The Straits Budget, 9 March 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE \vEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the 1 Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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    • 42 1 (in. UN-.. <Mi 1st March, at (;,*i*r_;** Chun-h, Penang, bv the Rev. r Biti'-T". M A.. Colonial Chaplain, c"ii\ l Hkkp.kkt Johnson, of the Eastern K\trnMo:iT.*!v‘grai>h Company, to Florence Emma M \uv i 1 1.i.i n< of Brighton, England. So Card.-.
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  • 316 1 Leading Akticlks. < ‘urea. Navv Increase. To Please t!e* queen. The Poliee Force. The Paha rig Murder. < Yefe. TV Selangor Riot*. \i< l Mt l/uoraii<.a-. >!: ;ig New*. /V-Li>t. News. V// Indian Famine Relief r U.l«f. To IVase t h“ Queen. A Furious .Vlaiiistrate ami Police.
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  • 499 1 Singapore, 9th March, 1897. PRODUCE. Gambler t>. 10. do Cube No 1 9.50. do do No 2, 7.90. Copra Bali 5.50. cio Pontianak, 5.25. Pepper, Black, 14 50. Sago Flour Sarawak 2.921. do Brunei 2.824. Pearl Sago 8.35. Coffee, Bali, 33.50. Coffee Palembang, 33.50. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 473 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. s. s. Caledonian. The M. M. s. s. Salazie with the mail from Europe of the 12th February arrived to-day. Tin* German mail from Europe by the Sachsen arrived on Wednesday. The German mail for
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    • 38 1 London, 2nd March. It is understood that a Collective Note from the Powers will be presented to Greece to-niorrow-The Note gives her four days notice to evacuate Crete. Meanwhile, hostilities have been resumed in Crete.
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    • 40 1 RUSSIAN ACTION. Mr. Curzon, the Under Secretary of State fur Foreign Affairs, states that the British Consul in Corea reports that Russian officers are drilling Corean troops. But, so Mr. Curzon declares, this is hardly inconsistent with Russian pledges.
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    • 12 1 The plague in India shows a change for the better.
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    • 124 1 THE POWERS DECLARE A POLICY. London, 3rd March. The Powers have presented a Collective Note at Constantinople and an Identical Note at Athens. The Collective Note declares that Crete will have an autonomous standing under the suzerainty of the Sultan. 'fhe Identical Note demands that the Greek
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    • 28 1 The naval programme, this year, provides for fourteen new ships, including four battleships, and for an increase of six thousand men in the manning force.
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    • 13 1 A column of the Niger Company expeditionary force has captured Ilorin.
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    • 81 1 THE COLLECTIVE NOTE. lajtuLou, Jth March. The Powers have presented a Collective Note to Greece. The Note appeals to the w isdom of .Greece to decide not to resist the resolutions of the Powers. The Note further declares that tha Powers will not hesitate to take
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    • 106 1 CRITICAL TURN OF AFFAIRS. London 5th March. The Greek press unanimously urge the Government of Greece to reject the demands made by the Powers in their Collective Note. The Greek Minister of War has resigned, owing to the rejection of his advice to send reinforcements to
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    • 84 1 CRITICAL SITUATION IN THESBALV. London 6th March. Four French men-of-war at Toulon have been ordered to be in readiness to sail for Crete at a moment's notice. A hundred members of the House of Commons, including Sir Charles Dilke and Mr. Herbert Gladstone, have telegraphed to the
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    • 84 1 MCKINLEY S INAUGURATION. Mr. Me Kinley has been inaugurated President of the United States. In the inaugural speech, the new President advocated sound money on the basis of international bimetallism, and a protective tariff* along with* reciprocity similar to the tariff* of 1890. Further, the President expressed strong
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    • 82 1 GREECE REJECTS THE ULTIMATUM. London, Hth March It is understood that Greece will reply to the Collective Note of the Powers, to-morrow. The reply will be a refusal to recall the Greek fleet and troops from Crete on the ground that their withdrawal will be the
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    • 40 1 The Turkish Government has replied to the hirst Note of the Powers regarding the establishment of autonomy in Crete. It accepts the proposals of the Powers in principle, but desires to discuss the details of the proposed autonomy.
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    • 66 1 The European Bourses are very flat A gloomy view of the political situation is current. It ig considered doubtful whether the European Concert can stand the strain arising from taking actual coercive measures. An order for the despatch of the Suffolk Regiment to the Cape has been suddenly
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    • 21 2 The Germany Admiralty intends to ask for an extra vote of nine millions sterling for building new men-of-war.
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  • 295 2 (Straits Times 2nd March.) Corea has latterly dropped out of public notice; but it was understood that Russia would consolidate the foothold she had gained there. Her position in that kingdom has now been so strengthened that alarmist attention has been aroused to it in the House of Commons.
