The Straits Budget, 27 October 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 142 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE VvEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 354 1 L y, AKT1CI ■jgop toil wav. I *v Dapiawlle-. Bjnfi U^Milationt*. of War. ItoiCiV- ia Malaya. I iSin.-M* and Government Service. IV r K-r II lilways I *..V G:i’*tali*»ns. I» r New I i.iv.. H > Wu>. /v f I'roiw-rty Recovered. I
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  • 428 1 Singapore, 27th October, 1896. PRODUCE. OaniLier, 6.80. do Cube No 1 11.00. do do No 2, v 6.00. Copra Bali, 6.02*. do Pontianak, 5.7o. Pepper, Black, H*00. Sago Flour Sarawak, 3.55 do Brunei, 2.62£. Pearl Sago 3.65. Coffee, Bali, »> 34.75. Coffee Palembang, 35.00. Coffee, Liberian, No.
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  • 354 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. O. s. s. Pc/cift. The P. O. s. s. Ravenna with the mail from Europe of the 2nd October is due tomorrow. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for .the M. M. s s
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    • 63 1 mr. Gladstone’s view. London, 20th October. A crowded meeting at St. James s Hall passed a resolution to support the Government in any steps it may takejto end the reign of terror in Turkey A letter from \ffjSadstone waVre&d at the meeting. This letter deprecates limiting the
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    • 72 1 THE DARDANELLES QUESTION. London 2 1st October. Reports from Paris and Berlin foreshadow the taking of joint diplomatic action by Britain, France, and Russia to secure the opening of the Dardanelles to foreign men-of-war. To gain the Sultan’s consent, his personal protection and the integrity of
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    • 103 1 CELEBRATIONS IN LONDON. Tjondmt, 2 2nd October. The anniversary of the battle of Trafalgar was widely celebrated in London under the auspices of the Navy League. The Nelson Column was entwined with a colossal wreath from top to bottom. Large crowds assembled in the square, and patriotic speeches
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    • 61 1 THE SULTAN PREPARES FOR WAR. London 23rd Octal* 3 Imperial decrees have been issued at Constantinople, providing for additional taxes. A poll tax of live piastres will be levied on each Mahommedan. The sheep tithes and other imports have been increased. These increases are expected to yield one million
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    • 113 1 thf, legation watched day and night. London, 24 th October. A sensation has been caused in London by statements made on behalf of a Chinese doctor, Sun Vat Yen by name. It is stated that Sun at en had been concerned in a conspiracy
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    • 44 1 Tniter. Lord Salisbury then sent a sharp Note, demanding the immediate release of Sun Yat Yen, whose real name is Sun Wen. Han Wen over afternoon to a Foreign Office official. The Chinese Legation reserves the question of diplomatic rights.
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    • 37 1 MAHOMMEDANS ARMING. London, MIl October. The Turkish Government is applying the revenue from the new r polltax for the purpose of arming the Mussulman population. The Ambassadors at Constantinople have met to consider this grave measure.
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    • 16 1 The Bight Rev. Dr. Temple, Bishop of London, has been appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.
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  • 474 1 (Straits Times, 20 th Oct otter.) It may be remembered that from the first we have opposed the construction, by Government money, of a light passenger railway to unless some arrangement could he made i;o prevent the Asiatic population of Singapore being further debauched yy the licensed gambling
    (Straits Times, 20 th Oct otter.)  -  474 words

  • 413 2 (Straits Times 21 st October.) The Triple Alliance of Russia, France, and Britain, which now threatens Turkey, is rumoured to be on the point of taking a momentous step. That move contemplates the abrogation of the Dardanelles Treaty—which means placing the Sultan absolutely at the mercy of any
    (Straits Times, 21 st October.)  -  413 words
  • 176 2 (Straits Times 22 ml October.) The Chief Police Officer has drafted new rules for the regulation of traffic at the Supreme Court, and at the Town Hall during performances and assemblies. Hitherto, conveyances have been allowed to stand in the road immediately outside the Supreme Court. In future,
    (Straits Times, 22ml October.)  -  176 words
  • 250 2 (Straits Times, 23rd Odolter.) The Bank Rate is raised to four per cent. —which means that financiers take very seriously the attitude adopted by Turkey. Financiers, in short, regard the political outlook as stormy, and anticipate troublous times. They may well do so. The Sultan has
    (Straits Times, 23rd Odolter.)  -  250 words
  • 626 2 (Straits Times 23rd October.) There is the prospect of an early and large development of railway construction in the Malay Peninsula. Mr. F. A. Swettenham, the ResidentGeneral of the Federated States, is convinced that what is most wanted to open up the Malay Peninsula .s an active
    (Straits Times, 23rd October.)  -  626 words
  • 561 2 (Straits Times 24th Ocfotter.) An interesting and amusing debate took place last evening, and is summarised in another column. Before commenting on the subject that was under such animated and intelligent discussion, it is first due to the Chinese Christian Association tb congratulate them on
    (Straits Times, 24th Ocfotter.)  -  561 words
  • 419 2 (Straits Times '26th October.) On Friday last, we stated that it had become the policy of the Federated Malay States to borrow a considerable sum of money for further railway extension. We also indicated that it was Mr. Swettenham's view that the amount which was required—roughly, half-a-mil-lion
    (Straits Times, '26th October.)  -  419 words
  • 38 2 Rumour has it that a cotton spinning factory will be started shortly in the parish of Tutuban, Manila. This new industry is undertaken by an English firm. The machinery lias just arrived at Manila.
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  • 254 2 In Klang, during last month, six applications for land for large estates were received for 1,890 acres in all. Five of these applications were made by Mr. It. S. Meikle, two being for 640 acres for Mr T. N. Christie and three for 960 acres for Mr. L.
