The Straits Budget, 22 May 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 297 1 [uii'-am.' T*v it Saigon. ontr.i^ts. i I* tg l f tl > l gkotlg. T l rngk mg p Abating. P .Vv -.d i ati n. W-iv. Liberal Disaffection. I'** A! I MirVet cations. I Sum* ‘hilly Pleaded. I D-'*i ut S
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  • 574 1 Singapore 22nd May, 1891. PRODUCE. Gambior, 7.45. do Cube No. 1, 11.35. do do No. 2, 9.25. Copra Bali, 5.95. do Pontianak, 5.65. Pepper Black, 0.87%. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.32%. do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Sago, 3.40. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, lt.50. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15. do
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  • 725 1 The mail for Europe this week leaves jy the M. M. s, s. Yarra. The mail from Europe of the 27th April, by the M. M. s.s. Sagkalien is due to-day. The mail :or Europe next week is fixed for the O. s.s. Rosetta. Tiie P.
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    • 138 1 London, 16th May In cousequeuce of tbe harbouring of Da Gama and othm* iusurgents on board the Portuguese warships at Rio de Janeiro, the pacific relations between Brazil and Portugal have beeu broken by Brazil. [The other day. Admiral Da Gama, the commander of the insurgent fleet
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    • 39 1 17th May. The Ndtioual Liberal Federation has resolved to convene a conference at Leeds on thi 20 h June, t > consider the attitude of the Liberal pirty towards the House of Lords.
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    • 16 1 The prospects of the graiu harvest in the cjuatries of continental Europe are excellent.
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    • 72 1 In Loudou, the cab nen have struck owing to a reduction in the h riug rates. The streets and the railways are denuded of cabs. A monster procession of cabmen has paraded in Hyde Park. Tkeie was rioting aloug the route from the nou-strikiug vehicles being overturned.
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    • 43 1 18th May. The Couucil of the Colonial Institute has forwarded a memorial to Sir dliam Harcourt, the Chaucellor of the Exchequer, protesting agaiust the Budget proposals to make icrsoual property outside Britain liable to the new estate duty.
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    • 20 1 The English Episcopate have issued a strong manifesto against the disestablishment of the Church of England in Wales.
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    • 16 1 The export of gold from the United States continues unabated.
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    • 63 1 19th May. Lord Rosebery has visited Portsmouth* It is believed that the visit has reference to proposed improvements in the defences of Portsmouth, Chatham, and Devonport. These improvements are said to provide dockage suitable for a large fleet at each place. An enormous grant of money will
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    • 20 1 A plot has been discovered in Servia in favour of Prince Karageorgevics, a pretender to the throne.
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    • 29 1 2ht May. The Russian Government intends sending experts to India, Ceylon, and China, next December, to study the methods of tea planting in those countries.
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    • 32 1 A ma*ch has been arranged between the yachts Vigilant and Valkyrie to take place in English waters. The coutest is to be decided by the best out of three races.
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    • 48 1 At a Liberal Federation meeting in north Wales, it was resolved that the time had come for the Welsh Party to adopt an independent policy. Th»* meeting favoured the proposed calling of a geueral convention of Welshmen for the purpose of formulating a national policy.
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    • 43 1 Edmund Yates is dead. [The late E. H. Yates died in his 63rd year, and lias earned a reputation in the literary world as novelist, dramatist, biographer, and journalist. In 1b74, lie started the World as a journal for men aud women.”]
