The Straits Budget, 24 April 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and-French
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  • 332 1 F,iw iokial Affvisi gyp?, Tli- Bu >g t r -poesls, Ha l\v»v fchi'erp i e in Malacca. Agnrul un Indebtedness in Malacca. lUh 11 u>- of Lords. A 1» »ut G r .ors ami Deputies. IiOC A!.. Quotations. Th** F re Insurance
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  • 562 1 Singapore 24th April, 1894. PRODUCE. Gambier, 7.62%. do Cube No. 1, 12.50. do do No. 2, 9.25. Copra Bali, 5.67%. do Poutiauak 5.50. Pepper Black, 9.90. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.40. do Brunei 1.96. Peari Sago, 3.40. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15. do
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  • 452 1 This week’s mail for Europe leaves by the M. M. s. s. (Jxus, and the mail from Europe of the 30th March, by the M. M. s. s. Melbourne was to arrive to-day. Next week’s mail for Europe is fixed for the P. O. s. s.
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    • 13 1 London, 17th April, Good rains have falleu in Britain.
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    • 37 1 A.TTITCDE OF THE FRENCH PRESS. The French Press show an acrimonious toue iu commenting on the change in the Egyptian Ministry; and they er press the hope that Nubar Pasha will avoid subservience to Britaio.
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    • 77 1 The Queen has started for Coburg where many royal personages have been gathering for the royal wedding there. [The wedding is that of the P* l 6B Vi< tonn Melita of Edinburgh with the Orand j Duke of Hesse which had been fixed to take place on
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    • 118 1 Lord R’pon has assented to the construction of the Malacca railway. [The scheme for u railway at Malacca lias boe’i iu contemplation for a long time and came to a head in tho latter part «>f last year. It is a pri ate enterprise, in
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    • 138 1 INCREASE OF DEATH DUTIES AND EXCIBE The Budget Statement estimates the deficit for the current year at four and a half millions of pounds sterling, which will be reduced nearly one half by the repayment, from the new Sinking Fund, of •he fiscal burdens arising
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    • 40 1 18th April The House of Commous has adopted the iucreases in the beer aud spirit duties, i’he Press, generally speaking, approves the Budget, but the Scottish and Irish papers object to the increase of the spirit duty.
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    • 192 1 19th April. The House of -Commons has read, fori the s-coud time, a Bill brought forward by Colonel Nolan, for tbe repeal of the I Coercion Act of 1887. The Government I suppo ted the Bill. I I Colonel Nolan, M.P. for Galway, i«
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    • 127 1 An amendment, proposed by the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, to the Bill for constituting a Grand Committee to deal with Scottish Affaiis has been rejected. TOn the 3rd instant Sir George Trevelyan I brought in a Bill for referring all measures affecting Scotland to a Grand Committee.
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    • 17 1 The House of Lord* has passed the I Behring Sea Arbitration Award Bill.
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    • 35 1 <K)th April. DEFEAT OF THE INSURGENTS. The irourlad Aquidaban” with the remnants of the Brazilian insurgents ou board, lias l>*en sunk by a tor|>edo after a tierce engagement with the Government fleet.
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    • 76 1 The weddiug ceremcuy at. Coburg was a bnlliaut s[>eetacle. Her Majesty Queen Victoria, who wore the diamoud crown, wih in the front place. [The wedding is that of the Princess Victoria Melita of Edinburgh with the Grand Duke of Hesse which had teen fixed to take place
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    • 48 1 Lord Salisbury, spetkiug at a meeting of the Primrose League, stid that he approved of increasing the number of life peers but that the House of Lords must preserve its preseut organization, or otherwise p<*ers would be entitled to claim represent five powers.
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    • 159 1 2let April. Mr. Morton, a Radical, has moved in the House of Commons to abolish the annuity to the Duke of Coburg. Mr. Liboucberc and other R idicals supp >rfced the resolution but it was reject* d by a majority of 230. I he Gladstone Government had
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    • 18 1 The German Government has arranged for the issue of a loan of 169,000,000 of marks.
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    • 31 1 The betrot hal of the Czarewitch to the Princess Alii of Hesse is announced. A FRENCH MINISTER TO JAPAN. M. Harmand has been appointed French Minister to Japau.
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    • 22 1 Trouble is brewing in Swaziland owing to the natives beiug determined to resist the rule of the Transvaal Government.
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    • 50 1 23rd April A severe earthquake has taken place in Greece. Atalanta and Thebes have been almost destroyed. At least, two hundred people have l>een killed, chiefly in the villages. In the province of Phocis, whole families have been destroyed, and congregations have been buried under falling churches.
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    • 22 1 The parliamentary vote to meet expenses in Uganda daring the cut rent vesr has been filed at .£50,000.
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    • 53 1 A huge army of unemployed people a»e marching from all parts of America, [United States] to Washington to petition Congress regarding their grievances. Hundreds of them have fallen sick by the wayside. The railways have refused gratuitous transport The affair is canting a general ferment in
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  • 18 1 DEATH. Jojis MAtnv Little on the 18th instant, at hoimiiig'nu House, Blickheath, London, formerly of >mgHpore. By Cable.
