Singapore Standard, 4 November 1957

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Total Pages: 18
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 28 1 Singapore Standard STANDARD POLICE ***** (5 fines) 2 400 it m i. FIRE BRIGADI GENERAL HOSPITAL 2811 2414 TX^^^ IJ SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1937 12 PAGES CENTS
    28 words
  • 273 1 PARTY BLAMES MM FOR CULT qT PERSONALITY (Kruter)— The Soviet Communist (I l.i>t night it had sacked Marshal llnl v m.iii its top leadership, charging him a tult of personality' and harming ri>k -irid work in the armed forces. ral Committee :n a itatemenf is?u- b< replaced
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  • 109 1 Man Held In Fatal Shooting EtfGKOK. Nov 3 tUP) Nkt today held Wallop n4a, 19. in conth the fa:al shoot£d Um Joo Jit last [gpsday :n the offices ol Willop had been dismissed at Rediffusion U ant imaging director ol the i a Bangkok, was worktf at his dc>k on
    109 words
  • 44 1 20 Killed in House Collapse CAIRO. Nov. 3 <UP) A partment buildjt a suburban area colprt yesterday, crushing ■■f of its 150 occupants in .ated 20 persons and scores inadvance wßfs enabled some to eollaps^ left a heap of gfe t wi,hout «n or
    44 words
  • 59 1 \>!!IN ITOX, Ncv T Ti Officials dis that Secretary of State J Foster Dulles plar..^ lo ittcnd a meeting of the Bouth f nl Asia Treaty nation-. time or place I een set for the meeting Bil i1 i ted to be hi I fad
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  • 119 1 DUESSELDORF, Nv. Ur) A Gem i n DC4 air oer ind for New York k-: w mil itea after taking off from h< re t day, ki ing s< or eight people 1 1 ■q< I v i irt< company, v. due to pick
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  • 52 1 LONDON. Nov. 3 (AFP).— Lady ChUTChill, Wife ot former British Prime Minister S:r WIOStOO Churchill, ia>t ireek onderweni rarglca] ooerat.dn at a Londnn ho>p;tal, :t wta learned yesterday. The operation was said to be do! Bertoua CnjurtweU, S;r Winston's residence Lady Churchill la cooTalescUit at the
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  • 36 1 Princess Margaret will visit Cinidi nfxt lumner nv.d Gov.-Gco, Vinoeni Maoo has accepted an unprecedented second extension of his term to aiiow him to bo her ho.-t. Um OtUwi Journal said on Saturday. UP
    UP  -  36 words
  • 35 1 THE Governor of Hongkong Sir Alexander Grantham, who h leaving IIM Colony at the i of tiic year, has been pfca nted with a 1,366-pace ropy of the New Testament in Chinese. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 27 1 THE population of the Soviet Union was 200,200,000 in IfMM third largest in the world ■fter China and India Moscow Radio announced yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 18 1 THE "mutt-nik." That is the popular name in New York for the new Russian dog-carrying satellite. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 253 1 By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE, A. P. Science Reporter NEW YORK Nov. 3 A dog aboard Sputnik II indicates Russia is in a hurry to get humans into space. The dog la undoubtedly doomed to death. But its faU could answer questions of what hazards
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  • 58 1 JAKARTA, Nov. 3 (UP) The Central Java branch I the powerful Communi>t-1( d labour federation "SOBSI" yesterday urged the Indonesian Government to sever diplomatic ties with the Netherlands. It also urged nat.onalization of all Dutch enterprises here "to strengthen Indonesia's action for liberating West Irian 'Netherlands
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  • 277 1 TOKYO. Nov. 3. (Reuter) The Japanese Ministry of Welfare today ordered all registered doctors and nurses to report to their emergency stations, following a sharp increase in the number of Asian influenza An early morning broadcast by the National Broadcasting Corporation said an
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  • 429 1 Second Russian Satellite Circles Earth With Sole Living 'Passenger Aboard MOSCOW, Nov. 3 —The Soviet Union hurled its second artificial satellite into space early today 372 miles higher than the first one a month ago and with a live dog on board. The
    UP; Reuter; A.P.; AFP  -  429 words
  • 191 1 Fantastic, Declare Leading Scientists LONDON. Nov. 3 (Rcuter) Professor Harne S W. Massey of the Royal Society ior the Advancetneni of Science who is directing Britain's rocket research programme ior the International GeophySJcal Year described the second Soviet satellite as 'really a most fantastic j development.'' "It just shows again
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  • 141 1 'Soviet Jet Is World's Best' Claim MOSCOW. Nov. 3 (AFP).— The Soviet Press today published lor the first time photographs of the giant new TU-114 jetliner described as the largest and most powerful plane in the world. The plane is claimed to be capable of covering the distance from Moscow
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  • 25 1 THE R.I. Central Government has authorized south and central Borneo to import rice directly from Burma, it was reported in Jakarta yesterday. UP
    UP  -  25 words
  • 470 1 Colony Dog Lovers Cable Protest To The Kremlin.,, 'ENSURE SAFE RETURN' MRS LEON-SOH. president of the Singapore Canine Welfare Association last night cabled a protest to the chief of the Soviet Communist Party, Mr. Nikita Khrushchev". She sent the tw< word cable after r< eiving rcn rti that the r
    470 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 cf ■•■".-'-<'- M O Li. v iH I•* f.;:iJfi(noT«iic£l a D c SUVA </ KKUS. s Place, S pore 1. T phene: 83 1 15. RED LION c Is wonderful! Ifs r ■'•e still orange drink m:i^ by FRASER NEAVE i.i-3*« ramous for flavour since 1883 ERL.2
      45 words
    • 60 1 PLA YTEX GIRDLES BRASSIERES Awo/f your st/#cf/on o» 72, High btrecr. Khonc i8 7^U 7"/iel^^B/s right YOUR FIRST SNAP AND EVERY S OTHER WILL PROVE IT- X planar and xenotar 35 planar anoxcnotar v WITH BUILT-IN EXPOSURE METER j ROLLEICORD XCNAR 3^ lENN. MEYER A CO LTD., f 0 lot