    (Straits Times, 2nd March.)  -  295 words
  • 335 2 J^Strniti >* Times .‘>r<i March.) Tiie Navy Estimates for 1807-s must have been introduced by this time, fr< m particulars of the naval extension programme for 1897 being now telegraphed. In this regard, it will be useful to bear in mind that the Navy Estimates lbr the financial
    J^Strniti>* Times, .‘>r<i March.)  -  335 words
  • 413 2 (Straits Times 4th March.) The Queen’s son proposes that London shall honour the sixtieth year of the Queen’s reign by freeing the London hospitals from financial trouble. A correspondent of the Straits Times suggests that the Straits and Malaya shall pay tribute to the Queen’s womanhood
    (Straits Times, 4th March.)  -  413 words
  • 401 2 (Straits Times oth March.) A correspondent, whose remarks we publish in another column, draws attention to the inadequacy of the Singapore Police Force. He has not lighted upon a new theme by any means, but his contribution is valuable when considered in connection with the murder, particulars
    (Straits Times, oth March.)  -  401 words
  • 262 2 (Straits 'Tunes, of It March.) For the murder of a Chinaman at Pahang a Eurasian, named Siddons, and a Chinaman, named Ong Boon Gee, have been sentenced to death. It is impossible, in the circumstances of the ease, to feel sympathy for the condemned men. They were
    (Straits 'Tunes, of It March.)  -  262 words
  • 216 2 (Straits Times 6th March.) The hundred M.P.s have behaved very badly. At a time when the peace of Europe is threatened by a trumpery little State that was created by the Powers, these hundred members of Parliament fan the flame of Greek vanity. For, chiefly this attitude of Greece
    (Straits Times, 6th March.)  -  216 words
  • 320 2 (Straits Times March.) The Selangor Riots, as we noted on Saturday, were nominally caused by a trifling matter. The druggists, the goldsmiths, and the opium dealers were required to conform to the weights and measures standard that other traders have already accepted. They did not wish to
    (Straits Times, March.)  -  320 words
  • 377 2 Tiie sixth ordinary annual general meeting of tin* National Bank of China, Limited, was held at Hongkong on the 27tli February. Mr. Stolterfolit. presided. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, the Directors are happy to state that steady progress continues, notwithstanding the exceedingly keen and increasing competition in
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  • 672 2 RICE. The Batavia Nieuwsblad affirms th nothing can yet be said with certain regarding the Java rice crops this The rains had fallen later than and planting began two months aft the ordinary time. The prospers fields planted too late are gencrall unfavourable. The stocks of last vet
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  • 136 2 A bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council to amend The l nited Kingdom and Colonial Probates Ordinance of 1893. The only amendment is in Section Two of the Ordinance, and comes to the omission of the words: and in Scotland means the Sherifi Court of
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  • 406 3 J- V. Kennedy, Penang,has to-day f,vv thousand dollars to the Straits nt Indian Famine Fund account. the second remittance of five n ,l received from the proprietor of ,,7/e/ Gazette, being sums collected his journal, chiefly in Penang, Wellesley, and Perak. v \ntiionisz complains that he r
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  • 29 3 L'ii&gt; morning, Mr. Brockman ordered Chinaman to pay a fine of $5, in d»iuult In days, for trespassing within &gt; inhibited limits of Fort Canning yesterday.
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  • 36 3 Yesterday, a coolie employed at the kin Tock Seng Hospital struck a Chinese patient who was suffering from an ulcer. The patient has since died and it is alleged that the blow accelerated his death.
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  • 44 3 The result of Saturday’s football uiutcli, between H.M.S. Pique and the Malay Police, was four goals to three in Lvour of the latter, not six goals to h v &lt;&gt;. Two of the Police goals were disallowed for offside. The teams meet airain to-morrow.
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  • 43 3 It is reported that H. E. Lo Feng-lo, 1,1 Lis capacity of Minister-designate lo Great Britain, has appointed his Gder brother to the Consul-General-•bi|. at Singapore, and his nephew to he Consul at Penang. Both of them •ire of Taotai’s rank.
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  • 54 3 Mrs. Carew, who, it was supposed, J^ Us keing sent home by the llavenna, ;ts not travelled by that steamer. At o date ot last advices, she was an Invalid, and was undergoing hospital pspection at Yokohama. It is improf J e that she will be sent home
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  • 48 3 Hongkong rumour has it that, in view of approaching festivities at Jlongkong in connection with the Diamond Jubilee, all the ships of the British and Foreign Squadrons in the East have been invited to come to Hongkong. The Japanese arc also contemplating sending some ships there.
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  • 58 3 One of a party the informer —who made a raid on a gambling den in Tanjong Pagar Road on Saturday, took upon himself to search a man who was arrested, and* finding $4 on him, appropriated it. The injured person made a complaint with the result that
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  • 54 3 The China Mail understands that Mr. X. G. Mitchell-Innes has resigned his office as Colonial Treasurer at Hongkong, having received an appointment as Deputy Governor of a large gaol in the north of England. His successor will be Mr. T. Sercomhe Smith, at present Acting Puisne Judge. Mr. A.
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  • 69 3 A naval regatta took place at Hongkong on the 22nd February, the crews of the Russian and American vessels competing. A FirehranA crew took first prize (828) in the cutters'race, andan American crew won the second prize. In the gig race a crew from the Alacrity was first
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  • 69 3 It was expected that a Bill would be submitted by the Japanese (iovernment to the House of Representatives yesterday, in which it is proposed to stop the the coinage of silver after a certain dale. Preparations for carrying the change into effect will be complete in six months.
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  • 70 3 News lias reached Hongkong that the advance of tin* Government forces upon Cavite has evidently been repulsed with heavy loss to the invaders, as for throe days and nights after tin* advance of the ►Spanish army boats were constantly arriving at Manila loaded with wounded soldiers. The Lieut.-(Jovernor
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  • 94 3 Two of the Chinese passengers of the Menelans took it into their heads, during the small hours of this morning, to cut capers on the wharf at Tanjong Pagar. They were handed over to the police and, as it was thought a couple of hours’ rest might be
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  • 108 3 ROBBERS CAUGHT AT HONGKONG. At Hongkong, on the 20th February, four armed robbers broke into a shop in Queen’s Road Central, but made oil’ on the alarm being raised. A quarter of an hour afterwards, a gang of armed men entered another shop in the same road
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  • 141 3 The Osaka Mainichi states that, as the Nippon Yusen Kaisha is losing heavily on its European and Transpacific lines, the Company has applied to the Department of Communications, asking that a fixed subsidy be granted on these lines. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha maintains that the lines in
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  • 40 3 Police Sports will be held on Saturday on the Tank Road Ground, commencing at ten a.m. An excellent programme of twenty-five events has been arranged, the twenty-fifth being a football m’atch. The sports should prove distinctly interesting.
