Singapore Standard, 28 November 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
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  • 313 1 Malaya Is Grateful MA LUMPUR, Fri.— Th s Federal Council today, on behalf of the oplc with one voice thanked the of Great Britain, Brunei and "magnanimous and nf" pecuniary aid. te of thanks to Groat Britain for i Maidin, .said that
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  • 22 1 Last Of The Swim-Suit Gang: Police ■ian, i ijy, .lohnmi I ,im. Kim Yew. T Feb. 20. shop in aimed 1 till
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  • 41 1 Council lorry !>♦ r „f laboura drain at Hace-n'-.:r I arr<T midnight. fi\«- Indians >w r,. injurI I k them, 1, seriI \v.iv admitted the General i' nt «>f Frenek 1 s< ph Laniel tool confipean policy 1 majority.
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  • 24 1 RIGHT wing terrorist! have threatened to k:drap or assassinate Premier Shiseru Yoshida, said the Japanese police ye I M l iv. AFP
    AFP  -  24 words
  • 53 1 THE DONORS BANGKOK. Nov. 27 (Reuter). Police said here today that Malayan Communist terrorists last nigiit kidnapped tour Thai Muslims in the Betong salient bordering Malaya. It was believed the Communis's thought the four had informed the police of Communist activities. Sjifuddin $40 mil NieoU $30
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  • 72 1 TIDER Sporting Association beat Fathul Karib 2—l in the final of the SAFA Cud competition at Singapore's Jalan Besar stadium yesterday to accomplish a 'double' for the season. Previously, Tiger-- had won the League competition. All three goals were scored in the first half. Boon
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  • 64 1 PARIS, Nov. 27 (Renter).— A Flying Boxcar plane crashed neat a cemetery on 4 he southern outskirts of Paris today killing all aboard. Six bodies were recovered. The boxcar began to break up in mid-air, a :cording :o eyewitness reports. A fell on the roof
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  • 337 1 Russian 'Yes' To BIG-4 LONDON, N»v. 27 (IP)— The Soviet I'nion agreed today to meet with Britain. Fiance and the I'nited States at Berlin in the near future to discuss the "security of Furope." The British Foreign Office said today the new Russiaa note accepts previous Western proposals for a
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  • 135 1 Aw Gift To Penang Old Folks PENANG. Fri. The thirty. six inmates in the Home for the Aged in Ban Lanchang Lane flapped hands as they welcomed Mr. Aw Boon Haw, philanthropist and Governing Director of the Sin Poh chain of newspapers, when he visited their Home today. A lar^e
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  • 410 1 Full Control In Home Affairs Colony s Hew Set-Up Must Give.... Soys CJA Memo To Rendel ABSOLUTE control over internal affairs by a fully elected legislature is proposed for the new Singapore Constitution now being studied by the Rendel Commission. The proposal is made in a seven-page memorandum submitted by
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  • 18 1 KUALA pati A rifle, a I I I A Y J D r D
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  • 20 1 On \w\. N (UP) i 'v to "pro I i I of v for I)
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  • 55 1 HAVE YOU DONE YOUR SIT? J^X^^kj^te&KwpSw^^^^Sj^Sft^ j^tffc^vS^^E^" jftK^X^flrf^r^ 1 *$^^^S^i^Vr^^r -*i^Swt photo. Two Sixers of the 15th Pack. North Dlatrlet Boy Smuts' Association in Singapore. Abdullah hin Hamzah and Andrew Tan. are seen coming up to The Standard Office with two big boxes of gifts for
    Standard  -  55 words
  • 190 1 tttibbvr (*<><>.% I f> Two i V»#i is KIBBKR prices in Singapore yesterday rose sharply by two cents to GljJ cents per Ib. for first grade rubber for December shipment, largely on the news that the I nited States was considering a change in its
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  • 8 1 "Ynu'rr WaSited ll»e (iovti-nor's safe's j.iiniiwd!"
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  • 42 1 LOS ANGELES, Nov. 27. (Al'i H > iywood acti i Avi r Will j>r i her d vorcc singer Fi .nik Sinati 3. according to stud i spokesman who quoted her a* •hi id tor lij.u.' iasi lUo'rt.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 23 2 HaCora i I ih.- in Spoi U IC.UI nitht (froai I K- Id r k Mr Ml, Standard
    Standard  -  23 words
  • 301 2 The A-G Averts 'Fireworks' In Council KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A decision to postpone debate on the report of the Select Committee on the Criminal Procecfuro Codes (Amendment) Bi!l today took the anticipated "fireworks" off the third day's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council. m as I to unoffic mbers of
    Standard  -  301 words
  • 47 2 A THIEF »neaked Into a room in the Singapore Harbour Board Quarters in Nelson Road and stole $70 early yesterday morning. Latex In the day. another thiel entered a bouse in Kin^s Road and took a gold rinjj left on a tabic.
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  • 58 2 TAY Emk Ch the SiMgaport- wi:)] (jue~ kotaUinj si IJOO, «ra i acquitted on as! conn:- 3 Tay wa.c bKm> cli altenai to dispose of tbx Tay was <ir:- led by Air David Marsha ho \va«; Mr. G dan Mr H b i ig to w
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  • 185 2 a T L Mex c °-°Perative Agricultural and Credit Society Limited, whose objects are the BpHftmeot and safeguarding of the standard of living of ex members of the security forces in Malaya, is shortly to be launched. This was 1 o!d to The Standard by
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  • 31 2 PHILIPPINE Gil J. Pi: vat. reprt Rotary Interna arrived i.i Singapore by Cathay Pacific Airw ays ■'■> I i gilt I the annual Rotary icth cor.i which hn Adclphi Hot*
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  • 76 2 THE i'> 'n ng randk were ra eei University of London h hc.fl in Singap i lir. On* Kang H J: b. A. Honours in English, Second Class (Lower division); Mr On* Rim Kiat, B. a. Honoui m English, Third < r T P. Parau. B.Sr.
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  • 29 2 we I < P< Ho of Ku ila I 82; Mi t Luan $1: S K rom A Ah I S i •larri i B t the run.)
