The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition, 4 May 1991

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition

    • 771 2 ‘lf we lose our distinctiveness, if we become like everyone else, we’ll fail’ SINGAPORE must maintain its uniqueness even as it (joes global. Otherwise, it will lose its value to the world, Brigadier-General (Res) George Yeo said. “I! we lose our distinctiveness.
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    • 89 2 On the necessity of keeping Singapore different, BG Yeo related an analogy told by a visitor from another small country: A small state was like a bottle of whisky in a swimming pool. If the whisky seeped into the surrounding water, the
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    • 423 2 SINGAPORE needs to ;o-opt the foreign media in managing its internationalisation, said BrigadierGeneral (Res) George Yeo last Friday. “We should encourage them and make their work easier help them help us,” said the Acting Minister for Information and the Arts, whose portfolio includes
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    • 473 2 THE family of at least two of the Singaporeans involved in a recent road accident in Switzerland believe they were on a trip sponsored by a religious cult group banned here. After the accident on April 12, they uncovered to their shock
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    • 93 2 THE Moonies have been banned in Singapore since 1982. But as late as last July, the movement was still active here. The Home Affairs Ministry ordered the dissolution of a local organisation, the Moral Home Society, when it was found to be a front for the
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    • 470 3 US presence important Five Power Defence Arrangement is still relevant SINGAPORE welcomes any additional arrangements which will enhance stability and resilience in this region, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has said. It also welcomed the continued presence in the region of friendly outside
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    • 584 3 EMPLOYERS will ask for a cut in their CPF’ contributions for workers only as a last resort if there is another recession, the Singapore National Employers’ Federation (SN'EF) has assured the labour movement. SNEF president Stephen I<ee said the flexi-wage system
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    • 543 3  -  By David Miller AN AMERICAN man held his wife hostage at gun-point for almost two hours in their apartment bedroom on Sunday before fatally shooting himself in the neck. The man also injured a policeman when he fired a shotgun
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    • 409 3 A GANG of armed pirates hijacked a ship from Singapore and escaped with 400 tonnes of cargo worth about $4 million. The hijack took place in Vietnam. The ship’s captain, Mr Syaharuddin Kaco, 43, said about 20 men armed with automatic weapons took over the
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  • HOME
    • 641 4 Seventh NTUC Triennial Delegates Conference WORKERS will not accept another hefty cut in their CPF contributions by employers if there is another recession. Mr Ong Teng Cheong has said. He warned the bosses that the labour movement would reject another
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    • 93 4 At the helm Standing (from left): Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Mr Syn Pau, Mr Sim Sam Ijeong, Mr Tan Soon Yam, Mr Ong Ah Heng, Mr Abdul Ilamid Osman, Mr Ya- rukatty Mohd, Mr Rashid Hussein, Mr Cyrille Tan, Mr Victor
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    • 264 4 NTUC may eventually publish its own daily newspaper so as to publicise the labour movement more effectively. Mr Ong Teng Cheong said last Friday. In the longer term, it might even set up Us own television station, the Deputy Prime Minister and
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    • 409 4 NTUC will push for an umbrella union for all executives if they are not allowed to join rank and file unions. Deputy Prime Minister Ong Teng Cheong has said. He added that a constitution for such an omnibus union had been drafted and
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    • 354 4 VETERAN unionist G. Kan dasamy, a founder member of the NTUC, lost his seat in the highest policy-making body of the labour movement last Friday. He was among nine candidates who were defeated at the election to pick 21 members of the
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    • Seventh NTUC Triennial Delegates Conference
      • 590 5 TENG CHEONG CRITICISES ST COVERAGE THE Straits Times should apologise for its coverage of Mr Goh Chee Wee’s speech in Parliament, said Mr Ong Teng Cheong last Friday. “If it is not malice, hut a mistake, then the solution is very simple. All that
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      • 398 5 ST EDITOR LESLIE FONG REPLIES WE TAKE serious note of the criticisms and comments directed at The Straits Times but regret that we cannot agree with all of them. As we see it, the nub of the
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      • 645 5 Bosses urged to recognise sacrifice made by workers DEPUTY Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has urged employers to support the increase in their CPF contributions for workers from July 1. He warned them that if they continued to grumble about the increase
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      • 164 5 PROFESSOR Tommy Koh was the guest of honour, and Uve-wire singer Wendi Koh was the guest entertainer. But hardly a soul at last Friday’s Seeretary of the Year dinner would have guessed that there was any connection between the two. Singapore’s ambassa-dor-at-large surprised them all
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    • 491 6  -  May Day Rally and messages By Cherian George "FIFTY times grander!” was the verdict of veteran unionist John Nonis when asked to compare last night's May Day rally with those of previous years. The highlight of the evening? “The lights and
      – Picture by ALPHONSO CHAN.  -  491 words
    • 380 6 MR GOH Chok Tong has joined in the call to employers to double the money they spend to train workers from 2 per cent to 4 per cent of the company payroll. With the increase, he said, the amount spent on training
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    • 373 6 MR ONG Teng Cheong has a May Day message for bosses: Match Singapore workers in being No. 1 in the world. The Deputy Prime Minister and NTUC Secretary-General said that local employers can be the best in the world if they work
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    • 510 7 Month-long campaign to focus on the rights of non-smokers GETTING smokers to respect others’ right to a smoke-free environment is the focus of this year’s National Smoking Control Campaign. The month-long campaign which begins today will also have a special focus on the youth.