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    • 473 1 {Straits Thues, 16th May.) Consul C. F. Tremlett’s re]H»rt on uhe trade, commerce, and navigation of Saigon, last year, deals largely with the rice trade of that port upon which Singapore draws heavily for her supplies. The export of rice from Saigon in 1893 reached over eleven
      {Straits Thues, 16th May.)  -  473 words
    • 564 2 (Straits Times 16th May.) Drunkenness as a plea for the nonfulfilment of a contract has been successfully pleaded in the Supreme Court of Singapore. Mr. Justice Law has decided that you cannot, at law, compel the fulfilment of a contract that was made at a time when one
      (Straits Times, 16th May.)  -  564 words
    • 426 2 (Straits Times 17th May.) The plague has broken outat Hongkong; that port has been declared infected, and it is reported that the authorities there no longer give clean bills of health. The plague must have proceeded there from Canton w T here it was raging at
      (Straits Times, 17th May.)  -  426 words
    • 409 2 lftf/i May.) I he plague at Hongkong is reported to bear a bubonic character from the buboes or glandular swellings noticeable in all but the rapidly fatal cases of this kind of pestilence. That tlic disease should take its rise in Canton is nothing surprising, considering
      lftf/i May.)  -  409 words
    • 824 2 (Straits Times liHh May.) Any attempt to promote the physical I education of the youth of this colony must I V be looked upon as a step iu the right direction. The management of the AngloI Chinese School is now about to make an I endeavour to establish
      (Straits Times, liHh May.)  -  824 words
    • 266 2 (Straits Times, 21st May.) Disaffection among the Welsh ministerialists in the House of Commons has been a standing danger to the present Government, and Lord Rosebery finds it a formidable difficulty to deal with. Wales returns thirty members to the House—a disproportionate number, from her quota, according
      (Straits Times, 21st May.)  -  266 words

  • 237 2 SATURDAY, ll>TH MAY. MEDAL DAY. Owino Jo the races, the imdal fur May was on I v played off on Saturday. The Committee are to be congratulated on the improvements ou the ground general!v, m<l o*i the new teeing grounds in parfi<u‘*,r J’bo feature of Saturday's play
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  • 50 2 i„ T“ J P J anty 0f Haf <“slon>B Circus is n wlB f On Saturday e.en- g J bey ha f a b mper hon »»d.much tothe regret of the management, money tUrned W Th eiceUent programme was carried through with great success, every item being full of interest.
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  • 191 2 THE PERAK ADMINISTRATION. THE PINANG GAZETTE” RETRACTATION AND APOLOGY Pinang Gazette, ly lh With reference to our leadin which appeared in the issue nr artl April last, headed “Bribery j n we desire to uureservedly retract >i meuts and expressions article imputing or suggestiou l*** on the part of Mr.
    ( Pinang Gazette, lylh .  -  191 words
  • 613 2 MO KAR MO* COMPLAINT IN tEUJooi THY INTEND TO WATCH THE Law BETTER TO DI* THAN CRINGE LIKE A D> A D N W1U gi»en at the Chin* Club, Selangor, on the 28th ultimo, hi* I Straits Babas, at which thsre w. rsBxbs I from the three Settlements.
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  • 39 2 Thu authorities here have Itir: 'V information since last Hongkong with regard to the outb.-** plague there. The Government department have everything should any case occur in Sing a r The examination of ships from Bod? c •till continues.
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  • 658 3 Afuoit Wiley and Mrs. Wiley are iojont: the passengers who leave this eX rnw£ for London in the P. &O.s. g. s» rnf Thk d)i| inputs of coffee from Vera Cruz, I q %l during Jauuary and February this I \.\iT ;v,r heaviest ever known. rc months
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  • 34 3 T i ,K ,l<A?a papers publish telegrams giving Ci;r ,01i new Ministry Kodl }>" 'ler K.iav F jn^ n A f nir SB? EJCk Finance Van T* War. PvhUe Warkt Lotomei.
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  • 115 3 T HE re kft Bangkok on the 6th instant, for Chaotaboon to relieve the which was to proceed to Saigon or Hatien for the three French judges and prosecuting couusel in the Phra Yot case “f appeal. They were expected to arrive in Bangkok yesterday. The
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  • 126 3 Thk new lease of the Sarawak excise tarins has been taken at a lower rate than ‘or the last three years. The monthly rental for the next two years from Ist July, is $15,200. hr against 317,100, per mensem! a l<*ss oi $l,OOO a
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  • 116 3 The Rijah of Sarawak has issued the follow ing not i tii *at ion It is hereby notified by Command of His Highness The Rajah that Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen and Empress has appointed His Excellency Sir Charles Bui en Hugh Mitchell, k.c.m.g..
