The Straits Budget, 2 March 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 142 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE \v EEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore ana Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
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  • 465 1 Lk\!»lN<* i.ks. ami Samo?*. Tin* European Concert. The Sultan. Notice to Quit. T int European Concert. IjOTAL. Market (Quotation". Shipping New-. Passenger l.i't. Police Now-. Ca'.eiular. Anglo-Chiiiesf School. spiral ion.-. Polio* mini ami Lunatic \tivmot *.j i i/ighu- ay KobU*r\. Vw\U»*‘J
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  • 496 1 Singapore, 2nd March, 1897. PRODUCE. Gambier, 6.35. do Cube No 1, 9.50. do do No 2, „'7.90. Copra Bali, 5.50. do Pontianak, 5.25. Pepper, Black, 13.70. Sago Flour Sarawak, 2.92}. do Brunei, w 2.32}. Pearl Sago 3.35. Coffee, Bali, 33.50. Coffee Palembang, 34.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. 1
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  • 427 1 The mail for Eurojn?, this week, leaves by the P. 0. s. s. liarenna. The I*. it s. s. llosetta vvitli the mail from Europe of the sth February arrived yesterday. The mail for Europe next week leaves by the M. M. s. s. Cu lot
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    • 61 1 ARMED INTERVENTION OF THE POWERS. London, 2 3rd February. The naval forces of the Powers have bombarded the camp of tin; Cretan insurgents at Canea. The bombardment arose from the refusal of the insurgents to stop firing. Seventy shells w'ere fired, the British firing first. The cannonade lasted twenty-five
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    • 120 1 SCENE IN THE COMMONS. MR. BALFOUR ON THE SITUATION. London, 24 th February. A scene took place in the House of Commons, on Mr. Curzon, the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, confirming the news of British and foreign men-of-war bombarding an insurgent camp in Crete. The Unionists
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    • 102 1 FRENCH EXPLANATION OF THE SITUATION. M. Hanotaux, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, has made a statement regarding the Eastern Question. Tlia Minister said that Britain suggested the forcing of the Dardanelles Passage and the seizure of the Sultan. The Powers refused to act upon the suggestion.
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    • 20 1 The pilgrimage to Mecca has been of India.stopped throughout the whole The plague at Bombay has slightly decreased.
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    • 15 1 The British expedition against B< nin has taken the town of that name.
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    • 45 1 CONTRADICTION TO M. HANOTAITX. Loiulon, 25th February. Mr. Curzon, the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has denied the assertion of M. Hanotaux, that Britain had suggested the forcing of the Dardanelles Passage and the seizure of the Sultan of Turkey.
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    • 56 1 NOTICE TO QUIT. London 2 6th Fehrua ry. The Turkish Government will be notified that the Powers have undertaken to reorganise the administration of Crete. It is expected that the Turkish troops and officials will then be withdrawn from the island. The Greeks will also be requested to evacuate
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    • 127 1 lord Salisbury’s proposals. London, 27 th February. Lord Salisbury has sent a despatch to the Foreign Cabinets, embodying the policy of the British Government on the Cretan question. That policy assigns an autonomous standing to Crete, hut that island must still remain a portion of the Turkish Empire. If
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    • 85 1 THE EUROPEAN CONCERT DISAGREE. London, 1st March. Russia, Austria, and Germany are urging the despatch of a peremptory note to Greece. The Note, these Powers urge, should threaten Greece with immediate drastic measures, including the blockade of the Greek ports, unless the Greek forces are withdrawn from
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  • 289 2 (Straits Times, 2*h’d lehruary.) It is gratifying that the fleets of the Great Powers—presumably, of all the Great Powers—have committed themselves to action against the insurgents and others who have taken up arms in Crete. In bombarding the insurgent camp at Canea, Britain fired first. The assumption
    (Straits Times, 2*h’d lehruary.)  -  289 words
  • 200 2 (Straits Times, 24fh February.) The course of events in Crete bears out our forecast yesterday, in that Greece is not to be allowed her own way. The Cretan insurgents, whom she has incited, feel the consequences of listening to her advice. It is a pity that British
    (Straits Times, 24fh February.)  -  200 words
  • 265 2 (Straits Times 25 tk February.) M. Hanotaux, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, has been inaccurate. He has committed himself to the assertion that the British Government had proposed to force the passage of the Dardanelles and to seize the Sultan of Turkey. The assertion looked so incredible
    (Straits Times, 25tk February.)  -  265 words
  • 263 2 (Straits Times, 2 Gt/i February.) The Powers have decided to serve a notice to quit on the Turkish Government in Crete. They mean to reorganise the administration of that island themselves. The idea is nothing new, and was pressed upon the attention of the Powers, last year.
    (Straits Times, 2Gt/i February.)  -  263 words
  • 298 2 (Straits Times 1.>7 Starch.) Thk strain on the European Concert has now reached near breaking point. The Powers are divided on the question of coercing Greece. The Concert had agreed to solve the Cretan problem by clearing Turkish oflicials and Greek agitators alike out of Crete, and
    (Straits Times, 1.>7 Starch.)  -  298 words
  • 877 2 The orchestral section of the Singapore Philharmonic Society gave a popular orchestral concert, in the Town Hall, on Saturday night. The hall was crowded, a number of late arrivals having to stand, and the concert was, in every way, an entire success. Much additional interest was imparted to
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  • 584 2 MEETING AT KUALA LUMPUR. A representative meeting of the citizens of Kuala Lumpur took place at the Selangor Club, on Wednesday last, the Resident, Mr. J. P. Rodger, being in the chair. The Resident opened the meeting, and said that the unique event of a British Sovereign
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  • 91 2 DESTRUCTION FROM CIGAR ENDS. The origin of« a fire on board the British barque Mark Curry in Iloilo harbour, on the 5th February, is ascribed to the carelessness of stevedores in throwing down lighted cigar ends among the cargo. There were 18,700 piculs of sugar on hoard at
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  • 167 2 RECENT APPOINTMENTS CRITICISE!, The latest policy* on the subject filling the posts of the principal trates in the Federated States says the Perak Pioneer to he to di^ 18 tinue appointing lawyers. Hence State Treasurer of Selangor becom* Acting Chief Magistrate, Selangor j n succession to Mr.
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  • 189 2 CULTIVATION PROGRESS. The Acting District Officer of l]„ Langat, in his report for January, take*, note that good progress continues to he made on the European coffee estates lying between Kajang and Reko. At Hell’s Glen, a further area of loo acres* has recently been taken down, and
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  • 495 2 THE OVE RFLOW IN TRIANG. Mr.Keyser has drawn up a report on the floods in the Triang Valley (Jelebd) last December. The whole country was under water, and the people had to take refuge on the roofs of their houses, Mr. Keyser sent supplies, in boats, to
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  • 107 3 .q.tffli ;i letter to Sir Cecil Smith \j r Huang Chun-Hsien (whom refused to accept as Chinese The letter recalls certain r.,_, at Singapore and recites U Chun-Hsien*.* view’ of the II q Fnlns wa* to leave IlongKnglaiid on Saturday last. LToNs yacht \rn</>a left \*e*tonlay afternoon.
