The Straits Budget, 23 March 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 129 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in -Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of C-.e Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands the Philippines, and French
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    • 12 1 inst.. at the Botanic Gardens, P-uih-.-i Walter Fox. of a daughter.
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  • 313 1 Articles. Our K unine Fiia h (VuiTieil. liirtli- :md Dviitiis. Tamil 1 mminrat ion. Mr.A. Swettonham. Hi** i.»*gi>Uiive Council. l.or.\L. Market flirtation-. Sllipp-Olg News, hi- * List. .-*> \eu\ i Vn«Tii|»lov»*d. I O'A >T Jiehts. I Fjr fail loon. I \li Lawyer and his Houses. I I'
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  • 499 1 Singapore, 23rd March, 1897. PRODUCE. Gambier, 6.60. do Cube No l, 9.62}. do do No 2, 8.20. Copra Bali, 5.80. do Pontianak, 5.25. Pepper, P.lack 14 75. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.92}. do Brunei, 2.31}. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee, Bali, picked.....? ,,40.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... 4 2.00. (Coffee,
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  • 715 1 The mill for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. s. s. Oceanian. The M. M. s. s. Yang-tse with the mail from Europe of the 29th February arrived on Sunday. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. O. s. s.
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    • 98 1 THE POWERS ENFORCE COERCION. London, 16th March. The French Chamber of Deputies lias, by to 143 votes, approved of the policy of the French Government on the Cretan question. The vote was taken after a speech by M. Hanotaux, the Minister for Foreign Adairs. That speech explained that it
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    • 21 1 TARIFF REVISION. President McKinley’s message, opening the extra session of Congress, briefly urges the prompt revision of the tariff.
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    • 43 1 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. lxmdon, 17 th March. One of the guns of the Russian turret ship Sissoiveliky burst during practice in Suda Bay, on the N. W. coast of Crete. Seventeen men were killed and twenty injured by the explosion.
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    • 39 1 WAR SAID TO BE IMMINENT. London 1 8th March. All the Greek troops, except the Crown Prince’s Regiment, have gone to the Turkish frontier. That war with Turkey is inevitable is the general opinion at Athens.
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    • 32 1 France is sending six hundred marines to Crete. The blockade of the Cretan ports has virtually begun. If Greece remains obstinate, the squadrons of the Powers will blockade the Piroeus.
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    • 27 1 Probably, the Volunteers and Greek troops in Crete will be ordered to occupy the mountainous district of Sphakia, and await the course <}f events.
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    • 29 1 AUTONOMY PROCLAIMED. London 19 th March. The Admirals in Cretan waters have proclaimed the autonomy of Crete. Six hundred of the Seaforth Highlanders have been ordered to Crete.
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    • 34 1 The greatest activity prevails in all the British arsenals. A number of steamers have been chartered to take stores to Malta. War stores are being constantly despatched to.the Cape of Good Hope.
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    • 26 1 THANKSGIVING DAY. Jjondon 20th March. TRe Queen has appointed Sunday, the 20tli of June, as Thanksgiving Day in connection with the Diamond Jubilee.
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    • 47 1 INTERNATIONAL OCCUPATION. A Russian regiment has passed through the Bosphorus on the way to Crete. The international occupation of the island has been arranged as follows: The British troops will occupy Candia; the French, Sitia and Spinalonga the Russians, Retimo the Germans, Suda Bay and Canea.
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    • 72 1 London, 22 nd March. i Colonel Arthur Alexander has been appointed Surveyor General of the Straits Settlements. This is Colonel A. C. Alexander of the Royal Engineers. Colonel Alexander is an unemployed officer on the Active List. He attained the rank of Colonel in January 1896, and
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    • 46 1 TURKISH NAVAL MOVEMENTS. The Crown Prince’s Regiment of the Greek army lias left Athens for the Turkish frontier.' Six Turkish ironclads and two torpedo boats have left Constantinople for the Dardanelles. Their departure aroused general surprise it is doubted whether they are seaworthy.
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    • 32 1 REJECTION OF THE NAVY INCREASEThe Reichstag, despite the strongest urging on the part of Government, Km rejected the votes for the new cruisers proposed to be added to the German Navy...
