Singapore Standard, 2 November 1957

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1 14 Singapore Standard
  • 32 1 Singapore Standard STANDARD POLICE jZKL fW VT**! < ***** (5 line*) 2400 *T»^ f\j "I FIRE BRIGADE GENERJ* HOSPITAL 2811 2414 T TTTln.' SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19.">7 J I PAGES J:» EVTS
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  • 486 1 Registration Drive Gets Off To Good Start Hawkers Millionaires Line Up To Sign Forms THE Singapore Government's campaign for new citizens opened briskly yesterday at six registration centres and by the end of the day there were 1,500 new citizens. Queues formed outside the Central
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  • 260 1 SALARY CUTS IN STORE FOR TOP GOVT. OFFICERS i (.ovrrnment is planning a revision of would »)ring down the salaries of senior officers. I being considt red m line with a cal D that they would accept >r salaries after JUlayanintkm. G rnmeni Is now understood to be working on
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  • 150 1 1 (UP)— A was proclaimed Liberate gn out i youths are round of antiSatch deaMßstrations begin•h rhairn t HuseJ© Wave" opaip was "very successame tirr.c In for maSudibyo, chairpag Government's m Committee.' :or the "Second and promised it would It "forcer" than the first. Hie
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  • 39 1 I HE acting Mayor ri Manila JtSVa Marcos Rocrs. I d ifl be would recommend the mass deportation of some 2.000 aliens, mostly Chinese, who have been convicted of crim< ranging from the Intenancc of gambling br thels.
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  • 50 1 THE first Xonya to reSister as a new citizen of Singapore yesterday. She is Mrs. Yeoh Geok Chans', a Singapore housewife bom m Penaiijj. Mrs. Yeoh was amon? the first few hundreds who queued up outside the Central Registration Centre at Fort Canning Road yesterday morning. Standardpic
    Standardpic  -  50 words
  • 156 1 $30,000 In Cold Found BITTERWORTH, Fri. Police today unearthed $30,000 worth of gold f rO m the garden of the residence of the former Province Wellesley Circuit Magistrate, 1 the iate Raja Azman Shah. The gold was handed over Ito Ins widow. Che Zainab binte Abdul
    156 words
  • 135 1 RI Attack On S'pore Papers JAKARTA, Nov. l (Better) A (dfelgß ofudal today .-suggested Singapore's English lannuaue PfCH were "attacking" Indonesia because 'hey UN the products of capitalist groups. Mr. BoskS, the Ministry's Dire-tor ofl Information Research and Culture, said the Indonesian press had always supported Singapore's struggle lor independence.
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  • 51 1 LOXDOX. Nov. 1 (AP).— Five broke into the Indonesian Embassy m Grosvenor Square early today, tic! up the night watchman and set of! three explosive charges m a futr.e attempt to -et money from the embassy staff. After three hours the burglars departed empty
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  • 44 1 PHILIPPINES Newa Service reported today that five persons were shot 'lead and three OtheTfl wounded m a shooting ftffray between rabid XarioDalistl and Liberal followers during a Liberal Party rally m Pang an town, m Bohoi, President Garciu's home rovince A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 34 1 PRESIDENT Nasser will Visit the Soviet Union next spring. th<- Soviet President, Marshal Klementi Voroshilov. told the Egyptian newspaper Al Mussa*'ar m an interview m Cairo on Thurs- publis day. —R Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 70 1 REDS KEEN ON TRADE WITH MALAYA From Andrew Roth LONDON. Frl. Malayan rubber may soon be exported more directly to Russia. Two members of the Russian trade delegation m London saw Malaya's High Commissioner here day tofore yesterday to enquire about v the possibilities ofl direct trade and trade representation
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  • 46 1 LITTLE ROCK. Arkansas Nov. 1 <AP V Police UXUJ had orders to arre.^t all oflteen Ot the National Association for Hie Advancement of Coloured People they could find In integration-racked Little Rock The city council last nieht voted unanimously lor the arrests.
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  • 130 1 KU\LA LUMPUR. Fri. Monuments dedicated to British colonia 1 personalities m public place* m Malaya may soon be removed and be relegated to museums, The Standard was told today. Statues and busts of British pioneer civil servants, "founders.' and monarchs are expected to be
    130 words
  • 173 1 BELGRADE. Nov. 1 (Router) Unconfirmed reports reaching here from Moscow today .said Marshal Georgl zhukov. former Soviet defence minister, had been dismissed from his post< m the Soviet Communist Party lea-der-hip. The reports could not be officially confirmed. They >aid action had been taken against Marshal
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  • 126 1 JAKARTA. Nov. 1 (AP) The Indonesian Government is considering withdrawing the current Import export and foreign exchange regulations, sources close to the Indonesian Monetary Board disclosed today. Since the regulations were enforced last June prices of imported goods and commodities have skyrocketed. Designed to
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  • 97 1 ANKARA. NOV. 1 Cemil Bait Barlas, former Republican Minister ol National Economy, and Jami Said the former Trade Mini tcr. were arrested today m the wake of violence arising from Sunday's parliamentary elections. Bar la.- was the lo :n^ candidate for parliament from the Syrian border town
    AP; AFP  -  97 words
  • 24 1 THE Attorney-General. M Suprapto hd.> submitUd a report to the government on large-scale smuggling into Indonesia Of forced 100- -rupiah buns, notes.—
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  • 118 1 LONDON, N Queen Ei:zab< day *'J M i.a>a ail happiness and ptw- •n. I nn In r m b th H :>■ I j Jl. <■'■'• ma and n IM den v. ea s oi the v l nf i a .1: Pin; :t
    118 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 Z^ ELECTRIC js*- *"^K^ WASHERS M ELECTRIC rJ X*^"*/ POLISHERS J ©X I STEAM L IRONS Official Dealc L EE CHAY CO. s J^t. Rd Spore 6 7 3 \:no *****. (shell} You can be sure of Shell
      38 words
    • 161 1 Reputed Store for CRYSTAL 0 SILVERWARE Your Inspection Invited 88 North Bridge Rood Phone ***** Spore 6 WORN by th' mcM farr 'ht Rolex Jubilff Datfiu<t has rr» br as synonymous with <•< The HM Rolex chronomrtrr— a Da row -n wrist of onr nf r. >•: nrn tht world
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  • 445 2 LOVE IS SURE TO FIND A WAY OUT FOR US SAYS HELLO-GIRL 18 I ONLY KNOW I NEED HIM 50...' PENANG, Fri. A pretty telephone operator attached to the Bukit Mertajam exchange today said she was going to appeal to the Prime Minister, Tunku
    445 words
  • 49 2 LULI CALLS ON TUNKU 1.1 U. tin Dyak film vf r and her .S \iu <, ,j fathrr, Pmshulu Sibah from vi ak paid a < ourtrs\ v isit l iunku r \hc| l |iV ll ß.i»im!in l ''t Road yrs rrda> Tlir% SOrn f«r Thp\ m am"rT.m i n
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  • 197 2 SINGAPORE GAVE ME A CLAIM TO FAME, SAYS MODEL BEATRICE A I^-YFAR-OLD Australian model yesterday acknowledged that she would always be m Singapore's i debt. The reason: It was Btßfapore that gave her the chance to make every girl's dream come true an opportunity to star m pictures. Beatrice Clarkson
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  • 169 2 COMMODITY PRICES CLOSING rubber prices (cents per Ib. m Sing* pore yesterday were: Buyers >ellers Spot (Nominal) 81 i 812 R.S.S. N.» 1 81 i 814 her R.S.S. No 1 81 i 8U K.S S. No. 2 November 79 i 7!>, J K.S.S. No 3 November 7(J 4 l 77
    169 words
  • 145 2 A FOUR-MAN delegation comprising two Labour Ministry oflicials and two Others representing Colony employers and workers will represent Singapore at the International Labour Organization conference m New Delhi from Nov. 13 to 2(). Tbc delegation members are: Mr Gob Koh Pui, acting Principal Assistant
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  • 384 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Municipal! Councillor Mr. T. Sivapragasam today urged the centralisation of all civil disaster apparatus m the Federal capital m the interests of greater efficiency. His suggestion wa s made m the Council during a review of last Saturday's floods
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  • 37 2 HONGKONG. Nov. 1 Spcfial Standard Service Closing prices of the Hon^konc Exchange were 15.73 to £1 Sterling; S3 ***** to US$l; 11J36 to Ma'.ayan $0. 133 to one Indonesia R'jpiah; Gold .52.")7.L'5 to a tael.
