The Straits Budget, 17 April 1894

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 135 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 279 1 El*l IoRIAI.S. ii rnriv an*l Italy. T*)t A lull -ration. Munii-i 1 t >r«li nance R vision. H m 11 il- for So it land. Kalluit? Dollar. T Kx'-i-'* Proposals. T Municipal Scat. I.*« Al.. .M ir-ct tyi > w P>li»-c
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  • 509 1 Singapore 16th April, 1894. PRODUCE. Gambier, 7.75. do Cube *No. 1, 12.50. do do No. 2, 9.25. Copra Bali, 5.8 K do Poutianak, 5.45. Pepper Black, 10.10. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.50. do Brunei 2.0.5. Pearl Sago, 3.5 t. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 585 1 This week’s mail for Europe leaves per tbe P. &0. B.s. Rohilla. Tbe P. 0. s.s. Rosetta with tbe mail from Europe of tbe 23rd Mareb, arrived yesterday. Tbe mai: for Europe next week is fixed for tbe M. M* s.s. Oxtts, and the mail from
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    • 51 1 London 10th April. An important meeting of tea traders has adopted a resolution protesting against the t«»n per cent duty on t.*a imported into Canada from Englaud. A deputation has been appointed to wait upon Sir Charles Tapper, the High Commissioner for Canada at Loudon, on the
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    • 28 1 11th April. Their ltaliau Majesties, King Humbert aud Queen Margherita, visited Queen Victoria at Florence in serai-state aud the Queen afterwards returned their visit.
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    • 20 1 The appointment of Coloael JonesVaughan, who succeeds Sir Charles Warren as General Commanding the Straits, is gazetted.
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    • 61 1 OUTRAGE ON A FRENCH MI8SION. Certain Chinese have burned tbe French missiou houses iu the province of Sh'n-8*, aud m lit rented and imprisoned the priests. France has demanded redress. [The province of Slian-Si is in north west China bounded on the east by the Hoan#
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    • 23 1 t2th April. There has beeu a five weeks drought in Great Britain, France, and Germany which is causiug some uneasiness.
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    • 20 1 At the Municipal elections in a number of the American States, there have been great Republican victories.
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    • 37 1 13th April, Lord Rosebery has stated that the Govern ment is resolved to establish a British Protectorate over Uganda, with a regular administration. Other details are under consideration, including ihe question of a railway to Kikuyu.
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    • 25 1 Sir William Harcourt states that the Governmeut has oo intention to introduce a Scottish Home Rule Bill during the present session.
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    • 46 1 In the Dominion Legislative Assembly at, Ottawa, it has been announced that imports of tea into Canada would be permitted via England on througn bills of lading, but that imports of tea purchased in bond in England would not be allowed.
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    • 23 1 The Swazi army has assembled at Bremeredorp to oppose Transvaal rule over Swaziland. The Swaais demand autonomy for Swaziland.
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    • 66 1 14th Arpil. framed on the advice of the Naval advisers, and that it was iuteuded to make the British fleet equal to those of any two foreign powers combined. In the Naval Estimates, the House of Commons have agreed to the shipbuilding votes. The Bt Hon.
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    • 44 1 The Registration Bill has been read f* r the first time. It reduces the term <. t voters’ qualifying residence to three months, and abolishes the plural vote. Uoder it, all parliamentary elections must be coincident, that is held on a Saturday simultaneously.
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    • 21 1 The Emperor William is visiting the Emperor Francis Joseph at Vienna aud has met with an enthusiastic reception there.
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    • 26 1 Upwards of four millions of dollars worth of gold have been shipped from N w York for' Europe, this week.
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    • 32 1 16th April. > FALL OF RIAZ PA8HA In Egypt, the Ministry uudcr tl premiership of Riaz Pasha has r«*>igned, and a new Ministry his beeu formed with Nubar Pasha as Premier.
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    • 24 1 At Tiuibuetoo, the Freueh have defeated the Tutreg tribe in two engagements. All the Tuareg chiefs in action were killed.
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    • 134 1 THE DISMAL STATE OF THE NAVY. M. Lockroy, who bad been appointed President of the sub-committee to inquire iuto the condition of the French Navy, has reported that the real condit ion of the Navy surpasses the worst foreboding*. He leports, also, that disorder characterises
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    • 269 1 Strait* Timet, 10th April.) The visit o£ the Emperor William to Venice and his great reception there call attention to the present condition of Italy, and Italy’s share in the Triple Alliance. At the date of last mail advices, grave misgivings prevailed in- Government circles at Berlin
      ((Strait* Timet, 10th April.)  -  269 words
    • 255 2 (Straits Times, 11th April.} Under the Canadian tariff, it is proposed to levy a duty of ten cents a pound on tea imported into Canada. Tea from the country of origin or coming in unbroken bulk via England is excepted from the operation of the duty, which is
      (Straits Times, 11th April.}  -  255 words
    • 478 2 i Straits Turns, t'Mh April.) Th* Comm it tee appointedby the Alunicipality to revise the Municipal Ordinance witli a view to its amendment bv the Legislative Council lias issued an interim report. That report m ikes recommendations and suggestions to that end. as the ie>uit of eight
      i Straits Turns, t'Mh April.)  -  478 words
    • 353 2 (Straits Times 13th April.) Sir William Harcourt has stated that it is not the intention of the Government to introduce a Scottish Home Rule Bill. In view of all the eircum stances it is not even conceivable how the Government could possibly contemplate such a measure.
