The Straits Budget, 16 March 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 58 1 MARRI AGE. MfCu.u m -Creighton— On the 10th M Vit m. Margaret's, Westminster, by fc v .1 H P- Creighton. Vicar of King’s SimU.rn.*.' Hants, and the Rev. K. Johnn. Vicar «>t Hornchurch, Essex, Major Hkskv Ki.-wari* McCallum. R. E.. C.M.G., Governor airl t onimander~in~Chief of 1^,Is. to Maid Dolly),
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  • 334 1 LILTING AKTIrtTS. The Transvaal. Britain Stands f irni. Municip!l Affair*. Straits 1 n si: ranee. 1 *\m\> Insurance Board. Or-*. k Fi re. b»’.AL Market Quotations. Shipping News. Ta.'v*nger List. Poli'r News. hints Indian Famine Relief Fund. Assiaes. Ipon a llalloon. Major Lothaire. Mfiiii-al Service. The Dictionary.
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  • 512 1 Singapore, 16th March, 1897, PRODUCE. Gambier 6.50. do Cube No 1 9.62^. do do No 2, 8.20. Copra Bali, 5.60. do Pontianak, 6.25. Pepper, Black, l .25. Sago Flour Sarawak 2.92’. do Brunei, 2.314. Pearl Sago 3.3.3. Coffee, Bali, picked 43.C3. Coffee Palembang, picked 44.50. Coffee, Liberian,
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  • 446 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. s. s. Rohilla. The P. O. s. s. Thames with the mail from Europe of the 22nd instant arrived this morning. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for the M. M. s. s. Oceanian
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    • 51 1 COERCIVE MEASURES. London, 9th March. The Admirals in Cretan waters have prepared a plan of coercion against Greece. This plan includes a blockade of the Piroeus and the Cretan coast. it is also intended to seize those Greek warships which disobey the orders of the combined
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    • 123 1 CREEK REPLY TO THE ULTIMATUM. Jjoiulon 10/ h March. The reply of the Greek Government to the ultimatum of the Powers has been received. The reply urges the Powers not t insist upon the autonomy of Crete, which would be found inadequate to prevent anarchy and
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    • 25 1 M. Hanotaux, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, has promised to take no action towards coercing Greece without consulting the Chamber of Deputies.
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    • 29 1 It is understood that Mr. Chamberlain has strongly protested against the Transvaal Alien Act on the ground of its being a breach of the Convention of 1884.
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    • 55 1 BRITAIN FIRM. London 11 th March. The British Government is dissatisfied with the Greek reply to the Ultimatum, and considers it necessary for the Greeks to quit Crete. Mr. Balfour has declined to pledge himself that the British Government will take no steps in the Cretan
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    • 42 1 SERVIA ARMINQ. London 1 2th March. The political situation as regards Crete is unchanged. The Powers are conferring. The Russian Government has offered Servia one hundred and twenty thousand magazine rifles. Servia has called out all her army reserves for drill.
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    • 40 1 THE POWERS TEMPORISING. London, 13 th March. It is believed that the parleying among the Powers tends towards conciliation with Greece, rather than towards severity. There is some talk of utilising Greek troops under European officers in pacifying Crete.
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    • 88 1 COERCION IMMINENT. lx)ndon 15/ h March. The Russian semi-official Press insists upon the coercion of Greece, and upon the determination of the Powers to preserve peace in the East. It is semi-officially stated at Vienna that Russia, Germany, and Austria, have instructed their naval commanders in
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    • 24 1 The Budget Committee of the Reichstag has refused to grant the twelve millions sterling asked for to increase the German Navy.
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    • 12 1 England beat Scotland at Rugby football by twelve points to three.
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  • 358 1 (Straits Times 10 th March.) Mr. Chamberlain's strong protest against the Alien Law, recently passed by the Transvaal Government, raises an important point. Thousands of aliens had flocked to the Rand Mines, and had outnumbered the Boers—the original settlers. The relations of the Transvaal with the British Government
    (Straits Times, 10th March.)  -  358 words

  • 213 2 (Straits Times 11 th March.) Britain, which has taken the lead in dealing with the Cretan question, remains firm, as indeed we anticipated yesterday. The British Government considers the Greek reply to the ultimatum as unsatisfactory, and insists upon the Greeks evacuating Crete. Finally, the British Government
    (Straits Times, 11 th March.)  -  213 words
  • 514 2 (Straits 'Times 11/// March.) The Municipal Commissioners, at their meeting yesterday, approved the Supplementary Budget, No. 1 of 1897, bv which it is proposed to add, with the consent of the Governor, a sum of sixtvsix thousand dollars odd to tin* expenditure of the current year. The figures,
    (Straits 'Times, 11/// March.)  -  514 words
  • 497 2 (Straits Times 12 th March.) The report of the Straits Insurance Company, that we publish in another column, is not a document that the shareholder can regard with satisfaction. It is not the report that the shareholder has been led to expect, and it cannot fail to create
    (Straits Times, 12th March.)  -  497 words
  • 654 2 (Straits Times VMh Anarch.) We invite the attention of the shareholders of the Straits Insurance Company to certain facts that seem peculiar. In the annual report issued yesterday, it is stated that Mr. T. S. Thomson retires from the Board, but offers himself for re-election, at the
    (Straits Times, VMh Anarch.)  -  654 words
  • 304 2 (Straits Times 1 &th March.) The temporising of the Powers upon receiving Greece’s defiant answer to the ultimatum, requiring her to evacuate Crete, has been of short duration. Further parleying has resulted Russia, Austria, and Germany insisting upon coercing Greece, as had been originally proposed. Britain, Italy, and
    (Straits Times, 1 &th March.)  -  304 words
  • 65 2 On the sth inst. a farewell banquet was given at the City Hall, Hongkong, to H. E. Wu Ting-fang, the newlyappointed Chinese Minister to the United States, Spain, and Peru. A very representative company, including the Governor, attended, and the proceedings were very enthusiastic. The new
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  • 74 2 Smut Observer THE TRI1* TO EUROPE. It has been arranged that Commodore de Richelieu will not accompany His Majesty to Europe, partly because his medical adviser considers his duties would be of too onerous a nature in his present state of health. It is understood that
    Smut Observer.  -  74 words
  • 393 2 A LECTURE IX HONGKONG. Mr. Granville Sharp, a noted capitalist at Hongkong, delivered a lecture the other day, before the Odd Volumes Society there on: Money how to get it and how to keep it. Mr. Sharp illustrated the “barter 7 period of history and the growth ol coinage
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  • 125 2 —China Gazette. THE EASTERN PRO\1X« :f According to one of our nati temporaries, an Imperial do.,' '> recently been issued, comment* unfavourably upon tliemiprep ar of the three easternmost j r., v China in case of any mi, and directing Wong Tiing.j,,, dent of the Board
    .—China Gazette.  -  125 words
  • 695 2 The mobilization of the q arr J having been fixed for the Wi t 1897, the Fortress is declare iiiasJ of war from 4.30 a.m. on that dat..*- J 12 p.m. on the 24th March. TtifJJ not apply to the civil population, t!! Government House Guard will J mount
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  • 134 3 t j l( (lovornor has promoted 11 Dunman to be Major and „f the Singapore VolunC 0 rilltTV. in succession to Major reigned. Major Dnnman’s al is the reward of long and or in ,T 1 ,n service. ~,-trd that Bangkok was quite P/j .-i,i*i«*r|*«*s?t eariy this
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  • 22 3 i Mr Mi— Jacob closed at ..-j 77 -ab-'-rlbers. Mr. Lowder cmple’.ely withdrawn ail ,.f cverv kind against Miss JaoT.
