Singapore Standard, 17 July 1957

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1 14 Singapore Standard
  • 22 1 Singapore Standard gyg« ro^ ct w j% 3L -m-^™* 01. VIII. No. 15 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1957 14 PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 494 1  -  K. C. ARUN By Councillors To Be Told Of Choice On August 5 T I ALA 1.1 MPI'R, Tues. The Sultan of Johore. Major (ieneral Sir Ibrahim, has finally turned down all requests from his brother rulers, krabat and subjects to
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  • 39 1 3 MORE PURGED BF.RLIN. July 16. (Reuter) I -The Bulgarian CommuV/.ii>t Party Central Committee has purged three of its members Ge«orgi Chankoff. Dobri TerpechefT and .Fanko PanofT for antipirtv activities, press repor s reaching here said t>diy.
    39 words
  • 36 1 IT was learned m Paris from Saigon yesterday that an armed band massacred 17 people including women and children at a roadside cafe near Chaudoc. 90 kilometres west of Saigon, on Monday night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 77 1 LONDON. July 16 (AP) Egyptian security police have arrested at least 12 Army officers, former Government Ministers and others on charges of plotting to overthrow the regime of President Nasser m May. according to reports reaching here. The aim was said to be the return
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  • 72 1 NEW DELHI. July 16 (UP) Members of Parliament exchanged angry words today with Transport Minister Lai Bahadur Shastri over the removal of four passengers from an Air France plane because they were wearing dirty clo'hes. Sha>tri said the incident aboard the London-bound plane was under investigation.
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  • 50 1 THE Japanese National Railway Union's central committee last night ordered all striking workers back _to from the Japanese Minister of Transportation, Mr. Sannojo Nakamura that the present wave of unrest was being caused by Communists and he was prepared to take strict measures to end the Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 227 1 WE WILL SIGN ATOM BAN PACT NOW -MR. K Traffic Jem Soviet Leaders End Tour PRAGUE, July 16 (Reuter) Mr. Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet Communist Party chief, said today Russia was "prepared here and now to sign an agreement on the banning fcf atomic and hydrogen weapons." Speaking at a farewell
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  • 162 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Federation Health, Ministry warned tonight that a second wave of influenza, "notorious for high mortality and complications," may strike Malaya within a few months if the recent epidemic should follow the general pattern of its pandemicity. The influenza epidemic
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  • 184 1 LONDON. July 16 (UP) Princess Margaret has turned down an invitation to visit Ireland with her latest boyfriend because of the sticky diplomatic protocol Involved, it was reported today. Lord Patrick Beresford, 23--year-old peer who has been Margaret's frequent escort m recent months, was reported
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  • 288 1 MERDEKA AIDES TO VIPs 100 Chosen For Special Assignment KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Federation government has selected 100 protocol officers to show foreign visitors and special guests to the Merdeka celebrations their way m Kuala Lumpur. Drawn from the ranks of the Malayan Civil Service. Malay Administrative Service and tbe Federal
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  • 184 1 LONDON. July 16 (AP) Prime Minister Macmillan's Government last night won a Parliamentary vote of confidence for a Cyprus policy that held out the possibility of the island being partitioned. A Socialist attempt to censure the administration was beaten— 326 to 260— in the
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  • 41 1 LONDON, July 16 (Reuter) John Raymond Bridal who kept an attractive young woman imprisoned m a hole m his garden for three and a half months was sent to prison for three years here today.
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  • 31 1 TWO hundred and thirty hodies have been recovered from six flooded villages m Pangasinan Province m the wake of typhoon Wendy's disastrous sweep through pine- News Service reported U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 28 1 THE DEATH of Charles Marriott, 88. British novelist and art critic of the Times from 1924 to 1940, was an-; nounoeri m London yesterday A. P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 194 1 57 DIE AS K.L.M. CONSTELLATION PLUNGES INTO SEA 79 Children On Board THE HAGUE, July 16 Fifty seven persons were killed and 11 injured m the crash of a Dutch airliner which plunged into the sea off Dutch New Guinea early today. The KLM. (Rofal Dutch Airliner Super Constellation, similar
    A.P.; U.P.; Reuter  -  194 words
  • 101 1 WARDERS 'ABANDON' PRISON PARIS. July 16 (AP) Hundreds of Police reinforcements surrounded Sante Prison today when angry prisoners set off a brief demonstration by burning mattresses, hurling bricks and screaming insults. The prisoners took advantage of a strike by guards and began to yell and burn their mattresses when their
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 ZILA High Class Watch For every Austin HF l§ ever made Mfc AUSTIN '*gm RECOMMEND __t ,P j THE MASTERPIECE IK OILS i -l a_^^_^_^-^t m i gr, C. C WAKEFIELD CO.. LTD. KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE PENANG 2557
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    • 141 1 m Tt9 <u(i«i ii CtITHCIT(T| (MluK'ntf Sole Agentt: SCOTT CNCLISH (SEA.) LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur. The Sportsman's Greeting to his Favourite Steed ___V**3__lT___'2_fc-'' 4» S-^W *\§SgE /TS jl HERCULES 1860 MODEL \je3r My bicycle, my bicycle The people stand end start v Is of the latest kind, mt Ti r_-
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  • 649 2 STORMY SESSION AT TRIBUNAL MIDWIVES HAYS BEEN TREATED ARROGANTLY -SAYS MR. MARSHALL CHARGES of "arrogance, hypocrisy and obstruction were hurled at the Singapore government yesterday, at the continued sitting of the Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal inquiring into the salary claims of the Singapore Midwives' Union. The tribunal, set up by
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  • 173 2 A HEATED debate on the Local Government Elections Bill is expected when the Singapore Legislative Assembly meets today. The Bill, which will be moved by the Minister for Local Government, Lands and Bousing, Inche Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat, provides for the setting up
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  • 75 2 CAUSTIC soda was splashed on a family of six during a quarrel between a husband and wife m a flat at Tiong Bahru, Singapore, yesterday. The wife, had grabbed a tin containing the soda during the quarrel. When the husband attempted to get the tin away
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  • 102 2 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE OFFICIALS THE following are officebearers of the St, John Ambulance Association, Singapore, for the ensuing year: Sir Robert Black (patron), Dr. G. Haridas (vice-patron), Mr. G H. Kiat (director). Dr. D. P. Mclntyre (deputy director). Mr. W. T. Harte (hon. treasurer), Mr. M. A. Lewi (hon. secretary),
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  • 81 2 A CASE m th e Seventh Magistrate's Court yesterday was postponed for a week to enable Court authorities to find a suitable interpreter. Produced m Court was, Poh Khcng, a deaf mute, charged with the attempted murder of Koh Ah Ang. He was alleged to
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  • 42 2 THE Singapore Malaysian Ship Officers' Union yesterday rejected an offer of wage increase of $10 to $15 to officers by the Singapore Maritime Employers' Federation. The Union instead has asked for increases ranging from $40 to $55.
