Singapore Standard, 14 February 1958

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1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 23 1 SINGAPORE STANDARD Telephone ***** 5 Coble: "TIGERNEWS" SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, FEERUARY 14 195fl Vol VIII. No. 226 i 15 cts. 12 Pages [FINAL EDITION]
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  • 546 1 DISMAL RUBBER OUTLOOK FOR 1958 Says The Rubber Producers' Council KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Th»> Rubber Producers' Council in Its annual report released today, warned that 1058 cannot be regarded ■ confidence owing to the world-wide depression In commodity prices which A .:i- alroadv resulted in desreaaed output ol Malayan *in
    546 words
  • 83 1 TUNIS, Fob. 13 ißeuter) President Habib Bourguiba said today that if France wanted the -battle for the evacuation* 1 of French Forces in Tunisia to j>e bloody "we are n^t afraid. Recording a weekly talk to the nation broadcast tonight, he said: 'France knows, the
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  • 24 1 COMMUNIST China's National People's Congress has •ipproved the 26-La.m lettered alohabct in Its citing session, the New China News Agency reported. UP.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 455 1 GOOD LUCK TO YOU, SAYS MR. MACMILLAN BRITISH Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, .aid in Singapore yesterday that the people of Britain would watch developments in the Colony with every confidence in the future. in a short farewell message before he left for home in a Epecial converted BOAC Britannia,
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  • 39 1 MISS Iris Lim. daughter of the Chief Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lim Yew Hoik, presents a bouquet of orchids to Lady Dorothy Marmillan on the tarmac just before her departure with Mr. Macmillan yesterday. Standardpic
    Standardpic  -  39 words
  • 37 1 CROWN Prince Akihito, 24--year-old heir to Japan's Amperial throne, may become engaged this year if a suitable mate is found, the Japanese Diet was told yesterday. The young Prince turned 24 in December. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 170 1 250 FROM TWO FIRMS IN COLONY'S FIRST STRIKES MORE THAN 250 em- ployees of two Singapore tons went on strike yesterday! They are the first j strikes in the Colony this year. Tile fir ips involve d are Gammon (Malaya) Ltd. and Pepsi Cola Ltd. The workers involved in the
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  • 119 1 Flight To Moon Is Nearer NEW YORK, Feb. 13 (Reuter). The guidance system used on the Jupiter-C rocket that carried the United S.ates Explorer satellite into orbit could be used with .supplementary instruments to guide a space ship to the moon, a German-born rocket expert said here *oday. The expert,
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  • 192 1 LONDON, Feb. 13 (Reuter)— The British Government tocLo announced that British hydrogen bombs with *he power of a million tons of explosive were now in production here and deliveries to the Royal Air Force had begun. Ihis was disclosed in the Government annual report
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  • 29 1 (story in pase 1 1 PRIME Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, leads the Good Citizens Committee in an anti-Commu-nist procession in Yong Peng, .Inhnrp vpstorday. Standardpic
    Standardpic  -  29 words
  • 60 1 INDIAN MINISTER RESIGNS NEW DELHI. Feb. 13 'UP' Premier Pandit Jawaharlaj Nehru today accepted the resignation ol Finance Minister Mr. t.t. Krishnamachaxi in the wake of a financial scandal involving the Ministry of Finance. Mr. Nehru temporarily took over the Ministry himself. In addition to the Premiership, Mr. Nehru fa
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  • 227 1 THE British trooper the Empire Fowey. which is en route to Singapore from Britain with families of service personnel, raced to the aid of the German freighter We.ser.stein. which radioed for medical assistance about 400 mih s from the Colony. Spokesmen for the Army
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  • 46 1 LONDON. Hb 13 (UP) Britain disclosed today that she L, developing a ballistic rocket "of a more advanced type than American mediumrange misMle.s capable of being fired from uhderground launching sit< The rock< t Ls dcv» lojy. td "on the highest priority."
    46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 I v KL T- i every I large I I r Cms* i* lAr xpecud Sew Year v should see wbj?/\ njl proi mk am y°'-- .^of Music* *^I^sSMHRHSa^iJJB\ s 'ft r *3MSa^Bw ••M tape -o- matic sei 714 Tape Recorder pleasure packed recorder Kecord ?reat „r |M a da%.
      98 words

  • 1336 2 Exchange Case Defence Claim AIK HOE and Company, in handling a Bangkok firm's rubber sales to \> w York was only trying to channel as much rubber as it could through the Colon v for the benefit of the' Sterling Area, the Singapore Chief
    1,336 words
  • 30 2 Surged :i! R. •he R 0 n "•n. a: medit-a! enrcurased locations t lr verity, ft Pour extmiil the Roy.: pati lan< and a v Courtioe. I) Kar log'
    30 words
  • 136 2 George Town Road Safety Campaign PENANG. Own Traffic P \ia save a pj i I :«J d m n>trati n of J id everyday :a .!:> w Geornc Town Fwaci Sa: Advis( ry C mm;*!- -an 11 s campaign I educate sell' \-h\drt. n •r. th< ba. .<■ principles i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1407 2 ■B^HB^HB^B^HBVHB^B^BBBBBBBBBBB^gggiB^iB^iBaB^BBB^^^^^M a^BVL^^^g^g^L^ga ACCOM WANTED AMERICAN COMPANY requires to rent larg? unturo shpj mr^m bunga- ow or Vi lla preferably D <.tncts ID or Img ca%c, Br% J 3264 FOR SALE SMOKELESS Th« Antt-Tobaccc Tab'e^ Approved hv Ihe Di~ »h State Hca rh Author t A Ham esi drug to b"
      1,407 words
    • 698 2 TENDBN NOTICES JOHORE P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class 'E' and above registered PWD Contractors will be received by the State Engineer. Johore. up to noon of the -4th February. 1!>58 for CONSTRUCTION OF ONE CLASS V QUARTERS AT MUAR. Full particulars may be Obtained from the Senior Executive Engineer,
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    • 723 2 External Sanitary Installation Water Supply To Proposed Language Institute Teachers' Training Co!--'effe, Pantai Valley, Kuala Lumpur for The Department of Education, Federation of Malaya. ALL tenderers for the above should note that the closing date for tenders will now be 12 noon on Monday. 24th February, 1958. Other arrangements regarding
