Singapore Standard, 19 December 1956

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1 14 Singapore Standard
  • 34 1 Singapore Standard STANDARD POLICE 5pl In V>"^1 '■T* FIRE BRIGADE GENERAL HOSPITAL ***** (5 lines) 2400 ~1^ //W 2gn 24U Vol 11. No. 170 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1956 1 1 i'\i.r> i* mi*
    34 words
  • 735 1 MALAYA LOSES ONE OF ITS GREATEST PATRONS OF SPORT IPOH, Tups. Mr. Un Lai Hans:, well"un tin miner, race >rsf owner and businessman as well as one the greatest patrons of sport m— died at the Bitu Giiah hospital at 4 p.m. today. The late Mr. Chan 1 1
    735 words
  • 166 1  -  Andrew Roth dard's London B v Chief. AMr Lim was unaccompanied Tunku Abdul Rahman was accompanied by Inc: dul 'v of ptmat mlHkm and future permanent Federation DeiMM* Bit* ment LONDON Tiiov— Hi. Clu< I Mini '< i> ol thr I rrit H <M
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 37 1 APPOINTMENT of MSB n. former Chief of Bureau of Singapore, to the nrw post of General Newt Editor of the Associated Press expanding world s< announced on Tuesday by Frank J. StarzeL General Manager. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
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  • 97 1 MISSING GIRL FOUND MISS Tan Poh Mei. 19. former student of the Perak Chinese Middle Scho^ ed missing since Fr safe m Singapore and staying with friends. Poh Mci was reported missing when her ur Tan See Tinr see her on last Friday's train from Ipoh. Mr. Tan became frantic
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  • 131 1 BELFAST. N. Ireland. Dec. A unit of the Royal Force Ground Defence Corps Hew here from England today to bolster Northern Ireland's defence against atW the Irish Republican Army CD The Government dispatched the heavily-armed un;t Belfast to meet new of violence from the
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  • 48 1 TOKYO, Dec. 18. (AP). A private travelling exposition of photograpphs and dolls to familiarize Europeans with Japan is being prepared here. Mrs. Fumiko Miyata and her daughter. Yvonne, are collect:ems m Japan. She said I Royal Dutch Airlines is he'ning to sponsor the exhibit.
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  • 81 1 TOKYO. Dec. 18 (UP) A floating 'trade fair, an impressive symbol of Japan's determination to win new markets for its industries, left Tokyo today on a port-to-port sales visit to eisht South-east Asian nations, including Singapore, carrying samples of this coun- best machinery products. A large
    81 words
  • 92 1 Earthworms Crow Either OSAKA. Japan, 13 (AP)— An earthworm's head will prow a tail faster than an earthworm's tail will grow a head. And did you know both tndl are nearly deal? 'These eonclu.-ions were disclosed at a Japanese bio logistl meeting by a
    92 words
  • 186 1 NEW VOKK. Dec. 18 (Rcutcr)-Japan was admitted to the United Nations today by a unanimous General Assembly vote. Some 77 countries took part :n the roll call balloting Hungary and South Africa I were ihKttt A great burst of appla c went ud as Prince
    186 words
  • 41 1 ROBBERS shot at and wounded a driver. Lim Hoo Chooi. 22, m Victoria Park. Singapore, at midnight last They escaped with $30 and two e/rist-watches. Lim was taken to the General Hospital bullet wounds m the chest and wrist.
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  • 30 1 JAPAN'S fourth interr al trade fair, to he he'd here MXi May S tO M, has 564 more applications I t exhibit space than can be L.led. AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • 112 1 ENGINE TROUBLE DELAYS VIPs 1 HRI i Very Important Pri sons v amnn; t>i m the Hich CornMil r foi India, Mr, Male" I m M icDonald I rm-t disappointment it I\i\ I Lebar airport j esterda j Mr M.v p..n.ilil Mr. I ra.n Kirn Thuoii. i m iiber of
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  • 25 1 A U.S. atomic reactor engineer has arrived ill Tokyo aboard a Pan-American Airways plane to supervise the installation of Japan's first atomic reactor.
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  • 454 1 JAPAN WANTS PEACE FOREVER— SHIGEMITSU NEW YORK. Dec. 13 (Reuter) Mr. Mamoru Shigemitsu. Ja p a n"s Foreign Minister, today expressed his country's desire to occupy an honoured place m an international society striving for the preservation of peace "and the banishment of tyranny and slavery. oppression and intolerance, for
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  • 140 1 PORT SAID, Dec. 19 (AP)— Ma.i. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, the Commander and U.S. Lt. Gen Raymond A. Wheeler, m charge of Suez Canal clearance, have agreed to recommend that British-French crews be used m opening the waterway. British naval authorities said last night.
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  • 130 1 A CIVILIAN Staff Officer m the British Army. C. F. Andrews, was acquitted by a Singapore Court yesterday on a charge of corruptly accepting $3,503 from Lee Sawmills Limited. It was allesed that Andrews, attached to the R v Engineers, Singapore Base District, corruptly accepted
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  • 70 1 WASHINGTON Dor. 13 (AP) Senator John L. lieCleUao said today he will oppose a request lor cancellation of an interest payment Britain owes to the United States on Dec. 31. The administration has disdosed M will a?k Congress frr "sympathetic" consideration of the recent British
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 A Merry Christmas To All Premature, you might think. But we, m all sincerity want to be :-"ong fhe first to greet you NANYANG WATCH CO. LTD., S4, North Bridge Road. Dont take chances when you buy oil yflmvskyk for castrol BY NAME Just as you ask for your favourite
      124 words
    • 88 1 ELECTRICITY Sole Agents: SCOTT ENGLISH SE A LTD Smgoporc b Kuolo Lumpg. Ml} REX BIECTg'OPES chosen /or me tvor/c/s 6/y cPllMlir "f'yßß II \m ■■■nirl WNMtm < /y<jmx HV HPWBSH il HW^^ uHJ Kj H BfjflßMD H' 118 jB^E"V3§fcgS| Murox arc weldinc Hlertrodes ha\» hrn usrri for «crk on thr
      88 words

  • 217 2 Singapore Base Under The U.N.? MANCHESTER. Dec. 18 (Reutfr) The Manchester Guardian today outlined a proposal for entrusting the maintenance of a base at Singapore to civil contractors who would be commissioned either by Britain or the United Nations. The Liberal daily asked Whether it might be worthwhile to consider
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  • 160 2 COMMODITY PRICES CLOSING rubber pric-es (rents per Ib m Singapore yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Spot fob (Norn 114 111 Jin RSS No. 1 1102 IN R S.S No. 2 108} lin R.S.S. No. 10.V. 106 i Tone: Barely steady. SPORE TIN The price of tin on the local market vester<iiv
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  • 76 2 PLEAS AN TVILLE. N p w Tark, Dec II a T F" a io-year-old Japanese girl today VQII the U552.500 award for January for a Bnt-penOß published In n Reader.- Dlg\ st magazine. MatsumJ ECurahashJ Hayazaki. Koehl prefecture, thus became the nrst person outside North America to w.n.
