Singapore Standard, 23 April 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
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  • 911 1 Poison Bullets Terror Red Agent Gives Up With 2 Others BONN, April 22, (Reurer)— A Soviet Captain of the MVD (Ministry of the Interior Troops) who had been instructed to assassinate a member of a white Russian organisa tion in Frankfurt with poison bu!lets has surrendered
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  • 57 1 opium forth $100,000 Seized Jcrd Shipping Reporter j 3AFORE HARBOUR ice on Wednesday ieized 300 pounds of i from a lighter wa being towed the freighter S sailPolice fsaei t\s 4 it red to be re- »ril 26. were O'.\g Yit it |a Cheng P "i,; k A Street Yeo
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  • 18 1 THE QUEEN IN CINEMA SCOPE I:: (Re h .viti appear foi film i :l "A i 'ting N
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  • 6 1 la v. AFP
    AFP  -  6 words
  • 40 1 CHARLOTTE F. MrLeci of Dyerafearr, Trim.. phi»t'»yr.i plied on her arrival in New York from Denmirk where the former (i I. underwent a sf\ ihjiu-in? operation. As a G. I. MeLeW was known as Charles U.P. photo.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 284 1 PARIS, April 11, (Reuter). Vietminh shock troops tightening their j>rip on the shrinking French positions at Dien Bien Phu were today within 1.000 metres of General Christian de Castries' underground command post, according to military reports received here. While Communist batteries kept up tueir bombardment
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  • 588 1 MRS. PETROV -A SECRET RENDEZVOUS SYDNEY, April 22, (Reuter)— Mrs. Evokiya Petrov, wife of the Soviet diplomat who deserted to the West, landed secretly at a naval airport at SchofieU, 18 mffes from here today and was spirited away by Australian security agents. Mrs. Petrov flown from Darwin today on
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  • 87 1 NEW YORK. April 22 (AP> The U.S. Government has ordered another cut in the production ol synthetic rubber, industry sources sai d today. Output of c.R-S synthetic will be reduced to 33,000 tons in July, following cuts made during May nad June, o "effect a more
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  • 44 1 LONDON*. April 22.— Two UMNO-MCA delegates to Britain. Tengku Abdul Rahman, chairman of UMNO, and Mr. T. H. Tan. the MCA executive secretary, who left Singapore on Wednesday, were greeted by Malayan studeni leaders on their arrival in London today.
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  • 37 1 LONDON. April 22 (Renter) Brigadier C. E. RHirsch, 51 i? to be Deputy Chi«f ot Stafl to the Supreme Allied Commander. United Nation^ Forces. Korea, from next month, the War Office announced here today.
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  • 21 1 THE Royal yacht Britannia with Prince Charles and Princess Anne on board, arrived I irt Malta yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 120 1 PARIS. April 22: (Reuter) Mr. Harold Wilson, former Labour President ot trie British Board of Trade, in a plea for increased trade between East and West, said t.> Liy that western strategic rontroll on ftxportf to Communist countrfef "•w to a lai^ extant be- coming a
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  • 311 1 3 -Power Talks Begin In Paris PLANS FOR GENEVA PARIS, April 22. The Foreign Ministers of the Western Big Three meet here today to put into final form their plans for the Geneva conference. The British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, who arrived here from London today, planned to go
    AFP; AP; UP  -  311 words
  • 79 1 Peng Soon Returns To The Fold Tin' onimivsioiwi' (iem Mi Maholm M.u Donald, brought peace to Mala van hadiuinlon again wln*n In* p«'r>uaded Wont; Pentf Soon and playen to return to the fold. At a meeting: called by Mr. VlacDonald at his resi dence at Mallaig last nultt Pen:;
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  • 56 1 NEW DELHI. April 22 (AP» A bill seeking to restrict marriagei between older men and younger women has been introduced in the Lower House of Parliament. The bill would make it illegal for a man of 40 or older to marry a woman under 25 if
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  • 75 1 NEW DELHI. April 22 (Reuter) About i>o Indians ire] at present under detention in Ma .iva, the deputy Minister „l External Affairs, Mr, A. K. Chanda, -aid In the Lewei House of the Indian Parliament yesterday. Mr. Chanda. who was replying to a question, said sin-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 183 2 PEXAXG, Wed.— The deaf rould not only be educated but also, with proper guidance and assistance, marie to become [economically and socially productive. Miss J. Hick?, princiI pal of the Federation School for the Deaf, said today. Addressing Rotari: :is at their monthly
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  • 114 2 A CIGARETTE lighter is no substitute for electric- light. But for an enterprising person it ran serve nobly i n a blackout. This was well demonstrated by a BO AC host»ws at Singapore's Kallang An port yesterday when the lights failed for 15
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  • 143 2 SIB-FOREMAN Lim Hoe Chuan (44). the last of five heroes of the Singapore Fire Brigade, who lost their lives whilst fighting Tuesday's godown fire at the junction of Robertson Quay and Tetk Guan Street, was laid to rest at Bukit Brown Cemetery, in
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  • 176 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Security forces killed four more terrorists, and I (iurkha soldier died from wounds received in an engagement with bandits in Selangor. One terrorist was killed by an Area Security Unit patrol in Pontian, Johore, yesterday. A companion who escaped took
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  • 121 2 RI Wants To Please Buyers MR Soetan Sha.isan. (Indonesian Chamber of Commer c irged the Rubier Packing tnd Quality Conference which opened in Singapore yes* to supply his country with a full set ol type sample* so that "we could meet the require-, merits of consumers to the highest degree
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  • 109 2 CLOSING rubber prices ((pots per Ib in Singapore on Thur.sdav were: Bu.wrs Selltrs No 1 K.S S Spot Loo** Ml 111 No 1 R.S.S Hl\ 81| No. 2 R.S.S. s!>; tiOi No. 3 R S.S. 58; S9| Tone: Irregular TIN PRK E The prices of tin y ester
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  • 153 2 Salmond 0p t Rubber hL Standard Stoff R CDftr THE reasons for the crcotjo of the seven Singapore r ypes of n were the outcome of Mol QyGn since 1948, were explained by ft! the Singapore Chamber of Co [Association, Mr. I. G. Sotmond *> li the Rubber Quality
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 2 photo. BRIGADIER J P O'Brien Twohiif. icting Inspector General of the Home Guards, Federation of Malava presents the Key Shield to Captain Siew Kim C han of the Sungei Besi Home Guard at an inspection ceremony held »t SungH Besi. 10 miles from Ku.ila Lumpur. Standard
    Standard  -  46 words
  • 97 2 'RMA Range Does Not Cover The Vast Bulk' SUndurd start icptUl bkimsh h tn i < n. K Pi Mr British rul i present posit He n ingi i the I licb i u« r g] je. Th.. Mr ai ■> ;:if prod;: II I Basi iml Um !hr W»
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  • 97 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurt.— •More than 57.120 persons have registered as voters in the Johore State Couiu-il elections since the elected roll was opened a week ago. Out of a potential electorate of 200.000 it is expected that by May l when registration closes, more than
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  • 25 2 n T HE BUKIT Panjang Youth Club will begin its Knaufural 51S g S" Bukit P»nj«ni Ma^l Premises at 3 P -m" on
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  • 127 2 COLONY MAN IS ACCUSED OF TRESPASS PENANG, Thurs.— White a 25-year-old Singaporean was being interrogated at a Pol* i Station following a report of armed robbery, a man walked into the room and recognised him as one of three men who entered his home i:i Brown Road on Feb IP.
