The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition, 26 September 1987

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times : Weekly Overseas Edition
  • 20 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY OVERSEAS EDITION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1987 Price: 551.20 (in Singapore) Elsewhere by subscription only MCI(P) 222/8/87
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  • 373 1  -  By AHMAD OSMAN THE Government will be asked to consider setting up a military academy, modelled after West Point in the US, to produce professional soldiers with both military and academic training. The proposal will be made by the Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC)
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  • 170 1 NEW YORK The world’s richest person is Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (left) of Brunei, says Fortune magazine, which estimates his wealth at US$25 billion (Sss2 biUion). What about Japanese landlord Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, who recently was rated as the
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  • 191 1 NST, AFP, Bernama. PENANG Police will question the former Malaysian Chinese Association president, Datuk Lee San Choon, about investments made by the Koperatif Serbaguna Malaysia (KSM). They said they would talk to Datuk Lee when he returns from abroad. They will question and
    NST,; AFP,; Bernama.  -  191 words
  • 885 1 YOUTH members of the People’s Action Partyended a two-day convention last Sunday in full agreement on the basic issues facing Singapore, and resolved to play a more active role in the party. They pledged to rally other youths to the PAP's
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  • 129 1 SINGAPORE, with 2.6 million people, has more than a million telephones 1.08 million to be exact. That works out to a telephone for every 2.4 people, or a phone in virtually every home and makes the Republic the N 0.2 in Asia, second
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 Indonesian group makes s77om cash offer for three of Khoo Teck Puat’s hotels See Back Page 6 .4
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    • 69 1 UL.-U* VAJ CPO' ijJciJ 31b? SlOOl JO* I Membership has its privileges INSIDE HOME NEWS Overseas grads look for mates through SDU PAGE 2 Should discussion be allowed on racial issues? PAGE 3 The dream of Singapore’s young leaders PAGE 4 ACROSS THE CAUSEWAY/ ASEAN PAGES 8 t 9 FORUM/
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  • HOME
    • 583 2  -  Many find circle of friends limited after years abroad By HEDWIG ALFRED MANY Singaporeans who find themselves lost for friends after they return home from studies abroad have been turning to the government matchmaking unit for help. And the Social Development Unit has
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    • 154 2 Shangri-La slips to No.9 spot in bankers Top 10 SHANGRI-LA Hotel has again made the list of the II hotels which hankers rate as tops but It was a close call. For the hotel has slipped yet again In the ratings from seventh last year (1981) to ninth this year
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    • 242 2 NATIONAL Day next year may be an even brighter affair, with a light-up stretching all the way from Orchard Road to Marina Square, where the carnival to celebrate the occasion may be held. The Minister for Communications and Information. Dr Yeo
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    • 419 2  -  Coopers accountant files appeal against decision By CATHERINE C. ONG THE disciplinary committee of the Singapore Society of Accountants (SSA) has suspended a senior partner of international audit firm Coopers and Lybrand for five years for professional misconduct. Mr Chew Kia Ngee, a public
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    • 195 2 MALAYSIA and Singapore have resumed talks on supplies of natural gas from offshore Trengganu to power stations here, a Malaysian official has indicated. The resumption comes aftei a delay in the construction of the Malaysian gas pipeline because low oil prices
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    • 127 2 A GIRL was found hanged at the Toa Payoh Girls' Home yesterday 11 days after she was sent there by her parents. Police said Goh Geok Hong, 15, was found hanged with a pair of pyjama trousers tied to some iron grilles at the
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    • 287 2 THE People’s Action Party has assured professionals that their views on the National Agenda would be taken seriously by the party. The assurance was given by Brigadier-General (Res) Lee Hslen l,oong In a letter to Dr Tan Cheng Bock, chairman of
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    • Feedback on National Agenda: The professionals’ views
      • 586 3  -  Some say Singaporeans not ready yet, others say it will lead to progress Reports by AHMAD OSMAN and BERTHA HENSON SHOULD racial matters be discussed openly? This was one issue which aroused considerable debate among the professionals. Some felt that Singaporeans were not
