The Straits Budget, 1 May 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 133 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 19 1 On tii.*-7th April, at Breeze Hill Campoug Bi-. m tV. wife of \V. B. Haffenpew, of I'Uu/'.t.T. 28/4
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  • 267 1 £l»!T' RIAL'*. ih Wo iit'ii ;m l Hmis. lb* Pr-mi-rV Appeal. Finum-ial Tr nliles in Cocliiu China. Tr.mhles in the United States. Zm/:l"r xii'l Vanda. TV Pamirs. blim rt nt in Wales. Pah-cuT and Mr. Rodger. L- XL. (Quotations. TL-I }<•''• I'liiiient Gazette. Po]i#*o Npw'i. .S'
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  • 482 1 Singapore, 30th April, 1891. PRODUCE. Gambier, 8 7.07 do Cube No. I, 12.5U. do do No. 2, 9.25. Copra Bali, 5.99. do Pontianak, 5.59. Popper Black, 9.85. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.35. do Brunei 1.96. Pearl Sago, 3.49. Coffee Bali, 49. Coffee Liberian, 44.59. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15.
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  • 455 1 [The price of the Straits Budget has beou increased by two dollars a year, aud the price now is 40 cents a copy, or $1J a mouth iu Singapore, or $5 a quarter post free.] The mail for Europe, this week, is taken ou bv the
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    • 44 1 London, 24th April, BONORART COLONEL IN THE BRITISH ARMT. Emperor William of Germany has been appointed honorary colonel of the First Royal Dragoons. The Emperor William is the first foreign sovereign whose name has ever appeared in the British Army Li*t.
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    • 25 1 The n ".di«n tariff has been modified w ttat a ten cent* duty will only be levied on impure ten and coffee.
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    • 60 1 25th April. Lord Rosebery, speaking last night in London at the City Liberal Club, appealed to Liberal Unionists to no longer hold aloof from the Party which [he said] held, as a copyright, the name of Liberal, and which guaranteed the upholding of the
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    • 35 1 26th April The Times states that some speculation iu silver has begun, evidently iu connection with rumours of a probable reopening of the Indian Mints.
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    • 23 1 The Uniouist papers express the opinion that Lord Rosebery’s appeal to the Liberal Unionists to joiu him will prove futile.
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    • 13 1 Fresh shocks of earthquake have taken place in Greece.
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    • 40 1 The bands of unemployed persons who are marching to Washington to seek relief have become aggressive. TheUuitJU States Government has ordered troops to intercept the Moutana contingent of the unemployed ou the march.
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    • 21 1 27th April. The Times urges the annexation of Zanzibar by Britain, and the unitiug of Ugauda with Zanzibar.
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    • 64 1 Mr. Asquith, (Home Secretary) has introduced a bill to disestablish and disendow the Church of England in Wales. The Bill is proposed to take effect from the first day of January, 1896. The Bill excludes the Welsh bishops from the House of Lords. With regard to
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    • 31 1 28th April. The Bill for creating a Grand Committee to deal with purely Scottish legislation has passed through the House of Commons by a majority of twenty-five.
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    • 20 1 There was yesterday a prolonged shock of earthquake iu Greece. Thebes has been I utterly destroyed.
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    • 30 1 The Chinese minister tas concluded a modus vivendi with Russia in relation to the question of the Pamirs. The arrangement is based on mutual concessions.
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    • 27 1 The U. S. Government troops have captured, without resistance, a whole tramfnll of the Montana contingent of the unemployed [on their progress to Washington.]
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    • 39 1 30th April. Shocks of earthquake continue to be felt in Greece. Thousands of people have been rendered homeless; and the panic is terrible. Fully three hundred souls perished before the shock experienced on I Friday.
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    • 26 1 The Anarchist feenry who threw the bomb into the Caft Terminus at Paris, which caused havoc there, has been sentenced to death.
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    • 40 1 The United States officials continue to seize trains loaded with the unemployed iu their endeavour to reach Washington. The militia captured a traiuload of unemployed from Ohio; and the cavalry an >tber traiuload from Portland, Oregon.