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  • 27 3 11 1 !eg:*aj>hie Company, i it- t-*oe;ate Companies, hatidv pocket diary and i *97 *eries of maps at t ff ra!do commuiiica- w.-eii all the continents.
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  • 37 3 \i. i .iff* head-master of the > it. .1. uaitg. is taking E t and will shortly <•• man.!_. iiier,t of tlie school w until recently ail assis- in t ff Angle- 1 ’iiincse School |p *1
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  • 52 3 i N v in*: an! the Nippon V i Ka' *t«*a!ii r (iii‘ar* Mara ..iji,] l another .l::pane*»* *t earner i] r with tin* result that the ve**rl foundered. All on hoard '••Tidied -nve tittle pei'-otl>. I lie total 1h>i of lives lo*t I- said to i" sixtyf;
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  • 52 3 IJ/sif irTuoin ns. in an address given v'.vUv M. h C/iur.-h rt! Sunday even\yvl it. i t<» tin* tniM when the -T body -hi*;,M have their own C' ci-’ other i.: -tituiions hen*. <’ > *'UP’ed Tha; tie* bishop is i. i ■>*,*»• In* headquarter* F I. t
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  • 58 3 W.m ;i coolie on board the lying in the harbour, was Kf."’ into i In* hold »*v some goods itig -u mg up by a derrick from a ,n i!i alongside, fin* unfortunate I*-g \va.~ 'orok»*n. and he sustained '■h 'i v.-ivinternal injuries that In* died
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  • 60 3 !,i Fading merchants of Canton C Meeting on the 12th January, to ,rl 1 1 t tin* inconvenience resulting 1 ‘no new postal law. It was r "'"k d to petition tho Viceroy and the ,v 'i >r. asking them to take other 11 'eli would offer
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  • 67 3 I*ik french squadron in the Far Fast ,v ]v' the A*’* air da Tonkin, to undergo 1:; !iige. The Desearles and tin* Pascal, "U'. is of the tirst class, the Fclairear, a !!-»T of t he third class, and tin* new »at Surprise are expected shortly, ’i"- h'sntries
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  • 56 3 M a'■mall meeting of Irish gentler»*>ident in Singapore, held last in Messrs. Fraser and Cummings 'd' Battery Road, it was decided to hall on Patrick s Day. Wednes*,4V- tin* 1711 1 ot March next. Among present were: Lieut.-Colonel lather, tin* Hon. Major Anderson, ,l fii/ell, Mr. Johnston,
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  • 88 3 1 nali pa<t tour o'clock, this morning, 1 :il,l *oiian was walking along Siran- M),: head with a bag of money over his when another Chinaman, it is '•k;-l. came and struck him a severe A m t In* arm with a stick, evidently to u lm„
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  • 69 3 Mr. E. George, in hit: Hongkong j weekly share list, dated Rtth FebAiary, says: —Punjonis have been in better demand, owing to a letter from the mine reporting t he discovery of another reef in the August shaft, showing quartz valued at half an ounce of gold to the
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  • 92 3 Ihe Hankow-Pekin (Lll Che-Keo) Railway Hoard have taken over the administration of the Tientsin-!Vking-Siianhaikwan railway from the Ist insL, under powers granted in an Imperial Decree. By this means, Director Siit-ag obtains complete control over all Chinese railways at present in existence, and those about to he contructed
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  • 80 3 STRANDING ON THE PARACELS. The Court whiffi has inquired into tin* stranding of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha's s.s. Ilinnji-inarit on the Bombay Reef of tite Paracels, has suspended the certificate of Captain Rennie Tipple for four months. The finding declares that the stranding is to he attributed
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  • 107 3 OPENING FOR TRADE. News reached Hongkong, on the 17th instant, that tin* agreement for the opening of the West River lias at last been signed, and is to come into effect on the 1st June. Wuchowfu and another town. proLahlv Shuihing. are to he opened to foreign
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  • 126 3 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS IN DANGER. The Government Offices at Hongkong narrowly escaped destruction by lire on the 15: h instant. The lire arose from the upsetting of a pot of tar boiled on the roof in aid of repairs going on to save tin* trouble of taking
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  • 125 3 A DESBERATE ENCOUNTER. At half-past ten o'clock, last night, a Malay police con*tab!e. No. 5s. on duty in North Bridge Read, saw* a Chinaman sneaking along tin* verandah with a basket in his hand. He asked the man what he was doing, and 1 he man flew’at
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  • 150 3 THE HONGKONG SCHEME. The China Mail in commenting on the scheme for a Graving Dock at Colombo to he built partly out of Imperial funds, considers that it is part of a wdder plan. In the opinion of that journal, it is evident front this proposal and the
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  • 1319 3 Mr. Huang Chun-hsien, formerly Chinese Consul-General at Singapore*, who was nominated to the post of Chinese Minister at Berlin, but whose nomination w’as rejected by the German Government, has asked the X. C. Daily Xea'g to publish the following letter to Sir Cecil C. Smith, formerly Governor
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  • 576 3 London, Friday 29th January. One thing about the Midland cycle show is that it ha' 5 brought forward a large number of small Birmingham makers whose machine'*, although on the market for some considerable time, arealmost unknown to t ht»general public. Some of them are really good-class
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  • 241 3 A PASSENGER TO BOMBAY. Among the passengers by the Natal for India is Dr. Yersin, the famous scientist, who has successfully carried on researches on the lines laid down by the late Dr. Pasteur. One of our staff saw Dr. Yersin to-day, and obtained from him some interesting
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  • 378 3 STRAITS TIMES** FUND. The following are the details of two Perak lists, the totals of which were acknowledged in our issue of yesterday: Perak (Tniping):—$509. Capt. Ah Kui $200.00 Mr. Kua Su 100.00 Mr. Po Fung 50.00 Mr. Liong Seng 10.00 Mr. Sin Hok Chun 10.00 Mr.
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  • 104 3 A Tokio telegram states:—New Treaties with all foreign countries, except Austro-Hungary, have now been signed, and when this Treaty is signed, which is expected to be about the end of March, the Treaty Revision will be practically complete. The new Treaties with France and the Netherlands are now’
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  • 941 4 NOTES, NEWS, AND REPORTS. THE MANCHURIA RAILWAY. Hsii Ching-cheng, the Chinese Minis- ter to Russia and Germany, has telegraphed to the Tsung-li Yamen, stating that the Russo-Chinese Bank will take one thousand shares in the Manchuria Railway, and requesting the Emperor to appoint a director. The
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  • 284 4 IMPERIAL CLAIM. The Imperial Government has claimed for an increase in the contribution of Hongkong to the cost of the Eastern mail subsidy. The question first arose in 1879, when £13,771 were demanded, and remained under discussion until 1883. The mail servicehad been conducted at a loss,
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  • 318 4 A mystery of the Carew case that was left unsolved by tin* trial was the discovery of white arsenic at the post mortem, no white arsenic having been traced to the house. I )n this point, the Jo pan Gazette says: We believe the explanation to he
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  • 48 4 It is expected that the Imperial Chinese Post Office will sell over a million dollars of stamps in a year, almost all of which will be profit. The stamps cost little or nothing to make, and one speculative stamp collector has already applied for SIO,(XH) worth.
