The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition, 23 November 1996

Total Pages: 22
1 24 The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition
  • 20 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY EDITION SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1996 Price: 551.20 (in Singapore) Elsewhere by subscription only MITA (P) 156/08/96
    20 words
  • 673 1  -  By Warren Fernandez PRIME Minister Goh Chok Tong has launched the People’s Action Party’s manifesto tor the coming General Election, which spells out the party’s vision for Singapore in the next century. Dubbed “Singapore 21: Make it our best home”, the programme
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  • 422 1 Housing 140,000 new HDB flats to be built, costing $4 billion in subsidies. 60 per cent for first-timers. Better-quality flats, like those in Punggol 21. Another 185,000 families will have their flats upgraded in the next five years. The Executive Condominium scheme will be expanded.
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  • 275 1  -  By M. Nirmala SINGAPORE has come out tops in a 45-country survey of 13-year-olds who study mathematics and science. A total of 8.500 academically bright and weak students in Secondary 1 and 2 beat half a million of their peers from the United
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 471 2  -  All government computer systems to be fixed by 1998 By Thomas Lee MOST computer systems cannot recognise the year 2000 and will make errors' when the time arrives, so the Natior.a. Computer Board is spearheading a government drive to tackle the problem with
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    • 478 2  -  Student beats 466 for top prize in essay competition By Edmund Tee GRANNY is more than just a grandparent’. 17-year-oid Howard Tan. She is aiso mother, frieno. teacher, and even protector. So well did the teen express his feelings for his oatemaigrandmotner. Madam Cma
      Picture by AZIZ HVSSIN.  -  478 words
    • 694 2  -  By Lee Siew Hua in Washington A SECOND commentary by columnist William Safire criticising a Washington think-tank for its choice of Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew for an award has Drompted a strong response from the nĕad of the organisation.
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    • 271 2 A FORWARDING agent poisoned more than $360.000 worth of crabs with a deadly cyanide solution. to spite a ’competitor" whom he felt was stealing his business. The more than 820 cartons of live crabs belonged to Mr Liu Pi Chiang. 38. a
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    • 636 3  -  They are fined total of $51,000 for their conduct before Select Committee By Chua Mui Hoong THE Committee of Privileges yesterday found four Singapore Democratic Party members guilty of contempt of Par liament for their conduct before a Select Committee on
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    • 429 3  -  By Tan Hsueh Yun THANKS to the Housing Board, Mr Yeo Yong Meng, 62, has transferred from a rental flat without a lift landing to another with lift access. This is one of several ways in which the HDB can help elderly or
      Picture by LIM SENG TIONG.  -  429 words
    • 520 3  -  He committed second offence while out on bail By Ginnie Teo A 16-YEAR-OLD boy was jailed a month and fined $5,000 for having sex first with his 14-vear-old girlfriend and when sne was sent away to Australia, with a 15-vear-old girl, whose
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  • HOME
    • 739 4  -  Four to five day-care centres for old folk to open by 2000 By Indrani Nadarajah SENIOR citizens here are in good shape and good health, have strong family ties and enough money to spend, but few put away money for retirement. Most are unaware of
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    • 630 4 A NEW $5OO million Senior Care Fund will be set up to provide financial assistance to look after elderly Singaporeans with medical problems. Income from the endowment fund will be used to subsidise the running costs of family and community based