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  • 69 2 FOR driving a car without the owner's consent. Lee Yoo Shen. was fined $50 by the Singapore Second Traffic Magistrate, Mr. Howe Yoon Chong. yesterday. On two other charges *>f driving without a licence and without being covered by Third Party insurance, he was fined a
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  • 34 2 and t A UM Thurs —The Sultan of Pahanr erdav J e l? U Ampuan arrived in Kuala Lipis y£anilt Mnr we ,ddin ff of their eldest son. Yang Ter-
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  • 42 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Private Bray-Brooks A the Isl Queen's Royal R« I WT< Surn s m .< m < while on uper.i'. I April 16. Hij next-of-kin li Mi fatheri Mr. S H. Br.r- -Bt I >ks. oi Horse! Woli S
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  • 162 2 REASONS why the Rubber Manufacturers' Association of Washington had not included the Singapore types of rubber within the R MA. family of grades, were given by the R.M.A. Vice-President. Mr. W. J. Sears, at the Rubber Conference yesterday. Mr. Sears emphasised that' perhaps of
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  • 246 2 THE President of the Rubber Trade Association of New York, Mr. R. D Young, considers the Rubber Quality and Packing 1 Conference which opened in Singapore yesterday a most constructive step and 1 a practice which should be continued. "Regardless of th e oitrome
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 162 2 Delicious... aj Home BaM "b'cs! talented Heinz chefs take as much care J f is the finest home cooks to coax out the full, sat- isf)ing flavor of this succulent dish! Rich, juicy I y Baked Beans give you more enjoyment every time. Sit down to a piping ho(
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  • 95 3 To Renovate Theatre At $700,000 R T CHESTER, C ilting archite i J irging the i 5 The Esi rid Fi Brigade f the Coun ed the pre i s for th< •r i pted a hand the struct Bn tails to Mr if $24,000 Mr. W. I. Watson. t.
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  • 107 3 MANY people both outs 1 5 inside the Unite i 5 ire 1 md to be pie 1 1 the new decision mi l« the United State- Customs. I new regulation elimii »s the duty and internal tnx on gifts ro.>»i:u or less sent by residents
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  • 441 3 Findings May Influence Govt. Policy Standard Staff Reporter A TOUR of agricultural areas in Singapore with a view to assessing its food production potentialities has been made by members of the International Bank Mission now conducting an economic survey of the Colony and the
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  • 78 3 Singapore City Council vhi h is planning the co in I preservation of historii al iments in in Council tmber has secured another portrait of Sir Stamford Raffles This portrait was until reently, in the Legislative Couru Chamber i n the Victoria M 'morial Hall. Another
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  • 196 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE SINGAPORE Government has decided to abandon its multi-million dolLar project to reclaim swamplands in the Colony for increased food production purposes because, it is believed, the cost of reclamation is out of proportion to the expected bene- fits. There are about 17
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  • 133 3 How Much Is 1/8 Cubic Foot Of Rubbish? LAI Kok Ilen^ was charged in the City Police Court yesterday with obstruction and depositing •'approximately an eighth of a cubic foot of rubbish." "I'm glad you said 'approximately, Mr. Joshua, 91 Mr. J. M. Devereux Coleboarn told the prosecutor. "I've »one
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  • 52 3 A l KAM of technici ma from H vwoud is expected to arrive in Singapore shortly to I 'rate Paramount^ new) motion picture film presen ition process called Vista Vision. This new medium prov bigger, sharper and better motion picture.- which 'in adds up to higher grade entertainment
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  • Article, Illustration
    90 3 MALACCA. Thins. The j Erifj Cheon Benevolent Society and the Ton Guan Death Benevolent Society which had their registrations cancelled iate last year, have now been re-registered a s new societies. I MR. AND MRS. Roland H Tsen* photographed after their weddin* in Singapore recently. The bride is the
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  • 24 3 found a doctor Stethbscopc in Wl vehicle yesterday morning to thp S p ha lded the to the Registrar ot Vehicles
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  • 55 3 ABOUT 40 Ughtermen ar.J S a employed by the Ej«*- I Lighterage Company. ,:>ore ui! fei a $2 in- in their total monthly i merits from thi s month. Agreement on This wags In- ie was reached between he Singapore Lighter Workers' f Union a*Hl the
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  • 193 3 Standard Staff Reporter A THREE-MAN delegation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce will meet three representatives of the Singapore Shop Employee** Union today to discus> the hours of work in textile shops. The meeting the result of tntinued representation by the > tiit> employers
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  • 158 3 PAN-AMERICAN World Airways launched a new weekly flight between Singapore and San Francisco on Tuesday The additional flight li scheduled to leave Singapore iy< at 1.30 a.m. S gapore time as flight 8:U/ 8 16, and arrive in San Franis > at 7.15 p.m. on
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  • 225 3 SATA's Annual Report NEGOTIATIONS were "well-nigh completed" for the lease of the former South Winds Hotel, »n luron to be converted into a camp for tuberculosis f— nit scents, it wa s revealed by Mr. (ill Kiat. Chairman .f the Council of the Singapore, Anti
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  • 104 3 Delay Seen Likely In Trade Talks THE resumption <>t the Singapore [ndonesi i ti ide talks which was scheduled to t.jko place in the Colony On May 3« is likely to he delayed. The Standard learned yesterday. Invitation to the [ndonesians to come over and continue f he informal talks
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  • 51 3 photo. MORE than 30 children from the Government Hill Domain Children's Social Centre yesterday visited The Standard press to see what a newspaper office is like. Picture shows some of the visitors with their Welfare Officer, Mr. A. R. Ratty. lookIng: at a Ludlow machine.
    Standard  -  51 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 modern iß''j [arntthing $1-80 AT YOUR I SERVICE! t tie ne« i economy priced f SERVICE yj)BALL-PO!NT id imitations IT* besl lo 1> ti v VMatignum Milll.-r Phipp, V|; Jm Building. Mn;ipirCANADIAN FARGO TRUCKS Built to lit your job! hb^h^^^b FL FO-670 5 ton PAYLOAD more POW E R jrea
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    • 42 3 BARGAIN BUY! ou can advertise your needs for a s little as ten cents a word in the classified columns of the Standard Advertisements a'-cepted at 128 Robinson Road or at the branches of the Standard in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and [poh.