      60 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1480 2 rjwr CENTRAL 1.1.M IRK ir\ HOARD <>F THE FH)fR\T!ON OK MAI.AV.A SFMOR STORI Kl ri.RS APPLI lOSS for i a I i have v., riarri VIII Form IV .oi. A; mu l had at f-. r ycnr< pxprr'pnfp in a i'.< of v n v stores section of either Govei
      1,480 words
    • 902 2 CINCiAPORK CITY COUNCIL: r> Reou red foi city I VGINKFRS DEPARTMENT: 1 EMP( >R \RY s; rRVEYOR DRAFI 5M \N at an a in sta< r -v of «»/)0 n moi th 5! fxpr ab'v Tit less than 12 I m I aaWS been in an peering d '.ing office
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    • 1207 2 ADMISSION TO SINGAPORE SELANGOR RURAL TRADE IMPROVEMENT TRUST SCHOOLS. 1958 TENDERS are Invited for (TANJONG KARANG AND A the supply, during 1958. TBLOK DATOH) of ENTRANCE -a) Approxlmatoly 16.000 QUALIFICATIONS screw cap electric 1. Applicant, mu t have a mD f ulbs ()f 25 ?olta completed a full pn- 5
      1,207 words
    • 572 2 NOTICES VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, ONG HUAT KIM of No. 106. Pa. ir Panjane: Road, Singapore, have applifri for a transfer to Mr. I Ong Huat G.n pi Retail Shop licenee in respect ol premist No. 106. Pa .r Panjang Road. I Singapore, and that tiv.s application will
      572 words
    • 472 2 DEPARTMENI OF AVIATION IN artordantf wiih h 1 rrgulations for th* r, cation of accidents thr |j lr tor (i<'n«ral of Ci\ i| hav appointed Mr K \>, elay, Vhxrt OprratKms OMi. l^'pariment ot i\ il Singapore av f'hirf li, f) of Accidents Notice is h< r. that an in\psii
      472 words

  • Article, Illustration
    26 3 pic. int. .>r.\>Li eieciect members of the executive committee of the Workers Party take the oath plt'duing their loyal sunport to the party. Standardpic
    Standardpic  -  26 words
  • 36 3 aas I icse have the adR night Day and :.nd Two ney pent Hais ion n from ries. course. battles ore, Sir us s of tO e mi^ht the Governor
    36 words
  • 37 3 Singapore W (kef* Union < rnment trainr workers in to this effect ■W^d by the union at n e held r-^quest-:e steps t productivity cenproduction mtry's econnnounced of $1,946 members j2 nonths.
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  • 144 3 Assn. Wants Ban On Dog Shooting THE Singapore Canine Welfare Association yesterday resolved to make strong representations to Government to abolish dog-shooting thn out the island. This decision was takes the annual general meeting of the association in Boscombe Road. Mrs. Leon-Soh. president of the Association, told men that instead
    144 words
  • 137 3 MR Kok Kum Wah. imandant of D" Dm, sion, Volunteer Specie C stabulary, was on Satur lay congratulated for his tear ecent suece v. innin? the Sir John Nicoll Trophy at island -wide inter- divisional Police revolver shoot con:, it D Divi n team, coached by
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  • 412 3 Padi Planter, 64, Jailed For Raping Cripple RAl'B, Sun. Mohamed bin Wok, 64 year-old padi planter, was yesterday jailed lor three years by Mr. Justice Sutherland for raping a 24-year-old cripple at K.impong: Batu Tungsai, Jerantut. Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. James Kirby >aid the outr.i.f t oi place when Sit
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  • 37 3 A SIX- YEAR -OLD boy. Lim Erm Wah was found drowned m a well In kampODf Lim Trek: 800 Singapore, yc\sterdav. Villa-zrr.s said Lim fell into the well while trying to catch fish.
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  • 110 3 F Cf i! ill r left Singap^.L yt terday by PAA to m Unit d Naions meetings i: Nen Yotk, Tht m left to right) A Bakar bin Baginda from Kajan^. Unku Muhsein i Kadar, Kuala T:t and Mr. Tay Hooi £00, i l^ Bang.
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  • 526 3 CRACKERS HERALD IN A NEW PARTY Marshall Attacks Govt. Mr. David Marshall yesterday said that he expected to get a "holiday in Changi." Speaking at the inaugural meeting of the new Workers Party at the Hokkien Association Hall, Mr. Marshall said: "I have given power of attorney to my secretary
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  • 53 3 PEXAN'G, Sun.— Conference and rallies of workers would mean nothing if their combined endeavours were not limed at building powerful Malayan Trades Union move- ment PwwiOVnl of tiic TJa^ayan Trades Union Council. Incite Mohamcd Yusoil bin ?.lohamed Noor, said this at the WVenth annual delegates conlerc:.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 78 3 i NOTIC s im;\k>re m«h;\(;e l:i u mixed in the A EREBY GIVEN he Annual of the .in 14th 12 noon. < mmend nent of a j^Vjwiul of 5% less pect ended SO GIVEN S Register of V -H be closed cember. for the Dividend Ibt Board UILSQM 5- s><:
      78 words
    • 822 3 COLONY OF SINGAPORE PART-TIME NATIONAL SERVICE ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER i{ you are a young man born between Ist December 1937. and 2nd December 1939. and a Citizen ci the United Kingdom and Colonies DO NOT MISS YOUR LAST CHANCE Penalty for non-registration: 1 Imprisonment, on conviction, for
      822 words

  • 98 4 20 Attend Govt. Co-op Course ABOUT 110 pc< p!c from Si:.^:ipcrc's r:.ra! dlstfictl Md the nciglibourir..^ island? yesterday attended a course or. tr.o moiflmcni of co-opw-Uvc tfinizatiom at PullertOD B.;i.;ing. Tbfl BTCWQI Included farrr.rrs. ftsbermeD, sh-.-p-keepers a:id wage-earners. The one-day course, conducted In Malay, dealt with three mam aspe is
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  • 94 4 COLONY Sikhs w.ll celebrate the birth of Guru Nanak, founder Of Sikhism, a"- the Singapore Badminton Hall on Thursday. A 43-hour non-ston recital of the verses of the Guru Granth Sahib (81kb Holy Book i, will begin on Tuesday morning. On Thursday, a poetry and mus.eal competition
    94 words
  • 241 4 Reds Aim To Use 'Religious Scapegoats' To Pass AACP Doctrines Onto Masses, Say Police KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Malayan Communist party is attempting to forge a political alliance with Chinese secret societies in the Federation and Singapore, a senior official of the Federation Special Branch Police told The Standard today.