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    • 299 2 (Straits Times, 17th .Unit.) The Riaz Ministry in Egypt has had a trouble 1 lease of power since it entered upon offi e early last year. The Khedive, an inexperienced youth, had chafed under British control, as exercised by Lord Crone r, and had determined in consequence
      (Straits Times, 17th .Unit.)  -  299 words
    • 676 2 1 </•'* 1 >!!* !<, j> i i Tins Budget statement f r 5 ,• yeir estimate* a deficit «.f i‘..;ir uad a h:i!*‘ millions sterling. Tint state of aff’ah-s is. or will Ik, brought about partly thm.i.h the necessity which impels Briuin towards so increasing the
      1 </•'* / 1 >!!* !<, /•**/ / j> i (/, i  -  676 words
    • 781 2 ''trait# Time#, litth Ata il. In our issiu* of Tuesday, a telegram, •mnounrimr Lord to tlv' Malacca Railway scheme, appeared along with a summary of tin* Selangor Railway LVj artment’s Report for IHJK&gt;. As touch* m tin* Selangor State Railway, it is one of the most
      ( ''trait# Time#, litth Ata il.)  -  781 words
    • 474 2 &trnit* Time*, 20th .hn-il.) In tin* Malacca Land Office Report for last year, Mr. Blagden, the Acting Collector of Lind Revenue, pleads strongly for protecting the Malay peasantry there from money-lenders and usurers by placing restrictions oil the transfer of land through mortgage. It is poiuted
      ( &trnit* Time*, 20th .hn-il.)  -  474 words
    • 241 2 (Straits Timex, 21st April Reform of the House of Lords is now a topic of the day and Lord Rosebery has made political capital of its alleged anomalous constitution. Lord Salisbury notes the set of the political current and suggests to the Primrose League that re
      (Straits Timex, 21st April )  -  241 words
    • 727 2 {Straiis Times, 2HrA April.) His Ex«*clleiiev Sir Charles Hugh Bulleii Mitchell. Knight Commander of the most distinguished Order of St. Michae and St. George. Governor and Commander in Chief and Admiral of the Straits Settlements and its Dependencies, and High Commissioner for Borneo, has gone fftrth
      {Straiis Times, 2HrA April.)  -  727 words
  • 207 2 Reuter, the other dav, telegraphed au ou!rage to Roman Catholic missionaries in the Chiue 8 e province of Shensi. The North Chinn Doily Ntws of the lOih iust. gives the following particulars of the outrage:—We received on Sunday uightaii unsigned telegram from li’sam u. Hiatusi,
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  • 361 2 THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OK FRENCH INDO-CHINA. FRENCH POLITICS. ITALIAN AFFAIRS. THE FRENCH NAVY. IHE FIGHTING AT TIMBUCToo. Ports. 10th A jut! The Lyons Cluiiiilht of Common*** Fa* writton M. do Lanessan, tl.o Governor-! moral «»f Froueli Indo-China. welcoming him to Fran*** and cordially inviting him to ihe *»jM*ninp"f
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  • 645 3 T UE SDAY, 17TH APRIL. gcKfiLL, almerchanfc of Shanghai, t) Europe, arrived this mornu .j,.* A O. Rah ilia having a cora-|»-half of the Shanghai share- ;h,. Straifs Fire Insurance Com- 1,1,1k** certain enquiries on their Burkill saw the chairman of ,nl also the manager of the I 1 j
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  • 120 3 (Via Tonquin Disarmament in Europe. The Anarchists. Paris. 30th March. The Emperor of Austria has conferred the order of St. Etienne on M. Carnot. The French aud Austrian journals consider the conferring of this decoration as indica ing a pacific and amicable spirit. The daily arrests of Anarchists
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  • 80 3 Abstkaci' of Traffic Earnings for the Month of March. 181*4 Heads of Receipts. Amount. Passeng* rs $14 472 Season Ticket* 15 Horses, Carriages, and Dogs. 121 Tel -graph Collections 2 Excess Fares 53 Parcels 245 Excess Luggage 71 Special Trains Miscellaneous il6l Total Coaching $5 313 Gool«
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  • 507 3 The repo t of the Mining Department »f Selangor for 1893 states that last year •las 1 he:i a prosperous mining year for the Sia'e. The output of tin Iris exc*** d» il cx j*ectat ions ami miners generally h ive done we ll.
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  • 674 3 CYCLING SPORTS. FANCY DRB88 BALL. Kualu Lumpur Friday. Yesterday afternoon the bicycle races were continued. Although there was only one event, there was almost as good a muster of spectators as on Tuesday. Forth** three miles handicap ten went to the post. Kemp made a bad start which
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  • 737 3 Kualti Lumpur Saturday. \\e shall be very much en fete next Siturday. H. E. the Governor has decided to make his first visit ou that day accompanied by Lady Mitchell, Miss Sauuders and staff. The leading towkays have held a meeting at the Capt.
