The Straits Budget, 6 November 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 139 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 12 1 Viiv .1 K. Hi fich .daughter) at S' ugipore NuhuiUt tth.
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  • 244 1 LiTORIALS. Th»* Premier and the Peers. Tm* 1> of Singapore. T> m| rt nr of Chins. TV C/ir Ti*«» New Czir’s Manifesto. T** Li mui.-r and Hi-* Hir U \l. Quotations. •'lij jMii.; News. P-iwngor T i-ri Ptd ea Nows. The Gorenthient Gazette. The (.’hineae ai d
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  • 534 1 Singapore, 6th November, 1891. PRODUCE. Gam hi or, 8.22%. do Cubo No. 1, 12.35. do do No. 2,8/%. Copra Bali, 5.50. do Pontianak, 5.15. Pepper botck, 10.10. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.50. do Brunei 2.20. Pearl Sago, 3.35 Coffee Bali, 30% Coffee Liberian, 40. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15.
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  • 677 1 The mail for Europe this week leaves by the M. M. s.s. Oceanian and the M. M. s.s. Owls with the mail from Europe of the 12th October is dne to-morrow. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for the P. A O. sj- Rooetta.
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    • 49 1 London, 30th Octo 1 er. Thl Chi:i*»«e army on the Yalu is in full tl |»anie-Btricken. The Chinese people are d's.myed. The roads to Moukdeu and Pekin are sail to be open to the Japanese
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    • 131 1 THE HOUSE TO BE MENDED LORD ROSE BEUYS PLAN. Lord Rohebery, in a speech a*. Bradford, favours 1 ill? idea of a new S c >ud Chamber as a substitute for the preseut Tor) House of Lords, which, iu his opinion, acts as
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    • 67 1 3 let October. The Uuited States Minister in China has cabled that the Chinese have again been defeated at Chinlieochiog, and have retreated to Moukdeu. The Americau Minister has also cabled that the Japanese have ciptured oue fort at Port Arthur. The
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    • 45 1 The Czars left lung has become inflamed and spitting of blood has set in. The Czir’s cough has iucreased to a dangerous extent. The Prince and Princess of Wales are staging for Livadia.
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    • 24 1 Count Vou Caprivi has been decorated with the Order of the Black EagK Prince HohealoheLangeoburg has been appointed Governor of Alsace.
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    • 29 1 THEY FEEL HURT AT AGINCXJURT The French press are irritated with Lord Rosebery for alluding,‘in his speech at Sheffield, to the anniversary of Agincoutt!
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    • 52 1 London, let November. The Emperor of China has summoned Major Vou Haoneken to Pekin to report on the condition of the Chinese army and navy. It is said that Major Von Hanneken is prepared Up urge vigorous reform in
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    • 50 1 In France, disastrous floods have resulted in throwing one hundred thousand factory hands out of work in’ the Department of the Nord. The floods have stopped railway I raffle there, and have also prove 1 geriom in Belgium where many factories bare closed in consequence.
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    • 14 1 2nd November. r l he Czar of Russia is dead.
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    • 34 1 A sensation has been caused at Paris by Captaiu Dreyfus of the General Staff having been arrested for treason, in divulging to Italy and Germany the French plans of defeuee mobilisation.
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    • 90 1 Tbs Union steamship Wairarapa has beeu wrecked on G r eat Barrier Islaud. One bund r* d anl eleven passengsrs aud twenty four of the crew were drowned. Sixiv-six others saved themselves oa rafts ou which they reached Auckland. Wuirarapa, commander J. Mclntosh, was a steel screw steamer
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    • 111 1 3rd November. There is profound consternation in Russia at the death of the late Czar. The new Czar, Nicbol&a 11, has issued a manifesto, affirming that he m mindful of the legacy of empire left him
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    • 39 1 V CHINESE DESERTERS ATTACK RUSSIANS Several bodies of Chinese deseiters have attacked a number of Russian frontier stations, and have seized arms and munitions there. The attack on one station was repulsed, sixty Chinese being killed.
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    • 52 1 London sth November. THE MARCH TO PEKIN. Marshal Yamagata has captured Fun* giwhang with fifty five guns, and fifteen hundred rifles besides ammunition. The Chinese fled in all directions. Marshal Oyama has captured Kiochow after a trifling resistance. He hts also captured Talienwan with heavy loss, after
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    • 94 1 It improbable that tbe remaio6 of the late Czar buried at St. Petersburg on the 15t.1i instant, after lying in state at Odessa, Kieff, and Moscow. The Graud Duke George, the new Czar’s brother, ha» been proclaimed to be
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    • 42 1 HOVA REBUFf TO FRANCE. M. Le My re de Vijers baa left Antananarivo, the Hova capital of Madagascar, without having received any answer to the demands of France. War between France and the Horae it now considered to be imdiinent.
