Singapore Standard, 5 May 1958

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Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 21 1 SINGAPORE STANDARD Telephone *****—5 Cable "TIGERNEWS" SINCAPORE MONDAY, MAY 5, 1958. Vol. VIII. No. 306 15 cts. 12 Pages [FINAL EDITION]
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  • 32 1 LONDON. May 4 (Reuter) —The Queen Mother will visit thf Island of Lundy, on May 11, the first member of the Royal Family to set foot^on the "vest pocket kingdom."
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  • 826 1 DEFECTED ENVOY'S DRAMATIC EXPOSE 'Soviet Army And Navy Officers In Bombed Skips FOUR Russian Army and Nary instructors were killed during the recent bombings m the Celebes area of Indonesia, Mr. Wilhelm Pesik, who resigned as Indonesian Consul-General m Saigon on Saturday and flew to Singapore,
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  • 288 1 RED BLOC THREATENS WORLD TIN BALANCE Exports To West Worry Council LONDON, May 4 (UP)— Growing exports of tin from Russia and Eastern Europe into Western Europe are causing concern to the International Tin Council and there are fears that if they continue increasing at the present rate they will
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  • 117 1 The Virgin Sheds Tears Of Blood ROME, May 4 (UP)— The Conservative newspaper, Messagero yesterday reported that crowds were flocking to a northern Italian village, where tears of blood "miraculously" began streaming from the eves of a statue of the Virgin Mary. The newspaper said the phenomenon occurred m the
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  • 237 1 LONDON, May 4 (Reuter)— Fifty-thousand London busmen go on strike for more pay at midnight tonight m the first big test of the government's anti- inflation policy. f The busmen, ignoring Government pleas to call off the strike, have been warned by their union
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  • 258 1 LOMA LINDA. California. May 4 (UP) Lye Boon Leong. an 11-year-old Chinese boy who was flown here from Malaya to undergo special heart surgery, today Is waiting to make another trip this time to the famed Mayo Clinic m Rochester. Minnesota. In the meantime
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  • 132 1 JAKARTA, May 4 (Reuter) The Indonesian PI A news agency announced today that Central Govern ment forces had captured the West Sumatran town o Pad?ne Pandjang near the key rebel stronghold o Bukit TuiggL The agency said the towi was captured on May 2 an Government
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  • 20 1 TWO British soldiers were shot dead m the street m Famagusta, Cyprus, yesterday by unknown gunmen. Reuter.
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  • 381 1 SYDNEY, May 4 (Reuter) Mr. Malcolm Muggeridge, visiting British journalist and television commentatoi; said here tonight that Britain now could no more defend Australia than Australia could defend 1 Britain. "The umbilical cord ha& been cut," he said. He added: "British power was
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  • 79 1 GAZAMay 4 (Reuter)— The Gaza executive council today ordered a general strike m the Gaza sector and a hunger strike among 220,000 refugees there on May 15 "to mark the anniversary of the usurpation of Palestine." A special meeting of the executive council also sent telegrams to Mr.
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  • 57 1 THE second batch of survivors of the bombed tanker San Flaviano checking m at the Singapore seamen's centre, Connell House, yesterday on their arrival aboard the Shell tanker Dromus. First m the queue, facing camera, is Junior Engineer Seddon, seen with his Mac West still round
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  • 149 1 $78 PHONE CALL TO ORDER THE STANDARD THE phone rang m The Singapore Standard office just before 11 o'clock last night and a charming Californian voice said: "This is San Francisco, California, calling The Singapore Standard. WilJ you accept the call?" It was accepted. A deep American voice came on
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  • 59 1 A THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD student, Ng Kwang Yong, who went swimming with a group of Doys m a river off Ponggol Road, Singapore, was drowned yesterday afternoon. Ng, who was a poor swimmer, was found missing when the boys decided to go home. Three boys who dived Into
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 If < 15 a guide to the W intelligent W beer drinker 9\ gk £5, The best beer is fresh beer. Wr^ Tiger beer reaches you freshly bottled, after it has matured m the cellars under specially controlled conditions, Tiger Beer is brewed ia the tropics for the tropics. Awarded
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  • 148 2 Society To Celebrate Tagore Day THE Singapore Tagore Society will celebrate Dr. Rabindranath Tagore's birthday anniversary on Thursday at 8.30 p.m. at the Cultural Centre m Canning Rise. The programme will include the opening address by ihe Society's president, Dr Lin Wo Chiang- Professor of Political Science and Economics at
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  • 38 2 AN advance pajty of the Sherwood Foresters Regiment eft London yesterday for a jungle training course m Malaya without their Ram Mascot, Derby Nineteenth. It ivas decided the Ram would find the weather too hot. Fteuter.