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    • 578 1 (Straits Times, 2dth April.) That women (meaning some women) may be bought is nothing new. But it is something new to hear that the price can be paid in hams. The literature of all ages is full of the circumstances in, and considerations for, which women
      (Straits Times, 2dth April.)  -  578 words
    • 463 2 (Straits Times, 2oth April) The Premier, speaking at the City Lilx?ral Club, has apjiealed to the Liberal Unionists to return to the party that is called the Lil>eral Party. Lord Rosebery, in arguing why the Lil>cral Unionists should return, set forth that the party of which Lord
      (Straits Times, 2oth April)  -  463 words
    • 284 2 (Sti't ilg limes, With April.) Trade has latterly been very bad in the United States and mu’titu Jes of the working classes have been thrown out of employment. Depression of trade had previously been marked enough to help to a victory of the Democrats
      (Sti't ilg limes, With April.)  -  284 words
    • 218 2 (Straits Times 26th April.) The fiscal detriment from the depreciation of silver and the resulting fall in the value of the dollar is now acutely felt in Cochin-China. That French Colony was flourishing financially when its revenues were recently drawn upon to meet deficits in the
      (Straits Times, 26th April.)  -  218 words
    • 315 2 (Straits Timex, 27th April.) The Times deems that the Uganda problem would lx? solved by uniting that country to Zanzilxir and annexing the latter. Zanzibar is an island on the •coast, about three degrees from the equator, while Uganda is an inland State to the N.W., under
      (Straits Timex, 27th April.)  -  315 words
    • 334 2 THE COSTA RICA PACKET CASE.” (Straits Times 27th April.) Tbe Costa Rica Packet case, to which we have repeatedly drawn attention, has reached another stage. A telegram, dated Amsterdam 13th instant, has reached Batavia, stating that the Dutch Government has refused to grant any compensation to Captain Carpenter of that
      (Straits Times, 27th April.)  -  334 words
    • 112 2 (Straits Times 28th April.) The negociations between Russ .a and China on the Pamir question, which, as to-day’s telegrams state, have reached an amicable stage, have long been landing. The Pamirs are high table lands in Central Asia where the boundaries of India, China, and Russia meet. The
      (Straits Times, 28th April.)  -  112 words
    • 1020 2 (Straits Times, 28th Apr.l.) Thk introduction of a Government bil for the disestablishment of the Church of England in Wales is not uuex|x?cted. Wales returns 34- representatives to the British Parliament of those, 32 are Gladstonian Lilx*rals, pledged to vote for Welsh disestablishment. They have gently hut
      (Straits Times, 28th Apr.l.)  -  1,020 words
    • 646 2 (Straits Times, 30th April.) From Pahang it is intimated unofficially that the Resident, Mr. J. P. Rodger, will return at the end of May, when his leave expires. This announcement will not be received with a wide-spread feeling of satisfaction. For the safety of British subjects,
      (Straits Times, 30th April.)  -  646 words

  • 234 2 MR. BUCKLEY AND MR. MATTHEW*. On Saturday before Mr. Egerton, Mr. Buckley applied for the rendition oi one. Be id ah, on a charge of theft in respect of a sum of $300 in cash and two receipts, the property of the accused’s father now deceased. Mr.
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  • 38 2 This morning, thirty eight beggar 9 charged before Mr. Lemon with begging in public thoroughfares. The defendan were of various nationalities, all ages, ana sufferers from different chronic diseasea The majority were sent to the Psupcr H pitaL
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  • 897 3 (1RS e, dog, and poultry show was i,,,;' !t Shanghai on the 9th April. Potter, Mr. Beliew, and company S iP ore for H° n S koD g by the M. ume this afteruooD. Vr Mas. Sohst, and Mr. R. Dun‘t :t ,sengersby the Ojtus for Europe,
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  • 141 3 Advices from Hougkoug note the probability of a great future for dust coal trom th«* Cha b u.nages Company's mines at Hongav which, it is alleged, can be put on the Hongkong market at a good deal under $4 a ton. whereas the similar fuel from Japan
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  • 148 3 One vear ago a new conimodifv to Rangoou was sent to the markets iu Europe from that sea-port. It was a cargo cf peail oyster shells; aud since that time the pearling industry iu Burmese waters has attracted the attention of the Government as well as business men.