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  • 66 2 The other dav, at Tn„, Negri Sembilan/a man u having a familiar snirit caused it to afflict several ~f t! Penghulu of Repah the district officer, tunni.i i ,'M hut Mr. Hale could t"? clear to do so. Amotion,* sort art* sometimes v rv the person accused, warned the
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  • 326 2 Vesuk VumrA'f, Oct. -1-1. A great mining suit, whi, i., ral times been heard and •lecid V’ off on appeal before the .ludi. D missioner on Thursday i a t 411 appeal was dismissed. Therein point in connection with d Lee Quee, the plaintiff, aui»li*ld Lordship to be
    Vesuk VumrA'f, Oct. -1-1.  -  326 words
  • 331 2 Mr. J. W. Davidson, the <*orresp dent of the Hongkong JMily />-•>', returned thither from Manila. w!iii lie liad gone to find out how n*at stand. The suspiciousness ot the f nisli Government, ter of the natives, hampered his qi for information. Newspaper rep pass under the
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  • 35 3 M Maxwell was to leave (i M,i \iast on6thOctober. in a British steamer "Jj,e harbour from west throw*; 11 wt .-ijoxg says the demand for cruisers is never before wras fully occupied.
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  • 21 3 I VI three cases of cho- ,.t twenty-four hours one I street. one in Kallang p. i in Tanjong Rhu.
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  • 27 3 I v.afit* to equal things up a ;r. r «»f its coolie immiI i .tl i dni: the vearly arrivals on equal numbers n:l aii'i Japan.
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  • 24 3 H has arrived at H bring His Excellency i Miami—ioner back to I tiii- completion of bis m i ii and Borneo.
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  • 25 3 MF Vink, who visited Singa- t tin 'Imperial Institute, hi- duties there, in order H with a large cummer* in tlie Colonies."
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  • 32 3 B tr of I 'nited States capiB be in negotiation with B.. 0iivernnieiit with the object B. t;.:. a direct line of fast I .*\»**»*11 San Francisco and I■. ■Kv't'Xv
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  • 31 3 |a.\aabh steamer Manila, with l- prisoner? onboard, is I j «>n the 22nd instant, I r. i !'»i Cadiz. The prisoners >•; .rted to Spain and some I aai-ii Cobmics.
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  • 26 3 arrived here last iM-luck from Labuan. I*• 1 reports that yester- i i.. lie passed the British U > •'!'<//(, which desired well oil boa mi.
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  • 60 3 -t evening,a Bengali, >*n !i*;»]‘tyetl as a watchman i i-1;i:i• 1, went to sleep in B~bot v ay in Rochore Road, putI i. in which lie says there Bd.i. ;n !rr his head. Early this dirge* that a Javanese I stoic the money and the P«dir** arrested Karim,
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  • 68 3 > *ble \\i from the manager of I Corporation gives the t’u»* month of August as “ram Luinpong mill —In I -1 in»urs each, 1,005 tons of •vudird, producing 42 tons B T" head of stamps run- K U*;. (including develop- y* -•*<». Jcrain Batang mill *1 :M
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  • 61 3 SB 1 C»y attempt made yesIII i'll* Messrs. Boustead and iitM-cn thousand dollars. H "b*anif>r Fentakota w’as Chinaman managed 11 the firm a receipt -ilk. valued at fifteen ’j'jlars. although the bales rfe, aboard. Fortunately, l 'Ibrovered before the Mu- two men implicated H b»
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  • 101 3 home, the other day, 'ir. r I 'pylon, to Sir John h r r,) Mr. L. Davidson, a W\ri n nt tr *P to the Straits i» h.i. r e went, on behalf of W. a ,l > r <fe Co., to inspect ,r coffee. He
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  • 67 3 Steam communication between Singapore and the ports of Western AustraM? on increase, and, with a view of further developing the trade between these places, a new steamer, the Coolgardie is being built at home, and Captain Talboys, late of the Australind t has gone to bring her out.
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  • 63 3 Mr. Stewart Wilson, PostmasterGeneral, Bengal, has adopted the system of thumb-impressions in place of witnessed signatures for the purposes ol authenticating Post Office orders and other documents employed in monetary transactions. The thumbprint has of late been introduced for receipting payments in the ease of subordinate
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  • 89 3 It is stated in the last Kew Bulletin that the new rubber industry in the West Coast of Africa is still expanding rapidly, being exported thence at the rate of about i,'50,000 worth a month. The industry owes its existence to a wild plant which was only
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  • 204 3 The Manchester Guardian's London correspondent writes: —The open competitive examination for the higher branches of the home Civil Service is now held simultaneously with the examination for the Indian Civil Service. One result this year has been that an Asiatic, Mr. Ardeshir Kaikhoshru Cam a, not only appears
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  • 379 3 Cassell's Family Magazine always contains much interesting and readable matter, and Septembers number is no exception to the rule. “The Cycling Academy' is a bright up-to-date little tale, and the Spectre Ship is a clever short story by M. P. Shiek. A pleasantly written article on Taplow Court, the
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  • 1381 3 The articles on The cultivation of Liberian coffee are continued in the current number of the Selangor Journal. This time the writer discourses about draining, manuring, and first blossom, and we cull the following extracts: A very important matter in planting is a good system of drainage.
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  • 473 3 ARRIVAL Oi’ TROOPS. The Manila Conicrcio gives details of events in the Philippines up to the 13th instant. At that date, the rebel bands in tiie provinces had been dispersed, save in the province of Cavite, where military operations had been, so far, confined to reconnoitring expeditions.
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  • 117 3 The Pretoria correspondent of the Daily Teleqrnph w rites —The Volksraad has passed the new Press Law, after an exciting discussion, by the casting vote of the chairman. The measure gives to the President the privilege of instantly suppressing any newspaper in the country. Moreover,
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  • 599 3 (By an Occasional Correspondent.) Many in Singapore will hear with i egret of the death of S. R. Lankester. the British Consul in Batavia, who diea on the evening of 13th October, from the effects of an unsuccessful operation, which it had been found necessary for him to
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  • 47 3 On the 9th of this month, a man reported that his child had been robbed of gold bracelets worth SI 27. Yesterday, the Police searched a house at Kampong Buggis and found the missing jewellery. Three Malays, who were in the house, were arrested.
