The Straits Budget, 12 March 1895

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 138 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” M4R 4 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the
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    • 17 1 ON tl*J 7th instant. at Bellvill. Cottage, Tv**r*all. tbe wife of William A. Postbr, of sdxugiitsr.
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  • 262 1 EuITOEiAL' HouKkoPv and r arish Government. Chine e Tndiffer mce The Profo-ed Monetary Conference. ■Srgland r. Australia. The Strata luaurauce Co. Friday's New*. Se'angor P)a 'ter*. Will Mr. Shelford Return. Local. Market Quotation* bhippin* N ewa. Passenger List. Pflliee New*. Departure of Mr. Tan Hup Leon* A
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  • 546 1 Singapore. 12th Makcu, 1895. PRODUCE. Gain bier, 8»ii. do Cuoe Nu. 1, H 13. do do No. 2, ti.%. Copra Bali,. 5.8U. do Poutiunak b.oO. Popper Black, lu.ilO. 6wgo Flour, Sarawak 2.35. do Brunei 2.37%. Pearl Sago, 3.50. Cotfee Bali, 45.uU. Cotiee Liberian, H 4d.U«J. Tapioca small
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  • 757 1 Thr mail for Europe this woek i« tak*»n by the M. M. s. s. Ernest Simon*, aud the M. M. s. s. Oxns with the mail flow Europe of the Isth February in due on Wednesday. The Bayern, wi'h th*? German mail from Europ? arrive 1
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    • 56 1 London, fit It March. 1 The United Stales Confess has finally agieed that ibe Uuite<l State* shall join other Power.* in bolding a Monetary Conferetiee. Mr. Crisp, the Speaker of the late ho«ue of Representatives, is to la? one of the United
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    • 19 1 In the match with All Australia, Sloddart’s first inui'U'S reaebtd three hundred and eighty five.
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    • 69 1 Mr. Sydney Buxton, Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, has stated iu the House of Commons that Lori Kipon has carefully considered the memorial from Hougkoug, praying for the iutroductiou of a more representative form of Government in that Colony. Mr. Syduey Buxtou further
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    • 64 1 London, 6th March. THE CAPTURED CHINESE WARSHIPS JAPANESE MILITARY MOVEMENTS The Chinese nien-of-war, which had been captured by the Japanese at Wei hai-wei, have arrived at Yokohama. The Japanese have abandone 1 the Sbautuug Promontory and also Wei-hui-wei, after destroying the forts there. The third aud fifth
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    • 26 1 In the match between Stoddail s team und All Auslr.ilii. fhelaMer, in the second iouings, were out, for two huudrei and sixty-seven.
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    • 31 1 Mr. H. H. Fowler, Secretary of St ate for India, and Mr. Campbell Bannermv., the Secretary of State for the War Department, are now laid up with influenza.
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    • 59 1 Loudon, 7th March. Li Huug Chang has started for Japan by way of Tientsin. The Japanese Goveruiueut has aecepted Li Hung Chungs credentials as peace envoy. The Japanese Government has notified its intention to occupy the |»ort of Newchwang Tbe
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    • 19 1 iu me matcu wim aii Australia, Migluud has wou bv six wickets.
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    • 22 1 The Rt. Hoa. H. H. Asquith. Sec etary of State for the Home Departmeut, is ill of iuHueu/.a.
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    • 57 1 London. 8th March. DIHPUUTK STRKKT NOHTINQ The Japanese have captured the city of Newchwang, after desperate lighting in the streets. Iu the lighting, which lasted thirteen hours, nineteen hundred Chinese were killed, and five hundred were taken prisoners. The Ja(>anese loss is estiinat *d at two hundred.
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    • 44 1 The Army Estimates, as laid before the House of Commons, contemplate the withdrawal of one battalion from the British garrison of Egypt during the present year. It is also stated that recruiting lor the British Army is now gaining more popularity.*
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    • 16 1 The British Navy Estima'e* provide for increising naval strength bv live hundred men.
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    • 20 1 WORKS AT HONUKONU Important new works are to be taken in hand at several ports, including HongkoDg.
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    • 47 1 London, 9th March. Sir William Harcourt baa stated, in the House of Commons, that Cyprus has proved absolutely useless to Britain. Sir William Harcourt further stated that Britain, having accepted the l uraen resulting from her occupying that island, must make the best of it.
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    • 17 1 The Duke of Cambridge is now inspecting the troops at Malta.