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  • 57 2 5 Familiar French Ships Sold Kr- -i Colony waterfront They nro The liners La „r Pi, "i a- 1 the rargo-passenflar vessels X Hr., < and Henri Pom dpals. representative of Me^ -,j. Al.,r/i wri(. I as agents for the wud the Pasteur was a "ra» gular". fcrr anre. v
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 100 3 Seamen Plan Study Fund For Children THE SINGAPORE Malay- Ship OAoen Union wi 1 Ml Dp a tchoiirthip fund soon |Q enable children pfl local Mtmn to take advanced hHtrv tton m fta manihin. UniOfl secretary. Cap*. Mohamad Said Alias, said yesterdaj that a proposal tor setting up this scholarship
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  • 75 3 THE period for written memoranda to be submitted to the Committee of Inquiry into the regulation! pfvcinim the fees of public oflicers has been extended to Nov. 30. This is to give the public mere time to submit memorar.da, a spokesman told The Standard yesterday.
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  • 20 3 THE Singapore City Council will ho!d a special meeting on Nov. 8. to discuss the budget for 1958.
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  • 264 3 They' ll Only Contest 'Sure Seats At Polls WITH only 14 days to nomination day for the December City Council elections, Singapore's major political parties have finalised their strategy for fighting the polls. The method is to contest only those electoral divisions which are their strong-holds. Sources
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  • 129 3 $25,***** Be Life Member THE Tamil Language Scholarships Association of Malaya, recently formed to promote the study of Tamil m the University of Malaya, has decided to ofTcr life memberships to people who donate $125,000. Disclosing this yesterday the Association's hon. secretary, Mr. M. Muthumaalai, told The Standard that the
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  • 31 3 SECRETARY of the Liberal Socialist Party, Mr. E. K. Tan, yesterday suggested that the Singapore government should make immediate arrangements for the sale of City Council electoral registers.
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  • 112 3 SINGAPORE UMNO plans to hold talks on civics for its otlicers and members to promote their sense of citizership and social responsibility. UMNO publicity officer, Inche Darus SharitT, said yesterday talks would cover func- tions of the Government, the City Council,
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  • 48 3 THE Singapore Anti-Tuber-culo.sis Association has raised $4,700 through sales of its 1957-58 seals. Many more orders have been received, from individual and schools. '"Before lon^ we expect to reach our tar<?«. j t m! $15,000," said Miss Diana Golding, SATA's Public Relations officer, yesterday.
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  • 21 3 THE St. Josephs Church *n Victoria Street. Singapore wi;l hold a Remembrance Day service on Nov. 10. at 9 am
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  • 78 3 They Become New Citizens Of Singapore ASSISTANT Minister to the Chief Secretary, Mr. M. P. D. Nair, was the first person to register as a new Singapore citizen yesterday. Above, Mr. Nair takes the oath of allegiance at the Central Registration Centre. Hokkien rubber magnate and a committee member of
    Standardpic  -  78 words
  • 32 3 SECRETARY of the Singapore Cage Bird Society, Mrs. Joyce Simon yesterday appealed* to all members to attend the society's meeting on Nov. 10 at the American Club. Scotts Road. Singapore.
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  • 214 3 14-Year-old Girl Gives Evidence In Camera A MAN said to have two wives, was yesterday charged with having committed two offences against a girl of 14. In the Singapore Fifth Magistrates Court. Ong Koon Lai, 37. was alleged to have committed the offences m the compound of a Chinese School
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  • 42 3 A 66-YEAR-OLD woman, Lee Chng, was yesterday fined $1,500 m default I months' jail by the Singapore Third District Court for possessing 38 lbs of raw opium, at Boon Tat Street, on Aug. 6. She did not pay the fine.