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    • 110 7 UNITED NATIONS Singapore’s new permanent representative to the United Nations, Mr Chew Tai Soo, presented his credentials on Monday to Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar. He succeeds Ambassador Chan Heng Chee, who is now director of the Singapore International Foundation. Mr Chew, 50, joined the
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    • 562 7  -  By Rav Dhaliwal PILOTS, who are supposed to be among the fittest of people, tend to have a shorter life expectancy than the average man they often die before they reach 65. By comparison, the life expectancy, for instance, of the average Singapore
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    • 551 7 Forum on censorship and the arts SINGAPOREANS must have a greater say over what they read and watch, and not leave such decisions completely to censors. Censorship must also be relaxed to let creativity flourish in Singapore. These were the views of panelists
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    • 291 7 A NIGHT out for a group of six ended tragically when three women among them died after the car they were travelling in went out of control and crashed into a tree. The three, all Malaysian factory workers here, died instantly after the
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    • 156 7 MADAM Kwan Fu Shing, mother of Finance Minister Richard Hu, died last Friday morning after three years in a coma. She was 93. She had suffered a stroke three years ago which left her unconscious, her son Dr Edgar Hu said. She died peacefully
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    • 627 8 Their security alliance must be nurtured for world stability, Mr Goh says at dinner for Kaifu Kaifu’s visit to Singapore THE close ties between the United States and Japan have to be nurtured because the security alliance between both countries remains the foundation for
      Pieture by AZIZ HI SSIN.  -  627 words
    • 386 8  -  Prosperous China an advantage for us, says BG Lee BG Lee’s visit to China By Sunny Goh SHENZHEN A prosperous China will not only generate business and confidence in South-east Asia, but will permeate a sense of “energy" through the region. Deputy Prime Minister Lee
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    • 491 8 SINGAPOREANS are becoming regular “long-week-end" travellers. More people are packing their bags for three- to fiveday holidays in nearby resorts such as Penang. Phuket and Batam, making such trips a few times a year. Travel agents said this is because
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    • 421 8  -  By Foo Choy Peng, Hongkong correspondent HONGKONG Singapore’s first overseas school, originally intended as a primary school, will also offer kindergarten programmes. The move to run pre-prima-ry courses at the Singapore International School (SIS) in Hongkong was prompted by a strong demand from
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    • 565 9  -  Borrow 65 of fees Longer payment period Pay back later University fees hike By Chua Chong Jin THK Government is seriously considering three measures to improve the terms for study loans to ensure that no deserving student is deprived of a place
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    • 772 9  -  By Siow Yu-Meng THE appearance of actress and model Isabella Rossellini at the Anglo-Chinese School fund-raising dinner earlier this month has raised strong objections within the Methodist Church and its affiliated schools. Her Bohemian lifestyle, including a live-in relationsahip with US
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    • 677 9  -  By Sandra Davie THREE top government schools are next in line to go independent. Victoria School, Dunman High and Raffles Girls’ Secondary are making plans to strike out on their own in 1993. All three are looking at
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    • 464 10  -  By Mathew Pereira KI’ALA LUMPUR The members of the Five-Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) has reaffirmed their commitment to providing a defence umbrella for Malaysia and Singapore in the face of uncertainties arising from the realignment of the superpowers. Malaysian Defence Minister Datuk Seri
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    • 237 10 KUALA LUMPUR Police have questioned several officers from a Perak police station following allegations by a detective's wife that she suffered a six-year sex ordeal involving a group of police officers. According to a report in The Star on Wednesday, the officers were questioned
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    • 521 10 Government also plans to privatise it, says newspaper KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia is turning the Terumbu Layang-Lavang atoll, which is located about 160 km off the Sabah coast and is part of the disputed Spratly Islands. into a tourist resort. the New Straits Times reported
