Singapore Standard, 11 February 1959

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1 14 Singapore Standard
  • 20 1 m SINGAPORE STANDARD Telephone ***** —5 Cabl« TIGERNEWS" SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 11. 1959. Vol. IX No. 223. 15 cts. 14 Pages
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  • 163 1 TOH PUAN LIM, wife of Singapore's Chief Minister, will model a sarong and kebaya at the "An Evening with Eve" tableaux of ancient costumes and modern dresses in the Constitution Exposition Hall on Feb. 28. Announcing this yesterday, the Chairman of the Organising
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  • 338 1 COLOMBO, Feb. 10 (Reuter) The government of the Maldive Islands, a British Protectorate, said yesterday that unless Britain recognised their sovereignty and independence, the Maldives would not allow a Royal Air Force staging post to be established there. The islanders, mostly, live on 215
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  • 29 1 VILLAGERS threatened by a massive landslide refused to quit their homes yesterday at Herbriggen. Southwest Switzerland, despite a police warning thev face "imminent dan- ger."— Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 134 1 Missouri tornado kills 31 ST. LOUIS, Feb. 10 (Reuter) A tornado roared through this city of two million people today, killing at least 31 a injuring 400 and leaving scores of buildings ruined or burning, with an unknown number of people buried under debris. The air \va s filled with
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  • 75 1 LONDON. Feb. 10 (Reuter) Queen Elizabeth created nearly 50 new Knights today at an investiture at Buckingham Palace, London. They included the Prime Ministers of Sierra Leone and of Northern Nigeria, Alex Guinness, British film star, and Viscount Kemsley, British newspaper magnate. The Queen also presented Insignia
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  • 128 1 NEW DELHI, Feb. 10 (Reuter) —A complaint against Mr. M. O. Mathai, former special assistant to the Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, for contempt of India's Lower House of Parliament was referred to a committee of privileges here today. Mr. Ma:hai resigned last month to defend himself against allegations
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  • 851 1 Thanks to Tunku Malaya is now model for Asia THE Sixth Commonwealth Relations Conference held recently in New Zealand has described the outgoing Federation Prime Minister. Tunku Abdul Rahman as "one of the greatest and most far-sighted statesmen in Asia." The conference also had high praise for the Tunku's endeavour
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  • 139 1 CUSTOMS CHECK CHANGE AT JB PEOPLE travelling to the Federation by rail will not be unduly inconvenienced by the change in Customs check from Johore Bahru to Singapore today. The Collector of Federation Customs Duties. Mr W G. Steven, told The Standard yesterday that there would be no radical change
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  • 43 1 WINDSOR. ENGLAND, Feb. 10 (Reuter)— Nearly half of the 1.180 boys at Eton college here are down with influenza, or have chickenpox or mumps. Flu cases number nearly 400. Chickenpox and mumps cases are being moved to the school sanatorium.
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  • 43 1 NG CHAN LAY 42 of Craig Road, was admitted to the General Hospital after he was found stabbed near his home last night. Ng was believed to be involved in a right with a few men when he received the wounds.
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  • 189 1 AUSSIE LINKS WITH ASIA STRESSED SYDNEY, Feb. 10 (Reuter) Australians were o ne of the peoples of the Asian region whether they liked it or not. Rev. Victor Coombes said here today As such. Australians were being driven together with Asians, and driven forward together in a common task, he
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  • 518 1 Far Hernia opergMtiait Herter takes over for the next few weeks WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 (Reuter) Mr. John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of State, entered hospital today for a hernia operation. He was smiling as he walked slowly into Walter Reed medical centre, the big army hospital, and
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  • 180 1 Standard tipster picks 4 winners STANDARD tipster Francis was in fine form yesterday —h e picked four winners in the second day of the Se|. angor Turf Clob Gold Cup meeting. They We re: Slipper Prince (Race 1.) Timhrrane (Rare 4.) Marirold (Race 5) and Thank You (Rare 7.) Francis'
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  • 123 1 THAI KING NAMES NEW CABINET BANGKOK Fob 10 (Reuter>— King Phum lp o I Aduldej tonight appointed a new cabinet headed by Fleid Marshai Sarit Thanarat leader of the Revolutionary Party. Prince Wan Waithyakorn and General Tanom Kittikachorn are vice-premiers. Tanad Koman. Ambassador U) the United States Is appointed Foreign
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  • 44 1 MOSCOW. Feb. 10 <Reuter> —Sir Pa* rick Reilly, the British Ambassador to Russia, left here by air today for London with tentative plans drawn with the Soviet Foreign Ministry lor the forthcoming visit of Mr. Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 WMportsman 's Greeting Ito his Fa vo u rite Steed gg: tfS A HtXCOLES 1860 MODEL Bv- biryrle As I go whizzing past T kind. At seven miles an hour, and i? wheel in say: "How can he go so fast?* 1 'W' 1 1 TV- But hi Sh speeds
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  • 223 2 This food is more like it 'hunger strike' students tXIVERSITY students in the Dun earn Road ('hunger strike) hostels noticed a welcome change in the food yesterday, when the Domestic Manager of tht King Edward VII Hall, Mr. H. K. Lim. personalis arranged the menu and other canteen services. Mr.
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  • 43 2 Photo. MISS Enbrijati Iskak. Indon esia s leading movie star sand the "actress of the year,'' in 1958. rides in a trisha (pedicab) through Jakarta streets returning from school after the day's study. UPI
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 212 2 Garcia tells Aussie bride: You can stay in PI forever 1 tm M > A hA A Feb 10 < Reuter > The Philippine President, Mr. Carlos Garcia, has Riven special permission to a young Asutralian girl married to a Filipino busin- e^ m ai stay P erman^ntly in the
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  • 50 2 VERONA. Italy Feb. 10 (UPIi Mario Dalge. 24. rode hl s bicycle about 15 mlle s to the Verona Hospital last night with a bullet in his head Dalge said he .shot himself accidentally while cleaning his pistol. Hospital authoritles said he would recover.
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  • 97 2 THE DUTCH DON'T WANT MOLOTOV THE HAGUE, Feb. 10 (UPI)— The Dutch Government has informed Russia it does not want former Foreign Minister, Vyacheslav M Molotov as the new Soviet Ambassador to The Hague, reliable diplomatic sources reported today. Molotov, ousted in the purge of the "anti-party 5ESP by Soviet
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  • 231 2 School display on civics month JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. The Deputy Mentri Besar, Johore, today opened an exhibition of schoolwork at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in connection with civics month. Declaring the exhibition open, the Deputy Mentri Besar said: "This exhibition as you all know, has been organized by our schools
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  • 25 2 MACAO. Feb. 10 (Router) Twenty- seven mainland Chinese including Ave children, were reported to have escaped to Macao in two wooden boats today.