      723 words
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    • 30 2 BICUI IROPU \IIMoI IS SOLE- 1 VERY CHEAI FROM IQM VMS .Bl| ///ri- Purl \rriinf|(*«f /.o< ill H#»<i f^l MS HAPPWO 10 All CHIVESf FR from HW \l» 'Hollo fi
      30 words

    • 327 3 W mat the Federation Government, I the trouble and expense of to India to interview 1- 2! service, has not yet given jctcs any definite answer. It V majority of doctors from that ..c\cd by the recruiting team, V to Malaya. They must have m mZ for their
      327 words
    • 313 3 I*-: i doubt today of the vital contri- Jjcahon makes to the national "3 r^3s come to be regarded as on ;nt product since it is the key j or to the future of the youth of T v '-dents in the schools of Singapore -i cannot ignore
      313 words
    • 31 3 !~cn Kirn Koad. b pore No 1563 Caoifs MCEKNEWS 4- *s hnes) AH dcr-irtmcnts t -•-ore 6**tt U st Id: *|H A 1,, ,Cr -a Tel- 471
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  • 627 3  - Uranium Prospects Worry Canada Robert Duffy From In Ottawa r TIIE uranium mining and refining industry m Canada is suffering from ■"five-year phobia". The phrase is used by France R. Joubin, one of the main financiers involved. He BHBI thai the industry cannot MC more than five years ahead With
    627 words
  • We the PEOPLE
    • 173 3 Sir it b surprising that the Mayor of Singapore feel* it necessary to have a Mayor's Fund (fed from public funds) to remind him of "Colonialism AH he has t,> do li to take a look at the beautiful City <>f Singapore he Iks Inherited [rom
      173 words
    • 129 3 puni>h kidnappers by death fills me with anxiety for the lives of the kidnapped persons. In those American states where kidnappers are liable to get the "chair" the desperate criminals are inclined to kill their victims after having collected the ransom money. They prefer to eliminate the potential
      129 words
    • 72 3 Sir Messrs. Macmillan and Lim having rendered their duet "Everything in the Garden's Lovely" obliged with an unsolicited encore entitled "If Anything goes Wrong, the People are to Blame". So now we know! And when we are subjected to riots, gangsterism, kidnapping, extortion, etc. it is not as
      72 words
  • 1294 3  -  EDWARD CRANKSHAW WEEKLY SOVIET SURVEY Br 'villain of the piece' [N the past two or three y^ars. whenever I fcave asked a Russian to tell me what sort of people in his opinion, form the truly reactionary element in the Soviet Union and oppose most strongly and tenaciously
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  • 32 3 Survey* reveal that farms are the biggest users of energy in the United States. They use more than twice as much power as all the other American ind'fi'-'es combined.
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  • 362 3 the NEWS as it strikes me QNE bit of information the Government has nr\er been able to Rive, in spite of the fact that the problem has been ever present and is intimately bound to a Labour administraton, is the number of unemployed in Singapore. It is now stated by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 25 12 Bo Si 35.00 I. 24 B «>** $150 00 32 Ba $175.00 Ufl "*8 Sos» $275.00 W »s 80 Bass $325.00 X ««i 80 Bo $375.00 96 Bass $400.00 V 41 Kvs 120 Bass $500.00 M »s 120 Bass $550.00 41 K.vs 120 Bass $600.00 ,nT*nl\ 16 North
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  • 263 4 CROWING JOBLESS NUMBER HAS THE M.C.A. WORRIED Problem Is Getting Worse' IPOH, Thurs. Former Assistant Minister for Education and secre-tary-general of the Malayan Chinese Association, Mr. Too Joon Hing today urged Government to speed up plans for tackling the growing problem of unemployment caused by the restrictions on tin output.
    263 words
  • 93 4 THE first hair styling show entitled "A Woman's Crowning Cilor>' will he staged n> Shanghai May tomorrow night in aid of the international Charities Ball to he held at the Great World ClWrel in connection with the tihn "Around the World in 80 Days Mb* Saloma
    93 words
  • 75 4 A youth. Looli Joseph, who was described v having been led astraj by bad company, was out on two years' probation m Singapore District Court yesterday. The District Judge. Mr. s.K. Lee, after studying the report submitted by probationary Officer, Mr. Sim Wee Lee. described Joseph m
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  • 227 4 A 16- YEAR-OLD Village girl from the 14th mile Sembawang. Singapore, yesterday came to town for the iiist time in her life. She was Yen Teow Cheow. dim of 28 persons who attended a civics course organized by the Department of Information Service.-.
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  • 107 4 2 WOMEN AMONG ESSAY WINNERS THERE were four winner.for the global essay contest sponsored by the World Brotherhood in New York. They are Mrs. June Kla Mm. a BurmoM 1 housewife, Corporal Assibi Abudu, a Police instructor from Accra. Captain Borge Carstens ot Denmark and Miss Rosa Maria de la
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  • 56 4 PENANG, Than. Sessions Judge Mr. B. J. Jennings, today sentenced a sub-contrac-tor. Abu Bakar bin Scni Mohamed, to three years' jail to be followed by two years' Police vupervision on a charge of house-breaking and theft of I typewriter belonging to Daphne Smart at Pantai Road,
    56 words
  • 111 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Noel Joseph Manickam, the 38-year-old driving instructor sentenced to nine years' \a'A last year for the attempted murder of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vasuthevan with a chopper. was today charged before Magistrate Inche Abdul Rani with escaping from custody yesterday. It was alleged
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  • 33 4 ABOUT $3,000 was collected by the Ipoh YWCA from their "Pageant of Famous Women of History" and a dance held recently in aid of the Association's Working Girls' Hostel Building P^und.
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  • 42 4 A SINGAPORE housewife, Lily Tan, reported to Police that jewellery worth 12.500 had been stolon from her house In Ah Hood Road. Ay office in Changi Road was also broken into and $1,100 cash and two pens stolen.