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      • 80 3 SINGAPORE should be more open and friendly to allay suspicions and dispel wrong impressions held by its neighbours. Political stability here depends on how well Singapore gets along with its neighbours. There Ls jealousy within the region over our economic success. Some
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      • 68 3 WE MUST also offer more expertise, such as that in housing and health care, to help neighbouring countries. But the Government must not hesitate to stand firm and tick off those who meddle in the Republic’s domestic politics. As Singapore is located in a politically volatile
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      • 70 3 TEACHING in schools should move away from rote-learning to encourage more creative work and a lively intellectual environment. And for creativity to thrive. Singaporeans should learn to tolerate those who appear to have “deviant” and "undisciplined” behaviour. Independent schools are not the answer to more creativity. Instead,
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      • 137 3 A STRONG, efficient and clean government is needed to achieve political stability. While there may be a need for unpopular policies, the Government must never be insensitive to the feelings and aspirations of the people. Likewise, Singaporeans must also not allow personal and
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      • 355 3 THE (own council concept is inevitably linked with that of Team MPs, said the professionals who see this as a political move to “handicap” the opposition. They said if this were not true, then candidates from different political parties should be
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      • 259 3 COUPLES are likely to have more children if the Government provides a strong support system for mothers, especially those who want to go back to work. For example, women who wish to return to work should be given some
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    • The PAP Youth Wing convention
      • 960 4  - The dream of S’pore’s young leaders to bring about the joy of living to all Goh By PAUL JACOB FIRST Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has said that the dream of Singapore’s younger leaders is to bring about the joy of living to everyone in a middleclass Singapore. And
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      • Workshop reports
        • 116 4 THE workshop recommended that religious and political leaders should meet regularly to discuss issues and seek common ground. It also suggested that the Government brief religious leaders regularly so that the latter could keep their own members well-informed. Singaporeans were also encouraged to be tolerant of and
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        • 152 4 THE workshop felt that multi-racial representation in Parliament could be ensured by the Team MPs concept. If Parliament was not multi-racial in character, there was the danger that political parties might be set up along communal lines. But the workshop felt that any new electoral system should not
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        • 143 4 SINGAPOREANS should not take their country’s stability for granted, stressed the workshop. But one delegate felt that Singapore was neither stable nor unstable, only finely balanced on a knife-edge or “astable”, a word he coined himself. Workshop chairman Mohd Abdul Akbar bin M A Kadar
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        • 172 4 IN ORDER to inculcate loyalty among party members, the workshop suggested having a party pledge and a party song. But it emphasised that loyalty must come from within the party member himself, otherwise the proposed pledge and song, as well as the party logo, would simply
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        • 94 4 WORKSHOP chairman Dr Lim Boh Soon of Jurong said workshop members felt that most Singaporeans were no longer pursuing the basic necessities of life, but seeking intangibles to better their standard of living. Although some members said it was no longer necessary to identify a person’s race
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      • 447 5 THE PAP’s Youth Wing called on the party to reach out to people from all walks of life and get them to understand and identify with the party’s objectives. It also asked the party to demonstrate its concern
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      • Main points from BG Lee’s speech
        • 148 5 4 SOME people have suggested that we are schizoid. Some foreign journalists have said to me, ‘Something is wrong with you Singaporeans. On the one hand you buy the E-2C (early warning aircraft), F-16s, and on the other hand, you talk peace. You are either schizoid or
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        • 239 5 HOWEVER long we build our nation, however long we raise our economy, Singapore will be a small country, will be in South-east Asia, will depend on the rest of the world for its trade and economic links, will depend on stability and security for its survival. As
