The Straits Budget, 23 April 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 130 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The S *Penarig "throughout 'XI p'T'fT c f any "ewspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indie® ti e PP 1 ench Indo-Ohina. No
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    • 24 1 At Park, Mount El’xabe’h, Sings* pon*. ou Tburadsy, 19th April, the wife of Absot ItilD, premstu -sly, of s male child, •till-bo n
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    • 43 1 Archmakne Nbubeonner.—At the Cathedral by the Venera'de Archdeacon Perh»m i t e 15th instant, Thom at Will an only nou of A. J. Aschmanne, Ert-j of EooB'STON, Birmingham, to Edith Mild ed, fourth daugh’er of J. L. Nii hh >nnkk Esj., Singapore.
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  • 326 1 Editorials. Goll Currency in Rossi*. On Off.” The Chin* Japan Treaty. China and Japan. Recent Earthquake* The Conclusion of Peace. The Japanese aui Chinese Customs duties. Penang and the Note Issoe. The Situation in the East. The Penang Mail. Local. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Police
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  • 466 1 Sinoapobb, 23rd Apbil, 1895. PRODUCE. Gambler, 8.4). do Cuba No. 1, M 12.50. do do No. 2, 9.00. Copra Bali 5.52%. do Pontianak, 5.35. Poppor Black, 10.75. Sago Floor, Sarawak 2.70. do Brunei 2.32%. Pearl Sago, 3.50. (Joffee Bali, 42.00. Cog— Lihanaa. 4550. Tapioca small F1ake,,........ 41W'
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  • 592 1 This mail for Europe this week leaves by tbe M.4f. s. a. Caledonia* aud tbe M. M s s. Melbourne wicb tbe mail from Europe of the 29« h March is due tumor, ow. The mail for Eurotie uext week is for tbe P. A O.
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    • 36 1 London, Kit k April. TgR friendly Sliiu of Dir has oaptaied Umra K ban's Lrot’aer, and also the fort of Dir. A force under Colonel Kell/ has relieved the British garrism at Mastuj.
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    • 27 1 Thi N’ovorti, a Russian newspaper of note, reports that the Fintnce Minister of Russia is prepiriog to establish a gold currency there.
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    • 136 1 London, 17tk April. ALLEGED TERMS The c 'rresp >ndent of the Timer at Shanghii asserts that peace has been sigued between China and Japan. The correspondent affirms that the terms of peace inclu le The independence of Corea. Japan retains the places she
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    • 35 1 The casualties in the Chitral expedition include Captain Peobles, of the Devonshire Regiment, killed aud Captain O'Leary of the same regiment, wounded. Fowler and Unira Khan’s remaining Sepoy prisoners have arrived safe.
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    • 22 1 An earthquake has taken place in Italy and Southern Austria. Many bouses have collapsed and tweuty persons have been killed.
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    • 179 1 London, 18th April. Reuter** correspondent at Tien tain asserts that the Emperor of China baa, by edict, empowered Li Hung Chang to aign a treaty of peace with Japan, and .to accept the coodilions of the Japanese ultimatum. These conditions
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    • 71 1 London, 19th April. The penoe conditions include the cession of the Pescadores to Japan. Jjp’io also retains Wei-HVi-Wei until the treaty of peace has been carrie 1 out. The term of three weeks is allowed for the ratification of the treaty. The
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    • 41 1 The Japioeae Consul at Singapore ha* received the following t“l**gram from J&pua Treaty of (rtacc betweeu Japan and China signed on th i 17th April. The oichaoge of ratifications will take place at Chefoo within a few weeks.
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    • 74 1 London, 'JOih April, The terms of peace between China and Japan provide for the indemnity being payable within seven years with interest at five per ceut. But iuterest will aot be charged, if the indemnity be settled and paid within three years. Japan has stipulated
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    • 40 1 Oscar VV ml>j was ueeu b up for conspiring to commit act* of indecencv. His alleged associate has bea charged with the gravest offence. Both of them have been cojnmitted for trial. Bail was refused.
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    • 7 1 Uuara Kbau baa fled.
