Singapore Standard, 24 November 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
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  • 237 1 $S0 Mil. May Go To Federation Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Legislative Council will today be asked to approve a big interest-free loan to help its neighbour, the Federation. The loan, it is believed, may be in the region of $50 million. The Standard
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 pilot. PATKOL Leader Chumil bui Ibrahim. l.'» a nd .'nd Sixer St« Shaw Pao. 11. (above) donated S»..">o on h«*h.ilf of the 8G Singapore Troop Trafalgar Morninc Srhool. to the Toy Fund yesterday. Standard
    Standard  -  34 words
  • 377 1 BBER prices in Singapore rose sharply on a steady by I!] rents to .>B] cents per rst grade rubber for Decetnhipment. responsible for the im- was the news that the 3 is prepared to review rubber programme. 1 hr rubber market in
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  • 50 1 LJMPUR. M in. Four md i s?i I the "Ne v KM),O >■) i t i >.., Ts Asso r --I R >ber Workers how > wage rubber pi i e 60 -enta just ver cons for the i i pai •■> ip on 'ht
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  • 16 1 23 (APi- Finasl nig n in a i it« in South
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  • 15 1 2 (AFP).— bi ested I \erno d <>f having nighi (n-c!ies"
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  • 57 1 photo. MSTOrNT SYVINTON. Br; Secretary of State for lorn monwealth Relations, lays wreath on the Samadhi ot Mahatnia Gandhi at Delhi, reeeatly. Swinton is at right; at l«*f t. Sir Alexander Cluttf.burk. British High Commissioner in India, lays anotner wreath. At extreme rijjht K. Ci. Mathur. Deputy
    AP  -  57 words
  • 299 1 In Dramatic Rescue Standard Staff Reporter AMIDST shrieks and pleadings from a largo crowd gathered at the foot of a block Of Singapore Improvement Trust Fiats In Upper Pickering Street yesterday evening, a mother of throe dramatically saved a man from jumping to certain
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  • 24 1 Rare Plants For Tiger Balm Garden I imi.iul st. ill RepaHM !< AW BO >N 1! W. m > ;ti »f Mr. A rdiy .1 Riud
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  • 8 1 I 111 I I a U.P.
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  • 47 1 LONDON. Nov. 23: (Re:.'er) Mr. Anthony Eden, the Fo roinn Secretary lias sent a personal message to General Fazlolluh Zahedi. Persian Prime Minister urging a speedy resumption of diplomatic if>3 tions between Britain <ind Tersiu. diplomatic OOiC said i j J
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  • 181 1 Masked Intruder Shot A Woman In Bed A YOCNG Chinese wife, Tec Chai Hoon, wounded a ni'4ht shortly before 11 k by a masked man who shol at her with a pistol. Tee was immediately rushed to the General Hospital with a bullet wound in \ho head behind the
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  • 13 1 "The interference *ras shorkin' till they fitted "ICt with a suppressor!"
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  • 142 1 TAXJONG MALIM. Mon.— For half an hour, a young rubber tapper (ought a grim !ife-and-death battle w th a male boar who charged him s<? he was working a few yards from his Pregnaut Wile, uu tiie tnti^e ot the jungle in Bungei Merbau Estate lost
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  • 399 1 LONDON, Nov. >3 (Heater)— Queen F.lizabeth and her husband the Duke of Fdinburgh, will leave their two children asleep in Buckingham Palace this evening to start their 50, 000-mile world tour. They will not see Prince Charles and Princess Anne a<*ain for
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  • 243 1 SCOUTS DO GOOD DEED FOR THE TOY FUND riIKISTM \S sr.ison of lux ■t■ 1 1 .;.»-i.l Hill to mrn in fast jp proarhint; and thosr who havr alrradt started thrir ralHMe Mupplai will know what In and happi ■m it Hill brine to thr little onrv I- or <
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 87 2 i and naval uss r>. i the g invaded igh ifl in ol a familiar I r in Bras Basah Road I hi -'it men and its to distribute ii n cards to the C) l 26 Thank .giving > ifflcers and crew s
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  • 52 2 lOH K!M SWI, 59, died lon la\ morning at the lal Hoj pitaF, Malacca, ing behind his bel< i Bv> k Neo. two sons, i Beng ind Hock B tughters. one daughter..V and one >ri-in-!aw The eral will take place on Wednesday Novi nber 25 at 11 at Bukil
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  • 217 2 US. WARSHIPS CALL ON W AY HOME Standard Shipping Reporter WHILE the grey mist was clearing over the sea and the city workers were pouring out tor the day's work the United States Navy Destroyer Division 302 led by the USS Daly dropped anchor yesterday in the Outer Roads. Shin,
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  • 63 2 MALACCA. Mon. Scet K ar-old clerk employed by Sime Darby Co.. Ltd., today pleaded guilty m a charge ol 'hearing the firm ol '>'2 five-c. ><xl preservative tins va led at 52.796 in *he Sessions Court before Mr l> Anthony Mr A. r ''h.-' ed the
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  • 42 2 HONGKONG No* 23 Special Standard Service Closing I prtcea < n »ngkong Kxchange toda -i:-> 68 to s; l sterlii b S3 8875 U) US SI: SI 8l«; to Mi!:;-. SO. 1 98 to one Indonesian Ruppiah; Goi I $251 375.
