The Straits Budget, 25 December 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Established, 1831. j VOL XLVII. (Cable Address: Times, Singapore.) Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times, 10 Cents. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1894. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates
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  • 287 1 fiU'ITORlAl~S. The Yio'diug of the Hovas. Tbe Borders of Indi*. The* Triumph of Nnnson. \Vi;l the Native States have ro Pay* The Egyptian Peasantry. The Paris hrsss Scandal*. Thr Triumph of Major Mr alhttu. Aff.rir*. LOCAL. Market Quotation* hipping News. PaaaAoger
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  • 512 1 Singapore 25th December, 1894. PRODUCE. Gambier, 8.45. do Cube No. 1, 12.75. do do No. 2, 8.%. Copra Bali, 5.71. uo Ponti&nak 5.5U. Pepper Black, 9.4)0. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.62%. do Brunei 2.25. Pearl Sago 3.10. Coffee Bali 43.00. Coffee Liberian, 46.00. Tapioca small Flake, 4.00. do
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  • 658 1 Tun mail for Europe this week leaves by tbe P. A O. a. a. Sutlej. Th* P. A O. a. a. Siam with the mail from Europe of the 30th November is duo to-day. Tbe mail for Europe next week ia fixed for the M.M. a.
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    • 60 1 London ISth December. THE QUEEN ACCEPTS THE ULTIMATUM It is reported that the Queen of Madagascar has intimated unreserved acceptance of the conditions laid down in the F»euch ultimatum predated to her. The Freueh will probably demand the si mod occupation of Antananaiivo, the rapital of
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    • 28 1 I he Opposition in It tly vehemently cjeuts the prorogation of the ltaliau Parliauie it at tie present juncture. The garrison of Rome has been reinforced.
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    • 59 1 A grave situation of affairs has arisen iu Newfoundland in consequence of the failure of two banks. A resulting utter dearth of currency has almost entirely steppe l business there. [The only two Newfoundland banking institutions mentioned in the Lo idem Directory are the Commercial Ba»ik
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    • 40 1 London, 19th December. THE SITUATION AT PEKIN. r The Foreign Ministers iu China hare demanded from the Chinese Government the right to bring marines to Pekin. The Chinese Government has granted the Ministers permission to do so.
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    • 49 1 It is denied at Pans that the Queen of Madagascar has accepted the conditions laid down iu the French ultimatum presented t j her. A Bill has been passed to permit youug men in the French coloay of Reunion, uear Madagascar, to volunteer for service in Madagascar.
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    • 19 1 Roms is quiet. The Opposition depu* ties have started for the provinces to agitate against tbs Government.
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    • 93 1 London XOth December. Ths Japanese have attacked and captured Takubokjo and Haicheng. The Chinese forces there have retreated to Liaoyang. [Haicheng is about 25 miles from Newciiwang and is situated on an arm of tiio river Lia:» H which debouches into the (Julf
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    • 35 1 ALLEGED OVER TAXATION. The Budget report of the Egyptian Council of State, seeks to make out that the condition of the fellaheen or Egypt ian peasantry is de6j>erate, owing to over taxation.
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    • 37 1 London 21st December. It is reported from Tientsiu that ao edict has been issued by the Emperor of China, ordering Generate Yell and Wei to be handed over to the Board of Punishment.
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    • 30 1 The blackmailing scandils at Paris are exteudiug, aud more journalists are implicated. It is reported that several senators and deputies are also concerned iu the scandals.
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    • 40 1 Londoji, 2'jnd December. Chang Yin Huan, formerly Chinese Minister at Washington, and Shao, the Governor of Hunan, have been appointed ChiDe*e delegates to negotiate for peace with Japan. These delegates will start forthwith for Tokiu.
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    • 36 1 A party has been organised in Germany to prepare for an Anti-British agitation on the question of Samoa. A section of the German press demands that Sarnia should be put under German tutelage.
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    • 43 1 SPEECH BY THE CZAR. At a meeting of the Siberian railway management, the Czar said that the railway whs a work of peace aud civilization The Czar also stated that he trusted the railway would be completed cheaply and rapidly.
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    • 29 1 London, 24th December. It is reported that the Japanese, after five hours fighting, routed an army of tear thousand Chinese at Haitchiog on the 19th instant.
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    • 21 1 A terrible storm raged in Britain on Friday, attended by immense damage to property and loss of life.
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    • 49 1 The Hungarian Ministry has resigned, though it has a large parliamentary majority. Tbe resignation arose from the Ministry believing that it had lost the confidence of the .Emperor of Austria, who is alleged to be disposed to listen to the Clericals iu opposition to the Liberals.
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    • 33 1 A Hova outpost has fired upon a French cruiser in Antogil Bay. In the engagement. theHovas lost three killed, and then withdrew. A warship has captured Hova fort near Tamatave.
