Singapore Standard, 30 November 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 17 1 SINGAPORE STANDARD ftiitSlS Vol. IV. No. 151. SINGAPORE, MONDW WVFMBFR 30, 19.-..1. TWK r.VF PAf.FS 10 CENTS.
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  • 13 1 BRITISH ENVOY SEES MALENKOV N me in! I first I Starprittm of Pic-
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  • 154 1 unit) among the masses in SlnraDOr* I Rahman, president of the United Vilavs ization, said at a meeting in Loronz M ii we want independence, there should be ind not political parties." think that by joining with 'uina, slaves But if ill be slaves
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  • 52 1 •IKFFERSOX CITY. Mis- Nov. 29 (UP)-— The t- 1 >v Mrs Bonnie Brown Heady indicated today she was determii '.over. Carl Austin Ha for the kidnap murder of Bobby i vreen ease Her rney, Hai »ld Hull, said Mrs. Heady would not appeal against death
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  • 4 1 to or)
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  • 165 1 New Korea Line Ready For Battle SEOUL, Nov. 29— Eighth Army Com mander General Maxwell Taylor said t^day that the United Nations troops were ready ta fight on a new line and warned the Communists that any outbreak of fighting would result in swift and deadly
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  • 176 1 DR.M.ON HUNGER STRIKE WILL BE DEAD IN THREE DAYS' TEHERAN, Nov. 29 (ReuU Dr. Mossadeq, on trial here for trying to overthrow the constitution, wvni on hunger strike last night with the expressed intention of starving himself to death by Tuosdav. Thf, deposed Premier sneamed at the Judges: M I
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  • 108 1 JAJCE, Yugoslavia Nov °9 (UP) -Marshal Tito today *aaid tnat *he Ita'ian proposal to Iraw troops to a aTstai e > i: the border, a rfufl He added that Italy must make the hrst move toward withdrawal and Yugoslavia would then do likewise. He breathed defiance
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  • 54 1 BART. Italy, Nov. *>!>. (AP). Maritime authorii es here rted last Tiisjht that Y g s!av gunboats seized at least -<» Italian Ashing vessels on Friday i n Iriatic. Tli>' authorities said they the report from the I a. one of the three fishing boats that
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  • 39 1 HONGKONG, Nov. 29: (UP) A bomb fished out of Hongkong waters exploded, injuring five persons yesterday. Police reported today. One of the injured, a five-year-old girl, had thrown a hard object at the bomb.
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  • 123 1 HO CHI MINH OFFERS TO NEGOTIATE FOR PEACE STOCKHOLM. Nov. 29 (AFP) Vietminh chief Ha Chi Minn has said that he is prepared to negotiate with Francs on condition that hostilities in Indo-China are suspended and the independence of Vietnam is recognised, according to the Swedish paper Expressen which published
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  • 57 1 THE appeals of Trainer C. B. Parktr and Jockey Lea J. Fry, against the Perak Tuif Club's disqualHUatiun dfiision. were disMiased Dy the Straits Racimg liaaciatlsia of Malaya Coamsaittee, yesterday. They were disqualified hy the Perak Turf Club oa what is known as the "Beccaficoej
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  • 49 1 CRISTOBAL, Panama, N >v. (Reuter)— The liner Gothic with Qi:> Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on board do *ked her« today. The Queen, the Duke an-d party will disembark from the ship here, joining her at 0430 hours GMT tomorrow at Balboa on th<Pacifl
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  • 107 1 A 15- YEAR-OLD Malay I Yusop bin Musa, of the Ma l. oiT Changi Koa I, wj.s ita y struck by igni iin^ i during yesterday's I o-hour n which Hooded many of Singapore's roa He was repairing a drain* '■>'■ in the faring kite n
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  • 39 1 KINGSTON, Nov. 2J> Router) Warren Kirid. 35-year-old JamHiran who attempted to do a modcr n Sir Walter Ra!eigh a<-* by throwing his oat in front Of the Queen last Mjjht. -j-, ;et "ee by Jamaican Polir«- today
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  • 129 1 SYDNEY, Nov. 29 (Reuter) Former Pacific island canni bal.s ar|. becoming expert typists and accountants a Seventh Day Adventist missionary pastor I iif Boclim said yesterday He said his church was training natives i control their own niissioii% Pastor Boehm. President of of the Bismark Solomon I'nion
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  • 21 1 THE d i to be bui t in Brii n foi -'•> i i ji Newport, MTaJet ou Fi iiy
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  • 36 1 I'hohi. 7///S portrait of Primus* .tlrxandru* Ut-yvnr-old daughter of the Duchess of Kent, has just bt-en released by CeeU Heaton, ihe phmimgrmphmr. It ua.t mndr at (oppins, f/ip BuckinghmmMhire home of the Diirhexs. t.r.