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  • 40 4 THE Musical Orchids.' a group of international ar istes from Ceylon, arrived in Singapore yesterday for a fortnight's season at the Happy World Stadium, commencing on Monday. The group is seen above on arrival at the Singapore Airport.
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  • 225 4 PENANG. Tliurs. Ono-hundred-thousmnd ballets addressed to Communist terrorists were air-dropped Into the bills of Penang Island by a Rot*] Air Force plane today, urging them to accept the generous terms of the Merdeka amnesty offer and leave the jungle lor a happy New Year.
    225 words
  • 23 4 THE I I Bach's "Peasant tfl I the j Sunday The pr I VioUn Ccrverto M I OnH the cimfl Pai: I
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  • 155 4 MOST of the Singapnr, I lefus.'d entry into the Colin lo la;K of accommodation wi'i i,, 1 studies in about ;i month', tin Q svcrnmcnt has formulated a ichen 4 f OOd these r< m n secor I subjects Can ridge Sch Cer Examinatit i At a pro- i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 456 4 1 TOMORiOW MIDNIGHT Sptial Pnview of our CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION 3j j The Immortal Story of the most f I beautiful woman in China's history J becomes an DNFORGFTTABLE I MOTION PICTURE MASTERPIECE! "a 1 1 j^' -_^^bh Ht Hp 3 < i^P f^~ r m^ > > <
      456 words
    • 58 4 Si-^|h^/^ FOR EVERY PURCHASE 7j OF BECK'S KUNCHI BEER J^K xsS3^) BETWEEN 3rd and m^\ \k^d I?th FEBRUARY f^H pjusfc ill four piece set of China-^ 3 Z_ ,^r _^<^^^^^^ J /I J bTb I I 0 FREE o~\ with idoz. QUARTS or 2 dozPIN"! lift) r~>± ■/*l k V
      58 words

  • 541 5 Constitution Is Nothing But A Fraud, He Claims SINGAPORE'S Workers Party leader Mr. David Marshall said today the British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan, had no knowledge of the London self-government agreement. In a statement, Mr. Marshall said: "The British Prime Minuter obviously has not
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  • 83 5 AN American ice-cream soda that they collectively travelled more than 50,000 miles for is shared at New York International Airport by four delegates to the Herald-Tribune Youth Forum who arrived aboard a Pan American World Airways clipper from London. Left to right they
    Pan American World Airways  -  83 words
  • 84 5 PENANG. Thurs.— A youth, who pleaded guilty to a robbery charge, was today put on a $2,000 bond, on condition that he must not step inside shops where theie were pin-tables, for a period of two years. The Sessions Jud^e of the New Balik Pulau Court.
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  • 131 5 JACK Elias, a hotel receptionist, was yesterday warned by a Singapore magistrate, that he could be sent to jail for failing to pay $150 maintenance towards his two children. Elias. the court was told, had failed to comply with a maintenance order
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  • 279 5 AMERICAN tourists who are due to arrive in Singapore tomorrow morning by the luxury liner Lurline will not be fleeced by taxi drivers or moneychangers fiurintf their one-day sightseeing tour of the Colony. ThLs assurance was given by the chairman of the Singapore
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  • 60 5 Chinese New Year Joy Rides MALACCA Thurs. The Kuala Lumpur Hying Club will send aircraft here during the Chinese New Year holidays on Tuesday and Wednesday to provide joy rides. Tickets may be purchased at the Malacca Airport at SlO per person per trip. The Club hopes to encourage "air
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  • 29 5 A LABOURER, Syed Mydin, 39. fell from Nicoll Highway Singapore, into the sea last, night. Two Indians plunged in and rescued him. He was sent to hospital.
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  • 101 5 THE Dire. tor nf Posts in Singapore has announced th it Feo. 18. there will be only Mi complete de'.ivery of ni:u! Mid pared! There will be no mall deliveries on Fco. If). The General Post OflVe will :v i pen between UN MB, an 1
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  • 187 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Bishop of Singapore. the Rev. H. W. Baincs, today told members of the Malayan Christian Council at its annual meeting here that Communist literature in the country was "as accessible as Christian books To counter-act this spread of communism. Bis h
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  • 210 5 Employers Discuss NUPW's Pay Scale KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The technical committee of the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association today discussed the new wage scale submitted by the 300,000-strong National Union of Plantation Workers. The committee's recommendations will be tabled at the forthcoming executive committee meeting of the MPIEA at the
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  • 32 5 PEXAXG, Than. Former secretary of the Eastern Smelting Employees Union. Noor bin Hashim, who was charged with causing hurt* to a striker. K. Permal, was acquitted in the Magistrate's Court today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 K^-* I c* f\ c\ i i ■tk&a' IUUL and Kg} REFRESHING c ;j v DE ((ROGNf ROGER^LLET^I \KK\IEURS, I>\RIS ■i tASTERN AUTO CO.. LTD. (t ,end their greetings KOONG HEE FATT CHOY' i t: bsiloblt:- Perfume Soap ntnder and Brilliantine :-on Ail Good Stores famous family of \IG E
      108 words
    • 214 5 MAKES YOU FIT KEEPS YOU FIT —the Wine of Life Drink just one glass and you'rr on the way to good health. One glass starts the quick action of Wincarnis, and back come your lost vigour and staying- power which mean everything in the home or at work. You'll be
      214 words

  • 894 6  -  WINDSOR LAD fgdfgdfhdfdf The Pre-Race Gallops At K.L. By KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A three-furlong 37--second 'breezer* by Miralda, with Johnson riding, was the most attractive of this morning's final workouts for tomorrow s races, opening day of the Selangor Turf Club meeting. Mira;da worked with Monitor.
    894 words
  • 110 6 COLOURS beat Wh.tcs by four goals to one in a hockey trial at :h c padang yesterday. The Biatdi \v;i s oat td two trials before selecting the Colony ;eam for tho return match Bgaintt Federation next weekend. Cofoon scored all four |OtJs in the second
    110 words
  • 76 6 THERE were 40 entries for the Singapore Army Golfing Society Bogey Competition heid at the Royal Singapore Crolf Club on Wednesday. Results of the winners were*A' Division Coi. E. C. Irish, 3 down; 'B' Division: Maj. B B. Stoncy, 5 down. Bali Sweep: Ist Nine Col. J. L.
