The Straits Budget, 5 May 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 128 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands 4ndies, the Philippines, and
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    • 491 1 Editorial. Fighting in Avheen. B ami Their Priseners. I Td* Hand Reformers. Friday’s Couucil. Ike Acheeu War. I Uni Grab Ding by Parenting is hciL I Hark'd Quotations I Shipping Xew s. I Li>t. I Police Arws. I Cruelty to Bird-*. fiowdn->tn. I A Smart Capture. I
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  • 443 1 Singapore, 5th May, 1896. PRODUCK Gam bier 7.30. do Cube No. 1, 11.75. do do No. 2 10.00. Copra Bali, »> 5 75. do Pontianak, 5.55. Pepper Black 10.30. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.55. do Brunei 2.35. Pearl Sago, 3.45. Coffee Bali, (picked) 39.00. Coffee Liberian, No. 1
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  • 516 1 The mail for Europe, this week, is taken on by the M: M. s.s. Yarra. The M M. s.s. Caledonien with tue mail from Europe of the 10th April arrived to-day. The German mail from Europe by the s.s. Karlsruhe arrived on Thursday. The German mail
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    • 62 1 London 28ih April. Mr. G. N. Curzon, the Uudcr Secretary •f State for Foreign Affairs, states that the Russian Ambassador at London, absolutely denies that that there is any secret treaty between Russia and China by which a large tract of Ciiiuese territory has been ceded to
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    • 51 1 Mr. Chamberlain his rr&d in the House of Commons an extract from President Kruger’s reply to his invitation to the President to visit England. The reply was courteous, and hopeful of a peaceful s ilution of existing difficulties. Mr. Chamberlain added that he had reluctantly withdrawn the
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    • 111 1 London 29th April. MR CHAMBERLAINS STATEMENT IN Parliament Colouel Rhodes, Mr. Lionel Phillips, Mr. Hammond,and Mr. George Farrar, who had been found guilty of treasm against the Transvaal Government, at Pretoria, haze jeen sentenced to death. Mr. Chamberlain has cabled to President
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    • 15 1 Three Matabele impis, or war parties, have been defeated with great loss.
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    • 13 1 Dr. Jameson’s trial has been adjourned until the 11th June.
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    • 40 1 London 30th April. President Kruger has commuted the sentences of death passed upon Colonel Rhodes, Mr. Lionel Phillips, Mr. George Farrar, and Mr. J. H. Hammond. The sentences passed upon the other Rand Reformers are being reconsidered.
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    • 21 1 In the Two Thousand Guineas Stakes, the result was: Saint Frusquin 1 Love Wisely 2 Labrador 3
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    • 25 1 There is no news from Kass&la. The Shoans are closely investing the town of Jkdigrat which is held by Italian troops.
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    • 44 1 A Ministry has been formed iu Franc* under the premiership of M. Me'iue. The Cabinet consists of Opportunists, and include# M. Hanotaux as Minister for Foreign Affairs. M. Cocherv fills the Ministry of Finance, and M. Billot takes the War Department.
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    • 38 1 The Czarewitch has become suddenly worse, and great anxiety is felt for lyro. [The Czarewitch, otherwise known as the Grand Duke George, is in the twenty-fifth year of his age,.and has long been ill of consumption.]
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    • 29 1 London 1st May. A telegram from Brussels announces the acquittal of Captain Lothaire from the charge of illegally executing Stokes, the trader, in the Upper Congo region.
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    • 51 1 The Parliament of the Orange Free State has voted an increase in the State Artillery, and also a sum for the purchase of four millions of rounds. The evidence at the trial of the Rand Reformers at Pretoria proved that Colonel Rhodes was completely aware of Jameson’s
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    • 29 1 Tho French Chamber of Deputies has, iB a full house, expressed confidence in the new Cabinet, under the premiership of M. Meline, by a majority of forty-six.
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    • 45 1 London 2nd May. The Shah of Persia has been shot through the heart by a fanatic. The deed was committed while the Shah was entering a shrine near Teheran. The monarch was immediately conveyed to the Pildce where he died shortly afterwards.
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    • 39 1 Li Hung Chang has had a splendid reception at St. Petersburg. JAMESON'S RAID. THE CHABTHRED COMPANY IMPLICATED. The publication of certain telegrams shoeing that the Chartered Company is gravely involved in Jameson's raid has caused a sensation.
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    • 48 1 The result of the race for the One Tbousaud Guineas at Newmarket is as follows H. R. the Prince of Wales’ *br. f. Thais by St Serf-Poetry 1 Hr. D tiglas Baird’s b. f. Santa Maura 2 Lord Zetland’s b. f. Jolly Boat. 3
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    • 19 1 London 4th May. Prince Mozaffer ed-Din, the Heir Apparent has been procla med Shah of Persia.
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    • 61 1 The news of the acqtmu.1 of Captain jothaire hiH been confirmed. THE ABYSSINIAN WAR. The wkole of the Italian forcjs in Abyssinia are advancing in three columns with the intention of relieving Adigrat. THE DERVISHES. A sharp skirmish has taken place between the Dougola expeditionary force and the
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    • 510 1 (Straits Times 28th April.) Batavia papers to the 23rd instant, report further fighting iu Acheen. Oil the 17th instant, three outposts were abandoned after a sharp action with the enemy, chiefly on the right bank of the Acheen river. So difficult did the country prove ou tho
      (Straits Times, 28th April.)  -  510 words
    • 668 2 (Straits Tithes, 29th April.) Four of the Reform leaders of the Rand have been convicted of high treason, and have been sentenced to death. Simultaneously, we*have the news that one of these leaders, Mr. Hammond (who is an American citizen) has probably had the death
      (Straits Tithes, 29th April.)  -  668 words
    • 245 2 (Straits Times, 30th April.) The expected hashappeued. President Kruger has commuted the death sentences passed on the four Rand reformers—but one would like to know what sentence is to be imposed" in place of death. As for the crowd of minor persons who were also tried—and presumably
      (Straits Times, 30th April.)  -  245 words
    • 472 2 (Straits Times Ist Hay.) At yesterday's meeting of Legislative Council, the Military Contribution question was set at rest. It was set at rest despite the persistence of Mr. Huttenbach, who proposed that a suspensory clause should be added to the £ill so that it should not become law
      (Straits Times, Ist Hay.)  -  472 words
    • 367 2 (Straits Times, 2nd May.) The Be Li Courant of the 29th April gives telegraphic particulars of military operations against Tuku Umar. On falling away from the Dutch, Umar had retired to Pakan Badak, not far from the military lines. There, he and his men dug trenches, threw
      (Straits Times, 2nd May.)  -  367 words
    • 1216 2 (,Straits Times 4th May.) Thou shalt not steal,” is a commandment that we commend to the Straits Government. The Government proposes to attempt to steal, from the Municipality of Singapore, a quantity of land that has cost the Municipality about $140,000, and on which a very
      (,Straits Times, 4th May.)  -  1,216 words
  • 22 1 DEATH. I on (be 30th April, at his residence, fwibarii.’ Francis Gumm Bernard. Ut\,W mu »f the late Alfred Bernard, 4*> y-»nrv
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  • 351 3 Renter's telegram appeared T,E > a 8 Straits Times Tbe ,a are sinding to Aeheen pllUU consisting of two battalions some cavalry, mountain of an J engineers.” That tele*r,lll'r'|f j, supposed to be read an tf*® from Europe, is based on int nM-eliwision. It is possible that
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  • 29 3 Kcxours tliat the Dutch intend to n establish blockade on the Aebeen coast »re cau-inp a’arm amon? traders at where business with Acheen has steadily increasing ot late.