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  • 48 2 MOK KAI 9AM a 4 e d v ai 4 B:irr j j 3 q L 11 rid She leav( i <* two d mghters, M Leong and Mrs Kofc Ho itik and l j Ij: Mem Juneral Saturd ,y Nov 2« at f.JJ p.m. fiuiu iitr rtiideiice.
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  • 11 2 SEVEN ROB 2 WORKERS OF $65 A G ped, i v
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  • 34 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Irt Hm I ouneil tud;i> pissed l^ill to briu. "I i»n in the Feitrilif in line w\ the l'i Kingdom and Sini;;i|>or«\ lu'sii!»*s H Ihe f I ir
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  • 122 2 COMMODITY PRICES k ft CLOSING i i. r prices (»«nU pr r Ib > m Sin«j pore ftfttrrtfaf wcic: l>m< n *> M s No I KI Siu.l !.<• i i <k 611 No S S t,K Ulj No. tt.S s i yi No. k.s.s. ;»s; |j Tonr: Verj i
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  • 105 2 Standard Stall Reporter i THE enthu ii of the workers of the Singap Family Planning Association's Clin:c In Towntr Road left a c'r* p impn Mon o n Lady S id wife of ihi DUr jvhip Jn the H Lords, when bhc vi it< 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 336 3 No Cases Within Last Six AAon+h* SO RESTRICTIONS MAY BE LIFTED Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Veterinary Department has adv.sed the Governor, Sir John Nicoll, that the polony may now be declared free of rabies, Mr A.M. Foster, the Chief Veterinary Officer, told a Press conference
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  • 39 3 photo. thjof Terjesen anj his irife Aagol who aryesterday on the freighter Tudor of in rommand. It is th,> vessel's first trip from where she will Uke on a <ar«<» of iur Europeaa ports. Standard
    Standard  -  39 words
  • 172 3 Ammo Cache In A Garden quantity of ammunition. Including ton enades, believed to be left overs or the iund buried in the garden oi a house Road, Singapore, on Thursday. Fi r information of the •ache came from a gardenex '1 two anti-aircraft He reported his disthe Police. of an
    Standard  -  172 words
  • 176 3 THEATRE lovers in Singapore will soon have the opportunity of seeing the Hellenic tradition of expressionistic dative when two German dan srs Liza Cozobel ani Alexander* von Swaine arriv- m the Colony on Dor. 14 from Hongkong for live performances. Liza an 1 Alexander have
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  • 70 3 THREE ;f 40 copies of the new British Council "Study Box* 1 on "Health in the Hot Countries'* have been sent out to Singapore. The others will be received by 18 countries. The Box intended for the *e ->f medii a] staff being trained in public health
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  • 53 3 THK SINGAPORE City Police v'jut Mag itrate, Mr. J. x -i D ereux-Colebourn, yesterday fined milk vendor Therawjtdy $100 for selling without i Licence adulterated milk i »fl rient in soli Is and fat to the extent »f 24 it) per 1 cent. Lisa Ciobel
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  • 188 3 $200 MONTHLY FOR EACH TB GRANT Standard Staff Reporter A SINGLE tuberculosis lent ;> tyment by the Social Welfare Department is ion 'times more than $200 per < w ling to the num- i in the fami when the person t> the sole rice >\ni »r, Mr. P. T. Cromwell,
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  • 36 3 SINGAPORETS population has in Teased \>v B'2o as against I7i) deathj according to Hgures of the City Council Health Dopartment far the week ending Nov. 21. Pneumonia was responsible for IB deaths.
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  • 197 3 THE Singapore City Council's Water and Fire Brigade Departments are conducting a survey in the kampongs to minimise fire risks. Mr. F. S. Wicks, acting Wr t Engineer, told The Standard yesterday the survey in< li: lea finding the need for more mains a:ii
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  • 48 3 MALAYAN ftudenta nrere Bmonn a party of a ;tne M) students from 20 foreign ami Commonwealth countries who i the Bivough of St. Pin•: as En in ond watchthe < if otes in the Parliamentary bye-election for irn an i St. Pancras South lasi vreefc.
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  • 21 3 '•VIRES Arquitrit Eundo,' a magazine published hy the Geylang English Continuation School made \i% debut iu I iJiniiapore jrettexdaj.
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  • 115 3 2 Injured In Falls, 4 In TruckMishap KUMAR Pillay. i 22-year-old labourer, i•" 22 feet t! inl the new Singapoi Pow m- St tion while at work yesterday evening A few li )tir^ before this, a two-year-old hoy named Liw Swee Huat. dropped 20 feet from the a »cond floor
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  • 75 3 THE RT. Rev. H. W. Bail Bish i.) w Singap >re, will preach a r the innual Festival of En^'.i-;:i Church Music which will take !>' ic s .it the St. Andrew's Ca bedi i on Mon i ij at 5.19 p.m. Members of th*» choirs
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  • 75 3 photo. SOME lOj men of the United States Navy celebrated Thanksgiving la> with a iaare and get-together with members of the WRAC. WKAF and the nursing of the British Military Hospital, Singapore, at the Embassy Hotel roof garden on Thursday Bight Pirture shoivs (\ipt Walter .1. Rou«ntrt*t*.