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  • 987 4 HALF YEARLY MEETING. The ordinary half yearly meeting of the shareholders in the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was held, at Hongkong, on the 13th instant. Mr. A. McConachie presided. The Chairman read the annual report, after which he said: —Gentlemen, the Directors are glad to
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  • 407 4 LARGE PROFITS. The China Fire Insurance Company met at Hongkong on the loth instant, with Mr. St. C. Michaelson in the chair. The Chairman noted the satisfactory results for 1895, showing as they did, that after paying an interim dividend of $3 per share in February last, there
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  • 322 4 Kxceit a fire,” said a theatrical manager, there's nothing we managers dread in our theatre so much as a panic, which, hy-the-bye, lias more than once, arisen when tilery has been no fire at all —one, for instance, occurred about three years ago in a provincial theatre,
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  • 137 4 WEDNESDAY, 24 TH FEBRUARY. The Bangkok Cricket Club has decided to play matches on Sundays The Indian Budget will be laid befor*. the Viceroy’s Council on the lsth March' Sir Lionel Cox, Mr. Justice Lc a < h and Mr. Iiodesse have arrived from Penang in the s. s. Ceylon.
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  • 29 4 A Chinaman, who came out of prison last Thursday, was, this morning, sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, because he had no employment nor any house to live in.
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  • 37 4 Owing to Mr. Bland having tempo rariiy taken up the appointment of Superintendent of Prisons, Mr. Ralph Scott has been removed from magisterial work to the Land Office, and Mr Marriot has taken his place.
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  • 45 4 The cotton spinning companies in Japan, in the latter half of 1896, paid dividends ranging between 20 and 8 p<; i cent, per annum,and all made addition > to their reverse funds. The average profit per spindle ranged from SI. 145 1 to $5.0817.
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  • 58 4 It has been decided to hold another international exhibition in Glasgow on the same site as the last one in 1888. At a meeting of the Corporation Parks Committee, the date was fixed for 1901, and it is hoped that many of the exhibits shown in Paris »n
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  • 70 4 An Italian naval oflicer has been investigating tin*, efficacy of sails with hoies in them, and finds that the holes increase the speed of the vessel hy a considerable percentage, which, of course, varies with the nature of the case. The holes are believed to prevent a
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  • 95 4 It would appear, says the Pinang Gazette, that magistrates in Perak have to submit a return of their convictions to the Senior Magistrate, who is deputed by Government to supervise the work done in the lower Courts, and in some instances this worthy functionary has the power
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  • 101 4 A Chinaman, who frequently travels on the s.s. Clioir I*hya between Singapore and Malacca, was arrested on board that vessel in the harbour yesterday It appears that, at half-past one on the morning of the 22nd inst., during the voyage down, there was a scream and a
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  • 125 4 The Captain and Officers of H. M. 8 llainhotr were “At Home” at Penang yesterday afternoon (19th inst.,) and. with the exception of a short shower at about five o'clock, were fortunate in the weather. The guests received every attention and enjoyed themselves immensely. Dancing
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  • 66 5 THE KING OF SIAM sn v MINISTER to LONDON. j. mVA Maha Yotha, Siamese 1 V m don, who is at present leave. will, says the .|n*i*i 1 v return to London i the reception of His l |.i V l j),\ ho will go to LonKing as A.IM’., and
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  • 56 5 m mines. I iIn* general manager Mine.- in Siam, is expected j; from France next H i;.t >; >>i: rentes savs that iv and Isis assistant. Mr. expected in Bangkok I 11 East Kahin Syndicate, I m ’i ii arrival, prospecting a ;i! he proceeded with
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  • 65 5 I \> TO sINt;.\!*OKE. j., fh<* Congo Free t a t 1* 111lik• .on the l lir Sutm Ihserrer hears A;' j,haiiv is on a lengthy tour, n Saigon, lias come on to I ;.,-iv lie has several friends t JJelgian eommunity. After I i there, lie will
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  • 86 5 ihk i:\NOKOK MARKET. market at Bangkok is all I i Im* reasonably exported. and v> i~ never more plentiful or ot alitv there, says the Siam i 1,, Extensive engagements .j, daring the month huro]»e UangKok lia> tins \t\u B advantage over Burma grain ■r:g t«» the
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  • 156 5 ROBINSON CRUSOE’ S ISLAND. f u.t- >’ vlarcd. on tin' A fa ('hilhn mer- t! tin* in 1 of Juan For- puTed original nf Defoes I i’i isoe. had dis- n >li. "I thr United H it ly reached San *ti» md the world, •!i ’lit* icj rt t>•nc ha
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  • 240 5 for the grillins for the May t" Meeting was held, last evening, at E ain-’s North Bridge Boad yard. I' -rillms, this time, are a very even f'- and general satisfaction was P r I l»y those who participated in r*''ou One of the likeliest of the I
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  • 248 5 STONED IN CHINA. The French Commercial Mission to China have met with considerable hostility in the interior. Five of them returned to Shanghai, on the lltli instant, with particulars of an outrage on the party up-country. They had set out on a trip to a place railed Kweichow,
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  • 99 5 Yesterday, the river at Elgin Bridge was blocked by four large Kling tongkangs, which, coming down stream, wen* prevented going past the bridge by the height of the tide, 'flu* regulations only allow three tongkangs abreast, and the four lying together completely blocked the traffic. Some Chinamen in
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  • 177 5 The Inspector-General of Police and Chief Inspector Jennings made a raid on house No. 9. Kllenhorough Street, at ten o’clock, on Monday night. Seventeen persons w r erearrested,though sometime was occupied in forcing the door. Several others are supposed to have escaped through a loft, and also by a
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  • 320 5 They are solving the domestic servant problem in their own way in some parts of the East End of London. Struck by the fact that he was inundated by hundreds of applications for a vacant clerkship, while his wife could not get a satisfactory general for love
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  • 623 5 THE OPERATIONS AGAINST CAVITE. The Cc/mercio contains details of events in the Philippines to the 17th instant, at which date the operations against Cavite had begun. At the outbreak of the rebellion, in August last, the insurgents overran the mountainous province of Cavite, which lies on the shores
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  • 68 5 This morning, before Mr. Anthonisz, Lieutenant George Palley prosecuted his syce for breach of contract, in leaving his service without giving due notice. The man left on the 13th instant after bringing two men for his master to choose from. His pay was $9 per month,
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  • 80 5 The Secretary of State having ordered that capital sentences are in future to be carried out privately, and not in public as hitherto, steps are now being taken to reconstruct the gallows at the Penang Gaol so as to shut it off* from j public* view. At
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  • 935 5 JOHN BULL AS THE PARALYSED PAWNBROKER. Mr. A. J. Wilson, in the Investors' Review has begun the New Year with his characteristic yawp upon the vulnerability of England. Mr. Wilson has seldom ever let himself go with such thorough enjoyment as in the present article, in which
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  • 47 5 There was a burglary at 98, Arab Street, last night. The occupant of the house says that his jewellery, worth $94, was safe at nine o’clock, and, when he awoke at half-past three, this morning, the house had been broken into, and the jewellery was missing.