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    • 349 2 (Straits Times, ijOth October.) Mr. Labouchere has forctd the baud of Lord Rosebery. The Premier moves a* the voice of Truth.' L >Dg Le hesitated. CKt-ii he d scourged pleasantly on things in general. But the Libouche c faction was persisteut, and L>rd Rosebery hat
      (Straits Times, ijOth October.)  -  349 words
    • 1477 2 Str'iifs Times, Hist Ocl/f<r Theke is re.isou to belwvo tint the Russian fleet, uow being strouglv reinforced from home, has received certain instructions regarding Singapore. These instructions are meaningless unless thev mean that, in certain circumstances, a squadron, probably with French assistance, should be in a
      Str'iifs Times, Hist Ocl/f<r ■  -  1,477 words
    • 382 2 (Straits Times Ist November.) Judging from to-day’s telegrams, a wise alarm has, at last, seized upon the Emperor of China. He has seen the naval aud military defences of his Empire crumbling under the blows of Japan. So he desires to kuow what the foreigner has
      (Straits Times, Ist November.)  -  382 words
    • 638 2 (Straits Timet, 2nd November.) Hi who was the most powerful mau in all the world is dead. No man in these latter da vs has wielded authority at once so supremo and so personal as the Emperor Alexander of Russia. And, always, the man who is dead wielded
      (Straits Timet, 2nd November.)  -  638 words
    • 249 2 i Straits Times iird November.) As was anticipated, the new Czar has been proclaimed soon after his father’s death, under the title of Nicholas the Second. The profound consternation in Russia on Alexander the Third’s death testifies to the high estimation of the late Czar among
      iStraits Times, iird November.)  -  249 words
    • 242 2 (Strait' Timer, sth November] Oue Selangor corregiK&gt; av further attention to a letter that in our columas some little time letter headed “a peculiar compW against Native States law.” That plaint, in substance, was that in SelanL the wages of labour have no dear prvfV"
      (Strait' Timer, sth November]  -  242 words
    • 558 2 Auofst Shaft, 200 feet, Ixv&gt;l. No. 1 East.—Work here was discontinued early in the m nth, and the men j ut. on to poiuts of greater importance just now. The ground in tlie face is t ebaug** &lt;o notice. D stall*e driven 8
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  • 721 3 The Colonial Government it prepared ioDS ider f aoiiabl/, any reasonable pro■.j t biit the Municipality may submit back compensation exchange allow. -for Municipal servants during the |D*V r IHPI The Government is also prei consider anv scheme for 1895. pf; 1 fgt ie»nains uf the late
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  • 43 3 T HE MERGUI PEARL FISHERIES. 13th Oct.—The recent report by the Australian Specialist on the r gui Pearl Fisheries willnot be made Pjjhlic for the present at least, and the of India has no intention of •Jtinuing the inYestigations for a conarable time.
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  • 188 3 Mb. Galloway, an advocate of RanD about to Apply to the Government of India for permission to open up co^a^ B which consist of two tolerably large islands and many small on* s, to the south of the Andamans. The Nicobars were, once upon a time, a penal
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  • 239 3 To owners of tho tinplate wo ks rwuitly startp&lt;l in America to compete with the oldestablished won s in Wales have, in consequence of the new tariff, given their rolDrluen notice *&gt;f their in eution lo reduce wages by 25 per cent., and steps -ire
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  • 494 3 (Selauyor Government Gazette Xtith Oct.) Thk State Council lias passed a 'emulation to amend the law relating to thh licensing of smelling houses and charcoal burners. (Jnder oue clause, the cutting of c&lt; rlain specified timlie s is fo*biddeu. The Acting District Officer of Kiaug, in his report
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  • 45 3 Mb. J. G. Scott, H. B. M. Charge A Affaires and Mrs. Scott left Bangkok od the 23rd instant for the Upper Mekong, where Mr. Scott will aseiit in the work of enquiring ae to the boundaries advisable for the delimitation of the Buffer State.
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  • 174 3 The Paris correspondent of the Times writes on Oe*. 3:—l recently mentioned the displeasure of the Temps at the Statist*s 1,000 guinea prize for the best scheme of a British Imperial Zollverein. The same displeasure is perceptible* not ouly among Freuch journalists, who o.i colonial questions an* given
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  • 227 3 HAPPY PROPHECIES via CEYLON'. These saw mills are in full work ami timin'* well. The machinery being* by one of the besi masers in Scotland, stands tee heavy t «r and wear that it is constantly subjected to. All the boilers were made by tfjr
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  • 281 3 Tu.i autumn meeting of the Royal Slid Ancient Golf Club, which was held a month ago on the *t. Andrew’s Links, may justly l&gt;e described as tho great gulfing event of the year, for St. Andrews is the acknowledged headquarters of this popular form of sport, and most of
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  • 267 3 The Politique Coloniale which may lie taken as retiecting with the accuracy of a mirror the views of M Dclcasse, the French Colonial Minister, oil Oct. 2. found fault with the Debats for daring to insinuate that there w'ere only misunderstandings between Franco and
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  • 59 3 A general meeting of shareholders of the Now Oriental Bank Corporation, (Limited) was to be held at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, on October 16th, when the liquidator waa to lay before such meeting aa account showing his acts and dealings, and the manner in which the winding-up of the
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  • 988 3 (From Mr. Keysets Report for September The amount of tin exported daring the month was Tin—piculs 900 n Ore- 1.284 t 6 337 2,184 The general health of the community continues good, bnt that this should be so in the township of Kuala Klawang is more due to
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  • 154 3 FRANCE HAS BECOME A COLONIAL POWER.” In the Figaro of Oct. 2, M. Jacques St. Cere, who justly remarked that he was uot o|h»ii to thv charge of any undue sympathy towards England, lebuked the papers that raised the cry against England and held that the British Government would think
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  • 1184 3 The Cahdi. nia. recently built by Mess s. Caird and Co of Glaegow, wo, on Oet. 3, inspected by a party of gentleman on invitation of th« chairman and directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Bteam Navigation Co. A number of
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  • 1403 4 THE NEW TIGER-SLAYER-IN-CHIEF. THE TICF.B, THE FORTS AND THE BIG GUNB. (DaVy Telegraph ?#ii October IH!H In that entertaining I&gt;ooV. Wolf-hunting and Wild Sport in Brittainr the anonymous author draws a graphic picture of the Grand Louvcticr, whose name is, or was. M. le Comte Char
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  • 698 4 The Dunkirk correspondent of the 2Vines had c&lt; livernation with Mr. Charles Sinclair, late British Consul at FooclriW, the capital of the province of Fokien, a gentleman whom years of distinguished service in China have enabled to form an accu»ato opinion as to the
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  • 99 4 The final tie in the Football Cup remains still undecided, notwithstanding another battle last evening. On this occasion the two Regimental teams met on their own ground at Tanglin, a4nove which, if anything, might have contributed to one side or the other scoring an advantage. Their exhibition of football, however,
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  • 1122 4 Oar the 6th, 7th, and Bth of next month the Chinese in Singapore intend to celebrate the anniversary of the Empress Dowager of China by certain religious ceremouies. The Empress Dowager is sixty years of age; and she is a factor in the administration of Ch ua.