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  • 909 2 (Straits Times 16/A, March) The Straits Times Indian Famine Fund is closed to-day and the amount subscribed is 38,617 dollars. That is a fairly substantial sum. It may be especially considered so when one recollects that it is drawn from people who are not wealthy people according
    (Straits Times, 16/A, March)  -  909 words
  • 304 2 (Straits Times, 17 th March.) To-morrow*, the Legislative Council meets for business after a long recess. The Orders of the Day comprise ten items, only a few of which treat of contentious matter. Six of the Orders are motions for increased outlay. Nearly forty thousand dollars are required
    (Straits Times, 17th March.)  -  304 words
  • 522 2 (Straits Times IS//* March.) A Bill has been brought into the Legislative Council to amend the law with respect to the registration of births and deaths. Successive reports by the Registrar-General had borne testimony to shortcomings, in the registration system, arising from defective organisation and native prejudices
    (Straits Times, IS//* March.)  -  522 words
  • 263 2 (S'utils Times, '2OHi Match.) Tiie correspondence in the matter of immigration from India to the Straits Settlements, just laid before Council, hold out hopes that this vexed que. lion will shortly reach a satisfactory settlement. The interchange of views between the Indian and Colonial Governments lasted three years
    (S'utils Times, '2OHi Match.)  -  263 words
  • 896 2 (Straits Times £Vrd March.) Mr. J. A. Swettenham sails by Tuesday’s mail on twelve months’ leave of absence. It was originally arranged that Sir Charles Mitchell should leave for Europe at this time, but, because of family matters, he found it more convenient that he shou’d
    (Straits Times, £Vrd March.)  -  896 words
  • 448 2 (Straits Times, 'LSrd Marr^) The Governor will shortly have to fit two vacancies in the ljegislativeCoun. i and he may have to fill three, Shelford goes in a few week’s tin* Mr. Napier probably goes within acoupfe of months and, so far as we know. ti i(!Tl is
    (Straits Times, 'LSrd Marr^)  -  448 words
  • 217 2 SIR w. maxwell’s policy. The Gold Coast Times of the l *h January gives extracts from an addref* j ust delivered by Sir W. Maxwell, the Governor, to the Legislative Council of the Colony. The address showed that the balance at the credit of the Colony on
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  • 227 3 M( ,ur was circulated this morn- Ki lht > effect that the Hon. Martin ini r the British Resident of Negri il-in. had died. We have been able t t i ie source of this rumour to the r, 1 Secretary, who has received a t t
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  • 32 3 Mil H Cheyalt.ier, District Officer, IV.aii. li:i< been appointed to he IC-ri't uffu-r. Tampin, rice Mr. A. Hil**. »r**i;. *x»■ l t*> Selangor, with effect bin the i 7th of January.
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  • 55 3 K\m:i<fever is on tin* increase in 11 hilaoiu. Tin* Health. Officer is 1 i t,, thr opinion that three cases Vj,. b 1 i’n-ni eating salads contain1:*; r.w vegetables which had been typhoid cx.-reta in the usual »f irrigation and forcing, »h;’ > ..i»ild»» that some of them
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  • 85 3 PALL MALL MAGAZINE.” numbers for i April are quite in keeping ;«nst successes of this admiranTiily. The most striking feature I 'bi nary number is a tale by [y h*l wards called Lottie North.” holds tlie reader’s attention •h Lottie is so exceedingly 1 harming, and original. “Cliats- r with
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  • 87 3 T >itrd that in all probability vai-lit olub will shortly be in Hongkong. The new club, r not coining forward as a ‘I the existing one, but, in order those who take an interest lilaigand boat-racing, to enjoy '}">rt without incurring the T n '*'‘*f building a boat
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  • 168 3 V Wisher Unwin’s latest lir! tl ,h to now famous Pseudonym Ir y<'l novels has just come to hand. as P <T i s an interesting and j n#f v written little tale of smugglbs !ll< 0,1 the Cornish coast. The th 7 the story, whose name gives
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  • 634 3 DEPUTATION OP CHINESE. The Deputation, which waited upon the Resident Councillor of Penang on Thursday last and was introduced by Mr. A. Huttenbach, consisted of many Chinese gentlemen Mr. Huttenbach commenced by explaining the object of the interview. He showed how he had talked the matter over
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  • 39 3 A Kling man, who is alleged to have owed some money to his neighbours, was found by the police tied up to a tree last night. Two men have been arrested in connection with the affair.
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  • 41 3 The Ceylon Government had started no Indian Famine Fund at the date of last advices (9th March). Famine Collections were taken in the different churches at Colombo on the 7th. The amount thus raised reached over sixteen hundred rupees.