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  • 152 2 CLOSING rubber prices (cents per lb) m Singapore yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Spot 92; 931 Int. Aug. R.S.S. No. 1 93 i 93; R.S.S No. 2 92] 93 i R.S.S. No. 3 921 93 Tone: Quiet and slightly easier. The price of tin m Singapore yesterday was $3733
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  • 81 2 YEO LYE SENG ar ccjob man. was yesterday c dered by Singapor.- Vac •rate. Mr. Robert Chee, to p. $20 a month for the ma tenance of hi tv childre: with effect from this month a, _mmoned by his mistn ss. S-j Ai Tee. 37. fcr
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  • 34 2 HONGKONG. July 16 Special Standard Srr- <■■ Closing prices cf the Ht..- Ex aar-e v rre 516.45 to £1 Sterling; 5.07 to U.SS $1,838 to Ma ayar $1; one Indor.r-.-r-. Rjpiah. G tael.
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  • 224 2 THE fire brigade had to be called out to extinguish a tree fire m the Government House domain last year, says the annual report of the Botanic Gardens Department for 1956. The incident occurred m the Chief Secretary's garden where attempts to burn out
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  • 92 2 US Envoys To Merdeka Festivities KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The United S.ates Gove: ment today designs* tar v ol s: Cl ris lan a Herter and a, orata r. Car< ana-b' m Mr. Richarc wh will r< pn sent the 1 sident at the Merdc.-._ is Mr. Eisenhowers _pc: am: .a.,sac
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 JED (ft PW L-k ___fli_^____^^^ ___T mmmmWmmWW __Rr Jmmm\W f L. ITi *=|=U:^*" car s her'e&ii TtHh^ the new vTWn" metropolitan i 9 Lj^_^__dO_g^fe'----i Come and see the Austin-built car that I V'fyj^Dß^^ thrilled America: the Metropolitan. The car with '-jjj J| /HRj|T jT^y*v zins, both m lts looks and
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  • 243 3 Hearings On Corrupt Practices Begin Aug. I Sessions Will Not Be Open To The Public THE chairman of the Corrupt Practices Inquiry Commission, Mr. Justice Chua, yesterday disclosed that 24 persons have so far sent m written evidence on allegations of corruption among city councillors, assemblymen
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  • 160 3 CONFAB OF SOCIALISTS PLANNED iPOKI MAY X THI HOST THE Labour Front will j ite a regional conference of ail socialists m Sou 1 1 1 A l l a be fo r c Aug- i ÜBLi year. conference hopes to promote, deve. p and maintain better understanding be- .an
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  • 79 3 Aged Man Dies After Accident A 7 -YEAR-OLD pedestrian. Er. z P tan, -.ano waa knocked d* i y a taxi m Lorong 25 A last Sunday, died m 're Genera Hospital, Singapore, yP c have n t een a'a'e to eonta 1 hia n ta he hn I no
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  • 41 3 A JOINT meeting of the committee members r f the ivan Ch:r.< A =001 iti a .-a sub- ranches, m I c h« 1 can. on a the MC A. office to consider h« *.v to s'rengthen i ca.
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  • 23 3 THF! strength if the Penang div:? Df UMNO was increas- 45 branches yesterday y.her Kaum Ibu --h was formed m Sungei
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  • 70 3 PRETTY GIRLS In Singapore Offices DENNY CHAN. 20. is a receptionist at the Station Hotel. Penny, who came to Malaya from Hongkong when she was very young, likes going to the races, not so much to make an occasional wager as for the excitement. She is a keen picturegoer and
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  • 96 3 Land For Squatter Settlement THE government has acquired a large plot of land "somewhere m the Colony" for the resettlement of squatters. The first phase of the project will cost approximately $2,000.--000, the Standard understands. This U m keeping with Government's declared policy of providing security and tenure for farmers
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  • 54 3 Seeing For Themselves WOMEN trainee constables of the Singapore Police Force visited the Singapore Standard on Monday to see for themselves how a modern newspaper is produced. Standardpic shows the trainees watching a Reuter's foreign news teleprinter m operation. Explaining the workings of the machine to them is Miss Pat
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  • 96 3 THE Minister for Local Government, Lands and Housing. Inche Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat, will seek to ease the language qualifications for candidates for local government elections, when the Local Government Bill, is placed before the Legislative Assembly today. An amendment will be moved by
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  • 85 3 Naval Base Union Joins Federation THE 10.000 strong Singapore Naval Base Labour Union has agreed to affiliate with the Federation of Services Unions, president of the Federation. Mr. N.S.N. Nair. said yesterday. Mr. Nair said the Executive Council of the Federation will meet on July 31 to confirm the affiliation.
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  • 227 3 MURDER-BUT VICTIM WAS ALIVE SINGAPORE Homicide Squad men rushed to the scene of a reported murder yesterday and found the "victim" alive but badly injured. Police dogs, driven to the scene ;o track down the "murderer," were used to follow the trail left by secret society gangsters, who escaped after
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  • 165 3 Court Of inquiry To Probe SHB Row SINGAPORE'S Chief Minister and Minister for Labour, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, yesterday decided to set up a Court of Inquiry to investigate the dispute between the Harbour Board and the Harbour Board Staff Association. An announcement from the Ministry said the Court would
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  • 27 3 THE Chinese YMCA Student and Youth Department will sponsor a series of 'local interest' excursions for students m all Singapore schools during the August school holidays.