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  • 146 4 A Lady who described hermit’ as the Comtesse de Domville and a M. Dreux, both residing, at the time, in the Hongkong Hotel, were on the 20th instant mrrested by the Hongkong police, at the iustance of the French government, on a charge
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  • 198 4 On 29th fept., at the Guildhall the liverymen cf the City of Loudon assembled for the election of a Lord Mayor. The proceedings were looked forward to with interest as an attack had been made on fc&gt;ir Joseph Renals, and an appeal was put
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  • 212 4 Tlte report of the Commissioners on the Unification -of Loudon was issued on opt. and bears the signatures of Mr. Courtney, M.P., Lord Farrar. Mr. R. D. Holland Mr: E. Orford £mith The Commissioners hare arrived at tlie conclusion that the government of London must be
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  • 82 4 2£2^? ,U! '»w Thi condition of the r&gt; r&lt; pro Ted, though he i. ~j|, h •'•rttW i, agony. Buffc **g M. Dclcane warmly trntion of M. de .ne&gt;«, n b for j üblic works in Tonqud and 1 tl I«** 1 necessity of maintaining the dV** 4
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  • 320 4 (Siam Observe r. j THE CZAR SEIZED WITH DRoi»w\ THE AFGHAN AMEER’S™HE \I Tp JAPANESE SILVER IX THF. SIAM BOUNDARY CoSwn.N London 23rd od^, r Frincess Alii arrived at LivadU couductcd to the presence of the p°' M afterwards to the Greek Church 2,' ~,d solemn service was
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  • 185 4 The Taiyuen, which arrived at Hongkoir on the 21st instant from Japan, report* in inexplicable occurrence. When about 220mita from Hongkong, the previous day, the French gunboat Forfait was sighted. lb he here down upon the Taiyuen and tired two rounds before hoisting any
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  • 260 4 AN IMPERIAL EDICT. A N Imperial edict of the 12th iu?&gt;t, p«hli» ed for the information of the official* a** l peoplo of Peking, runs as follows Churches and chapels of various iwtwv alifies have hoeu in existence in the cap ,u for many
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  • 698 5 Tokio, 22nd Octobe) i- now certain that China has made r nirr* of poaoc to Japan. She offer* to v xn ind'-mnity to Japan, to allow the rewhich Jaj)aii dcsir* d in th« Central ,v nnnent mid Administrative Departments Vc.r a to b«- carried out. and to
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  • 322 5 *t is says the North C iLna Daily the Chinese loan leing raided 4l r, *&lt;l i&gt; intended to be spent abroad, as the Jf'jviiriimriit is raiding a large internal loan to *‘l its expenses in the country. Interest on &gt;tl i&gt; i&gt; io he paid at
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  • 890 5 arrival of GF.NERAL JONES-v amu an omCIAL MOVEMENTS. CRICKET. KOVEL DANCEPROGRESS IN ULU LANGAT. THE LEPER QUESTION. COLLAPSE OF A BRIDCK. Kuala Lumpor, 2iHh October. 1 H.Il. Major General Jones-Vaughan accompanied by Lieut. Jennings, r.a., arrived at Klang this evening and reached Kuala Lunipor at 7 o’clock by
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  • 238 5 About 8 o’clock last evening, a Chinaman weut into a pawn shop iu South Bridge Road and tendered a heavy gold signet ring for a monetary advauce. Failing to give a satisfactory explanation as to how he became possessed of the article he was taken to the
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  • 244 5 The Chinese community, or at least that portion of it which has the doubtful privilege of having its uame on the jury list, is considersblv nettled at the innuendoes made bv a correspondent R whose etter was published in the Straitx Times of Monday
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  • 395 5 Although it is not easy to determine with any degree of precision how far tho future of Japanese coal in Hongkong will bo affected hy the war. reports the Japanese Consul in that Colony to the Foreign Department, still so long as the relative value of
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  • 638 5 Lord Randolph Churchill and Lady Randolph Churchill were to visit Jobore to-day and to lunch with H. H. the Sultan in the Is tana. Owing to the lack of communication, it is probable that Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill will not be able to get away from
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  • 137 5 Tinned beef is iii great demand at preseut for Iho supply of Japanese troops on the expcdit:on to (.'hiua. According to the Mainichi, theretPrc four beef canning factories in Hiroshima, in which some 6u head of cattle are slaughtered daily. When the animals slaughtered for consumption
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  • 85 5 DEFICIT $119,000. MILITARY C HARO BA $1,046,000. In cbe Supply Bill for 1895, passed by the Legislative Council on the 25th in*' stant, the revenue stands at $3,973,521 and the eipeoditure at $4,092,704, leaving a deficit of $119,183. The Military Expenditure comes out thus:— Military Contribution, £90,000
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  • 255 5 At tbe sale of race horses and carriage horses at Abrams's yard yesterday afternoon, there was a very large attendance, but buve:s seemed rather shy at bidding. The first aniim4 put up was The Tyke, and wheu the bidding had reached $BOO, be was knocked down to
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  • 421 5 WILL CHINA WIN Reuter’s agent at Plymouth, on Sept. 28tb, bad an interview with a distinguish- d B itish naval officer Capt. Lang] formerly in the Chinese serviee. In expressing his views on tho lighting in tho Far East, the officer said Recent events will only rend to brighten up
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  • 43 5 Tub Resident of Perak and Mrs. Swettenbain leave for Penang in tbe Men a today, says tbe Perak Pioneer and, after Mrs. Swettenbam's departure for Europe, the Residfnt will proceed to Singapore to se% H.E. the Governor in connection with the 1895 estimates.