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  • 485 3 At Ihe annual general meeting of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce on the 9th ins 4 a at, after the Chairman (Mr. C. M. Dvce) had moved the adoption of the report. and account?, the following discussion took place: Mr. F. Anderson —I would like to ask a
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  • 303 3 It has been indicated that Lord Rosebery’s Government may favour a Bill to enable peers, if elected, to sit in the House of Commons. The Sjxctitor supports the proposal and shows bow it can be done as follows: A (>eerage is only tlie hereditary
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  • 283 3 No foreign port, says the Sin Francisco Call, is makiug more rapid progress at the preseut time than Singapore. It contained less thin 100,000 |K?ople iu 1871, now it houses 200,000 aud its trade was reported as amounting to $82,000,000 in 1892. Standing om the southern
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  • 309 3 YVm. G. Hale Co’s circular dated Saigon, 2ist April, 1894states :—Prices ot rice have beeu weak throughout the mouth and a further drop may soou be expected, owing to the c< llap.e of the Hougkong market, and tbe total want of enquiry from Singapore. Five to
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  • 463 3 MRS. POTTER AND MR. BBLLIW AT THE TOWN MALL THEATRE LAST MIGHT. The play of Camille concerns itself with a topic that very lately has been fruitful of plays. The Second Mrs. Tanqueray,” for instance, is one of these, ihe subject of course being treated somewhat differently. Substantially, all
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  • 432 3 THE GOVERNOR’S ARRIVAL. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur 21st April. II. E. the Governor, accompanied by Lady Mitchell, Miss Sauders, Mr. Severn P.iva’e Secretary, and Mr. Burra, Assist. Private Secretary, arrival this uioruiog in the Sea Belle oft' the mouth of the Jug*a U,\er. H. E. was met
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  • 898 3 TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. (Supplementary to Straits Timet Telegram.) Via Ceyltn.) MINISTERIAL PROSPECTS. THE EMPEROR WILLIAM AT VENICE. THE BRAZILIAN REVOLT. THE SITUATION IN EGYPT. AFFAIR8 IN UGANDA. THE CANADIAN TEA DUTY. Lon ion, 7th Apnl. Th'? Times states that yesterday's meeting* of the Cabinet w s devoted
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  • 1016 4 Singapore 20th April, 1S94. Your directors submit a statement of the Companv’s accounts for the period from 12th August. 1893, to 6tli February, 1894, being the second haljj <>f the filth year of the Company s existence by the Chinese Calendar. The total
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  • 207 4 THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION” IN THE “TIMES” (f'n in the, limit of 20th March.) The mail from Singapore brings news that at a uncling of the 1 egislative Council of the Straits Settlements, held on the 22nd February. Sir Charles Mitchell, the newly arrived Governor of the Straits, appointed a “Retrenchment
    (f'n in the, limit of 20th March.)  -  207 words
  • 204 4 One or two passages in Mr. O* Conor’s Report on the Trade of India are, says an Indian contemporary, unpleasant reading for English producers and manufacturers. Germany, Austria, and Belgium are proving formidable competitors in more than one branch of trade. In hardware
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  • 1248 4 THE FARMER HEARD BY THE COUNCIL. At Hongkong, the Legislative Council on the 16ib instant, passed a Pre| ared Opium Bill despite strenuous opposition from some of th> unofficial mm bers, and f-om the Opium Fa?mer himself who was hr ard bv counsel at the bar
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  • 630 4 Ceylon is borrowing nearly at par at three per cent, interest. The Telegraph Co., has issued a revised list of rates with the 33°/ 0 increase. The Rev. L. C. Biggs, Colonial Chaplain at Penang, arrived to-day, by the s. s. Purnea. The Russian transport Yaroslavl arrived
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  • 251 4 (Special wire from a Co* respond, „t Penang Wednesday, 1 The steamer Agapoota, Captain and thestea mer K tea ng Tunj, G t 1 tA j n were iu collision off Pangkor on Mol] a.t midnight. The Ngapootu sank, *ki
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  • 66 4 HONGKONG 823, SINGAPORE Hi 7. The rifle-shooting .natch betweeu Shanghai, HongkoDg, at.d Singapore, has proceeded another stage to the disadvantage of this Settlement. A telegram has beeii received here from Hongkoug, stating that their representative team shot on Monday and made a score of 826.
