The Straits Budget, 13 March 1894

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 136 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and
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    • 24 1 (i\ th* 6th M irch, 1891, at No. 2. Waterloo <t r *..r, t i wif.. of A. J. McIntyre, of a sou.
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    • 38 1 its the (ith instant, at St. Andrew’s Cat tiein '.u: aooiv, by the Venerable Arclideacoa p-rhim. firuH Campbell Highet, c.m., h p .Mary, the eldest daughter of W. A. .lull. t>| the Kims. Ureenhithe, Kent. Sit cards.
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  • 330 1 fcii»iroRi.\i,s. L»rd Kos«‘herv’s Cabinet. Tb** New (iovernmeat. ttyi im and Charity. Tn* In ban Goveruineat Currency Policy. Pliiiter-i and Miners in Selangor. Jai*v. Balfour in Argentina. Th Strains Japan, and England. Tan Land Otfio in 1833. hbAL. Mwkrt Quotations. 1 Rawn broking Irregularities. Tii v ourt of
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  • 550 1 Singapore 13th March, 1894. Produce. Gambier, 8.25. do Culie No. 1, 12.50. do do No. 2, 0.25. Copra Bali, 6.25. I 1 do Poutianak, 5.85. Pepper Black 10.75. I* Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.60. I. do Brunei 2.30. Pearl Sago, 3.50 I Coffee Bali 33.30. 1 Coffee Liberian,
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  • 690 1 This week’s mail for Europe is taken by the M. M. s.s. Saghalicn aud tlieM.M.s.s. Salazie with the mail troui Euro|>e of the 16th February, is due on Thursday. The German mail for Europe per Bayern was closed yesterday. The mail for Europe uext week is
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    • 142 1 London 6th March. Lord Rosebery will fill the appointment of First L>rd of the Treasury aud Lord I President of the Cotiuoil. The Eirl of Kimberley is Secretary of State for Foreigu Affairs. Mr. Johu Morley having declined the India Office, that appointment has been offered to
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    • 179 1 LORD ROSEBERYS GOVERNMENT 7th March. Sir William Vernon Harcourt will be Leader of the House of Commons, and remains Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. H. H. Fowler, who was President of the Local Government Board, has accepted the appointment of Secretary of State for India. Mr. George John Shaw-Lefevre, who
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    • 15 1 8th March. Newspapers of all shades of opinion welcome Lord Rosebery as Premier.
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    • 15 1 Mr. Gladstone has a fevensh chill and is coufined to his bed.
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    • 91 1 Mr. Herbert Gladstone succeeds Mr. Shaw Lefevre as First Commissioner of Works. [lt may Ik* note l that Mr. Shaw Lefevre was I remoted from the office of First Commissioner of Works to be President of the Local Goveminent Board. Mr. Herbert Grindstone will not necessarily occupy
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    • 89 1 9th March. Laron Tweeduiouth Ins b on appointed Lord Privy Seal with a s.*at iu the Cabinet. [Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks is the first Baron Tweedmouth. wliich title was created in 1881. and is a sou of the late Edward Marjoribanks of Bucks. He was called to the
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    • 34 1 The Parnellites have issued a manifesto declaring that Mr. Gladstone's resignation is the outcome of a scheme to shelve Home Lule; and that the Party has no confidence in Lord Rosebery.
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    • 69 1 10th March. Lord Reay, who was formerly Governor of Bombay, has been appointed Under Secretary of State for India. [He sue ceeds Mr. G. W. E. Russell.] Mr. G. W. E. Russell, previously Under Secretary of State for India, has been appointed to be Under Secretary of State
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    • 16 1 Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles has been appointed British Ambassador at St. Petersburg.
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    • 12 1 The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone is doing well.
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    • 95 1 12th March, Sir Mortimer Durand has been appoints l British Minister at Teheran. [Sir Mortimer Durand succeeds Sir Cavendish Laacellee, who was British Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Persia until his recent transfer to the. Bt. Petersburg Ambassadorship. Sir Mortimer Durand entired the Indian Civil Service in 1873, and
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    • 292 2 (Straits Times 6th March Wh print to-day a list of Lord Rose bery’s cabinet as it is constituted up to. and inclusive of to-day’s telegraphic advices. It will l>e seen that the shifting of appointments has teen small. Lord Rosebery has taken over from Mr. Gladstone and
      (Straits Times, 6th March )  -  292 words
    • 375 2 {Straits Times 7th March.) The Duke of Devonshire, once the leader of the party whose remains now Lord Rosebery leads, has made to Lord Kusetery’s Government an offer of support it will be difficult to accept and foolish to reject. The Duke of Devonshire suggests that
      {Straits Times, 7th March.)  -  375 words
    • 1333 2 (Strait* Time*, 7th March.) Do I dream, do I doubt. Or is visions ateut; And is the Caucasian played out So wrote the ]>oet who sings the praises of the Mongolian race. If Mr. Bret Harte had attended Inst night’s meeting iq>on opium, ie would equally have
      (Strait* Time*, 7th March.)  -  1,333 words
    • 215 2 (Straits Times, Bth March.) In the news columns of to-day’s issue, will lie found a remarkable document bearing upon the Indian currency crisis. That document dates from 1876. It shows that the Indian Government of the day, when the rupee stood at alsuit 19, had
      (Straits Times, Bth March.)  -  215 words
    • 738 2 {StraitB Times, 9th March.) We publish to-day a report of an im» portant lawsuit in Selangor—a suit in which there were involved the rights of a planter and a miner. The case, in substance, was that the planter had obtained a grant of certain land
      {StraitB Times, 9th March.)  -  738 words
    • 274 2 (Straits Times, 9th March.) By last mail advices, the extradition Jabez Balfour from the Argentine public is by no means assured, p Balfour may be expelled, which m j„j? amount to much the same thing. n discovery of the Liberator frdu<] s which Balfour is concerned,
      (Straits Times, 9th March.)  -  274 words
    • 687 2 We publish, to-day, some account of the recent shifting of tiade so far as that shifting affects England, the Straits, and Japan The pith of the matter is that by reason of its manufacturing progress, and also by reason of the appreciation of gold and
      (Siraits Times, 10th March.)  -  687 words