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  • 193 2 Standard Staff Reporter WARDENS of the University of Malaya's Dunearn Road Hostel in Singapore are to live nearer to students than at present. This measure is believed to !->e ?••<? result of the recent •"Tornado" rug following which five students were fined a total of
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  • 155 2 KUALA LUMPUR, trton.— A gang of about thirty aimed terrorists attacked the Home j (Juard post at Yong Peng Kew Village in Johore at about a.m. on Sunday and took l'J shot guns and NO cartridges. Yong Peng has enjoyed comparative, peace from terrorist incidents for
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  • 20 2 PATIENTS pf woodbridge 1 r artick Ihey .i on Nov. 27 in ai's administrative m? iron) l- p.m.
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  • 109 2 PENANG, Mon.-When an Australian engineer wbo wanted to make complaint against a police constable for laying hands on him waeiwn a form for his report at Simpang Anam Police Station on Xov. 23, he tore it up and started to abuse the inspector.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 2 MISS HELEN Oil blows out g] t audits «m h<*r birthday take. She is the eldest darshtrr »>f Mr. and Mrs. Oh Thin Kun. of Singapore, and -she was 1\ last Saturday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 2 THE USS C. K. Bronson ;md the Daly, part of Destroyer Division 302, which dropped anchor in the Singapore Outer Roads yesterday, on their way to the United States after an ei?ht months in Korean waters. (Left) Captain Benedict J Sftntncs. who is in command of USS, Daly,
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  • 214 2 A WOMAN was allegedly threatened with the fate of Teo Soo Yeo, a millionaire, who was kidnapped for ransom recently, if she did not pay SlO.OOO. TTifa story im boM In the f th D t Court ye-U-r- when Lim Jien Tuan j trial on
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  • 242 2 CITIZENSHIP LAW EXPLAINED: NO RIGID PROCEDURE KLALA LI MPUR, Mon— Official rin-lrs here denied todav the existence of any legal stipulation that an application for Federal citizenship should be endorsed by a lawyer, doctor or person of similar s«K-ial status. They w< re i o nmenting on criticism by the
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  • 151 2 WAGESA XMAS SURPRISE For The Daily Paid DAILY-RATED artisan of the Singapore City Cotmcfl will ii Christmai pack.t from the Council. The packet is in the nature of two years' backpay costing the Council about S.'iOO. 1 At Its Bfteetina t the Council agreed to £ive ar' Qs M of
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  • 124 2 SEREMBAN*. Mon. As sequel to the i;mr»ilation ol the public holiday on the occaliOß of Prophet Mohamcd'.Birthday ii^t Wednesday by Army authorise in charge of the Base work shop at Port Dickson. an extra-ordinarv general meeting of the MuUiv Rcgimcm f.vihan Employees' Union
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  • 34 2 PENANG. M Thai B K d in tk th imp ••'I- i leration fa 1 ol prep n (.n \\>v 21. Alt! was eh. f was allowed b t i-.l c£ $5,000.
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  • 44 2 Loh Kim Swi Dies After Short Illness MALACCA Mon. Kun Swi. n o! the MaL; died this mornii iTal Hospital aftci Mr. Loh Comm. Town and -a.: .1 president ol > on A leading B On the sta > rman ot committees of •>'.e. the Temple.