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  • 59 3 A telegram has been received to the effect that His Grace Monseigneur Ganay, the Archbishop of Pondicherry, will arrive at Singapore on or about the 17th for the consecration in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd of Bishop Fee, on the 22nd November. Nothing is known yet
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  • 100 3 Amongst the resources of civilisation adopted in the construction of the new P. and O. liner, the India is a marvellous speaking tube. Hitherto speaking tubes on steamers have been of limited length, owing to the fact that the vibration of the ship has interfered with
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  • 845 4 The appended appeal to the French people from Mr. Gladstone, appeared in the Paris Figaro on Sept. 23, in reply to the following communication from M. Leudet:— My dear Mr. Gladstone,—There would be some disproportion in the fact of a modest French journalist addressing
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  • 833 4 In the Highlands, even yet, “the last rites and ceremonies” are looked upon as a i excellent excuse for copious refreshment. An Inverness-shire farmer and his man were both invited to a funeral. Both however, could not go, so the farmer said to his man, I’ll be gaun’
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  • 139 4 To-day is the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, which was fought on the 21st of October, 1805. On that day, Britain gloriously defeated the combined fleets of France and Spain, but lost her hero, Nelson, in the hour of victory. “Xanthos” tipped four winners yesterday. Between
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  • 29 4 Only four of the Japan treaties now remain to be revised, but the negotiations have been commenced. They are the treaties with Portugal, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, and Spain.
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  • 39 4 Mr. Eric A. Dickson, the junior Junior Officer of Selangor, is a son of the late Sir F. Dickson and brother of Mr. Thorold, late of Perak, and the author of the Ruler of Ind.”
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  • 41 4 A piece of the rock upon which the German gunboat litis struck is being cut out, to be sent to Berlin, where it w ill be cut into a monument to the officers and men of that ill-fated vessel.
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  • 33 4 Japanese residents at Manila stand now so strongly under Spanish suspicion, that they have applied to the German Consul there for protection in case of emergency. Protection was promised them.
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  • 31 4 Captain Tod of the steamer Agapanthus, which arrived this morning from Antwerp, reports having met with a cyclone on the passage. The vessel cleared the vortex and received no damage.
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  • 35 4 The Royal Artillery is about to be reorganised in two regiments instead of one. The horse and held batteries wall form the first regiment, and the garrison artillery and mountain batteries the second.
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  • 34 4 The Pope has issued an Apostolic letter, in which he declares that ordinations made according to the Anglican rite are absolutely invalid. He concludes by inviting Anglicans to return to Catholic unity.
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  • 35 4 Custom houses have been opened and Foreign Concessions marked out in three of the new ports oj>ened to foreign trade in accordance with the ChinaJapan Treaty of peace —Shahsi, Hangchow, and Soochow.
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  • 39 4 The subscription of the 5 per cent. Imperial Chinese Loan had a rather unfavourable result in Germany. Of the £3, 000, 000 reserved for Germany, hardly 1£ millions had been taken in consequence of dearer money.
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  • 35 4 A rich discovery of gold near Grahamstowm in Cape Colony is reported. Of late, the gold discoveries in South Africa have been confined to protectorates or countries outside the control of the Imperial Government.
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  • 63 4 The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has received a despatch from Her Majesty’s Charge d’Affaires at Madrid stating that a free public competition is officially announced in the Government Gazette there for the grant of the contract for the constriction and establishment of three submarine cables to
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  • 38 4 In consequence of an extraordinary rush of coolie passengers for the Straits Settlements from Negapatain, the British India Steam Navigation Company were obliged to take the s.s. Patiala off the direct Rangoon run to convey coolies.
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  • 44 4 A proposal to start a Golf Club at Teluk Anson meets with opposition there. But, by last advices, the ranks of the golfers are being strengthened, and several residents, who opposed the formation of a Golf Club, have been converted.
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  • 50 4 The receipts from shipping on the Suez Canal, from Jan. I to Sept. 20, amounted to 58,625,0731'., against 56,882,160 f. in 1895, and 54,180,006 f. in 1894. The number of vessels that passed through the canal in the three years, respectively, was 2,543 in 1896, 2,530, and 2,475.
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  • 50 4 Mr. Edward Robinson, Barrisfcer-at-Law, of Gray's Inn, has been admitted to practice in Labuan and in the State of North Borneo and dependencies as barrister, solicitor, attorney, and pleader. Lawyers have to take out an annual certificate to practice there on paying a fee of twenty dollars.
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  • 55 4 The other day, at the burial of Mr. Pherazza, a member of the New Zealand Legislative Council, a large body of Chinese followed the hearse to show honour to his remains. It seems that the deceased had persistently opposed all measures imposing restrictions and poll-taxes on
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  • 53 4 The British North Borneo Government considers that advantage has been taken of its liberal leave regulations with undue frequency, and hence notifies that it will, in future, allow of no departure from the rules. It desires that officers should no longer apply for modifications of these rules to
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  • 52 4 The Blackburn Chamber ofCommerce Mission, for the development of the Lancashire cotton trade in China, arrived at Shanghai early this month. The leader of the expedition is Mr. Bourne, of Her Majesty's Consular Service. The Mission will visit Hangchow and the western provinces. The expedition will occupy
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  • 79 4 On the 18th inst., a Chinaman presented an order for five eases of tobaeeo, value $ll5, at a shop in Market Street, chop Tuong Cheng. The order purported to come from Koh Soon Well. The tobacco was delivered, but Koh Soon Weh denied all knowledge of the
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  • 72 4 Senor Pedro Uoxas, the alleged future president of the republic of the Philippines had the revolt against tlie Spanish authority succeeded, who has been on a* visit to Singapore for nearly two months, accompanied by his son, left, last night, in the French mail steamer Natal for
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  • 72 4 The furious driving of brokers’ traps through the narrow' streets of Shanghai has resulted in much danger to life and limb there. It is suggestedas remedy that a reports of accidents from this cause, and the Jnames of the offenders should be published, and that summonses against
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  • 80 4 Mr. Rosario and his wife were asleep at three o’clock this morning at their house, No. 15, Manila Street, when they were disturbed by a noise in another room. Rosario got up, and found two Chinamen in the house. The men ran away, and Rosario gave chase. On reaching
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  • 66 4 The competition of \i, r regard to the 8hippi n pool has led the merchants of tlie latter i measures to retain their 7 ty > 6 intended for that purpose 1 h motor cars, each one ,,f l n jN draw waggons to earn ,h i
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  • 115 4 MALAY SUPERST ITION. The Jourrud of the Strait- f> the Royal Asiatic Society f(, r just been issued. The content 1 chiefly philologists and hihli Mr. C. O. Blagden ,„nn,fe attention by A ofes on the f„lp 'popular religion of (l, f M,,},’,,.,'"”' Notes show that Mahon, has but slight
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  • 679 4 The magistrates, the judge*, nets, ami the public generally ha\> to the conclusion, that cyclists niu ti, brakes affixed to their machines. f, r sake of the safety of the public. With opinion of these big men Iquitcagn*| for a different cause, and that h, and pleasure
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  • 139 5 nnuittee of the Sporting Club I tin-' to-day decided to add r J11V' 1 ‘‘'P* J Ls r i/t „f three hundred dollars If'" 1 mors Cun to be run on the I,* 1 L„i l>V I I ft,/,, having changed ownership I i( ,-c dav will
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  • 15 5 -vac! it Csmeralda arrived trom Klang with Messrs. 1»* Ituld. t 11* A
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  • 23 5 T j n ic three oases of cholera one at BS Tanjong Pagar it Pulo Brani, and one at 64 1,11 1
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  • 20 5 v_lit. there were stiffen from m Mercer’s quarters, at Tanglin four parrots which the Ser- .’lie- at ‘860.