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    • 229 3 o INDIAN OAIKL I N E SINGAPORE— DJAKARTA—SINGAPORE OWtth effect from Ist May, 1^54, ou mH I A above route will be discontinued. Q The last flight to opercte on th.s route <> >n 24th 0 Apnl ]9^ A Q CALCUTTA-BANGKOK- SINGAPORE Q OWith effect from Ist Mjy, 1954 >.v
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  • 144 4 Communist Hint Command Orde f Strict Economy KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs the Malayan Communist Porfy hit a new low as a result of the in commodity prices and the (m public morale, according t 0 sources here. This has badly ihaken I i k< v
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  • 152 4 PARENTS DO NOT WANT SONS TO BE CALLED UP Standard Staff Reporter PARENTAL objection more than anything: else was deterring many students of Singapore's Chung Cheng High School from registering for national service, the principal, Dr. Chuang Chu Lin, said yesterday. Dr. Chuang was explaining why students stayed away In
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  • 161 4 Govt. Knows Of These Teachers SOME private schools in Singapore have unregistered teachers on their staff who arc paid meager wages and have not passed the normal teacher's training or possess the senior school certificate Mr. T. P. M. Lewis. Senior Inspector ot S hot s, tw'.d The Standard yesterday
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  • 66 4 Quick Probe On Assault Allegation Singapore City Council Water Department is making an on-the-spot enquiry into an allegation of assault on a dailvrated employee. The worker alleged that one of his superiors "assaulted him physically, without reason M Eye-witnesses are being Called by the Union to go before UMj Knqmrv
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  • 133 4 ■'RADIO ::M. M s i R:ipore may hear direct reports in English of the Geneva Con" ference daily from 9 p,r.. to 93C^ prn. to the 19 meter I ***** kcs). Early rise may listen i n to th, 5 a.m. to ?.3O am broadcast in
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  • 62 4 A MIDDLE-AGED trishaw rider. Chew Tai Hai. wu sentenced in the Singapore Assi/e Court yesterday to two years' jail afier he was convictcd for using as genuine a forged trishaw licence Chew claimed that the licence wa s given to him bv a friend who had
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  • 140 4 OUT of every dollar paid in rent to a landlord of the Singapore Improvement- Trust no less tha n 51 J cents are spent on the administration and amenities of this City, said Mr. S. H. Peek, outgoing vicechairman of the Singapore Ratepayers'
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 4 photos. Ab<»ve: like a sprite in g*quin*, Irene Braua completes, a spin on in last nirht'v show at the H;»i>P> World Stadium. Right: Inge Dorn and (het Nelson provide one of the more colourful items Standard
    Standard  -  36 words
  • 37 4 MALACCA, Thurs. J S. D.Cruz. Municipal Councillor for Bukit China, was today acquited and discharged by Magistrate Mr. Ramanaiha Iyer of a charge of driving hi.« car without reasonable consideration for ether road users
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  • 216 4 MORE than 6.000 people packed the Happy \Vorld Stadium last night to witness what was undoubtedly the most magnificent and colourful spectacle ever to be staged in Singapore the internationally famous ice show, "Holiday On Ice." In a programme packed with thrills. fu n and
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  • 166 4 POLICEMEN on beot duty, alerted to be on the look-out for Communist couriers, detained four persons, including three Chinese High School students on Wednesday^bur all four were released ofter interrogation yesterdoy afternoon. Uniformed policemen from Orchard Road Polite Station held the three boys shortly
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  • 372 4 KI'ALA U WIR, Thurs. Describing as 1 "drunken frolic" the episode in which two men took 1 Tiger Moth from the Kuala Lumpur riving Club hangar and flew over the airfield, the President a! Um Sessions Court here, .Mr. J. G. Adams, today senicnuil J.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 4 GFHGF
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  • 20 4 PON'ATIOVS to < S A-< U4.1M.1k i T v v the Genen Si I Tiu Appeal F« < Inr. 11,
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  • 8 4 R E < R Incii l;«h *hi
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  • 54 4 THE Malayan Stevedoring and I rtitw pany. who operate the largest fleet <>i I lighters in Singapore, has st;irt»<! ferrying service to the East < I m Borneo p i i •< the |1 fl < Regular h..\, an<? < i i E i
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  • 9 4 MRS E\» i f. in S t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 i7ic world famous family of TIGER medicinal products 'j?>v' .':••> .■■"*<:■ '/y-^-y TIN PACKED BALASHIN SAI (PAT KUA TAN) ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL H4LL to Y eu> cfeslre jf <J« '.tic- Fn<« y m :l "--3^ *©©pperwore Jl fi Z E 1 m v W&^V™ rr t*l~'^^KKry <^
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  • 330 5 NEW DOLLAR EARNER FOR MALAYA Scheme To Grow Cacao KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A vast stretch of virgin jungle in Pahang, Trengganu and Kelantan, with soil derived from volcanic rocks and granite, will soon become the site of a potential dollarearning third industry, under the Federation Government's efforts to establish cacao
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  • 76 5 j |KI M\N Kiims.ini bin lor whom i Shaw, Superin „f the Singapore t.lf. had a .special i praise for hi>» stead i to dut.v during Mi/Kjmvmi stuck to his post ol i turntable ladder. rroii ill) (liredinj; hi* hose iit«i ihf heart of the fire
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  • 81 5 Gift Koran On View In Museum Treasure of the which will he on R if] M is< im from 26, will he of Ejreaf inbook lovers and »tuigraphy. me the exhibition i I i l>cautiful Koran. <>n'en by hand on fine page it ia was written by Shad i n
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  • 127 5 it Doesn't Hurt To Give Blood IT locs no! hurt to give a )m ol blood. Mr. Dixon Chen. Do oi Organiser in the Singapore Blood Transfutioa Centra assured members of the Rural Distrttf Committee, In an #^p- foi n>->re Asian blood. »rs <)!: Wednesday On the other hand, by
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  • 117 5 225 NEW TEACHERS FOR COLONY SCHOOLS ABOUT 22.3 new teachers, recently selected by the Singapore Public Services Commission, will be ported to Government English schools, Mr. T. "P. M. Lewis. Senior Inspector of Schools, told The Standard yesterday. These teachers have been recruited to case the rente shortage in the
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  • 287 5 THE Singapore Second District Court vesterday took on the appearance of a beer parlour when nearly 200 bottles of beer and stout were brought to court as exhibits in a case In which Goh Hok Kok, the owner of a sundry goods shop, was fined
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  • 76 5 THE S ga ■■>:•• 80% Scouts Association will produce and ■>w over Radio Malaya o Saturday at 7.«0 p.: i> under the title ""The i i i*t A Here". Th > inaugU" rate Job Week which begins on April i't. The Governor. Sir John \'ii
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  • 113 5 Well-Known Doctor Dies WELL-KNOWN Singapore racehorse owner Dr S Rasa- nayagam died at his residence in Bedok on Wednesday night. He was 52. The late Dr. Rasanayagam who graduated from the King Edward VII College of Modicine, was Port Health Officer in Penaug for many years. He resigned after the
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  • 76 5 the first Singapore girt to ifarn Indian classical dancing at Kalashetra. Madras, returned to Singapore yesterday Miss Prasanna Balari," 17. (above) has come for a twomonth stay with her parents in 'he middl« of a four-year course. Miss Baiau. a former student of Holy Infant Convent,
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  • 115 5 SI NO A PORE. a> well a> towns in the Federation and Borneo; will commemorate Ar!7^; Day on Sunday. April 2r>. wifh remembrance ceremonies and the laying ot wreaths. Tiie dawn service in the Colony will begin ai the Cenotaph, Crmnaught Drive. •at 5.45 a.m.