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  • 100 2 CURRENTS DEFY PITHO SALVAGE AFTER four days of salvaging in the scene of Saturday's harbour disaster, the bodies of four crew members of the Pitho. have still not been recovered Further attempt* made vesterdav during the low tide proved unsuccessful and had to be abandoned. Strong (ross currents at Keppel
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  • 753 3 RUCTION throughout the Federation and fcorc to Premier Tunku Abdul Rahmans sioff to resign from leadership of the Alliance erißent showed admiration for what was :rib«d by his colleagues and friends as a noble urc- surprise that the dramatic anncament created, immediately gave place to proper evaluation as an
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  • 1141 3  - NUCLEAR TALKS DEADLOCK LONDON JHE fiasco of the nuclear conference at Geneva is now almost complete. Barring a last-minute reprieve from Moscow or Washington, the atomic and hydrogen bomb-tests will be indefinitely resumed. Most scientists agree that this means condemning tens— some of them say hundreds of thousands of men,
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  • 734 3  - GENERAL FRANCO IN TROUBLE ESTEBAN CROSS LONDON r J > HE most serious and complex crisis of its 20 years of existence appears to be facing General Franco's dictatorship in Spain. The wave of arrests involving distinguished professors, doctors and wealthy industrialists in the past few months is only one
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  • 29 3 Though completely at sea, the North Pole was never reached by a sea-going vessel until the U. S. nu-clear-powered submarine Nautilus reached it on August 3,1958.
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  • 663 3  - New World For Old Believers LONDON j^N odyssey that began as long ago as the Russian Revolution of 1917 has come to a happy ending near Palmeira in Southern Brazil. There the Russian community of Old Believers has at last found sanctuary. Unable to live under Communism, this group of
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  • 67 3 "PIGS and cattle, rich In succulent steaks or juicy cuts off the joint, can have eyes as soulful as the next one's, without making the British turn a hair, but an ill-treated horse or what the Scots call a 'wandered' dog is guaranteed to leave not a
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  • 44 3 "THE older I grow the more I long for quality fewer and better people fewer and better things in the home. I find myself quite bitterly resenting the showv and the shoddy." Minnie Pallister speaking in the BBC programme "Woman's Hour."
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  • 455 3 I HERE are— and always will be— people inclined to impute more than the meaning conveyed in a simple, straightforward statement. Inc announcement that Tunku Abdul Rahman will shortly hand over the reins of office as Federation Prime Minister to his deputy. Dato Abdul
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 wtrtltmM^~~ Own a Fully Automatic W^^^m BALOAMATIC 1 and br Z. assured of corrpct focus .f '_ZZ and right exposures. -J^ Xonar f2, 6/45 mm HZ rT^-^BRir" "af^SßßPi Exposure meter coupl- ;2 _^Rwd-- J^^TH Mxv B. l, 1/500 mBU^Bt- ■>■ ABj srr shutter. A^ B 5285.00. l^BK* '/^"^V r >
      139 words
    • 22 3 ■CIWIF POLISHES!^N. y^^^V PROTECTB! NOURISHES! PRESERVES^ Black, dark tan brown. tas^^H light tan. ox blootx m»hoc.»n'^h •KtH%«Ua> MACUItft WATSOMMrCO. IT>. TCU tf*<tl4
      22 words

  • 284 4 Single Body To Assess Lands THE Singapore Government will shortly set up a Central Valuation and Assessment Department to value lands and fix rates for the entire island Sources close to Government yesterday disclosed that legislation to this effect is at present being prepared. The new department will be attached
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  • 64 4 TAiPING. Tues. A large and cosmopolitan gathering ?v^ n t d d i he eddl *K of Che Wantek daughter of the late L ncl JS u S^d Khan, to Inche Hashim bin Mohamed Noor ri ere yesterday. The bride, a popular figure among: the younger
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  • 241 4 Officers sore over plan to recruit 'expats' LOCAL senior officers have warned the Singapore City Council that they are becoming frustrated and "detested its decision to recruit" a new type of expatriate officers." I Referring to the Council's recent decision to recruit engineers from Asian countries to man the power
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  • 126 4 How-to-vote lesson at the fair THOUSANDS of visitors to! the Songapore Constitution Ex- position yesterday learnt how to vote at the polling nation at the Government pavilion. Se'f-exp'.anatory illustrations and instructions in different i languages told the people that the identity of the voter would be kept a closed secret.
