The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition, 4 June 1994

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition

    • 559 2 Put them in existing family programmes Groups can help start new projects NOW that Singaporeans have helped to draw up a set of national family values. it is time to make them a part of everyday life. Mr Abdullah Tarmugi
      Picture by YOW YL'N WOH.  -  559 words
    • 524 2  -  By Sandra Pearce A HOUSEWIFE had a unique way of breaking into flats she called in the locksmiths each time and claimed that she had lost her house keys. In this way. she broke into 15 flats
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    • 386 2  -  By Cephah Tan MORE than 400 POSBank account holders overdrew a total of almost $lOO,OOO over the weekend when a POSB Computer Services officer made the mistake of crediting their May salaries into their accounts twice last Saturday. A POSBank spokesman said it will
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    • 411 2 Most infected by prostitutes, casual partners EIGHTY people were infected with the Aids-causing Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) between January last year and March this year. The majority were heterosexual men who were infected by prostitutes and casual sex partners. Most were single. Nine
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    • 467 3  -  South Australia’s government looking for operator to manage Adelaide airport By Paul Jansen SOUTH Australia is interested in getting Singapore Airport Terminal Services (Sats) to run its airport in Adelaide. The visiting South Australian Premier, Mr Dean Brown, told The Straits Times this on
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    • 275 3 A POEM describing how a growing Singapore shaped Singaporeans' lives was unveiled on Tuesday at the Merlion Park not by the poet, but by the teacher who shaped the poet's life. Dr Maurice Baker, veteran diplomat and academic and currently one
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    • 494 3  -  By Zuraidah Ibrahim IN A little university town in Nova Scotia, Canada, landlady Jean Timpa is known among the Singapore students as “the Lady who knows the Prime Minister”. Make that the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong. They were penpals when
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    • 317 3 SINGAPORE has applauded US President Bill Clinton's decision on Friday to renew China’s Most Favoured Nation status. "It was the right thing to do,” said Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Sunday. "I am glad the President took the hard but
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  • HOME
    • 488 4 CHINA will only truly change when it is convinced that its human rights conduct diminishes its standing among other Asians, Africans and Latin Americans. SeKvar Yew v, ?s said. American human rights groups can continue publicising and shaming China for
      488 words
    • 212 4 SINGAPORE will have to factor in changes that Malaysia might make to its internal security laws. Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew has said. “I haven't given this matter much thought, but if Malaysia moves, it will be a factor in our calculations."
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    • 138 4 SENIOR Minister Lee Kuan Yew signing a copy of his pictorial biography. His autograph on the book is worth anything from $2,000 to more than $lO,OOO. So far, 68 out of 110 copies of a limited edition have been reserved. They come with a
      Lianhe Zaohao picture.  -  138 words
    • 272 4 CHINA will give back in kind whatever the United States dishes out to it. Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew has said. "The Chinese have placed themselves in a position where they cannot but reciprocate to the same extent, not to escalate, but
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    • 288 4  -  Story: Story: By Dominic Nathan SUNRISE over the Sahara? Not quite. The desert plants are actually right here in tropical Singapore. And they can be found in the Botanic Gardens to be exact. The Sun Rockery, a collection of more than 50 types
      Picture: By George Gason  -  288 words
    • 575 5 THREE-JUDGE court has delivered a split decision on whether a person can be convicted of being a member of an unlawful assembly if the group was caught gambling. Chief Justice Yong Pung How and Justices L.P. Thean and Goh Joon
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    • 300 5 A REMOTE-CONTROL model aeroplane, about 90 cm long, crashed into the kitchen window of a Housing Board flat in Bishan, scattering shards of glass on the kitchen and living room floors. Mr Charlie Chan, 40. and his family were awakened from their afternoon nap at