    Kualti Lumpur, Saturday.  -  737 words
  • 138 3 The Chi na Mail states that telegraphic information had reached Hongkong that H. M S. Undaunted would he commissioned to-dav for the Chiua Station. The Undaunted is a first-class cruiser, 12 trims, twin screw, armoured, 5600 tons aud 8.500 h.p. That journal further understands t hat a telegram
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  • 242 3 The coudil ion of the j&gt;ort of Macao is agtin attracting attention aud another effort is to he made to elaborate a scheme for its improvement. In January last, a roval decree was issued ditecling the examination of the subject, and the uew Governor, Serhor Horta-e t'osta, who is
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  • 1079 3 THE SHANGHAI SHAREHOLDERS CONDEMN THE MANAGEMENT. THEY WANT TO TAKE ACTION AND APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE HERE. SHANGHAI SHAREHOLDERS NOT SO EASILY SATISFIED A8 SINGAPORE SHAREHOLDERS. (North China Herald Shareholders are proverbially a long‘Uflvring tape, and we are, therefore, not altogether surptised to beat that
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  • 1134 4 AT THE TOWN HALL. I love everything that’s old old frieud*. old times, old manners, old book*, old wiue.” if, in that compilation, Goldsmith had added old plays,” those tw«&lt; words would have reudered complete a senuuncut which is and lias been ih* cniivietiou of the
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  • 1439 4 1 he report ou (he Selaugor Government Railway for 1893, notes the ojiening of the Si* eUilah section of the Ulu Selangor Exu tision from Kawang to Serendah (4*66 miles) for public traffic on the 10th July »ast. There is but uue station ou
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  • 1062 4 Some newspaper corrfvptnidPDce baa been going at HougkoDg on Puiijom mat ters, called forth by a letter in the Daily Press, advocatirg the cyanide process of extracting gold in the mines. To this a “Shareholder” replies as follows iu the China Mail: A letter about Funjoms appears iu }Our
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  • 92 4 At the British Cousular Court, Bang* kok, on the 9th iustaut, before Mr. Beckett, the chief engineer and three firetneu (all Chinese) of the s. f. Phra Chula Chom Klao were charged with having concealed, uuder the ballast tanks at the bottom of the engiueroom, 144 tins of opium, pud
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  • 124 4 THE SITUATION IN TONyUlx THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF FRENCH Vf CHINA. ITALIAN FINANCE. P-ri* 7th April M. de Lanessan has arrived in France g was warmly received, and declared that »T quin was p osperous and the situation JJJ He is expected in Paris to-morrow. Ajtr&gt;I, M. do
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  • 128 4 The Oriental Telephone and Klectrit Company, Limited, has lieen by Liuklater and C«*. f Londnu, with capital of J6200,000 in j£l shares, the object beiug to acquire the undertaking of the Oriental Telephone ant Klertfj r Company, Limited, (now in liquidation), except uncalled capital and such
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  • 696 4 The fourth annual general meeting of rhe members of the Eastern Mortgage aud Agency Company, Limited, was held tu Loudon on the 21st March, Sir lliigh Low, o.c.m.g. presiding. The Chairman said Since the directors last had the plcasnn of meeting you the busmen of ihe coinpain
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  • 401 5 of Shanghai proceeds i,v the p. an.] O. mail to-day, u ,/l,,d another interview with V 0 f the Straits Fire Insur- v Mr. Bm kill, it mav be a|.p»iuteid M-. Burkinshaw to .,.|»p*seu?ative capacity for the i.wvholders. It must uot l&gt;* :ni u tint that Mr.
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  • 108 5 i hi lowing extract from a letter from Li*. S r* tary. Straits Settlements, &gt; Mi' h, 1894. is published iu i &gt; o'. Curermat nt Gazette !ii r hv of the frequent appliear i\vd at til** Colonial Otfiee from offifCowr: ments of
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  • 319 5 'lk .1. i Alexander, the Honor in v «ov ot th.- s&gt; Oo e ty for the SuppitsV L i! Opium Traffic, has paid Houg--1 visit and has been interviewed bv a K'porter. Iu reply to questions u reuce to HougkoLg and Cantou, A under said 1
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  • 254 5 At the annual meeting of the Manchester Exchange proprietors on Wednesday, March 21st, the chairman (Mr. Matbeson) reviewed the disastrous effects of the cotton and coal strikes on Lancashire industry last year, and quoted from an Oldham uewspaper an epitome of the results of tLe working
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  • 292 5 On the 9th instant, the members of the British Bar in Bangkok, took the opportunity of pacing a well-deserved complimeut to Mr. French, H. B. M. Consul, prior to his departure on 15 months leave. Mr. Micbeli, speaking on behalf of his colleagues, said that
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  • 264 5 INCREASE IN SILVER VALUES OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS IN THE YEAR. The imports and exports returns of the Colony for last year give the following results, showing the volume of trade in all the throe Settlements duriug that period, exclusive of treasure: Imports $152,455,490 Exports 134,535,934
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  • 118 5 It is notified in the Peraic Government Gazette, that on and after the Ist Mav next, the Straits Postal Department will cease to give a monthly rate of exchange to the Perak Postal Department for the issue of money orders on ludia and Ceylon. A
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  • 381 5 i By to-day’s P. &O. Itohilla Mr. Howard E. Bentley leaves Singapore for England. Mr. Bentley has beeu in the service 'of the Sultan of Johore for seventeen years or thereabout, but recently wheu iu England he resigned that service. He has been Assistant Indian Immigration
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  • 376 5 A lettered Japanese named Manjero Inagaki arrived at Biugkok from, the other day, on a tour in which he has visited uiany countries. His aim is that ot* studying the polity of each place visited, especially iu regard to its possible bearing ou the comiug struggle
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  • 42 5 No decision, as to the date for the retrial of Phra Yot, says the Bangkok Times of the 11th inst&ut, has yet been taken, though three French judges have been selected. Phya Mabamat and Phra Krasem have been appointed the Siamese judges.