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  • 186 3 FOR THE first time, two Arts students of the University of Malaya will be awarded the Aegrotat degree, Mr. W. Burton, the Registrar, told the Standard yesterday. The two are James Stephen Tay and Che Nasir bin Yusoff. who sat for their examinations
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 134 3 Are you lacking m energy. feeling tired... ~-'Hs g *----^T"'S--. do your thoughts go round and round? m < 1 V- hen d* cull es a- se In the off cc or at home do you find gnnifftß" I'Jjv j~ r'x :a n^ c ear y ar ,d have to
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    • 286 3 Sport Shirts of disti net ion Handsomely patterned magnificently coloured expensirely tailored m the rustona manner. ALL COTTOIM Completely Washable. W n n't t*h rink or fade eeer» IV _t _r J J B aß\. >CT VI ___?hB __^j?Tt 5 A PIBtWj 1 I f _H& iShort S-ecoe £>lurt6 NT
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  • 204 4 Colony Pays Tribute To Naval Heroes SINGAPORE'S Inner Roads, served as a nautical backdrop to a touching ceremony that paid tribute to Malaya's unsung Navy of World War 11. c taster] and small harbtrarr -raft were seeking ancbanfgl m the sealanes, Singapore*! Governor Sir Robert Black unveiled a War
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  • 238 4 A DIVORCE case he'd up for two years was further delayed m the Singapore High Court yesterday, because the respondent failed to turn up. Tho ca?e, set for a two-day hearing, will be heard at a later date, to be fixed by the Court
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  • 128 4 Dance Queen In Hospital THE "Happy Queen" of 1955. who nave up her dancing career to enter business early this year, has been admitted to the Singapore General Hospital with suspected poisonin?. I.urn Hong: Leng, 28. popularly known as Diana Voon to rabaret-goers, was rushed to hospital on Monday nieht
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  • 128 4 Setbacks To Colony's Health IGNORANCE, bad housing, semi-starvation and chronir poverty continue to be everpresent stumbling blocks to progress towards better health m Singapore, said Mrs. Joan l.loyd-Davies. Almoner of the St Andrew's Mission Hospital, m its annual report issued yesterday. "We have a long way to go before our
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  • 28 4 THE Sing.Tpore International Bazaar lor ihc Blind, held last month at Victoria Memorial Hall, raised more than $53. 000 for the Colony's Association for the Blind.
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  • 21 4 COMMANDER L. L. Cooper right, and Che Ra'amah bte. H. Yunos laying the wreath at the War Memorial.
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  • 295 4 Data Naning Agrees To Power Curb Move MALACCA, Tues Dato jNaning Mohamed Shah, I leader of more than 48.000 jNaning Malays here, sprang a surprise at the Council meeting today, when mj stead of opposing an Alli- ance motion to «curb his powers m the new constitution, he supported it.
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  • 127 4 Chew To Open UNESCO Science Exhibition UNESCO'S $150,000 Science Exhibition m Singapore's Gan Eng Seng School from July 29 to August 5 will be declared open by the Minister for Education, Mr. Cl|ew Swee Kee, it was announced yesterday. Exhibition director. Mr. P.C. Bandyopadhyay, said the display, fifth to be
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  • 112 4 AN unemployed youth, Tan Thoo Moh, was yesterday sentenced by the Singapore First District Court Judge. Mr. J. F. McWilliam. to six months' jail on being convicted of charges of being a member of an unlawful assembly and causing hurt to Mohamed Sedik bin Mustaz Ali,
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  • 63 4 PEK THAM. 64, was found hanging lollowing a short attack of influenza, a Singapore Coroner's Court was told yesterday. Pck's son. Kirn Huat. said his father was depressed over the "flu" attack. He found hi.s father hanging m an outhouse behind their house m Jurong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 r I UI Ewlln "ll rtT yrTTrfl /C_flT_l--in_ilKl_[_ri M ftl^P I 3 (it a a Shaw xhaw U ./rc -_c.^ s^.ui £^jj^ PHONE 29T59 f |11J.45,4,6.30&9.30 TODAY ONLY! I IMp^U, "MISS JASMINE" m sskl !f ■f ___M f HH Opens Tomorrow J _L Xl _T> THE 4fas-, Q 1 tttfj-i-gf
      418 words
    • 543 4 >* __^^^^^^*_^tJ Wi^*mmi I W Lw_l'V__E BSSB X H_H_U_B_lB^ _>_H^-_?_^i nm B'^''i_. i S___L JTTTT» TTn I rT7Mi^i.^____i -_r I Kar 4^_^___L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__9'^ ffo Jl 1 iTTT aTr__-_Bi ■X {gDj§TO.y_BßMa> -fC LASI DAY 1 lls^^^ LYNN BAR! JOHN SM'TN 34 11 am -1.45-4.15 J -X 6.15 9.30 p.m. M flnfflaM I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 471 4 Almanac Information at a Glance j Spore Diary "WW" w _^?_^2a-?-a TOMORROW: Regional Arrrioun cements. Legislative Assembly: Meeting at SinraDOre 202 am iU M_M n _-i Assembly House. Empress Place p^fu? ft) fl) 2 4 6 8.8.C. Peace Cove: Weekly gospel meet- ■""pV'Ss'-tf" 51 <8 2*'" 3 BB C <
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  • 1216 5 Wife, 23, Describes Her Alleged Assailant Marriage? I Only Avoided Him... KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Mrs. Shakuntala Vasuthevan, pretty 23-year-old Social Welfare Assistant, said today that her former driving tutor behaved like a "gentlemon" until the day he attacked her and her husband with a
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  • 166 5 COURT FINES TAIKONG $5,000 FOR FALLING INTO TEMPTATION PENANG. Toes. An Indonesian taikong, Tjan Tim Ysi was fined $5,000 m the Sessions Court here today tor exporting 27 radios worth $7,200 at Penang Harbour on July 14 without a permit "In a moment of weakness. Tjan fell into temptation when
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  • 126 5 IPOH. Tues.— A housewife complained before a magistrate here today that her husband refused to have her company "because he has a second wife." Lav Mak Lan. 29, was testifying against her husband. Khor Kirn Teck, 33. who claimed trial to assaulting her
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  • 23 5 THE Mufti of Penang and Province Weileslcy, Tuan Haji Abdullah Fahim. will rncn a new mosque m Ayer Itam, on Saturday.