    • 428 3 S'raits Times, 12th March.) \>. annual report oil the Singapore I n i i uti.v for 1893 shows a departmeutal A abrogating$74,661—about $5,300 m lt thin tin* collections for the previous v r The largest heads of revenue are ip,ui premium on grants and from
      S'raits Times, 12th March.)  -  428 words
    • 128 3 Ihf. Bengal Chamber of Commerce U1 on tbe 24th February, for the purof discussing a resolution in favour u reopening the Indian Miuts. After >ui talk au auiindmeut waSjinoved to the effect th it the Miuts should not be reopeui fue amendment was carried by 61 to f> A largely
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  • 601 3 It may be remembered that when H. E the Governor arrived at Singapore, a number of eminent local persons were presented to him, and a few ladies were presented to Lady Mitchell. They seem to do things very differently in Penang or else, the Pinang Gazette misrepresents
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  • 95 3 I 5th March. (From our Correspondent.) The Sultan of Johore returned from Singapore on the 27th February, and left here this moniing for Johore. During H. H's. stay, he has been very busy, visit- ing many of the outlying districts, and suburbs of tbe town, examining and enIquiring
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  • 181 3 (From the Post Office Report for 1893.) The following tabular statemsot was prepared in connection with tbe proposed increases of postage, to show the proportion of revenue from prepaid correspondence, for various destinations, arranged in five classes. It is based on the Estimates for 1894 and the
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  • 584 3 Only Two Ties Now* to be Played. The Seveuteeuth Tournaineut of the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club is completed with the exception of two ties—the final in the Championship, aud the fiual in tbe Profession Pairs. In the former Mrs. Waddell, who has successfully come to
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  • 972 3 Tui Acting Postmaster General, iu his departmental Report for last year, notes increases under each category of correspondence, except books received and patterns despatched. The mails were enclosed in 35,582 bags, 9,958 packets, and 1.254 boxes, and weighed 398 tons, thus averaging more than a
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  • 946 3 In the annual report on the Raffles Library and Museum for 1893, Dr. Haviland, the late Librarian and Curator, finds that the needs of the Museum seem to have been overlooked in building it; the red dust is still very injurious to the
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  • 1591 4 Monday, —Before the Chief Justice, Mr. Lionel Cux, Mr. Justice Gatty and Mr. Justice Law. Judgment in the Bangkok Newspaper Libel Case. The Appeal Dismissed. The Court of Appeal yesterday gave judgment iu the appeal made by John Joseph Lillie, the defendant in a newspaper libel action
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  • 219 4 Thi Pinang Gazette of the Ist March contains iunuendoes that the Government of Perak has contrived a scheme to set tire to a number of traders* boats, or at least to frighten those traders off the river by holding before them the prospect that their
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  • 1226 4 Gharry Strike at Kuala Lumpur. ’Rikisha Pullers Join in. Riots Follow. The Town in Trouble. Arrival of the Admiral. The Sunoie Ujono Races. Disastrous Fire at Pudoh. {ft om Our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpor 3rd March. Sometime ago the Kuala Lumpor shopkeepers petitioned Government to put gharry and 'rikisha
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  • 198 4 It may be remembered that, when the couimuuity, at a public meeting, authorised the Honourable Thomas Shelford, M.L.C., Chairman of the meeting, to sigu au address to be presented to Sir Cecil Smith ou his departure, it was also agreed to have the address illuminated at home.
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  • 83 4 The Penang Independent on the tion of H. E. the Governor, and'?’ various addresses delivered to H. As will be seen, the addressers all deserts. The Chinese were taught man* the MahomedaiiB were informed that tIJ T* 1 to keep loyal, aud the Marine Aaso.-i.ti2 ,‘f’
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  • 47 4 The record for two rounds was broke yesterday. Mr. Stiven was the breaker* animated doubtless by the presence of the fair sex, who were there iu great nuQl hers. The following is Mr. Stiven’i score. 3,4,3,5, 5,5, 5,5, 6,6, 4, 6, 4=46. R 5
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  • 136 4 The S. C. C. ground committee have decided upon closiug the Esplanade altogether to tenuis, cricket, football or an? other sport. The grouud will remain closed until there is a plentiful supply of rain. The return Rugby match between S. C C. and
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  • 169 4 The Imperieuse will shortly be replaced bv the Centurion a first-class battleship of increased tonnage, heavier armament, and greater speed. The Centurion will in fact be tbe most formidable ship in these waters. For the old wooden hulk Victor Emanuel which is not a fightiug
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  • 178 4 The Vessel Safe in Poet. A report was circulated recently aunoDj; natives that the s. s. Cheang Chew owned by Messrs. Bun Hin and Co., had been run down in the Red Sea and all hands lost. This statement was contradicted in
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  • 94 4 At a recent meeting of the China Fire Insurance Company, the chairman mentioned that the number of fire* at Hongkong last year was more than double that of 1892 and quadruple that of 1891. On no other hypothesis can the increase be explained than that a large
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  • 225 4 The Indian Currency Association ha* addressed the Government of India in favour of an import duty on silver, in a letter which contaius the following reterence to the Straits Settlements At the recent monetary conference in Brussels, a very general desire
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  • 99 4 The following are the returns giving the number of animals slaughtered at the new municipal abattoiis, yesterday and this morning.CampougSaigon Abattoir:—B4 pigs, 2.30 to 5 a.m., 5 sheep 7 goats—96. Jalan Besar Abattoir 43 pigs, 2.30 lo 5 a.m., 24 sheep, 12 goats, 12 bullocks, 4 buffaloes—9s.
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  • 1042 5 pnok Government Gazette.) I N(i the month there has been far- -tivitv ii: mining' larnl than for some i r trly SU*» aeres have been applied '!ri v .»n out. The greater part of this i rn applied for in Plang. three
    pnok Government Gazette.)  -  1,042 words
  • 36 5 l, lf °ught which had existed for I. lno,] th was welcomely broken to■t ow a < la)s it is uo longer necessary J. 1 r r; du a newspaper paragraph l s K rvc the purpose.
