The Straits Budget, 15 May 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 131 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” -e Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 21 1 I a* H i! Vd?. Sophia Hill. \>'ll of a s HI. 12 !*1 l:Jt l ills*;*. T th wife
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    • 27 1 H .'ilt w*s (,’i’iiHlril l»y the mi, Alukkt Euwash Austi.i, Es i.. :l\t;v iiUllllERTA. th I* ii i*.* .1 >!m Yi'oatint, Es| i*.. v > r lire.
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  • 286 1 I i >:i i;i Victorim Prjducis. H t iiuin *r. lit.*ii Reform. I i it North Borneo. I t n, t. Arbi r ration. I X I)-m .ml fir Reform. I lions. I of Australian Products. Ld.uiu Singapore Cable. v H A s, it..* 'ourt. I i
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  • 518 1 Sin<iai*oijk lorn May. IxM. PRODUCE. Gambier. S 7.25. do Cube No. 1. Id.-'* do do No. 2 !h2 Copra Bali. do Pontianak •”>.l>5. A*pper Black i*.S7 2 Sigo Flour, Sarawak 2.32.\. do Bnuiei. 2.*m». Pearl Sago 3.4m Coffee Bali, 4'*. Coffee Liberian 14.5m. Tapioca small Flake 4.15.
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  • 596 1 This week’s mail t\*r Europe leave* ly the P. AO. s.s. $ur Tu.*m.iii frjin Europe of .the 20tb April, arrived yesterday iu the P. A t). s. s. Sntbj. I ke mail for Euroje next week leaves liv the M. M. v >. 1 area. The
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    • 66 1 Loud a/, St I, Ma !f Tin; trouping servije in England is li'Miccfortii to l*o mductc l ltvui Smthumpt n instead of f*i*m PoitsunmUi. D ES T1 i LX 1 11V E EX PLOSE )N. An exph*si« n has tak«‘n place in the royal cordite
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    • 110 1 Hth May. Sir E. Grey, E nder-S.*erelury lor I' oreign AtTiirs, stated in the Hous_* of Comuious that Major Owen, who reached Wadelai on the 4th of February aud le.d hoisted the British H*g th;re, acted without last ructions* from the Gjverumeut. By last advices from Uganda, Captain
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    • 36 1 ’The Khedive has arranged to visit Austria. France, m l E.ighinl in July next. loth Mat/. THE TWO TiiOUoAND GUINEAS. Tue race lor the Two Thousaud Guiueas ins resulted Jjiidas 1. Matchbox... Athlonc 3.
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    • 52 1 five editors imprisoned. For accusiug the police of exceeding iheir duty iu dispersing a meeting of the unemployed, the editois of live Beilin newspapers have beeu sentenced to irnpiisonmeut for terms raugiug from two to tive mouths each. E.liters of other Leiim newspapers were
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    • 84 1 llth May. LORD ROSEBERY MEANS TO FIGHT TO THE F.ND. The House of Commons bas rejected a motion for the rejection of the Budget. The Budget was then read a secoud time by 308 votes to 294. The House of Commons
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    • 69 1 12th May. It has been ascertained that, at the last moment, the dissentient ministerialists yielded to pressure brought to bear by the Government Whips and voted for the Budget. The Times observes that it is quite evident that the Budget
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    • 29 1 14th May. A bomb has exploded in the Roe Kleber at Paris. There were no casualties resuiting, and the only damage done was to houses
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    • 52 1 I! mul.ois of prisons, s»idio 1»* meui- <ms <»i *t so o i i d lVoit c il Libtrty S 'ri.h r.- I* 0:1 Hmuila’ieously ariVffif 1 in the pnoviptl cdies of Russia. The of the Czirevitch takes I 1 i.v on t he lUili ut N
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    • 67 1 Suimr Urispi, the Dalian IVrue Minister, lets declared i t the Chamber of I)es »u i ha*. t ho.i *h t he Powers .tropic tic. it w mi l > imp jss b! to reduce th armameuts of Italy. Sg.ior Crisj i also asser e l tha’ <1*
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    • 102 1 15 M< if. The Right Hon. A. J. Mn ililla, Ptvsi* dint of the lirtirtl of Trade, Ins resigned to pr.* .\*;C the appMrance of a c > ittict b *t we *ii Ins pibito an 1 privite i r ere Mr. Miintlelia was a director
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    • 40 1 A d .-nni'i svpt i Iron, with which is Ihime If ury of Prussia, has auch red in the Firth of Forth, nud h is been largely v ed a* E liuburgh.