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  • 93 3 Recently several Malays went to a Chinaman’s house at Tanjong Pinjura, and inflicted severe cuts on the arm and head of the occupant. Two arrests were made, and both men were committed for trial. At half past eight hist night the Chinaman was again attacked by
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  • 91 3 The ease in which one Russian woman accused another of the misappropriation of certain articles of apparel was yesterday dismissed. In the course of the cross-examination of a witness, some curious questions were asked about an albam of photographs, and it seemed to be suggested that the
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  • 108 3 This morning, Mr. Anthonisz felt constrained to complain that, owing to the non-readiness of the Police, lie was unable to go on with the work of the Court. He remarked it was owing to this that he had taken to sitting at halfpast 10 (in place of
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  • 453 3 (From Our Correspondent.) The Malay Mail of Feb. 27th contains an announcement that Mr. H. C. Bdlield will act as Resident of Selangor during the coming absence of Mr. Rodger. Mr. Bellield is, no doubt, quite capable of carrying out\the duties of that arduous office in an efficient
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  • 611 3 NAVAL DOCK. SINGAPORE COMPETITION. The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company held its annual meeting at Hongkong on the 22nd February. Mr. St. C. Michaelsen took the chair. The Chairman announced that the Company was again in a position to propose a dividend of 8 per cent, and a
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  • 77 3 Captain John Harry Ward, R. M. of H. M. S. Grafton, committed suicide, on board that vessel at Hongkong, on the 22nd February, by blowing out his brains with a revolver. Just before, lie had been in a state of nervous excitement from being put under arrest
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  • 56 3 THE CHAMPIONSHIP. The results of yesterday’s play are as follows: White. Black. Opening. Won by. Mowe P. Reubens Irregular. P.Reutens Hooptr Mosbergen King’s gam bit. Mosbergen McIntyre Brydges 2 Knights defence. McIntyre Braddell Egerton Giuocco Piano. Braddell Elcum P. Reutens Sicilian defence. P.Reutens Miles Hullett K i
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  • 1442 3 (From the “Times of Ceylon London, 14th February. On the 11th, a Turkish transport leaving Candia was fired upon by a Greek ironclad, and was compelled to return to port. The Christians are firing cannon against the fortress of Canea. The Ambassadors at Constantinople have advised the Powers
    (From the “Times of Ceylon ”)  -  1,442 words

  • 3142 4 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT GLASGOW’. A desrtuctive fire has occurred at the well-know T n shipbuilding yard of the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company on the Clyde, near Glasgow. One large building and a portion of another were destroyed; the damage done is estimated at
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  • 131 4 MORE ABOUT THEM. Under the heading Two Maniacs there was a paragraph in our yesterday’s issue about two Chinese passenfers on the Menelaus bound for II ungong, who fell to cutting capers on the wharf at Tanjong Pagar. The paragraph stated that after the Police had taken charge
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  • 55 4 Alexander Mitchell, against whom a warrant was issued on Saturday last, surrendered himself at Kandang Kerbau Station this morning. He will appear before Mr. Anthonisz to-morrow He will be charged with cheating in obtaining goods from Mqpsit. Katz Bros, to the value of over a hundred dollars, with no
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  • 195 5 in d 11 hags of counterfeit ufiTi'd for sale by the police. i^ !i f he by auction on Moni a correspondent writes to ask ''a the counterfeit coin is to go filiation again. We would a that is not intended. Cre- ;i( ,ii,M* with ordinary intelli-
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  • 26 5 Vk'TF.iM'AY, Goh Wan Chi was eomr trial for allotting in count erq.j !IL r ;l “chop.” The particulars of have already been published.
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  • 29 5 (’iini.EKA has utterly disappeared 7 .m loiuho. and. at the date ot last i,ivire&gt;. thmv wore no tears ol its .-aranec. The last happened n the 4th Fcbruarv.
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  • 39 5 \y,i: ic mm &lt; &gt;il Uopip.-uiy are issulift If i! in-t rated bro- *t mit fortii. by means of many i- from pncniiL nt firms, the B.n.'* their nil. The Company's I .1 ulliee L at Ratterv Road.
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  • 26 5 IL-ai.y. tin* &gt; »riti&gt;h Government r:. :—i :Im* Philippine to allow emigrants to prot’x’meo from iho Philippine Lciicral Polavicja, the Goveril. h:is granted the pennis-
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  • 35 5 J“rot and responsibility of Mr. I ;MaiIt in Messrs. Rautenberg A Co. of Singapore Schmidt |J‘ 1 Co. of Penang, and mil Knsterman of Hamburg, to have ceased on the 31st &gt;-"iubp r jsoij.
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  • 46 5 1 iHiTioxs tor the Indian Famine hi'' 1 v* in ra st ‘d Shanghai, and Acrth China ports. The amounts •warded to the British Consulate T| g at Shanghai. Up to the 19th the sums subscribed had •ft'd to 8.120 taels and 2,394
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  • 192 5 A! -TRIBUTESTO MRS. MELVII.L SIMONS. k and representative gathering led ;it the P. O. Wharf, this m to say good-bye to Mrs. MelM Aiiuus, and Mr. Simons, Senr., who Ly. living by the liarenna. Mrs. r 'il! Ninons not only received many I f'y good wishes, but also
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  • 81 5 Yesterday, two Frenchmen were summoned by E P. C. Kidd for riding their bicycles recklessly around the esplanade, a few days ago. During the ride, one of them knocked down a Chinaman carrying a child. These were not injured. The cyclist himself got a spill. A
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  • 101 5 A CENSUS TAKEN. The Macao census commission has published its report. The figures shew that on the 13th February last the population of Macao consisted of 3,898 Portuguese, 161 foreigners, and 74,568 Chinese, giving a grand total of 78,627. Comparing these figures with those of the census of 1878,
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  • 172 5 Yesterday, the medical evidence was taken in the Teluk Blangah case, and the prisoner, Sect A Ko, committed for trial. Dr. Herbert Fry, House Surgeon, stated that he examined the body of the man, Nainamsah, on the night of the Oth February. The man was dead.
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  • 488 5 Mk. A. T. Stoky contributes to tin* (juicer the story of “The Koval Doll,” amt vouelies that it is a true incident. The little IVinees Victoria was tiien only seven or eight vears old. She had set her heart on buying a doll she had seen in
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  • 918 5 London Friday 5 th February. The number of revolutions in the cycle trade with which we have been threatened during the past few years has been truly prodigious, but the trade remains unrevolutionised even unto this day. The latest thing which its inventor and other interested parties
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  • 27 5 The Austrian warship Panther went to Johore yesterday. She returned to the Roads at daylight, this morning, and has since left for the Eastward.