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  • 15 2 COMMODITY PRICES PH., No i N.. 1 I hi' I I I 1 I 1
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  • 108 2 SINGAPORE'S catllt kir price war. ha\p itftowj pr.r.t beef has shot Inn k It s! 10 \wr katts jso nnlil Bali cattle prim rir There in :\< < < rerns n hich hai I they be gi a a vrhicti r 4 to as
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  • 21 2 1941 Queen's Scholar Back VMU Id I While <mj > "> W\\r ill K 1 I s<'h<>; i oh-*. rh;M Ii i I
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    • 101 2 <ye&ZU/ie is coming! i >2=s /TS MORE TH/iN 4 M4G4Z/Nf I M^B IT'S A PAPER Btl PEPARTME^STORE m -'3* jItJ^I WE'RE introducing KEATt'KE, the lai departments for fashions sport, or madam. You'll find plenty of bar- I I Watch For It PICTURES SERIAL ARTICLES STORIES CARTOONS COLOUR t Amateur Photographers
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    • 90 2 the NEW yy n\^A f I WANT ONE j SO POST rOiil'ON ,\VVVV\\\VV\\\ \\V» \\W\\\\ \V\\v \v\ \v\\\ RONtO LTD. Please %cn4 me ditodi o* the New ROYAL* AC J fypcwri.'er with tc»m« o» easy payment ictxme. NOW jii i^jpnii.iin^i IU ll|(i l**WP AL S 0 a K. Lumpy*
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  • 541 3 PROMOTED MEN NOT TO QUIT QUARTERS City Council Decisions AN ASSURAW<-e S^! ndard StaH R epo*er condition for Dromnt- VoeoHn 9 quarters would not be mode a P 0,«w., M iT lM Singapore City Council emman of The F 1 V J'/' P Ra ah < Pro 9- North Vice-Chair-mecting
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  • 163 3 T hey Defied Threat And Told Police x <>( I onplr do death threat *J 1(1 robbers in i|l«>l> ( round.s Oa Sun,l,t. The* wrre ,rn«d not V< make a re- sooii as the th r v ,:.,t'»i th, Police vo.o had two suspecti d i. us. touplf (.(ivcrnk ,n,|
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  • 39 3 They Start Life Anew In Israel Iren of .i Da. id. S ngapore B David accomB i nbay to r of the i is at "ony has office m ie foY I B nbay to s Shenda Colony Board
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  • 33 3 Air men On Way Home of No. 2 •an Air Singaon their 'sen Colonel DA. tion Officer 1 ummand ird lha l much i Koi ea .i :-'y were ol S jets ')e-
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  • 56 3 M'N i W I m remperatare: I i Nov. 22 to 7.:'.0 Singapore (7:>I); Kota Kuala I imipur 7.">F>; Ku ml in i 791 i. u m Ti'inperatnre: •in to 7.:u> Sill" M.on- |K«)F); KotA Bahru Kuala l.iiinpur (J»1F); Ku n mi <:mU). 1 ''I: Singapore (nil), "ill
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  • 13 3 i meeti p.m. labour Nelson in ppoH of CandiH >rk will
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  • 60 3 THr: Constitutional Commission hel i if-; fourth private meeting yesterday afternoon. I'f igr i rep >r1 1 were receive j f' >'"i t; Committee on 1 >' G ivernment and the Committee o". the Electoral Roll. Th.« Commissi >n also made prelimin iry plans for tho
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 3 h v e is Mr. C. Par.injothy who recently passed out as a Barrister at I rv in England, return "J to the Colony yesterday in the liner Victoria. .In <>'d boy °f the (invrnment Kn^lish, School, SeffaauU, he has been iwav from Malaya since 1047. He will practise In
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  • 271 3 Labour Unrest In City Is Growing LABOUR unrest in the Singap >re City Council growing, with several unions submitting dem «:> and alleging intimidation >f workei s. Following a strike decision taken on Sunday by the Federation of City Coun i] Labour Unions, representing eleven departmental organisations, the. men who
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  • 31 3 G. r,. PILLAI was (itie-1 $200 ii i costs jre >rday by the S B.apore City Police Court Magistrate, Mr. ,I.M. DevereuxColebourn, for riding a motorcycle without a licence.
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  • 42 3 .JOHORE BAHRU. Moti— A 66-year-old woman. W o n Chin. fout>d guilty of carrying food i" a restricted area at i Kelapa Sewit New Village, was finod $100 by the President of the Sessions Court. Mr. N. L. Cohen, today.