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    • 582 4  -  By M. Nirmala THE Education Ministry is trying to settle the Chinese High Scnool squabble where two directors are vying for chairman of the board. A ministry spokesman gave this brief statement last Saturday in response to quenes from The Sunday Times. There
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    • 655 5  -  Latest and final three introduced, bringing total to 24 INTRODUCTION OF NEW PAP CANDIDATES Reports by SumikoTan, Chua Lee Hoong, Eliza Teoh, Jason Leow and Joanne Lee THE People’s Action Party will field the largest slate of new faces since 1984 in the coming
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    • 671 5 NEWSPAPER editor Zainul Abidin Rasheed had declined to stand as a candidate on the People’s Action Party ticket so many times that this time round, he could not say no. “When the PAP approached me again. I felt a bit embarrassed. 1 have
      671 words
    • 707 5 WITH her two children now fairly grown up, general practitioner Lily Neo reels the time is right for her to enter politics and speak out on issues like women’s rights and the problems of the aged. Dr Neo, 43, who has a 14-year-old
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    • 620 5 NEW PAP candidate Yeo Guat Kwang, a Chinese language specialist inspector with the Ministry of Education before he entered politics, has fond memories of sharing baths with Indian and Malay children when he was young. This was in Kampung Chitek Baru in
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    • 397 8 SINGAPORE Airlines plans to introduce the self-check-in system next year, followed by ticketless travel. SIA subsidiary. Singapore Airport Terminal Services (Sats), which has been studying these systems, will call for tenders soon to supply self-check-in machines. The new systems will be tried out for
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    • 446 8  -  Disabled Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year awards By Julie Kee POLIO victim Frankie Thana pal. 45, needs an aluminium Brace to help him to walk, but has no trouble standing tall. He even swims and runs at competition level. For 23 years,
      Pictures by STEPHANIE YEOW.  -  446 words

  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1130 8 RADIO SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL (ENGLISH) PROGRAMME SCHEDULES 1100 1400 Hours (GMT) 9530 KHz (31M BAND) MONDAY 1100 News/Tonight on RSI 1109 Business Market Report 1115 Frontiers 1130 News 1135 The Front Page 1138 Take Five 1145 Newsline 1200 News/Weather (Asia-Pacific) 1205 E Z Beat 1220 Business Market Report 1230 News 1240
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    • 812 9  -  SOCCER By S. Murali IT WAS “Oscar Night” for the S-League and the man who grabbed the spotlight with arguably the night’s biggest prize Was Croat Ivica Raguz, who was named Player of the Year last Friday. The Singapore Armed Forces Football Club
      ABU SAMAH  -  812 words
    • 520 9  -  By Santokh Singh FIFA, soccer’s world governing body, will meet on Dec 7 to decide if Abbas Saad can play in Asia. The Asian Football Confederation has written to Fifa, asking it to sanction a continent-wide ban on
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    • 655 10 ‘But we must not be forced to give in to all of their demands’ Bemama. NST. KUALA LUMPUR Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said on Sunday that PAS and Umno could form a coalition government in Kelantan provided Umno was not
      Bemama.; NST.  -  655 words
    • 378 10  -  By Surinder Singh in Sydney FOUR people, a 21-year-old man and three teenagers, appeared in an Adelaide court on Monday in connection with the robbery and murder of a Malaysian-bom doctor while he was making a house call. Dr Peter Goh's
      Adelaide Advertiser picture.  -  378 words
    • 449 10 NST KUALA LUMPUR The gov emment’s open policy on information flow will make it more difficult for media editors and journalists to practise self-censorship, even if they wished to do so, the group editor of one of the country’s main publishing houses has
