Park, by hto £»*v. WAV. Ln-kson. I>. I)., Rector of Exeter College. Oxford, assisted by the Vicar, the K»‘v. Dr. Tivinlett, Henry Walker, of Sandakan, British North Borneo, son of the late Jo-trn Walker, of Kersal, Manchester. and
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  • 312 1 IjKaiiim, Hie Raid Inquiry. Parly Obstruction, l Dues. S| r W. Harcourt. The Golf C'lub. Peace. H:iil**y. the Prophet. Market (Quotations. •'"hipping News. Passenger List. Police News. I *atii ot Mr. (I’Brien. Pata 1 Accident. Inule Returns. Applying for Leave. in Kallang Hoad. O 1 Valuable
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  • 499 1 Singapore, 13th April, 1897. PRODUCE. Gambier, 6.20. do Cube No 1, 10.00. do do No 2, 8.40. Copra Bali, 5.85. do Pontianak, 5.60. Pepper, Black, 13.80. Sago Flour Sarawak,..nominal.. 2.90. do Brunei, 2.20. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee, Bali, picked 36.00. Coffee Palembang, picked 41.00. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 421 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. O. s. s. Rosetta. The P. s. s. Coromamlel witli the mail from Europe of the 19th March arrived on Saturday. The mail for Europe next week, leaves by the M. M. s. s. E. Simons.
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    • 49 1 RUSSIAN POLICY. London 6th. April. The semi-ofiieial St. Petersburg Journal declares that the continued aggressive attitude of Greece renders the blockade of the Pirums imperative. That journalNisserts that, if Greece rushes into war, the Powers will never allow her to reap any advantages she may gain from it.
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    • 40 1 OVERTURES BY BRITAIN. Ixmdon 7th April. Britain has made pacific overtures to Greece to admit of removing the existing deadlock. It is believed that blockading the Piraeus will depend upon the answer given by Greece to these overtures.
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    • 41 1 WARNING BY THE POWERS. The Powers, at the suggestion of Russia, have notified to. Greece and Turkey that if either of them be the aggressor in provoking war, that one will never be allowed to profit bv victory.
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    • 68 1 MOTION AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Mr. A. J. Balfour has notified the above information to the House of Commons. Mr. Balfour added that Britain would not hesitate to take part in the blockade of the Pi rams. Sir William Harcourt, upon this, gave notice of a motion for an
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    • 31 1 BRITISH ACTION. London 8th April. It is denied that Britain has made pacific overtures to Greece. It is stated that Britain is only acting in concert with the other Powers.
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    • 31 1 HOSTILITIES EXPECTED. The whole of the Turkish army on the frontier was under arms, yesterday, in expectation of an attack from the Greek forces there at any moment.
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    • 45 1 SIR W. HARCOURT 8 MOTION. Mr. A. J. Balfour has refused to fix a day for the discussion of Sir William Harcourt’s motion re Greece and Crete, unless the motion was intended as a vote of censure. Sir William Harcourt ignored the challenge.
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    • 38 1 WAR FEELING ABATED. lx>ndon 9 1h April. The fresh Note of the Powers to Greece, which seeks to remove the present deadlock, is made light of at Athens. Nevertheless, the newspapers there censure the clamour for war.
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    • 33 1 INBURGENT MOVEMENTS. The insurgents in Crete are massing at Sitia on the east coast of the island. The ccommander of the French man-of-war there has landed several guns, in readiness for hostilities.
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    • 54 1 INCREASE IN STRENGTH. London, 10th April. The French Minister of Marine has introduced a Bill into the Chamber of Deputies to spend eight hundred millions of francs [32 millions sterling] in eight years on the French Navy. The naval programme begins, this year, with eight ships (mostly
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    • 31 1 PEACEFUL PROSPECTB. It is the general opinion at St. Petersburg and elsewhere that Greece is calming down, in consequence of the unexpected strength of the Turkish forces on the frontier.
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    • 90 1 FIGHTING ON THE FRONTIER. London 1 2th April. Greek bands, over two thousand strong, have crossed the Turkish frontier. These bands include Italian volunteers, and are commanded by ex-offi-cers. They are well armed at the expense of the Nation/ 1 1 League. Fighting went on along the
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  • 481 1 (Straits Times 6th April.) Thr South African Inquiry is fulfilling the expectations formed concerning it. Nobody was so foolish as to believe that it would be lively to affect, either one way or the other, the course of British policy in South Africa, but it was evident
    (Straits Times, 6th April.)  -  481 words
  • 16 1 DEATH. tkv suddenly, at Holyrood, on the 5th Hknry Arthur O'Brien, Acting Colonial Treasurer. Aged 45.