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    • 116 1 London. 29nd April. ADDITIONAL JAPANESE DEMANDS JOINT ACTION BY UERMANY. PRANCE. AND RUSSIA A CHINESE LOAN Reuter’s correspondent at Shanghai states that Japan demands from China the openiug of the cities of Cbentu, Kaifongfu, Peking, Chaoking, and Suchow. Germany, France, and Russia have agreed upon joiut action
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    • 28 1 A flying column uuder General Gatacre baa been hurrying to Chitral which waa rt* tiered on Sunday, but it ia'uncertaiu how the relief waa effected. 4
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    • 197 2 (Sir*its Times, 16th April.) Ir the newspaper report, mentioned io to-day's telegram, is to be credited, another blow may soon be dealt at silver. Silver hss latterly been recovering under the expectation that the heavy indemnity demanded by Japan from China would nccifritate a silver loan
      (Sir*its Times, 16th April.)  -  197 words
    • 469 2 (Sl.aitt Timet, ldtk April > By to-morrow's mail, there depart from Singapore, “on leave," many persons of eminence, note, or popularity. The Sul* tan cf Jwhore is among ibosj wLwgo; anil that we do not namo auy of the others in this article is because to name
      (Sl.aitt Timet, ldtk April >  -  469 words
    • 593 2 trmih Tim*, 17th April.) The wtatemrnt that China and Japan have agreed, or will agree, to form an alliance for oflTenoe and defence is of vast iuportance. Probably it is true. Japan ■Bust be greatly annoyed at the hectoring tone of the European press, and justly anxious
      ( trmih Tim*, 17th April.)  -  593 words
    • 346 2 Strait* Timet, Wth April.) The terms of peace, as stated by Reuter's correspondent at Tientsin in today's telegram, differ somewhat from those given by the Shanghai correspondent of the Times as telegraphed yesterday. Both correspondents probably follow the voice of rumour, and further information must be awaited;
      (Strait* Timet, Wth April.)  -  346 words
    • 283 2 I Strait* Timet, IHtk April.) Eabthqi'akks, one of which was the subject of one of our yesterday's telegrams, have latterly been of frequent occurrence in Southern Europe- oleanio activity has I cen manifested there from ancient tiints, especially in Italy. In that country towaids the end of l»!>t
      I Strait* Timet, IHtk April.)  -  283 words
    • 313 2 (Btrailt Timet, 19th, April.) Peacb between Japan and China iB now assured. Information has been received that the protocol, or original text, of the treaty of peace, has been signed. China had owned her overthrow and accepted the Japanese ultimatum which forms the basis of the
      (Btrailt Timet, 19th, April.)  -  313 words
    • 276 2 (Strait* Tim**, 2Utk April.) The terms of peace between China and Japan, as further telegraphed to-day, show that,if China pays theiudemnityquickly, no interest will l>e charged. Japan has also taken the usual precaution of stipulating for commercial treatment on the most favoured nation footing.
      (Strait* Tim**, 2Utk April.)  -  276 words
    • 203 2 Strait* Times, HOth April.) It will be seen from our telegrams that the Penang Chamber of Commerce approves the proposed scheme for a Government note issue; but yet the Chamber disapproves the issue of onedollar notes! That is odd. We had thought that the issue
      (Strait* Times, HOth April.)  -  203 words
    • 813 2 {Straits Timet, Sind April.) It is difficult to pee how any serioi* quarrel can take place between the West, ern Powers and Japan, upon the terms 0 f the peace; as we know those terms. The first feeling is one of satisfaction that with such
      {Straits Timet, Sind April.)  -  813 words
    • 217 3 i Strait* Timet, 2'Jud April.) Thk B. I. steamer K a form, with the Kuropeau outward mail for Penang, left Rangoon on the 18th and delivered the mail at Penang yesterday, the 21st. The Penang mail, under the old arrangements, would have come by the M.M. steamer
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  • 956 3 Bt latest Pahang advices, Mr. Clifford had pushed on through or round Kelantan to Triuggauu, where he met the Siamese Commissioner, Luang Visudh Parihar. On Saturday the 13tb, Mr. Clifford, with the Siamese Commissioner, were at Kuala Tringgana with the Sultaa of Tringgaau. Nothiug was known of
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  • 75 3 The Court of Appeal appointed by the Chief Justice will assemble to morrow. The following are the cases set down for heariug: Heard v. Tan Ong. He Mahomed Ghose. K wong Weng Chenge. Behn Meyer A Co. Pully v. Campbell. Jan Mahomed Osman v. Tan Tye. Ramsammy
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  • 594 3 CRICKET DINNER TO THE HON. A. J. LEACH AT HONGKONG. Ok the evening of the 6th inst. the committee of the Cricket Club, together with a few of thoee members of the Club whose exploits in the cricket field in the present and io the past entitle
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  • 274 3 Peteoleum is employed in Americt to prevent incrustation, and hss b*eu used for this purpose stoec 1875. Its value was made more fully known by comprehensive experiments i>t the works of ih Electric Light Coming in Jersey City, in 1887, and recently its
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  • 57 3 There is received a volume, forwarded by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, containiug the Reports of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, and the Penang Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, for the year 1894. The substance of tbe material therein has appeared from time to time in this journal as the
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  • 174 3 A nUHUHAUI (From our Oorrcopondont.) Pckan, lttk April. Oh but ooa rt dmy, Malay named Che Abba* was brought before Mr. Belfbdd for unlawful poaeeaaion of property, to wit a cheque book that belonged to the late Mr. Louie Stewart who «ai murderei up the Pahang River in
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  • 78 3 London, 95th March. Tl e Earl of Kintore is mentioned as probably the next Governor of Jamaica. Sir Henry Loch, who has just resigned the Cape Colony governorship, will probably succeed the late Governor Duff in New South Wales. 96th March. The death ia announced at Boston,
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  • 181 3 The Jaj»ao Official Qaoette published an announcement on Saturday, (30th nit.) that an Armistice bad been agreed upon between Japan and Chioa, duly signed by Count lto. Viscount Mutsu, and the Viceroy Li. The Treaty consists of 6 articles all Military and Naval foroes in Summing, Pec'uibli and
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  • 384 3 Til K HKW BOY." Miss Grace Hawthorne’s Company list evcuiog, ap|>oared in Arthur C. Law’s* farcical comedy The New Bojr with emineut success. There was a good house, which was n«»t slow to testify its appreciition of the performance through its many ecceotric phases. Dr. Candy, a
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  • 457 3 (Yin Bangkok.) smipwbbob on mb cam. TIME CHITKAt BXPBDITIOB. TUB MPBAKKB'H PABSWBLL SPBBOH vocal mro. MB PAMUM London, 9tk April. Tbb Dund'ennov, from Chittagong to Dia dee, he* been wreck 'd ia rounding the Oapt ie total luce, and only three lire* bate been eared. Simla, Bth April.