    76 words
  • 39 2 MR Dmitri Shepilov, Soviet Foreign Minister, and Marsha] Geor^: Zfa ikov, Defence Minis:rr. v i risjncd a Sovie'-Poii.-.i agreement on the status of Soviet troops m Poia:;ri '.eft W. > r n^v i^y sir for Moscow. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 11 2 THE Japanese Cabinet ye?irrriiv decided to release >11 U.P.
    U.P.  -  11 words
  • 118 2 ROLLERSKATING THE CHEAP EASY WAY NECESSITY being the mother of invention, the need for a low consumption petrol engine inspired Rernie Schmidt of Detroit to produer thesr roller skates powered hy a motor. To prove it works, he is shown here rollei skating under his own motor's power around a
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 35 2 POLICE nid yesterday thai two children were killed teyen others seriously injured when the roof of a roller skatiqg 'adium m Haboro, Hokkaidt collapsed under 'he weif of i bea i snowfall. Reuter.
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  • 132 2 MELBOrRNK. Dec. IS, fßputm Bo«-kpep«-rs m New South Wales are supplying "royal h«»p .iel!y m the hope of restoring the health of world authority on bees. wa«ps and ants. Mr. Tarlton Rayment. "4. Royal bee jelly is described a* a milky substance from a eland m the
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  • 135 2 ff«fif>Wf, Do:. 11 TAP.) Whi:e the Chinese C^t.t.uqU sre do n? '-c;r rr.-t to s':o\v down m? produettOfl el Jitt p Chinese Communists by promoting birth control, they arp urging Tibetans to multtp v. Latesi e 1 n "e of the "more Tibetans for Tibet"
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  • 460 2 Everything Short Of War Is Permitted In U.N. Says Spaak NEW YORK. Dec. 18 (IP)— Belgian Minister Paul Henri Spaal v irned today the Middle Eastern and Hungarian crises have broupto the I nited Natiom "near the brink of failure." Ho charged that the eon-r demnatlon <~>f Britain. France and
    460 words
  • 41 2 THE Duke of Edinburgh on the Royal yacht Britannia not only take part m a Chxfctmas Day broadcast but also exchange personal greetings with the Queen anr two children from the lonelx southern ocean provided c«H munications permit Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 22 2 POPE PIUS XII will broadcast his Christmas message on Sunday. Dec. 23. instead of on Christmas source said yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 168 2 I f^^m PER F U M E A l^- Colo-ne. Rou^e, Lipstick, Talc, S:-3P, Brilliantinc. Hair Cream. G^APTON LABORATORIES LIMITED, SINGAPORE Cuff Links I Pa>"'«d Snap-bar fa a large variety for »asy Imartioa of des g-i F CONVENIENT SMARTLY DESIGNED Kr?rr.entz jew e.;r\ na? tncurir.; :a» r-- -?:3use it is
      168 words
    • 37 2 Soufli Africa... M Enquiries are invited from bona fide importers. r^tHr—^* I Please send us o list of names and addresses I |\«^\^^^v 1 f I Our Firm's name and address are as follows: JKk wt9 fim
      37 words

  • 251 3 Five Chinese Schools May Shut Down TO CARRY ON OR NCT DECISION FC.V.ORRCY/ THF Singapore Hokkien Association will decide tomorrow whether to close or to continue the Chinese schools m the Colony, affecting *.jOO students. A proposal to close the I schools is among the three nems to be decided
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  • 227 3 A Feline Miss Francis Baffles The Police FAROUKS FAVOURITE IM A G-SrRIMG PREVIEW A Sfi-Y EAR-OLD Mexican belly-dancer onetime favourite of ex-King Farouk yesterday baffled a group of Singapore police officer? who were her "audience" at a censorship performance of her act at a Colony icstaurani
    227 words
  • 149 3 HEAD.' \> nRS of c Government and Governmentaided secondary schools m Singapore yesterday visited army units to prepare the m for the tour of army establishments next year by Colony school boys. The headmasters, including those from Raffles Institution. Gan Ens Sen^ School, the
    149 words
  • 92 3 IfUAR, Tucs. A Fun Fair, organized by community leaders, will he held m Tanaksk from Christmas to New Year's Day. The fair i? m celebration of recent successes of the Sc' ;r--ity Forces over terrorists m trie m which about 30 Reds, including several top
    92 words
  • 233 3 MY CONSULATE DOESN'T LIKE ME -STOWAWAY A VIETNAMESE stowaway, Hoang NgOC Dat Lam Tuyen, 32, who is now m the custody of the Singapore immigration authorities, has a grouse against his country's consulate m the Colony. Ho >aid that ever since being r arrested 00 Urn passenger liner, Vietnam, a
    233 words
  • 124 3 Dagger Men Raid A Lonely Hut Five armed men entered a lonely hut at the- 14 i mile Jnnmi Road. S.nsapore and robbed a farmer's wile. Tau N'ooi Huay and her family of $300 and several thousand dollars worth of jewellery at 9 p.m. last night. Madam Tau and the
    124 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Model 67 Light beige children'! leather snoes wifh impregnated Duro Sues: 4— 8i X Br **-^KmH^^^^. Strong leather shoes for boys. Cushion crepe soles. Also m brown. S.iei; 9-11 i: Spore S 9.90 Fed. $10.90 I 12—1,: S oorc 510.90 I Model 76 New style m boys' flexible
      129 words
    • 259 3 fedlgree THIS CHRISTMAS mfch lie largest Hid m imprehensivr range ol iigreo Dolls. The World* most lovable Dolls. laclon Rf?pr«>,(!iltdlivßs: T. V. MITCHELL CO. [Mi Mil] LID. SINCAI'OHI l_ kl A I A II Ml'l H_ I" AM.. SATURDAY NIT: FINAL THIRD ANNUAL ALLMALi-YA TALENTIME COMPETITION SB A HALL at
      259 words

  • 831 4 OPEN UP. WE ORDERED, AND BACK CAME 'STONES, BOTTLES AND OTHER MISSILES' TEAR GAS SEEMED TO HAVE NO EFFECT/ DSP BTONCS, bottles and other missiles rained on I I'oL'te party tiom bl« rife Ihc Singapore I actorv and Shop Worki is' Inion premises m Kukit
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  • 220 4 Despatcher Has A Very Narrovs Escape THE RAF V iletta which 1 1 weeks aso. made a BM cash to Christmas Island 10 •c a critically ill woman, nearly lost one of its Ci on the Sight, It was revealed m Sin pore yesterday.
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  • 64 4 THK Square D Group of the Young Women's Christian Association will hold a "Hobo Night" at 5 Raffles Quay on Friday at 8 n.rn. Proceeds will go to the New Year treat for children of the St. Andrew's Orthopaedic Hospital. Admission will be by programme obtainable
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  • 118 4 JOHORE BAHfUJ, 1 les. Johore, for the 'first time, faces a deficit budget next year, said the Mcntri Besar, JDato Wan Idris. at the State Council meeting today. He is expected to reveal UM actual amount of the deficit when he presents the budget
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  • 30 4 Pcnanj? division oi > will hold an emergency meeting on Sunday to hear the views of its leaders on the defeat of the Alliance m the recent Municipal elections.