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  • 207 3 The Paris correspondent of tlm Daih Chranirlr (April 18th) tdeg :ij>hsthat M.d» Liues>au, Governor of the I rencli possessions in Indo-Chiua, refuses to answer anv questions on the subject, of the fate ot three Freueb prisoners in the bauds of the Auuamite pirates. M. Roly, a
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  • 238 3 Discussing the question of speed iu warships, the Broad Arrow draws attention to the obstinacy of the British Admiralty iu adhering to low spued when other nations are stiiviug their utmost to gain the advantage iu this respect. The new French liue-of-battle ships are to have a
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  • 183 3 in Tif Shan R hai t«»ni fired on the 4th inst. in tbe^ morning and only succeeded in mak«l7 A t 0t i a f 760 P° mtB against 823 and 1 1* 7 by Hongkong and Singapore respectively. This poor result is probably attributable chiefly
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  • 345 3 Ic »\v and is doiug well Wt*ll. —Shanghai Mercury. lea?n that a Rossi in gentleman who weut up to the Yu tig-low- tung tea districts to make observations on the Cin- ll >e u»ode of preparing tea and oilier matters connected therewith, had
    Ic »\v and is doiug well Wt*ll.—Shanghai Mercury.  -  345 words
  • 402 3 —HongkongDaily Press, 10th May* ALARM IN HONGKONG. The pestilential diseise, or plague as it is called iu Canton, appears to become worse and worse day by day. It is now spreading to Houam aud Fatshan, who. e, although uot many fatal cases have beeu reported, the
    —HongkongDaily Press, 10th May*  -  402 words
  • 319 3 TIC /“i AOI aJJ. M. (’asimir Perier, speaking at Lyons, praised tin* lineal reforms that have ’been effected, and said the Government desired a I triiinip ant le'jmlilir tli t should fear nothing and hove for everything. I (general Boßdeffre has been appointed chief of the army staff.
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  • 180 3 The Paris cot respondent of the Daily htus wiles:—“The lutcrnatioual S.iuitaty Coufeieiiee has not merely dealt with the question of bow to prevent Indian pilgi im from b inging cholera to Mecca, Im»* h»s laid down a code of regul itions f-*r mp-1, pilgrims. Captains are to
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  • 362 3 The JajHin Gazelle bays —Oil flic l()tb April, Mi sms. l'at;t’s steamship Azamor which arrived :it. Kol.j, brought 750 hales of cotton Ik'smJcs those ordered by the Japau Cotton Spiurers’ Union. Though the Azamor is oi.e of (lie vessels commissioned to compete with f!ie P. O. Company
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  • 854 3 A meeting of the Debating Society wac I held last evening in the Town Hall, the I Hon’ble W. R. Collyer (President) in the r I chair. The subject for discussion was I That it is advisable to introduce the f|p r D( 'ipl
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  • 49 3 The Assistant Resident of Lundu (Sarawak), in his report for March, notes that several applications have been made for land there for coffee planting. The general state of coffee in the district appears to be satisfactory, and a number of Dyaks are now beginning to build ou their holdings.