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  • 276 2 (Straits Times, 7th April.) It is one of the unfortunate features of our Parliamentary system that almost unrestricted opportunity is afforded for the exercise of purely party methods of hindrance and heckling. Solid measures, long delayed private legislation, domestic questions of the greatest importance have to be shelved
    (Straits Times, 7th April.)  -  276 words
  • 316 2 (Straits Times 7 th April.) A most interesting point, based upon a most inapt analogy, has arisen in Hongkong in connection with a speech that was delivered, the other day, at the annual meeting of the China Association. At that meeting, the question of increased light dues was
    (Straits Times, 7th April.)  -  316 words
  • 229 2 (Straits Times >sth April.) Mr. Balfour very properly refuses to set aside a day for the motion of which Sir William Harcourt gave notice, unless it should be made a specific vote of censure. And, forsooth, a vote of censure on what On the British Government for
    (Straits Times, >sth April.)  -  229 words
  • 315 2 (Straits 'Times, bth April.) The Golf Club holds a special meeting to-morrow, to consider a proposal to increase the monthly subscription from one dollar to two dollars. The members appear to think that the proposal that was defeated at the annual meeting is being unduly rushed,'’ and
    (Straits 'Times, bth April.)  -  315 words
  • 342 2 (Straits Times 9 th April.) The olive leaf has been brought into the Ark. That is one satisfactory and gratifying fact that stands out conspicuously in the history of the stirring events of the last three months in [pected feature, and is, therefore, the I south east Europe. It
    (Straits Times, 9th April.)  -  342 words
  • 811 2 (Straits Times. 1 Oth. April.) There is iijtime in fJtVk* affairs of Clubs, as in the affairs of individ 4 t *ViV**j i at the Hood, leads on to fortune- or cist* to put it in familiar parlance, to a general smash-up. The Singapore Golf Club, at
    (Straits Times. 1 Oth. April.)  -  811 words
  • 679 2 (Straits Times 1 21 h April.) Mr. \V. W. Bailey is not a satisfactory prophet. He is unsatisfactory, because* he pursues novel methods of his own methods that are not at all in accord with the traditions of prophecy. In 1894, lie elected, for reasons not quite
    (Straits Times, 121 h April.)  -  679 words
  • 72 2 Malay Mail. THE SCLTAN OF SELANGOR. The Sultan of Selangor, on having fclje position of affairs explained to him, lias" very generously sent, for the Indian Fain ine Fund, a donation of SfJOO, with which* is enclosed a further donation ol •S100 froi'a II. H. the Raja
    Malay Mail.  -  72 words
  • 147 2 SPREAD OF THE PESTILENCE. Calcutta, 2nd April. The week's death-rate at Bombay has again risen, the plague mortality being fifty-eight above the preceding week’s figures. The plague returns at Karra chee continue heavy. The disease in Sind is becoming more general and virulent; but no returns are published.
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  • 158 2 The first part of the S. V. A. annual inspection took place on Saturday afternoon. The Battery fell in at a quarter past three, under the command of Major and Commandant Punman. The other officers present were Captains St. Clair and Davies, Hon. Surgeon Mugliston, Lieut,
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  • 206 3 ir informed by the agent of -I Telfirrani Company that their UT .rvin* to tra ts be n V .>n or about the Ist May next. nrr has been rendered feasit} 1 i T I‘ the liberal terms granted hl,, n Extension Telegraph Co. hy th«* t
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  • 42 3 Yiik 1'iviirh cruiser Eclat rear arrived t t ,1 ml"> mi the 31st March from M ir.-cTio- *»ii lu*r way to Saigon. She !.♦;.> toil" and 2,050 horse power, ami ;*rrie~ s 11 c. m.., and 3 ton 6 m. jnms.
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  • 44 3 of the Straits Settlements Association was to be held at the Ixii-lon olliccs of the Tanjong Pagar I>,»rk t omj.nny on the 17th March to mnsiucr tin* question of the annual dinner or a < r rs'iiio/tr, and also for gen»Tal hUMllC"".
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  • 58 3 Last l r ii>h\ a hack gharry syee luim-d K.i i.ii'. n. while driving along at its junction with Hockliii.'' knocked down a Chinaman. Tf:< .!-n man sei/.ed the spring of the i' it passed over him, and was <lra__ ilittb* distance. He was sent t>»d. hut died
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  • 58 3 KAIX AM) LOWER PRICES. I’a n Itnl fallen generally throughout J Liu’rne districts in India, towards !l »*H'l of last month. The rain had prmv i Fii< >st beneficial, admitting of the crops under the most favour■nspices. Prices had slightly fali**n durinii the past month, and, altoge‘ii'M. tln
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  • 63 3 tki.kukam from Raub, dated sth ll! lan h states that the rough deaningbattery has just finisiied. iiic crushing yielded 3240 ounces >‘a»»;s!gain. The estimated quantity ,l! v *«»n** crushed was 1390 tons. The prospects are good. n inntity of amalgam is e<juivalent orcrathousand ounces of smelted t 0! i
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  • 86 3 lsr -\J*oRK ahead OE HONGKONG. l!l: il lujhmg Telegraph in commen;tin* readiness with which the Council and the Municipa- ii tin* Straits have voted money •hil*iln* Celebrations, says i'*r»»going facts make it clear that, I |V I V 1 Tra its Settlements are far 'Ho lgkong. We have,
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  • 113 3 KU ALA LUMPUR RACES. U l i V ALTKIi Raymond left Kinta on hie. ,nst for Kuala Lumpur, with (Hj 1 s Jirnmy Pacha and ;ilJ ,j an(l Ihe ponies Lurline Phyllis I'uiiij, 'I'T; ~ts P iraf io'n, says a corres- r I; S oome on somewhat since stiii'* ie
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  • 348 3 The Settlement was shocked this morning to learn that the Hon. Henry Arthur O’Brien had died suddenly and unexpectedly last evening. The circumstances attending his demise were peculiarly sad. It seems that the lion, gentleman was in the habit of taking morphia and that yesterday afternoon,
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  • 75 3 Mrs. and Miss Rodger leave by today's French mail en route for Kobe. They will wait at Saigon until tin arrival of Mr. Rodger, who, with Mr Berrington, leaves to-night for Bangkok by an S. S. Company's steamer. Mr. Rodger and Mr. Berrington wili arrive at
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  • 134 3 The report of the directors of the Eastern Mortgage and Agency Company to December 31, 1896, statesa balance is shown to the credit of revenue account £5,415, which, with £2,472 brought forward from the revenue account of the previous year, make a total available balance of £7,887*
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  • 162 3 The mail steamer Coromandel left Colombo, at J1 p. m., on Sunday, and may be expected here on Saturday afternoon next. The following is her passenger list for the Far East: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burkill, Mrs. Prentice, Miss Law, Miss Mowat, Miss A. Law, Dr.