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    • 33 1 Ai> ui e\( e liiiou'undcr Vacrt, while ui,i liiug on Lid«*, was attacked and defeated bv Solid*-, li*.?** co*i visiles. The expodit ioj *.etreali dTo await reiufoicements.
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    • 348 1 (Strait# Time#, Sth May.) The largo steamer trade l»etwco*i the Colony and Australia and the increasing quantities of Australian products imported here lend importance to the display of Victorian products to be held at the Volunteer Drill Hall, to-morrow. The depression of trade has been
      (Strait# Time#, Sth May.)  -  348 words
    • 774 2 i Straits Times, Sth May.) The Marine Court of Enquiry which sat at Penang to investigate the circumstances attending the disastrous collision between the steamers Ngapoota and Kicany Tung has animadverted on the qualifications of the native gunners. The Court said that, from the evidence, it apjreared
      i Straits Times, Sth May.)  -  774 words
    • 232 2 (Straits Times, ftth May.) At Hongkong, a movement is on foot for Legislative Council reform to render that laxly more representative of the public, with the additional privilege of greater liberty to the official members in the way of s] leaking and voting. Similar ideas have lieen
      (Straits Times, ftth May.)  -  232 words
    • 364 2 {Straits Tni.ts, ]t>th Mag 1 he export statistics of British North B for last year, show a falling off in tobacco shipments owing to tin* evil times befalling that line of cultivation, the produce of which bulks largely in these returns. The Commissioner of
      {Straits Tni.ts, ]t>th Mag )  -  364 words
    • 498 2 (Straits Times 11th May.) A number of enthusiasts have taken advantage of the recent World’s Fair at Chicago to circulate a memorial containing numerous signatures to a declaration m favour of arbitration to settle disputes arising among nations. They take this I step in the hope of thus
      (Straits Times, 11th May.)  -  498 words
    • 313 2 {> traits Times, l'Jt/i May.) The Hongkong petition for Legislative Council reform, a summary of which we published yesterday, aims first at more extended powers ot local government—a request justified by the lack of a Municipal Commission there. The petitioners, however, do not seek a
      {> traits Times, l'Jt/i May.)  -  313 words
    • 626 2 The ordinary general meeting of the Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company was held on the 18th April, Sir John Pender, M.P., in the chair. —The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and statement of accounts, reviewed at length the position and the
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    • 211 2 The sub-committee of the Naval Commission which has Lem makiug investigations at Toulon, met, on April 14 at the Ministry of Marino, when M. Lockroy presented a long report, in which faccording to a Times report) he stated that great disorder prevailed in the administration e
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    • 320 2 At ludf-pasl se» e n jentordiv H. E. Major-General H Vaughan, the Officer r\ lt 1 h Troops in the Straits < at Johnston Pier. H ut senger by the P. A 0 H** aod on .hat wharf Major-Geoeral Jones-V™ met by Colouel Plunket u
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    • 500 2 I In the Chancery Division. ..n Aid: I Mr. Justice Chitty had L-f«»n* l*jc. -i Jcuse of “In re Hett, Mavl«>r. and (Limited).” The above compim. I pared, had entered into a I construct a rai way in Luzon. «.]>•• <i a I Philippine
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  • 646 3 football match will he oq Friday L; tJ e.-n teams represeutiujc tbe f‘ aD d the Garrisou. f L I F woman jumped from a winI A HI p Vu-e in North Bridge Road last I U s!„. was found to be insane aud 7, t t"
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  • 121 3 iHr annual general meetiug of the 3 “turinonic Society was held last evet»-■-satKaflh* Bo) s’ School, Mr. St. Clair 'hug. rhe report of the committee of accounts for the year j n Were presented and passed. The lowing gentlemen were elected office A r^: -Mr. St. Clair
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  • 142 3 A Home writer hears that an exceedingly bitter feeling has been aroused in Iudia by the proposal of the Natal Government to prohibit coolies fiom settling in that colouy, a:.d that the Iodian Government has l>eeu deduged with remonstrances This attack uj on Asiatic labour, the
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  • 254 3 Mr. T. A. Rickard, an American iniuing authority, lias something to say iu the bJinjinet I’iuj MiVjazmr upou the increasing d.ffieulty of getting gold. He ptvtcuts mini.ii“F ible lil ts and statialies lvlatiug to the mining of gold, which, he holds, is growing more and more ditlieull each \car.