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  • 1416 3 ABYSSINIA. The Standards correspondent at Rome reports that Italy and Great Britain are sending a joint mission to Abyssinia with the object of conferring with King Menelik on questions relating to the Soudan territories in which the three Powers are concerned. Mr. James Rennell Rodd,
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  • 104 3 In yesterday’s issue, a paragraph stated that three men were charged with cheating in obtaining a supply of food without having the means wherewith to pay. Two of the men were discharged and the third ordered to pay five dollars, or go to prison for ten days. He
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  • 902 3 THE RESIDENT. The Negri Sembilan Government Gazette notifies that the Hon. Martin Lister, British Resident of the Negri Sembilam has been granted two months ana twenty-seven days’ vacation leave, to be followed by six months’ leave on half salary, with effect from 8th February. PUBLIC WORKS. The Public
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  • 582 4 INCREASED SPEED. The Government of India has now been informed that Her Majesty’s Post Master-General, London, has accepted the terms offered by the P. and O. Company for the conveyance of Her Majesty’s mails between Bjindisi and Bombay, Shanghai and Adelaide, the mails to be conveyed as
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  • 96 4 Another success by the Government forces in the Philippines is officially reported in Hongkong papers. The forces operating in Cavite province took the town of Salitran on the 7th instant. The rebels are said to have suffered considerable loss. The Spanish loss came to ten killed and thirty
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  • 1851 4 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. new coinage. We are, it appears, to have a new coinage for this years royal celebration. The issue will be made in June. It is, we understand, of a very handsome and striking character, and includes new pennies with a fine design on the
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  • 934 4 From the Times of Ceylon”) London, 2nd March. Lord Roberts is giving his evidence before the Welby Commission. He said he was convinced that there was no preponderance of the military element in the Viceregal Council. His Lordship also said that the English Government should pay both the
    ( From the “ Times of Ceylon”)  -  934 words
  • 157 4 The price of silver in New ork has fallen sharply; and, in response t«» that, and also under other influences, the dollar has fallen slightly. The dollar, however, has been gradually tending downwards for some little tim<* back. The Japanese Government is taking steps to conclude a
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  • 46 4 The Japanese Government has sub mitted to the Lower House a Bill providing for the establishment of bomb warehouses, where imported goods can be stored without payment of Custom* duty until they are required be taken out, with a view to facilitating foreign trade
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  • 1686 5 k1 k ji'DIOIAL strictures. I hi m i DAMAGES GRANTED. HI supreme (’ourt, to-day, before H L- bench, the action, Hadji I V jVni VuMih W. C. Niblett was HA 1 1 “j 'j n this case the plaintiff, attorney for tlit* lessee of
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  • 610 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, The strained situation of the Negri Sembilan and Pahang clerks and the bitter cry recently raised by them have, we understand, been at last heard, and are occupying the attention of the Resident-General of the Federated
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  • 60 5 AN ENGLISH-SPEAKING JUDGE. The three Civil Courts of Siam are presided over by the only English-speak-ing Siamese Judge in Bangkok. He is named Phya Precha Kitkorachak. In eleven months, he disposed of l,506cases and the justice of his decisions can be guaged from tire fact that there
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  • 67 5 In spite of talk of tradal depression during the latter half of last year, spinning mills and hanks in Japan appear to have succeeded in making almost as large profits as they did in the corresponding period of the previous year. The profit per spindle for the last
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  • 1175 5 FARTHEST NORTH.” 1 Dr. Fridtjof Nansen’s admirable record of his heroic endeavour to reach the North Pole, or its immediate vicinity, by means of the ice-drifts that traverse the Arctic regions in a northeasterly direction, and are even assumed to cross the Polar Sea in nearly a
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  • 485 5 THE MADRAS SUPPLY. On the 4th instant, a Bill to amend the Indian Emigration Act was Liken into consideration, on the motion of Sir John Woodburn, by the Supreme Legislative Council at Calcutta, was discussed, and was finally passed im.o law. In view of the agitation that been
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  • 1168 6 NOTES AND NEWS. THE HOSPITAL FUND. To the Prince of Wales’s special Hospital Fund many handsome donations have been made. These include £1,050 from the proprietors of Jjloyd's News and the Daily Chronicle: £1,000 from Mr. F. A. Beer, of the Observer; £500 from the proprietors
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  • 549 6 Bread is the staff of life,” writes a correspondent, but some of the bread produced locally defies description, and, far from being the stall’ of life," it is much better calculated to accelerate a condition of health that would lead to a premature grave. Of course, good
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  • 89 6 MALAY PRINCES AND THEIJ* CLAIMS. A case of great historic interest, Tunku Mahommed and others v. Tunku Ali, Tunku Maram, and others, was opened to-day before Mr. Justice Leach. It is an application as to the ownership of land at Kampong Glam granted, it is alleged,
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  • 112 6 STARTLING DEFICIENCIES. The final forecast of the autumn and winter rice crops in the three provinces of Bengal, Madras, and Burma places the total deficiency in an almost startling light. In Bengal alone the decrease amounts to 186,866,000 cwts. as compared with 1895-96 and to 233,051,400
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  • 175 6 The “microphonograph of M. Dussaud is a new apparatus for magnifying feeble sounds, as the microscope does minute objects. It is likely to be of much use in sounding the heart or lungs and enabling deaf persons to hear. The instrument was invented during the past year, and
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  • 363 6 THE COREAN CONVENTION. The following is the full text of the Russo-Japanese Convention of 189(5, respecting the relative positions of Russia and Japan in Corea: Art. 1. —The Governments of Japan and Russia, with a view to relieving the financial difficulties of Corea, shall urge* the Corean
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  • 125 6 Yesterday, one Wm. Kielman, a German, was brought before Mr. Anthonisz on the charge of trying to raise money on a cheque for $250 drawn on the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, and purporting to be signed by the German Consul. It is alleged that he took
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  • 703 6 LAST NIGHT’S ASCENT. Mk. Stanley Spencer sent up his giant captive balloon, Oriental,*’ tor the first time in Singapore, yesterday afternoon, from the piece of ground in Victoria Street near the Kocliore River. An immense concourse of people assembled in and around the enclosure to witness
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  • 38 6 The Bombay Gazette understands tk a plague Commission will be immediately, which will have <■} of the measures to be carried 8 for the eradication of the pestilf. and the improvement of condition of the city. ****s*!)