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  • 176 3 SPONSORS of the new Workers Party last night claimed that they expect more than 1,000 Singapore trade unionists from more than 100 unions, to attend the party's inaugural meeting which will be held at the Hokkien Association m Telok Ayer Street* tomorrow. The
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  • 143 3 UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 1 (UP) The newly independent Malaya is classified under Pro-Western States" among the four groups of the Afro-Asian group of nations m a survey here. The 29-Asian and African states that form the biggest U.N. group (sometimes erroneously described as a bloc)
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  • 82 3 SMUGGLERS m a fast speedboat yesterday jettisoned 146 pounds of cigarettes into the sea off Kalians Basin m a successful bid to escape capture by a Singapore Customs boat. The Customs patrol boat, which was returning to base at 6 a.m. intercepted the smuggler's hydroplane
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  • 103 3 FRANKEL ESTATE ASSOCIATION MR. N. S. HOGAN was elected president of the Frankel Estate Residents' Association, Singapore, at a meetii.g held recently. Other officials &ro: vice-pre-sidents Dr. Fong Kirn EtCHf and Mr. Ang What Kirn; leCTOtary Mr. Chin Soon Seng; treasurer Mr. Tan Hood Leong; committee Messrs. Abu Bukar bin
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  • 114 3 Snatch Thieves Bench Expresses Concern THE SINGAPORE Tenth Magistrate, Mr R. Ramason yesterday expressed concern over the safety of women wearing jewels m the light of the prevalence of snatch thieves. Mr Ramason made this remark when he convicted Chan Yoke Fah, 18, of theft by clipping a gold chain
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 Snii buz/wg «>'c of r«f 5 TAM/NC OF THE ARIZONA TERRITORY! J WES J^m -■"^Af MS 4 BBOCKIE r yj.j Jua JJKO J^»m a j a^i^ i.^^^^^. a^a^^^^^^^^a^H^ m^^& 4 c^ |iu^% H aaii aaaaaaJaftaaaaa) aa K.^^ aaf#T2_aav I a^^s 4 Y^Bav^BaP 4V W ..BARBARA BARRY f I STANWYCK SULUVAN
      208 words
    • 138 3 AT *il#^l S I SALE I front 31 -10- 1 ft J7 to Hi -11 1037 I PRICES i Slasti€>d to 1 MINIMUM -a I ORIENTAL GIFTS 1 I DRY GOODS I 1 CHILDREN'S AND I I LADIES' WEAR! I CARVED FURNITURE CAMPHOR WOOD I CHESTS I Etc., I -j
      138 words

  • 44 4 MR. Ja] Balaporia, an Indian singer from Bombay, is ir. Singapore Oil a ihorfl holiday iking up local sincen and viMting friend.-. As a sturient of the Gwalior ichool of Indian Music, Mr. Balaporia has c;ivcn musical perforniances over All India Radio.
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  • 642 4 TOWN GETS SET TO BEAT THE FLOOD CURB ON LEAVE AND RELIEF PLAN READY KUALA KANGSAR, Fri. This Royal town has made all preparations to meet any impending flood that may threaten it during the present rainy season. A government spokesman told The Standard this morning: "We have made all
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  • 231 4 Freed Of Blame For Road Death IPOH. Fri. Singapore Standard*! Managing Director, Mr. Aw Cheng Taik wai exonerated from blame for the death of a 57-year-old rubber tapper, Li I Y'~ Bt who wai killed :n a road accident at the 221-Mile, Ipoh-KualaKang--ar Road 00 Aui^. 4. "Death due to
    231 words
  • 95 4 MEET a Dutch girl who loves Indonesia. She is MLss Mildred Coen. a 25-year-old KLM ground hostess m Jakarta. Miss Coen left Singapore yesterday to return to Jakarta after spending a few days m the Colony on a Christmas-shopping spree. "Nothing can stop me from returning to
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  • 186 4 COLONY'S OWN NA VAL UNIT AS GOOD AS ANY, SA YS GOVERNOR SINGAPORE Governor Sir Robert Black yesterday said, the turn out of officers and ratings of the Singapore Division of the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve was comparable to the best he had inspected anywhere. He voiced this encomium
    186 words
  • 74 4 Singapore Trade Union ponarati wiH live dinner party toni^iit it H pjß. it the Tai Tor.:; Restaurant. Happy World, m honour ol Air-. G>h Koh Pui, assistani Co.nmi siorier for Labour, and Mr. K. c. ThomaSi Colonj delegate! to the focthooming ilo Confetence m New
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  • 140 4 India Offers 4 Study Grants At Varsity THE Gom r:.:i:< <>f mdia your <">' announced an offer of four scholarships to students of Indian origin for study at the Universitj ol Malign A statement issued by the Indian Commissioner's Offl la Singapore said that tb dents must be permanently domiciled
    140 words
  • 89 4 CHAIRMAN of the Ladies Section of the British European Association, Mrs K. Mum ford, yesterday handed ov« r a 124,421 cheque to Prof. K. S. Monteiro, chairman of the Singapore Children's Society. The money, recently raised hv the Association m m appeal and bazaar, will go
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 576 4 4, 3( d» a Shaw &A«u> d tfit Xtst *haw \2*J2*j*rfMjr 11,1.45,4,6.30 9.30^: I'M Mamsin Monroe J^^^ J j> Laurence oirvier Jf J^B wk J,, TECHNICOLOR \7 J4 ft JHBH r.Miiv i -WON*; I \ll K\S \l 1.1 I' Mandarin T I«M n» W 1, n SMI >IKW<.IK' Tonight Midnight
      576 words
    • 646 4 I uTTj I k J tf9il x j i»9|MPH| HRSihbb I* »Mir it t Phone: ?l-llf M ii£*l *ll NOW SHOWINC! if -v IN 111 If{\l» I I lON nl -I (II \< M"v I M|t < if *S l>\\ V < KO< KUT". I»\MI I lt< mini a m
      646 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 698 4 INFORMATION AT A GLANCE S N -i T'r.van: n.^r'y at J,;h cr pore uidry Air 0 orcpt on at V.MCA (Orchard Koad): Sen.or Adelphl Hotel IJI m. Cambridge Mala: class for be- m%wmmw\ -m MVVkvl i. i'!-..iiK-cd TIIVIE TIDE 3.20 lybuilding and •••••-< AftWAJ 4 n J <(l!) siiiKap«»n- 7.4'»
      698 words

  • 29 5 A MALAYAN Railway qir: irorker, Sharifah Aminab bintl Bahaldin, 21, wu voted Miss Petal ing Jaya lasi night at the Petal ing Jaya UMNO welfare night.
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  • 244 5 work on sahrastef the 2.">--ton Airwork troop-carrier which was mired down m so?t ground i^fter overshooting the Singapore Airport runway on Tuesday, was successfully completed last algM With the aid of a 33-ton hurchill recovery tank and two scammi'ls. men of the Royal Floctrical and Mechanical
    Standardpic  -  244 words
  • 198 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Minister for Education has turned down a request by the Malayan Chinese Association's Central Education Committee to retain overaged pupils m Chinese schools, The Standard learnt today. However, the Minister. Inche Khir Johari has promised the MCA Committee that ht
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  • 327 5 FUTURE OF COLONY SECURE GOVERNOR Commonsense Our Strongpoint' THE future of Singapore rests secure on an important factor m the character of its citizens namely their innate commonsense, Governor Sir Robert Black said yesterday. In the lace of emotion.and excitement which are inevitable when the country |fl moving totO self-govern-ment
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  • 71 5 Police Release RAF Men THE Singapore Special Branch yesterday released three RAF, men detained on Oct. SQ under the Preservation of Public Security Ordinance They are S.A.C. Mohamed Dansheik. Sgt. Jailer bin Hussein of R.A.F. Tengah and S.A.C. Regab bin Mustapah of R.A.F. Seietar. The three men were detained with
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  • 334 5 From ANDREW ROTH LONDON, Nov. 1 Among those who passed the Michaelmas Examination m Real Property were Y. M. Chen and T. P. Lim both of Perak, who passed m Class Two. Others who passed m Real Property were: F. C. Chan, Sclangor, D. A.