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  • 70 4 V RECORD SCORE. In a match between the Captain (Mr. David Browu) and Mr. A. G. Wright, played the other day, a notable performance was achieved by the former. Playing a very steady game, as reference to the underuoted score will show, Mr Brown completed the round
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  • 143 4 The m Deli Courant has apparently displeased the Government there. manager of that journal was notified of it oq the 9th instant, when the Resident wrote to him that he must comply with the law of Netherlands Iudia which enacts that, two hours before the publication of
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  • 187 4 (Pinatiff Gazettr.) A look into the import and export hs for the 4th quarter of 1893, which is just published, shews what Penang loses by no having a tin smelting tforks. It is not much to suppose that the trade in tin ou from the Native
    (Pinatiff Gazettr.)  -  187 words

  • 188 5 t ii.ixiintineut of a Deputy-Governor FH i ,Mul« r the “Letters Patent contij,. office of Governor.” The iS given to the Governor in Patent of i be 17th June, 1885, \IX) These Letters Patent were j\ these of ilie 30th December, j j»;iine I'nfter’was included in
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  • 589 5 Hr KI>II>KNT VETOES THE BILL, AND ,iu:> HIS REASONS IN A MESSAGE IO CONGRESS. W \-hiN'*t<»n, March 29tb.—President ...dud bus vetoed tin 1 Silver Seigniorv b I. The President announced bis :i in ;i Message to Congress, which with the qiiestu n at length. He exhisdoiie
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  • 856 5 (To the Editor of the L(/nd*m amd China Express.) Sir, —Tbe Hongkong and Singapore Chambers of Commerce certainly mean do discourtesy to Lord Herscbell’s Committee iu calling for a British Silver Dollar iu advance of the report of that Commit!- e but it is doubtful
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  • 40 5 In the Array Estimates for the ensuing financial year, the total of the establishment for the Straits Settlements amounts to ,£104,552, as against <£99,421 last year. The total of all ranks provided for is 1,553, which is a slight increase.
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  • 53 5 At the date of last mail advices from Holland, the Steamship Company Ocean intended to bring the steamer TeUmachus under the Netherlands flag, instead of the steamer Hector sold to Chins. The steamer Tttommctou was then on the way from England to Jam, and waa one of the steamers of
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  • 878 5 8TRAY 8HOT8. Owing to ihe heavy shower which set in about 3 o’clock this morning, there was no training at the course uutil about 6, when a few griffins and one or two old horses appeared. The course was very much in ne« d of the raiD, and
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  • 119 5 A curious result of the present low pri<;e of silver, says 4 Midas in the Financial News is the creation of a large coining industry in Spain. The gang which is at work is turning out numbers of sf. pieces which contain exactly the same quantity and quality of silver
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  • 1391 5 A PB0P08ED IN* COMB TAX. WHAT THE ATTORNEY-O'XRAL SAYS. A meeting of the Debating Society was held last evening in the Town Hall the Hon'ble W. R. Collyer presiding. The subject of debate was that at the present time au income tax should be introduced in this
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  • 359 5 [Supplementary to Strait* Times Telegrams (Via Ceylon.) i Additional to other telegrams via Ceylon printed yesterday.) WHY RIAZ PASHA RESIGNED. BREAD RIOTS IN PERSIA. END OF THE BRAZILIAN REVOLT. SPANISH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME. the Times on the budget. THE INCOME TAX PROPOSALS. THE SILVER QUESTION. A CEYLON LOAN.
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  • 74 6 Messrs. Street A Co of 3tt, Cornhill. London. EC., have had the honour to present to his Royal Highness the Duke of York a collection of cuttings from tin* Press from all parts of the Empire with reference to the Royal Betroth iland Marriage.
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  • 388 6 A communication, dated Jan. 17th. has been received at the Board of Trade from the Actiug Colonial Secretary of Singapore, transmitting copy of a review of the kerosine oil trade in that colony for the year 1893. From this review it ap[>ears that the total
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  • 232 6 H. N. M.’s Merapi, Captain Rover*. I returned yesterday to Acheen, after re-1 [►airing at Tanjong Pagar. I The Hon. G.T. M. O’Brien, the Deputy I Governor, of Hougkong, will leave that port I in the N. D. L. steamer Sachsen on the I 30th, and will
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  • 78 6 (Special wire from a Correspondent.) Penamj. Wednesday f. 30 p~ in.' The steamer Kwang Tung sink some time after the cjllisiou iu three fathoms of water. A passing juuk rescued the passeugers of the Kwang Tung and uo lives are suppised to be lost in
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  • 39 6 {By special wire Jr m a correspondent Penang. Thursday, 12.20 p. m. Captaiu Witt of the Ngapoota has been saved. He was picked up by a sampan after a twelve hours swim.