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  • 114 5 THE Delta Ganges Welfare Association is determined to prradicate (lleteracy by giving free English tution to members' children, it was revaled at the first general meeting ol the association la>t night. The following were ele< ted office-bearers: President: Mr. Chan Ah Kong (re-elected); vice presidents: Mr.
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  • 63 5 AIR Commodore C. A. Rumball. Consultant Physician to the RAF., arrived in Singapore yesterdav for a rout me visit of the R.A.F. hospital in Chang] and for consultation! with the civil medical officers who help the R.A.F. After a four-day stay in the Colony. Air Commodore
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  • 54 5 JOHORE BAHRT. Thurs The damages .suit in the Supreme Court here in which two women. Miss Lee En* Lu and Mrs Wee Aik Tee are claiming '$50,000 and $10,000 respectively, as a result of a I motor accident, was today postponed to Mav on a date
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  • 213 5 MAN'S STARE FROM DOCK SCARES YOUTH A YOUTH, P. Suppiah. wept in the witness box of the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday and told the Magistrate: "The accused keeps staring at me, and I am scared." Suppiah was testifying at a preliminary inquiry in which Belbee Singh. 17, was charged
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  • 371 5 Standard Staff Reporter An extraordinary general meeting of 465 members of the Singapore Association is to be convened shortly to decide whether it should change into a political party. This decision was taken at its annual general meeting yesterday because the Colony
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  • 105 5 7 TO RUN ROTARY 'S AID FUND SFVEN trustee will administer Singapore Rotary Club*! Loan Fund, to aid needy students of the University of Malaya. The Club, at its butinttl meeting last Wednesday derided to invite Dr. A. W. Thevathasan. Prof. A. A. Sar.dosham who mooted the idea. Mr. Yap
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  • 125 5 MORE than 100 immlH I «>f the Orthodox Syrian Church From different parts of Ma'aya. Including memberi from Singapore. attended the Mth Annual Conference <>! thr Church at the YMCA Youth Club premise.^. Kuala Lumpur. on Easter Sunday. They hati discussion! on the
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  • 208 5 A ltf-YFAR-OLD boy. Lee Soon Hock, died after his stomach was pierced by a wooden pole, while travelling in a lorry with about 20 people, a court was told yesterday. Tan Kee Chang, who was -*-ated next to tne driver, told the court that
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  • 115 5 Sin Mio— With Eye Graft Is Well A 29 year 014 mother trtn Segamat. si M Mio. who had the first cornea craft performed on her left eye, wa« officially reported to be aaak in* "satisfactory procres*" yesterday. Sin Mio was operated on by the world-famous oph th.ilmif- siircron Mr.
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  • 190 5 DEVOTIONAL and activities. Involving men and women of all Will mark thi s \«i ana il commemoration «u Smuai or the Word's vwe a Membei ihip Ob>ervan f I) Wfednesday. April j« Y.W.C.A. Building on Hi The one which will in-gin at k with
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  • 40 5 1 needs foi It I i ,i- len arord in tl led o ufiuit of \\\f Slandai i Advert >i«^i ii r.»B Robin Ron<l oi at t Jir- brtl of thr Standard In Kuala l-unipur Pen ins 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 m m I f^^^m III''! I mKZ£mU& If I i^B^^^ I I til IM I j OUNLOP t^B Bf^pfl h^^m H^^m* wfl la^O iNC tuiiar «gii(« co. i »»lai» no. tmuroit -niu limph r»u«
      34 words
    • 269 5 A RECENT SHIPMENT OF THE UNIQUE SPONGY" COCOANUt MEAT SHREDDER is fil.vj si'Hinij otf#. .J?\ FOR $16/ ONIY jp£ N\ Jy' cutting your fingers P^ *O often d% m the shredding irith J& i j^ai* iK|iaj 1 iir} i >p« > ':> for: JiUffffPti- V9 nuts, chaaae« div v *^^L^
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 24 5 ROAD FLOODED THE Senior Executive F-igi-i.eer, Ipoii reported xesterdsy morning that tne ttth mile, Degong Ri)dd. i^ Hooded 'o a depth ot nine incl
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    • 81 5 Weather Report Minimum Temperature: From 7.30 p.m. on April 21 to 7..50 a.m. on April 22. S'porc (73Fi. Penaiif (*SF), Kota Bahru (77F). K. T. (71F>. lpoh (7?.F1. Kuantan (71F Maximum Temperature: From 7 .»0 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Apr. SS. S'pore (87F). Penanr <88F». Ko4a Bahru (B.iFl. K.
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  • 893 6 111 IS a pity that petulance over the refusal of Mr. Olivei Lyttelton to meet an U.M.N.0.-M.C.A. delegation to London should have prompted Alliance leaders to revise their original demands for only a three-!ifths elected majority in the Federal Legislative Council. At the Q.M.N.O. emergency general assembly held
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  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 599 6 Sir; Shortly after the Cambridge School Certificate Examination results were tunced, the Establishment Officer, Colonial Secretary's Office, was very optimistic in recruiting some of the successful candidates into the General Clerical Service to 1 1 1 1 about GOO vacancies now held by temporary clerks.
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  • 120 6 The incessant and unfair practices adopted by a stood number of one-dollar patrons at some of the leading cinema balls in Singapore, is aggravating. These people squeeze in queues just before tickets are on sale regardless of others who hav been waiting for moie tna n an hour. In
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  • 14 6 '"!#if f*' rlt><> rim«! ff|M paw wit* (he aolutioa i% MiiteiMl* 1
    14 words
  • 412 6 S No doubt the people ia who arc inti ited in Bu Iroon Ctl I t becoi \ng quite eon with ifie constant thoiv of strength by variout coi I ling bodiej and Assoc in Singapore. To this dale. J. IK. li ley. Manager the U'.
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  • 169 6 Review of Views Sacrificial Spirit UTUSAN MELAYU laudi the spirit of the trishaw riders In the Colony for contributing towards the Nanyang University building fund' It recalls that a trishaw rider was once charged in Court for riding in a negligent manner with both his hands oil the handle bar.