    t.r.  -  36 words
  • 242 1 Constitutional Reform Standard stair Reporter TIIF. Sinuaport* Senior OAcen 1 Assoriation and the federation ol I nions of (ioverninrnt l.jnp'ox r«s have submitted a 4.000 word memorandum to the Kendel Commission which is now study imj pl;in> to ctuuagc Usf Colony's constitution. On
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  • 96 1 CHRISTMAS «ul U a'.v iv .hi have doru* your J:->pp ng It you li' j no*, this i> A:nl wh pint d.'.tr (iivs. |pg you will also remember th it i children jo -i"' have pji to givg tn >m c cheer. So here is
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  • 8 1 U.S vire-P R R 4
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  • 73 1 LONDOM N.v lerj r«jrprigk| n in the Snilfliv 1 iiik's litui Raacooa hM t'-'J«v ih it I Bj Sure, i;:n in r» Del i M;ni»t<r. u is unfid (it Hi it ill inMir-iiiK in Ui> ioiiii. tl UMIIWI he 11. 11, iiMflit I riM.itli, I Bj s> >.n«i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 Always Al Your Service AVI ift Selections MM t A HHOS.. f 'TS I'l.ue Sin^.jpore-L I I R3IIS fll^f SHOW °EON CINEMA: Ist. Decembt« 8p m. Galo Premiere Performance. BAFFLES HOTEL: Ist December II pm. Gala Premiere Dance Cr Revue. Also 2nd, 3rd Cr sth December. WORLD STADIUM: 2 hour
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    • 21 1 felW^H Maya*** s^<^^b^hb^b^b9^^'^ Christmas/ r ££pJr& CC^fc^w B^? Bft^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^^B! R^. -i»Jt*"^ I By- "Cm l//^1 wr '^1 B^^^j^ \l^W^B Bv^^7^^4^B^^^^Bs -<^ 'Bs
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  • 23 2 Fijian Dies In Battle With 30 Bandits LUMPUR. S I U B i the j R J and B < i > I •y v
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  • 24 2 IPUR, s Sai k B e the J< 'a Nov tin.' p ihim bin Ja I B i ion, Mala H-
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  • 23 2 h ••■<. ■i n Bril r up i i H t tent ion to t I Ki n i
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  • 195 2 'GRAND ALLIANCE' TO CONTEST IPOH ELECTIONS lIMMI, Sun.- Prrak UMNO-MCA Alliance is conU mplating a "fcrinil alliance" to contest next year's liiun Council EtetUoi in the State. move is und d to be taken In opposition the newly formed National Association of Pcrak, ch is led try 'he former Perak
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  • 38 2 i aya 1 B in I D I A1 rn< v-t C I! Butl ite of y Constiin 'he :.v if were beI l n the Uni- :•-> long Oct. I, when the var begins
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  • 137 2 FASTER, EASIER I-CARD REPLACEMENTS New System On Dec. 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Registration Officers and Assistant Registration Officers in the Federation are to be made Commissioners of Oaths in order to facilitate the work of issuing National Identity Cards. The officers will be entrusted with these powers from I >m
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  • 39 2 |>hoto. MRS. SKET HIONG KIAT, wife of the ir .-n.roir.: director of Birlevs fruit juice factory is seen cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony in Singapore yesterday. About 366 people attended the ceremony. Standard
    Standard  -  39 words
  • 117 2 LAW TO GIVE WOMEN A SQUARE DEAL JSland.ird Stiff Reporter WOMEN of immoral character ire lo have a law to protect them against unscrupulous characters uho live on their earnings. A Bill to this effect will br introduced in the Singapore Legislative rum il on Dec. ML The Actißff AttorneyOnrra!.
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  • 121 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Malayan Sinhalese yesterday unanimously re-ele ted Mr. M.S. Meodis as president oi thc.r Association for the fourth year in succession at the sociation's annu.i] oral meeting held at the Easi Hold. The following office-bearer? were elected: President: Mr. M.S. Mend s; Vice Preside:.;-: Mr. William
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  • 384 2 Penang Gets Automatic Exchange PENANG, Sun.— Penang's new auiomatic exchange in Madras Lane went into operation at 7 a.m. today when the Controller of Telecornrounu ations, Prnang and Province Well^slev, Mr. L. V. Wa«msley, gave tha order to "cut in the new." 1
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  • 75 2 HO KWEE Gook, a 14-ycar-okl boy who had been missing irom home for four days, 19 found by his father I ayinf in a Singapoit^ street yesterday but U still not at home. The lather luund him in Keont; Siak Road and took inni
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  • 56 2 rHEONG SEOXG (4€) was' I d tabbed in the m i ou:side a but m ig Silat, Singapore. rday morning. He died before the arrival" of the amg was Ht leaves widow ho t j >'i left Singapore reand three children. A knife wa s found
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  • 60 2 "ITALIA. a i:.i,inc rc-\-ir\v of Italy*! post war rvcou- rea I S nfap ire from the Documentary Centre of th< Prr of tiic Italu<r Min It bri< \y -k. I lies prv i>o.i\ adei h ;> in Italy and then g^f< down to showI a luily
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  • 35 2 KUAI LUMPUR, Sun Mr. J F M K. v. attached I Hreasury 1 injured ben a lam; i post in Vi the s morni M I was alone in t
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  • 32 2 BUTTERWORTH, Sun.— The Toong Jiew C ciation's n< I ling in g Be iga i was rierlared morning by the Chin« se Aff< (Acer, Pena I Kok Weng.