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  • 1743 5 8TBAY SHOTS. On Saturday week, the entries close for the Spring Meeting, and it can safely be predicted that we shall see a pretty large list in nearly all the events on this occasion. We are inclined to believe that our first calculation as to the number of
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  • 223 5 .SUPPOSED PIRACY AND MURDER. (From our Correspondent.) On the 15th instant,news reached Bander Mabarani that certain Kling traders were reported to have been robbed and murdered at a place called Sarong Buaia, a short distance from Tanjoug Johor. The Actiog Resident and the Tuau Hakim, luchi Mahomed, at once
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  • 241 6 arrangements. our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur 16tk April. T&lt;ie following is the proposed programme for the Goveruoi’s visit H. E. accompanied by Lady Mitchell, Miss Saunders, Captaiu A.D.C., Mr. C. Severn, P.S., aud Mr. Burra Asst. P.S, wdl probably leave Singapore on Friday, the 20ih of this
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  • 361 6 Mtlbourue LejJ-'r. Ax interesting story is told by Mr. S. B. Kilter of the captu e of an enormous oraig ntan iu the wilds of Bo*n**o. M»\ Salter, viho is a lesideut of Melbourne, was f*&gt;rmeily a horse dealtv, and left Vieto ia list July, with a shipment
    Mtlbourue LejJ-'r.  -  361 words
  • 334 6 At the meeting of tin* llongkoug Legislative Council on the 13lh iustaut, a Bill was introduced amending tin* Opium Ordinance there by the following provisions X.) person shill bring or have iu his p session on boa d any ship hound for or about to i
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  • 462 6 At five o'clock, yesterday afternoon, H. E. the Governor and party embarked in the 8#a Belle from Johnston’s Pier, for Malacca. H. E. was accompanied by Lady Mitchell, Miss Sanders, Mr. Claude Severn (Private Secretary) and Mr. Burra (assist) H. E. will visit the Nstive States and
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  • 48 6 Toss FOR 7&lt;M&gt; o/s. 'l’hf fo-'liiwiiiir from the mana- j r of t lie Rtub Aus'raliau &lt;Jf«»l«i Mining C-Mi j'inv, was received by flu* local s *crotary tbi&gt; morning niHliiiijr finished. l.lO(» tons stone reali/.“d 7&lt;&gt;o o/.s. smelted jjold. Have recommenced crushing. P s remain uin* handed.
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  • 333 6 SECOND DAY. SA'I I'KDAY, 14TH APRIL, 1804. FIRST RACE. Valiu* *llN».—Handicap for all Ponies that ran in the first race on the first day. Distance. mile. 1 Mr. Hi Li Put’s !'*»#-.#«v ;*.5 Mr Raymond Li •&gt; K‘*mr llui’s Mr nj’iund 8 5 Kill .'I H J
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  • 461 6 BUFFALO FIOHTS. SiKH POLICE IN TROUBLE. (From our Correspondent Pekan, Monday. Saturday the 7th was observed as a Government holiday, for the Muhammadan festival of Hari Raya Puasa, and at midnight a salute was fired from the gaol, announcing to the faithful that the fast month was over.
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  • 533 6 I’hh Hongkong D til&gt;j Press of the 13th inSiilit, discusses the question of the right of /H ill iminbes of the L*gis!ativi ui’edf* «»l Hi** Crown Colonies to vote in aeeord uiee with their iudiviilnal convictions, avIhui t h »se co’iviciiont hapt e 1 to be
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  • 1389 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING. A Special general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held in the Exchange Rooms this day, the Hon’ble T. Shelford presiding. There were also present the Hou’ble T. Bogaardt, Messrs. Katz, Craig, Muir, Sassoon, Kessler, Rauch Cuthbert8on, E. Nathan, M.