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  • 756 6 Demonstrate Against The Queen? We're Gentlemen! w ~~»r*>d 4he QuoW* ri*U. Philip Wmmmm ftlll ffc— Writina front ColAlttb* tvher* ho roe**'** v frf -m'~Z^mU+ «»<> >'"'""»' <»».., "IF only he sropperf tolking revolution ond become some kind of on AtHee, we would bock him finonciolly to the hilt!" So said
    756 words
  • 364 6 Two Sides To Ceylon's Past Ami ht-rr Mr. Dram- t«IU lo ||me lf*m li;irn! «.l H MIDST the weird beat of the Tdekki drums .mil the droning chant of worshippers, while imaJJ irreverent monkeys darted from tree It tree in (he wake of her procession. Queen Elizabeth spent two days
    364 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 63 7 RUSSIANS OBJECT TO NATIONALIST CHINA IN UNESCO ,i\(,i i April TZ (Renter) 1111I 111 "jhfc* joined the rnited -W Educational, Scientific and W} 1 organisation yesterday up- time-table ol the lirst M rvrmr it attended a |ofr .lexpeci v piotc'tiou of for art „K. ini Motion Defeated 1101 j be
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 7 ENJOYING a refreshing; drink in Minny Koaie in Britain's beautiful starlet M;iru» LaJM on her first visit to the Italian capital. Miss Labc who already appeared i» a nvmbei of English films, is in Koine to play a role in an Americai television serial. IP Photo.
    48 words
  • 266 7 PARIS, April 22 (Reuter)— French Premier Joseph Laniel yesterday appealed to Bao Dai, head of the Vietnam State, to use his personal influence to speed up the conclusion of the Vietnamese independence negotiations. i French and Vietnamese officials were confident i last night
    266 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 7 Photo In OvinKton (iardens. Kensiagtiß, List week, there w.»m a reremonv not see n in London before. Iliiddhist -monks entered a new if pit reaver ted Hi room house. A while eloth was spread out o n the p.t\ rnicnt ed:;e v«» the two saHron robed me iks limn
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 105 7 SOCIALISTS ACCUSE R.I. GOVT. JAKARTA. April 22 (Reu-! ler)— lndonesia's opposition Socialist Party yesterday accused the Government of discriminating against Socialists who wanted to travel to Indonesia for the Asian Socialist conference in favour of Communists who have recently visited the country for other conferences. Government sources later denied the
    105 words
  • 115 7 PARIS. April 22 (Renter) The French Foreign Ministry vesterday accused Sadar Malik. th e Indian Ambassador here, of issuing a "tendentious and inaccurate" statement o n the French Foreign seti ements in India. The Ministry said in communique that this action of the Ambassador did
    115 words
  • 82 7 PXOM PENH. April L'L 1 (AFP). The Cambodian Governmeni lias asked the United States, Britain, Thailand Japan to supply the indispensable means for continuing the fight against the Vietminh. Requests to that effect wen sent last night to Washington, London. Bangkok and Tokyo. Reliable sources in Washing-! ton
    82 words
  • 111 7 Stevenson Prescribes 'Lockjaw' CHICAGO. April 22 iAPV— Adlai E. Stevenson la convalescing at his farm home in suburban Liberty Ville after an operation tor removal ot a kidney stone Witty but weak* Stevenson talked briefly to newsmen. "Pit -dent Eisenhower tells as everything \s jusi dandy." he said, "and me
    111 words
  • 42 7 KUCHING, April 22 (Router > Delegate* from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association branches in Malaya. Singapore, Brunei and North Borneo arrived here dav to attend the CPA meeting opening tomorrow. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. Commissioner-Genen <>e present at the met I
    42 words
  • 37 7 THE D ike and Duchess oi Windsor sa d from New York yesterday on Ihe Queen Elizabeth to >p«. v h i the n si of the year ;»t their homo near Paris- AP
    AP  -  37 words
  • 239 7 LONDON. April XL (AP).— The Burmese Foreign Minister left London yesterday en route to Moscow on what was officially describe! as a 'personal visit.' Mr. Sao quietl\ boarded a Scandinavian Airlines plane lor Helsinki. Air'::. i 1 officials I h« would make conrw rtio for
    239 words
  • 34 7 I A 10-TON trail* r ran <•■■ 1(i |(i near Durban S yesterday, ough l field .it.ri son ed three times, ki ing !<• Afi I 9engers Another ih i lured >> i < A. P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 88 7 2 More In U.K. Pass 'Century' LONDON. April II <K«utir) Two more Briti*a centenarian* <l birthdays today biuum* thp total to h'v«« in two d.iw They mttti Mrs. s,n.ih (ireen. a retired school i«.t (her of Kinusbridui' l>«\«»n. who was 1O."» today .inrl Miss Louise \Villi> of ll.ini|> stead.
    88 words
  • 40 7 OSLO, April SI CH. Four kings, two quo amoof the m nt Um funeral here of Crown Prii Of N r The Duke >>f kbeth. I. led ii wreaths ws I beth snd the Duki Edinburgh.
    40 words
  • 58 7 THE HAGUE, Apri! 22. (ReuterV— The Dutch Catholic Peoples Party won a narrow victory over the Labour Party in yesterday's provincial elections, according to complex nationwide returns issued Just before midnight. Judged by voting figure?, the Catholics thus regained their ascendancy which they losl to
    58 words
  • 70 7 (ONWAY ARKANSAS. April ZZ (AP)— A bus stopped »»n the highway ■eat hire yesterday, and the bus driver, a man and a woman began searching the roadside. A passing motorist slowed his tar and asked the driver. Jack McClain "what did von lose?" McClaia
    70 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 7 GENERALISSIMO Chiang Kai-shek observes 6.000 Chinese marines during a practice amphibious landing at Kaohsuin?. Southern Formosa. Standing behind the Chinese Nationalist leader is IS. Marine Major Gen. Lewis B. Chester Puller who was i n command of the American Marines in Korea during the early days of the war. U.P.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 75 7 Standard London Correspondent LONDON, April 22. The following ore the closing prices of rubber and tin on the London Market. LONDON RUBBER Spot 18id. Moy 18Id. June 18«d. July/September 18}d. October December 1 8 ;d. Jonuory March 18. dApril c.i.f. 18,'d. Tone: Quiet After Srcody. LONDON
    75 words
  • 19 7 BAGDAD, A| A B e Iraqi I i r I Musa S dor to W
    19 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      49 words
    • 16 7 STORE those wonderful holiday movie memories in a "GARRISON" home movie enthusiasts \jL tWm ROBINSON'S SINGAPORE
      16 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 734 8 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD AND HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE joint tomcat To Colomb<» dcniM. Marseillrs. Antw-rp Rotterdam Hamhur Bremen S'pore P Sham Penang ITS. l.rverkn«e« (HAPAG) t/lIMftJ l2Ma? 13/14May is \*bt>b (NDI 24 '2SMa? 25»May 3«/3lMay .M.V ll.imhure (HAPACI) ...11 'O.luu, 21June 22June IS. Mosolstrin (NDL) 7 MJuly 15July 16July ,1 (alls Bilbao
      734 words
    • 961 8 TT^ BLUE PUMMEL LINE TIZ m MANSFIELD CO., LTU. r^f' incurptnated In Singapore fl terrier* option to nr«-e«-«l Wif other P«rl» U. JjSoow LOKMBU CONTINENTAL PORTS Dje Salli P Sham Penanp Mnihir for Liverpool. Avon- pr aj ji Apr moutri Swansea Acajou, tar Lve.pool G!^- ff MrW» ifj "J I
      961 words
    • 758 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS HALIFAX (MONTREAL) BOSTON NEW ?OK* PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE. MOBILE. NEW ORLEANS via SI'EZ. S'pore P S'liam Peiiant ROEBIAII (SMS) J!>'.?r>Apr SfiAp* g^A** BANKA (SMN) 9'\S9Uj l«May ll^f^ 17 OVERYSEI (RL) 19/SSMa* Mfef 27 WMay SOMMELSDYK (HAL) 6 June 7 8 Ju»e Eieelleßl passenger a<<nmmodation Agents for RL.