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  • 54 2 PENAXn Sun.-iynaiirs Smj Son^" c:rls braved the hoi sun ai the leaside in Tan)ong Bungah toriny when th< v po&ed for over 106 camera :ciinq a Photo^raph c S competitii Th« caneramen wtn three Be lions. 1 were two sessions one in th« rung and the
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  • 180 2 MALACCA, Mu-, Catholics here have planned a grand i ion for the first visit ol an Apostolic Di i iron the Vatican on v. 13 Mgr. H M. Lucas, 'h? i> tc who i s also the Apos\c Internuncfo to India. \vj:i be accompanied hy
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  • 152 2 PENANO, Sun— Malayan Catholirs \vi:h oUwra throughout the worlc] Wil] commemorate Mariam Yc;ir tVic 100th anniversary of ih^ a- nnition of the Immaculate Conreption of the mother of irisi with prayerj anrl penaoea for the Christian regeneration of the world The dogma oi the Immaculate Conreption
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  • 68 2 VLA LUMPUR, Sun. «t.>w I at ai tten ra I, •T I Che B ■-i :in K m i t 0 at K po Bahru P»r Ma ay i rr'■ i how B I had mntUH ayang" lo entei bin 'afar ;i hai »id
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 WOOD BURNING STOVES This handy little range is designed on the most approved principles to ensure utility durability. Oven is const, ucted of cost-iron plates carefully jointed together. Hotplate is well supplied with lift-ups, end gives ample cooking accommodation Size No G (26" x 17") Each 95 00 Size No
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    • 4 2 races x ;md fl>
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    • 166 2 1 1 V /O s/fO#f# iff HI 4 #frf» I GRAND XT 3 j i; Thr ,i! vf u t/ '1' HmMmci Inti hn 1 m rtasi I I UP Vi SP. vlijio I A-- IP S.'MI sp v| II ;'y Lotui 1 K1.93 J V; I \!I 1 1
      166 words

  • 33 3 A BLACK CAR. travelling alon? Mountbatten Road towards Katong i i> f night hit a lamp p >s1 .it\d ciicJei in the ditrh. r rti^ driver, a European* wu uuliuit*
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  • 382 3 CANDIDATES BRAVE THE RAIN Final Campaign To Gain Votes Standard Staff Reporter THE inclement weather yesterday failed to dampen the spirits of enthusiastic candidates seeking election in the forthcoming City Council elections. They ploughed ahead wirh their final round ups to woo the electorate and clinch the issue. With live
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  • 213 3 MR. PHY A SRIVISARN VACUA of Bangkok was elected by 21 votes to tour as Governor Nominee lot District 4G of Rotary International at the conference of Kotarians in Singapore yesterday. He will replace Mr. AW. Frisby, retiring District Governor, about the middle of next
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  • 129 3 They Seek Better Law For Hindus THE Sii T Us Re- i form A v finalise ii* 3-.1l tod iv to supercede Mr C.R Das3i i ha Raj's Hindu' M irri ige R strati »n Bill. Mr. V. r r\i i Seci i'. v of the A i I Th
    129 words
  • 79 3 EDUCATIONIST S' PORE BOUND PROFFSSOR Margaret Read of the Department of Education in Tr>pir-il Areas in the Institute of Elu iti >n, London University lett Lon lon by ai r for Malaya yesterday for ;i six-week visit under British Council auspices. She will attend the first Community Development ("inference in
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  • 88 3 THE RENDEL Commission. now study ins; plan s tr» clun«p tl"* ronstitution of Siagaptffe, is to l)o a>ik**d to consider a proposal f<>r a fnllyelected ont'hiiust' Pirliament. This proposil Ls ronttin- in a nienioi itiduni which will soon I>p .submitted to the commission
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  • 37 3 M VKING good use of the new Sunday session which is recently introduced to suit the convenience of workers. 26 neople yesterday ijivc their blood to the Singap »re Bi jid Bank.
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  • 105 3 Dismissals: Protest By Gas Men THE Singapore City C nincil Gas Department Ui m yesterday incil of victimising f iry and another member by nissing them from the Council's service. The annual general meeting of the Union, he'd yesi t lay, approved resolution protestIng the Council's acti m. The meeting
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  • 402 3 Standard Music Critic SOLOMON, on a Far Fist tour, gave th e first of his two Singapore piano recitals in the Victoria Memorial Hall last night before a f i audience j which packed both audit jrium and platform. The programme r>mpris2d four major works, including
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  • 79 3 SINGAPORE Police arrested a woman > m after if was roported thnt a purse belonging to another woman vva> stolen from Uv changing room in the Chinese Swimming Club on Friday. In the missing purse were a wristwatch valued at $115. a >:d necklace irorth
    79 words
  • 90 3 CHAMBERS SEEK RIDE DE -CONTROL THE Pan-Malayan Chin i tmber of Commerce will ;1 oa Dec. 20 at Kuala ->ur. The S:!i4:>por^ Chi' Chamber ol Commerce will send representatives to attend nneel ng and will bring up t'ne matter of requesting the Federation and Singapore nents about the de-con! ling
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  • 140 3 GIRL,17, HAD RED PAPER Sentence Held .JOHORE BAHRT. Sun.— Lev Si a Ch:n a 17->v:ir-V i -■•hool girl of So mg V i Village in Johore. wrai yesl >t foun i guilty <>( posse* i i Commun si document, by the P lent -)t Sessions I > rt, Hth. N
    140 words
