The Straits Budget, 29 May 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 307 1 KXT"H: I-'-1 .»i i-i> ’n >**rvi i. M- 1 ■*‘-:i' at'h. M L.C. i .1 p in and Manufactures. l»n ,*.f t}»•' Egyptian Question. Mm. till in April. Tin* m li>93. ai *1 iid i- »*;ii ions. g .n\ Bi-tInlay Celebrations. T
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  • 504 1 Singapore 28th May, *****. PRODUCE. Gambior "-4^; do Cube No. 1, 11.75. do do No. 2, Copra Bali, >» 5.9>», do Pontianak, 5.72 Va. Pepper Black 9.80. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.30. do Brunei 2.02%. Pearl Sago, 3245. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 14.50. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15.
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  • 694 1 The mail for Europe this week is taVen on by the P. <fc O. s. s. ltcsetta. '1 lie Si O. s. s. Roll ilia with the mail from Europe of the 4th instant arrived here i;o-day. The mail for Europe next week is fixed for
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    • 31 1 London, ‘32nd May. Tin Queen has opened the Manchester Canal. On the occasion, the Mayors of Manchester mil Salford were knighted. There was immense euthusiasm.
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    • 84 1 Heury. the Anarchist, has been guillotined at Pari-. Six Anarchists, implicated iu the outrage at the Liceo theatre, have been shot at Barcelona. POLITICAL ARRESTS IN RUSSIA. Political arrests continue to be made iu Russia. THE AUSTRO RUSSIAN COMMERCIAL TREATY. The Austro-Russian commercial treaty has been e included.
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    • 22 1 23rd May. Tenders have beeu invittd for six millions steiliu£ Indiau loau 2,- a minimum Irate of nim>tv-eit;lit.
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    • 29 1 The American gold reserve has sunk to eighty-three millions of dollars. The depletion of the reserve continues and the i situation is becoming serious.
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    • 89 1 MINISTERIAL CRISIS. A resolution moved by Socialist members demanding that State railway servants should be allowed to attend the Railmeub’ Congress has Wen carried against Government in the French Chamber of Deputies by a majority of dfty-seven. The French Cabinet resigns to-morrow. THE HOUSE OF LORDS. The
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    • 100 1 24th May. M. Casimir Perier, the French Premier, has resigned. THE CONGO FREE STATE. A treaty between Britain and the King of the Belgians leaves the province of Bahr el Ghazal in Central Africa to the Congo Free State, so long as King Leopolc and his successors
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    • 46 1 T»ie Genuau bullet-proof coat, inv« uted by Dowe, has beeu tested in the presence of the Duke of Cambridge, Lord Roberts, and others. Bulk ts from cordite cartridges, fired from a distance of a few yards, fai e l to peuetrate the coat.
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    • 25 1 25th May. A\ operation for cataract in Mr. Gladstone's right eve has been successfully perfo uied. Mr. Gladstone’s health c >utinues unimpaired.
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    • 62 1 A motion has beeu made by Sir John Lubbock, on behalf of the Opposition, to divide the Budget Bdl iuto two parts so as to enable the House of Loids to vote separately that section of the Budget which prov.des for a
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    • 136 1 2Hth May. The Birthday Gazette notifies that the Volunteer Officers’ deco rat iou has been exteuded to the Colonies an 1 In h i. The qualf ring period iu India lias been Hx»m1 a r eighteen years. General Sir Don ild Se.vtrt and l ord Wei e’ev
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    • 44 1 28th May. M. Dupuy is foiming a Cabinet. THE ANGLO-BELGIAN TREATY. Great bitterness is expressed by the French press over the treaty recently concluded between Belgium regarding the Bahr el Ghazal proviuce beiug left to the Cougo I ree State.
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    • 93 1 In the House of Commons, Sir E. Grey declined to make any statement regarding the Anglo-Chinese Convention until it was quite sure that the Convention had reached Pekiii. [The Anglo-Chinese Convention regarding the Burma Irontier provides for a joint Commission to demarcate the border. The work will
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    • 40 1 Sir E. Grey stated in the House of Commons that Britain objected to any commercial agreement being made between France and Siam, whereby British trade might be deprived of fair play.