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  • 60 2 NEW $11,000 MOBILE DISPENSARY SINGAPORE City Council's new Sll.otm mobile dispensary wav yesterday inspected b^ the visiting Mayor of Penang. Mr. D.S. Rama nathan. Standardpi* shows the interior of th< well -equipped dispensary with its staff a doctor nurse and an attendant Dr. V. Thevathasan (right) told The Standard that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1678 2 A LITTU BIT THAT GOIS A LONG WAY j EMICLtb f-OR *ALt LLOYD ALEXANDRA Germany's leading light car Sole Agents:— Cuan Soon Transoort Co Ltd.. Tel TUITION T.M.C.A. COMMERCIAL CLASSti New Session commencing 9 May Shorthand Typing (morning evening) Book-keeping. Accounting. English Apply Y.MCA, Orchard Road Tel TEMIhlt NOTICES P.W.D
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    • 1143 2 NOTICES VACANCIES IN SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT SERVICE APPLICATIONS are invited for appointment to the posts appearing m the SCHEDULE below Only those candidates who satisfy the f ollowing nationality, residential, age and educational requirements need apply, but cand idates without tha requisite nationality and residential qualifications may only apply for post
      1,143 words
    • 388 2 Packed Weekend Houses'. »CHEE MOY HUA" A Super Hokkien Picture! PILES Recto Serol (Ointment) Relieve* pain and pruritus stop> bleeding, check* inflamm and spasm lubricates (he n and prepares a pain defaecation Tube complete rectal pipe. \SOTONW LIQUID taken h> mout! pile sufferers arainst varira* veins haemorrhoids and to «l«|
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  • 448 3 May 5. 1958. SCIENTIFIC research and its results, whether claimed by the communist states or the democratic nations, must not be regarded as the last word m the struggle that is being waged between the law of despotism and tyranny and the law of freedom and
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  • 385 3 SINGAPORE has had five months of uninterrupted industrial peace for the first time m years, according to the Acting Commissioner for Labour, Mr. Goh Koh Pui He described the general labour situation m the Colony as "very quiet." This is a rather heartening picture, compared with that m
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  • 4 3
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  • 112 3 Sir I have read with great interest recent letters to the Press and articles alleging misbehaviour by certain teachers at School sports when alcoholic drinks were served. I, for one, strongly urge the Ministry of Education to take steps to see that no alcoholic drinks even beer
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  • 120 3 Sir,— Under the heading "World Lingua Franca" you said referring to some Malay parents, "These Malay parents...... just do not understand why their children should be taught English m Malay schools." When remembering that it is the task of the government and the peopte to make Malay the
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  • 1487 3  - Safety-First Warfare CASSANDRA I With LONDON CORNER 'J'HE hottest propaganda war yet, m global affairs, is being fought out over the freezing Arctic. The Russians draw fearful pictures of the Soviet and United States Air Forces meeting accidentally near the North Pole and then, by mistake, unleashing the hurricane of
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  • 96 3 should be consumed by teachers on school premises at any time after sports meetings or Athletic events. I speak as a guest to these school sports and from personal experience. The behaviour of certain school teachers m Singapore is shocking and disgraceful. A leading member of the
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  • 75 3 Sir— The Australian type metal windmill is the answer to your timely editorial on the water shortage m the Rural Areas. And, believe it or not, they are the answer to our recurrent floods too; because they do that most necessary subsurface drainage before the heavy rains start.
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  • 47 3 Although U. S. scientists did not consider themselves m an earth satellite race with the Soviet Union, and were working on other scientific advances, they diverted their energies and launched a successful satellite from modified equipment just 119 days after the Soviet's concentrated efforts.
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  • 43 3 '"THE Roman Catholic Church is well aware of the menace to Christianity of Strydom's policy of apartheid m South Africa. The time is not far oft* when Christian workers, clergymen and laymen alike, will not be allowed into the Negro settlements.
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  • 373 3  - the NEWS as it,strikes,me Gster Genasekera QACK from his visit to Kashmir, the first thing the chairman of the Singapore Workers' Party. David Marshall, did was to attack the recent Government announcement that it would not hold general elections until it was sure subversives would not come into power. He
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 JIST ARRiVED /Jj MADE OF M POATS JfeK^"MIRACLE" Wj% TWIN SETS ff^^L HOLYKOOD I 6 New Colours ELECTRIC PINK NAVY BLUE SKY BLUE LIME FROST TARTAN GREEN GERANIUM RED Sizes 32, 34, 36 38 ffil 2 lX |3i (gS 72. High Street, Spore. i\JP» IP Ix* 11/ Te|: ***** EDITORIAL
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    • 106 3 V\ a SC ZZ ISI 3LJ VOLUMES V^ VAILABLE IN W j?T BROWN CLOTH bindinr V^ OR RED ART CANVAS bindinr the NEW UNIVERSAL ENCYCLOPEDIA by Sir John Hammerton Everyone needs on Encyclopedio and here is the Encyclopedia YOU need, at a price you CAN afford. In it you will
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  • 475 4 Aussies', Kiwis Eliminate Four IPOH Sun. The terrorist organization m the notorious Sungei Siput area, where the murder of three European planters m a single day m June 1948 sparked the declaration of the Emergency, suffered a severe blow recently with the elimination of
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 4 MR STANLEY CHUA CHWEE HONG helps his bride, the former Miss Gladys Goh Chew Kirn, to cut their wedding cake at a reception at Raffles Hotel- Singapore, on Saturday. Among the 500 guests at the reception was Singapore's Chief Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock and the Minister for
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  • 125 4 Ishak Promises Aid For Fishermen KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Minister for Agriculture, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, who is making a four-day official visit to Kelantan. yes- terday visited Tumpat district. He travelled several miles m a jeep and by motor-boat to meet members of fishermen's co-operative credit and marketing
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  • 68 4 ALOR STAR, Sun. Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman today lashed out at party leaders who charged that his forthcoming trip to Japan would be a "useless waste of money." He was speaking at the opening of the Merbok Kedah branch of UMNO this afternoon. The
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  • 42 4 HUNDREDS of children accompanied their parents to the Buddhist Union on Saturday to celebrate Vesak Day. After chants of "Pali Suttas", the children received gifts. One of them, three year old Gladys Tan. is seen receiving her gift. Standardpic.
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  • 29 4 TUAN HAJI AHMAD BIN HAJI HARON (UMNO) was on Saturday elected to the Bandar Bharu Ward of the Machang Town Council, Kelantan, and will serve for three years.