    Standard  -  75 words
  • 21 3 MR. MALCOLM MacDonald, the Commissioner-General, wh > returned to Singapore on Thursday from Indonesia, left for Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
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  • 88 3 She's All Set For Hollywood MISS Miv Paster, IX y«-jr old M»s>, Vioh't Sleigh will leave Malaya for Hollywood on Or*- g by P.i n Americas Airways by way of Saigoa, Manila. Ho«gk€«g, lokyo HoiKtlultl and I. on .\n.;rl«*v Educated .it Si Mary's Girls* 5.h0.»l in Kn«l» Lumpur. Mjsn Sleifk
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  • 173 3 Candidates Heckled By Audience Standard Staff Krporh'r RADIO M i ivi last light broa i 1 1 ele tion I ilka »f three indidatej for tl I >•'■ eleri ins. The thr ■«n 1' l.i I.^1 were Mr. S S. Manyam (Labour) Mr. C. F. K<> (UMNO/MCA) «'i Mr. Lim
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  • 68 3 A CHANCELLOR PARTY DUE SARDAR SYF.DNA Taher Saifuddin, Chancel! > r >f 2, irh Muslim University an i I of 1 D Bohra nmunity In In Y- with a party of about JO iople will visit Sing id Imu lj th« end of rioxr month. Dr. Saifuddin r >■.%• in
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  • 37 3 MR. THAM AH KOW, Fisheries Officer (Research), Federation ind Singapoi has been seconde 1 for tervice acting Deputy I> ■>[ Fishei 10 >. Sing ipore, fr wn Sept. 2. to Doc 31, 1953. inclusive, with claim tj pension
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 Dealers in all TYPES oi New TYRES t r"^ I TO I «*>t~| <\L i CAR LORRIES jj&LUll f'- Valconixing TvsssCs&y Battery Chargi.-rg i we* ore guoronrccc tot over '0,000 miles run." I i ii msi. i s m(M)sj:\ii;. HOCK SIN HIN 162 ORCHARD RO TEL: ***** Near Orchatd Road
      117 words
    • 211 3 Select Your X'ntas Gifts C A 2 |P /"or Her T ■:>- v♦ya N < Hoi! M 3 pC3 6 PCS 9 SALE PRiCE from J 76.00 t\ for H»mr < l jmr s^^ t T Hall Marked Sterling Silver Brush 2 pcs 4 pcs SAtE PRICED.™ $28.00 ft H<
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  • 226 4 Chinese, Malays Take To Hindustani Music SOME Chinese and Malays have acquired a. ta>tc for Hindustani music. Proportionately, a larfco number of Malays have requested Indian MHgi to be played o\« r Kadio Malaya. Recently, two boys and a uirl who are transcribing Hindustani .:ad Urdu mush* into the Romanized
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  • 137 4 Integrity Needed For A Councillor DR. SYED Hassan Aljunied, Progressive Part* Candidate ■ng E si Ward in the mber S a pore City Council yesterday advised votei :o tv <"arrful m electing the right candidate. He sai I 1 I v man of integrity ran targe his duties .is a
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  • 160 4 Out Of Prison Onto The Streets .lOIIORF BAHKI, Fri.— Many discharged prisoners in Juhore arc forced to go back to prison becai!>c they cannot find accommodation to help adjust them Ito a new life, it was stated at the Johorc State Welfare Committee meeting today The need for a transit
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  • 115 4 Federation Tg Raise $55- M. Loan KUALA LUMPUR, Iri Authority l« raise a loan of 5.W000.000 for construction of certain public works within the Federation was today granted by the Federal Legislative Council. The schedule of construction projects enumerated by I the Mnain iai Secretary Mr. E. HUnsworth were as
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  • 75 4 THE S n Youth Cmi a a party v; i i honour ol H. Welling, United E irrational Scientific Cultural Organisation Youth representative at their isis i i Orchard Road. Today, Mr. Welling will give a talk ai IUS p.m. to member organisations of '.he
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  • 262 4 THEY QUESTION WISDOM OF THE $100,000 GIFT PENANG, PH.— Malayan tudents, who had stayi d in Australia, were surprised to learn about the $100,000 £ift by the Singapore Government. as only .$35,000 had been contributed by the Victoria Government, for the establishment of an International House in Melbourne. Interviewed b
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  • 195 4 A MAN, who allegedly pretended to be a member of gang 303, a secret society, was said to have extorted money from a boy after putting him in fear of injury if he refused. i J lhis was revealed in the Fourth District Court yesterday,
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  • 291 4 New Tin Cess Bill Goes Thro' Fed. Council The Three Song Birds To Finance Research KUALALUMPUR, Fri.— The Federal Legislative Council today passed a Bill to levy a new cess on the export of tin ore, to research ond publicity towards the increased consumption of tin. The Hi«h Commissioner
    Standard  -  291 words
  • 96 4 A VERDKT of .v a m i was returned by th< s. gapore Stant Colo:., p, U M1 Chong King, yes al I the on the death Maarof (33), T woman. H^r body timp ago in I fl the 14;h. \ie, W bo re I The post
    96 words
  • 46 4 WHEN a in the S I Court D. Ja -v the M D. H. Chapman, thai Instructed *o A [ed to i In G eor Re 1 L9. He wa j n ]C siun of (10.000 when 0* U cnin
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  • 17 4 ANG Air THpH *4d in the Singapon O.i'. C hawking in a proh ted area
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  • 74 4 The 'Tornado' Rag: Students 'Squealed' A SPECIAL committee of enquiry has been appointed ncil of the Students' the University of I look Into alletfa- Hmidatiog b v Univexsily oOciajg when iavtsU- '•ton ido" ra^ s<):; U T SI in dard that i v W er t mud to urukr dure
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  • 59 4 TEO Song Kia Filtii Police < iri tra'e Air. D. H. Ci.inm: rday to ul 530(1 <l Pro r ol hOI ChangJ V t he erve thr< th sim] Mr. Chapman del Kn f nce p.rt rrom the Prol it ion Ofl Teo garge of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 207 4 loilut,: it. /7. a. V7. >\ .irnrr |»r< C ii'fjiit i .If r Sh€?'s Back or* A Broadway f» Warnercolor 7 Gene NELSON Sieve COCHRAN Frank LO Mn 9 am "WALK I \^i «>\ i.- ><7>\ Tomorrow 9 am M\ KM I ISO Ton iffh t 1 1'uln ii; U
      207 words
    • 23 4 J ori 1 1 j f COICIT t' MORLEf f. 'ic GIUBCI h.m r^mrci vi -snwono '^HUNNICUTT I «kI.I > M.,| I "STKANIiI IKJ
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  • 26 5 EXPERT ON HOW TO CUT FIRES liMK.Fii. Hi of Mr. e pubminimise the ;moie ble ir 1 c o essly ACS ther com- li d g
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  • 3 5
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  • 29 5 photo. ini: celebrated British pianist. Solomon, am| his Z secretary, Miss G. Byrne. pictared on their arrival at Kall a n k Airport. Slntapore, last ni^lit. Standard
    Standard  -  29 words
  • 11 5 J I gg(j front But
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  • 272 5 COUNCIL PASSES $20M. FOR HOUSES Development To Cost $76 Mil. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Federation Government has made a provision of $20 million ro build houses in the Federation, Mr. E. Himsworth, the Financial Secretory, told the Federal Legislative Council today. He asked Council's approval to spend over $76 million
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  • 128 5 Solomon Is Here With His Secret WORLD-FAMOUS British pianist. Solomon, arrived in Singapore h«st night bv Cathay Pacific Airways with a secret still intact— his full name. I. ftfty-o -old p ands of miles << er ing to p at ev< i H h dience known on y :<^ mon
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  • 79 5 propi p iy he signed a tra f ith I W n D but did not read the In f He preliminary inquiry in which S L Mohamed Sheriff faced a tentative charge of forging r id ge t i ke t s in r to
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  • 19 5 DONATIONS received toward- Lady Templer's Tuberculosis Ho ii tal fund up to Nov 24, amounted to $116.--235,46.