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  • 35 3 A nrw Japanese postage stamp is to be on the Ist of July to commemorate tie victory over China. The stamps, to printed are *200,000’000 two-sen stamps, 1 r *o,ooo,ooo five-sen stamps.
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  • 40 3 me Norddeutseller Lloyd steamer WeiP <r V7^j, ‘l J arrive this morning from tuen, ;s under charter with the German She has on board a new />5 W r the German raen-of-war on the th !na station.
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  • 42 3 tksf PE w MENTS out in India with n, j bullet bare, the Pioneer Jil!!* he in so successful that a *303 it) e^er tlve s toj>ping powers has been found and this without loss of Urac J m shooting.
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  • 46 3 of a* St anbury, the champion sculler ®«tant d ’J asatC lombo on the 15tb hV’iwi n t■ 8 wav rora Australia to •{Mins/ W W l l lt^ler be goes to row a race ■Wnii T m r bas challenged the for the premiership.
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  • 43 3 l iV n 3 n the neighbourhood iQ t?tbfina v are the habit of amlistT bv at "ith •b.»uM 18 a crue l practice, and ■fitted in Y a B *°P b> it not per--1 g° towns at home.— Corr.
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  • 44 3 'I l h* v Kaisha is reported a froul f^e Japanese e (,,)ut ract to control the m.! 1 l Q orm °3a, and a ;My to muu A* t0 8601 fco the island op bugi ne e nece9sai 7 preparations
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  • 40 3 n M. s gmbvit Co nook, L eut. Commander Castendyk, left for Soerabaia yesterday afternoon. The steamer Lucifer of the Netherlands India lighthouse service. Captain Dioop, arrived here from Deli yesterday afternoon and left for Batavia this morniug.
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  • 48 3 The Court at Penang was to deliver judgment yesterday in the matter of a Singhalese, named Moody, whose extradition was demanded by the Perak Government. One point raised is that Moodv, l>eing a Biitisb subject, is not extraditable, because the Penang Court has jurisdic'ion to try him.
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  • 58 3 As usual, on Saturday nigh f siys a correspondent, a disturbance took place in Noordin Lane, in which a Sindwich Islander and some Manila men took an active part. A hue and cry was raised for the Police, and a Portugese, who attempted to pour oil on the troubled
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  • 74 3 When “Gosehens,” as the new 2% per cent. Consols are termed, touched 110 the other day, a good deal of attention was directed to the circumstances, seeing that it is a rate a good deal higher than was ever realized by the old 3 per cents.
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  • 67 3 Mr. Marks, of the Skating Rink, has arranged a boxing competition for the championship of the Straits Settlements. The contest will take place on May 6tb, and will be fought between Charlie Morgan, champion boxer of the Undaunted, and Corporal Woodfield, of the Fusiliers. Other
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  • 59 3 The subordinate officials at Singapore, says the Perak Pioneer, have again laid before the Governor another memorial on the exchange compensation question, with figures grouped to show how high the common necessaries of life have risen here in price within the last ten years. The memorial is said
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  • 75 3 On the 25th instant, a lad of twelve years of age, the son of a Bugis woman, living at Pulo Tekoog, close to Cbangie, w**r.t i°to fV r’v r to b**’i S >ine fifteen minutes after, his mother, upon hearing him shouting for assistance, went outside
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  • 75 3 Yesterday, at about 4 a. in., a Chinaman armed with a bamboo stick, which was split at one end in such a way so as to act as a clasp, inserted the same through the bars of a window in Cheang Chew Street and seized a metal
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  • 62 3 The aunual general meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held last evening prior to the practice. The report and financial statement were adopted, and the committee and officers re-elected as follows: President, Captain St. Clair; vice-presi-dent, Mr. J. F. Craig; treasurer, Mr. J. S. Robertson librarian. Mr.
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  • 90 3 The report for the twelve months, ended December 31st, states the net profits, includiug £8,555 brought for ward, amounted to .£24,818. There has been paid an interim dividend for the half-year ended Juue 30tb at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the A
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  • 92 3 The Acting Collector at Port Dickson reports that, last month, Mr. Robert Engler applied to him for 300 acres of laud for coconut cultivation there, and, on the 22nd and 23rd, went with him along the coast to find suitable land. The place he at last selected has
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  • 98 3 It is report el that 37 Sikhs who weie recently brought to Hongkong from Calcutta to join the Police Force have refused to sign articles, alleging as justification for their ac ion that they have been brought uuder false pretences. It appears thit these men exacted
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  • 96 3 A proposal has beeD put forward by the authorities at the General Post Office to make Hongkong the .terminal point ol the “Imperial subsidised mail service to the Far East” instead of Shanghai. Til’s suggestion has b en embodied in a letter to the Po*tmaster-Gem ral of Hongkong, with
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  • 102 3 The Secretary of the Straits Development Company writes that the directors have received inforinatiou that tin has been found on the Pahang Tiu Concession, and that a Rumple of the ore has b eu examined and assayed, with the result that it has beeu report* d
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  • 130 3 An attempt was made on Saturday evening by two Malays, to effect an entrance into a house iu Waterloo Street occupied-by Mr. A. J. Judab. A servant, haviug occasion to go out during the absence of his master, put a padlock on the door. Upou returning shortly* afterwards,
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  • 119 3 At the Police Court to-day, San;uel Wilson and James Sp *ors, privates in the Northumberland Fusiliers, were each sentenced to weeks’ rigorous imprisonment for stealing two bottles of brandy and two of whisky from the Australian Hotel, the liquors being the probity of Mrs. Leonard. On a
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  • 132 3 T~ Official statistics show that 235 deaths from cholera took place at Calcutta during the week eoding with the 11th instant. The epidemic continued to progress on the 15th, when the heat proved so excessive that many cases of sunstroke and heat apoplexy were reported, thirteen of
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  • 147 3 On Sunday, this feast was duly celebrated in all the Roman Catholic Churches. In the Portuguese Church it wa9 observed with much eclat. The 8 a.m. mass was performed by the Very Revd. Father Baptist a. assisted by Fat he s Soares and Carvalho. Bordesse's