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  • 521 3 EXPORT ro THE STRAITS. Some interesting particulirs of the working of Indian collieries are published by the Finance and Commerce Department of the Govermm nt of India. The real industry, it appears, is maintaining the steady increase that has bceu appareut irom fh(* statistics of the past
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  • 186 3 down in geueial terms last year. —Madras Mail. Simla, April 21. —It is very probable that the consideration which the question of exchange compensation has lately been reee.ving from the Government of India will lead to the abandonment of the test of domicile altogether. I am officially
    down in geueial terms last year.—Madras Mail.  -  186 words
  • 741 3 the loochoo islands. A correspondent writes to tbe y>gu Sews about the Loochoo Islands, an outlying tlo|»eudeucy of the Japauese Em jure, as follows: The islands ii’o situate! iu a south-west direction from the Province of Satsuma at the d.stauee of about five hundred miles;
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  • 1439 3 The Sani 4 ary Conference of all the Governments of Europe and the United States Republic has concluded a long and patient inquiry, which has taken place ic Paris, as to the best means of preventing the spread of cholera in the East, The formal signing
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  • 429 3 There is now a genual substitution of Iudiau-made for Euglisli paper iu all Government offices iu India. Whereas seven vears ago only ordinalv printing paper was purchased in ludia, all paper used in correspondence, as well as all varieties used in the Government presses, are now
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  • 1423 4 The Linnet left Bangkok on the 3rd instant, for Singapore. She has bceu relieved by the Sniff. THEeruiser Tatsnta, built foribeJapauese Government bv Sir \V. G. Armstrong. Mitchell and Co., was launched on bih April at Elswick, Nowcasti »n-Tyue. Mr. Miller,of Riley, Hargreaves. S.n-g-agore, has arrived in
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  • 316 4 4 apui i Iwo t tils i• *m* f s *n:• r* cxr:?cinc::t was caused in the t leetrieal t ratio at home bv the announcement that a new I >ou ee of guttapercha had been discovered liu Madagascar. The inauufacturers if I electrical appliaiues have l>ee»une
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  • 185 4 At the Drill Hall this day, an exhibition of Victorian products was held, under the auspices of Mr. Rowe, one of the Commissioners of the Victoiian Government, who was despatched, iu company with Mr. Kelly, with a view to unnr.ercial opeuiugs with that colony iu
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  • 266 4 COMPLETION OF THE SINGAPORE LABUAN CABLE. CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES The following teleg-ams date] instant, have passed between Sir j .b Pender and the Chairman of the Singat .v Chamber of Commerce, on the comjip* of the cable between .Singapore and U buan Fn m Sir John Pend**-. Chairman E*. tern Extuisiou
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  • 319 4 ,—Timet of Ctf* 1 HIS IjOKPSHIP, Wl. > liMlider heard on ti: jl ti Am .a* said tlmt the p.uico d rtin' ii orgiuisatiou nits n!iret\ yeant, whogaveevidci.c liad ill*’case in hand v. u !i ui uo id- a, his
    ,—Timet of Ctf*1  -  319 words

  • 529 5 M II M March from to-day has lV r charge of the firm of Messrs. taken synu* m Grinan Lloyd lias followed Ii»»r m ill ine.s in raising i la***s by about, 25 f i* increase has takeu effect Lt jr,>’Ullt. ♦V, 111 1 «s r <-op«*spondent
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  • 105 5 are the respective scores < tmipetitors for the Warren Shield. It will be seen A. have been beaten by one '•ni, \n im* of Team. Scores. t iij»:tn\ Lincoln Regt— 140 pen* Vtiluntnn* Artillery 440 -*1 S. Lcandcr 41 1 'iipaiiy Lincoln Regt. 4Ui 406 H"
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  • 130 5 The Foreign Trade Returns of Imports and Exports in British North Borneo for 1802 and 1803, show the following results Imports. Exports. 1802 S 1.355,8<»4 1.7fi2.24f» isnti ..UUS.7U 1.750.U23 Decrease *230.140 Increase *15.377 The decrease in tin* imports is entirely due to the check which
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  • 144 5 The Admiralty have made arrangements to subsidies this year to the Cunard, P. aud 0.. White Star Liue, and Canadian Pacific Steamship Companies, the sum of £34,847, for which sum the companies agree to hold at the disposition of the Admiralty the steamships Campania,