    Standardpic  -  241 words
  • 48 4 FIVE S.ngapore secret society g a ngsters with parangs attacked a barber at the Junction of Jalan Besar and Chif.y Road yesterday. The barber, Koh Ah Sen?. 45, sustained serious stabwounds in the body. He was admitted to hospital and h:s cond.tion L> reported
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  • 21 4 A MAX, Lam Yoon Choon. wa.s stabbed in the s'.omach in a gang clash in Pagoda Street. Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 126 4 A LEADING Amtrl tcVvision expert arrived in Singapore yesten lay f air fn vn his Australian I lit to «tu :y the WMI litionj of introducIng r.V. m thi Qoloajr. He i.s Ifr Noman Ksfai (above). Director of Foreign Operati(jr:> of the Associated Artists'
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  • 201 4 SINGAPORE will become one of the world's gravity measuring stations if the current Japanese expedition to the Antarctic is succcsslul. This Vtl told to Tho Standard by Mr. Takeshi Xa^ata, leader of the 50-man expedition, who arrived in the Colony aboard the L\4ol)-ton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 •^>^TT^l^ Big Annual isi\Gws Y SALE i n lit II Stvi n 1/ Goods are Clearing Very Fast Hurry Grasp Your Needs. I Save on these To Clear Woollen Sox 52.*****.50 Stockings Cotton Khaki $1.25 Children's Woollen Jumper Cr Cardigans Less 25?0 Children's Sportshirts Less 15% Boy's Towelling Tee Shirts
      145 words
    • 166 4 /fir If tS Fly Air Ceylon EUROPE 1 Weekly flights by |jaMJJ3lli^ SAPPHIRE SERVICE— I jjljjjjjV B B! V HI HI Ceylon Ceneral Agents for Air Ceylon KLM. Asia t«wanr* FHe f f J« mUm s *^i> ALL EUROPE Ml cities of your choice Aituwi Asia Insurance Bldg., Singapore, I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 365 4 {Standard cJilmanac INFORMATION AT A GLANCE S'pore Diary Kattag Boys' (luh ((jiiillciiian) Koud): Badminton for be^;:ine:.--3 to j p.m. Badminton fo: A ana B Teams ."> to 7 p.m. Bod.vb.lildIllg 6 to TJQ p rn. Be] 'K lUgl S to 7 p.m. iruiocj; to 7 m Raffles Museum (Stamford
      365 words
    • 443 4 Honckona J. Besar. 930 Time Signal and NEWS. 9.45 Album Ol M ISiC 1') rn. At- in Club, 10 M 11 j, :n. DHKlag Bl t.- r -e KAI) I O MA L A Y A (Regional): 7 1") am. Opening Announcement a id M )rning SerenatJe, 730 'I .me
      443 words

  • 228 5 Cuisine C'-rru r 11 IT >«ur appetite by oat the hot fciby df Uc ac y. **RcmUbc in'nr an ordinary fek «f Fried Meat. It is I "i fi- 'I'' 1 (i By ne Nvhußah htatt Hft Ii». thr domestic teachfr «f Volts Road Malay Srhoil. This speciality
    228 words
  • 290 5 in hats, m hi NWMI Ititafl CtaMl ro»Tiptefe7y ftoM ioej current taste in pmmf^ OML M >>7 "c/i M, fn fret, that the scent me of crinoliyies and droop ng Victoria* Clirll, irhile the henney, ries of f; ghty l 3o s' when the Eastern influence >
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  • 601 5 A New Dress For A New Occasion .^Sa^B^B^ajaa^^^^ »»ir rryr wi i T ADIES are constantly confronted with this plaint of "what to wear for an evening?" They invariably find that there is nothing "appropriate to choose from out of their wardrobes they must have a new dress for a
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  • 159 5 T>E beautiwise with G!oria Gordon. She has some practical tips for you should you ever run out of cosmetics, looking desperate when all shops are closed and th<*re is an unexpected parly to attend. "Necessity is the mother of invention". and Gloria says cooking ingredients can be
    159 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 747 5 Have you a delicate skin? J[ I Wo have produrrd a nrw /K Cold Cream So.ip especiN. a".:y for you. It contains Lnnolin cream and i.s so -14 mild that it is suitable 1 r ns^\\ tive skins Use it 'to deep- cleanse your face ;md for Y th(> bath—
      747 words

  • Singapore Standard
    • 506 6 Indian- After A Decade INDIA'S Premier Jawaharlal Nehru, who visited Japan ■•■r. t !y, was impressed by the amazing progress that country has made m postwar years. In weighing this rorrttn against India's achievements since independence was attained V n years aiio. the Indian patriot must have realized how
      506 words
    • 461 6 IJURING the I i few days Singapore has acquired a number i r■ w citizens. It is to be hoped that ay c nscious of the implications of the oath of loyalty have taken and that they will v .;t it all times their pledge. While it is
      461 words
  • 1006 6 DIAMONDS A PENNY LONDON CORNER IN the rich plushy magazines of America you will sometimes find aristocratic and haughty advertisements selling diamonds. "Diamonds," say these proud vendors, "are forever." In the background there is usually the shadowy hint of a shimmering dress of some imperious lady who cannot be won
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  • 773 6 Economic Advance in Britain Increase In Wealth Based On Enterprise, Technical Progress And Hard Work By GORDON CUMMINGS, writer on financial and economic subjects who contributes to many newspapers in the United Kingdom and overseas. LONDON. .\BOUT the time, 40 years ago, when the Russian Bolsheviks launched their revolution, another
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  • 651 6  -  ASTER GUNASEKERA By TF THIS column harks back to the subject of mixed marriages, it is merely to refer to some points raised by T.S. Dhamy in hi s letter published on this page last Friday. He has adapted the pet subterfuge of Malayan
    651 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 18 6 R/ Baaaaaat aaav^^Bniaiaa^^B^Baau^r >7'^*^aaV# aaaaaaaY aaTaaßl aaaißaaawjr^ m "^aV *Y^ L .^^^b^^*f Hf M f j mm/ /^Bva^aaw^Ll
      18 words
    • 117 6 '^y^jJ^J I C I don't kn'M but -Z'/ /i its simplu de 1 1 lit *i -dpy^ itifl^ Your first taste of 'Ovaltine 1 G>!d /\X will be a revelation. It's cool. A creamy deliriousness in a she^r A* N >» delight- You'll wonder why yoj tf?^ hadn't thought of
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  • Feature Section
    • 8 1 Feature Section SUNDAY tiger STANDARD NOV. 3, 1957.