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  • 111 3 EIGHT ARRESTS Yesterday, Mr. Hare, Protector of Chinese, visited a number of houses in Kampong Malacca, Kreta Ayer, aud Hong Liin Market, and arrested several m* n belonging to secret societies. This morning at 4 o’clock, Mr. Stewart, Acting Super intendent of Police, and Chief Inapectoi Jennings,
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  • 106 3 The undermentioned officer having arrived by the s.s. Mirzapore on the 25th inst. is takeu on the strength of the command accordingly :—Lieutenant C. B R.E, Subject to confirmation. Lieutenant J. A. C. Somerville, 2nd North’d. Fusiiers, is appoiuted Garrison Adjutant, Singapore, trim Ist May, 1896, inclusive, vice
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  • 259 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “DAILY PRESS. Sir,— Some of your readers may remember a ratber curious incident that occurred iu a match on the Hoagkong cricket ground during the past season. Captain Grafton, R.N., playing for the Plains v. The Peak, played a ball,
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  • 294 3 The objects and reasons for the Amending Municipal Ordinance Bill are set forth at some length in the last number of the Government Gazette. One of the amendments aims at qualifying the occupier of part of a house for election as Commissioner, provided his rental reaches $430 a
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  • 496 3 8. C. C. V. H. X. 8. 44 UHDIVirTID.” The return match between these two teams was played last night on the Esplanade, before a large crowd of spectators. It will be remembered the first time these two teams met, the S C. C. proved victorious by 3 goals
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  • 183 3 The report to be presented at the first annual meeting, on April 16, states that the realisation of the assets of the old bank is progressing favourably. The position of the bank as regards the public oo Dec. 31 last, was Liabilities, .£754,618; assets, .£670,471;
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  • 200 3 The report on the Savings Banks for 1895 is published in last week's Governmerit Gazette. It shows that since the Savings Banks were established in the colony, 8,611 accounts have been opened, and 38,601 deposits received for an aggregate sum of $1,516,228. The withdrawals total to 15,685 for
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  • 196 4 {Contributed.) The above theatre was crowded ou Saturday night, when a new play entitled Lal-Gober was produced for tbe first time, and was favourably received by the audience. Tbe Jewish community with their families were present in large uumbers, aud these, with Europeans having a knowledge
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  • 535 4 THE SITUATION IN ANNAM. FISCAL PROSPECTS. The Courtier d* Haiphong dwells ujkiu the political dangers in Aunarn, a Slate under French protection. French influence there is s ill on an insecure foundation, owing to a large party among the Annamites being hostile to the new order of things.
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  • 112 4 Paris 21st April. The German Tress is bitterly hostile to Great Britain nn the question of Bouth Africa and open'y accuses England of instigating the events in South Africa, and of having provoked the Matabele rising in order to have a pretext for sending troops to the disturbed
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  • 157 4 The Malayan coffee crop looks as if, this year, it will be smaller than planters exp* cted. The German Press, according to tha telegrams of the Havas agency, accuses Britain of having instigated the Matabele rising in order to have a pretext lor sending troops thither! Truly,
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  • 19 4 It took nearly three hours yesterday to dispose of Municipal summons cases in the Seuior Magistrate’s Court.
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  • 32 4 Yesterday a Chinaman was found dead in a mangrove swamp at Selitar. He was a tree-feller, and a tree bad evidently fallen upon him and killed him.
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  • 34 4 The French chartered transport Cachar with 22 civil passengers, 3 officers and 190 nou-commissioncd officers and soldiers came iu yesterday from Marseilles. She will leave for Saigon and Haiphong after coaling.
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  • 43 4 The Empress Eugenie in her will has created herself the godmother of all the hildien born iu Frameoo the birthday of 1 lie late Prince Imperial. The number at present amounts to nearly four tbousaud, all of whom are remembered.
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  • 45 4 Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Williams, of Parsec Lodge, lost 140 guilders which he had left lo< ked up iu a drawer. The diawer had been opened by a false key, and Mr. Williams suspects one of his servants. No arrest has been made.
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  • 50 4 Before Mr. Saunders in the third Magistrate’s C* urt y. sterdav. a Chinaman living at Tanjoug Pagar, charged another with stealing a bag of money, amount unknown. After hearing the evidence, the prison er wa i discharged and the prosecutor fined $l5 for making a false charge.
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  • 51 4 The Sanitary officers, says a correspondent, appear to be on the alert at the present juncture, and have a considerable umouut of tedious and dangerous work to get through duiiog the day, aud in many instances till late at night, disinfectng infected Louses in several parts of the
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  • 72 4 Mb. James Cumming’s boy, some few weeks ago, d*camped with $7OO belonging to his master. Yesterday he was arrested, but no money was recovered. The Police, however, found a piper on the prisoner, from which it appealed that the prisoner bad transmitted the money to China, through the Mercantile
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  • 102 4 THE OREL.” The Russian Volunteer hleet transport Orel which came in on Sunday afternoon, from Vladivostok, with nearly 2,000 people on board, was docked at Taujong Pagar on Monday morning for cleaning and painting. Tbe Orel is a huge vessel but the celerity with which she was docked and the
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  • 41 4 QUA RANTIVI ORDER. H. E. the Governor has declared Bangkok to be an iufected porf owing to the prevalence of cholera there. All vessels from that port will be detained in quarantine until rebased by the Health Officer.
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  • 45 4 THE WEIMAR.” The German charteied transport Weimar with new crews for the Arcona Irene Kaiser, find Kormorant left this morning for Nagasaki. A large number of German naval seamen were ashore yesterday, and their orderly behaviour shows the complete discipline to which they are subject.
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  • 50 4 Chinese immigrants have arrived here in unusually large numbers of late. During the last ten days about six or seven thousand have landed, and on one day alone the number reached three thousand. The majority of these immigrants, who are mostly coolies, have gone to the Native States.