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  • 36 5 V, <hi Tonkin states that a t!•.,• Banquo de l’lndo-Chinc 4 to I*,- established at Bangkok -V title of the Banque Coloniale. [v n: ii will be also established at teihuur. I#*
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  • 47 5 I* d at Penang that Mr. I the Deputy Colonial Engineer*. I.‘n making a thorough and I at il examination of the Mud a l>: v/ith a view to reporting on the |w v.avlivs in it, which are said to Iveuv.ii iti number.
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  • 45 5 At K-ml ay. up to the 9th instant, :-p- i'l lift !i i}9,*» rases ot plague with itli' The epidemic was declinl*n that day, a case of plague i !at Howrah, an insanitary quar?of Calcutta. This ease has caused ■'L'drniMr excitement there.
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  • 70 5 CHOLERA ON THE GIRALDA.” Welfare, third cook on Mr. H. Malinonfs yacht Giralda, dieil of -> tmm hoard the yacht at two o’clock "Striav afternoon. The funeral took tt RukitTiniah at half-past seven rninLT. The yacht is in quaran- hit will leave for Hongkong to- v or Saturday. The deceased
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  • 76 5 I f l in Bangkok.) I London, 14th October. I ,v l M >rN from Rome, telegraphed I y are discredited on good authoI not Iwdieved that Italy will join I 1 1 divided against England on of Egypt. I loth October. I Kays«*i-. Director of the Colonial
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  • 104 5 I It T 1.. three experienced divers I v, j aLr< ,i ,l P<>n a highly interesting M a terrible explosion took V 'tu) iarl)uur there, the causes L lavfi never been explained. Bi; ,Hs life and property was ■W a,u fhe Danae a French Was sunk. The
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  • 1196 5 IN VENEZUELA. offee is the main staple of Venezuelan wealth, the cultivation extending in more or le-ss degree to all districts of the Republic where soil and climate are suitable. The j>ort of Maracaybo ships annually some .‘10,0<X) tons from the Andine States adjoining Columbia, Puerto Cabello about
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  • 96 5 The pa purchase met, yesterday, at Orange Grove. After a brisk run of about three-quarters of an hour, the riders finished at Uolyrood, jumping four hurdles in Holvrood grounds. There were about a dozen riders. A large gathering of ladies and gentlemen had been invited to partake of
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  • 109 5 415,400 piculs of rice were ship|>ed from Saigon to Singapore, this year, up to the 17th instant. Crop prospects there were then uncertain, ow ing to drought. Masters of vessels touching at Saigon should be careful not to have on hoard any cargo, goods, or merchandise other than those
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  • 96 5 The Japanese Naval Commission in England has received tenders from five of the leading shipbuilding firms of the Kingdom for the construction of a battleship. Thefirmswere: —Sir William Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co.; Messrs. J. and G. Thomson (Limited), Clydebank; the Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company; Messrs. Laird of
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  • 105 5 At a meeting of the Emergency Committee of the National Free Labourers’ Association, at 79, Fenchurch-street, E. C., on Septal, Mr. Collinson, the Secretary, said that in the event of a strike any number otrnen could be concentrated at the point within twenty-four hours. From 18*i
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  • 597 5 On Monday, the 19th, Mr. J. M. Lyon, of Singa[>ore, exhibited his newly-i»ven-ted Liberian Coffee Pulper on Selangor Estate, Kuala Lumpur, before an audience of planters and representatives of engineering firms. Amongst those present were: Mr. Carey, the Chairman, and Mr. Tom Gibson, the Hon. Secretary of
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  • 210 5 THE “ART JOURNAL. The October number of the “Art Journal” is a most interesting and readable one. There are many clever short sketches and articles. Our old friend “John Leach in the hunting field ”is fully illustrated. There are two exceptionally fine full page illustrations: one, “Fugitives in Peril,” by
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  • 326 5 From Ovr Correspondent FOOTBALL. The final tie for the Resident’s Football Challenge Cup was played on Saturday, the 17tli inst., before a small attendance of spectators. Klang heat, the Kuala Lumpur Asiatics by four foals to one, a rather easy victory. his was the third fixture between these
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  • 450 5 The next Penang race meeting is fixed for the 12th, 14th, and I6th January, 1897. The proposed programme comprises three days’ racing, with seven events on each day. The races and prizes are First Day.--The Maiden Plate, for maiden horses (per Rule XIV. of the Straits Racing Association)—Value
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  • 29 5 The Rev. Canon Greonstock, the Anglican Minister at Bangkok, arrived here this morning in the Gorgon on hia way to Europe. He leaves on account of ill-health.
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  • 1599 6 *A meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon. There were present: Mr. Gentle (President), the Hon. T. Shelford, c.m.g., Lieut.Coionel Pennefather, Mr. T. Sohst, Mr. Seah Liang Seah, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Moses, and Mr. Tan Jiak Kim. FINANCE. The Financial statement showed the balance to the
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  • 822 6 Mrs. Quiverful (sternly)—“ What was going on in the parlour last night Ethel (blushing)— Only my engagement ring, mamma.” Medical Examiner —“What would you order to be administered to a person who had swallowed a large dose of arsenic Pious Candidate (after a pause) Extreme unction.” Pretty Wife—“What
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  • 45 6 The Bank of England discount rate has been raised from three to four per cent. Xanthos tipped four winners yesterday. The third instalment of the Chinese war indemnity to Japan, amounting to five million taels, with interest, falls due on November Bth.