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  • 28 5 A SCIENCE exhibition is to bn held on Nov. L .i at Clifford School, Kuala Lipis. The Minister for Education, Jncho Khir Johari will declare it open.
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  • 79 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Speaker of the Federal Legislative Council. Dato Abdul Malek bin Yusoff. 53. was today married to Che Siti binti Haji Haji Ahmad. The marriage was solemnized at the bride's hOQM m Pudu Road last night. This evening, a family reception wa« held at
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  • 76 5 Laos Opens New Ait Service With Colony A NEW air >ervicc lotween Singapore and Laos vm inaugurate; 1 lad DigU \v:m the anrival at tht Cdkmj'i [BternatkMial Airport !a-t night of an Air Laos Strato liner fro::i Pnuni F\:.;:. The plane arrived wi'h M EMMMOgOD who will be m the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 4* s, f \^av '^cS* I SWISS MADE j W />_ r_-~— FAMOUS SINCE iB6O 500 PAIRS of SHOES to vloar at BARGAIN PRICES! Men s leather shoes from $7/-L-::es 5 5/--<--p.'s $3/Available only at: MAIN STORE BATA BUILDING \urth Bridge Road, Singapore. flcUct I 100 fffooj lo Miss NEW
      133 words
    • 203 5 TONIGHT MIDNIGHT f OF PINKS t 4- 7 v shocfc-ted^n 4- x hRI VKrN X I A \iixMk XKK|vllh 4I B *^>J| Bftl Hf i»<>is(, 4| V RVIKIII ■4 1 r^^^H Hl. ••ijr3 I GEORGE MONTGOMERY ■4 as the Cop the y rant Bl V or BLACKMAIL f Sr e£roF
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  • Singapore Standard
    • 574 6 CRITICISM which is levelled against a governMBt by its political opponents can. if it is bas?d on a distorted idea of what freedom means Bad di I erat 'v aimed at misinterpreting and r.^ the p- pie on the policies of the admii.. '.:a'.;'T., h- "a double-ed^ed sword.
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    • 404 6 ACCORDING to an Inci :an Foreign Ministry 1 spokesman. English language newspapefl of S.r.qapore were "still too stupid" to understand ._n Minister Subandrio's "wise warning" a^ain>t creating '"h st:hty" towards his country. I: i tihty, as interpreted by Mr. Subandno. means r. thing" more or less than discussing
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  • We the PEOPLE
    • 227 6 Sir Referring to the U.N.O. you said "The present procedure and rules In the Chattel of the Organization have oeen found wanting tne power to veto has been abused and has made the entire Organization impotent and tven incompetent on numerous occasions when international matters of great
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    • 351 6 Sir Subsequent to your publication of my letter on Det 13. the Ministry of Education appears to have taken the first step towards the cure of its belly-ache by appointing "educationist^' to the superscale grades. I hope there Will not follow another protracted period of procrastination before
      351 words
    • 259 6 Sir— lt is axiomatic that it is more difficult to retrieve lost trade than to retain what exists. It should be noted that competition among ports, M Mnoni other commercial ventures i., a struggle for Ql« survival of the fittest, and. unlen :he essentials of ordinary accommodation
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    • 442 6 Sir Are the authorities eonctTMd not doing anything to check the illegal construction of buildings that are going on m different parts of the island? The Balestier Road area and its side roads are ?.n inst-.m-e where such goings-on are taking place. The menace of unauthorised dwelling houses
      442 words
  • 1356 6 Next Step For Kenya Nairobi, recently awakened from the nightmare of 1 the Mau Mau war, has come to a crisis m its history... the idea of peaceful growth towards a contented J multiracial society is now m very real danger- S CYRIL DUNN I pEOPLE drawn briefly to Kenya
    1,356 words
  • 121 6 Shorts from the Talks The Gay Seventies cloth.'. thing r Id lad pair n :r.i v. about them I simply can't stand thi v.! w we' Mln^ w.Tii ;r ..c r chatty as If peopfe s< v< my w a c! species. Efcryom will be f ver sfv. r.'y th«-y
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  • 539 6  - THE NEWS AS IT STRIKES ME ASTER GUNASEKERA Theatre "the best m the East." These last four words were also echoed by City President J.T. Rea. Taking Rajah's observations: Any elected councillor who honestly wishes to discharge his duty m the interests of the ratepayer would be reluctant to vote
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 418 7 AGREEMENT REACHED ON TURKO-SYRIAN DISPUTE OPPOSING PARTIES ACCEPT A PLEA TO RESOLVE THEIR DIFFERENCES UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 1 Syria and Turkey siave reached agreement on the current dispute between their two countries, it was announced here today. Following a formal request by Indon< la Syria
    Reuter; AFP  -  418 words
  • 70 7 ASSISTANT Police Superintendent Sydney Fulierton, formerly of the Staffordshire Constabulary, deals with a slogan-shouting Greek Cypriot teenager during the riots which broke out here on Monday. Tear gas was used against rowdy mobs demonstrating on the 17th anniversary of Greece's entry into World War 11. The rioting
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 108 7 Reds Free Legation Employees LONDON. NVv 1 AFP).— The British F ireign Office Announced yetterdsi that H had received "with iatls[actlon" the news that three of the five British legation employees m Budapest who had been urea i d dnrtni ism pasl few months had been frei d. The three
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  • 35 7 1 -UNERAL services wore conducted on Thursday for Blin maffliatl Louis B. Mayer In the presence ol the great nimcji of Hollywood, many of whom he had elevated to stardom m the film.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 21 7 WESTON College Obscnra- r > M «eti ycstord iy reported a "strong* 1 MrthquaHe on i-• coast oi Pat ama. UP
    UP  -  21 words
  • 210 7 Whether India Goes Red Will Depend On UK. US Attlee LONDON, Nov. 1 (AP> Earl Attlee, the former Labourite prime minister, warned today that British and American actions would play a large part m de1 ciding whether or not India goes Communist. Writing m the Journal of the English Speaking
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  • 69 7 CAIRO. Nov. 1. (AFP)— The Armlo-Egyptian financial ticpo tiations will resume m Ror^e next Monday. Cairo Radio said yesterday. The heads of the British md Egyptian delegations will ho!d a preliminary meeting OB Sunday, to work out an agenda, the radio said. It said that Dr.
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  • 95 7 UK-Malayan Trade On The Decline LONDON. Nov. 1 (UP) Britain i- s loalnf her posit .on v Malaya's best customer, the Financial Times rLpjrlcd I day. The report said that the United States has taken Britain's place as the main buyer of M.i"aya"s commodities. During the first eight months of
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  • 32 7 A REPUBLIC of Korea patrol vessel yesterday captured a Japanese fishing vessel m the >ea west of Tsushima I>k;nd. according to a report received by the coast fuaid station here.