      758 words
    • 493 8 EAST ASIATIC in SAILINGS TO CONTIMN, '1| For Adea Port Said Ge««« G^lyaU. Copeahacen (.0,,,,,,,,,,," |JN sj x) M SONGKHLA*' »>"FIONIA" SSt j a "meonia" x*x> "PASADENA" ni x) Calls Beyrouth xx) Calls London ffmanin xxx) Calls Beyrouth. Napu SAILINGS FKOM SCANINNA%M I "INDIA" for Djakarta Kol rhang. Saigon Honßkonq
      493 words

  • 441 9 By ARNOLD C. BRACKMAN, Standard Special Correspondent JAKARTA, April 22. Many nationalization schemes here hove proven a dismal flop. This has resulted in a slow shift in thinking in I I some nationalist circles. Let _usjiot^push our nationalization policy too fai. warned the daily
    441 words
  • 214 9 More Dutch Goods Are Imported HOLLAND i< rapidly becoming the show window for European \nuW recovery and a I happv reflection of thic is seen: lin htr increased exports to' Malaya, an official of the Netherlands Consulate-General in Singapore told The Standard. Malayan imports from Hoi- 1 and r('M from
    214 words
  • 100 9 SWANSEA. Wars. Apnl 22: (Heuter). Briti-h w o m t n spend < ver UB<> ono.o<*> n year c>:i cosmetics, the annua! (erenct of the National Ha rdr«sMr« Federation was told tu rt recently. The country has 32.777 hairdressing saloon*; with a gross turnover d £38.600,000
    100 words
  • 105 9 THF rubber marker ja yeitterda) i ,1 rrcgular it -«viti ik-v Ol first grade rubber hipmrnt (fl| b. ofl Vrrim (1., i Bo mi- tipco nti v m ia| he market -.i^htly to ai 1 Itfl prr !b. at ,> 'f the trnrfin:*. F;.ir int< ,< luring the (Uy
    105 words
  • 121 9 ON i >n the Sin| ket y es t < ind Mm i ontin led RtibJ.c i -1,.,! tfl rot- I i i« <• IMII MKI\I COO. Tin E F •f- 1R Gammon 2.9S h McAHttc i 36 oo S Cold Stnr H ge 4 liS I United Engine
    121 words
  • 163 9 Copra pr <■<•* m the s POT! |>n»<!u<e market v<* v *«Tf hijlu r than those p inj? M Wr(ir,f>(iay. v.: 1 I e market in that section i mis «-ie;.<iy mod of thi rail h ij opra quotationi guote v Lewi? MMJ Peat for M i\ rn* n\
    163 words
  • 117 9 VI V BKM'T Cot., .1 Rubh«-r Co I.'d. report- a 'working profit, after crediting refunds of replanting f $«2.!^ft. of $77,826 for LtSJ With income from Inn ments. there was a lofl < f $194 Jit available. Directors' fees took :.7J7, while income tax $22.8)1 (lenera reserve! and
    117 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 349 9 1; 4 brt€f By A/ Capp %r^^^^ \%z^?ttx^]Z£ s^^kjsussss 1 rai^rr l^^^^^ H r v^W l» TNIS.BOPOUNJDSOy-—^ HtAVIW.T-ANAHDON'T 7 CnLVARM.NT A^> j LUCKY LIX. Ej^T OOp By VT. Hamlin W "1 I OOO' A THUNDER- Ijfl I NOW f^EBBE THtYIL V^" ""^sT' "P?^^' ->- £T7^T^ J \s\A^ BOLT/ IT'S C?EAUZE
      349 words
    • 806 9 MWgesi as— 11-^ jMm- I UMi: T' < 1.. 11.. 4 :iis 7 o.s INTiAD H fi F I Surface Mails stab: 1 '<. < sw«e h,, k i» i |JII^APUKtJ (|(nHt|K(k M. 11.V 3 30. T and tl ;-.!:l l l :8 rV-eirs,;;;: 1 "i^'y,^:- T M*S7w*£f -S --a^aaßßtßHßflßjgagajgfJß^gag.
      806 words

  • 445 10  -  CINEFAN By i CTKEBSEB ocrasionjilly A remind audientes that they are people of temperament by doing something quite unexpected of an actress. Barbara Laa?e, whose great success in the French film version of Sartre's "The Respectable Prostitute" has made her the hit of
    445 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 10 tutf," touted her for the titlt part. Satre saw the tost. was convinced, and Barbara was signed. Her MCOtM was enormous, and overnight, she had become the most sought-after actress on the Continent. And at this point she willingly and unpredictably took a featured role in "Act of Love." Aiso
    82 words
  • 49 10 photo i. WITH hand* in pockets, one of America's top n fal King Cole (or record fame} make* a speed i the V JjeJV ClMb /^irl,,',,! giren in his honour at the >■-, Hi'■ The artist it i,■ ippearing ai the L I at tim. U.P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 519 10 'ieports DONALD ZEC I HAM: had breakfj>t with Jean Simmons. t*-i with Ava (iardnrr. COCkUib with Int;rid Bergman, and dinner with Virginia Maya But I have A > a lunch of pure enchantment (and pick tea-leaves) with Miss Win Mi n T
    519 words
  • 186 10 ONE of the most Important independent film deals in rerent months, tinted ArtLsts has c-losei negotiations with ti r u s Fit'ld Corporation for the release of six motion pictures, three of which will star Jane Russell, according to a joint announcement made this week by
    186 words
  • 44 10 IZAY KENDALL, fresh from Her world-wide triumph in "Genevieve," has been chosen to play the glossy maga/ine tasnion photographer who is one of the principal rorruntic interests of "The unsUnt iius»»and. the new Launrter-Gilliat productioa which has I into production at SticppeUtm
    44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 299 10 CATHAY ORGANISATION A [TRACTIONS .y v rtj] NOW SHOWING! flllUllJ"^ S|S Ha- >«r>, 4.15, IT SEND* SHIVERS UP YOUR SPINE AND TICKLES YOUR RIBS AT THE SAME TIME! JUUSON JOHNSON "^^^^^^a^__BßHßM«anHo^Hß_B_^B__ai^a^^ HB --^H^ B^^B"a^^^^ PtaK TOM A .11 KRV CAKTOON 'Sill I'V TI.Mi: T<>M" TOMORROW at MIDNIGHT! m Introducing Hollywood's
      299 words
    • 183 10 ...CHICAGO. MACAO Bnll tv V <i If Ii TONY CURTIS JOANNE R I IVIF RKTTf.IK I\ihm R Featuring the No 1 lt tun Ut pi IV. Mil ri.i n. >H.L S i emit tilt 1 1 1 1 ii; S TOMORROW a MIDNIGHT' g m\i ay him pkoih no A
      183 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 281 10 I THE STARS AND YOU By Rita H.I M.«.'I" II l» V wi Ol A I ION: J \im> on th«* Krimlsloiir In out* KfiM-r.ilion mlk iImi*«- o| th*> nr\t t«> turn up." 1». ,.i Mins. IKIDW 1OK I.MRV. ONE: P: >rmte .,'jr.a and dectaiona Enjoy some aoclabi* Itty, :ec:eat.v.i.