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  • 2837 3 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. THE ALGERINE.” The sloop Algerine which left Devonport on Feb. 27, for the China Station, with orders to call at Gibraltar and Malta, did not reach Gibraltar, where she was due on 4th ult., until 8th ult. The absence of information caused some uneasiness
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  • 1031 4 (From the “Times of Ceylon.") London, 25th March. The Hon. J. A. Cooper, Director of Public Works, Hongkong, has been translated to a similar appointment in Ceylon; and Mr. R. 1). Ormsby, Provincial Engineer, Ceylon, will succeed Mr. Cooper at Hongkong. President Kruger lias appointed a Commission to
    (From the “Times of Ceylon.")  -  1,031 words
  • 260 4 A CEYLON VIEW. The Times of Ceylon, in commenting upon a rumour that the Hon. J. A. Swettenham would be appointed Colonial Secretary of Ceylon, says:— In changing our present Colonial Secretary for Mr. Swettenham it will in many ways be changing King Log for King
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  • 2122 4 A SCENE. The eighth sitting of the House of Commons Committee, which is inquir1 ing into the Jameson Raid and its associated questions, was held on the 12th ult. The sitting was rendered extremely interesting owing to the fur- ther
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  • 147 4 The Chinaman who was run over by a hack gharry on Sunday morning, did in the hospital, this morning. The Durbar intended to be held at Kuala Kangsar in July next is estimated to cost about twenty thousand dollars M. Defrance, the French Minister at Bangkok, was
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  • 32 4 Pekin despatches report that the Tientsin-Peking Railway has so tar advanced that it is expected that trains will run over the whole distance l*y the middle of this month.
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  • 47 4 The Japanese Government intends u» grant a subsidy to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha of 22,914,957 yen to the Kumpean line and 624,017 yen to the TransPacific line, the payment of these sums to be spread over a period commencing on the 1st April, 1898.
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  • 55 4 This afternoon Messrs. Tek Chye sold by auction at the Central Police Office the valuable sword which we described the other day. Tt was bought by Mr. Lira Fong, a partner in the pawn broking firm with which it had been pledge by Baron de Horn.” The
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  • 173 4 The trade returns of the Colony h»i the fourth quarter of last year show a falling off in the volume of traffic, exclusive of treasure, on comparison with the corresponding quarter of 189 >. The decrease shows most prominence in the exports. Under that head, the Hollar shrinkage
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  • 182 5 the funeral. r;l I of the late Hon. Henry Tfi* j, r i t>n whose sad sudden death took place last 1 i;uire company of mourners t lt} esteem in which the leman was held. The F l ._j ,n left the house at a iT
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  • 66 5 Ti|i -iilent-tieneral. in a letter to \l.iil. has suggested that the el the late Mr. Martin Lister, teidriit of N'*- r ri Scinbilan, should be I.V a Brass in the Church of Marvthe Virgin at Kuala Lumpur. Mr Arthur Butler lias consented to subscriptions limited
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  • 70 5 Insprtor Hi in is now on leave preparatory to taking a years furlough to Inspector Dickson takes his plan at the Central Station. Inspector Maxwell ha< resumed charge of the Miore division, and Inspector Evans posted to tiie Central Station. When hill Inspector .hnnings goes with •ac v
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  • 80 5 \«laimam to tin* throne of doliore Bangkok. He styles himself Bab-»» ikiinsumv. cx-Regent of Muar iii<] Jv'- mil:. I h* writes to the BangM'l a"* ot tin*:;i>t. March to let the forld kn .\v that, despite all his efforts :'obtaii: hi' lawful rights as the adopted <1 ili»*
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  • 102 5 KKIGHTFTL RAVAGES. the eastern and western pro--1 ‘»t >iam, tin; Siam Free Press has f-'fcived news of frightful havoc wrought ■v rinderpest among the cattle. Aniar»* said to »e dropping dead in > t4ls. and are left to rot as they lie, ;‘dnt;nL r the district and
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  • 193 5 W illson, who is well-known here ‘Vilified hospital nurse, has, partly LJ t u advice of medical practi- n, rs r taken a house, in Orchard tailed “Claymore,” where she to receive patients who may Ulr, J skilled nursing. It is anti--‘pHted that this small private
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  • 135 5 Two cases of robbery are reported as having occurred yesterday. At half past six o’clock in the morning, a Chinaman and his wife went out, and left their house unattended for a few minutes. When they returned, they found some Chinamen inside engaged in riflingthe premises.
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  • 845 5 AN AMUSING LITERARY EFFUSION. Managers of estates, as well as other employers of labour in the Far East, occasionally receive extraordinary effusions from their employes. The following specimen has come into our hands, and we give it in its entirety as a gem of tile kind. Names,
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  • 557 5 THE FOURTH QUARTER’S FIGURES. DOLLAR AND STERLING DECREASES. The returns of imports and exports of merchandise in the Colony for the fourth quarter of last year have just been issued. IMPORTS. Excluding treasure, the imports for the whole Colony during the quarter under review come out thus in
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  • 2053 5 NOTES AND NEWS. CECIL RHODES. Mr. Cecil Rhodes, who has concluded his evidence before the South African Committee, has bought a large steamer, and has sailed in it to Holland, there to take aboard a number of Dutch cattle and sheep of special breeds for conveyance
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  • 48 6 The Straits Settlements ('iril Serrire l/ist for 1897 lias just been issued. It Gears the mark of careful revision, and has been brought up to date. It is the handier from the omission of much uninteresting matter that swelled the bulk of the previous edition.