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  • 2008 6 Ykstkkday afternoon, the new Singapore offices of tbe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation were ihrown open to public inspection prior to their being occupied to-diy by the Bank. It is a little difficult to arrange any ceremony for tbe openiug of new bankiug offices. Tbe
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  • 766 6 {By a Chinese Contributor.) It is arranged that Mr. Kershaw, the Official Assignee and Registrar of Deeds, is to act as Attorney-General, while th-Attorney-General, Mr. Collyer, is acting as a Puisne Judge of the Supiem Court relieving Mr. Jus: ice Gatty who is ou leave. The removal
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  • 104 6 The detachment of the Lincolnshire Regiment, stationed at Penang, played an Association football match with a Peuang eleven on Friday last, and beat the Penangites by three goals to one. It is said that tbe Penang representatives had never played together before.* Of their number, however, according to the Pinang
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  • 616 6 MAJOR GENERAL JOYZS-VAUGHAN A ORCJBLTT TO ARIMALB OASE. TBR lILAIOOK CLUB. From otur Correspondent.) Knelt. Lumpur 30th October. This morning, H.E. Major General Jones-Vaughan witnessed a parade of Sikbs. Tbe troops marched up to the Residency, and there went through various movements accompanied wiih blank dr. ing. On
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  • 119 6 The Kokkai hoars that the negotiation for the revision of the treaties with all the Powers is progressing step by step, the Japanese Ministers in Europe being appointed as repres ntatives for tho negotiations. The authorities of the Government believe that tho revision
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  • 191 6 The China Gazette of the 16th October publishes the following new 6 From a high authority we learn that the Japanese ha vs completely surrounded Port Arthur, on the land side of the Regent’s Sword. They appear to be only awaiting a favourable opportunity to the place by
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  • 267 6 A Special meeting of th. v Commissioner! w„ held, thi, under the prendency 0 f Mr (H’® 08 There were pn*eot:-ltem„. f° Meyer, Nauson, and Mo«p&gt; 1 The wid thM th neM before the meeting was r A the Commissioners to retire at December of this year
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  • 513 6 Yesterday, Lady Mitchell, Lord Randolpn Cliurcbill, Lady Randolph Churchill, and Mrs. Maxwell lunched with the I Sultan of Johore at Tytrsall. Captain MacAlp ne was of the partv. To-morrow, at 6 o’clock in the moning, Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill leave by road for Johwe, accompanied by
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  • 199 7 It ha* been found, says a Service paper, t ihe eugiu* s of the cruiser Gibraltar ihiib be* been selected for service ou the bioasta'ioe, will require so many altera- ods t&gt; bt b« r for a foreign commission months will In? required to j»re tbe ship f°
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  • 212 7 The Li re rpool Shipping Telegraph of the oth October says; —“We are iuformed tnm a tollable source that an expedition has been arranged which reminds one of he old days of the American war. A •tenner Ins b« eu chartered to convex mun.tions of war t*&gt;
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  • 248 7 LADY MITCHELL’S AT HOME.” Last night, Lady Mitchell gave an At Home at which there was, during the first [art of the evening, a theitrical eutertainmei.t. The following was the bill of the play i Overture, Bamitten Streiche." SupjWj. A CUP OF TEA.” A COMEDIETTA IN ONE ACT. CHARACTERS. Charles
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  • 964 7 Thk Czar of Russia, whose death is announced in to-day's telegrams, took the title of Aloxander 111 on his accession in 1891. He was born in March 1845. He married iu Nov. 1866 the Ptincess Duginar of Denrnanf, sister to the Princess of Wales. He had not
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  • 455 7 THE MISSING 70,000. From tbe official report of the Legislative Council of 18th October, the fcdlowirg excel pts are taken touching Mr. Huttenl acli’s discovery of an alleged mistake of $70,006 in the Retrenchment Commi*tie’s report: Mr. Huttinbach Before going into the r -sidt of their (the Retrenchment Committee's) investigations,
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  • 463 7 The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph writes from St. Petersburg (Oct. 3): —I have had an interview witli a well-known Russian diplomatist, for the purimse of ascertaining his views of the changes likely to be effeeted by Japan’s victories over China. He replied, he
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  • 902 7 The announcement of tbe death of the Czar comes not as a surprise, in view of tbe daily bulletins that have been issued regarding his critical condition. It may be safely assumed that the Czarewitch has already be*n proclaimed Czar; that function would take place immediately after
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  • 735 7 A Paper laid before tbe Legislative Council, yesterday, containing correspondence relating to tbe appointment of a Curator to the Raffles Library and Museum, throws light on the origin of tbe idea to vest the Lending Library in the Municipal Commissioners. Ou the late Mr. Davison
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  • 1763 8 THURSDAY, IST NOVEMBER. PRESENT. His Excellency the Governor, Sim Charles Bullbn Huoh Mitchell, K. C. M. G. ThsHou’ble the Colonial Secretary, (W Maxwell, c.m.g.) the Acting* Attorney-General. (T. H. Kershaw.) the Acting Colonial Treasurer iJ. K. Birch.l the Auditor-General (H. Trotter H the Colonial Engiueer, (Mnjo* H.