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  • 88 5 I A PROSECUTING Ofl T. S. Z was nted bi Del >nce Couns< Dr. C, fi. W» r P •ne for the co-operation he i n to the Courl ana for t ditable manner in h he had conducted his r the trial (it S i
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  • 248 5 SI'XDKA SINGH, 38-year old taxi driver, who has driven since 1929 \va, yesterday sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by the Singapore First Traffic Magistrate Mr. F. A. Chua, for driving a car while under the influence of liquor to such an extent as to
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  • 93 5 MR. C. F. J. Ess, UMNOMCA candidate contesting West Wiirtl in i Saturday's Singapore City Council elections will hold five liiori in three days to wind up Ins campaign. The first meeting will be hr'.(] today in Havelock R at 5 p. mi. On Sunday there
    93 words
  • 34 5 TWO shopkeepers, Ttnan Hwee and Chu Wu Chee were each fined $10 by the Munr Magistrate tor s true ting the five-fool way in t ol their I" Jala* Maharanl Aij.ii. i
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  • 90 5 YUSOF BIN AHMAD, on receiving sentence of 16 month rigorous imprisonment to be Followed by two yean Police supervision, lor robbing Toh Kim Sai of $4:i and a fountain pen, shouted In prote-t yes- terday, that h? had been j framed h v Toh. Mi'.
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  • 44 5 TOBACCO BILL: FURTHER STEP KUAr.A LUMPUR, Fri. Tli e Federal Legislative Council today referred to a Select Committee bill providing for ?hr control on the cultivation ariH manufacture of tobacco, after it nd reading had een t: the Financial Se retary, Mr. B, Himsworth.
    44 words
  • 101 5 THEY SEEK UNITY TO SAVE SCHOOLS A Af.l. to Singapore luno-.e S ioc M inagemeni Boards to te with the teachers to pre- ■>•'•- c education in the Co! my was made by the Chii e Schoc I rs 1 taiou. In etter ;o ih" Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the
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  • 205 5 PROMOTIONS OF ASP's APPROVED PROMOTIONS of 17 Assistant Superintendents of the Malavan Police Service to the rank of Deputy Superintendents have been approved by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, it was annoini«ed in th-.' Singapore Government Gazette yesterday. pi onv >1 ol A SUI IS Of J F
    Standard  -  205 words
  • 23 5 THE XAVIER igal Crt ghj reached i B I 10 foi M A K i week it I Rail
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  • 137 5 Standard Staff Reporter JOSEPHINE JOHN, the hi vr.n Did orphan \nm Kuala Lumpur, who was placed at (In- \.u k Hill (iii Is' Hnnir. Singapore, on Oct. K, on I cat's proli.ition. for altering hVr name and age <»" "«'r iiJrnlilv eard. ran awai laNt
    Standard  -  137 words
  • 3 5 sdfasdfasf
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 G^Sft Why didn't $V< lt> y X% before? > i j -■i a y If today Xy 1 otofM a lot o{ SfflHff •v kidney d( r ]O n allows harmful s '<• r»-ma;n in fhn body. th« result is often iis of rheiiirratism or jotnt and aucJf pains So
      135 words
    • 37 5 Bm^ J7 f .r it'fth'h i ottihittpn I l,f g^^^^^^j^. 7 1 I I,'?::; r aa^B7 IT n Aw jt Su-ipuic K i I i;mi>nr 1| <•' I', n 1' ii' Vim* n«. <," r IV»n, I',, u.ilir*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 87 5 Weather MINIMI) >I Tnnf)ii.itiir»-: From 7..J0 p.m. Nov. .'<• to 7M) a.m. Nov. ?7 Singapore (711 i; PMUMf (72F): Knii Bihru 7">f- Kuala l.umpur^ < 7<>l Ipiili i 711 Kw.iiit.m (70li. >1 .i i m u m Temperature: From Nov. ?7 to Fi m. Nov. !7 Stenpsre (KF); 'enanf
      87 words

  • 634 6 Malaya British Guiana 11 Al A.YA hei ell well on .nds indepenii> na Col nts in British ent will) <-ome i<j ion. a] party which formed the »ti 11 in prison and ha ve not yet n brought to trial. They are detained on charges of lt>M d der. than
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  • 1645 6 CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE MUST BE AN ACT OF LIBERATION r THE oppointment of the Rendel Commission appears to be a tacit admission on the part of the Singapore Government, of the need to revise a constitution which has outlived its usefulness. Obviously Malaya, situated as it is in the centre of
    1,645 words
  • 25 6 '>' J S Jun the j x i I am I c i p j No Rii^ht To Vote PPORTINC "fact i B
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  • 13 6 No iu»i tins afternoon I'm watching next WttU4Uk*% < up,
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  • We the PIOPLE
