Singapore Weekly Herald, 30 March 1889

Total Pages: 4
5 8 Singapore Weekly Herald
  • 17 5 The Singapore Weekly Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. VOL. II SINGAPORE, SATriIDAY, JiOn. MAX( 11, 1S8!». [Ho, 89.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 307 5 TIIK SINGAPORE WEEKLY HERALD. RATM v srnsciiiiTioN. IVu-al and Outntatiuii Delivery, Payable Quar. ferlv m advance sl.."»n. Single copy 15 Cents, rOftUGM DIUTBT, (hn/ah/c (JiKU'tcr/tj m adrancc.) Including postage. Kates for Advertisements can he learnt upon applicat ion. Notices of Btribo, Marriages, Deaths, In Mi'inoriuin, or Anniversary announcements will bo
      307 words
    • 328 5 CORNELIUS I CO. AUOTIOMBIBB, ROUBB, COMMISSION AM) RBTATE AGENTS. NO. 30 RAFFLES PLACE. m an in > the n bw i oowbta l bank.) SINGAPORE. Singapore, 2J»th September, |88i, THE CATHOLIC REPOSITORY 79 Brass Bassa Road (two doors from North Bridge Road) SINGAPORE. Holy Week Books. Vesper do Roman Missal.
      328 words
    • 451 5 TASAOUERiA UNIVERSAL No. U U BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE, Close to the Post Office. Tn Hoeki ChJARSA: TOBACCO of II Kimls, Cigarettes, Ci^uvtte paper. Pipes, ami sj| other reijuesit.'s looked U>v hv the luxuriant smokers. Sinn-apore, IlMIi ()<-t(d)er, ISSS. THE INDIAN DISPENSARY. NUT *o m CHDflftl GO4PKL HOUSI No. IM-1 Worn
      451 words

  • 516 6 The Singapore Weekly Herald. SATURDAY, 30th MARCH, 1889. LATEST NEWS FROM ROME. Fii>iii >'i(r inf/i 'urrtSj'Olh/t'Hf Mm* M-irch lit, I sMl The Papal Gilts- to Ireland •far exceed m number and costliness than any i>f those Kent to any other country. Tlm ottk'ul m MM <•• t lie Vai iran,
    516 words
  • 589 6 Thk recent correspondence m the columns of the >inyaiHtre Free Pres* regarding the services anil other matters m connection with St. Andrew's (Anglican) Cathedral m Singa pore, discloses a state of things which reminds one wi v forcibly of the Tower of Babel No
    589 words
  • 480 6 THE PROGRESS OF RITUALISTIC PRACTICES. AN INTKKKSTINO SCALE. Thk Leek Timrg given a scale showing the propress and gradual adoption of Ritualistic practices m tin- Estnhliwhed Church m Leek and neighbourhood during the last forty years. Ah what lias taken place there is m almost all renpects similar to what
    480 words
  • 1172 6 I n one nt the <»[)•' m 1 1 1 lT vcn r> ■>( t h■h 1 1 r«-^.' 1 1 1 < turv, a small baud ot r-Yench miih. of the Orvfol of |Ke imitation, who had been driven from their
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 295 6 ,'\LK\l)Ai: OF TIIK WKEK. .1,, <ii .i Ui.v S J .In < -i< Ai.!..-t and C. -.;> I. I. l» »k Sin >y 1472 •i\ M Yui Sui i.- i. Si llfiijaiuin, M l-» k| U \l 1., v, S II H "i I" HIS. •j,,,, I „.M«iu» Si Xi
      295 words

  • 724 7 Uy M. Lainu Mkason m Maumu.lan'h Magazine. 'untinued. In London the middle and professional classes amongMt Catholics are greatly indebted 1 > Cardinal Manning for a college at which their mmm can be thoroughly well educated, and he either boarders or day-scholars, an their parent* may
    724 words
  • 1877 7 llm Lordship the Bishop of Malacca occupied the pulpit ;it Ilif 1 ;it li«-ilr;il during Hitfli M:»ss nn Siiikl:iv morning hist. Alter reading tin 1 fiospol t«»r tli I'fiist of tlif! Am timid* Jition, HJM Lordnhip prparlipil ;m ploc|flonl m<riiii>n <•!• tit* 1 siil»j» <'l <•! tli.-
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  • 1639 8  - ST. FRANCIS XAVIER— PATRON OF THE DIOCESE OF MALACCA. Father Coleridge S.J. a,, i 'oH/intif/. Tlioro then are the thmgß which I have discovered from experience, I..iib; experience on the H pot, m the*e region* of India, KaiMMI and the Moluocnn, and which wound my hoiil and kill me witli
    1,639 words