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  • 305 3 Colony To Hear Best In Music CONTINUING to give Singspore the? best in music, the Singapore Musical Society announced yesterday the principal artists who will participate here in May in one of the most ambitious musical programmes 1954 Bach's "St. Matthew Pa <ion." Five musicians have been engaged from Europe
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  • 94 3 Standard stall Reporter SIN (i APOR E C ity Councillor, Mrs. John ICde. f»rnu*rlv Mis-. Any Laycoek, (Pirof. East) st'nt her thanks to her follow Counrillors for their 'usvful wrddin? present." of a sewiAg naekiae. "This is th»- only sewing mavhint* amon? the preseata we have
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  • 88 3 Flats Now Will Cost Them More MARRIED women of Middleton H tspital occupy Singap >r.' Impi <■. ment Trust il «f w ill I pay five per cent of their ilaries .!■> rent. They will also pay for SIT. ant conservancy services, it decided at yesterd ty'a City Council meetii
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  • 195 3 K <)KIS «>f villagers of n* r nipoll Ambei i a sin^a--1 i"d with admirak||<" t»M> sa w how AtUo l>weloriatioi „-t out to the, have a spe23jw Uici is o« n Headed by their chairman, Mr. Mak Pak Shoe, the members placed two
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  • 98 3 TOP: Madam Amarie'i troupe of ballet daneen of international fame, who arrived in the Colony yesterday by the Italian Liner "Victoria." They uere met on the wharf by >lr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mr. S. P. Sani v who have arranged their performances here. Photo sho'.vs from
    Standard  -  98 words
  • 46 3 A TRISHAMAN, M Earned Yusort p!e;. i guilty in the Singapore City Court for riding licence an I fa turn a licence pj il ifter th« 0 expiry. He a-i, fine 1 H9 by ite, Mr. J.M I) 0 L >■ >i 1 ni
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  • 203 3 Standard Staff Reporter i A CALL to the Singap >\ I City Council to treat* public transport a s an essential ,<■!• vice and a public utility. ,lkc water, electricity a"d t;as »n take over the Colony's tr i. I- port was made ip the Council
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  • 169 3 A SLENDER I. in gM name I. I a bye the rl.i i 4 irt rountrjr am... i in the Co imkl ttk' it M jv lit t pei i irman ••>; fh*«y h «v.- «v«»r be starr.vf in nVM th m n
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  • 26 3 THE f- K.n 1 Mi K Hin will broadca tl on the P"e !»i Budj r Radio lala 7.10 p m tomoi 1
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    • 189 3 B^B^B^B^a^B^B^D^B^B^B^B^B^B^BS^^V M>^BBBa.^ A^d&^ r^^B^ A. I K^QbbL^B^bHßJb^B^bVSß^ J repsodent really gives C J i.'H^J teeth '1.-'tli r!.in«<l with Pepaodenl ;n.- whiter, arhtlei f That'a became the) ire rleaner! And ihej are rleatwi I Prp«odeiil i- \\\>- only toothp—tt tint rontaiiu liuim*. Pepsodenl wiili Irium < leant vv.iv rli<- dim
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  • 387 4 Unions 9 Christmas Strike Threat Standard Staff Reporter WHERE no agreement has been reached on labour disputes between the City Council and its employees' trade unions, the Council has always informed the union of the Council's decision on the matter. Stating this yesterday, Mr. T.
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 4 THE Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. A. C (ioode. yesterday attendor the meeting of the Singapore City Council for the first time. Welcoming him. Mr. J. T. Rea, Deputy President of the City Council, who deputised for Mr. T.P.F. McNeic. the President, who was attending the Rendel Commission, said Mr. CJoode
    Standard  -  89 words
  • 164 4 THE FIRST post-war Egyptian Trade Mission to \\\v East, Including Malaya, is due here next week. of 1 e mission, Mr. A El-Hala who S gapore told 3 ndard yesterday that the oflfi mission compri es ating \;iri- Egj pi hi nU •■<'-'• d in
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  • 54 4 INDEPENDENT Singap >re Citj or Mr. H A. Jivabhai, wants the Council \o opoii a COl -tree outAljunied arid Kolam Ayer ai In a lettei tie Presideni Mr. T.P.F. McNeice, he sugthat if the Council is unable to provide a dispensary, it should ask Government
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  • 152 4 SPECIAL arranßcmonts havp bpen made by the Teleeoauaaaieatioas l>epartment with the British Post Office Telephone Adniinistiation to extend the hoars of service at Christinas and New Year for telephone calls between Malaya and Britain. BookiagS from subscribers requiring calls to be connected W >H be
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 4 Photo. while Bishop Archer drdicit-i the buiWiV- if; R f ?J1 aw dP S? rrd lh h;l N °P*» Pittuied .ccond U«m fhe right. pM U Edm llion Standard
    Standard  -  29 words
  • 80 4 UMNO Chief Says: Be Broadminded Standard Staff Reporter TUNGKU Abdul Rahman, President of the United Malays mal Org emphatically refuted yesterday charges mad« by som< S pure politit iana I Federation leaders ar« d gging ilism politics He said no "outsider*' la participating in the Colony's but Sing bram h
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  • 191 4 Methodist Girls' School Gets Science Building A MODERN' $300,000 two- '•■< .1 Science and Dotv.i S sec building of the MethoGirls' School. Mount Sophia R »ad, Singapore, was opened rday morning by Mrs. Run Rin Shaw, who, with Mrs. R inme Shaw, gave $50,000 tot its construction. The building, begun
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  • 114 4 A SINGAPORE (liner hostpss. i.iiv biate Shaik Nadu, walked into the Third Ptiiee (ourl dock yrwlc rdjaj swayed a littlp, but thr dotk raiiinss t»» steady herself. she fared riHurgc of beiag tlrunk .;nd el i derly. Thr pro- -iitinn stated that sh»* v\.jn found ('runU
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  • 59 4 Labour States Its Aims BUKIT I A.iAM M A 1 the Province Wi ir 1 sued itv mai This calls for afllc to he ai water and^ 1 imparti; ocalion < houses, and To is io be held In i .m. Po k a.m on Sat;:: laj i ing of
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  • 57 4 BANT HaYna n Singh .li. the venerated Sikh who arrived in the Colony from the Punjab fortnight i.^o will leave today for Bangkok en route to India During his st« v in Singapore as the guesi of Mr. Sardul Singh, a Colonv businessman, Sant Harnam
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  • 49 4 HOt K Le« Amalgamated B;k I,j was fined SI 00 and by the Singapore City Police Court Magistrate, Mr. •J. M. Devereux-Colebouni yes-u-rday for emission of excessive smoke from one of thejr buses. ,!r.° e En S' nrp^ Ltd. was fined $100 on a similar charge.