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  • 243 5 The Statist predicts that the rise in siher \vi 1 etulinuo. It eonclud* s that the re«*i ir fall was due to mere panic, that ii was not just:fi.’d either h\ the product on or the consuinp'ioi. How fir tic* iecovciy will extei d d< ponds upon
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  • 291 5 Rlutek’s Agency learns that Sir Saul Samuel, Agent-Geucrul for New Sou'll Wales, in cons quen v of the refusal ot Netherlands Government to giant any com pen sit ion for the imprisonment id' Captain Carpenter and the detention in November, 1891, of the Coda Rica
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  • 1293 5 'British North Borneo Herald. 1st April j North Borneo cents which arc certified hv Mesftr>». Heaton and Sons of the Birmingham Mint to he equal in weight and value to those of the Straits Settlements viz. 114 grains of copper, were first issued in 1881.
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  • 296 5 (Army and Navu Gazette 14»h April.) Attention has been attracted to the observations receutly made by SirCbarhs Warren at a dinner held in Singapore as having far more than a mere local iuterest. Owing to the peculiar nature of the Straits Settlements and the placiug of the
    (Army and Navu Gazette, 14»h April.)  -  296 words
  • 518 5 The Amsterdan Deli Company held its annual meetiug of shareholders at Amsterdam last month, at which the report was published, and the dividend on the j r< ceding var fixed at oO percent. The res*-rve fund has reached the amount ol f.7d7.1! *4 >. In I Si there
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  • 2006 5 i Trite usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the offices, Finlayson Green, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were present Messrs. Bell, Meyer, Moses, Tan Jiak Kim, Wrav, and the Hon'bles T. Shelford and Seah’ Liang Seah. The minutes of the last meeting were
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  • 249 6 —Bangkok Times. Mr. Miki Saito, the Japanese Consul at Siugapore, who has spent considerable lime in visitiug the Stra’ts Settlements I and Siam, with the object of gaiuiilg information as to their suitability as fields for Japanese emigrants, has left Bangkok. Mr. Miki Saito’s missiou to
    —Bangkok Times.  -  249 words
  • 376 6 From the list report of the British Consul at Bordeaux, it appears that during the past year 451,000 tous of British coal were imported to that place, of which 08,000 tons are stated to have been ordered by the Orleans and Southern Kail way
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  • 526 6 It i* reported that the Spit ligbuhip at the entrance to the Rangoon River foundered in the recent cyclone m the Bay of Bengal, and that nereral lives were lost. FooT-and-mouth disease has broken nut amongst, cattle in Neboug Tebal. Province Wellesley. The number of rases reported
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  • 112 6 The Colouia! §PC?*»2Lry at Ptmaug 16received a deputation from the Penang Mai iue Association on Wednesday afteruood. The subject brought to the notice of Mr. Maxwell was the question of the responsibility of thenativegunnerson board local steamers. It was poiuted out that shipmasters have very often to
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  • 159 6 The Matin publishes an account of an interview with a British naval officer regarding tbe comparative conditions of the British and French navies. The officer, while maintaining that the British Navy was still superior to the French, admitted that this superiority was notably less than
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  • 216 6 The Lancashire cotton trade is at last taking an active part in a movement to obtain better statistical returns from the British Customs’ authorities. It has louR been well-known that large quantities of British manufactures are exported to Hamburg for trans-shipment, thence to Chios, Japan, and the Straits
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  • 717 6 Reference has more than once been I made of late to the efforts which Messrs. Yarrow have been makiug to obtaiu iii-1 formatiou which might lead to the puuish-1 meat of some |»ersoo or persous who made improper use of confidential drawings c t
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  • 382 6 A petition to the House of Comm in favour of reforming the Legist? 1 Council of Hongkong has been circular for signature there. It has retell nanurous signatures, but some of then official Council members are opposed t. the movement. The petitioners that to Malta,
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  • 454 6 The following is the Manager’s repor V for March B August Shaft.- Bottom I> ive North B The ground during the month La* betu B verv hard and bad for blasting, but I B think we have almost passed through this B hard belt, a<* the