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  • 103 5 FURTHER TROUBLE. Another cause of difficulty has been raised between France and Siam. It is asserted in the Siam Free Press that the Siamese have established a post at Point Samit in the Gulf of Siam, and that Cambodians are impressed there for military service without regard
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  • 405 5 Twice, says a writer, I have had the honour of visiting the Royal Court of the Netherlands, a term of three years elapsing between the two visits. When the head of the State is a minor, great changes may Ue looked for in that time; hence it
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  • 1094 5 Judge (to a couple sentenced for fighting): Have you anything to say Male Defendant: 1 would like my wife to commence her term in prison after I am released.” .She: Do you remember just what that line is about beauty unadorned Her Husband: Isn't it something to the
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  • 348 6 The Municipal Commissioners, at their meeting yesterday, decided to make a present of the remainder of the old fire alarm rockets to the Jubilee Celebration Committee. The Commissioners have thus set their seal upon the discontinuance of the fire alarm system at Fort Canning. Even Mr. Moses
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  • 34 6 Mr. Judicial Commissioner Jackson and Mr. T. H. Kershaw have arrived from Klang in the Sappho. They return to-day or to-morrow. Mrs. Jackson is expected by the Thames on 15th March.
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  • 38 6 Captain Giullot, a French officer, has been sentenced, in Paris, to live years’ imprisonment and 3,000 francs line, for having delivered secret plans and documents to a foreign flower. The offence was committed eight years ago.
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  • 36 6 The Russian transport Tamhuff, from Odessa for YTadivostock, arrived here this morning. She is a vessel of 3,129 tons, and 2,500 horse power, and she carries 853 otlicers and men of the Russian Army.
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  • 35 6 A Famine Fund was started at Madras, early this month. On the day of tile opening, fifty tiiousand rupees were subscribed. The Governor of Madras, Sir Arthur Havelock, contributed two thousand rupees.
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  • 40 6 Mr. Birch, Acting Resident of Negri Sembilan, is said to be strongly in favour of giving appointments in the clerical service to Malays and Straitsborn Chinese. The Tamil he w’ants to see over there is the agriculturist.
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  • 60 6 A disastrous fire broke our in Rangoon on the evening of the 15th inst., causing damage estimated at Rs. 260,000 in value. The fire occurred in the thicklypopulated district of Upper Poozoondaung, in the very heart of the mill industry quarter. No loss of life is reported,
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  • 71 6 We are asked to call attention to the lack of intelligent police supervision on the esplanade at Singapore. The place abounds with beggars, who molest those who come to enjoy the fresh air/; and we are told that, in addition to beggars, there are wandering lunatics who habitually
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  • 68 6 In the British Consular Court at Bangkok, on the 19th instant, an Indian Chetty, named Sinna Sama, was charged with forgery as regards a promissory note, with intent to defraud. The evidence showed that the accused had forged an endorsement on a note for one hundred
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  • 77 6 The black panther that was taken over by the Johore Government from Mr. J. B. Pereira was poisoned last week. It is intended to have it stuffed and placed in the Istana. The reason of the Government taking over the animal is that this was the first
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  • 72 6 Revolvers are said to he now a prominent feature in street life at Bangkok. Thus, on the 10th instant, on the police interfering with a crowd of rowdies, the latter drew out pistols and opened fire. One night, a tramway inspector fired upon an individual who tried to
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  • 85 6 Amonu 22,850 French troops in Madagascar. there were 7,498 deaths. The ►Sappers suffered most, two-thirds of them died. ii<» doubt, due to the effects of malaria while engaged in making roads and bridging over lowlying lands on the coast or near it. Next in high rate
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  • 93 6 We have received No. 2 of the first volume of Odds and Ends.” an ambitious little literary venture, which is to he published every other month in Hongkong. The journal is printed in good clear type, on excellent paper, and its illustrations, coloured and otherwise, are deserving
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  • 218 6 Yesterday afternoon, during the hearing of a case in the Court of two Magistrates, in which Mr. Ellis and Mr. Matthews appeared for the prosecution and the defence, respectively, a question of contempt of court occurred. At the conclusion of the examination in chief of the
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  • 161 6 A* correspondent calls attention to the doings of a number of mischievous Malay boys who have their whereabouts at the junction of Prinsep Street and Selegie Road, and who occupy their time in the evenings in making themselves a scourge to the Yikisha pullers. They run off with
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  • 248 6 The deportation of King Prempeh lias now- been accomplished. He had been terribly upset when the nows was first broken to him that ly* was to be carried awav from the country of his birth and the scene of his courtly pageants. Death by drowning, he hinted,
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  • 372 6 It lias been urged, we know not how oft, that Parisians are far ahead of their English sisters where taste in dress is the question. That the average Frenchwoman does understand chiffons, and, moreover, not only walks better, but wears her clothes better, is, 1 think, without
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  • 251 6 A strong field mustered at the r*. n< j vous yesterday evening, including lady. Holley started off with the at about five, going through the Chau worth grounds, over the fences and on through the side of a ]»iru*a r ,J’ plantation beyond, down into the M ol
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  • 609 6 According to a very interesting article by J. W. Smith in the Straw! a new institution is shortly to be a ided to those already existing in London for the preservation of c hild life. In other words, an incubator for babies is about to be established
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 84 6 PROPERTY SALE. This afternoon, Messrs. Powell and Co. offered for salt- by auction at tlieir sale room, in Rnitle* Place, a freehold property known as E lendale, Sirangoon Road. Edendah* is a substantial dwelling house, standing in an area of one acre and two roods of freehold land. A piece
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  • 64 7 n> ,»K FRENCH DESIGN. mese Naval Department lias rt lights at different stations .-t coast The lights are of yfl- .ii. and are visible ten miles n,il j b lights have been fixed at r J and Koh Kong, and at two tin' coast. The Koh Cliui t
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  • 82 7 oNK MAN KILLED. ,vported that a disturbance in Penang harbour, on the -r in*, on board the s. s. Chelydra, i v. proceeding from China to men of me Hongkong Reginald. The row began between 't? Indians and the Chinese firemi,* of tiie former is said to have
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  • 108 7 V..Y IN THE EAST. Thf Army Medical Report for 1895 luiUislied. The figures given j; was very ui i heal thy; :i u average strength of 657, the “i. rv i j. the invaliding 51, and admi'rions t«» hospital 1,018. 1>t L,,Mis is said to he in a
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  • 173 7 f l.nft" rjrgfn:)}>!. \tiikns. 15th February. 'Hu* latest advice- from Crete -trite that •jj,. prison of Uanea made a sortie on vitu!' 1 morning and attacked the Chris- -is I'inhtniv \v:i- continued all day. London. 15th February, fhe Powers are discussing the proposal •&i«- i>\ Ku-sin for
    173 words
  • 295 7 < Mirt of two Magistrates, yesr,hy. M irv Patti charged Inna Kraft hininal misappropriation in resy* 1° wearing apparel and other valued at S3S7. Both the ir!: are Russians. Mr. Ellis appeared r th» prosecution, and Mr. Bromhead •h*ti!f\vs for the defence. The allen- a- stated for
    295 words
  • 749 7 THE N. Y. K. KANAGAWA MABU” SOMETHING ABOUT THE COMPANY. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha, of Japan, is now one of the greatest steamship companies in the world. Its capital amounts to twenty-two million yen, and its present fleet includes nearly seventy ocean-going steamers. The Company originated
    749 words
  • 885 7 THE DIAMOND JUBILEE. MUNICIPAL OFFICE KENT. MR. MOSES AND THE FIRE ROCKETS. An ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon. There were present: Mr. Gentle (President), the Hon. T. Slielford, c.m.g., Mr. Evans, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Seah Liang Seah, Mr. Moses, Mr. Egerton, and
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  • 1578 7 Motor cars will be, it seems, limited to a speed of ten miles an hour when travelling over roads in Scotland. The regulations for the northern kingdom are drawn up by a different authority from that which has already decided that in the south another two miles may
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  • 136 8 H. M. 8. Vigny left Hongkong for Bangkok on tin; 19th instant. 4 Races successfully took place at Hongkong on the 17th, 18th, and 19th instant. 4 The Vicar-General of the Portuguese Mission in Timor will arrive in Singapore by the mail on Monday. 4 The mail
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  • 27 8 Mr. Cameron, Liberal candidate, has been elected for Bridgeton Division, Glasgow, replacing Sir G. Trevelyan, having polled 4,506, whilst Mr. Dickson, Unionist, polled 4,351.