    • 541 6 Sir: Your article "Caftan Ira saya the British are a/y," i s written by one man, and of course published no doubt by the Daily Mirror which has a large appeal to the working classes. Would it be impertinent to expect to see replies to such,
      541 words
    • 345 6 Sir. Your editional torn meat on the adjournment speech in the SingaporeLegislative Cornell by Mr. .lumabhoy is indeed timely and worth reading. His shoddy gpcecfc requires a more severe criticism thin what you have made. Some self-si vied politicians like .Mr. Jumahhoy appear to hive t:iken a wroni;
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  • Article, Illustration
    188 6 Sir.. There oro thirteen pectiye candidate tion for six ats in the forthcoming City Cot n-t-i! Elf. <ioris on L>. sth, I appeal to the elect* rs v. ho arc ;»fxi(,us to tee their ective Wards well re- nti i to roti fuliowinK question I, as I do
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 125 6 SINGAPORE riGtK STANDARD INLUFNDfcNT V.GRNING NEWSPAPER HEAD OFFICE 1 2b Robmton Rood, Singopurc Telephone Not: *****—***** Cobt* 6 telcg.oph Addmt TIGERNIWS Singapore. BRANCH OFFICFS Roorr 22? The Time* Building. Printing Hou<e Square London f C 4. KUALA LUMHUk IPOH PENANG 45 Fulton St.. B*. Cowan St. 8. Lcirh St.. !<»«•
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  • 284 7 May Discuss An Alliance Against Mao Tse-Tung TAIPEI Nov 27 (UP)_P res d enr Chiang Kci-shek and South Korean President Syngman Rhee quickly went into closed sessions following Rhee s arrival here today amid speculation that o two-front military alliance against Red China was in the
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  • 22 7 HIGHER FOOD OUTPUT URGED nny u sov. r< (Reuter) [in last night called ind more 1* T l |rodu to raise »oni
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  • 9 7 Churchill: Declaration Not Needed I N i B or
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  • 12 7 NEW HONOUR FOR HILLARY 27: have ng the th's radio tmas Day.
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  • 110 7 Lay Off, Russia Is Told NEW YORK. Nov. 27. (AP) Che Netherlands warned the si iana yesterday that ii they tried to force their iyatern on the West "our p< tg world would handN n In a way it has handlcci tht^ K;iiscr and Hitler." •T. de Kadt. a member
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  • 41 7 JAKARTA, Nov. 27: (Router) On the >ame night that a hand-grenade wai thrown into the room of the Justice Minister on Wednesday, five; other hand-grenades were thrown at five different places In Yanjung Priok, harbour town of Jakarta.
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  • 39 7 photo. JUNi ..AVER, the fo,mcr f,| m octress who re- a convent ot Xav.-er, Kansas, because II health, is shown here with her e-ort y Joe Campbell of Santa Monirn n* n Hollywood A. P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 134 7 Rebel' Motion On TV Is Rejected I; WON, Moi 27 (Renter)— The Government last night defeated by i:>7 votes to 87, a move bv 'rebel" Conservative Peers in the House of Lords to condemn Its plans lor introducing commercial television to oMiam. g i I in Bi Broadme Lib and
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  • 119 7 20,000 Sing Out A Welcome KINGSTON, .1 imics, Nov. :>7. (Keuter).— Under a bla/inK tropical sun yrslorday JO.OOO .lamairun school children K»»f -Will Ye No Ce«M Bark Atiain?" as the Queen and the Duke of hdinbtir«h drove in a n open military jeep round the crowded Kindlon Cricket Club Ground
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  • 80 7 Standotd London Correspondent LONDON, Nor. 28. The following ore th c closing prices of mbbcr and tin on the London market- LONDON RUBBfR LONDON TIN Spot 17jd. Spot £652 10s. per ton. December 17i d buyers, £655 sellers. Jan. /Morch 18 d. Three months £641 Apr./ June
    80 words
  • 82 7 BARBARA O'NEIL, 19, second oldest of the ten O'Neil sisters of Boston, is kissed by her husband, Navyman Frank Warnpole of Plymouth, Pennsylvania, as eight sisters point to the couple and cwait their turn to kiss the groom. The sisters (left to right;, are: Frances, 4:
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 44 7 TEHERAN, Nov. 27, (Renter) The prosecution in the trial o! Dr. Mohammed Mo sadeq yesterday again drned the death sentence for the deposed prime minister. Dr Mossadeq spent the whole session with his head od hifl de.^k, apparently feigning sleep.