  • 71 3 THE Ramakrishna Mission of Singapoi i yesterday opened in handiwork exhibition Morris R'>.i 1. Exhibits consisi >t handit i le art! 'lea by in stud if Rarnakrishtn Mi> Schools In the ci my Highlight of tin* exhibit i r i iraa >mp s ma le of pro i
    71 words
  • 32 3 A COCONUT TREE, fctruck by I {htnin caught fire m in O:i in R, i. Singapore, on S if n lay. A fit to the «d t he flre
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 277 3 j /./T. 9.70 I y Wmncr Bros m.,.^ She s Back on; Broadway; with GENE NELSON -•■■■r I IVmxi 4 1* it "FAH FAH SAI KAI" in MANDARIN rtarrlag \\>W MOOM I SOO < MIN (Dntinij Stunt! ink 74fi £^Bk *^L «^> *^0 VT i* KZ A fB v^ Ab
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 90 3 Weather MINIMUM T'lnptTiturc: From 7 3() p.m. Nov. 21 t>> 7. .1) .i.m. Nov. 'ID Singapori' 1 75 I), Pfn.ui? 1 7.') K). Kota tiahru 1 7.i K). Kuala l.umpur (71 T)* Ipoh 7."> F), Kuant in 7!i K>. Maximum Tempt-ralur": j From 7.::i) A.m Nov. 8t to 7..5U p.m
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  • 130 4 I>F \KE and the police nScer had disappeared ;hio-^ the deck b> Uii* tine Phiiiips iad Bill reached tli" top the rope ladder. "Keep In the vii.ul!»ws as much as you tan." whisper--1(I (he Captain in Rill's < u < ad ol abin xept i aiting I
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  • 216 4 EPISODE 20 -'BATTLE ROYAL' e the the Chiy a han i and im ng f was a free-for-all. The pc v t :iie U his Biah b.T'k along the corridor and '.:p the rornpanioiway. Throwing ope.i ih*.they were both ta jg< r< find themselves in complete darkness, and, for a
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  • 23 4 I pj nnd Bi f the tanker I I < ght vp p I i arm j h to the
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  • 101 4 "if any of ye move, I*ll 1 quit -I panl the Chi- of D the the with a [the light S abin t In \hf ensuing diswd^r Blake was able to fel his whistle to liis Hjn and Rive it a prolonged Mast. m fp't'4th iff tits
    101 words
  • 266 4 walking th? nigh ihr 1 windin street! of the cit\ i London og ,i ririz*ling N< •<■ a) i) rni d z amongst irehovsrs and offices in their alleys .im«l n 9 tvrlinffs wer e »neh like the ««-;iIher divm.:l. Cusiiif-vs v a« b t
    266 words
  • 79 4 Ii from a <:«^ lie i mOl I you T •mmy, "this d<>g is just looking not ing." ELIZABETH MI.WHINMV. VVT-: took our little Mary Ann to an arboretum w ;i variety of land .\vl. Mary Ann h:id seen ducks v* fore, but not peacock,
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 4
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  • 408 4  -  UNA LASCOT ssfasfasfasfas WHEN b >v< and tfrts in Britain awake on Chrisi morning to see whai gifts I Claus has pui in stockings, the ftrst sound they the pealchurch bells. 1 u familiar With the sound of bells on oth< *>,
    408 words
  • 133 4 Chingwah Returns I HAVE be< y pop. 1 ■or a <"" sin J tiiUl my father having riven mo the fir-.t one lor a Christu prc tit Ai v wcra o coma br«ff!. iticular n railed c Rwah known to almott t.«.'bi>dy in our IF \t\ r morning, after putting
    133 words
  • 705 4 What If Wives And Mothers Went On Strike? I Between The Lines by TOD AK f i f lAVE YOU ever Kaugiaed whit uould happen if all the 1 wives and mothers of Malaya nt on strlke L^L S H^ other workers do it when th. y «ant better pay
    705 words
  • 11 4  -  K .Cangaluran B :ny t i R U i
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  • 3 4 I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 49 5 f#or#»r 'AREFREE' by Tan Kok Kee ?rak Road Penang. Airestlex i 11, 1/100. Agfa. "FOLLOW THE CROWD" by Cheok Poh Scong oi 88 Dorset Road. Singapoie-B. Ikoflex 11. f.B 1/250. Kodak Super XX if 'BOATMAN" T Y Sun of 224 Victoria Str Sii Ikoifc f I/ZOO.
    49 words
  • 259 5 ENDUSTEIALB. Fraser e Ords. $l.!*7i to $2,024, Federal Dispensary $2.70, Gammons $2,921 to $2^5, Hammers $2.80 t o $2.82|, Hongkong Batik (Col) $815. Malayan Breweries $3.19 to $3.25, yran Cements $1 S5 $1 Malayan Collierie 90 rents, Robinson Ords ii I ak Stean its Time $2 7 1
    259 words
  • 321 5 AUSTRAL AMAI.r. \M at BO TIN LUOTCB made profit of 4 t i I and paui B<>', for :;ot|j .hn.e 1953. At balancing date net liquids eq i '..">.- :iH!', or l/4sd per >har.. Storei at tISSjtM equalled further I /3d per share. The dieiiye from New Zealand,
    321 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 THE COUPON 7 HIS BEFORE YOUR PATYou must enclose > -nt stomps if pour pattern cut. 1 I get th>. stamps, gtt the pattern. bei of orders hove me without rhc won't be tf»c stamps ore -ffice. H 9 J^ K PHRGRAKO P< I (i >ll{)lTprtcisioa K miniature 1 V\ioi
      82 words
    • 131 5 GERMAN RKPLEKTA II (sv) Bb B^B^^^^^^^£ H iii' -'-/PBS r li 1 \\J"'^C v^K IT"" n i. ii. mWm l-JKr^i i»«»ulile output, i»re n WsB&£^^^^ l|l l ">'* ni I'n nun ii ->~goo** v^ »f»»il|fr *»ilh vpird* B^^^ i c I l.ulh lli",r vt,., r I',,lm|s| r 1 1
      131 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 181 5 The Stars And You i By RITA DEL MAR 'I*o l» V n in vi IoS \il lit <t i* merr*«arj lor il lo < iiiii|iirr Is lli.U K«mm| iiii'm tin itothiii; I •Idiihiil IturUr MOM) I oi; I KVI ti •I ii, »st Oi I ff M <* and
      181 words
    • 419 5 1ST N GAP O REJ „>,.„' KOTA bharu M^ «{S a 9.13 i.m VIIIW: DoUai MerSjp»- i, <»\IIC\I: Dr\.<.ias 2. 530 a:,d 9 :H. T a:-..i Y*) :r. K^W^^L/ KLANG C%TM%V MaMhal in"fPfffft^ -^a| ■3BBW M'llnl A\er M.u <V P>wJe R. R...-t>.- 1 I K45 i.MM ...MK /POW J% ,MO\JMQ
      419 words

  • 735 6 I IMORRO W first of De< embe*. In M religion observed, ong all people i an acknowledged of Family happini I -.<<■ <i ch< i r This is en presi ire exchanged, w hen laith in I en thei e i special thought ;(-i ing .<ikJ th< aged.