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  • 141 4 KUALA LUMPUR. The Minister for Commerce and Industry, Mr. Tan Siew Sin. accompanied by h s wife and the chairman of RIDA. inche Ahmad bin Perang, arrived by air m Kota Bharu today on a three-day official visit to inspect RIDA projects. In the afternoon
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  • 242 4 'Don 't Be Divided' Tunku Warns KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Prime Minister Tunkn Abdul Rahman today told Malayans to ignore the .urrent propaganda which was aimed at dividing them, m a speech delivered at the site of a shrine containing the ashej of a Pa valla Ruler of the fifth or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 118 5 SINGAPORE'S Mr. Tan Chin Loong and Mr. E. Lunn were among the nine prize winners m the "Calsber? Win A Fiat Competition." Mr Tan. a c««™ m the GHQ. FARELF. received one of the three first prizes a Fiat 500, while Flight Sergeant Lunn
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  • 139 5 EXPEDITE CLAIMS TALKSUNION The Singapore City Council nions Federation the Council to expedite ,jtiation on the workers' ■nands. Federation's secretaryMr. K. Sivasamy, .c Standard last nignt ba workers were the delay m settle claims. He said the Federation's executive committee yesteroressed "great concern over the delay." The committee has
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  • 94 5 LIPIS. Sun.— The W Recruiting Officer will be here on May 23 and 24 to potential recruits for th t He will have a temporary c at the Kuala Lipis Police :een to interview candiea between 8.30 a.m. and born Chinese, Malays, > and South
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  • 70 5 X LA N G, Sun.— Thirteen en from Pulau Ketam, c, were yesterday fined .eh by the Magistrate. n Saileh bin Haji Suleir gambling, on May 1. Jourt was told that the on were gambling m a en a party of Police, Inspector J. Sebastian. out
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  • 17 5 pioyed man. Tan 33 from Kuala Selanipsed and died tn a p in Kiang on Satur-
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  • 225 5 KLANG, Sun. A call for an expert to assess the danger ol malaria to the health of the people of Klang and Port Swettenham has been made by the Town Council Chairman and District Officer Tuan Syed Hashim bin Abdullah. He told The
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  • 114 5 Pay Scheme: They Want Negotiations AN emergency meeting of 500 local employees of the Malayan Airways, Singapore, last night decided to continue negotiations with the management on all issues regarding a new pay scheme offered them by the Company. The meeting called by Malayan Airways Local Employees' Union, empowered the
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 THE Selangor Indian Association elected Mr. J. V. Morais, as President and Messrs. G. Leo and A. Dyalchand as vice-presidents. Mr. N. S Raman, was elected secretary.
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  • 381 5 India Prepared To Train Malayans, Says ATC Chief KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Federation Government was today urged to launch immediately a scheme for intensive training of young Malayans tor air careers either m the Air Force or m civilian airlines. The appeal came from Squadron-Leader V.
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  • 48 5 MEMBERS of the 22--man Australian Trade Mission, currently touring the Federation, visited the Kuala Lumpur Central Market on Thursday. Here, a group inspects the vegetable section of the huge market. Later, they visited stalls dealing m Australian meat, butter and other produce. Standardpic by rah
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  • 90 5 ALOR STAR. Sun.— A Police fitter. Ariffin bin Latin", 39. who took part m a boatrace here yesterday to celebrate the Sultan's 66th birtnday, died suddenly m his home last night. Ariffin. it was gathered, complained of giddiness when he was rowing m the
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  • 226 5 TRAINED GUIDES FOR COLONY THE Singapore Government has mooted the setting up of a tourist guide training scheme with the object of forming a corps ol certified guides. These guides, The Standard was told, will be employed exclusively by the Colony's travel industry. A spokesman for the Government said, the
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  • 103 5 Call To Ban Immoral Placards KUALA LUMPUR. Sun— Kuala Lumpur Malay Youth Association today urged the Government to ban immoral comics nude pictures and striptease shows throughout the country. At the Association's annual general meeting held at UMNO headquarters here, committee member Inche Yusof bin Imbi said that placards advertising
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  • 29 5 INSPECTOR Mohamed Taib of Klang and Inspector Lim Kirn Chuan of Port Swettennam Railway CID are taking a special course m the Kuala Kubu Bharu Police College.
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  • 19 5 KLANG Police raided three shop-houses on Saturday night and confiscated 10 pintables. No arrests were made.
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  • 179 5 Conductor And Clippie' Suspended PENANG, Sun. A City Council bus conductor and a ''clippie" have been suspended from work for one week with their good conduct allowance suspended for six months. This was the decision of a Court of Inquiry, with the chairman of the City Council's Transport Committee. Mr
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  • 56 5 SINGAPORE'S "Elizabeth Taylor," Mrs. Catherine Friedman, last night presented bouquets of flowers to the Dyak beauties when they made a personal appearance on stage at the Cathay Cinema m connection with the screening of the "Virgin of Borneo.'' Standardpic shows Mrs. Friedman presenting a bouquet to
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  • 384 5 More Survivors From Bombed Tanker Arrive TWEATY-ONE more survivors off the British tanker Satt Flaviano bombed and set afire at Balik Papan last Monday arrived m Singapore yesterday aboard the Shell tanker Dromus. Describing the early morning aerial attack that wrecked the unarmed tanker at anchor, Radio Officer, S.G. Chatworthy
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  • 93 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The report of the inquiry into the port facilities of Port Swettenham, submitted by Sir Eric Millbourn, London port expert, to the Minister for Transport. Inehe Abdul Rahman bin Haji Talib. is now being examined by the ministry. All organizations which submitted memoranda
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 j Just like your lips... LJouAtt(u& ited 'cSitk Who would dream of going without lipstick these days? Yet look at your Ij I M nails right now Do they glow with the same colorful jfik radiance as your lips? Or are they pale and JA \-^X^ unattractive? They could sparkle
      193 words

  • 370 6 Singapore Has Many Amenities Worth Copying' PENANG, Mayor Mr. D.S. Ramanathan yesterday paid a glowing tribute to the services and amenities provided by the Singapore City Council. He was addressing a Press conference m the City Hal) prior to his return to Penang after a threei day
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  • 181 6 Minister's Remarks Upset Teachers IPOH, Sun.— The Federation of Malaya Malay Teachers Association is "very upset" over the statement made by the Education Minister, Inche Khir Johari, that Malay teachers and rival political parties were behind the Malay school strike m Kota Bharu. Inche Basir Udoh, Secretary General of the
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  • 72 6 The following were re-elect-ed officers and committee members of the Malacca Chinese Benevolent Society at the annual general meeting held recently President Mr. Lee Ewe Aik, Vice-president Mr. Chan Soo Ann, Medical Adviser Mr. Tan Kirn Cheng, Secretary and Treasurer Mr. Tan Cheng Chye. Committee: Mr. Chan Cheng
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  • 142 6 IPOH, Sun.— A marked improvement m the security situation during the year under review is referred to m the annual report of the Malayan Mining Employers' Association to be presented at the annual general meeting here on May 28. "Intensive military operations m Perak which were m
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  • 70 6 MEMBERS of the Pali section of the Singapore Buddhist Association, each donated $100 on Saturday to the Home for the Aged, the Singapore Tuberculosis Association and the Kampong Koo Chai Fire Victim s Relief Fund as part of the Vesak celebrations. Above: President of the section. Mr.