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  • 102 5 BY to-day’s SACHSEN” The German Commercial Mission to China and Japan was expected to come out by the mail steamer SacJisen, due to-day. The Mission consists of eight manufacturers, among them being representatives of the cotton, yarn, silk, leather, and metal industries. Further, a political economist will attend
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  • 226 5 .1 Straits Portuguese in the Malay Mail. There are two principal villages at Malacca which have been mainly occupied by Portuguese subjects from ages past, riz. Tranquerah and lllir. The occupants of the former are handsome, and understand more or less about European etiquette ;and whenever they
    .1 Straits Portuguese in the Malay Mail.  -  226 words
  • 281 5 (From o Correspondent.) In yesterday’s issue of the Straits Times a paragraph appeared pointing to the matter of the magistrates being prevented from getting on with their work owing to the police officers not being present to go on with their cases. It is expected that this
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  • 2544 5 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. DEATH OF MARTINI. Frederick Martini, the inventor of the Martini rifle, has died at his home, at Frauenfeld, in the canton of Thurgau, at the age of sixty-four. The deceased was formerly an officer in the Austrian Engineers, and went through the
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  • 36 6 It is alleged that the Queen has expressed a desire that the commemoration of the sixtieth year of her reign in Canada may take the form of nursing and caring for the sick and suffering.
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  • 147 6 FINANCE. The Municipal progress report for IDecember shows that the revenue raised by the Municipality, last year, came to *$£29,074 against $774,24$, the figures reached in 1$95. The balance of loans still unexpended amounted to over $42,000. WATER. The Municipal Engineer is confident that there will be no
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  • 441 6 Anthony Jasper, a 11 e.&lt;t Country Talc, forms a new volume of Fisher Unwin's Pseudonym Library. It is a historical novelette*, which deals with bygone days when sinuggle*rs abounded in the Cornish Coast. The plot make's out that the Government despatched a detachment of dragoons thither to put the*
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  • 55 6 THE TRIP TO EUROPE. Official notifications of the King’s trip to Europe have been issued from the Siam Foreign Office to the Foreign Representatives at Bangkok. They state that the itinerary is not yet settled, but that His Majesty will leave about April next, and be
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  • 755 6 Mrs. Ncwrich (just introduced to Prince Weinkaski, who bows elaborately): “Hid you see that Prince making his obsequies to me Mrs, Benham. “What did you pay the minister when we were married?” Benham: “I don’t remember the amount,but I know I overpaid him.” The latest thing in motorcars
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  • 81 6 The Bangkok Indian FamirTv 1 reached 4,216 ticals on the Zir&lt;i ary. The Prince of Wales's letter »iu found among our news “hv r* u mail” enQ *t The dates for the forthcoming a show in the Town Hall have betn c** to be on the 18th
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  • 48 6 Mr. Fraser of Tras started son* twenty pack ponies, with a vh&gt;* forwarding his tin to Kuala Lurr,&gt;&gt; The number of these animals is reiiorw to have dwindled away, and to matters a tiger at Sangka l)ua L recently appropriated portions of t* of them.'
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  • 68 6 Out of seven Penang horses went to Deli for the races, four wm viz :—Deli Derby, Mr. J. M. Anthony&lt; Parmesan, Galloway Race, Mr. H J Martyn's lloup La, Selling Race, Mr J Heim s Sir Vista, Pony Race, Mr. H.j Martyn’s Delila. Parmesan was scratch ed for
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  • 72 6 A FEW days ago, a Bengali named Abdul Gatiir, when being sworn in as a member or the police force, made a statement that lie had been neither in jail, nor in the hands of the Polio. This was found to be untrue; and,this morning, he
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  • 65 6 Ox the 22nd' February, it was discovered that a forgery involving the Siamese Treasury had been perpetrated at Bangkok. On the 19th, a cheque for Tcs. 10U,000, purporting to beejorn Ay tiie Treasury, was presented U the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, and paid in currency notes. Afterwards, the
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  • 64 6 The Herman mail from Europe brought, yesterday, an unusually large number of passengers. Among ttam are: Lieut. Reddie, who lias been appointed Commander of the British North Borneo Constabulary, and 1 Vince Bhanurangsi of the Siamese Koval family. Mr. W. Napier also came from Colombo. The German Commercial
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  • 78 6 According to Mr. Stonor, the Lawbling, Spirit and Pawnbroking Farms* ITu Langkat (Selangor) bring in tte same revenue as last year, the baric* having been let for a period &lt;&gt;! thw years from Ist January, lbhO. Were it not for tliis contract, lie has little dois that they
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  • 80 6 This morning, at the Police Court 1 Chinese boy in the employ ol Mr Justice Leach charged a ’rikisha pull* with having stolen some wearing app rel, the property of his master. Jk had put them out to dry on the ultimo, and shortly afterwards inisw**
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  • 103 6 His Royal Highness Prince l&gt;htf‘ u rangsi, a brother of the King ot Nia: arrived in Singapore, yesterday uft ,r noon, on board the German 111 steamer Sachsen, after an extended in Europe, having relation, understood, to the political situation 1 Siam. The Prince was met at wharf
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  • 373 7 peyofrep by dogs. |k v king «*asc of murder was t w-terday at the four and-a-_t&lt;*n-* at Gaylang Road. It a t .i Ilokien hawker named :i j al No. I9B, North Bridge iff.- i. Mi-«*. on the morning t i;lt., i«&gt; r-»• ii elotli
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  • 91 7 li. w; \&lt; K FKOM BANGKOK. ''tilll'S tll i 1 l tilt? !:;i- 11. ,V i *rt*ll stamped out 1 !it* medical oilicor there •&gt; i 'ir i i&lt;► Singapore that tlu* r. and tin' ‘/Vo took down 'M !r*on t!i»&gt; -ai!!*'-• |ral»T&lt; there, 1 v die oritish Consul
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  • 113 7 ns momimr. Alexander Mitchell O' ;olit before Mr. Anthonis/ on a -’-r. ..f having, on the 12th, lsth, and February, cheated T. Powell &gt;n of the linn of Messrs. Katz £i: v falsely pretending that he v am i ‘clothes and goods which were aid for by the
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  • 130 7 ~I’HK official starting of an Indian duii 1 1 n■ Fund in Ceylon is delayed. It Ml«*g,rd that the Governor, on making to'iuiries, found that, owing to scarcity f money and high exchange, it is now worst time to appeal to the trading ol, iiimiiity at Colombo.