      (Straits Times, 13th April.)  -  353 words
    • 799 2 (Straits l'intes, 1 ith Aj ril.) -Ihj* countenance ot the average man falls in correspondence to the falling dollar. Prices rise in inverse proportion. •$2OO a month now is just a little more than equivalent in purchasing powx»r to $lOO a month when the dollar was at
      (Straits l'intes, 1 ith Aj ril.)  -  799 words
    • 517 2 Times IGtk April.) In the business to come Indore the Legislate e Council when it assembles iicxu month there is an Ordinance dealing w r ith the excise upon spirituous and fermentec liquors and bhang. Hitherto, the revenue derived from opium and spirituous liquors was controlled by
      Times, IGtk April.)  -  517 words
    • 538 2 i Strait s Time 16lh As alre&ly announced, the Hon’ble Soah Liang Seah is to succeed to the nomination seat on the Municipal Hoard vacated by Mr. Sohst, while Mr. Tan Jiak Kim is to stand for the Central Ward seat vacated by Mr. Donaldson.
      iStraits Time*, 16lh  -  538 words
    • 308 2 TELEGRAPHIC INAOtT’KAcy Ok the 20th of March, the f o!l telegram appeared in the Strait* Tim,, Mr. Sydney Buxton. Under-',**.,,!! the. Colonies, answering a question House of Commons, that the m.„ the 'traits Military charges had u,.. J aidered, aud ho hoped shortly to aunoonJ? decision.
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    • 467 2 AT THE TOWN HALL THEATRE OK SATURDAY NIGHT. Ou Saturday uighf, M's. Potter md Mr. Bellow produced at the Towu Had Theatre a play called Iu Society.” If we ucilket alight, the play, whan kh then kuown as “The Fringe of Society," was produced by Mrs. Langtry ami
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    • 818 3 j T j s understood that two European I of Police have been suspended IfJu duty on a charge of allowing arms 1 t exported to the Netherlands Indies. I Rfibcrv is to “otive of the I off**nce. I I \j R Putter has improved wondeifullv 1
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    • 77 3 —Rangoon Times. By mail, Mr. Hegt takes a lot of specimens of the pure gold found in Upper I Burma, that have been extracted from a few of the richest ledges that have been struck. Also, over one ton of gold quartz is going to England by
      —Rangoon Times.  -  77 words
    • 143 3 Acv York. 6th March. Arrangement* w heinjr comi.lotml whorehv th,. sjO.mii of laniliBjf I in.-s,. in ,ho port of «ew York will be entirely changed. The reform emanates from representatives of fh* V ,nm e Government in t ,\s country. The object of the
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    • 296 3 (Bangkok Times, 4th Ap>il.) A V r isiTOß of more than ordinary inI terest, as tar as Siam is concerned, arrived iu Bangkok ou Saturday, by the Gorgon, and took up his abode at the Oriental Hotel We refer to Mr.
      (Bangkok Times, 4th Ap>il.)  -  296 words
    • 357 3 beries and dacoities. —Rangoon Times, 26th March. The present trade outlook in this province is gloomy in the extreme. The price of paddy we hear is Rs. 68 and is to be again reduced this week by Rs. 2. Last, year some Bombay aud Chuiia
      beries and dacoities.—Rangoon Times, 26th March.  -  357 words
    • 1125 3 Mrs. Potter Makes a Great Success. Miss Gehetieyr Ward made the part of Stephanie de Mohrivart in Forget Me I Not, and the part made Miss Genevieve Ward. Since then, Mrs. Potter has played Forget Me Not all round the world and has played it with marked
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    • 1176 3 Mus. Cora Urquhart Potter, who is more familiarly known hr Mrs. BrownPotter, has really quite a distinguished pedigree. Those who have seen her aet may have guessed that her liuoage is one ii which theie is mixed au element of »t h« r than Anglo-Saxon blood.
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    • 303 3 (Bangkok Times, 4th April,) The electric installation for the propulsion of the tramcarß, is rapidly approaching completion throughout the whole length of the line, and traffic by electricity will commence over portions in few days. It will, however, probably be a week or two before the installation can
      (Bangkok Times, 4th April,)  -  303 words
    • 47 3 H. M. 8. Imperieuee is reported to be expected here to-night or to-morrow. The Centurion is said to have left Colombo and may arrive here on Thwreday or on Saturday at the latest. The Captain and about 200 men fro* the Inpmimm will join the Centurion here.