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  • 99 6 THE DISEASE SPREADING. Up to the 30th March, search parties organised in Bombay, Kurrachee, and Poona continued to discover concealed cases of, plague, which swelled the returns. The inhabitants generally are averse to house-to-house visitat ion, and frequently resist the removal of patients to hospital. One woman jumped from
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  • 155 6 A rebellion has broken out at Uruzan, Corea, and 10 Japanese are held captive by the; rebels. In Eikar, the Governor refuses to protect the Japanese, and rejoices at their seizure. These Japanese were afterwards taken before an official named In Eikan, and a captain of a Russian whale-boat,
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  • 1048 6 FIRST DAY, THUR8DAY, 15TH APRIL. 1. The Resident’s Cup.—Value $150 with $250 added. A race for Selangor i thorough-bred griffins, weight 10.7. s Entrance free. Distance 1 mile. i Loke Yew’s Kong See Meikle and Holmes’ Richmond Lass Bagnall and King Last Shot 1 Tamboosamy’s Mahoagum' do.
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  • 915 6 Tin producers may be interested to learn that the Anchor Tin Mine,” Tasmania, talks of putting up a hundred head of stamps to crush a thousand tons of stone per day. At a recent meeting of the Company, held in London, the chairman asserted that one half
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  • 43 6 Two Malays named Chi and Umar quarrelled last night in Middle Road about a woman. Umar stabbed Chi with a penknife, in the chest, causing a serious wound. The wounded man was taken to the hospital, and Umar was arrested.
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  • 44 6 Mr. Evans, of the Telegraph Company, residing at New Harbour, reports that his boy has disappeared, and, at the same time, he has missed a gipsy ring, with three diamonds, another gipsy ring adorned with coral, four sovereigns, and other articles.
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  • 53 6 Only two ties in the S. C. C. Tennis Tournament were decided yesterday, the Municipality beating th€f Press in tho Profession Pairs and Cad beating Barker in the “C class singles. Rain stopped play at an early hour, and, having continued intermittently since, there will be no
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  • 48 6 Two constables on dutv Road, last night, saw a I® about the houses. Ti,e v w and, hearing a board hrok. n W went to the spot. They the,, t, door of the house had been tlie man they were ching behind the door. He da custody.
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  • 47 6 A Chinaman, named Ho f }r) was fishing at Pengerang, the 15th of February, when CW attacked and severely bitten e by an alligator. He was broughuH Pauper Hospital in Singapore V transferred from there to the Hospital. He lingered until when he died.
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  • 72 6 Of late, it has become noticeable a® solitary individuals go about arm*] 2® a tin cylinder about ten inches an inch in diameter. It contaiiiMij® five thin sticks, numbered from 1J® For a cent or two, a child is permit® to draw a certain number
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  • 77 6 An old man, either a Europ an Eurasian, who has not yet been ide J fled, was found lying unconscious in t® five foot way in Brass Bassa i; .ad j® evening. He was taken to the T tnTo® Seng Hospital, where lie died at tv
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  • 74 6 Mr. Harvey, the manager of t® Borneo Company in Sarawak, met w® a serious accident there, on the i r M March. He and Mrs. Harvev 1® entered a tram waggon when the ho® drawing it bolted, and left the ra® Mr. and Mrs. Harvey wen* thrown w® considerable
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  • 84 6 My dear sister, there is a great woi® for each one of us, you can make drin® ing unpopular and disgraceful amon® young men you can utterly discount® nance all drinking in your own hous® and you can hold in suspicion ever® young man who
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  • 140 6 Yesterday, an enquiry was held IS Mr. Wilkinson with a view to as< **rtaiS how a ’rikisha puller, whose licorice iiS been suspended, and the number plaS removed from his vehicle, came to U iS possession of them, and plying, l»cto J they were handed over to him by
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  • 175 6 LAST YEAK's KMiI'KES. The Sarawak Gazette publishes fj trade report of that State tyr figures show considerable imp l o during that year. Tin total tm«ie increased by over a million «»i The imports show large under the heads ot rice, cloth, oil, tobacco, and Rattan heads the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 LAND SALK. Yesterday' afternoon, Messrs. Hong Tek Chye offered for sale by auction a piece of leasehold land in Prinsep Street, hav ing an area of 5,880 square feet, and with a dwelling house built thereon. The property was knocked down to Mr. Wee Teng Cheak for $2,200.
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  • 1120 7 \ii»<ps < >F NATI\ L LIFE. 1 I 'niitutllCa.) U Gl-.-TA I>K WIT.) k,„>w the tastes ot the i:t w brought flowering i;K»tlv Malmaison H j ;l j.anrse lilies, just dug V T rffiiL'ing to their deli- t }n* y sit binding into stiff wax-white
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  • 405 7 JAPANESE IN QUEENSLAND. The Colony of Queensland has availed itself of its right to establish commercial relations with Japan on the basis of the Revised Treaty with Great Britain. The Japan Mail publishes the Protocol, and comments as follows: -It will be observed that Japan pledges its subjects, visiting,
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  • 2267 7 MR. EGERTON TAKES THE CHAIR. FAREWELL TO MR. SHELFORD. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, Mr. W. Egerton taking the chair, as Deputy President, for the first time since Mr. Gentle’s departure. There were present:the Hon. Shelford, c.m.g., Mr. W. Evans, Mr. Sohst, Mr.
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  • 61 7 Another destructive fire occurred at Shanghai on the 25th March, a large theatre in the Canton Road, and six other buildings, being totally destroyed and twelve houses so badly damaged as to be practically a total loss. The amount of the damage is estimated at from Tls.