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    • 452 5 THE Singapore Democratic Party kicked off its election campaign on Thursday night by adopting Dr Chee Soon Juan's book, Dare To Change, as its blueprint for a better Singapore. Its chairman, Mr Ling How Doong, said that, in
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    • 326 5 TWO estate management companies have found some suitable second-hand, threeroom flats in various neighbourhoods, including Queenstown, for the Housing Board to resell at discounted prices to the lowerincome group. Government-linked companies EM Services and Esmaco started looking for the flats about three
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    • 524 6  -  By Ben Davidson A GANGLAND chieftain was sentenced to death by the High Court on Tuesday for the murder of a young Malaysian whom he mistook to be a member of a rival Kang Sagar Suppiah Retnam, 27. clad in a white
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    • 462 6  -  By Grace Sung FRANCE last Friday launched an ambitious programme to increase its economic and financial presence in Singapore and improve its image here. Singapore would be the base for France's growing interests in the region, its ambassador to Singapore. Mr
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    • 465 6  -  By Heidi Yeo SOME employees of Apple Computer in Ang Mo Kio ate their lunch in the canteen on Monday without having to use even a single coin. Instead, their ex|H?nses were deducted from storedvalue Cash Cards. a new smart card
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    • 291 6  -  By Mary Kwang Hongkong Correspondent HONGKONG The new board of governors of the Singapore International School (SIS) announced last Thursday has several “distinctions" that set it apart from the first board. For the first time since the school opened here in 1991,
      291 words
    • 447 7 Dr Yeo: Total equality is the message ACTIVE soldiers and National Servicemen will stand side by side in the frontline in the three fighting divisions of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAP’). Defence Minister Yeo Ning Hong said last Friday that a restructuring will
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    • 331 7 CALL it ORD, not ROD: Mindef has struck out the acronym "ROD" from its vocabulary. From July 1, it will be replaced with Operationally Ready National Service Date, or ORD. Defence Minister Dr Yeo Ning Hong said last Friday
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    • 462 7  -  By Felix Soh SINGAPOREAN special agents of a charge-card company have recovered US$2.5 million (Ss3.B million) worth of stolen traveller’s cheques which two Africans had tried to cash here. They trailed the two suspects to Bangkok where they nabbed them and
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    • 255 7 IN AN early morning operation, an unlit sampan sped towards the shoreline of Tengeh Reservoir, laden with contraband. After a short while, the sampan sped off again into the darkness. At this point, 13 officers from the Customs Investigations Branch swooped down, ending a
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    • 493 7 THE Government wants grassroots leaders to raise part of the money for constituency projects, as this forces them to come up with useful and realistic ideas, said Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong last Friday. He described fund-rais-ing as a self-checking mechanism
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    • 440 8  -  By Mathew Pereira FIVE themes ranging from prehistoric dinosaurs to space travel have been picked for a proposed mul-ti-million-dollar theme park at Singapore Science Centre. Dr Chia Woon Kim. the centre's director, said or Monday that interactive technology will be used to
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    • 374 8 Government considering curbs on emissions of foreign bikes THE air quality at the Singapore side of the Causeway is not satisfactory, reports Environment Minister Mah BowTan Although the pollution level is within permissible international limits, it is still higher than in
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    • 445 8  -  By Grace Chan NUISANCE callers are making themselves scarce these days, thanks to some telephone services offered by Singapore Telecom which can trace the origin of telephone calls. The number of nuisance call complaints made to Telecom has dropped from about 1.500
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    • 518 8  -  By Rav Dhaliwal SINGAPORE'S travel trade is set for a boost with the opening of Osaka's new Kansai airport in September. Singapore \irlines will increase its flights between the two cities from the present six a week to 11 weekly. The
      518 words

    • 548 9  -  Rear-Admiral Teo is newcomer among four vice-presidents By Peter Khoo DEFENCE Minister Dr Yeo Ning Hong was lasty Friday voted unanimously as president of the Singapore National Olympic Council for a second four-year term. But Dr Yeo, who was responsible for the smoothrunning of the