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    • 325 2 [{Strait* Times, 18th December.) The acuptance of the Frem-h ultimatum by ihe Que*n Madagascar is an iinoxjected eveut. The tenour of news from that island had indicated that excitement among the Hi-vas stood at fever and I hat they contemplated** war to the d* tun
      [{Strait* Times, 18th December.)  -  325 words
    • 468 2 i Straits Times. iHth December.* Thh Viceroy of I udia has been ou tom in the North-west section of the country, and hn.s paid a visit to Lahore, the c apita of thePunjaub, aod formerly thechief town of tb e departed Sikh kingdom. There, I the
      i Straits Times. iHth December.*  -  468 words
    • 273 2 [Straits Timer, JHth December.) H. E. the Governor has rejected the Singapore municipal 44 supplemental budget No. 3 of 1804.” That budget protided $6 48*2 as exchange compensation lor the present jear. The Governor is believed to be sorry 1o reject the budget Be is believed
      [Straits Timer, JHth December.)  -  273 words
    • 913 2 < trc it.< Times. December.) People are courng round to the op n ion t hat certain >f t he Native States of t he M a lay Peninsula might very projierlv bear a pait of the cost of the English garrison of M dava.
      \ <trc it.< Times. December.)  -  913 words
    • 370 2 (Straits Times, iiOth December.) Recent ministerial changes in Egypt which have raised anti-British politicians, including Fakhri Pasha, into high office, may partly account for the gloomy view of the financial situation there taken bv the Egyptian Council of State. The British occupation of Egypt has all along
      (Straits Times, iiOth December.)  -  370 words
    • 329 2 v traits Timet, 21st December.) The blackmailing scandals at Paris referred to in to-day’s telegrams have been developing there since the end of last month. So far as can be gathered, the scandals arose from charges of extorting hush-money—charges made against certain journalists on the Paris
      (v traits Timet, 21st December.)  -  329 words
    • 549 2 (Straits Times, 22nd December.) Yesterday, at a full meeting of the Sporting Club, Major AlcCalluin succeeded in upsetting the policy of the Committee, and the previously debated decision of two special meetings. His object was to prevent a proposed increase in the annual subscription. The honourable
      (Straits Times, 22nd December.)  -  549 words
    • 306 2 (Straits Times, 24th December.) The f oli ical crisis iu Hungary, which has now come *o a head by the resigu-tiou of the Li I er«l iu office, had Jodi; been expected, owing to strained relation* between the Emperor ot Austria and his Hu- garidii Minis ers. Austria
      (Straits Times, 24th December.)  -  306 words
  • 64 2 Thk District Officer of (Perak), in his report for Tr( *»o. cribes a visit to the »m*» gjii They arg doing very well no p gold in the tin-ore obtained, an for brought with him a He extracting the gold from exferimeuted with it wltb results, considering the &o &lt;ltbf
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  • 441 3 Bismop Oasnier arrived this morning f oid Hougkongin the Caledonien. Tme insurance offices at Shanghai, owioi; to the frequent &lt; ases of incendiarism, have offered a reward of $.500 for in format ion to secure conviction. A football match Between the repreof the Lincoln Regiment. (I) and
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  • 353 3 With Hie fall of Port Arthur it might be thought that, the last illusion of the Chinese with regard to the ability of their armies to check the progress of the Japanese legions had died. The Chiuese in this respect, as iu some others, are peculiar they either
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  • 83 3 Manila, JOth December. The San Miguel godowua were destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The losses of tbe Insurance Companies aie estimated at $120,000, [The San Miguel godowns are in tbe San Miguel district of Mauila with the Pasig river in f* o nt and Ihe San Miguel
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  • 108 3 Bombay, 28th Nov. Having established a line of s’eamers between Bombay and J;n an, the Jar anew H1%i now about to sta«t bank in this city. Mr. M. Toshima, who has b*cn connected tor a number of yea*s with the YukolimiiM specie Bank, wbi**h lias capital equivalent to
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  • 99 3 Tacoma (Wash November 10. —William G. Norris, who went to Japan a ye.,r ago to represent a syndicate of Chicago merchants, has secured two of the largest c *ntracts ever awarded American firms. One goes to Armour A Co., and i* for ••anried corn beet to
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  • 582 3 When the fine Mutual liner Ki.tluck wa&gt; on her way out to China the trip Indore last, she sighted Her Majesty’s doublefunnelled cruiser Leander iu the Straits oi Malacca right ahead, and evidently bound for Singapore, as she was lursetf. Th Leander was taking
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  • 172 3 Advices from the Society Islands state that serious tiouble is apprehended in Raiatea, one of the most important of tbe g oup, tbe inhabitants of which have steadily refused to recognise the Freuch occupation. Of late tbe opfostioo of tbe islanders has Income so