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  • 43 3 .•oaimeiiced tills morning. r V .jveiJ .,cen eases on the calendar, o.wtponed from last \»v V' <• 1 1 A koo. the alleged A't > Fling revenue officer, i ;e .c*. h> trial, and three r-.i \i c .ml charged with :tii. ijihi.-! v.
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  • 41 3 v 1:-* mail advices (lU h. mi ■*->urgoon-Liout-C i a at Net lev, and v >;:tva;> >re, will replace Mr X. B. Major, who. on prmno- i. i will fill a vacancy in Me lieai Officer, Straits M 'ii;-
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  • 42 3 the Danish painter, a number of his works in t i of the Adelphi Hotel. an artist of some power, i v includes several line k.-iraot eristic local scenes narticnlar interest. The n* he offered for sale on lin r>j;,v.
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  • 47 3 i !a-t montli was it known of Captain Lang and l u< boat's crew, who were the British cruiser Xur- vooinvitcha Bay in Sep- were shortly afterwards buried bv some Japanese >»“ sailors plundered the which they were put in jail 11 ‘iing to Japan.
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  • 60 3 ported that the Convention •la ;»an and Russia consists ti\e articles, in which it p i r, v l»*il that one gate of the "f the King of Corea shall by Japanese troops, t ier gate by Russian troops, troops of each country stationed shall not exceed a battalion,
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  • 134 3 I,l< ITINERARY TO EUROPE. Ln: Sni,,, ointerver learns that the ~H "t Siam will probably leave for j" r,, D; about April 7. He will spend ln time in Ceylon. From Ceylon the It ii on to the south of Sa' V w iU then proceed
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  • 468 3 ARRIVAL AT SINGAPORE. HIS STORY TOLD BY HIMSELF. Major Lothaire arrived here, this morning, from Bangkok in the s. s. Hydra. While at Bangkok, a representative of the Siam Observer interviewed him. Major Lothaire gave details, not much of which is really new, of the annexation policy of
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  • 323 3 A STRONG OPPOSITION. The Japanese vernacular press continues to discuss the proposed change in the currency of Japan at great length, and there are signs that the proposal will meet with much opposition. The Tokio and Yokohama Bankers' l nion has appointed a Committee to report on the
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  • 44 3 According to Shanghai native papers, the Tsungli Yamen or Chinese Foreign Officd is to be remodelled under the name of Waimu Yamen (Department of Foreign Affairs). Prince Rung is to be the President, assisted by Li Hungchang and another official. 9
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  • 1929 3 A DICTIONARY OP THE MALAY LANGUAGE BY HUGH CLIFFORD AND FRANK ATHEL8TANE SWETTENIIAM. PART III. THE LETTER u CH.” The first part of this Dictionary was given to the world in the spring of 1894. In their note to the second part, dated the 1st September, 1895, the
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  • 467 3 The Iphigenia cruiser, Captain 11. N. Dudding, sailed on o ult., for the China Station to relieve the JEolus. Captain Yui, of the Japanese Army, bas been attached to the 3rd Infantry Brigade at Aldershot for six months. The following appointment iiave been made at the Admiralty:
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  • 167 3 Mr. Stanley Spencer, the well-known English aeronaut, has just arrived in Singapore. He brings with him a complete outfit of ballooning apparatus, among which is a parachute and balloon; and also a huge captive war balloon. This balloon will be inflated with gas and Tastened to
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  • 726 4 (From the “Times of Ceylon. 1 London, 26th February. It is currently reported the Russia has sent aseparate ultimatum to Athens, requiring Greece to withdraw her troops and fleet from Crete within three days; otherwise, the Russian Government will have to resort to the sharpest reprisals. Int he
    (From the “Times of Ceylon.1')  -  726 words
  • 36 4 It is reported that a cotton cloth and woollen goods factory is about to be started in Shanghai by a German merchant, who, with some Chinese merchants, intends putting Tls. 100,000 into the concern.
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  • 2175 4 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. MR. GLADSTONE. Mr. Gladstone has stated that he will be profoundly rejoiced if Greece succeeds in her efforts to precipitate a settlement of the Turkish troubles. He lias also expressed the hope that the Powers will recollect that it is necessary for them to
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  • 94 4 The Kobe Chronicle publishes a Press despatch, dated Pekin, 17th February, confirming the news that a Convention has been agreed upon and signed by Great Britain and China providing for the opening of the West River as far as Wuchow. The despatch reads as follows: —A Pekin
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  • 62 4 RESULTS OF BATURDAY’B AND MONDAY’S PLAY. White. Black. Openings. Won by. Marriott Brydges Queen’s Gam- bit. Marriott Mowe Miles Centre Counter Gambit. Miles Mclntyre Hullett Ruy Lopez. Mclntyre Miles Elcum Staunton’s Opening. Elcum Hullett Braddell Two Knight’s defence. Hullett Mosbergen Brydges G i a o c c
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  • 161 4 It is a pity that the French m ent is weakening in its Turco-/; r Cretan policy; for that will ent™. the Greeks. However, the policy weak Government is always weak all French Governments, latterly been weakly seated in power. H"u the British Government is strong remark
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  • 28 4 The Sta. Cecilia Band is no more. It has broken up and its members are now scattered about the Settlements and the Native States.