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  • 60 4 Bank girl is named 'Queen' SINGAPORE bankmen named 13-year-old Patricia Chan Lai Leen (centre) "Bank Union Queen 1959° at a social and dance held at the Victoria Memorial Hall recently. Miss Chan s a bank employee herself and can be found at the Bank of Tokyo. Runners-up were Miss June
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  • 78 4 JAKARTA. Feb. 10 (Reuten—Work started today on the joint Indonesian-Mala-yan Film Production "Habis Gelap Terbitalah Terang" i After Darkness Comes Light). Antara news agency reported. The film is being made by the Indonesian Perflni Company and Merdeka Film Enterprises of Kuala Lumpur Thp scar is
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  • 415 4 Police break up night battle by 30 thugs: 4 held Man dies, another badly hurt in Butterivorth clash BUTTERWORTH, Tucs. Bagan Luar, the main trunk road off Mitchell Pier was turned into a bloody battlefield in a gang war between two secret societies early today. The clash resulted as gangsters
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  • 194 4 It's Foolish Act Sandosham Crackers In Varsity A group of students who let off crackers inside the tniversity of Malaya Library on Friday nl*ht may not be punished. This is because the culprits have not been discovered Prof. A. A. Sandosham. Principal of the Singapore Division of the University, described
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  • 140 4 Mr. Marcus wants to be relieved HEAD of the Hawkers and Markets Department in the Singapore City Council, Mr. L A. Marcus who has recently tendered his resignation nas asked the Council to terminate his services immediately. Mr. Marcus told the Council that he was prepared to forfeit ail leave
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  • 121 4 SIX cases of burns caused by fire crackers were treated in the Singapore General Hospital yesterday. This brings the total number of cases of burns treated at the hospital for the Chinese New Year to 38. It Is less than half the total for last
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  • 173 4 'Support Lee' call by Union THE National Union of Industrial and General Workers vesterdav called on all Singapore Assemblymen to support 9. motion by People's Action Party leader, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, which comes up at today's Legislative Assembly meeting. Mr. Lee*s motion reads: "That this House deplores the payment
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  • 35 4 THE Damascus newspaper Al Alam said yesterday that the new Iraqi Cabinet had arrested 200 Arab Nationalists, including 60 Army officers and six ministers who resigned from the government at the week-end.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 59 4 BONN, Feb 10 (Router) Corporal Albert Porter of the British Royal Corps of Signals is reported to have crossed into East Germany, a Royal Air Forre spokesman said today. He said a Mercedes car which belonged to Porter had been found by West German authorities at
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  • 175 4 Teachers Ask land for club house SINGAPORE Teachers Union has asked Government for a piece of land in the vicinity of the Singapore Polytechnic to build a club house for use of teachers in the Colony. Mr. S. Sivamndem, presi- of the- union, told The Standard yesterday that Government had
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  • 105 4 NEW DELHI, F- in «R euter) The independent T.mps of India announced today that one of its correspondents had been refused a visa to visit Communist China on the grounds that his views did not coincide with those r>f thr Governments of India or China and
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  • 77 4 SINGAPORE'S famous Haw Par Vill* in Paslr Panjang attracted hundreds of holiday-makers yesterday. A large crowd assembled there early in the morning even before the gates Here opened. The steady stream continued Mil late in the evening. Very often traffic on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 I'll W! wfif7/////£tt I m* m 111 Mrl i.. X.m^^m NBSTLE'S READY-COOKED 3-CEREAL FOOD NESTUM Is NOT Just for babies you know it also makes a delicious, nourishing and economical f breakfast or light evening meal, for ALL THE CTOKmr^SoiSR^ f S l ly P^P^red for T NO COOKING IS
      115 words

  • 279 5 Etusand Singapore students under 14, who secondary school entrance examination fin classes today to prepare for a second I try at the examination. Twenty-five afternoon Masses are open today to accommodate over 1,000 pupils in five different schools Chairman of the Malayan Christian Schools Council Dr D.D. Chelliah. told
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  • 123 5 Ijf Sub-Commit-Singapore City I recommended Jlate dismissal Overseer in the ect and Buildeyor's DepartStandard unrr.«*ndation follows arned out by the ive OftVer, on the c<>nJO.ono King /.rig Pool, ordered by y mm a re'ion that the •tion Pool was ig *d f supervlsIf a 'hat there jceyc s in
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  • 47 5 I BEACH, Feb. 10 "he Federal Bureau :ion said yesterday 5UD.001) (about worth of jewels from Mr. Leon C. rhairman of the ertz Corp., at the Hotel on Miami I. agent said one wellery stolen was 08,000 (M5c»24.000). aum is head of the Rental Car Organ-
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  • 50 5 MANCHESTER, Feb. 10 ■Reiner) A scientist working on top secret government experiments with the Ferranti Electronics Group, Dr. James Darbyshire, was found dead yesterday in his laboratory here. Police said foul play was not suspected but they believed the 52-year-old scientist had died from cyanide poisoning.
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  • 62 5 TOKYO. Feb. 10 (Reuter)— Japan's Crown Prince Akihito can now pick up a telephone receiver any time without bothering his Chamberlains and talk as long as he wishes to his fiancee Miss Mlchiko Shoda. The Japan Telephone and Telegram Corporation said today H had recently installed
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  • 125 5 Ong Lauds Religious Bodies KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Yoke Lin, tonight praised the work done by religious voluntary groups throughout the country. He was speaking at the opening in the Sungei Buloh New Village, 14 miles from here, of a maternity home operated by the village Anglican
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  • 208 5 Armed thugs make taxi driver an unwilling helper A SINGAPORE taxi driver, Yeo Hwang: Peow, was made an unwilling "accomplice" in an armed robbery on Monday night, a Police spokesman said yesterday. The spokesman said Yeo drove four men to the Great World Park from Bukit Timah. Just outside the
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  • 79 5 JAKARTA. Feb. 10 (Reuter) The Cambodian Premier, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, said yesterday his country would not join any of the world's present power blocs. Antara News Agency reported. Prince Norodom, who is on a state tour of the Republic was .speaking at a dinner
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  • 31 5 TEHERAN, Feb. 10 (Reuter>— Sheikh Abdullah Salem Sabbah of Kuwait has crushed pro-Nasser demonstrations in this oilrlch Sheikhdom and restored peace and security, it was reported here today.
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  • 252 5 Lion Dancers Reap Harvest Of 'Ang Paws TRAFFIC was hold up early yesterday morning by crowds that flocked to see a group of dancers from the Seng: Chew Yew Ghee Association perfcTi a lion dance opposite the Chia Heng Goldsmith's shop on South Bridge Road. The dance team comprised 15
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  • 170 5 MANCHESTER. Feb. 10 (Reuter). A young "widow"' received the death certificate of her soldier hushmd accidentally killed in Cyprus— and a few hours later, a letter arrived from the War Office saying she could join him on the island, it was revea'ed last night.
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  • 18 5 THE Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga, was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital yesterday.