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  • 68 6 Japan To Pick 295 For Games TOKYO, Feb. 13 (UP) Japan will be represented by 295 athletes and 50 officials in the third Asian Games, to be held here during May 24 to June L Countries that have already announced their participation include Afghanistan, Burma, Cambodia, Ceylon, China (Formosa), Hongkong,
    68 words
  • 543 6 Kangaroos Out To Navy TWO expected victories and two unexpected ones featured yesterday's Seven-A-Side rugby at the •jadang. The powerful South Johore team easily accounted for Seletar 4 B' while Singapore Cricket Club A were somewhat lucky to have the better of the Royal Army
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  • 41 6 TAITI.W, Th-irs— A hattrick by state player 1 IDorai enabled the Sports Club to maintain timtt unbeaten record and 4-0 ciefeat or. the I- sociction in a lttgue hockey tie yesterday. Inside left Zainal got the Prisons' fourth goal
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  • 275 6 CHINFSE Athletic are the envy of all football clubs in the Colony today. And the reason 0 Fiv# leading players of the Tiger Soorting Association which is not participating in the soccer league this year hay* signtd to play for the
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  • 22 6 (1 lv h includethe «ff w k br; I mittec. that tt J .T^ Pin«- 1 cmnmif, Eric W^ M **»J
    22 words
  • 36 6 School scwMJaJ the scr.i.r t j match A Pfesir d Itfday. p rs for {J were nahar and 13 I I Par:^r- :J goals to one. M winners were HJ R;. J tier. ond .tj
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  • 400 6 Miura May Be Too Fast (Standard Staff Reporter) SINGAPORE'S -Poker face' favourite, Ray Ming Chun had better be good to- niglit or he'll get the 'spanking of his young, exciting life for taking on a little more than he can chew with his fourth
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 474 6 ij Lr v M T«»-ATINO CANVAS Ws& MKINrOftCED TO«^a/^^^ 1| f I V 1 1 K CUSMIONIO ARCH tUPPOKT i Dull fIP t wwnkwr sports footwear A I for the sportsman A *ho must have th« beit n |f OUBLOP^, >C^^^ N 11 k OUNLOP i A tablt tennis balls
      474 words

  • 250 7 Ljfb. 1 ;V) The ItaJ *an Olympic ComI K< me city officials yesterday that I liately to build the rSS8,0<)0,000 Sector the 1%0 Games. Giuli i Onesti, COXI pre--;r.:. .>.i.d that "any furr delay, even of a few w >uld fatally affect ■'.;>.•-* iu'n ot" the
    250 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 7 I t'S --'.ear-old thoI Rac:n a Assocm- r-old coa of the ted State* the great #c on Xn S ru >ah. Altck and injuries tl -ouohout f Bold Ruler's fierce co petit ye jpint Bofd Ruler h a rough and ptevftU I hand'e-s a }-d time Tie -:s n X's
    53 words
  • 29 7 Feb. 13 Blackpool I n t■ r I in I the I !:on will W' Kismi him by Kf:nt (I r irk rr ivh M* ru.ird
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  • 57 7 —A it the world f crown I Alphon=e H of the between Filipino crow,*n of N Cuba's Manuel M Manila. «{Fttf the world axed by Philip. P Association pte Be a who will m Asuncion-Armen-EJ*» several years W out by Rocky ja«ager Al Weill F^ outstanding Pp he has
    57 words
  • 17 7 E*e Standing Bndmin- :.o Hotel during rir;ht\' Mr l 9 (honorary Lee Guam gvpore) Sc °i (Hon:
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  • 64 7 T )N'DON\ Feb. 12 fßcuter) Results esterd iy*i rugby a_ cup first round matches. ".ed 1 is: Saturday x re Bran e\ 9 Bradford Northern 15 3 War: n 27 H ins et n. St Heir— 15 A ike: c! i T: initv 29 D -caster D :rv
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 7 LONDON. Feb. 12. (Reute:"> B try. leaders in the third n north. drew 1-1 at ■•> with Storkp rt County the only English footba.l ,i .o match played tonighi.
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  • 787 7  -  There s A Tough Fight Ahead By JACK PEART LONDON, Thurs. Pull up your socks, spit on your hands, and get stuck in, British footballers, you've got the fight of your lives ahead of you. After studying the draw for the World Cup in -.Locknolm, only a
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  • 201 7 NEW YORK, Thurs. Ali thoroughbred horses in the world today are descendants of just three stallions who were foaled in Europe, in the early 18th Century. They are Godolphin's Arabian. Byerly's Turk and Darley's Arabian. Horses whose lineage cannot be traced to one of
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  • 36 7 DORTMUND, West Germany, Feb. 12 (Reutor). Borussia Dortmund and A.C. Milano drew I—l1 1 here today in the first leg of their European soccer cup quarter-final match The Italian side led 1-0 at half-time.
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  • 154 7 Edwards 'Slightly Better' MUNICH, Feb. 13, (Reuter) —The Manchester United and England wing-half. Duncan Edwards, nghting for his life in hospital here with an "artificial kidney" connected to his blood stream, was stated last night to be "slightly better." Earlier yesterday, an official hospital communique said he was "in acute
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  • 51 7 VANCOUVER, Feb. 12 (Reuter) —A British Columbia allstar rugby team may visit Japan in 1959. Mr. Bob Spray, president of the British Columbia Rugby Union, said here. Mr. Spray said the team may play nine matches in Japan. A Canadian rugby team last went to Japan 26 years
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  • 24 7 LONDON, Feb. 12, (Reuter) Linfield beat Bangor by five goals to three yesterday, in their Irish league match postponed on January 25.