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  • 759 7 A PROPOSAL FOR A PERMANENT MEMORIAL IN SINGAPORE. A TRIBUTE TO THE QUEEN’S WOMANHOOD. Among the many proposals for celooratingthe Sixtieth Year of the Queen’s Reign, none, we are sure, will give more pleasure to our beloved Sovereign than the proposal of the Heir Apparent to
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  • 713 7 BY T. H. S. ESCOTT. Welcome the coming, speed the parting, guest is an adage gracefully ami wisely arte&lt;l upon by Marlborough House. Before they embark for their own country, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard are made to feel, by the hospitalities of Sandringham, that they
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  • 162 7 SHOCKING SCENES. On the 23th February, three Siamese,, two men and a women, were executed at Bangkok for an atrocious crime. They had tortured to death a young girl on the latter attempting to elope. Crowds thronged the neighbourhood of the execution ground. There the criminals were
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  • 4648 7 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. JUBILEE BANQUET. The Viceroy of Ireland was to give a State banquet at Dublin in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee. The banquet will probably take place about the middle of the present month. CECIL RHODES. Mu. Cecil Rhodes visited Holloway Prison on the
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  • 124 8 The monthly medal competition held last Saturday resulted in a tie between Mr. I). Paul and Dr. Freer, the nett score of both being 89. Mr. T. E. Earle a sain took first honours, but is disqualified. owing to having already won a medal. Scores were
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  • 77 8 THE CHAMPIONSHIP. The following are the results of Tuesday's and Wednesday’s play White. Black. Opening. Hon Inf. Mowc W. Craig Queen’s Gambit declined. W. Craig Marriott G. Rcutens French defence. Marriott Cordeiro Hullett G i ujc c o Piano. Hullett Banks Brydges King’s Bishop’s Gambit. Brydges Cordeiro
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  • 133 8 Three vessels, the Cam/rrta the Arratoon Apcur and the Ajax, arrived here to-day from Karioal, Calcutta, and from Penang, respectively, bringing sheep and cattle for the Singapore market. The prohibition of the import of cattle from Siam does not seem to have seriously affected the market, as
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  • 49 8 H.M.S. l’igmy arrived at Bamrfr,, the 2Stli February. A correspondent writing from p TimahRoad alleges that the post-office letter-boxes are in&gt;&lt;!! k cleared. i ;r The mail despatched from .Si n r ar to London, via Marseilles, on tL* v February, was delivered on tlu instant.
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  • 43 8 A Chinaman broke into a Mala J house, at Telok Blangah R,,ad j night. He had stolen a dollar's VorSI of coppers, and was looking for f urt jj spoil when the owner awoke, and cau»y him. He is now in custody.
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  • 35 8 One hundred and fifty-nine d.-at’J were reported at Singapore during tlifl week ending on Saturday last, fj l ratio per thousand reached 40.45. f j deaths from fever and Lri-hJ amounted to thirty-three each.
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  • 49 8 On arrival of the new steamers foj England, the Nippon Yusen Kai&lt;]J hopes to start a fortnightly instead of; monthly service to Europe, and to ram its freight charges from 30 6d. per ton to 40s. In this way it is hoped to reeonil present losses.
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  • 82 8 This morning, Mr. Greenburg, of An Bon Marche, prosecuted a Yikisha puller for criminal breat h of trust in respect of a hat and a pair of shoes worth 310. The prosecutor engaged the vehicle on Wednesday, and went to the Stamford Hotel, leaving the articles in
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  • 148 8 The monthly meeting of the Com mittee of the Singapore Chamber Commerce was held yesterday afternoon, and correspondence on various subjects was submitted, amongst others, respecting:— lAgltt Hues in Hongkong. A letter from the Hongkong Chamber was read, the Committee, in reply, expnsdn? agreement with the views
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  • 231 8 Yesterday, another warrant applied for against A. Mitchell and granted. It is alleged that on the 15th ulto. he went to Mr. Kong Soon, a chirk in the employ of Messrs. Khory and Brydgcs, and made a statement to the effect that he had dissolved partnership with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 PROPERTY SALE. Messiis. Hoxg Teck Ciive A: Co. held' an extensive sale of land and lions* property yesterday. Thirty lots of lane at Tionjr Rahru realised and M, Oil" Tek Lini bought the houses anc land. Nos. 'Jd and 'JH, Crai* Uoad for S4,9N0. Four lots of land at SyedAIww
      64 words

  • 703 9  -  (by MISS A. I&gt;E WIT.) &lt;OCI \L LIFE— (Continued.) y i. ,uld expect such an excess of r l tie etiquette to breed dullness unspeakable. And it 141 ,b somewhat galls the new-comer. ,r .,ii an affair of custom, and, ii 9 i,Hi* these ceremonious
    703 words
  • 53 9 h H. Prince Bhanurangsi, p by Lieut. Charng, Aide-de-and Mr. A. J. Ross, of the J Consulate, called on H. E. the nor yesterday afternoon. To-night, nnee, with Lieut Charng and Mr. dirqj at &lt; Government House. From H. R* H. embarks on board the ffajoJcumar, which leaves
    53 words
  • 863 9 8. C. C. v. R. A. The Club had the R. A. as their opponents on the Esplanade last night, and, when this became generally known, a huge crowd collected, in the expectation of a good game, and in this they were not disappointed. The teams lined up as
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  • 939 9 INADEQUATE SUPERVISION. The details given in yesterday’s issue of the Straits Times of the shocking murder of a Chinaman are, says a correspondent, well calculated to lead thoughtful men to question the adequacy of the supervision exercised by the Police Force. It should be borne in mind
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  • 80 9 A telegram received from Raub to-day states: “Crushing finished, for month ended 28th February. 2,230 tons stone realized 1,834 ozs. smelted gold. Raub township, the greatest part destroyed by fire. The Company has sustained no loss.” [ln January the mill ran 26 days, crushing 1,878 tons of ore for
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  • 101 9 There seems to be* some confusion among the Mahommedan population of Singapore as to whether the Hari Raya should be held to-day or tomorrow. The Javanese appear to be holding the Feast to-day, but the Malays are not doing so, as the new moon, they say, was
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  • 101 9 For some time, difficulties had arisen between the Siamese and l niled States Governments, regarding grievances of certain American citizens in Siam. One of these arose from an assault by Siamese soldiers on Mr. Kellett, a United States consular official, at Chiengmai, in northern Siam. Then, a