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  • 70 4 At Hongkong on the 22nd iustaut, a fire did considerable damage in a rice shop insured for $5,500. An examination of the premises by the police showed conclusive signs of incendiarism. Quantities of kerosine were lying about, as well as firewood, joss sticks, and paper, saturated with
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  • 75 4 The law of Selangor have been added to by five regulations numbered I. to V. of 1896. They deal respectively with declare ing the law relating to stamp duties, the licensing and management of opium shops, amendment of the law relating to the marriage of persons prof,
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  • 82 4 The Blackburn Chamber of Commerce have inaugurated a subscription which now amounts to between J 02,000 and .£3,000, to provide sums for the purpose of sending out a commercial expedition to China. Prof. R K. Douglas points out in the Times that, if the expedition is
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  • 80 4 The Chinese custom of disinterring corpses to be forwarded to China for burial tends to further the spread of cholera at Bangkok. The Bangkok Times of the 23i<f of April instances this by noting that, at the Chinese Cemetery there, recently, large numbers of bodies were exhumed,
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  • 84 4 The first-class armoured Japanese battleship Fuji was launched, on March 31st, from the yard of the Thames Ironworks Company, the naming ceremony being performed by Madame Kato, the wife of the Japanese Minister. The vessel, one of the Royal Sovereign type, has a displacement oi 12,450 tons
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  • 176 4 The Standard's Berlin correspondent telegraphs —Tbe Treaty of Commerce which Las been concluded between Germany and Japan is for a term of twelve years. It does not fix any Japanese tar.ff, and oulv in a few lays down the German Customs duties. The treaty is based oi«
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  • 103 4 The Siamese Government has drafted a bill to regulate Dawobroker’s shops in Siam, and have laid the enactment before the Foreign Representatives at Bangkok. The Siam Observer shows the oeed for the bill by pointing out that, in Bangkok, evtry pawnbroker’s shop is a receptacle for stolen
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  • 129 4 The ingenuity with wh'ch prisoners attempt to defend themselves often causes a hearty laugh in the Police Courts. Before Mr. Blagdeu yesterday, a Kling was charged with cruelty to a bullock. The defence set up was that, the constable asked the prisoner for ten cents, and becsftjse
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  • 103 4 The April monthly medal handicap was played on Saturday and ended in a tie between Capt. Parsons v. Mr. M. Rodesse with nett scores of 88. The medal was subsequently won by Capt. Parsons with a nett score of 91: Rodesse 93 Capt. Parsons 51—49—12= 88
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  • 93 4 The match for the Ladies* Championship of Penang was concluded on the 24th instant, and was won by Mrs. J A. Brown after a very close fight with Mrs. Dallas. The scores of the eight competitors artappended, but it shou<d be mentioned tha ihe last four played
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  • 144 4 THe report on the Public Gardens of Selangor for 1895 notes that the Golf Links there has been extended and improved, the upkeep having been guaranteed by a number of the players. The putting greeus are not very good, but aie improving. This links is
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  • 181 4 At the fortnightly meeting of the Penang Municipality on the 24th instant, Mr. R. A. P. Hogan moved a resolution to the effect that “the Boatd desires to express its acknowledgment of the services rendered by Capt. Anderson, r.e both as a member and Acting Pres dent, aud
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  • 553 4 v< (^.Ss TIN AND OOppvz EXPORTS IN EUaNTav steamer enterp^ t P'kan, j.s(j Inspector Cooky of th p *W who has been appoioted to tor Sumter of the Pahano pti'S proceed direct to Ulu p ol «or f and Inspector Sum ifteen months* leave to p a Sumner,
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  • 165 4 THE P. O. COMPANY. The P. O. Company haveenter** contiacts for four mail steamers of t est class, similar in type to, hut the Caledonia Australia, -nl now running in the Eastern intended to accommodate about f aava m coiid sa ooa r>. sels are each 500 feet in length*
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  • 788 5 n» H* sin NT^;E:iEB L r „m Our Correspondent.) r* pn eral Mr. F. A. SwetTbs Re9ld^ t ie<l to return to the Straits •ffbini. London cent week. t.T at"-* t uk RESIDENT. m a Resident with Mrs. Birch T1 J i anitor last week, traveling to ifeno
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  • 39 5 ha* received from M. for hit d ar i8 publisher £4,000 k| ft(nint tW exmct from MfesR e v? t45 ou ®od received h^ttv!uM NcTe, 1 Co. for hit 1st a a< th# record price work.
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  • 1331 5 {By a Lady Correspondent.) Motto for the week You'll find it will be best to meet with smiles the pleasant glance, and think all friends are true, and never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you.” ENGAGEMENT AND DISMISSAL OF SERVANTS. Before proceeding further
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  • 330 5 THF. GOVERNMENT AND THE MUNICIPAL PURSE. At the meeting of the Municipality of Penaug ou the 21th instant, a discussion took place iu connection with a letter received from Government. This letter contained a copy of a proposal from the Singapore Commissioners, suggesting th appointment of qualified apothecaries
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  • 149 5 The Rangoon Gazette understands that the Madras Railway Company, in conjunction with the G. I. P. Railway Company, are preparing a scheme which will probably have considerable influence on the future of the Rangoou mail service. The Madras Railway propose to establish a fleet of steamers
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  • 331 5 (From ottr Correspondent.) The District Officer, (Mr. Chevallier) arrived from Port Dickson and took over chargeof tbedistrict from Mr. Caz&las, who has been acting for him since the beginning of the year. Mr. T. H. Bath arrived from Singapore on Saturday last (11th inst.) and proceeded immediately
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  • 433 5 Mr. W. W. Douglas, the District Officer at Klaug, in his report for February, thus notices the coffee land controversy there: Duriug the month, Mr. E.V. Carey applied for ouo block of 5< 0 acres on the terms of his agreeme t with tho Government, and
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  • 143 5 Messrs. Buchheister Co. have concluded a contract with Liu Kuo-yi, Viceroy of the Liang-kiaog, for the erection of a miut at Nanking, inside the city, for silver and copper coinage, capable of turning out a hundred thousand silver coins and one million copper cash a day. The silver
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  • 338 5 It appears, according to some accounts, that China will have to thank H. S. Chang Chih-tung for the establish* ment of a regular Government postal service. H. E. recently sent a despatch to the Chinese Foreign Office or Tsungli Y amen, enclosing statistics of the
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  • 211 5 Me. T. Shelford was this aftern jou sworn in a member of the Legislative Cou ncil. A paper was laid before the Legislative Council this afternoon, comprising extracts from despatches and official documents bearing on the Supreme Court Registry question. In the matter of a Bill to
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  • 27 5 It is reported that when lawyers will be admitted into the Native States, they will only be allowed to practise in the higher courts.
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  • 52 5 A list of regulations, says a native paper, containing 44 clauses framed by Sir Robert Hart for the organisation of a Chinese Postal Service throughout the empire and a Chinese Postal Union, with which Sir Robert is entrusted, has beat submitted to and approved by the Emperor
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  • 35 6 The Penang Turf Club has fixed a pro. visional programme for their August meeting, with two days’ racing. Seven events are down for the first day a id -*igit for the second.
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  • 35 6 The Hon’ble H. Trotter, who. left in the Peshawur yesterday afternoon, has gone to Penang to sit, it is said, on the commission to enquire into the question of immigration from India.— Corr.
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  • 39 6 A Chinaman living in Bukit Timah Road left his house, an attap co‘ta<ge, yesterday to make some purchases. When he returned, it was in flames and was totally destroyed, The Chinamau estimates his loss at $6O.