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  • 30 6 The Emperor of Japan has issued an Edict opening, from Ist November, to Japanese-owned vessels, six new ports for the purposes of foreign export and import trade.
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  • 36 6 The Rev. Father Fee, Bishop elect of the See of Malacca, was to leave Penang for Tapah on Tuesday last, to settle affairs there; and, on his return, will proceed to Singapore to be consecrated.
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  • 44 6 Cholera is reported to be raging in Ningpo with terrible effect. There were nine deaths in one day in one cotton mill alone, while many more deaths are reported amongst the natives. The mill has suspended work owing to the outbreak.
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  • 46 6 Di king the week ended on the 17th inst., there were 167 deaths in Singapore, giving a death-rate of 42*8 per thousand. There were 47 deaths from fever, .19, from beri-beri, 22 from convulsions, and 11 from cholera. The death-rate continues to decrease.
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  • 44 6 The eighth section of the Siberian Railway was recently completed. The work of the section was done by Japanese, and is highly approved by the Russian authorities. The Japanese labourers, 1.200, engaged on the work there were to come home gradually.
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  • 53 6 The Nagasaki Express learns that the local agencies of the Pacific Mail and Occidental and Oriental Steamship Companies are to be transferred from the Nippon Yusen Kaisha to Messrs. Holme, Ringer A* Co. This probably is the result of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha going into opposition in
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  • 61 6 Yesterday, Messrs. Hong Tek Chyo and Co., auctioneers, submitted for sale by auction two pieces of land in Hylam Street, containing air area of 1,800 square feet, and let on Government lease of 999 years, together with the house, No. 24, Hylam Street, built thereon.' The property was
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  • 68 6 The Spanish transport Colon with a further reinforcement of 2,000 men for the Philippines, is due here on the 29th instant, from Barcelona for Manila. She is to be followed by one or two more transports with heavy reinforcements. Owing to the rebellion, the Spanish Government have
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  • 78 6 The Spanish mail steamer Montserrat left Manila on the 18th instant, and arrived here yesterday afternoon at 5, doing the run in 4 days and 5 hours. She has on board 149 rebel prisoners from Manila for Barcelona to be deported to the penal Settlement of Fernando Po
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  • 109 6 The half-yearly ordinary general meeting of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Company, Ltd., was held at noon, to-day. There were present: Messrs. J. P. Joaquim (Chairman), Amot Reid, G. Pertile, and the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng (Directors), A. Huttenbach, E. W. Schwabe, F. Lean, E. Voyler,
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  • 77 6 It is pointed out that the meanness distin^fe 6 appointment of Mr Deputy Registrars!,!,, If vft 1 Z been going on since the ores, g* Secretary took ofliee. 1, of heaping duties on heads f, *<! ment in addition to their The result is delays of 0f1i.,. ,*<*
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  • 99 6 Lady Helmsley, daughter nineteenth Earl of fcl,rew<d„ lr her sisters, Lady Londond. lr v Lady Gwendoline Little, are 1 1 the handsomest trio j n Beauty is not the onlv cliar.-,^'e 4 of Lady Helmsley,' fo r extremely artistic and well read p greatly interested in the
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  • 109 6 Harmston’s Circus, last night, was usual very entertaining. Despite the extreme dampness of the night.averv fair house assembled to see the j* .pular show. The Sultan of Johore ami iartv were there, and seemed highly plca*i applauding vigorously every item on the play bill. Chief amongst these iiuliarm.
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  • 151 6 •Feller particulars of the massawof sailors from the Australian man-of-war AUtatros last August, at the island of Guadalcanar, in the Solomon broup. 500 miles east of New Guinea, show that it resulted from an exploring trip An expedition from on board, including Baron Yon Norbeek. a naturalist, went
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  • 256 6 A RIVAL TOHAO O LANK A correspondent writes from Holland to the Deli Courant tliat the bad quality of the tobacco grown of lat<* in that settlement ha> turned attention, more and more, to other countries Miitabl*' for the cultivation of the leal. Jlorneo companies have profiled this
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  • 117 7 ks from Manila to the 13th j n tin* llongkong Daily Press >'three thousand Spanish troops i( ]y arrived there, with five v’,1 niore on the way. The bulk alive troops have remained ;i d military operations against .p a re deferred until success red by putting
    117 words
  • 337 7 I Paris, 13th October, j r ,1 (i. ruii- with two warships has 1 i" proceed to Tangier, in j tin* French demand for repara„‘f r murder of two French sailors, "j.. zur** of Jive others by Moorish London, 13th October, jjgi’pneral h mdeney among the Liberals V.j
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  • 212 7 H'Hkr Fnwin is preparing for —a new hook by ‘‘John Oliver > utitl»Ml The School for Saints,’’ Mr, rrajgj,* has nearly finished. < ••Mtury Library, this, season, Mr. 1 v in wjll publish Mr. Louis Beck’s "Hi- Native Wife,” which is ff n»*r limn either By Reef
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  • 91 7 Mr. Ridley writes about Ramie. His article appears to-day. TnE Scotsmen of Penang will give d dance on St. Andrew s day. During the last twenty-four hours there have been four cases of cholera. The apron of I)r. Middletons carriage was stolen yesterday. The Doctor suspects a
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  • 23 7 The Governor is expected to arrive at Singapore on H. M. S. 7 Tambov early on Sunday the Ist of November.