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  • 76 6 The Japanese Government lias ded to submit to the Diet a Bill f an appropriation of 3,400,000 y t > n J* subsidy to the Nippon Yusen' Kaiq* At the meeting held on the 18th Feb the directors of the N. Y. K. definite? decided to increase
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  • 66 6 A telegram from Pekin of the 26th February mentions that the Russian railway through Manchuria wifi shortly begun, and that surveys haw already been made and approved for a continuation of a branch line into Corea via Possiet Bay. The Russian 5-foot gauge is to be maintained in Manchuria,
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  • 260 6 MOONLIGHT ASCENTS. The captive balloon, yesterday, made numerous ascents from the site that it occupies in Victoria Street. The weather was, fortunately, favourable-, a light breeze giving to the air-ship a gentle motion that was not at all unpleasant or disconcerting. There was no hitch of any kind,
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  • 271 6 APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIAL AMBASSADOR. The Chinese Government has apjointed H. E. Chang Yin Huan, ice- president of the Board of Revenue, to proceed to England as a Special Ambassador to represent the Emperor of China at the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations ot Her Majesty
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  • 133 7 > s I'i.fniy arrived this afternoon fp.>m nK Knnd contributions continue aV tn ,J will he dealt with, later, ~1, •military list. hit 1 at Penan" that the iin r;t! may proceed to Europe ;i» j early date. 4 ,’.‘-patched from Singapore (ijL via Brindisi, on the
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  • 87 7 m.\«; nY THK WEST RIVER. (> for fit? u Straits Timm.”) llnmjkung, 17 th March. Xii British Minister at Peking has inform* >1 tli«* Covernor of Hongkong ;m agreement has been signed •t I*, kiii'i for opening the ports of WVhfwfu and Sanishui to foreign trail**. Th,-** port' are
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  • 44 7 l'in. •}.i!l/:i?itin. which began to-day, .»I» i: c>>/i<i;irh‘(i f/,i- y**:ir on a huger Am aftarkmi; lore** will land at i V\vwv: and another will land at 1 Pasir U> Ho* drfomlers will s*»**k t*> I prrvc;: 1‘iiriiiy from taking SingaI I ion.
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  • 63 7 l'miku Abdulla reported i iin* 1!i;it In* had lost fc*l,14U; i v 7oo. and tin* rest in jewel- aim* from Deli in a steamer morning ami reached Clyde in a sampan about 7 H<* went to liis residence at •.and therein* missed a small containing the property.
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  • 129 7 V t “ten thousand welcomes.” i '»y 411’itr a row of hostesses, ll, iiit ii of Singapore, last night, ii i their guests at the Tangliu l!u* hosts had caused the cluhhe nicely decorated with Irish C'.ifu! emblems; and through the they had laid matting-covered extending into
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  • 114 7 ,IK annual general meeting of the of the Swimming Club was lih! Hall last evening (17th), about twenty members prefn J ie report and accounts, showing a sjt 1 :ince ln avour <>f the Club, in in,. extraordinary expenditure U H during the year for diving stage
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  • 2889 7 MALAY PRINCES AND THEIR* CLAIMS. REMINISCENCES OK THE FOUNDING OF SINGAPORE. A case of considerable historic interest. the Jtearing of which will probably occupy much time, was commenced in tin* Supreme Court,yesterday, before Mr. Justice Leach. The plaintiffs are Tunku Mahmoud and others, and the defendants
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  • 95 7 TO BE EXPLODED ON FRIDAY. On Friday, at 5.30 p.m., off Tanjong Pagar spit, the military, as a part of .the mobilization manoeuvres, will explode an electric contact submarine mine, charged with a hundred ]>ounds of guncotton. The water will bo Hung up to a height of
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  • 131 7 TO THE EDITOR OF THE u TIMES.” Sir,— lt is a somewhat surprising fact to many readers of history (and one not very creditable to mankind at large) that the only woman on whom the title of Great has hitherto been conferred is that far
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  • 176 7 Sir, —Miss Cobbe’s interesting letter under the above title in The Timnes of to-day suggests, 1 venture to think, something better than what it proposes. Miss Cobbe’s proposal is that Her Majesty Queen Victoria should be hailed this year as Victoria the Great.” But
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  • 746 8 ARBITRATION AND DAMAGES. A telegram, received at Batavia, gives the main grounds for the arbitrator’s decision against Holland in' the Costa Rica Racket case. One ground is that the alleged offence took place outside Dutch territorial limits, and should, hence, have been dealt with by the British
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  • 35 8 Official Buttons are now supplied by the Perak Government. The buttons are divided into first and second class. The wearing of these buttons is compulsory on Malay officials; hut optional with European officials.
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  • 1900 8 STEAM ON THE JORDAN. The Jerusalem correspondent of the Jewish Chronicle mentions that a steamer has at last been put upon the Jordan which makes the journey from Jericho to Tiberias, i.e from the Dead Sea, along the Jordan, to the Sea of
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  • 99 8 FRIDAY, 19 TH MARCH. The next meeting of Legislative Council is fixed for All Fools' Day! A Chinaman was, this morning, fined $25 for administering morphia by injection. The French cruiser Isly arrived this morning from Saigon. She leaves for Colombo to-morrow. Mr. Alex. Stuart, Registrar of Imports and Exports,
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  • 38 8 News has reached Penang that Mrs. Chas. Eastwick-Field, who was at one time living at Singapore with her sister. Mrs. A. L. Donaldson, has passed the recent Intermediate Examination for the Medical Degree at the London University.