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  • 965 6 Tlin draft O’- imn&lt;v as Siilnn t cl tv I ‘lit* Ch.nnb r ot Commerce, wlii.- l».h]v I h;«s n«*w reported on {In* sum ns s r*E I ihov**, contains a qmufitv of I live to «1 aiing with tin* su..j&lt;*-\ of wliich I i he following
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  • 511 7 k: i 114 of thi* Saigon Cl» i ill I»*r of I l f ii#• «*t lifi* dav the subject t v» l the circulating medium :’r -&lt;i ti f remolded the Chainl&gt;ei i 1 1 1 j»,i&gt;sed on t !ie 2
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  • 691 7 REPORT OF THE YOKOHAMA CHAMBER Or COMMERCE. THE MILL INDUSTRY. THE OUTLOOK FOR LANCASHIRE. CO-OPERATION. Trade flourishes in Japan under the low exchange, judging from the report f the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce for last year, which says Although the total ton igu tiade of the port shows
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  • 73 7 At the Police Court this morning a Cbiuese woman was tiued $2 (or five days' imprisonment) by Mr. Lemon for giving opium to her husband while he was confined in a police cel). The woman placed several opium pills in a small loaf of bread and handed
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  • 98 7 In the Summary Court at Hongkong on the 13th instant, a corporal of the Shropshire Light Infantry sued a Chinese watchmaker for the recovery of an Englishlever watch. The plaintiff stated that he took the watch to the defendant for repair, and that when the watch was
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  • 711 7 According to the Mainichi Shi inbun over five hundred Japanese emigrants will shortly be sent by the Kissa Imiu Kaisha to Australia. The M. M. Company’s steamer Melbourne, lelt Colombo at 3 p. m. yesterday, and may be expected hereon Tuesday next, at about noon. .The Zocus
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  • 77 7 During* last year, 55 permits were issued under the Ordinance; of these 9 were not availed of owing to iU being found unnecessary for the ship to work cargo on the Sunday. 4 permits were granted free of charge in accordance with the instructions
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  • 1021 7 (Madras Tim*?- 4th April.) One of the most interests’£ territories of the present time, aud one of the most promising of the spbeiV* oi British influence, is the Malay Jrenfasuia. It is interesting because it is just passfiig from a stage of speculative and adventurous
    (Madras Tim*?- 4th April.)  -  1,021 words
  • 701 7 The Harbourmaster of Hongkong’s report for last yvar gives the following information regarding the trade of that port during that period An attempt lias been made to gauge tb® trade of the Colony by Import and Export Retnms. In tl»e absence of a Custom
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  • 44 7 Some Russian officers have recently been making a tour of inspection of the Chinese naval depots and forts at Poit Arthur, Talienwan, and Weihaiwei. Although treated with courtesy by the darins at these places, the visitors wera regarded with some suspicion by their hosts*
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  • 1046 8 A correspondent writes to the Pall Mali Gazette 1 suppose very few women can oot&t, of having been asked to go and 44 spewd the day with the Khedive.” In ft**, I am told that he has never betn kn&lt;?wn to do such a
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  • 120 8 According to some figures published with regard to Sumatra tobacco it appears that in this year five estates less will be worked, aud though the extension of existing undertakings in Deli and Laukat, and two new estates iu Fading and B«*dagei is announced, the number of fields ami
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  • 104 8 The following circular is said to bare been issued from the Residcut Councillor’s Office at Penang: —Heads of Departments a e 'equested to luform the subordinate* in their departrneuts that H. E. the Ooveruor has directed that applications cm ina’ing from individual cleiks dressers, A«*.,
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  • 131 8 SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, AND SINGAPORE. The inter-port ritli shooting competition, which generally takes place about ouee every year, between representatives of Shanghai, Hongkong, aud Singapore, is to be fired off on Suudav next, simultaneously iu all three of the competing ports, the rauge.s a»e over 200, 500, aud 600
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  • 171 8 In Summary Court at Hougkoug, on the 13th instant, the uuusuaily huge proportion of money-lending suits iu the eases down for beaming attracted the attention of the Acting Puisne Judge, Mr. A. G. W iso. His Lordship was so struck by the number of gun lascars
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  • 203 8 Commerce. The final and premature abolition of slavery iu 1888, without any compensation to slave owners, caused less disturbance economically and socially than in any other couatry, perhaps, in the history of slave emancipation, and this fact speaks volumes for the natural resources of Brazil, It
    —Commerce.  -  203 words