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  • 33 4 I aiping Branch of war Department Civilian S I 1 i ted Mr I Mr. Bex v Kam M itives on the itivt Council ui the par em b niy.
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    • 229 4 ftlLAMlAiiXi) in < iiliniilii.i I I M|\ U 'I oiM.rro^ Sin, CAPITOL P/: Oi U-IM MJMJI pin 808ERTM0RLEY MAUR y.., I»t STOUT OF with EiLEEN HKRLII HAROLD I •TRIAL KY .HK\ m f -lI.MS PINAPOKE* 1 •TIKATKS OF Vl\/\\ *j V -lOLANTHIT* lil» VEOMEN I Soon! VIRGINIA MM- M-H-HMWs
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  • 117 5 MOTORIST TO PAY $25,000 FOR A FRACTURED LEG Sinra^Hirh ES&Sf* WPre awardcd ta the c vcTiT (us r i!« P ye terd u a y to a 23-year-old motorlist, usoi bin Kayab, who had brought claims agaimt > motorist for a fractured leg Awarding the damagei Mr Justice Ki.ight said
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  • 70 5 LUCY LIM. 13-yeai old grand-daughter «>f Dr. Kim Boon R««n«: i,.« s rejoiaed her teacher Mi s. V. I i\ lor of the T.!\!or Dam,- Studio. Sui::i pore. In* is crareful xpo ni-iit o| the art of hallel aad in (huartri (Limes and i.ij) rouliaes. She Will
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  • 87 5 Illness Holds Up Visit Of WRAP Director I] l Federation i»t Aii Nancy Salmon, ».ii K. and \i> q Oflßi ei France S rector 'j? Air iin the Far East Air Commandant Salmon. who is director ol WHAF has indicated that she will make the tri f some time early
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  • 93 5 Standard Staff BeporlCf A FARMER'S wife weni )U< to feed her pigs in BiiKit Arang, Singapore, early yestermorning. But a< she walked towards the pit? sty. i >trange feeling came over her, she told The Standard. She slopped and lookort around and she saw her son
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  • 186 5 Ballet Chief Leaves For London Standard StatY Reporter THE war has done a lot for the re-resurrection <»t ballet in England in particulai an i tinworld in general, said Mi Edward Kellan I E i inosa. Chairman of the British Ballet Organisation, who leaves by Comet lo r London tin-
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  • 69 5 A SCHOOL m.ji; zine, ■ur". prod y the Bukij Panjang Gii Is 1 S ho more than a record ol rtivity usually assaci such publication-. It is a coverage of rural life that provides a source of information to those who wish to know how the
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  • 114 5 New UMNO Youth Body In Power JOIIOKK BAIIIU Mim. The entire cabinet of thr Johore Bahru I.MNO Youth organisation has resigned, because of policy differences between oflfirials and »ts members. The Standaid was told today. At an emergency meeting of the I'MNO youth yest'-r--day. a new cabinet was lorn ed.
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  • 56 5 WILFRED WRIGHT ol R.A.F., Tengah. WB f fitu d ITS and disqualified from ridii motor cycle for a yeai b> Singapore Second Tranlr Magistrate, Mr Y Chong yestor(i.«v for allov his friend T. iregg to his motor cvrle. when the latter did not have a
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  • 266 5 Schoolgirl Murdered On Pearl's Hill Path A SCHOOr.r.IRI.. Ch'ng <;*•<, k Tin. IS, ot St. Anthony* tut. Singapore, was raped and stranger! to death on Oct. 12, it was stated at a O>r<»t,.-: inquiry yesterday. Mr Giam Chong Hing. tlie Assistant Coroner, recorded a verdict of murder against a person
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  • 45 5 Mr. P. M. \ai!. torrrterly the Assistant Controller of Importin th^ Mi liv'tv of Commerce and Industry, has been appointed Agent ol the Government of India in Malaya. He La expected to tak<? over in Kuala Lumpur oi Nov. (l
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  • 35 5 WILLIAM AARSEN, who i>'»Mfii-d guilty to a charge of negligent driving along Oxley I on the evening of Oct. .':<>. was vc terday fined S.">o by the Sinagpore First Traffic Magistrate Mr. FA. Chua.