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  • 1062 7 x ,.vamino MONEY for improper PURPOSES. nr. n't K ’cena Mana Aroomoogum Chitty LtM Ah Hang Ah Gee and Chop Watt lP .;>!KNT was given in tbis case this ,jr v the Chief Justice. The plainly r lt iiije«*l about $600 with 24 per cent. 1 ni s
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  • 170 7 Mr. Justice Law has reserved judgment in the case of Isaac Ellison v. Mr. Gazzolo—an action heard in the Supreme Couit yesterday. Harmstcn’s Circus commence their Singapore season to-night on the Tank Road ground. An interesting account relatiug to the lion tamer of the show will be
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  • 130 7 Concerning the Pamirs Question, the not result is, says The Times, with the exception of the boundary betweeu Wood’s Lake aud the Chinese Empire iu the extreme east, the Uussu-Afghau frontier now app ears to be practically settled. On the west it remains on the basis of the
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  • 173 7 Her Majesty the Queen has confirmed the re-appointment of the Hon’ble J. M. B. Vermont as an unofficial Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements. Mr. J. R. Inues has been appointed to be a Visitor for the Luuatic Asylum, Singapore. At a
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  • 234 7 In connection with an epidemic disease that is prevailing in Canton, the Prefect and the Magistrates have jointly issued a proclamation prohibiting the slaughter ot piers and notifying that the Government has appointed the first day of the approaching fourth moon to be another new
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  • 493 7 COFFEE IN EA8T JAVA. A BOOK ON THE ACHINE8E. A CINCHONA PLANTING ASSOCIATION. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AT BATAVIA. OMBILIEN COAL. TIN-MINING BY MACHINERY. {Translatedfrom carious newspapers.) The Scurabaya Courant of the 27th April hears that advices from the coffeegrowing districts iu East Java speak favourably of the coming
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  • 345 7 The Osaka correspondent of the Hyogo Ne"s writes Foreign made towels were largely imported uutil four or five years ago. At that time several factories were opened in Osaka, aud their products have greatly diminished the demand for the foreigu article. Those made of the yarn
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  • 247 7 TOBACCO PBO8PECT8. The Deli Courant of the 5th May states that the shipment of last year’s tobacco crop had finished on most of the estates. On one estate in the upy>er country, cutting operations have already begun, so that, there, the first portion of this year’s tobacco crop is
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  • 202 7 The Undaunted, armoured cruiser of 5,600 ;onB and 8,500 horsepower, was commissioned on 17th April by Capt. John S. Hallifax for the China station. She will have a complement of 484 officers and men. The following are the officers appointed :—Capt. John S. Hallifax Coni. Thos. H. Fisher;
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  • 403 7 M. de Lanessan, the Goveruor-Geueral of French ludo-Chiua, was received ou April 9th by the Minister of the French Colouics. After this interview, M. de Lanessan had a long conversation with M. El ienue. Deputy for Oran. He then called upou M. Casimir-Perier. He is said to have
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  • 167 7 Strong pressure is again (it is stated) I being used to induce the French authoriI ties in Algeria and Tunis to put a stop to the pilgrimages annually made to the Prophet’s Tomb in Mecca by the Moslem inhabitants of Noith Africa. It is pointed out (says
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  • 729 7 Two years ago the Commissioner of the Adelaide Police received a report based on information received from M. Kitovitz, then residing in Adelaide, who some years previously bad been living at Singapore. A few days after having sold his business there, Kitovitz became acquainted with a man
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  • 936 8 Signor Leo Hernaroez, Har.nstW lion tamer, when the Circus was in Ccy’on, related some of his experience a of the Ceylon Times the bulk of his adventures, it may be added, being substantiitedbv newspaper accounts of them published at the time they occurred. Thus, before young Heruaudez
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  • 1182 8 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordinary Meeting on Wfdnesday. 25th April. 18 -4. I 1 RISEST.-The Pr.sidi'iit. Alexander Geutl.-. Esq.: Tin- AHiiijr Iiwpw-tur Leneriil of Polio.-. E. H. Boll. Es., Tho Hon bio So»li Loansr s-oali. M. L. <!. Tlie Hon We T. Sliolford.