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  • 49 8 CARCASSES TO BE EATEN. At the date of last advices (14th instant), cattle disease was rife upcountry in Siam. The carcasses are left lying about. But, in some parts, the flesh from the carcasses are said to be t*ut up, dried, salted, and sent to Bangkok for food.
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  • 76 8 We hear that Mr. Wilkinson, the Acting Superintendent of Education, Penang, will at the end of this month vacate his post, for tliat of Police Magistrate, Singapore. This seems to be an unfortunate arrangement, as Mr. Wilkinson is a good Malay scholar and has taken more
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  • 131 8 MASSACRE OF GOLD MINERS. On the 25th February, news of a massacre of miners by natives on the Mambare river, in British New Guinea, reached Sydney. The richest goldfieJi in that quarter lies along the baA of that stream. The police magistral six miners, several native police,
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  • 375 8 The private secretary of the o ov informs us that His received with regret the intelLr 1 that the Hon. Martin Lister Resident of Negri Sembilan, Suez, on February 24th. A few ago, it will be remembered, we announS that a private telegram u
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  • 403 8 Yesterday afternoon, A. Mitchell was again brought before Mr. Anthonisz for the further hearing of the* rha/gcs of cheating made against him by Messrs. Katz Bros, and Yoon Kon Shoon, the former to the extent ot $lO9, the latter $147. —Mr. Landsmann, proprietor of the Central Hotel, sworn,
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  • 5164 9 Tin Kt-uAY, 18th March. PRESENT. T|lF Governor, Sir Charles Bullen H L (I Mitchell, g.c.m.g. n Swettcnham, Colonial SecreI V J l:U V \y Sneyd-Kvnnersley, Acting H’ n Councillor* of Penang. \i ('ollvcr, Attorney-General. H C |{ir«*h. Acting Colonial Trca(Tlli. J ,p»f w Anderson, k.e.. Acting Colonial >1«*11*
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  • 112 10 A correspondent writes that the present state of the beef market is such as to call for serious and careful consideration, not only on the part of that section of the community, who are now being so glaringly and flagrantly plundered by the butchers, but also by
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  • 233 10 DR. VOWLIE IS CHAMPION. The two final rounds to decide who was to bo the champion golfer of the Club for the present year were played oil* quietly bv l)r. Kowlie and (’apt. Eccles on Wednesday evening, there being very few members present. The result —victory to
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  • 224 10 THE PERMANENT MEMORIAL. The idea, says a correspondent, of raising the Rallies School to the dignity of a college fully endowed, which was recently mooted in the Straits Times has quite recommended itself to the leaders of the Chinese community as well as to a number of
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  • 1033 10 A number of Papers were laid before the Legislative Council yesterday, several of which have already appeared in the Government Gazette. The others deal with the following subjects SURVEY DEPARTMENT. The report of the Survey Department for 1896 notes that, in Singapore, applications for Crown land increased to
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  • 29 10 The cattle plague in Siam is reported to be very bad. The animals are dying in thousands, and the Korat railway track is strewn with carcasses.
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  • 148 10 The P'utamj Gazette of the 16th inst. refers in a leader, with considerable sarcasm, to the Chinese Deputation as to the Harbour scheme recently introduced to the Resident Councillor by Mr. Huttenhaeh. The Gazette is quite unable to understand how, after all this long time, Chinese merchants
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  • 235 10 There is published the Report of the Commission that sat to consider the working of the Pawnbrokers’ Ordinance, under which the pawnbroking farm had been abolished, and pawn shops are licensed. The Commissioners were: The Hon. A. M. Skinner, Mr. C. B. Buckley, Mr. E. H. Bell, Tan Jiak
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  • 995 10 THEIR WANDERINGS ALOXn Tu I EAST COAST. I THEIR ADVENTURES IN KELAS Tax I The Misses Edie and Nellie R u I the charming daughters of the Manager of the Raub Mines. ar heroines of a record-breaking ture. Ever since the beginning! January', they have been meand?/!
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  • 46 11 fnai’H will he a Tanglin Club dance n the D! of April. \r Manila, on the 5th instant, fiftyrebel prisoners were executed within ihe oily walls. \V I trn from a private telegram jo-iiav mat tin- plague at Bombay is steaih!v doerea? ing.
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  • 29 11 Pkocle in Selangor, says the Malay Sliiilj »re very sorry Mr. Keyser did not take tin Klang appointment. He is t-> the world in Jelebu.
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  • 35 11 >(>:{(» REALISED. TiiKilanoe in aid ol the funds of the st. »la- Sooirty produced gross proi'm)< f >l.o!7. The expences were JiNi.L'i*. 1 he balance ot 8630.91 has ht*en handed t<► the Society.
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  • 42 11 Wk hoar, by telegram from Madras, that Kamino Fund now amounts to IN 7. '-J' The number employed on relief \vork> i< 3,060,0(H), being a deerea-o <>t on the number t iiij.l vo.l during tiie preceding week.