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  • 866 4 Tii Foreign Office has recently published as one of its penny pampble's, a report by Mr. W. C. Hillier on the commercial condition of the porta of Fusan and Wonsan or Yuenaan in the year 1892. Mr. Hillier begins by stating that he had visited Fusan two years before,
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  • 77 4 The Rajah (Sir Charles Brooke) of Sarawak bad, by last advices, left England for the East, on his return to bis territory, and was to be a passenger by the French mail steamer Melbourne leaving Marseilles on Ist instant. It is scarcely necessary to state, says the China Express that
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  • 443 4 The Northern Territory Timet of the 16th March, gives the following particulars regarding shellers there and their market troubles iu London Considerable discussion lias boon going on Amongst our pearling f'aternity hero daring the week on the very important question of pices realised at the shell
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  • 1359 4 Thomas Murray and John Casey* privates in the 2nd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, were each fioed $2 for being drunk and disorderly in New Bridge Road yesterday. A batch of griffins, landed here by the steamer Bucephalus yesterday, consigned to Mr. Abrams, are intended for Perak. They are
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  • 94 4 The French papeis speak with sympathy of Lord Rosebery, and call attention to the good feeling he has eviuced towards France. In speakiug thus (says the Daily Ntirg correspondent) they contrast bis laugtnge with that of Lord Salisbury on the affairs of Siam iu general, aud Chautabuu
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  • 557 4 THE RAILWAY ROLLINQ STOCH. A CYCLING RACE MEETING. Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Two uew locomotives have beeu added to the streugtb of the Railway Depattment, making tbirteeu iu all. Oue of the eugines, which arrived a week ago, has just been fitted at Klang aud is expected to arrive
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  • 46 4 (From the Times.) Singapore, !Hh March In consequence of the scarcity 0 f vi can dollars there Ts an urgent tnand here for the coinage of a dollar, following silver. The banks the merchants aie almost unauioio favour of the proposal.—Oar Corr^,*
    (From the Times.)  -  46 words
  • 71 4 —China Express, 16th March At a meeting of the members of Colonial Party in the House of Com U] L interested in the Colonies, presided by j3ir John Gorst, opinion was in f d of the diffe.euces between the and the Straits Settlements U-in-f promised, the
    —China Express, 16th March  -  71 words
  • 262 4 The Pahang Corporation, Limited, received the following the output for January Iu f, Mlrt Jf days (of twenty-four hours each) 325 t, JC g of stoue were crushed, produciug 21 tom 6 ewt. of black tin; tweutv Lead of stamps working costs. £*900.” The following
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  • 468 4 (The Sarawak Gaztfte.) The credit of the Sarawak Government as a civilizing power, aud its homer reputation for puttiug down head hunting amongst the Dvaks iu ou. b-nilprn*. slauds iu great dauger of hetug seriously jeopardized by the actiou of the Uiu Ai. RejangDyaks who.duriug
    (The Sarawak Gaztfte.)  -  468 words

  • 380 5 lUf ntary to Strait* Times Telegrams.) (Via Ceylon.) FSTED EUROPEAN DISARMAMENT. tHF THE ENGLISH BUDGET. KOSSUTH I.YINO IN STATE. IF I HI ES IN THE PHILIPPINES. hk thfft OF ROYAL JEWELS. i ~,K KIOTS in SOUTH CAROLINA. HK SANITARY CONVENTION. London 31st March. v. Harcourt. replying in the
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  • 124 5 !Hr' Km- M nnn.of.xnr a-rtrci a*i’ > the 2nd April, on her way to?!,. <j,n ,i station, where she is to act as rtiL'-ij.;. t.» tin* Fieuch squadron in Far Hist waters. The Baif'inl, will now re-li**vt-1li»* Trnu.ii h ntte, the |>reseut flagship, whirl) will th»*n
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  • 296 5 l»ii. L'M'ltm Chamber of Commerce has A*JtJr*> V i ilie following memorial to the Kiu'l.i Hun. the Ha-1 of Rosebery, k.g., h *hi of the Treasury Mv hold, —The East India and Chiua irul. S-rtini) of this Chamber have latterly wt-u ti.-v<»tiug close ami sj ecial attention
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  • 1642 5 THE PROSPECTS OF REDUCTION. THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK. From our Correspondent.) London 16th March. In my last communication to you about a mouth ago, I discussed the prospects of raising the question of the Straits Militaiy Contribution in the House of Commons. I pointed out then, the
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  • 146 5 L. and C. Express. A circular has been issued by the liquidator of the New Oriental Bank Corporation suggesting the formation of a company with capital of <£825,000 to take over the remaining assets of the corporation. Already 7s. 6d. in the has been paid,
    ,—L. and C. Express.  -  146 words
  • 1409 5 STRAY 8HOTS. Thinos are going along pretty steadily on the training track. Dalian will have a gool bandful now, as Abrams did get off by the French mail this morning. Up till late last evening it was uncertain whether he would be able to find a berth on
