The Straits Budget, 3 April 1894

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 134 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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  • 390 1 F.MTOklAl.s. En l t Hi Navi Revolt in Brazil. j Uh ia 1 :v <1 its Prospects. < ami Chits. Ti e S 11 Municipal Commission. Tii.* Frein* 1 Annexations on the Upper 1 Me 1 niig. T!. ‘Chin *>e and
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  • 582 1 Singapore. 3rd April, 1804. Produce. Gawbior, 8.00. do Cube No. l t 12.50. do do No. 2, 9.^5. Copra Bali, 6.15. do Poutianak, 5.80. Pepper Black, 10.00. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.60. do Brunei. 2.20. Pearl Sago, 3.50 i Coffee Bali, 39.30. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 514 1 The mail for Europe this week leaves by the P. O. s. s. Assam, and the mail from Europe of the 2nd March arrived per M. M. Yarra on Wednesday. Ti e P. O. s. 8. Surat with the Eurojie mail of the 9th March arrived
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    • 68 1 London, 27th Much. Frauz J net, E npe or of Austria, will visit the Emperor William of Germany who is stay iug at Abazzia. There are persistent reports of an intended meeting between the Czar and the Emperor William duriug the autumn. [Aba'.zia is a village
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    • 276 1 The Paris correspondent of the Times M. de Blowitz, quot.s statements from various sources (including private remarks ol the King of Deumark) showing that Austria, Russia, Germauy, aud Italy, are favourable to a policy of retrenchiug military outlay. M. de Blowitz believes that France would not
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    • 23 1 28th March. Commander Lovett Cameron, the explorer, has died. [A biographical notice will be found in another column.]
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    • 187 1 Mr. Shaw Lefevre has beeu re-elected for Hawick, and Mr. Munro-Fergusou for Leith. [Mr. Shaw L fevre held the post of Chief j Commissioner of \N orks before the recent ministerial changes which resulted in his appointment to tiie Presidency of the Local Government Board. He sat for
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    • 98 1 29th March. Mr. T. Shaw has been re-elected for the Hawick Burghs, aud not Mr. Shaw Lefevre as incorrectly stated in yesterday’s telegram. ("The probability of a mistake in the telegram was pointed out in our issue of yesterday As to the appointment necessitating Mr. T. Shaw’s re-election,
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    • 35 1 Sir Charles Russell, the Attorney, has introduced a Bill iuto the House of Commous to legalise the Behring Sea Sealing Arbitration Award, and to regulate the future of sealing there,
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    • 225 1 SOth March. President Cleveland Vetoes the Seigniorage Bill. Preaideut Cleveland, in a message to Congress, vetoes the Bill which authorized the com'mg of the seigniorage silver in the Treasury. Tue President declares the proposal to coin the seigniorage silver to ba dladvised and dangerous, because it would cause a
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    • 77 1 31st March. In the House of Commons, Sir Richard Temple, in asking for papers on the Siam question to be laid before parliament, declared that the receut joint action of France and Russia to be the most serious menace to India during the [generation. Sir E. Grey,
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    • 26 1 London 2nd April. Sir William Harcourt stated that the British Government would take every occasion to promote the proposals for a European disarmament.
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    • 24 1 The French Government have selected three judges for the court of appeal in the Phra Yot case.
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    • 28 1 Austria and Russia have concluded a provisional commercial agreement providing that each country shall grant to the other the most favoured nation treatment until July.
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    • 22 1 Spain is sending additional troops L* j the Philippines, owing to a fermeDt amon I the natives there.
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    • 50 1 The birthday of Prince Bismarck, on Saturday, was celebrated by an immense number of fetes throughout Germany. The Emperor sent to Prince Bismarck present of a cuirass with a letter, saying that the steel of the cuirass is the tru symbol of the gratitude of tbs nation.