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  • 276 6 Threatened Teacher: Five Fined $25 Each BENTONG, Sun. While the headmistress of a Chinese school m Sungei Penjuring near here was taking a class, one of the students complained that someone from outside had thrown a stone into the classroom. When the headmistress, Khiang Sic Eng, 35. went out to
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  • 107 6 PENANG, Sun.— The President of the Ecclesiastical Ministers of Thailand. Somdech Pra Wanarat, officiated at the religious ceremony of enshrining the Sacred Relic of Lord Buddha on the top of the spire of the $40,000 pagoda at Wat Buppharam m Perak Road here yesterday. Before
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  • 271 6 THE labour Party of Malaya may form a braarh m Singapore with a view to speeding the merger of the Colony with the Federation. This wa s hinted by its President, Mr. D.S. Ramanathan. at a Press conference at the Singapore
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  • 28 6 PENANG. Sun.— More than 10,000 Buddhists turned out for the mammoth flag and flower procession held here last night as a highlight of the three-day Vesak celebrations.
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  • 129 6 Wage Probe Team Sits In Penang PENANG. Sun.— The Commission of Inquiry set up by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agon,, under the Wages Council Ordinance. sat at the Clerical and Administrative Staff Union here today. It was set up to Inquire into the conditions of emph m respect of workers trolled
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  • 48 6 A 16-year-old youth, Le« Yone Chong, was chased bj five thugs and stabbed three times m the back, North Bridge Road, pore, yesterday afternoon. Lee was admitted to tr.e General Hospital m a serious condition. One person has been detained by Police for questioning^
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 398 6 ?PEBsia--NOW SHOWING! NORMAL PRICES! NO FREE LISTS! J "A FAREWELL TO ARMS" JSfftt. M CINE.H.4SCOFB COLOB BY DELUXE (FOX) {^.%d:r\y£sHoW SHOWING! +**+o>*+*<.A PICTURE OF INTERNATIONAL V ALUE'.+**>***+*m j $sr; N -"THE VIRGIN OF BORNEO'ts^c^J -^C with s aperlmposed English and Chinese Subtitles SpeclaJ Colour Featorette- "slMi APORE. THE LION CITY"
      398 words
    • 283 6 i IKHEiIJiKSWIIMEiI WwW^fflyTJpßJWß^^pnßMsyJWpßPßWßPMffytfiTT >Bt\ i mMimmmy n ,45 4 6>30 9#30 Robert TATLOR Julie LONDON John CASSAVETES »c», "SADDLE THE WIND" OF S pins! Latest "TOM A JERRF" and "DROOPY" C'Scope Color I ffl A. gg Ladles ONLY Preview— Tomorrow 9 a.m.— Stalls $1 Circle $2. a H fifflflS "SEVEN
      283 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 1217 6 b^^^^^^^^b^^b^^^^^^3 Girls (on Stage) 3. 830 and 915 I 7<V *J 1 1 1 i I 111 I A Mli iTii kri V^ E lh 9 E i 5 p U m ama PUtr3n L 545 >IO MAL fv A H HBHI ROYAL: Chai Leong Kam Yip vice): 1.15 p.m
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  • 475 7 m the same office and sharing the same interest dancing Estelle, a beautiful office girl, and her husband, Jeffrey, are cne of the happiest couples who are making themselves known m Singapore's social circles. They met several years ago m the commercial firm
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  • 718 7 It is better than ail you can find m the books, says Gtoria Gordon 01 LD anyone like to join me m a campaign against child psychology? Four weeks ago, I had —or so I thought a perfectly normal, wellbalanced child. But that was before I
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 473 7 "TV/TV" husband, who is redecorating our living-room, has scraped the varnish off the mantelpiece," writes Mrs. E. J. "He now wants to keep the natural wood finish and to French-polish it. Unfortunately, we had a fire a lew years ago and part of the woodwork above the mantelpiece was scorched.
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    • 574 7 QUOTATION: WM HHS W "It U a foolish thing to I make a long prologue, and I to be short i n the story I ffyFA^^ii^ itself." Iwll W' Sx^J —II Maccabees 2^2 I SbmLm MONDAY FOR EVERY- I Esv ONE: Complete tasks on a I f£^,m constructive basis: be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 871 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. Tel: *****/6, *****/4 132/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE te Halifax, Montreal, le«ton. New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia 6 Cult Ports. Spore P. Slum Penang EUMAEUS n»j— i »i» i 19/25 May 26 Mray 27/28 May TEUCER 3/9 Aug 10 Aug 15/16 Aug
      871 words
    • 1083 8 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 lines) (Incorporated m Singapore) O* lines) THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE 'C SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW, LONDON. CONTINENTAL PORTS Carriers option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo (Via Sues with liberty to proceed via Panama or Cape ot
      1,083 words
    • 861 8 MITSUI I¥\ LINE S'oore P Shorn Penofce FOR JAPAN Awobosan Maru for Puson, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kobe 11 May Shotarsu Maru for Yokohama, Kobe Moji 12 Moy Maniusan Maru for Pusan, Yokohama Kobe 24 May FOR U.S.A. via SUEZ For New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore via Bombay Awajisan Maru from Japan 17Mov
      861 words
    • 769 8 EAST ASIATIC LINES Penans P^'hos* S'pon "JAVA" 7/8 May "BOMA M 24/25 May 25/26 Moy 27/28 Moy HOMEWARDS Soilings tor Aden. Port Said Genoa. Antwerp, Rotterdam. Homburg, Bremen. Copenhagen. Gothenburg, Oslo. Spore P. S'hom Penana. "JUTIANDIA" 9m mm n/ii*, Accommodation available. "SINALOA" 19/21 May 22/23 May 24/25M«y Colling Beyrouth. Havre.