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  • 140 5 I Drew Out A Knife And Warned Him— Youth PENANG, Tues.— A 16-year- 1 old youth told the Assize! Court today that on being kicked, punched and choked by a rubber tapper m a mosque he drew out hi.s knife and warned him: "If you come near to assault me,
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  • 134 5 Raub Branch Goodwill Committee RAUB. Tues.— ln response to an appeal by the Sultan of Pahang, about M Deraoni of all communities here held a meeting to form an AllCommuni v Goodwill Committee, ve.sterday under the chairmanship ol Tunku Mahmud bin Tunku Abdul Majid. After the preliminaries m which Inche
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  • 117 5 'Women In Ceylon Are So Advanced' KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Two Malayan delegates who returned yesterday from the recent World Conference of Women m Ceylon said today that local women are "at least a generation behind" their Ceylon sisters m outlook. Tunku Zainab Zakaria and Raja Teh Zaitun said the women
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  • 36 5 PENANG. Tues. The travelling dispensary- lecture vans of the Veterinary Department here carried out 32,111 i anil-bet vaccinations last month. During the period, the teams visited 64 villages. 22 kampongs and four estates.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 363 5 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products V frm ■B^Jpi I rl\^R_^___L -________r __B_v-_ _f_Prfi_____- JEf^ *Q__H_fl _______fe_piMi_-_B w CHINKAWHITE This invaluable Wind Mixture is on excellent remedy for Stomach Pains, Constipation, Indigestion Acidity, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL Easy Way to Kill
      363 words
    • 165 5 m^9**ir*k*k*ir*k s T m mm+mtmmammimms <r w ,x > ru w i y^ _4 Violent Storm I t j _4 Stranded Bus c j A Clash of Emotions! c I i jf MS *r S w All kinds of S'^-^jZ'j iW ____^_^_^_^____^_^_^_^_H^_^B__^ _r __-M-M_a_-M_i^g-^--B-W-S-_^^-~s~a--iw~^^B t _7_-ZT _-_J_B W ii !_W_S_fl
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  • 922 6 Singapore Standard One-Man Rule TT'HILE speculation continues outside Russia on the probable fate of the four big Soviet leaders who were toppled from their seats in the Kremlin, the master-mind behind this latest purge finds h.mself in a difficult position of trying to justify h.s action Having achieved his ambition
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  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 235 6 Sir— l agree with Mr. Lim Tuy Boh's suggestion of setting up a commisMon of inquiry into the dispute between normal trained teachers and the Ministry ot Education. The commission should consist of leading educationists from outside Malaya It is most urgent that the whole problem of teachertraining
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    • 270 6 Sir Three cheers and hear' hear! to the writer oi a letter appearing In yonr paper regarding housing and rent control. I am not en oidooker but a long suffering landlord and prooertv owner and though 1 can add bet little to the already excellently uttered grievances by
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  • 485 6 ALL letters must bear the signatures and addresses of the senders. Ed. Sir I. as a member of the public, am surprised at the tone of G nernmenl's statements during the last few days relating to the position of industrial unrest m the Colony. A Spokesman made a
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  • 124 6 Water Supply tor, the Water Department still saw it fit to pay no attention to the application. The prorc.-s of three payments took several weeks during which both the City Treasurer and f' 10 Wa'cr Department were informed thai the water was urgently needed for the sewerage flush system. All
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  • 1345 6 IN SOUTH VIETNAM OBSERVER Saigon Correspondent Dennis Bloodworth reports on the political situation three years after the ceasefire between the South and the Communist North**- DIEM LISTENS TO HIS OLD ENEMIES r FHEY were the same men. Within 48 hours of my seeing them first, back m 1954, four had
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  • 719 6  - THE NEWS AS IT STRIKES ME ASTER GUNASEKERA By YESTERDA YS head line 1 news was the relurn of the Malayan Communist Party boss. Chin Peng, to the Federation jungle, allegedly from the Thai border, and the hunch of Federal Chief Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman that the Penang-born Chinese Red
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 69 6 H© Xot Be Misguided by SALE Me always sell shls*7i%\ CHEAP rfffi Come and avoid d__W flTi<\ DISAPPOINTMENT^f M r e have a aide range of /^B____v \S|i II fMMBA U_____K '*\yj \\w M.A TEST TEXTMI.ES lii to suit your taste and pocket AlEja Bi?* Pay ts A Visit Convince
      69 words
    • 77 6 MAIAYAN RAItWAY ENQUIRIES AND RESERVATIONS^ All enquiries regarding train travel ond requests for reservations, are welcomed by leod^f travel agencies, or at any station of the Moloyon Railway. The principal of these are: Station Masters at: 'Phone No: Penang 229' Prai 27Toiping 5& lpoh 3481 K.L. (reservations) Ist class 7156
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  • 183 7 The Judge Was Kind To Charlie Jr. T.OS ANGELES, JWI 16. \n Char es Chaplin Jr.. who lopped <:T a nrimming poo party by going to jail, got a break from a judge yesterday. When 'nc appeared m court rod plea le guilty to a drunk charge, the ju Ige
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  • 71 7 In Debt So He Killed The Money Lender NEW YORK. July 16 (AP) A blonde elevator operator last night admitted. police said, killing James F. Malloy and Jamming hi.s body into a small, black trunk. They quoted. 23-year-old Edward J. as saying hr shot Malloy because "I wai up