      8 words
    • 1386 1 I WAS CHURCHILL'S VALET V XORMAN 3§eGOWAJ% Tm S t oiiit story of <> MY UELOVED GUViXOR m I L A!0 out the night vest that Winston Churchill used in- stead of pyjamas. I plumped up the pillow he always hugged like a teddy bear and put it under the
      1,386 words
    • 452 1  -  Leone Stewart Next Week: TIME TO FORGET «ff 148_4 JsHE sat in the cafe, her tea cold in front of her. Her eyes were on the clock, seen through the fly-spattered window.! From the church tower it stood out clearly in ttie early morning
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 46 1 „p ore Tel 09Z.1? floct 5 flights every week to HONG KONG r~i Y^ **"""v 7 > EBB I I I Js^ specific fly ife PACIFIC CS 65 Mal ayan Airways Ltd., Oc eon Bldg. Singapore, Tel. ***** e BnfnaA Co. Ltd., B. N. Borneo fir Sarawak
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    • 1179 2 U.S. Is Still Talking About the Queen r J HEY are still talking: X about THE QUEEN, The British monarch, on her first visit to New York, took the city by storm— and acclamation. The most oft-repeated comment went something like this, "She is far prettier than her pictures." And
      1,179 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 384 2 r^y DOUBLE-fICTION V^PAIN KILLER l^sss? J VwKk. \T^ The White Shell The Yellow Heart strike* at the centre prolongs the relief of pain in a matter brought by the instant of seconds action of the shell TF^OR"lSlblc7Si¥s"lTi""oN"Er" j Yes— it's a fact that DOUBLE-ACTION 'ANAGHf contains four carefully selected medicines
        384 words
      • 387 2 One of the world's most desired witches! Roamer, fht watch you wear for aft occasions. jd£&r^b 100*'« wattrproof Shock rtilstant y*'* Jt W^. Antlrr.agnetlo fjfcj i J' Obtainable from oil High Clow Wotch Dealer* throughout Singapore, Federation of Moloya, N. Borneo ond Sarawak. makes the differenro It'i the egg that
        387 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 84 2 fl I\ "Don't worry In a week's 1 time we'll have you up and "vJ j signing cheques again." -i 7 r vA "You've heard of Elvis the Pelvis? Well, this is Pete the .l^-t*^^^.'3 Seat!" L_ii^SrsC^=^^U^ "We don't want the wife bursting int«» the oflßre, do w e, -Miss
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    • The Weekly Page For Motorists
      • 492 3 SO SENSATIONS BUT CAY COLOURS STOLE THE SHOW Small In Build, They Have Big Performance AS cars in the United States tend to get bigger, those in Europe follow the opposite trend. The London Motor Show held last month was a good indication. New baby cars
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      • 39 3 Tho F«ISKYc I carry t^t> yrito »d a child. Tbt BM:KE--11 will do 80 below t The t GAZEI I ntate ■r-A lew Bootes p—dact. The tope, the on of the •In Clhtti racing car.
        39 words
      • 1159 3 < AN INVESTIGATION i BY THE ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT t\)R ten years after the war the United Kingdom was the largest motorvehicle producer in Europe; in 1956 :t was surpassed by Germany, both as producer and exporter. Much of the decline In U.K. output was due
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 108 3 a» j^^^^**"^^ A.^k 111 I Is UH'^ -\-sv. 'I^B tf 1^- 4^k mmm I wM *>.'■' I% fl f iji Ftf w 9 2-381 Lit 111 W -L. 1 9 W I LBV 9 .'s cW* Sisii-^B V^ I Wt Mi 2 :^K^H r^^^B w I IHsI v 4^:9 I
        108 words
      • 174 3 54 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. PHONE 22-128 t Tor complete satisfaction wise rr.otrrlsrjs tsuf on!v genuine LUCAS spare par'.a You car. select your requirements from our large comprehensive uhicn is always in dock. We invite you to call in today. Federation Representatives t WEARNE BROS. Whichever way you shave PALMOLIVE
        174 words
    • 879 4 HERE is the Digest for Scorpio (born 23rd October -22nd November). You treat life rather as a hard game which needs hard playing. So you go at it optimistically and toughly. You are positive and wish to be in the whirl of activities. Your type of mind is
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    • 1136 4 MARCH 21— APRIL 20 (Aries).-— This is a time of instability. You seem to be at crisis-point over some personal matter. There is a corresponding trend in project or job. This is therefore no time for risks. If you can make a settled programme, cutting anything which carries
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    • 638 4 fUifOAT.— rWI li n twelvemonth of probtemj which gr<idun"y produce developments favourable to you. The early vonths need much caution especially with finances and general states. If yon can plan lite year solid' 1 doing your }>est If consolidate position, a'l Should be well. Later you, get some **COUregi*Q
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 130 4 Parker ballpoints Jw^\\ f f write five times jwlm longer than Wlljl I ordinary ballpoints Wm 4 HERE'S WHY... I Parker's giant-size cartridge capacity I is many times that of ordinary thin I refills gives you's*times as much I writing! Parker ballpoints available in V 4 point sizes, too: extra-fine,
        130 words
      • 184 4 No more tears! Won't sting the eye-' R^*>v"i«- j»*^"^v^f^^B jßf '-itf&F JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO illtil Johnson's New Baby Shampoo t y^PJg'K liquid shampoo for babies ana Il^ joU^m* 1 i t is a p ur e, safe and thorough c r SH M pQg !;i w shampoo. Lathers richly and
        184 words
    • BOOKS of the Week