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  • 29 7 the f.oka terrorist or:;;»:.:/;ition yesterday circulated .call*, ts it: Limassol threatening to resume violence throughout the i>!and "unless a solution Of the Cvnrus nrohlpm is iuiinri."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 67 7 Photo MOSIIE ben Jack Missim Duck, who says he threw the bomb into the Israeli Parliament buildings on Tuesday night, at Police 'Headquarters after his arrest. Duck has since pleaded guilty to attempted murder m a Jerusalem court. Among the people wounded m the bombing were
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 48 7 CALCUTTA. Nov. 1 (AP> Gold bars worih more than £31,000 have been sr:zcd from the British freighter Eastern Saga from Hongkong at Calcutta. The bans were found m a secret cavity m a cabin used by the crew. Customs officials are continuing the search.
    48 words
  • 18 7 BRITAIN is to supply Finland with about t:2G.000 worth of uranium and Other private enterprise. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 28 7 A KI'ROPEAN p'nr.t 'or the waM< the p of iti kind m Europe, will be bttUl cKnrtl at M n i ripar JLut u. 1 < Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 236 7 28 Arrested At Jazz Session PRAGIE. Nov. 1 (AFP).— A 7<>< hoslo\ akian Kir I was ><st<Tda> sentenced to 17 months m prison lor daji( inu the "rock *n' roll" and 'behaving m an extra\at,'ant mannrr" during a iazz music session last week.
    236 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 j he irorld famous family of TIGER m t dicinal products Balashin Sai In The "New Look" Pack J »ry effective for Coughs, Indigesticn. Seasickness, usec, Tiredness, UOdlQChtj Foul BreGth ENC AUN TONG Hit riCER MEDICAL HALL Don f take a chance <^th *h plumbing ~~S^s\ ,'l\ WW. it't uiNfary
      138 words
    • 69 7 ■B^B^^^BT B^Bt 4 I B^B^B^B^FVE3QC*a^V_ ftJad^^T tt™^^BT* A 1 B^B^BWvJCJC— -J ■^^^B^^^' t^df^~^ T^Hl J J I 1 J■ 1 VI k B^B^B^HJ j -4b v BbBbBT 1^ kJ *a^K Bk m r w .^B^B^B^BaA '^^^^^^^^B^BW^^^~ *BY.' BJ^ i^^Lfl^L^Bm. ■bc^mbMbb b^^^^^ lJ Ur D VI BRITAIN'S »i9..Hv prrr Ging#r Nuts
      69 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 294 8 bv^^^l. V 1 1 J^ M^ MM »«MMM^«ia»L J^Bfl -iiiiisjsi^s.' BBVHISb iMi^^k^u^. >$ite< 3t ■<■■-■■ s jßMßttM^^^^^^^B^B^Mß^ B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bmßi^Bk^^s •s^fii^Mß^^B^B^^BST™J^B^BHßß^B^Biß^HßißwiSfi^^^B^BT^Bw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^; a^*v2j[^^^^^^^~j|^*°»w*w^y JSy ■3B^B^B^B»«Btg' *^lißi Bb Bb^^^^^^s^H B^^F»v BHiSliSt -^^991 w^^* > :^^^w^B Hr sBBt MsS Jh JB^B^B^^^ «i^l h^^B w] Hr jSs9hS'?!9!!!Sl^ '^^Bl hR '^§H s^^ sV <By fl^Bu:,y T~""^im h
      294 words

    • 461 9 I be a prr i moment for the people of District 19 of Singapore I fen an &ssemb I I taknts from that area will perform m the Singaiadminton Hall. ime Competiti n, organised by the Serangoon Community the p< P'e of District 19 only, 20
      461 words
    • 157 9 S'pore Ba bas Unite For A Cause CMGAPORE Peranak>tr its-born CMIMO h.ippv t»Mte that tiler, h a ■mtnwnt to refine thfir culture, pridr and •witagf by a group of m, baba>.' i all walks »t Mi These men feel th» i MMiuimly the Jjrld «f -tida apas." lew young mm
      157 words
    • 175 9 \.V how c; Tliree-In- 0m Sho'- b hi store jor invited chests m the aud r oj Rediffui m re, S wgaport. Ma t d i p.m. rjSuiin* once j's to urn Ifci occasion of the prizeup eera mown m ntefi ej ttii Km PViiil S iN
      175 words
    • 43 9 Shirley de Souza, a member of the staff of The Singapore Standard's Kuala Lumpur office, celebrated her 21st birthday with a party at her house m Kampong Pandan last week. Here she is seen happily receiving the con-
      43 words
    • 200 9 J IJIGHLIGHT of a Ball at Raffles Hotel on Monday, f J AJ November 4, inll be a pageant of Indian folk and J 2 tribal COStumCf, and tradit.onal dances the /irst erer 2 staged hi Singapore. .An array of colourful and dazzling sarees and other Z
      200 words
    • 451 9 /^PiR^ i overs who HI B6d the Gilbert and Sullivcn play "The Gondolas" staged a Itm monlhl ego at Victoria Memorial Hall, will ha\e cnother chance to tfl I g-ect plcy this tme by a group of amateur artistes from HM.
      451 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 324 9 How -buy your w f silver ztxioe I CAR IATTERY I 'NEW-BORN' -through the magic of Dry-Charging f \.'.:"'.y.\l'.i _^^g^^t m^*~— i^bc 4BJr^ imikt i: L^bk BS^ •"•■•i::ili: i mbw^^^^^Bßfe BBv K:::::ij^ii^-^ (2^^aHßßP^^^^^Bf<l^ Sv^fl F^^' I Biiiißli-X^SP I r^K^.VX -X -X 'A X X 'A" A -l Never again need
      324 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 379 9 Hill TODAYS <H CITATION: L "There is little age to talk about your < hild to anyone: other people either have one or haven't." j Hon llerold. SATFRDAY FOR I X ERYI ONE: Be friendly, courteous ;j getting things accom- pliahed during morning! Afternoon lavours practijlijl cality. secrecy. However.
      379 words

  • 253 10 HONGKONG makes nearly eight million cigarettes a day, but they are mostly consumed by her own population. It l> e^tiT.atofi, nearly 93 per cent < f the colony's toU! cigarettes output arc bought f The people find the cigarettes to their taste and cheaper than
    253 words
  • 302 10 Automatic Plant Makes Roof Tiles MALAYA, along with rr.;<r.v oth< mti ics. has < i- dan< \v British type f f f illy automatic plant to n: ike to roofing tiles. 0 m have been Manufacturing concrete tiVmaking machinery for 30 >• A large plant was insta recently m Western
    302 words
  • 130 10 A SUCCESSFUL di^plny c mpetit.on was held by the Borneo Company Limited on I ehall of their principals, Johnson Johnson Export Limite i. last vcek. Thfl hUh -;ar.dard of I'nc displays'o judging extreme y difficult Chat How of Sc'.ctar tad Chua Bent Ucv.z of
    130 words
  • 63 10 MR. Tan Hinn Tsm, (seen }<rrr), a director of the Hongm)k r >rn) "Crocodile" Shirt Factory heg Iffl Singapore b| fir fa? a surrey inp to Europe. His tour mil take him to r^nny countries iriiere the shirts are marketed. While m Europe Mr. Tan irill Tisit
    63 words
  • 60 10 MR. BRIAN ROOTES, managing director of Rootes Ltd., the well-known automobile firm', is on a tour of the Far East. His aim is to inspect the Routes Group .sales organization overseas and further promote the Group's exports which are already running at I record level.