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    • 103 1 London, 11th March. The Japanese, after storming Newcbwang, pursued the Chinese to Yinkow, and captured that place along with the neighbouring coast forts. The Chinese fled to Chieu-Chuang-tai, which the Japanese also attacked. The Japanese captured Chien-Chuaug-tai after a fierce
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    • 84 1 AN ACCUSATION AOAIN8T MR OSCAR WILDS The Manjwis of Queeusberry has h. on arrested [ou the iuformatiou of Club Committee but has been bailed out. l'he charge agaiust the Marquis is that of libelling Mr. Oscar Wilde. The Marquis is alleged to have
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  • 26 1 DEATH. At PsIua. Italy on the 4th instant, Csmmend*tori ANTONIO Pkrtilk. Profeaaor at the Universdj, and father of Mr. Pbrtilv, •if 8iog* tor** Act'd t> > years.
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    • 532 2 (Stunt* Time*, .)th March.i IjOBD Kipon, as every oue expected, bus refuted to grant a form of repres *c tali'e Government to Hongkmg, and in so refuting bus noted witli win Join, dim ret on, aud foresight. Tbe petition ssut from Hongkong, prayingthat the exist mg
      (Stunt* Time*, .)th March.i  -  532 words
    • 513 2 ((Strait* Timet, Oth March.) The remark id our Hongkong correspon. deut’s letter that the phlegmatic C'hinitinsii does not cure two straws what dynasty is on the th*oie at Peking, liears out to some extent what we said the other day. The mass of the Chinese do not know
      ((Strait* Timet, Oth March.)  -  513 words
    • 395 2 (Strait* Timet, 7th March.) The currency agitation, which is leading to the meeting of another Monetary Conference, took its start in tbe German Reich strg. Germany, which brought on tbe silver trouble by her adoption of a gold standard over twenty years ago, has felt the
      (Strait* Timet, 7th March.)  -  395 words
    • 332 2 (BtruiU Timet, ?ik March Til English cricketers visiting Australia bare beaten All Australia. is «pl«*n- didly contested match, with tbe substantial margin of six wickets to fall. The match was the event of the present week. Englishmen, tbe whole world over, were watching with intense interest, the
      (BtruiU Timet, ?ik March )  -  332 words
    • 296 2 Strait* Time*, >*th March.) We publish to-dav the report of the Strait* Insurance Company for tbe rear 1894. The report is a prosjierous lookiug document; and. unless there be some mvst'rious and hidden defects in the figures, the talk of liquidating so surcessful a Company must
      Strait* Time*, >*th March.)  -  296 words
    • 833 2 Strait* Timet, NLli March.) After what appears to have been the moat bloodv battle of the war, the Japanese have occupied l lie important town of Newcbw.iug. Fighriug in the struts listed for thiiteen hours, and the C'h nese lost nearly 2,000 men before they tl* d to
      Strait* Timet, NLli March.)  -  833 words
    • 739 2 (Strait* Timm, Ulh March.) The Selangor Planters’ Association bus presented a very full report dealing with the work dono during 181)4. It is work upon which the Planters may be cougra. tuluted, though much of it has failed to uccompliHh the euJs in view. We have already published
      (Strait* Timm, Ulh March.)  -  739 words
    • 597 2 Strait* Time*, llth March.) Happy is Mr. Shelford To him, the future course of life is a charming puzzleHe goes home, not knowing whether or when or how or why he will return or reunin. It is a condition of affairs by which a gentleman of
      Strait* Time*, llth March.)  -  597 words

  • 144 3 (Via Ranjium). BRITAIN AND FRANCE IN AFRICA THE OPIUM COMMISSION Pane, let March. In tlie Chamber of Deputies during a dis. elision on the Colonial estimates M. Delonc'e declared that, through French action, the English dream of [H)sscs<diig the Upp-r Nile sad Egyptian Soudan had van shea for
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  • 191 3 (Siam Free Preen.) FATAL DUEL. INDOUHINA RAILWAY* M DE LA NESS AN FRENCH COLONIAL BUDGET Parie, ‘Jnd March. ‘Harry Aris was killed in n duel with ’‘plain Cbatlier. Harry Arise was flu* no.n-dc plume of a 'on*rihutor in the Dehate on Colonial (Fairs, j*" was regarded as
    (Siam Free Preen.)  -  191 words
  • 1123 3 Shanghai was visited bv a sharp shock uf earthquake on the lflth'ult. Loan Cairns, rumour sivs, intends going lo Johore for tiger shooting. Thk Japan Bank his just declared a lo Eer cent, per annum dividend for Ihe latler alf of the last fiscal vea r Fh®
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  • 81 3 Vhc St rails Maritime Journal irllegesthat tbe r e is a scheme to itaitn Chiuese Yolkin* t*vr Culp* at Penacg. This move arises from the fact that the two companies of British troops there are shot tlv to im» taken away, and the Chinese «re naturally
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  • 134 3 Tl.e G rve. imeM of Bu r uin proposes to if •ervo a<• iin t*r.»a of land iu Rangoon town lor toe purpos* of renting if to tbe'r subortliu.i'es to build Irons* s in. Kverv clerk, according i the grade of * which he is