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    • 397 2 (Straits, 22nd May.) The political troubles in Servia have come to a head and the Kin# of that country has made a bold stroke for power by suspending the constitution. A crisis has l>een approaching there ever since Milan, the present king’s father, lost opularity
      (Straits, 22nd May.)  -  397 words
    • 705 2 l >S tllllfs Yo/if’.X, 'J. i't l J/if i Mu. August Ifuttenhach has been offered and has accepted the vacant mm! m tIu Eeghd.itive Council. is a compliment to IVnaiig. Tin-appointment. In mover, does not, so vve nnderstamt it, ,l,1 I»lv that enhanced representation
      l >S tllllfs Yo/if’.X, 'J.» i't l J/if / i  -  705 words
    • 310 2 n k/.s i *9- > > i 1/ i j lie.tdv.iy nude .Japan in manuI faciui iiig Indus! rt a< i.h.mI Mr a ;lvv increase in her imp u.s u*;ir. o.vhig to I 1 trger#arrivaU of cotton and machinery I 11 ado with
      (•n/. k/.s i *9-> > • i 1/ i»/.)  -  310 words
    • 411 2 (Straits Times. 25th May.) The leasing of the Balir el Ghazal province by the British Government to the King of the Belgians has aroused sharp adverse comment in the Paris press, on the ground that it raises another issue in the Egyptian question. To
      (Straits Times. 25th May.)  -  411 words
    • 500 2 (•Steads Times, JUth May.) -*!unicipn 1 President's Monthly Progress ueport for April slums that the* revenue w the Municipality for the period ir.*m .January to April last aggregated LbS.o.o dollars against 305,000 dollars during tlie corresponding period of 1893. Pin* difference is accounted for bv extra
      (•Steads Times, JUth May.)  -  500 words
    • 563 2 (Straits Times 28 ih May.) The report on the Straits Settlements Police Force for 1893 opens with the announcement that the Colony has been free from serious disturbances during that period, and that the returns of crime show a diminution on comparison with the returns for
      (Straits Times, 28 ih May.)  -  563 words
  • 159 2 THE ITALIAN WAR BUDGET. PORTUGAL AND BRAZIL. FRENCH POLITICS. mi T P'*ri*, 14th May. liie Italian Chamlier lias defeated, hv a majority of 6d, a motion having for its object tlie rejection of the war-budget. Diplomatic rolat ons liavo been off between Portugal and Brazil The Legations have
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  • 106 2 THE report of the Pe nan p Church says A yeara-oti -be Presbyterian Church Penang. The present congre 1 1,' e, "‘l, m its infancy, but the n 'rc-ived warrants hone fJv/* ‘W Though our numbers Test h *3 united-which is an impo,, an suecese. The
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  • 218 2 Th e p olice Lave succeeds i„ 3rl la smart Chmaman who will k I with breaking into oue of th.- Z |'7* I Last week the premises of the oi Mercantile Bank were I some drawers containing disuse I cheques rifled. These cheques I Suspicion fell upon
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  • 487 2 The district report ou Ivliug fur shows that the tonnage of wss-is *L;: arrived and cleared there In* bur this increase of tonnage 7.7,'" r though the increase in tin* iuni;h* r-; >L> ntered was 132. Ties is account* i r the fact that mo*>t ol tin*
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  • 1735 3 H tbe Sultan of Pahang, accompanii i»v Mr William Hole and a number of arrived at Joliore, yesterday rn n in the s.s. Pulai on a visit to H ill thr Sultau »»f Joliore, and to pay his .js to H. E. the Goveruor— Mr. rv" f
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  • 144 3 Allahabad, 7th May. —Major Kuper, Koval Artillery, who is well known as k«*eu sportsman aud Polo player, had an exritirg adventure with a 1 ‘o’pard while out pigst cking in Agra District last week. I' appears In* came acr**ss a le**pard au*l dism*»uuted t«» have a
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  • 187 3 An official statement has been issued b\ the Manchester Ship Canal Coni pan v, showing that the cash balances and otliei available assets, including the 5(0,000/ remaining out of the 2,000,000/. authoris» d to be lent by the Manchester Corporal ion under the Act of 1803,
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  • 358 3 The expenditure upon the Indian Army for the current year is set down at Rs 23,75,97,000, or almost exietly om -f. urth of the cutire Budget* It may be pertinent, says the Calcutta Statesman, therefore, especially as we now have contracted an uupleusaut familiarity with a deficit,
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  • 177 3 t M r Adam Stewart, the manager of (riila Estate, informs the Straits Independent of a horrible iucident which happened there ou the 10th instant, when, shortly before midnight, he was roused by cries of distress from a ditch in front of the crolip lines