      NST  -  449 words
    • 157 10 JOHOR BARU The Johor state government last Saturday announced new measures restricting foreign ownership of properly in the state. Under the new rules announced in the state Budget for next year, foreigners would no longer be allowed to buy terrace houses, The
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    • 351 10 -NST. PETALING JAYA Education Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has called on local universities to follow the example of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in making Bahasa Malaysia a compulsory subject for its foreign students. “Some do not require their foreign
      -NST.  -  351 words

    • 562 11  -  Poll winner NAP and five smaller parties join forces By Sinfah Tunsarawuth in Bangkok THE New Aspiration Party led by General Cnavalit Yongchaiyudh on Monday formeda coalition with five other smaller parties after official results showed that it had won the most seats in Thailand’s
      AFP picture.  -  562 words
    • 292 11 Reuter. YANGON Myanmar’s military government, ignoring foreign criticism and calls for boycotts, launched its official tourism year on Monday with ceremonies featuring dancing, music and traditional costumes. The inauguration of Visit Myanmar Year the government’s strongest effort ever to open the once-isolated countiy
      – Reuter.  -  292 words
    • 162 11 FUGITIVE Indonesian actress Zarina (above), who was escorted home from the United States where she was detained on Nov 4, talking with her lawyer Amir Syamsudin in the transit lounge of the Ngurah Rai airport in Denpasar, Bali, on Sunday. She was later
      Reuter picture.  -  162 words

  • COMMENT / Pick of the week’s editorials
    • 675 12 NOVEMBER 22.1996 WHAT is noteworthy about the election manifesto of the Peo pie's Action Party, launched this week, is that it is a do able list of goals and completely unsurprising. Those who are well-dis posed towards the ruling party for its long list of achievements
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    • 708 12 NOVEMBER 20.1996 KELANTAN. Malaysia’s onlv op-position-held state which is lurching into ever trickier problems by the day. may not yet have slipped into the grasp of*Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Umno. the party he heads. The operative word is “yet”. Circumstances have so evolved after a
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    • 670 12 NOVEMBER 19 1996 THAILAND'S friends were dismayed by the unsavoury controversies that surrounded last Sunday's general election. Early predictions of an 18 per cent increase over the cost of the July 1995 election could not be as cribed to inflation alone; in the event, spending was
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    • 774 12  -  By Bob Ng PARALLEL importers are a relatively recent phenomenon which promises to make further inroads into Singapore com merce. They first came to public attention, though in a limited way, some years ago
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    • 1171 13  -  My View WARREN FERNANDEZ THE road to the Cambod iana hotel was impassable. A flash flood struck soon after the rain came. Our driver scrambled to find an al ternative route back. Outside, in the streets, little children were running about in the
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    • 908 13  -  To bridge the gap between doctor and patient, health education should begin in school Ravi Veloo THIS article is not about sex education. About that, and whether we should have more or less, much has been written already. But more health
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    • 2139 14 If the recent public hearings on health and costs of living are any guide, many Singaporeans seem to be less than knowledgeable about government schemes and policies. Why? And what can be done about it? Ravi Veloo finds out if anything
      MlfcL  -  2,139 words
    • 1102 15 Clan associations could complement the Government’s effort in community development, urged Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong last week. But would such a role dilute their identity? Are they equipped to undertake new responsibilities? Jason Leow discusses these issues with