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  • 1092 4 ISAAC ELLISON i/. M. GAZZOLO. In the Supreme Court judgment was given iu this case this morning by Mr. Justice Law. The plaintiff Isaac Ellison, claimed the sum of sl*3s for goods received bv the defendant, M. Gazzolo. The defendant admitted that the go *ds I were
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  • 252 4 I Some mouths ago a Sydney shipmaster I was heavily fined by the German authoriI ties at one of the Gerrnau New Guinea I ports, or in the adjacent islands, for a breach of the trading regulations. His I ship was takeu pos essiou of by
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  • 622 4 Ihk .Voting In>j-t*ctoi General of Police I n 1- r.v.jr.liiijr us s--ni.* iefom aMon regard I "g fj; 0 l>, s*itufi* Str intern Aid Sooetv. I i S -ciof y whose existence is not generally I \iio.\n, si vs that tin Society is ii'ei>ni o
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  • 776 4 The registration of dogs for 1894-5, 1 commences on the Ist June. b m A head postman for the Singapore Post Office is advertised for. The Kiug of Siam is said to have now so far recovered as to commence takiug an i.| inte est iu the
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  • 227 4 The usual parade in celebration of the anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen's birthday, will take place on the Esplanade, on Thursday, the 24th instant. The parade on this occasion will be the largest that has been seen for many years past. Every branch and arm of
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  • 331 4 I Statistics compiled by Mr. Coghlan, > I Government Statistician of New South I Wales, show that the estimated population of Australasia increased during last year from 3,985,273 in 1892 to 4,068,317 I iu 1893, being an increase of 2*oB per cent. The respective figures for
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  • 345 4 THE LOSS OF THE SETTHI.” The Rangoon pa|K?rs give particulars of the louuderiug of the steamer Sctthi during a receut cyclone off the coast of Burmaß Sue was a ve c «c! owned by the R;G«» ol Rcnauug and traded betweeu Raugoou, Peuaug, aud Singapore. She was ou the voyage
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  • 542 4 THE EVILS OF HORse It ABSURD FOR EACH INSPECT,.,, R T 0 A PEON. THEY CAN REDUCE EXPEXD ITIp *lO,OOO 8 feT COMMITTEE APPoix^ At a meetiug of .V p eu I Cum miss loners on Friday \J, stated that he had received a 1,,’/ Brown, asking
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  • 200 4 THE FRENCH COLONIAL OFEI« ITALIAN ANARCHISTS IN LON DoS. DEATH OF A FRENCH GEXERAi V DEPUTY TO BE PROSECrTFP. FRENCH POLITICS. Paris, alii The Freneli Council of State h:i> 1" approved of the creation of a Minister nies. I resident < arnot has signed t’ appointing a Minister
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  • 605 5 Froi,i Our Correspondent OFFEE CULTIVATION. rjj} recent murder case. Kuala Lumpur Tuesday. kIN advantage of the continued lA trt v of the Klaug s«>il amongst H Voters, the Government have raised .tt r 1111 2.5 cts. to 50 cts. per acre. :ii-* outskirts of Klaug to the all
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  • 263 5 "i :h {.obsessions are apparently i tit of Asia that threaten 1,1 us competition in fheculti- >. Mr. 11. J. Huut, th« t.*i siuiier of Koiean Customs, 1 i \**iy interesting j aiuj*hl»u industry in the Land el < mm, where a large crop r present, almost wliolir
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  • 593 5 CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH REFUSED. PRECAUTIONS AT SINGAPORE. Yesterday afternoon, Messrs. Sarkies and Moses, as agents of the A pear line of steamers, whose port of call is at Hongkoug, received a wire from their Hongkong agents to the following effect:— Hongkong declared infected. Authorities do
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  • 165 5 Philadelphia, 30th March.—Exporters of oil doing business at this port think they have good reason for believing that the* Standard Oil Company has absorbed or in some way secured coutrol of the most formidable of its few remaining rivals, and now has absolute control of the
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  • 990 5 The Resident Engineer for Railways in Perak, in his report for last jear, shows that the total expenditure of the department, including construction and the upkeep of o| en lines,, amounted to $909,348 under the following heads General Management S 9,124 Larut Open Line
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  • 1235 6 Lady Mitchells reception, yesterday 1 afternoon, was largely attended. The law r prohibiting life iiisui«tuc«*>- I from being effected iu Russia on the I tontine s\stcm came into lore** on the 17th April. I The Fr. iich trale returns for the first three* months ot this year
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  • 28 6 Latent. The following telegram was received iu Siiig:p»>ro from Hougkong this afternoon “The plague abating. Yesterday (17th iust.) very few fresh cases. Heavy rains coutinue.”