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  • 62 11 Mu. It. A. 1. lhnwr.i.i.. ot the tirm of Messi-'. Swan and Madaren. Singapore. i- >hortl\ To \i'it the Native State.- >n an < \t* laie.i four in coilnee,u with ila- linn'" business. He v- to < i<> Imill a j louse for Mr. M \eave at
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  • 64 11 i l v* Goh Sicw, the liiauai" :y in Gashin Street, 'M*d for giving short weight -M l l l ol ten per cent, in Higar to a customer, present instance, 2j cat- r weighed out for 2j. The J 1 :< i:i<-d to prove that the arrest
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  • 73 11 w lion Liat ;iikl Mr. Let 1 Cheng m been elected to till up the ’K irs on the Board of Trustees 1 Chinese Hokien Temple in \ver Street. The two vacan- nvd through the death of '^> n Kim Cheng, and Khoo san. Mr. Tan
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  • 91 11 submarine mine that was 4 xph .<l*.<l last evening at about lialf I'ast five attracted a good may persons *o the vicinity of Tanjong Pagar. The was entirely successful, a volume of water being thrown a considerable distance into the air. Many Hundreds of fish were kdled,
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  • 94 11 r is interesting, says a eorrespon- at, to compare the position of the nuts Insurance Co. at the end of 1 5 94 and the present time: 1893. 1894. 1896. !>, S y s, rv Fund 120,000 140,000 10,000 ,S in «e Keserve. 81,106 121,*****0,000 ,den l
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  • 77 11 It is official notified that the Hon. J. A. Swettenham, Colonial Secretary’, has been granted leave of absence with half salary for twelve months commencing on the 23rd instant. Mr. C. W. S. Kynnerslcy, Acting Resident Councillor of Penang, will be Acting Colonial Secretary. Other appointments are: Mr. J.
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  • 124 11 Yesterday, before two Magistrates, a native sergeant, No. 11, was charged on a summons with attempting to extort the sum of two dollars from a baker residing in Beach Road. On the 23rd ultimo, one ol his coolies was arrested for obstruction and released, the police being
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  • 577 11 Correspondence with the Government of India on the subject of Indian Immigration ranges from December, 189;*, to August, 1596. The despatches deal with the need for increased facilities to Tamil emigration from Madras to the Straits, and the removal of certain restrictions on recruiters at Negapatam. In September.
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  • 861 11 The following is the report which was to be presented at the adjourned eleventh annual general meeting held at the offices of the Company, Shanghai, on the 15th March: In presenting their report for the season 1895-96, the directors much regret the misfortunes which have attended
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  • 1651 11 St. Patrick was a gentleman, and came of decent people. Few Saints, I believe, have so good a pedigree as that; and it may be that it is because of his superior original social status that St. Patrick is so genial and courteous a Saint. At all
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  • 73 11 In the southern part of the Loochoo Archipelago, Southern Japan, there is said to be an island named Yonakuni, which is rarely approachable and quite devoid of safe anchorage. Here the women are five in number to every male, and they support the latter by the work of
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  • 885 12  - FACTS AND FANCIES ABOUT JAVA. NO. 9.— GLIMPSES OF NATIVE LIFE. (by MISS AUGU8TA DE WIT.) A just appreciation of sentiments and motives repugnant to our own is among the most difficult of intellectual feats. The Germans express their sense of this truth by a concise and vigorous, if not
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  • 520 12 TOBACCO. In Holland, dealers hold a high opinion of last year s Deli tobacco crop. Old stocks have almost been wholly cleared off, and the crop of 1896 is hence anxiously awaited. Should the quality not prove disappointing, planters may look out for good times. In February, rainy
    520 words
  • 215 12 The following letter has been circulated by the late hon. secretary of the Singapore Debating Society:— Sir, —I venture to earnestly request your attendance at a meeting to be held at the Town Hall, next Tuesday afternoon (the 23rd instant), at 5.15. The object of the meeting
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  • 422 12 ACHEEN. Rumour at Batavia alleges that the Governor-General has given up the idea of an expedition against Pedir, where the Achinese war party finds aid in money and men. The Home Government, from lack of means, is not likely to countenance any such undertaking for the present. In
    422 words
  • 393 12 The groat disadvantage of most soaps is their excessive alkalinity and the want of proper care and use of impure ingredients in their preparation. La noline soap is made of the purest materials, and is superfatted with Lanoline,” which is the natural fat of the skin, being prepared
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  • 632 12 “STRAITS TIMES” FUND. THIRTY-SIXTH LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. THE FUND CLOSED. $38,000 remitted. (Tuesday.) The Straits Times Famine Fund is closed. True, we are pledged to receive and transmit certain money that is being collected in the Netherlands Indies; but such sums, when received, can be treated in
    632 words
  • 527 12 London, Trutay 19/A Fehn„ trv The classes” continue to become dev tees of the wheel, and I notice among n candidates for admission to the (Vp Touring Club last month were the I)u< h** of Sutherland, Lord Denbigh, Lo n ley, Lord Onslow, Lord Burton jJjf'
    527 words
  • 317 12 REPORT FOR 1896. The annual report by the Government Veterinary Surgeon, Singapore, for 1896 notes that the number of cattle imported in Singapore shews a marked increase over 1895, but the importsol sheep, goats, and swine all show a decrease. This is especially marked in the case
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  • 463 13 It is believed that Mr. Ernest Woodl Hire)] will be appointed Resident ,f f ri Sembilan in succession to Mr. a art in Lister, deceased. Mr. Birch has i,a<l -1 years of Colonial service. He j st ij«» son of an eminent Straits Civil who was killed
    463 words
  • 30 13 Ihe King of Siam intends to open tjie Korat Railway on the 26th instant. running of trains between Bangkok a], »l Avut hia will begin two days afterwards.