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  • 226 5 KUALA LUMPUR Tues miivr* umDu r division' of UMNO Youth intends to ask the Selangor Government to inform the public of any government policy before It Is implemented. m eso J lutl °n to this effect will be discussed at the divisional delegates' conference
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  • 685 5 EX-BANDIT YAP HAS JOYFUL FAMILY REUNION and district looks to white area news soon KUALA KUBU BHARU, Tucs. Yap Ah Fei, 21--year-o|4 communist terrorist, who yesterday made his history-making surrender to the Police today saw members of his family for the first time in four years. The oldest of them
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 [iwMCHINESE NEW YEARp ■^.^■nP^T SAVE YOUR LIFLGLARD MILK LABELS J^fc y^llifck^ *1 (beoring the inscription of 6,000 I.U. of Vitamin "A") Ky*jiS* A^ EXCHANGi fßft GIFTS FROM A\Y OF TFJt Wfr \*y<FFy FOLLOWING ADDRESSES:E^W^ LIFEGUARD MILK CO. LTD. TECK HUAT CO. LTD. •j 35, MEDEIROS BLDG., 164 ROCHORE ROAD, I
      98 words
    • 92 5 m W TWlk B^ jß^*3?Ji SUIT tff>urs<>!f mmaritff I^l^ §nr important o m§.si on h A suit tailored by Esquire will do you f^ proud on those occasions when it is wMiaPn^W important that you look your very Mi best. You will appreciate the finesse Big 1 of our tailoring
      92 words

  • 344 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Selangor UMNO secretary, Inche Hamzah Allang, assured today that the State UMNO would give a "fair compromise" in the allocation of seats to members of the Malayan Chinese Association and the Malayan Indian Congress In the first postMerdeka elections
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  • 71 6 JAKARTA, Feb. 10 (Reuter). The Indonesian Minister for Communications, Dr. Sukardan. told reporters it would take at least five or six years to finish the installation of an automatic telephone exchange for the whole of Jakarta. Jakarta, the capital and the centre of business activities in
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  • 324 6 Cantonese film star from Hongkong, Patricia Lam Fung, yesterday exploded the myth that Hongkong women were more fashionable than their sisters in Singapore. "Singapore women," she said with authority, "are more fashionably dresse^ when doing the nightclubs than their sisters
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  • 187 6 Malaya counts on the Alliance Lim MCA Chief lauds Tunku plnang. Tues. The peaceful and continuous prosperity of this country must depend upon the stability and success of the Alliance, of which the UMNO is a major partner, president of the Malayan Chinese Association, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, stated here
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  • 246 6 PENANG, Tues. The management committee of the Telok Kumbar village mosque is considering a move to call for a "boycott" of Muslims in the village who do riot turn up for three successive Fridays at congregational prayers, without good reason. Inche Abdul Rashid,
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  • 63 6 MALACCA. Tues. A man was injured in the head when gangsters clashed during a performance of a Siamese dance, the ramvong at the City Park last night. Bottles, glasses and chairs were hurled at one another whilst women and children screamed and ran for shelter.
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  • 204 6 Last Of Selangor s 'Black' Areas To Be 'White' KUALA LUMPUR, Tues The Selangor State War Executive Committee will meet here tomorrow to decide on granting "white area" status to Ulu Selangor. the last remaining "black area" in the State The whole of the State will be declared "white," is
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  • 22 6 Above Lam Fung strikes a thoughtful pose with "veteran actress'' Kiu Kiu Noi for The Standard.
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  • 358 6 was g IPOH, Tues. The vigilant watch kept by the Police over the Chinese New Year Xestive season paid off handsome dividends when they solved all the three robbery e~*es reported during the past 24 hours. The success in two of these was due to public co-operation. Quickest result
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  • 53 6 PEN three-?' Angio-( h >*"' Penang FoarJ opend I i Slan I I Mr. Khoo said Union from Hi fining 51 j iT cultural aM eiuS gam/.v itt important ratal The P Goh. la of their could n^v scholarsh:; dren of I further r. r The w l to
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  • 127 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A woman, who was driving a family of three relatives from Kuala Lumpur to Klang to extend New Year greetings to some other relations there, was killed when her car went off the road and plunged into a six-foot-drain. Cho
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  • 87 6 TWELVE TRAPPED IN SIT LIFTS TWO lifts simultaneously jammed for 10 minutes in two blocks of flats of the Singapore Improvement Trust in the old Kallang Airport ye»- l terday. In one lift a family of seven were trapped while five children were caught in the other. A fire engine
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  • 117 6 3rd OFFICER BRINGS SHIP TO PORT PENANG. Tues —The Cap tain and Chief Officer of Norwegian cargo vessel wen taken ill soon after the hoai left for Singapore and are now receiving treatment in th( General Hospital here The Third Officer, Mr. Ro'< Moe. took command of th< 8,R58-ton '"Svolder"
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  • 42 6 THF >> Expo $10o fee empte Tax A tion Ul day I co c since k Jan Tin zing Kin. ton Of j to exe BJ I He 1 from ther be i Mr K i from the .j> be given 10
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  • 446 7 Hollywood entertainer and showgirls break their 12-day silence THE famous John Calvert show is in town. After "drifting" in the sea between Manila and Singapore for almost twelve days, the million-dollar yacht, the Sea Fox, anchored in Singapore waters yesterday with John Calvert
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  • 387 7 COUNCIL IS ACCUSED OF BLOCKING PRICE CUT KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Municipal Council here has fflr three years blocked a bid by a large cattle importer to bring down the price of mutton and thereby reduce the cost of living in the Federal capital, The Standard was told today. The
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  • 98 7 PENAN G. Tues. Police set up road blocks in various parts of the Island last night as a precautionary measure as house-hreakers were reported, to have been seen moving about in motor vehicles, carrying screw drivers and other house-breaking implements. Last night, jewellery and cash, amounting
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  • 25 7 FIVE miners were reported missing after an explosion yesterday in the St. Charles mine at Petite Rosselle near Forbach in North-eastern France.—R Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 100 7 RUBBER TIN PRICES LONDON RUBBER Tuesday's opening first session: Buyers Sellers March 25* 25 i April 25* 25J June 25f 26 Tone: Quiet steady. CLOSING Spot 25id. March 25 id. April-June 25ld. July-Sept. 25*d. Oct.-Dec. 25id. Jan. -March 25*d. February c.i.f. 25id. March 25*d. April 25W. Tone: Very quiet. TIN