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  • 47 6 Many of the poor r class of C linese are complaining, because the sanitary authorities insist, upon the nightsoil being removed from their premises daily. Som say that what is paid to the to‘i would be sufficient for a day’s food fora snull family.
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  • 42 6 Mr. O’Sullivan arrived from Penang yesterday morning in the Secundra to act as Inspector-General of Prisons, vice Mr. Merewether who acts as Assistant Coloni il Secretary in place of Mr. Talbot, who went borne yesterday afternoon in the Peshawur.
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  • 43 6 Recently some Chinese from California ordered in Shanghai four coaches to run a la ‘‘Cobb’s coaches” between the West gate of Canton and Fatshan. These vehicles have teen delivered atCauton, and the Coach Company proposed to commence business on Tuesday last.
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  • 98 6 S. C. C. t\ S. Y. A. A hockey match l>etween teams representative of the S. C. C. and the S. V. A. wasplayel yesterday afternoon, the Volnnl teers losing bv three goals to oue. Toe Club had the best of it all-round, and it was only the obstinate
    98 words
  • 200 6 We regret to record the death, which this morning shortly after 3 o’clock, of Mr. Francis Guram Bernard, who, as a broker, has b en identified with the daily life of Singapore for many years. About three weeks ago, Mr. Bernard, previously in somewhat
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  • 195 6 (From our Correspondent.) Pekan, 28th April, PRECAUTIONS AGAINST CHOLERA In view of the prevalence of Ohol r t in Siigapore, steps are being taken locally to pr vent the importation of the dis:as* into Pahang. All vessels arriving from Siugapore,either at Ku*la Pahang or Ku tie Kuantan, will
    195 words
  • 96 6 Yesterday, at about 12 noon, a Chinaman, Darned Ong Jim, was walking along Bukit Timah Road, with a bag in his possession, containing $23.40 in silver and coppers, when a Celestial named Tan Wan rushed upon him, seized the bag of money, and severely assaulted him. P.C. 102,
    96 words
  • 66 6 The Japan Mail states that the promoters of a big Japanese steamship compauy propose to open a Japan-San Francisco and a Japau-Vancouver line with eight steamers of betw» eu 5,000 aud 6,000 tons. The capital, formerly fixed at yen 5.300,000, is now placed at yen 3,700,000. Ti\£
    66 words
  • 333 6 The Bill to make it compulsory no the Straus Police to serve in the Malay States coin s under adverse criticism in the Perak Pioneer as regards details, the following being the main points Section 4 provides that the detachment on foreign service shall be under
    333 words
  • 360 6 Mr F. A. Swettenham, the ResidentGi*m*»ai, will arrive in Singapore by the Fonch Mail ou or about the 2nd of June next. Thence he will come to Perak and, after a stay of a month or so, he will go to Selangor to take up his new office.
    360 words
  • 757 6 GOWANS, ALEXANDER CO.’S FAILURE. PUBLIC EXAMINATION CONTINUED. This morning, at the Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Justice Leach, the public examination of Mr. Gowans, Managing partner of the bankrupt firm of Gowans, Alexander Co., was resumed. The examination was conducted by Mr. Elcutn, Acting Official Assignee, assisted by counsel. Mr. Elliot
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  • 53 6 Mr. Oweu Ordish, Chief Engineer of the Admiralty Department, arrived at Hongkong a fortnight ago. Mr. Ordiab, says the China Mail, will decide what improvements are to be effected on tbe uhvml works in Hongkong, and will probably rewm i there while the alterations are beii g
    53 words
  • 61 6 The footpath of the verandah of the Fire StiToa in St. Gregory Place, says a cor-« spoudent, u obstructed with tbe hose ree s to the great inconveuiouce of the residents of tbe adjoining houses. As the Fire Station is under Municipal control and obstruction is a
    61 words
  • 1149 6 In bis very interesting bookon his trayc Is during the last ten years, "The Heart of a Continent/’ Captain Younghusband an amusing account of Chinese curiosi'y as be found it at an hotel at Mukden, the capital of the province:—"A Chinaman has no regard for
    1,149 words
  • 497 6 Contributed The actual enjoyment of life ig ama tion. Every man you come aero*« to be looking forward to something;! it otherwise, I believe the nTom amongst civilised races and w* average intellect would be 100 i than it is. We should develop hr* the. million
    497 words
  • 77 6 if Blackmailing ati<l crn« 1 cription are said to be Vt r v -j* b 11 Cuntou just now. Ti>e wuv 1 jfS bla' k-naiJe s jret u f wealthy citizens is by 0,e, J^ rti tei mous letters. X^ e writ^1 r t unless a sum
    77 words

  • 1332 7 v irI l>UJTY AND TELOK THE mi Vyei: market. Hl ,,.T- Tb»r M -Ja/s »£tin* > ucil ,h,; si rt I*"' 11 *>« DoI.'H.kI that market the Munici,r if nowr rt'P^en- od .hirr in ihMr.-hmat.on-a iT?r» m U*eii obtained b> the-i. urn- o,jy monetary consul-ration.
    1,332 words
  • 552 7 THE COOLIE TRAFFIC TO THE STRAITS. (From a Correspondent.) The (Chinese in the neighbourhood of Amoy are already beginning to realize the keen competition of the Japanese iu Formosa, and the Chinese Government, as usual, with its penny wise and pound foolish policy is doing its level best,
    552 words
  • 480 7 Mr. Stokes, the British ex-missionarv who had turned trader in Equatorial Africa, seems not to have been illegally done to death by Captain Lotbaire, judging from the latter’s acquittal on trial. Stokes was summarily hanged by Lothaire, last August, in the interior of the Congo region, on
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  • 30 7 Yesterday, the dead body of a Chinaman was found in a lane off Queen Street.. The cause of death is unknown, and an inquest will be held.
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  • 25 7 Captain Boldkro, R.N., arrived this morning from London in the Olenogle. Captain Boldero is to fill the post of Deputy Master Attendant here.
    25 words
  • 68 7 London, 16th April The Craven Stakes of 500 so?s., added to a sweepstake of 10 sovs. each. Lord Ilrherter’s Lord Serve y W. Rrtdfcrd 1 Mr. Leopold de Rothschild’s Qxdietan. Lottos 2 Mr. Theobtld’t Phwbus AppoUo J. Ftgan 3 Betting: 100 to 12 against Lord Hervey. Won
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  • 28 7 The China Mail notes that negotiation? are again in progress for the Interporl Rifle Match. Singapore has communicated with the Secretary of the Hongkong Rifle Association.
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  • 39 7 The Indian Office invited tenders up to the 28th April for a loan of <£2,400,000 at two and a half per cent, interest. The rale of issue is 99, and the loan is redeemable in thirty years.