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  • 127 3 Mr. Tan Hup Lkono, a partner of Messrs. Tan Kim Tim Sons, aud the third son of the late Mr. Tan Kim Tun. will leave by the s. s. Tcucer to-morrow, on a voyage round the world. He gees to Peuung, and through
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  • 181 3 At a about eight o’clock on Suudiv evening, 17th Febru.tiy. >ve le.i'-u from the Jitpuu Gazette, the residence of Prole; sir Milne, Jb‘. It. S, in Tokyo, was burnt the ground. Tin* fire originate I in an outhouse in which wool anil charcoal wore stored, and spread
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  • 1167 3 COCOBUT PLANTING A PAHANO EXPLORATION OO. LAWSUIT MR. R. W. DUPP ON LRAVK DISASTROUS PIRJC MTU NO BY BEKS PUBLIC WORKS ECONOMY (From our Correspondent.) Pekan, Qtitk February. In the villages on the Kuantan coast, Kuala Kuantan, Ber*orah, and Penoh, ievHial Malays have tskeu up land for coconut
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  • 95 3 The Admiralty have decided to lay dowu another third-class cruiser at. Shecrncsa Dockyard instead of the torpedo gunboat previously ordered to lie built ai that establishment. The pro{K)s»d vesiei will be the first of a uew type, wiih a length of 313 feet, and will
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  • 143 3 Thr Actiug District Officer at. Kluug, in his report for January, asserts that all avs liable land for coff* e l imiting (by natives) iu the Klang Mukiui is rapidly Ie ng taken up aud thut, in a IV w mouths' time, there will bo little
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  • 173 3 "The officers and ships' companies of Her Majesty’s ships on the China Station we e very much amused," writes au officer ou hoird one of the ships, iu a letter to bis relatives iu Eugluml, on the reoeq t of an offer from Li HuugChaug to pureljkh. for
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  • 225 3 7 n ini'nw ii ji^ain zatiou of her military aud naral forcei.”— Times A correspondent, who has special facilities tor ascertaining tli<» views auJ iuteutioiis of the Chinese Government, write* to us us follows:—“ Captaiu von Hauuecken is getting together an ariuj f »r a campaign in
    7 n ini'nw ii ji^ain zatiou of her military aud naral forcei.”— Times  -  225 words

  • 1636 4 (From our Curreupondeut.) Rumour# of a considerable deficiency in the 0. I. M. Custom's-chest are prevalent —948 000 to 80,000 are said to hare been dissipated iuio thin air. About twenty years ago a curious trial took p'aoe in Hongkong in which the principal figure, the defendant, was
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  • 243 4 M. de Lauessan. iu a conversation with a correspondent of the Figaro at Su* i., stated that the Cabinet which lecallcd him from Tooquin did not trouble to send him an official note. The first intimation of hi< lecall was a telegram of the Havas agency: You
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    —Si ui Obrerver.; Hura*  -  456 words
  • 876 4 Thk appointment of Mr. C. VV. 8. Kynuersley to the substantive post of Resident Councillor of Malacca will cause several changes to be made in the Colonial Service. Mr. J. K. Birch, First Magistrate at Peuang, and at present acting Colonial Treasurer, is to be transferred to
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  • 276 4 h+Hfkrnt Aftremry, The presence of a Japanese fleet in the Formosa Channel has given rise to much speculation. The ostensible reason is that the Government of Japao has received informal ion that the (Jhiuese have l*een making arrangements to ship munitions of war via Australia, and that
    h+Hfkrnt Aftremry,  -  276 words
  • 203 4 The Piuamj Gazette is grumbling because the draft Penang Harbour Bill not forthcoming to it. The Gazette has made efforts to get it, but fsiled at every point. Thus our contemporary Every step iu the progress of t!|e Penang Harltour Improvement* has boen watched with the keenest interest
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  • 184 4 A nkw keiosine lamp for lighting Urge buildings has lately been described inmost of the technical papers at home. The new lamp gives a light equal to 100 candles, and will I urn for ei>.h» to nit e 1 ours with one supply of kerosine, burning during that
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  • 196 4 a remarksldv favourable oue.— Bombay Gazette. Thk current official year will show once agaiu a considerable drain of gold from ludia, the utt expoits up to the end of December last hating amounted to 550.000 ounces, equivalent in value to nearly 400
    a remarksldv favourable oue.— Bombay Gazette.  -  196 words
  • 299 4 A labok and influential deputation, representing forty-three shipowners, shipmasters, and shipping insurance associations, waited on Mr. Bryce, President of the Beard of Trade, on Ftb. 5, to protest against the adoption of the proposed new rule of the road at sea. Sir Donald Currie,