      • 787 5  - Spirit Of Mary Kingsley Lives Again CHRISTINE DIEMER Reviewed by MARY KINGSLEY, by Olwen Campbell (Methuen Co., London. 229 pp. 215.) Lost in the mists of a very short time, the name of Mary Kingsley, as Intrepid a Victorian who ever {ravelled off the beaten path, is here justly re-
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      • 430 5 POWDER AND PAINT, The Englishwoman's J Toilet, by Neville Williams. (Longmans, Green and J Co., London. 200 pp. 155.). J It all started, writes Mr. Williams, one evening 5 at the fireside when his wife asked the apparently j simple questions: 'When did Englishwomen begin
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      • 474 5 A Three-Month Spree Through Spain SILK HATS AND NO BREAKFAST, by Honor Tracy (Methuen Co., London. 221 pp. 155.). Miss Tracy, whose feet are as nimble on the unorthodox byways of foreign lands as her pen is in describing the ensuing adventures, now considers Spain the country, the priests, the
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 241 5 p,, tc»rld famous family of TIGER medicinal products CHEE THONE SAN Instantaneous relief for iche, Earcche Stomachache in, Indigestion, Backache Colds, Sore Thmft, etc. ENG AUN TONG I 111 TIGER MEDICAL HALL j READ A.L ABOUT IT I j AIR INDIA I I FLIES TO pli|\ j TOKYO j TWICE
        241 words
      • 193 5 BOVRIL 10 lbs. of prime beef goes into the making of 1 Ib of Bovnl And there are essential vitamins as well! Bovnl it especially rich in 81, B2 and 812. Drink a cup of Bovnl every day, and add a generous spoonful of Bovnl to every meat and rice
        193 words
    • 882 6 Y« "j» r* f r* "r r ~r ~r r r ~r r t The Standard's Bill Funk, now in the United States on a joint-journalist grant under v 5 the auspices of the State Department, gives a brief account of New York's
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    • 287 6  - Drinking Water Comes By Parcel Post GEORGE MELL By £OME()NE turns on a tap in Dartmoor and thirsty folk in Curacao, a volcanic island in the Caribbean get a drink. Not at once, of course. They have to \va t until the water crosses the Atlantic in an nil anker,
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    • 44 6 photo. PRETTY Joanne Dorfman resorts to swimming pool, ice-cream pop, and inner tube to beat the heat at Bermuda Dunes, new desert resort near Palm Springs. California. They make up her recipe for keeping cool both inside and outside. U.P.
      U.P.  -  44 words
    • 48 6 AERIAL VIEW OF NEW YORK'S ROCKEFELLER CENTRE TIIIS is Rockefeller Centre— The unique 15-building: development in mid-Manhat-tan is the world's largest privately-owned business and entertainment centre. It 11 located between 48th and 52nd Streets and extends from Fifth Avenue to the Avenue of the Americas. I .,miim»-.» < \»\\\v\\UVV\\U\\\\V\UU\VU\V\U\\\\\\\\V
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 154 6 "You're going to have a baby" f^^j^jUj You must drink Ribena d^aily, botVv while you are x\^A^ expecting baby and when yffc/*^ you are nursing baby. flty because you botU need I \|f cxtm natural vitflkviin C fLook at hiVvt. Fiwe body, sturdy bowes, cle^jK ski^/ So happyTVvaKvks to delicious
        154 words
      • 224 6 (2? J~ vc9?.m/7 St? fa Wj~ I I s your 6pell forever ift^^ PERFUME Also Cologne, Rouge, Lipstick, Tal< Soap, Brill ian tine. Hair Cream. 01STRIEUTCRS GRAFTON LABORATORIES LIMITED. SINGAPC'f PARKER WASHABLE Qyfa fc Cgfl for sofcf/ BIKGAPORE PRICES FEDERATION PRICES 1 ot 60 cti. 2 OL "0 cti and
        224 words
    • 894 7 admit past errors and will now correct my shortcomings, he tells Party Plenum THE DISMISSAL of Marshal Georgi Zhukov, Red Army hero, from all posts of leadership and power has officially put the Soviet Union back on the road to one-man dictatorship. Mr. Nikita Khrushchev, the man responsible
      894 words
    • 778 7 Another struggle for power in Kremlin? MOSCOW, Nov. 3 Widespread changes in army commands are expected now that the influence of Marshal Zhukov has been removed. The Communist Party will assert its full control over all aspects of military policy. Ch..r.::es Ka top army comrv.aruis will probably affect Orel of
      Reuter; AFP  -  778 words
    • 85 7 John plays 'Malay in new film VERSATILE John Cairney, who plays a young Malay in the forthcoming film **Windom's Way" photographed on the set in London recently. This is John's third "foreign" role. He has previously appeared in films as a Greek and an Italian. In fact. John is Scottish.
      85 words
    • 261 7 U.S. AID TO PAKISTAN HALTED CHARGES OF CRAFT MADE KARACHI. Nov. 3 (Reuter)— The Arr.eric.ri Ambassador to Pakistan, Mr. James M. Langl*-. said today he had advised his Government to withh< Id n llion dollars (MS'iO "00 UU 'I n ■■>- V *qr*J V. v V \J iV/ V \-f
      261 words
    • 70 7 OTLEY, Y rkshire, Enp'a: 1 N > J J r i Mr Gail V.r Labour Party \tmb> day that the G ernment veto of an agreed ra f< r r< a -h ofi/rr^ i QO U DX S r -was worti while under^ir.c: fa:t, n J 1
      70 words
    • 36 7 DOCTORS pronouno A: ricar. So- :< tary of State .1 Foster D .cs to be in WM*> lent ;.f!cr ho K;.i i:! cone <i j va Wall, r RrH mil;';-.ry in WaMiiiiKton. AFP
      AFP  -  36 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 91 7 ri lC icrld famous family of TIGER r- dicincil products mmmmmmmm CHEE THONE SAN j istantaneous relief for Earache Stomachache Indigcs^n, Ccckache Colds, Sore Throat, etc. ENG AUN TONG IHE IKOI MEDICAL HALL 71 DUNLOP 1 STANDARD +m inuMi cm* MjWlfillßr^' v* «4 «m tt^i 1%. iBER COMPANY MALAYA) LTD.