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  • 26 8 This morning, a Chinese servant employed by Mrs. Raeburn, of Oxley Road, was sentenced to six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment for stealing articles from the house.
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  • 36 8 Bir Alfred Milner, k.c.b., is reported to have been appointed successor to Lord Rosmead as Governor of the (’ape. Sir A. Milner has been Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue since 1892.
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  • 39 8 “Shall a horse which lias won races in Australia be entitled to run as a Roadster in Selangor is said to be a question to come before an approaching General Meeting of the Selangor Turf Club. -Malay Mail.
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  • 38 8 Mr. Jackson, the Judicial Commissioner, and Mr. Kershaw, the Legal Adviser, of the Federated Malay States, will, probably, leave here to-morrow afternoon in the s. s. Venhma for Pahang, to try a murder case there.
    38 words
  • 50 8 It is said that Colonel Waters, the military attache to the Embassy in St. Petersburg, who is on his way to Vladivostock, will meet one of the officials of the British Legation in Pekin, and the two will frame a joint report on the Siberian and Russo-Ciiinese Railways.
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  • 62 8 As H.M.S. Ndrcu&ti-s was shipping her anchor as she was about to leave Chemulpo, on the 7th February, a block broke and the rope flew back with terrific force. It seriously injured an able seaman, named Vardigan, breaking two of his ribs, by which his lung was lacerated,
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  • 64 8 This morning, close to the bridge which crosses the Rochore River at Crawford Street, a racehorse was seen to fall. It was injured slightly in the flanks by its fall, and seemed to be suffering from colic. It had been careering around the neighbourhood all night unattended,
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  • 69 8 Mydin Pitchay went this morning to a pawnbroker’s and pawned some things for a dollar and a few cents. A few moments later, he returned to the shop and, producing a counterfeit dollar, maintained that he had received it from the pawnbroker. After some dispute a detective
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  • 87 8 Woh Ah Kexu, recently an employe at Tanjong Pagar Dock, was, a few days ago, charged with causing such disturbance in the Company’s workshop as to interfere materially with work. The case was sent to the Court of two Magistrates, and the man allowed liberty on bail of s.>o.
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  • 88 8 On the lsl of March a post office will be opened in Tanjong Pagar Police Station. Ordinary postal business w ill be transacted between the hours of Ba. m. and 5 p. m., and letters may be registered and parcels posted. The present deliveries will be continued but the
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  • 96 8 the championship tournament. The Singapore Chess Club Championship Tournament is now in its third week. It will, probably, conclude a fortnight hence. There are seventeen competitors, and 89 games have been played out of the total of 136. The following are the results of Wednesday’s and yesterday’s
    96 words
  • 118 8 We have received from Mr. James Lyall, Agent for the British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company,*’ a copy of their office calendar. The British Empire is, we are told, the first, English Life Assurance Company on the Mutual system to establish a regular office of its own in
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  • 140 8 >n the 19th instant, Chow Hon, a coolie, was taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital suffering from a broken arm, a fractured thigh, and internal injuries which he said he had got through a fall from a steamer into a sampan. He was sent to the Central Station
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  • 166 8 The proceeds of a wholesale robbery from a Japanese house were recovered in a curiously accidental manner yesterday evening. At five o’clock in the afternoon, two Japanese women left their house in Holloway Lane to go for a ride in a ’rikisha. They returned at seven o’clock
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  • 2290 8 MEETING OF THE CELEBRATION COMMITTEE. A meeting of the General Committee entrusted with the arrangements for the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in Singapore was held yesterday afternoon in the Legislative Council Chamber. On the motion of the Deputy Governor (the Horn J. A.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 PROPERTY SALE. Messrs. Powell and Co. held a successful auction sale of valuable proyesterday afternoon at their sale rooms, in Radies Place. There was a large attendance, bidding was brisk, and excellent prices were realised. The freehold property, No. 81, Passir Panjang Road, a bungalow standing in five and a
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  • 763 9 I ykltow danger. I x French colonists inTonquin I < raised an alarm at what I :> “yellow danger," arising I .rn lieeked immigration of tlie possessions of France I 'They urge an increase of I y tl,r Chinese then*, a? a 1 I ,.,-k on tin* predominance
    763 words
  • 205 9 A GREAT SrCCESS. A dance was held last night at the Tanglin Club in aid of the St. Nicholas Home. Then* was a most gratifying attendance, numbering in all about two hundred and fifty, and the proceedings throughout were extremely successful. The Deputy-Governor was among the company.
    205 words
  • 383 9 The S. C. C.. having no fixture for last nig!it, had a serai eh game between two elevens of t ho club players. Cue side was captained by Macdougall and tue ot her Mvh by ILJvrtson; aim alt ago. one team contained all tin* Club's usual “fliers’’ tliev had
    383 words
  • 63 9 The Chargeurs Rrunis steamship 1 ille de Mont nr idea arrived here yesterday from Tamatnve, for Saigon. She carries B(J7 Chinese' coolies returning from Madagascar. Fifteen coolies died during the voyage. A number of coolies wen* taken to Madagascar some time ago from China, but they
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  • 70 9 Yesterday, a Chinaman, who keeps a shop in Pulo Obin, an island off Changie, was found lying dead near his house. He had been stabbed in the chest. The gobds in the shop were all in disorder, and the circumstances poiftt to the commission of a
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  • 996 9 Mr. Coningsby Disraeli, M. P., is to be married to Miss Silver, an heiress. The marriage will probably take place in June. Mr. Ruskin, says a London correspondent, still takes agooddeal of daily outdoor exercise, though his health has been far from satisfactory of late. My mitlier sent
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  • 93 9 The telephone service :d Bangkok has been extended to tile Siamese provinces. The IHne Cross* a British steamei belonging to Whit by. pa- t ii rough the port trom Fast to Viest, liiis morning. Thekk will he a f<>* ticill match at the bank Bond ground, this
    93 words
  • 36 9 The Blue Funnel steamer Nesfot collided with the Chinese steamer Funy- '/:">• i\[ Shanghai, on the 141! 1 instant, l ie* A suffered no damage, but ran into the other steamer and damageu her port quarter.