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  • 299 3 Every oue recognises that tliere is a strategic clement of vast impo tauce in any question coumcted with the French o caption of any position in the Indian Oec ni. But that, element is not brought anew in V notice ill t he po s*ui contio'c
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  • 499 3 j TJIE CONDUCT OF THIS JAPAXE K ARMY iN the opinion of a China Mnil f'lrrcspou(L nt. rhere is no disputing the faci flint the conduct of tin* Japanese army in Cl«i’ n up to now lias been worthy of tin* most e;d«gh‘eM*d race on earth. It
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  • 61 3 Paris. SOth November. Messrs. Gerard and Troeard, managers of the Dix Nenvieme and of the Paix, have been arrested on a charge of levying blackmail from public companies. M. Portalis, the principal culprit, lias absconded. 2nd December. Search lias been m ule of the resuLncesof
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  • 890 3 EVILS OF SILVER DEMONETIZATION. A niw pamphlet has beeu issued by the Eastern Bimetallic League in the shape of a pap-*r bv Mr. W. H. Talbot Ulus'rat1 ing evils inflicted upon gold standard countries by their attempt to demonetize silver. The treat is** is an exhaustive
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  • 728 3 (Via. Bang fade.) THE CHINAJAFA* WAR. THE ARMENIAN ATROCITIES. THE LOSS OF THE WAIRARAPA. London, 10th December. Telegrams from Yokohama report that the second Japanese Army Corps will make an early ad vance on Pekin, and that the Japanese Government is contracting for 8,000 coolies to accompany the
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  • 180 3 With regard to the new British dollar Jor circulation in the Far East, the Manchester Guardian says it will be fr*ely coined for all who desire to be supplied with it, a small charge of 1 j&gt;er cent, only being made for the stamping, or double »be
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  • 674 4 (From a Correspondent.) The battle of routes-.-which is reallv a 9 sort of guerilla warfare bet wet n experts must be fob owed with interest by all who are watching and waiting for the further development of the Native Sta f e-». For the railway, after
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  • 84 4 Adelaide 26th November. Mrs. Besant will commence a short lecturing season in Adelaide next week. A London cable states that the ruling powers of the Theosophical Society have deposed Mrs. Besant in consequence of certaiu exposures in the Westminster Gazette, showing that she allowed herself
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  • 126 4 A ABTtJRN which has lately been üblisbed shows that the relative strength of the various foreign bodies established in the treaty ports of China was as follows on Jan. I, 1894 —Great Britain was then represented by 354 commercial firms Germany, by 81; Japan, 42 France
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  • 768 4 Ttti manag-ment of the Messageriet Maritimes has decided to piy an interim dividend of f.10 per share (f.8 95c. net) on account of 1894. A French piper asserts that the increased naval expenditure consequent on the strengthening of I he French fliet iu Eastern wat*r&lt;i amounts to
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  • 136 4 In the recent School Board elections in tbe eleven divisions of Loodoo, 29 Moderates (i.e. the supporters of the policy of Mr. Diggle) were returned, and 26 progressives,” the result showing a substantial gain for tbe latter. One of tbe features of the contest was tbe
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  • 155 4 The undermentioned haring embarked for Egypt. Gibraltar and England in the hired transport Jumna on the 13th inst., are struck off tie strength of the ('oinmamlaccordingly:— X.-C.O.'i Wotntn. CbiMran A inra. Far Ef} pt A Royal Envine-rp, and for Gibraltar l. For England Artillery 1 10 *3
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  • 245 4 The China Express gives particulars of negocialions that have been going on for mouths to s cure for Manchester shippers a direct trade, instead of a trade via Birkenhead and London, w th China and Japau. Steps have been taken t &gt; that end
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  • 260 4 The peculiarities of Borneo billian or ironwood seem to mark it out as being most suitable for street paving purposes in London and other large towns where the traffic is exceptionally heavy. Some time since a cargo was brought to Marseilles for wood-paving purposes; the result we have
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  • 883 4 (The Ttmet, 23rd November.) Ybstkrday we aoouneed that tbe liquidation of the Baring estate, which hue lasted about four years, had been practically ended, arrangements being oearly complete for paying off the debt due to the Bank of England and freeing the guarantors from liability. Coinparati\e?y little
    (The Ttmet, 23rd November.)  -  883 words
  • 37 4 Tbs cylinder dock of the BaUts Harbour Work*, os the premises of the Tanjong Priok Dry Dock Cospa&j, will be sold dj auction at BataTia on the 21st January. Particulars will be found in our advertising columns.