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  • 31 5 I I Mr SRS Eerrins, the well known t;; advertise a warning l^ e counterfeiting of specified 8 theirs. The advertisement Bfy. r 0Ull d io the fourth page of to-day’s
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  • 2243 5 An anti-opium meeting was held in the Town Hall, last evening, under the auspices of the various missionary institutions within and without the colony. Mr. Alexander, the Secretary of the Antiopium League, announced as the star of the evening, was not present owing to his not
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  • 498 5 The Gharry Strike. The Naval Visitors. < Cricket and Football. (From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumper 5th March. The gharry strike is dying a natural death. The Malay and Tamil drivers have come out, and the Chinese are just beginning to follow suit. 'Ricksha pullers, street hawkers, aud stall
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  • 627 5 Dr. Lim Boon Keng, the ex-Raffiesi&n and Queen's Scholar, who is at present working up a very good medical practice among the Chinese of Singapore, may pro* bablv leave the Colony. He has recently received a letter from Dr. Andrew Irwin, the chief medical officer in the
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  • 207 5 The Straits Independent in commenting on the report of the committee that enquired iuto the proposed meetings of the Legislative Council at Penang says that the committee Neatly wash their hands of the matter and suggest that His Excellency should confer with the Penang members on
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  • 1147 6 (From a Correspondent.) On his return from a trip to Muar with H.H. the Sultan, Mr. C. H. de R. Hensler, of Jobore, speaks very highly of the richness of the country and the luxurious growth of everything there. Coffee, he says, in
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  • 137 6 The District Magistrate of Lower Perak, iu his report for January, notes that: Early in the month the Penglmln of Batak Rabit reported bears dostroying coconut trees. 1 visited the place one evening aud saw many damaged trees, but no bears. A few days later the
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  • 135 6 A complicated cross action between Mr. F. A. Toynbee (manager and part owner of Lincoln Coffee Estate) aud Cbai Kwi (towkay lembang of a turning kougsee) affecting the laud tenure of this State has been decided in the Chief Magistrate’s Court. Much interest was manifested iu
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  • 184 6 The Pinang Gazette writiug on the Opium Amendment Bill, says:— Hut wo wish distinctly to stub* our opinion that the Farm system should lx* outirely alxilishcd, and that the Government should collect its own revenue The system of farming the opium revenue has resulted
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  • 267 6 Speaking of the Opium Commission, the Bombay Gazette savs >1 he most decisive evidence yet laid before the Commission as to the innocuous character of moderate opium eating was that given by Mr. McLaughlin Slater, the actuary of the Oriental Life Assurance Company. The statistics
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  • 958 6 The Views of thellndian Government Seventeen Years Ago* The Government Condemns bt Anticipation the Policy it has now Adopted. A Parliamentary paper recently published contains extracts of a letter, dated October, 1876, from the Government of India, and a resolution of the same Government in September of
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  • 62 6 Number of Animals Killed. Campong Saigon Abattoir 7th March, 79 Pigs (2.35 to 5.15 a.m.) 8 sheep 7 goats, 47 P>g« (11 to 12 p.m.)—141. 8th March, 85 pigs (12 to 5.30 Jalan Besar Abattoir 7th March, 44 pigs (3 to 5.30 a. m.) 23 sheep,
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  • 1002 6 The Chimbs* Opium Myth. Opinion of a Bombay and China Merchant. Mr. 8. A. Nathan, of Messrs. E. D. Sassoon Co., Bombay and China Merchants, BomI bay, stated: My experience in India is conI fined to the city of Bombay. I know that all I
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  • 99 6 France in Africa. M. Wilson’s Election Annulled. Movements of the Austrian Emperor. Paris, 26th February. Behanzm lias been transported to Martinique. 27th February. Colonel Joffre arrived at 1 imbuctoo on February 13th. The situation gives no cause of uneasiness. mi /vi 28tk February. T i?.. Chambep annulled the
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  • 375 6 (Siam Free Fret,, 2nd U, tck vrnvHTi an/) {Siam Observer 2nd March Influenza and ferer are Dre J various parts of Bangkok. The the Aspic and Linnet are ausJ^* 1 < the rest of humanity. The mg forward to a cruise in the G u f A private
    (Siam Free Fret,, 2nd U,tck vrnvHTi an/); {Siam Observer, 2nd March )  -  375 words
  • 513 6 Hawkshaw writes a long lettert the Pino wy Gazette on the above suhjtC He says:— No one who takes time to think can that H. E. meant to transfer his guberuatoh. powers to such partisans. If he liad been man who would delegate his powers to
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  • 1360 7 1 *he Presbyterian Church, last night, g, v G. M. Keith delivered a lecture, u was announced as the last but one L L series ou Biblical criticism, on the of Revelation. There was a fair .valance; and the proceedings opened votiotial exercises, the choir conr"bu!iD£
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  • 82 7 Siam Observer 3rd March. There arc about 400 Auuamite troops, aud 60 Frenchmen, at Chautaboon. According to latest reports there are no indications on their part of auy intention to leave, work on the roads and fortifications still going on steadily. Now that their excesses have
    Siam Observer, 3rd March.  -  82 words
  • 383 7 The Selangor Government Gazette con- 1 tains the following report on foreigu Malay cultivators iu Kuala Langat by Mr. C.H.A. Turney, the Senior District Officer: The only foreign Malays in the District of Kuala Langat engaged iu planting are about 82 Javanese, who have settled
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  • 960 7 Thb Hon. Major McC&llum yesterday arrived from Klang in the Sappho. The Perak Jubilee Lodge is to give a banquet on Wednesday next at Taiping, in honour of Sir Charles Warren. The Dutch man of war Koning der Nederlanden left the wharf this morning. She went to
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  • 116 7 Tmb Hongkong Daily Press points out that Mexican dollars were not obtainable there, for some weeks, even at 5f per cent premium, and calls attention to the fact that the Bombay mint is prepared to coin British dollars free of seigniorage simply charging the cost
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  • 72 7 Thh golf craze in Colombo, says a Ceylou paper, has risen to the magnitude of a public aunoyance. People walking down tie seaside walk at the Galle Face, complain of beiug struck by golf balls, which is dangerous; but the most extraordinary thing about it is that the offenders
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  • 491 7 iSujiplementary to Straits Times Telegrams.) Banquet to the Governor of Mauritius. Spain and Morocco. Particulars of the West Africa Disaster. The French at Timbuctoo. The Bomb Explosion at Greenwich. Further Fighting in West Africa. London 24th February. —A Iwuiquet was given yesterday in Paris to the Governor of
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  • 625 7 The following is the acting manager’s report for January August Shaft —We hare not made that progross that I had hoped for, as we were unfortunate, when blasting the holes, to break air Sumps on two occasions. This caused us soma elay. We have lengthened