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  • 241 5 A General Court of the i>; -colors and Cotnpauy of the Bauk of England was held ou the 15th March. Mr. I>. Howell, »he Governor, in moving a dividend of 4| >er cent for the half-year, said the liabi.ities iu the Baring liquidation had been reduced
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  • 236 5 A Paris paper professes to have receive 1 by letter from Touquiir the following sensational information News from our posts on the Black River meulious the invasion of Chinese troops throughout all the Upper Mekong regiou. Ttie leaders, armed with decrees of the Chinese Government, aud
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  • 475 6 AT 1*fcE IWN HALL. Last night’s performance at the Towo Hall by.Mrs. Potter, Mr. Bellew aud company was a great success and was produced before a full and appreciative house. Oue cause of complaint which will no doubt be removed at the next performance—was found to be in the
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  • 388 6 EIGHT HOUSES DESTROYED. 8150.0<H DAMAGE. At 9*A2 r- on the 4»li instant, tire broke out in an oil shop on Bonham Strand, Hongkong. The next house was in a blaze, and another Long as well, before water could be obtained. No fresh water could be used until
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  • 816 6 The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Limited, announce by advertisement that their rates from Siugapore will be increased from the Ist of May, about thirty-three per cent. The increase is solely on account of the fall in the sterling value of the dollar. The basis
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  • 675 6 H. M. S. Centurion the new flagship ot the Chiua Station, arrived here yesterday eveuing from England. She had a fine passage out, touching at Malta, Port Slid. Suez, Aden and Colombo. The Centurion, which has already been described in our columns, is a first class
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  • 1572 6 HOUSE OF COMMON8. London, 10th February, 1894. My Lord,— During my recent visit to tbe Straits Settlements, I was requested bj certain gentlemen of high character aud position to bring before the Home Government, and, if necessary, before the British public, the grievance
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  • 118 6 On Saturday last, the steward of the 3.9. Sappho made a complaint to the Master Attendant that the Chinese cabin boy that vessel had been locked up in a cabin and was unable to come ashore. A pobj* sergeant was sent to the Sappho and AH Wee, the boy, was
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  • 955 7 m K».VEI> FROSPECTB AT THE RAUB HOLE I MfOKTANT GOLD DISCOVERT AT BUKIT ROMAN. kK \T belts of auriferous lodes. I> \YA BLE CRUSHING STUFF EIGHT FEET THICK. WORK AT THE BATTERY. JN is«; manager’s report for four kek endings oth APRIL, 1894. MINING. Haul lloh Section. —No. 1
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  • 2389 7 he ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon in tho offices, Finlaysong'reen, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present Messrs. Meyer, Moses raser, Sohst, and the Hon’ble T She! ford The minutes of the last ordinarv I meeting were read and confirmed J finance.
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  • 124 7 PEACE IN EUROPE. THE FRENCH AT TIMBUCTOO. CLOSE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONFERENCE. GREAT FIRE AT SHANGHAI. Paris 3rd April. The uitire Russian juvss referred to the pacific attitude of Europe on the occasion of President Carnot being- invested with the Russian order of St. Etienne. 4th April.
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  • 716 7 j I* H. E. nominates Mr. Seah Liang Scab j for the Municipal seat vacated by Mr. I®- W. Maxwell, Mr. Tan Jiak Kim will I containly stand for the Central Ward. I Mr. Seah Liang Seab, as we have noted, has already been nominated for Legislative
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  • 89 8 Tb* s*.ench judges appointed to the inixed'tribunal which is to re-try Phra Yot ate‘the new Chief Judge of the Court oC Appeal at Saigon —M. Ducos’s successor kiid two magistrates —one from Saigou and the other from Tonquio. As the XchtfMe will not be at Bangkok
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  • 91 8 Last month, on the Knlufca River in Sarawak, a Malay was seuteueed to 12 months imprisonment for takiug upou himself to settle a dispute among Chinese there bv iuduciug them to u;idergi the ordeal of boiling water. The water was boiled, then placed iu an earthenware
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  • 134 8 The electric light was turned ou in the streets of the city of Melbourne ou Thursday, March Bth, by the Mayoress. It is estimated that au auuual saving of .£‘2oo will be effected by using electric.ty iusteac of gas. The c*»bt of plant, chargeable to street
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  • 90 8 AT AMSTERDAM ON THE sl’H APRIL. Deli Maatscbappij .E. 105 hales L. D. 100 cents -L. 40 l T. 151 .e g:>j» 8. 151 -L. M. 36* P. 201 -P. G. 237 P. 125 .Q. B. 236 K. B. 140 T.T.K.-Langkiit 220 T. R. 280 E. N.
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  • 196 8 The Hongkong manager of tin* Eistera Extension an 1 Great Northern Telegraph Companies, has made the followingcominu nication public: —Au arrangement was mat’e at the Paris Conference of 1899, for the I u ter national Bureau at Berne lo p epare au official vocabulary of Code Words.