    60 words
  • 232 10 Air Navigation Trials Under Way For North Atlantic TRIALS of l:w naviga'ion system for the North Atlantic are asa.n under way. A British Ministry of Supply Valian: has recently compl( trd a flight from Bosc Down f) Montreal and back, navigating solely by this new Decca system. B t:i
    232 words
  • 70 10 THE M i!a: nn Exchange B n ks A^ c.r .<•,■ fne c- itos :r.erc:i.n Is yd. ru .> New York: buying. TT 90 d..vs tr.ide bi m idj b iv;:i3 TT (1 T "> SU >O d hi IIJ en lil b. Selling n sj O n
    70 words
  • 61 10 THE Australian Meat Board ha, asked the UK. to allow Australia to export more n.< f to o untrles other than Britain and the colonies. T /-4 t nr,,!, »y* j T"\ \1 I t V"i \S I1( J i 111' liv 1^ 1I I 1 Britain.
    61 words
  • 93 10 SINGAPORE Chinese Produce Exchange noon closing prices per picul yesterday were: coDra* Oct./ Nov. $25 buyers, $26 sellers: coconut oil In bulk $41| sellers; In drums $45i sellers, Muntok white pepper $104 sellers, Sarawak white $103 .sellers, special Sarawak black $63. Singapore Copra Association closing prices: fair merchantable mixed
    93 words
  • 214 10 All Sections Continue To Decline SELECTIVE support failed to halt the decline m all sections of the Malayan share market yesterday. The trend was uncertain and the turnover was small. Price changes announced by the Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers Frascr Neave Orris. 2.44 248 Gammon 2.22 2 27
    214 words
  • 216 10 THE mutually helpful collaboration with the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya and the Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon m fields of common Interest was maintained says the annual report for 195rt ol The British Rubbe- Producers 1 Research Association. Close collaboration was maintained with the Natural
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  • 217 10 MALAYA IS WEST GERMANY'S FIFTH BIGGEST BUYER finance commercegjdgdf THE Federation of Malaya and Singapore, taken together, were the fifth largest customer of West German goods, taking DM 82 million worth m the first seven months this year, according to statistics compiled m Bonn. In none of West Germany's overseas
    217 words
  • 186 10 MALAYAN sharebrokers r€>ported the following buiilMl done yesterday: F N. ords $2.45. $2 47^: Gammon $2.25 delayed. $2,274 to $2.25; Hammers 52.12J, $2 10; Jackson $1.55- M. Cement $1,424. IfcAlister $1.59; M. Box Rights 57ic. Robinson ords $1.75; Cold Storage We. overnight. 9(ic. to 94c S. Traders
    186 words
  • 69 10 MORE than 900 British turbine-powered airliners will be flying on the world's air routes by the time the first foreign one enters commercial service In 1958 or 1959, according to a statement issued m London. Britain has already delivered 260 such aircraft to the world's airlines—
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  • 20 10 MORE rut hacks m the production of motor eyres md heavy lonics m We.-t Germany have been announced.
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  • 101 10 Rubber Rises 1 1/8 Cents RUBBER gained U cents m the Singapore market yeMcrday when international first grade November shipmert closed 8U cents per ib. The market open higher jn improved overseas advices and fluctuated \\\th narro.v limits. There was good Interest m December lower sheet. It closed quiet. NOON
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  • 77 10 KLANG TRADE DISPLAY KLANG. Fri. More than 60-odd display stalls with the most modern industrial and household equipment will be on show at the Klang Trade and Industries Fair to be held from Nov. 1.3 to 24 at the Great World here. The elaborately decorated stalls and equipment of the
    77 words
  • 257 10 Market Quiet And Cautious THE rubber market during the week dropped to its lowest level since June last year, according to the report of Holiday. Cutler, Bath Co.. Ltd. This further fall is partly attributable to the announcement by the Director of the O.D.M. that an advisory committee would be
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 498 10 UNION OF BURMA SHIPPING BOARD S. S. "PYIDAWNYUNT" IN PORT INNIR *OADi Soiling for Rangoon 6th November, 1957 PASSENGERS CARGOES ACCEPTED FOR Penong. Mergui, Moulmem, Rangoon. Please Contact: International Shipping Agency Agents for UNION OF BURMA SHIPPING BOARD. 87, Neil Rood, Spore. Tel ***** PELNI- LINES 12 ROBINSON ROAD. TC
      498 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 691 11 TRADING CO., LTD. itiGl'O' 1 R*binson toad 'the blue funnel line T S 'H AMERICAN SERVICE k< ci? more, Philadelphia fr Cult Porti Spore P.Sham Penang 21/27 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nev v c»h<" rerrt *o lo«d and discharge cargo e^-* s o~r7h~GERMAN LLOYD HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE NT SERVICE j-«wffp.