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  • 1179 4 W. Mitcbell ro*. to move Ijr?.* B V. P° D 1 MUiUr Co-tribn,-» Cejflon be discuseed, and that. ,r ia re.pret „f tbe earn* be The Governor said, that. u (ht tion to be proposed had D0 t U.V 0 notice of, the hon. member
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  • 625 5 buypltmnitary to Strait* Times Tcl-ujrams.) V Via Ceylon.) BYE-ELECTION AT LINCOLN. ITALIAN POLICY IN THE SOUDAN. THE RUSSIAN LOAN. SOCIALISM IN GERMANY. THE FINANCES OF ITALY. THE SITUATION IN EGYPT. THE GOVERNORSHIP OF BOMBAY. Loudon, 8th December. Mr Jewitt, the American Consul at Sivas, till accompany the Turkish
    buypltmnitary to Strait* Times Tcl-ujrams.)  -  625 words
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  • 712 5 (Before His Honour Mr. Cox. Chief Justice.) THIS DAY, DECEMBER, 19TH. AB INTERESTING POINT IN A CA8B. This wa* an application by Mr. Donaldson on l ebalt of the plaintiff's solicitor (Mr. Rogers) in a recent civil suit, for the appointment of a commission to enquire iuto an
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  • 217 5 an ECCENTRIC LORD Aim AN ASTONISHED HOI'SK. Hobart Tasmania, 19th November. Probably the most remarkable theatrical entertainment ever s&lt;»ou in the Southern Hemisphere was given to-night at the Theatre Royal, when the Earl of Yarmouth, assisted by a company of local amateurs performed
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  • 685 5 Tub usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners wu held this Afternoon. Mr. Gentle presided, and there were also present Mr. E. H. (Acting Inspector-General of Police), Mr. W. Nausoo, Hon. 8eali Leang Seab, Hon. T. Shelford c.x.o., Mr. M. Meyer, Mr. A. C. Moses, Mr. John Fraser
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  • 1958 5 EXCHANGE COMPENSATION TO MUNICIPAL SERVANTS. THE QUESTION AGAIN DISCUSSED. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET NO. 3 RETURNED BY THE GOVERNMENT. At the meetiog of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday afternoon, at which there were present Mr. Gentle, (President) Hon. T. Shelford, Hon. 8eah Leaug Seak, Mr. E. H. Bell, (Acting Inspector General of Police)
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  • 1068 6 At a Cathedral Fancy Bazaar to be held at Colombo on the 14th instant, it was arranged to have an entertainment of Living Pictures.” -aMr. H. Hoppius, of the firm of Messrs. Siemsseu and Co., who has been well known iu the Far East for nearly 30
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  • 55 6 PROPOSED Dl'T\ ON PIEt K COODK. Calcutta, 7th Dec.— It is rumoured that the Home Government has at Iasi eonseut *d to modify the tariff aud tba» the proposed im |x*rt. duty on pieee goods may soou be imposed. Iu consequence of this prices took a decided
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  • 120 6 Captain M'Clure, who is announced to have appointed Vice-Admiral of the Chiuese Fl-et. is said to be a native of th:* South of Scotland, being a son **f the late Mr. M’Clure Long. architect to the Earl of Galloway. Captain M’Clure possesses an intimate knowledge of
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  • 130 6 The following letter, denying the existence of plague cases in Amoy, has been for warded for pub! c it ion Amoy Consulate. December, 10th 18J4. Sir, —I have the honour to inform you that, on the night of the 8th, I received a
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  • 188 6 The Ceylon Observer in discussing the Military Contribution demand on that Colony, trusts that, if the Home authorities try to increase the burden at this time, the whole community will call on the eight Unofficial Members to have 44 the courage of their couvictions and
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  • 158 6 8. V. A. 9. B.1. THE ARTILLERYMEN LEAVE THE FIELD. Thi match (in the Warren Shield Competition) between the S. V. A. and the R A. was played last evening and attracted a very large crowd of spectators. During the first half the Volunteers scored one point, and on
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  • 734 6 At a meeting of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council of Hongkoug, on the 12th instant, the Acting Colonui Secretary (the Hon. J. H. S ewart Lockha«») took the chair. Ou the \o*e ot £396,000 for mdtiry ♦x enditure bein t brought, up, the
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  • 1257 6 SELANGOR NEWS 4 Worn. I A CHALLENGE PRnv i? k M the mines atki-T^ k HCr m KI.FX.TKIC MININ,! AT l^l 1 1 THE RAWan,; MB C. W«U* WE8 a E I {Fr m r: 1 Kuala Lumpur, j ?a The office of the wnw.i l b-okeo into on Saturday
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  • 520 7 IV.r: rax* course paddock at Penang piweuLsl a very lively appearance on Saturday afternoon. The occasion was *he arrival of the February 1895 griffins, fh-.r v.• re tweuty-c ght animals subscrib'd lor —an exete.J ngly lar«:e num ‘vr, .nd, to witness the drawing of tuese. aearh all
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  • 119 7 A MILD 8KXTEXCK. ERTEEDAY. before a Court of two Magistrates, Teng Quau, a Chinese shop, k eper, living in Waterloo Street, and Ang Soh, also a shopkeeper, living iu Seraugoon were prosecuted at the instance of Messrs. Guthrie Cov., for selling an imitation of W. A. Gil
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  • 156 7 Yokohama 4th Decembar. A telegram from Soul, dated the 3rd instaut, states that Count Inouye is takiug vigorous measures to restore internal order in \'orea The Tai-won-kun resigns his position as Goeminent Advisor. There have also been radical changes made in that department, as well a