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  • 906 5 THK FURNITURE HALE TOMORROW. Thk well-to-do Chinese in the Straits are in the felt-hat style of transition Irom tbeir hereditary teudeucies to the adopt ion methods. They have not yet reached the i>oint of some of the great Chinese merchant* of Australia who have discarded the silks,
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  • 868 5 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The annual report of Mr. C. R. Hansen. Resident Engineer for Railways at Batu Gajab, is published in the Perak Government Gatette. The billowing are extracts of interesting portions The total expcndituie of the Depaitmeut, including construction and the maintenance and working
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  • 1229 5 PRIHONER CONVICTED This morning, befoie a court of two magistrates, (Messrs. Egerton and Lemon) Lim K« ng Houg, a servant in the employ of the Taujong Pagar Dock Company was churged witd, ou the 11th January 1895, criminal bieach of trust in res| ect of
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  • 129 5 (From ihe Time of Ceylon.) HERMAN CRUISERS. THE GARRISON IN EGYPT UEIIEI.1JON IN MOROt'OO. PRANCE BUYS HRITISI1 STEAMERS INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. Berlin, HHrd February, The Committee of the Reichstag have voted seven million marks for the purpose of const ructing new cruisers to protect German eommeree in the Far
    (From ihe Time* of Ceylon.)  -  129 words
  • 473 5 JAPAN AND CURRENCY. It is an im|sirtaut matter, write* a vernacular newspa|K>r ill Japan, to ascertain whether the indemnity to In' exacted from China should he in the form of gold or silver. In order to decide this question it is essential to know hut standard Japan ought
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  • 198 5 Thb conditions of the above competition for the beat scheme of ao Imperial Customs Union, given in the Btatiet, include the following (1) An endeavour should be made to show tb&t the scheme proposed will maintain the integrity and strengthen the defence of the Empire, and
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  • 1133 5 Dukino the last month or so tbe opium market has seen a magnificent rise, and it is now in the throes of an extremely rapid decline. From several causes prevailing in the producing centres restraint came upon the quantity for the hammer, with tbe very natural result
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  • 328 6 A MOVEMENT is ou foot among il l* gi at sineltiug establishments of tin* United States ai *1 Mexico v hi. h may probil*\ bo expected to have a c-*rtaiu clTeet n. steadying the price i-f sil*er. At a n»n f* r- lid- of sun lti is rent
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  • 520 6 (From the Municipal Preeident'e Report.) FINANCES. The chief beidx of revenue compare as follows, with the corresponding month of 1894: 1894. 1895. January January. Kates 869,636 859, ill Taxes 23,840 20.773 Licenses anil Fees 4,284 5,055 Slaughter Houses 3,625 Markets 2,920 7,259 Water Supply 14,689 15,94!*
    520 words
  • 156 6 The Kobe Chronicle hears that an tp demie of typhoid fever has broken out at Port Arthur and Talienwan,owing doubt, l-ss t> tie* lumber of bodies which r» maioed for so long unbar.ed in the ne’*gh-bou-hood. For weeks after the fight 1-odes continued to be found on
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  • 212 6 The curicui ofli. ial year w ill show ouie again a cons detable drain of gold fr-m Indii. r< in irks the Pioneer, the no* <x po r t* i p t the end of December la t ti-*'in. amouuti-*l to 550,0CHJ uuuii-s, equiv i lent iu
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  • 132 6 —Jofian Moil. The exact amount of the debt owed by the Coreau Government to China is said to be l,2Ui ,000 yen, of which 800,000 yen was obtained direct from the Chiu* se Government aud the remainder from the Hongkong and Shanghai Bunk. The sum in which Corea
    ,—Jofian Moil.  -  132 words
  • 315 6 —China Mail 1 he Hongkt ug Odd Volumes are not hitig if not odd. It is now more than a yt a* since this Society passed a resolution either it or its Committee —to exclude the Press from its meetings aud, so fur us we know, this
    —China Mail  -  315 words
  • 425 6 Nor many i.ou-Mahouieiiaus have h-ibert-) sun ceded :u accomplishing the pilgrim g*t*M*ea. M. Geriais C'*»uit* lemout is th** dmd Fie*:chiiiaii «ho has uon** so. but he i» oily 1 e second who h,-s i come l-u k olive. M. Courteilemont la* jus' giteu u*i ac ount of his ex|erieuco
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  • 26 6 Lieut. W J**nnii• R. A hits received leave of absence from 24th March to the end of the year, und he will home by the Jumna.
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  • 26 6 Cholera was reported to be prevalent in Windmill Roa l Bangkok the Indiana at the date of last Hdvices aud •everal rates had already proved fatal.