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  • 147 7 ADELAIDE. Feb. 13 rßcuter) Australia's great win over South Africa would help to give players confidence to match England in the test series here next summer, Sir Donald Bradman said today. He also paid tribute to Australia's young captain lan Craig Sir Donald said: "Naturally, as one
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  • 237 7 NEWBURY, Berkshire. Feb. 12. (Reuter)— A part owner of Polar Flight, the Grand National favourite today warned punters against backing the horse until stable plans had been decided. Mr. "Sonny" Hall, who owns the horse in partnership with Mrs. Pleyddl Bouverie. gave the
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  • 93 7 Yankees Narrowly Beaten LONDON, Feb. 13, <Reuter) —The United States team for the world ic c hockey championship were narrow. y beaten 5—4 by Harringay Racers, the crack London side, here last night. But the Americans, playing their second game in Europe. did enough to show that when the championship
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 256 7 The P C. Company hove pleasure in announcing thet, in addition to ti.cir usual passenger soilings by "Chusan," "Corfu," "Canton," "Carthage," rhe following P. O. vessels normally employed o»: their Europe/Auttrolia Service will call at Singapore for London. "HIMALAYA" Soils 14th Moy 27,955 tons "STRATHEDEN" Soils 16th June 23.732 tons
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 183 7 sdfdasdf Sports Club vs. Sepou Lines Recreation Club Western Road at 5.15 p.m. S O C C E R—P. C. F. A. League Chung Lino; High School vs. Rarrcblers Victoria Green at 5.15 p.m. Friendly Penana Sports Club vs. Malayan Teachers College Western Rood ai 5.15 p.m. IPOH RUGBY— Pirates
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 900 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. fat: *****/6, *****/4 132/6 Robinson Read THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE Halifax, Montreal, Boston. New Tork, Baltimore. Philadelphia Cylt Ports. S port f. Sham Kenan* "U«R 28Ftb/10Mar 1 1 Mar 15/16 Mar YLYSSIS 23/27 April 28 April 29 April Carrier* option to proceed via
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    • 1201 8 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 lines) ilncoipoiateo m vnßapoie) (12 lines) r.r THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE 5£ SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Carriers option to proceed «ia othw oorti to load and discharge eargc IVia Sues with liberty to proceed wia Panama or Cap. of
      1,201 words
    • 905 8 MITSUI |JJ UNE Spore P. Sham Penonq FOR JAPAN. Mikagesan Maru via Manila for Yokohama, Kobe Osaka 24 Feb 22 Feb Amogisan Maru for YokOhama, Kobe. Moji 9 Mar 7 Mar Harunasan Maru for Moji, Kobe Yokohama (Ist call) 29 Mar 3 Apl 31 Mot (2nd call) 4 Apl FOX
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    • 604 8 EAST ASIATIC I J OUTWARDS Sailings to. bonofcofc nd W Ppnonq p^ H •LALANDIA- 23 24 c rfc BUSUANGA" 26/27 i, t 1%% I "KOREA" 1 2 w-, I Accepts COrgc to» BonqWok vO I "SELANDIA- 9/10 Ma. I HOMEWARDS Soilings 0 A den p I Rotterdom Hamburg Bremen Cop,
      604 words

  • 275 9 Index Of Industrial Output Up THE UK. index of industria] production Is estimated provisionally at 137-138 1 1948 equals 100) tor December, it was announced by the Treasury y. sterday in London. The November index la estimated provisionally at U3 compared with a revised figure ol 144 for October. An
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  • 26 9 LAST year, for the first time, LUes Issued by BriI lishei exceeded the 20.000 mark, states the Bookseller, orsan of the British book trade.
    26 words
  • 304 9 Business In Shares F. X. O:ds. rJ:,). S2i"2\. Ga:n:n >:is >LM 2.. j;^ 28; l< :a,i i Pa: k -1 ■>. \V 11 ;:r.iiu ?2.U. ii. uji, i $1 47, >1 Hume Ords. A 5 4J M. Brewei s I 424; :AJ stei >l -14>. 51. 50; Metai B»x >l.f*B.
    304 words
  • 86 9 Mr. Thomas' idea, submitted last July, has resulted in savins time and labour and increasing output in the process of tutting massive soap into slabs. Tho second biggest award, $.")0 was given in Nov. I9M to another employee. Mr. Ton Benq Fatt. for his timesaving suggestion in
    86 words
  • 178 9 ALT. lictfom of the s:i;no ir.arket were reported as firm yesterday. The turn-over, however was noderate. Pri c rhtT*g*i Mmounced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDISTRIALS B iy< :-> Sellers p B IV" 1 '■'■>■'- W'■ G »od Park 128 1 W Hammer 2oa 113
    178 words
  • 45 9 THE Maia'.in Exchange Banks .\ssncintion made the following J.ijaiigcs in its rates to merchinta VC SeIi r in2' TT or O D ready; y Francs *****; Holla; n fj-drs. 123-1 '4. Deutsche Marks l't;-l /2 Italian Lire *****. Other exchange rates remain unaltered.
    45 words
  • 26 9 THF. Australian BUte of Victoria is to -pend more than £A300,OOO.tM)0 over the next nine years to meet the SlateV power and fuel needs.