        91 words
      • 149 7 9EMBA TiOXA L Toy Selections Ro" Up' Rgll u p Corne cnd se€ our Top Floor PPIPVEfII Wonder lend of Toys. There ere Toys for Bovs, mjSuUtttH cnd To >' s for G rls G w o n derful select on to s. t wttSB3SmSS3M oil ages. Everybody is welcome,
        149 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 926 8 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. T.I. 1392J 6 *****/4 132/6 Robinton Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE T. Halifax. Boifon. New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia Cult Port* S por. P S ham Penan* ULYSSES 21/27 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nev Crri«ri option to proceed via other porti to load and
        926 words
      • 1261 8 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 |,nes) (Inccrpcratcd M S rgapcrc) ('2 lines) THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE T o SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Carrier* option to proceed via other port* to load and discharge cargo (Via Suez v»ith liberty to proceed via Panama or Cape
        1,261 words
      • 863 8 MITSUI Ijjj UNE S'port P S horn Penont FOR JAPAN Mokonesan Moru vio Monilo *or Kobe Nagovo Yokohomo 19 Nov Amagisan Moru vio Hong Kong for Yokonr-vo, Kobe, Moji 1 5 Nov 12 Nov Kyoritsu Moru *or Moi». Kobe Osaka. Yokohamo 21 Nov 19 Not 17 Nov FOR USA Foi
        863 words
      • 739 8 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS Soilings tor Bangkok ond or For Eo«t vio Su i Penong P.S'Hofr j "ERRIA" 24 ,N^ "jUTLANDIA- 20 22 Nov 23 2 4 No* 2'. Bangkok Only. "FALSTRIA" 5/6 Dec 7 8 Dec 9 10^ Calling Soigorv Bongkrk HOMEWARDS Soilings tor Aden. Port So.d Genoa t-
        739 words
    • 476 9 Shares: Spate Of Selling On black Mart By A Market Correspondent FALLING rubber and metal prices as well as dismal world markets caused a spate of selling in all sections of the Malayan Share Market last week. Industrials and tins had a wide selection of falls and provided the main
      476 words
    • 75 9 OVKRSEA-Chinose Banking Corporation Ltd. held receptions at head office and branches last Saturday to mark their 2Mh anniversary. Photo taken at the head office reception in Chulia Street, Singapore, shows (from left): Mrs. Tan Chin Tuan, wife of the BMSMCtag director of the bank; Mrs. A. Maffry v.ife
      75 words
    • 313 9 Concern In S'pore Mills BUYING interest in the Singapore copra market for shipments to Indian ports continues, but the high prices asked by packers have hampered the conclusion of greater volume of business, says the weekly produce report of Lewis Peat (S'pore) Ltd. Lack i
      313 words
    • 392 9 THE growing importance of undi rq round mining of Ufl is noted by a British geoiugi-t. Professor W. R. Jones, according to an ■rticlt in thi latest issue of T.n. V::-f; all the world's tin i< d- rived from one mineral casseteri:e— the oxide of
      392 words
    • 75 9 THE U.K. Atomic Energy Authority mbouboh that ■•p uto," the latest materiati testing peactof at the Atomic Energy Research E>tabli?h- Hr.rv.o has j::.-t pMM into upofitioo. "Pluto" was uilt to provide the Intense neutron Duxei now reQUired tOf reactor rc-ear.-h. in H the batevkrai <>f
      75 words
    • 75 9 RANTAU TIN DREDGING CO i.ti >. a* U•■ annual ienoral meeting the chairman stated that subject to variations physic il and othei ise which may < xisl dui ing the period the present propel ty Ls being worked out 11 la hoped that the No 1 dredge will
      75 words
    • 64 9 TiiK Malayan Exchange Banks Association m.idc the following ehangei lO <; rates to mcrcnants n:~, S.. ",j:Hay: Canada: buying, T.T. 31-7/iG. O.I). 11-I II M days airmail Sl-15/14 credit bills, 32 trade bills. Selling, T.T. or on. ready: Canada Ml: Bel-: in Franc* l«il9A; Hf. la-. f j
      64 words
    • 178 9 NEW NUCLEAR SHIP NAMED SAVANNAH PRESIDENT Eisenhower ha? approved the naming of America's now nuclear cargo and passenger ship as the >.\S. Savannah. ''We hope it will serve M a vivid example of the peacetime use of atoms," white House Press Secretary James C Hagerty told newsmen in Wa-hir.gton. Mir.
      178 words
    • 216 9 BURMA, Indonesia, Japan and the Philippines are among 14 countries who have sent MOiOf income tax and customs officials to London for a ten weeks course on taxation orEani7ed by the British Council. The course, which began last mrinth, will conclude on Dec. 14. Burma
      216 words
    • 269 9 A NEW helicopter flight simulator which can speed the training of airline arid Sendee he (copter piloti and consideral v reduce the cost) has been designed by the Ke^earrh Department of a Belfast firm. It in an advanced stags nl development and a prototype
      269 words
    • Article, Illustration
      53 9 MISS Honey Wonc uas crowned "MeukowBrand> abaft ijueen" at the <• World Cahan-t in Singapore last Friday nicht In addition to the rrown. sht- r«'(«iwd a cheque fur 57.*,0 The setond pn/- of 5250 went t<» M.vs lan \a M:sv han I ii San took the third
      53 words
    • 372 9 BUSINESS DONE IN WEEK BUSINESS done in shares I from )c: 1!». to .V v 4 INDUSTRIALS: 1■« dei FK nsai y SI 9"), Kj < .v N< Ords. S-2 to C 2 ro to 5>2.57* 1 $2.45. Gammons $2 U la S2JO to SJ il.mmcr I 0 12.15 lo
      372 words
    • 69 9 HAi:" LIXTAXC; RI'BBFR CO. LTD Profit for the y< ended 30 6 final dividend of l.i will make a I of 25% for N T et liquid asset- work out at $201. 05 r i 17 rm'>= per share Cosi or-.'.ir- ;on wai r < is lb. On
      69 words
    • 112 9 Mineral Quest In Aust. 'I'll f? nt*ArnAt>i4 #kf i l iir, prompt ?n\ «n industry generalh and the growth of manufacturing in the postwar period ha\e tended to overshadow the increasing importance <if mineral production in the Australian economy, according to the latest issue <>f Australia and New Zealand Bank's
      112 words
    • 81 9 Adapting the latest llHtfcodl in the U ii SSouth Afr B r are bringing 1 t many valuable ore discoveries. Some of the more recent dlt> nper, lit and load at S at land; iimer.. a. these discoveries have rome about because of mom deta i olorattoo in
      81 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 387 9 ■f'^f) sat the knees H-- :-t:rreuas near at hand Cr y'. When they heard a deafening sneeze' 'ened the Brains. -The test" x Mt~~~ :!-.c UUUDS for Woods' GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE > SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES to and from b—^ j yl INDONESIAN PORTS < PINC MOh ST£Amsh;p CO LTD.