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  • 137 7 O seas League New Year Dinner THE Minister for Education. Mr. Chew Swee Kee. will be the guest of honour at the annual Chinese dinner of the Overseas League Singapore branch, at the Adelphi Hotel, tomorrow, the secretary. Mrs. K. Smart, told The Standard yesterday. The League gives two dinners
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  • 143 7 PARTY WILL PRESERVE MALAY RIGHTS PREPARATIONS are being made to form another political party in Singapore to preserve the rights of the Malays and other members of the Muslim community. The Pan-Islamic Association, which is taking the lead 11 w m tne P ar ty. has asked all Muslim and
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  • 93 7 PARIS, Ontario. Feb 10 (Reuter)— Mr. David Pare, 23,' a parachutist whose parents live in Edinburgh, Scotland, was killed here yesterday when his parachute failed to open as he was doing a display jump from 3,500 feet. Horrified spectators on the ground watched as he fell
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 401 7 ■inmiiißr i' iii i 1 1 1 n n n hl l ii 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 n ii }m^ today 7 u, 1.45. 4. 6.30 9.30 sss 6i > m ford TnpPlDnj?]W mith Chinese Sub-tiUeg p s^4F33BEEIH^ today i "LTTEE WHITE DRAGON" T. OEISCO t*o«^
      401 words
    • 314 7 4t SPECIAL CONrESSjONS: Half-price conrMMont for rhJMrenJ .are available at all the Cathay Orcanlaailon Theatre* for all abotra except the laat show EHS3 I O DA Y a? J HlKi,M\s CtBT Jl BURNS ROBERT DONAT X"THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS" fESH31 P^' today! CLao^S^ 1 Jerry lewi* "THE GEISHA
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 641 7 national short wave mk^immW'immr'wm^jT'i^fTw^^mm >er\uf *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^l^M MEDIUM \v\\F. SERVICES ■><■■■ I *nd his Orchesin Kuala Lumpur 31] metres English schools Broadcasts: 9 a m Penang 36fi mptres ■AIIUIKASIkM S.^nature Tune. 903 Pl^ybnx 'Poh :M0 nirtrc« 923 Interval Music 925 Songs to Malacca 397 metre* I^^E7ST7tlt^^H sn^ 945 Interval Music. 9
      641 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 827 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. felt *****/6. *****/4 112/6. Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICI f* NaMns Boston, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia Csrff PorH S'pore P. S'ham Penang MVtMIDOM .'.-.-.ww^-ww*...,-.**. 17/2S M«» 26 M«r 27/28 Mer Cetvteea option u> proceed via other ports to load end discharge cargo
      827 words
    • 1127 8 i Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 line») (Incorporated In Singapore) (12 IH»e») 5T 1 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE SS SAILINCf to LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS (vie Juci wrrn liberty to proceed via Panama or Cape of Cood Hope) Carrtere option to proceed via ether ports t«
      1,127 words
    • 975 8 MITSUI LINE JAPAN LINE S'por* P.S'ham Pcnong Amogison Maru for Japan ports 12 Feb Nochison Maru for Japan l ports 19Feb 17Feb 15 Feb Asakaie Maru 20 Feb 18Feb Accepting cargo for Pacific. Central ond South American port* with or without transhipment at Japan on through bills of lading U.S.A.
      975 words
    • 592 8 EAST ASIATIC Ik HOMEWARD SAILINGS for Aden, Pert s o S" Rotterdam, Amsterdont, Bremen, Hamburg, Cop,^ end Otlo > or# p.»w n T" SELANDIA" 2i24F.b 2S 26r -KINA" 2.F.W4M0, 5^ f Colt* London for potttmq, CoNt BtyroMtK, Lottakio fr Ho»r%. SPECIAL EXPRESS SAILING d l OUTWARD SAILINGS tor Bangkok ond
      592 words

  • Article, Illustration
    438 9 E 8 participation in the Constitution 1 i confined to presenting the activities known French firms in Singapore dealing la <>: interest to the public, said M. Jean :;iiac, r Plenipotentiary in charge of the Wo: to General, yesterday during a visit to flwnr rhe F irticipaD has oruanised
    438 words
  • 86 9 HONGKON'r; Ftb. 10 (Reu- A gT( w n to mstry it revca'eri in a Labour I>artmem survey just pubhed. The number of roistered iustrial undertaking 1i .820 in the [0 Srpt, 30 Last year, bo ir forre in these inrrea^ed to 1*58, .'?l?0, hn'f of whom, are
    86 words
  • 311 9 New UK Diesel Engine Popular A NEW four cylinder, direct injection diesel engine for farm tractors, combine harvesters, boats and industrial equipment is announced by a U.K. firm who state that direct injection has now been sufficiently developed in small bore engines for it to be successfuly employed in this
    311 words
  • 86 9 SYDNEY. Feb. 10 (Reuter) The Governor of the Commonwealth Bank. Dr. H.C. Coombs, yesterday gave reassurances nn what many Australians th:nk i> one of the nation's most alarming problems a big growth in hire purchase. Dr. Coombes said on a television programme that he thought Australia's
    86 words
  • 338 9 EXPORTS of British wooden furniture is on the increase. The provisional value of sales abroad for last year, over two and a quarter million pounds, represents a rise of about twenty eight per cent above 1957 and is the highest total ever reached by the industry. le
    338 words
  • 63 9 ROURKELA. Feb. 10.— The President of India. Dr Rajendra Prasad, recently inaugurated the first of the three blast furnaces at the Rs. 1.700 million Rourkel- Steel Plant which is being set up under the technical supervision of a West lerman combine This gigantic steel plant is
    63 words
  • 300 9 WITH the completion of a new runway at Hongkong Airport formerly Kai Tak Airport recently, aircraft such as the Comet 4, the Boeing 707 and the D.C.B can now operate scheduled services through that Colony. The new runway which will eventually be 8,350 ft. long,
    300 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 9 HONGKONG: One of the two ferries built by a shipyard here for the Ma 1 a y a n Government, glides down the slipway after she was I vim hod by the wife of the Malayan Minister for Transport, Mrs. Abdul Rahman bin H.-.ji Talib. The boat is
    63 words
  • 428 9 INDIA KEEN TO SELL MORE GOODS TO S-E ASIA JFina-nee And Comwneree INDIA is very keen to increase her exports to South-east Asian countries, the new First Secretary (Commercial) to the Indian Commission in Singapore, hAr. G. J. Malik, told The Standard yesterday. "Prices and techniques of Indian manufactures are
    428 words
  • 183 9 Airline Makes Plans For Pacific Jet Age AS another step in Japan Air Lines progressive preparations for the fast-coming trans-Pacific commercial jetage. JAL has already sent a team of four specialists of its newly created "DC-8 Planning Office" to the U.S.A. on an extensive survey and research tour to look
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  • 42 9 A FRENCH invented silencer for jet engine was recently demonstrated at the Test Centre for Aviation Engines and Aincrewi in France. Regardless of the thrust and dimensions of the jet engines, the device succeeds in lowering the noise.