    26 words
  • 258 9 UNITED NATIONS. New York. Feb. 13 (UP) World-wide consumer prices rose an average of 'A.I per cent in 1957, while wage rates increased about 1^.5 per cent in ihe same period, The International Labour Organization reported. II o w eve r, shortened working hours and
    258 words
  • Finance And Commerce
    • 140 9 New U.S. Synthetic Product WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. <UP>— U.S. Army researchers believe ihat a new synthetic rubber developed by the Firestone Tire Rubber Co. miy make the United States entirely independent of foreign sources Of rubber. The new synthetic "coral" "is practically identical"' with natural rubber and may make it
      140 words
    • 109 9 Hongkong Population Increases HONGKONG'S population continue! to expand In a reply given by the Colonial Secretary, .Mr. Lcnnox-Boyd, in the House of Commons it was explained that the records do not distin.gui.-h between refugees and other immigrants. From June to August 1957, Mr Lennox-Boyd stated, 1,700 note Chinese entered the
      109 words
    • 225 9 JAPANESE TEAM HERE TO ttAKE INDUSTRY SURVEY A SIX-MAN Japanese industrial delegation flew into Singapore yesterday in the course of a South-east Asian trip to find out how Japan can contribute towards the promotion of industry in the region. Leader of the delegation. Mr. S. Shoji. said his team would
      225 words
    • 115 9 BRITISH industry is being kept informed oi ail the latest development.-, in various kinds of atomic reactors and the.r future possibilities. This .summer technicians representing a very wide cross-section of the industry will attend a conference at Harwell designed to bring them up-to-da c on research which has
      115 words
    • 62 9 SARAWAK exported nearly 5.400 tons of round timber during November last year, of which Hongkong took the largest amount— about 3,470 tons. The amount of sawn timber exported totalled over 12.700 tons. The largest importer was the United Kingdom, which bought nearly 7,260 tons, ber exported. Australia took
      62 words
  • 74 9 A SINGAPORE publisher, Mr. ChOU Sing Chu, 56, manning director of The World Book Co., Ltd. and the United Publishing House Ltd.. baa retired from burimm after S3 yean, Mr. Chou published the first set of text books lor Chinese primary schools in Malaya. His company ha.s published
    74 words
  • 76 9 SiNCi At^UnC Chin cat fcTiJduce Exchange noon closing prices per Dicul yesterday were: copr Jan -Feb UK/ Continent $30i buyers $31 i sellers: coconut oil in bulk $45\ sellers; in drums $49 sellers Mumok white Deppe: SlOl seller.s; Sarawak white $100 seller.s; special Sarawak black $62. Singapore Copra Assuciatlon
    76 words
  • 110 9 OUTER ROADS Felipe, Teireisas. Adon: Bforvest Tamshia Maru Antilochus, Autolyucus, Virginia L'ke-. Caltex Adelaide. Talabot. Hoegh Silverspray, Glory, Fernclilf, Great Okas. Mvi Hock, San Ricardo, Roggeveen, Teei Brtew Elien Eastern Venture. INNKR ROADS Auby. Tonna. LongSindhll, Tonj? Hoa, Tonh Hong. Kirn Hai Lampong. long Lie. Southern
    110 words
  • 116 9 RUBBER doted 77J MBtl per Ib. for International first February ihipment Kb Singapore yesterday i rent be ow Wednesday. The market opened unchanfed on the previous tiighvs dose but eased slightly during the ilay on a dull and featureless tone. In the morning there was gome covering for
    116 words
  • 75 9 ABOUT $20,000 worth of prizes, including three Fiat cars, are to be given away in a Pan-Malayan Carlsberg Beer Competition. Basis of the contest is a quiz about the beer and the breweries. Entry forms and instructions will appear in news- papers but details are now available
    75 words
  • 124 9 Pepsi-Cola President Arrives PRESIDENT of P. Cola [nternational, Mr. Donald M. Kendall. las ai ived in Singapore to s'.udy local busin< ss c< mditions and to obtain the Views (»f leading Malayan businessmen on fa n which influence industrial and community life. Mr. X- visit in the .r-« inspection' tour
    124 words
  • 79 9 A BURMESE graduate engineer, r Kyi Lin! t\\ as been Co omb P an 1 1 ai ice in Britain since M irch ol last year, has just eft Sroi and to ret irn to F.r.c and af!< r *r>< ing fo ir months with a
    79 words
  • 259 9 AFTER four and a half years of exhaustive research Fords (Finsbury) Lid., have introduced a new aluminium bottle cap called "Ford's Crown." They claim that the new cap can be produced by the;r machines at a competitive price. The firm will not majiufac- ture the
    259 words
  • 40 9 THE English Electric Co. L'd .submitted the lowest estimate for a contract to design and manu!actur» three oower transformers for an American sub-statloa on the St. Lawrence Power Project, the New York BtaU power authority announced.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 163 10 Hs-i Ksn is his b-z: out m $ht A qp Mm tcatc-a o< Ldhi H^ wkt* s- i <-; .-< rf :rkct, s :y :s tnd he hea-s -oil of fltamfef distance. Mfeg homeward, he notices two n ■'d f>-. •t c I I Wtt other in
    163 words
  • 394 10 SNUFFY the Gairn Terrier J 1 1 1 flHM!!i!lil!TT!!ll Iff llllllxlT $NUFFY is the only actor in Hollywood history who literally ate his way into the movies, and who doesn't have to worry about his career going to the dogs. Sr.urTy car. hound castin» creators for sr reen roles fir
    394 words
  • 566 10 -A War Story Set In Malaya BEHIND the paint, plattat and make-believe of a great Gin studio at work often lies i personal story of tragedy and he:o:s:n in the real lives of the stars and the crowd players. N\ 'Where can thi> be more than
    566 words
  • Article, Illustration
    280 10 "pIFTY young American Servicemen stationed in France changed their army and their nationalities for one day and had their Commanding Officer's blessing. The servicemen, all aged between 19 and 21, from the 12th United States Air Force based at Chateauroux, central France, swapped their well-cut, light blue uniforms
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  • 187 10 A full symphony orchestra paid a rare tribute to a young composer recently in a London recording studio. When the final notes died away, they put down their instruments and gave composer Bruce Montgomery a deafening round of applause. The music they had just played
    187 words
  • 21 10  -  RITA DEL By I 1 Uin Pete I n «sesstry. brakes things «f i»W nUN|^ J 1 i i 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 440 10 'pODAVg QI'OTATIOV: "In this rommonplj, world everyone is said to b* romantic who either a d mires a fine thing o r do«- s one." Alexander Pop« FRIDAY FOR |Ry ONE: Those who <r p resourceful. consc;* will get the m< Piiioed However. p ed again t corr.; involvement.-, has'e,
      440 words

  • 329 11 FIGURE WIZARD MEETS HER MATCH She Flops On A Question Of Vital Statistics THE world's fastest "human calculating machine," Shakuntala Dcvi, lost her first battle of figures in Singapore yesterday. Lett than five minutes after stepping off an Air India Super Constellation, the mathematical wizard, was asked. "WHAT ARE YOUR
    329 words
  • 203 11 Death From Worry Court Told PE\A\(}, ThUfl.— A BMOh P«t o! Ihi Eastern Smelting Company Employees 1 Union v alleged > have hanged nin self after he became worried aboui the then impending strike i f his union This allegation was made l^y v Ayavfj 1. at an irrj liry
    203 words
  • 50 11 HQ N G KoN G Ft- i Spc ial Stan ;i I Servi v: ing pri of f ie H< ngk ng nge w( r( s: -:8 t.i s mg >.">.B:i:{7s to US$l. >1 -8 7 to Malayan SI; 50.10.0 I nesiju] Rupiah; Gold $255,125 to a tael
    50 words
  • 120 11 Meeting Ends In Deadlock KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The meftlns between representati\Cj of the management ■nd iporken ol the Ihingjfl B (> m Mine broke down tr "i ly when the managemeni pointed out thai the mines committee was MH truly representative of tiit 1 workers. The mari.t^'ir.ent refused to open
    120 words
  • 374 11 rONG PENG, Thurs. Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman today gave the Communist terrorists till ihe end of April to surrender if they wanted to enjoy the freedom terms granted by the Merdeka offer. Addresslnt more than IjMfl residents ol this small township (population 9,000) at
    374 words
  • 16 11 INCHE Omar bin Buyong from Johore has been apDointed the State Agriculture Officer for Malacca.