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  • 213 3 I he schooner FloiverJnle Captain Lumsden, arrived at Fort Dannu on the 3 d May. She is one of the fleet of vessels own'd by a Loudon pearl-fishing company 'ij which the well-known gem merchant Streeter, holds big interests. H last clarnuce was from Broom**,
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  • 208 3 I he rapid strides made in the mill industry in India within the past, decade have In on most remarkable. Ir. 1881-82 only 40,500 porsens were cm j» loved in the wonty-t lie mills txi.sting at that time; in 1802-03 tie* t went v. seven
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  • 266 3 The publication of the prospectus of the Syria Ottoman Railway Company suggests many interesting reflections to those who believe in the possibility of establishing a traus-Asiau route to India, and of inaugurating a rival to the journey by Egypt and the Red Sea. The scheme
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  • 252 3 (Hongkong Daily Press May 15th) Despite the energetic measures taken by the police aud sanitary officers, no less than thirty-four deaths were reported yesterday, twenty-three occurring on board the Ilygeia uine in the Tung Wah Hospital, aud two outside. It apjiears that the disease is prevalent
    (Hongkong Daily Press, May 15th)  -  252 words
  • 590 3 Du. Dobejick, as an appendix to his annual report on the work of the Hongkong Observatory, gives some uotes ou the climate of Hongkong, investigated from ten years’ observations. The report sayB: 'J h; colony of Hongkong is situated within the tropics, but the winter is
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  • 201 4 In the House of Commons on April 20rh Mr. Hogan asked th* Under-Secretary <>t otate for Foreign Affairs whether the r« poit of the law officers of the Crown in regard to the recommendations of tie Select Committee of the Legislative Council of New South
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  • 473 4 BIO GAME. STORMS. COFFEE PROSPECT8. A BAD ACCIDENT. (Front our Correspondent Batu Pahat Monday. The weather here has been very squally lately, and we have had several severe storms, accompanied by thunder, ligktuing aud heavy falls of raiu. One night last week, we had uearly 3 iuches
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  • 321 4 mrntary t > Stmil* Ti’nctt TtUujrama. of t iiflmi i NATIONALIST 1 > I s S L X .S I > N S. A N A UC1I Is 1 A U KST8. i M ii uhliilAX syU.VMit N IN SCOTI.AND St i 11th Almj. liu* lmu'lmls ot }n
    mrntary t > Stmil* Ti’nctt TtUujrama.  -  321 words
  • 103 4 (Via Manila.) T Madrid 4th May. Last night a liomb was exploded at Lieire wounding i wo persons 1 ho 'panish Congress is discussing a proposal relative to tl,„ free cultivation of toblcco m ine I cmusula. In the Senate
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  • 1611 4 Sib Cecil Smith, writing of the receipt of the address presented to him by Singapore, says in a pi ivate letter —“The address is a very beautiful piece of work. It is very greatly admired not only by all the members of my own family but by
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  • 231 4 Excluding treasure th British India during the yoar show an almost uni pansion. The total value of imported in 1892 93 was ihere 62| crores of rupees r u i rose to within a few lakhs JV an increase of ovir 111 '*<*<>.« months. The principal
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  • 304 4 J H Manchester Guardian publish, followiog extract from a letter rewwj, Manchester, said to be from a member <1 well-known Penang firm I have seut my broker in Cornwall article on tin, which shows that, thoughtk price in Loudon is abnormally low Chinese miners at Penang are actcu
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  • 313 4 I A DECREE IJ ;S bed; .-igM»*<l l»V the i L) Pn sidcul, fiu bidding t lit* inatriage T I member of *i:e dij lomigie cr M»ei vices without, lho permission of I Minister f»r Foreign In I where unions are to he o.i
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  • 1079 5 Hongkong on the 14th instant, 3 measures were being taken T,t the j>Ugue. Mr.F.H. May, Captain a A r utendeiit of Police. Inspector Quiu*S -J'tJt- Melvor, Acting Sorgt. Smith, p V MeAuhy, a ml nine Chinese detectives Vj ;r n enrolled under the Governor’s r .iu.i*
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  • 378 5 I In the combination comprising HarmI ston a Circus whoso Singapore season is rapidly drawing to a close, there is a h<*t of variety talent which makes it possible I for the management to so frequently change the programme. That they can do so with success is quite
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  • 419 5 VVm. (I. Halk A C *.’s Circular, dated Saigon lilt b instant, gives the follow, mg parii ulars of the state of the rice market there: —Although all neighbouring markets have receded until tiler* is actually u<* lilt? in own, yet price* do m»t go back.