    30 words
  • 37 13 A 'adet is to have two beds in his quarters, but only one of many other nrvi-ssary articles of furniture. We [Malay Si ail don't understand the wis--o,tl of the man who made this list.
    37 words
  • 39 13 I he Perak Postal and Telegraph, Guide for 1597 ias been published. It is compiled by the Superintendent of Posts iuid Telegraphs there, and bears every of painstaking care in bringing it U P to date.
    39 words
  • 70 13 Twelve of the crew of the steamer i trior g ana hire, which struck on the isslyn Reef, about thirty miles from St .James on the 7th, and had been Ven U P for lost, arrived, on the 15th iL t; at Hongkong by the steamer 7* r
    70 words
  • 39 13 The idea of a Park for the People to commemorate in Selangor the Diamond Jubilee of the reign of H. M. Queen Victoria is, says the Selangor Joumal y finding general favour and acceptance in Kuala Lumpur.
    39 words
  • 42 13 A Bengali was arrested for exposing for show a bear and thus causing obstruction. This was a test case. The man was cautioned and told he should obtain a license. The bear bore his confinement with an ill grace.
    42 words
  • 40 13 It is notified that, owdng to rinderpest raging in the Presidencies of Madras and Bombay, all cattle imported into the Colony from there shall undergo a quarantine of fourteen days from the date of their arrival in the Colony.
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  • 45 13 The Chelydra murder case at the Penang Assizes has ended in all the prisoners being found not guilty and being discharged. The case arose out of a row on board between Chinese and Hindus, in which one of them lost his life.
    45 words
  • 39 13 The Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette to hand by mail, contains an interview with Mr. Farquhar Matheson M'Larty, past president of the Penang Engineers Institute. Mr. M'Larty described at length his invention for prospecting and wellsinking.
    39 words
  • 48 13 A London telegram to the India Daily Netrs states that a large number of Englishmen are volunteering to join the Greeks, and about one hundred have already started to follow' the Greek army to Crete, and have taken with them stores and provisions sufficient- for three months.
    48 words
  • 56 13 On the ligli inst., Hon. Dr. Ho Kai was presented, in Hongkong, with an address and a handsome silver tea service and salver, and three epergnes, on the occasion of his departure for Shanghai to assist 81,eng King-hing in the construction of the northern railways and the
    56 words
  • 53 13 Last night, Mr. Bell and Mr. Newland, accompanied by three constables, made a raid on a house in Tanjong Pagar, and arrested six Chinamen. Several implements employed in the manufacture of counterfeit coins were found. The men were before the Magistrate this morning, and the case was postponed
    53 words
  • 85 13 Ox Saturday afternoon, a match was played between the S. R. C. and the S. C. C. (Ist XI). The former made 44, to w*~>h H. Jansz contributed 16 and the 0 C. C. scored 48 for eight wickets, Grant and Stevens each making 18. Six players, however, failed
    85 words
  • 88 13 H. E. Wc Ting Fang, Minister Plenipotentiary to the U. S. of America, Spain, and Peru, sailed for San Francisco from Hongkong on the 13th inst. by the O. and O. steamer Gaelic. The steamer was flying the Chinese ensign at the main. His Excellency
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  • 138 13 A special Negri Sembilan Government Gazette contains the following notification dated 19th instant: The Acting Resident received, this morning, the following telegram from Sir Charles Mitchell: Secretary of State telegraphs Regret newspiaper reports Lister died, Suez, 24th February. The Hon. Martin Lister, British Resident of the
    138 words
  • 214 13 THE GODAVEBX TWO DAY8 OVERDUE. The M. M. steamer Godavery which left Batavia on Thursday morning at ten o’clock, has not been heard of since, and, this morning, the Tanjong Pagar tug Mercury was sent out to seek her with a pilot on board. The Godavery was
    214 words
  • 223 13 We have received a letter from Messrs. Tokutoni and Fukai, the two Japanese journalists who recently passed through Singapore en route for Europe. They have, since then, visited Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Italy France, and Switzerland, and returned to England last month. Their
    223 words
  • 287 13 THE BRIDE’S DRESS. The Gentlewoman contains the following:— A large number of friends assembled at St. Margaret’s, Westminster, to witness the marriage of Major Henry Edward McCallum, R.E., C. M.G., Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Lagos, and Miss Maud (Dolly) Creighton, third daughter of Licut.-Colonel Creighton, late R.
    287 words
  • 42 13 GREAT LOBB OF LIFE. On the 13th instant, the Admiral a steam launch heavily laden with passengers, collided with another launch on Hie Menam river at Bangkok. The Admiral foundered. Of two hundred passengers on board, about one half perished.