    44 words
  • 202 7 Nixon Breaks Up A Hostile Crowd RANGOON, Nov. 27— (AFP) —Visiting United States VicePresideni Richard Nixon terday broke up a Communist demonstration bv walking up to the demonstrators and talking to them. As Nixon left the famous Shwemadaw pagoda about! 40 miles from Rangoon, which iie had been visiting, he
    202 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 7 COMMi iLTH TOUR h Queen 1 D I 8.0.A.C. H Sti an u the Q < A.P. VOTJ th« I) I todav .'i K.nsston .1. i
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 128 7 You Can't Beat It, Says Vice Sqauad Chief PARIS. Nov. 27 (UP)— The chief of the Paris Vice Squad said yesterday he does not object to foreigners indulging in vice ith the city's estimated 30,000 prostitutes so long as they keep it orderly. "We ha Jon:.; ■ected." chief .JiM q
    128 words
  • 59 7 LONDON'. .Nov. 27, (AFP)— Japanese war bride Sumie Peppere I has been invited by the villagers of Marldon. Devonshire, to a huge party on Dec. 15. The 24-year-o <1 Japanese gill reached England Last week with her soldier husband. Staff Sergeant Leonard Pepperell, who has
    59 words
  • 68 7 LONDON", Nov. 27 <AP) A semi-official Royal Air Force magazine today piloted i o< ps launched straighi up from v ground will form part of 1 future atomic bombing. The magazine. Flying Review, said the stubby-winged k» ts will hit l .s<)u miles an hour
    68 words
  • 32 7 TWO shep i\>> k ot 4ihi sheep men ep ted fi to di ath ;<t H; mana near Ankara on Thursday as n new 1 '1 urkey. A P ~*sfasfas
    AP  -  32 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 V (k Acnii\ im i:\ts OF f *> v^7 In a world of compeiing laims Lonyines can s'ale ese simple undeniable facts I result for timing EVER achieved b.v a 1 ist-watch at NEUCHAIEI. Observat.ry, 'NGINES Walch No. *****75, 8 POINTS. of absolute precision 0 2 ill foi timing EVER
      105 words
    • 66 7 Nature Provides lII* Hralkrr ami aUo In. III. r K)H HAMPTON tMCL*»<O f CHURCHSN \^~Yamou,s English v^^^ Shoes ..yS ARE MADZ FROM FINEST ENGLISH 'I iii illu\, alf /ja!im^ l»:.i< k |v. >\ i .ill I'mihii i c4 Amy^f WyJMfITJaE Wliii.- H.Mk-lvin W |lil«' IMM k kID Vm| I .HI
      66 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 780 8 rAMBUKG ta. AMEXIKA LIHIE NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYO lOINI Shi:\l( I lo oionibii (,inoa MafaeWes Aalwerp Ratlerdani Him hurt' Hrem'-n S'pore Sham I'tnanK ♦TS Nabob (NOD 5/9 Dec H)l>re 11/12Dec *'IH I I'T'-rkusca (HAPAG) 11 l»i|li i lHDei l!»2ll>e« •fonr Fi»ni- M«nil^ Kobp Vokohjaia •1.1 l.ssen (H/iPAfi) H>.<" .!>•< 7|>ee •TS Werrastem
      780 words
    • 1237 8 M xmm BLUE FUNNEL LINE ig^wij iffHatai MANSMILI) CO., LID. Incorporoltd in 51nn«P*»rt ;trrt»rs option to prueeed \t« ollmi i»'it. (o Im.ul :ntr| LONDON A COMIMMM WmiJ" j; ,e Satli h S run i\tr.Mis roi Lfvorjpool cJ.j-row N<»v .*'i i« Nn k ::i jt ea <. U ;t Dec 4
      1,237 words
    • 950 8 JAP COMPETITION IN SHIPBUILDING STiRS GERMANY HAIVfBI RG, N«»v. :i! (Reuter) —Japanese shipbuilders are competing on very strong terms with German shipyards in the export Ji.-ld, with prices sometimes Si per cent below those quoted hy German yards, the Association ot West German Shipbuilder! said here yesterday. •ion capacity avai
      950 words
    • 608 8 EAST ASIATIC LI IAIUNCifc I RUM s(\mm\i\i\ik MiM|> I p s ■MAM HI KIA for Ban. Saigon H< nftki r,u Koba n knhan 1/3 Da i, "PALKTMIA* f r Banadoa I inn k KI "LAI ANPIA' for Bangkok h '•PANAMA" foi Bangkok anri Hongk >nj i i. ln "JAVA"
      608 words

  • 86 9 'Copters Aid Oil Search In Jungle HELICOPTERS are Playing a leading part in an extensive search for oil amid the drnse tropi ral junjjlrs o f Ncthrrland(Wcslcra) New Guinea. Easily manoeuvrable and able to operate from small, quickly made landing grounds, they have fully proved their worth us key vehicles
    Shell  -  86 words
    • 99 9 RUBBER prices in the Singapore market yesterday n uteri favourably to the news that the United States mi«ht its stockpile rotation policy. Quotations closed two cents above Thursday's love's, first srade for December shipment being quoted 61 i cents per lb. Some manufacturing interest, coupled with a
      99 words
    • 74 9 Singapore Chamber ot Com meree Rubber A.^ociation noon prices (in cents per lb.> yesler I day were: Buyers Sellers No 1 RSS Spot loose 603 tAt No 1 RSS ;.o b December cij 611 N >. 1 RSs J 611 611 No. 2 December 60* BOJ No. 3
      74 words
    • 69 9 WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, (UP)— The Agriculture Department reported on 'i that Indonesia's copra exports in October totalled L'y.^44 tons or 37 jx>r <-c\\\ more than In September and 45 nor cent more thnn In October 1952 Exports during JanuaryOctober l amounted to 1 1 J6.47^ tons or
      69 words
  • 121 9 THERE was bcttei inquiry for rubber shares in the I Malayan share market y< ter- day at slightly higher levels ias a result of the improved I rubber price?. Industrial shares were also better while tin shares were fractionally better despite the mo<k t drop in the metal price.
    121 words
  • 48 9 OGNE. Nov. 21 (AFP) The new German rii I aii company, the have 24 planes at ii« disp and will start tioninl the middle of next year. I per cent of these p anea will be u ed on bit< ntinental rnnti
    48 words
  • 71 9 THE produo Singapore remain* m tghtly high* A I til fill I ing. C> I I. shipment <> <•* $AU 3 .s pei picul $:*8 5/t seliei C toil *<;i pei around Pepp< ;it Muntok per picul for 1 Stngaport i (per Gaml $2!tl, ui i ..l. i S?8fl:
    71 words
  • 6 9 A FRFWH K AFP
    AFP  -  6 words
  • 88 9 Burma Can't Sell Extra Rice fast Enough, FAO Told ROME, Nov. 27, (Reuter) Burma is finding ir difficult to dispose of her surplus stocks of rice, according to U Thet Su, chairman of the State Agricultural Marketing Board at Rangoon. U Thct Su .r,(i ibis v. hen i encc of
    88 words
  • 64 9 StasdaN Special (orrr-j de*< BOGOR, Wesl Java, Dec 87. Pi tidenfl Sockarn« personally handlrd the Uir©U!e to ape I arn <i t rail Ml vice for .la».» ;»n«l Sum lira. The < 'Mil «,>.irk^ a i big step forward in the ichaVlit; 1 1 of
    64 words
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  • 14 9 1 I. I t <• rts 2 r q so thin
    14 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 160 9 .i^MhS IE xP Et By VT. Hom'.n »V.>JA^ED TO I t^OV-p" IN VIEW OF L. V^AT y..\ j WHERE VUU'RE ij^ ~1 I I 3[ > GFT HIMOFLF I T^.E THOUSAJSJDfj HF HE Nl VEB V^S^' KE Ct: > JL C) HAVE Jy^ 0? P P By Al Vonncer C
      160 words
    • 294 9 asfasfas pN"^AP O RjJ U'U x;n DIBTBH 1 No I6*i anil conference opena in the Adelphi Roof Garden at li> a m weekly luncheon n tne Ad. R«>c! Garden at 1 •m Dst2:c-: Governor'i dinner an-i bail In the Adelphi Root Gardes at m SIN»APOaII YOVSG MALAYANS: Committee conference be
      294 words
    • 197 9 I t iern i > Europe. N th j I W( 1 and W< i (M'lliM,: a i l'i a rr.. 12.13 pn.; 9.1S i) m. LIDO: J Manhunt It a.« Nc i Panakk I. 9 p.m R| a i Th« v. 19 m 1 2 .'<• Space (3-Di J.