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  • 201 8 detraction of No. 375. —Hongkong Daily Pres» t 6th April. Further details regarding the great fire of Wednesday evening, show that the damage done was not less considerable than the estimate of $150,000. The house in which the outbreak occurred was No. 136, Bonham Strand,
    detraction of No. 375.—Hongkong Daily Pres»t 6th April.  -  201 words
  • 167 8 A crickkt match was played on the S. R. C. ground yesterday between teams representing the Army and Nary. The Naval team proved victorious. The fol- lowing are the scores r— j Navy. Mr. B. E. Waters lbw b Coogan 28 J. T. Barton c Sargeannt b GuggUborg 1
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  • 315 8 SIR MORTIMER DURAN I>. A MILITARY MURDER. THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK. Allahaba<l iird Aptil.— Sir Mortimer and Lulv Durand propose remaining India about a fortnight. By early in May. when the ex- Foreign Secretary returns to London, tin* Queen will have returned from Florence ami Sir Mortimer Durand
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  • 341 8 News has reached Hougkong of a rising against tlie Spanish Government iu Sooloo, au island in the Siuthern Philippines. The people are Mahonimedans and the Lliud was a uest of pirates until the Spaniards recently occupied it. Latterly, so it is reported, the Spaniards considered
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  • 965 8 AT THE TOWN HALL LABT NIGHT. It should be remembered that tragic plava are not written concerning the average person. The story of Thcrese Raquin is that of a young married woman and her lover, who, being very tired of the woman s weakling husband, drown him and,
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  • 232 8 Lancet. Town refuse promises soon to be no longer the brte noire of thesauitary authorities of our towns or to remain a nuisance to the community. Inderd, so satisfactory is the progress being made iu the improvement of appliauos. witli a view not only to the
    — Lancet.  -  232 words
  • 565 8 The Secretary of tbe Puojotu Miuiug Company at Hougkoug has received a telegram from the mines, stating that the mill ian for 25 days during March, crushing 1.150 tons giviugayield of 476 ounces. A coriespoudent thus writes to the Hongkong Daily Dress on what he styles Putijou) Foolery: I
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  • 533 8 PRESENTATION TO MADAME MINNir Ha Last evening a large party 0 f of the Teutonia Club, and visitors a bled in the pretty club house at Road, the occasion being a private co n U| organised by members of the Club given in honour
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  • 329 8 C.OODS PRICES SECURED. An auction sale of freehold and leasehvli lmds and houses took place yesterday afternoon at Messrs. Crane Bros safe room. Tweuty lots were offered and the whole of the lots were sold, some good prices being obtained. The prices secured showed au improvement
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  • 1320 9 T HE SILVER QUESTION IN INDIA. B statement of Mr. Westland jr Ml :)cii! member of the Council of IDf V( vr..v of India, published on th* xii-di, contains the following ob vit: p on the closing of the mints T, fact to tie'financial history of if ums t*ic
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  • 685 9 (Via Rangoon.) THE OPIUM COMMISSION. PAR LI AM ENTA R Y COR R U PTI ON. CONTESTED ELECTIONS. DESPATCHES ON COUNCIL BILLS. COTTON HOODS IN INDIA. Washington. 3rd April. Senator Allen. of Nebraska, lias introduced a Free Silver Bill as an amendment to the Tariff Bill. London, Ifh
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  • 564 9 H. E. thi Governor will nominate Mr. Beah Liang Seah for the seat on the Municipal Board vacated by Mr. T. Sohst. Mr. Tan Jiak Kim will now stand for the Central Ward his proposer will be the Hon. T. Shelford. and his seconder, Mr. Tan Keong
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  • 164 9 THE MANILA EXHIBITION. Til TBOUBLEB IN MINDANAO. The commercial 4nd industrial exhibition to be opened at Manila, on the 30th November, will be under Government management. The exhibits are intended not only to comprise Philippine articles, but also to include articles from the. Straits Settlements, Japan, China, French
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  • 426 9 RAILWAY ACCIDENT. A MURDERER UNDER SENTENCE. BICYCLE RACING. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur 11th April. A slight accident occurred to the passenger traiu which left Klang for Kua'a Lumpor this evening. At the 17th mile, 011 the other side of Bitu Tiga, the saloon carriage which was next
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  • 128 9 Captain Eddie had an interview with the Resident Councillor of Penang on Thursday, ou the above subject. He handed in list of 140 mariuers who have signed their names in support of the scheme. It is understood that the majority are in favour of a