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  • 32 4 Mr. Anthonisz leaves the Magisterial Bench at the end of the month to take up the post of Official Assignee. His successor on the Bench has not yet been appointed.
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  • 27 4 Sergeant Thompson, of the European Contingent, and formerly of the Irish Constabulary, has been appointed an Inspector in the Selangor Police Force. He leaves immediately.
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  • 43 4 The Emperor of Japan is have conferred the decoration of the Grand Order of the Chrysanthemum on the President of the French Republic, and the decoration of the Grand Order of the Rising Sun on M. Hanotaux. French Minister for Foreign Affairs.
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  • 56 4 It is stated that the ratifications ol the treaty between Japan and Brazil were to be interchanged on February 12th. It is said that the Government of Brazil will send a Minister tentiary and three consuls to Japan, and also that it intends to import some i;hree
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  • 65 4 Early this morning, a Hylam named Koh Ti Teng and another man named Ah Chin, living at 121, Amoy Street, quarrelled. Ti Teng hit the other on i;he head with a piece of firewood, and Ah Chin, in pushing him away, pushed lim into a cauldron
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  • 61 4 The night before last, the house V* 406, North Bridge Road, was broken into, and twenty-seven dollars' worth of property stolen. Inspector Fail hurst searched a house in Victoria Street, occupied by four Chinese and two 1 Malays, and secured a large quantity ot stolen property including some
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  • 138 4 A correspondent says complaints are loud and numerous about the very high price of beef in the local market This has been brought about owing to ;he existence of rinderpest in Siam, whence the bulk of the cattle arr drawn for this market. Exportation i* or the
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  • 60 5 I r :l |>T*S DEATH AT PENANG. I ietali Gar t I Wednesday, 1.42 pm. I Lev met died last night of I He had been hitter. K* ago. W'; j.-j !,as received a telegram 1 -i l Oiucing the death of of fin* Tamil Mission 1 jcitor
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  • 55 5 woMKN’s hospital. i ,.,-n Victoria Shilling Fund,” vt rv woman in Victoria w -il! be asked to contribute, tied at Melbourne for the •'‘.-tablishinga hospital where >ur v ;i 1V < oive treatment entirely ional members of their own ,-j.ital is intended to be a kX f
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  • 78 5 r ftp-ini \,,rth llorneo Herald. V K -ifZKi -ay* that lie has defi- hi- oil concession to y J r. Boiraardt of Singapore, he r,-r tininir. however, a one-eighth ni p';‘ r ti:t* concession. The necessary iil u 11 h.* found by Mr. Bogaardt. ....«i.*n for exploring and
    r ftp-ini \,,rth llorneo Herald.  -  78 words
  • 113 5 I MAT SALI.KH S REBELLION. I At th** end of last month, a letter l t rt at Sandakan from Naeodah llT-’i who. with a native force, had parted in pursuit ni a rebel named Mat who had long defied the Govern|ment. The Naeodah and his men
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  • 113 5 A who was recently di missed from; Force lias heen levying "ii the strength of his former c»nu* :i n with that body. lie went, lei jiy- a„ r o, to an eating house, and ;i: innihsioned by the seri"i t.» inspect the licence. He Vlv u
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  • 262 5 NbE>SARY IN NORTH BORNEO. I 1 he liritisli North llorneo Iferakl has a -> •>! word to say for the brand* I®* uf coolies, in noting that, the K. r tiie Legislative Council at I r -i; -n- took measures against the I In British North Borneo, I
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  • 456 5 FINAL SUPPRESSION. The Malay Mail gives further particulars of the Kuala Lumpur riots, which show that trouble with the Chinese there had been anticipated since the Chinese New Year. On the 5th, the rioting at Sungei Besi took the form ot furious stone-th rowing and attempts to
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  • 59 5 FRENCH ENTERPRISE. A French Syndicate is negotiating with the Siamese Government for a railway from Bangkok to Battambong, near the Cambodian frontier. The Siamese Government insists upon the concern being registered as a Siamese company, that construction is to be commenced within a year, and that a
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  • 289 5 THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS INSTANCED. A Japanese newspaper, the Nichi Nichi opposes the adoption of the gold standard in Japan on the ground that the result will only be to disturb monetary conditions every time the prices of gold and silver rise or fall. It then points out how
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  • 670 5 MRS. BRADLEY MARTIN’S FANCY DRESS BALL. New York 11 th February. Mrs. Bradley Martin s fancy dress ball, given last night at the Waldorf Hotel, had a social importance of its own and a factitious importance due to a variety of causes. There can be no doubt
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  • 142 5 At the Vulcan Shipbuilding Yard, Bredow’, near Stettin, wherethe Chinese torpedo gunboat Fei Ying wus built in 1895, three protected cruisers for the Chinese Government are in hand. They are sister ships of 2,950 tons, 328 feet long, with 41 feet beam and 16 ft. 6 in. extreme
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  • 174 5 mr. napier's view. Mr. Napier, a member of the Legislative Council of the Straits, is returning to Singapore, says the Times of Ceylon of Ist March, after a sojourn at Hatton and Newara Eliya for the benefit of his health. Commenting on the long leave granted to
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  • 734 5 Loiulon, Friday, 12 th February. A most important tyre case is now’ being heard before Mr. Justice Romer. It is the old, old story of infringement of the Dunlop-Welch patent for wired-on tyres. Defendants have been striving hard to prove that the wired-on method of attachment
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  • 436 5 BEQUEBTS TO ABERDEEN. Probate of the will has been granted in London, and personal estate valued at £118,934 has been left by Mr. George Garden Nicol, of 5 Cambridge Gate, a director of the London Joint-Stock Bank, the Eastern Telegraph and Eastern Extension Telegraph Companies, and the
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  • 323 5 Hector: I wonder if Bullion will give as a subscription for our missionary fund?* Assistant: “No; his daughter has just married a Duke.” At a Strand Restaurant. Diner: Isp*t that a rather small steak?” Attendant: Yes, but you’ll find that it will take yon a good while to
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  • 2292 6 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Speaking in the Lower Chamber on a motion by Mr. S. Smith for the disestablishment and disendowment of the Church both in England and Wales, Mr. Balfour characterised the debate as little less than a sham. He appealed
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  • 43 6 Mr. Tim Bailey's mysterious mislaid letter has been found, and is to be opened in the coming autumn, according to the directions endorsed on the envelope in 1b94. It is supposed to contain a prophecy about certain land in Klang.