      Picture by LILLIAN FOO.  -  1,102 words
    • 1255 15  -  Thinking Aloud Han Fook Hwang WHILE talk is hot in town about where the economy is heading, here is one economic snippet not often discussed: Singapore stands alone among the most af fluent countries in not only being wealthy but also with an
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    • 432 16 Singapore share market review BETTER-than-expected economic numbers managed to stave off the malaise on the local stock market towards the end of this week. Singapore’s non-oil domestic exports increased 1.1 per cent last month, and bucked a two„-month downtrend and analysts’
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    • 80 16 ST Industrials Index The Straits Times Industrials Index rose 1.11 points on the week to 2194.75. DAY CLOSE TURNOVER Monday 2178.03 (—15.61) 88.640m ($268.470m) Tuesday 2170.18 (-7.85) 89.277m ($243.583m) Wednesday 2194.28 (+24.10) 150.49m ($363 470m) T hur$day 2197.69 (+3.41) 140.88m ($429.698m) Friday 2194.75 (-2.94) 128.60m ($371.033m) BT—
      80 words
    • 1573 16 Company Ottt snn Not oorn TV LV ($m) lSm> EPS TV LV lets) let*) ABN Amro Sop IS 1 1,696 1,372 492 402 Acmo Sop 3 1 24.242 21.113 14.7 17.3 AISB* Sop 30 1 1.629 8.737 1.50 6.52 Alcorn* Sop 12 1 ***** 14.510 10.7 114 Ait*
      1,573 words
    • 292 16 RIGHTS ISSUE Company Ratio lx* dat# II -I S a < a Gad|kh 2000 One-for-one RuplOOO Oct 2 Oct 6 NYA H loong ind One-for-five RM6.00 Novi) Nov IB NYA IntRoller Ono-tor-two $0.35 Nov 1 Nov 7 Nov 29 •onus issue Company Ratio Cleat# Books close H Loong
      292 words
    • 117 16 Company Rights Issua AtSB Thraa-for-ftva RMS.SO Amcol Ona-tor-two $2.05 Econ Inti Ona-tor-two $1.22 MUI Ona-tor-two M$1.30 Mulpha Ona-tor-four M$1.60 PMI Throa-tor-two MSi.OO SunQ»i Way Ona-for-tour M$4.00 Company Bonus lasua Kamayan Corp Ona-for-throa MAA Ona-tor-flva Matayawata Ona-tor-two Noal Gifts Ona-tor-two PMI Ona-tor-foor SaAsun P Ona-tor-two Shangri-is Ona-tor-tan Sungai Way
      117 words
    • 799 16 Paymant <H> Cl dat« I! P«Y data AlSB 50« D 3 Jan 2 Jan 7 Jan 29 Auric Pac 50« F 5 Nov 26 Dac 2 Dac 18 BMT $10 <1001 F 5.6 Nov 6 Nov 12 Nov 22 Bariaya Croup F 5 Dac 3 Dac 9 Jan
      799 words
    • 87 16 Company Plaea Data Tima Econ Inti E 2 Ang Mo Klo St 64 Ang Mo Kio Ind. Park 3 (*****4) Nov 18 ILOOam Faunae A E Jurong Country Club ARHzia 2 9 Scianco Contra Road (*****8) Nov 21 3.00pm Chuan Hup A 322. Jin Ahmad Ibrahim (*****1) Nov
      87 words
    • 414 17 AMERICAN bank First Chicago NBD Corporation is back in the Republic with an offshore branch, almost a decade after giving up its full banking licence. However, it will relinquish its merchant banking licence here and will wind upFirst Chicago Asian Merchant
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    • 618 17  -  Worst seems to be over for critical trading segment, say economists By Narendra Aggarwal SINGAPORE’S non-oil domestic exports, a key indicator of the manufacturing sector's health, staged a surprise rebound last month, recording marginal 1.1 per cent year-on-year growth. The improvement took
      618 words
    • 314 17 SINGAPORE banker Wee Cho Yaw has been named one of the five top Chinese businessmen in Asia by Hongkong’s weekly news magazine, Yazhou Zhoukan. In its latest edition, the Chinese-language magazine said its annual Entrepreneur Achievement Award was given this year to recognise the
      314 words
    • 142 17 COUNTER RATES Singapore dollars to one unit of foreign currency Buying OD Selling US dollar Sterling pound Australian dollar Canadian dollar NZ dollar EC unit 1.3904 2.3307 1.1141 1.0305 0.9813 1.4063 2.3871 1.1489 1.0541 1.0147 1.8128 Singapore dollars to 100 units of foreign currency Austrian schilling 12.9507 Belgian franc
      142 words
    • 116 17 Contract date: November 22 1996 UNIT ONE MTH 3 MTH 6 MTH 9 MTH 12 MTH CALL VALUE DATE USS 4 »-4 4% 4 4 4’. 4>< 26/11/96 AS 5*. 5>. 5'. 5' 5 J S'. 26/11/96 NZ$ 8 7-. 7'. 6% S', 26/11/96 STG 51» 5'v.