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        • 156 5 THIS is why the Japanese have succeeded. There was a programme called Faces of Japan, from Swords to Factories. It explained the philosophy of the Japanese. It showed a steel factory making industrial steel products and a sword-maker, a traditional Samurai sword-maker. The steel factory had
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    • 433 5  -  By MAYLEE CHIA TRUK to expectations, the Year of the Dragon Is to have its bountiful harvest of babies next year. Maternity hospitals are so heavily booked in advance and the services of private gynaecologists are in such great demand that both have
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    • 204 5 SINGAPORE’S new $1 coins, that will eventually replace the $1 notes, will be issued on Monday. The Board of Commissioners of Currency will issue these coins at the same time as the new one-cent coins and $5 National Museum Centenary commemorative coins. The
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    • 309 5 THE Foreign Maids Employment Agency Association has said the Filipina maids its members engage for clients will be paid $250 a month. But the maids will have to pay for their own air tickets to Singapore contrary to the conditions set by
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    • 468 6  -  SDF-subsidised scheme offers free training to boost retail and electronics sectors BY CATHERINE C. ONG EMPLOYERS in the electronics and retail industries have mounted a concerted drive to recruit housewives and unemployed Singaporeans to help ease the labour shortage. The two groups
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    • 398 6  -  By SURESH NAIR AKTOT1CS officers hove mashed a Thailand-based turn ring with the arrest i six saspects and the eizore of 218 kg of raw plum last Sunday. Hie Deputy Director of he Central Narcotics tureau, Mr lahman Yew,
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    • 514 6  -  By HEDWIG ALFRED SOME teachers from St Patrick’s Secondary School are unhappy that they have to accept students from the four Christian Brothers primary schools who don’t make it to St Joseph’s Institution when SJI goes independent next year. Feelings ran so
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    • 400 6 LAWYER K. E. Hilborne has been restored to the rolls of advocates and solicitors more than three years after he was struck off for misconduct. This followed a settlement between him and the Law Society of Singapore while he was waiting for his appeal
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    • 237 7 THE tender for Tudor Court closed last week with no takers. The former Singapore Tourist Promotion Board office at Tanglin Road with its Tudor facade had aroused some interest, said a Ministry of Law official. Five interested parties turned up for the showaround and several
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    • 283 7 MORE and more motorists are making or receiving telephone calls while in their cars on the roads. Once seen as a status symbol of the rich and the important, a car phone is now for anyone who can afford it. According to Telecoms,
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    • 554 7  -  They think we may sell, but we’re not’ By ANNIE CHIA SELLING prices of highSuality small offices in the entral Business District have approximately doubled from the rock-bottom levels of a year ago. Checks by The Straits Times show
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    • 275 7 A CHECK with 196 banks has confirmed that the late National Development Minister Teh Cheang Wan and hLs family had accounts in only three banks in Singapore. This was disclosed by Mr Evan Yeo, Director of the Corrupt Practices
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    • 88 7 ILLEGAL advertisements on trishaws for a Japanese camera company have been removed. The Registry of Vehicles told the 154 trishaw riders to stop displaying the advertisements because they had not got permission to act as moving billboards. The ROY says trishaws are public vehicles and,
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    • 292 7 THREE Muslim leaders have urged Muslim Singaporeans to shed any minority complex and start working to be dynamic like the minorities in the United States. They spoke about issues facing Muslims at a half-day seminar organised by the Islamic Fellowship Association attended by 400 people
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  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 438 8 46,000 looking for jobs, says survey KUALA LUMPUR NST. UNEMPLOYED Malaysian graduates are looking hopefully to Singapore for jobs. Representatives of Pakar, the national movement of united artistes and cultural organisations which is helping the graduates to find employment, are to meet members
      NST.  -  438 words