      769 words

  • Article, Illustration
    49 9 This versatile silage machine being towed b normal type of farm tractor is being" exported from Britain to many Commonwealth and foreign countries. In this picture the silase machine is fitted with a hay conditioning attachment which lays the cut hay m neat windrow for rapid drying.
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  • 94 9 New Safety Footwear A NEW process of bonding and rubber has paved way for the production new type rubber indus■y footwear. This is specially designed revent injuries caused and similar sharp objects penetrating i ihe boot. Most important feature is a tempered steel spring plate anchored firmly between the c
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  • 49 9 MR. Lim Hock Leong, a pharmacist at the Eastern Agencies Limited, left Singapore over the weekend for Bombay on a special training course. Mr. Lim is being sent to the British Drug Houses factory m Bombay for training. He will be away for four months.
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  • 333 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— Some inquiries from retrenched mining workers m the Federation have been received at Government Employment Exchanges regard ng prospects of employment m Borneo and avail- ability of land for cultivat: This is stated m the monthly report (March) of the Federation
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  • 35 9 A Japanese technical mission is now m Calcutta to discuss the setting up of a training-cum-production centre for small-scale industries. It will later visit New Delhi for further talks with the Indian Government.
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  • 178 9 Britain Invests £80 Mil. Through CDC BRITAIN has invested more than £80,000.000 capital m the pasi ten years through the Colonial Development Corporation o foster the industrial, agricultural and trade resources of her colonies. This was disclosed recently m the annual report of the Corporation. Ten important projects were launched
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  • 79 9 THE value of Hongkong's external trading during February fell m both exports and imports, the island's trade bulletin compiled by the Commerce and Industry Department, revealed. The value of exports at $235,930,000 fell short of the previous month's total by $800,000 and showed a drop of $9,310,000
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  • 38 9 THE AVERAGE U.S. family income, which is now $5,300 after taxes, should rise by onethird by 1975 to $7,100. according to the Committee for Economic Development, a private group of business executives and educators.
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  • 31 9 THE U.K. Board of Trade has authorized imports of up to 5250.000 worth of canned apples from Canada and the United States. The licences are effective June 30, 1958.
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  • 278 9 World To Have Atom Energy Boats Soon A NAVAL architect of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has predicted that fishing vessels powered by atomic energy will be m use "before many years have passed". Jan-Olaf Traung, of Sweden. Chief FAO Naval Architect, also said that the fishing boat of
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  • 31 9 THE Argentine Minister of Commerce and Industry has announced a rice-export quota of 15,000 metric tons. The measure is to allow exports of any surplus above local requirements.
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  • 271 9 BUSINESS done from April 26 to May 2. Industrials: British Borneo Petroleum 50/-, Fraser Neave Ords. $2.60 to $2.35 to $2 40. Gammons $2 35 to $2.05 to $2.20 to $2.18 cum allGoodwood Park Hotel $1.30. Hammer Co $1.50. Hongkong Banks (London) £42}. Hume Industries
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  • 475 9  -  A Market Correspondent By WITH the exception of industrials, the market has behaved very reasonably m face of the lowest rubber pries for some three and a half years, to which was added the surprise fall of $4 per picul m the price on Wednesday.
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  • 338 9 COMPANY REPORTS THE Federal Dispensary Ltd. For the year ended 31/10/57. a profit of 44.1 per cent was earned and a dividend of 20 per cent has been recommended. Net current assets at balancing date were equal to 82.8 cents per share. An extraordinary general meeting has been convened for
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  • 23 9 UNITED STATES exports of unmanufactured tobacco m January this year totalled 23,900,000 pounds, down 21.4 percent from January a year ago.
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  • 20 9 CANADA exported 275,000 pounds of poultry from January to September last year, more than twice the 1956 rate.