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  • 35 7 The Police received information this morning through the Corporal at the Fort at Tanjong Katong that the dead body of a man had been washed ashore there. Inquiries are being made.
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  • 53 7 The Hon. J. M. 'Vermont and Mrs. Vermont ill shortly leave Penang for Europe. Their j. lan ter friends, and others interested in agriuilture, propose, to give a Ball in the Town Hall there as a 44 send off to Mr. and Mrs. Vermont on their departure about
    53 words
  • 56 7 S C. C v. OFFICERS OF GARRISON. This match was played in the presence of a laige crowd yesterday afternoon, and is chiefly notable from the fact that it resulted in a draw, neither team being able to score. The defence on both sides was capital and there were
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  • 48 7 In the extradition case at Penang where the Perak Government asked for the rendition of a Ceylonese British subject, named Moodv, Mr. Justice Law decided against the rendition last Monday. Counsel for Moody had made the point that the Penang Supreme Court had power to try him.
    48 words
  • 65 7 A Chinese Jad was remanded at the Police Court yesterday on a charge of selling adulterated coffee. A Malay who bought coffee from the prisoner suffered, after partaking of it, from severe purging and vomiting, and, on the boy calling again to sell him some more, he gave
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  • 71 7 M. Herman Ledeganck, th 9 first Belgian Consul-General for Siam arrived from An twerp yesterday afternoon in the Karlsruhe, and left this morniug by the Loo Sok for Bangkok. He was accompanied by his wife and three daughters. Their hurried departure was due to the early
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  • 85 7 An immigrant from China was arrested at Tanjong Pagar Dock on Wednesday night, for being in possession of illicit chandu to the value of $46. The prisoner admitted that half of it belonged to him, aud said the remainder was the property of another passenger. They were
    85 words
  • 100 7 This morning, Mr. Stewart, acting Superintendent of Police, and Chief Inspector Jennings raided a house in Hong Lim Quay, and discovered therein an enormous quantity of property of all kinds, which is alleged to have been stolen. The property was seized, and, if Chinese
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  • 121 7 The funeral of the late Mr. P. G. Bernard took place yesterday afternoon. A large and representative assembly attended at the graveside. Mr. P. W. Barker, and Mr. W. E. Hooper were the chief mourners and among those present were the hon. G. S.
    121 words
  • 109 7 A pork seller was chaiged before Mr. Blagden, yesterday, with exposing pork for sale which did not bear ihe Municipal chop. Mr. Holley, in charge of the Abattoir, appeared to prosecule. The piisoner stated tha* he received tie j»oik fn-ui his towkay, and the towkay stated that the
    109 words
  • 642 7 (From the Times of Ceylon”) London, 18th April. Twelve thousand Matabeles, divided into fi ve impifi, or regiments, threaten Bulawayo. The garrison at Bulawayo consists of about 6(R» men. Major-Genoral Carrington, commanding the Infantry Bridge at Gibraltar, has been ordered to the Cape to command the forces against
    (From the “ Times of Ceylon”)  -  642 words

  • 880 8 London 4tU Ap ilA daring burglar/ accompanied by two morders lias occurred in Whiteeliaiel. he robbers effee’ed an entrance by night int the residence of a wealthy Jew. The Hebrew, awakened by the noise made by the maraude s. attempted to frustrate their nefarious design. Rendered
    880 words
  • 5694 8 THURSDAY, APRIL 30th. PRESENT. H. E. the Governor, Sir Charles Mitchell, g.c.m.g. H. E. Major-General H. T. Jones-Vaughan, c.B. Hon. J. A. Swettenham, C.M.G., Colonial Secre 4 ary. Hon. W. R. Collyer, Attorney-General. Hon.E E. I se monger, Colonial Treasurer. Hon. Capt. Anderson, Acting Colonial Engineer. Hon. A.
    5,694 words

  • 254 9 Captain J. Blair leaves to-morrow for Europe. The late manager of the Taujong Dock Company will carry with him iuto the well-earned retirement he now seeks, the cordial gool wishe 3 of the community, in which he has beeu for so loug a sturdy and familiar
    254 words
  • 30 9 The Captain of the s.s. Qlenogle reported yesterday that while off Pulo Jarra, bearing south twenty miles distant, he passed a a waterlogged junk dangerous to shipping.
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  • 47 9 The Official Returns issued to-day show that the number of cases of cholera sent to Hospital between noon of April 21st, and noon of Yesterday was 24. In the same period there died in hospital 11 of these patients, while 41 cases were discovered after death.
    47 words
  • 544 9 Men of Ike Time gives the following on*-line of the ctre-r of the Shah of Persia whose deith at the hand of ao is to-day telegraphed: Nasr-er-deon, < hah en Char (King f Kiugs), K.G., Shah of Persia, son of the late Muheinet *hah, by Qneeu
    544 words
  • 46 9 Yesterday, in Hvlaui Street, a constable off duty was slabbed with a penkuif** by a Manila man. The two men quarrelled, and the Manila man rushed a* the constable with the knife, aud gashed him across the chest The constable’s assaiiant was arrested
    46 words
  • 49 9 Yesterday, Messrs. Powell Sons, held a sale of Australian horses, ten out of th* fifteen horses offered being sold. One pair of racers realised $550, and a brown horse fetched $220. The lowest price received was $55. Two horses were withdrawn, aud three were sold privately.
    49 words
  • 50 9 Yesterday there was an explosion in the coal bunkers of the steamer Amannth, which is lying at T&njong Pagar Wharf. A European fireman, named Linds iy, was seriousiy injured, and had to betaken to the hospital. The explosion was probably due to an accumulation of gas.
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  • 48 9 A correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press calls attention to the immense and growing trade between India aud Japan, and, on that ground, argues that India should contribute her share to the cost of maintaining the garrisons of Singapore and Hongkong, and the China Squadron.
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  • 79 9 Commodore de Richelieu, who had been sent to Batavia to make arrangements for the King of Siam’s visit to Java returned this morning in the Siamese gunboat Makul Baja Kumar, which was under orders to leave again for Bangkok this forenoon. His Majesty the King
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  • 85 9 At the last monthly meeting of the Colombo Municipal Council, the chief subject of discussion was the sanitation and drainage of the city. A letter from Government was read, stating that they were prepared to bear half the expense of a preliminary report on the drainage and sanitation
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  • 907 9 DISCOVERY OF LAKES. A newspaper at Macassar gives details of tbs explorations of the brothers Sarrazin in the South East Peninsula of Celebes.' It used to be an utterly unknown portion of that large island, and appeared iu maps as a very high mountain land. The unknown
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  • 987 10 The documents laid before Council yesterday on the Supreme Court Registry Question begin with the repealed clause 25 of Ordinance V of 1873, which enacts that all the powers vested by the Ordinance in the Registers of the Supreme Court may be exercised at Malacca by
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  • 36 10 The recent demand for Perak stamps is mainlv accountable for a large increase in the sale of these stamps last year, the resulting revenue amounting to $31,930, an increase of $13,165 compared with 1894.