    735 words
  • 1146 6 The Legislature Should Not Be Toothless I HE Executive Council should be transformed from a more advisory body to an instrument of policy, and that the advice of the Council should be accepted on all matters except defence and external relations. The present practice of the Unofficials in the Legislative
    1,146 words
  • 270 6 Defence and l\t«in.»l K. lations. Tin- (.n\i nmr should reuse to ln> rcprc sentative of Hit Majesty*! (lovernment in the Colony, and where local hlteresta conflict with Impeiial interests in all Matters ether than DeffCe Bui I \tti id] Halations. th«- (.u\nnnr should in- »bliged to art on tlM advice
    270 words
  • 163 6  -  RICHARD E A STOW Sir Winston Churchill is 79 today ond "The (London) Observe, d xIQO for a m emeVino of his eightieth year. The winning entry, published iff ™'£*°**n ,fwn 2.500 poem" submitted iron Jn /"■■ri i°Jn 6 ineludin a numb *<
    163 words
  • We the PEOPLE
    • 266 6 COMBAT VICE WITH EDUCATION Sir; Afti r reading the about the murder and rape of the 16-year-old schoolgirl Cfng Geok Tin f. f!l Plore the indifferent attitude ol the public towards i a rrii tter of fact, this is neither unique nor accidental. It is just one of attacks of
      266 words
    • 83 6 Sir, You dcocrve to bo congratulated on your outspuken editorial o n Air •Jumabhoy. Unfortunately 5S se m t0 have forgotten that when he a>ked: Are we flt for independence?" he was talking for himself Also he was justified In being Impressed at the diverMty of languages,
      83 words
    • 193 6 Sir; In \<>ur jv S ue of 23rd Nov Mr. David McLellan, the Director of Education. Singapore, is reported to have issued a rail for a campaign against "the mi >bbery which makes pan nts prefer to see their i n white collari rather than in overalls."
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    • 78 6 i•" ft voter >r)io plays poker, You can sec it hi my iace. Vm a voter und my poker Is a ()ti r u>r any race. I'm n voter ufio plays ;>(/! >■ along and take a ltd ad VOtei rind vi y p, Is the b, ,t
      78 words
  • 73 6 then I i I Fcdwxii i on i < linkv I lilKhrd vmi!, t'<»n of M-ln, IK h ifc hut n i tlir fun< t<..-,-•niiutiai < hot h (io\ <riiui< t« rrMtt'-rs w li>> I Mate) in iTn 5 no douht i. tion of thiv < is h<ip«-d thai ■erj
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 SINCATOHK nua SIANDARD INDttfcNDtNl MORNING NEvVb»AfER 128, Robinson Rood, Singopore. Telephone Not: *****— ***** Coblt 6 Trkqroph Addret*: TIGERNEWS. S.nqopore. BRANCH OFFICES LONDON Room 222 The Times Buildinq. Printing Home Squore London EC 4. KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG 45 Sultan St., 83 Cowon St., 8. Leith St. Tele 4588 lele
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    • 9 6 Laughter at Work "I pirf.r u«.tkins; tin foil ilibhibT
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    • 123 6 *^#<&&^#^ MM *ii *c* 3>|f W^ J^-^ hristnuts! \:h %>^ A free «x i m wnrtiM I > 4-. I i\ i it\ sin :Lp Slftcyi c v:- ,sV// r rifihl'Cunui a I g GRAND 15 SEASON 3/^fLR More ftrdiu tion s v.ixinu l'..n: hiin »n.M,| 1.m1.0 ro, XMiir rM
      123 words

  • 204 7 RUBBER: AMERICA DOING SOMETHING LONDON TIMES (Renter)— The Financial Times rdaj claimed that the United Stales is doing somehelp in the recovery ol rubber. It pointed out the past week the rubber market has shown si general advance. tly represents an overdue technical from earlier weakness, but there is that
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 7 pnoto i \i r.i h«>\ forced i rowd to I arms around tbr i jrpt'a Prrsideni immed Nrjfaib darinx Hen rrnt tour of jj ptian provincr A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 17 7 (Reuti in anti-sub i i :d--.\)h. ade ai I >(. kyard, t Queen I Che
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  • 14 7 29, (AFP).— nmun i s t I v i d
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  • 76 7 PUSAN. Nov. 29: (Renter)— United .State- Arm v said at least four (ires out in Pusan last nigh I adding to the damage caused the disastrous b!az e which t the city last Friday night. Tiie four fires which broke out last night severely damag- an
    76 words
  • 41 7 SYDNEY, Nov. 19: (Renter) The (Jueen has accepted a sour "God Blrss Elizabeth", which two Sydney composers have written as a Coronation tribute. Mr. John Sevell wrote the music and Mr. Ivor Maurice wrote the words.