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  • 207 9 A rule fixing pawn broking license fees in the country districts of Penang is notified. The Whist Club and the Eastern Primrose Minstrels'* both of Singapore, are exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. By-laws framed by the Acting Resident Councillor of Malacca, for application
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  • 1563 9 STRAY •BOTH. Rrallt nothing important has transpired during the week, and the work has been chiefly of a humdrum order. The griffins, taken all round, are doing very well; and the good ones are gradually making their way to the front. Regarding the ideutity of these new horses,
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  • 1111 10 Mini;r» s op ok tkk Mi'.m* CIPAI. COMMISSIONER AT AN ()«5 > I AitV MEETING ON We !>N SOW, ‘JSTH M v KCH, I'iH. Pres nt Hie President. Al<*x. Genile, Eh... Tm* Inspector-Gene al of Police, U. W. Maxwell, Esq.; T. Sohst, sq.; G. Wray. Esq.; iio Ifou’ble
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  • 280 10 PLANTING PROSPKITB. In th*' p'an'ing districts, si\s the Deli Cuurunt ibe we.itl or throughout March was very dry, and on many < slates, e>p*» ciallv utar Medan, the want of rain \*as very much felt. Oil the hitler I\in_ estates, a little rain ft 11 now and then to
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  • 686 10 BOUNDARY TREATY BETWEEN HOLLAND AND PORTUGAL. IMPROVED TRADE PRO8PECT8 AT 80UKABAYA. A SUGAR PLANTER*8 SYNDICATE. ACHEKN AFFAIR8. TIN MINING AT 8INGKEP. SPURIOUS GUILDERS. (Translated from Various Ntu*pa}wrs) A treaty has been conclii'led between Hollaud anil Portugal to settle the boundaries between their respective possessions iu the island of
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  • 222 10 Thk ordiuary general meeting of tL«Agia Bank was held at London on the 19th March. The repoit stated that they had been giving special attention to the question of cutting down expeuses, and they had been able to make very substantial reductions. The directors w’ere all greatly
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  • 566 10 Police Superinteudent Bell has been appointed Acting Iospector-General of Police. Me. Chief Justice Cox from Penang, aud Mr. T. E. Evle from Euro|>e f were passengers bv the Rosetta to-day. The mail desp itched from Singapore to L >uJon, via Biudisi, on the 2lst ultimo, wifj expected
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  • 119 10 The hou tie to the Silver East arising from the low dollar is the subject matter ot in article in the China Express, which points out the injury to British industries resulting from the constantly increasing appreciation of gold. This appreciation works as a stimulus to the industries ot
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  • 111 10 Ar the recent meeting of the members of tie Colonial Party iu the House of Commons, opinion was in favour of the different* s l>etwcen the Government and the Straits Sctth ments being compromised, by the colony paying £70,000 j*er annum, iustead of £lOO,OOO, for military defence,
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  • 130 10 The annual general meeting on March 19ih at the offices Hi tTitfr London. Mr. D. Reid (chairman > thought he mipht, congratulate tli,* holders upon ll e result of the working, which euahh d the <] iM t t( iT •♦con;u»eiid sjh i cent
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  • 153 10 An assirttut iu one of the h.-cal last week hail a bicycle s!ol« n fi, ini u passage of the godow u hi which |< e employed, aud where he had 1* ft it. U communicaD d with the polio*, hut j Lc mi-sing bicycle could not
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  • 599 10 FIRST PAY. I* DO'OJ Gazelle j H Grand weather prevailed rini^tin* ,n H (lay and the course was in good ord*-r. lmt tin* I attend nee was not as lar. c m fiiinur H occasions. Tlie racing' w s excel Vnt. H were exciting fiuishes in three
    599 words

  • 615 11 A r FPA Y 14th APRIL. MEDAL DAT. fly a Correspondent.) moK k describing the play for the the fact that there was inM'lt* the golf house as well as r*quir»« explanation. As to I *t?» r half «4 the Hub house, the ex- ••in-tter hall is
    615 words
  • 137 11 i* tM ik h w is played oil the t 1 i Stturdav, between teams 1 r he S. (J. C. and the Navv. untinblied but when the V iU: 'liawu it was in favour i f :u. the following being the c. i.4 Barton h Taylor 16 U:
    137 words
  • 1112 11 THE LIQUIDATOR SUGGESTS THE FORMATION OF A COMPANY TO PURCHASE THE ASSETS. The following circular has just beeo issued to the creditors of the New Oriental Cofynration by Mr. Thomas A Welton (the liquidator) 19, Old Broad-Street, London, E. C.. Ma eh 17,th, 1894. Dear »_ir
    1,112 words
  • 52 11 Mr. E. H. French, British Consul at Baugkok aud Mrs. French has arrived from that port by the s. s. Flintshire. Mr. French is goiug to England on leave of absence and will proceed by the P. O. s. s. Boh ilia. Dato Howatd Bentley is also booked in her
    52 words
  • 296 11 I The annual report on the Lind anc district offices iu Mal icca for 1893, is published iu last week’s Government Gazette. They show that the Laud Office collections tbit year amounted to §97,922, a slight increase over the figures for 1892 i lie land rents show