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  • 348 8 A decree has been gazetted at Paris creating at the French Colonial Office a Commercial Information and Colonisation Department. H.M.S. Pigeon arrived at Hongkong on the 26th Oct. from Singapore after an exceptionally long passage. The gunboat came up uuder about half steam owing to running short
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  • 68 8 The local Secretary of the Rauh Australmu Gold Miniug Company, Ltd., has received thefollowingtelcgram fromßaub: 3rd November lS9i. Crushing finished. 1,650 tons stone realized teto oz. smelted gold. The rough cK.II up advised *u 2ud October, viz. 680 oz. amalgam from 820 tons stone would produce about 225 oz.
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  • 203 8 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2nd NOVEMBER. The text is published of Ordinance No. XVI of J. 894, to revive and re-enact part II of 44 The Women and Girls’ Protection Ordinance 1888,” passed by the Legislative Council on Thursday last. Friday, the 9th instant, will be observed as a Public Holiday
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  • 244 8 SIR VICE ON BOARD THE M PETERSBURG.'' Last evening, on board tbe steamer Petersburg, Commander Otto Kadi off, 1.R.N., ooe of the steamers of the Russiau Volunteer Fleet lying at Singapore, a special commemoration service was held, a 8 a tribute of respect to the late Cza*-,
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  • 560 8 Thk Deli Com pa av. the main plautiug venture iu Deli, r- ached its 25tb year on the Ist instant. Parlicultrs given by the Dili Cvurant show that it was started ou th** Ist November 1869, and, in 1875, had six estates in hand which j'ielded 4,335
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  • 64 8 Ou* Muar correspondent writes Strong north-westerly winds have been blowing since last Monday, and the steamers trading to this port have had a bad time. The ImUUa which left Singapore on Thursday evening, took about seventeen hours to do the run, usually done in twelve. The Kian lans, which also
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  • 1172 8 {TAe Timet.) Honokono ii one of the Briti.h l_i which mast regard with the utm i est any developm. ntg of imporuiT' island, to‘which its recent ce&gt;s on n tc Britain,- confirm*! by t he Treat v kin in 1842, had for the first ti'jV**' e aM eiition of
    {TAe Timet.)  -  1,172 words

  • 181 9 ihl Governor of CeyUm, Sir A. Have.l, opem d ibe 1894 1)5 t-e-ssiotj «*f 'he j Council &lt;*f that Col &gt;nv on tin* .y; r ,j October with an address, in *huh b* congratulated the Colony on ,u?)iiU"d prosperity increasing ivv*uue, .nd x jnuJing trade.
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  • 272 9 A J. tter lias been addressed to the' •eivcrnmciit of 1 ndia by the Madras Chamber of Commerce on the question of reducing the rrVvfTA\»h tariff between India and Europe. Tin* view of the Chamber is that, setting aside the probability of an increase of traffic following upon
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  • 309 9 Both imports and exports, as far as Macao is concerned, show an increase, by junks as well as by steamers. The increase in imports, Mr. Joly, our Vice-Consul at Macao, says, is *lue to the exhaustion of local stocks and the renewal of
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  • 871 9 APfAIRa IN LOMBOK INCREASE OF IMPORT DUTIES FATE OF A PETROLEUM THIEF TOLCANIC ERUPTION. A HYDROPHOBIA CABE CHINESE DECEIT. (Translated Jrovi various newtpapers.} At the date of last mail advices, disscnsi jus had broken out among the Balinese Chiefs in Lombok, and several of them had made
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  • 568 9 It has lieen decided to give a St. Audrew’s D.naer in Kuala Lumpur. The Devd March iu Saul was played at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, yesterday, as a tribute to the late Czar. The Municipality announce that the electio n for th** Central (No. 2) Ward is fixed
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  • 206 9 MONTHLY MEDAL HANDICAP Saturday 3rd, November.) WON BY BTIVEN 1 Rd. 2 Rd. Total H’ca?. Total. A. W. Stiven 43 41 84 84 T. C. Mugliston... 47 43 9l) 5 85 W. J. Napier 60 57 117 3U 87 F. M. Elliot 47 56 103 12 91
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  • 144 9 Messrs. Gowans Alexander k Co., have during the last few months been doing a large trade in the manufactures of Messrs. Tennant of Wellpark Brewery fame. The result has been entirely .satisfactory. Various delectable light forms of beverage have been offerer! to the public at au extremely moderate rate. The
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  • 187 9 The survivors of the crew of a Chinese Junk, No. 1256, have reported to the police that their boat was ruu down on Saturday by the steam* r S aladin. statements a-e to the effect that they let t Singapore at 3 p.m. on Saturday and five hou s later
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  • 233 9 (From our Correspondent.) Pekan Thursday Ist November 1894. A Chinese named Wong Kung, employed at the Jeram Batang mine in Ulu Kuantau, banged himself tbe other day because he was detected in trying to abscond. Tbe usual inquest was held and a verdict of suicide returned. The ss.