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  • 109 6 MK. BIHTlY’s ARRIVAL. Mr. Bibby, tIk manager of the Raub mines, arrived acre this morning by the s. s. Sajipho. Mr. Bibby brought with him three ingots weighiug respectively 238 ozs., 228 ozs., 208 ozs., a total of t>70 oz«., being the last output. The total represents
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  • 264 6 A correspondent to the Times calls aiteutiou to the circular despatch issued from the Colonial Office, and reproduced in the Straits limes from the Selangor Government Gazette setting forth thal Lord Ripon’s attention has been called to the practice of issuing surcharged postage stamps, aud to the temptations
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  • 1098 6 (From a Special Correspondent of the i Straits Times.) The shock which the country sustained by the sudden invasion of the French last year is not likely to be easily recovered from. Its effects are shown in two different wavs: it has broken down the health of the
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  • 85 6 It is expected in some quarters at Hoy l koug that the receut opium legislad there, which is alleged to restrict tk Opium Farmer’s privileges, will resultu reducing the rent of the Farm at the cer letting. The idea of the Governing that case, working the Farm it
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  • 530 6 The Siam Free Press iu a leading deplores the retrogression ot' BugJQiHI matters of trade, and iucliues to the It® lief that Bmgkok is steadily iucrc l isin;:i® a tradiug mart despite political and will outpace Saigon. '1 he Sum Press says H France
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  • 444 7 vI s ok THE GOVERNOR’S TOUR. I -vspECTlON OF WATERWORKS. I vr'TT TO A COFFEE ESTATE. I rl ,v,;OR SIKHS COMPLIMENTED. H fj. WINS AT GOLF. I ff.ui o»r Correspondent.') Kuala Lumpur 2-ith April. ru.11. ai ly on Sunday morning, H 4 [J. K. the Governor from visitIiuj.i
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  • 98 7 I I in Saigon.) h'i‘ Aj"l. The German Reichstag has reB :v i Hi*- Uws against the Jesuits. M April. It is rumoured that the Ern■wlNiiliain has requested the Czar to con■4/ ui Intimatinnal \mgress for the purpose ■MN-it-Mnjr the question of disarmament. has refused. ri>j i has
    98 words
  • 82 7 from a local paper that of Bombay have oulv just been t J l t 0 the ’ricksha for we read: i un doubt that the jinrick--w .> 'lestined to become au institution •uihay. The solitary vehicle that fron, time to time has gradually 'U mission,
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  • 144 7 —Times of Coylon. ir-[r tl dr l^at the Tambies of Colombo U a ,110ns ter petition to be for'•UiriM.n *f ir Thomas Sutherland, the 0 C'omr. f D^ectorate of the P. Nt«*<r- V luting against the in,PUl by the local agency in n»m h Ibey
    —Times of Coylon.  -  144 words
  • 1249 7 The ordinary me?ting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the offices Robin sou Road, yesterday afternoon, Mr Gentle presiding. There were also present Messrs. Meyer, Moses, Bell (Acting Inspector-General of Police), Fraser and the Hon’bles Seah Liang Seah and T Shelford. The minutes of the last meeting
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  • 1144 7 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday, 11th April, 1891. Present. —The President, Alex. Gentle, Esq.; T. Sohst, Esq.; The Hou'blo T. Shelford, C.M.G. J. Fraser, Esq.; Manasseli Meyer, Esq.; and A. C. Moses, Esq. Absent. —The Inspector-General of Police, R. W.
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  • 175 7 The Police report that about three mouths ago au old Kliug, living near the sth mile-stone on the Bedok-road, disappeared suddenly and was not afterwards 6C3n, although the Police made active search in the matter. A few days ago, two Elings were quarrelling while in
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  • 669 7 I The Golf Links will be closed on Monday next, and until after the races. The French transport Canton arrived to-day from Saigon bound for Marseilles I with 336 officers and soldiers on board. The number of clubs at Penang has I been increased by the formation
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  • 102 7 The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Petit Parisien states that, by request of the Sultan, the Russian Mediterranean Squadron will shortly visit Constantinople, the date being left for the Sultan to fix. The Russian war vessels will moor outside the mouth of the Dardanelles, and Admiral Avellan
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  • 91 8 MR. TAN JIAK KIM ELECTED. the polling. The polling place for the Central Ward of Singapore was opened to-day punctually at 9.30 a. in. The candidate for election was Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, proposed by the Hon’ble Thomas Shelford, C. M. G., M. L. C., and seconded
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  • 137 8 Madras Mad. Captaius Ma*suishi aud Utsunomeya, two Japanese officers on deputation to India, are now staying at Darjeeling. Thev only remuiued a few days in Calcutta, iu order to have interviews with the Viceroy, the Comuiander-in-Chief, aud the Lieut.-Gove rnor, and to visit various places of
    —Madras Mad.  -  137 words
  • 136 8 A correspondent writes to the Allahabad Morning Post that two long term prisoners escaj»ed from the Delhi jail last January; oue has been caught committing highway robbery in the Patiala State the other has met with an extraordinary death. It appears that some British
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  • 153 8 (By telegram.) AMSTERDAM. 19tII APRIL. Deli Mij. 1,100 hides (Medan Estate) 107 ets- /A. 57fi (Belawan Estate) 151 /C. 048 (Bekalla) 102 /D. 299 iTandjong Djalu) 11>4 /M. 574 (Mariendali 233 /A. 8.395 (Helvetia) 14fi /P. 8.270 (Pava Bakoug) 145 T.T.R./Langkat 215bis.T’jong Radja)2o3 Sene in ball Mij.