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  • 131 9 CASH held by banks m the Federation of Malaya at the end of March at $56,885,000 were $3,405,000 more than those held m Singapore banks at the end of the same month. Normally, Singapore banks hold more cash than those m the Federation,
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  • Finance And Commerce
    • 143 9 NEW HOUSING PROJECT LAUNCHED IN COLONY A NEW $1,000,000 housing estate project m Singapore has been launched by the Kebun Serasi Co. Ltd. The project calls for the building of 40. two storey houses on an elevated six-acre site m Cairnhill Ca spokesman of the company F» w Two types
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    • 129 9 Sarawak Illipenut Boom KUCHING, Wed. A big illipenut boom has started a spending spree m Kapit district, m Sarawak's third division. Hundreds of I bans have, since early this year when the illipenut crop started coming m, been flocking to the bazaars at Kapit and Song with baskets of illipenuts
      129 words
    • 63 9 ORDERS for Britain's Comet IV, tne world's first fullydeveloped jet airliner which is at present undergoing gruelling test flights, now total 31. This follows the decree issued by the Argentine Government authorising Aerolina Argentinas to buy six Comet IVs and spares m a deal worth nearly
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    • 316 9 Millers Buy Up R.I. Copra COPRA arrivals m Singapore last week were estimated at 2.500/2,750 tons from East Indonesia and 300 tons from nearer Indonesian origins, says Lewis Peat (Spore) Ltd., produce report. These quantities were readily absorbed mainly by oil-milling interests, and the balance by packers to be utilised
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    • 80 9 A RECENT estimate by the Director of the British Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Sir John Cockcroft, puts the 1960 overall cost of electricity from nuclear power stations at only about 10 per cent more than the cost r-f power from conventional plant. He also observed
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  • 99 9 THIS PICTURE clearly demonstrates the amazing strength of a new British plastic film developed by Imperial Chemical Industries at their new factory near London. A crane and only several 1/1000 inch thickness of plastic were used to lift this 3-ton boiler. Th« new plastic
    99 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 Regulor-Service SINGAPORE RANCOON SINGAPORE ES. S. "PYIDAWAYE" In Port Inner Roods. Sailing For Rangoon on 7th May, 1958. Cargoes b Passengers for Penang, Mergui, Moulmein b Rangoon Please Contact: nternational Shipping Agency. igent toi UNION OF BURMA SHIPPING BOARD 87. Neil Road. Singapore 2. Te. *****—***** PELNI-LINES 12 ROBINSON ROAD
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  • 726 10  -  LEONG HEW MENG By —Federation Didn't... Federation 3 Singapore 0. DO not judge Singapore too harshly by the scorecard. They lost not because they were an inferior side bat only because they lacked a sharp shooter like the Federations Abdul Ghani. That was the difference
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  • 126 10 Opening Of Asian Games Stadium TOKYO, May 4 (Reuter)— Millions of holiday making Japanese today gathered m leiji Shrine Gardens m Tokyo to watch the official opening of the Asian Games Stadium. While Japanese government and sporting officials saluted, a combined air- land and sea defence force band played the
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  • 43 10 SERANGOON Gardens S.C. beat Singapore Cricket Club by one wicket m a cricket match played at Serangoon yesterday. Scores: SCC 115 (Watts 41. Hunnings 20, Wilson Neubronner 2/18- Dickson 2/ 19). Serangoon 116/9 (Wilson 49 n.0., Yenning 2/29, Pucell
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  • 92 10 NORTHAMPTON. May 4 (Reuter).— Peter Collins, of Britain, driving a Ferrari, won the International Trophy motor race over 150 miles at Silverstone yesterday. Taking the lead m the tenth lap, he won from another British driver, Roy Salvador, m a Cooper, with American Masten Gregory
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  • 116 10 DESPITE an unbeaten 104 runs by S/Sgt. Nichols. GHQ FARELF lost to Ceylon Sports Club by two wickets m a friendly cricket match at Tanglin yesterday. Bowlers of both sides were given rougn treatment by the batsmen who chalked up a total of 464
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  • 607 10 TAME END TO THE COLONY'S CLARKE CUP 'TEST' WHAT would have ended m an exciting finish turned into a tame draw m the Colony Europeans versus the Rest cricket match for Clarke Cup on the padang yesterday. Scores: Rest 205 and 150 for four; Europeans 172 and 133 for eight.
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  • 69 10 PATRON of the 3rd Asian Games m Tokyo, Japan's Crown Prince Akihito is a keen sportsman and fine horseman, tennis player and marksman. This United Press picture shows the Prince clearing a hurdle m a recent horsemanship competition between Graduates of the Gakushuin Senior High School and
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  • 737 10 HOLLINGWORTH HITS 92 PENANG, Sun. Perak scored a great victory over Penang m the inter-state league cricket with an innings and four runs win on the Western Road ground today This is the first time that Perak has chalked an innings victory over Penang
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  • 608 10 Rain Saves Malacca From Defeat By S'gor KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The inter-state cricket latch between Selangor nd Malacca on the Kuala Aimpur padang ended m draw. Heavy rain after pa put a stop to the game oday. When these two teams met at Malacca last August. Malacca ed by M.
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  • 72 10 MRS. R.A.C. Cobley won the Royal Island Club Ladies championship when she beat Mrs. J. McMurrich by five and four at the Island Club golf course yesterday. Mrs. Cobley previously won the championship m 1 956. Other results: April L.G.U. Division 'A*. Mrs. Payne 88—10=78. Division
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  • 34 10 RAJAJI Sports Club beat Signal Squadron 3-2 m a friendly soccer match at Farrer Park yesterday. K. Syed Osman and V. Ramanathan scored for Rajaji while Esson scored the Signalmen's both goals.
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  • 228 10 Join Him 'At The Wicket* Every Tuesday THROUGHOUT the cricket season, NORMAN YARDLEY, former England captain and Test Selector, will be writing for The Standard, a regular week I > article on the game hhas played and knows so well. It will appear under the
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  • 38 10 IPOH Sunday— Sitiawan Recreation Club today entered the semi-final of the Sultan's Cup Tennis competition when they beat Chamberlain Party by three matches to one here today. The winners will now meet the Taiping Recreation Club.
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  • 24 10 LONDON. May 3, (Reuter> Results m todays rugby league championship s3mifinals were: Oldham 8 Hull 20. St. Helens 13 Workington Town 14.
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  • 195 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Malayan Hockey Federation announced today their 18 players for the Asian Games m Tokyo. They are: Goalkeepers Peter Van Huizen (NS>. T. Nadarajah (Sel); Backs— M. Shanmuganathan iSel), Chua Eng Cheng (Sel), W. Vias (NS); Halfbacks Philip Sankey (Pk). Gian Singh
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  • 59 10 MILWAUKEE, May 4 (Reuter) Three Japanese boxers are among the top seven contenders for the world flyweight championship held by Pascual Perez (Argentina) m the list of ratings announced yesterday by the National Boxing Association of the United States. Sadao Yaoita is ranked No. 4 contender.