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  • 240 4 Annarosa Taddei Disappoints Standard Mii'ii ntit Tiip you It* an p Annarosa Tartdei, gave a recital m the Victoria Memorial Hall last night which could be assessed very highly if musical interpretation depended on noise alone. There arc, however, cthei ingredients to a good ocrformance, such as eantabile tone, rhythmic
    V.F.D.  -  240 words
  • 400 4 MINUTES after a Post Office mail van wi 1 Bel on rioters started looting and d< sti Ini h bam ana the Smgaporp Coroner, Mr. K.T. Alexander, was yesterday. Koh K:n lf< Qg, a mobileiquad Polio man, was testifyta ai the inquest
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 #a ff& '#<& ffsk J^aS W& tfsk TODAY TOMORROW! PAPiTfll ILi-.n.. 1.45 4. 8.30 9.30 W**ri I U lL^p !h.> II onifdy If :n Illii W^% U WEI i3<&Bo£^" r^- VAXfi CHER (HIM. OM WS FRIDAY El RT LAN i ro.M < 11- v i IN lOLLOHK K.IDA TRAPEZE m
      310 words
    • 455 4 CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTION P^ r^ OPENS TODflx ICATHAYi n^mi < Ho Didn't Kiss-He Crushed: Ho Didn't Propo-o-Hc [)pmanded: HL WAS THE MOST PASSIONATi »'VNTER 01 THEM Mi: ~=^^MOST WEALING LIF? INSPIRED STOH fVO FlUBf LJrf^^k//l^ KIRK DOUGLAS- V JB_ LUST FOR v L^ IM.I V llu- i «'.<■ i) I'll
      455 words

  • 246 5 EDUCATION MINISTRY APPOINTMENTS: union observer may be asked to h:ar recommendations to p.s.c SINGAPORE'S Education Ministry may ask for a representative of rhe Teachers' Union to be present as an observer when the Department makes recommendations to the Public Services Commission on promotions and appointments of
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  • 110 5 Massed Bands On Padang Tomorrow NINE military bands will take part m the ceremonial parade m aid of the Poppy Day Fund on the Singapore padang at 6 p.m. tomorrow. In addition to the massed bands, there will be displays by 3 Army Guard Dog Unit, the School of Physical
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 5 T\\ i:\Tl -year-old Larry ier and his 18-year-old si>tt-r eline. celebrated their birthdays tli'-r .it their home m 1,1. >k Kurau. Sin^.ipore. «.n Saturday They ar,> children of Mr and Mi> P I Xavier. The v pit- show then blowing out the tsmOu of their cake.
    46 words
  • 99 5 A SPECIAL day has been set aside for Seventh Day AdventL?t candidates sitting for the Royal School of Music (London) examinations. m order not to clash with their Sabbath Day. Mar. 9. Instead, they will take their examinations a day earlier, en Mar. 8. However, other candidates
    99 words
  • 72 5 THE Singapore Government yesterday announced the namjf eight newly-appointed City CouncillorsThe ninth member has not >een appointed. The Councillors appointed are: Messrs. Leslie Kayner. .1 R. McDougall. Theo Leijs?ius. Lee Chiew Wing. Tan 800 et Leong Seng, and Che Abdul Hamid bin Alhv.e. The only woman
    72 words
  • 196 5 Taxpayers Society Operates In Jan. THE Income Taxpayers Association of Singapore .11 come into operation sometime next month, the Association's sponsor, Mr. Chan Kum Chee, told the Standard yestcrdu Mr Chan disclosed that pro-tern committee under the chairmanship of Mr. V. I. Evan Wong, an accountant, met last Friday and
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  • 82 5 Hawker Hurt In Woodlands Gang Fight SINGAPORE Police found i hawker unconscious m a ditch at thi' IH ■flrj \\<mdlands Road, following a fjang tattle shortly after mid■iffci yesteritay. A ifU httu.rn (Han? -4 and Can- 11 raged for lialf•iii hour MM a Chinese BTIJBI o\er protection moncj When ])oliic
    82 words
  • 53 5 BI'RGLARS broke into the Morning Star Photo Studio. Bukit Panjang Road. Singapore, at dawn yesterday and got away with pens, watches and cameras and cash worth $600. The proprietor's wife Madam Loh In Kit awoke at 4 a.m.. and found the cupboard drawers forced open, and
    53 words
  • 109 5 THERE will be a full delivery of mails on Christmas Day. but no on Boxing Day. the Director of Posts. Singapore, announced yesterday. Hours of business at the General Post Office will be 9 am to noon. All other post offices and postal asencies will be open
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 5 Miss Francesca LloydOwen (leit), 22 year old E v r a s inn typist attached to Wearne Bros, won the first "MLss Neqri" contest organized by the Screm ban Junior Chamber of Commerce on Saturday. She also won a free holiday trip to Hongkong;. LEFT: Miss Lloyd Owen
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 5 Mi ss Cora Thescira (left, centre) who was crowned "MLss Malacca" m the first contest ot its kind held at the MCA. Hall on Saturday. On her right is Doreen Lee who was second and Gladys Tan who was third. In picture at bottom. MLss Tho-oini is seen
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  • 275 5 EUROPEAN ASSN. WILL STAY OUT OF POLITICS UNLESS FORCED IN THE British European Association m Singapore will keep clear of politics, unless it is forced to m order to safeguard the welfare of its members or community. Mr. A. F. Thorne. Chairman of the newly-elected Council of the Association, told
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  • 97 5 MR. LEE CIIOOX ENG (Queenstown) will ask the Minister for Commerce and Industry. Mr. J. If. Jumabhoy. at the next Legislative meeting on Jan. 9 what steps will be taken by government to check the increase m the price? of essential foodstuffs ano other commodities.
    97 words
  • 35 5 A RADIO shop owner. Leoog Kuen, was ve.'terriay fined $650. when he pleaded gu ,'v m the Sin^ap^re Ci*v Court to failing to income tax returns for 1355 and 1956-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 One of many hundreds of housewives who D3V6 received 5jJUST FOR USING TIDE Here's one lucky lll'l xt. Here is a list oj some mort lucky housewives:Mrs. Tay Kwee Woh. 5. Loron; 11. Ceylang Mrs. Toll k Mi I Cfc] Lye 154, Sims Avenue Mrs. Chan Wah Lianc 60. Braemar
      158 words
    • 247 5 He Didn't Kiss- He Cruslud! He Didn't ProposeHe Demanded! I h Didn't Break Rules-He Sm: Them' HeWasNotAMan-HeWasALoverWithAC mi \n- From M-G-M m Metro Color OnrJ CmemoScOpe Co-Stprrino ANTHONY QUINN JAMES DONALD PAMELA BROWN CVt»£TT SlOitNl 1 Screen Ploy by NOBMAN CO«W)N o ,*«j 6 fh* Novel by lrv«, 9 iion*.