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  • 55 7 esterday a Chinese woman, living in Amoy Street, was robbed of four diamonds valued at *SI4O. She suspected a little hoy, a relation of hers, and the hoy when questioned said he had given the diamonds to two other boys, these boys wen; arrested, and three
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  • 59 7 esterday a coolie employed at Havelock Road, was sent to the Opium Farm to purchase twelve dollars’ worth of chandu. On his way back he was attacked by two friends, who robbed him ot the chandu. In the struggle the coolie received a bad cut on
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  • 81 7 Yesterday morning a married w oman named Quay Chin Neo, who lives at 50, Merchant Road, went out to have a bath, leaving a quantity of jewellery on her bed. W hen she returned half an hour later she found that she had been robbed of a
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  • 100 7 SUSPECTED BURGLAR IN MESSRS. MENKE CO’S. Shortly after four o’clock yesterday afternoon, one of Messrs. Menke’s assistants was looking round the, godown preparatory to shutting up. At the back of the godown, he noticed a Chinaman lurking, and directly the Chinaman saw him he tried to escape from the building.
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  • 102 7 THE EMPLOYMENT OF TORTURE. CONFESSIONS EXACTED. (Special telegrams to the Straits Times.) Hongkong SJfth October. The newspaper correspondent, Mr. Davidson, of the Daily Press has returned from a mission to Manila and records that confessions have been extorted by the Philippine Government by instruments of torture which
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  • 51 7 A FORECAST FROM HONGKONG. Hongkong, 24th October. At the meeting of the local branch of the Navy League, the Chairman (Mr. J J Francis, Q>c.) said that he had reason to believe fnd hope that, in a short time the repealed Contagious Diseases Act would be
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  • 711 7 THE CHINESE JEER AT THE GOVERNMENT CLERICAL SERVICE. THEY ALL AGREE THAT THE GOVERNMENT SET VICE IS CHILD’S PLAY. At the JVinsep Street Chapel, last night, the Chinese Christian Association held the debate, which had been postponed from the previous Friday, that 44 mercantile service is
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  • 120 7 This morning a pony belonging to a Chinaman broke away from the syce in Outram Road. Rushing madly along the road the pony dashed into a funeral procession. It was that of a European who was being conveyed to the cemetery from the hospital. The pony flew
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  • 1241 7 WRITTEN FOR THE 44 8TRAITS TIME8 BY H. N. RIDLEY, M. A., F. L. 8., DIRECTOR OF GARDENS AND FORESTS, S. 8.] Since the introduction of Liberian coffee, no plant has created so much interest among planters and manufacturers in the Straits as Ramie, and this is the more
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  • 305 7 2‘W October. The text of Ordinance, XII of 1896 to amend the Courts Ordinance of 1878 is published. In accordance with the provisions of 44 The Courts Ordinance 1890,” Mr. C. E. Velge is appointed to be Registrar of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements, to be
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  • 164 7 The Xcrrthern Territory Times of tin2nd instant contains a report by Captain Cayley Webster of the British yacht Lizzie describing a conflict with n; five* in Dutch New Guinea last August. Captain Cayley Webster, it may be a ided, is known in Singapore. The yacht was then
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  • 1083 8 COFFEE-GROWING. A correspondent of the Batavi N.ituwsblad gives a bright picture of coffee cultivation in Palcmbang both by E uropeans and natives. There, in the district of Kaba, coffee prospects look promising with every chance of profitable returns. Then, particulars are given of planting in the mountainous district
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  • 102 8 BAT U GAJAH SKY MEETING. The afternoon of Saturday, the 10th October, witnessed one of the pleasantest Gymkhanas ever held on the Batu Gajah Race Course. The weather was fine, and the attendance well above the average*. The racing was good, and some of the finishes extremely close. The prizes
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  • 162 8 A 320-acre block of forest land, adjoining those already granted to Messrs. Parry and Feilding, was alienated during September in favour of Lord Denbigh, forming, together with those blocks, what is now known as the Belmont Estate. A further area of 320 acres was also applied
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  • 213 8 In reading the story of the outbreak in the Philippines, many of our readers are unaware how intimately associated India has been in her time with the islands. It w as the East India Company, in the beginningof the seventeenth century, who first thought of approaching
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  • 1144 8 I was gratified to see, Sir, ipni vour columns that the experiinenta wardens, under the conductorsliip of Mr. Ridley, are justifying themselves. r -yo be able i to supply, on short notice, omgiundred thousand ramie plants is durtmctly to the credit of Mr. Ridley. We shall all
    1,144 words
  • 46 8 iit: Siam l're*‘ Press stiltes that in excellent harvest is expected there. The rains this year were early, and delimiting was commenced in good time, tnd planting was pushed forward. :)uring September and the beginningof Vngnst. tin* rains were constant and teavv.
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  • 86 8 I to llanykok.) London*, ISHIi < > rto-K'r. 'i' 1 Kmpcror William h;i< >hi<i a visit o the Czar at Darmstadt. Lord Salisbury, in reply to a request to •xplain tin* position of the Government *v;tli ivferen'v to th*» Armenian question, vgivt* that he is unable to comply,
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  • 290 8 CHINESE ENTERPRISE. The Semaine Colonials, of the 17t li October instances some striking examples of Chinese enterprise when Frenchmen hung back. Thus, a condemned (fovernment steamer, the Loire, was sold the other day, at iSaigon for 36,300 francs, an absurdly low price in the opinion of that journal.
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  • 857 8 Ihe late Madame Kl a f sk year or so ago was married to u f,nJ h the distin K uishe.l operatic ,.„„h U, (aay* a critic) a singer of and power, who was heard S in parts such as Brunhild,. S of which her great dramath ties,
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  • 3101 9 K vn i'MN MEETING. v n esdav, OCTOBER 20th. -r I»A I ,-iv gaiety to which more than f ,singaporean looks forward I and pleasurable interest, B Si lie is cheerfully prepared Miunn ivial engagements and B' md~. it is the meeting of I Sporting Club that, twice
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  • 483 9  -  BY XANTHOB. When I saw her come out on the course yesterday, I felt that I was wrong in forsaking my first love, Zita. She won her race in grand style, and proved too good for the chestnut. There w*as some trouble at the post for the
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  • 3645 9 Yesterday, the Singapore Races were run in a day whose tropical sunshine was charmingly tempered by a cloudy sky and a wind laden with coolness from the sea. The scene upon the lawn was somewhat less brilliant than usual in the matter of the ladies’ costumes.