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  • 217 7 In the Nineteenth Century for February, Sir William dee Vceux, g. c. m. g., the late Governor of Hongkong, in A letter to the Opium Commission,” writes Mv experience has led me to the deliberate 3olief that apart from the specially evil effects vhi< h are alleged
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  • 158 7 (Piuany Gazette 6th March.) 11. E. Sir C. B. H. Mitchell came down the Hill this morning, having been up at the Government Bungalow since Saturday evening. At 10-45 a. m., the Governor visited the Free School. H. E. seemed struck by the large numbers in the
    (Piuany Gazette, 6th March.)  -  158 words

  • 948 8 The Brazilian Revolution. The Feench ih th« Accident T) one of the QdEEN i Grand-Daughtbes. The Queen’s Life Threaten Hurricane in Great Britain. Blizzard in the United States. Bank Failure a* Pa*is. Discovery of Jack rts Ripper. Agitation to Hang Landowners. Mb Chamberlain Seeks to form
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  • 1654 8 Planting and Mining Rights. A Cross Action. Thr Planter Obtains Judgment for $150. The Miner Obtains Judombnt fob $100. Kuala Lumpor. TIN a summary published yesterday it was omitted to make clear that the litigants were plaiutiffs in turn, and that the Magistrate s condemnation of the plaintiff’s
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  • 51 8 In consequence of the gloomy financial outlook, all speuding Departments of Govern meut have been directed tc effect every possible curtailment in tbeir Budget demauds for the ensuing year. This direction is apparently more striugent thau the general instruction to effect economies given some months
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  • 238 8 The Russian vessel Admiral Nakimoff (Capt. Larroff) arrived at Colombo ou the 24th February from Aden on her way to the Far East, fche left Aden on February 12th, and had a fine passage all the way. The Admiral Nakimoff is 7,780
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  • 542 8 To bankers' letter preMiog for the adoption in the Strait* of a British dollat to where the currency which is restricted by the scarcity of Mexican dollar* (a letter publi»hed in another column) i* to much the same effect as what was advocated in one part of
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  • 174 8 The leave of absence granted to Mr. C. E. Velge, Registrar of the Supreme Court, Singapore has been extended for six months from the 13th instant. The leave of absence granted to Mr. T. H. Steveus, financial assistant, Police Department, Singapore, has been extended from
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  • 171 8 Calcutta ltt March. At the wjv the Legislative Council to-day, Mr introduced a Bill levying an adval ore duty of five per cent. Silver bullion i« jJJ cotton goods and coal are excluded. was referred to a Select Commits wl Westland estimated the duties duco noarly
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  • 314 8 Yesterday afternoon, the J muuilv iu Singapore entertained H. iM Admiial Tiug, the commauder of thl Chinese fleet iu the harlnjur, to luu,J The lunch was held iu a Chinese thropie institution iu and the iuterior of the building x-M lavishly decorated for the
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  • 258 8 An extraordinary general ineetiuz shareholders in the above companT held at noon, this day, at the Rooms, for the purpose passing tbeto-B lowing special resolutions: 1. That the following Articles h* to the Articles of Association and 1* bered.45A. Reduction of Capital. The
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  • 171 9 fly Telegram via Rarufoon.) I :>rd March Lord Kimberley nl.i\ received a deputation from the Man- 7\,. r 'Cotton Trade. His Lonlship said 77 r (Joverninent of India thought i fj, moment had not yet arriv d tn.-ikimr complete a change 7- th ir
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  • 139 9 M unicipal Government in Hongkong. II 11 Iv >ng, municipal matters arc iu j, ,,i>urc looked after by a Sinitarv p., t t!u* members of which are appoin- i, L.wrumcnt from among offi.-iuls j j ,,iflici.iIs. One of the member*, n j I». Humphreys, sought on the p* M.-tHit to
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  • 489 9 Profitable Banking. Spanish Lack ok busiNFss Enterprise. in; akin<; i* the Sultan of Sooloo. Obstructive Customs System. Ihk Spanish and Philippine Bank at Miinia has derlaie.1 a dividend of 17 per •-LiT. tor I lie past year. The shares of the Hit.a wen* quoted the ether day at
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  • 597 9 Cycling Case at Macassar. The Java Tea Trade. A District Where Tigers Swarm. A Socialist Government Servant. Acheen News. Demand for Java Coffee in Japan. Translated from various newspapers The Bit avia Nientcsblad of the 21th Ftlnuaiy meutious a judgmeut of the Court ot Justice at Macassar in
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  • 262 9 A Public Meeting at Calcutta. Calcutta. 20tli Februcsy.—A public meeting on the currency question was held at the Town Hall this afternoon and was largely attended by both Europeans and Natives. Maharajah Sir Norendro Krisua presided. Raja Peary Mohun Hookerjee proposed, Mr, J. A. Anderson
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  • 1301 9 Ths Chamber of Commerce. The Bankers’ Move. Yesterdat afternoon the committee a: the Singapore Chamber of Commerce meu in the Exchange Room to consider a letter addressed to them by the bankers of the colony on the question of urging on the Government the adoption of a British
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  • 263 9 The Handicaps. The Spring Meeting of the above Club is to be held at Sungci Ujong on the 26th and 28th March. It is possible that H. E. the Governor and Lady Mitchell may be at the races. The handicaps for the open races
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  • 1822 9 The Effects of Sterllif Exchange* The European Manufacturer Out bt the Japanese. The Eusopean Merchant Ousted bt the Chinaman. In the complications that have followed in the wake of thefalleuand falling dollar one of the most important is the general state of change into which
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  • 45 10 The Mariue Department of New Zealand notify that the Government of that Colony have established depots of provisions and clothing for castaways on Antipodes island, and on the Auckland, Campbell, Bounty, and Kermadec islands. It is also intended to establish another depot at Snares island
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  • 718 10 The Chief Justice will sit at the Criminal Assize to le commenced to-morrow. Mr. Justice Law will deal with the small cause list, and will alterwards proceed to Malacca and from thence to Penang where lie will be joined by the Chief Justice. A Oomt of A|
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  • 121 10 The Secietary of the Punjom Mining Company, Limited, animuoees the receipt of a telegram to the effect that the mill ran 23 davs during February, crushing 800 tons yielding 404 ounces of gold. It is understood that at a meeting of shart holders in the Punjom Mining Company held
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  • 191 10 The prospects of a game were at zero a* 1 30 p.m. ou Saturday, but the afternoon turned out perfect. The feature of the afternoon, on the club course, was the number of foursomes iliat weie played. Of the mauy eliaruis that can Ik* cited in favour of t
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  • 227 10 A Chinaman’s Allegation. Goi» Chong ard Tun Ting were charged before Mr. A lit helm/, with i xpei-ii g pork unlit for bn man fold in the Clyde Terrace Ma i lo t at s'x a. in. this nmming.— D r M'ddlofon, Municipal Iiealtli officer,
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  • 407 10 A Deputation to tiik (toykknor 1 h n Harijout ani» a Post Trust. A R A 11,WAY Wa nte i». The Mail Facilities. t Finamj Gazette) A party of Penang ntleuicn. including tin* Hon. W. C. Brown, ai. i». aiul Messrs. D. 1 o tran. A. H. Wright.