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    • 388 2 (Siraiti Time* 27th March.) The Brazilian Consul at Hongkong has officially notified that the naval revolt at Rio de Janeiro had come to an end. and that the Government were in jiossession of all the forts and vessels there. Thus closes a stirring
      (Siraiti Time*, 27th March.)  -  388 words
    • 233 2 (Straits Times 28th March The Colonial Report on Labuan for 1892 by Governor Creagh bears date August list, and notes that the revenue of the island in that year aggregated alx>ut $40,000 against an expenditure of nearly $32,000. Trade showed marked improvement owinj to briskness in
      (Straits Times, 28th March )  -  233 words
    • 546 2 (Straits Times 29th March.) Wot’ s this? Wot! d’yer think I’m goin* to take yer Weedin’ Hjre Ho U and ’u$t yer hup at yer hoffis. I sai, Bobby, 1 a bloke as says *e comes from where ‘e pays > cal% .with*i Hye Ho U. M
      (Straits Times, 29th March.)  -  546 words
    • 576 2 (Straits Times HOth March This Hon ble A. L. Donaldson lias resigned his scat on the Municipal Commission of Singapore. That step was advisable because of pressure of work. Mr. Donald son is a member of Legislative Council; and although the work of Council, as it
      (Straits Times, HOth March )  -  576 words
    • 293 2 (Straits limes, 31st March.) Some light on the commercial importance of the Mekong Valley is thrown by a paper recently read before the Royal Geographical Society. The pa|ier was drawn up by Mr. Warington Smyth, as the result of his explorations along that
      (Straits limes, 31st March.)  -  293 words
    • 409 2 (Straits Timet 3l*t March.) Touching the vacancy on the Municipal Board, created by the retirement of the I Hon ble A. L. Donaldson, the Chines** I community are taking action in the hope I of returning one of their number to the vacant seat.
      (Straits Timet, 3l*t March.)  -  409 words
    • 441 2 (*S trait* Time*, 2nd April.) On* hour after this newspaper is published, His Excellency Major General Sir Charles Warren will leave this Colony o: which for five years he has lieen the military head. It is no new thing to speak in I raise of Sir Charles
      (*Strait* Time*, 2nd April.)  -  441 words
  • 61 2 A general meeting of the Penang Turf Club whs held on tbe 28th March. There WriK a <•« lisiderahle ciedit balance shown iu tin* accounts, but this was not consi leie«l sufficient to provide for an August meeting. There was a strong feeling, however, to have a race meeting. Financial
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  • 57 2 The Singapore agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society apparently does not believe in the «*fficacv of swearing upon the books he sells. This morning in tbe Police Court. Mr. John Haffeodto, the agent aforesaid, w*ut into the box to give in ‘a W OffMd tile Bible be'decKneS «4
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  • 1140 2 (To the Editor of Ike London and China Hxpregg Sir,—! he telegram sent by the H Chamber of Commerce to the Commerce of the United Kingdom Bimetallic League read, Tefy “o"h ,h telegram from tiie heart of Afri,-, n upon the British public to do
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  • 54 2 The advance agent of Mr«. Bro» u Potter and Mr. Kyrle B*llew is in Sin*** pore waking arraugemeuta for MuBrown Potter to play here. After §on* difficulty the Town Hall baa been secured, jwd on SaturdAY oftbih wdeh Mfs. P**' tifill open in f. Forget; She pwhwl; pt*f three nights
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  • 1129 3 N the 24th instant, the Assistan at Telokscmawe, (North East p.axt 0 f Ach»*en) the Military Comnundant, and the Controleur were attacked and severely wounded by two aaiok-runners. The latter were despatched. The attack was solely a ;t>e of amok. M. S. Btacock arrived to-dav ftoin |{.4ugk«*k
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  • 58 3 A trial with Tonquin dust coal from the CharbonnageB Company's mines took place at Hongkong on the 18th instaut, on board the Ge>man steamer Tailee. The trial is said to have resulted satisfactorily in showiug that the dust coal answers as good steam-producing fuel provided special fire