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  • 180 6 FIRST CRICKET MATCH. THE NEW TOWNSHIP. Chinese New Year was celebrated at Raub by what may be termed the Pioneer Cricket Match in Ulu Pahang. For some months past, cricket-practice has been carried out vigorously at Raub on Sunday afternoons and, at Lipis and Chaping, for iftonths past, practice
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  • 758 6 Di*. Tripp will not return to Singapore. Owing to reasons of health, he will probably settle in Torquay, where he is now. Invitations have been sent by the Committee of the Batavia Golf Club to all the Golf Clubs of the Straits and Malaya, to attend a
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  • 49 6 This morning, a Chinaman, named Ng Kwai, reported to the police that his brother had died of syphilis. The police found two suspicious n ;rk> on the deceased man’s neck, whidi Pointed to a possibility of suicide by imnirinr or self-strangulation, and have fa an inquest.
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  • 53 6 The Bangkok Tramway Company held a meeting on the 4th instant, to consider about extending the traffic facilities on its lines. It was decided to borrow one hundred thousand tfails and establish a power plant ?uflfafait to run sixteen cars. At present seven cars are run, and overcrowding
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  • 89 6 THE TRIP TO EUROPE. The Siam Free Press points out that the King’s visit to Europe is not one of pleasure. It is rather a diplomatic mission, and undertaken to arrange the political differences now pending between France and Siam. On the ord instant, the King
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  • 117 6 The Malay Mail draws from the Kuala Lumpur and Sungei Brsi ri h the moral that tlie police there flteds strengthening in number. The jielieemen proved to be too few to overawe the rioters, and to fall short a- wizards officers. The need for a staff of
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  • 124 6 CURE BY VAPOUR BATH. The death of a priest from rabies at Penang arouses interest in recent accounts of the de Buisson treatment for hydrophobia —as an alternative to that of Pasteur. By the de Buisson system the patient is at once placed in a vapour bath, and it
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  • 184 6 An article on the plague in the last number of the Nineteenth Century by Dr. Montagu Lubbock recalls the curious fact that plague has very rare*)' occurred within the Tropic of Cancer, the exceptions being when it upon the western coast of Arabia as far north as 19 latitude,
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  • 405 7 111 K < HIX ESE VIEW. x ,.kkat MASONIC ball. ,,•masons of Singapore will (ii m the Town Hall on the M a v next in celebration of 1,<1 Year of the Queens Kxe. lleney tin* Governor, ;,ii I Ma-ti-r of the Eastern v. !t pivr-enl. An
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  • 33 7 < .m.nal case is reported i’i.rta. resulting in a native •■II .■<[ t seven years' impri- I'oiy personating another -•'ration of a deed, 'flic chief am>t him was the impres’.i’ih!o recorded at the time.
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  • 46 7 -ar-is t!u* Indian Famine, it is ‘o publish a fortnightly report h"W the money distributed by Committee of the Famine l i i und i< being spent. The ProCommittees will be asked to n -ports, which will be something M urn dry tabulated statistics.
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  • 203 7 kuday, at the Assizes, before hi* I Justice £ir Lionel Cox, the ease Mahommed Kichil bin Sinein, Kaih-rtian, and Yengadasalam for forgjnir n a ill, and for using as genuine a 1 document, was concluded. The was postponed from the last The prisoners were found not -"‘‘ty. amt
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  • 1769 7 A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET. THE DIAMOND JUBILEE. A LETTER FROM THE GOVERNOR. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon to consider Supplemental i Budget No. 1 ofl«S97 and other matters, j It was followed by the ordinary fortnightly meeting. There were present: Mr. Gentle (President),
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  • 585 7 The Mining Manager’s Report on the Itaub Mines for the four weeks ending 4th March, 1897, runs as follows Itaub Hole. —No. 2 Shaft. The main level, going south, is now in 332' from the crosscut. We have not yet cut the main ore chute, although I
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  • 127 7 robbers killed. An attempt at highway robbery resulting in the death of the robbers is reported from Tapah, in Perak. A Malay named Daud, with $5O in his possession, was on his way to Songkai, seventeen miles from Tapah, when he noticed two Chinese dogging him. Suddenly, one
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  • 1002 7 Last Thursday, A. Mitchell was charged with cheating T. Powell Robinson of Messrs. Katz Bros., by inducing him to let him have clothes to the value of SIO9, and stating that they would be paid for by the committee of the Eurasian Ball. The hearing was postponed till
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  • 808 8 Lord Francis Godolphin s bride has made rather a singular debut in the vicinity ol her new home. She and her lord an< master were summoned for having ridden bicycles on the footpath at inkfield, near Windsor, last week but whereas the Maidenhead magistrates let his lordship off
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  • 415 8 The championship tournament was practically brought to a close yesterday evening, although two games, viz., Iraddell vs. Hooper, and Brydges vs. Egerton, are still unfinished; but, as 1 heir results will not affect the prizes, ihey may be considered as drawn ;ames. The following is the score
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  • 98 8 II. M. S. ItainJtoir arrived here this morning from Penang. The plague totals at Bombay to tlie iLMh February, give 7,7o2 attacks anc 6,410 deaths. The Penang Assizes opened, on Tuesday last, with twenty-seven cases on the list, including several charges of murder. One hundred and forty-two
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  • 48 8 Lady Mitchell’s reception, yesterday, was very numerously attended; and, happily, the function was fortunate in the weather. The paper-chase, which was followed by more than a dozen riders, finished in sight of the guests, and was quite a pretty spectacle, the jumps being well taken.