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  • 199 7 Rangoon, 2nd December. At a meeting of the White Cross Society, at Mandalay, ou Thursday, Sir A. VlarkeL'Z e spoke of the official immorality in Burma. He paid that things here vnr* far worse than in any other provinces. He knew that he did not believe
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  • 367 7 THE RETURN CP CAPTAIN NIIXMXB CERTIPR ATE. The following is the fiual corrcsj ondence in this case:— Board of Trade Marine Department, 7, Whitehall Gardens, Loudon, S. W., Nov. 17th, 1894. Sir, —With reference to your letter of the 13tli ultimo, applying for the return of
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  • 752 7 The Right Rev. Bishop Hose has arrived from Sarawak in tbe Rajah Brooke. The American Legation at Bangkok is to be fined with 25 electric lamps of 10 candle-power each. The Penang Municipality notifies that it is uow prepared to arrange for tbe regular cleansing and disinfection
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  • 117 7 A prolonged debate took place in tbe French Chamber of Deputies, on Not. 20, on the subject of Socialism arising out of the action of the Roubaix Town Council in proposing to establish a municipal pharmacy and free legal consultations. M. Bouge having called upon the Socialists
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  • 108 7 A large company of Brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall in Taiping on the 12th instaut to witness the installation of Brother James Ward, the Master-Elect for 1895. The ceremony was conducted by the Installing Master, Wor-Bro. C. L. Gibson, who was assisted by Wor-Bros. Moss, Hewett,
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  • 140 7 Captain Camperio who arrived, yesterday, per s.s. BormicLi is a great Italian African explorer, and is one of the patriots who fought tinder Garibaldi for Italian independence. Captain Camperio is an intimate friend of SignorCrispi—After bislong residence in AfiiesCapt.Camperio is reluctant to remain in
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  • 198 7 Passages. —Passage to Penang will be provi *ed as soon a-* possible after the 27th instant, for the undermentioned N.C O. proceeding there to complete brownieg of arms in possession of the Detachment 2nd Lincoln Regiment:— Armourer Sergt. E. Little, Corps of Armourers. The Officer Commanding Troops. Penang,
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  • 227 7 M. Jules Roche's Report on the War Budget was distributed to tbe Deputies on Nov. 21st. It comprises (says the Standard Paris correspondent) interesting stat istics, iu which a comparison is made between the French and German armies. M. Roche seeks to show the constant growth
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  • 90 7 SINGAPORE V. PERAK. Thb following telegram vu despatched from Perak at 1.30 p.m. to-day The match is being played 12 a-side. Singapore made 117 for 10 wickets. The following are some of the individual scores:— Lieut. Harrington 44&gt; Lieut. How lev 15 Sergt. tfealon 12 McKenzie bowling for
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  • 190 7 (Via Bangkok.) THE JAPANESE ADVANCE THE RUSSIAN LOAN. EARTHQUAKE IN BURMAH. THK ARMENIAN ATROCITIES. London, 12th December The Japanese have stormed the town nf Kimvmato. in Manchuria. The Chinese troops first of all made a stout resistance, but the* lines were broken by the vigorous assaults of the
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  • 270 7 On the laving of the memorial stone of the Breakwater at Colombo by the Governor of Ceylon, the other day, Mr. Matthews, the consulting engineer gave the following particulars of the worss The works have been designed by Messrs. Coode, Son A Ma l thews Their
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  • 250 7 The report of tbeFiench parliamentary Madt'gascar Committee states that tbe Ministers have given an assurance that, as soon as the expedition is over, the expenses of occupat'on will Be reduced to tbe narrowest limits. Tbe Government and tbe committee are agreed that tbe country shou’d be
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  • 292 8 Commenting on tbe Dutch successes in Lombok, the Westminster Gazette of Not. 22nd nid:— Certain superior person* might do worse than notice two incidents of the Lombok campaign. First, when the disinter took piece—i considerable body of troops were caught in nssbnsh—there was no panic at
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  • 306 8 The inhabitants of Manchur a, harassed, robbed, and ill-treated by tbe leader Je h bauds of Chinese soldiery, have says the North China Daily News welcomed tbe arrival of tbe Japanese troops, or at any rate, in a short space of time have come to
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  • 408 8 —Times of India. The Civil and Military Gazette to pounds a hypothesis which may be star! liugto many. Briefly staged.the hypothesis is (bat an intimate relation appears to eiisfc between the spread of tee total ism and tbe iucrease of erteric fever amongst our British soldiers
    ,—Times of India.  -  408 words
  • 761 8 In the Straits Times of the 4tii instant, some particulars were given of an exploration trip in Ulu Selangor by Messrs. George Maxwell aud Charlton Maxwell a trip which resulted in the discovery of a wonderfully easy pass from Tayong Maliui to Rauh. Fuller
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  • 87 8 Lord Rosebery, in a letter to the Times, has admitted he had made a mistaken suggesting that New Zealand had no wish to administer the affairs of Samoa. He was misled by a report to the effect that a New Zealand Minister had repudiated a pioposal attributed to him that