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  • 334 3 If the evils of opium smoking were anything like S'» great as they are represented to be by the anti-opiumists one would naturally expect that in a place like Hongkong those evils would obtrude themselves upon the notice of the observer on every
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  • 257 3 I T®* following tables, supplied bj Mr. I Hill, give the oat-turn of Coffee at certaio during the y»*ar— 1st Jauua v, to 131»t December, 1893 Weld’s Hill Estate. I Kuala Lumpur. Yield j>er i I Area Cloa*i Acre in I m Age Coffee in Piculs cre Picul
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  • 163 3 More is likely to be heard shortly of the mother-of-pearl industry at Mergui. A recent visitor to Mergui saw three pearls which are described as perfect in size, shape, and colour. They were valued at J6250 each. The good pearls a r e sect to London, and
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  • 224 3 The report on the working of the Registration of Deeds Ordinance iu 1893, shows that the fees during the year amounted to $5,290, the sum collected in 1892 being only 75 cents more. The fine on deeds left in the Registry for more thau one month,
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  • 293 3 Wm. G. Hals ajtd Co.’s Circular, da fed Saigon, 24th instant states Under the influence of a strong demanc for Cbiua, Japan, the Straits, and Java, our rice market has kept firm during the past fortnight, aud it is very likely that the high prices now
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  • 513 3 i U. S. Consular Report.) Singapore, the seat of governm*nt lie Straits Settlements, is a w*ll-built city of nearly 200,000 inhabitants, occupying the southern |n>iut of the island of the same name that lies just off the southern extremity of the Malay Peninsula, from which
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  • 222 3 8. C. C. v. R. E. The following are the scores in the above match played on the Esplanade yesterday R. E. let Innings. 2nd Innings. Lt Guggigberg b Morren IS c Grant b Mactnggart 19 Lt Sargeaunt b Morren.. 1 b Morren 0 S. M Gardner c Orman
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  • 259 3 The First Day’s Results The Spring Meeting of the above Club commenced at Suugei Ujong yesterday, and will be continued to-morrow. The following ae the first day’s winueis in the pen rac* s THE JELEBU STAKES—VaIue *2su Haudieap for all horses which
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  • 315 3 •{t'rom the Municijtal President's Report for January.) 1 regret to report that two cases of this terrible disease have occurred during the mouth; pre\ iously to this, there having beeu no cases since February, 1892. The first case was a Chinese coolie admitted to Durian Daun Hospital
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  • 1460 4 It is telegraphed that tbe New English Bank of the River Plate, the successor of 1 a bank that came to grief in the Argentine Smash, has closed its doors. The follow- 1 ing is tbe latest information regarding the position of the Bank 1
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  • 573 4 Ou:; information is that, as the result f the fuither consideration of the Straits Miiiturv Contribution, a reduction will be mole in the sum charged. The reduction will probably be allowed, not as a matter of principle but, as a concession to tbe >resont condition of tbeColouial
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  • 47 4 We give below the total shipments of refined petroleum from the United Stab s to the Straits for 1893 and the four previous years. The figures expreqp the uunil»er of eases 189*3 328.537 1892 97.109 1891 326.747 1890 448,274 1889 581,904
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  • 71 4 Allahabad 14th March— Sir James Lyill, Mr. Mowbray and Mr. Fanshawe, memlx*rB of the Opium Commission, with Mr. Hewitt, Secretary, and Mr. Dane, ou special duty, sail from Bombay for England next Tuesday. The report of the Commission it is hoped will be ready iu July or
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  • 172 4 Mr. E. V. Caret, who has returned to (.Vv lon on a brief vi«if, ej*eaks h«qvfu!!y of the coffee enterprise iu Selaugor, wbeie lie now is, but say* that it is a ctse of sheer iard work, aud that he cannot leave his e>tate for