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  • 384 6 In reviewing the working of tlu* Opium Depi'tment duriug the season 1892-93, 'll* Bengal Government states that, il the annual average of 54,000 cho*ts ol p ovisiou opium and tin* u serve of 39,000 ches s are t j he maintained, the area o! eultivatiou must Im*considerably inoieas<d. The
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  • 402 6 Habmston’s Circus management presented a programme last evening in which every item was new and an entire change from that of the opening nights. The justification of the offer of $5OO made by Mr. Love on the previous evening was therefore consummated, and no claims will be sent
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  • 391 6 The otlieials of the Cousus Otliee* a* I Washington are now engage*! in tabulating am! arranging the enormous masses ot statistical information obtaiued for the 11th census in graud totals, and in a bulletin just issued there are contained figures relating to the financial
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  • 31 6 Captain Huddle, deputy harbour master at Singapore, who is at present in England on leave, has unfortunately been taken with a bad illness, so as to delay his return to office.
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  • 28 6 Thr Russian Ministry of Finance has decided in principle to impose a legacy duty on all property in Russia left by foreigners who have died within the Empire.
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  • 855 6 TO THE EDITOR OF THR NORTH-CHINA daily news. Sir,—The Straits Times just to hand contains a letter from Mr. A. S. Murray, I the Secetary of the above Company, in I which he states that my letter to you ot 5ih April last contains
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  • 126 6 The Berlin correspondent of the Daily News wrote on April 18th :—There is iu the German Empire a hotbed of leprosy. According to the investigations of the Imperial Board of Health, whose attention was directed to the fact by a physician, there are at present ten lepers in the district
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  • 969 6 IDENTICAL WITH THE FLAGUE OF LONDos Information Las been rw*'; M Hougkong that there- have U.,. u j/ h of bubonic p!a?u- there ,J M ton days, confined to the Chinese. Heavy rain hav and there is a larg? diinitm* TheHoDgkong G.»vernmi Ml t ckau bills of
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  • 747 7 B n_r are flu* report and acB I mi it ted at the meeting of B 1-r> in the above Comj.anv hursday 31st May B. -.leg to >ubmit the neeounts B tr ending 3 st March. 1804. B -tv diah'e net profits of 8117,122 >J",111
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  • 198 7 Thr Sub-Committee of the French Naval Commission, which has recently been making investigations at Toulon, met ou April 14th, at the Ministry of Marine to hear the result of the inquirv and the evidence collected by the delegates. M. Lockroy proceeded to explain the work done by
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  • 460 7 In support, of a surest ion that at thp Shanghai Flower Show there should be a table competition to Chinese boys besides that for European ladies the North China Daily Xews says —The idea has been suggested by theextraoidiuai ily elaborate and very tasteful decorations lately
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  • 261 7 Rrtajl prices of opium at Rangoon have been enhaueed during the current month; raw by 33, and prepared bv 22 per cent. The Secretary of the Puujorn Mining Company, Limited, has received a telegram to the effect that during the month of April, the mill ran 24davs,
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  • 260 7 FITE THOUSAND CASES OF OIL DESTROYED. An outbreak of fire occurred yesterday afternoon, at K&llang the police being notified of the occurrence about four o’clock. At first tbe fire was coufioed to some case*of kerosine oil in front of Messrs. HuMenbaeh Bros. oil store nea Katlang
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  • 348 7 Exchange found yet a lower depth this week, says the Bombay Gazette of the stl* May, and the rupee is uow at Is. 13-lfid. Still it is threepence over the silver valu* of the coin a fact due to the closing of the mints nearly a year ago.
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  • 255 7 Major-General H. T. Jones-Vaughan assumed command of the Troops in the Straits Settlements on the 14th instant. Dr. M. F. Simon, Principal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, reported his return from leave of absence, and resumed his duties on the 15th instant. Mr. li. Craig
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  • 238 7 I A scheme for Chinese emigration to I Brazil, under the control of the Hongkong I Government and safeguarded against the I objectionable features which characterised the coolie carrying trade of former years, has appeared to the Committee of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce well deserving
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  • 317 7 In a lot tor addressed to the HougkoDg Chamber of Commerce by the manager of the Bank of China, Japan, and the Straits, Limited, Hongkong, attention was called to the action certain Chinese shareholders in
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  • 402 7 —Hongkong Daily Press 12th May. QUARANTINE AT SINGAPORE. A Government Qmiette Extraordinary issued to-day, contains the following notification declaring Hongkong to be an infected port:— Information having been received that a contagious disease, namely bubonic plague, has broken out at Hongkong, it is hereby declared by the
    —Hongkong Daily Press 12th May.  -  402 words
  • 517 7 Hlg LIFE PULLING WIFE. The subjoined communication (of which the original is iu the possession of an ludian contemporary) was addressed a few days ago to the Honorary Secretary of one of the Bombay Clubs. Its genuineness is beyond question:—lBth April. 1894. To Esq. Houorai v Secretly.