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  • 63 8 Between four o’clock on the afternoon of the 10th instant, and eight o’clock yesterday morning, the grave of the late Mr. Tan Kim Cheng, at the thirteenth milestone on the Changie Road, was broken open. An unsuccessful effort had been made to open the coffin, with a view, no
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  • 101 8 CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. The following names were inadvertently omitted from yesterday’s list:— Won. Drawn. Lost. Points. E. Brydges 7 1 7 71 C. W. Banks.. 7 0 8 7 S. Mowe 4 0 U 4 E. E. H. Brydges is a rising player, particularly good in the Ruy
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  • 636 8 ACTION AT BILANG. The Spanish forces operating in the province of Cavite, the main seat of the rebellion, move slowly, but have gained important advantages. The operations had, first, for objective point, says the Comercio, the town of Silang, where the rebels had thrown up formidable fortifications. General
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  • 137 8 FINANCE. The Municipal progress report for January gives the revenue collections, that month, at $123,223 against $139,909 in January, 1896. In consequence of Municipal representations regarding the large consumption of water at many Government buildings, the Governor proposes to apply to Council for an extra grant to provide
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  • 924 8 THE MULTIPLICATION OF FRENCH SUBJECTS IN SIAM. (from the times” special CORRESPON DENT.) Now that France and England have come to an agreement with regard to Siam, the Siamese naturally inquire whether the policy which has so unhappily guided the administration of French affairs in Bangkok is
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  • 219 8 This morning, at the Supreme c OI J before Mr. Justice Leach, M r i/ M Mackie, consulting engineer and surveyor, sued Mr. Cliea Choo Yuo registered owner of the steamer for the sum of 5220, alleged t<» Ik* due J arrears of salary, as to five
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  • 478 8 THE BANK OK CHINA. M Sheng Taotai, stated, the other day to an interviewer at Shanghai that ifl was quite true that a national bankH was about to be started. The capital was five million taels, and he had b eenH appointed by Imperial decree tlitB Director-General. The
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  • 183 9 ROBINSON CO/S COMPLAINT. HE? 1 14 Ufssks. Robinson Co. have shown ;j a va parcel that they received by fro in Perak or, to be more precise, P jraiiinents of such a parcel. It M 'l at their warehouse in such frag- l precisely as it was
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  • 641 9 .\-K DISMISSED. afiernoon. Colonel IVnne-,-uird in two eases of gam--1; i; ;<r-t. twenty-two Chinese I v ,-iiarged with gambling in ~.,11 gaming house in Clyde T; t Colonel, accompanied by r’,,. MMunay. made a raid on f j. at io.;io. on Wednesday j (f j,r ua-
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  • 62 9 At one o’clock, this morning, Sergeant No. 9 went from Kandang Kerbau to execute a chandu warrant in Lorong Serai. He found chandu dross, worth fifteen dollars, and, on proceeding with his search, he discovered a considerable quantity of implements for making counterfeit coins, and also a number
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  • 124 9 At the Assizes yesterday, before Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox, Ilaji Dolmanan, a Malay, was convicted of housebreaking and of causing hurt. The prisoner, it was proved, broke into house of a Chinaman at Tanjong Penjuru, near Tiong Bahru, and attacked the occupant with a parang, causing serious
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  • 703 9 NEXT THURSDAY'S MEETING. The following are the Order? of the Day for a meeting to he held on Thursday, 18th March: 1. Motion by Colonial Secretary u Whereas sums of $*20,000 and $23,500 were voted in 181*6 for Improvement of 'Butterwort h Water Supply and Renewing Bridge over
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  • 32 9 The house of a Chinaman, named Choo Ah Meng, in Stevens Road, was broken into during the night before last, and two boxes containing two hundred and thirty-six dollars taken away.
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  • 288 9 Hudson’s Surprise Party performed, last night, at the Town Hall in the presence of a large, enthusiastic, and highly-gratified audience. Their programme is an excellent one, full of go,” full of fun, and full of a big variety of good things all the way through. The common
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  • 476 9 THE MISSION TO KING MENEMK. The British Government has decided to despatch a mission to King Mcnelik of Abyssinia. Mcnelik is officially styled the Negus of Abyssinia, and has latterly opened negotiations with France at Harrar, which lies near the French Red Sea Colony. The rime* of
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  • 609 9 ANNUAL REPORT. The following is the thirteenth annual report for presentation to the shareholders at the twentieth ordinary general meeting, to be held in the Company’s offices, on Thursday, the 25th day of March, at noon Gentlemen, —Your Directors beg to submit the annexed balance
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  • 407 9 The year 1897 wiil be noteworthy in the history of the Scandinavian North. Two great occurrences will then direct the eyes of the whole North towards Stockholm, namely, the great Scandi-navian-Russian Exhibition and the twenty-five years’ Jubilee of King Oscar. In Stockholm’s Bois de Boulogne, quite near
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  • 288 9 The idea of throwing trade between Netherlands India and China into Dutch hands lias long been a topic of discussion in Holland and Java. What trade is going has fallen into the power of foreign firms. This has sorely tried the patience of patriotic Dutchmen. But, all efforts
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  • 232 10 Up to the 6th instant, the Hongkong Famine Funds had reached $47,961. The price of Straits Insurance shares, as quoted, is sellers’ price. We are told there are no buyers above $2O. 4 Five hundred and eighty-eight deaths were registered, last month, in Singapore, with a ratio
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  • 47 10 There are indications of Li HungChang coming into fuller power soon, but there are still a great many attempts made to undermine his newly acquired influence over the Emperor. The Empress-Dowager is still Li's greatest champion, and she is assisted in this by Prince Kung.