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  • 1342 6 Iu the Presbyterian Church, last night, the Rev. G. M. Reith reopened his course of h ctuies on the Scottish Reformation, which has beeu interrupted for some mouths. The lecture was under what he called the seemingly ungracious tit I** of the
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  • 797 6 Kobe Chr on if U n Tl RK MuVKMKXI* CF THK JAIM.\eHf Th«c Japanese have another mow ia te'uplatiou. It is ii.»t generally known tnst a fourth expedition is Icing mobilised at Hir> .-ilium. and may be exported to sail short It for a destination which is
    Kobe Chr on if U  -  797 words

  • 286 7 Ith* number of Japanese troops at preI t j n the field is said to be about 90,000. I I j'H* Investiture of the Crown Prince of ■am. in London, wm fi*?d for the 5th Ltaot. Ithk K'lW of Siam was »aid to h* again from an
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  • 601 7 MiiHfK i.f stunlv young lmlie* have ptly t muled themselves together for the use of cam ing on a football club **xclu[r for repiwseufstives of the fsir *<-x A r** ut.ifive of the JVettminafee UutL/et |i*s -I ou Miss Honey hall, the orig nstor Isersfsry of the
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  • 182 7 Thr Siam Obaervtr aunoumred, the other d.i_\, that the H*ttleineut of all dispute* otf the frontier between Siam and the new French territory was to be decided on the ajsit. by a Commission composed of au equal number of lepresentatives of the two uatiouH. 1 hit was
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  • 266 7 Tub 2nd Butt. Northumberland Fusiliers are expected to arrive in Singapore on or about the 14’h instsnt, to relieve the 2nd Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment. According to instructions from the Head Quarter Office the detachment of the Lincolns at present stationed at Penang will not be
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  • 357 7 D a nau'« of Private Streets.—There are 111 a iv lanes aud alleys in town, some of them to carriage traffic, where ilra niije is necessary to prevent ihe accumulation of toul wa'er and to keep the foot pat hs dry. Can such
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  • 770 7 Nbwchwano is the most northerly port r in China opeu to foreign trade. It is 1 situated in the province of Sluug-king, in r Manchuria. It is called by the natives 3 Yiog-tz, uud lies about thirteen miles from the mouth of the river Liao, which falls 3 into
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  • 134 7 A Bin. his been introduced into the Legislative Council of Bengal for the compulsory segregation of pauper leja rs there, and for enforcing restraints upon lepers, who arc not paupers, iu tesnect of the exeicise of certain callings. The object of these provisions is to prevent lepers from engaging
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  • 725 7 Thk following is the eleventh annual reportior presentation to the shareholders at the Eighteenth Ordinary General Meeting of the Company, to te held in the Company's Offices, Singapore, on Thursday, the 21st day of March, 1895, •it noon:— Your Directors beg to place before jou
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  • 159 7 sioux lin* V)**<*n »p[>niiit<Hl tMOTetury-feneral.— Hanot. (Via Bangkok.) BIMKTALLMM IN PARLIAMENT. TRR CAPE OOVKKNURSHIP. WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT H.'KM'H 1XIXMHINA London, H?th February. The Right Hun. H. Chaplin, Member (Coaseivative) fur ttleaford, aud President uf the Foard uf Agriculture in Lord Salisbury's last Ministry, supported Mr. Everett's motion ia favour
    sioux lin* V)**<*n »p[>niiit<Hl tMOTetury-feneral.— Hanot.  -  159 words
  • 433 7 (iuf.u.ixo official. I (From our Correspondehl.) 10th February. In our mall community, au incident lias ncurred vhich has given ihetoagood j dial of controv* ray. It ar&lt; so because Mr. Kolia?, formerly harbourmu*ter iu the I territory, auil Mr. Sebmielo, the Adunuis- traior of the New Guin&lt;
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  • 455 8 Tme Bukit Mat output for February it •aid to amouot to 47 ounce# of •melted gold. Mr. and Mrs. Rkid have remove 1 from Claremont, Mount Sophia, to Hope Park, Mount Elinbetb. Thk Hon. A. P. Talbot, accotnpauied by Captain Craufurd, paid a viaat ou board the
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  • 425 8 TilK UI.U OKKNAM r»V*-S Mk. A. J. W. Walkilift, tlu* Selangor Government Railway 1 v**&gt;i• 1 nt Kuginc* r. has furnish**] the &gt;wing ««tli&lt; ial report, dated 21st Eebrtittiv. on tin* piss in'** I* hang via Um Bernaui as regards its advantages fur railway purposes: In
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  • 662 8 (From the JHtnee of Ceylon.) ArFAIRS IN KUYKT. il MK TI'RkISH KMUAMMY AT LONDON THK TKUt’HIJM IN HAWAII. BIMETALLISM IN PARLIAMENT. THK HOOTTI8II (XITTON DTK IIS MIUTAKY CHANOKH IN INDIA. Cairo, 2dth February. The Khedive, in recoiviug Lord Crouier to&lt;Uy, assured his Lordship that
    (From the JHtnee of Ceylon.)  -  662 words
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  • 526 8 A geucral meeting of the Stlangor Pltiule s’ Association, was held ou Saturday, 23rd February, at 10.30 a.m. Preteut: —Mr. E. V. Cary, Chairman, Mr. F. M Po'ctier, H &gt;u. Seeietary, Mr. A. B. Lakt-, member of Committee, and Messis. T. Gibsou, Xissou, Hut th, luuis, \Y.