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  • 222 9 The Committee, appointed at a public meeting *at Hongkong to decide upon tbe form the public recognition of the plague worker*’ service* there should take, have made their recommendations. They recommend that a gold medal be presented to certain officers, volunteers, and nurses, and a
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  • 69 9 In the second divisiou of the Supre e Court, th’s morning, there whs comment ed, (before Mr. Aciiug Puisne Judge Collyer) the case of the Ingraban vertue Namyong, au action to recover salvage monies ou an agreement made and signed by the respective captains, by which the Iwjraban was to
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  • 904 10 THE GENERAL* INQUIRY THE RESIDENT COMING TO SINGAPORE. TIN-MINING THE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. COOLIES’ CLAIMS. Kuala Lumpur, 2nd November. The Govern input yacht Esmeralda having biought HE. Major G*ncial Jones Vaughan toKlaug, on Mon-lav night, h*it the next morning, taking Mrs. Can:field back to Perak. O j Wedn *wlav
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  • 876 10 (Written b\j a Straits-born Chinaman on the f uture of China after the present v'ar iPRINT£I&gt; WITHOUT EDITORIAL ALTERATION.] Whatever may be tbe result of the war. I am not go ng to propb*sy, but what I wish to deal with is the tutuie ol Cbiua after
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  • 50 10 H.M.S. Spartan, Captain Alfred E. Winsloe, 3,600 tons, 272 crew, 8 guns, and 7,000 horse power; and H.M.S. Edgar Captain W. H. Henderson, 7,350 tons, 544 crew, 12 lO,OOO horsepower, both from Salonica, armed at Singapore yesterday morning, and after coaling at the wharf, left the same erening for China.
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    (Supplementary to Straits Ti nes Telegram.)  -  1,154 words
  • 248 10 A I*OU(’E H)UP(»nAL WAOEB WAR AGAINST THE UKITISH NORTH UORNEO 00. Some weeks ago tbo M agist ta’e of Pi&lt;a viuce De-.t ou visiting KaAga'an police station found the L&gt;yak corpo&gt;rai in char go, named Stvai, !a I married a s«* irud wile and
    248 words
  • 440 10 The Government of Hongkong are said to be framing proposals for fresh taxation there. The JTongkouy Daily Pre*B, in discussing various taxes suggested, says:— If it were not for infringing the freedom of flic j.ort the placing of a tax on spirits would he the
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  • 293 10 S.C.C. OWXCIU o*, SIBO 1 1.ATBD on the Esplanade cn The scores weie as follows OFFICERS. Guggisberg b. Grant Davie b Maxwell Seigeaunt b. Maxwell Haig c.'l albot b. Orman 4 Hanngton c. Evatt b. Maxwell Prichaid c. St. Clair b. Martas, .Stringer iun out 6,5 ll Bawl ton
    293 words
  • 448 10 LAWYER r. LAWYER. Is the Supreme Court, tbis morning. b&lt; fore Mr. Justice Cox, there came ou for further argument a case in which ceitain procedure adopted bj a legal practitioner of Singapore was questioned as to its regularity. The matter had been referred to the Court
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  • 142 11 Monday, sth November. Water. 2.16 p.m. First (Quarter. 10.11 p.m. Tuesday, 6th November. Water. 4.5 a.m. 3.17 p.m. p rcl) h homeward mail closes. 6 p.m. Cburh Work Association Monthly Meeting at Riffles’ Girls’ School 4 p.m'. Hockey. Esplanade. 5.15 p.m. Municipal Meeting. Wednesday, 7th November. {j eli Water.
    142 words
  • 391 11 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. :Dth Sunday after Trinity &gt; nt. Andrew’s cathedral. 7a, ai, Matins an&lt;l Sermon. »a. Holy Eucharist (Choral). 11a.m., 1 itany. Holy Eucharist. *p. el. ChiM-ons’ Service. s.X*p m. t E.ousonnau&lt;l Sermon. Matthew’s i'hurch, Sepoy Lines. m Evensong and Sermon. r.«s«ua Garrison tiff a pel. 7.:Xia.