      281 words

  • 22 11 Standard Service For The Unemployed orfe H.r iiKa|M.rr „r hi Hi- »<»iir ,n wbkh ica Ih tun .pies nl „:< v iou» em
    22 words
  • 358 11  -  R. SATAKOPAN B.v NEW DELHI. April 22 <AP)— Afghanistan's hopes for a respectable showing at the Second Asian Games, starting in Manila on May 1. are riding on the shoulders of a youthful 15-man soccer team. The team, captained by 'Abdur Rehman Jehangir,
    358 words
  • 31 11 TAIPING Thurs.— The soccer and badmimon teams of the Ponce Recreation Centre. Su^uei Patani. will travel here on April 29 to meet the Chinese Recreat»on Club in friendiy fames.
    31 words
  • 338 11 High School Rally Hold Colony Youth Champs MALACCA, Thurs.— Down two nil at half time, High School rallied in flu second half to fofce a four— all draw against the visiting Hartley Secondary School Singapore Youth champions, on the Reclamation ground yesterday. ucsp)\e i ue rain. a arge crowd saw
    338 words
  • 110 11 Little Mo Changes Tour Plan SAN DIEGO. Ca ifornia, 22, (AP).— Maureen Con- >. world women*i tingles i champion, will open her 1 European campaign i:i Weisbaden, Germany, instead ol in Bournemouth, England. The change in p'ans for the Itari of her tour was innounced here yesterday. The Sari Diego
    110 words
  • 284 11 LONDON. April tl (Renter) Preston Noith End were made favourite for the first time to beat West Bromwich Albion in the English Football Association Cup final on May 1 at a callover at the Vict'oria Club here tonight. Preston were quoted at o Idi
    284 words
  • 308 11 SEREMBAX Thurs. The i Ntgri Sembilan Badminton Aaaociatioa Junior Champ i ship will start at St Pi I Institution Ha!i o n Sat i'..v t ntries. which 01 ■"> record, are ai follows; Mcd's Sinnlev (Top Sectio ■Ah. Rahman (bye), Chan K<.k ('hong, dan Er.4 Kee, Noi
    308 words
  • 343 11 Ceylon Athletes Promise To Win 'Golds' At Manila SPEAKING to (he Ceylon team for the fatal Games at a dinner he #ave in their honour on Wednesday Bight, >lr. M. Saravanamuttu, the Ceylon Commissioner for Malaya expressed il>e hope that all members would carry Cevlon's colours to the summit of
    343 words
  • 178 11 Manila Regain InterPort Regatta Honours MANILA, April 22 (AP) Manila won !h»- i.»ilh annual inteiport rt»Kalta iga|sja| Hsjsjfhgfa] r n the (hatnpionship Iroiti the British crown tiilt.iix. The standings at the end «»f the four da v srri were !\lanila 34t, Ilon^kons 253. Main 1 ><'. *c\ 48 T.t poillll
    178 words
  • 83 11 liir tion < < teur H < iation foe nntwab< i -i Can. LJnivenil I t U tl.i- > j now t i the P Ibridgi i rsitj b, Mi .i I N Wtllii Thr f-f ..1 ol up bridge Club hope o to
    83 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 245 11 Mil \TIONS WANTED ed 21 Sid I I 1 $180// [R( BOX UE sb<J i 2U y«ari take drawn re ade l. 41 e asAftable Be > Box i ore 35. Std a :u Res leni i Re, S gapore .»-.i ss. 'i mywhere I Hj.x L'K 5'2 Standard. SE
      245 words
    • 591 11 ANNOUNCEMENT I 'HE wedding of Edward Raja Sundram <of the Income fax l)e[>t. S'pore.) fixed for 24th \piil. 1954 has bctn postponed. SI l UA HUNS VACANT f 'HEMIST REQUIRED tor I Concentration Plant. QualiIcations l v t Class Degree in lemistry ;»nd preferably snme ndustrial Experience. Clt>oc! pro- the
      591 words
    • 345 11 CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS \Y ATER DEPARTMENT. For cutting of and welding ol Joints and cutting of holef on l'4" and 30* 1 Steel Pipes \o be laid along Paya Lebar Air Port Entrance Road ami Jalan K inos. Tender Deposit Sl5O C ise N00N— 7.5.54 ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT: fa)
      345 words
    • 111 11 1.45, I »i M\ £i m \»>n WITH »MKY i>M»' H^^ lluniii'in F^P i:«h.\ki t^Wlv r.1..r.« If .ONtl V f PLACE ith 1 rank lO\ I IoT .ii...i Puiure LAST TWO t\\\ S: ill II II am SNOW WIIITf-. \\l» THI 7 DWAKKS sum and :><» «tN OPKNS SI'NIMY -TOM
      111 words

  • 502 12 Wong Others Back In BAM CC Again Steps In WONG Pens Soon and the players who had •withdrawn previously from the fold of the Badminton Association of Malaya' have returned to Malayan badminton thanks to the efforts of badmintonloving Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, Commissioner General for
    502 words
  • 71 12 Troops To Guard Stadium MANILA April <I F A reserve platoon ofl Philippine constabulary t ps will be stationed xt Hi7;.l memorial stadium dartag the Asian Ca«»s t<> pre4eet the attdetes particularly the Japanese While then- have beea incidents involviiii; pro ious Japanese visitors and athletes, lot ul polit** officials
    71 words
  • 94 12 (KONG. April 22, (UP) I ngkong today pushed a to raise fun I i awn tennis p] ivers ipate in the Win pionships in E:i-: and Y' the Hongkong i :.;< Association conHK$ 1.600 toward g the trip for Koon Edwin Tsai. T w.> »t
    94 words
  • 60 12 TEI K AXSOX. Thurs.— Sitia Badminton I 1 t Dew fU cation Club < <» Perak District toi loubles le; c F- Sitia menti med A Kamaruddin and beat Chin C ip Tc r Ismail u I I' I eat Chang Eu Teik Yip Peng
    60 words
  • 18 12 IPUB I r i tig the Mhe second the kick >il B ertain of
    18 words
  • 20 12 April 22.—Yester--1 results: Rugby ros! Keys 10 Newf Ri v League Other I .o JtHlian tourIng team 7.