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  • 287 8 Ms. Fraser will ask the Municipal Commissioners to ask the Governor to ask the Legislative Council to sanction the Municipal Exchange Compensation already voted for the present year. Yesterday afternoon, there was held a meeting of the Committee of the Soldieis aud Sailors’ Home. Oae item on
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  • 197 8 Additional prison rules and regulations have b«H*n passed by the Governor. Lists are published of the memliers of the Committees lo manage, in 1895, the Raffles Museum, tbe Botanical Gardens, and the Wid *ws’ aud Orphans’ Pension Fund. Mr. Gentle is nominated as member aud
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  • 237 8 MU. ERASER PROPOSES TO ASK THE GOVERNOR TO PASS AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING EXCHANGE COMPENSATION FOR THE PRESENT YEAR. At the last Municipal meeting, Mr. Fraser gave notice of a resolution he intended to make regarding the Governor’s disallowance of the Municipal Supplemental Budget No. 3, of 1894,
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  • 96 8 MALACCA PROBABLKK. V. STAY-AT-HOME*. This match was commenced yesterday afternoon and will be concluded to-day. The score at the drawing of stomps stood as under: MR. ORMAN'S MALACCA PROBABLE*. X. J. Stabb c. Blandford b. Wray 0 Spofforth c. Gann b. Robertson 11 A. Hobertson b. Mctaggart 24 H.
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  • 161 8 ARRIVAL OF H.M. S. “GIBRALTAR.” CAPTAIN MACLEOD IN COMMAND. H. M. S. Gibraltar arrived here yesterday from Colombo, en route to Hongkong and the North. The Gibraltar is a twelve-gun twin-screw cruiser of the Is class. She is of 7,700 tons with 10,000 ind cated horse-power. Tbe Gibraltar is commanded
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  • 536 8 PROGRESS IN COCHIN-CHINA. THE UPPER MEKONG. The Colonial Council ol Cochin-China met ou the 8th instant. The Lieutenaut Governor of the Colon} delivered a speech, at the outset of which he noted that the cultivation of the soil there had been cxteudiug more than ever. Wide stretches of
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  • 31 8 In consequence of Major McCall urn's defence of the interests of the less wealthy members of tbe Sporting Club, it is proposed to call him 44 The Protector of the Poor.”
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  • 5632 8 THE DISCUSSION os m p| INCEE.W. M* A toll attendance a*d I KEEN debate I THE ELOQUENCE OP v. 1 McCALLUM WINSTHE^I THE SUBSCRIPTION TO j An exlraorJiuHiv cenpml Hi member* of the til -as held last ev eui^S&gt; 41 Room*, for tbe jmrpo*. o( rejecting tbe
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  • 45 9 The enquiry into the collision between the Saladin and a junk which occurred on the steamer's last departure from the port, on her voyage to W. Australia, him been fixed for the 27th. If will be remembered that by the coUiston two lives were lost.
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  • 485 10 The K&gt;n*a Gv ink buna. Club notifies tbat it# jH-oalty for professional jockeys bas keen reduced to 7ibs. Madame Wyvodzkff, the wife of tbe Russian Consul at Singapore, arrived yesterday fiom Odessa in tbe Russian transport Kobtroma. Tbe Kostroma leaves for Vladhosfock to-morrow. The S* larger Government
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  • 198 10 SINGAPORE V. PERAK. DEFEAT OF SINGAPORE. Friday’s telegram was tbat Singapore, up to 1.30 p.rn. of Friday, had made 117 for 10 wickets. It was, later, telegraphed that Singapore was all out for 117. Tbe following telegram was despatched from Perak at 1.50 p.m. on Saturday Singapore, in
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  • 114 10 The following Sungei Ujong Government notice bas been promulgated It is hereby notified that from 1st January, 1895, the thr**e Native States of Sungei Ujong, Jelebu, and the Negri Sembilan will be placod for administrative purposes under one hesid»*ut win* will reside at .'-eremban. 1 he internal
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  • 87 10 THE SINGAPORE MEN DEFEATED. The result of the golf match between th* lour representatives of Singapore and four of Penaug bas been received. The Fei arg earn woo by two holes up. Gre g. stiang -to say, could do uot better than finish 8 dowu to his opponent,
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  • 135 10 A Perak Order in Council, No. 6 of 1894, passedou the 28th November, makes provision for the effectual supervision and control of opium imported into tbe State, and for the collection of a revenue of excise thereon. This Order in Council comes into operation on the
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  • 221 10 Tub Sungei Ujong Governmeut has passed Regulations to provide for: un*fortuity of laws in the S ates of Sut g*o Ujong aud Jolebu; the registration oi the ina-riages of British subj* cts celebrated Within Sungei Ujong; theacquisition of land funded for public purposes and for determining
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  • 251 10 21st December. I bear that the Selangor Cricket subcommittee have decided to accept the Singapore Cricket challenge. The subcommittees of football, tennis and billiards have not yet decided on their reply. An Association football match on Wednesday between Officials and Non-Officials resulted in a win for tbe latter
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  • 20 10 Mb. Justicb Cclltbb and the hon’ble A. Huttenbach returned from Penang os Saturday. The hon’ble Dr. Brown will arrive to-morrow.