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  • 325 8 TIGERS INCREASING. BEARS SHOT IN PEKAN. MB. RODGER RETURNS IN THREE MONTHS. (Front our Correspondent.) Pekan t Thursday. Recently some Malays at Tetnii, which is a village higher up the river, came across four tiger cubs in the jungle and th«-v t once brought the animals as a present
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  • 578 8 W e are constantly being told, says the London and China Teleyraph that in the greater strength of Cevlou aud Inlian teas in. comparison with those of Chiua growth, which means, iu un st cases, a greater preponderance of tauuin. lies oue of the chief reas
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  • 24 8 Ox theBth instant, a Chinese petroleum ■tore at Batavia was burned down with 54,000 cases of petroleum. It was in* sured for 160,000 guilders.
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  • 743 8 GREAT DAMAGE DONE. Yesterday afternoon, there was witnessed at Taujong Pagar a most extraordinary occurrence, which came iu the form of a tornado, the like of which has not beeu kuown in Singapore. At four o’clock yesterday, when it was raining heavily in town, a tornado
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  • 55 8 About 50u native workmen have been discharged from the Calcutta mint, which will now coin only copper. It is proposed, ou the suggestion of a Bombav mint master, to close the Calcutta mint entirely, and allow him to do all coinage required which can be done at much less cost
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  • 1944 8 The third number of the twenty-first volume of the China Review just published, opens with an historical narrative of Chinese relations with the ancient Huns. The Huns, early in the Christian era, raided China at will aud proved sharp thorns in the sides of the Chinese, whose
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  • 129 8 The Comercio of the 6th Mav, ~oDUnews from the seat of vw iu Mil.] where a large force of Spanish troupT* 0, operating against MohamtLe lan triU who had risen iu lebclliou. TLe troo have been busy road making aul i paring for an advance. TlitT
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  • 135 8 Recintly, the Government at Hong, kong appointed a commission to inquire iuto the signalling system there, and the commission, ou reporting, found it desir. able that the Gevernmeut should appoint a permanent Committee of time representatives of shipping interests, who, when necessary, could be sonsulted
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  • 446 8 At the Royal Institution, ou 14th April. Mr. J. A. Gray gave his second lecture on Life among the Afghans.” On the previous Saturday he had discussed the geography and ethnology of the country and the way of life of the people. The present lecture was
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  • 324 9 Criminal Assizes were contioued BE >ruiukr before Mr. Chief Justice Cox. lU remain about twelve cases to be (jim-rnment Offices and the Ex- > Rinks will l>e closed on Thursday in honour of Her Majesty I{irth(la v K \V;o«trd Opera Company open at 1 Saturday next, and
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  • 314 9 Two crirkft matches were played ou Sat uni iv mi the S. C. C. aud S. R. C. grounds: Mr. Grant’s eleveu played the F. lb. aud the 2nd eleven of the S. C. C. paynj *1>” Company of the 2ud Linmlu>hire K-giuient. The following are the scores:— SIR.