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  • 177 10 The Police have arrested two Cbiueee pawnbrokers for alleged irregularities. A Mr. Neiss lost a watch and, believing it to have been stolen, communicat* d with the Police. The Police found the watch later —after they had issued the u*>ual notice against receiving stolen propetty—at the shop
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  • 371 10 Instructive Lessons from its History. {From the Poxt Office Report for IS93.) Thk past three years constitute a very interesting epoch in t Ik* history of our postal tariff and teach an equally instructive lesson. On the 1st January. 189».* the
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  • 333 10 (F’i’om (i Con'ttipondcuL) Sumjti Ujvng, "2nd Mar ah. The eutriea for the opeu races at the Suugei Ujong Meeting are as follows 1st Race. 2nd Race. 3rd Rack. Hard Timex Parmcxan Parmesan Gloria mt A laijuppa Donovan, Grand Duke Grand Duke K. C. P. liichard
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  • 1333 10 The ordinary general meeting (j t shareholders in the above conipar held in the Exchange Room at nj. day, to receive the diiec,ors’ rfwt piss the accounts to 31st J* IlUdrv to lect diiectors and auditors f 0r ”7* c c suing year; and to
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  • 377 11 y the biir i*j Governv**n t|>?U the qite-tioii of "f ii«‘ rent r- serve 1 under the i.'\i- i-sue;l through us t«> which so far has not be »n ‘"'u iimIit consideration by 11 f t mi»1 it is considered that <- r ow claps-ed to e rabb* the
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  • 598 11 I he Regimental Sports under the auspices of the 2ud Bdtttalion Liucolushire Regiment were held at Tanglin Birracks on Saturday. As was expected the sports were a greit success. A large number of people were present from Singapore. H. E. the Admiral, aud s.*ve;al officers from the
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  • 107 11 Yesterday morning at nine o’clock H. M.. S.’s Imperieiise Archer and Severn left Singapoie to proceed on a cruise to Batavia. H. M. S. Alacrity at present in the roads, will also proceed to Batavia to j >io the other vessels this week. She is remaining until the
    107 words
  • 193 11 {Via Rangoon.) An Overdue P. and O. Steamer. Additional Decorations. Aden, 2nd March. H. M. S. Pigeon and the P. aud O. steamer Ganges have started in search of the P. and O. steamer Rome which left Bombay on the 24th February, and is now overdue here. The
    193 words
  • 212 11 The Criminal Assizes as previously arranged should commence to-morrow morning. There is an unusually heavy calendar to be dealt with, but there are no cases of a very serious nature. The following is the calendarYeo Chiang Ti, theft. We Ah Seng, theft by a servant. Lim Teng dishonestly
    212 words
  • 45 11 UfMilK llsiiddy's Tic* Ladies* Six »!.k Handicap. Pinal. Mr-. Wmblfll. MT.itoh. beat Mrs. Kii-um 4 I V Tucstlnj’s Tie. I’kofks-ion Pairs. I'iiiol. Mr. and Mrs. Ijr.ublrll (Law I.) beat Mrs. Stringer anti Mr. Muir (Merchants I 1 b-J. b- k.
    45 words
  • 419 11 1 liiirch of Etiglaiitl, (5lH SlNDiY IS I.KXr-l 7 a. in., Litany nil l Sermon, s a. in., Holy Eu.-liarUt. 11a. in., Matiim. 3.45 p. iu. Suudiy School an«l IliLle Clashes. 5 30p. in., Eveii8<>n< toi l Sai iuou. At tub Wakukkh’ Beadixh Room, Skpoy Limbs. 8t*rrice and
    419 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 1175 11 A LITERARY RETROSPECT. To The Editor of the Straits Times.” IR —I tad the pleasure of reading in yesterday s issue of the Straits Times a graphic account of the meeting held in the Town Hair on Tuesday evening for the purpose of protesting against the Opium
      1,175 words
    • 215 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —At short intervals along the Esplanade sea wall, between theDalhousie Obelisk and Institution Bridge, there are two or three landing steps. While their usefulness to the floating community ia indisputable, to the landsmen, I think, these same
      215 words
    • 159 11 To the Editor of thl Straits Time. Sir, —Can you kind’y inform me who duty it is to tee that tlit* public are not mi i plied with pork adulterated with water. Tl.eie su ms to be something wroug some where as I ha\e seen several
      159 words
  • 552 11 Arrivals. Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson —Mr Lemon. Per s. s. Glenavon from London:—Miss Judd, Mrs. McCun, Mr. Young, and Mr. Moffat. Per s. s. Hebe from Deli:—Messrs. Yitrra, Van Per Stadt, and X.jhoff. Per s. h. Marie Vaterige from Trieste via ports —Messrs. Heidjn, Prog,
    552 words

    • 263 12 Under this headiug the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh. —ship bq.—barque; Brit British U. 8. United States; Fr. —French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Joho-e; Ac., G.c.. —General cargo; d. p. —deck passengers; U.—Uncertain;!'. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wliaif;T P. D. —Tanj *ng Pa gar Dock; B.