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  • 205 8 In the Lancet there is an article dealing with the perils of football. The accidents are thus tibulated ACCIDENTS AT FOOTBALL DURING THE LAST QUARTER OF 1893. 2 Concussions of the spine (in oue of which it was stated that three ribs were torn from the spinal column 1
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  • 68 8 Chinese immigrants continue to pour into the Colony, whilst the Klings are gradually disappearing. The steamer Borneo which arrived at Penang the oilier day. from Singapore, brought no less than 2200 f the former, whilstevery steamer of the B. I. Co., leaving Penang takes away some two
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  • 118 8 We Pall Mall Gazette) are told by a well-informed correspondent that tlieie is reason to believe that wheu Mr. Gladstone retires from Parliament altogether, which he certainly will do at the next general election, he will endeavoui to gtt his sou, Mr. Henry Gladstone, made his
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  • 346 8 Says the Lombard Street Correspondent of the Pioneer For rnauy years it has beeu a matter of universal comment, that, notwithstanding the continuous fall iu silver ever siuce 1873, (barriug a brief period in 1890), the silversmiths iu England still mauaged to sell their wares
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  • 300 8 At Westminster, ou 28th March, Mr. John Wallace, formerly District and Sessions Judge of Cuddapah, in the Presidency of Madras, made au application to Mr. de Rutzen, saying,—l apply, your worship, for warrants of arrest against the Marquis of liipou and Lord
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  • 42 8 Sydney 26th March.— A wonderfully rich shoot of stone has been struck at 281 ft., in the London reef claim, Boney’s Rock, uear Canowindra. The stone is studded with gold, and will go 50 oz., to the ton.
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  • 58 8 Messrs. H. S. Rowe and J. Kelly, Trade Commissioneis from the Colony of Victoria, were by last advices at Rangoon on their way to the Straits Settlements. They are making the tour with the object of tiudiug maikets for the products of the colouy they
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  • 201 8 CONFLICT BETWEEN A RUSSIAN CAPTAIN AND A JAPANESE OFFICIAL OVER A CARGO OF GUNPOWDER. London, 27th March.— The fc'/iurfard contains the following despatch The other day it was discovered that the j Tam buff, one of the Russian Volunteer ships, had 500 tons of gunpowder and
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  • 558 8 KATZ BROTHERS V8. AING HONG CO. This was an action to recover damages for the uou-acceptauce of a cargo of Adeu salt e.t the s. s. Tannadice. The plaintiffs had sold to the defendants the said cargo of salt ou the 1st March, 1893, under a
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  • 375 8 A MILITARY CONTRIBUTION TAX. The Straits Independent asks that the financial embarrassment of the Colony should be met by special taxation on wealthy Chiuese aud Natives, and then goes on to say There is one tax which we should like to. see established, and that is a Military Contribution 'Bax,”
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  • 595 8 IS A LION A DOMESTIC ANIMAL On 29th March, M. Georges Marck, the liou trainer engaged at the Westminster Aquarium, again attended to answer the complaint of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, that he ou February 27th, ill treated and tortured” the beasts during their perfoimance
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  • 479 8 SATURDAY, 28 TH APRIL. By virtue of the rain of the dajs, the old embankment of Reservoir ha. at last disap,^" 1 well under water. k Mr. H. H. Gompertz. P d6std H has been appointed to act Second sistant Protector of Chinese, at P with effect from the 12th
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  • 113 8 Allahabad April 9th.— The silver into India ha 3 unquestionably l iK off during the past few weeks, signinents are still shipped from It is impossible to say whether tbetm will revive again, but at present the mand for the metal at the iulanl tofffc
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  • 134 8 (From Our Correspondent.) Serembau, 2oth Apf" H. E. will arrive by the Setul from Selangor, on the afternoon of 11 the 27th instant. A gun will be r J. announce his departure from Setul. will drive through the tow n and up Residency,
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  • 34 9 uuhrstand that the entiies by p* Horn of Goodenough auc aud Fleur de Lvs are j informality liable to be declarec ,lW ‘l f jj,,♦ corrected by nojn ou Monday ad*