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  • 1235 8 THK SlMiAFOUK OF OOMMKr,. ADOKKHHKH THK LONDON CHAMBKK OF OOMMu,&gt; THE INTERESTS OP TRADE. Chamber or Commbrck, Bingapore, 5th March, Jsur, Sir,—I am directed by the Commit to enclose copy of Lord Ripou’s Despatch f 6th November last, conveying t he Her Majesty’s Government relative to the
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  • 1215 9 TEA. CINCHON A. AND SUGAR AN Oi'IUM Sl.lZl'KK IVFAIK.S ACliRRK AND l/&gt;MHOk Mil. Him*. I.RgIsI.aTIoN TEi:kiioi:iai. JUKlsDlCTION. DANGER AT SKA Traiulat' djrom rari us ntiCKptijf rs. f In West Java, last y*ar, in tbe lower p'auting districts, tbe cultivation of Literijii off.*e gain** l grouud upon tea-gr«*w-nig. lu
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  • 78 9 Th« 2nd Lincolnshire Regiment will encamp at Tanglin on the 13th instant. The oinpany at Fort Canning will proceed to Tauglin on the morning of tiio 16th inst, and bo encamped thoro. bpocial arrangements will bo made hot wee** the Officer commanding 2ml Lincoln Kegimont an*l the Officer
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  • 134 9 Mr. G. C. Wray resigned lus appointment as Protector of Chinese, Straits Settlements, from the 28th January, *****. A Rule passe! by the Governor, under the Pawnbroker*’ Orduiaucj Amendment Odiuaticc of 1889, is published. The dCstimates for the year 189*3 h ive received the sanction
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  • 1328 9 Th* dry weather still continuing, low scorcu are frequent, *ul it is to he anticipated that t &gt;-day, when the Captain’s Cup is played for, a long point man will lomp in low down iu the 70’s. I was discuss ug this last night iu the Club House,
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  • 759 9 Our Perak correspondent writes tliat Mr. Hid lev (Director of Gardeus and Forest) will hereafter have Taiping, Perak, as his headquarters. Onctbird of his salary will be |&gt;aid by tbe Colony, and one-third by Selangor. The arrangement so sketched would probably suit Mr. Ridley very well. To
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  • 176 9 RUMOUR or A BILVXK DUTV Bombay, V7tk February. At the anuual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce this evening, the Chairunm. the Honhlo W. H. Micdoncll, prop &gt;*in,' the adoption of the report, remarked tint the Government of India did not seem any nearer the
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  • 333 9 (From otir Corre*i*mdnit.) On lhe7ih Mai cb Captain McKenzie and thccrew oft bo British snip Ear ntcl\ffe from TaMo Boy bound to Saigon, ou shore at'* Print* s Island and a total less, w»a picked up by the Netherlands s.s. Lucifer, the crew proceeding with her to
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  • 93 9 '‘er P. A O. s. a Australia, from Lou Ion, Fcbrniry 1ft, Mr. N. I*. Troieuen, Mr. A Mrs. vionoy. Per Alan* it in, from London, February Mr. F. J. tiryuut, Mr. ami Mr* Jolley. Per Vulettu, from Loutlou. April 2ft, Mr. A Mrs. G. Finch. Per M.