    • 239 8 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysian Indian Congress President Datuk S. Sarny Vellu has said he will not seek a ban of the song Ayo Ayo Sami and advised party members not to make a fuss about it. Datuk Sarny Vellu, who
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    • 344 8 NST. KUALA LUMPUR All Umno Cabinet ministers who decided the tender for the North-South Highway project are guilty of corruption, lawyer Karpal Singh told the High Court here on Thursay. Mr Karpal Singh, acting for Democratic Action Party leader
      NST.  -  344 words
    • 100 8 Bernama. SKKKMBAN While (tome of the women want castration for ehlld rapists, the rountry’t* .Justice* of the Peace have recommended mandatory public hanging for the crime which haw been on the upnarge In the coantry lately. The National Council of Jutttier* of
      Bernama.  -  100 words
    • 192 8 PENANG SINGAPORE is keen to introduce the university twinning programme practised by several Malaysian universities with foreign ones, its Education Minister, Dr Tony Tan, has said. Dr Tan, who is on a working visit, told a news conference after a two-hour private meeting
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    • 563 8 NST. KUALA LUMPUR Nine present and former directors and several senior executives of the Central Cooperative Bank (CCB) have been questioned by the police in connection with allegations of malpractices and bad loans totalling more than $5OO million. Sources said more senior
      NST.  -  563 words
    • 220 8 Bernama, NST. KUALA LUMPUR Koperasi Pembangunan Pemuda Malaysia (Komuda cooperative) was last Friday allowed by the High Court Senior Assistant Registrar to serve a writ for MJ1.2 million against former Malaysian Chinese Association president Tan Koon Swan in Singapore. Senior Assistant Registrar Harmindar
      Bernama, NST.  -  220 words
    • 524 9 NST KUALA LUMPUR About 12,000 drug addicts are roaming free in the city and virtually all of them are wanted by the police for jumping bail. A chronic shortage of holding centres has forced the police to allow them personal bail a system
      NST  -  524 words
    • 116 9 NST. KUALA LUMPUR Agriculture Minister Datuk Seri Sanusi Junid has suggested to Bank Pertanian Malaysia (Agricultural Bank) that It records details of borrowers’ private lives as a means of assessing their credit worthiness. “We want to know whether a borrower is a gambler,
      NST.  -  116 words
      • 206 9 Reuter. BANGKOK Bangkok’s top madam has moved from behind the bar to behind bars. Chintana Bunnag, 43, known by leading generals, politicians and other less celebrated clients by her nickname of “8.M.,” gave herself up to police at the weekend to face charges
        Reuter.  -  206 words
      • 96 9 Reuter. JAKARTA A Javanese farmer wbe caught his wife •mi her lever In a tryst decapitated them bath with a stride and teeh the heads to his village chief, pellee said. The Si-year-eld farmer, Identified ealy as Ban, calmly tied the head» together with a
        Reuter.  -  96 words
      • 271 9  -  By Yang Razali Kaasim Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA Armed Forces chief General Benny Murdani has urged the powerful Indonesian military to ensure that parliament does not become a forum for confrontation. The legislature should also not be a platform for political showmanship or a forum to continue
        271 words
      • 429 9 MANILA AFP, Reuter. VICE-PRESIDENT Salvador Laurel says that the Philippines is in “grave peril” with hundreds of communists employed in the government of President Corazon Aquino. “This is not a case of someone crying wolf to call attention to himself. “The truth is,
        AFP,; Reuter.  -  429 words
      • 143 9 AFP. Bemama KOTA KINABALU A tug-of-war between the Roman Catholic Church and Muslim authorities over the remains of an assemblyman buried at a Christian cemetery has gone to a court. Officials of the Sabah Islamic Religious Council petitioned the High Court here for
        AFP.; Bemama  -  143 words

  • FORUM/ Pick of the letters
    • 405 10 On the word ‘charismatic’ LATELY, the adjective “charismatic" has been applied quite indiscriminately to: 1. The recent Korean cult leader responsible for the mass murder-cum-suicide; 2. Some Christian churches; and 3 The Lutheran pastor in the current television series Murder Ordained. To the unwary and uniformed
      405 words
    • 553 10 Why St Patrick’s should take in SJl’s spillover students I REFER to your report “St Pat’s staff see red over SJI •castaways' (ST, Sept 22 See Page 6 of this issue) regarding the concern expressed by some teachers of St Patrick's School over the
      553 words
    • 275 10 I RECEIVED the first two copies of your Straits Times Weekly Overseas Edition today (Sept 14). I enjoyed reading a summary of the Singapore news, as did my wife. 1 am English but lived many years in Singapore; my wife is Singaporean. We have been