      247 words

  • SingaporeStandard
    • 474 6 CINGAPORE is by no means handicapped by I of social service organizations. For an island cf *r.r r. .:v.'r>. [fan b idics vhi :h have been set up to help people of all communities to better '^.emselves Is astonishing They are all, of course, doing excellent work,
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    • 288 6 r j Government move to further save gold dollars appears to be a step m the right direction to cut down expenditure on direct U.S. imports of certain "non-essential" goods. Apparently it will not find favour with some local firms who are Importing flashlight bulbs, flashlight cases and
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  • 1245 6 Canadian Round*u George Bain reports from OTTAWA Not Decided On Symbols Inflow Of U.S. Capital V BY-PRODUCT of Canadian participation m the I'nited Nations Emergency Force m the Middle feast has been the renewal m the French language Press and among a few French-speaking Parliamentarians of
    1,245 words
  • We the PEOPLE
    • 212 6 Sir; According to the theory of Government, -.he State differs from a private individual m that its expenditure determines its revenue, whereas the converse is true of the latter. Savins, a virtue m a private individual, is regarded as a reprehensible "'ice when practised by a
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    • 274 6 Sir: As a few of my ilmates have been recruits of the Civil Liaison Corps and have served Junior Civil Liaison Officers lor the past 7 or perhaps 8 years. I frol that I should like to make some comments on their behalf. First and
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    • 296 6 Sir; After reading about the intention of the English school teachers to go on strike, I felt that the following few points might be brought to their notice. The National Union of Teachers has members who are Government servants, and Aided school teachers who are not Government servants.
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    • 256 6 Sir; The praises ichich The Colony's Principal Matron recently showered on nurses of the General Hospital should not be left uncommented on. It is natural that no-one vets the Principal Matron to acknowledge any faults or inefficiencies of her for such an acknowledge ml would
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  • 601 6  -  JOHN E. SAYERS By BELFAST. pEARS long entertained by the people of Northern Ireland have been realized by the number and intensity of last week's attacks on the Province. Since the underground Irish Republican Army resumed warfare against the border with the successful raid on Armagh military
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 p>V 6 DAYS TO XMAS V SAY IT WITH Cxn V\ORLD FAMOUS +k£jj BANARAS SAREES fT f Shanghai Crepc-de- Ch,ne. A Amencan Pnnted Pla.n Nylon. C- 2 French Pla.n wander VeNet. >>£^ En 9 lish Gold Ch k ToHetos. Sw.j* Cotton Dresi Moter.ali I ITS \LWA\S CHEAPER \T:- Z
      59 words
    • 98 6 MALAYAN RAILWAY SEASON TICKETS SAVE MONEY The rates for monthly ond quorterU r c tickets on the Malayan Roilwoy ore os follows(a) Monthly season t.ckets between wty two specified stotions not more thor 50 miles opart: I*t class 2nd class 3rd class $4.50 $2.20 $1.50 per rr f Minimum charge
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  • 354 7 Fruits Of The Anti-Moscow 'October Revolution' Troop Movements Must Get Polish Government Approval •TAKSAW Dei L 8 (AP)-Poland and th, r\ I'nion sisneri ir..;!.m aa«-' ment last nick :im Poland a on m th< mn\rmrnl> ol Souri Ujtimied v ithin i ">rri< The agieement was the
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    • 30 7 BUDAPEST. Dec. 18. (AP).— More than 500 eager Bun] ans stormed a.small pas ri office here at its reopening yesterday to make application for passports to emigrate.
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    • 38 7 Cuba, Dec. 18. —The Cuban Investigation Bureau announced terday it has arrested Paul Mandolin!, 40. wanted by French authorities for helpin? rob the Aga Khan and his wife of US$B5O,OOO m jewels m 1919.
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    • 38 7 TOKYO, Dec. 18 (AP)— TanIshibashi, expected to become Japan's Prime Minister this week, said yesterday he will visit Washington, if necessary, to assure the U.S. that Japan will remain a member of the "free nations."
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    • 19 7 ROME. Dec. 18 (AP)— ProRussian Palmiro Togliatti yesterday was unanimously reelected Secretary of the 2.n0n,--000-member Italian Communist Party.
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    • 27 7 D/ Syria. Dec. 18. (AP) Premier Sabri Assali said yesterday he will form a new Cabinet "more active and harmonious" within the next few days.
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    • 33 7 PORT SAID. Dec. 13 (AP^ Egyptian mipers yesterday killed a soldier of trie French Foreign Legion as French forces boarded landing craft m the harbour here prior to evacuating Port Said.
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    • 31 7 MOSCOW. Dec. 18 (AP) Usually well-informed Soviet sources said last night that the Communist Party's Central Committee postponed the meeting that had been scheduled for Monday until Thurs-
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    • 40 7 lINGTON, Dec IS (AP)— Douglas Mac Arthur 11 was sworn m yesterday hs U.S- Ambassador to Japan with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' assurance he has the "complete confidence" of President Eisenhower m his Tokyo post.
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  • 164 7 LONDON. Dec. 18, (AP) Foreign Secretary Selwyn i said yesterday that British and French salvage ships and crews could clear the blocked Suez Canal m seven weeks if given the chance. Lloyd told the House of Commons that clearance of anal would take
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  • 134 7 12 Die In 155 mph Impact PHOENIX. Arizona, Dec 18, (AP) Twelve persons were killed yesterday when a 1908 Chevrolet into which they were jammed plowed into the side of a speeding passenger train at a level crossing on the outskirts of the emit was the worst wreck of its
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  • 181 7 HARRY Belafonte. Et, (right), the sensational American singer whose records sell b.\ the million, flew into London rrcrntly He is a strikingly handsome, talenttil (j ft. 2 m, bachelor, who is a top cabaret star and film star too.