      197 words
    • 90 9 TAMPiNG I I'M. i i \ri r 1 i K! H i 11 SUNCEM F4TANM 12. 2 .jo. 1 md 931 n.iz/B HIIIW 11: I KQTA BHARU < Ml U J. 7 I PEIfANG Oil! US ■i I 913 11.43 I lIMI HiM)-'"i: f i 1 A L' .i" 5
      90 words

  • 673 10 MUSIC NOTES By 'ANACRUSIS' f riu. Singapore Musical Society, actteff at the psychological moment, his s'-nt an impressive circular t > til its members. The incorporates a drive f«»r new membership, a preliminary appeal for doniti'ins to the "St. Matthew Passion** 1 und and a
    673 words
  • 309 10  -  H)i/ v v >OD-The long 3 ni n i .i e i nd Howard Decembei and 1 w m't he ieK V \Y* < 'he bru-.erte bea ity "So far thev f J we thought was fanta«i Then wo made an I „x we h »th srnmei
    309 words
  • 106 10 SHAPELY Abbe Lane, wift of band lender Xar-.-r Ciigat, icho is due to arrive in Singapore with her husband and his shuc. rnnkes a lovely addition to th^ scenery around Las Vegas, Nevada. Th,- lovely singer and yv<)ti'>n picture beauty recently appeared &t the Last Frontier and was
    106 words
  • 938 10  -  Bill Webb Jones By f ]\\LKl\G with a Malay A friend after the last talent crooner Ct— siette competition he remarked that, thanks to these competitions, we do see or unearth a lot of talent in Singapore. But. what happens to it all. and where does
    938 words
  • 137 10 \N AGINQ widow in a wa le i suburb twenty ■in ■>< from L >;H acromp•i! me in her story-book cottage the precision manue of .i p: >d:jct which in vood b made ithin the u!<' iming v. -,f a modern 1 v bed m
    137 words
  • 40 10 [JOLLYWOOD— M-G-M has t' 1 i• 1 Amy co-opera-t; m for the filmi'it; of "The P.O.W. St )ry," dramatic ao COunt of returning vel lin prisoners of war who have been held Captive by the lie Si.
    40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    671 10  -  BARRY OLIVER Saturday Feature By 'VOW that we are all Cu?at- conscious, perhaps a few moments misht be spared to recall another well known figure who favours Latin American music. I am referring, of course, to Jose Iturbi. wfaoN com* mand over the keyboard has become appreciated In
    671 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 141 10 ■Jhkf s I f H f> l)n you lead an exacting life? I n you ■hould follow tha M iiiii-li m ho a ■c fof <<> i I I |..i 1 iii pplied in fbrevi iy -..I. \.k for \'i ■lire- Wi RENDEZVOUS RESTAURANT Phone No. ***** AND HOTEL Phone
      141 words
    • 56 10 THE COUPON READ THIS BEFORE YOU ORDER YOUR PATTERN. You must enclose rhrce fen cent stamps if you want pour pattern cut. If I don't get the stamps, you don't get the pattern. A number of orders have come to me without the stamps. These won't be cut till the
      56 words
    • 153 10 The world faimms fan "Tl I I B~^\ medicinal pnxiu m BALASHIN SAI {V\\ hi I W V^ry effective for Couq* g3stion, Seobic^ness. N Tiredness. Stomachache. Breath EKG AUN TONG The Tiger M.-,ii,-:,l 11,11 "0 "./../i Tempt y them with V^v:"^^BOVRIL snacks V. OOICK :r:-'-::;::^ #BOVR!L Inur 0 out itui
      153 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 346 10 RITA OR MAR >•" r y oi»\ n <^i OTATION: J. lUf ittii i,, r want .ti ability unl Hit- young Utr w int oi knowlt>dxe IH things r»c lo«t.' —Spanish priiM-rli s\n J{l>v^ lOK KVKRYI»Nh: k ,1 u M .i::il i o (ortunititiei 1-ea i rhere wi] be much
      346 words

  • 719 11 Fathul Karib Fail To Stop The Champs First Hee Jo*-.:', 'rom 25 vtrri* Jtwy. headed thJtell«TytS see It hugging the upright to go out of pGy. Then Brnm Seo"fl S P SS? d Aon lhe B^nd a the when he should thr nM a V
    719 words
  • Article, Illustration
    6 11 I I I hen
    6 words
  • 182 11 RDAVS introductory SIIA Senior Knock- u game at Rukit Tiniah between I'nirlalaya B" and BODCA, would have ended had not Varsity snatched I narrow 2 l T3rd minute goaL. scrambled home inside-right, Kwen Chin, after three fiveds of extra time had to he called to
    182 words
  • 55 11 LONDON, Nov. 27, (Reuter). F.A. Cap: i ;< t Itnnai ITrpli] s Hereford 2, Exert^r Cit\ 0 < \>-inty 1. C uitcd 2. Rhyl 4. Halifax Town 3 r rxtra tim< Revised second round tics on Dec. 12 are now: Wigan Athletic vs. Herford, Cambridge United vs. Bradford,
    55 words