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  • 391 8 AN AMERICAN VIEW. W'oehiit>jtun, Sth Rrtcrring to ibe attacks made cu Americans iu the London J-cr, und to l he accusal ion that BiMish plaus ot incii-ol’ have been ,st*.d-it bv Aino»scans iu tin* pa} ol our N.iw Di-p.iIllici t, naval tio.o sa; ibat*
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  • 437 8 The tirst annual general meeting «»t the Mercantile Bank of India. Limited, was held on the 17th April, at 65. Old Broad-street. E.C.— Sir Alexander Wilson presided, and. in moving tin* adoj tion of the repo t, said that of the capital authorised only 15.100.
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  • 8973 8 FIRST (DERBY) DAY, TUE8DAY 8tH MAY, 1894. Committee —J. R. Cuthbertson, C. Sudden, W. Egerton, Lt.-Col. Huotly, JMacRitchie, A. S. Murray, A. W. Stiven. Stewards: Judge. Iit.-Col. Huntly (10tb Regiment). Pi me-keeper. J. Graham. Handica ppers: C. Sugden, W. E ert. n,
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  • 473 10 Lady Mitchell.—Figured grey silk trimmed with lace. Mrs. Maxwell.— Green coat and skirt rimmed with darker shade of velvet, leliotrope vest, bonnet to match. Miss Sanders.—White dress trimmed with black velvet. Mrs. McCallum. —Grey dress trimmed with pink, covered with black lace. Mrs. Treacher.
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  • 871 10 Supplementary to Straits Time s Telegrams. 1 ia eglon FRENCH VIEW’ OF THE ENGLISH DOCKYARD SYSTEM. LORD ROSEIIERY ON DEVOLUTION OF BU8INESS. SIR 1»AVI1> BARBOUR ON INDIAN FINANCE. THE REGISTRATION BILL. London, drd Mag. lie* new issue of Indian Bills is to n-plnee those falling due 011 the
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  • 425 10 1 A RUGBY FOOTBALL MATCH. 1 THE CLUB SECRETARYSHIP. s (From Our Correspondent Kiuda Lumpur, Saturday. Another instance of the energy of our planting community was given this after- *****1 when the majority of the Euroj»ean cultivators of coffee, tea. and pepper as- semi»led together on the Plain
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  • 1154 10 Ode London correspondent under date of 20th April, sarp *S nothing of special interest to g;. “*< communicate bv this mail. Xh of the Military Contribution bl' 1 beeu raised on the Estimates in th "a of Commons; and, in the present" public business, it is impossible
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  • 391 11 Ih. :li mdinnrv general meeting I t < it, r.-.l Hank of I ml in. Australia, t i was held on tin* 18th April, at I i-Ntivot Hotel. under tin* presi-1 -Mr Win. Hatci son.—The Cliair- a:. the usual resolution for I n ,»f the report
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  • 160 11 t Court Journal, 14th April.) For some unexplained reason, the Colonial Office authorities have not yet arrived it a decision in connection with the imount of the military contribution from he Straits Settlements, and the delay is arising a good deal of comment to be made. The
    tCourt Journal, 14th April.)  -  160 words
  • 681 11 On Saturday evening, Harmston’s Circus Company gave their opening per- j fortnauce, on the Tank Road ground and the success of that performance, the very large audience, and the great ap^reeiatiou shown of the whole entertainment, boded well for a good and profitable business iu Singapore. Long before
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  • 553 11 —China Express. Considerable dissatisfaction has lately >een caused at Singapore by the action of he Chief Justice at the late Assizes in keeping the special jury men, who have not been empannelled, waiting about the Court-house on the chance of being called, and
    —China Express.  -  553 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 252 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —Please spare me a corner in your valuable paper for the iollowiug The Ilokien Chinese Temple in Malacca is fast approaching completion and our Joss will be removed into it on the 2nd day of.the ti'.li moon. In order
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    • 167 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES. Sir, —Jn your report, yesterday, of the farewell tea meeting to the Rev. W. H. B. TJrch you state that “special reference was made to what the minister had done in starting the Soldiers’ Home. May I be permitted to
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  • 669 11 ARRIVALS. Per s. e. Chow Phya from Klang —Mr. H. Cummings. Per s. s. McAlister from Sonr&baya :—Mr. Voehringer. Per e. s. N. S. de Loreto from Manila:— Messrs. Romers, Velasco, Blani, Siegert, Genn, and Poole. Per s. s. Nestor from Liverpool Mr. Thompson. Per s. s. Sinduro
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    • 171 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used :-str.-steamer; »h.-ship hq.—barque Brit —British U. S.—United States i? r. —l reach; Ger.—German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Johore; Ac., G.c -Genera eargo; d. p.-deek p^sengers; Uv“Ujcer. rain T. P. W.—Tanjong p W r Wharf; T P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.