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 195 9 jUg EVERETT ORIENT LINE f&X S'por* P.S' am Penang rC' jkong. Japan. •«»ERETT" 27 Feb 26 Feb 24 Feb WMVERETT" 22 Mor 21 Mar 19 Mar c n. Chittagong, Calcutta B m EVERETT 3 Mar 6Mar 7 Mof NOtIVERETT" 17 Mor 20 Mar 21 Mar Ip4 EVERETT STAR LINE J^^
      195 words
    • 165 9 l\l ti Y) U Q/? 9Yift DV r ft'il J 1 0 V7 fl IA-f^f no "guesswork 1 ever. x^v^^^^^* L^ I 11 1 Y U an dep€nd on the Parker 61 P 6O t0 fin itself by itself every s.n^'e I HI time witn no guesswork. There is nothing
      165 words

  • 931 10  -  LIEUT. -COL. JOHN BAKER WHITE I THE SECRET WAR I But the Kremlin cannot ignore them by "DEATH to the tyrants. Freedom to The death-bursts of eighteen tommy-guns cut off the defiant voice before it could say "the toilers" to complete the last sentence of
    931 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 10 ONE night, a group of young Russian rmicrrs. sons and dumhh.s „f iipy fled from Russia after the Bolshevik revolution, met together in a h, UJ urbs.
    28 words
  • 32 10 photo. A FINE figure of a girl, Argentine-born actress Linda Cristal (37-22-36) looks like a "Paper DolV after the Accountant Associates of America voted her their "Triple A Queen."— UPI
    UPI  -  32 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 147 10 5 jS**~ t Sunsilk C J K ONE -LATHER SHAMPOO :1^ Jit h/xdiatdb I Sunsilk is a dream come true. Whether your hair is dry or oily, Sf O G Ml this one-lather shampoo leaves it v?/ Bhining clean and gloriously easy I J !lVi POO Bsfl to manage. This
      147 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 387 10 TODAYS QIOTATION: 1 H thai swell, in pro*p<?rit> will be sure to gTTff^KS gFV shrink in adversitv." UAi3glllJ i~ -< n m »r wednfsd.w on oßrm EVKRYONF: R, y U p<) HfA M. V iT*^H exper.ei co. and ga^a^M gV^ v r^W| your own good iudgmc:.t. r^r instead of
      387 words

  • 104 11 16 ENTRIES JOHARI CUP COMPETITION lAJMPUI i have enured Johari impetition. lor »ls in Belangor, ar'a ;p resKishan Dial and Anglo-Chin- have been led to in the final, he age has i •20 rs on 1^59 year In with the Trophy r n among te com: he cor iday, xhe*
    104 words
  • 161 11 )XFORI\ Feb. 10 i ßouter Thre^fcf last ycur I.^1 beaten w alflin the Oxiord Unifslty ;'nt to meet Camdge fciversity in the anal Boa- Rare to De held JT fou miles 374 yard.-, im Pyv y to Mortlake on j River Lhames on Marcn rheywr C. D. R. Edwards,
    161 words
  • 90 11 rom all over II n and Singapore, t I the Colony's Farim to compete 1 irs at their 7th 1 championships <■■ March 28 and 29. 5 e first time the amateur lis being hc!j in I wishing to meet are a*k- y f trma from r J All-Malayan
    90 words
  • 111 11 MALACCA SELECTION SURPRISE MALACCA, Tues A scratch Malacca Selection beat the much fancied Singapore side, Fathul Karib. 2-1 in a thrilling soccer match here today. Although the underdoes. Malacca with many new players, surprised the visitors with their good standard of play The Singapore team had a hotter combination but
    111 words
  • 102 11 FARELF Hockey Final Today NINETEEN Air Formation Signals Unit will lake the field is firm favourites when thry meet Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in the final of the FARELF hotkey championship at Tangiia today, nt of the Signalmen in reaching the final indeed remarkable in I they had beaten
    102 words
  • 44 11 Bukii- Panjang League Cup BUKIT Pan j ana District FA begin their League and tournament fr< I 21. Clubs and teams wishing to take part should send in their >efore Saturday to Mr. K. H. Kasi, c o Bov's T r.s Bukit Timah, Singapore.
    44 words
  • 194 11 I. A. OPEN THE SEASON WITH 51 RUN WIN BAIT PAHAT, Tues. Singapore Indian Association, scored a convincing 51 runs victory over the Batu Fahat Cricket Club in a friendly two-day cricket match which concluded at Batu Pahat yesterday. Indian Association, who batted fir.^t, were skittled out for 78 runs
    194 words
  • 501 11 AZMAN IS SINGLES CHAMP KUALA LVMPt'R, Tucs. —S. A. Azman the Selangor and Federation Asian Games player, realised a long cherished ambition when he became singles champion at the All-Malaya Malays tennis championships which ended on the Sultan Suleiman Courts here today. Youthful Azman
    501 words
  • 218 11 Indian Association Ist in. niiiTs 78 runs. Batu Pahat Cricket Club Ist innings 71 runs. Indian Association 2nd. Inns. Vythilingam b William 2 Yun<>3 c and b Alabene 0 Angullia c George b Aiabenp 13 A.-nralT run out 60 Vijayasingam b William 22 Desai not out 19 Raj end
    218 words
  • 273 11 West Indies Declare At 644 For 8 NEW DELHI. Feb 10 (Reuter) India. who were 229 runs behind the West Indies on first innings had scored 31 lor one in the second innings when the fourth day's play in the final Test ended here today. West Indies had declared soon
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  • 154 11 POLICE ANNUAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Federation Police will stage their annual hockey tournament on a zone league baiis next seascn. This decision was taken by the Federation Po'.ice hockey committee to stimulate greater interest in the game and also permit more players to compete. Previously the tournament
    154 words
  • 123 11 P.I. Open Tennis Tourney MANILA, Feb. 10 (UPI) Australia's Warren Woodcock led two other foreign net players into the quarter-finals of the Philippine open tennis championships today with a tf-3, 6-4 victory over Filipino Juan Gapanta. Woodcock, top foreign seed in the tourney, continued to advance with consistently easy victories
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  • 237 11 BUT NEGRI PUT UP A GREAT FIGHT SLLANGOR won the South quadrangular hockey championship in Singapore yesterday when they beat the strong rivals, Negri Sembilan, by a solitary goal at the Girls' Sports Club ground. The winners have thus emerged unbeaten in the series, winning all their
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  • 99 11 Umpires Ask Firmer Action Throwing: LONDON. Feb. 10 (Reuter) The English Association of Cricket Umpires is asking its members to take firmer action en Law 26, dealing with throwing, jerking and the general fairness of a bowler's delivery. Mr. G. P. Staniford. match secretary of the association, said today: "The
    99 words