      263 words
    • 1050 12 Arrivals oincf Noon of Saturday. N’era, Brit. str. 169 tons, Capt. Morris. 10th Mar. From Klang, via poit 8th. G.e., and 97 d.p. S. 8. 8. Coy. For Klang via port 12tli. —Edo. Gany.nede, Dut. str. 236 tons, Capt. Odink. 13ta Mar. From Babal&n, 7th. Paiattiu Oil 2
      1,050 words
    • 1057 12 m Flag [Vessel’s Name Tons.J Captain. From. Sailed.' Consignees. 2 1 Rig ~_i i Mai 4 Conch Brit. str. 2)13 Moses Hong’ ong Feb 27 Bomtead A, Co. 5 Sain Tor str. 68 Heolop Bagan Mar 3 Bun Hin A Co. 5 Ban Poll Guan str. 575 'Stratton |.Macassar
      1,057 words
    • 154 12 Name, Port t and Date of USailin From Lonion Dryfosdale Fob. 2 Glenearu Fob. 14; BoitUwers, Fob. 17 Radnorshire. Fob. 28 Glenfruiu, Feb. Beulodi. Japan Feb. 15; Liverpool Gl’azoe Fob. 7 Pol) pheinus Feb. 8; Jrsoii, Feb. 8 Santo Domingo, Fob. 12 Achilles Fob. 15 Niutfchow Feb. 16;
      154 words
    • 661 12 Dath Vessel’s Name. Flag ft Rie Captain. Destination. a Mar 6 Rajah lliooke bar. str. Sa *»wak 6 Wong Nam Sin Dut sch Nacodah Singhbwaug f, Maria Secunda ppa.sch. Brown Pelew Isl tnds 6 Windsor V’ernon Yokohama 6 Kian Ann str. Djamb:e b Tib.e MM. str. Faurun 6
      661 words
    • 128 12 FA6SED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date Part Date, and Ship’s Name. Commander. op From Where. Destination claM Rio. Sailinj. c Feb 2? Ned. str. Soembing Guthrie Feb 28 Batavia Rotte dam 28 Biit. bqJCambuanethan Hughes Nov. 11 New York Ban^koc ti 28 Am. bq. Mary S
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 126 12 TO TOBACCO PLANTERS AND OTHERS. The New Central Borneo Company Limited, being owners of a large quantity of land in i North Borneo, which has been specially selected for planting tobacco, sugar and j coffee, are willing to sell leases free of rent j for 999 years, of said lands
      126 words
    • 98 12 jyEAFNESS COMPLETELY CURE 0 Any person suffering* from Deafness, in the Head, Ac., may learn of a new, im P, treatment, which is proving vary. 8 0 e^ u ll in completely curing cases of all kindsparticulars, including many unsolicited monials and newspaper press notices, wi sent post free on
      98 words

  • 338 13 ThkHe is at present staving with Mrs. Hose, Sister Katharine, attached to the Chun h Extension sisterhood. Her presence in Singapore is noticed with some interest, as it is seldom an Anglican sister is seeu iu Singaj>ore. At the same time the members of the English
    338 words
  • 85 13 l'iwiny Llazttte. Itith J/di'i’A.) fwiNTT-THUKE small cause eases were mi. tor heaiing iu the Supreme Court lay. although it was doubtful if His K r Mr. Justice Oatty would sit. The did ait. however, aud four eases -k ’<*t through. It would have been ,‘le under the
    85 words
  • 170 13 The P. O. and a Colombo Harbour Nuisance. 7...;k Press and Dhobies Privileged >rder just issued bv the pidice is -tt it lire the H irbour Police aie ouly v w ou board I*. A. O. shi|*s iu the .r representatives of the Press and b;, s < arrviug badges.
    170 words
  • 155 13 A meeting of the Municipal Comtnisv.q.i.* will beheld on Wednesday at 2.30 Agenda. To read and if approved confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 28th February. 1894 2 Mr. Donald *»ou’s question r* Sago Factories. 3. Assumption of Government Roads 4. Municipal Engineer's Sanitary Report. Progress
    155 words
  • 223 13 e ru Territory Times Almanac for 1$L»4, published at Port N.-W. Australia, notes slow ess there. Cattle raisiug in that |Kj. ,*r hAR re»» iv.*.l some encouragemout a* establiahmeut of au export service S be Straits S ttlnnents. A steamer ■H built for the
    223 words
  • 107 13 H Goars Ukderk Singapore, TJth March. /SVj. )nl**rl v ()ffi<*«r for mi-uiing wo<*k R Duumnn. Sergeant f »r emuiug wmsk, Ser- I Makepeace. Parades. HHHHBHdnMday y > 7* r M L gunMgy;’ 11 1 >’ ''rill f,r reeruita I lide..»l»*-nv l.avii.g *M«ml I my one l h
    107 words
  • 1234 13 The follourintj letter is published ehiejly j because of the writer's amusing lack of knowledge of the present state of coffee planting in Malaya. To the Editor of the Straits Times.*’ Sir. —1 make no apology for writing, and requesting you to give me a little
    1,234 words
  • 72 13 For Adelaide and Sy n .*y, Nevasa, due 11th March, Bountead and Co. For lVnan* and Bombay. 8Ur«, due 14th Munli, Helm Meynr and Co. For FemuiK aud Caieutt Nrrl,ud,la, on 1 Itli Mart-fi, lltiui ca<l and «>. For Honglu n Bi*ay„„, d„* March, Belin Meyer
    72 words
  • 519 13 Defects in the Kuala Lumpur Water Works. Irrigation for Kuala Selangor. Fasting Signal Guns. Rioters Fined. A Needed Rainfall. Kuala Lumpur, 10th March. Major McCallum, r.e., left on Wednesday last after speudiug a few days iu ins|iecting the Water works. At the Impouudiug reservoir, cracks aud fissures have
    519 words
  • 284 13 The Proposed New Singapore Hongkong Cable. The Coal Mixes. Pearling. (Ffom a Correspondent.) Libu'.in, ISth February. The Recorder has been here to lake soundings for the cable. so we shall ioou have communication with Singapore and Hongkong. The Telegraph Company receive a grant of 2‘U.H.H.* acres uf laud
    284 words
  • 403 13 Thk following notice has been received by the Singapore Marine Department from the Marine Department at Wellington, New Zealand. We have been requested to publish Abe same for the information of mariners f— Mt nine Department. Wellington. N. Z., 5th January, 189-f. Eleven of the
    403 words
  • 383 13 The Equitable Life A ssurance Society of the U.S. (North China Daily N*w-' THE Equitable Life Assurant the United States has been W uwl d iusU rem of late in the London Econom dpfence fl|p ,»ld. but tli.t tW retnn,l offered as good as the agent had rm we when
    (North China Daily N*w-'  -  383 words
  • 302 13 The (lazttte St. John, JV. B. Wherever tin* Scotch rmv have |M*uetrated throughout the world, then* al**o i> t«» In* found their national beverage —whisky. But unfortunately it come* out under such variatv of marks and brands, ami so readily lends B self to adulteration and imitation,
    302 words
  • 163 13 Tuesday, 13th March. High Water. 2.7 pm. M. M. homeward mail closes 6 p. m. Wednesday, 1 Ith March. High Water 1.54 a.m. 3.t> p.ui. Municipal Commission 2 -10 p.ui. L. L. T. C. Tournament. Ladies’ Championship Final. Mrs. Waddell r. Mr*. Lovell (Holder.) Fiftieth birthday of the Kiug
    163 words
  • 79 13 Any person suffering from Deafness, Noise* in the Head, Ac., may learn of a new, simple treatment, which is proving very successful in completely curing cases of all kinds. Full |iartieulars. including many unsolicited testimonials and uewspt|»er press notices, will be sent post free on application. The
    79 words
    • 53 13 i.i ciwnfii, ni. to QnMnaUnd Tho Coo. 03 ew port.. *lFi 8Amay ho to ,lw 6th >■*•»». Hth inatant and Ju" k on or »hont th. for tho ahova’pctria' h I ro "P‘ For freight or pm». p 13/3
      53 words
    • 29 13 F tL P AN RaNQ °0N, A CALCUTTA S. i«h h0,< port 00 or Of P«*aa«a, apply to U/3 B0U8TEAD 4 Co., A,«u
      29 words
    • 49 13 The Navigazione Generale Italiana Steamer i ii.t. STURA, ICaptain De Negri,havingUft HobAoj,* on th,.8th instant, may J*** 1 »rnv» Wro on th. 14th inaWat en route for the above ports. i *in T re, K ht passage, apply to U/3 BEHN MEYER A Co., AgeaU.