  • 1658 8 Friday Before HU Lordship Mr. Chief Justice Cox.) THI SALE OF CURIOS TO H. I. H. TIE AUSTRIAN ARCHDUKE. A COMMISSION QUARREL. JUDGMENT FOR THR HAIR DRESSER. Cornelius v. Bettanin. This was a claim of $290 and $3 for costs, for commission due by defeudaut, Giovanni Bettanin, a
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  • 92 8 The Action takeu by the Government in conceding an eight hours' day to the workmen employed at the royal dockyards and at Woolwich Arsenal is being seriously considered by the Association of Engineers and Shipbuilders, who are apprehensive that the example of the Government will be forced npon private engineering
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  • 318 8 A Gymnastic Club has been Bangkok. it The Association football match to be played yesterday evening Esplanade between teams of the Q 3 and R. A. was postponed on the tennis tournament. On the 10th of May, 1894, the I u sbi|. ou tbe Aj .x Siioal
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  • 94 8 To-day, the Directors of the J lek Mining and Trading Coy. Ltd. approved tbe accounts for the last half-year, subject to fiual audit. The report will be issued in a few days. The Direct ora will recommend a dividend of ten per cent, for th* half-year (absorbing
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  • 66 8 Yesterday’s Government Gazette cun tains the following notification apjKjiatiaf a Deputy Governor: His Excellency the Governor, ou liis parture from the Colony, on the 18th instant to visit i be Native states of Selangor, Ujoug and Jelebu, has been pleased to apjwi*' by an Instrument under the
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  • 90 8 The spring meeting of the Penang Gill Club commences on the 28 r h iustant. Th? events comprise the Penang Championship Cup, the Ladies’ Championship Guj. Ailh gold memeuto medallions, Lidies Handicap Prizes, Monthly leuge Cups, fiual heats in A. and B. ch* ses, and the Wright
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  • 156 8 The leave of absence granted to M r Huddle, Deputy Master Attendant, Bmg 4 pore, has been exteuded to the dr&lt;l next. Mr. E. H. Bell, Superintendent of 1 oh*, acts temporarily as Inspector Police, Straits Settlements, and Mr. n Newland, Assistant Superintendent Police, acts
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  • 298 9 1 KR AND MR. BELLEW AT THE v N HALL THEATRE LAST NIGHT. n vii. Garrick has held the sUge 1 A t r ,&gt;f a century because it is a i r j,| (iv that affords great scope ,r tl,r ,les of the actor’s character. v^ r
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  • 514 9 Af'llBKX AFFAIRS. XEW GUINEA. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Pearling. i ,u:&lt;i /•&lt;/ fr&lt; m various newspapers.) Aw*cf~ &lt;.' in Aclieeu give particulars t-v aud generalship of Tukn &lt; u v called Tuku Johan, shewing j,. ug the hostile Achinese, he .a,,-* .ii de\»«*rity in availing hbiimeans to gain success with
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  • 882 9 (By last Mail advices.) The French Chamber of Deputies have unanimously approved a credit of 17,000 fra. to be devoted to the indemnification and relief of the sufferers by the Anarchist outrages of Feb. 12th and 20th. A noted Anarchist named Leon Ortiz, believed to be an
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  • 725 9 A 8ZCBBT SOCIETY PLOT. A BIbINO IN CASE OF WAS BETWEEN FZANCE AND SIAM. WIDE EXTENT OP THE PLOT. BEIGAND CHEEK. The Courrier cT Haiphong gives particulars of an insurrectionary plot just discovered iu Cochin-China, arising from secret societies having organised a rising to take place had war
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  • 128 9 The chairman of the executive committee of this society, Mr. James Glaisher, has received a letter from the Foreign Office, informing him that a firman has been granted by the Sultan conveying permission for two years to excavate at Jerusalem on certain conditions similar to those under
    128 words
  • 2424 9 STRAY SHOTS. At pretty well every race meeting there have been a number of complaints about scratchings at the last moment, a practice which has caused inconvenience both to officials and members. Any action that the committee may undertake to suppress what bas now become a habit, and
    2,424 words

  • 416 10 lakhs to 96 lakhs is recorded. —Bombay Gazette. In the returns of the trade of lhiii&gt;|j Judia l*»r the 10 mouflis ending 3Isl .I.iimi fry 1894, imports sli »w ttu* roprctuMitotal advance of Ucariv 8 J .&gt; ere res ntp-cs, or lGperceut. as compared with tin*
    lakhs to 96 lakhs is recorded.—Bombay Gazette.  -  416 words
  • 71 10 The Pinang GaMette f with regard t. irregular communication between Singapore aud Penang says it is regrettable that the Government does not use the mean;: at its disposal and telegraph all mails des* 1 &gt;atched from Singapore for Penang that people may know when to expect mails from China, Japan,
    71 words
  • 488 10 The next Tanglin Club At Home” will take place ou Friday, 11th May. Mr. Tan Jiak Kim has been duly nominated f«,r the Ceutial Ward of the Municipal Board. The election takes place on Friday next. In London some men have started a millinery shop in Oxford
    488 words