  • 102 11 Davidson May Play In 5th Test SYDNEY, Feb. 10 (Reuter) Australia's fast left-hand bowler, Alan Davidson, is expected to be fit for the fifth and final Test opening in Melbourne on Friday. He twisted his right ankle in the fourth Test in Adelaide and had to withdraw from the current
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  • 116 11 SOCIAL STRAIN ENDANGERING MILER'S CAREER SYDNEY, Feb. 10 (Rcuter) Leading track coach, Percy Cerutty. today warned that the social strain on Herb Elliott was endangering the champion miler's career. Serutty said unless the nervous strain eased Elliot would not continue for long as the world's best miler. "He will be
    116 words
  • 282 11 SINGAPORE scored the only victory in the hockev quadrangular meet when they heat Johore bv two goals to one on the SCC Padan* yesterday. Thi> game concludes the quadrangular tournament which Selangor won with a 100 per cent record while Negri Sembllan were runnersup
    282 words
  • 163 11 Perak Are Triangular Hockey Champions PEXAXG, Tues.-Perak beat Pcnang one nil and drew with Kedah 1-1 to emerge champions of the hockey triangular tournament played here during the Chinese Xew Year holidays. In the deciding match for the championship played at the Western Road ground yesterday. Perak scored the only
    163 words
  • 83 11 Inter State Sikhs Cricket Competition KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Th c annual Pan-Malayan interstate Sikhs rrirkct i petition for thc Mahima Singh Shield will commence in April. The Competition will be run off in two zone*. Tho winner of ea-h zone will qualify for the finals. Penang Sikhs in tho BtfcU
    83 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 fe > -r r'^^ y^Tj v jt You never know when you'll need PElastoplast FIRST AID DRESSINGS (now •enfil*t#d to let woundt 9r««m«l an't be too careful with cuts, scratches or grazes* the wound and put on Elastoplast the dressing use. Elastoplast stops the bleeding and guarda t infection while
      68 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 162 11 SOCCER— S.G.S.F.A. Div. Park. 1 M.R.N.V.R. vs. S.T.B. 11— National Carbon "A" Jalan Besar. 5.1. t p.m. P.W.D. vs. Malayan Airways, M.F.A. "A" vs T.T.S.H. "A." Jalan Breweries vs. S.f.C. GeyBesar. 6.20 p.m. 2B— Marines lang. Shell vs I.C.I.. Farrer 'B" vs. Yin Chu Kany R.C. Park. Geyjana. SIR vs.
      162 words

  • 283 12 MANAP TAKES SINGLES TITLE WITH EASE KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Omar Manap, the Johore Malay champion and Foong Seong Cupper coasted home to an easy straight sets win by 15-5, 15-4 over Selangor's Shaari Ahmad to become the singles champion at the All Malaya Malays badminton championships which ended at the
    283 words
  • 46 12 MELBOURNE. Feb. 10 (Reuter) The lamous Scottish first division soccer team Hearts will visit Australia this year. The Australian association said the team had accepted the tour which will be from May 2 to May 31 or June. He aa.rffl m mthmf
    46 words
  • 52 12 CANBERRA. Feb. 10 (Reuter) The M.C.C. beat the Australian Prime Minister's team by four wickets in a one day match here today. The Prime Minister's eleven declared at 288 for seven. The M.C.C. passed their total with six wickets down and batted on to score 332
    52 words
  • 179 12 Althea Is Still Undecided MILWAUKEE, Feb. 10 (UPI) Althea Gibson singer, movie actress and the best woman amateur tennis player In the world said yesterday she hasn't decided which career to pursue. "I'm too busy now to make a decision," she said to a auesion whether she will return to
    179 words
  • 60 12 MELBOURNE Feb 10 (Reuter) American 'Olym- < pic 100 and 200 metres sprint champion. Bobby Morrow, has turned down a trip to Australia to run here this season, it was reported recently. He was sought by the Victorian Amateur Athletic Association to replace sprinterlong Jumper.
    60 words
  • 207 12  -  SCRUTINEER Standard Nap. Slipper Prince, Pays_ $25 STABLEMAi DEADHEAI IN RACE TW By Kl ALA Lt'MPl R. Tues. Mirij o Lee riding a well judged race. u, m sprint *n the second day of the s. l. ln Gold Cup meeting. Marigold won h\ j
    207 words
  • 1496 12 RESULTS DIVIDENDS OF ALL THE RACES T. P. Tan's Trainer: Lee. 512-212 No. 10 SLIPPER PEINCE 8.07 (3) Leong 1 1278-243 No. 7 LESLIAN 8.09 (4) Ward 2 53- 47 No. 2 FIELD LIGHT 8.12 (11) Johnson 3 183-117 No. 4 Welsh King 8.10 (7) Lee 4 268-166 No. 12
    1,496 words
  • 185 12 ALL MALAYS B'TON TOURNEY AT MALACCA NEXT YEAR KUALA LL'MPIR. T.cs, The IPfiO All Malaya Maim hariminton championships will be held at Malacca during the Chinese New Year holidays next year. This was rievided at the annual general meeting of the All Malaya Malays Badminton Association held at Raja here
    185 words
  • 68 12 A CONVENORS* meeting of the Singapore Cricket AMOciation wi;i he he'd at the Singapore Recreation Club house at UQ p.m. on Friday Tournament fixtures for both senior and junior competitions have now been compi:ed and will be i-sued at the meeting. Convenors of the various cricket clubs in
    68 words
  • 335 12 IPOH. Tues. Maintaining the consistent form which he had shown throughout the championships, Mitchell Welsh 25-year-old rubber planter from Sungpi Siput, turned in some excellent play to retain the North Malayan golf crown when he beat S C. Beaty of Penang five and four
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  • 131 12 Vienna Bid For Games May Fail VIENNA. Feb. 9 (Reuter).— Vienna's application to stage the 1964 Olympic Games may be ruled out if the Austrian Government are successful in their bid to hold the 1964 world exhibition in the Austrian capital. The International Olympic Committee have written to Herr Franz
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 S ALL THOSE WHO VISITED fli^K (Mffljfcf 19 THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS "aj^Ej^ ft ND A GLORIOUS WM WEEK! |^*v %g{/*J|5 _Robevt DoNai- S© «KSw^^P I SHOWPLACE OF THE ISLAND I SjßSf ■■■V *BBB H BBBBk ■ML^bW UlB J3W V > /^H b^V^ bS H I V vaWi^f^wv
      58 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 167 12 the f i Hi 2nd P- 3rd p n mm 1 I tltlii IMi i if 2:>o,:n it hm Mil H ok K ■< lirkri. Klrr J WOf! Rarr 6. f«d 10 tickets »)n 1 ■BMBHM|| desp /Mr/ f( f 2ndPri7*> •> wi Pri7f by < I3i«. ion ?crl< 12
      167 words