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  • 744 5 CONSTRUCTION OF WARSHIPS. LORD ROSEBERY ON HIS GOVERNMENT. AGITATION AMONG DOCKERS. THE PANAMA CANAL CASE. GREAT BRITAIN AND RUSSIA, j London 30th April. I A detachment of Coxey’s Labour Army seized another train in tlio State of Oregon but a strong contingent of troops covered them with
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  • 196 5 According to a St. Pet* r>burg telegram u ihe Standard, the railway line b*twc. u S'. Petersburg and tli<* Arctic Ocean is tub*, and that duiingtlie next th'icyearif possible. “It has Uou aim st decided to put the Trans-Caucasian Railway in com in unicat itu with
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  • 135 5 Those who remember the visit to SingaI pore of the Austrian Heir-Presumptive, I the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, will be I interested to learn that the Emperor of I Austria, with the Archduke as his guide, has made a most careful examination of the collections
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  • 352 5 I One of the most interesting papers read before the Rojal Horticultural Society was that delivered on the 24th April, by Mr. F. W. Burbidge, m.a., curator of the Royal Botanic Gardeus, Dublin. He prefaced his reinat ks with an allusion to the extensive social, political,and
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  • 401 5 By laM alvins from Hougkong, th 1 _;H'* v :s .-hawing signs of abatement, •w;11 g t rainy weather setting in. O i tin* 16tli it s aut, the S. W. monsoon ou«!s, lwig anxiously awaited, reached thr colon Mi l I r.mght a plentiful dmvnj.<o.f
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  • 1011 5 I Thu ostial fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held tiili I afternoon at the offices, Finlavson-green, I Mr. A. Gentle presiding. There were I also present Messrs. Moses, Meyer, Bell, I Fraser, Wray, and the Hou’bles Seah Liang I Seah and T. Sbelford. The minutes of
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  • 821 6 This dav. Mr. Chief Justice Cox was occupied with civil business in the Supreme Court. A The Muuicipal returns show that there were 430 deaths in Singapore town iu March. The s. s. Ping Suey has pissed through ou her wav from Europe to China aud Japan
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  • 190 6 A cricket match was played ou the Esplanade yesterday between teams representing the S. C. C. and S. V. A. The match was a-ranged to be an all day match, but nlav did uot start until uo *u and, at six o’clock in the evening, the tirs* mnings of
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  • 256 6 In the House of Lords, ou the 20th April, the Marquis of Kipon moved the second reading of this bill, which was intended to get rid of an old Act of Parliament desigued to meet a very different state of things from that now
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  • 161 6 A TIN FIND. (From our Correspondent.) An enterprising Chinese towkay, after having spent much money in searching for tin in the neighbourhood of Bukit Muar and Dinding, has been successful in coming upon what promises to be a profitable venture. The overburden is not g eat about 10
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  • 200 6 A company has been form* *1 under the title of Estate “Tandjong Piming,”-Limit-ed (with offices at 6, Trinity-square, Towelhill, E. C), to acquire from the Pioneer Company its rights and privileges aud the bem lil ot tie* developments already made by it in tin* cultivation of
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  • 456 6 RAILWAY EXTENSION. civii. servants’ salary. OOLF. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur Tuesday. I he proposed extension of the Selangor Government Ruiivvay from Kiang to Tanjiing Kuhu basinet with the approval of the Col »uial Otlhe. Ou the 5'h April, instructions were leccived from H. E. the Governor, to
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  • 961 6 MINING REPORT FOR THE FITR WEEKS ENDING THE 17tH MAT, 1894. MINING. Raub Hole Section No. 1 Level. In the south end, the stopes are showing the same amount of crushing stuff. There is no change in the prospects except, coming north towards the main crosscut here, the maiu
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  • 688 6 THE PARADE. Th« seventy fifth a Dn j, er8 birthday of Her Majesty the r? 1)1 1* celebrated yesterday with all V The proverbial Queen’s weatbe h%i but it was extremely hot. esi^lt' en *t very early morning when t l ut ,5 function, the troopiug