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  • 61 10 Thb Chinese Government have decided to order four more armoured cruisers, two fast cruisers, and several torpedo destroyers, English type. The programme for some years to come will be to order vessels of 8,000 tons or so. The retrenchments made at the Palaces of the Emperor, Empress,
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  • 81 10 It is notified in the Government Gazette that, from and after the thirteenth instant, no animal to he used as human food shall be slaughtered witlfin Singapore Municipal limits, at places other than the slaughter-houses at Pulau Saigon and at Jalan Besar. No person shall bring into or sell
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  • 95 10 Mr. A. Naftaly announces that his universal exhibition, at the foot of Fort Canning, will remain open three days longer. There is an entire change of views and programme, and Mr. Naftaly will also have available a powerful telescope, through which the wonders of the heavens can
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  • 146 10 In connection with the recent disturbances, the Government of Selangor, says the Malay Mail y has issued a proclamation advising the people to petition if they have any grievances. At a recent meeting of the Selangor Turf Club, it was decided to have a 13.2 pony race at
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  • 913 10 Touching the annual report of the Straits Insurance Company and our comments thereon, published yesterday, trie following may be of interest. It is taken from Fairplay of February 11th: The annual meeting of the Thames and Mersey Company took place at the Cannon-street Hotel last week, Mr.
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  • 899 10 MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. A meeting of the General Committee appointed by the Government to-make arrangements for the celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in Singapore, was held in the Legislative Council 1 Chamber last evening. Major-General Jones-Vaughan, c.b., presided, and among those present were: the
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  • 436 10 THE PRETENDER. The Semaine Goloniale gives particulars of the flight of the Mingoon Prince, or Burmese Pretender, from Saigon. It appears that he went by land from there to Cambodia from that country he journeyed to Laos, and from the latter to a city near the frontier of
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  • 119 10 On the 21st February, an aerolite fell at Saigon to the great terror of the natives who, the next day, crowded to the temples to ascertain from the priests what the sign foreboded. The ignoran multitude saw in the phenomenon a token of coming war, plague, famine, and
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  • 147 10 The Manager of the Punjom Mining Company in his last monthly report says the mill worked 29 days, crushing 1,200 tons which yielded 262 oz. of smelted gold, a great falling off as compared with our average crushings.” The cyanide works clean up resulted as follows Plant worked 36
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  • 1897 10 The other day, while bicvHi* River Valley Road, I came up* n Tj of race-horses. They filled the* i* road, and they curetted and r rV over the road, and they tried j trees and swim ditches and 11 through hedges in a fashion that the way
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  • 35 11 The Austrian man-of-war, Kaiser Franz Joseph under the command of Captain Von Yedina, is due here on the 23rd March. She has on board Baron Czikann, the new Austrian Minister to China.
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  • 88 11 DU. koch’s discovery. Gape Totm 1 2th February. Du. Koch has discovered a process by which cattle can be rendered immune from rinderpest by means of a mixture of serum and virulent rinderpest blood. The t reatment prod uces act ive i mmuni ty withinafornight. Dr. Koch
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  • 409 11 COALING FAILURE. The Ombilien coal fields in MidSumatra, the supply from which wa? expected to contribute to the greatness of Pulo Way, a supposed rival to Singapore, shows signs of failing. The Sourahaya Courant says that the reckles? way in which the upper seams haticen worked off to
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  • 1260 11 HALF YEARLY MEETING. The Half-Yearly Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders in this Company was held at the Company’s Office, Collyer Quay, to-day, at noon. Mr. T. Scott (Chairman) presided and there were also present Messrs. J. R. Cuthbertson,C A. Rauch, T.C. Bogaardt, A. Laspe,
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  • 73 11 The West Australian mines produced, last year, 281,263 ounces of gold, against 231,512 ounces in 1895. It must be remembered that very little alluvial gold is now being won, and the yield for last year is almost altogether made up of battery returns. The number of stampers in
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  • 107 11 CONTINUED SUCCESS. “Hudson’s Surprise Party" gave another very successful performance at the Town Hall last night. A large and appreciative audience gave every encouragement to the galaxy of talent that appeared before the footlights. The programme was an entire change from that of the previous night's performance.
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  • 145 11 THE QUBEN’B STATUE. The bulk of public opinion at Kuala Lumpur, affirms the Malay Mail y seems to be against the Queen’s statue scheme as a permanent memorial of the Diamond Jubilee there. Opinion rather favours an alternative scheme to lay out an ornamental lake, at that time,
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  • 729 11 HER GHOST SEEN I» WINDSOR CASTLB I A very remarkable story is published in the Daily Mail (9th ult.) to the effect that Lieutenant A. St. Leger Glyn, 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards, has seen Queen Elizabeth's ghost in the library at Windsor Castle. The following statement was
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  • 31 11 At Hongkong, on the 7th inst., a large quantity of concrete blocks piled on the Reclamation subsided into the harbour. A sampan was capsized and an old woman drowned.
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  • 75 11 The British residents at Amoy met there on the 27th February to discuss how to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. The exchange of opinions resulted in Mr. Bruce proposing: “That the efforts of the British community at Amoy towards commemorating the Diamond Jubilee should be concentrated upon
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  • 164 12 “STRAITS TIMES” FUND. thirty-fifth list of contributors. NEARING $38,000. (Tuesday.) We have to acknowledge receipt of $2,500 from Mr. Kennedy of the Pinang Gazette. That is a third remittance, bringing the Pinang Gazette remittances up to $12,500 —a very handsome sum on which we take leave to
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  • 156 12 A coffee planter asks how to deal with ants. Straits Insurance sales are $20 sellers ex dividend. 4 We learn by private wire from Bombay that the plague is decreasing. 4 The Hongkong Indian Famine Fund reached $4*,117 on the 8th instant. This morning, Mr. Brockman fined
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  • 28 12 The dead body of a child was found floating in the river opposite Kampong Malacca Police Station, on Saturday afternoon. There were no marks of violence.
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  • 36 12 A solemn requiem mass for the late very Rev. Bro. Joseph, Superior-General of St. Joseph’s, w ill be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on Thursday, the 18th instant at 7 a. m.
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  • 35 12 On Saturday afternoon, a silver watch and chain were found on the Esplanade by a ’rikislia coolie, who was honest enough to hand it to the Police immediately. An owner is now' sought for.
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  • 42 12 A Malay girl named Mina was, to-day, charged with theft for snatching a cap from the head of a Malay elder. She seems to have been having a little fun at the old man’s expense. The case was dismissed.