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  • 193 5 I III!! I of the thirteen candidates contesting the Singapore City Council elections on Dec. 5, yesterday carried their election campaigns into homes over Radio Malaya. Mr. S.S. Manyam, (Labour), standing for re-election in North Ward, said he left it to the good
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  • 219 5 CHAP-JI-KI CASE: GAMING LAW QUERIED IS GAMBLING an offence? A Singapore lawyer told a Police Court yesterday: It is not. Mr. A. J. Braqa, defence counsel, submitted that the Cumina Ordinance was on artificial creation of law which made gambling an offence under certain circumstances. "It is full of alarming
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 5 IX'CV I.IM, celebrating her ■llnd birthday in Singapore oi Satuidav grts a birthday kiss from |„-r husband SOO Whee i businessman.
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  • 69 5 SINGAPORE pres ■At I-- yesterday kepi waiting for 45 minute^ by Mi. All. Foster. Chief V( termary Officer, who did not turn up ;.t a prearrange erence. Alter hall an hout. pressmen were told th;<f Mr Poster was on his way but there was still no
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  • 78 5 THE Land Acquisition Amendment Bill designed to statute land pri bel publication ol the Colony j tfastei Plan will be refe to a Select Committee <>i ins* the Chairman. A" the Singapore Legislative Couiu-il meeting today, the composition <>f the Committee announced. They Mr. .1 E. Pepper
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  • 75 5 'L' Driver Didn't Turn Left -$5O I '.I 1 ng 1 proviso >na! driver, w 1 faced three charges wa« lined a total of! 0 by the Stngaoore First j Traffic Magistrate, Mr. F A. 1 Chu a. yesterday. Lim was charged with failing to conform 'o a traffic "turn
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  • 91 5 lAY ENG CHONG si in the Singapoi <• Assize <■'<• id > terday on three charges ot keeping three stolen cheques to a tota value of I $11. WH). H«» w.i< alternatively rhargcd with helping to di-n° e of thes* cheques. The fir<t i wo involving
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  • 28 5 RAUU •I S I i ri B i who wa roui e In S pore i<M the has returned t<> Ran i i g his coui
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  • 38 5 COVERNMI I I' I (a Sin* I R n tha i\ i I rd i !ll t< Ifl the Bi l>e the I tfli Raj v much. t fui i
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  • 10 5 i i folio i foun
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  • 14 5 A COLLISION: 2 OFFENCES I!. I i ii I! 0 |lIM< B Y MHO
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 5 MR AND MRS \V .1 lIOH MAN (above 1 arrived in Singapore by air yester day. Mr. HofTnian. who is with Ault Wiborg o auents for the (ioss I'nivi'i sal Press in Malaya. has tome here specially to ins pert the building in which (loss rotary pre ss i s
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  • 87 5 .IOIIORF. BAURI'. Mon ThrN women tappers at 11. m Yang Estate In Masai, were fined by the Presidcnl of the s< ions Court. Mr. N I. Cohen today f<w beinf iri possession of cooked nee in a r< area 1 wo of them, liim Tan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 125 5 (Despairing irritation orse by mhhing and which cnri »o trioua inlecuoa n i- isfpi-i inlly j.iit, rhc ni|{ht. rablfl malady It eoied n Irritation b) a |hl *l»et Hiid by !:rom pungent foods t.frclorhiriK Ar rh'- rtilecfeci parts .fully soothing f'urol, which 'fie irritation aiter .^plication After the a ,A
      125 words
    • 34 5 The mid famous familx n) TIGER dicinal products CHINKAWHITE This invaluable Wind Mixture is an excellent remedy for Stomach Pains; Constipation, IncflgtStlon Acidity, Heartburn, Loss of Ap| ENG AUN TONG Ihe Tiger Medical ILill
      34 words

  • 769 6 [FIGURES publi hed recently in India emphasise the m of r;M the world's use oi it* natural resource the needs oi its people. [ndian that India's present population ol 357 million can be expected to become million by I'"'!'. If public health facilities continue to improve
    769 words
  • 103 6 How To Get A Husband —by a Man if auirriage is your ob- jritive. ><>u nnist learn t«> listen to men when they talk about themselves or their work. Whether It is love or politirs. suitess in life awaits those who don't mind beinff bored. And even more those who
    103 words
  • 293 6 Review of Views Call To Teachers j THE LJTUSAN MELAYU calls* ir- Mi tne Federation of Ma-; I. y Teachers' Association to£ meet the normal class teach- 5 er.s and thrash out their pro-S blems with a view to settling* their long standing feud. A preliminary meeting between? normal teacher?