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  • 427 3 In the annual report of the Yokohama Chamber of Comuie're an interesting review of the foreign trade of Japan is given. Th- value of exports and imports for all 1 Japan during the years 1804 and 1898 was as follows i Total exports and imports 1894
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  • 1899 4 THK NOTOftlOtm MU UWUCITH AT THK OAMUOK Gloomy, sombre, lowering as some dark thundercloud (bat hides sfcafts of deadly ▼ividmsa; this is tbe first impress that Mr. Pinero's latest masterpiece gives one. It completes what tbe Greeks would buve called a trilogy of Problem Plavs—- The
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  • 35 4 People in Tanglin who are interested in shipping would like Colonel Plunkett to cut down a tall tree that has grown till it quite obscures the flagstaff, from the view of many Tang] in houses.
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  • 1161 4 (Time*.) The Far Gnat is truly, as Mr. Henry Norman nays, the «eed-bed of a nsul' i. tude of new polilioal issues." All who de* sire to know something of the nature of the soil and tbe probable character of the crop now mituriug will find
    (Time*.)  -  1,161 words
  • 251 4 JAFANKHK HIimCKIKU KKUM CHOLERA Captain Bathurst, of the Douglas steamer Thales, which arrived at HougL'oog' from Taiwaufoo (Formosa) and Amoy od tbe 10th instant, states that the Thales left Taiwanfoo oo the 7th inst aod pa-ae J through tbe Pescadores. She sighted six Japanese ineu-of-war and five transports
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  • 425 4 Lecturing at Toynbee ball oo The Daily Life of the Chinese Labourer,” Sir John Gorst, M.P., said that a study of the social fife of the Chinese was ('specially useful to all who were anxious about social progress and well-being iu our own country. The most
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  • 1215 4 thau to turn the handle of a crank/’— bong Daily Prett. WJk> (be diekra* is Fmith P wiU prohably the first question asked. According 0 tb* Ceylon Cbterrer Mr L. O. Smith ia ex-imyubsr of the Fen*te of Sweden; possibly tc i u] member cf the
    thau to turn the handle of a “ crank/’— bong Daily Prett.  -  1,215 words

  • 579 5 Thk P. A O. Kaitar-i Hind, which rr ived on Sunday, brought for tbe ColoiUl Treasury small silver coin to Ihe a lue of $214,000. Of that, $70,000 repained in Penang aod $144,000 came to >inga|H>re. Yesterday the Chartered Baulr ook from the Treasury small coin to
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  • 114 5 K rabi.e replies having been receivra° ot* the other colonies relating direct representation of Australian s,s »t the International Money Conc the Premier of South Australia ber^ 1 1 tt^tt n Premiers of the 0 ;;vr. suggesting that the matter bought under the not ire of the
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  • 206 5 revolution in. mv KATAL OOLUKKV EXPLOSION TL.».ii u Condom, 4&a d March. DeUiU hare been received of the uogmuery fitting which took piece in the the*?!!*? L, T A 1 of P ®"b'between the lebels a ltd the Govern incut troupe. The roWU entered the town at
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  • 162 5 Herr Charles Margot, of the University of Geneva, has recently made a curious •li*co"cry concerning aluminium. He has found that if glass be rubbed with a piece of this metal very brilliant markings will be obtained that no amount of washing will cause to disappear, and this is
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  • 539 5 LEAH AT THE TOWN HALL. The production of thi< play bv the Grice Hawthorne Company last night once more exemplified the deficiencies of our local st ige and the consequent injudicious attempt to represent any piece where scenery and display are essential. Apart from this the subject of the piece
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  • 1094 5 A WIFE* PHOPEKTY At the Court of Appeal this morning, const it ut«<l of the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Law, and Mr. Justice Leach, sn interesting Brankruptcv appeal was beard. It was an appeal against the decision of the British Consular Court at Bangkok, iu a Bank*
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  • 863 5 Almost ms important a question m What is Bociety to wear this leasou P" is Wlmt is Society to chatter about this season P" The .purveyors of literature and drama, at all events, whose business it is to strike out novel topics just as the late
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  • 1027 5 Whatkvkr may be your fail, it is certain sooner or later to receive the approval and support of the medical journals. The havoc plaved by these authorities among the cherished convictions of the public need not be described. From time to time they have divcoven