        387 words
      • 93 9 iin; usis mi (,i n> y± THE SHERIFF'S STAR IMA Jill jL. WOMAN Were jL v, AIL AC.AISsI HIM: .^fl Ik r^ iaaaaaaaaaat *T" .^flaal aaL H^ B^ -k 41 aVO W||# aaS vPmP -t^^Ma^aaW v r aV i a\ Aj^. bW -k .^aa^Baßai L^aV J^aa^B^B^B^B^Ba^aam )f ai Rm L\l
        93 words
    • 157 10 Entries Invited For Rough Riders' C'ship KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Entries are invited from the Federation and Singapore for the Malayan Ro .-h Ruiers Cycling Club's annual road race which will be run over the Lake QMOTM circuit M Dec l."». There will I e four even 4 They are the
      157 words
    • 773 10 A Victory To Remember By Selangor Hongkong Rugby Tourists Bow First Time In Malaya gELABGOm I (a try) BONGKOKQ 0 Referee: \V. Dunne (MRU) KUALA LI'MPIR, Sunday. Talking point in rugger circles here for weeks to come will be Selanimpressive and meritorious 3
      773 words
    • 105 10 THE ht Btn.. the Loyal Rcqhnmt of Ipoh who broke ihp km ng strcik of the InrftiidcJ^e Ramblers, dcjcndh.q leOOlie and Cup t>r champions lo Win the "Royal D( mn Yeomanry" trophy in their ftni sfason of competitive soccer in Malaya* P cmrc shows (from le't to rigltt)
      105 words
    • 306 10 LONDON, Nov. (Be_ter)w— j R< aita of yeaterday/i rugby union n itchei wi re; RI'GBY IMON COI'NTY CHAMPIONSHIP QH-btrlaad tad. Wita-Ufland yorks-iri 13. Ltßetshiri 18. Cnethira I CLUB MATCHES. ;v's Hospital 8. Old Blue< C. H 1, kuil 33. Bristol 18; Londo;. [osi 12 Old Alleynians ">:
      306 words
    • 117 10 Malayans BeatPhnom Penh 3-1 PIINOM PENH. Nov. 3 <Rcu- let) Malaya beat a Phnom Penh team 3—l in a coccei match here yesterday afternoon. The goals were scored by Abdul Ghani, Chuah Poh Aun. ano Wong Kong Leong Malaya >eored the first goal ot the match in the fifteenth minute.
      117 words
    • 67 10 WELLINGTON, Nov. (Router) The New Zealand Rugby Union today appointed Wilson Whineray and Ross Brown captain nnd vice-<"; ptain, respectively, of the Ne v Zealand nigby teain to toi.r Japan m Fei)ruary and Mar; n 11)58. R. R. Morris was seect^d to replace second flve/cigbtl
      67 words
    • 45 10 the BUdn btai r.a.f. Seletaf "B" by dghfl pointi to nil in n friendly Rugby match played at EMctai OH Saturday. Blacks led B-4 at half-time. Yam Koon and Mney Hon Hong scored tries while Latifl was successful with a conversion.
      45 words
    • 369 10 Boon Hee Plays Match winner For S'gor Chinese IPOH, Sun. Selangor Chinese Recreation Club edged Penang Chinese Football Association 2-1 in a rather tame charity soccer match played on the Chinese Assembly ground this evening. About 500 fans paid to see the match which was in aid of the Pcrak
      369 words
    • 382 10 KUALA LI MPI'R. Sun. Perak Lumbuu'd Schools proud too strong ior Selangor Combined Schools whom the> beat by lb points Itwo K»>al s two tries j to nil in a floodlit rugger match at the Merdeka stadium here last night. The Selangor boys were rattled
      382 words
    • 58 10 THE annual hotkey rr. between the Old Victorian and the Present Boys of Victoria School will be playrd on the School pro ;r. <\ Friday, Nov. G at 5 15 p.m. Old Victorians wishing to play are asked to contact Mr. Md. Amin by phone No
      58 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 449 10 ui 4- Jfttsa Sftau, dAaoi d tht totM >ho* ff i fV t i to-. X- ii i_^ d.H.rui 9.30 1 -t- L TICHNICOLOR MM J x "LOVE BARGAIN" -i. r> ri rT-jn_r*i_i~i_n_i~i_f~uri_ri_r~<j~u~ir~ 9 S PHONE 3101-! J X y '^S 11t1 45 ,4.(>.3()&9.30j II |i&S^| i "m^UVe "OUTPOST IN
        449 words
      • 434 10 t g^"""-"' NOvy SHOWU C t |Ly J J *V*J k Jl li a.m. lr, j I.". r, a•■ t -|C KAKKIR "I" MORI. MI lui.i.i-i t the DEERSLAYER T* \w\ 2»lh «-niiiry-lo\-B (IVnUMOF'I t Plus: Scope Shorts: „K IN Ul t W rv r mt Uiliur.ih K<-rr in >i.