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  • 335 7 The Imperialists Want War -But We Want Peace c Mr. X Was Hungry, So Mr. B Takes Over The Speech-Making And Says: PRAGUE, July 16 (Reuter) Marshal Bulganin said last night that Russia would "do everything m her might to lessen international tension and secure a lasting peace for the
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  • 52 7 .DitJt-OBESSTOIJf, Weil Germeeg, Jwly IC, fßenter). d car IcHJcfl collided irith a?iot^rr pellicle early yesterday /'fir thrOMgh the air and larded upside down on the rooi of a nearby bungalow, police here said. Thr driver climbed out unhurt, but his passenger v'ns taker, to hospital icith
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  • 141 7 51 HURT AS SOCCER FANS START RIOT IN CALCUTTA CALCUTTA. July 16. (Reuter)— Fifty-one people were injured here last nieht and police arrested 76 others when clashes between supporters of rival football teams spread in'.o the streets after a match earlier yesterday. Tram and bus services ln the centre of
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  • 61 7 After 22 Years A Divorce LOS ANGELES, July 16 (AP) Fc_mer U.S. Navy Secretary Dan Kimball was divorced yesterday. His wife testified he suddenly became critical and began ignoring her five years ago. The 61-year-old Kimball, had been married to Mrs. Dorothy Kimball, 55. for 22 years. She receives US$l5O,OOO
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  • 55 7 CHARLESTON. West Virginia. July 16, (AP). Police yesterday charged Frank Sturglll, 2.i. with cruelty to animats. They said he set fire to a collie dog soaked m turpen tine. Thc dos was reported re covering from his severe humIn addition, officials said Sturgill would be
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  • 226 7 geneva, July 16, (Reuteri Meea Karim, 19-year-old frandson and succe c '~r cf the Age Khan, intends to set up perr-cnem residue among his people probably m me Middle East, he announced yesterday. He told correspondent that he did not
    A.P.  -  226 words
  • 93 7 AN international bevy of beauty queens, ill bound for the Miss Universe contest at Long Bearh. California, are shown romping m a pool at the Palisades Park m New Jersey. Left to right Jacqueline Bonilla of Morocco Hansel Melrher of Austria. Gloria Noalas of Canada:
    A.P.  -  93 words
  • 152 7 SILENT MAN JAILED FOR CRIMES AGAINST FOUR GIRLS BIRMINGHAM, July 16 (Reuter)— A 54-year-old company director, held by a jury to be "mute by a visitation of God," was sentenced at the Assize Court here today to five- 1 and-a-half years impri- sonment for offences against four girls, aged nine,
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  • 43 7 BRITISH actress. June Cunningham, is photographed on arrival at the Plaza Cinema. Piccadilly, London, when she attended the film premiere of the film "Beau James." starring: comedian Bob Hope. June is wearing a dress of her own design. A.P. photo.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 42 7 lIORSTED. KEYNES, Bussex, July 16 (Reuter i Mr. Vyvyan George Harmsworth. ihe youngest surviving broker of Lord Northclilfe. founder of the Daily Mail. and uncle of the present Lord Rothermere. died yesterday at his home here, aged 76.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 jerrf-ND-Ao s s JvavvS. is a masterpiece of pre|^^^jj| CS'On construction Th* ■MMMBfflifl accuracy WW'^^f' 'JJ^F^^^Lr^^r^^s^A movement embodied m ST Sa M m. im. j __^_._^_^_^_M every machine, inspire a S3g_ operation. BEHN, MEYER CO. LTD.. PO. Sox 2000. Sinwore. PATERSON. SIMONS CO. LTO.. KuiU Lurapur Peoinq. A^mrnWs^^:'* '"^r^w^W_^_»?*' r^S|r9sS_Bw^_
      124 words
    • 107 7 ;".'»>>.il.. ■:■■■:•:■:<. ■*■■:< C---_-s_^ a presenting the j Snrt fi <^^fc~ J B Kltchen Machine This is a uniquely efficient ail-purpose kitchen mach .ne featuring 12 different, readily interchangeable inserts It does a splendid job as a meat and vegetable mincer, sausage stuffer and croquette moulder, noodle machine, grinder and
      107 words

  • 165 8 Merdeka! But Who' II Be Left To Say It? KUANTAN. Tues.— States and Settlement authorities are now reported to be facing a big Merdeka Day poser: "Who will read the independence proclamation at State capitals on August 31?" a.; Rulers, Onifimai rtfilfii ate, Mentrls Besar and Chiei Ministers-designate wiil be
    165 words
  • 37 8 DUE to the prevailing drought m Kulim area m Kedah a restriction of water supply m Kulim town is beIng Imposed with effect from tomorrow from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily until further notice
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  • 1290 8 Meptal Patients Threw Food Away Asst. Superintendent RICE WAS INFERIOR PORK MAINLY FAT IPOH, Tues.— The food at the Central Mental Hospital at Tanjong Rambutan was sometimes so bad the mental patients threw it away, alleged Dr. S. Parampalam, Assistant Superintendent of the hospital,
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  • 45 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. i Two terrorists surrendered to tIM Police m the Ampang area on May _ti. the Federation government disclosed today. They were Kwai Sang and his woman comrade. Ah Chiam. Special Branch officers recovered a revolver and ammunition from them.
    45 words
  • 158 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Wife of Ihe Federation*! first r::'..\v |q Thailand, Che Kutik Kamariah binti Ahmad will represent Malays at the fortheonninf meeting of the International Co-operative Alliance at S: >cfcholm. She ItfIVCS Malaya on July 20 lot the Stockho.m meeting scheduled to
    158 words
  • 60 8 IPOH, Tne*. A hawker. Lai Kee Hong. ,36. was today sentence^ to six months' imprisonment by the President of tho Sessions Court. Air. J. R. Whimster. for cheating the manager of Messrs. Ch^n Chee Kheong Bros. Ltd.. of 30 Social Welfare lottery tickets on June 10. Lai.