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  • 88 7 The funeral cortege of the deceased wife of Mr. Lee Cheng Yan will start from his house, No. 13, Cross Street, on Monday, the 12th, at 11 a.m., passing through Upper Cross Street, New Bridge Road, Hill Street, Victoria Street, Middle Road, Selegie Road, and Serangoon Road.
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  • 1272 8 ITALIAN TRADE. A Consular report on the economic and financial situation in Italy just issued states that the home trade is steadily increasing in importance, for, whilst the population and consequent requirements are augmenting, the importation of agricultural products does not sensibly increase, and the importation of manufactured
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  • 185 8 The Russian cruiser Petersburg left this morning for Vladivostock. 4 Harmston’s Circus is expected to open at Penang on Tuesday next. The Bank of England discount rate has now dropped from to 2] per cent. 4 Colonel Walker arrived this morning from Penang, on board the Palamcotta.
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  • 36 8 Native silver dollars have been coined at Tientsin by use of foreign machinery in the Arsenal, and the Viceroy, being pleased with the handiness of the silver coins, intends to order a larg output.e
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  • 25 8 During the absence of the MajorGeneral Commanding at Penang, the Command of the Station will devolve on Lieut.-Colonel J. du T. Bogle, R.E.
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  • 39 8 Seven hundred deaths were registered in Singapore last month the ratio per thousand stood at 39*93. One hundred and sixty four deaths were registered during the week ending on last Saturday, with a ratio of 41*31 per thousand.
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  • 48 8 i A Japanese newspaper states that the exportation of cotton crape has of late greatly increased. It was first sent to j Hongkong, Shanghai, and Singapore i about seven years ago, and in 1892 as j much as yen 1,500,000 worth of it was j exported.
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  • 43 8 The old man who was found lying unconscious in Brass Bassa Road on Thursday, and who died at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital the same evening, has been identified as a pensioned warder named Savage. The deceased was a European.
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  • 44 8 Pneumatic tyres for carriages are coming into fashion. By their use a much lighter carriage can be used and vibration is completely done away with, while the vehicle is rendered absolutely noiseless. They are already to be had in India and Ceylon.
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  • 46 8 A Post Office notification announces that, in consequence of quarantine regulations, the parcel post between Bombay and France is suspended. Also, parcels for the Continent of Europe containing wearing apparel, bedding, wool, claws, cotton textures, hair and similar articles cannot be forwarded from India.
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  • 63 8 The Hongkong Odd Volumes Society heard a lecture on the *‘X Rays” by Mr. F. Browne, on the 31st March. At the close of the lecture, the rays were experimented with among the audience, which included the Governor. 11. E. was one of the many who indulged in
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  • 104 8 In consequence of the death of Mr. H. A. O'Brien, Acting Colonial Treasurer, the following acting appointments take effect from the 12th instant: Mr F. G. Penney, to be Acting Colonial Treasurer and Collector of St amp Duties. Mr. R. N. Bland, to be Acting Senior District Officer, Province
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  • 137 8 ADMIRALTY NAVAL BASE. Gladly, says the United Srrrice Gazette, was tj*e news received in naval circles that the Admiralty have definitely arrived at a decision to adopt a scheme for transforming the Hongkong establishment into a first-class naval base commensurate with the importance the colony has assumed in the
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  • 140 8 There will be a regular exodus of P. W. D. men this year. Mr. Spearing j hopes to get away home shortly. Mr. Spooner goes in August. Mr. McGregor has asked for his long leave; and Mr. Groves is also iis want of his wellearned rest. The Right
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  • 155 8 Some one connected with the American Navy has, it is alleged, just discovered a method of greasing the submerged portions of steamers and sailing vessels, by which their speed will be increased twenty-five per cent. The invention is said to be simple and inexpensive, and consists of a
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  • 188 8 A correspondent, referring to the remarks made by the President of the Municipal Board at Wednesday's meeting of the Commissioners, anent the closing to traffic of that portion of Bukit Timah Road, lying between Kampong Java and Cavanagh Roads, during a period of two months, says It
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  • 245 8 As one well qualified to descant upon such a theme, Lord Harris selected Bombay as the subject of a lecture lie delivered recently to members of the Chamber of Commerce. Lord Harris, at the outset of his remarks, took occasion to speak in the highest terms
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  • 227 8 RAILWAY EXTENSION. The Deli Courant of the 3rd instant says that a railway extension scheme there is on the eve of being carried out. The Deli Railway Company proposes to extcndits lines by branches running to Tamiang, I>angkat, and Serdang. These branches will open up the northern districts
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  • 155 8 Ot*R Johore correspondent u»a terday s date' writes !--H H of Johore entertained the Hrm ford, C.M.G., to luncheon in thJr and at noon, to-day, investor! kthe Order of the Crown of T f llm class. His Highness proposed hiT’ h health; and Dato Sheltbrd in said
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  • 85 8 FOUR MEN KILLEI). I A HORRIBLE bull fight took place J Mexico about a month ago. It t0 J place at Durango, and the bulb wj mountain animals. They fought 3 a ferocity that made the large crowd! spectators wild with delight. The J bull that entered the
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  • 103 8 ONE MAN DEAD. Last night, at about ten o’clock, fiM Chinamen attacked three other HiiJ men who were sitting outside t m coolie depot in Pagoda Street, fij of the aggressors had a heavy stifl and all of them attacked their un■ fending countrymen with great fier J
    103 words
  • 428 8 The United States Senate V'orei8 Committee has reported favourably m the Bill of Mr. Adams of Pennsylvanil to reorganize the Consular Service M the United States by a coimnissiai to be composed of two Senators, twl Representatives, and an officer 1 the Department of State.