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  • 287 4 The World says :—The present system by which a certain number of British officers statioued out of ludia are permitted to volunteer for the ludiau Staff Corps each year is to cease w ith the trooping season 1894-5. After that the way of entering the Staff
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  • 190 4 Th* Legislature of British Columbia has adopted unanimously a resolution calling upon the Dominion Government to increase the per capita tax on each Chinaman entering the Dominion to lOOOdol., three-fourths of the taxes to be apportioned to British Columbia. One ineinlx r suggested that, iu addition
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  • 247 4 The F euch ironclad Bayard which it to replace the Trioinphante as flagship of the French squadron in the Far East, recently underwent a tweuty-four hours’ trial at sea. The result is stated by the French papers to have been very sAisfaclory. A
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  • 431 4 In the House of Commons on the Ist ius anl, iu reply to air. Whitehy, who asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention had been called to the serious dislocation and injury which the cotton trade iu Lancashire and Cheshire was suffering owing to the
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  • 543 4 Thi Cricket. (From our Correspondent.) H Seremban, 8at*rd,„ H< The Selangor Lake Club team ar ,f' here on Friday at 7 p.m., and the nj! S' t»egau at 11 t,.-diy. The Selaa. team, »bo played twelve meu, Wl|tl toss au«l went first to the
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  • 80 4 The Siam Observer draws the followup picture of the cattle trade from to Siogapote:— At present, thousands of worn-out, and. >" ca w es, organically diseased beasts ar<* down to fciugapore every year by Kling l oU tractors, and sold at a handsome profit. f- uru
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  • 158 4 Under date of Nov. 7th Mr. b. Spencer Pratt, U. S. Consul-General at Singapore, re|H>rts: —The present low pra* of Siuga|»ore black pepper —say 1* T picul of 133} pouuds—has l>een brought about by overproduction The acreage planted until within the last two y e,ir
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  • 1139 5 Aiiprbbs by Sister Katherine. Tmk lower hall of St. Andrew’s House !,r,.*ded yesterday afteruoon with au to b ar au address from Sister S'Iltiio*. attached to the Church Exteu--iatioii. Sister Katheriue is one Kiiburu Sisters whose work is r t«» many a«lht*n uts of the Church
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  • 380 5 Commander Yeroey Lovett Cameron, whose death is announced by telegram, was the son of the Rev. Jonathan Henry Lovett Cameron, was a native of Radipole. Weymouth, Dorsetshire, and was educated at Bru’on, Somersetshire. He was appointed Naval Cadet iu Aug., 1857; Midshipman in Jan. 1860; Sub-Lieutenant,
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  • 139 5 By last. advices from Hongkong, the Hon. T. H. Whitehead has withdrawn his Legis'ative Council resolution for a Commission of Inquiry iuto the opium-farm-ing aptem there. The Hongkong Daily fYcW, in showing the need of inquiry to remove certain diffierlties arising from the farming system in
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  • 109 5 By list adv.ees from Colombo, there was staying at that po»t, the American yacht Sagamore belonging to Mr. Edgar Scott, a Philadelphia roan, well known in connection with several railway concerns in the States. From Colombo, Mr. Scott will proceed in the yacht to
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  • 2021 5 The fourth annual genera) rnee, n °f the Bank of CbiDa, Japan and iV Straits (Limited), was held ou 26l b nlt, r a. ilD non-street Hotel, E. C. f Mr. WiL. Keswick presided. The Secretary (M.*’C. H. Campbell) having read the convening the
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  • 58 5 M. Meynkrs i/Estufy Int* kuow/» to tbe P.iris G«‘ »S i. fy t.i.t Dutch doctor h-s dbcovrre* at a treatment for leprosy —a treatment*d on the tbeo ieof M. Pasteur. Dr. Eilerts do Haau is shortly in Paris to apange wi»b ji. t'Mit'ur
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  • 143 5 It is reported that the Ocean Steamsb p Co:npauv (Holt’s L*«ne) which has a regu■ar mvvice between Holland and Java, h< s ..ffoied tbe Netherlands Minister for the Colonies to carry the Government’s coffee it a much lower rate of freight than that