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  • 154 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.- Army and Air Force I Sports Club scored an ex* two runs victory against gor Chinese Recreation C. the first round match ot Navaratnam cricket compe on the Railway Recreation ground, Brickfields, here to< In a low scoring mat NAAFI were dismissed
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  • 197 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The annual cricket match between Singapore and Federation Police ended m a draw on the Depot ground today. Rain soon after the tea interval dashed all hopes of play. Scores were Singapore 169 and Federation 187 for six wickets. This was the second
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 36 10 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products h .IML-MtIMLMrJ CHINKAWHITE This invaluable Wind Mixture is an excellent remedy for Stomach Pains, Constipation, Indigestion, Acidity, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 152 10 CTIirADADr Padang. 95 F.B.R.A. vs. 2 SINGAPORE police FieM Forre _c oro SOCCER— S.A.F.A. League nation Ground. Div. 3— 2* fiJf"?U± s^ Geyland, Div. 3A Pondok Cluo Lower Coronation Peranakan vs. Jollilads A.U. ground. Changkat Kir at M.F.A. Kebenaran Club Estate vs Sengat Estate— vs. Customs S.C. at F. and
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  • 140 11 Singapore's popular Goo Loo Club celebrated its 51st anniversary on Saturdau night. Among the large number of guests present at the club's dinner party were Mr. Tan Lark Sye, chairman of the Nanyang University Council, Mr, Abe Saperstein, Harlem Globetrotters' manager, Mr. James Elliott,
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  • 427 11 Xl ALA LIMPLR, Sun. In the two hockey international matches played between the Federation and Singapore at the Merdeka Stadium here this week-end, the Fcdeiation won the first game, and Singapore came into their own to win the second. nrst match p.ayed on S
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  • 11 11 E, 3 (AFP). look a 2-1
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  • 229 11 LEICESTER, May 3 (Reuter) An unbroken sixth wicket stand of 102 between Bill Playle and John Sparling helped the New Zealanders to recover from 150 for five against Leicestershire here today. By the close on the first day of the three-day match, New Zealand had
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  • 159 11 Trotters May Play For Nanyang Fund THE world famous Harlem Globetrotters will play m Singapore m January, their manager, Mr. Abe Saperstein. said m the Colony yesterday. Mr. Saperstein, on his way to Australia to make tour arrangements there, said that the Trotters are scheduled to leave America for their
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  • 157 11 LONDON. Itfav 3. (Reuter) Michael Davies, Britain's leading lawn tennis player, gained an easy win m the men's singles of the Hurlingham Club's hard court tournament today. In the final he beat Ivo Riveiro. Brazils number two. by 6-1 6-1. Britain meet Brazil m
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  • 48 11 GERMAN soccer fans m Munich, scene of the Manchester United air crash three months ago, crowded round television sets m restaurants and radio shops to watch- Saturday's cup final at Wembley broadcast over Eurovision Most seemed to have "adopted" Manchester and cheered them on.
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  • 34 11 WITH the English Athletic season just moving into first gear. International sprinter Dave Segal equaled the English Native record for the 100 yards with 9.8 seconds at Alperton, Middlesex, England, yesterday. AFP.
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  • 131 11 English Golf Title To Sewell LONDON, May 4 (AFP) Douglas Sewell. a 28-year-old railwayman, won the English Amateur Golf championship yesterday when he beat central African champion David Proctor of Rhodesia by eight and seven m the 36 hole final at Walton Heath, Surrey. This was the biggest winning margin
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  • 67 11 JERUSALEM, May 4, (AFP) —Apart from her 17 footballers Israel will send to Tokyo her 21-year-old weight putting champion Uri Zohar a petty officer m the Israel navy, and javelin champion Baruch f'emberg, also, 21. who is serving as a lieutenant m the Israeli
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  • 174 11 Guineas No Help To Derby LONDON. May (Reuter).— Two Thousand Guineas classic which usually provides some clue to the Epsom Derby winner this year shed little new light on the Derby picture. The Queen's Pall Mall and Mr. H. J. Joels Major Portion, first and second m the Newmarket Two
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  • 81 11 TOKYO. May 4 (Renter).— The Organising Committee of the third Asian Games today reported it was having great difficulty m finding enough interpreters to look after some of the participating nations' athletes. A committee spokesman said despite strenuous efforts the committee had failed to locate interpreters
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  • 56 11 JOHANNESBURG— May 4— (AFP>— British Empire flyweight champion. Dennis Adams of South Africa, will meet world champion Pascual Perez of Argentina m Glasgow m June, it was announced today Adams, who was defeated twice earlier this year by Spanish champion Jose Ogazon, left Capetown by ship for
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  • 24 11 LENINGRAD. USSR. May 4 (UP) —The touring U.S. men's and women's basketball team both scored victories m exhibition games here tonight.