    42 words
  • 2331 13 NOTES, NEW8, AND REPORTS. APPOINTMENT* APPROVED. The Queen has been pleased to approve of Mr. Chang Chin,-hsun as ConsulGeneral of China at Singapore; Mr. Arakawa Minoji, Jerokiu, as Consul of Japan at London; Mr. Shimizu Seizaburo, Jushichii, as Consul of Japan at Hongkong; Don Emilio de Motta y
    2,331 words

  • 72 14 The Secretary of State has notified to the Governor that an arrangement has been entered into by the republics of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, under which the three Republics will form a single political entity for the exercise of their sovereignty abroad, under the name of 44 The
    72 words
  • 40 14 CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRB. Mrs. Salzmann and Capt. Parsons, beat Mrs. Waddell and Mr. Egerton, 6-4,6-4. SINGLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Adams, owe 1, beat Miss Salzmann 6, 6-3, 6-3. REBULT OP WEDNESDAY’S PLAY. CHAMPIONSHIP. Mrs, Waddell beat Mrs. 6-1,6»9.
    40 words
  • 967 14 (From the Times of Ceylon London, 9th March. The Foreign Admirals have notified to the Greek Vice-Consul that journalists and other Greek subjects at Canea must quit the island. Sir William Wedderburn invited a distinguished company of members of the House of Commons and Indians to welcome Mr.
    (From the “ Times of Ceylon ”)  -  967 words
  • 530 14 ANNUAL REPORT. The report of the Committee for the year ended 31st December, 1896, is as follows: Your committee beg to present the annual report and accounts for the year which closed on 31st December, 1896, shewing a credit balance on that date of $569. During the
    530 words
  • 37 14 The retiring Committee are:—Mr. W. Grigor-Taylor, President; Mr. H. V. W. Vade, Captain: Mr. W. S. Nicholls, Treasurer Mr. A W. Stiven, Hon. J. M. Allinson, Dr. Fowlie, Mr. F. M. Elliot, Mr. J. Adamson, Hon. Secretary.
    37 words
  • 599 14 ARRIVALS. Per s. 8. Darwin from Port Darwin: Miss Edward, and Miss Turpin. Per P. A O. s. s. Thames from Mr. W. Nanson, Mrs. Jackson, Messrs. Leighton, Wishart. Rossiter, Mr. and Mrs, Selfe, Lieut. Campbell, Miss Bogle, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Sanders, Messrs. A. Tate, B. Emslie, Richards,
    599 words
    • 232 14 Underthis heading the folio abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer; sh. —sh p bq. —barque; Brit. British; U. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh.—Jobore; <fcc., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.
      232 words
    • 1477 14 Arrivals Sihcr Nooh of Saturday. Aiming Jap. str. 1,028 tons, Capt Couradi, 22nd Mar. Fplap Middlesbro, 11th Feb. G.c., M. B. KalaHfc-* Co. For Kobe, U-W. Bisagno. Ital. str. 1,499 tons, Cant 21st Mar. From Bombay 9th u. nci A 2 d.p. Behn Meyer and Co. bay, 22nd
      1,477 words
    • 300 15 f t, probable date of arrival and name of agents. k-'don, Mar 'Jo p. «fc O. biwrpool, April 4: Mansfield. nimon. I.iverpov >1. A pi <4; Mansfield. Moluccas, April I Daendels. iina, May 2 Behn Mover. od, May 4; P. A O. Hongkong, Apl 24; P. A O.
      300 words
    • 1218 15 Flag h Vessel’s Name. A Tons 1 Captain From Sailed Consignees Q HioMar 15 Jphigenia HMcru. 3600 Pudding P’rtsniouth Feb 5S. Naval Officer 15 Libelle. Brit str. 956 Grant Labuan Mar 11 Boustead and Co. 15 Darwin str. 475 Edwards P. Darwin Mar 7G. A. Derrick 15 -Malacca str.
      1,218 words
    • 637 15 i I I Date, i Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain j Destination I i Mar 15 Ning Chow Brit.str. i Jones I London via ports 15 Ivy Am bq. Wall Hongkong 16 Ban Whatt Soon £rit. str. Rouse j Billiton and Pontianak 16 Calypso st r McGill Penang and Deli
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 609 15 A GERMAN LADY would be glad to accompany a family home, in return for a free passage. First-class testimonials. Apply to K., c/o Straits Times. KLOX(i BfiTOXG ESTATE. SINGORA (SIAM.) TO BE SOLI). 1>Y consent of H.H.M. Consul, Bangkok, (Administrating estate of G. L. Harrison. deceased). Concessions granted to George
      609 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 631 16 That Tired Feeling AND GENERAL DEBILITY. The cause is poor, thin blood, resulting in deficient vitality. To overcome this, the blood needs to be enriched and vitalized, and for this there is no medicine in the world equal to Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The cures it has worked, the men, women and
      631 words
      641 words
    • 753 16 NEEDLESS ALARM Whether the suffering whi. i undergo from disease is more than mental is a point not eaav ty*** It depends largely on the natu* 0 disease, and the make-up of the imi Experience seems to show, > in one prevailing disease—indict dyspepsia, the two kinds of suffering very
      753 words