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  • 560 5 Supplementary to Straits Times Telegrams. (Via Ceylon.) The Army Estimates. Lord Rosekert on Current Politics. John Burns on the House op Lords. King Milan and Queen Nathalie* The French Colonial Ministry. The Indian Cotton Duty. London, 17th March. Mr. Campbell Bannerman, in moving tho Army Estimates in the
    Supplementary to Straits Times Telegrams.  -  560 words
  • 295 5 The ordinary g me al m<eting of the Telegraph Const, net i«»n and Maintenance Cmipanv, L’mi ted, was held ou 27ib Feb. A I mi i a! Sir Geoige H. Richards, in moviug the adoptiou of ll»e report, stated that they had laid cables ueaily 4,000
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  • 513 6 Touching the expected riduction iu tbe Military Contribution (as announced iu our issue of yesterday), it should l>e notiv ‘thtit'for the year 1894 the sum of <£100,000 'was put on the Colonial estimates as $S42,000. Since then the dollar has falleo from 2/4J to 2/-. Therefore auv
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  • 189 6 Capt. A**ms, of the ship Samos was charged before the Liverpool stipendiary magistrate, on Feb. 24th with having neglected to enter in the log-book particulars of the death of a number of f»ersous who died on board big vessel on Aug. 13th, 1893, Fbde on a
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  • 139 6 The Fine is £15. The following Section (39 of Ordinance Y. of 1879), which has not lieen repealed by any subsequent Ordinance* touches the matter dealt with at yesterday’s meeting of Municipal Commissioners: Conduct of
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  • 785 6 Fiiirplay. 2nd March > lr is difficult to understand why the w traits Company should have decided to tighr the case i,f tlie Joseph. The facts of that case are briefly these. In March. 1890. Messsrs. Pick:‘ord Bros., insurance ba kers,
    (Fiiirplay. 2nd March >  -  785 words
  • 115 6 A nasty accident befel Mrs. Macßitchie last evening. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Macßitchie were driving homewards when, proceeding along the avenue leading to Woodside" on Grange Road, tue horse started kicking furiously. The horse was reined up and tbe carriage brought to a standstill. Mr. Macßitchie stepped out,
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  • 209 6 Another Record Gold Output. The Rand gold output for 1894 begins well. It exceeds the record last December by 3,457 oz. and is 41,440 oz. more than the return for January, 1893. Sometime ago it was predicted by an optimist speaker that before long tLe Rand
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  • 349 6 Times of Ceylon. The paragraph which we took over to J the effect that Messrs. William FoisytlnI aud J. G. Fort were about to (opeu lard j iu Selangor, is, we learn, wholly without foundation. is true that they applied forlaul on the terms upon
    ( Times of Ceylon.)  -  349 words
  • 230 6 The Second Day’s Winers. The secoud day s racing of the Spriug Meeting of the Suogei Ujong aud Jelebu G)mkbaua Omb held at Seremban yesterday. Iu the open races the follow. iug were the wiuuers aud placed horses.*—A ij J LEBU
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  • 914 6 They Despise Honokong. More Outlay Required Penang to be the Port for Perak. Trade not to bs Diverted to Singapore. Railways and Mail Services. Council Membership and Meetings. The Native States and the Military Contribution. Public Works Loans. The Municipality Demands More POLITEN F88. Municipal and
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  • 1873 6 Wednesday, 28in Masch The usual fortnightly Municipal Commissioners 4, Board Boom of ,be > Green yesterday afternoon h “V'K. sidency of Mr. Gentle. There »f W,h -the Hon’bles T. Sbelford a„7? T > aldson and Mess,*. Fraser Yf A k A. I 8nbst, and the Inspector- Gen
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  • 1334 7 Minutes of Proceedings op the Muni, cipal Commissioners at an Orpin, ary Meeting on Wednesday, 14th M vrch, 1>94. Present— The President, Alex. Gentle, Es<p T. Sohst, Esq.; W. Nanson, E-q.; G. C. Wray. Esq.; The Hon’ble T. Sholford. C. M. g. The Hon’blo A. L. Donaldson; Mauasseh