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  • 2279 6 especially pretty. They a'e very sby.— Sel-tngor Journal. In the Ulu Laogat District theie air two tribes of B»kais knowu as O aug Bukit,” or Lill mm, and Orang Tft jonjf,” or ro<u living Otar rivers; tli*w two triles biv really only one i.e., Basalt Bisisi
    especially pretty. They a'e very sby.— Sel-tngor Journal.  -  2,279 words
  • 113 6 Lomloit, sth April. lit the Hoiiso of Cumulus last night Mr. Russel', replying to a question, said that he believed the report of the Opium Commission would be presented ou the llth instant. A forecast of the report is published by the Daily Chronicle. It says
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  • 264 6 (From the Annual Report of the As«i*tant Indian Immigration Agent Ferak.) Gula, hts a high death-rate —viz., 639 per cent, which is the worst they have ever had, 483 per cent, being their Dext worst, in 1890. Since then they bad previously been nearly best. It
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  • 1946 6 A GEOLOGICAL BE VIEW OF THtB PKOBPECTB ■OUMOa MKKTLD n HAM. TUB fUUTBAL AM? OUSUianOIAL EBSULTM {The following paper Ant Attn forwarded tout by a local gcdogitl.) Is the underlying strata in and around Singapore ooal-beanng? Yes, barduudeniable facts prove it to be so. Ge dogy, the
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  • 642 7 Thk people of this Colony will probably *ut (be threatened appointment of Mr. il<htll-Innea, referred to in another colm It would be writer to seud him ta* fi. or (be Gold Coast, or Lagos, or some ice there be eould get a clean atari free ai the
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  • 96 7 Bt the Sappho, which arrived yesterday, there came a young gentleman of Messrs. Paterson and Simona* firm, on a return from a holiday trip to tbe Native He was received in state by Mr. Stringer, tbe managing partner of Messrs. Paterson S.moua A Co., who went out to tLe Sappho,
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  • 95 7 The Manchester Guardian is informed that the China Mutual Steim Navigation Com (any, who have hitherto loaded tbeir steimers with Manchester goods, machinery, Ac., at B rken bead. intend sending tbeir new steamer Kaisow to load at Manchester for Chinese and Js|ane»o ports early in April. Ihe
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  • 355 7 appealed, but the award waa upheld.— 2ime# of Indim. The favourable reception which was accorded by the Calcutta Legislative Council to the Usury Bill introduced by the Hon. Mohini Mohun Roy affords ground for hope that at length.a protective barrier may be placed between the Indian borrower and
    appealed, but the award waa upheld.— 2ime# of Indim. •  -  355 words
  • 542 7 Training has been in active progress wnoe tbe course vu formalljr opened on March 25th, and the days of racing appro* ching now within measurable distance the performances of tbe horses at their work are being watched with increasing interest. > The prospects of a successful meeting are
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  • 350 7 MR. N Q. MITCHKLLrINNIW OP HONOKOKO. With two substantial appointments v&aut in the Straits Service just now tbe Postunsier-Generalship and the post of Protector of Chinese —there is naturally a good deal of speculation in service circles—aud, it may also be raid, some heart burnings. Mr. Trotter
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  • 4176 7 What it is coming to.—First American heiress: Did yon mo that paragraph in the hunday papor saying that your engagement to tlie Count was a genuine love affair P” Bccond A moriean heiress: Then Fll just instruct my lawyers to sue them for libel Why, I shall lose
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  • 49 8 It seems you can own a slave in Nether-, lands India—at least, it. so ajipca’g in our tiauslations from Netherltods 1 ndia papers The probable explanation is that owners in certain districts have rights exis'ing from the time prior to the abolition of slavtry generally in the Dutch Colonics
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  • 78 8 Thk King of Si mi ha* issued a decree dealing with the mutter of criminal procedure th**re. The dicree promulgates a tiausitory law ou th; subj ct as th preamble states th it it is the intention of the Government to introduce an entbely new code of criminal procedure. The
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  • 925 8 A BANGKOK CAKE. pullt co. lteepondent) a. mur&ay campbbll Appellant (Before Chief Justice Co*, and Justices ham and Leach.) Judgment in tbe above cane was giviu by the Court this morning. Mr. Chief Justice Cox said :—This is an appeal from a judgment of tbe Consular
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  • 31 8 The Peuang Steam Tramway service will, it is reported, shortly lie accelerated. It is proposed to run trams every quarter of an hour, instead of every halt hour as at present.