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  • 79 12 The other day, a Chinaman residing in Serangoon Road sent a bullock cart out in charge of a coolie. The cart was traced to a shop in Beach Road, where it was loaded with rice. Then the cart and coolie disappeared and it was not until yesterday
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  • 36 12 A private telegram from Madras announces that the number of persons in receipt of Famine relief is 3,133,000, being 83,000 less than during the previous week. The Famine Fund has risen to rupees 6,800,000.
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  • 36 12 The Resident Councillor of Penang, on the 11th instant, received a deputation of Chinese gentlemen, introduced by Mr. A. Hiittenbach, who laid before that otlicial certain matters in connection with the Penang Harbour Scheme.
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  • 41 12 The abstract of traffic earnings of the Selangor Government Railway for the month of February shows a grand total of $54,146, as against $72,558 for the corresponding month of last year. The receipts for goods amounted to $24,087.
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  • 45 12 The Hon. Ho Kai of Hongkong will not, as originally arranged, proceed to America as First Secretary to H. E. Wu Ting-fang. He has been appointed to assist Sheng Taotai in his railway schemes and the establishment of the Imperial Chinese Bank.
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  • 44 12 It is rumoured at Penang that Mr. F. G. Penney, Senior District Officer, Province Wellesley, will go to Singapore to act as Auditor-General, and that Mr. Bland, Collector of Land Revenue, Singapore, will assume the duties of of 8. I). P. W.
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  • 44 12 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Company, Limited, sends the following report on the February cyanide cleanup: —“The cyanide plant ran 15 days, treating 520 tons of tailings, yielding 203 ozs. of bullion of an average assay value of 16s. 3d. per ounce."
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  • 47 12 In a bowling match between the Hongkong Club and the Club Germania, on thesth and 6th instant, the Englishmen won by 1,562 points. The (Germans had won the last live matches in succession, and the score in eight matches is English Club 2, German Club 6.
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  • 48 12 H. M. S. Iphijeuia, a twin screw cruiser of the 2nd class, measuring 3,600 tons, arrived here this afternoon, from England. The Iphujenia is commanded by Captain Dudding, She carries 8 guns, and is of 9,000 horse power. Her crew is 221 in number.
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  • 64 12 On the 13th inst., a Chinaman entered a shop in Wayang Street and forcibly took away a saw\ He then went down the street and entered another house where,aftei smashinga number of lamps and some of the furniture, he threatened to kill the occupant. The man
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  • 147 12 This morning, at the Supreme Court, Mr. Justice Leach gave judgment in the case of Mr. I). D. Mackie, consulting engineer and marine surveyor who sued Mr. Chea Choo Yoo, the registered ow r ner of the steamer Hanoi for the sum of $225, alleged to be
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  • 159 12 In the beginning of 1896, the Weising Lottery monopoly was granted by the Chinese Government to two Chinese gentlemen of the names of Clioy and Ching, the amount to be paid by them being Tls. 1,600,000 for a monopoly of five years. It was at first stipulated
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  • 114 12 ’Rikisha Peon No. 17 was, on Saturday morning, charged by a ’nkisha-puller with having extorted 10 cents from him on the previous day. Mr. Hooper conducted the prosecution. The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and asked for a post ponement, which was granted, till the 18th instant. At Mr.
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  • 147 12 GRAPES FROM AUSTRALIA. The food supply of Singapore is not so good as it might be because of lack of organization. We have steamers arriving every fortnight from Western Australia, which is sixteen days distant, and some of these steamers have refrigerating chambers; biu we do not
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  • 278 12 (From a Corrcsptmdenf.) At a recent meeting of the J ubilee Committee, the Chairman really implied that it was expected the public would come forward and supplement the combined vote of the Government and the Municipal Commissioners, of $10,000 for the purpose of affording local amusement on
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  • 263 12 S. C. C. V. A GARRISON XI. A match was played on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon between the S. C. C. and an eleven representing the Garrison. The military men went in first, and were dismissed for the extremely small score of seventeen. The ground was in good
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  • 806 12 A PROGRESSIVE DEPARTMENT. The Government Gazette publishes the annual report on the Postal Depart- ment of the Straits Settlements for last I year. It is signed by Mr. L. A. M. Johnston, j the Acting Postmaster-General. Returns I given shew that, during the period under
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  • 348 12 CHARTS IN FAULT. I Advices from Saigon, receive J morning, announce the loss of th e pj tish steamer Glamorganshire. wrecked upon the coast of Cochin?*!!! on the 6th instant. The Glamr /ri qZt l struck on rocks off Cape Varela It :1 night, says the Courrier
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  • 284 12 ORDERS FROM HOME. A special meeting of the Singapore hire Association is being held this afternoon to discuss a letter from the Secretary of the Fire Oflices Committee (foreign) in London, affecting the status of the Local Committee. The letter lays down the Committee's decisionaa follows: ‘‘They
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  • 74 12 Dr. Harley, the humourist and entertainer, has returned from Java, where he has been amusing and mystifying the inhabitants of the principal towns for the past six months. Ihe press speak highly of his performances, also of Miss Lillian, the magnetic lady and onieromancist, which is an extraordinary
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  • 102 12 On Friday evening, two Europeanand a Eurasian went into an eatinghouse kept by a Chinaman in Victoria Street, and, giving, under the circumstances, a fairly large order, P r0 ceeded to supper. They consum'd two tins of fish, two tins of sixteen slices of bread, drank nine cups
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  • 653 13 SKPO V LIXE*S CLUB. jiliOMHEAD MATTHEWS WINS. TuF compelitio* 1 for Mr. Berdoe Wilpri/c, delayed so lon R by bad tli'i was brought to a close on #Ca l iv. The winners proved to be 5f l Mattbvws and Mr. Yade, whose u 96 less 2. nett 94. Mrs.