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  • 335 7 At the approaching Meeting of Shareholders of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, the Directors will recommend a dividend for the past half year at the rate of 7 per ceut per annum, free of iucome tax, carrying to reserve fund <£25,000 and carrying foiward
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  • 128 7 The Mitsui Bussed K&isba, Ulrich works the Miike coal mines in Japan, bus brought out a handbook of information abo of these mines. The history of the mines, testimonials regarding the coals, sailing drreetions, and other particulars concerning the trade, illustrated with photographic views and with maps, add
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  • 272 7 M. Gustave Lb Bon iu another paper on 44 Character in the Life of Peoples'* (quoted by the Echo) says we are only at the d&wu of the economic struggle of races. Whilst the intellectual superiority of Europe is a factor not to be overlooked
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  • 379 7 S. C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournament. The Entries. The Spring Tenuis Tournament under the auspices of the S. C. C. commences on Wednesday, 4th April. Ttie entries closed yesterday eveuiug. The following are the complete eutries Championship. P. R. Scott. W. Eger ton. F. D. Maclaggart. G. Muir. W. Makepeace. Lieut
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  • 3007 7 I The Races. Crickrt. Tivvii. Theatricals. I WaBX or a Baud. (From our Corresponding) Serumbat 26th March. Yesterday, Easter Sunday, the pretty lit tie English church here was well filled bv the local residents and visitors. Captain Mackenzie and Mr. Coates conducted service and Mr.
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  • 77 8 Alex. Gentle, Esq.; T. Sohst, Esq W. Naason, E q.; G. C. Wniv, Esq.; The Hon’blc T. {‘helferd, cm o. No. 1 Taujoug Pagar Ward The llou’hle A. L. Donaldson, No. 2Central Ward Manasseh Meyer, Esq., No. 3 Tauglin Ward John Fraser, E>q No. 4
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  • 116 8 The Ch ma Express of the 9th March draws attention to the fa-*t considerable dissatisfaction is felt in Singapore as to the regulations in force for the alienation of laud held of the Orowu upon sixty aud niuety-uiue years leases. Tile Govei iintent demands excessive premia
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  • 276 8 French Colonial Reform. Another Dynami e Extlosicx at Santander. The Kossuth Riots. Pari» 10th March. Admiral Lebon hxs resigned as bis power I is insufficient to cope with tlie growing needs I of the Colonies, tie insists upon the necessity I for a Colonial Office. 11th March. Admiral
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  • 2929 8 The Masonic Testimonial* Yesterday evening a special genera meeting of the District Grand Lodge o:: the Eastern Archipelago was held in the Masonic Hall, Coleman Street, in order to present a farewell address, and a portrait, to the Rvht Worshipful District Granc Master, H. E. Major General
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  • 488 9 A telegram, dated Acheen *28th iustaut, reports that the military officer and two officials, recently wounded by the aiu<»k runners at Teloksemawe. are progressing favourably. There was not a single oeeiu-g«*ing vessel in the port of Penaug oil the 28rii instant. Amidst the nunc than metripolitau dissipation
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  • 172 9 The Queen’s Exequatur empowering Mr. J. Anderson to act as Consul for I Siam at Singapore, has received Her I Majesty’s signature. w H E the Governor has granted to Mr. Y\. c. Michell, District Offiwr, Balik Pulau, Peuaug. leave of absence with half-saUrj for
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  • 774 9 The third annual general meeting of the Singapore Golf Club was held in the Club Pavilion at the Race Course last evening for the purpose of receiving the report aud ac- I counts; to elect officers for the ensuing year; and to t aosact any other
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  • 158 9 Last night, a Kliug police coustable saw something unusual going ou iu a Chinese sampan or twakow. He went down into the boat aud found a number of Chinese standing round a man who was lying on the floor and from whose mouth water was running. The man’s general api>earancewas