  • 150 10 Selangor Journal. Ol’tN COLiieSaiUU ia goud loi‘ the Soul." This must have been the idea f the who was extent*d iu Kiting gaol last Monday, for the murder iu January, of a feilow countryman working »&gt;u the Railway Workshop alt**rat ions, it is reported that the
    Selangor Journal.  -  150 words
  • 121 10 I he ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Board Room, at Robinson Road, on Wednesday the 25th instant. Agenda. To read and if approved confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 11th April, 1894. (2.) To lay on the table
    121 words
  • 87 10 A correspondent writes Surgeon-Major McGregor of the Bombay Medical Service, wheu lately travelling through the interior of Eastern Siam, came across the ve r y strange phenomenon of a young bird without any feathers, but with not less thau four legs. This rara avis turned eut to
    87 words
  • 125 10 On Saturday, about seventy officers and meu of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery Corps mustered within the Drill Hall, the occasion being the annual inspeclion. The meu were dressed iu full uniform aud presented a smart and soldierly like appearance. The corps were inspected by Colonel Plunkett, who put
    125 words
  • 143 10 A CHAMPAGNE RELISH. The Pinang Gauette of the20th iustaut, contains most serious allegations agaiust unnamed officials. They, apparently in all good faith, assert, that oue lady, the wife of an officer, got fifty hams one Christmas and at Christmas time hams aud ilmnptfgne are given
    143 words
  • 445 10 I UR governor's VISIT. GOLF Cl.UB MEETING. THE SELANGOR CLUB. i From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur Friday. The Resident 1**ft to-day for Kuala Ran gat iu order to meet H. E. the Governor ou his arrival there to-morrow moruiug. Members of State Council, Rajas, heads ol departments, district
    445 words
  • 185 10 Japan Herald. Th* Tokiyo Asahi Shimbun informs us that (letrolcum bas been us* d almost from time immemorial in Ecbigo province for lighting purposes. Since 1885 or 1886 more attention was directed to the industry, aud oil wells were systematically worked, imported machinery being used, and there is
    Japan Herald.  -  185 words
  • 337 10 THE ALARM GUNS. Th* Police and Fire Brigade Superintendent received information by telephone at ten minutes to 4 o’clock this morning that a fire bad broken out at the saw mills at Kallaug Road. At twenty minutes past 4 o’clock, a staff of firemen and police weie
    337 words
  • 309 10 SINGAPORE 817. The team which has boon choseu to reprts nt Singapore iu ihe iill shooting competition between Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore, shot over the Balestier Rauge on Saturday, and put together an aggregate score of 817. That must he considered as exceedingly satisfactory, especially
    309 words
  • 277 10 MESSRS. YADE AND DAUNTS FBI RESULT OF SATUB DAY’S Pi ay P. A. Gillespie 3 beat J n r i i 2 up. J H vl,, r 4 j* J. W. B. McLaren 4 beat J. H r&gt; &gt; by 3 up aud 2 to play. ‘‘H**j
    277 words
  • 47 10 (From the Times Singapore, Wnd Mu,,!,. To-day, the Singapore Chan IV r of C i merce, l&gt;y 17 votes to eight, mi{*[oil'd Hongkong’s request for the *v»inago „f 4 Hriiish dollar of the same weight andfii*. ness as the Mex Van dollar. —Our pondent.
    (From the Times )  -  47 words
    573 words

  • 547 11 the programme. s»Uvy f &gt;r Journal 20th April.) k Sir C. H. H. Mitchell, k.c.m.g., r iii*l Commander-in-Cbief, Straits ,T r anon paoied by Lid v Mit--V’ ;v arrive i Kuala Lumpur to--2-“* iW Sit urd'iv) ailernoou at about &gt;l-11.4.1 gun will be
    547 words
  • 110 11 1 in Tonguin. HK v ll CATION at timbuctoo. Hl &gt;M EKXATIONAL sanitary ON h KliLNCE. Puri*, .‘ini April. '•"■riii flu* nriglihourliood of Tim- their submission. 4tli April. ni?, *ni;itmiial Sanitary Conference &gt;' b i-n discussing the prevention of *i&gt; ri»m-iutled its deliberations. 1 ot Manila.) 1 'Ko»*e.\N
    110 words
  • 58 11 1893. 1894. Jany./March Jany./March T u,s 3132,521 $137,575 r 35,632 38,279 W F 7,-504 -;244 "r.Sui.,1 17,7:44 **&gt;**&gt; i«.053 00,084 9,383 $268,946 8236,268 0 la 8 a‘!l laneou# in 18 93, there r f the balance of the under r Ule 10wn “arket. This coHectp//'
    58 words
  • 820 11 mbs. Potter and mb. Bellbw, at the TOWN HALL ON SATURDAY NIOHT. THE U. 8. CONSUL GENERAL AND THE B. A. LAY FLOWERS AND HOMAGE AT MBS. POTTER’S FEET. 8ARDOU-8 L» Tosca is a u.ost powerful aud a very dismal drama. It is a Iwo M r ,,leC
    820 words
  • 82 11 Yesterday, a very successful subscription tiffin was given in tbe bungalow of the Swimming Club at Tanjong Katong. A launch left Johnston's Pier at half past 9 o'clock, &nd f after a short trip round the harbour, tbfe launch anchored by the Club bungalow. Tbe bathe was much enjoyed by
    82 words
  • 609 11 MONDAY’S RESULTS. A CLASS. beat Davies 2.6, 8.6, 6.4. Muir beat Guggisberg 5.7, 6 4, 8.6. 44 B class. 'oJf.* Macta S£ art beat Pye 6.2? 6.1. Edlin beat Robertson 9.7, 1.6,'6.2. DOUBLE HANDICAP. Owen and Bnckland beat Allen and Greig walk over. Waddle and
    609 words
  • 32 11 HANDICAP PAIRS. Final. Braddell and Elliot beat McArthur and Somerville 6.3, 6.4. Braddell and Elliot beat Owen and Buck* land 8.6, 8.0. B CONSOLATION. Allen scr. beat Bhelfo*d 6.4, 6.2.