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  • 1179 6 This being the first Birlhw.' H. E. Sir Charles Bulleu Ji i i eal f centred therein. The attendance was large. Members of the and Legislative Conucils, the Corps, and others who li t entree at Government House by the western staircase, vvll -g: guests remained in the
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  • 474 7 Lady Mitchell.—Gowu of blue corded silk with train tiiinmcdon the bodice with string coloured lace. Miss S.iuders.- —"White brocaded s lk trimmed with lace. Airs. Maxwell.—Pale blue moire antique, <hf skill hiving the trout of a deepet .hade of vi lvet —liodice trimmed with vehet and
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  • 1546 7 Mr. Donald Mackay writes to the Times of Ceylon as follows —In giving my information and experience regarding the above, I wish to say in the first place that my remarks will be confined to Perak alouc, as I do not think tbat a casual glance elsewhere
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  • 116 7 The Hongkong Daily Press states that a telegram bad been received from Tokyo, stating that iu the House of Representatives the motion for the adoption of an address to the Emperor, of which the prominent feature was the Radical idea of the strict
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  • 763 7 Ybibtt-thbeb Chinese Were each fined by Mr. Lemon for gambling in HokiettStreet yesterday. Thb French transport CherxboH, with forty passengers, arrived to-day from Saigon, and leaves for Marseilles to-day. A Kling coolie was accidently killed yesterday, while engaged in loading iron bars on board the 9. s.
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  • 153 8 The exportation of arms aud warlike ■to’es from the Colony to the Netherlands Indies is prohibited for a furiher period of six months from the Ist June uext. A Ru'e is published relating to fees under the Bills of Sale Ordinance. At Singapore the Office
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  • 539 8 The Derby of 6,000 sovs the wiuuer to receive 5,000 sovs., the no uiuator of the winner 500 sovs., the ow er of the second 300 sovs, and the owner of the third ‘2OO sovs. out of the race; for three-year-olds colts 9st., fillies Bst.
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  • 925 8 ACHEEN AFFAIRS. PRTROLRUM AND INSURANCE. I BUSINESS AT BATAVIA. NEW FIELD FOR COFFEE PLANTING. (Translated from various newspapers.) Acheen advices report another encouuter between the Dutch forces and the Aebiuese. Since the Mahoimnedan new year’s day, the enemy have resumed harassing the troops, and have proved troublesome even
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  • 195 8 DRIVING COMPETITION. MESSRS. FINLAYSON AND MACRITCMIl’s PRIZE. WON BY H. E. DAUNT AT 217 YARDS.. Last eveuiug, f«>r the above prize some tweutv members competed, although then* we*e only some hilt a d*-z*‘U who fia 1 a look in. Oa the principle never try never win” the
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  • 604 8 DEATHS INCREASING. From our Hongkong contemporaries to the H>th instant, we learn that it is regrettable to have to report that the plague has again increased and that both the numbers of deaths, admissions, and cases are larger than those of t he previous report. It
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  • 1225 8 Liverpool Mercury.) A circular despatch issued from the Colon?*? Office, J*d reproduced in the Straits Times from the Selangor Government Gazette sets forth that Lord Ripon s attention has been called to the practice of issuing surcharged postage stamps, and to i;be temptations which it
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  • 135 8 THE JOAN OF ABC FESTIViriK PUBLIC EXECUTIONS ANOTHER ANARCHIST OUTKAGE. EARTHQUAKE IN VENEZUELA Madrid frh A bomb was explod*' 1 in f out of nOdescalchi Palace at Rome, serioidv inj in* three persons. Madnd, JJth Hit A most destructive earthquake ht>occh't-; in the Republic of Venezuela, in wfoaii
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  • 342 8 The Herald common* n: iho notion of Seuators Allis* »u iu 1 h i.' that EuglaiiH cau be for*v<l to al•} bimetallic policy iu currency sy*": ,f the Democrats will only c* efforts to chauge the t inft aul w.*ipose prohibitory duties upon wool and
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  • 1128 9 ,,K Prgceedinqs of the Mum- commissioners at an Ordinl'1‘. Hefting on Wednesday, the ■uhMav.I^* President, Alexander The Acting Inspector-General I B.11. Esq G. C Wray. Esq.; S»*.*di Liang b'eali The Hon’blo j'| j M Tan Jiak Kim, H sq J. \< r. K**q„ and A. C. Moses, Esq.