    36 words
  • 44 10 The Governor has directed that, for the second quarter of the year 1896, the rate of exchange for the adjustment of accounts with the Crown Agents for the Coloi\ies shall be two shillings and twopence half penuy (2/2A) to the dollar.
    44 words
  • 63 10 The annual cricket match between Perak and Selangor will be played on .the Taiping ground during the Whitsuntide holidays. It may be a three days' match, aud should be extremely interesting, as both learns will be able to put good teams iu the field. The Resident of
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  • 211 10 The leave of absence granted to Mr. XV. Egertoo, Collector of Land Revenue and Officer in charge of the Treasury, Malacca, uas been extended for six months. Mr. A. P. Talbot, Assistant Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Councils, ffas been granted leave of absence, with half-salary, for
    211 words
  • 331 10 The S. V. A. give a cigarette concert last, ui-bt at the Drill Hall. There was h large audience, including many ladies, and the pioeeediugs were extreme!v succ s>ful They might, however, have been stitl mon successful, from the p-int ot’ ve*w *»t comfort, had the
    331 words
  • 582 10 SERIES OF BLUNDERS. The present crisis in Acheen to mind that, almost exactly twenty-three years ago, in April 1873, the first blunder happened which turned the tide of Dutch success in the Acheen War. The war had. begun a few weeks previously, and a field force, under General
    582 words
  • 55 10 The filthy water from the cattle sheds near the Kampong Krebau Police Statiou is, says a correspondent, allowed to tuu mto the drain which empties itself into the river at the junction of Bukit Timak and Serangoou Roads. The stench arising therefrom i«, no doub*, the cause of
    55 words
  • 53 10 Captain MassoneDavide, master of the Dalian barque Ftllicine Fcrrare which had been in Colombo harbour for some v.eeks, committed suicd the other day, by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. At the inquest a ver*lict that the deceased commit!t d suicide whilst iu a state of temporary
    53 words
  • 58 10 The funeral of the late Madame Beaulieu took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended by almost the whole ot the French residents of Singapore, besides the Consuls for Russia and Italy and the Acting Consul for France. The Very Revd. Canon Delouette officiated at the Cathedral
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  • 58 10 Lieut.-Colonel Vincent, Scottish Rifl has been appointed commandant of the Ceylon Volunteers, and is expected in Colombo about the middle of May next. The appointment is expected to add to the cost of the Ceylon Volunteer*, which at present is higher than that of Volunteers at home, In
    58 words
  • 1178 10 Thk Christian Church has always taken high ground on the relation of the sexes. But there* is still much to be desired in the way of insistance of a pure life for two." If the woman is to be condemned and ostracized for impure living, so
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  • 1157 10 I mad some talk, the other day, %;ih firm who deal in bicycles, and taro me that, during a comparatively s«j period, they had sold in Singaporenoia than two hundred and eighty madiae It one takes the average jricedttn at, say, §l6O, the turnover in the J
    1,157 words

  • 289 11 Invitations are now being issued for tbe Queen’s Birthday Ball at Government House—for Thursday,-28th May.T he Sultan of Pahang is ill. The Quren has instituted a rew Order of Knighthood to be called the Royal Victorian Order. Forty-six golh rs eomj>eted on Saturday for the Golf Club’s
    289 words
  • 43 11 Tbe Punjora mining report tor March ►hows that roillirg was cariicd on duiin 28 days, crushing 1,000 tens, yielding of illiciti cl gold 558 ozs. 5 dwts. The developments are said to show no decrease in the reserves of ore in sight.
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  • 61 11 The Rev. S. Stephen Walker, M.A., the newly appointed Minister of the Presbyterian Church commenced his ministry y esterday. He preached in the morning at the Prinsep Street Chapel. At the Town Hall in the afternoon, tbe rev. gentleman delivered au impressive sermon from Revelations *3,
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  • 70 11 The annual report of the Penang Prcsbyterian Church for the year eDdiDg 31st March, 1896, shews that through increase of agencies the influence of the Church ip extending there, in Province Wellesley, and in Perak. Services have been begun at Kuala Lumpor and a request has also
    70 words
  • 138 11 A gentleman, whose homeward way lies along Orchard Road, complains of a nuisance in that road. There is a depot in the road, near tbe market there, where meat is kept by a Chinese contractor, and our correspondent draws a gruesome pictuie of the cart
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  • 197 11 8.C.C. V. SUBS. OF GARRISON. The cricket match, S.C.C., v. Subalterns of Garrison, was concluded on Saturday, the Club winuingby the extremely narrow margin of one run. Scores a. c. c. Captain Wilkinson c Woodroffe b Ain die 3 1 G. P. Statens h Woodroffe... 21 W. Brownlie e
    197 words
  • 163 11 Advices by miil from Bitavia state that, in au action iu the 20th April, upon the abandonment of several outposts, the Achim so li#t 28 killed and 42 wounded. As regards Tuku Umar, parleying with liiw came ’o an end, on the Government Commissioner receiving a letter
    163 words
  • 440 11 The Paris correspondent of 7he Timet sj'.vh the Russian Ambassador expressed surprise to 31. Bert helot that his declaration read in the Chamber of Deputies of M.»rch 19 on the Dongola expedition had not first been coiiftmificated to him :*s one of extreme interest,
    440 words
  • 125 11 (For the Far East.) Per P, A O. 8. s Parramatta, from London, April 10, Colonel and Mrs. Frowd-Waik*r, Dr. Van tome en, Mr. W. J. Clennel, Mr. W f Scott, Mr. J. Wi'dey, Mrs. Lovell, ami Mr. Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Kickie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawson
    125 words
  • 313 11 MAY MONTHLY MEDAL. Golfers, on Saturday, at last got a fine afternoon for Golf. Scoring, however, was bad, the putting greens being vt ry treacherous. A Robertson was the winner of the May Medal, his scores being 53 and 48 less 18=83. Scores:— Robertson, A. 53 48
    313 words
  • 626 11 IlICHER DEATH-RATE. The Annual Re\ ort oq the Registration of births and deaths in the Straits Settlements for 1895 show that the total number «*f births registered in 1895, throughout the Settlements, was 12,544; aud is tquival.ut .o a cr M de birth-rate of 23*16 per
    626 words
  • 963 11 MB. ELCUM S VIEWS. The Annual Education Report for 1895, signed by Mr. J. B. Elcum, Acting Inspector of Schools, show the revenue collected bv the Education D»partment to be $7,784, of which Singapore contributed $4,326. The total expenditure for the y*ar was. $181,393. The expenditure for
    963 words

  • 2205 12 PRESENTATION OF AN ADDI ESS. On Saturday afternoon, in th- hall of thr Boustead lus'itute, Captain Bldr was presence with an address, on behalt of the employes of the Taujoug Pdsjar D >ck Compauy, upon his retirement from the managership. It was a farewell gathering. Captain
    2,205 words
  • 632 12 (F, •om Our Correspondent) The article which appeared under th** above heading in the Straits Times of April 20th has led to a good deal of discussion amongst the Club habiture in th *se parts. It is an open secret that the racing fraternity (especially those
    632 words
  • 528 12 The Kings of Danmark and Sweden will come to England early in July to attend the wedding of Princess Maud of Wales and Prince Charles of Denmark. King Christian is to stay at Marlborough House with the Prince and Princess of Wales. King Oscar will be lodged at
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  • Correspondence.