  • 48 13 jK A't'P Toynbee recently spent two months ■Jmfcd States with his American wife. This s the first 1 of three articles in which he records fith mixed reactions of admiration, dismay and jtwiWtrment his impressions of the American ttnefke illustrations ire by Jules Feiffer]
    48 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2030 13 "0 middle-aged Englishman, reader of all pet of American fic9tt, voluntary or inJunt*r> listener to 6ft K?< of American k»4 I addict of the nefltl, no country in e world is so heavily *ted with preconeepm« On t e most naive vel— v. is not to there is n^ endless
    2,030 words
  • 737 13  -  PHILIP KIM By SEOUL PINEMA-GOING has become the most popular recreation of the people of South Korea. This is reflected in the fact that last year, there were 158 cinemas in the country compared with only 99 in 1953. Eleven more are being built, all
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 394 13 SAYINGS OF THE WEEK JSvAfW t Til "o n time the British will be re- avoiding one aspect of «in presented by a prod>. like and death to be the ueVome l he vo 2 atlle Fren^-Lord re.ief wherebv we can «m ro Northesk. more— Sir Steuart Wilson If a
      394 words

    • 199 14 Dr. Subandrio In Darwin DARWIN, Feb, 10 (TPI) Indonesian Foreign Minister Dr. Subandrio said on arrival here today that he may try to arrange for the purchase of Lincoln bombers and other aircraft in Australia. He said the outcome will depend on the results of
      199 words
    • 109 14 WASHINGTON. Feb. 10 (Reuter) The United States yesterday granted the Philippines about $50 million (Malayan) loan to help build roads and bridges. The Development Loan Fund, announcing the authorisation, said it would meet foreign ex- i change needs in purchasing equipment, machinery and
      109 words
    • 58 14 Palestine Girls Protest Photo. A GROUP of Palestine girls carrying maps of their country with the words. "Palestine is Arab" on top and "We will Return" at the bottom, demonstrate during the opening of the first-Afro-Asian Youth Conference, in Cairo. Delegates from 42 countries attended the opening session. held in
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 97 14 KARACHL Feb. 10 (Reuter). The President of Pakistan, General Mohammed A y u h Khan, last night raised the import duty on spirits to 187 rupees eight annas (about 14 sterling) an imperial gallon. In an ordinance promulgated last night. General Avub alto raised
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    • 287 14 Agreement on island 9 independence reached ZURICH, Feb. 10 (UPI) The Cyprus conference moved towards a final decision on a package plan today to make the Mediterranean island colony an independent repubic this year. 1 The Greek and Turkish Foreign Ministers were meeting today to
      287 words
      • 145 14 Speed-up In Somaliland Self -Govt. LONDON. Feb. 10 (Reuter) A policy statement by Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd. British Colonial Secretary, at Hargeisa yesterday announcing a speed-up in constitutional advances in the British protectorate of Somaliland which he is now touring, was issued by the Colonial Office. In the statement Mr. Len-nox-Boyd
        Reuter  -  145 words
      • 62 14 THE Minister of Education. Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd, is to visit the United States and Canada from Feb. 15 to March 2. He will tour schools and colleges in both countries, including Harvard University. The Iraq government yesterday suspended the communist newspaper Ittihad El j Shaab (Unity of the People) for
        Reuter  -  62 words
      • 18 14 The Prince of Wales was reported to be recovering from an attack of Influenza at Cheam School. Reuter
        Reuter  -  18 words
    • 190 14 Plan For A Unified Command tn Far East LONDON, Fcb. in. (Reuter). The British Government announced today i' was considering the possibility of setting up a Unifield Command for ail three Services in the Far East The disclosure was made in the Government's Wnitc Papei which said: "In theatres overseas,
      190 words
    • 39 14 MR. Einar Gerhardsen, the Norwegian Prime Minister, toid a Press conference in Oslo yesterday his government was prepared to receive the -Soviet Prime Minister, Mr "Nikita Khrushchev, on an official visit to Norway this year. Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 182 14 XAROK. Kenya, Feb. 10 (Reuter) Thousands of jubilant Masai tribesmen cheered yesterday as torrential rain fell 30 minutes after Queen Elizabeth, mother of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, told them she hoped they would be blessed with good rains. A loud peal of thunder brought rain to
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    • 98 14 Joint Meet Soon— Tunku Cultural Pact: MANILA. Feb 10 (Reuter) —Philippines Secretary for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Fehxberto Serrano, said today he believed the Malayan Government would push through Tunku Abdul Rahman's scheme for economic and cultural co-operation among South-east Asian countries. Mr. Serrano told Reuter "A week ago I received
      98 words
    • 102 14 CYPRIOT GETS $55,000 GOVT. AWARD NICOSIA. Feb. 10 (Reuter). The government of Cyprus yesterday paid a Greek Cypriot £6.400 (about $55,000 Malaya) compensation the largest single award made during the emergency. *u The c vpriot, Marcos Maratheftis, suffered spinal injuries while in police custody last year when the police vehicle
      102 words
    • 84 14 TOKYO. Feb. 10 (UPI).— Virtually all shinto shrines in Japan are booked full for weddings on April 10 the target date for the nuptial rites of Crown Prince Akihito and his commoner fiancee, Miss Michiko Shoda. The reason young people who plan to be
      84 words
    • 66 14 KARACHI, Feb. 10 (Reuter)—The Duke of Edinburgh left Karachi by air today for a two-day visit to Lahore in the Punjab. In Lahore, his programme includes visits to the univers- lty and a land reclamation scheme and a reception in the Shalimar Gardens From Lahore, the
      66 words
    • 801 14 j Tunku's decision [I says The Tim* LONDON. Feb 10 (Renter) n,, resignation of Tunku Abdul Kihm;n u,^l I Minister of the Federation of Mala% a this morning's newspapers a nd cvokrr] r i lf 5 *H. menl in The Times and th- Manrhrvt, r In an editorial headlined
      801 words