    391 words
  • 428 11 ARRIVALS. Per P. s. Rohilia from London Dr. Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. Winter, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Evatt. Frciu Brindisi: ~-i!essrs. li. Morant, Dnnn, E. Ennis, and M.-liitvre. From Aden: —Mr. W. P. Leahy. Per 5 s. Will O' the Wisp from Kiaug Mr 0 Ortiepp. P. &lt;fc
    428 words
    • 86 11 apital Fiibsc'ibe l 92/00/0 Amount paid up. ft 0/ 0 Koserve fund 8ft0,()00. J 840 o*'FlC* NGK JNO. (jenernl Agents, Messrs. Jaadimb Mathebon A Co. The under igned having been ap ointed Agen s for the abov* Company are prepared to accept Marine Risks at cur
      86 words
    • 62 11 Capital ££,000,000. Fond in renerve exclusive of Capita! £5,493.073. Life Department:—Th« Company ha* recently revised it.-* Kates of Life Premia Mid is now prepared to offer very advantageous terms to Assurers. Life Department: —The Company has prewired to accept lint class risks sp to £15,000,
      62 words
    • 79 11 Capital Subscribed $2.0V,000 Ainou t paid-up 0 v\o o. Reserve Fund 8 0, 00. Hkap Ofvich:, —Hongk no. Secretary, W. H Rat Esg., Tlie undersigned, Agents for the above Comp ny, are prepared to aceept mari e risks at currea rates. All contributors of
      79 words
    • 42 11 FIRE. LONDON, ESTA BLISHKD 190® Subscribed Capital £1,200,000. Paid-up Capital, 300,000. Total Invested Panda over £l,&lt;K)o,000. f’I'JHE undersigned Agents for the above Company re&gt; I prepared to aooept risks at ourrent rates at premium. BARLOW k 00.
      42 words
    • 34 11 Home Offices. Queen Insurance Buildings Liverpool. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are^prepared to take risks at current rates. HOOGLANDT ft Co.
      34 words
    • 58 11 Capital subscribed $2,000,000. Amount paid out 4'’0,000. Reserve fund ~1,056,049. Hoad Office, Hongkong. General Managers, Messrs. Jardini Mathbson ft. Co. The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Cpmpany at this port are prepared to accept risks at current rates. A bonus is
      58 words
    • 37 11 Capital £2,127,500. Paid up Capital 212.750. Reserve Funds 676.355. The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD ft Co., Singapore.
      37 words
    • 32 11 Phohix Chambers, Liverpool. TIDE undersigned have been appointed Agents for the alK&gt;ve Company, and ME prepared to acoepi riaka at cnrrent rates. uVe. BARLOW 4 oo_
      32 words
    • 38 11 Inasfancee effected upon almost every d&lt; serfption of Property at the cnrrent ratee of insured la 1892, 4891,800,000 do ML 4878,700,000. do 1890, 4861,800,000. do 1889, *****00,000. Singapore Ageats, BEINKMANR 4 Co.
      38 words
    • 41 11 (EfTABLISIIICD A. IV, 178*. undersigned Agents for tho aboro Oomf— perpared to accept Fire Rises at the Mnnt ntoi in Singapore, and also in Jobor* ■■d tbe oiker States in tks Mal&j Peninsula. STIVBX 4 Co.
      41 words
    • 45 11 EaTABLIBBID IW*. Capital Authorised JNMXft.'.OO •o. Snbßcrit»ed £2,OOG,U’O. do. Paid up 600,000 LIFE DEPARTMENT. Rtfeaof Life premium, tables showing different methods of Assurance, and fortes of application may be obtained from the Agents fo» the Life departmentSTIVEN ft Co.
      45 words
    • 55 11 Established 18*1. Subscribe! Capital ...£8,000,000 Total Invited Funds, 4,616,000 annual Income, eee eee 988,000 The undersigned, agents (or the above Company, are prepared to aoeept Are risks (or short periods of ten days or longer periods, at current rates to be named on application
      55 words
    • 38 11 Capital £1,000,000. Bhibti JSOO,OOQ. The undersigned haring been appointed ▲gent at Singapore for the abore Company, le prepared to accept risks by First Clm Steamers and sailing Vessels. GEO. KING, Agent.
      38 words
    • 38 11 Oapitau... je3/XX),000. Fin and Marins Insurant# sffsotod ll «mnt rates. 10 Cash d isoount allowed on lUriao MUm in !ieu of annual Bonus. Wm. McKERR'JW 4 Co. AfM4
      38 words
    • 51 11 Capital £3,000,000. Cudjfiiiau iii Manchester: Edward Coward, Esq. Chairman in Liverpool: F. W. Reynold*, E«*q. hairrian in Glasgow Sir Donald Matho*on, K.C.B. Digbt Johu&oj*, Eeq., General Manager and Actuary. The undersigned, Agents for the abovr Company, are prepared to accept Fire Risk* it current rates. POWELL 00.,
      51 words
    • 36 11 Established 1883. Head Office, Singatoke. Capital Fully Subscribed S3,OOO,OCH' Capital Paid-up 600,00f’ Reserve Fund 201,107 Balance of Working Account to 81st Dec., 1893: $464,166. Cash Assets $1,406,766. A. S. MURRAY, Secretary.
      36 words
    • 49 11 Fire risks accepted at CURRENT RATES. Local Board of Dirxctors Alex. Johnston (Chairman). T. S. Thomson. D. W. LovelL A. H. Raeburn. A. N. van &lt; ilse van der Pals. Max. Futtfarcken. A. S. MURRAY, iecretar/.
      49 words
    • 171 11 Capital and Funds; £-521,423. on tho Gist December, 18bl. THE INDIAN LIFE FUNDS now acDouLt over TWENTY-THREjs. LAKHS OF RUPEES in Government Securities only, held by the Official Trustees for payment of claims. The Positive Stsvem OF EKUuWWKT AfGUjIANCKE payable at all ogee
      171 words
    • 335 11 Office—Coilyer Quay. W hakvss and Gonowwi—New Harbour. Th* mail steamer* may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homeware a m the following da tea Oittwa»i&gt;s HomrwAftDs ISM. 1894. Ravtnna Not. 12 2«wtU Not. 14 Siam Nov. 26 RthiU Not. 28 Per-imtuUir Dec.