      49 words
    • 53 13 FOR BATAVIA. SAMARANG. AND SOIIRABAYA. The 0.8.8. Co.'s steamer PROMETHEUS, Captain Dickens, has arrived on the 10th March, and will be despatched for the above ports on Wednesday, the 14th instant. For freight or passage, apply to W. M ANOT1ELD k Ce., 14 3 Agents, O.
      53 words
    • 47 13 The Navigations Generale Italiana Steamer BISAGNO, 1,499 tons ree Captain Tognaaso, having left. Bombay on tne loth instant, may be expected to arrive here on the 22nd instant, en ronte for the above port. For freight and passage, apply to 22/3 BEHN MEYER Co., Agents.
      47 words
  • 70 13 FOR 1894. THE HOUSEHOLDERS’ BAZAAR BOOK. N EW AND IMPROVED EDITION. A conveniently arranged book in which the cook can cuter daily all household exI>cii*e8, with a separate column for each day in the week, a separate page for each week in the year, and a separate line for all
    70 words
  • 137 13 From a Chcmmert. Before we got the House holders’ Buur Book we always had a row every month with the fellow whose turn it was to keep the Recounts and we always discharged the cook. Now we merely fine the Treasurer and threaten to remove him to some
    137 words
  • 72 13 The public are informed that the address of the Society’s Inspector, Mr. E. F. Paglsr, is Old Gaol site, Brass Basse Road, or 75, Brass Basse Road. All persons wishing to report any oases of cruelty which may come under their notice
    72 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 5 13 V«r Ucunl h««i Nm 4.
      5 words
    • 220 13 NOTIC3. rpHE undersigned give notice flint, from 15f h February Inst, h«*y have jrone into voluntarily liquidation, md flint, they will close their business on fclif 15th Mnrch next. TRAKKE Co. Their office is to let, andv to No. 6 Ruffles Place. J J5/3 R T PH. G A U
      220 words
      330 words
    • 903 13 4 COBhoikuu, Ieoh A Bee.. Foo.u.e,, Boileekaeee., Beibok Boildee.. Sh'ii* BDILDBK8, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. 8HIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always undsr construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft length of keel, of best design and finish. MAOmNERY trom leading British Finns with Board of Trade
      903 words
    • 407 13 Pw Mural Bhl„p|, f General Shipping News See Page 4 FOR SALE. IlOR SALE—A fast trotting Australian Mare, and D(f-raii. Price $450 the turn out. Applv to 14/3 JAMES KERR, Exchange Building*. J> A L A N Q U I N FOR SALE. A horse palanquin which cost $250. Price
      407 words

    • 558 14 n Singapore. 13th Marcm, 1894. r pRODUCR. >• do Cube No. 1, J2.50. do do No. 2, ®*25* Copra Bali ®-2j' do Pontianak, Pepper BIa< J v 1m u do Brunei a.ju. Pearl Sago,. ipi. Coffee Bali, 39-^J-h Coffee Liberian, 44.50. I Tapioca small Flake 4.25. I
      558 words
  • 617 14 It is proposed to plant I on a considerable scale at jn I Selangor. But the planters who 11 I to begin work in the low-lying I i fear that persons who may afterw I above them may so drain the u I on to
    617 words
  • 33 14 A corresjiondent writes Timet —l have travelled Dm able glol>e and I have never so bad in the matter of roads as Few towns have better roads thaß pore.
    33 words
  • 68 14 a < t Riors thin tr aix>ut L trees worth noting, writes a respondent to a conteni|>orarv. is car. water themselves, much after of jack trees. It is stranpe to ground quite damp under the plaDtg when all around is pareh^H£|HBH dust. The heavy night dews gatflH|^HH the
    68 words
  • 63 14 The Selangor Journal t*avs an attention hIi**wii by on«* other, and such attention sbou turned. It is not n«*cessarv for jKHtple to invite the bachelor on them to dinner, nor to society any more than they unless they wish to l»e th«* husband should
    63 words
  • 64 14 1 he Hoiigkong Fire winch Guthrie are the agcntM, have ta„ued I he t weuty-tiftBBBIBI i f >-*> rt ot th** Couiitauv It HbowHHHHSI th«* 1***2 Mccuuut the ret*uIt of working gives a Italance at <BBBBH 1 r »0.*kM*. which it is projK»*cd to follows B‘»nus to
    64 words
  • 111 14 Arrivals. Per s. s. Banjarinaaaiu from Sandakan:— Mrs. J. Ferguseon. aud Mr. Bageley. Per s. s. Sindoro from BataviaMr. Benshr, Mr. and Mrs. Braanvhand, Mr. »■<* Mrs. Van Voss, and Mr. V. Doom. Departures. Per M. M. s. s. Haghalien tor Marseilles:— Meenrs. H. A. *Dix, K. Angsst
    111 words
  • 104 14 1 To ARRIVE. Psr P. 40.1. s Batiaarmt, from Iximlon, Fmirusry, 15, Dr. Fowlis, and Mr. J. R. Moir aud Mr*. Lwugford. Psr Victoria, from London, March 2, Messrs F. J Chapman, R. Watt, T. Eldridge. R. Craig, and Miss tVmbsrton. Per Areadi'i, from London. Mareh 16, Mrs. Howard
    104 words
  • 103 14 Fan* Ei* hops By M. M. Balaete due on March loth, with London d ite» of Feb. ltith, which msy have repli>‘8 to the Singapore mail of JaR. 16th. Fko* HoN'iKoita, by the P. A O. sis. Rereano due on Tuesday 20th instant. Tims Tablb op Mains
    103 words
  • 316 14 Now that Parliament has opeued and dissensions threaten the unitv of the Liberal party. Lord Roseliery strives to show that Mr. Gladstone’s mantle has indeed fallen on Roselierv. The Paruellites, on the brink of revolt, are assured that the Premier adheres absolutely to Home Rule; but
    316 words
  • 87 14 For P§r Hr. IW. To-Morrow. Hongkong, Sang, 7 a.m. •nlßa i. Ban Hin Gunn, 1 p.m. Molucca* via ports. Mindoro, 1 p.m. Telot Aaron via port*, Malacca, 3 p.m. Malacca, Sri Tringganu, 3 pm. bamarang via port*, Giong Ann, 3 p.m. Samarang via port* Celestial 3 p.m. Sourabaya
    87 words
    • 38 14 A memorial from the London Chamber of Commerce urges the Government to arrauge for the resumption of the international Bimetallic Conference at Brussels. Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone is staying at Brighton.