        434 words
    • 637 11 They Are Top Goal Scorers This Season v Router) thrustful Wolverhampton Wanderers .lid run of home victories .yesterday to open up a three points (hMMon one in the Ln&hsh Football League r eighth forward-line he best E ■'•"'<" the four i their third rs, have
      637 words
    • 31 11 G rand National Stakes May B e Increased 3 (Renter) i National .alujry of sWfCpdnnate p pri?e adriitional addIf the 1 -is ap- :he tot>l T.I over the value been over
      31 words
    • 1516 11 U.K. League Soccer Results Positions LONDON. Nov. < (Kcut»T> Association lootball Lcukii** taMei after jr«lerday'n fame* .ire: (Heading*: played, won, dr.iwn. lo^t. Knals lor. goals against, points). LEAGUE DIN ISION ONE: B;rmn. gharri C 5. Boiton W. 1. Burnley 3. Aston Villa 0. Chrl.M'a 0 Arsenal 0 Manchester C. 2.
      1,516 words
    • 178 11 BELGRADE. Nov. 3 (Rculer) Derek Ibbotson's time of ,'l minutes 57.2 seconds for the mile, which is awaiting ratification as a world record, did not appear before the European Committee of the International Atnletics Federation which met here yesterday. ML Paul Mericamp, Chairman of the
      178 words
    • 43 11 Meuleman 1 12. n.o. ADELAIDE, Nov. :i (RculeO —An undefeated 112 by Ken Ifeuleman enabled We>t Australia to roach 270 for five wickets in reply to South Australia's 280 by the close of play on the second day of their match here today.
      43 words
    • 54 11 photo fu .Vnkc-. t: K Ono. Frank P '< 'national Golf Association, .:<-, inning Canada < witk i If 7inder par .557 the t€r/jntio? red a f.y-i a 14 .'■■rfr" par 7-J u, r r i ♦?onoi Trop? •> ii teen at left <; rablc femgrouna
      United Press; Akira Sekiguchi  -  54 words
    • 239 11 SYDNEY. Nov. 3 (Baiter) Gary Player (South Africa) yesterday won his second successive Ampol Professional golf tournament here with an aggregate of 281. Dave Thomas (Britain), who was three strokes ahead of Harold Henning (South Africa) and Kel Nagle (Australia) after 36 holes, and
      239 words
    • 32 11 BUL \W \V( i N Bhodnia. folio wi P on Id rur s b( 'he Au innings < -uns -1 ai rears I I ~ke«i standing at the end r
      32 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 60 11 S/ie's happy f She's confident! L^ She rcTi 'rr! h^rPV, I S*^ protect- r t Can:c:ia wmelid '#fi >l BOVTATtF-SCOTT PP ODI CT P V hF!I i S H f PC rV£ *O*&tGOC* tOMfs O* SKfTUtt* MOOOOOO.. "if jjM g^*" **»m*~~ "TTJ mi fffxxi .IT.J J -MJJ-JI.J- 9K9T' wtk I
        60 words
    • Page 11 Miscellaneous
        271 words
      • 365 11 Iml P.^ am,! A I aw? rp Ol> \Y S QIOTATION "Blessejl is the man who has a skin of tfee ri^ht thickness. He ran work happily in *-pite of enemies and friends. 1 Henry 1. Bailey. MONDAY I OR i:\KR\ONK: Promote your work. serv;ce and be conscieni a is,
        365 words
    • 7 12
      7 words
    • 1099 12 FOLLOWING are weights and probable starters for all s<*ven races on Wednesday (Nov. 6), second day oi tlie Selangor Turf Club November meeting: Horses Class 2, Div. l— Abt. 7 Furs. 771 Im; 111 U 9.00 '.Mm Lee Ch( ru K: i HaMIM ll\ Winterdrin^
      1,099 words
    • 465 12 Sino-Malay Pressure In First Half Gives 5-1 Lead SINGAPORE'S Sino-Malay combination humbled a Malayan Malays Invitation team with an 8-4 victory before a crowd of more than 2,500 at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Trailing 5-1 at the interval. the Malayan-Malays rallied strongly in the second hail,
      465 words
    • 224 12 Lee Injures Hand 'Chopping' At Kong The Ringpost SINGAPORE'S Kin? KOQf had UH uncomfortable day yesterday, still suffering from the effects of Chinese wrestler Lee Leon '4 Fa's powerful judo chops and koon-tow jabs. A tooth had be knocked out, and his lace was swollen. On Saturday night, at the
      224 words
    • 82 12 THE Shipwright team WOU the H.M. Dockyard Cup presented by the SHB Europeans Stall when they beat the Burners Welders by two goals to nil In the Inter-dock-yard soccer final on the SUB ground FMtentay, Shipwrights attacking strongly, aid not open the .vore until the 20th
      82 words
    • 757 12 Three-Cornered Fight For SHA Senior League Title THE fight for the Singapore Hockey Association, division one league title has developed into a threecornered affair between the Singapore Recreation Club, the defending champion, the Ceylon Sports Club, and the University of Malaya. Recs, who head the >aauc tab! e with 14
      757 words
    • 58 12 iron. Sun.— r anticii !cd 1 Wtdn ....<■ the Ipoh 1 i: Civilians meet Services in their annual encounter in aid of the Poppv Day Tm4. A eood numocr of State players wrill be participating and a very keen c expected on pa i (r, howevt i H
      58 words
    • 52 12 singajpquz I i Singapore at Jr: n% J Stadium at I p tion at H R A 7 pj of < KUALA LVMPiii T. -«cv Roc U /POH HOCKEY' D r a 8 t'S IKC Lou Padang. PENASG uiningr College Wenn S i 'an F.C. rs Tai rn!
      52 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 56 12 ••••*ti t ODEON COMiNC MMM—MM—— MI i •k IJ^I P 1 WFml 1 1 1/ I f nßffirnviPivl 1 1 1 1 I m 1 1 1 4 BM i ill. B^B^B^B ■■■■■■iittttßiHßllßA^ SILVERWARE TEA AND COFFKIL tS TRAYS AND SALVE CUTLERY AND CUTGLA! PH. HENDRY Manufacturing Jeweller X T,i
        56 words