    32 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 557 11 Singapore, ISth April, 1894. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, I have not hitherto thought it necessary to attempt to correct the numerous misleading statements which have appeared in the Press regarding the recently published accounts of this Compauy, assuming that bona-fide
      Singapore, ISth April, 1894.  -  557 words
    • 501 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I desire to address a few concluding words to you on the above subject. The appearance of the two letters in the Straits Times, dtaliug with tbe music at Sr. Andrew’s Cathedral, I find, has created a
      501 words
    • 107 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIME8.” Sir, —May I be permitted to point out that the strictures passed by Coho e! Plunkett, r.a., on the Maxim Gun Drill at Saturday's Parade do not in any way discredit the Corps, as, owing to a command being misunderstood
      107 words
    • 89 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” Sir, —I found this morning in tbe heart of a jungle, aud bcuealh a lot of dead leaves, a trutile, which I believe to be the true edible trutti*\ but do not know enough about trufti ‘3 to be sure
      89 words
  • 519 11 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Siak from Bela wan —Mr. Johacnos. Ter s. 8. Sri Peyatan from Klang via ports: —Padre Antonins, Mrs. Rodrigues, and Mrs. Webbe. IVr s. s. Penang from Samarang:—Mr. M». rshall. Prr s. s. Hecate from Bangkok :—Mr. and Mr&gt;. McClure, Dr. Kel-all R.N., Miss
    519 words

  • 220 12 The above D"-k, sit”.a f ed in Pi ovine* "Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened arid is now of the following dimensions Length on t' 6 blocks 339 foot. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on
    220 words
    • 194 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer; sh. —ship; hq.—barque B it British U. S.— Hnited States; Fr.— French; (Jer. —German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. —Joho r e; Ac., G.e.. —Geunral cargo; d.p.—deck passengers; U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D. Tail
      194 words
    • 1315 12 ru! v a 1.9 sjn&lt; k Noon cf Yesterday. j Lo &gt; Sok, But. str. 1,02«» tons, apt. .Taek-o 1. 22n l Apl From iwatow 16th Apt. O c., and i,0l.b p Bohn Meyer A o. For Ban^ok, i 2 Hh, Kds. Lucifer. I&gt;nt despatch Boat. 2 Oton-.
      1,315 words
    • 129 12 Name Pert, and Date of Sailing From T.onpon. Guadalquivir Ma»\ 11 Glamorganshire Mar. Liverpool Milana, Mar. 16; San Ignacio de fjoyola, Mar 14; En»*rgi* Mar. 16; Tartar, A pi. Kintiiek. Barry. Yisurgis Oct. 3; Robert Dec. 18 Fnvograaf Dec. 27; Craiglee. Dec. 7 Ineharran, De rt T 3
      129 words
    • 114 12 PAS»lfiD SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Fleo Date p Datc. and Ship’s Name. Commander. of From Wiibi. Destination 7 Rio. ISailin 1. cdlarb Apl 1 l.Ne'. c oe-Hb»ya Prouwer Apl. 11 Bataria Rottsidaa 12 wit str 1 K&gt;ut Fsh 28 Harry Doek Mat aria 13 ltd. bq. Lot
      114 words
    • 1052 12 m I Fla« L Vessel’s Nam- *&lt;&gt;"* Cattai*. From .Sailed Coksiq* t8 3 Bio I I A P 6 Roji Rrit.str. *66 Jeremiah p enmne Apl. 14 Hoo Sian* 16 D.ibst P.O. atr 1665 Peters Ron*kong Apl 1J ft O. Company 16 Hone Wan Brit, str 116 hillen T.
      1,052 words
    • 697 12 VtiiSfL'P Nam» F A l 1 All* I*. I'KhTIXaT*ON. i j Apl. Id \V«&gt;m&lt;irgton Hall PrP.str. Uom®wood I Mars*ill&lt;»&lt;j, and Liverpool Ifi 1 Norma iah Dnt srli. N-rod h Par djerwa»'in 17 j Han Whatt Soon f’rit. str. Tillifon wnd Pontianak 17 i J*»va P.O *tr. Til aid
      697 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 277 12 QRUSHED FOOD. Tby it and You will be Satisfied. I. R. BELILIOS begs to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at 34, Belilios Road, is now ■Med. first Class Crushed Food, $3.20 hag, cash. Clean Oats $3.20 Indian Bran $2.60 To be had at 10, Baffles
      277 words