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  • 136 10 Mr. A. E. Rawlings, Assistant Superiu. tendent of Police, lias been placed on special duty in the Amherst district in connection with the Burmo Siam boun iarv. Thehocndarv between the province of Tenasseriro and Siam was laid down as longayoa* 1866, but since then it
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  • 161 10 M LSbRs. Morrison, Downes and Co.’s Weekly Msrket Report, dated Ringonn. 13» ii December states Owing to the almost entire absence of available stocks of white rice, the busings transacted in rice during tlie last we*k has been very trifling, merely a few odd lots of
    161 words
  • 236 10 Ou the 17th instant, the Selangor Si&te Council passed a Regulation to prow for the collection ofau import duty opium by the Government ot that 4 The Regulation enacts that, from tbe0a£ of its comiDg into force, no opium sba imported into the State except a
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  • 688 11 THE RUSSIAN IA&gt;AX. THE ARMENIAN ATROCITIES FRANCE AND MADAGASCAR. S. CURRENCY REFORM. LORD RoKEBERVS POLICY. ,HL FRENCH WAR DEPARTMENT. London, ?th December. k n e\\ Russian loan is announced of sixteen ■'|]i OJ)S .trriing. It will he floated on Wedk&lt;iay. The minimum price if tenders is at ninety-four
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  • 539 11 THE WAZIKI TROUBLES. MR CURZON AT KABUI. Allahabad, Kith December. The Raj;ih of Nabhn has maie an offer fo governinent of the services of his Imperial Service troops lor active use in Waziristau. This is not hy any means the first time this loyal and patriotic chief
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  • 392 11 LOMBOK AFFAIRS. THE SUGAR CRISIS. JAPANESE REQUEST. News from Lo.ub k notes satisfactory progress in the work of pacification. A 1 evi.-tauce bus cessed, auil the ir ops win* lave traversed the lsiauil iu all directieu&gt; find tie }e &gt;p!e submissive and humbled. E\en tiie Balinese section show
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  • 108 11 Judgment was given in tbe Colonial Court of Admiralty at Hongkong on the 15th inst. in tbe* case of the Scottish Oriental Steamship Co., versus tbe Rio. It will be remembered that in September last the Rio sighted tbe Company’s steamer Phra Chom Klao disabled, and towed her into Hongkong
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  • 97 11 The tnouthly medal handicap was played on Saturday, and won by Mr. J. B. Robertson. There were 20 entries. The following banded in their scores R’cap. Total. Roliertson 41 44 85 Scr. 85 stringer 55 50 105 10 80 Lgv-11 56 55 111 20 01 Gaffney...
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  • 107 11 Court Martial.—-The Proceedings of the District ourt Martial on the underwentioned mm have been promulgated No. 59. (.tinner Nur Din, Singapore Company K.A. The District. Court Martial of which Captain H. Dußuissou, 2nd Line. Regt., is President, is dissolved Garrison Employ.—Tho undermentioned relief will take effect from the
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  • 581 11 The reported practical settlement of the Pamirs Question has been confirmed by the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Standard and the Berlin representative of tbe Daily Telegraph. Writing ou Sunday night, the latter said: The Agreement about the delimitation of the sphere of interests oil the Afghan
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  • 121 11 Per P. A O. Ballarat, from Loudon, November 22, Messrs. Wybrands, Armstrong, and J. Delay, Mrs. uraufc. Per Arcjdia, from Loudon, December 7, Miss Pike, Messrs. W. Pike, G. Brock, C. B. Selby, Mr. and Mrs. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Craig and J. Leich. Per Rome from London,
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  • 1761 11 Minutss of peoceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday, ten 5th December, 1891. Present.— Tbs President,. Alexander Gentle, Esq.; the Acting Inspector-General of Police, E. H. Bell, Esq W. Nanson, Esq., G. T. Hare, Esq.; the Hon’ble Seah Liang' Soah the Hou’ble T. Shelford,