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  • 1055 9 Has the Baba Fallen or Risen Dr. Lim Boon Kebg Affirms the Decline of the Straits Chinese. They Emulate Europeans and so Fall from Virtue. They Hanker for Mere Money. Their Salvation is to Adhere to Mongolian Civilization. The Defence of the Baba. Dr. Lim Boon Keng’s Motion Carried. Last
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  • 641 9 (Pinatig Gazette.) Cricket. Plated ou the 24th and 26th iust. Winuiug the toss Penang started the batling and commenced with Shropshiie and Kelly, but both of these geutii meu leit with the score at 2. Anthony and Lamb raised the runs to 22 when the Penang crack
    (Pinatig Gazette.)  -  641 words

  • 1159 10 A hben Affair CmBILIFN t OAL AND Pulo Way. Lotteries for Charitable Purposes. Tobacco in Indragiri. Failures at Batavia. The Population of Java. A Dutch Opinion of Rajah Brooke. Exploration in Borneo. Planting in Wist Java. (Translated from Various Newspapers.) Last advices from Aehren report further successes of
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  • 726 10 It is unfortunate that the author ot Bright Celestials, In John Coining Ciiiu**m;i!i,” adopted for Ins novel \vi* ki a |ur pose*’ such a title. To adopt ‘•John China ”as the mime of I lie ostensible intlu r is to adopt for a
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  • 1006 10 (17a Pangoon.) Lord Roberts on Federation. Mr. Gladstones Eyesight. Excise on Cotton Good* in India. The American Tariff Bill. The K«>ssuth Riots. Continuation of the Brazilian lion. London. '41*1 March. Lord Rober s. in rocciv'ng tlio FinnEoiii of tli‘» City of Newcastle on the Tyne, said that the
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  • 1432 10 The uew Johore stamps < f 5 and 6 cents, and of oue dollar, mosily surcharged as 3 eeuts, have beeu bought up by some Asiatic speculator or speculators who are tr\ iug to resell them, at a profit, to collec•o;s. The Johore Governuieut is aunoyid tb
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  • 1466 11 Scitabiliit of Singapore for Research. Economic Additions. oconut Tree Inspection iaI Difficulties in Forestry, f.irkst Reserves at Penang. viN’.i at Penang Government 1 ,A B Hill. V,. Lihkrian Coffee at Malacca. Jt A -n i IP N. Ridley’s report on the tI) ,i
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  • 703 11 Jril March, in tin* Cou’t of Admiralty. Mr. Justice Barnes liea’d the r *insu:ai;u action of the Ocean Marine Insurance Comranv. Limit* d. r. the Straits Insurance t omiauy. Limited. The plaintiffs* claim arose out of two marine 1 olieies. each for 1*1,->0D. oil
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  • 38 11 The last lnclute of the series will be given in the Piesbyteriau Church by the Rev. Gtorge M. Reith M. A. on Weduesday eveuing at 8.o0 p. m. Subject: The Reliability of Critical Results,
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  • 440 11 The S. C.C. Tennis Tournament. The Handicaps. The handicaps in the Siugapore Cricket CiuL Liwu TeiitiisTouiuaniv’Ut, which comir.eiiees v>u \Y« duesdu'. -ire as follows Sisoi.ns. A Class. \Y. Egerton owe 15.2. F. M. Elliot! 15.V G. Muir I**. G. L. Davies Ij. M. Woodward I F. D. Maetaggart W. Make]M»ace
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  • 491 11 (By One Who Was There.) On Saturday afteruoou, betweeu two aud time o’clock, while passing the tin works at Pulau Brani, I was startled by a long, muffled report and a tremeudous roaring rushing sound, the ground at the same time seeming to give a
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  • Correspondence.
    • 181 11 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STIt MTS T l M EP." Sir, —As you published iu your issue of 28th ultimo, a refe»euce to a letter which appeared in the Penaug newspapers over the name of “Robo t Young. Honorary S‘crctarv Eugiuee’s* Jej,:iMi’i*, and i-:
      181 words
  • 669 11 Arrivals. Per s. 8. Formosa from Yokohama —Mrs. and Miss Weston, Mr. Curran, Mr. Belt. Mr. J Jackson, Mr. C. Jackson, Mr. Hobson. Mrs. aud Mi«s Gryson, Miss De 3*. Croix, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Newson, Mrs. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. Monro. Per M. M. s.