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    • 489 9  -  Malaysian Premier League soccer -By Tay Cheng Khoon. S'pore 5, Brunei 1 IT WAS celebration time for the Lions as a Miehal Vana hat-trick led Singapore to its biggest win of the Malaysian Premier League season so far. A double from skipper Fandi Ahmad
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    • 575 9  -  B> Godfrey Robert. S’pore 0 Kedah O ALOR STAR Kedah, fired up by its recent splendid run and a vociferous crowd of 25,000, doused Singapore’s challenge at Stadium Darulaman here last Saturday. And as the table-topper maintained its unbeaten home record in the
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    • 430 9  -  Sprinter shatters personal mark in the 100-metre dash ATHLETICS by Hakikat Rai SPRINTER Muhamad Hosni Muhamad broke a two-year losing spell when he won the 100-me-tre dash at the Taiwan Open in style last Saturday. The Singaporean won in 10.425ec, shaving o.o6sec off
      File picture.  -  430 words

    • 656 10 Highland Towers disaster in Kuala Lumpur Bernama. AP Kt’ALA LUMPUR Negligence by ‘V deve’opc- was the cause of the collapse of an apartment block in the Highland Towers tragedy, which claimed 48 lives last December, an official inquiry has found The inquiry also found
      Bernama.; AP  -  656 words
    • 302 10 Bernama. PENANG Advertisements containing the brand names of cigarettes will be phased out from television and radio soon. Information Minister Datifk Mohamed Rahmat has said. "The government is aware that advertisements of apparels, holiday packages and others which use
      – Bernama.  -  302 words
    • 230 10 No case to charge Nigerian player with rape CID Bernama. ALOR STAR Kedah's Nigerian soccer import Olubunmi Adigun would not be charged for the alleged rape of a 21-year-old woman last year, State Criminal Investigations Department (CID) chief ACP Abdul Mutalib Yaakob said on Thursday. He said there was no
      Bernama.  -  230 words
    • 431 10 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia will convert Police Field Force (PFF) training centres into drug-rehabilita-tion centres to cater to the increasing number of drug addicts, according to press reports. The Star on Thursday quoted Deputy Home Minister Datuk Megat Junid Megat Ayob as saying that
      431 words
    • 464 10 Govt investigating operations of Sabah Foundation, says Mahathir all these," he said. Bernama. KOTA KINABALU Between Ms 3 billion (SSI.7 billion) and Ms 4 billion was missing from the Sabah Foundation under the previous governments. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad disclosed on Tuesday.
      all these," he said. Bernama.  -  464 words

    • 677 11  -  Sweeping changes to boost the country’s attractiveness By Paul Jacob, Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA -The Indonesian government announced sweeping relaxations in investment regulations on Thursday to boost the country’s attractiveness to foreign investors and stave off competition for funds from neighbours like China, India and Vietnam.
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    • 174 11 AP COLORADO SPRINGS (Colorado) For the first time, a foreign-born cadet has earned the US Air Force Academy’s top honours. On Monday, Officer Jackkrit Thammavichai, 23, of Thailand was named the academy’s top 1994 graduate after earning a near perfect grade-point average
      AP; Colorado on Monday. – Picture by Tom Kimmell of the Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph.  -  174 words
    • 82 11 AFP, Reuter. BANGKOK There is no sense putting on a show if no one is going to watch. So Thai opposition parties planned to wait until after the World Cup soccer tournament before launching another no-confidence vote against the government, news reports said yesterday. Opposition
      AFP,; Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 406 11  -  By- Paul Jacob. JAKARTA The jurisdiction of the Batam Industrial Development Authority (Bida) will be expanded to cover 35 surrounding islands and each will also enjoy the same special status as Batam, Research and Technology Minister B. J. Habibie said last
      406 words
    • 301 11  -  By Derwin Pereira THE United States still had a vital role to play in the Asia-Pacific despite its reduced economic power and military presence in the region, the head of an Indonesian think-tank said on Thursday. "Pax Americana for the last 50
      301 words
    • 251 11 AFP AUCKLAND An apparent attempt to launder gold bullion reputedly hidden by former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos via a bogus gold mine in the Cook Islands would be revealed in a soon-to-be-published book, a business magazine reported last Friday. The author.