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    • 322 10 KUALA LUMPUR Umno Youth has alleged that the Zionist movement in Australia said to be behind an anti-Ma-laysia campaign is seeking to topple Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Umno Youth also alleged that the Zionist group had connections with
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    • 369 10  -  By Ismail Kassim KUALA LUMPUR Air power under the Five Power Defence Arrangements is to be extended to include the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. Malaysian Defence Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said on Tuesday. He said agreement
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    • 812 11  -  PM’s visit to Brunei By Zuraidah Ibrahim BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN It is in Brunei's and Singapore’s interests to co-oper-ate not just within Asean, but also as part of the larger, more prosperous AsiaPacific region, said Prime Minister (loh Chok Tong on Tuesday. By
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    • 638 11 Kaifu cites unhappy memories of Japanese occupation as reason Kaifu’s visits to Malaysia, Brunei and Thailand KUALA LUMPUR Japan has told Malaysia that it would never want to be a military power because it remembers the unhappy memories East Asian countries have of
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    • 304 11  -  By Tan Lian Choo Bangkok Correspondeni BANGKOK Martial law. imposed immediately after a military takeover on Feb 23, was lifted in most parts of the country on Thursday. An announcement on official Radio Thailand on Thursday evening said King Bhumibol Adulvadej had issued
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    • 207 11 Philippine Defence Secretary takes first step in bid for presidency Reuter. MANILA Philippine Defence Secretary Fidel Ramos has formally joined the country’s largest political party as a first step in his bid to succeed President Corazon Aquino when her term ends next year. General Ramos, who
      Reuter.  -  207 words

  • COMMENT / Pick of the week’s editorials
    • 684 12 MAY 3. 1991 HOW indeed does one better best 9 With the Republic already having the world's best airport. the busiest seaport, the best workforce, the best public housing programme, the cleanest city, the newest MRT and an airline that even others talk about, one may
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    • 652 12 MAY 1. 1991 EMPLOYERS, workers and investors who have long taken good labour relations in Singapore for granted had a glimpse of an alternative. grimmer scenario recently when the Deputy Prime Minister and NTUC secretarygeneral raised the prospect of workers refusing to be as co-operative as they
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    • 650 12 APRIL 30. 1991 IN USING the Netherlands as a role model for Singapore. Brigadier-General (Res) George Yeo succeeded in making concrete what is to many people an abstract idea; the internationalisation of the Republic. In an address to the Singapore Press Club last Friday,
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    • 888 12  -  Viewpoint By Tan Sai Siong OUTSIDERS who do not know how things are done in Singapore must have found something comical in the way people here queue up overnight for places for their children in kindergarten. Yet for those involved, the exercise was no
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    • 2319 13 Taiwan’s foreign exchange reserves increased from US$2.6 billion in 1979 to US$7B.l billion last year, an unprecedented phenomenon for any country. How was this achievement made? DR GOH KENG SWEE looks back on the island’s development policies and discusses their relevance for Third World as well
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    • 1730 14 Russell Heng examines why, in politics, Singapore's middle class is less clamorous than its counterparts in 2 other Asian NIEs. An oddity of SINGAPORE politics prompts this essay. Here is a country whose economic achievements fast approach, and in some instances, match the
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    • 585 15  -  Republic scores 89.7 points out of 100 in more broad-based index By Tan Sung SINGAPORE’S labour force has again emerged as the world's best, in the new and more broad-based Quality of Workforce Index (QWI), carried out by USbased Business Environment Risk
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    • 507 15 BT. HONGKONG Singapore businessman Mr S P Tao sealed the biggest property deal in Sri Lanka last month for a US$l2O million (Ss2l4 million) project in Colombo. Mr Tao is at the forefront of a new wave of foreign investments into Sri
      BT.  -  507 words