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  • 560 10  -  BY XAMHQg.” 1 he rain, yesterday, Was sauce, interfering with ti -'"at A everybody's comfort, i difliculty in (“/fJ U4V first race, and I was ela.| r mfl score his lirst win on ti.l Wj course, as he is a nice <S W had hail luck in
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  • 2879 10 The morning of the Second l* l of the Autumn Meeting br*»k»- fine, and continued bright ulJl the tiffin hour, with •the the fairer sex,*’ as may a jectured, devoted no end of tm pains so as to gam the attr.i complimentary remarks sexes, and to
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  • 747 11  -  BY XANTHOS. Favoured by the best of weather, the racing on Saturday was as good as could be desired by the most exacting of sportsmen. The course was in very good condition, and the heat in the early part of the afternoon was tempered by comforting
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  • 1353 11 The lawn, on Saturday was as a fairy flower garden, where the flowers could walk, and talk, and smile. The lovely weather brought out all the ladies in their best array, and, in the soft afternoon light, the variegated colours of the gowns, blending or contrasting
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  • 80 12 The following table shows the mounts of those joekeys who passed the post in the first three: First. Second. Third. ('•aider 7 5 2 Cam pin'll *> 4 1 Mr. Acton 2 3 1 Hayes 2 3 2 Mr. Garland 2 0 0 Holley 113 Kirwan 1 2
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  • 135 12 Firat. Second. ’Third Mr. 11. S. Tann 5 2 2 Mr. 1). 1). Mackie 2 2 2 Mr. F. A. Swettenhani 2 10 Mr. Howden 2 0 1 Mr. Lynch 2 0 0 H. 11. Sultan of Johore 1 3 i Mr. Fort Owen 1 3 Mr. Acton
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  • 103 12 Caitain Andrescn, of the EUsal>eth Rickmers died of dysentery off Bangkok, on the 13th instant. Mr. Vermont and Mr. Logan will come from Penang to sit at Thursday's meeting of the Legislative Council. H. E. Sir Charles Mitchell left Lahuan in H.M.S. Rainbow for Kuching, Sarawak, on
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  • 21 12 During the last forty-eight hours, there has only been one case of cholera. That was in Bali Lane, C Division.
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  • 47 12 Dr. Freer has arrived from Malacca to act as Resident Surgeon at the General Hospital here, and J)r. Croucher has gone to Malacca to act, as Colonial Surgeon. Two medical men who arrived from England lately, have been posted to the General Hospital as house surgeons.
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  • 53 12 It i" ruyioured that, on the return of Mr. H. A. O'Brien, on Wednesday, lie will act here as First Magistrate, relieving Mr. Anthonisz, who will proceed to Penang to act in a similar capacity. It is also said that, on Mr. Trotter’s departure, Mr. O’Brien will act
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  • 55 12 A chinting, residing in Prinsep Street, awoke early yesterday morning to find a Chinaman in his house. When lie got out of bed, the Chinaman speedily decamped, but he took with him a quantity of clothing, six gold hairpins, three krosangs, and two rings, of the
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  • 56 12 11. E. Li Hung-Chang arrived at Tientsin on the 3rd inst., and was received at the railway station by the foreign community, the Chairman of the British Municipal Council (Mr. E. Cousins) delivering a short address of welcome. Li looked in excellent health, not the least jaded, and
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  • 60 12 Yesterday, by request, the Singapore Police arrested, in Johore, two men suspected of having belonged to a gang of three that recently drugged a woman in Aral) Street, and robbed her of 5i,700. Recently, Mr. Landau lost a gold watch. The Police have recovered this from
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  • 110 12 Mr. Martin, a warder at the Prison, went to bed last night at a quarter to one. At two o'clock, he was awakened by a noise, but did not get up, and, at six o’clock on rising, he missed his chest containing all his clothes
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  • 56 12 The Spanish mail steamer Antonio Lopez arrived yesterday afternoon from Manila, and left this morning direct for Aden and Barcelona. The General commanding the military forces in the Philippines returned to Spain by her, partly on account of ill health and partly ow'ing to the near expiration
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  • 64 12 One Ng Ah Ghee, a member of a Secret Society called the Teoli Thean Soo,” against whom a warrant for banishment from the Colony was issued in 1892, has just been arrested by the Police, at Penang. He has been evading the Police all these years. The
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  • 44 12 Who's that in the hat said a steamship passenger at Saturday’s race-meeting. “Ishe a betting man “That is the Governor.” “Come now, who are you getting at?” “That is the Governor-Deputy-Governor. “Well, I'm d -d. What dues the real Governor wear?"
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  • 60 12 On Saturday morning, a detective constable was in a pawnshop at Kampong Glam when a Javanese came in to pawn a bundle of clothing. The constable asked to examine it, and the Javanese immediately ran away. The constable pursued and caught him, and discovered that the clothing had
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  • 76 12 Colonel Van Vliet has been appointed to bo Civil and Military Governor of Acheen. About the middle of last week, two regiments and the armed police pursued the seat tri ed hands of the enemy far into the mountains bordering the valley of the Acheen river. All the settlements
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  • 78 12 The rikisha coolies at Hongkong struck on the morning of the 17th instant, on the ground that the penalties infiicted at the Police Court for trivial breaches of regulations, such as not waiting at the proper stands and impeding traffic by moving slowly about the streets looking out
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  • 94 12 There was an overflowing house at Harmston's Circus on Saturday night, when the concluding performance of the visit was given. A special jumping contest for local horses was held, and was watched with the greatest interest, Dr. Dodd carrying oft’ the trophy, a handsome spirit stand. To-dav, the
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  • 258 12 (For the Far East) Per P. 1). s. s. Balia,trot froui London, Sept. 24: —Mr. J. H. Baieniti, Mrs. George, Mr and Mrs D. C. Neave, Mr. H. O’Brien, and Mr. J. Barber. Per P. O. s. s. Palawan from London, Oct 3: —Mrs. Galloway, Miss Lay, Miss
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  • 326 12 At eleven o’clock, yesterday morning, at the Cathedral, under the most auspicious circumstances, Mr. Bob Love was united in marriage with the fair proprietress of Harmston’s Circus. There was a very large congregation, and the tasteful toilettes of the ladies of the Circus provoked the heartiest
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    • 294 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.** Sir, —What is the matter with The Moralist; how ean we please him <)ne day, we are told that you ought not to make such an ado about coffee, because people in Singapore are not in the habit of planting
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    • 597 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.'* Sir, Anti-Clerical charges me with irrelevancy. In point of accuracy and truthfulness, the chargeof irrelerattce would be just as applicable. My irrelevant matter” —the simple corollary of his hypothesis—“ has obscured the point at issue.” Possibly; and “Anti-Clerical”
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    • 230 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRUT.' TIME*. I Sir, —I note with interest aii'l «**i»prol val that Mr. Hooper's hiiirie-ti'Hi t*J placing a rikisha stand opposite tlj S. C. C. Pavilion was rejected hy Commissioners at their j on Wednesday. Their rea-'R? course, was that such a >tand
      230 words
  • 464 12 ARRIVALS. Per s. dhow fr,, Kh ports: —Mr. Boswell. m.iicdiai:' Per M. M. 8. 8. Natal from s an K(oD Messrs. L. Spieler, am* HongkongMr. G. M. Bal ?f n ;l Vr Per 8. 8. Ranre from anU K "sr.rK 1 bang: —Mr Crosbie. nerd a from Hamburg:—Mr.