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  • 1000 8 OTHER DEPARTING RESIDENTS. THK UKAVKMM Wltf. Many pleasant, yet also oecesnarily sad, farewells were taken yeetvrdav ou board the P. and O. steamer Pehn, homeward bound. It is not often that so large a gathering is seen on the departure of any residents, but a va'iefcy of
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  • 201 8 Evidence w. s heaid at the Magistral Hongk ng, ou tbe 11th iustaut i n 4 charge of uautioy aud attempted wur4 at Iloilo Harbour brought against fog seamen belonging to tbe Nova Scoti* ba*que Launbtrya. Duiing the vo»J, from Newcastle to Iloilo, the men bj never
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  • 553 8 The Chitral Expedition set oat on th* Ist April and the first brush with the eomj occurred ou the 3rd, when the Swatii disputed the passage of the Malakh&nd Pm*. The 2nd Brigade commenced marching op the Pats. The road lies up the b.d of the river
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  • 33 8 The Madras Times considers th*t 5 per cent, tax on the value of ment furniture in the bungalows quarters of officials in Perak sounds* 1 the expiring taxation effort of a banker government!
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  • 906 9 Kb. Macßitcmie is steadily improving and, although not out of danger, ia distiaetlj batter than ha waa a week ago. I■' Mb BuamiwaaAw’a bov," while taking away fro* the house a ’rikisha filled with jama and other daloctablaa, was arrested by the police. A Cbiwamaw waa received
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  • 232 9 A cohcibt, under the uatrouage of Lady Mtchdi, in rd of the Price Fund of the Raffled Girls* School took place lssi evening, in the Boys’ Sehool building, in the pro■eace of a fairly large audience. Tie programme included a number of cborusee pup*li of
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  • 437 9 Iu the Cotmopoliian Lord Wo'eeley, who ha* always been a great admirer of the fighting qualities of the Chinese, discuss* a the chances of China rallying and aaseriiug her proper petition iu the world, lie sa > a It reeras to me that the
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  • 357 9 NiviPiPii Press Directory 1895. 0. Mitchell sod Co. The jubilee edition of thin valuable work, which baa juat been published, tuarka a distinct advance upon the usually well defined limits of such a work. Not only is it a complete guide t > the world’s press, but infinite trouble
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  • 84 9 MR JOA«4UIM NOMINATED To- morrow is the last day for receiving nominations of candidates for the ▼acant seat oo the Municipal Commission, caused hr the retiiem*ot of Mr. T. Sbelford C.M.0., who has gone home. Up to the present only oi.e nomination has been nceived. Mr. JP.
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  • 425 9 Ti e ITongtony of be 11th n g&va —ln our issue ot tut; 9ih iusLant wv sounded a warniug note in reference to there being something radicaly wrong with theiinitarv condition ot' the neighbouring port of Maato. On that occa -u n we said—“ Our Macao
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  • 125 9 rBNAJKI POET TBUBT A spicial general meeting of the Penang Chamber of Com me roe was celled to-day for the purpose of considering the propoeed Government note imue for the Straits. At the same time, the meeting was also to discuss the proposed Penang Port
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  • 759 9 EmpText In the Saracinesca group of novels Mr. Manon Crawford tried tho experiment of writing fiction in trilogies It was sue* restful, not, we fane/, because to follow a familj history through three generations is socially enjoyable, nor because the tri'Ofiy enables a philosophic moralist to
    EmpText  -  759 words
  • 1371 9 (From our Correspondent Tma u strike,” so called. bss hapi iJy •nded tine# I lut wrote. Tbe step* utm bj the Colonial Government to iivob lVi assistance of tho Chinese ofllciala dealt a deathblow to tbe leader* of the moretu -at, M they had tffidoabtedly ealcuUted u|*oe being
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  • 609 10 The folio* jug letter t» the Editor upj**ar« iu the Rangoon Gazette: < ir,—Great deal hnsht'ely Won writ ten ahont touting. I do not see, however.that there isany* tiling tciy wrorg in it after all. In Ouentul countries a broker is employe i in every
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  • 1208 10 (A review by one who has travelled and lived in Mr. Nor man’s Forbidden Land.'*) Mb. Hbbbt Norman’* new book The People and Politic* of the Far E•at" i* before the public of Singapore if they care to buy it. At its title implies, it