      691 words
    • 1263 11 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD «c CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (lncorpot«l«) m (12 «»•«> >::; n> the blue funnel line SAILINCS t» LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW. LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Carriers option to proceed via other port* to load and discharge cargo (Via Sues with liberty to proceed via Panama or Cape ot Cood
      1,263 words
    • 859 11 MITSUI fei LINE FOR JAPAN $ce rt fih m Hokoneson Moru vlo Monlio for Kob« Nooovo. Yokohomo 19 Nov Amogitan Moru vio Hong Kong for Yokohama, Kobe, Moji 15 Nov 12 Nov Kyoritiu Moru for Moji, Kobe Osako. Yokohamo 21 Nov 19 Nov 17 Nov FOR U.S.A. For New York,
      859 words
    • 801 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS Soilings for Bangkok ond/or For East vio Surs. Penong P.s'fco«r Sport Discharging. Roods "BOGOTA" In Port "ERRIA" 24/7.6 Nov -JUTLANDIA- 20/22 Nov 23/24 Nov 25/26 Nov Bangkok Only. "FALSTRIA" 5/6 Dee 7/8 Dec 9/ 1 0 O«< Calling Soigon, Bangkok. HOMEWARDS Soilings for Aden, Port Soid
      801 words

  • 417 12 Selangor Are Good Enough To Upset Hongkong Tourists Xl "ALA LI'MPIR, Fri. Fans arc assured of a rugger treat when the Hon£kon? touring team clashes with Selongor, HMS Malaya Cup champions, m a floodlit match at the Merdeka Stadium tomorrow. Koth teams m powerful oombinatiora with p< etfa back divisioni
    417 words
  • 205 12 SIN( i \pohr Chinese EUcretdull Imal Naval Police bf Boala to one m a SHA Rrsi sion acue hockey iT'i pl;i i> Vie SCRC p c At 1 even i v iai sea for the it inese opened tiic c one minute before the
    205 words
  • 115 12 HUNGARIAN-IS O X N wrestling kingpin, Emile C '/a.j.L. brttcr kno n throughout tin* wtjeM as Kins Konj;. Avas one of the first to register yesterday as a citizen of Singapore under the new citizenship ordinance. Kin? Kong came to Singapore more than 10
    115 words
  • 311 12 Malays Rally Came Too Late SINGAPORE Chinese became champions of SAFA's Special League when they beat the Malays by four goals to two at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. The Chinese look tho field yesterday with a clean record of having won ail their previous engagements; while
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  • 47 12 THE Dockyard run final between the Shipwright XI and tho Burners' ft Welder*! XI will be played tori ay at the SUB Recreation Club's pound, Bukit Criermin, kick oil at 5 p.m. sharp. The Band of the BAB. Reserves will be m attendance.
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  • 33 12 si\(;apore Chinese Recreation Club beat Naval Police by three foall to one m a SH A. I)i\\ 1 league hotkey nai ii played on the SCRC ground ye terday.
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  • Lee Will Throw Rude
    • 85 12 Malayans Win In Cambodia PNOMPENH, Nov. l (Kruter) Malaya beat Cambodia .3 1 m a sorter matt h here, yesterday. The Malayan tram was composed of: Ong Chin Koo; Huong Chong Yin, Mok Wai Hong; huah Po llaun. J),' Soosay. l.iew lei Yuen; Abdul (ihani. Aziz Ahmad. Kahim Oman*. Wont;
      85 words
    • 309 12 TUT world dass Chincsr wrestler from Britain. Lee Leonsr Fu. calmly drank his tea and ate his rake as if the biggest man he over saw •sitting m front of him at his tea party to the press never even existed! It was King Koqc Lee*i opponeni
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  • 196 12 Ceylonese Take The Lead CEYLON Sports Club took the load m the Singapore Hockey Association division one league when they beat Singapore Cricket Club 3-1 on the padang yesterday. The Ceylonese are now one point ahead of the Kecs, the defending champions, for the same number of games. The Ceylonese,
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  • 100 12 MEXICO TO STAGE CANADA CUP SERIES SYDNEY. Nov. 1. fßonter 1 Mexico will be Invited to stage next year's Canada Cud and [i ternationai Roll series, Itr. we,. Walkley, ,-i Director of the Ei ternational Goll Association, said here today. ir Mexico accepted the Invitation Australia would organize the 1959
    100 words
  • 38 12 THE following wi.l reorcseni Joini Services .'f~ iin«t Sin^ripore Recreation Ci ib m a friendly hockey mat* h on Monday on the Padang. Clement-: Wood, Austin; Gorlfrcy. Chase. Badawi; Abdullah. Brown. Nugent, Tillev. Whey Ah Kuan.
    38 words
  • 135 12 LONDON. Nov. 1 (Reuter) —English Test wicket keeper. Godfrey Evans, tonight won the maximum of ill. ooo (sterling* on an Independent I Commercial Television "double your money" quiz show. 110 correctly answered a ten part question on precious stones with 20 seconds to
    135 words
  • 75 12 PENANG, Iri Penang Turf Club ha, 3 .$192,:M0. according to its income and expenditure for the year ended Aug. 31, 1 ?*57. *he c i,.. 1 n<i B i.k C "v 1.410 in:.r> it honorary members. I) income t and sweeps totalled $372.
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  • 84 12 BADMINTON players not resident m Singapore will be allowed to participate m future Singapore Badminton Association inter-club ih.iuipionships. 'i ied will SB A met at the 1 La lit. i: of the mbo gouts. i the be asked to th; 11 4F B A won
    84 words
  • 139 12 THE tan vu 1. OOU!.: I at St. J the If i. iv li-u the 14th Squad n tomorrow. Aith H'imben i ed to win. a moor\ i.< k the 141 Squ tdron could set the i- tea n h;u r-.,n B .M.i
    139 words
  • 45 12 VANCOUVER. v 1 (P,c 4r: —An hie Moore, world ifiht hcav; c :,ampion, r< m I win over Boi M 4 hell jraska) la I LI r nd noo- The refevtt I 'opped the rtei Mil 1!" r< m ,n 1
    45 words
  • 71 12 HI B:« < iclc ij. bon !i m a fricn ir m.;.:< n i-'ai it r I.irkr k today v. .11 be selected from ':> So I :nos I. Vass (Capt.), Ami:.! B on X .1 \i Anil Ta. Kirn Xi 1 i .hi n ll.i r C«
    71 words
  • 24 12 rMvr.i i. i v r SNA n.v twecu the I X A .-.V or. B dfd I a., draw *i Bale-ier Road.
    24 words
  • 25 12 TODAY'S SPORT Sitiaaitorp v -/>• v >■ s i nt Engineering Regt I < |2 f at Tcvu I StfWigjOOH Garden Spor|| Frirnr m CM at Fnrrrr P
    25 words
  • 86 12 •or! d frmJ 1 yen BouseAeld are due J ■MpM M Mov:;y for :r».l itkm Oolaoj and Malafa. at on 6 befort leaving f thtT,. t,U :>..,- -;;.v. ir next stop will he m fh, k and v. The will then I theii on
    86 words
  • 30 12 twerp U <x*m -H. HatfrM, Spa-;- btIM 1., v leva] A wmv M 53 s season's Cup coaaaM 1 be plgj i Madrid on NnwaM rnpions by 1-0
    30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 :H^^^H ONE and ONLY ii%JIGARBOi -4- HK^b i H m MGM s Btl U ALL-TIME classic I CHRISTINA" I rl Starring u^. :H^^H GRETA GARBO if I with JOHN GILBERT 4- Ha^H PAVIIIfIN TKlir I -^^H^^^^H ini ILIUII i< jmokkow REJUVENATION now Epf^aj possible at Any Age \Olunruff- 9 jk^ff
      198 words
    • 44 12 Piles relieved by new tablet treatment cn'ir Us 1 ,:,,!r(h,:' hou! A that is dean and easy and t*»n# < i n Nip..: paanM»lan%» MttKf m«h nialn^nHaV n^Bn\ c ,I -I (>.-•■' l con.pLicrcCovcoanJL-:.;- dom from pain. And i Citl a f— l :u >~-' w today.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 277 13 NOTICES I CITY COUNCIL OF SINCiAPORE Ml^*f^^^— TENDER 1 ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Supply, delivery, lnstallation and maintenance r two 2 HP. Units and W^ one I HP. Unit fnr airUHLB 'nditloning the Gas Enll^atT's and Deputy Gas Engineer's Offlecs Tender Dea^al ;>'>:' S2OO Close 12 NOON ifT^P^^iai ~7 U ST IV
      277 words
    • 289 13 P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE RENDERS from registered P.W.D. Contractors of Class "C" and above will be received at the Office of the btate Engineer, P.W D. Perak. Ipoh. up to 3.00 p.m. r >f the 7th November. 1957. JOT the construction of:- No. 4 b.ocks of two each Class "E" Qrs:
      289 words
    • 236 13 AUCTION SALE OF Singapore properties i To be held at our Sale-Room No. 104 Market Street On Tuesday, sth Nov. 1957 at 2.30 P.M. 1. Freehold land at Joo Chiat Place, area 11,019 (Messrs. Eber Tan Solicitors). 2 Freehold land at Adam Road area 33.219 lit, (Messrs P. Y.