      116 words
    • 453 17 November 22 1996 HK* ASM P«crf'c 5 90 Allied Ind Int 1 06« Allied Oversea 0 91 006 Asia Sec Int 2 00 018 Bank otEA 33 40 -0 20 C P Pokphand 2 73 005 CDL Hotel 3 98 unch Cate Oe Coral 2 30 Cath Pac Air
      453 words
    • 613 17 Mars' Prices, Nov 25 Abtrust Fund Mgrs Abtrust S'oor* G' Fd 0 974-1 024-• Allied Phillip Met Asia Pacific Grown fd 1.134—1 191 American Inti Attur AIA Unit linked Fund 1.049-1.105» AXAlift Credit Lyonnais Int i Asset Mgt CL Asia-Pac Gr Fund 0.910-0960" CL S pore Gr Fund
      613 words
    • 8502 18 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Transaction Date: November *****6 1995/96 Curr Last Vol Day Gr’s Nat M Cap Wt Avg High Low Company Traded Sale •for000 High Low Div P/E Smil Price ASE NT*10 200 us 1000 900 ASF US$0 01 100 US 900 900 214 165 Acer 50c
      8,502 words
    • 614 20  -  Poor global demand for electronics squeezes non-oil exports By Narendra Aggarwal SINGAPORE’S trade growth is expected to fall to only 5 per cent this year from last year’s strong 13.2 per cent squeezed by flat global demand for
      614 words
    • 535 20  -  By 1997. By Narendra Aggarwal. THE Scotts Holdings board has finally accepted the resignation of executive chairman Ameerali Jumabhoy brushing aside some directors’ attempts to have him sacked for mismanagement. With Mr Ameerali’s departure. Scotts’ founding Jumabhoy family has lost all executive control over the
      535 words
    • 622 20  -  By Colin Tan THE Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has put on sale a residential site with the highest plot ratio to date, along with a mixed landed residential site and two industrial sites. With a plot ratio of 3.5, the 427,349 sq ft
      622 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 857 21 Due to business developments, the world's largest International inspection, testing and verification organisation invites dynamic Individuals ready to embark on an exciting and challenging career to join us: QUALITY SYSTEM MANA6ER fl Requirements: Degree/Diploma with relevant management experience Registered Lead Assessor, with skills in marketing and training activities Added advantage
      857 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1029 22 r C.C. NIL. u l i ini i u The Straits Times Weekly Edition m i. Mi: i intraco Intraco. founded in 1968, is a public-listed company with an annual turnover of more than Ss9oom. We have established direct presence in Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia Far East, China, Myanmar, India and
      1,029 words

    • 542 23 Writer should show clemency to the English language I REALLY must take Mr Dimitri Simes to task. As president of the Nixon Centre tor Peace and Freedom that has just honoured the Senior Minister, he stands condemned for the misleading
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    • 681 23 WE REFER to Sng Choon Kwee’s letter “Vital to uphold Asian values they underpin our success” (see this page y. While we agree that many Asian families face social and cultural problems migrating to the West. Mr Sng has oversimplified complex issues, such as Eastern
      681 words
    • 474 23 Vital to uphold Asian values they underpin our success I AM a Singaporean studying in a European university. I write this letter out of concern for all Singaporeans and for our country. As the General Election draws near, we inevitably sit back and evaluate the performance of our Government. How
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 126 23 Dear Readers, THE Straits Times welcomes letters from you. Your letters must include your signature, full name, address and home and office telephone numbers. We do not accept for publication letters from writers who decline to give their names. This rule will be waived only in very exceptional circumstances, such
      126 words

  • 781 24  -  Most constituencies changed in major redrawing of electoral boundaries By Warren Fernandez SINGAPOREANS will elect 83 MPs in 15 Group Representation Constituencies and nine single-seat wards, the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee has proposed in its report. which the Government says it accepts and
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  • 178 24 15 Group Representation Constituencies: Six new ones: Bishan-Toa Payoh, Bukit Timah, East Coast, Kreta Ayer-Tanglin, Pasir Ris, West Coast. Six enlarged: Aljunied, Ang Mo Kio. Hong v. Kah, Marine Parade, Tampines, Taniong Pagar. Two made smaller: Cheng San, Jalan Besar. One unchanged: Sembawang. Six scrapped/renamed: Bedok,
    178 words
  • 394 24  -  By Allison Lim THE first liver-transplant patient in Singapore has fulfilled her dreams of motherhood. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Wednesday. Madam Surinder Kaur, 31, delivered her son by Caesarian section. He weighed 2.4 kg. She called him a
    Picture by STEPHANIE YEOW.  -  394 words