    41 words
  • 27 7 TOKYO. Nov. 29, (UP).— Communist China's Administrative Council approved yesterday the ten-year economic and cultural pact negotiated with North Korea. Ra o Peking said »day.
    27 words
  • 66 7 T"K QUEEN smi]e S deliKhtedly as j,he meets the Miller triplets during visit to the children's hospital, Ireland Island. The triplets, whose names are Philipa Mary, Margaret r O s«-, ,nd ElizajMth Anne. ar« known as the Coronation Triplets as ihey wcn born on June, this >ear. The
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 220 7 CHICAGO, Nov. 29— (IP)— Former President Harry Truman said last night that America's freedoms are under attack by 'unprincipled politicians and called on Americans to oppose 'those who would coerce J us." Earlier in the day he told a news conference he intended to say
    220 words
  • 273 7 Satellites Are Summoned LONDON, N0r .28, (UP)-lnformed sources soid todoy it had JnVJJl V Y rCP 6 f V eonfefc of Russian ond Communr s t satellite foreign ministers has been planned for mid-December in Moscow d:f:nc;°com R :ur y policy for counteHn9 w
    273 words
  • 90 7 GENEVA, Nov. L M (AP).— The United States will have .'{ to 40.(iiio long tons of tin In excess of present -rateSic stockpile requirements by next march, the U.S. de tion to the Intern; Tin Conference here announced yesterday. "No decision has t been reached
    90 words
  • 36 7 VARZO. Italy, Nov. 19, (AP) Giuseppina Vigoni, 87, Domodossola Valley's oldest midwife, yesterday was awarded a gold medal by tne Italian National Obstetriocians Association. During 62 years service she delivered 12.875 babie
    36 words
  • 131 7 Duke Has His Own Ideas About Clothes SYDNEY, Nov. ?f): (letter)— The Duke of Edinburgh is independent about his clothes and refuses to listen to the fashion experts, according to Stanley Evans, formerly head cutter for a bis London tailor firm who is now living: in Sydney. In London. Mr.
    131 words
  • 35 7 ACCRA. Gold Coast, Nov. 29, AFP >. Jack Toller. heavyweight boxing champion of v Gold Coast, was senten'il by hanging hero r the part he play•i a murder about three months a.^o.
    35 words
  • 82 7 NEW YORK. No- i AKP) R< American General 'I t Tay or, former American representative .at the T-i i» i <>\ K:\yi v. >. 1 criminals in Nui nberg. terday strongly criticised the j investigating methods of -ena- tor licCarthy. Spe;ikiii^ at the Military Academy at West
    82 words
  • 69 7 LONDON. Nov. 29, (AFP).— The giant Stratocruiser, Canopus, Hew back to London U rday after taking the en and the Duke of Edin--:a on the first leg of I journey to Bermuda and Ja maica. The Canopus will take ofT For Bei a < n D-
    69 words
  • 170 7 Bonnets For The Spinsters 'I ill M iinstn rn of ;i I m<l«- >l r l.ivhion ll.»t slllip plOHltlx ll|Vj,|.|N the traditional hwrti tin will ui.ii |«f M it'.Hi im n «l.t It i^ Ihr <I.i v (i i* hi itiii h\ .ill nil in. u i lid lirh i<
    U.P.  -  170 words
  • 35 7 TOKYO (UP).— Noi Kor«ai Pn niei Kim II Sung rday p led gi <>f i. 0(1(1. («lli U i inisl bond and tii' Pj thai tii. d K rrtur::< d Im
    35 words
  • 185 7 TAIPEI, Nov. 29— South Korean President Synftman Rhee upon his departure lor Seoul todnv threatened to "throw Indian troops out of Korea" unless they ceased "murdering and coercing anti-Communist prisoners who reallv did not want to return home." The South Korean President who arrived
    AFP; Reuter  -  185 words
  • 54 7 RIO DK JANEIRO. Nov. 29, (AP). Rio polict '-ays an anti-Tito Yugoslav Communist terror organisation is operating in Brazil. They say the organisation, known «i.s *he "Macedonia Political Organisation*" may have ordered the r?»;i»h (>f least one Yugoslav immigrant and is ibly involved In the of
    54 words
  • 152 7 NEW YORK. Nov. 29, (AFP) Six of thf b< n major daily new-pap.!- in N'i w York City will probably tan to appear kx ginning Monday ;is a re mil of strike </i 400 photo engravei vho stopped work <'«u Iy j i
    152 words
  • 57 7 Nixon Hopes for Normal Ceylon Trade 1 r.s. .1 If ef Mil th Prime John i e a broad I i mil p trade I Hi nut Wrrjt OH I < "hiria. which h« :i "Ihe on th Ihe eetneni 1 DOH KM not. fed American i to depart i
    57 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 TWO ESSENTIAL "f^^^^^f SIGNS I^MhPh SERVICE iMobilbill when a CROSS ROAD and one to warn you that regular servicing (EVERY 1,000 MILES) including a check on TYRES, LIGHTS, BRAKES and BATTERY is as essential. to your safety as to the safety of others. Mobilubrication CARES FOR YO U R CA
      67 words
    • 34 7 7ke JinUnina Jmicfi tut/ GLOVES X Ofor Day and CCQAWfIA Evening Wear Irk black, brown, flty, nav\, uiuh, rose, Ay, and britfo. Jfawfl d-7 1 s:j/^> to $9/THE STORE WITH A *^£V TO OFfEft