    428 words

  • 34 9 tl .taff of the Liverpool SalK* 1 i-ition have arrived hereon v W t o Saigon, where they will tbf t( raise the sunken Com- aV v .ti >nah* steamer Canton, in
    34 words
  • 225 9 n’KTHKR HEARING. hearing of the charge of ilriral gratifications, institur i a* Municipal Commissioners K nitarv inspector A. W. Mona: resumed, yesterday, by Mr. Mr. Braddell opened his ,v drawing attention to the ’'Y. t although Mr. Gentle was h in the case, he was },v virtue
    225 words
  • 459 9 A mkktinc. of the Licensing Justices held yesterday afternoon at the Central *l\»lice Station. Lieut.Colonel lVnnetather (Chairman) presided. and the other justices present M-re: Captain lioldero, Dr. Mugliston, |)r. Kills, and Mr. E. H. Bell. Kou Ke Jon. of AbO, North Bridge W i. applied for a
    459 words
  • 982 9 IT8 LATEST FEATURES. In the Nene Wiener Tagblatt is an account of the efforts made by the Russian Government to bring the workmen engaged upon the Trans-Siberian Railway within the reach of Church services and the ministrations of the Pope, or ordinary priest of the Russo-Greek
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  • 772 9 “CLARISSA KURJOSA.” METHUEN AND CO.) Mr. W. E. Norris is by no means a new hand at the art of fiction, and his stories of Devonshire life are well-known and cordially appreciated. Although not at the top of the tree, he has made his way to the upper
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  • 762 9 Lord Oardross is in the same rather curious predicament as Rossini, the great composer. He was born on February 29th, so that this year lie had no birthday. In fact, although his lordship is in the prime of life, so far he has only had fpn birthdays. In
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  • 711 9 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,— There are all the makingB of a very pretty little row at the meeting of the Golf Club this evening; and mem here will be right if they make such a row as to cause the Committee to resign.
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  • 110 9 It appears that, when Mr. ResidentGeneral Swettenham set forth the merits of the new Government Buildings in Selangor, he qualified his words to a greater degree than our correspondent thought fit to report by telegram. We now give the exact text of Mr. Swettenham’s words;and it
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  • 192 10 The French navy stands in no great need of urgent extension. Yet, the French Government proposes to spend about thirty-two millions sterling in eight years on additional ships. The scheme has been laid before the Chamber of Deputies, where it is likely to encounter strenuous opposition. Many
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  • 86 10 It is reported by telegraphic advices from Jelebu that a case of treasure intended for the Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., has been found, on being opened, to contain 43 bars of iron, one stick, of bad dollars, in place of seven thousand dollars in coin and
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  • 99 10 A SMART DETECTIVE. Yesterday, Mr. Wilkinson, the magistrate, informed the police that his silver watch and gold chain had been stolen from his house The watch was afterwards identified in a pawnshop, where it had been pawned. Later on. a detective, walking along Malay Street,
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  • 336 10 THE PRISONER CONVICTED. Thi3 morning, Mr. O’Sullivan resumed the hearing of the charge against Sanitary Inspector A. W. Monteiro, for accepting illegal gratifications for forbearing to do official acts, in neglecting to report facts to the Municipal Health Officer. Mr. Braddell continued the defence, and put Ivodium,
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  • 1864 10 THE SPECIAL MEETING. A LIVELY DEBATE —THE COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS RESIGN —NO INCREASE IN THE SUBSCRIPTION. The special meeting of the members of the Singapore Golf Club that was held last evening to consider the finances of flic Club, and the advisability of increasing the subscription from
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  • 538 10 A MURDER CASE. The steamer Donnai arrived at Saigon from Bangkok on the 24th March with an Annamite boy, who is to be witness in an important murder case at the capital of Cochin-China. The alleged perpetrators of the murder have been extradited by the Siamese authorities at
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  • 38 10 The fiVench cruiser Eclaireur arrived here from Colombo yesterday afternoon. She leaves for Saigon to-morrow. The Eclaireur is of 1,658 tons and 2,060 horsepower, and carries 8 14 c. m. and 3 ton 6 m. guns.
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  • 330 10 A general meeting of the holders of the Tanjong p a v Company Limited, (in Liquidation!? 11 held at noon to-day in the office of u G. A. Derrick. There were Messrs. T. Scott (honorary) arid p? Kvatt (retiring Liquidators).!. Ander?' G. A. Derrick, Arnot Reid,
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  • 512 10 London, Friday, Vlth March. The annual general meeting of the Cyclists’ Touring Club will be held this evening. The report is bound to prove a most satisfactory one. Thousands of members continue to join; for the past month the applications for membership exceed two thousand. This great
    512 words

  • 1108 11 I ||,,Thomas Shelford, ComI TfE f t Most Distinguished Order i and St. George, Grand I j.j ~f t!i** Most Honourable Crown of Johore, has been .-'ail- for thirty-five years, wliile I twenty-five years since he m j j .-:J ;Cve Council. On depart- a public banquet,
    1,108 words
  • 847 11 LEAVE TO THE STRAITS. The Governor-General has notified that certain Netherlands India Government servants may henceforth spend their leave in the Straits Settlements, instead of in Netherlands India. The Resident of the East Coast of Sumatra, about fifteen years ago, used to allow his officials sick leave to
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  • 273 11 From the J bit a via Xiemrshlad we have to-day received &M 8.62, being sums collected by that newspaper for the Indian Famine Fund. From the Malay Mail we have received further sum of 8700 from Selangor, being a contribution from the Sultan and his son. Other
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  • 32 11 Yesterday morning Inspector Fairhurst arrested a mstn in South Bridge Road. The man had just taken fifteen feet of guttering from off a house, and was engaged in rolling it up.
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  • 37 11 Yesterday afternoon, a Chinaman cut his throat with a chisel, in a house in North Canal Road. He was removed to the hospital where everything was done to save him, but he died at midnight.