      AFP  -  251 words

  • COMMENT / Pick of the week’s editorials
    • 617 12 JUNE 3. 1994 PRESIDENT Suharto’s call to focus on the achievements of conglomerates instead of the ethnicity of their owners confirms a healthy awareness of the priorities that confront Indonesia as it begins to emerge from the woods with the likelihood of increased investment capita 1 Improved
      617 words
    • 654 12 JUNE 2. 1994 WHAT the Johor Mentri Besar had to say about the future of the special relationship between his state and Singapore calls for introspection. The present was not a concern. Tan Sri Muhviddin Yassin told Malaysian reporters after giving a talk on economic
      654 words
    • 647 12 MAY 31. 1994 PERHAPS it is because independent Singapore has known only the PAP Government, there is such an entrenched myth circulating here and abroad that citizens who do not like the way the PAP runs the country have no choice but to lump it. Prime
      647 words
  • 939 12  -  Viewpoint By Cherian George Mr LEE KUAN YEW'S id(';i of giving Singaporean parents aged 35 to 60 twice the voting power as other adults is part of a long love-hate relationship with democratic elections. For him and the People's Action Party, the
    939 words

    • 2666 13 A survey last month showed that Singaporeans endorse overwhelmingly the use of caning as a punishment for major crimes. WARREN FERNANDEZ finds out why there is this tough-minded attitude towards crime and punishment. THE last MRT train pulls up at Yishun
      2,666 words

    • 2146 14 Mr Lee Kuan Yew has projxsed changing the electoral system in 15 to 20 years to prevent the old from influencing government policies unduly. His idea: two votes should l)e given to married Singaporeans with children, aged ;15 to 60 years. Some Singaporeans, however,
      2,146 words
      • 77 15 TALK that Mr Jimmy Tan, a Singapore Democratic Party central executive committee member, has Riven up politics got so persistent that he called The Straits Times to put an end to it. “I am still in politics. I am still in the SDP.
        77 words
      • 82 15 ALL 7,0(K) copies of the China edition of ”A Selection of Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s Speeches over 40 Years" have been sold out within a month of its launch in Beijing last month. The book has also been released in Hongkong and Taiwan
        82 words
      • 92 15 JAPAN may be a world leader in computers and video-cassette recorders but household ownership of these two items is lower than Singapore’s. Based on 1992 figures supplied by the Department of Statistics, 75.1 per cent of Singaporean households owned VCRs compared to 63.8 per cent in
        92 words
      • 171 15 A FOREIGN correspondent here wishes that Singapore officials would loosen up a bit and socialise more "There is a seriousness to the Singaporean civil servant and Cabinet Minister that sets them apart from their counterparts in the region,” writes Foreign Correspondents Association president lan Stewart, in the
        171 words
      • 162 15 TIME magazine reports in its latest issue that it received 150 letters from readers around the world on the Michael Fay episode. The clear majority, it says, approved of the caning. A number, however, were repelled by the idea. One of those in favour, a
        162 words
    • 971 15  -  Han Fook Kwang THINKING ALOUD WHATEVER one’s views about Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s some-men-two-votes proposal might be, there is no running away from the problem that he has raised. Indeed I half suspect that the reason he brought it up
      971 words
    • 505 15  -  COMMUNITY WATCH Chung Tsung Mien WHEN Leng Kee MP Ow Chin Hock was appointed Feedback Unit chief two years ago, he said he wanted to reach out to the silent majority, especially the non-English-speaking. He seems to have achieved his
      505 words

    • 6757 16 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Transaction Date: June 3. 1994 1994 Curr Last Vol Day Gfs Net M Cap High Low Company Traded Sale or000 High Low Dtv P/E $mil 1440 835 1 s Acma 850 cd 5 197 855 835 17 5 136 585.9 800 400 1 s