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    • 1510 11 Arrivals since Noon cf Saturday. De Carpentier Dut. str. 757 tons, Capt. Peters. 13th May. From Batavia, 11th May. G. c., and 96 d. p. Daendels A Co. For Batavia, 15th.—Wharf. Stak. Dut. str. 2 130 tons Capt. Kamininga. 13th May. Fiom Belawan, 13th May. G. and 26
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    • 109 12 Home. Perl, and Date of Hailirg. Fbom Lo*p«»* Glen-hiel Apl. Glamorganshire Apl. 11 Paramatta Apl. 26; Britannia May 11 Carma r thenshiro Apl. Denbighshire May. •Liverpool Energia Mar. 16, Tartar, Apl. 25 Stentor Apl. 11 Ping Suey Apl. 21 Keeuiun May Barrv. I Viaurgia Oct. 3, Craiglee. Dec.
      109 words
    • 1226 12 Flag Vessel’s Name. Tons. Captain. From .Sailed! Consign e«. a hig 1 j M l 7 Frna Ger. bi|. 1040 Brane Samarang Mar lPuttfurcken A Co. 7 Mena Pk. yc.. 72 John ou Port Weld May 5 Peiak Government 7 McAl s 4 er Brit. str. 463 Tornwell Sourabaya
      1,226 words
    • 589 12 i D«8TINaTioN tl#T Vbmbl's Nam*. Flag a H Caftad 0 n Billiton and Pontianak 8 Pan Whatt Soon Bnt.str. Delmag Hongkong S Calypso ftal. str. Holla 8 U an J, Fripp Palembang 8 Bengkalis MM. »tr. Paff MaweiUe. via ports 8 Salaxie g tr. Rogliano Batavia 8 Godavery Frit
      589 words
    • 149 12 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date Part Date and t Ship’s Name. Commander.: or From Where. {Destination CULABg Bio. SAit iwQ j i •‘"•“Fr EW 28 Am. ?.s. Governor Bobir -Nicho’a 1 t n 28 Nor. lu Fono*;af Sorensen Dec. 27 Barry Dock jSmjspore 28 Br
      149 words

  • DOCKS.
    • 220 12 I The above Dock, situated in Province i Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, 1 has lately boon lengthened and deepened and j is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on
      220 words
    • 869 12 The premises of the Company at Tanjon g Pagar Adjoining the t a pore. Steam tram-cars run at sh ,rt j n carrying passengers and goods from wS 1 destinations at low i at v The Wharf extends to one mile and a and
      869 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 132 12 DRINK. gARUGH A CO.’S Manufactured at the Singapore Aerated Water Factory, 43 High Street. For over 8 years sole suppliers to the Royal Artillery, and Royal Engineers Messes and Canteens, and thg principal Hot-els in Singapore. Great attention paid to private accounts, and special terms may be arranged for dealers
      132 words
    • 13 12 LONDON. DEALERS IN OECS 1 5 &C-, c CONSIGNMENTS RECEIVEDm. w.A s. 27/9
      13 words