      34 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 677 9 Big Bireley Plant Starts CONCENTRATED fruit juices, drained from the choicest fruits that Californian orchards and fruit gardens can offer are new being imported into Singapore for manufacture into a range of the purest soft fruit drinks on the market today. The new big ultramodern bottling
    677 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 KUP GUAN CASE MANUFACTURER lll\ SWEE ROAD, H\<, tPORE. supplier of CASES TO BIRELEY'S (Singapore) LTD. pleasure in extending our congratulations to Bireley's Ltd., on the occasion of the ning of their new factory. I BOTTLE /Wbhl j \DE BY si\i;.%i*oesE imL.iss I \3A\i'£'\\l'Ti'REttS on -Signs Supplied fry EON INDUSTRIES
      89 words
    • 35 9 CHEVROLET 9 and HKDIOIM) liirclcv's main delivery fleet I supplied by (Julian! Uo/nr Company LintitiiU Singapore and Ktmla Lumpur* Jfcp< v Elsewhere m the I• d> i>:ii m m b\ Borneo Motor* Limited* m I
      35 words

  • 272 10 HIGH TURNOVER IN INDUSTRIALS DURING WEEK THE Federation of Malaya's I inanrial Secretary Mr E Himsworth, anmuinced in his budget speot that the Government does not intend, now or H th immediate future, to increase company income tax as heavy taxation in an undeveloped country tends to frighten off investment
    272 words
  • 109 10 LO Dangers are still t if the I zation >1 the British laid In e ind Industry cii Th wi s passe I in M but may I i I l r [j iked th m M if the Ordinary re gest iteel ;>! I lucing
    109 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 789 10 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE AND NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD lOIM SKKVICI To Colombo CJeaaai, Marseilles Antwerp Rotterdam. Hamhure /t Bremen S'pore r. Sham Penang •TS Nabob (NDL) 1/1 Dec lODec "<i?R2 •TS Leverkusen (lIAPA<;) 11/Hi»ec 17/lBDef 19/ilOe« •lone Kt.nH Manila Kubr A Irokuhama Penan* P S'ham S'pore •TS Kssen (II 4 D'C Dec
      789 words
    • 1195 10 TT^T 7 BLUE FUNNEL LINE wiw; «2» im r MANSfiELO CO., LTD. "JSJJf Incorporated 1n Singapore Carriers optlun to pr«x:eeO via olht-r |M»rl> to Um6 and Du« Sails P Sham \'<-- ti AftfCOj for Liverpool Glasgow N->v 011 i;» Ueroplion toe Liverpool. Uaolla n Swan.sea O. tt/M I>ec 4 Dec
      1,195 words
    • 579 10 JAVA NEW YCRK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam Lloyd IloM.mi America line Nederl.ind Line Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX BOSTON NEW VORK PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE. MOBII F NEW ORI \NS via SL'FZ Spore P S'ham Penan? SOMMFLSDYK (HAL) t/ISOcr KJDec 17ISI^« KOT-% T.FDF (RL) SMtor :».lan KJao 7 Klan JAVA (SMN> 9 ISlaa ihJan
      579 words
    • 602 10 EAST ASIATIC LlNt SAIIIM.s K<>» s( \\m\\Vl\ K |f I Pore r I MANL'IHKIA for ■atlgtrofc Kobe Yokohama .i::h TAI siki toi Banaiu k io n -LAI ANIIIA' for Bangkok "PANAMA f B.)r. Hongkotit; 3 I l. lfl "JAVA" loi B;<iijjkijk S Hontktmi M mill Yokohama i S\ll IN<.> IO
      602 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1052 11 NOTICES l/l'n a KUALA LUMP! R MUNICIPALITY TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received s the OrTioe of the Muni< ip« Secretary. Kuala Lumpur, u to .i pm of !()th Decembci 1953 for the supply of th following articles for the yea 1904. 1. River Sand 2. Bakau Firewood 3. Limestone
      1,052 words
    • 742 11 SITUATIOWS VACANT KUALA lIMI'IK Ml Pftt ITAI COtNC 11. \PPI.ICATIONS I e im-itcd for the post IUNICIPAL COURTS OKI in the Municipality of K uila Lumpur 2 Thr situ .itt.ichot! p^o the appointmen 90 x IC r. 4Ht) pm. consolida The commencing s>i i un the r grade wiil be
      742 words
    • 303 11 MARRIAGE Mill iDRAN. «oo at i .-nhoo of ChM-f K i I. -n cl v of Clifl K N ,19 t 10 ■1 No. R* Rch I Ro ,-i K ACKMOWI.EOCMFJIT Mi K k Ho I H. thanks to ill friends and who 1 n beloved mother Mndain Sun at
      303 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 322 11 1I j I tt'i j^ tt «y Ar copp <■ rr's mis no-jop.'-thl mcx-hamba^sadorJ r^^TTT^^Tl^"'^^^' l-i»^ THE SLOBBOVIAH <f HAS ftF.LN OVERTHROWN- > aß^°.^- NOJ A BOV A AOIN//!. r"- r g^^^ K>W CAinj^Cl J ED/^L V^_J -^y—^ "^IT HOME TD MAH WIFE AN' "S, HIM S.W.. YOU'D J2^ Tblc!cpt»
      322 words

  • 806 12  -  PERCY JOSEPH Jockey Fry And Trainer Parker Lose Appeals By TIIK Committee of the Straits Racing Association •f Malaya upheld the decision of the Perak Turf Club's disqualification of Jockey Len J. Fry and Trainer C. K. Parker over what is now known as the
    806 words
  • 118 12 THE Straits Racing Association's tentative schedule for next year shows that there will be ten races each for Class 1 and 2 horses nine for Class 3. eight for Class 4 and seven for class five. Singapore will cater only for Classes 1, 2 and 3. The
    118 words
  • 84 12 SEREMBAX. Sun. On January U) at Kuala Lumpur a Federation hockey team Will meet Singapore. Followthis a meeting of the executive committee of the Malayan Hockey Council will be held for the purpose of extending an invitation to a Pakistan team to visit Malaya in 1955.