    101 words
  • 122 9 The Police have arrested a Chinaman on a charged of administering a drug to two other Chinese on board the s. s. Meeelau* on the 1st inst., at Tanjong Pagar, and also of stealing clothing and 81,000 in money belonging to the two men. The party were
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  • 235 9 THE CAMBODIAN QUESTION. The Siam Observer hears that the French Minister at Bangkok, M. Defrance, w ill shortly leave for Europe. M. Doumer. the Governor-General of French Indo-China, w r as expected at Bangkok at the date of last advices. Trouble has latterly arisen between France and
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  • 1026 9 INHUMAN CRUELTY TO COOLIES. TWO MEN TO BE HANGED. THREE TO BE IMPRISONED. On the 1st March, at Pekan, before the Judicial Commissioner (Mr. L. C. Jackson, q.c.) and a jury consisting of three Europeans, three Chinese, and a Tamil, the following five prisoners namely (1) Frederick
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  • 323 10 The Timing Gazette complains that Government Officials are taking too large a share in the Penang arrangements for the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee. We take leave to dispute that. We think that, all through these preliminary arrangements, in all the three Settlements, the Governor and his
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  • 27 10 H.M.S. Spartan 3,600 tons, 296 crew, 8 guns, 7,000 liorse-power, Captain Alfred R. Winsloe, arrived here this morning from Hongkong. She leaves to-day for Penang.
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  • 41 10 The Governor has appointed the 23rd and 24th June, as Public Holidays throughout the Colony in commemoration of the completion of the 60th year of the reign of the Queen. All public •offices will be closed on those days.
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  • 47 10 Mr. M. RodesBE is appointed to be .Acting Sheriff and Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, Singapore, with -effect from the 7th instant.. Mr. P. J. Sproule, Barrister-at-Law, is to be Acting Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, Penang, with effect from the 6th instant.
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  • 80 10 (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur 5 th Feh. Riots have broken out here on a small scale, arising from regulations passed by the Sanitary Board with regard to weights. A shop has been plundered. Ttikishas have been stopped. The provision market is disorganised. [Later. Our correspondent, further
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  • 97 10 The annual general meeting of the Penang Golf Club, took place on the 2nd instant. Mr. Justice Law in the Chair. The report and accounts were passed. An alteration to a Rule whereby the entrance fee is raised from $lO to $l5, was passed unanimously. The following
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  • 103 10 A MYSTERY. As regards the recent forgery on the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Bangkok, the motive of the forger is a mystery. The Bangkok Times says that the cheque was forged and presented for payment, but it was from no desire for gain. It was Government
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  • 109 10 Malay Mail. heavy mortality. Another death is reported from Kuala Pilah being the death of Mr. R. 1). Andrce, Transport Officer at Kuala Lui after a short illness. In six months the Cherubang ({old Mining Co., has lost live of its officers, among them Mr. Christie Palmerston their mining
    Malay Mail.  -  109 words
  • 130 10 TREATMENT WITH SPIRITS. Mr. S. T. Debney, who is encamped on the Simpan River and engaged making the Railway Trace to Kaub met with what a serious mishap on the 1st instant. Mr. Debney was returning from his bath as it was getting dusk when he stepped upon a
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  • 146 10 'reexportation of arms, ammunition, and explosives from the Colony to Brunei is prohibited for six months from the 4th instant. The leave of absence taken by Major McCallum, Colonial Engineer S. S., has been extended until his successor shall proceed to take up the appointment. Mr.
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  • 714 10 SIAM. The Ccurrier (THaiphong contains advices from Bangkok which tell of indignities heaped upon French protected subjects in Siam. Cambodians who claim French protection are impressed into Government sendee despite protests, and heavy punishment awaits those who refuse to serve. The French Government lias no wish for trouble
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  • 80 10 —Pinang Gazette. The following reply has been received no the petition which was sent to the Governor, praying his H. E. to appoint i he Hari Raya a public holiday:—Kader My din Merican and other signatories i o the petition asking for a public holiday on Hari Raya
    —Pinang Gazette.  -  80 words
  • 1190 10 I salute European Police Constable Kidd.* He “copped” two bicyclists, the other day, for reckless riding. They happened to be Frenchman and, therefore, to show that we intend no insult to Gaul, he, or some other constable, had best seize a few Englishmen also; and, possibly, an
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  • 60 10 TITE C HAMPIONSHIP. The following are the results of Thursday's and Friday's play White. Black. Opening. Won l&gt;n. G. Reutens Banks King’s Bishop’s opening. Banks Cordeiro Marriott Sicilian defence. Cortfciro McIntyre Mowe Do. M tuen Marriott Hooper King’s Gambit declined. Banks Mosbcrgen Q u ee n s
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  • 386 10 Winbolt, the well-known racing man. has had to sue a gentleman, who cup him as manager of a depot of a soeiaMe bicycle, for wages due. In the course of his evidence, Winbolt stated that his average earnings as a racing cyclist were &lt;£l4 to £l 5 per
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  • 667 11 I „iKK«TOKS* REPORT. I v go pore, at It March, 1897. irectors now beg to submit I IlH {Pi the half-year ended 1U:0. The net Profit Hu ,.j, „j i-S;72. lo5 making, with ,j w 7 ;.7'J7 brought forward H r #»fia-! dividend, $249,172. I .in
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  • 102 11 RUSSIAN MARINES LANDED. Yielding to the solicitations of Clio Ilei-shiki and his other Ministers, the King of Corea, on the 21st February, left the Russian Legation, where he has sheltered himself for the best part of the past year, and returned to the Palace. He was surrounded
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  • 166 11 ARBITRATION ACCE1TED. Two pending difficulties between the United States and Siam have been settled by the Siamese Foreign Office and Mr. Barrett, the l T S. Minister to Siam. One dispute, which arose from alleged Siamese thwarting of a timber business carried on by Dr. Cheek, will
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  • 166 11 Selangor Journal. OFFICIAL MOVES. Mr. Hugh Clifford, arrived at Kuala Lumpur on the 2nd instant. He will accompany the Resident-Cieneral to Pahang overland by the new road. Mr. H. W. Bathurst Superintendent of Police and Prisons, Negri Sembilan, at present at home on leave, has been appointed Collector