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  • 1281 9 The annual report on the Chinese Protectorate for the year 1893, by the Protector, Mr. G. C. Wray, notes that the year has been a remarkably quiet one, no disturbances having occurred in the three Settlements which could be ascribed to the influence of Chinese
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  • 115 9 The Ordinary Meeting of the Municipa 1 Commissioners will be held on Wednesday, the 23rd iest. AGENDA. 1. To read and, if approved, confirm the minutes of tho Ordinary Meeting held on 9th, and Special Meeting on 21st May, 1894. 2. Gas Contract. 3. Correspondence with Messrs. Hooglandt
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  • 81 9 Abstract or Traffic Earnings kor the Month of April, 1804. Heads of Receipts. Amount. Passengers 814 905 Season Tickets 212 Horses, Carriages, and Dogs 107 Telegraph Collections 2 Excess Fares 36 Parcels 235 Excess Luggage 52 Special Trains Miscellaneous 403 Total Coaching §15,902 Goods $.»4,b33 Warehouse Rent
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  • 534 9 The departmental revenue during last year showed increases over the figures for 1892. The greatest increase is iu Straits Light Dues, due to increased tonnage of vessels arriving at and clearing from the Port of Singapore during the year. The next most noticeable item of
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  • 66 9 Fresh alternative offers have been made to the Civil Service on account of the depreciation of the dollar. It is understood that the Secretary of State offers the choice of half pay at 3/- and pay while at home on leave at 4/- or half pay (while here or at
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  • 2761 10 INCRBASE IN DOLLAR VALUES. DECREASE IN STERLING VALUES. The Registrar of impoits .and exports, in his report on tbe Trade of the Straits Settlements in 1893, makes t he following introductory remarks Th'i Trade cf th'* yevr 18*3, ha** not altr.g»*< hur rnsatisfactory, n->tvi ithstandi* g
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  • 125 10 Monday, 21st Mat. High Water. 11.8 p.m. Philharmonic Choir 5.15 p.m. Tuesday, 22nd May. Hiirh Water. 025 a.ra. 11.39 a.m. M. M. outward mail due. Wednesday, 23rd May. M. M. homeward mail closes 7 a.m. High Water. 0.58 p.m. Auction of Gutta Percha at Crane Bro 9. Sale Rooms.
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  • 398 10 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Tam ITT SCHDAT. st. Andrew's cathedral. 7 a. m.. Matins and Sermon. 8 a. m., Holy Eucharist (Choral II a. m., Litanj »nd Holy Eucharist. 3 45 p. m., -unday School and Bible Claac. ft 30p. in., Even8onf(and Sermon. St. Matthbw’s Church, Skfot Lima. Ip.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 533 10 TO THE EDITOR OF THE 8TBAIT8 TIMES.” Sir, —All authorities ou foreign politics are in geueral agreement that the vital centre of the Eastern Questiou has shifted from South-East Europe to Central Asia. But all are uot in agreement as to how to protect, in time of
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  • 491 10 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Kongree from Sourahya Dunman. Per 8. 8. Rajah Drooler from Sar.iw.-rk Major F. Day, and Mr. De*h in. Per P. O a. Sana! from HowrUng Lt- [A W. Wylde, John Lane, tuUm Johns. From Kobe: —Col. Spea r iiHii. Mrtp*»arinan, and Mi-s d Per
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 195 11 KATZ BROTHERS’ TAILORING DEPARTMENT. NEW SPRING GOODS. Wo have just, received a largo consignment of Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Cheviots and Homespuns, also choice selections in Tennis Cloths aid Flannels in all the popular shades. THESE GOODS ALE WARRANTED UNSHRINKABLE. Wo bog to inform our clients that, our LARGE STOCK OF
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    • 433 11 KATZ BROTHERS PROVISION DEPT. Fresh Assortment of Trelem&n and Drot’, Dutch Provisions Ac., in 1 and 2 lb. Tins. Celery in Gravy, Champignons. Spinach, Green Peas. Cauliflower, Turnips. Apple Sauce, Brown Haricot Beans. FISH AND MEATS Stockfish, Red Herrings. Freed Herrings, Fried eels. Fresh Dutch Salmon. Winced Veal Truffled. Minced
      433 words
    • 290 11 FRANKEL A. 375, Victoria Street, FURNITURE DEALER AND COMMISSION AGENT. ARE YOU FURNISHING Call at the above place where you can procure furniture of all descriptions for the lowest price* possible. ARE YOU GOING HOME An opportunity is ffered yon for the wholesale disposal of your hou-eliold effects and things
      290 words
    • 410 11 AND WALSH, LIMITED. POPULAR NEW BOOKB. Hygiene and Disease* of Warm Climates by And. Davidson Illustrated with Engraving? and FallPage Plates SIB.CO Beri-Beri; its Nature, Causes, Means of Arrest, Etc., by Pekelharing and Winkler ...$6.00 The Medical Annual and Practitioner’s Index, 1894, Twelfth Year 4.50 Beri-Beri; its Symptons, Treatment, and
      410 words

  • DOCKS.