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  • 40 11 The Jelebu Mining and Trading Company advertise a reward of $lOOO for information leading to the recovery of the treasure recently stolen from them, and a lesser amount for information resulting in the conviction of the thief or thieves.
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  • 48 11 Late on Saturday evening the police found the body of a Chinese female child at the corner of Thompson and Kampong Java Road. The is certified to have died of syphilis. The dead body of a Chinese male child was found in Kim Seng Road yesterday.
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  • 56 11 A singke coolie, belonging to a coolie depot in Smith Street, was brought to i;he Police station yesterday suffering from a fractured jaw. He said somebody gave him a playful push and he fell out of the window. The Police relieve that he sustained his injury in
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  • 57 11 There was a very complicated squabble on Saturday night between the husbands and wives living respectively in 129 and 130 Bencoolen Street. It is alleged as a result that a baby four days old died, and three men are in custody. The quarrel seems to
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  • 54 11 It is reported that the Langkat Tobacco Company Have sold 1,191 bales at 2.51 guilders, which enables them to clear oil* tlie year’s expenses on their estates, Brahrang and Pajang Chermin. The prices paid for the remaining bales, 3,000 to 4,000, show hence the profit of the company during
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  • 58 11 (ii nner Bailey goes to Kuala Lumpur Jiis week as a prison warder. It may je remembered that t he gallant gunner received a watch and chain -paid for by a public subscription in the Straits Times —because of his gallantry in stopping a runaway horse on the
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  • 79 11 I)h. Eitel, a missionary and scholar, who, for many years, had been Inspector of Schools at Hongkong, is about to retire from the Government service and leave the Colony The Chinese teachers and the Education Department stall’, hence, presented Dr. Eitel with a farewell address on the 2nd
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  • 75 11 A PAYING BUSINESS. Few people, says the Perak Pioneer have heard of the Perak Bullock ’Bus Company, and what a lucrative investment it lias turned out to he. The shareholders are twenty in number, and they draw a monthly dividend of some lit per cent. There are lines
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  • 69 11 There have been arrested in Colombo at the instance of the Singapore Police, a man named Adolf Kunke, and his wife, naturalised British subjects, recently residing in Singapore. Kunke had a jeweller’s business in Battery Road and it is alleged that he dishonestly appropriated a quantity of
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  • 82 11 At five o’clock yesterday morning, two detectives on duty in Sago Street, were attracted by cries from a house. They entered, and found a man in a room on the third floor preparing to take a box away. He had a big knife in his hand, and
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  • 366 11 THE SEALED LETTER OPENED AT THE 8TRAIT8 TIME8 OFFICE. THE PROPHECY. To-day, there was brought to the Straits Times Office a letter from the Government of Selangor to Mr. W. W. Bailey. The letter is as follows: Government Secretary’s Offic e, Kuala Lumpur 22nd March, 1897. Sir,
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  • 107 11 A murder trial was held at Kuala Lumpur on the 6th instant, before Mr. Commissioner Jackson and a jury. Hadji Mat Salleh was charged with the murder of one Sleyman, and Mat Oona was charged with aiding and abetting the murder. Mr. T. H. Kershaw prosecuted, and Mr. C.
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  • 122 11 RELEASE OF REBELS. Private advices from Manila state that the Spanish Government has suddenly adopted a conciliatory mode of treatment towards the natives. Many suspected rebels have been released from prison. An amnesty granted by the Government to all the persons concerned in the insurrection without any restrictions
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  • 156 11 The funeral of the wife of Mr. Lee Cheng Yan, an affluent Chinese trader, took place to-day. From an early hour, the neighbourhood of Cross Street presented an unwonted lively appearance, and, by nine o’clock, traffic was practically blocked. The bier was ornate, and banners inscribed with
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  • 2378 12 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION. Our London correspondent writes: It has been decided that the annual gathering of old colonists in London, this year, shall take the form of a conversazione in place of a dinner, as has been the custom hitherto. This change has
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  • 108 12 A Chinese servant girl, said to be thirteen years old, in the employ of a Chinaman living at No. 1 Kramat Road, was found at the back of the house with her throat cut at half past two this morning. She first of all said she
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  • 1443 12 HIS MAJESTY’S RECEPTION IN SINGAPORE. yesterday’s royal movements. A VISIT TO THE HOSPITAL. His Majesty the King of Siam arrived in Singapore yesterday morning from Bangkok, on his way to Europe. The Royal yacht, the Maha Chokrkri arrived in the Roads at about eight o’clock, and
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  • 87 12 At the conclusion of Cnt* match between the Royal and the Singapore Recreation l hiM Saturday last, in which the latt«*r. by one run, Colonel Bogle on ben of the officers of the Royal Engine*presented a beautiful silver cup to S.R.C. to be contested for
    87 words

  • 818 13 r i\« Tim** of Ceylon.") Paris, 28th March, scandal has been revived in Th* J f m. Arton having made r-’V' l ions. The authority of the Chamber of DepuV prosecute M.M. Naquet, Maret. jf. *w i pi 29th Mar th. nnn ,ittcc of the Chamber of Depuauthorized
    ,r„„„ i\« “ Tim** of Ceylon.")  -  818 words
  • 322 13 MONDAY S RESULTS. CHAMPIONSHIP. Elliot beat Pearce. Egerton beat Maxwell. A CLASS SINGLES. Freer rec. 2 beat Ainslie owe .‘50*2. B CLASS SINGLES. Sharp rec. 3 beat Anthonisz owe 4. Ruddock rec. 2 beat Harrison scr. Plumpton rec. 5 beat Cropley scr.' Stevens owe 2
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    • 213 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.’’ Sir, —In the able and interesting report of the Curator and Librarian to the Rallies Library and Museum, there is the following passage “The number of non-subscribing readers at the Library is exceedingly small; they are generally satisfied with reading
      213 words
    • 102 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE 44 STRAITS TIMES.’’ Sir, —Referring to the letter written by “Nakeb” about the killing of a python at the then Singapore Museum about fifteen years ago, which appeared in your valuable paper of yesterday, I beg to inform your correspondent 44 Nakeb,”
      102 words
    • 540 13 AN APPEAL FOR REFORM. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Is it possible that, with all the resources, influence, and power at their command, those responsible for the convenience of the community in a public way, cannot bring about some improvement in the
      540 words
    • 506 13 a AN APPEAL FOR FI-ND8. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, I am directed by the Governor to forward the enclosed copy of a letter addressed to His Excellency by the Chairman of the Lady Strangford Hospital at Port Said, together with
      506 words
    • 85 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.** Sir, —Have any of your readers observed a marked increase of rats, of late My house has been, until recently, singularly free from this vermin they have now come in numbers, notwithstanding the presence of two very good cats, who are having
      85 words
    • 526 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —In yesterday's issue of your widely-circulated journal, there appeared a paragraph quoted from the Malaysia Messenger in which it is announced to all whom it may concern, that %< the young man who drinks is socially proscribed.”