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    • 1558 13 P.W.D. NOTICE KUALA JELEI ROAD. DRIDGE 29/1, at the 28th 13 mile Kuala Jelei Road (Kuala Pilah district) is under repair, and will be closed to all vehicles exceeding 1£ tons total weight from the ?Oth October unti. 20th November, 1957. both da es, inclusive. STATE ENGINEER Negri Sembilan. P.W.D.
      1,558 words
    • 1401 13 ACCOM. VACANT IJKRrANTIM uoq ft vftiiAtolc tor HtHi ft nfl women i nc 3 1 p is cv aviawr «i i|iiWv t proximity to needs Li r 3 t >> Firtt r Bedrooms H At v Box T 3188 SS TUITION 1 J r>< v S< S* ,j>- Ml uS
      1,401 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 150 13 iilAbner By A/ Copp -THERE'LL BE AT '^> /Tt'LLBETHeA /kiNAH) A LEAST HALF A MILLOM V^ Ay o*^ GREATEST t^ HAVEA N. Alley Oop By V. 7". Hamlin > >X^ ILL GET as^K^ft4Jr I I VEAM.' ELL. YOU ]Bfes/, I /|^JT^iN :^^CDL^ A.WCWSHT NOW, KITTEN, I "^^M^J TO vV^-'r 1
      150 words

  • 296 14 FORM POINTS TO TIMBERLANE AS THE WINNER TIMBERLANE, a solidly built three year-old by Lancewood should win the main 6 furlongs sprint (Race Five) for Class Two speedsters at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, opening clay of the Selangor Turf Club's November Meeting. He gavo two spkndid accounts at Pcnang m
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  • 229 14 Consistent Siam Rice reads a good each-way proposition In the ieven furkmgi race (Race 6) for Class Five, Division One. He ran two good races at Penang m July. After finishing Eoartn to Balkan Chei, t-, r- l(,ri"> be wiffl second to Bi^
    229 words
  • 172 14 Movie II Is Obvious Choice RACE ONE On his recent display Movie II is the obvious choice m Ihfl m yen furjongs race for apprentice riders. Movie II ran a promising second to Bucentaur at the Penan- August meet and then came m fourth In big oiher starts at Penang.
    172 words
  • 84 14 MORE rain fell m Kuala Lumpur yesterday and the track for today's races will probably be heavy. Best outsider Film Studio II should make a good longshot m Race 2. while N>!lyne looks a sound ea^h-way bet m Ihe third event. Big Sweep UNLIMITED SWEEP will be drawn
    84 words
  • 321 14 Satellite Best In This Lot RACE TWO Satellite who claims five pounds with apprentice Drafoo In the saddle, looks like heading this field home. He landed a good double at Penadf m July, scoring over seven furlongs and the mile. Dropped two divisions with 12 pounds extra since his las"-
    321 words
  • 172 14 Proctor may outpace his opposition RACE FOUR TOWNSMAN, Trailer, Prod* I t5 Hit are possibilities <■ Bui over 5J furlongs rrecwr looki the winner. Proctor v good early pare aad at be baa been worktoi m great heart he may make this a start to finish affair. Hfl will not
    172 words
  • 153 14 DON WAYNE THE ONLY DANGER Windsor Lad Scrutineer Goodwood Francis MOVIE II STORKKEEPEB MOVIE II STOREKEEPER I MHithern Cross Flyinu (lose. Fresh Mystery Movie II Winner Winner Storekeeper Barracuda SATELLITE BE \i; MATIN BEAU MATIN BEAU MATIN J Beau Matin Great Tradition Cliona l.nmnHd film Studio II liona
    153 words
  • 1031 14 Apprentices 9 Race RACE 1: 2.45 p.m.— Horses Class 5, Div. 4— Abt. 7 Furs. 1. 244 Movie II 8y 8.09 Shaw Stable Martin Khamis 2. 487 Fresh Mystery 5y 8.08 Mr. Tav Sens Charm and Mdm Lee Chio Nio B. van Bke'.en Okek ?>. 00
    1,031 words
  • 242 14 RACE SEVEN Christmas Carol struck a bright note at Penang when he scored over the seven and then finished a resolute second to Fiox over the mile. Though penalised ten pounds, he is m a lower division and looks like annexing this race. Magic
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  • 124 14 LONDON, Nov. 1 (UP) The I n t ernational Amateur Athletic Federation was expected today to take action on the controversial -springaction" shoes of Russian high-jumpers when its European Co m mittee meets at Belgrade, Yugoslavia, this weekend. Wearing a shoe with an
    124 words
  • 41 14 Flying Flag Wins Jockey Club Cup NEW trr) Flag w run <>■ r rr.:nr\Mr R F ivBn- second, v H c; Blagrtve's ihirn Three ran. 4 F'.yi? F-ondl Mtigie, 5 to 1 Chint R- X F.■ T f| with ngthi srrv Lf.
    41 words
  • 38 14 HOUSTON. Texas. Nov. 1 (Reuter) Joe Brown, world lightweight boxing champion will meet Kid Ontella of Nicaragua In over 10 rounds here on I 1 embor It will b.> Brown's Urn fipht ;n
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 145 14 s^^ ring.; .S'.\ zip' 1 1 r&RH!idgiiil»-, LTR j!«r.Oi 80. iSOH^'ift IMgANIiMHi' It v# •i. f #n WRESTLING LEE LEONG FU i^P^ r' hinet»e Un-i n.- <I. Wwl2% king v kong P^P' Sheikh Ali Ben Vus«,ff ■L^nHT i (The ofßrial ("nt.ndrr o. PLUS 9tm '--^m -r .Till -I HAPPY WORLD
      145 words