      275 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 223 10 Filin someone overseas about Singapore. ■XT' The Straits Times pil i WEEKLY OVERSEAS EPWON virunoAV, scrrcMM* s n- r I r. NO *72. «.nr awwatei» The Straits Times Overseas Weekly. It's the new weekly newspaper, printed on lightweight paper in convenient tabloid size. It will carry business, economic, political and
      223 words
    • 88 10 Overseas Readers The Straits Times welcomes letters from you. Your letters must include your signature, full name and address. They should preferably be typed, double-spaced, on one side of the paper. You may add a pseudonym if you wish. But we would prefer your using your real name. Brevity is
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  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • 525 11 HUMOUR MACAW in The Sunday Times WHEN Wee Koh fell ill last week, his neighbour Mahmood decided to do the neighbourly thing and visit him in hospital to cheer him up. We void-deck loafers were at our usual stations, in the void deck, when Mahmood returned
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    • 983 11  -  You don’t need to be a tourist to resent being bought and sold like a bit of merchandise, even if the transaction is made out of sight and you’re unaware that it occurred. By TAN SAI SIONG in The Sunday Times EVEN to the
      in The Sunday Times  -  983 words
    • 1017 13 What is the Hongkong stock exchange coming to? Eyebrows were raised and tongues wagged in this free-wheeling colony when it was announced that Club Volvo, a girlie club of the brassiest kind, will be listed in November. An El Dorado of hedonism, it is home to 1,000
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    • 713 13  -  Our correspondent’s file Yang Razali Kassim JAKARTA JAKARTA The drama in the Philippines, the Gulf war, the South Korean upheaval and such headline-grabbing developments in the turbulent world must provide great relief for Indonesian newspapermen. Not that media people here are stone-hearted creatures who delight
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    • 584 13 build-up to Volvo’s proposed listing promises to be just as tantalising .as a visit to the club. Indeed, the club’s vastness was my most enduring first impression of the place when I visited it last year. All the numbers at Club Volvo are big
      584 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 36 11 It’s Cheah t IT'SJUST A MATTER. OF USIN& vtXJR. INNER strength AND... AND... -KNOWING HOW TO CONTROL IT QIGONG HARMFUL? NONSEHStI L—L-J--LJ CXJ R I i! i vV 01 /V* 1 ..A-AND... f'-» T 1 f
      36 words

  • COMMENT/ Pick of the week’s editorials
    • 635 12 EDITORIALS published in this page are from The Straits Times unless otherwise acknowledged. Sept 25, 1987 THE disclosure of plans by the HDB to hive off its maintenance responsibilities to a Govern-ment-backed company should not come as too much of a surprise. For some time
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    • 616 12 Sept 26, 1987 FOREIGN Minister Wu Xueqian has put China on record that it is willing to settle for a non-communist coalition government in Cambodia under Prince Norodom Sihanouk. For the sake of the unfortunate Khmers, we hope that this is no mere tactic. Because of the
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    • 640 12 Sept 24, 1987 THE Iranians may be fast running out of options in the Gulf war. International pressure, from both the United Nations and the Arab League, on Iran to accept a ceasefire is mounting. Teheran’s hitherto effective strategy of hitting out at shipping associated with Iraq’s
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    • 432 12  -  By ALAN HUBBARD Europe Editor LONDON Britain’s finest etymological minds have finally decided that the world is ready for a new word for having sex. Bonking. The verb "to bonk" has already made it into the newly-published Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and is one
      432 words

  • TIME$
    • 3265 14 e Friday, Sept 25, 1987 1987 last Yield Vol Day Htfh low Company Sale Change 000) High low SECTION ONE INDUSTRIALS ft COMMERCIAL 27b 130 Aetna 212 F 4 04 4b 213 210 96 b6 Alcom 61 *08 109 Ama! Staal 50« 26b 3
      3,265 words
    • 150 14 AFTER another sharp drop of 35.27 points on Monday, which brought the total loss In the ST Industrial Index for five successive trading days to 199.69 points, the Singapore stock market recovered over the next four days to finish the week at 1,381.67
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    • 311 14 THE Singapore stock market opened on fairly strong buying interest and closed generally firmer yesterday although most counters slipped slightly from the day’s high towards the close. The Straits Time Industrial Index rose 11.06 points to 1,381.67, the broader-based Business Times Composite Index
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    • 68 14 IN KUALA LUMPUR, buyers made a strong comeback yesterday and share prices were higher across the board. Plantation stocks led gainers with double-digit gains. Brokers said investors displayed much confidence and were picking up shares again. The New Straits Times Index surged 22.92 points to 2,071.93.