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  • 131 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Money lenders who once menaced Government employees, have now been "eliminated" from the precincts of government offices by the success of the co-operative movement, said Mr. K. Subramaniam, a veteran co-operator tonight. Speaking at a tea party to celebrate hi.s beins
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  • 144 8 A RECORD! Squadron Saves Its 2,000th Man KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Dunns the past 48 hours "Sycamore" liuht helicopters of No. 194 Squadron, based at RAF Station Kuala Lumpur, have successfully evacuated their 1J9M.1 and 000 th casualties frcm the Malayjungle. This Squadron, commanded by Squadron Leader C- RTurner, thus becomes
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 273 8 I TO EUROPE OR HONG KONG! v\hetner v:u cc -a ng tar Europe or a m* Lfoyd Tfiartinc 10-dcy round trip cruse to \m s:- i be ccu^nt uj rv goy I a-ere, p^eoscnt companions, A ;n cuisme. You'll enjoy opan ok *2 A ;:;v-_ s, cc:% scar's or
      273 words
    • 174 8 f A-***-" B V l VNB _P*^_l I _H y ff To-morrow CAPiTCL Hour after hour he gets smaller I THE INCREDIBLE Shrinking MAN t .t.i- c C«»"-' W'uiAMS IANO* STj*»» w-> -i I\ CINEMASCOPE E___r_.s-__-is_-iii**+:s I Tour I I S.E.ASIA... I B Mr. Mousedeer. a popular hero of Wr
      174 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2408 9 j THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED, MADRAS BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1956 I Corresp-^dr^o fiffUTat for B^P B ******W a_H_^_BM___B_«_B____B_B_B_MHH_B__^ CAPiTAL AND L,AB,L,T,ES R A p. Rs fl^«. ft- PR OP ERT y AND ASSETS Rs AP R, AP mmmmmmmmmmmMMwmmmmm*mmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rs. Rs. il. CAPITAL: I J CA H
      2,408 words

  • Finance And Commerce
    • 333 10 Fisheries Centre To Fill Need In IndoPacific Area SPORE TO SEND CANDIDATE AN Internat ional Training Centre m Fisheries Co-operatives and Administration will be held from Dec. 16 to Jan. 25 at Sydney and Adelaide, Australia. Singapore will be sending a candidate to the centre, according to a spokesman of
      333 words
    • 265 10 EXPORTS and imports of tin and tin-in-ore from Singapore and the Federation of Malaya m the first six months of this year showed a slight decline when compared with the previous six months, according to the review by the Straits Trading Co. Ltd Exports from
      265 words
    • 67 10 THE U.S. Agriculture Department said total U.S. crop output this year now seem likely to be the smallest since 1931. It added that slow and unpromising start for mnin crops planted last fall and this spring m important areas threatens to hold down production from
      A.P.  -  67 words
    • 194 10 Looking Into The Future In Malaya TWO executives of a British firm have arrived m Singapore "to look into the future m Malaya." They are Mr. CL Nosotti, general manager of Johnson m Johnson Export ltd., and, Mr. K. Barclay, the advertising manager. The-lr arrival will be foU.owed ihorl f
      194 words
    • 132 10 RUBBER DROPS 3/ 8 CENT SINGAPORE rubber prices yesterday dropoed cent to 93| cents per lb. lor International first grade August shipment on a quiet and slightly easier market. Prices ouenerj slightly higher at 94i cents on improved overseas overnight prices. A* the higher levels, some profit taking brought prices
      132 words
    • 224 10 MALAYAN sharebrokers vesterd iv reported the following business done: F. N. ords. $2.77 L $2.75; Gir.rn'r.? $2.70: Hammers $2.27?,;' Hume ords. At/ overnight and yesterday, Breweries $3.45; Cements ?1 75; M. Colls $1.14; Mc.-V.Utor $105 overnight; Sl 97>. $2: Robinson ords $2 overnight and yesterday; Sime Darby
      224 words
    • 115 10 A 17-TON Scammel tractor with two 3.800-gallon semitrailer tankers, earh divided bite three compartments, has been iput into service by a Manchester oi! refinery firm to speed oil deliveries. The three compartments m each tracer are each used exclusive: v for one type of oil, ■voiding al!
      115 words
    • 175 10 SHIPS IN PORT SHIPS IN PORT OUTER ROADS Anna Bakke, Douglas. Modiorkerto, De Eerens. Patroclus. Hikone Maru. Manila Maru, Ben'awers. Asphalion. Arnsinn Stranse, Koyo Maru. East Wind. Choris Ya, Agatha, Steel Chemist. Chenetu. Vivian Louise. Nort Star, Hanyang. Malaya, Salatiga, Francisville, Stureborg, I loi HOUW, Silver Dragon, Prosper, Flintshire, Bencruaehan.
      175 words
    • 109 10 A PICTURE of futare travel on British Railway 100 m.p.h. Deltic diesel railway locomotives pulling luxurious first class railway compartments fitted with seats that recline at the press of a button was pre- sented at an exhibition In London recently. U.K Minister of Transport and Civil
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    • 107 10 Britain Biggest Customer MALAYAN rubber statistics show ocean shipments of rubber, including latex, concentrated latex and revertex at 469,281 tons for the first half of this year. compared with 472.063 tons for the same period of last year. In June Malaya exported 74.531 tons against 77,773 tons m May. Britain
      107 words
    • 106 10 OSBORNE ChSppd announce returns for the quarter to .Tta.'.c .10 for the foUOWini companies under their general management: Chendering T;n 709 piculs; Gopeng Consolidated 3.600 pica is; Hongkong Tin 1,540 pirn's Kent (F.M.S.J Tin 1.033 piculs; Killinghall Tm 1.265 piculs; Kinta Kellas Tin 756 picul?. Kinta Tin
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    • 220 10 INDUSTRIALS AND RUBBERS FIRM. ACTIVE INDUSTRIALS and rubbers were very firm and active, according to the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday. Tins were irregular. INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers Fraser Neave Ord*. 2.75 2RO G'town Disp. 2.R5 2. n0 W. Hammer 2.25 2.30 Hume Industries Prof. A2O/9 21/1 Orrß AH/- H /3 M.
      220 words
    • 93 10 CONSTRUCTION orders for a sister ship to the Empress of Britain and Empress of England have been given hv the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. This was announced by a spokesman of the company. The vessel, which will be bigger than the sister ships and will accommodate
      93 words
    • 255 10 Garuda Plans Services To Burma, India TO ORDER ELECTRAS DR. M. SOETOTO, Pre sident-Director of Garuda Indonesian Airways, said m Singapore yesterday that G.I.A. services may be extended to Rangoon and Calcutta by the end of the year. He added that negol iati ">r are v m ing r.r\ between
      255 words
    • 94 10 THE first, electronic computer exhibition of Its kind ever held In the United Kingdom will bo staged at Olympia, London, from Nov. 23 to Dee. 4 next year. Plans are well advanced and projective exhibitors have already been a.-ked to confirm space requirements. Tho exhibition is to br
      94 words
    • 163 10 AIRLINE REPORTS PROGRESS GARUDA Indonesian Ai i way produced 39 mill: n t > kilometre and said 29 5 m lion t n r... m< tre ir compan d with 37 m: kilometn and 25 mill: r. z kilometre for 1955. Av«rai:< 1 ao factor duled flights wa 72 rei
      163 words
    • 113 10 SINGAPORE Chinese produce Exchange noon closing prices per picul yesterday were: copra, July/August $24? buyers, (25] st Hers; coconut oil m bulk $40$ sellers, m drums ?4a>; sc cr-. Iluntok white pepper $109 sc era, Sa: iwak white $108 sc. 1 1 special Sarawak :ruk |7X COPRA HOLIDAY.