    296 words
  • 670 11 The Government Gazette contains tin* U xt of three bills to Ih* introduced into the Legislative Council. The fiist one is intended to consolidate aud amend the Law for collecting a revenue of excise upon spirit nous i.quors, t- i u **nti*d liquor***, am: 1 hang. t.Xi lu
    670 words
  • 412 11 MONDAY’S RESULTS. Doubles. Owen and Bnckland ser. bent Graham and Hibou 6-3, 6-2. Plnmpton and Thomson scr. beat Hooper i aud Waddoil owe t tralk ever. McArthur and Somerville scr. beat Shel- ford aud Shelford scr. 6-1, 6-2. Carle and I ye scr. v. Dennys
    412 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 772 11 TO THK EDITOR oE THE 44 STRAITS TIMES.” jsiii,— Pci haps miiiii* apology is ue-ded for iut rodui iug an ecclesiastical mattor iutv) your paper; but the fact that iimnig your Readers are many Churchmen from whom the subject may claim soim -vmpathy is an
      772 words
    • 649 11 TO T1IE EDITOR OK THE STRAPI* TIMES. i k, —Your convsj ondoLit lias not spoken a moment too soon. I lake it that both tin? archdeacon and tiu--««hs ot' tin; Cathedral ate greatly at t m!L t* r allowing the present state ot things
      649 words

  • 645 12 ARMY A LS. |\r s. s. Caoir Phya from K'ang —Mr Kate*. l>r J Malacr i frmn T. Arson via ports Vr. aid Mrs Piumbe, Dr. Horsey. Mr. M<* Murray. ami Mr. Sid loos. iVr s s. Bnrrphnlus from Melbourne; Mis< h inmorsi>m. Mis> YeD. uu d, and
    645 words
    • 300 12 Under this beading the following abbrevtati .us are used: —str. —steamer; eh. ship; Sq _barque Brit —British U. S.—United States; Fr. —French; Ger. —German Dut. Dutch; Job. —J Jh> e; &e., G.c..—General •argo; d. p.—deck passengers IL--Uiicer-ain;T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. p. D.—Taili >nr P *gar
      300 words
    • 1170 12 Hanoi, Brit. str. 97 tons, Capt. TV>w. 14th Apl. From B&gan llth Apl. G. c., and 15 d. p. Hock Saa A Co. For Bagan, l6th Apl. Rda. Jav P. Capt. Tillard. 13th Apl. From Shanghai via parts, 2nd Apl. G. 0., A 812 d p. P.
      1,170 words
    • 150 12 Name, and Dale ot Satun Know Lo*%i•« *v Ha bion-bire, Ma-. P Guatl dquivir uar. 11, (ilauiorgatishire Mar. Liverpool Hilaiia, Mar 1«>; Oo omr. Mar. 1-1; Sen Iguaei d L lyola, Mtr 14; Energia Mar. 16; Tsl-t l". A pi. KI truck. B\kr\ Visargis Oct. 3; Rob*»rt Rickmers,
      150 words
    • 178 12 PANSKI) SUNDA BTKAITS OK AKKIVKI) KOK OKOKKv Flag DvT» i PartDat*. avo Ship’s N\me. or From Wmkrr. Destination culam Ria. Satlin j Apl 5 Rrit j r lord »n '"lark J 8 Singapore 0 tr Hay Au<traho 7 or. bj. Keph\ C »rnel ussen Feb 21 Algo* Way i
      178 words
    • 1058 12 FLAO Vessel's Nak ro 8 Cap*aim. Fro* Sailed. C0»,0e«,/^ KIO A ff 3rit. ttr 2593 *tftt Bntnum Mar i.SynreACo t Volute j llg3 Hay Melbourne Mar 22 McAlister ACo 9 ucephalas 2190 Jacobs Rangoon Al. 4j toustead ACo 9 ?lg litLVion Kutchintozu Mar 23-Mi sui Kail I SSS? Dut
      1,058 words
    • 687 12 Vessel's SkHK. !F w; A> I I Captai* Destination. 5 U.rsM»s Grit.str. Lapage Hongkong hn *u<t Japai i Auger* "tr. Ha» niter Ho;>g J.ipun Gvniiie ftr. Wili n Kelanian via ports 10 Fan Seng Guan >tr. tieary King 10 Main VajrunhU Dut. tr. Rroc meyer P-tdan; via ports 10
      687 words

    • 1104 13 Hil SHANGHAI SHAREHOLDERS oNI.KMN THE MANAGEMENT. THEY want TO take action v| APfoINT A REPRESENTATIVE FI ERE. SHANGHAI SHAREHOLDERS NOT HO jr.vsII.Y SATISFIED AS SINGAPORE SHAREHOLDERS. < Sorth Chinn Herald.) Sl tf liflders are proverbially a loug- iif-rn g iace, aud we are, therefore,
      1,104 words
    • 1152 13 at the town hall. 1 love everything that’s old old I friends, old times, old manuers, old books, I old wine.*’ if, in that compilation. Goldsmith had added old plays,” thus two words would have rendered complete a I seutimeut which is aud has been the
      1,152 words
    • 1325 13 The report ou the Selangor Government Railway for 1893, notes the opening of the Seieudah sectiou of the Ulu Selangor Extension from Rawang to Serendah (4*66 miles) for public traffic on the 10th July last. There is but one station ou the sectiou —viz.,
      1,325 words
    • 121 13 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. A CLASS. Fargeaunt beat Davies 2.6, 8.6, 6.4. Muir beat G uggisberg 5.7, 6.4, 8.6. B CLASS. J. G. Mactaggart beat Pye 6.2, 6.1. Edlin beat Robertson 9.7, 1.6. 6.2. DOUBLE HANDICAP. Owen au»l Bucklaiul beat Allen and Greig icalk over. Waddle and
      121 words
    • 128 13 The Oriental Telephone and Electric Company, Limited, has been registered >y Link later and Co., Loudou, with a apital of .£200,000 in £1 shares, the ibject being to aeqnire the undertaking >f the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company, Limited, (now in liquidation), except uucalled capital and
      128 words
    • 126 13 ARRIVAL. Per s. s. Siak from Belawan —Mr. Johanues. DEPARTURES. BOOKED. Per P. Si O. s. 8. Rohilla for Penang —Mrs. Aiders n, Miss Johnston, Miss A. Johnston, Mrs. David-on, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving. For Brindisi —Post Captain de Krieger. For London —Mr. E H. French, Mrs.