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    • 60 14 IN HONGKONG, the Hang Seng index surged to another record high yesterday on record turnover as the booming economy continued to attract funds into the stock market. The index climbed 71.69 points to 3,840.11 as turnover rose to HK53.45 billion. The index has risen for six
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      • 434 15  - Asahi Glass to spend $200m $300m on TV panels plant in Juring By Peter Hazelhuret Tokyo Correspondent TOKYO Asahi Glass, the world’s leading producer of television tubes, has announced that it will go ahead with plans to start a large manufacturing base in Singapore. The company is expected to invest
        434 words
      • 404 15 AMERICAN oil giant Esso will pump $lll million more Into Its Pulao Ayer Chawan refinery, It was announced this week. The money will be spent on a visbreaker plant which will enable the company to upgrade lower* value fuel oil
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    • 390 15 S«pt ?s HKS Ch4fl(« Assoc Inti Hotels 3 95 0 375 Bank Of lost Asia 3S00 1 5 Capital Corp 4 3S ■0 175 Cathay Pocitic An 8 2S 005 Cheuna Kong Chmo light 1300 0 1 29 60 -04 City Resources 4 8S 0 125 Cross Harb Tunnel
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    • 299 15  -  By CONRAD RAJ MRS THERESA Foo-Yo Mie Yoen, who recently resigned as executive vice-president of corporate banking at Oversea-Chi-nese Banking Corporation, will join Standard Chartered Bank as the manager of its restructured corporate banking division on Nov 2. Standard Chartered Area
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    • 613 16  -  Group is back in the black after 4 years with slom interim profit By DOREEN SOH WITH one hand, national carrier Neptune Orient Lines Ltd on Tuesday gave its shareholders $10.6 million in pre-tax interim profit and good hopes for the group's
      613 words
    • 324 16 Managers' prices for September 26 A 28 Smeapore Unit Trust The Commerce 1 21 128 Th* swings fund 10/ 1 14 S pur#* Prog f und 0 48 0 S2id Spore Sec fund 081 08/ Spu»* insesl fund 0 89 098 Spore fquitf fund 060 0 68 Asia
      324 words
      • 384 16  -  proving economy. CONRAD RAJ TRUE to their earlier forecast and in line with general trends in the financial sector, Hong Leong Finance and its subsidiary, Singapore Finance, have reported vastly improved results for the first half of the year and look set
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      • 261 16 CENTRAL Properties Ltd, a listed company in the Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat stable, has cheered shareholders with a 71 per cent jump in group pretax profit to $10.85 million for the six months to June. The group whose chairman, Tan Sri
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      • 382 16 RETAILER Robinson and Company has turned in its first full-year operating profit since 1981 but, after taking into account other items, pre-tax profit fell by 32 per for the year to June 30. In line with the improved climate in the retail sector,
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    • 480 16  -  19.67 m share offer By LIM ENG HAI SINGAPORE Reinsurance Corporation, whose public share offer was opened for subscription from Wednesday, is poised to cap five years of rapid growth with a further 53 per cent increase in profit this
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 789 17 APPOINTMENTS Personnel Organization Development (PTE)LTD Leader in Personnel Management Consultancy Employee recruitment and search Off company training In company training Industrial relations and local labour laws Salary and benefits Performance appraisal Job Evaluation Personnel policies Personnel systems Licence No B 0040-01 Personnel Organization Development, a leading management consultancy has been
      789 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 975 18 Bank Manager Around $90,000 A major London-based bank, active in Singapore and the region for many years, seeks a solidly experienced credit manager who will supervise branch operations and become part of its senior management committee. The successful candidate will be a credit administration expert who is in tune w
      975 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 817 19 A career opportunity with KODAK SINGAPORE in CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT SERVICE Kodak Singapore, a subsidiary of the Eastman Kodak Company of the U.S.A. is looking for highly capable and technically competent persons to join its team of technical personnel engaged in the installation, maintenance and servicing of a wide range of
      817 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 971 20 PACIFIC MANAGEMENT RESOURCES PTE LTD MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT AROUND $35,000 PER ANNUM PLUS BENEFITS PMR 1373 Our client is an established manufacturing and marketmg company, and this is a key position in the organisation. The Management Accountant will be responsible for co-ordinating financial accounting and cost accounting activities in the company.