      113 words
    • 32 10 THF '.l.r ayan Fx- -e« Fa s a, cha: a mercha s Sellins. TT or OD *r F<" Franca 1620-1 2 Dea- M I er exchange rates rerr.s a < cd.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 542 10 NOTICES CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD FEDERATION OF MALAYA. SALE OF GENERATING PLANT TTHE following Diesel Genex racing Plant is offered for sa> by tender and can be seen at the Bahau Power Station of the Central Electricity Board. One— Ruston «_r Hornsby Type 3HRA. 40 BH.P. Single Cylinder. Horizontal 293 R
      542 words
    • 269 10 NOTICES TENDERS INVITED Supply of Cooked Food Technical College, Kuala Lumpur. r PENDERS will be received at the office of the Principal. Technical College, Kuala Lumpur, for the supply Ol e< ked iood for a period of approximately one year commencing from 14th September. 1957. Schedule of meals and menus
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    • 199 10 BARBER-FERN-VILLE LIMES For Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Mobile, New Orleans. Houston (via Suez) Spore P. S'ha-w Penang Ne» fatt FRANCISVILLE 13/21 |uly 22 (uly 26/28 |uly BC Ait BELLEVILLE 30 |uly/8 Aur 9 Aug 13 14 Aug ItS-f-From New York. Los Angeles. San Francisco, (via Hongkong N.York L. Ales
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 808 11 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. Tt l U9ll 6. 265 5 1 4 132/6 Robinson Road THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE r Hiiita-, Montreal, Boston, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia Cult Ports Spore P. Sham Penang k i sI AS 19/24 luly 25 |ul> 26/27 |ulv jtsTicOCHUS 20/25 Aug 26
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    • 1270 11 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 lines! (Incorporated m Singapore) (12 lines) Sh De p p p ng THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Carriers option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo (Via Suez with liberty to proceed
      1,270 words
    • 944 11 MITSUI tg\ LINE Spore P. Sham Penang FOR JAPAN Awajisan Maru tor Yokohama, Nagcya, Kobe 23 July Nachisan Mcru for Moji 6 Aug Meiko Maru for Yokohama, Moji, Kobe, Osaka via Hongkong 19 Aug 17 Aug Awobasan Maru for Yokohama, Nagoya, Kobe 26 Aug FOR U.S A. For New York,
      944 words
    • 665 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUTWARDS Soilings tor Bongkok and/or For East vio Suez. Penong P S'hom Spore •FALSTRIA" In Port 18'20July Bangkok only "KOREA" 10 11 Aug 'INDIA" 7 lOAug 11 1 2 Aug 13 1 5 Aug "MEONIA" 19 22 Atg 23 24 Aug 25 27 Aug HOMEWARDS Sailings tor
      665 words

  • 512 12  - Meet Richard Skelton -the toughest, and bravest kid alive! DONALD ZEC By HAVE just talked to the toughest, bravest kid alive. His name Richard Skelton, aged just nine. He is the son of Red Skelton, the millionaire Hollywood comedian. Richard is due to die any month now, say the specialists
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  • 402 12 Night In Havana with Errol and two Italian Lovelies VIGHT IN HAVANA marks the return to American tilms of Errol Flynn. Flynn plays the role of an adventurous and intrepid (needless to say) gambler m this United Artists release, his first Hollywood movie after five years of filmmaking m various
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  • 176 12 AIK. J. Arthur Rank ax has taken the title of Baron Rank of Sutton Scotney m the County of Southampton. Lord Rank was elevated to the Peerage m the Queen's Birthday Honours List this year. He is the founder of thc World Wide Rank Organisation w hich ■covers
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  • 127 12 SCANDAL IN MILAN is a straight story which rontains all thc stereotyped elements of high drama, and m her role as thc "persecuted'" wife of an uprising hank- er who loses his promotion because of her "past" cir- culated by a "yellow press" French actress Martine Carol
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 446 12 women love bright things A is (y/ and these shoes are KIWI bright ''From the inkles up. 'your appearance ma/ >£r PTIT VT^fl "vV what about your shoes? /fj^y^^J^^^l bright? KIWI waxes i\^4^9^_ t l^§j =?^^^a''i protect and preserve KIWI^* *-*v&_, 4 < A S qPOWN TAN, LIGHT T A
      446 words

  • 172 13 Ramadhin May Quit Test Series LONDON, July If, (AP)— Sonny Ramadhin's rer .1 intention to sign for English county cricket Kent has started something that could develop 1 big row between England and the West Indies. 7--.1 Picico. joint rran-i ,ger of the Wol Indian I
    172 words
  • 102 13 ""HE fv.'; are oTice benr•rs of a newly formed 1 B -i n.-.ton P irtv. 1 ri Lorong J. Telok K. Road. Singapore, for MM --a.:- Mr Wee China F -r.2. "A L. C-nceicao and Sim Choon :-:.m. X ?acrel y Mr m ■a, Aat Baerataty
    102 words
  • 73 13 A "prize" race-horse arriccd m Smgapore yesterday m a Qantas Air cargo plane from Sydney to join the Metro Stables. The horse, BLUE SWELL. is a tico-ycar-old colt by Channel Siccll out of Blue Socks. j The horse rras flown into the Colony u-ith
    73 words
  • 147 13 Horses At Cameron Highlands MIRALDA, who won at the last Ipota meeting, is again on a visit r.t the Cameron Highland! sanatorium. Horse- spelling during June at I the highland station included Amusement Park. Blue Ice. I Iniernal Region. Weem. Marvel of Peru 11. Sale Venture. Greet, Nab 11. Jon
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  • 27 13 KLANG. Tuc<=.— Klanjj Tamilians drew with the Railway Artisans team two-all m a riivis on one lea cue soccer here at tlie padang last evening.