    • 942 12 The premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars ran at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter end is divided
      942 words
    • 140 12 Under this beading the following abbreviations are used: —str. —steamor; sh. —ship; bq.—barque; Brit —British; U. S.—Uuited States; Fr. —Freueh; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Job.—Jobore; Ac., G.c..—General j cargo; d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncer- tain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. i P. D. —Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.—
      140 words
    • 1088 12 arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. G. V. Bylandt, Dut. str. 703 tons, Capt. Preossner21st May. From Palembang 10th May. G.c. and 10 d. p. Daendels Co. For Penang 23rd Wharf. Gouurvru, M. M. str. Slot* ns, Capt. Rd>gliauo. 2!st May. From Batavia, iOth May. G. c. M. M.
      1,088 words
    • 131 12 Name Port, and Date of Hai/in j From London. j Bombay, Apl. 18; Paramatta Apl. 20; Glenshiel Apl. 28 Canton, May 2; Carraarthenaliiro May 8 Brit ainiia Maj* 11 Oceana. May 25 Denbighshire May. Liver Euergia Mar. lt»; Tartar, Apl. 25 Pin*? Suev Apl. 21; Ktcmun May Banm
      131 words
    • 757 12 |a Flag Vbmel’b Name. A Tomb. Captain. Frgk Sailed 1 q Bio u iuj 'f~ m I 15 Devawongse i Brit. str. 1657 Nnsworth Horgkong May 9 fUL., u I 15 Kongsee Dnt. str. 698 Schuur Sourabaya May 12 vV I 15 Nam 8oon Seng iCk. seh. 340 Nacodah
      757 words
    • 533 12 r Vissit 1 Name. F~te Hi. Caftai- Destinatk.*. 16 Hod Wan Brit.str. Bullen lOaDg »nd Telul An~ 1 5 5* Udm I ,tr Johiisen Fremantle via port* lo Sineapore str. Main BaDgsok 16 Hecuba str. Lyons Bangkok 16 Calyps) I str. Lowry Deli° JS I 8tr> Brnce Pakan via
      533 words
    • 177 12 FASSEU sONDA STKAITS OK AKKIVKD KOK OKUhKS. Plaq Date i Date, and Ship’s Name. Commander. op From Where. Desti.vatio> ocU h JtlQ Sailing. May 9iGer. bq. Martha Schoeqmaker Jan. 20 Savannah SamvraDg Hdt Klein May 9 Batavia Rotterdam L A ul1 Jan 19 New York Yokohama QiSf; ST ete
      177 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 39 12 I. D’ A. PEREIRA. HORTICULTURIST AND FLORIST. /ELECTOR AND EXPORTER OF ORCHIDS. i >rders for B mquet Sprays Ac., Ac. Cairo fully and promptly executed. Cheapest House in the Trade. NURSERY, OXLEY ROAD. .e. Addrr-ss 26-18. Orchard Road, Tanglin
      39 words
    • 70 12 ELLWOOD’S WHITE DRILL ON BREEN FELT HELMETS AND SHIKARS. Awarded THE GOLD MEDAL, London, 1884. (The ool}* Gold Medal in Glass XV.) ELLWOOD’S AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS Hand-finished by the highest grade la wr. OF ALL OUTFITTERS AND STOREKEEPERS ELLWOOD’S INDIAN HELMETS. e. in. th. $4i. The price of the weekly moil
      70 words
    • 61 12 M R8 B OOKIt GRESHAM HOUSE. NEW MILLINERY. Trimmed Hats and Bonnets in the very latest style FROM PARIS A LONDON FLOWERS. RIBBONS. LACES Ac., Ac. j MBS, J^OOKE, J GRESHAM HOUSE. I 5 tu. th. A s. Battery Road. I I FOR SALE the sailing boat Thistle, complete with
      61 words