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  • 879 9 Mr. J. P. Rodger, Resideut of Pahang, now at home on leave, is. we believe, booked to have England either yesterday or to-day to ntuni to the Straits. Mr Rodger will not resume the otU -e o British Resident of Pahang, but goes t Perak to act
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  • 118 9 The Northern Territory Time* is informed tiiat th Dutch atr ln*ritics who control the Am Islands piarl tisheries are tmnow hostile to Australian or any othei shellers, but rather the rev« rse. A \e.n a«go there was a good deal ot bad blood between the Dutch aud the pearb
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  • 123 9 In honour of Her Alajesty *s birthday, the troops in garrison at, Pemiug to the ii umber of 150 of all rank**, paraded "n the 24th, at 6 dtl a.m., on the Detachm lit parade ground at the lines. They were i tux pouted and
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  • 164 9 A Cricket match was played on tin* Esplauade on Saturday iu connection with tlieS. C. C between teams described as Public Schools and the Rest. The match resulted iu favour of the former team. The following were the scotes the rest. A. McCloskv c. Warren b. Haringtou 11 F.
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  • 165 9 A GOOD POCKET SAMPLE. Somb stir has resulted in B&ngkok on the arrival there recently of 300 lbs. of quartz from the Wattaii* miues in Siam, iu the custody of Messrs. Shaw aud Weiss. From the 300 lbs. of quartz it is calculated that 20 ozs. of
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  • 142 9 Thk following Warrant, signed bv Her A]a jesi v\s Ih i cipal S« eretarv of State for the Colonies, is published in the Sebnioor 1 ill .1 iff. MAKIi I AC K \V AIIK V NT. authority to H.' kes-ipext in SELANGOR TO SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGES. 1 hereby
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  • 684 9 In view of the extension of the Government Railway from it:; present terminus at Klung to t e Ku la. which has lorcinly been sail tioiied. the following copy of a report oil the new harbour will In* f genera 1 in'erest H.M.* Kft'i'it. P**nHllg, l!7t
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  • 29 9 Thb steamer Cornelia which arrived at Penang on Tuesday evening from Rangoon, brought as passengers Capt. Menzell, Capt. Lingard, and some survivors of ths crew of the steamer Seithi.
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  • 204 9 The District Officer of Kuala Lmgat (Selangor) iu his report for 1893 u >tes that the carrying capacity of the Dialrict »vas r« presented by one steamer, which tan very irregularly, a great many boats and a few tongkaugs; their tonnage is set down at B,lf>7i
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  • 303 10 The Selangor Education Report for 1894 states that in 1892, with 18 school open, the average number on the registers was 678, th«? average attendance 521, o 78.84 per cent. In 1893, with 25 school* open, the average number on the registers was 911, the average attendance
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  • 674 10 Mr. Ebden, the Collector of Liud Reveuue in S danger, in his report on th* Land D* p ntmcut there for 1893, notes in creasing receipts especially in timb< i royalty and land rents. Another notable increase is under qipt rents, which is looked upon as
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  • 295 10 In tbe district report on Kuala Selangor for 1893, figures are given which show hat the export trade has increased, but 'he goods imported shew a decrease: imports 1892 8433.613. 1893 $361,009. Exports 1892 $512,927. 1893 $555,862In the inward trade tbe falling off has ecu principally
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  • 944 10 It was uufortuuate that longer notice of the annual elephaut huut at Avuthin was uot given or probably ti e Wbitsunlido holidays would have permitted tin organisation of a graud European excursion to Siam’s aucicut capital, to look at it. Hut as it was, a score
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  • 780 10 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION*. VORACIOUS CROCODILE. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur Thursday. Her Majesty’s Birthday was celebrated here with the usual military honours. The Sikhs, uuder the command of Capt. Lyons, paraded at 6.30 a. in., and fired volley* during the Royul Salute. At 8 p. ui., the Sports begau
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  • 131 10 Monday, 28th May. H'gh Water. 4.37 p.m.. Moon. List Quarter. 10.15 a.m. Association Football. S. K. C. v. Raffles Club. Esplanade, 5 p. m. Philharmonic Choir 5.30 p.m. Haimston’s Circus 9 p. in. Tuesday, 29th Mat. High water. 421 a.m. 5.32. p.m. Swimming Club. General Meeting. Town Hail. 8
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  • 422 10 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. (1st Scrdat after Trimitt st. Andrew's cathedral. 7 a. in.. Matins and Sermon. S a. in.. Holy Eucharist (Choral) 11 a m., Matins. 3 43 p. in., unday School and Bible Classes. 30p. m.. Evensong ant sermon. Sr. Matthew's Church, Skpot Likes. 7 a m
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  • Correspondence.