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  • 53 9 CUSTOMS KEYENCE DECREASING. A r Saigon, there is said to have been a heavy falling otf in the Custom ree *ipts, owing to foreign piece, goods having been replaced by French manufactures. The French tariff, whilst favouring the home trade, causes, on the other hand, a falling otl’ in
    53 words
  • 50 9 'l'llk Kins' ol' Sisini mti’iuL In liolil, :it Bangkok, a public examination o' selected boys from the various local -c: iools there. The eight hoys passing with tlic greatest credit wfillbe provide* with a European education at tin Ring- expense. The examination infixed for next mont h.
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  • 124 9 SMOKEKS LICENSED. The Japanese authorities, in Formosa, have framed opium regulations. I ndei these rules, prepared (relined) opium and powdered opium are to be sob only by the Government. The importation and manufacture of any drugs containing opium to such an extent that the same eA'eet as
    124 words
  • 189 9 CONS'* LAB SYCES IN TKOl'BLE. Oxthe ISHli instant, says the Siam Observer a disturbance arose among syces on the road opposite the German Club at Bangkok. Two Siamese men were assault oil by the French ViceConsul's syce, the acting British Consul’s (Mr. Stringer) coachman, tlie Portuguese
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  • 74 9 We are informed, says the Malay Mail that in deference to the wish of a number of gentlemen interested in local racing, the condition that the Stakes will be proportionately reduced should there be less than five entries or three starters, has now been abolished. This shows
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  • 828 9 Under the heading Things of the Moment,’* Robert Hichens discourses as follows in the current mail number of the Gentlewoman —When the door was opened, 1 found myself in the presence of a very thin and very dark young lady, who affected sequins and a dying
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  • 148 10 We are glad to hear, says the Malay Mail that the Anglo-Chinese School at Klang is doing so well. There are now 24 boys on the register, and, at a recent examination, no less than 8 of them passed the first standard. Beginning in a very humble
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  • 199 10 SHORTSIGHT AMONG INFANTRY. In the Journal of the United Service Institution of India, Surgeon-Major Skinner, of the Army Medical Staff', contributes some notes on the subject of the soldier’s sight. The present test for the fighting recruit is that he be able to see a three-foot target at
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  • 203 10 A IIITCH. The Malay Mail of the 25th inst., publishes tlie following letter about the newspaper that was announced to be published in Kuala Lumpur: Sir, 1 must confess that I have been actuated, on luma fide principles, to exercise so much of personal interest in
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  • 240 10 COFFEE PULPERS. At the annual general meeting of the Selangor Planters’ Association, on the 20th instant, there was read a letter from the Consul-General for the Netherlands, asking if any prize had been offered by the Association or any other Planters’ Association in the Federated Malay States for
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  • 1124 10 Touching the Saint Nicholas’ Dance, which I duly attended, I observed that none of the clergy were there except the military chaplain. Why is that The Saint Nicholas’ Home was got up to please the clergy, and the dance was got up to serve the home. Why
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  • 125 10 —Malay Mail. FAMINE. In consequence of heavy floods in Pahang during November, December, and January last, the loss sustained by Malays to their paddy fields has been so great that a rice famine is imminent, and it is understood that the Government are giving the matter serious attention.
    —Malay Mail.  -  125 words
  • 390 10 “Some of the guarantees proffered to the police as hail for prisoners under arrest are distinctly funny,” says an officer who is in a position to know all about the subject. “The less a person has had to do with criminals, the more ludicrous will he the
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  • 594 10 ACHEEN. In Acheen, flying columns beat up the enemy’s quarters in the mountains on the 14th, loth, and 16th instant. Infantry, cavalry, and artillery pursued the foe from fort to fort until they broke and fled. The troops lost two killed and eighteen wounded. The enemy studiously avoid
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  • 195 10 26th feb. The exportation of arms, munitions of war, and explosives from the Colony to Netherlands India is prohibited for six months from the 15th instant. Information having been received that small-pox exists in Tokio, Yokohama, and Nagasaki, in Japan, it is notified that these ports are infected.
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  • 157 10 HIS EXCELLENCY RETURNS TO SIN 7, m Last Monday, Lady Mitchell vi,?. the Convent at Penang. O n Frid morning, the Governor, Lady Mit.-iSf and party arrived at the Fort from ♦U’ Hill, and in the afternoon His Kxe!? lency was to distribute the prizes a o Free
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  • 258 10 There is, at present, says the Mala* Mail of the 2.5 th inst., a custom prevailing in the Government Service of clerks a lesser salary than that allowed for their respective appointments in tin* Estimates; less, indeed, than that drawn previously by other men tilling the same
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  • 445 10 The Queen, whose taste in food is rather simple, has a penchant fora certain oatmeal soup, delicately j»re pared, and with which she invariably drinks a glass of old white sherry, though, says a writer in the Hornet at Home when I say glass, I should say
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  • 665 11 vs„« H WIVES DO NOT SHAKE. H j,j.iiiv persons whose doings inv-terv, whose avocations their neighbours and inti,iit:,!n »*s careful inquiry and niarv failing to fathom the H a u- about them. It would. i\ I.** believed that indi- v i>Matures arc so secrctii.* partners of
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  • 776 11 Ij .inderstoodthat Miss Olive Schreiner •rouglit with her to England a which will be given to the public in <**.ursc. i 1 Martin Conway s book will have the 1 he First Crossing of Spitzbergen.” finished the work, and it will be puliliKlifd in March. harles Dilke and
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  • 279 11 The Pinang Gazette of the 27th ult., makes public, by request, the unanimous wish of the Mahommedans of that Settlement that the sth «f March, the Hari Raya, shall be observed as a public holiday. The Governor was to be petitioned to this effect, and we trust,
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  • 28 11 The interest and responsibility of Mr. Georges Comte in the firm of Messrs. Moine Comte Co. is advertised to have ceased on the 28th of February.
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  • 27 11 The Malay Mail hears that Mr. H. Conway Beltield will act as Resident of Selangor during the absence on leave of Mr. J. P. Rodger.
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  • 30 11 The number of troops arrived at Manila, from Spain, since the rebellion broke out from Ist October, 189(1, to 25th January last, 24,866. They arrived in fifteen steamers.
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  • 29 11 Owing to the lamented decease of the Right Reverend Doctor Medeiros, Bishop of Macao, the usual Carnival amusements indulged by the Portuguese community are this year suppressed.
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  • 36 11 A football match was played at Manila, on the 13th February, between the crew of one of the British men-of-war now there and the English residents. After a hard contest the residents came out victorious.
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  • 36 11 As H.M.S. Jhjolus left Hongkong for home on the 20th February, she was warmly cheered by the other men-of-war in port, which had manned their rigging, and appropriate airs were played hv the bands.