      126 words
    • 123 13 u Flag Vessel’s Name. a Totjs. Captain. Fuom. bailed. Consignees. a Rig Apl. j 16 Ru«a Brit. str. 266 Jeremiah Penang Apl. 14 Hoo Siaog 16 Thibet P.O. sti. 1665 Peteis Hongkong Apl. 10 P. AO. Company 16 ‘-long Wan Bnt. str 116 Bullen T. Ans >n Apl. 13
      123 words
    • 92 13 Date Vessel’s Name. Flag Rig Captain. Destination. i Apl. 1C Wennington Hall Hrit.str. Homewood Marseille#, and Lirerpool 16 Normanoah I*ut h-1i. Nncodah Haidjermasfein 17 Ban Whatt 8oon Brit. #tr. D*lm«ee Billiton and Pontianak 17 1 Java P.O #tr. Tdiard P uang and London 17 Peogkalis Brit. tr. Fiipp Palcmbang
      92 words
    • 49 14 In sense qusncs of the mail arrangements it is uevally nt weary to give the latest news of the week in loose supplement and for the convenience of those who file the paper the news contained in the loose supplement is always repeated newt week in its proper place.
      49 words
      • 123 14 BREAK-UP OF THE DROUGHT. Good rains hav fallen iu Britain. EGYPTIAN AFFAIRS. ATTITUDE OF THE FRENCH PRESS. The French Press show an acrimonious tone in commenting on the change in th* Egyptian Ministry and they express the hope that Nubar Pasha will avoid subservience to Britain. A ROYAL
        123 words
      • 112 14 THE MALACCA RAILWAY SCHEME AP PROVED. Lord Ripon has assented to the construction of the Malacca railway. The scheme for a railway at Malacca has been in contemplation for a long time and oAme to a head in the latter part of la*t year. It is a private enterprise, in
        112 words
      • 138 14 INCREASE OF DEATH DUTIES AND EXCISE. The Budget Statement estimates the deficit for the current year at four and a half millions of pounds sterliug, which will be reduced nearly oue half by the repayment, from the new Sinking Fund, of the fiscal burdens arising
        138 words
    • 1005 14 The Riaz Ministry in Egypt lias had a troubled lease of power since it entered upon office early last year. The Khedive, an inexperienced youth, had chafed under British control, as exercised bv Lord Cromer, and had determined in consequence to show independence by choosing his own
      1,005 words
    • 119 14 {Via Tonquin Disarmament in Europe. The Anarchists. Paris. 30th March. The Emperor of Austria has conferred the order of St. Etienne on M. Gamut. The French and Austrian journals consider the conferring of this decoration as indica ing a pacific and amicable spirit. The daily arrests of Anarchists
      119 words
    • 79 14 Austuact ok Traffic Earnings for the Month ok March, 1804 Heads of lieceipts. Amount. Passengers 814 472 Season Tickets 15 Horses, Carriages, and Dogs 121 Tel *g**ajili Collections 2 Excess Fares 53 Parcels 245 Excess Luggage 71 Special Trains Miscellaneous 3Gl Total Coaching 815,343 Goods $34,117 Warehouse
      79 words
    • 511 14 THE SELANGOR MINING DEPARTMENT IN 18 93. The repo t of the Mining Department of Selangor 1 »r 1893 s'ales that last year has bee.i a ptosperous mining year for the State. The output of till has exeet ded expectation* and inim i* generally h ive Join* well. The export
      511 words
    • 1388 14 CYCLING SPORTS. FANCY DRESS BALL. Kuala Lumpur Friday. Yesterday afternoon the bicycle races were continued. Although there was only one event, there was almost as good a muster of spectators as ou Tuesday. For the three miles handicap teu went to the post. Kemp made a bad start
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    • 136 14 The China Mail states that telegraphic information had reached Hongkong that H. M. S. Undaunted would be commissioned to-dav for the China Station. The Undaunted is a first-class cruiser, 12 guns, twin screw, armoured, 5600 tous and 8,500 h.p. That journal further understands that h telegram has been
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    • 245 14 The condition of the |)ort of Macao is agiiu attracting attention and another effort is to be made to elaborate a scheme tor its improvement. In January last, a royal decree was issued directing the examination of the subject, and the new Governor, Seulior Horta-e Costa, who is familiar
      245 words