      526 words
    • 149 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.' Sir, —I wish to bring to the notice of Mr. Hooper the conduct of the jinirikisha coolies at the gate of the Portuguese Church on the Queen Street side. No sooner the service is over, they rush at the people
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  • 554 13 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Carolina from Malacca —Mr. Stewart. From Klang:—Mr. G. Baldwin and Mrs. Mitchell. Per s. s. Malaccai from Teluk Anson via ports: —Messrs. Allen, Barker, Wilson, Craig, Napier, and Mr. and Mrs. Ve lge. Per s. s. Esmeralda from Klang :—Mr. J. P. Rodger, Mrs.
    554 words

    • 259 14 Under this heading the fol lowing abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer; sh.—ship bo. —barque; Brit.—British U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock
      259 words
    • 1327 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Ahoetra r, I)ut. sell. 60 tons, Nacodah, 10th A t >ril. From Sinkawang, 25th Mar. Heng Hong U—Rds. Atfftmenmon Dut. str. 1,504 tons, Capt Sleeves, 11th Apl. Jrom Amsterdam, 5th \|il. G.e., 2 d.p. \V. Mansfield it Co. For 1* itavia, 13th —Rds.
      1,327 words
    • 1028 14 j tLAG h i Vessel’s Name. Tons. Captain From Sailed; Consigner A pi j j 6 Patroclus Brit str. 3547 Dickens Yokohama Mar 7W. Mansfield Ac 5 Vulcan 'Nor str. 953 Andersen Saigon Apl 2 1 5 Dean Brit str. 958 Allan Bangkok Mar 29 Borneo Cov Itn 5
      1,028 words
    • 695 14 j I 1 Date. Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destination Apl 5 Secundra Brit str. Parsons Madras via ports 5 Sam Tor str. Nacodah Bagan via ports 5 Hong Wan str. Buxton Pakan via ports 5 Zweena str. Nesbitt P. Sembilan 6 Hebe str. Inkster Penang and Deli *6 Mogul
      695 words
    • 78 15 PASSED SUNPA STRAITS FOR ORDERS. Pi ag Date Ren_r .vi, Suit’s Name. Commander. of Fromwhf.kk Destin- marks {'ATI. PIG I BAILING ATION 0^:5 Ne*i s.s.Menipi Mink Mar 31 Batavia Rotterdam pan bar Sixtus Lassen Dec 14 New York Anjer f.o. Yu*, bar Rose .Garrick Fremantle Hongkong 7* Brit **.s.New
      78 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 265 14 Rowlands Macassar Oil Is the best preserver and beautitier of the liair of children and adults: prevents it falling off or turning grey, eradicates scurf, and is the best brilliantine, and as a little goes a very long way, it really is most economical for general use is also sold
      265 words
    • 257 14 €jf rfr*. Tl V fe> &2 Picking up Knowledge is easy enough if you look for it in the right place. This is the right place to learn just what to do for that debilitating condition which warm weather always brings. Do you want to be cured of that languid
      257 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 960 15 *iwh HtcJicine of ihe kind awarded a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 7883-84, open to arl Countries Trade Mark. i i i i .w>v*6 i M5 Sg t "£1 ,y. ii'-i.-ir rA; ILL SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. tr.iuy yt-fS > -.mtalued its jt\- us ;.Te Best
      960 words
    • 257 15 We hope Miss Eden’s recovery may indeed prove permanent, and if it does she will find no words too strong when she speaks of the remedy which wrought it. But, on, the vast multitude who still stand, like the shipwrecked people on the island, looking for rescue —victims of that
      257 words
    • 114 15 ThousAnds of testimonials prove the excellence of ARdEHZ’l CELEBRATED RAID ABIE RAZOR*, with fully warranted interchangeable blades, which never require Rinding. All who use them apeak with unbounded enthusiasm of their capacities, and even those with the strongest beards and most tender skins are unanimous in saying that with no
      114 words
    • 170 15 Pure Blood is the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes pore blood* strengthens the nerves, sharpens the appetite, removes that tired feeling, and makes life worth living. Thousands of people have testified to the healing virtue of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Their letters come in every post. There's no attempt at
      170 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 370 16 JOHN LITTLE Co Ltd SINGAPORE. ELECTRO IM ATE DEPARTMENT—Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Prizes for Athletic meetings, We are alwavs pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, &c. V u
      370 words