    Mirrorpic  -  181 words
  • 187 7 Make Hungary Neutral Like Austria— Pineau PARIS, Dec 18, (Barter) M. Christian Pineau, the French Foreign Minister, today insert that the Hungarian problem should be solved by making Hungary neutral like Austria. He was addressing the French National Assembly at the start of a four-day debate on foreign policy which
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  • 119 7 Swiss Govt. Expels Hungarian BERNE. Dec. 13 (Rcuter) The Bwtefl Government has ded to expel a former third secretary of the Hungarian legation after discovery of a spy ring allegedly working against Switzerland and a neighbouring country, most probably Austria, usually reliable sources disclosed here today. The whole affair was
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  • 89 7 Ike, Nehru Returns From Talks WASHINGTON 1 'UP i Pn .-;<:■:.■ Ei.-mhower and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru ot India returned i Washington today after 24 hours of private talks on world problems m the seclusion of Mr Eisenhower's farm house at Gettysburg. Pennsylvania. Mr. Eisenhower's limousine drove first to Blair
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  • 18 7 JAPAN will sponsor the 1957 Colombo Plan committee meeting m Tokyo, the Cabinet announced yesterdsw AP
    AP  -  18 words
  • 97 7 TLzy All Vote To Stay In Exile GENEVA. Dec. 18 (AP) All 16 players and the trainer of Hungarys national jun:< r soccer team announced yesterday they had decided not to return to Hungary llOft Ol the olayer.s are under 20 They ha\> been <m a tour m Switzerland lor
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  • 52 7 MAM I l>- (AP)— A search it aider way for a <.li. hullion i ieved worth MsM.f« m the mountains .1 urfs Occidental, island provin. southuf^trrn I'hilippiaes. Philippine Snu s. to haw !"n hiurtrn nx lapanese ■■liliw daring Mti rat m the Wmld War 1 h.,t;i,
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  • 136 7 Mass Arrests To Stop Rebels VILXX.i last mcht that mSmS .en arrested Ciry during the ci The broadcast thus confirmed consistent reports by travellers reaching Vienna that the Hungarian Government had decided on mass arrests of rebels to nip m the bud any renewed outbreaks of fighting Reports of partisan
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  • 42 7 MANILA. Dec 18 (AP) Manila customs officials yesterday seized an illegal shte» men- nars worth nearly MjtOOjOOO s board a Hongkongbound Danish ship, the Nicoline Maersk. The contraband was oat of the largest intercepted by customs agents hr
    42 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 255 7 The Christmas Gift of the Year^^fv I an LlraJ Portable with the de Luxe Features M a Gift for a Lifetime H (z//*/ for XV/iaB Gim, Our New Manhattan Sport Shirt: We have received a new collection of Manhattan H Sport Shirts, Fairway Style Polo Design. A world of leisure
      255 words
    • 116 7 Cookings a Pleasure o_k— _k~^_k— i r% n .a _k'^_k. <__i— _>— I GRIDDLE-GRILL... j||jJjH i GRILL SIDE GRILLS 58.50 Bacon, StecKs, Ham, Chops, Super Model- $11.75 I I French Tocst, Sausages etc. BAR-B-Q MASTER j (EJSS PORTABLE GRILL fr^ i "\m he eQ cool< in 9 device for picnics
      116 words

  • 132 8 'Useless To Summon Me' Bankrupt Tells Court A PARTNER of an engineering works, Cheong Tuck Kee. yesterday told a Singapore Magistrate that it was useless to sum- n him to Court on income tax charges since he had been made 3. bankrupt by the Income Tax Department m 1952. Cheong
    132 words
  • 42 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuc.v Two officials of the National Union of Plantation Workers will leave for Calcutta next week to attend a three-month course m trade unionism- They are Mr. Bachee Saw and Inrhe Mohamed Khan bin Abdullah.
    42 words
  • 27 8 THE Partf Ra'avat m Singapore has formed "pioneercommittees m all its 15 branches throughout the Colony to build up Its strength and expand Ita functions.
    27 words
  • 81 8 THE (1 ovor n o r of Singapore, sir Knhrrt Black, and I.adv Blaik \(n(ikl;iv attended (ioM'rnniciil II 0 v M Christmas party for (id children of servants and othrr staff members m his household. The children rrc treated to tea party. concert and a Magic
    81 words
  • 312 8 MALAYAN AIRWAYS STAFF MAY STRIKE NEXT WEEK AIR traffic m Singapore would be practically crippled if f^c 600-strong Malayan Airways Employees Union decides next week enforce its three-month-old strike threat. The executive committee of the Union last night decided to call a general meeting to
    312 words
  • 154 8 Ford Co. Boycott May Spread THE boycott of Ford cargoes m Singapore called by the Trades Union Congress may spread to Indonesia, president of the TUC. Mr. S. Jaganathan. warned yesterday. He claimed the Malayan Trade Union Congress and several other unions outside Singapore have already pledged support lor the
    154 words
  • 94 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Canadian Minister for National Health and Welfare, Mr. Paul Martin, and his arrived here this morning on a five-hour visit to the Federation. They were met at the airport by the Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Mr. Leon* Yew
    94 words
  • 141 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— The Johor c State Council today formally wrote '•finish" to the post of British Slate Secretary Inche Rahman Musa successfully moved m the State Council meeting here that the Constitution be amended tc abolish the British Adviser's post. The Mentri
    141 words
  • 61 8 BL'TTERWORTH. Tucs. A passenger, on the ferry launch "Talans" on its way from Penan? to Butterworth fell overboard m mid-channel this afternoon. No one could say whether it was a man or woman, all that is known is that the person disappeared en hitting the
    61 words
  • 207 8 After 56 Years His Dream Has ComeTrue An 85-year-old American flew into Singapore yesterday with a song m his heart. And E. C. Brown of San Francisco has good reason to sing. After 56 years, he has at last managed to achieve his life ambition to visit the sacred places
    207 words
  • 56 8 Theologian Arrives mi: k I sadad. Praft— r of Theo- I lh, .I-.K I fl»-\\ into pore ycs*crda> to rivp MM 'hi i v mi Jvj ,Hi M. i^ on hMI \s.iv to M. «:.,n „!..„<!.i ,-eflH 1 s on 1 i-i n i I mi i „1 it,- !p
    56 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products fc a^. Y^ P^l£3flDlvu§& J8 f j^lv^^eShiiv L< iic^' HEADACHE CURE Unmatched:' ether pain reliever for H e c d a eh c Neuralgia, Colds, Mental Strain. ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL CALL llJl^Srx FOR A GIFT... j \f /H\ REMEMBER
      225 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 144 8 Standard c^-lmanac Information at a Glance TIMCAPOPE „m International Women s tint): Christmas Darty at VWCA R lv am Singapore Judo < lub: Seventh judo < ling contest at the club premiSM Jalan Besar. 7 15 p.m Y.M(.\; Malay class Chess club. Bodybuilding and Gymnastic Dractice 5.30 p m Federation