    16 words
  • 185 11 londox. Feb. 13 (Renter) Sir Sydney Came. Director of last London School ol Economic and Political Science, told the Royal Society Ol Arts today that the student body in the University ol Malaya had "shown a most admirable resistance to any tendency to divide on racial ?round>.'"
    185 words
  • 164 11 RUBBER TIN PRICES L-i.UMAit.I rutmet pfOTt tents per Ib in Singa Dore yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Spot (nom.) 77} 77ij RS.S. No. 1 771 77i March R.S.S. No. 1 77 77] R.S.S No. 2 February 73J 741 RS.S So 3 February 70 70i Tone: Dull. The pnre of tin Id
    164 words
  • 54 11 SINGAPORE Traffic Police appealed for rye-witnesses to a motor accident in which a civil servant, Mr. R. H. Parkin>or.. was killed wiien his car collided with a lamp post In Kepncl Road at IJN a.m. ye.-tcrnay. They are reouested to contact Inspector T. S. Zain of the
    54 words
  • 51 11 KUALA LUMPUR. TbUTS. -A patrol of the 1/2 Gurkha Rifle- fired on two terrorists Kn the Kulai district of Johore last nigllt. "The terrorists escaped. abandoning two packs. A foliow-up is now m progress. A terrorist. Lim Kee, surrenderecl to the Police at Bam Ga.jnh in
    51 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 588 11 W* \-M(/ n. 1.45. 4. 6.30 9.30^ X v|oK lIX *>l >l.ind;irin ■M itWdU" Tcrhnuolnr |F c= gril. 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 _^^^a^W*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w( _.^^r~"~^^a^a^a^Hß I gSJk^^* u»H.A JAN "4" I 5. C INGUSH MERUN^^S^ HI i M\l \N \/KTTE 4" > Ur.jrr.lxAuUj .inn imvis B) \ll l»l» i.KKM !><h 4"
      588 words
    • 649 11 Till! m i 7." uu^ '> :{o r M Tr f^t^^^'-'^lSiTi^B |S IHHNKOI.OK Ollimbil)^ ll\Wv.;|;il| U AI lACY" KIM NO\\K MN \IK\ r>IL JULY n\KK\K\ M< HOLR J rOMORROU'H MII»NK.||| |>KIM ol ill X KXCITINCi lIIINKSL NtU VtAR ATTRACTION yL JrKiibrri Mitchiim Tur Ci/CUV DCf HU/" "P* 1 1^ tin
      649 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 506 11 m ßai bmssbssbßSl Marine History from 9 am to sxm »TWI »I ■aTi\T*l^J 5 rv >- >in«.iport' <»:in«-il lor Adult l.dv- i.,, tutluii: Lecture on "Modern MiWiporr siboiir I'ront (,l"^l"> constitutions" bj Mr. G G. Bram;li):_;Meet The People Ses- y.,^^., lt lne Cultural Centre! «on .it »27. Bukii i man
      506 words
    • 318 11 h.VUili MU.Ai.V U'Cuciai >er\mt>): M a.m -lu.lj*e Schools ii: jdUcdfc;»; lOJ>7*l2 noon TanuJ bcnoo.s Broadcasts; U > '.i-i.ij ujfa L'tttnese Ptogrammes; i.i.j Potpourri; IJU Time blgnaJ aud News; 1.45-2 p bi« Poipourri; 2 pjd.*2jM CJiineM Kcooois liroswicasti t>.4.") Lignta o:i foe ihe evening Programme mmmarj a:. a a
      318 words
    • 324 11 nouncements, IJO The News, 133 Commentary l4> Ktidio News* rcei. 104 HoiiiC News l:um Bri« t :.i. 12 ;> in. Desert J.-l^ :id DISCS. i!.ivi The News ZJI Frosi tne Editoriaia, -A~> Conunentary f-sfl Home News ttOVB Bi.'.h.a US Tne Daily Service, '-i v.m. Album Leavei Edward Rubacti ipiano), 3
      324 words

    • 258 12 ATHENS, Feb. 13 (Reuter) Sir Hugh Foot, Governor *.t Cyprus, today saw Archbishop Makarios, exiled leader of the Cypriot union with Greece move- ment. It was the firs meeting between the Archbishop and senior British official since the Greek Cypriot leader was exiled I'rom Cyprus to
      258 words
    • 199 12 LONDOX. Fc I (UP)— T:-.o l at:\ c Go\ emmer.t t bm I Oal thumbs- Vwn to 1. .v is yesterday that US. lorces be ousted from Britain. De:or.:e Mir. ~:er Duncan Sar.,:y> told the House of Commons "so far as the
      199 words
    • 24 12 MR. Salah Bitar. Syrian F reign Minister, arrived in Cairo yesterday to diseus.s a merger of the Syrian and Egyptian foreign ministries.