    • 822 12 ABOUT BANKRUPTCY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE "STRAITS TIMES. M Sir, —We are glad to find that Mr. SheUord is again a member of the Legislative CoUQcii. He was the leading spirit iu the movement which culminated in the present Bankruptcy amendment. Thai movement began at
      822 words
    • 374 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS THUS Sir, —My attention has been drawn tot statement made in the lengthy auonyinoai communication regarding the Klang land, which appeared in your issue of the 25tk ulto. Your correspondent states that he is prepared to demonstrate thit 1 blamed Selangor
      374 words

  • 134 13 I rnjROF THE "STRAITS TIMES. 1 w against the eoWiers who 5ir.-' Tll Hot*' 1 n< I treated the much violence was decided miDner somewhat strange. Ljteel 1 1 crimiual to rob the bottles of liquor but to !v of* le ..and is dealt with by a
    134 words
  • 268 13 I EWTOK Of THE "STRAITS TIMES. I iheiycesemployed by Mr. Abrams I out the racers every morning at no doubt real gems of their sort l 4 O' V do thev do their work well l*WtusItu the' time, but they even ril;* without a cent extra in
    268 words
  • 342 13 MHIIDITOK OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.'* Sii,-ily partners and 1 have nad with bf? mirrest the lengthy correspondence •SMiUi appetred in your columns in f .tn m IcPOW'l PS *T ,^r tag Laud Fum.W To briody suumiar- tie position of affairs, I beg to state StttIvK*e.J K’aiig u
    342 words
  • 1126 13 j *Uei f THK TRAITs times. i^v b l r i ias been i i er v to a letter, ‘«el«re,I will vain nth of them as are necessary as brief as possible:— Mr Haymond states it to have been “directly against bis advice” that
    1,126 words
  • 669 13 ARRIVALS. Par s. fl. Chou: Phya f.orn KUug:—Mr ani Mrs. Scott. Per s. ft. Hebe from Doli —Mr. Van Rievett. Per 8. 8. Hector from i ivorpeol via ports: Mr. Liuquist. Per p. 8. Se und'a from Penvrg —Me-sr;. Tucker, Eas’w od, Leicester, J. C. Kinttol, Mooly, Lecain,
    669 words
    • 191 13 Under this heading the following abbrevnme are 'need:—at r.—steamer; sh.—Oiip >q.—barque; Brit —British U. B.—Unit States; Fr.—French; Ger.—German; Dat. Dutch; Joh.—J oh ore; Ac., G.c..—Genera -irgo d. p.—deck passengers U.— Uncer tin ;T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T D.—'Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. W.—BorneV)iarf; J. W. —J amine's
      191 words
    • 1445 13 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. P. h Hin Guan, Brit, str 197 tons, Captain, endrie, 43i May. From Lombok, 28th v pi. G. c., 27 d. p. Wee Bin.& Co. U— Albbrgia, Ger 6t.r 1,190 tons Capt. Witt, 4th May. From Penan*. 2nd May. G c., A 66
      1,445 words
    • 297 13 Name, port probable date of arrival and name of agents. 8TUAM EK0. Achilles, Liverpool May 19 W. Mansfield. Aden, London, May 22; P. Agamemnon, L verpool, May 7; W. Mansfield, Aggi, Cardiff, left Mar. 22 Boustead. Ajax, Liverpool, May25; W. Mansfield. Alboin, B »in bay. May Borneo Company.
      297 words
    • 1186 14 ff LA* f v eskel’s Nam«. a Tom. Captain. From (Sailed Common res. C Rio I y. 27 Tib re Fch str.i 963 Gregory Saigon Apl 24 \fessa eerie? Maritime* 27 Hong Leong Brit, str 1 i7l Fri.p t'enang Apl 25 Wee Bin Co. 27 Aabdown *tr. 1851 Cowie
      1,186 words
    • 633 14 I at* i KHbKL’e Nam*. Flam a Rio Captain. li*bti»»>tion. I j Apl. 27 rengk»lis Brit, atr Smith Muar 27 Victoria ir wed str Ifellberg Penang and Rangoon 28 Anst aliin Brit str. 1 Helms Chefoo .8 Clan str. Bla*k Hongkong 28 A A pear *»tr. Hansen Penang and
      633 words
    • 114 14 SUNDA MKAiTS OK ARRIVED FOR ORDKRS. t LAU VATM I R Date, and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From Where Destination ke r io Sailing. make. Apl 21 Ned 9 9 Dren'he De Groot Apl 11 Fatavia Tjilatjay 22 Ned 8.h. La woe Van der Valk Apl 22 ftatavia Rotterdam
      114 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1402 14 THE WORD RUNS AWAY FROM US. The other day we had a talk with a man who know as little of the world around him as a bahv. Yet he was a man of naturally fine intelligence. He had just been relieved from prison. Ten years ago he was incarcerated
      1,402 words
      381 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 599 15 WALTER MACFARLANE SO., GLASGOW. AaI Tf v I9( I t v > -r mm :i" E3 HQ aJ X,»Xa»*C WHitTJS AT BE Bit •AlDVl. OAL«1 eY vv I.TEK M A. KAKLANE CO., GLASGOW. rv GLASS ENAMELLED DRAIN AND SOIL PIPES are impervious to rust, have perfectly smooth interiors, and can
      599 words
    • 575 15 LEA ft PERRINS P OBSERVE THAT THE SI 6 NATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse Blackwell, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE <£ 00. I
      575 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 337 16 JOHN Co Lt d SINGAPORE. ELECTRO PLATE DEPARTMENT.—Our Electro Plate Stock contains a complete range of articles for domestic requirements, also suitable for MarriJ Presents. Prizes for Athletic meetings, Ac. We are always pleased to submit special designs for Challenge Shields, Race Cups, Military Trophies, Presentation Plates, A*. > vvv.'
      337 words