    93 words

  • 643 10 (tSelamjor Journal Stk March). CHURCH DONATIONS. THK CREAK STATE AUDITOMHIP. A MASONIC FAREWELL OTMKHANA MEETING AT MCRKMBAN DISSOLUTION OC THE 8KLANOOR OYMKHANA CLUB INTER STATE CRICKET. Two very beautiful alius bags havn l ecn preieoted to 8t. Cbtucb at. KuvIh Lumpur by LsJy Mitchell they arc made of
    (tSelamjor Journal Stk March).  -  643 words
  • 294 10 (From our Corrrsp&lt;indent.) stb March. Mr. F. I&gt;k Murray Las ret jrued from leave ami t koti up his appoiutmeut oil I)istrict M ki*trute at Hating Palang. Mr. H. Ofl).true takes charge of the Lund Olli'•' and Mr. Burg-ss lias bei n a|&gt;. pointed !&gt;■ JuarcatioD Officer for
    294 words
  • 286 10 MB STIVRN 8 CUP. CoMilitiont —Reverse way of tLe links. Medal Play. Handicap. Won by E. M Elliot. Net revre 83. bandi -up 9. The ground Committee are to be congratulated on the course laid out it w.*s thoroughly enjoyed. The p'easureof gettii g awnv from the
    286 words
  • 202 10 8. C. C. V. BBIT. Plated ou tlie EipUovltf on Saturday. The scoiea «re an follows: RUT. Lt. Howley c. Guggisbeff b. Hinde 2 Cor. Nm'tiu do do 12 Lt. Davies b. Gnggisberg.. Ser. Clay don run out 0 Lt. Iticluud c. and bJGoggisbcrg 4 Lt. bt ringer run
    202 words
  • 318 10 MR SllKLPORDS RETURN UNCERTAIN On Saturday, the 9lh instant, H. H. the Sultan of Johore enteitaiued a number of ladies and gentlemen to a luncheon party at Tyersallto meet Mr. Shelford, who is about to leave the colony for Europe. The guests who, ou
    318 words
  • 530 10 WHAT TH* WATKR SUBTLY WOULD HAVK H**N WITHOUT THE NEW BEST.RVOIR Th* long drought from which Singal*&gt;rs bas suffered this year and which fortunately has not led to any uupleasaut testriction of the public water supply, suggests an inquiry as to how the colony would have st*od had
    530 words
  • 381 10 The Annual Report oa the Ra.ffl-8 Library nml Museum for 1894 states that the uuiub. r of subscribers to the Lending Library, on the 31st December, 1894. was 202, as against 259 ou the same date of 1893. This decrease of 57 may bo considered
    381 words
  • 327 10 VICEROY LI S DEPARTURE FOR JAPAN. According to a Tientsin telegum published bv the North Chna Daily New, Viceroy Li was to band over the seal of the Imperial High Comiuissiouersbip of the Peivang and that of the Viccroyalty of Chihli of H. E. WaDg Wen-shao, ex Viceroy
    327 words
  • 277 10 MUTINY OK CHINESE OFFICERS The China Mail'* war correspondent writr-s from Chefoo on the 2*5' b ult: 1 have just arrived at l hefuu fur the purpose of investigating the truth of certaiu documents found at Wei-hai-wei after the occupation of the strongho'd by the Japanes
    277 words
  • 263 10 The following have book«&lt;l themselves by German mail steamer Print HiL. rich due hire on the 10th instant: Mr. Herckenrath A family, Mr. Stalinann A lumily, Mis. Muglistou child, Mr. G. Stalinann. Mr., Mr. W Balke, Mrs. Jardine A child, Dr. Dobrn, Mr. A sfrs. Lea
    263 words
  • 522 10 THE HANDICAP. CHAMPIONSHIP. Eger ton Mactaggart, J. O. Elliott Capper Fort 1 Rainnie. Owen. Bye. A CLASS HI SULKS. Anthonisz Delay Parsons &gt; Elliot j Capper &gt; W. nlakejieace. Hradde 1 Me Dougall Owen Mactaggart r. n.) .1. hainuie. E. D. Hewan &gt; Mactaggart. J. o. Gallwey
    522 words

  • 538 11 REVIEW or THE TOURNAMENT The following is the course of the play, iu the nineteenth Tournament of the ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club:— CHAMPIONSHIP. Mias M Keasberry beat Mrs. Sal/mamo. 6-2, 6-3. Mrs. Dare beat Mrs. Kerr (5-2, 3-6, 6-4. Mrs Wadd* II heat Miss Keasberry 6-1,
    538 words
  • 201 11 1 his match r a'u rally excited great interest, and the play wan watched hv a taftfo number of spectators. Mrs. Wudddl secured tlie tit&gt;t three games s m**"oat iasi!y, I ut Mrs. Lovell, playing de-teririin-dly, look the m xt, efter deuce hid n&lt;cu calk
    201 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 498 11 TO THE EDITOB OP THE STRAITS TIMES I venture to bring to the notice of Government and the public, through the medium of your journal, the danger ol allowing pr&lt; mistory Lotes to be stamped on blank pa|er, and p&lt; rmittiug them to be sold by several Kliog
      498 words
    • 298 11 TO THK KI&gt;1 TOR OF THK STRAITS TIMES. Sir, —It has been the custom of late V'uis on the occasion of a change in the garrison to march the relief” Regiment into barracks by wav of Campong Bahru, Sepoy Liues, and (Jutram Read, a