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  • 39 11 At a special general meeting of the Penang Marine Association, which was held on t lie 22nd ult., it was resolved that the affairs of tlie Association should he wound up and the Association dissolved forthwith.
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  • 51 11 The Hongkong Daily Presnn hears that Mrs. Carew is to he sent to England, where she will be placed in Woking prison. It is not improbable that she may be brought down to Hongkong by the P. 0. steamer Verona and be transferred to the Raeenna due here
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  • 48 11 A Malay woman was charged, last Friday morning, at Penang, with having stabbed and murdered another Malay woman in Brick Kiln Road on the previous night. The victim died on reaching the hospital, whither she was carried at once. The prisoner was remanded.
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  • 72 11 On the afternoon of the 22nd inst., Inspector Gordon shot a panther beneath Titi Papan bridge, in Penang Road, Penang, where some passers-by had noticed it hiding. A bull hunt is not a very unftsual occurrence in this populous part of the town; but the line,
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  • 60 11 The Penang Young Men’s Association met, says the Pinang Gazette on the 25th ult., to discuss the respective merits of the Government and the Mercantile Service. The Government Service was preferred by eleven votes to nine; thus reversing the result obtained at Singapore, where those in
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  • 29 11 The eleventh ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Coy. is to be held at the Tanjong Pagar Doek Coy’s, office, on the loth March.
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  • 44 11 At four o’clock this morning the watchman at Mr. Engler’s oil works at Mackenzie Road caught a Chinaman in the act of stealing oil. He had already removed fifty cents’ worth of oil. The thief was handed over to the Police.
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  • 44 11 The German barque Guteuherg laden with petroleum stranded on the 24th January on the North coast of Halmaheira island in the Moluccas. The crew has arrived at Macassar. The wreck was sold at Ternate for 500 guilders, and the cargo for 2,400 guilders.
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  • 58 11 On Saturday night, there were two fires, one at 70, Upper Chinchew Street, and the other at 7, Cross Street. Each was caused by the upsetting of a lamp, and in neither case was there any serious damage. The Fire Brigade turned out to the fire in Cross Street,
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  • 67 11 A European named Harrison, alias Horwitz, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of stealing a quantity of clothing belonging to residents at the Hotel de TEurope. He is alleged to have been wearing a stolen suit at the time, and the Police have recovered a number
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  • 84 11 11. M. S. PIQUE” V. THE MALAY POLICE. On Saturday afternoon, at flu; Police ground at Tank Road, a football match was played between the Malay Police and the team belonging to 11. M. S. Pique. The game was a very fast one. The Malays, who w r ere
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  • 91 11 Mr. Hugh Clifford, Resident at Pahang, arrived in Singapare yesterday by the Fantee from Kuala Kuantan. Ile proceeds to Kuala Lumpor by the Xeera to-day. Thence lie goes with the Resident-General through Pahang. The people of Pahang are threatened with a famine, because of floods. There were MG
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  • 100 11 THE CHAMPION SEMI-FINAL. The semi-final in the Singapore Golf Club Tournament was played on Saturday afternoon between I)r. Fowlie and Mr. Vade, and Captain Eccles and Mr. Maekay, twice round. Dr. Fowlie beat Mr. Vade with a score of five up and three to play, and Captain
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  • 89 11 The report of the National Bank of China for 1896 has been published. The net profits of the Bank, including $4,218 brought forward from the previous year, amount to $62,334, from which it is proposed to transfer $12,000 to the reserve fund and to pay the
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  • 43 11 championship tournament. The following are the results of Friday’s ajid Saturday’s play White. Black. Opening Won by. Egerton Banks Queen’s Fianchetto. Egerton Mosl>ergen Cordeiro Gi ucc o Piano. Mosbergen McIntyre Miles 2 Knights’ defence. McIntyre Hullett Mowe Sicilian defence. Hullett
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  • 236 11 ARREST OF BUOI8 MEN. Further particulars are to hand with regard to the murder of a Chinaman at Pulo Obin, last Friday. The Chief Police Officer, Mr. Bell, and the Coroner, Dr. Mugliston, went over to the Island on Saturday. It 1 w as ascertained that
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  • 67 11 OUTRAGE IN SIAM. The Secret Societies in Siam are particularly busy just now organising their ranks and recruiting new members. At Samsep, the house of a well-to-do paddy planter was, the other day, burnt down, and damage caused to the amount of 200 catties, owing to the refusal
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  • 94 11 Japanese and Chinese immigration. I n his report for 1895 on the Hawaiian Islands, Consul-General A. G. S. Hawes notes that trade with Japan had slightly augmented. As to immigration, this was principally from Japan, from whence it takes place freely. Chinese immigration is also now permitted, with certain
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  • 113 11 A SAILOR DONE TO DEATH. A Japanese naval lieutenant, a boatswain, and a sailin’ have each been sentenced by a Naval Court of inquiry imprisonment w ith hard labour for two years and one month, and three others to various lighter sentences for having subjected a sailor
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  • 115 11 On Saturday evening, a Chinaman, living in Havelock Road, sent his wife out to try and raise a loan for him. W hen she returned he was dissatisfied with the result of the negotiations, and struck his wife on the head with an opium pipe. The woman abused
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  • 110 11 A REPRIMAND AND ITS RESULTS. On the 11th February, a strike took place at the Shanghai Engineering and Shipbuilding Co.’s establishment. Mr. Blechynden, the manager, reprimanded the No. 1 Chinese foreman for the careless manner in which he kept the time of the workmen, and the foreman
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  • 118 12 Inspector Quin of the European contingent lias obtained twelve months' leave; to Europe, with efiect from an early date in April. Inspector Maxwell trill then have returned from leave. The Secretary of State has sanctioned an increase; of £2*s in the salary of Chief Inspector Peralta, Malacca. The
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  • 124 12 A GOLD YEN. The Japanese Ministers of State of the elan have had under considerate*n a proposal toMiange the currency Gandani of Japan from silvei to gold. (mj 111 Okttma has hitherto been opposi 1 to the idea, but a plan has now h en deviled which
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  • 119 12 There are on view at Messrs. John Little and Co's, several rare and magnificent orchids, the property of Mr. Pereira, the florist. No. I is railed tin* Demlrohium Phalaenopsis. var. Hololenca New Cuinea. It is absojurely white, and is extreme --P-?«s:J4^4l *'tirre *gfrit number *»i these orchids have
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  • 126 12 GOVERNMENT LOAN. It is reported, at Shanghai, that negotiations between t Iov<*rnor-( b’u.ora 1 Polavieja and tin* Hongkong and Shanghai Bank fir a loan often mill on, dollars to the i’jiihppiuc («o\’i-minord upon the security of the revenue oi fin* three custom houses at Manila. Iloilo, and Cebu,
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  • 273 12 The Committee of the Penang Golf Club, in their annual report, published in the Penang Gazette of the 23rd lilt., stated that In spite of serious; defalcations by i he late bar hoys, and heavy expenditure in improvements to tin* Golf Links and Lawn Tennis Courts, A*e..