    1,761 words
  • 466 11 AMITAL8. Per h Midu*a from Bangkok:—Revd. Gere Geul, Mosul. D«)(j(ot r and Kiiiiu. Per M. M s. h Caledouitn from Mcngkoug: —M ssrr. K. A. Simou, Thomas, H. Fuiford, Gasnier, n d Por al. Per s. Will o' the W i*p from Klang Mr. Stephenson, Mother St. Marcienne,
    466 words

    • 93 12 (apial ubsc ibed 500,000. Amount paid up 500,0 0. Reserve fnud 850 00*3. ka Offjc* 1 gf Genm-1 Agents. Messrs. .1 oixh K Mv iir-om A 0 Tile under hr. d having been ap ointed A|*en s for the abov Company are prepared to acc* p‘
      93 words
    • 64 12 Capita] £2.000.000. Fund in reserve exclusive of Capital £5,493.073. Life Department The Company has rcceutl\ revised its rates of Life Premia and is now prepared to offer very advantageous terms to Assurers. Life Department:—The Company is prepared to accept first Hass j isks u p
      64 words
    • 73 12 Capital Subscribed $2 (lO 1 Amon -1 paid-un r&gt; w**rn* Reserve Fund.;. Head Office,—Hongkong. Secretary, W. H Rat Es^., L’ne undersigned, Agents for the above Com|*uy. are prepare t to accept marice risks at canen rates. All contributors ot business whether shareholders or not
      73 words
    • 44 12 londov, established 1S03. SuWribe,! Capital, L1,*&lt;&gt;,00&lt;.. I l-1-Uj* C.lpltjU, n ‘{irfi (u¥* fl tHE° r44j l,,Te tCli Funis ovi-r, riWE ..u.iei-Mwnei, Aleuts f.., tbe above Comiwuv prepsU0,1 lo riiks at current rates .of BARL r &gt;W Go. c
      44 words
    • 33 12 Homo Office*. Queen Insurance Buildings Liverpool. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to tako risks-at current utto*. HOOGLANDT Co.
      33 words
    • 63 12 Capital subscribed $2 0 0,000. Amo nt paid up 400.000. Kiserre fund 1,056,049. He id Office, —Hongkong General Managers, Messrs. Jardike Mathe*on Co &gt; Tlie undersigned having beejk appointed Agents for the al&gt;ove Company at this port are prepared to accept risks at current r
      63 words
    • 8 12 CAPITAL 4.3,000,000. POWELL Co., Agents.
      8 words
    • 160 12 Under this heading the following abbrovi** tious ore used: —str. —steamer; sh.— ship bq.— barque; Brit—British; U. S. United States; Fr. —French; Ger. —German; Put. Dutch; Job.—J.'horo; Ac., G.e.. —Genera cargo; d. p.—dfl**k passengers; U.—Uucer tain ;T. I*. W.—Tanjong l*«g»r W'harf T P. D. —Tanjong Pagar I&gt;&lt;x*k
      160 words
    • 1533 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. (Jimnj Ann. Brit. str. 556 Nmi, Captain i Folleit 2-bd Dec. From Smiarang. 10th Dec. G.c., and 151 d. p. Tan Kim Tian Sous For Batavia. 25th.—Rds. Kiau Ann, Brit st- 101 to is, Capt Moss, 22i d Dr.c. From Djambie, 2l*t D*c.
      1,533 words
    • 140 12 Nam*, t*crt ani Ifate (n Liverpool Oolong, Nov. 17 Jason, Nov 21 Teucer, due Dee. 28; Cyclops, due Jan. 24; Barry. Rigel, Sept. 13; Krvriu Kick mere, .Sept. 18 Ranee Kiekraar*, Nov. 18-, Elba Rickmers, Nov. 18 Glasgow. Pvrrhus. Keutigern, Nov. 20 Gekbicock. South wold, Aug. 21 Caadiwt*
      140 words
    • 665 12 Q I Vessels’ Nams.! iroNfi. Cai'Ta in. From Sailed rv. k Rio Dee! I i 17 Sio Ger. atr. 1109 enedixcn Penang Dec 15 Lim r i 7 Ltncle-furne Hrit.str. iOli Andrew Hongkong c 11 l ater^n, 17 Ger. str.i 89l ir’iptr Siuabaya jDec 14 vioh fin r ,QOBs
      665 words
    • 536 12 Vessel's Name. Flag A Rig' Captain j Destination. Deo 17 lu jr.tbaa Ger. str. Piper J Saigon 17 »t&gt;u Poh Guan brit.s»r. j Mmtt n I Macassar vu port? 18 Si*:i» str. Me-ser i amr- ok IS Penang $fcr. Dun o j Cbeiilwn&ail 18 Ki&lt;» Ger. str. :e&gt;di\eti Hong!
      536 words
    • 114 12 FASSED SUNDA STItAITS OR ARRIVED FOU OKDhHS. I Date „f««« Date, and Ship’s Name. Commander. op From Whark- D £srl M Rig. Sailing. Dec. IS Dan. bq. Lottie Clausen Nor 20 Caroline l*Jands Azores 13 Ned. Laeitei Oct. 26 Amsterdam vlrk 14,Am. »1» Roanoke Hamilton Nov 27 Manila
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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