    • 74 10 TO THE EDITOR OF THE 8TRAITS TIMES.” Sir. —With r* to a paragraph in your is-sue of 23rd instant., permit me to ask 1. Who are the “Community” of that presented the address to Sir Cecil Smith 2. When, where, and bv whom was it presented 3.
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    • 617 10 arrivals. Per s s. Kutsany from h ngVon* u A. B. Dhyte, Uewett, Loveland R«Zi S** E|»p, and V. I»or>8er. H Per s. s. Calypso from Deli._ u Beck, and Rev. Fischer. r Per 8. s. A. Apcar from Calcutta v* -Rev. F. W. Whi-ne, M^n, W- qrht,
      617 words
  • 229 10 Tin* above D *<*fc, -it .**<*•! in Proviuw j Wollosley, at the entrance .if thr* Rry» Diver, has latelv* boeii lengthened >*»i*l *l- j -*;-»*ned and j is now of the following dim**ii-i*>ns Length on ft o blocks 330 feetBreadth at entrance 50 Depth of
    229 words
  • 34 10 We have added to our business a Pid*? 1 Optimeter, capable of Testing theEyea»K fc of any person and registering the focus. Apply to JAMES MOTION A €o 15/6 Flint Street.
    34 words

    • 328 11 Ovncx—Collyer Quay. Wharvis and Godo wws New Harbour. Thb mail steamers may be expected to arlve ou f wards and leave Singapore homewares n tlie following dates OUTWASUS HOMKWAKDS 1894. 1894. Sutlej May 14 Surat May 16 JMiilUi May 28 May 30 Rovenna Juue
      328 words
    • 306 11 The Company’s steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait* and China and from Shanghai homewards for London every week, and have acccmmodatior for first and third class passengers, carrying a Surgeon and Stewardess. Through Bills of -Lading are issued for all China, Japan, Manila, Saigon,
      306 words
    • 120 11 Regular Line Between Bangkok and Hongkong. The Mongkut, 8»9 tons register, Capt <J. Stonham. I The s.8. Kong Beng 862 tons register Cant J. B. Jackson. I The 8. s Taichiow 862 tons register. Cap* R,. Unsworth. I The 8.s Phra Chom Klao t 1,011
      120 words
    • 186 11 Kingsin Link. POETNIOHTLT SERVICE BETWEEN HAM BURO AND THE STRAITS, CHINA and Japan and vice versa The following steamers will probably be despatched from Singapore for Havre and Hamburg:— Due at Hamburg. Gerda on 6th May 1894 16th Jnne 1894 Oceana on 20th May 1894
      186 words
    • 51 11 TO PENANG. RANGOON A CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius or
      51 words
    • 49 11 TO ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE SYDNEY. One of the Company’s steamers leaves about once every six weeks taking passengers and cargo for Tasmania, New Zealand and Queensland ports. For rates of passage or height and for further particulars apply to BOUSTE AD k Co., Agents, B. 1. S. N. Co., Ltd.
      49 words
    • 466 11 IELEGRAPH1C fc'LlCORNE, A.IMPRESS. SINGAPORE. Thx following are the dates on which th» tail steamers of the Maritime* 1 •.ay be exported to arrive here HOMFWAXDS. OUTWA»D8. 130*. I*®*. Silt A June X j Jnne 6 ournc 19 (\itedor i- it 30 (Jctoni u July
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 158 11 Proprietor, ROYAL HAIR DRESSING SALOON. to his customers that his staff lia» been re< ent y elrcngthened by the arrival ofaiew Ea r Dr»6st>r f»om Rome (Ly_tno German Mail Sachsen.). Customers and Visitors can now be attended to without delay. A large aosortm* nt of Fringes, Martu Wigs, always
      158 words
    • 24 11 $4l. The price of the weekly mail edition Straits Timet it four and a half dollart per auarter in Singapore and $5 post-free anywhere.