    20 words
  • 214 12 Guineas Derby Callover LONDON'. April 22. (Reuter) New favourites were t uind for both the 2.000 teas and Epsom Derby at the Victoria Club cailovers here last night on the classic events. Sir Percy Loraine*j Daruis is the new favourite for next week's guineas at >- 2. Ame-rican-owned and bred
    214 words
  • 36 12 PENAN* Thurs.— U MN O champions of the Buk^ Mertaiam District Football Association :t- wi meet the runners-up. K enjj Jai Association in an exhibition match on tue BM. Recreation Club padang on Saturday.
    36 words
  • 248 12 KADIN Mas Ramlers, a newly formed club, strengthened their position at the top of the S.A.F.A. Division 3A league with a convincing 3-0 victory over Young Companions A. A. in a match played in a steady drizzle at Keppel Harbour yesterdav. Ramblers did not show their
    248 words
  • 103 12 TOKYO. April 21. (UP)— Flash Klorde U.nit.^t earned th e right to challengt Orient featherweight champion Shigeji Akeko by winning a unanimous tenround mci-H., over Japanese feather-weight champion Hirosliia Okawa K\nz maga2inc editor Nat Flit-slur w; f among :i.ouo who saw the- Filipino boxer win the
    103 words
  • 23 12 bYDNEY. April 22, (APi— Freddie bawso n of 'Chicago Australian welter J'fignt ampion George nes i n a 15-round bout last
    23 words
  • 17 12 I HE annual athletic moot of CHnding, Police wttl be hold ?m u Slliawa Recreation
    17 words
  • 402 12 By ANDY KOZARIO KUALA LVMPIR, Thurs.— Selangor meet Perak in the states' opening Malaya Cup engagements, and with new stars staking their claim for inclusion in the Selangor team, the state's prospects in the competition appear to be very bright this season. Three weeks
    402 words
  • 66 12 PARIS. Apr:: 22, (ReuterVlne first International TableTennia Championship meeting in Paris since 1936 ended here asl night with Japan taking all I titles except one. Only the women's singles which went to Hungary's Mrs Gervai. eluded the Japanese Itars who now look like clean- j ing
    66 words
  • 34 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thun Sent ul Workshop Sports Club trounced Chartered Bank Sports Club 6—o in today's division 3C league fixture Scorers were Chin (2), Omar (2). Sidek and Narayanan
    34 words
  • 76 12 IPOII. Thurs. Sixteen players have been .^elected by the Perak Amateur Football Association to make the trip to Kuala Lumpur auainst Selangor on Saturday. They are: P. Gunaseelan. Foong' Ram Choy. Lee Sai Cheon*. Wan Thong. Hoo Hee Yew. Choong Chitt Chin, Won? Kim I
    76 words
  • 46 12 PENANG. Thurs— Ton teams entered for the business sea so or competition. :u-y aro: Shell Sports Club. BoilStead, Fra<er and Xeave. Harper Gilftllan. Chartered Bank. Singapore Cold Storage. Eastern Smelting Cub. Guthrie. Mer >antile Bank and Malayan Stevedoring and Tran sportation.
    46 words
  • 175 12 TAIPINV,. Thurs.— For :he It two days, al -ports fixtures here have been postponed bee of wet weather. KUALA LUMPUR SOCCER: Div. 1— KL Garvs. Sultan Suleiman Cub SI. A padang. Div. .?B -Indian Rangers Sentul vs. Eur.. i Raid -a\ yon "if. Dr-. 3C Surrey vs.
    175 words
  • 497 12 Former Selangor Man Now Pak. Star selangor'S former Malaya Cup star, Mohammel Amin. described by the Pakistan Asian Games contingent leader as 'Malaya's loss and Rakistan's gain* will l«ad the rakistan team in their Colony engagement* in the next two days. Amin. who played for SelanfOC when they won the
    497 words
  • 202 12 Printers IBS Draw 2-2 GOVERNMENT Printing Office and Indian Brotherhood Soccerites drew two all in a Div :m match at Gevlang Stadium yesterday. Playing on a muddy pitch both sides found it difficult to produce their best. Printers scored In the first minute when Yaoob gave Good enough a good
    202 words
  • 62 12 TAIPING. J > )ccei fixture lor the R. Cup here on Tuei Malaya ico victory >vei I e Kiuu K M ilaya The home *c:tm il t forw.ii d line forw u d 1 i-idia d left S 4 >.r- while Om n ra« ble foi
    62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 12 MOlll) AMIN former KOr a Cult player uho i> now a member of thf r.ikistjn Asian (iamo s foot lull team.
    23 words
  • 26 12 KUALA LUMPUR 1 The Brodi: Shi< 1 between the PWDS Telecoms Sports Club I to bl "a played to I •)ed to a lat
    26 words
  • 160 12 THE following will represent Xon Benden Cricket Club •gainsi the SRC on the padang at 12.15 p.m. tomorrow: P. Holt O. BeadYv. v. C. Westerhout, P. D*Almeida, F. Massey, R. S. Tufnell. A.' Baker. D. D'Cotla. R V. S Sundrara .1 A. If. Ede, G. K. Bogaan (Capt.).
    160 words
  • 4 12 I 1 I
    4 words
  • 184 12 COLONY SELECTION IS WELL BLENDED TWENTY-TWO of the Island, will be on view on Saturda> and Swdaj Besar stadium when the first. Suiftaeit v^ and on the following da> s\l \>i, n (lJ^ engage in a friendly trial <•! strength .i-jin>t putedly fast and formidahlf Pakistani Asian (4 men here
    184 words
  • 13 12 i w annual Ktl! The X t I i
    13 words
  • 8 12 S Kt t K M
    8 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 174 12 Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed Without Operation k If v«.n T..c-I «il«j !»'< i(- your time or lunVr from hhvi < and physioal w^;.Ji you wIU And new happiness lkr»<* iifsihh In ml Ainf-rW-an medical <Vi«- i very whit h r*storefl youthful vlrnui«l vnalltl .«k.*r thHn Klnnd o|'< rni
      174 words
    • 13 12 p y/ DEMAND ■O'^V MIDNIGHT 'V/ TOMORROW /nob Jlj jJK^y RIC MAUD TOW
      13 words