      971 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 468 21 Winning Solutions. Worth over US$4 billion per annum worldwide in 47 countries by 33,000 people. ’is CONTROL DATA CORPORATION. We started by building the world’s most powerful supercomputers and won a worldwide reputation for excellence that continues to this day. To help get information in and out of the computers,
      468 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 740 22 One vision. One Mission. 6 6 Great companies are built by people willing to make bold moves, who take events into their own hands anti dare to act on their vision... we are in the vanguard of a movement that is sure to redirect si. Systems Sales Professionals I he
      740 words

    • South-east Asia Games in Jakarta
      • 1098 23 Hosts boast the most as Singapore earn a small toast GODFREY ROBERT reviews the 14th Sea Games and finds it weary and unwieldy FOR many, the fully-prepared Indonesians aside, the 14th South-east Asia Games has been a long yawn. The two-week duration (from arrival to departure),
        1,098 words
    • 220 23 PATRICIA GOH became the lint local golfer to be •warded u oversew scholarship when she ww offered a place at the University of South Alabama. He tt-year-old Warren Premier League player ww sc bed sled to leave yesterday for a marketing and management conrae
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 162 23 I Roll Of honour \'7 V Singapore’s gold medal winners Bodybuilding Ibrahim Sihat (bantam); Fatholomein Ali (welter) Haahim Salim (middle). Bowling Five-woman team (Grace Young. Adeiene Wee, Sandra Chua. Katherine Lee, Tamgelia Chua); Men's trios (Jansen Chan, Sam Goh, Patrick Wee). f f/ Judo Ho Yen Chye heavyweight Pencak Silat
      162 words

  • 540 24  -  By CONRAD RAJ AN INDONESIAN party has offered to buy all but one of hotelier Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat’s Singal>ore hotels. Sources said negotiations with the Indonesian party for the sale of Tan Sri Khoo's flagship Goodwood Park Hotel
    540 words
  • 100 24 SWIMMER David IJm will receive an Olympic gold coin for being Singapore’s most outstanding performer at the recent South-east Asia Games In Jakarta. David, who won five golds and a silver, will receive the half-ounce coin, worth SI,N9, at next year’s sports awards ceremony.
    100 words
  • 383 24  -  Story by JANICE SEAH STRANGE, this doesn’t look like swimmer Nurul lluda Abdullah. The smile does look vaguely familiar, and she Ls by a pool, hut where are the lyera, the goggles, the unflattering swim cap, the steely eyes, the gold medals? The Nurul that Southeast
    Picture by ALBERT SIM  -  383 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 44 24 SUN TAN 1 Nice MV 600DMX you JXK h»pi>/ you Must ha/s mad 4 Nice D*y' > l HAD A DAY Rotten DAy-JusT like EvravoTve* yOAyoPwy uPE' v s 5. 2 O By Collette i keep powrmNisSME'S NCVEA ftfAuV HAffV UNLESS J sne's miseaajlE V.JIA
      44 words