      24 words
    • 338 11 JJILJBT A QO. VERY’S WEIGHING J^AOHINES from 4 cwt. to 1 ton to weigh Ifcs. kiloe or catti*w. gALTER’S FAMILY BALANCES from 14 lbs. to 50 lbs. to weigh lbs. and catties. Large second-hano GAMBIER PRESS in good working order. RALE’S A HERICAN PADLOCKS all sizes in stock. MERIC AN
      338 words

  • 198 12 NEW SPRING <SOODS. We have just received large consignment of Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Cheviots and Homespuns, also choice selections in Tennis Cloths and Flannels in all the popular shades. THESE GOODS ARE WARRANTED UNSHRINKABLE. We be* to inform our clients that onr lauoe stock of woollens
    198 words
  • 228 12 J£ELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED. POPULAR BOOKS. The Chronicles of Budgepore, l»y Utudus Prichard *CSO The Army Book for the British Empire, by Goodenough, Etc,.. 8 3.00 Inland Nights Entertainments, by R. L. Stevenson ...$3.50 Ten Years Caitivity iu the Mahdi’s Camp, ISS2-92, bv Father Ohrwalder $3 50
    228 words
    • 197 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are need 8 tr.-steamer; »h.—ship bn.—barque Brit —British U. S.—United States; Fr. —French; Ger.—German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G.c..—General (Argo d. p.—deck passengers U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; I. p D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock; B. W. 00 Wharf; 4.
      197 words
    • 1103 12 RRI V A l.H SINC E NOON <F 1 ESTERUAY. Hong IFa n, llrit. str. 110 tons, Capt. Bullen. 28th May. From T. Anson via ports, 5th May. G. c, and 81 d. p. Wee Bin Sf Co. For T. Anson 3utli —Rds. trie Tringganu, Brit. str. 81
      1,103 words
    • 121 12 Name, Pert, and Date of NjU ko From Loniu*:: Paramatta Apl. 26; Glen-hiel A|»L 28 Canton, May 2; (tnrmarihen**htre May 8 Britannia M«\ 11; Oceana. May 25 Denbigh-hire May. Liverpool Euorgia Mar. 26; Tartar, \pl. 26 Kc ennui May Barry Visurgis Oct. 3; Craiglee. Dec. 7 1 neha•
      121 words
    • 167 12 FASSJSO SUNDA STItAlTO OK ARRIVED EOK OKO^K^ Flao j Date p Date, j and Ship’s Name, j Commander. ok From Where. Destination art Kiq. 1 Sailin 4. j culars 1 May 19Ned.«.s Paarn B-onwer Feb 17 Am Wdam atavia 1 9; r ».bq. 't-nthem Fleming I 16 New York
      167 words
    • 964 12 s Vessel's Name. I »<*«• Caftaim. From Sailed Coe, ios l# a M y n A 1 Dnt str 672 c chall PeoanK May 19 t’orceo Cotnn- lllv r 21 Continental 875 H ass Sourabaya May 17| Khoo Teck K? Um^ Oi k lC f’v a Brit str 1495
      964 words
    • 612 12 A 7it i pnnvy ,’b K;wk. JF .a-* *I i <'• i Til*. May. 22 San Ignacio de Loyola Spa. str. Payonra Barcelona a* d Liv rpoo! 22 GG. Loudon Put. str. Rynborg Molucca-* via ports 21 j S*iue I Brit. str. Seymour Penang and Io d n 22
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 153 12 ]y£ R S J> O O K E, GRESHAM HOUSE. NEW MILLINERY. Trimmed Hats and Bonnets in tho very latest style FROM PARIS A LONDON FLOWERS. RIBBONS. LACES Ac., Ac. jV£ r s 0 K E GRESHAM HOUSE, ta. th. A s. Battery Road. A GENERAL Meeting’ of tlio members
      153 words