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  • 1188 13  -  Brace Dooland At the wicket LONDON, Tues. Whenever you try to assess any side m English cricket i you have to weigh it up against the vagaries of the English summer. That's why j I name Derbyshire as fine a Championship prospect as any
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  • 235 13 TRANSFERS From Class 2 to Class 1: Golden Melody From Class 2 to Class 3: Quiny; Ramsbury. From Class 3 to Class 2: Tufton: Honeful Blue. From Class 3 to Class 4: Karang; Fortune'- Choice: Sound Barrier Bmgo; Canton li: Eastern Way: Sweet violets; Winnetou: Colza; Helen Jo:
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  • 115 13 We Don't Plan To Turn Pro CHICAGO. July 16 (AP^— Australia? Davis Cud players. Ashley Cooper and Neale Fraser. said Monday they hqri _iven no thought to turning tennis profes- j stonn'.s. Cooper, beaten by cnuntnrman Lew Hoed for the Wimbledon crown, snid "There is nothing to any rumour of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 609 13 CLASSIFIED ADS DEATH MR I.EF GUAN S* W C s i f 14." vmg X Sr a Lee X Le e Hor X S< i.. Le< X cc Seah i». 4 daughters and C _c I ep Str. V l\ ME\IORIAM IN c-r-... r memory of my be o Beag
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 227 13 Lil Abner By At Capp I r .mm _^a__._. f FRANtKLVAHDONT \|l AFTER A LIFETIME I s- N Il&#rT#\|cD KNOW WHUTTH' CHILE J VVIF SUCH A FINE X KOT BOILED V J I SEES IN VO'. ONE Jll PHYSICAL SPECIMEN f~ > ml^hpoom W/\N_n A* mmm r I >a;ould think
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    • 334 13 PCTT_TTJ_raffl& TO DA YS QIOTATION: Melancholy i* not. as yon concciu 1 indisposition J of body, but the mind's disease." John lord. WEDNESDAY FOR EVERY- ONE: You will do best to J make this a rout :ne day. Pro- c tect ynar Interests, avoiding < inything risky or hazardous. <
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  • 119 14 The Record Busters Of Singa pore s Schools ANGLO-CHINESE School's B tmmm vMdh broke the 4xlll relay record txrice mtmi Wma TtmrnQ Hcng, Kok Ah t Krorg, Victor Yong ar.d George Sect. THE record-breaking S\r Arthur Young Cup winners. Any'.o'i Foo Chee Wah, Tan Tmmm Smttg, Tat}, Chwee Lee and
    119 words
  • 763 14 ACES FROM AC S MAKE IT FIVE STRAIGHT NEW TIMES, NEW MARKS, BY THE IMPROVING BOYS Kesavan Settles It: He's King' Of The Sprints by THE SPORTS EDITOR A magnificent collection of victory- points nearly four times those of their nearest rivals... the distinction of keeping the Singapore Schools athletic
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  • 261 14 Six To Pick SAAA Merdeka Gamesmen SIX-MAN Singapore Amateur Athletic Association committee was selected list night to pick the Colon> "s contingent for the Merdeka Games m Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 5, 6 and 7. The ath'.etes picked will he ar.r.our -a :n Ju y 2 About t 7*
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  • 103 14 LONDON Ja':- 16 (Reuter> Rr^ ilts .a ia: :ncket rr.r~~.ei were At Maidstone: X- heat G rj. testers a :ke s G ;c? ters 1 I I 187 halfvard :N ami T for tv Kenl 12 a ints>. At Birminchim: A a mammi. Warwick? f.Zrr.
    103 words
  • 40 14 ENTRIES are now open lor ♦he Mj a: m lawn Tennis A?SOCiati r A rr. nships to he held fr A gust 22 to 25 at the S a re Cr: <c: A :b. >eon Aug 5.
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  • 453 14  -  BILL FUNK By SINGAPORE'S cagers opened the triangular basketball competition, against America's Venture for Victory and Hongkong's Lcp Sin with a convincing 76-58 victory over the Hongkong team at the Great World last night. The Colony's baskcthallcrs played remarkably od the s md
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  • 174 14 An objection by Formosa to the participation ol the Peking basketball team at the 4th Nanyang University Cup basketball tournament was the mam discussion at the 3rd Organising Committee meeting oi tne Malayan Chinese Sports Federation held at tne Goh Loo club yesterday Tiie Committee unanimously agreed
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  • 68 14 SOUTHAMPTON, July Ifl (Reuter)— Rain forced the abandonment of the match lure between Hampshire and the West Indies as a draw after only m hour, play had been possible today. Hampshire witli all their second mra: gs wickets standing, were 2:)."' runs behind when the snatch wai
    68 words
  • 425 14 Results were: A. DIVISION 100 Yards: 1. Kesavan Soon (VS) 10.3 sees. Heats: 10.1s record 2 Ernest Frida (ACS) 3. Victor Kiioo (ACS). 200 Yards: 1. Kesavan Soon (VS» 22.9 sees. (record) 2. Ernest Frida (ACS) 3. Low Sing Chok (Beatty). 440 Yards: 1. Ernest Frida (AC'S)
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  • 95 14 SINGAPORE Cricket Club made a good start when they beat Pondok Peranakan by two goals to nil m a SAFA Junior Cuptio on the padang yesterday. The winners scored a fioal m each half. Scorers were Kinnersly and Palmer. In another euntie at Farrer Park Bedok Sports Club
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 125 14 +_^?_;_._b_=_=rf._=si 1 ERROL FLYNN J 'r\*. Pie V Lii jL_____H___i au T______l A7/?a o/ trouble because "'^SjjM Me wrong kind of dames fj| rr/«7 _7<7y away from him! VW|_____ v a-F___l i_ ft^^F ~2! "v _**____P f '_Jk^^^__E -4^^ *^fc-^ Hfl _i___ <■_*____ -T" -L^lj ,__B r*r _^T_l __i jBKf
      125 words