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  • 233 12 RESULTS OF MONDAY’S TIES. CHAMPIONSHIP. Mrs. Waddell beat Mrs. Freer,6-1, 6-2. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Mr. and Mrs. Jelley beat Mrs. Merewet her and Dr. Simon, 6-2, 2-6, 6-5. MIXED DOUBLE HANDICAP. Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Cadell beat Miss J. Gunn and Mr. Elcum, 0-6, 6-2, 6-2.
    233 words
  • 189 12 japan behindhand. Mr. Fulia Hikomnro, a Counsellor of 1 lie Depart incur of Agriculture* and Commerce, ha** sent to tin* Japane-e (iovernmenl from London a report outlie outlook for Japanese manufactures in Europe. Ilis conclusion is that Japan cannot hope at present- to compete with the gi'ea*. manufacturing
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  • 262 12 THE NLERA AND THE 44 POH HIN GUAN.’’ To-day, in tin* Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Leach, a claim was settled in respect of the allotment of the damages against the owners of the steamship Secra, in connection with the collision on the 15th of July last, between
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  • 1580 12 “STRAITS TIMES;’ FUND. THIRTY-FIRST LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. THE $32,000 MARK. Tiie handsome donation of $250 from i the Selangor Planters was subscribed by these planters individually—not by the Association. In sending it, they express a desire that the money shall be used in the Madras Presidency. It
    1,580 words
  • 195 12 THK COURSE AT KUALA L'.':i*n:. The monthly handicap coii < tiij u s* Selangor Golf Club for a silver "rrrrdn><>k place a the 10th, 20th, and 21*r*;«Jt The \vi L ner was Mr. M. dfonor, with s<..reso; T>1 and 49, total 100, minus In pit. \|j Stonor
    195 words
  • 410 12 -Mr. Frederic Harrison ha> writ fiat.-:n introduction for the coniin Carlyle s “Past and Present,' ii tli** Nineteenth Century* Classics. j.• -< ri- edHe<! hy Mr. Clement Shorter i >v Mc»r~. Ward, Lock, Sc Co. 1 me death is annotineed of Mi V.' Carson, widow of the late
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    • 123 13 m v k „itoK OK THE STRAITS TIMES.*’ Whilst riding my bicycle, last -dom: Tanjong Pagar Road, and hIV opposite Mount Wallich (at a v. lil'ii the road is fairly crowded), in !L»*rv«'d some natives blasting the \f„)Ut tour shots were fired, and J 1 i intities of
      123 words
  • 436 13 ARRIVALS. >,>neraal Pel from Batavia: v Y K -k. Mr. 1). ter Brugge, Mrs. I). j: Mr. S. Gasper, Mr. Hummel, Longden from Pahang:— q, J >. Machado. lloi>g 115/// front Pakan via Mr. Ilelderinan. j. m M >. .Xntnf from Shanghai:— q <; .1 Shckmy. Schenoldin, Patter1
    436 words
    • 188 13 'i I* rthis headingthefollowing abbreviali are used —str. —steamer sh.—ship “1 barque; Brit. —British; U. S. United >iat*>; Fr. French; Ger.—German; Dut. ,ut "b; Joh.—Johore; Ac., G.c., General d.p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncer- T. P. \V.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. L I). -Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W. Borneo J. \V.—Jardine’s
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    • 1125 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Ban Hin Gunn, Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt D’Cruze, 28th Feb. From Klang, 26th Feb. G.c.. and 142 d.p. Wee Bin A Co. For Klang 2nd Mar—Rds. Baa Fo Soon Dut. str. 222 tons, Captain Odink, 28th Feb. From Pontianak, 26th Feb. G.c.,
      1,125 words
    • 477 13 Name port probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Aden, London, Mar 25; P. A O. Ajax, Liverpool, Mar 3; Mansfield. Aladdin, New York, Mar 6; Boustead. A. A pear, Calcutta, Mar 4 S. and Moses. Bayern, China, April 1 Bolin Meyer. Beilerophon, Liverpool, Mar Id; Mansfield.
      477 words
    • 911 13 u I FLAG I I I h Vessel’s Name. A Tons Captain From t Sailed Consignees q Rig. I j Feb I 22 Generaal Pel Dut str. 886 Rynberg Batavia Feb 20 Daendels and Co. 22 !lsla de Panay Spa. str.: 2463 Fernandez ;Manila Feb 18 EA H Hinnekindi
      911 words
    • 702 13 Date. Vessel’s Name Flag&Rig Captain Destinatioh j Feb 22 i Batavicr Brit str. Robertson Cotie via ports 22 Zweena St.r. Nesbitt Shanghai 22 Sam Tor j str. j AUie Bagan via ports 22 j Covadonga Spa. str. Cartella Manila 22 Isla de Panay str. j Rodriguez Colombo and Barcelona
      702 words
    • 205 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag j Date ReDate. and Ship's Name, j Commander. op From where) Destin- marks Rig. Sailing 1 ation Feb lONed s.s. K. W’helmina Bakker Feb lOBatavia Amsterdam! 10 Brit. sh.jC. of Peebles Galloway Jan 30Singapore New York j 12Ger. s.s. Sol ingen
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 611 14 STRONG ENGLISH WORDS. When a person savs J suffered excruciating pain, 7 he expresses a fart in the strongest won Is afforded by the English language. The word excruciating comes from a ux, a cross, and signifies an intensity of agony compatible only to that endured hy one who jundcj'goes
      611 words
    • 554 14 »i* 41 High Street, Hurknall Torkard, Nottingham, Mareh l‘.Mh, 1s: I tt use pain may or may not indicab urg. nt danger to life, hut it is hard to hoar, an< wry exhausting just tin* same. It «i.sts of rheumatie gout (Mrs. Rogers) the pain is enused by a poisonous
      554 words
    • 427 14 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Cleanse your blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla the most thoroughly reliable alterative ever compounded. For scrofula, boils, ulcers, sores, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, and all disorders originating in vitiated blood, this medicine is a specific. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is equally beneficial as a remedy for catarrh, rheumatism, and rheumatic gout. As
      427 words
    • 701 14 THE TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. ShipVrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, &c. Graving Docks up to 500 feet in length and 21 feet on sill. Wharf frontage, one mile and a quarter. Sheers Wharf 350 feet in length, Boiler and Masting Sheers worked by steam. Extensive range
      701 words
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 581 15 pure, Rich Blood p s<> il in which roots life, health, Vnu'th, happiness. The soil of the ,‘j r.ii) he drained or impoverished v t thiT soil, and can be fertil- i nourished in a similar way. v k n tret back the old spring and You ran enjoy labor
      581 words
    • 82 15 TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, type cases (upper and lower) of English manufacture. Appty to 1 the Manager, Straits Times Office. ESTATES A HOSPITALS SUPPLIED. m. w. A L DISPENSIN' MAYNARD CO.. LTD. 4'AT EX i MEDICINESWHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. 0: This Largest and most requently renewed Stocks in
      82 words
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 398 16 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd SINGAPORE. We VTKO ATJi DEPARTMENT.—Our Electro Plate Stock contain, a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Prizes for Athletic are^always pleaded to submit s])ecial designs for Cliallenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, &c. Mm rx\ &rC i r
      398 words