    Selangor Journal.  -  166 words
  • 183 11 Penang. The Penang Jubilee General Committee met on the 1st instant. The Acting Resident Councillor, Mr. C. N. Sneyd Kyrmersley, took the chair. The Chairman announced that the Governor had appointed .fourteen addition members to the Committee, including six Chinese. It was intended to keep the Celebration
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  • 4165 11 In the communicated information which we published yesterday advocating as a permanent memorial of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the erection of a Straits and Native States Hospital for the diseases of women, there was an error contained in a reference to the Maternity Hospital. That Hospital,
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  • 804 12 “STRAITS TIMES” FUND. THIRTY-FOURTH list of contributors. NEARING$35,000. $34,000 REMITTED. (Friday.) Amount already acknowledged 33,178 The Chetties in Singapore 300 Kavena Mohamed Ismail Maricar 25 Supramania Chetty 30 Singapore Municipal Employees (additional) 20 Saiboo Mohamed Meerah and Co. 20 Mayna Saiboo Usop and Co. 15 F. L.
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  • 251 12 The Presbyterian Church collection for our Indian Famine Fund came to $202. There are also considerable sums to acknowledge from Perak. The largest of these sums is $1,329 collected among the officers and servants of the Perak State Railways. Tiie news contained in Reuter's tidegram is very
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  • 35 12 Siamese procrastination in surrendering two fugitive criminals from French territory resulted in the French Minister at Bangkok demanding their surrender within twenty-four hours on the 27th February. They were surrendered at once.
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  • 52 12 A sale o£ old and new clothing will be held by the Church Work Association at Police Bahru on Saturday, April 3rd, at 10 o’clock. Mrs. Ix&gt;vell, Hon. Secretary, i%ill be grateful for any contributions of old clothing sent to her house, any day between March 28th and
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  • 58 12 Pinang Gazette. COUNSEL IN MURDER (*A3E«i I It is reported to have been &lt;W;,i j I Selangor that, in future, be assigned to undefended pri S(&gt;n murder cases. In the Colonv is paid *25 a day or part of a such service, but the amount of tf ,1
    Pinang Gazette.  -  58 words
  • 76 12 Captain Delmage, of the Sri p f/nlL I naJr, was going off to his *****, 1*1 Johnstons Pier, this morning. w lf n r saw the dead body of a Chinan I floating in the water. He put back *51 informed the Marine Department m I brought the
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  • 66 12 Advices received, this morning f ro J Manila report a signal victoryovertheid bels in Cavite on the26th February. T'J rebel army mustered over five tli.uisj strong, and took up a position at IV r J Desmarinas. Thetroopscarried theirfor! tificationsby storm. Seventeen hundred! rebels fell. The troops lost about
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  • 136 12 Ox Thursday, Friday, and SatimlaJ next, Hudson's Surprise Party will civel performances at the Town Hall. The Party come with excellent credentials from Calcutta where, for two months and a half, they commanded full houses. Their programme is musical, varied, and refined. The vocalism is of a
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  • 191 12 H. M. S. PEACOCK." A STORMY TRIP. The Nagasaki Shipping Jsist gives the following account of II. M. S. last trip from Nagasaki to Chemulpo: She left Nagasaki on the 1st February with fair weather, but, when otl thetioto Light, she fell in with a heavy wind and sea. By
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  • 203 12 MALAY POLICE FOK LONDONIt lias been decided to send a l ment of twenty-live Malay and twenty-five of tlie Malay Guides from the Federated to London to take part in t re demonstrations to be held there ib June. The best looking speeimeii- 01 Malays in the
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  • 769 13 A RATIO OF 32 TO 1. Japanese Government intends lf E j M &lt;T )ld standard at a ratio of compared with silver. The 1 tL t j me is considered favourable P n IV,. change to a gold basis. .I M&gt;llis some reason to believe er t
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  • 1269 13 THE TROUBLE SPREADING. ONE MAN SHOT DEAD. T ty telegram from our (Jorrespondent.) (The foliotring Telegram was received too late for publication on Saturday). Kuala 1/umpor, Saturday afternoon. The riots which broke out here on Friday, owing to new regulations enforcer! by the Sanitary Board as regards
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  • 280 13 S. C. O. r. RIFLE BRIGADE. A two days’ match between the 8. C. C. and the Rifle Brigade was commenced on Friday, t he S. C. C. winning on the first innings. In the 8. C. C. second innings, on Saturday, Reid, who had been doing good service
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  • 76 13 Dr. T. Murray Robertson, who lives on Leonie Hill, has been the victim of an extensive robbery. During Saturday night he was robbed of a gold half hunter watch, a gold cable pattern watch chain, a gold stud, a silver pencil case, and other articles. Some
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  • 83 13 H. M. S. Spartan left Hongkong for England on the Ist instant. She quitted her moorings amidst lusty cheers, the sailors of H. M. S. Qrafton manning the yards. The band of the Rear-Admiral’s flagship played selections of music, amongst which was Auld Lang Syne.’ The
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  • 903 13 A NEW AND SUCCESSFUL DEPARTURE. On Saturday, the Hari Raya, an excellent day’s sports were organised for the benefit of the Singapore Police Force. This was quite a new departure in the history of the Singapore Police, and it was due entirely to the efforts and the
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  • 82 13 The Deli races passed off successfully on the 27th February and the Ist instant. On tire Ist day, the Deli Derby prize of $5OO was won by Parmesan. The Serdang prize—a magnificent silver vase presented by the Sultan of Serdang—was won by Shipmate. On the second day, the
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  • 104 13 THE TOURNAMENT. RESULTS OF THURSDAY’S PLAT. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Murray and Mr. Dennys beat Mr. and Mrs. O’Sullivan, 3-6, 6-5, 6-3. Miss Salzmann and Mr. Hooper beat Mrs. Somerville and Mr.Caddell,6-2,5-6,6-4. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Mrs. Salzmann and Capt. Parsons beat M rs. Murray and Mr. Dennys,
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  • 416 13 THE ANNUAL HEGIRA. THE P. O. MAIL. Per s. s. Canton 16th March: —Mrs. Highet, Mr. and Mrs. Butt and children, Mr. Darby. From Penang: —Mr. Riaeh. Per s. s. Rohilla 17th March :—Inspector Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Black and family, Mrs. Shepherd, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Fraser.