      24 words
    • 90 12 SAIGON, Kb 19 (YD Saigon newspapermen t*f flfd I hVO-hOUI itlilM ye>!oi\i.'.v fan protest against the "in> technical* 1 practici of obi daily fivinj tree picture! with each copy to incveaea dtcula* tion. The itrike wti directed against M Saigon Moi* 1 (New Saigon), which more
      90 words
    • 40 12 WELLINGTON. Feb. 13 (Reuter) Dr. Vivian Fuchs, leader of the Commonwealth trans-Antarctic expedition, has covered 105 miles since leaving Depot TOO and has reached "Midway Depot" the half-v.-ay point between the South Pole and Scott Base.
      40 words
    • 138 12 CHRISTCHURCH. Feb. 13 (Reuter).— The Queen Mother spent her "day off" today visiting the famous Inglewood stud farm, about 20 miles from here. Later she made an informal tour of Christchurch suburbs and saw housewives shopping on the bustling commercial centre. The Queen Mother
      138 words
    • 612 12 Eastern Fleet Base To Meet Treaty Obligations, Says UK LONDON, Feb. 13 (UP)— Britain named Singapore today as a "focal point" in plans for defence East of Suez. The defence White Paper reaflirmed Britain's intention to keep balanced forces in the Indian Ocean area to fulfil
      612 words
    • 70 12 POLICE cordon off thousands of Hindu, refusee demonstrators proceeding to the Government Secretariat in Calcutta in de fiance of a police ban on public assembly in this area. The refugees, recent arrivals from East Pakistan, were dissatisfied with the arrangements for relief and rehabilitation made by
      UP  -  70 words
    • 183 12 'HEAVY BLOW' TO TORIES AT POLL LONDON. Feb. IS (Rcutcr) Mr. Hugh (i:rtskell, leader of the Labour Party, said today that the result in the KochdrJe by-elec-tion, won by Labour, was "yet another signal to the Kovernment to sel out." Mr. Morgan Phillips. Secretary of the Labour Party, suggested that
      183 words
    • 54 12 KINGSTON. Jamaica. Feb. 13 ißeuten Ninety thousand gallons of molasses from a factory in Westmoreland, south-western Jamaica, flowed into a nearby river yesterday killing lish and robbing local fishermen of their livelihood. The molasses valued at about £3.000 flowed into the river when a pipe broke
      54 words
    • 41 12 TUNIS, Feb. 13 (Renter).— The Tunisian Interior Ministry has banned I show by the famous Paris Folios Bergerea music hall, which was to have opened here tomorrow. The reason given is "This is no time for pleasures."
      41 words
    • 234 12 LONDON, Feb. 13 (Router) Three London socialites accused of gambling offences under a 100-year-old law yesterday elected for trial by jury if the Bow-Street magistrates decided there was a prima facie case aga.nst them. The magistrates at his central London court adjourned the
      234 words
    • 57 12 ATLANTA, Georgia, Feb. 13 (Reuter)— A bill requiring nat all blood given for transfusions must be labelled cording to the skin colour of the donor was passed oda yby the Georgia State Senate The measure, which now goes to the House, provides Penalties of up
      57 words
    • 113 12 LIKELY OIL FINDS IN EUROPE PARIS, Feb. H <X iteri Pn ipt ti Got m Unportai I X trope an brig t, accord tin I in i rl i coo 111 it by tl i nmittet sf I r-oatkn Drgani; t r X in Economic C. -operation. T..0 OEEC i:rqc-
      113 words
    • 67 12 LOXDOX. FW [Bi Russia (ft rmed Indonesia ||m aim Dvcveifßti nm Qm In :.i and 1m r decision to <. isn \'2-:~ o HI Mad InrioM ia, Moscow Radio reported lajati nickt Cmm n I China Im y am suppor 4 Indonesia in the '.lich
      67 words
    • 96 12 A CITY OF CONTRASTS I MILK FESTOONS of linen spread out to dry. in a narrow blind al!e> of downtown Naples a small size "free" mark* 1 displays its wares in a double row ot dingy looking showcases From second-hand buttons to house-made sweety from cigarettes (smusuled more often than
      UP  -  96 words
    • 41 12 an Feb. 13 —Pope I XII has < "Grand G < rred on pies and other w we existing lll-\car-o!d Papa! Order of Pfus the Ninth— Grand Cro». Commander and Officer— and rank I ird among the P Or Rivalry
      41 words
    • 22 12 rAPAX'S breaker, the Soya Man: •c after •ion from Ongol 1 'anjiro Matsumoto ndiocd sturk whi.o trvin;; to Reuter -,nd.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 57 12 1 <" l,k. 1 fc They dg^j^ tary viT^jN »n that I J 1 I r r people.I mm v SJ concenunTiH mm* |3 noted mtT3 •~n j 1 I affairs. iJ j J ir. °o intentionT BMMH S3 •1. however Secretary's m tunate fflecrj and elsewhcit Some diploniui
      57 words
    • 17 12 > H London war. I Mr. Wildir. I man Mitt TriiJH I m obtained a 'I < H
      17 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 71 12 t^L, 'bbbbbbbbb^ .^sbbS J^^*>* L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^issT^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^^a* bsbV^ m v, n I >r jg^ )B/\ w^BBBB^Bw rri BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSV v < v .^^jP <^BJh U> Bb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Bsl v 'w*^m^S Bb Hk\a^"M |^flMMld^^B a £m^('^slfl !p A Strange S sssssM— b^blbT* —^m^^i»— I^— i^^^^^B I fl I JOAN EVANS BEN COOPER \^^Hrr 'kjk^jm I
      71 words
    • 66 12 S-t-r-e-t-c-h i Your Budget J Buy n hr THE NYLON 5-7**7 -C-» I Here's a really I man 1 These wonderful, s T buy because you don"? the sue at all; They >i And they ere hord-weo i had m plain colours of Ma' I Carbon Grey. Stream E I
      66 words