      144 words
    • 157 8 (7 I f?9 rt p D^ k ?S n S a ing 2.03 am (8 5 ft» 248 p.m. RADIO MALAYA X M»IO M\l \"<<-): 1 pm Wednesday Serenade (Pi: 1.30 News (Si; 145-2 pm Three or More (P); 6 p.m Prog summary <S) 602 Mail Bag (Si: 6.56 Singapore
      157 words
    • 164 8 arranged by David Enden' Inn These Rad:o Times; «io Tt» News CommenUrv; 6 45 Sports Round-Up 655 Report Km South-East England- 7 c For Dancing Victor and his Ballroom Orch g°on Show'; 8.15 Work And Worship: 8.30 The News llama News; 845 Southern Sef«oad« Orchestra; 9.30 Radio New 940 Brewster
      164 words

  • Article, Illustration
    856 9 TERRY PILLAY GOES TO A LOWERING black clouds, accompanied by a dismal orchestra of rumbling -ndcr, filled the c a rly morning fky over the two huge rubber anrations of Bahau and Ladang Geddes, Negri Sembilan last Saturday. I' .il-o filled the or, iers of Malaya's first- "jungle"
    856 words
  • 304 9  -  Ritu Del Mar DJL;EL;Em T\ V» Ql OTVTION: "Only M much do I mow. as 1 n*\e I nrrson \\v dm -i> l ok i i KVWBs Ceeßi" 1 that I n secofdl pecial'.y In connection mutual money matters. Refrom hasty acts or decisions; us* extra
    304 words
  • 227 9 CHEONIG constipation is one of the most inmnion of all medical problems. True constipation ■CUM that fCCSI matter is ret. lined m the intestinal tract longer than it should he or that th re is excessive delay m discharge of intestinal waste. A meat deal of expert
    227 words
  • 532 9  - Bringing the Gardens Indoors Gloria Gordon By ]JO you have Hedcra Helix m your house? If you have, you've fallen for the latest idea m home decoration bringing the outdoors indoors. Hedera Helix, incidentally, is common or garden ivy, most popular of the indoor evergreens. The "outdoors" trend m interior
    532 words
  • 204 9 THE DOCTOR SAYS Also the regular or inadvised BM of laxatives tends to set up a bad habit of the bowel so that laxatives have to be relied on more and more. Improper training and neglect. (Specially m childhood. ha\e a great deal to do with the condition m most
    204 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 64 9 ROAD TRAVEL IS v yours for modest Jo^)r^^ INVESTMENT! jfi* "i§9 WITH «£sfap*>sHyk MALAYA'S /W^^llßk 1 POPULAR ri 5 ft|' *^^1 4 MOTOR •"^^J^lß^al'" SCOOTERS Another new shipment NOW at all Malayan Branches? Model D -S 975 00 Model LO $1100 00 Range of Accessories and Spare jvjiljbh 5... o
      64 words
    • 287 9 /Dunlopillo AfATTRBSZ W<[ 4* How wonderful to know Jlf Jir Irt you can en^ oy com P let fM relaxation and Ml m if J despite heat or humidity ■LjMA^i^i^rii— n Dunlopillo i The JHBlP^^^^''' ir y self-ventilating tex- ~^^tlz~ ture of Dunlopillo lai< flllS^- foam kee P s co
      287 words

  • 179 10 \N important step m HonskonsS industry has been t.iKtMi Nrilk Inl \>nti:rrs into the field of precision engim i ins;— tin manufacttnc nf (iitirr.iv accoirdinu th. issue of the Heaskong Trade Bulletin Within the space of a few months the experiment has shown a success. First
    179 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 10 MISS lim Siew 1 cc, M a ho v .i> ted be quoon m the Miss Trade Exhibition hold at the ( World Pirk. Klan >li> s I im. of Lank.i \> Inu -nuinift pmvd» r firm. p..iiod o:i t> .if 1 i v>7 voti She is ccci
    63 words
  • 73 10 SHARE MARKET QUIET TRADING was generally quiet m all sections of the Malayan share market yesterday, with only few price changes. notations announced by the Malayan Sharf-^kers Association yesterday t Bmnrs Sellen INDISTRI ALS Gammon 195 2.00 Straits Steamship 1485 15.25 MINING Idria i; 12 '-cd Kuchai > j 1
    73 words
  • 116 10 DELIVERIES of tin-in- centrates from the Federation to Singapore, Penang and Buttcrworth during November amounted to 4,929 tons (compared with 5.389 tons m October), according to official statistics In the first 11 months of this year, the total tonnage of the deliveries amounted to 57,214
    116 words
  • 150 10 1%-Ct. DROP SINGAPORE rubber prices yesterday dropped IS cents to c l.inj per !b. for first grade ■January shipment on a bare.y steady market. Tbt market opened slightly ep despite the improvement m the overseas overnight prices, first business having been around $I.IIJ per lt>. At noon
    150 words
  • 118 10 HAI^tYAN sharebroker.s yesteroay reported the following business done: Gammons $1.98: Himmr« 51.52J; H. Waugh $1.60; Cements $1.665; Metal Box $1.65: Robinson ords $1.65; Straits Steamship! Sl5; Wearne Bros. $3; Wilkinson Process $1.70: \V. Jacks $3.05. Aokam $1.64. $1.62 i. Austral Amal 20/41 overnight, arnvi': Berjuntai 28/. overnight.
    118 words
  • 36 10 TURQUAND, Youngi Co.. report the following rabbet crops for November: Aver Panas 66.600 lb., O'enealy 82.500 lb.. Kluans 82,500 !b.. Pajam 107.000 lb.. Talisman 23,400 lb.. Teluk Anson 51.793 lb., Ulu Benut 38.500 lb.
    36 words
  • 166 10 UNITED States rubber consumption dropped sharply m 19.)6, reflecting decreased automobile output but is expected to approach the record 1955 level next year, fne Rubber "Manufacturers Association reported m New York. The association estimated that 1956 consumption would total 1,435.000 long tons of new
    166 words
  • 46 10 tLAYAN ""*-|i Banks Associatio.-. c i^es m its rates to merchants yesterday wore: Canada: buyine. T.T. 31 3/8. O.D. 31 1/2. 90 days airmail. 31 13/16 credit bills. 31 7/8 trade bills: selling. T.T. or O.D. 31 ready. O" H l&fl rates remain red.
    46 words
  • 153 10 orn k ro im San Carlos. Calt. Rhodesia. Tai Poo Ann. North Star. Osambaur, Auby. Barito. Lucky Carrier. Baud. Steel Director, Lovccn. Kyo wa Maru. Sibigo. IXMR ROADS Tcck Hong. New Coronation. Sc I me. Sri Trengganu. Pahepa. P K;d.:ang. Belaga. Sin Hong Ho. Sri Baram, Landak.
    153 words
  • 240 10 Japanese Trawlers Bring Fish To S'pore SUCCESS OF JOINT VENTURE THE first postwar cotch of fish by Jopanese trawlers for Singopore morkcts wo sold m the Colony ycste r d o v This marks the tnitiol success of o Smo-Jopa. nese venture launched by o Colony firm. The catch of
    240 words
  • 381 10 HOPES for an early adoption of a more liberal policy towards the alienation of land for mining purposes throughout Malaya were expressed by Mr. E. R. Turner, presiding at the annual general meeting of five tin mining companies m tlie Austral Malay Tin group,
    381 words
  • 111 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange noon closing prices per picul yesterday were: Copra. Dec. $J7^ buyers. §28\ sellers; coconut oil m bulk |4>J sellers; m drums $46 sellers, Muntok white pepper 512.3 sellers. Sarawak white $122 sellers. Special Sarawak black $82 sellers. Singapore Copra Association closing prices yesterday: >'■
    111 words
  • 43 10 UNITED STATES export." oi wheat and wheat flour during the 1955-1956 year (July-June) amounted to 340.7 million bushels, according to recently announced government figure.-. The year's export? were the hlshest since 1051-1052, when they totalled 415 million bushels.