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    • 118 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir,— A Boa-Constrictor, Ular Sawah, measuring 16 ft. in length and 15 inches in girth, was caught at the Kallang Saw Mills to-day. The Kling who captured it received a nasty bite in the thumb; as an antidote to the supposed
      118 words
  • 1187 14 ARRIVALS. Per P. O. s. s .Rosetta from London Messrs. A. Young, A. J. Wood, G. Hayford Mrs. Kenny, Mr. Maitland, Mr. and Mrs. Marchant, and Mr. J. A. McGregor. From Gibraltar: —Rev. Father Xavier de Mello. From Brindisi: —Mr. Coorner. From Colombo:—Mr. H. M. Van der Burg,
    1,187 words
    • 164 14 I’ndert his heading the fol lowing ah breviations are used: —sir.—steamer; sh. —ship hq. —barque; Brit. —British; IT. S. United States; Fr. French; Ger. —German; Put Dutch; Joh. —Johorc; Ac., G. c., General cargo d.p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. I).
      164 words
    • 1337 14 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Avoca Brit. str. 944 tons, Capt Davison, 6th Mar. From Bombay, 20tli Feb. G.c., H. Waraim Bawa. For Penang, U—Rds. Balmoral, Brit. str. 2,650 tons, Capt McRitchie 7th Mar. From Hongkong 4th Mar. G.c., P. Simons Co. U—Rds. Ban Lionel, Dut. str. 276
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    • 552 14 Name, port probable date of arrival and name of agents, Aden, London, Mar 25; P. AO. Anping, Europe, Mar 23; M. B. Kaisha. Alicante, Manila, Mar 10; Hinnekindt. Asloun, New York, l’ft Jan 22; Ariake Maru, Moji, Mar 12; M. B. Kaisha. Bayern) China, April 1; Behn Meyer.
      552 words
    • 88 15 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. \g Date Rem&gt; Ship’s Name. Commander. of From where T)estin- marks Kig. I Sailing t ation i s.s.Salak Brouwer Jan 16 Rotterdam Batavia i-bar. Furst BTnarck Bral Nov bNewYork Probolingo r,, x..,i B’ster den Tex Hubert Feb 24 Batavia Amsterdam &gt;!i. Mi°tloy
      88 words
    • 1259 15 Flag i j if vi.-klV Name. A Tons.) Captain From [Sailed.; Consignees. &lt; Rig 7T j j (i.i! ;l :iUi Ital bq.j 1283 Parodi NCtleTyne Oct 20 S’pore Gas Co. Ltd. if .ir r 1 »e_*&gt;!en P.rit str. 91 Marshall Pahang |Feb 28'HoGuan \i:&gt;!:ir. M str. 4Uo .Daly T.
      1,259 words
    • 694 15 Date. Vessel’s Name FlagARig Captain Destination Mar 1 Neera Brit. str. i Coysh T. Anson via ports 1 Cheang Hye Teng str. Scott Penang and Rangoon 2 Bandjerraassin str. i Fyfe Deli 2 Ban Whatt Hin str. j Olsen Billiton and Pontianak 2 Ban Hin Guan J str. IVCruze
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 57 14 STILLSI I lor disthluvg i rectstdis I I I BR ANDIES i RUMS. 1 v r; 3 Jm «tc. k I^fcjfDEROYFILSAINtI uuiiWMakLJßp* maker B rue du ThUtre, 7s I GUIDE-BOOK tor MstlllinoKniSs.iiaia. I till Oils, its. XAWAX tor MsUUsn of ROMS id I LISTS frttM SWllqtloi. M how specially packed
      57 words
    • 551 14 In the... Rain Storm the man got very wet. The wettir.* gave him a cold. The cold, neglect**? developed to a cough. The cough sent him to a bed of sickness. A dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, taken at the start, would have nipped the cold in the bud and
      551 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 29 15 riRIE BRIZARD AND RODGEJEt t| A BORDEAUX. Brandy 1 Curirno I Quality Ani'‘* ,te f c Maras.!nno feuperieure. Liqueurs I Sole Agents for the Straits, MOINE COMTE A Co.
      29 words
    • 19 15 JAPANESE CURIOS. G. OTOMUNE CO. 26, High Street. AYE always on hand a large stock of Japanese Curios. u.c.
      19 words
    • 141 15 H. ABRAM S. HOUSE REPOSITORY AND VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT. MR. ABRAMS begs to inform the gentry of Singapore and surrounding States that he has now on hand a superior stock of horses of every description, comprising a team of Black Geldings, 16 hands high, well matched .and fine goers; also a
      141 words
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    • 553 15 Indigestion Loss of Strength And Appetite. The testimony of Mr. K» Dennis, Adelaide, South Aus» tralia, who was cured by Ayerls Sarsaparilla, is like unto that at many thousands of others. He writes: “It is with very much pleasure that I testify to the great benefit I received from using
      553 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      676 words
    • 1407 16 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE f IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE V/ho’esp.Ie by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crv'** Blackwell, Ltd., London an*! Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. AUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO. STRONG ENGLISH WORDS. When a person
      1,407 words