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  • 766 11  -  KEN JALLEH by Hockey Team Not In SOSC Departure Lists The green light for Singapore's tennis pla\ers to compete iv the Asian Games tournament has been given by the Asian Games Federation and **c Singapore Lawn Tennis Association has recommended four players for the
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  • 339 11 THE Co nger.t for 3rd Asian Games m Tokyo will be: Avian dames. Federation Council Members: itMM I Council Pre~ C. C. To A. T Ra NOC Mr. Ch< N.O.C. Member: Vice-P Sorcer Team r Soh Ghe* Soon: "tentMr. Goh Chve Tan Keng Seng. Lee
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  • 150 11 Tim Tarn, Kentucky Derby Winner LOUISVILLE. Kentucky May 3 (AFP).— Tim Tarn, joint favourite from the Calumet Farms stables, won the Kentucky Derby today by half a length from Lincoln Road, Nouredom was third another half-length behind, and fourth was Jewels Reward, six lengths away. Silky Sullivan, the other favourite,
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  • 37 11 CHESS C' SHIPS THE 22nd game m the World Championship between Vassily Smysolov and V Botvinnik m the Central Chess Club m Moscow ended on the 39th me c victory for world chess Smysolov, Tass reported.— UP
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  • 768 11 FA League: How They Stand LUNUOS. May 4 (Reuter) The Una! standing m the Mirlibli and Scottish Football League Tables are as tollowv LEAGUE TWO: PUD L f A Pts West Ham U 42 2J li 8 lul o4 hi Blackburn R. 42 22 12 8 93 oV 56 Charlton
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  • 639 11 LONDON, May 3 (Reuter) Bolton Wanderers won their fourth English Cup final at Wembley Stadium here this afternoon when they beat Manchester United 2-0. The match was a personal triumph for the Bolton centre-forward, 32-year-old Nat Lofthouse. who scored both goals. He got the first
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 I CALLING all Singapore's 1 1 MARIO LANZAS I I LOUIS (Satchmo) ARMSTRONGS, PERRY COMOS,-f FRANKIE LAINES DEAN MARTINS! If you ran Si "C S like any of these ffl entertainers BB then enter the I vllF% WW 4. ;< i<fe TO FIND THE t A k^ I BEST IMITATOR
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  • 2 12 WORLD NEWS
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  • 257 12 SAN FRANCISCO, May 4 (UP)— An estimated 400 oersons inarched through downtown San Francisco on Saturday as a protest against U.S. nuclear weapons tests which currently are underway m the Western 1 Pacific. The marchers, members ol the Northern California Committee for
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  • 30 12 FINAL results m the fourth National Legislative Assembly election held m Korea on May 2 were Liberals 125. Democrats 81. Independents and minor parties 27. Dutch Plan For
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  • 330 12 West New Guinea Backbone Is Economic, Geological Exploration THE HAGUE. Holland. May 4 (UP) The Dv government is about start the implementation of j a new five-year plan for West New Guinea aimed at finally bringing the whole j oi this Asian territory with I its estimated 700.000 Papua inhabitants
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  • 97 12 RHEIMS, France. May 4 (Reuter) A bartender who imok with a revolver and i four people, including his wife, was found dead m a cafe near here last night «by armed Police who had buildozed their way m with a Patton tank. Danie: Delobel, 27, was
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  • 27 12 FILM star Claudette C who runs a fashion sr York yester i von was on us out. according to an she had from cuter.
    cuter.  -  27 words
  • 25 12 THE 13-nation Council of Europe m Strasbourg vesterapproved a resolution 4 for the establishment Of a free trade zone m Eurooe. ~u.p.
    ~u.p.  -  25 words
  • 68 12 LONDON, May 4 (Reuter) Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, came out. formally yesterday on the side of Greek patriots struggling for independence from Britain. Mr. Khrushchev, m a letter replying to questions put to him by a Greek newspaper owner, said: "The Soviet people sympathize with and
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  • 48 12 ST. PETERSBURG. Florida: Shapely Lynn Schwartz, 18. a former cowgirl from Pennsylvania, poses with a variety of trophies, after she was named Miss West Coast Press Photographer here, recently. The brunette beauty will represent this area at the national contest m Minneapolis m June.— UP photo
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  • 81 12 STUDENTS OUT TO STOP A-BLASTS TOKYO: Students numbering several thousands demonstrate through Tokyo's busy streets protesting against planned U.S. nuclear tests m the Pacific. The "protest march" started from m front of the U.S. Embassy where about 1,000 Policemen were on hand around the grounds. The demonstration was one of
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  • 263 12 Russia And West Criticized GLASGOW, May 4 (Reuter) M\ Hugh Gaitskell, Labour Party leader, today criticized both Russia and the We it for the "continuing dither and delay" over a summit conference. Mr. Gaitskell said the West should have agreed, to the
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  • 25 12 SEVEN-YEAR-OLD Princess Anne is to have an operation for the removal of adenoids and tonsils, it was announced from Buckingham Palace last night.
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  • 150 12 BELIZE, British Honduras, May 4 (Reuter) Several children collapsed m steaming heat here yesterday while waiting for Princess Margaret at a rally of 4,000 schoolchildren. They were carried off, got treatment and then returned m time to cheer and wave Union Jacks
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  • 138 12 Canadians Resent Us Report WASHINGTON, May 4 (Reuter) A "rising tide of resentment against the United States" is becoming apparent m Canada, according to a U.S. Congressional study mission report published today. The report said lack of understanding m the United States of Canada's history problems and special relationship with
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  • 47 12 SILVERSTONE, England. May 4, (Reuter) A racing driver's wife watched horrified on television yesterday while her husband's oar dou-ble-somersaulted and hurled him on to the track during 'he production car touring race here. But driver Peter Taylor's only injury was a torn muscle.
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  • 38 12 THE Peronista Party. outlawed since the fall of ex-Pre-sident Juan Peron. yesterday went to court to demand restitution of legal status and the return of all assets taken over by the state m Buenos Aires. Reuter.
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  • 246 12 LONDON. May 4 (Reuter) Britain's Teddy Boys and girls were championed yesterday at a London conference called by the Christian Action Council. Speakers from many walks of life spoke m defence of these teenagers called "Teddies" because of their addiction to exaggerated "Edwardian" attire. Mr.
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  • 320 12 Aim Is To Get Rid Of The Last 'Reactionaries' PRAGUE, May 4 (Reuter)— Thousands of Czechoslovak office workers an busy filling m six-page questionnaires m the most thorough probe yet made b] the Communist regime into the lives of citizens here This complete re-estimate of the
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  • 197 12 Nasser And Mr. K. Talk On Arab Liberation CAIRO, May 4 (UP) President Gamal Abch I Nasser and Premier Nir Khrushchev discussed Arab and African independence movements m Moscow on Friday, it was reported here yesterday. The discussion follow* on Israel m which Nasser tried to obtain support for Arab
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  • 137 12 Hunt For Mikes In NATO Meet Chambers COPENHAGEN, May 4 (Reuter) Police searched for hidden microphones yesterday m the crystal chandeliers of the parliament chambers m Christiansborg Palace where the NATO Foreign Ministers meet tomorrow. Thirty-six hours before the opening of the three-day meeting, Police cordoned off the entire parliament
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  • 151 12 ALBANY, New York, May 4, (Reuter)— 'An official report on last November's "Gangsters Convention" at Apalachin m which 40 men were rounded up and later released, has showed the worldwide ramifications of American crime. The report, drawn up by New York State Investigation Commissioner Arthur
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  • Page 12 Advertisements