      6,757 words
    • 381 17 THE Singapore market ended the week firmer after a last-minute rebound yesterday on improved sentiment and bargain hunting. Trading began on a dull note for the week, as buyers stayed on the sidelines. Brokers said institutional investors were waiting for more data on
      381 words
    • 102 17 ST Industrials Index The Straits Times Industrials Index dropped 55.25 points on the week to 2268.70. DAY CLOSE TURNOVER Monday *****9 (-18.06) 62.271m ($187.337m) Tuesday 2281 67 (—24 22) 83 681m ($212 997m) Wednesday 2267 88 (-13 79) *****m ($266 101m) Thursday 2252 38 (-15 50) 101
      102 words
    • 336 18  -  By By Patricia Adversario THE Keppel Group is set to become the largest shareholder in the Philippines' biggest shipyard. In a statement released >n Tuesday, the group said it proposed acquiring a 49 per cent stake in the former Philippine Shipyard
      336 words
    • 3045 18 CORPORATE RESULTS Net Fam EPS Dale n 1 A n i a <>ni|Ntn> ann Ora) (Mill (vis) Ills) 1 < hem Itul Slav 2« F b *4* 4 124 33 3’ < MB V».a Vpi 24 E li 054 15 4 '4' U T \pi 2b
      3,045 words
    • 856 18  -  TAKING STOCK By Tan Kim Song SINGAPORE Trade and Industry Minister Yeo Cheow Tong criticised the Malaysian government last week for its new import restriction on petrochemical products. Such a restriction was not only contrary to the spirit of the Asean Free Trade
      856 words
    • 463 19 THE take-up rate, or actual occupancy. of new private homes in the first quarter was higher than the increase in supply in Janu-ary-March, according to government figures released on Wednesday. This was
      463 words
    • 555 19 Friday June 3 HK$ 4/. ASM Pacific 4.70 -0.050 Allied Ind Int'l 0.74 4 0 01 Allied Oversea 0 89 0 03 Asia Sec Int 1.77 -0.03 Bank of EA 36 25 unch C.P Pokphand 2 30 4 0.02 CDL Hotel 2.83 -007 Cafe De Coral 4 38 unch
      555 words
    • 305 19 Manager’s prices for Jun 4 6 Singapore Unit Trust The Commerce 1.63—1.72*0 The Savings Fund 152-161 S pore Prog Fund 0.69-0 73 S pore Sec Fund 1.03-109 Spore Invest Fund 1.20—1.27 S pore Equity Fund 0 82-0 87 Credit Lyonnais Int’l Asset Mgt CL AsiaPac Gr Fund 2.76-2
      305 words
    • 184 19 YEO HIAP Seng Ltd (YHS) is going ahead with plans to convene an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on July 5, which calls for the ousting of Mr Alan Yeo as chairman and director of the food and beverage group. This move
      184 words
    • 275 19 DBS LAND, ir. partnership with two separate consortiums, acquired two residential sites in Hongkong for a total of HK52.55 billion (Ssslo million) at a Hongkong government land auction last Thursday. The first is a 2.078-ha (223,700 sq ft) site in Fanling,
      275 words
    • 533 19  -  Refurbished building will reopen early next year as Singapore Marriott Hotel By Kalpana Rashiwala TANG Choon Keng Realty (TCKR) will spend i3O million on renovating the Dynasty Hotel which will be renamed the Singapore Marriott Hotel when it reopens early next year. But
      533 words
    • 156 19 COUNTER RATES Singapore dollars to one unit ot foreign currency Buyini 00 Selling US dollar I 5226 1.5399 Sterling pound 2.2798 2.3329 Australian dollar 1.1096 1.1423 Canadian dollar 1.0918 1.1170 NZ dollar 0 8914 ***** EC unit 1.8014 Singapore dollars to 100 of foreign currency units Austrian schilling *****9
      156 words
    • 121 19 Contract data: 3/6/94 CURRENCY 1 MTH 3 MTH 6 MTH 9 MTH 12 MTH CALI VALUE DATE USJ 3H 3 7 4 44 4 2 3'* 7/6 94 AS 3 4 4'4 4- 4% 3' 7/6 94 NZS 4'« 4'« 4'« 44 4'» 2’. 8 6 94
      121 words
    • 442 20  -  S'pore willing to be test bed for programming: Rear-Adm Teo By Kevin Lim IT MAKES good business sense for satellite broadcasters to adhere to a code of ethics, the Minister of State for Finance and Communications, Real-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee
      442 words
    • 241 20 THE Singapore Nanyang Khek Community Guild is to help develop a 200-ha industrial estate in Yangzhou City, which is in Jiangsu province, China. The land, valued at $52.8 million, will be developed in three phases. Each phase will span two years. The clan,