      38 words
    • 56 14 The House of Lords has voted the Ad- I dress in reply to the Queen’s Speech. During the discu9siou. Lord Rosebery I stated that Egypt was quite (>eaceful, but that, in view of recent events, Britain’s I vigilant supervision there would be neces- I
      56 words
    • 89 14 Progress of Central Asian Questions. Home Rule Policy Unnoticed. The Defence of the Empire. Ths Burmah —Chinese Frontier. Her Majesty’s Speech refers to the negociatious with Russia relating to Central Asiau questions, and says that these negociatious are proceeding satisfactorily. The Speech does not refer to the
      89 words
    • 138 14 Absolute Adherence to Home Kule. Thb House of Lords a Constitutional Danger. Government by a Single Party. At a meeting of the Liberal Party, the Premier, Lord Rosebery, declared that he adhered absolutely to the policy of Home Rule. He also adhered to Mr. Gladstone’s last House
      138 words
  • 67 14 A Light English Fobibi brewed by the TOTTENHAM LAGER BEER COMPANY LONDON. FLAG CHOP. Strongly recommended by the medical faculty, especially to iiemona who oawwt digest Guinness or otuor heavy brands o Stout. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, colo Importer* f rtr Strails Settlements, Native States, Sism.
    67 words
  • 24 14 8olo Importers for Straits Settlements, Native States, Siam, A Borneo. lUUil of Msears. JOHN LITTLE A Co tad all dealers.
    24 words
  • 27 14 A ILioht English Bkkr browed by the TOTTENHAM LAGER BEER. < OMTANY. LONDON. Highest award Health Exhibition, latndon, 1884, and wherever exhibited. FLAG CHOP.
    27 words
  • 43 14 FOR LONDON DIRECT. The s. e. KAIHOW, 1,91*4 tons is due on 26th instant. FOR HONGKONG. SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. The e. a. NING CHOW. 1,735 tons is due on 28th instant. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD.. Agents.
    43 words
  • 78 14 TONTINE SYSTEM OF ASSURANCE SUPPLIES THE PUBLIC DEMAND, Because it pivEs all the PROTECTION FURNISHED bt ant otheb Kind or Life Assurance, AND IN ADDITION gives largo cash returns to those policyholders. live* are prolonged and who thou mav ihhh! ii'on<*y rathor than assurance. To assurance or for
    78 words
    37 words
  • 47 14 Head Office, 2 and 3, Old Broad Street, London. E. U Founded 1859, Capital £l4NH>.000. THE undei>igiie«l have been appointed Agents for the above Company, and are now open to accept Marine Risks at current rates. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD, Agents.
    47 words
  • 53 14 Estadlised 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured £200,000.000. Premium income 6g*),ooo. Losses paid 5,5*JO,0*JO. Insurances effected on almost evory description of property at current rates of premium. Risks for 10 days are now accepted. AT 7i CENT PER $1U0. THE
    53 words
  • 38 14 ATLAS ASSURANCE COM PANY Established Subscribed 52. Chrai-xidb, London. it E DEPA KTM ENT The undersigned liaving been ap)N>inte<) Agents of tbo above Company are prepared to take first class risks at current rates. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD.
    38 words
  • 27 14 EsTAliLJSBD J«64. Capital, £500,000. MARINE Risks accuptml tor the atn.ur Company at current rates. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD., Agents.
    27 words
  • 53 14 f IFE ASdUKANt'E SOCIETY ur THK L’NITKU STATUS. financial summary. .Uht December, 1893. llilTH Gold 169,**56,31**; K»fS. «4 VaNiiARDh Gold W Income k«»R Ybak, Gold PamPon* y-Holdbbh during Ykar,bold TloN, (jold *192,.»72,7-H For further information, or to effcct Assurapply Any ot A^UtS r to J T. HAMILTON. Manager
    53 words
  • 40 14 w-m ltb Srottinli Olfi«**. -Vh-t I-di. and the Ea-t, and ka«wa U,r **f h rl:#<l character for aound 5 F d M7.9i0.000 St*. Tl* BORNEO COMPANY LTD. Aatntt, Standard Lift Ofic', A 9 Singapore. Ta
    40 words
  • 38 14 B rpHI SUndard ui h1?S3«** 8, ri T I 1 Wocwi.h I AtiM AMUr.«<- -V!* XMHr.nC SociSy I The Oceaa Manns I ff.vigstion Coy I The Chine B eer CompanyI !ir?rEBoi Nii<,COM pantTtp a
    38 words
  • 24 14 On the 12th instant, at his residence, m Street, the wffe of H. N. P. ANGUS of a son. Penang papers please eopy.
    24 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 917 14 noticks. The Straits Times lias the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
      917 words
    • 352 14 NOTICES McALlSTER Co. LillNE 0 LD I) BT. A MONTH,LADO OHEKRT S' SI 1.50 per case. Specially selected by and bottled at tlie London Docks for McAlister Co, SINGAPORE. FRESH ARRIVALS. D IVING GEAR. D IVING GEAR Heinks A Co.’s Celebrated three throw Diving Pumps complete, always in Stock. Extra
      352 words
    • 1025 14 ate&t advertisements. NOTICE. "J my temporary abaencefrom Singapore. I h«r« ap[>o nted Mr. W. W, SintriM to be my A ttorney and Agent with full powartocolleetandreeeiveall m«»nie*dueto me. ]9/3 Dated this 13th day of March, 1894. NOTICE. W/, the undersigned, hare ou the 8th day of March. 1894, purchased from
      1,025 words
    • 41 14 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. Established 1831. Price: 10 Cents. Subscription rate* and advertising rates may Ite found on the fourth page.]
      41 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 110 14 WEATHER REPORT. Kandanq h’rabau Hogpital, I Jth March, 1891. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rixarki. Bar. re<l. 32 Fah Temi* Wei iulh Ther. Dir. of Wind Max. 1'oiup. in shade sl.8 Mia. «lo do 74.8 Max. in 8un 159 5 Terr, rad Ther. 71.0 Rair.fall in 24 hours. 20.831
      110 words