    43 words
  • 147 10 Orders For Rubber Flooring THE new field opened up by the laying of rubberized road surfaces is now finding such favour throughout the world that it is no longer possible to keep track of where this innovation is beinsr adopted. In a review issued h% the Natural Rubber l>< merit
    147 words
  • 40 10 MEW YORK. Dec 17 (UP) <- c average I < >CKS: 30 Industrial* 49 'S 20 Rails 15 Utilities f7 5t 65 Stocks Hun,,. 40 Bonds The Dow-Jone* C futures index (1924-26 averaafc equals 100) closed at 16: X
    40 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 603 10 XOTICES THE PR ITH VI INSURANCE 00 iin Jlncorporat hi IMkd ■Mistered Office: 3 V-tui Road. 10-A. a v i p'Tn^BM PRIT-. \nce 1 OOL LTD.. was converted Into a Mutual Company from :954 under a scheme sanctioned by the Government of India m accordance wi:h Section 6C of the
      603 words
    • 373 10 NOTICES GOVERNMENT OF THE COI OKI OF S!X<; VPORI l"t-> Xl H II \TIOX LOAN (1962-70) VOTICE is hereby given that the transfer register of the above Loan will be closed from 31st December 1956 to 14th January 1957, both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants. By
      373 words
    • 8 10 W Vk Why doesn't fie fir MALAYAN AIRWAYS
      8 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 128 10 IP &q( Sb>& At*? M J f bj« Ab? $t }y 0 EXPECTED TODAY KLM XL 8:W JAK 8.55 am. M. Airways ML 121 KL-MAL 9.55 a.m. M. Alrwa s ML 101 PG-KL 12 45 p.m. XL 821 AMAS-BK 1 tt pm BOAC BA 780 LON Rg-KL 12.25 p.m. BOAI.
      128 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 765 11 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO., LTD. M J3923/* M5Bl ]i2/t Robmjon RMf THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE NORTH AMERICAN SERVICE ii r:i-cn New Yoili Baltimore, r-hiladelphla 6 Colt Porti S P«'« l-.Sharr. r-tn.n R yptTnsi^ 5/M Fcb 15 16 Feb 17/18 Ftb opflon ?™c««d via oth>« ports to loar ano d.ieharg. cargo NORTH
      765 words
    • 1129 11 Tel: 2405 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Tel: 2412 (18 lines) I Inter poiateo m imgapoiei [M lin«t) Sh r pt a THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE f o r p v t Cameii option to proceed via otherpoits to IcaO and dischargt tatsr SAILINCS tc LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON 0 CONIINENTAI PORTS Singapore
      1,129 words
    • 816 11 MITSUI t^T\ LINE S'por* P. S'horr Penonf FOR JAPAN Amoguon Moru for Yokohama. Kobe Moii vio Hong Kong G. 42 43 Nochison Maru for Yckohcrra, Kobe 29 Dec FOR U.S A. Fo» Ne» York Philodelphio Baltimore Arimason Mara 20 Dec 23 Pec Aiokoton Mary 15 Jan 18 Jar FOR COCHIN
      816 words
    • 622 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES OUIVVAnDi to> ("cngkok and l *■<>< tott Ptftong y S t O rr Spot* SELANDIA' In Port 20/22 Dee "KINA" 31 Dec/3 Jo* malaYA" 14 15Jon 16/19 Jan 20/21 Jo. HOMtV\»upv c, c n<; o Cenoo Anl»i rj. RolttrOom Homm>s Copenhagen Gothenburg Otic S per* P S
      622 words

  • 1982 12  -  Gillian Browne By j The guy who's worth a couple of divisions to Eisenhower TRUI LIFE STORY No. 20 A LARGE lumbering man with a luminous face and a sudden endearing smi nervously shifted from one foot to the other m the wings of the
    1,982 words
  • 372 12 THE FACE of the YEAR Donald Zee chooses... LONDON j)Y all thr well-known rules of stardom, actoi \ul Brynner shouldnt rate a single heart-flut-ter, drool, or swoon. He is as bald as an ivory root. And beneath that electric shaven dome, fierce eyes smoulder above Mongolian cheekbo n> and flared
    372 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 391 12 CHRISTMAS MORN Beautiful STRATTON Compacts z r im^^^^^^^^/t^ c retmed Shape With Various Hand Set Silver Marcastsc Designs £^l Bk. decorating a gleaming jet black Kk enc.mel background. Hfifl K^ A COMPACT BY i jOZ, l i:mm,r THE ONLY COMPACT WITH THE SELF-OPENING INNER LiO Effective Presentation Cose S I
      391 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 137 12 CROSSWORD CLUES K<>^ 1. Non-Secret material <0i 5 And this material I sell (5) 8. While this material is found m London Store 15) 10 Without fear <9i 11. For want of fighting was grown 1 Butler) U He would m brief take notice (4) 13. Atoms at the plant
      137 words
    • 97 12 That headlines after a dive? 7. The very body of the hall for each one (9) 9. The bare necessity for living i 7) 12. This type of 21 across is of no use for washing (4.5) 14. Large Madame 'Fly-by-night'? (7) 15. I? he found m cannibals larders? (8)
      97 words

  • 72 13 Langley's Grand Farewell ADELAIDE, Dec. 13 (Renter) Gil Lang'.cy. the Australian test wicketkecper, marie a Stand farewell to first class cricket by storing a century yesterday t°t South Australia against Xew South Wales here But\- flfhtinf 100 m his Una] inning hefore retiring From nickel could not prevent New
    72 words
  • 230 13 Johnson Quits In Furious Fight BIRMINGHAM, Dee. 17 (Reuter) Peter Waterman (London) retained his British welterweight championship here toniffht when he beat former British lightweight champion Frank Johnson (Manchester) who retired at the end of the tenth round with a damaged eye. This wai Waterman's first
    230 words
  • 80 13 INJURED IN BRAWL photo i MELBOURNE: Klo o d streams lr«im the <ut <■ ol Hungarian Krvin Zador injured during: a fie ti t with a Russian m 1 1 rlosing stages <>! i Hungan \s Russia water polo matrli. The game ended m rhans with hundred* <>t new Australians
    UP  -  80 words
  • 932 13  -  Nigel Gee v By^ LONDON, Tues. Misfortune has taken a sudden and severe toll of the leading chasers. Last week I reported that Limber Hill and Gay Donald, the last two winners of the Cheltenham Gold Cup, were out of racing for an indefinite
    932 words
  • 82 13 BOSTON Dtc 18 (Reuter>— ">; ndo Zulueta. 28-year-old scored an upset n.ght when he outpointed Larry Boardman. leading contender lor the world light weight title, over ten rounds. B Iman. eight than his oppo: to five on favo.. but he was no match for the more experienced
    82 words
  • 14 13 F Tcr.i srr ,f -~i Xa 6 h Ks» and Hiss Be nddaug:- <■
    14 words
  • 38 13 MADAM LIM GEK LIA* age- passed away p. -day. 1. a.m. at 11. Dyson Road of? cv Road Thomson Road end* leaving behind her be-' ed hush nted son. Eng -.sah Dec ttcd Federatiosi Papers piease copy.