      241 words
    • 406 20  -  By Chan Sue Meng THE Official Assignee has begun a major crackdown on fraudulent credit cardholders who failed to disclose that they were bankrupts while applying for cards. The move comes in the wake of an increase in complaints against bankrupts
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    • 260 20 LISTED Sea View Hotel and Jurong Cement are investing almost $2O million in two cement factories in Zhejiang province, China. The pair, together with a local investment holding company, Asia General Holdings, have set up a joint-venture company, Sin Chang An
      260 words
    • 260 20  - Creative seeks main listing, trade in Sing By Tan Sai Siong SOUND-CARD maker Creative Technology is asking the Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) for a primary listing and for its shares to be traded in Singapore dollars. This came after it received in-principle approval for a secondary listing. Market sources
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 599 21 We provide unmatched opportunities for graduates interested in pursuing a career in central banking. Join us as: CENTRAL BANKING OFFICERS and be considered for positions in the following areas: Supervision, regulation and development of the banking, financial houses, financial futures and securities industry Supervision, regulation and development of the insurance
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 849 22 DEFENCE MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE is recruiting Research Scientists The Defence Medical Research Institute (DMRI) is a research establishment which conducts medical research aimed at enhancing the safety, performance and quality of health of SAF personnel. DMRI has immediate vacancies for post-doctoral Research Scientists. The successful applicants will have the opportunity
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    • 687 23 Mamtenance of Parents Bill I REFER fo Mr Warren Fernandez's report "Woon’s Parents Bill: Easiest part is over" (ST. May 24) and Mr S. K Chakravarti's letter “A sad day if laws are only way to govern Singapore" (ST, May 25). One of
      687 words
    • 277 23 I SUPPORT the Maintenance of Parents Bill fully. It is no mere coincidence that one page immediately after last Thursday’s Straits Times' report on feedback given by social work professionals on the Bill, the Newsfront carried a brief report
      277 words
    • 527 23 YOUR editorial "Be filial or be sued” (ST Weekly, May 28) articulates the need for the Maintenance of Parents Bill. Associate Professor Walter Woon and his friends have laboured long in producing a welldrafted Bill. We have to be grateful to them
      527 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 157 23 VI DEUVERED WEEKLY >•* .<*• *'*V > v< cSSr <* The Straits Times Weekly Edition. A crisp summary of happenings in Singapore. Politics, the economy, investment OV W27S <' WVKW opportunities, appointments... And snippets on Malaysia and Asean. A convenient tabloid delivered to you every week, whereever you may be.
      157 words

  • 548 24 Ministry to introduce sophisticated computer systems LEARNING in Singapore's classrooms will be revolutionised once the Education Ministry introduces sophisticated computer systems in secondary schools and junior colleges. Education Minister Lee Yock Suan announced details of the plan to put Singapore students on the information
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  • 426 24 Move follows 2 cases involving contaminated scrap NATSTEEL Ltd is putting in two radioactive detection systems to screen out any radioactive materials that might be in the scrap metal it buys for making its products. As Singapore’s only steel mill, it has
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  • 465 24 VISITORS to the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve used to be able to trek through its Cave Path and explore the three caves there, if they did not mind getting muddied. Not any more. Regular visitors were surprised to find workmen
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