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  • 602 10 SALVING THE STEAMER ULYSSES.” In tbe Admi<alty Court on the 12tb March, Mr. Justice Bruce delivered the following award in tbe salvage claim brought by the owners of tbe steamer Sappho against tbe owueis of tbe steamer Ulysses*. In giving the award, hisLordsbipsaid:— Iu th s cave there is un
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  • 780 10 THE riOHT AJ THE MAUIUKD PAH. Latest new* from the frootier report* that the tribesmen who opposed the advance of the troops were composed mostly of priests and headmen and their followeis belonging to the upper Banisais, and sympathisers of Umra Khan. They made an obstinate stand in
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  • 78 10 Hongkong is commenting to suffer from the pangs of a restricted water supply, due to the absence of rain, Which apparently has been prolonged. It is officially notified that the public mains will only be supplied for, on an average, a couple of houra a day. The incident is extremely
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  • 323 10 Soldiuta iu Java may pot be supply with alcohol after 5 p. m. A Mystbbioub murder case—a Malay man murdering hia son-in-law— is rej>ortfd from Prorinoe Wellesley. The Bine Funnel Line, it is said, u* shortly expecting two more new vessels for the Bangkok-Singapore run. The Deputy
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  • 82 10 Tbe spring Tournament of the Penaag Golf Club is fixed to begin on Monday next, and to continue to tbe 25th May. Tbe prizes are; a cup, value $5O. presented by the bankers of Penang a championship cup aith gold medallion; a Ladies’ ebampioneh p cup with
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  • 112 10 TUB DANUBE* or CHAMPAGNE Last evening, tbe house occupied by Mr. Daltnann on Sophia Hill was entered and tbe sum of $4O nbntracted from one of the drawers in tbe bedroom. Tbe person or persons who entered the place did so by packing up empty
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  • 260 10 Mr. James Alexander Swbttbnhae, c.m.0., Colonial Secretary, arrived in the Colony on the 12tb, and assumed the duties of his Office on the 16th instant Leave of absence has been granted with half-salary to the uncffermentioned Officers The Hon’ble C. W. S. Kvnnersley for one-and-a-half
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  • 1273 11 Ve stood on the f</cl«e bead of tbe j Sappho, tWe the donkey eu- jjj its noisy duty, and tbe anchor neighed. We were about to try an *.iuient, and though -perhaps there litt'e originality in it, the accouot eof .ball be written. A lorely
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  • 489 11 A fine, though misty, morning and the prospect of some good gallops attracted a »airly large gathering to the course to-day. The snails are beginning to come out of their shells and the patrons of the smoking cjffeewdl become much more numerous a-t'we approach the meeting. The goiug
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  • 1254 11 THE BftITMH AMD FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. ibntebday evening, r lecture on the history of the British and Foreign Bible Bocietj, was given by Mr. John Haffenden, the sgent of the Society in the Straits. There was a fairly large audit noe. The proceedings opened with a prayer
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  • 872 11 Th* Mining Manager** report for the four weeks, ending the 12th April 1895, runs aq follows snmra. Raub Hole Section Mum Engine Shaft No. 1 Level. —The crosscut going West to cut the original workings is now in 60 feet. The face is still in hard blasting llate, but
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  • 1141 11 (Fta Rangoon). London. 7th April. la continuation ofßeater’s Faria telegram pn* bliahed on Saturday:—M. H«not aux the French Minister for Foreign Affaire, alao said that pending negotiations which were proceeding between Franc* and England, the former cannot acknowledge the claims of the Royal Niger Company. France recognise* Turkish
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  • 175 12 At a committee meeting of the above niCCUIt!? II held last night an application «>■ made by tbe sth Fusiliers to enter another team for the competition and this was agreed to—and the cap ties were redrawn as follows. 8. C. C. meets. sth Fusiliers 11. j
    175 words
  • 322 12 Hakmston'h Circus put on a very creditable h’jow at the T-»wu Hall last eveniug. In the first place, the idea of appearing on the boards is a distinct departure from what the conveutiousl circus is accustomed to. Hut in these go-ahad times circus managers are w< 11 aware
    322 words
  • 1165 12 railway ncsnrmn at drlaooa rat. LOM OR A VESSEL. BRITISH MERCHANTS AMD FAILURES AT •OtTRARAYA OHIMESR lIIMIGRATION. THE DOLLAR Of DELI. SLAVE IMPORTATION. COUNTERFEIT MONEY AOHKEN AFFAIRS LANG RAT OIL (Translated from various newspapers. The ironclad Koningin Wilkelmina der Neierlanden now in Netherlands India waters in the neighbourhood