  • 78 11 Malacca Johore Draw MALACCA arid Johnrc drew l-l in the opening match of the ( Th?» jjanir* turned out to be, fur Ibe mosl part, a dull affair witii play, for the most part, ronfined to the two twenty After n ■■< first hall .i the icoring wht n Heng
    78 words
  • 281 11 SOUTHERN QUAD SEREMBAN, Friday.— Singapore scored a 3—2 victory over Negri SembtUn in the opening day of the South qindraniiular tourney which is being played here. There was never a dull moment, and as the score suggests, little between the teams. I well a.* a team
    281 words
  • 162 11 Wallabies In Final ROYAL Australian Air Force 'Wallabies' entered t!ie final of the S .'< ->n Cud yesterday when they hva\ Far East Flying Bo;it Wing by five points (goal) to three points (try). Both sides i'.ad hardly settled down when, in the second minute the Wing opened the senriner
    162 words
  • 607 11 SALLY nUDSON of St. Hilda's School received the greatest cbeef in yesterday's Singapore Prim;irv Schools 1 first annual sh miming carnival vrbea won three events for Kirls under 12 at the Chinese Swimming club A| the end of the championships, (Jroup C of the Katong
    607 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 25 11 JTSTONI Swiss Made 21 Jewels Look for the .1 Clj *HE WATCH DIAL r S*lM Invention 2«flnj Mainspring d unbreakable >9ofw a ich V^Jmi aealers <
      25 words
    • 379 11 NOTICES KUCHAI TIN. LIMITED. (l in the f >re) U, t, 15ih Ordii t thi Board No 5 ngapore Q, the Directors vi I r ent of a rth <\nr\ pina] Dividend of p >re In iax for t" led :ioth Member, 1953, to Shareholders on the R: gister on
      379 words
    • 617 11 NOTICES CONTROL! ER OF SI PPI IKS. SINGAPORE. TENDF-R NOTICE TENDER NO: 12. TPENDERS Will be received x at the office of the Cootroll er of Supplies, L'ml Floor, Fullerton Building, Singapore, up to noon en Wednesday 2nd. December, M53, for the purchase of approximntely 2 "00 Tops of Siamese
      617 words
    • 546 11 ACCOMMODATION VACANT CMMKRON IMGHI AM)S > HOI fl Malaya's Hi. l St ifion S.OOO it- ft Unique the holiday places of Idea) dimate cooi and in.uordtir;^. with a wealth of n itural ctjlour excellent Roll d walks. Most rooms with ori\ U baths m< <'■ <'ion. (J'M.d cuisine Terms from
      546 words
    • 178 11 SITUATIONS ?ACA^T_ Kl \I I Ml 1 Ml NIC H'\L I II \wi PAL I 2 1 -rf l> TV r> t K r 1 ri r I > r:ir< f t C a I bt ibH I l.«» i- i" n i 25 > 49 I. A i t>.iv
      178 words

  • 458 12  - MY ST. LEGER TIP IS DOUBLE BLUE WINDSOR LAD By RACE EIGHT go ler Knu'. An f nner in Cla i hi own in 1 71b i < h ■> A be i in the J Phis D ling riov head to Skryne 1' ay. H up 4 To lo
    458 words
  • 1040 12 \UHI three winners— Cinema II Adelaide Star and Skryne Primrose— and the deadheaters Talisman atul Fairy Tale brought together, the main sprint event <iii,r ;>> is a most Intriguing affair. My vote goes to Cinema I!, who although penalised 13 Ib. since his fluent
    1,040 words
  • 202 12 RACE !>: Cinder's Pi: 4 Verulam, .Sin^i:.. ter, Wonder Lad and Phenomenon appear to be the of this .1 < binder's Pi ince, who fli ond t o Shangi ila over the mile may improvi »»u hi^ last race He ran into the Uad on
    202 words
  • 192 12 VI in <l -or Lad Cay Heveller (»oodwood If. APMIIAL S \I>MIK\L s \IMIIK\L AiiiUjs^. K|i»r .\ml»;iss.i(ji>r QMlrkiMiMl Ki«v Kln« I liiNhiiits \ml>;iN^.nit»r 2MKMHIY tOLBT MH.HIKV (OIKI MKI.RI KV COI KT Uiikiki nk ik i N\.t Kl mk Ht-au lfiiii>H What llj|»pi*n«*«l W.iikiki 3SII\\(.KII.A <»I»KK\ S||\N<iKll.\ ,ir>h illou
    192 words
  • 466 12 Standard's RACE CARD RACE l: 2.00 p.m.— Class l, Div. 3—6 Furs. 1. Id Scarlet l\l. till.. Kills* m K I'll I.• i: \i' t' D "»°> lilt BCBATCHD4GB: Klm Heddle An, I so* n isll d.,»., gRS m;: m; k: j. SSKif^Sftarfrti Furs. I ,U£ K^«L A Blank 4y
    466 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 69 12 MICH \EL (,(>l u. 1 >«»k r- «f Rue kinuham Disney's SWX)RD ROS€ WATCH FOR IT! /"caus bar *^.;:£f<nout mm 9 OPENING TO-DAY Skews S, 6.15 and 9.1S M( M*i Mighty Acivrntiirr KotiKincc! "King Soiofncii's Mines" Starrinji Dfborah BtewmH (>ri Grmaget In Tivhnirolor Tesaorrew al n am Celambla Pict«re M\sk
      69 words
    • 205 12 I TONIGHT EXTENSION Um I Enjoy l^^fci^^ H f^R I'"" lih'SN,, 1 l^-^aj oi:Mir.Mi:\ mm (\'f'if j j X^V- I I No. l'» IJ'.'l M.rv >i,,k niison s I j villi our j n., PARQUET i Wong Vrw Kuni .v Jvlk j M,()()!{ Ist HEAT of GREAT WORLD V\ JIVING
      205 words