    38 words
  • 62 13 MODENA. Italy. Dec. 18, Spain's light hi weight boxing champion Jesus Gonzalcs stopped Italian heavyweight Gianno Luise m the seventh round of a scheduled eight-round bout last night. ales, weighing m at was more than a matrh for the heavier Italian, who weighed 209 pounds. A physician
    62 words
  • 27 13 Lancashire, :k r (Reuter) Waterloo d Cambridge University by 11 points to three m a rugby union match here yesterday. They led 83 at halftime.
    27 words
  • 33 13 TOULOUSE France. Dec. Fran c on Sunday defeated Czechoslovakia 28-3 m a mdn XV match. the first ever played between r two countries. At half time Franc f \is_ wading 17-0.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 114 13 PILLACE! PLUNDER! PASSIONI^Pk Jt t^B^L < l^W|BBmNw*^ a M>B l -^^^^HBBBbsJl^ 4BuC ftCHNICOUW, A COLUMBIA PICTLRE ni V SPECIAL CINEMASCOPE CARTOON REX PAVILION opens tomorrow Meet Beautiful SALMA from ZARAK In person m the RKX lodh? today Secretary, X-RAY CLUB, 60, Shenton Uav, Singapore. Pleose forward me $1/- tickets foi
      114 words
    • 588 13 CLASSIFIED ADS Sill Minw VACAM i t nil imhmrml 111 I I i UTI Kill PLICATIONS are ißvttci rom Fc -iMM OB Phis COLA and Hou Government rates. Ponr dependent oi n. lecturing. and advis ng Kampong Businessmr katping of step]* aceountF suecenful applies r-d to serve 6 months on
      588 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 363 13 Li I Abner By A/ Copp J 1 *ovrr ripwmt.^^Sv W f p^ St v < So, oori cu^g blabber ~^h 1 c -W'MG 1 R£G<iE.DY MENOV > p SSr-f W. HlTff 41 T T THE WORLD" gj »XN( --f V^ I DOLL STJ N r >rTLL > "T* "4^^
      363 words

  • 506 14  -  Bill Funk 1,000 Cagers To Turn Out For A Mammoth Show An Exclusive JBu THE hottest talent-hunt-In; Ln Colony basketball will be;in in February. Both American coach Ray Kaufman and Charlie Sien, coach of the Singapore Olympic basketball team, predicted yesterday that there was a good possibility
    506 words
  • 45 14 JUR. PC i SE WG. donor of the Foong Seong Badminton Challenge cup presenting the trophy to Ooi Teik Hock, captain of the Penang team which beat Perak 8-1 in the challenge round played at Han Chiang School Hall on Sunday-
    45 words
  • 156 14 SF III MB \N. li All Rhciv> ruq-er trim from >in: i tourinjj Federation were held to an 11 points draw b\ Nejjri Sembilan all Blues last evening on the station padan. Both sides scored a goal, a try and a pen. The visitors
    156 words
  • 30 14 STOCK Mnldnch. 25-year-old refugee member of the Hun.n Olympic team, flew here today to join his 17-year-fiancee. She fled from Hungary while he was at the Olympic Games.
    30 words
  • 119 14 Jim Parks Falls III Again LONDON. Dec. 18 (Reuter) B Parks, the M.C.C. and Sussex all-rounder, who should] have left London by air tarda? for Johannesburg to( rejoin his M.C.C. team-mates. I became ill shortly before the< aircraft was due to leave. He was taken off the 'plane. which left
    119 words
  • 159 14 Officers' Present New Pool ABOUT 200 labourers are working overtime in a effort to complete Singap pi ap-to-4 ta. awning pool lor presentation by Chi The po RAF Officers in Changi and is being built at estimated cost of over s: ressanges are the P"ol open on December 23. It
    159 words
  • 167 14 MYSORE HUNTERS RALLY TO HOLD NEGRI SEREMSAN. Tues. Th» F itball C. ib of Mysore were held to i Igri Sembilan at ;dang to BOt up to e rheir Yaradrflj Bfl«j 'eft back M i of whom have renresented bad ternational matches, played we.:. Mok Wai Ho .vam him full
    167 words
  • 727 14 SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR BY [LONDON, Tueg.— It hi il- > v..:' difficult to pick a Sportsman of the Year. > Doubly so when we hav e > had and I have seen three separate Olympic Games in the past twelve 1 months. Trebly hard when the last 1 and
    727 words
  • 153 14 FAILURE TO DO WELL AT THE RECENT OLYMPIC (.AMIS HAS MADE SINGAPORE'S IKON MEN" MORE DETERMINED THAN EVER. With the UN Asian Games and the 1960 Olympics is their awJtulllCl. the Colony's musclemen will settle down to the task of preparing themselves as from
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  • 425 14  -  WINDSOR LAD From STERLING, MANLY ALSO IMPRESS PFNVNG Tues BLUE ICE. a handsome Irish-bred chestnut thre< old, revealed sizzling form on the training track this morning when he trotted over three furlongs in the company of REHMAT to clock 4 o sec. Bk; G Ice.
    425 words
  • 313 14  - CITY OF STRIFE WELCOMES ITS FEW OLYMPIANS RONALD FARQUHAR By BUDAPEST Tues.— Hundreds of cheering Hungarian sports fans today welcomed their country's depleted Olympic team back to the capital they left last month at the height of the national uprisir: t Crowds wailed for more 'than an hour and a
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 84 14 COLOMBO. Dec. 18 (UP) Japanese Davis Cup players *K. Shibada and M. Okadone. J reputed to be Japan's best j tennis play rs, were the lal i additions to the list of fori Ign (Stars who will compete in the Asian tennis championship. Ihcre early n< .v I
    84 words
  • 52 14 i DURBAN, Dec. 18 (Reuter) >— Natal, set to make 249 in yVh minutes to beat the I 'bad lost four wickets for 19 rum at tea on the final day i 'of the match here today. |j MCC cc lared at 150 for Catven in
    52 words
  • 183 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuer Seat beat Selangor Chinese Recreation Club by 3-1 in the annual Poppy Day Cup soccer match on the Princes Road ground here today. Three was a heavy shower prior to the game. Pools of water were all over the ground. The
    183 words
  • 47 14 INDIAN Gymkhana beat the Tamil Reform Association by one goal to nil when they met in a Tamil Festival soccer fixture at Farrer Park yesterday. In the 5econd match the Indian Brotherhood received a walk over from the Congress XI who failed to turn up.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 174 14 KOLOK STAMP PADS S:illifsP Bb&i. feajsjjsjg >\|fflH KOLOK Stomp Pods ore now ovoiloble in new sM* containers which ore seomless onj mode from pressed titi plotcs, with rolled edges ond with on ottroct.veiv coloured cnomel finish. Thev ore up-to-dote in design yet stout in construction with o close fitting eo«»oction
      174 words