    • 349 15  -  By Gerry de Silva REFLECTING the current buoyant oil exploration business, Singapore-based Promet Pte Ltd (PPL) has landed a $44-million deal to build two offshore maintenance work boats. The contract, one of the bigger shipbuilding contracts so far this year, also
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    • 741 15  -  By Steven Pak SINGAPORE should consider taking into account workers’ skills training as part of reservist liability as a means to further improve its rating as the country with the best quality workforce. Beri president F T. Haner. who suggested this
      741 words
    • 5636 16 TRANSACTION DATE: MAY 3 1991 Or’» 1991 Tat Last Vol Day Last Quote Dtv Net HI* Low Cod* Company Sale or* 000 High Low Buyer Seller P/E INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 286 162 1000 Acma 218 cd -2 59 220 218 218 221 10 ON 145 255 200 1142
      5,636 words
    • 524 17 The weekly share market report IN a week of dull and featureless trading, the local bourse seem to have taken the lead from Nikkei investors who took three days off this week to celebrate the “Golden Week" holidays. Together with the closure of markets
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    • 150 17 ST Industrials Index The Straits fanes Industrials Index dropped 12.46 points on the week to 1545.95. DAY CLOSE TURNOVER Monday 1558 64 0.23) 62.75m (J130 96m) Tuesday 1553 94 (-4.70) 64 63m (J130.82m) Wednesday Closed Closed Thursday 1557 23 3 29) 67 07m ($150 92m) Friday 1545
      150 words
    • 659 17 Friday May 3 HKS Amoy Properties Allied Overseas 4 475 083 uncfi -001 Asia Sec lnt'1 2 05 -0 025 Asia Sec War 91 0 041 unch Allied TW 0 BE unch Bond Corp Ini l 10 •001 Bond Corp War 91 0 19 unch Bank of EA 1560
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    • 481 18  -  By Steven Pak SINGAPORE Telecom is considering developing a "Telepark” to centrally house the telecommunication facilities needed by major multinationals and financial institutions. Announcing this last Friday. Telecom chairman Koh Boon Hwee said that having such a site "would be an important
      481 words
    • 605 18 AUDITED RESULTS Cm|||y Oat* Year Gr*«p Net N«t timings Gross an* to profit less (L) per share dividend COOO) (cents) 96 H leong Credit Jan IS tun 90 M624 462(618,074) 218(164) 10(10) etc im 14 Sec 90 $53,947(134.649) 308(23 5*) 15(85l) flN un 14 Sec 90 $53 080(662
      605 words
    • 164 18 COUNTER ftAteS Singapore dollars to on# unit ot toraign currency Buying OD Selling 1 US dollar I 7480 1.7700! Sterling pound 9843 3 0524 Australian dollar I 339/ 1 3877 Canadian dollar i SIll 1 5459 NZ dollar ***** 1 0443 Singapore dollars to 100 units of foreign
      164 words
    • 96 18 Contract data: 3/S/91 CURRENCY 1 MTH 3 MTH 6 MTH 9 MTH 12 MTH CALL VALUE OATE US* 5 '/4 5% 5% 5% 5*/j 4% 8/5/91 AS 10 ‘/4 10 9% 9% 9% 9 7/5/91 NZS 8% 9 9% 9'/. 9V« 7 7/5/91 STG 11‘4 10% 10%
      96 words
    • 323 18  -  New issues likely to involve small firms rather than biggies’ By Goh Eng Yeow MAY is likely to kick off a new round of initial public offerings on the Singapore stock market. At least three banks have submitted applications on behalf of clients
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    • 449 18 STRONG advertising growth in group newspapers and the ability to contain costs enabled Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) to produce a good first half-year performance. For the six months to February, group pre-tax profits rose a satisfying 30 per cent
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    • 315 18 Manager's prices for May 4 6 Singapore Unit Trust The Commerce 133-14? The Savings Fund 106-1 13 S'pore Prog fund 0 50—0 53 S'pore Sec Fund 0 86- 0 9? S'pore Invest Fund 0 91-0 97 S'pore Equity Fund Asia Unit Trust 0 61—0 65 Mai Invest Fund
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    • 494 19  -  By Caroline Chan AT LEAST three companies, including Nat Steel. will go scripless under the pilot exercise launched by the Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) this year. The three, with Nat Steel being the first, will mark the start
      494 words
    • 1514 19 Current Ex Books Date Total for Total for payment date close payable the year last year Acttm 5%TE lun 5 Jun 17 Jul 1 10% TE Ayimo 5%TE Feb 25 Ma’ 7 May 15 12 5%TE 25%TE BAT 104.8% Ap- 15 Apr 26 May 10 1524% 100% Boustead
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    • 140 19 Company Rights Issue (Mop Est Restricted issue of $88 514m nominal value of 10% Convertible Redeemable Unsecured Loan Stock (CUIS) 1991/19% issued on the basis of $1 nominal amount of CUIS for every 3 ordinary shares of $1 each held at nominal value Ex-date Apr Books close Apr
      140 words
    • 468 19 Company Rights Issue Alcorn Onefor-two (a, M$I 00 per share Issue of 40m Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares (CRPS) of MSQ10 each at MSI per share «nth 10m detachable TSR on the basis of 1 CRPS with 1 TSR for every 4 CRPS Bolton One-tor-four a M$2 00 per