    669 words
  • 422 11 < liurfli of England. 1 LoW SUNDAY* 7 a. III., Litany au>i Sermon. H a. hi.. Holy Eucharist. 11 a iu.. Matins j -ft I*, in. Suu«l>y ■M'hool an«l Bible Classes. 5 ji. in., E»ensoiiK ail l Sermon. 4t the WARr*ERs* Re .r.:xo R >"», Sepoy Links. Service
    422 words

  • DOCKS.
    • 1006 12 The premises of ihe Company are «tuat d at Tan ion Pagar adjoining the t *wn of Sic,a-p-ore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals carrying pa3seng*irs and goods from VV nart destinations at low rat s. The Wharf exten Is to one mile and
      1,006 words
    • 239 12 tmi r this headiug the abbrevi%- tints nre usedstr.—»t«Xrfier; sh.—ship; —barque Brit.-tatMi U. S.-Dnifed States; Fr. —-‘iTPncn; Ger. —Germa i; Dut. Dutch; Job. —Johore; Ac., G.c..—General i ..argo; d. p deck passengers; U.—Uncertain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf; 1. p d —Tauj nig Pagar Dock; B.
      239 words
    • 1186 12 Arrivals Since Noon of Saturday Iterate, Brit. >ti. lk#7 tons, Cajt. 1’ayne 1st April Fnun Lamgkok, 2<tb Mu'*, t* <*., and z 1 d. p. NY. Mansfield A C<». For Bangkok, t T Kds. Carolina, Imt.str. 192 tons, Capt. Millington. Ut Aril. Itgiii Palembang 3Lt Mar. u. c.,
      1,186 words
    • 193 12 Name, Fort, ami Date o> S>n< <u i From I jOM't’V l*a Inor-hire. Fel». ‘J* 11 Fob. K r (iundaUjuivir Ainr. 11 (ilaiiu»r;':nishm» Mar. Li t-Ml. M »nelail'* Fob. 22 j 1 eb. 2*5; Ulyssoy. Mar. 2 Anton >r v a*.;*; Oo on/, 31 1 r. lo l
      193 words
    • 854 12 b. J? LaAii Vessel’s Nam-, A !onk. Captain. From -Sailed. Consignees. Q Mr 2o \’.an Ann Brit. &*r. 101 iAi;ga< Djambic Aar 15 Wte Dili Co. 21* Oil cci itr. 405 L’a'y T. An*ou Yar 24 St aits 8 ea*’s-'p Co. Ltd. 27 Jliow Hiyi str.; 370 * e
      854 words
    • 801 12 l A K Vkskkl’s Naur. Flag A Rig Captain Dknaj ok. 22 Kmn Brit, nr Ni c ah 21 Picciola 6»i str. ilsS i£!~ OU 24 Salad in rit atr. J«ln en Ftvma. ta- via ports *>6 !Ol neirn ftr. Mutiny Hongioag, hauHia; »b<i Japu 26 McAlister r
      801 words
    • 131 12 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS Oil ARRIVED KOK OKDKHS “Flag Date I I Date, and Ship’s Name. Commander. op From Where. Dkstinai c uu»* Rig. I Sailinj. I 1 < Mar 23 Biit. bh. Wray Castle lancliarty Tec. 11 New York shanghai 23 Am. sh.R. R. Thomas Blanchard Dec 23 New
      131 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 43 12 o ROHIDS. J. D’ A. PEREIRA. Horticulturist and Florist. Collector and Exporter of Orchids. Ordo s for B iVc Ac. Ca **fi l'y and promptIv executed. Mouse in the Trade. > 1 R EUY. UXLEY ROAD. i:.f. Aul css J6- 18. Orchard Roid. Tanglin.
      43 words