    293 words
  • 1122 6 What About The Sultans? JOSEY I LISTENED to Sir Roland Braddell speaking at the 1 annual dinner of the Press Club of Malaya with considerable interest. His speech was of the high standard which we have now come to expect as normal at Press Club dinners. I had a feeling,
    1,122 words
  • 152 6 5 Broken feet, blinded eyes, moimed bodies J Their 'ales ct futile sacrifice fill Alf history, end Still ore j written. Come, buy this flower. x Red Howtf of cornoge! 2 How often must I buy you, j Why do we ha\e to buy you' C
    152 words
  • 123 6 and by a Woman I^LIRTING is the royal road to matrimony. It is the means by which you can so possess a man that he will crave more and more of you which, of course. you are much too clever to give. except in exchange for a wedding ring. And
    123 words
  • We the PEOPLE
    • 181 6 Sir; Three distinguished gentlemen are of the opinion that Malaya i s not vet fit for Independence. How can Ma- laya attain Independence when well-educated men like Mi. P. S. Raman feel that thev are not qualified for self-government? I Men who can definitely carry out the
      181 words
    • 214 6 Sir; It is all to the yood that there should be livelier and widening attention paid j to thp forthcoming General Elections for City and MuniJ cipal Councillors and < ;vi<- affairs in general among groups of Individuals who have been completely apathe- tic in former
      214 words
    • 79 6 Sir;- House hunting British soldiers are canning concern among civilians in Kluang because !he?/ nre prepared to pay as much as triple the /v/if.s ordinarily demanded b\f landlords something which the civilians can't do. Consequently 1 any house rs are not interested m local tenants and the latter find
      79 words
    • 107 6 Sir: I n your issue of the l?th Inst. regarding "Output of Pines To Be lipped In Johorc." I would like to point out the following: Copper sulphate/I, irre spraying of pineapple pi was perfected by Souih Malaya Pineapple Gn Company as a cure ag; In t "Cu en-Wilt".
      107 words
  • 276 6 NEW YORK (AP) A new polio vaccine, made uith aid 0/ tun-tail rays, shotrs promise in its Urst human tests, ('imago scientists report. This vaccine uses polio virus inactivated or "killed" hi/ exposure to ultraviolet J'g/it or si/n-trm rays for tIOO Sf rontf.s. /t thus di//er.s fro»n
    276 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 SINGAPORB ri(;KR STANDARD INDUtNDENT MORNING NL//SPAPER 128. Robinson Road, Singapore. Telephone Nos: ***** ***** Coble Telcgioph Address: TIGERNEWS Singapore. BRANCH OFFICES LONDON Room 222. The Times Building. Printing House Squore, London EC 4. KUALA LUMPUR IPOM PENANG 45 Sultan St.. 83, Cowon St.. 8. L fh if Tele: 4588 Tele
      87 words
    • 19 6 Laughter at Wort -quirk 1 I to ti tract trrt fis?=^ -Jr t( wr «L cmtt* pBEM 1^ __^^^^^j^^^
      19 words

  • 48 7 SHAPELY 'CLEOPATRA photo ITALY'S up and roming Klaniour girl Sophia Looen displays some of her harms, as slfe stands in front of the Klies lights in Kdmc's < inecitta StudiOS. during the shootilg of An Italian version of "Anthony and Cleopatra". Sbapelf Sophia portrays th«. part of Cleopatra UP
    UP  -  48 words
  • 73 7 i I IK meet pi 1 ible" inr tiding < Sovernnii al on innoun< of si mai kei and however, does imply that ?r United States an eiv isaged, *he Japanese *übe< i men are specula h■» tion «>( ibber goods for lnc*oi taken
    Reuter; U.P.  -  73 words
  • 38 7 (Reu'er) "Hying <au. i (1 sighted from i i ecently cou'd san e pati ola from D anet, it wa y was worked I Bv from an ev On how the people oi ano^l
    38 words
  • 71 7 CALCUTTA, Nov. 23 (AP)— A bull drank nearly a gallon <>f fiery country-made spirits Kharagpur, Go miles west Calcutta, ran amok .n the town's main street, and gored three people to death today before a large crowd rornered it and killed it with clubs. The bull
    71 words
  • 216 7 PLANES SMASH REBEL DRIVE I HANOI, Nov. 23: (Reuter) French bombers today attacked a 12,000-stroDf Viet« I minh division advancing towards Dion Bien Phu. a mountain town 170 miles west of Hanoi, raptured hy Prance-Vietnamese parachutists last Friday. A French High Command spokesman said the planes dropped their bombs neai
    Reuter; A.F.P.  -  216 words
  • 85 7 PARIS. Nov. 23 (Reuter)— l The Indian {'nine Mini Mr. Nehru, sa d in an interpublished today thai if India cow d help to end the [ndo-China war she would not refuse to undertake such a task. will depend on the the problem i s
    85 words
  • 28 7 NINE models of Christian Dior, well-known Paris fashion designer, left Paris by plane Sunday for Tokyo w here they will show Dior's !ate>t creation. AFP
    AFP  -  28 words
  • 22 7 THE Spanteh vessel "Kattega" reported yesterday she w;.v drifting in the Atlantic some Koo miles nor'ih of New York U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • 213 7 South-East Asia Movie Men's Hopes For Future MANILA. Nov. '2.\ (UP) Two Indonesian him producers .^u (1 today they hope ihe ne.v Federation <A Movie Producers of South-East Asia J will be able to increase pro-, duction ;,mi exchange of m<>-; tion pictures iii 'he region. Djamaludin Malik of Por-—i*i-i
    213 words
  • 63 7 GAINESVILLE, F 23 (UP)- A specii was consulted today at the four-day Hijab quadruplets were reported having d (Bculty in retaining food although their condiiion remained "fair." Physicians said the four habies. three girls and a boy, would not be able to leave the iiospital until
    63 words
  • 35 7 LONDON. Nov. J3, (Reuter) Lord Halifax. Britain's Foreign Secretary at the outbreak of World War II and later Ambassador in Wahington. is ill with influenza, it was announced here today.