    464 words

    • 125 13 Vwli ng t Ik* folhnvingabbrevia- -iiv u?e<:: -ill*. —steamer; sh. —ship *1 r ah* lirit.—British ;U. S. United v Kr. French; Ger. —German; l)ut. Joh.—Johore; &e., G.c., Gneralo deck, passengers; U. —Uncer- i. P. \V. Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. g Pagar Dock B. W. Borneo f \V.
      125 words
    • 1520 13 I Since Noon of Saturday. I Ia)]h>2, Span. str. 2183 tons, Capt. I 1 -5ili be t. From Manila 2lst Oct. It H. Hinnekindt. For Barcelona I\t. i*. w, I Bru. str. 2607 tons, Captain tli Oct. From Batoum 25th Sept. F'‘" Hongkong to-day —B. W. Ruan, Brit.str.
      1,520 words
    • 503 13 Verne, port, jrrobable date of arrival, anti name of agents. A. Apcar, Nov. 10; Sarkies and Moses. Achilles, Liverpool, Nov 4; Mansfield. Aglaia, Hamburg, Dec 30; Rautenberg Anjers, Kutchinotzu, Nov 2; M. B. Kaisha. Australind, Fremantle, Nov 4; Boustead. Bawean, Bandjermassin, Oct 24; Daendels. Bel Iona, Hamburg, Dec
      503 words
    • 1184 13 H 1 LAG I Vessel’s Name. A I Tons < aptain J lom Faile (v nsigxeks q Rw_ j Oct 19 iVictoria Swd str.' 989 Hellberg Penang Oct 1 vlioo Aik 8eng 19 Patroelus Brit. str. 3323 Dickens Manila Oct 1 .V Mansfield A Co, 19 Wong Koi str.
      1,184 words
    • 665 13 I I I Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag&Rig; Captain j Destination Oct 19 Kalgan Brit str. Clegg Cheribon 19 Sri Wongse Dut. str. Nacodah j Tebing Tinggi via ports 19 Ernest Simons M.Mstr. Maubcuge H’kong, Shanghai and Japan 20 1 Pakan Brit str. Bruce Muar and Malacca 20 Sultan str.
      665 words
    • 117 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date From j Deotin- Rebate. and Ship’s Name. 1 Commander. of Where ation marks. i Rig. Sailing. i Oct 16 Brit. s.sjstrathclvde Walton Oct 16Batavia Calcutta 18 s.sJNevasa Houston Oct 16 Singapore Adelaide 18 s.s.lKentigern Fairweather Java Port Said t.o. 19
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 100 13 “TIMES” AND “BUDGET." Straits Times, post free, $30 a year, or $2£ a month, or ten cents a copy. Straits Budget post free, $20 a year, or $5 a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, 16 cents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10
      100 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 335 14 Rowland’s Macassar Oil la the best preserver and beautifier of the hair of children and adults: prevents it falling or turning grey, eradicates scurf, and is the best brilliant in**, and as a little goes a very long way, it really is most economical for general use is also sold
      335 words
    • 279 14 Mgr ®fis I Cure DYSPEPSIA, Cure BILIOUSNESS, Cure CONSTIPATION, Cure SICK' HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. Good for the Stomach, I Good for the Liver, I Good for the Bowels. I THERE ARE NO OTHER PILLS SO COOP AS AYER’S PILLS. Highest Awards at
      279 words
    • 937 14 WHAT BATES WANTED TO KNOW. I shall be obliged if you can answer me one question,” said my friend Bates, as he lay on the couch one day in my room nursing his aching leg. Why does exposure to wet or cold bring on an attack of rheumatism at one
      937 words
    • 621 14 THE HOKSE REPOSITORY. SADDLERY DEPARTMENT. NEW and second hand harness always on hand, also, all kinds of saddles, bridles, martingales, Ac., Ac., Ac. New harness made on the premises. Neatness and quality guaranteed, prices moderate. u.c. H. ABRAMS. THE HORSE REPOSITORY. MR. ABRAMS has now ready for immediate use: CARRIAGE
      621 words
    • 312 14 board ANDLODGixJT K) behadfor amarried famUy. S.tuation e |o£g** •M>ply to K. H.,■ s<r «wt EAST WAsFfrcjjgj HUGH CLIFFORI) whitish resident at Pah S( pbice: two Dollars rhe had (post free) f rom Office; hnd on v n. S "H A Co. (Lim.) and Kelly and These tales deal with
      312 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      536 words
    • 621 15 LEA PERRINS P OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL. WORCESTERSHIRE Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singai>ore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM.”
      621 words
    • 262 15 JOSEPH BAKER. Confectioner and Vienna Baker. BEGS to inform the Indies and Gentle men of Singapore that he has opened a Confectionery and Vienna Bakery, at No. 6, Victoria Street, next to the Convent. KES and wedding Cakes at moderate charges, and all other different kinds of cakes of the
      262 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 346 16 JOHN LITTLE Co., Lt SINGAPORE. < ELECTRO I’LATE DEPARTMENT. —Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for Marriage Presents. Prizes for Athletic We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, &c. 2? 1
      346 words