      335 words
      122 words
    • 222 11 Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government. The following are the dates on which the Company’s steamers may bo expected to sail from here OuTwiiDS. For Homkwuids. For Hongkong, Shanghai A Kobe. Trieste via ports. 18*4. I 1894. Poteidon Nov. 5 Giffl* Nov. 14 Marquie
      222 words
    • 123 11 Rkgulab Line Between Bangkok Hongkong. The M&lt;mgkut, 859 tone register, Capt J. Stonham. The s.B. Kong Beng 862 tone register, Japt. Pigot. The s.B Taickiow 862 tons register, Capt Deans. The s.s Phra Ckom Klao, 1,011 tons regiser, Capt. J. Fowler. The s.s. Phra Chula
      123 words
    • 490 11 T t TELEGRAPHIC LrCOKNE, address. Singapore. Tn following are the dates on which the ifail steamers of the Messageries Maritime* nay be expected to arrive here HOMIWUDI. OCTTWA.KDR. lf»4 to 1896. 1894 to 18S5. Oceanian Nor. 6 Oxus Nor. 7 Soghalien Nor. tO Salazie
      490 words
    • 189 11 Kingrin Line. Fortnightly Service between Hambubo AND THE STEAITB, CHINA and Japan and vice verm. Tip following steamers will probably be despatched from Singapore for Havro and Hamburg:— From Singapore Dus at Hamburg. Gerda on 19th Oct. 1894 Ist Dec. 1894 Ocean a on 2nd
      189 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 40 11 JP E R. J&gt; E P T O BY DR. JAILLET. Superior Tonic Liquor, guaranteed sovereign remedy for renovating weak constitutions, and an excellent appetiser. To be bad at all Dispensaries. SARKIEB k MOSES, tu. th. k s. 3/4/95 Agents.
      40 words
    • 145 11 THE DINING CARS and MOUNTAIN HOTELS on the Canadian Pacific Railway are owned and operated by the Company, and their appointments and Cuisine are unexcelled. Passengers booked through to all principal points and AROUND THE WORLD with choice of 4 Bootes across the American Continent. RETURN TICKETS to various points
      145 words

  • DOCKS.
    • 907 12 The premises of the Company are sit. ated at Tanjong Pager adjoining the town, of Singapore. The Wharf extras to »ne asit* a re- m oinaed Dj the entrance* to the li raving Doeks into three parts. The Weet Wharf; over one mile in
      907 words
    • 182 12 Under thie heading the following abbrevia- dona are needstr.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq.—barque; Brit—British U. S.—United States; Fr.—French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G.c.. —General cargo; d. p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncertain ;T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. p. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. W.—Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardiue’s Wharf N.
      182 words
    • 899 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday. Agamemnon Bnt. str. 1,491 tons, Capt* in St# 1 eves, 4th Nov. From Liverpool, 30tli Sep*. G 0., W. Mansfield Co. For China and Japan 6th.—W. Batcean, Cut. atr. 649 tons, Capt. Sexaner. 4th Nov. From S mrabaya, 30th G.c and 171 d.
      899 words
    • 182 12 Nam*, Pert and Date of Smit-t London. Radnor-hire, Oct. 4 &lt; Hiiton due Nov. (jrloufruin due Nov. biVBRPOuL Deucalion, due Nov. 13: Palinurue, due Nov. 16; Bellerophon, duo Nov. 27 Barry. Rigel, Sopt. 13; Beatrice, Sept 16; Erwin Kickuiers, Sept. 18 Glasgow. Kirklands, Sept. 28 Palinurus, Oct. 3;
      182 words
    • 190 12 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR OKDEKS. Flag Dats p. Date, and Ship’s Nam*. Commander. op From Whiae. Destination j EIG. BAILING. MAM**. Cct. 22 Nor. bq Njord Sept 22 Bangkok Channel f.o. 22 Brit. f&gt;h. Fads of Melfort Wwh Sept 28 Saigon Rio Janeiro 21 Ned. sh Hugo
      190 words
    • 834 12 t Vkssvlb' Name rows Captaik. Feox Sailed.! Bio vo,, Bio* le(s Oct &gt; 19 Petersburg Bus. str. 2943 Radloff WivQstock Oct. 10 Borneo Comn»„» t 29 Ferdinand Fischer Ger. sh. 1725 Kruse Cardiff July 28 H«bn Mever*o 30 Sn Tringgvnu Brit.sir. 81 Willock Malacca Oct. SPOng Kew Hoe A
      834 words
    • 575 12 DlT'f. XHMCIb’ \a»«S F 4*« V *1 P"'*Al* Oct. 29 Ki 11 Yang Brit.stv. Nacodab Mnar 30 Diamond str. Ellis Hon. koug and Amor 30 Che'ydra str. Cass Hougkong 30 Mi tau str. hooard Muar and Malacca Poh Hin Guan str. Smith Macassar via ports 30 Sii Sintang Dut.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 27 12 S4J. The price of (he weekly moil edition of the Strait t Times w four and a half dollars for quarter in Singapore and |5 post-free anywhere
      27 words
    • 131 12 F BANK H° LLET’S. n. c. 2*. The price of ike Straits'Timbs it two The price of the Straits and a half Delian a month. HOEING, FORGE, COMMISSION, AND TRAINING STABLES, NO. 9 ARMENIAN STREET. Horses shod by old sod experienced shoeing •Blithe under special European supervision. Horses bought or
      131 words