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  • 54 9 \N JIAK KIM ELECTED. .11ak Kim was yesterday elec- .iI Commissioner f«ir ihe uf l he polling station op»npfl and closed at 5 p.m. Fortv- »t«-d, which w r as tvv»ntv-five tih r le piired to return the M Tan Jiak Kim will pro- at at th**
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  • 200 9 \i in ill"* limes iud eit< s a 1 ty in t he ngiu<i*ring. I non and steel ludustnes i» ci’l d t*» arms in protest r»! adopt: *v of an eight i. v ke of th Government "A s**?ions and insupera relueiioa ot the hours
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  • 454 9 'ili’Al. WERSION TO PUBLICITY. \iT.\IRS IX MINDANAO. MIXIXO ENTERPRISE. H A N«; I! DIFFICULTIES OF •IN 11. SERVANTS. R A I*l NO. npality* of Manila shuns i s ruts .ire framed with mo of the Councillors > > and propose to agitate a. I’lie Comercio of the \;i
    454 words
  • 340 9 8ILVER CURRENCY. COFFEE GROWING. RIVER NAVIGATION. The scarcity of the Mexican dollar has giveu rise to commercial trouble iu both Cochin-China and Touquiu. where it readily passes current. Owing to the shrinkage in the quantity of Mexicans in circulation, the exporters of rice in CochinChina have introduced the
    340 words
  • 164 9 A cricket match was placed ou Saturday on the Esplanade between a team captained by Lieut. Gnggislxrg and a team from the S. C. C. The following are the scores. .(■UItOISCERd S XI. Lt. Sergcaunt c Orman h Mactaggart S Lt. Guggisherg e Grant h Orman 3d S. M.
    164 words
  • 339 9 An iuterestiug Report ou Agriculture in China, by Mr. C. Deuln, Secretary of tbe American Legatiou at Pekin, is published by the Department of Agriculture at Washington. According to Chinese accounts, agriculture was not an art slowly developed from rude attempts to cultivate the soil, but was
    339 words
  • 409 9 CRIMINAL TRIALS. -MR. RODGER, THE RESIDENT, TO RETURN. From our Cot respond* nt.) I Pehan, 22nd April. I he four Malays from Ulu Pahang, icier it d to iu a previous le'ter as awaiting trial, were eba-ged before the Supreme Court and a mixed nat.v* jury, oi the
    409 words
  • 380 9 Mr. William Tallack, of the Howard Association, writiug in the Times of March, 24*h on the subject of In ban prisons, referred to the successful labours of such eminent medical advisers of the Indian Goverumeut as Dr. Joseph Ewart, Dr. F. J. Mouat, aud others, in reducing the
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  • 202 9 The final in the Championship of the S. C. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament was played on the Esplanade last evening, l>etween Messrs. \Y. Egerton and R. W. Braddell, but was not fiuished when play concluded for the day on. account of tailing light. A
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  • 725 9 Speaking at’ the uewlv-coustitutcd Ministry of Colonics, M. Buffet sa d the other day in the French Senate, “Our Colonies c*>sL us more thau three times what the English Colonies c »st them.” I lie le.isou is that the English recognise 1 liberty and aim at
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  • 792 9 FURTHER DETAIL8 OF THE GOVERNOR* 8 TOUB. INSPECTION OF BRICK WORK8. FIRE BRIGADE INSPECTION. LADY MITCHELL NAMES AN ENGINE. PROSPERITY IN ULU LANGAT. OFFICIAL CHANGES. (Front Our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur 2Ath April. Yesterday (Tuesday) at 7 a. in., H. E. the Governor, accompanied by the Resident, Messrs. Venniug,
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  • 26 9 Tu Imperial German Mail Steamert Preussen left Colombo on the 28th instane at 7 p.m. and may be expected to arrirl here on the 3rd May.
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  • 1315 10 SPRING MEETING, 1894. THE ENTRIES. The Spring Race Meeting will lie held on Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday, May the 8th, 10th and 12th, the entries for which closed at noon this day. and are as follows FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, MAY 8th. 1. MAIDEN PLATE.—Value—$250. A Race for
    1,315 words
  • 376 10 The Hou’ble W. E. Maxwell, Colonial Secretary, was occupied during S iturday and yesterday on a tour of general inspection in the island. Mr. Maxwell started at 7 o’clock on Saturday morning by launch for Tanab Merab Bisar, from which place lie drove (14% miles) to Pouggol
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  • 65 10 TO-DAY’S F1XTIKES. Ihe following uu finis Ik d ties will be played off to-day if the weather j>e r ui'ts, if the weatLer does nob permit tbe ties will be postponed to Tuesday. CHAMPIONSHIP. Egerton r. Braddell. B CLAS8 SINGLE HANDICAP. Final. Mere wet her p.