    1,165 words
  • 2057 12 There in going to be a very brink competition at Portsmouth lie tween various naval designs for signalling, which are to be fitted in several gunboats there, and submitted to triat before a board of expert*. First, there is a steel cone, made with ribs on the umbrella
    2,057 words
  • 92 12 Abstract or Traffic Barvinok sob tsi Month of Mancn, lays. lleade of Receipts. Amount Pasaeugeru 126,214 Season Tickets Horses, Carriages, and Doga \n Telegraph Collections 4 Excess Fares 143 Parcels 609 Excess Luggage $7 Bpeeid Ttaius. gj Miscellaneous 3^ Total Coaching $27,7C8 Goods f 37,934 W»rehouse Rent
    92 words
  • 639 12 THE HINDOO PERIL.” The Science Fraucaise contains an artic by Piofessor Andre Duhoee, entitled t 44 Hindoo Perii.” It ia ealenfsted (says tl Paris correspondent of the Standard to can considerable sensation in the cotton-spinaii districts of France, where the state at thin in India it lees well known than
    639 words

  • 1433 13 On Friday night, a thief broke into th< bedroom of the Colonial Secretary. The burglar may, of course, have felt that it ew only the proper thing to make an *rlv call on a now Celooial Secretary and, no doubt, the etiquette of the burgling profession require*
    1,433 words
  • 134 13 A mutint occurred oa board the Brit sh barque Launberga, at Iloilo, (Philippines) on the night of the 24th March. It appears that some of the crew, revolted against the Captaiu and the second officer, for not allowing them to go ashore. One mast stabbed the Captain
    134 words
  • 966 13 (Selangor Journal 19th April.) w* Imm that til* sth Fusiliers will »und vrteksi Urn up to Kuala Lumpur on the 12Mi Muj sad play on tho 13th ami 14th. The proposed arrangements are a billiard match at V** 10 Club ou the Monday night an I a bmokmg
    (Selangor Journal 19th April.)  -  966 words
  • 146 13 Shanghai, 10th April. Information has been received that the Indo-t’hiu* steamer Yiktaug (Capt It. C. D. Bnullev) has berm seised by a Japanese cruiser outside Taku. The Yikmng was on a voyage from ri anghsi to Tientsin with what was believed to be
    146 words
  • 163 13 I'KI/K Rlivu 09 Ist Hound. A. H. Lemon scratched t» Sunr. rapt. Orilf, Lieut. Guggubarg, beet C. Severn (8) 3 up nnd 2 to play. C. Stringer beat A. P. Talbot (2)3 up and 2.t0 play. Hou’ble J. JK. Birch beat D. W. Lovell (8) 1
    163 words
  • 121 13 The Perak Pioneer does not consider amalgamation of the Native States Civil Sr vice practicable at pre eat. It fiode, taking the subject from tbe particular poiut of view < f the Native states Officer, as the question affect* his personal postt:ou, the only fair and
    121 words
  • 626 13 [From tlu StraiU Mariti im Journal Which I walked int the cricket pavilion on Frid iy eveuing lt*t, the very first individual I ran against was my old frreni and fallow ptstengerof some sx mouths ago,'l mem the nmn from Perak. “My dear fellow'’ said he I’m
    [From tlu StraiU Mariti im Journal)  -  626 words
  • 1414 13 tsb ooNbmoM or frkan AM OIL rAMIWB. A MOTAL MAMUAOI MR. BEOKRTTS MOTRMBNTB. (From our CorreapoaHont.) Pekun, Yura lay, talk Apri f t 1895. With refureuce to the fiuanoial advaoceroent during ISO l of the State of Pahang taken as a whole—(recently alluded to in Strait* TYssrs)—it i<
    1,414 words

  • 31 14 (p'rom a Bangkok Paper.) A Mach of important Matter is unavidul>ly held over owing to ah epidemic at present r( igning among the female relative of our compssitors.
    (p'rom a Bangkok Paper.)  -  31 words
  • 76 14 meeting yesterday By tehgram from our Correspondent). Fencing, Friday Evening. At a special general meeting of tbe Penang Chamber of Commerce held thia afternoon, the Chamber approved the proposed Government note issue, but did not approve any issue of one dollar notes. Discussion on Ihe proposed
    76 words
  • 121 14 (Straits Maritime Journal.) W* hear, but here one hours such fining things, that His Serenity, the Resident Councillor has positively forbidden people employed (like himself) in the Government Buildings to drive up to the main (ntrance. He giaciously permits two txceptions, the Acting Deputy Colonial Engineer and
    (Straits Maritime Journal.)  -  121 words
  • 1122 14 Yns— there were the tracks, plain as possible, and we were in luck at last. After a weary tramp in search of a thino, who bad decamped at or bafote our coming, and a night at anchor in the Enid off Jr ram, we were
    1,122 words
  • 455 14 To the Editor of the Selangor Journal. Sir, —It the Overland 7 imei of Ceylon whuharimd by tbe lost mail, 1 see an txtiacl from your|aper, giving an account of tbe sale of ttveial Idecks of land al Klaug, io which you say, referring to Mr.