      468 words
    • 390 20 THE Trengganu trade and investment mission which was here on a five-day visit has managed to attract proposed investments of about Ms2oo million (Ssl27 million) from eight companies. Speaking at a press conference last Friday, the state’s Mentri Besar, Tan Sri Haji
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    • 306 20 CONTRACTS worth up to $250 million will be awarded this year for the secondphase expansion of Nanyang Technological Institute campus, according to a regional construction weekly paper. Building and Construction News (BCN), in this week’s issue, reported NTl’s deputy president Dr C.N. Chen as saying
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    • 359 20 LOCAL software house Computer System Associates and American-based Telerate, which provides global information services, has entered into a high-tech strategic alliance modelled on Singapore’s Local Industry Upgrading Programme (LILT). "It can be considered the first LIUP venture involving the computer software
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 166 20 WEEKLY The Straits Times Weekly Overseas Edition. A crisp summary of happenings in Singapore. Politics, the economy, investment opportunities appointments... And snippets on Malaysia and Asean. A convenient tabloid delivered to you every week, whereever you may be. Subscribe now. And be in touch. v c c \r vW*\ c<U
      166 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1074 21 >,<•:> M: 5: H V I <' 8 »:V M The Straits Times Weekly Overseas Edition mb CAREERS IN SINGAPORE Attention All Singaporean Graduates Undergraduates! Graduate Recruitment Services will help find the RIGHT job for you in Singapore. For requires and free registration contact: Graduate Recruitment Services Master Projects Pte
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 432 22 K V/y* I The Straits Times Weekly Overseas Edition v t >, >* •4***,v 4« 1 *;< i </ ...v The Ministry of Defence offers challenging career opportunities of .EDITOR PSYCHOLOGIST PERSONNEL OFFICER •DEFENCE RELATIONS RESEARCH OFFICER •PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER •INTELLIGENCE OFFICER LOGISTICS OFFICER COUNSELLOR Applicants must have at least
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    • 800 23 They may open your eyes to the real situation overseas I AM writing in response to Tan Sai Siong’s article "I'd like an earful of what is right with Singapore” (ST Weekly Overseas Edition, April 13). Indeed, Singaporeans, for a change, should ask themselves
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    • 474 23 I REFER to your report which stated that the Government is considering allowing children of mixed marriages to have double surnames ("S’pore may allow double surnames: BG Yeo” ST Weekly Overseas Edition. April 20) The Acting Minister for Information and Arts, Brigadier-General
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    • 228 23 WHAT, I wonder, is going to be done with the old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street now that the structure next to it has been converted into the Substation 0 The unique three-sto-reyed building houses a rich history and
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    • 354 23 I REFER to the report "S’pore may allow double surnames: BG Yeo" (ST Weekly Overseas Edition. April 20). Firstly, why is there a need to legislate the choice of names? Should not the choice of a child's name be the sole right
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    • 299 23 LIKE the Singapore Heritage Society (SHS), I too see great folly in the decision to demolish Eu Court for road widening (ST Weekly Overseas Edition, April 27). Not only could this lead to the destruction of further historic landmarks, as the
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 141 23 Dear Readers THE Straits Times welcomes letters from you. Your letters must include your signature, full name, address, and home and office telephone numbers. They should preferably be typed, doubled-spaced. on one side of the paper. Brevity is an advantage. We do not accept for publication letters copied to us
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  • 847 24  -  65,000 salute Senior Minister’s contributions to trade union movement at May Day rally By Bertha Henson SINGAPORE workers on Wednesday joined workers around the world in celebrating May Day, and paid tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew for his contribution to the trade union
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  • 695 24  -  By By Zuraidah Ibrahim BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN The People’s Action Party Government Intends to contest and win every seat in the 1993 general election and will use the book, Singapore: The Next Lap, as its election manifesto, said Mr Goh
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