      298 words
    • 439 11 TO THK EDITOR OK THK STRAITS TIMES. Sir, —With reference to your correspondent, who signs himself “Aldershot” in your issue of the 7tb, |&gt;ermit me to say that the change of route he suggests, would be very popular with the troops themselves. The
      439 words
  • 514 11 ARRIVALS. P*-r *&gt;. Saltan from Fremantle :—Messrs. Herbert Darkes, Strudo Had, Dr. and Mrs. B a k. Per s. s. Hecate from Bangkok Messrs. Kel it, Shaw. Korudorff. ami Menkin. per P A O s. s. Kaisar-I-Hind fron Hougk* ng —Mr. M. Le. Hoax. Dr. Bon will, ami
    514 words
    • 255 11 Under this heading tho following ahbrevi--, tioua are used —str. —steamer; ah.—ship, hq.—hanpio Brit—British; U. S.—Huitcd Stains; Fr.—French; Ger.—Gorman; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Joliore; Ac., G.C..—Goueral cargo d. p.—de&lt;*k passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.—Tanioug Pagar Dock; B. W.— Borneo WharfjJ.W.—Jardiuo’s Wharf N. H. W.—
      255 words
    • 1528 11 Arrivals Since Noon ok Saturday. Singapore, Frit. str. 750 ton-*. Cspt. Main, 10th Mar. From Bangkok, nth Mar. G. c. t and 25 d. p. Joo Seng Chan. For Bangkok, U.— Rds. Maihilde, Brit, str 60&lt;l tons. Capt. Moss, 11th Mar. From Sourahaya, 7th Mar. Fallast. Kk Che
      1,528 words
    • 136 12 Same, P&lt;rt, and Dale ol London, Gleuogle. LivKKrot*i. Anchisee, Feb. 7; Palauied, due Mar. 22; Bakby. Elba Rickiuers, Nov. 18; Richard Rickincrs, Dec. 4; Robert Rickincrs. Dee. 20; Burma, Feb. 2 Lsdy Arniatrong. Feb. 5; &lt; 'aki»i v r. Paola Madre, Oct. 12 Nsmesi, Dec. 3; Peter Rickincrs.
      136 words
    • 985 12 r s V ,K I NS aimai*.. faom. Miuh 1 Com«nu. 4 ulvr SHOL- iru »ti I Mar 2 Bohn Meyer A Co. i 'totnimi i&gt;ut !U 4}' Jf../ 01 Calcutta F.b 23 kmatead A C&gt;. t Pineon HMuh n m 7 Sourabnya teb 28: Daendeh. 4 Co. 4
      985 words
    • 716 12 i Vkskcl'h Nmt. Kt* A Rio Captain n*«n*tAT!ON Mar 5 Kiau Yutg I r.t. «tr. Narodah Mnar 5 Pa* an &gt;tr. Itrucc Pa! an via port--5 Fri P. gutaii Du*, atr. Fak Cotie via por*» 5 Leong Bnt.atr. Ne-I.itt Penan/via port--5 Caulu.ii Put. «*r. Milling on Palt-mbaag 5 Oe
      716 words
    • 179 12 PASSED 8UNDA STRAITS Oil ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flah |j at k Date, and Ship’s Name. Commandmi. ok From Whirr Destination Re Sailino. mares St 07 ,l n 7 Knndien Nov 5 Savannah S^Tran* Foh 11 2" i tikemeier Fob 26 Batavia Rotterdam S b t ne W cstenher*
      179 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1024 11 SOMETHING ABOUT TWO BOYS. Tho most (Mfctlietie incident of my childhood in thin: My mother had boon very ill for several weeks, and tho doctor solemnly announced that alio could not lire morn than two or throe days longer at moat. That night my father routed me from sleep and
      1,024 words
    • 406 11 THB M STRAITS TIMES.** Thi “Stbaits Budobt." Tbi price of the Btraits Timet is as follows Daily issue per jeer 30 dollars, do do copy 10 eents. Weekly do year 18 dollars, do do copy 40 cents. The rates per quarter or per month are respectirely one-fourth and one-twelfth of
      406 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 311 12 AYER’S Sarsaparilla is THS QBIA.T Blood-Purifier, NERVI TONIC, STRENOTH-BUILDER. ®»iml trtaV i! every humor SS^SBS exhausted vital. Ity, ami dHr M out avery *l*. ment of du«at« Sufferers troa lndlgf»tlonf*n eral debility, or any other ailment arising from Impure blood, should take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It gives strength to the weak,
      311 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
      369 words
    • 712 13 OBSERVE THAT THE SIGNATURE IS NOW PRINTED IN BLUE INK DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE OUTSIDE WRAPPER r C r of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE SoM Wholesale bv the Proprietors, Worcester: Cro-- i Bla *kwoll, Ltd., London and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. SAUCE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO. JOHN
      712 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 406 14 LITTLE Co., Singapore i GENERAL PROVIDERS 4 COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. 4 Chesterfield Drawing Room suite trom Europe. Handsomely upholstered with saddlebags and velvet consisting ol a 7ft. spring stuffed couch, 2 Divan chairs, 6 small chairs. COMPLETE $300.00 -W Bedroom suites No. 166 A. Bachelors suite varnished meranti containing almeir
      406 words