    653 words
  • 114 13 ksterday, a syce was walking a along Prinsep Street when a carriage, driven by a Chinaman, dashed gainst the animal from the rear slightly injured it. The ,j wner of the pony saw what had hapi>ened and shouted to the driver stop, but the latter took no n
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  • 85 13 THE TOURNAMENT. RESULTS OF MONDAY’S TIES. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Mrs. Adams and Mr. Waddell beat Dr. and Mrs. Freer, 6-4, 6-4. RESULTS OF TUESDAY’S TIES. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Miss Salzmann and Mr. Hooper, *cr. beat Mrs. Adams and Capt. Parsons, owe 16.3, 6-1, 6-5. RESULTS OF SATURDAY’S
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  • 438 13 The new fashion, which has all the glory and prestige of an invention along more scientific lines, decrees that the women with bank accounts long enough to permit of this costly trifling shall have a tiny gold cap made for each of their fingers. From the cap is
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    • 327 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Can nothing be done to checkmate the extortions of the Kling butchers in Singapore These men have recently raised the price of beef in this market to such a degree as to make it absolutely prohibitive to poor
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    • 117 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Can any of your numerous readers give me a recipe for driving ants from the roots of coffee trees A small black ant is, in particular, a groat offender. He delights in excavating all round the roots of the
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    • 254 13 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —If there are some people in this place who deserve to be spoken to in language more forcible than polite, they are the amateur musicians. 1 do not mean amateurs of the right sort. In the neighbourhood where 1 live,
      254 words
  • 645 13 ARRIVALS. Par s. s. Sultan from Fremantle:— Messrs. E. Middleton, H. O. Paton, J. Haffenden, J. Archer, J. Snodgrass, H. Q. Giller, T. Stratt, and J. Kadama. Per s. s. Chow Phya from Klang via ports: —Mr. Koek. Per s. s. Hydra from Bangkok:—Major Lothaire, Messrs. Lewis, and
    645 words
    • 219 13 Under this heading the following abbre /nations are used —str.—steamer; sh. —ship hq. —barque; Brit. —British; U. S. United 1 States; Fr. French Ger. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; <fcc., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers U. —Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. I*. D.
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    • 1261 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Benlarig Brit. str. 1,452 tons, Capt Wallace, 13th Mar. From London, 2nd Feb. G.c., and 1 d.p. P. Simons and Co. For Hongkong and Japan, 16th—W. Ban Hin Guan Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt D’Cruze, 14th Mar. From Klang, 12th Mar. G.c.. and
      1,261 words
    • 85 13 w •M'W'W m m m. JL JJty port, probable date of arrival aruf name o/ agent*. j Aden, London, Mar 26; P. A 0. Anping, Europe, Mar 23: M. B. Kaisha. Alicante, Manila, Mar 10; Hinnekindt. Asloun, New York, l’ft Jan 22; Bantam, Moluccas, April 1 Daendels. Bayern,
      85 words
    • 1108 14 u Flag I h Vessel’s Name. A Tons. Captain From Sailed. Consignees. C Rig j Mar 8 Hong Leong Brit. str. 1174 Fripp Penang ]Mar 6 Wee Bin and Co. 8 Sri Pegatan Dut str. 277 Craig B’jermasin Mar 4 Ang Lim Thay 8 Dogmar Nor str. 921 Amundsen
      1,108 words
    • 692 14 Date. Vessel’s Name FlagARjq Captain Destination i Mar 8 Hong Leong Brit. str. j Fripp Saigon 8 Preussen Ger. str. Wettin Bremerhaven via ports 9 Calypso Brit str. McGill De'i 9 Oamorta str. Parson9 Madras via ports 9 Kutsang str. Payne Penang and Calcutta 9 Ban Hin Guan str.
      692 words
    • 97 14 PASSED WNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag j Hate j ReDate. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of Fromwhere Destin- marks Rig. Sailing ation Mar 2 Brit s.s. Baron Cawdor Gemmell Mar 2 Batavia Port Said f.o. 3 Ned s.s.Gede Sikemeier Mar 3 Batavia Rotterdam 4 Brit s.s. Baron B’haven
      97 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 621 14 STRONG ENGLISH WORDS. When a person says I suffered excruciating pain,” he expresses a fact in the strongest words afforded by the English language. The word excruciating comes from crus, a cross, and signifies an intensity of agony comparable only to that endured by one who undergoes the barbarous punishment
      621 words
    • 419 14 urgent danger to life, but it is hard to bear, and very exhausting just the same. In cases of rheumatic gout (Mrs. Rogers) the pain is caused by a poisonous acid in the tissues, originally produced by the decomposition of food in the stomach —indigestion or dysp?p«ia. The same poison
      419 words
    • 475 14 The best preparation tor present restoring, and beautifying the hnir* Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It keeps the scalp free from heals troublesome humors, and pt*. vents the hair from falling out Wha the hair becomes dry, thin, faded,« gray, it restores the original color ani texture and promotes a new and
      475 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 544 15 Warm Debilitating Weather. Many people, after a long spell of oppressive heat, suffer from lassiloss of spirits, and a general -run down” feeling. They need a course of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, a medicine which has revived and restored to active life and health housands of such sufferers. A lady recently returned
      544 words
    • 210 15 LEA PERRINS’ OBSERVE THAT THE A SIGNATURE /J A St/fl' J (j PRINTED Q AX/ IN BLUE INK i DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, u m Worcester: J jg| B B fIPB Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., London QB I
      210 words
    • 19 15 DR. A. P. BOWES. Dentist. HAS removed his office to No. 19, Battery Road. Above McAlister Co.’s. u. c.
      19 words
    • 375 15 fit on fy Msdhlns*f the kind tvardfrft Certiput* if the Cebatt* Exhibition^ 883-84, open to eft CeuntrM r “T' r D R LALDR'S k M, PHOSPHODYNE HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. thirty yean has maintained its Its energising effects are shorn frees the jprld-wide
      375 words
    • 70 15 HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. CYCLES, CYCLES, CYCLES, Just landed direct from the Stanley t Show, a consignment of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Cycles specially selected for this market and all 1897 PATTERNS, And of the following well known and high class makes: SINGERS BY SINGER CO., LTD., COVENTRY. J PATHFINDER,” BY THE
      70 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 292 16 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd SINGAPORE. ■> m < We KM KVTItO PLATE DEPARTMENT.—Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Pnzes for Athletic meetings, J are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation
      292 words