    455 words
  • 166 14 —Datly Newt. Accordino to Faking despatches, tbe Emperor, by tlu.* advice of Prince Kung, has or.lciel the iibolitiou of the preheat Board of Admiralty ‘as a useless expense inasmuch as there is now no fleet to control.’ Furthermore there was in the Admiralty Reserve Treasury uo
    —Datly Newt.  -  166 words
  • 549 14 —Calcutta Mail. A Resolution of tho Governor--General in Council on the report of h Leprosy ('ominissioti which recently sat there tends to dispel fears in many quarters as to the facility with which this disease is spread The report itself is tho outcome of four
    —Calcutta Mail.  -  549 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 795 14 TO THE EDITOR OP THK STRAITS TIMEX. Sir, Id opening your columns to a discussion on the potability of discovering c’oal in workable qusntitii s in tbe ktia'a underlying BipgA|*ore, you have tapped a big rubj**ct. The lo«al giologist,” houe>e:* t tj whom wj are m’cbtel br
      795 words
    • 215 14 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMKA Sir, —It. was reallv very nice of you to report Mr. Hsffenilen'a* lectuie on the origin of the Bible Society; bat why, oh why, did you allow the story of Mary’s fe*t to pass without remark? If Mary walked
      215 words
  • 677 14 ABUTTALS. Per n. Ch'/tr Phya from Klang Messrs. A. H. Ukt», O. Gordon. Gluiford, a. Jemmett. Browne, Mr. and Mrs. van der Straaieu. Per s. s. Gulf of Venice from Manila Mr. Brown. Per 8. 8 Glengyle from Loudon —Messrs Gregory, A Id-urn and Mrs. Robertson. Per s.
    677 words

  • 676 15 Ifliild cau ask questions that a wise utau il answer. Ye* anti Micro are some ques»tbat the ablest doctors dou’t like to liav» fiewk them. Say a question of this s >rt mile we are about it, however, we might as S tell tin*
    676 words
    • 130 15 Under this heading the following abbreviuone are used eh. —hip. n U n 5 <-*«"•—G« naan; Dat— Outeli j Job.—-Johor*; A*., G*..—General V ‘V’T?®'* P BBBBo B "5 U.— UneerP n f T P W "^T anjol,g PB^r Wharf; T. a W.— Borneo Wlwrf; I.W.—Jardiue’e Wharf: N.
      130 words
    • 1377 15 Abbitalb Bmcb Noon of Saturday. Nrera, Brit. sir. 168 tone. Cap*. Morris, 20 h April. From T. Anson. 17th April G. c., and 138 d. p. Straits Steamship Coy. For T. Anson via porta, 22nd.—Rds. Puk Hin Guam, Brit. str. 196 tons, Gapt. Bmitb, 13th Apl- From Macassar,
      1,377 words
    • 145 15 passed sunda straits or arrived eor okdeks. Bt Datr Rk* Datk AMD Ship’s Nam» Commamdrk. or From Whahic. Destination m r,o. Sailino. a.a iofi.r rh KO. BicMr.e s Heneke Mar 3 Bangkok B emca y Ne<l ai Lawm Vnn d«r Valk Apiil 10 Ha'avia Rotter^m n i&L rrw M.r
      145 words
    • 1121 15 5 Vtaesi/e Naha. 4* Torn. CArraiM, F»om. jsAiLin Cowaiawiae frj) i l Ge urd C. Tobey Am. lq 1300 'hurtleft Hongkong Mo Mmr A Co. 15 G'engyle Brit.atr. 2214 McGillioMf Loudon Mar 1C bou feed A Co. 1£ M» area atr. 406 Daly T. Anaoa Apl 12 Strait- bias
      1,121 words
    • 606 15 1 I Vessel’# Nank. ;Pla»*Rk.| Captain Unhtination Aul 13 Bbl*ai 1 Brit. "I*. Chopar.l Mn»f A Milnef# 1.5 I Kai er-l-Hind 1 P.O. str. Seymour H’t oop, b’li <i, A Ja'.'bd 16 I‘akan Brit. atr. Bruce I'aVan via port* 16 isaguo Ital. »tr. 1 arabioo reii>ng Hn, l Bombay
      606 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 651 16 en PILLS tnt Family Medicine CURE Sick Htadtcht, Ctnsti pation, IYSPCPSJA, UVEA TMttlin fmti VtgitoMi_ Ettf to Tab. Hw dolleato sufar-ooftUng of Ayer's Milo •moltn lauaodlatoly on roaehlng tho aton Mto. end permits the full stroucth of fbrpttlve, olthor Ayer'S to bo speodtly OMlmllmUd. As u for trot trarollors or
      651 words
    • 89 16 Chassaing Wine 30 years iSiIKT mtema Til DItiLTiTI 4n*M rHOS Fau£REs' PHOSPHATINE M id the moat often recommended and most agreeable food for infants from 8 to 7 months upwards, especially at the time of weaning and during the growing age. Itcnders teething easier, ensures the re* gular formation of
      89 words
      636 words