    84 words
  • 203 12 NM.Ki Semhilan made up for their two previous disappointing displays when they scored a convincing victory of five coals to one over Johore here today. Ncgri'l victory was due to the line combination (>• tho Ceylonese forwards, M. Thilaxaretgara. S. Devendran and C stamsi. ins. and the
    203 words
  • 163 12 Empire Bowlers Thrashed BOMBAY. Nov. 29: (Reuter) The Bombay Cricket Association had scored 292 for nine wickets in their first innings at close of play against the Commonwealth touring side on the i £u day of their matc h here T «?e Bombay Association start- eel badly losing two wickets
    163 words
  • 124 12 Easy Wins For Choong Skaarup COPENHAGEN. Nov 29 (Keuter)--Eddie Choong, o| Malaya, holder 'of the All England title, opened his bid for the Danish International Badminton championship here with a comfortable passage into the third round. Choong. who had a first round-bye, defeated Erik Friis of Denmark. 15-10. 15-lii in
    124 words
  • 551 12 LONDON, Nov. 29— (Reuter)— After England's crushing midweek defeat by the brilliant Hungarian side, the attention of British fans yesterday focussed on youngsters in league football who might in the future revive England's soccer prestige. One manager with the right material at his command is
    551 words
  • 208 12 UNBEATEN RECORD TITLE FOR S'PORE SEREMBAN, Sun.— With an unbeaten record in three games Singapore emerged champions of the South quadrangular hockey tournament which concluded this afternoon. In the final match the Colony team triumphed over Malacca by four clear goals. The match was a keenly contested affair and the
    208 words
  • 126 12 Hong Kong Neutral On Wong Affair HONGKONG. Wov. 2» (UP The Hongkong Badminton A>- I ciaiion haj decider' to ttaj iieutral in the controversy If tween the Badminton Asi •.'.on «)f Malay. i and world eh im pion Wong Peti^ Soon'i t-^nn. The China Mail said the deci ii m
    126 words
  • 55 12 THE Singapore Amateur F.A. team to meet PSMS Medan on Tuesday at Jalan B stadium will be chosen from the following: Chee Seng. Boniface. Taow Keng, He e Jong. Vass. Hill Weng, Hoi Meng. Ch I Chan, Boon SeOOff, Ismail YusoiT. Rahim Omar, Vow Chang, Hassan.
    55 words
  • 487 12 SEREMBAN, Sun.— The schedule of programme of matches of the Indian hockey team was finalised at a meeting of the Malayan Hockey Council here today with Mr. H. M. de Souza presiding. The visitors will play two matches against All Malaya, one at Kuala Lumpur
    487 words
  • 634 12 MEDAN TOURISTS GET LUCK TO HOLD SI NO MALAYS INDONESIANS Olympic soccer champions, PSMS Medan can consider themselves lucky to have held Singapore's crack combination Sino-Malays to a 1— 1 draw when they met on a rain-soaked Jalan Brsar stadium yesterday. All things considered, the result was rather flattering; to
    634 words
  • 130 12 M-'l<n loari ....v.l did iapsre' a j ::.:;r An i■ a Klir< i i is M.-.1,,, (Jrl ,t HIM S 2 pi in. a; aln-.nK I, with s«ni,St.IlN f|n( IM«C tov\,, touring t about >«nu- „i some .1, «miu»lmn for rirl 11.,- rrow,| n«lun,| i lap
    130 words
  • 16 12 South Team For Hockey Classic South ho > n V N i'n iS B Re B
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  • 7 12 I nttui < U K R
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 80 12 D. A. CLARKE-SMITH :i C.i'-dinal YYolvcy Walt Disney's 7L SWOUD WATCH FOR IT! /rvxu; c^ T^m M709 La>t li Shows S, «;.i:> ;ind 9.15 M(iM's Mishtf Advrnture Komanre! 'King Solomon's Mines" Starring Deborah Stewart Km- Granger In Technicolor To-morrow Columbia Picture "\ssk;\mknt pakis" I INI XT DOOR TO ROBINSONS) LADIKS
      80 words
      36 words