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  • 1323 10 THE RE\ ENUE EXCEEDS EXPENDITURE. j THE RAILWAY QUESTION. j TAPIOCA CULTIVATION. FREEDOM FROM SERIOUS CRIME. THE PEOPLE HAPPY AND CONTENTED. HOW TO BALANCE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Mr C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, the Acting Resident Councillor of Malacca, in his administration report for last year, says that
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    1,290 words

  • 3543 11 bli:AY SHOTS. Ihl r.nriis fur the 1894 Spring Miet-1 v.ii.cii vwiv published ou Saturday,! A i. iu-} i ts of a successful reunion. I Iab-i ail-tI** r the eutry list must be ■> i'l jil ;t> laiiiv satisfactory, aud com-1 dr-:* v.-ry hivouiably with the Autumn I
    3,543 words
  • 937 11 ME8SR8. VADE AND DAUNT’S PRIZE. MATCH PLAY ONE ROUND. Results of 1st Round. F. W. Barker 3 scratched to J. B. Elcum 3. E. J. Nausnii 6 beat A. J. MacDonald 7.4 up and 2 to play. E. M. Elliot 4 scratched to J. K. Birch 3.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 334 12 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES SlR _I shall thank you very much if you will allow me space in the news columns of vour paper for the following letter. On Saturday night about 10 o clock, while I and one of my friends
      334 words
    • 207 12 TO THE EI»ITOK OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Sir, I frequently see in your paper of the continual misuuderstaudiug in the Hriug of the guns for the alarm of tire. I would suggest that they should adopt the Japauese method for such it woUid be of less expense
      207 words
  • 701 12 ARRIVALS. Per s. g. Hebe from Dt’li —Mr. and Mr*. Spaltie, Mr. Ipriberg, ,*\Ld Mr. do B.-nyn. Per s. s. Itanee from Borne* Po-ts —Cnpl. aud Mrs. Beeston, Messrs. Ti otter. L. V. Luereu, Kcdenburg, II >r.-tford D ;dd, nnd Roberts, Capt. Frohlieh, aji 1 Capt. Knston. Per
    701 words
    • 1273 12 Under this heading the f illowing abbrevil* ti* 11s are used: —str. —st'a'iio* r sh.—ship bq.—barque; Brit —British U. S.— r nited States; Fr. —yrench; Ger. —Gar»na*i; Dut. Dutch Job. —J l’ ore; Ac., G.e..—General cargo <1. p. deck passengers: U. —Uhicerlaiu T. F. W. —Tanjong Pa
      1,273 words
    • 104 12 Same, Pert and Dale of' Sailing From London Guadalquivir Mar. 11 Glamorga'isbiro Mar. Kintiick, M ir. Liverpool llilatia, Mar. D»; Eaorgit Mar. 16; Tartar, Apl. B.vrr v Vis-irgis Oct. 3; Fonogracf Deo. 27; Craig!eo, Deo. 7 IncluHau, Dec. 13 Peter Uicktnors, Feb. 2 >; Pknarix. I!. C. Rickmrrs,
      104 words
    • 95 12 PARSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS i Flag i Date p Datc. and Ship's Name. Commander. ok Prom Where. Destination Rio. Sailing, j j cular* Apl. 19‘Ne I. fturgemeister den Weber ifar 10 Am-terdan Batavia 20 s iGelelees [Tex De Wvu Apl. 18 P. d>*n j Pa avia
      95 words
    • 1055 12 5 Vessil’s Nam*. rows.] Captaiw. Fbom Sailed' a Kiq v Q,*n Out sck. 67 Nacodah Pontianak 4pi. 14 Ung Watt S a .tr. 336 Odink PaibalUn Ap 2.*W. Man-HUr, H o? Gnnymede iit stx- 1213 Webb Penang Apl. 21 Gock Ban 4 0. o* e Ug C 18 ‘gtr.
      1,055 words
    • 649 12 I 11, T* »s»Vl’8 \aM‘. F s I A*’" A! I .B An 1 24 Liphtn'ng Sun Jb« rg Hongkong I 24 i J.«dj LoogJen «r. Cue? T.'ngganaaod Kolmto 24 iisa A str. Haidcaatle Mfclras vn p)rt H 24 G. G. Loudon Dut. tr. Kyi.berg Moluccas via ports
      649 words