    35 words
  • 39 7 A U.S. SENATE spy nun'er ?aid yesterday the Harry Dexter While'* Case may vesu.i in "oup or more" espionage i'onvictions and raised the possibility that two Red spy lings v'.il! are operating in &ovtin- lll'.Mlt, U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 35 7 afasdfsfsdf Uti E-UP oj •<• ttikiyui the f •:>■, ,n e g| jO > y- lured J<r/v tft ffn eft): B r Jackson; Rrcnda Gilbert; ogart; /1 Mr,- In O*b HcNi/cr; end Ro I UP
    UP  -  35 words
  • 375 7 DEBATE ON BIG-3 TALKS IS URGED Bevan Wants To State His Case RHYMNEY, Wales, Nov. 23, (Rcurer)— Mr. Aneurin Bevan, leader of the lettwing Socialists and a former cabinet minister, said last night he hoped Mr. Clement Attlcc, leader of the Parliamentary Opposition, would insist on having a debate in
    375 words
  • 76 7 Stondoid London Correspondent LONDON, Nov. 21. The following ore the closing price* or mbbei ond tin on the London morkct LONDON RUBBfR LONDON TIN Spot 17 d. j Spot £665 per ton December 17 d. buyers, £670 sellers. Jan. /March 17ld. Three months £645 Apr./June 17
    76 words
  • 170 7 PANMIN.IOM, Nov. 23 (IP)— High Communist Chinese and North Korean officials demanded acceptance of their controversial plan for the Korea peace conference today. The demand was issued from Peking a few hours before Communist and Allied diplomats opened their fifth and perhaps most crucial week
    170 words
  • 81 7 CALCUTTA, Nov. 29 (Renter)—Primitive Tagin tribesmen from the hill country on the Assam-Burma, border have poisoned all water supplies in the area through which [ndian government Cones are about to mareh against them, it was learned here today. Tagina ambushed and attacked a government military party
    81 words
  • 60 7 BELGRADE Noi (Reu I'M > Mil Tltl Cd liv i .> vote> i.i -J in n v H const ii Lien y in lay's genei Vuj —the llrst b3 The resi at the invalid. Anif. todl M offlcia I Yugos Tanjuf, said lhai there *n 90.3 p
    60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 7 1 \M(H B Arnriit an lomiilnn Buster K< jlon 'led .is »wi .is he looks it l*.t in pi mm lijdiln bratim i iliNllirn on Hi, tmi t.irn Kr.itun w !m» lu v h i ll.ih lot ilic p.i>[ l> w ii' i.i:h> |«.iiiii I up with th** I I'm
    65 words
  • 21 7 [ANILA VI A V 17 yc;n m tin Unit* S i who returned to ti'i by iii.
    21 words
  • 7 7 The i I P ..nd
    7 words
  • 51 7 \'F:W DELHI. Wov. 2 (AP) Pr me Istei Pandit N told the In'i an Pai liam< Upper Ho I today that Government would not i the question of Britain 1 tiona in British Guiana the United Nai Jagan had three long nv in«v with Nehru duririk,
    51 words
  • 63 7 MANILA, Nov. 23 (UP)— A motorcycle patrolman died tonight from injuries he sustained in an accident while escorting a motorcade of visiting United States Vice-Presi-dent Richard Nixon. The officer Vivencio Santo. I*.1 about 30, expired at the San Juan Do Dios Hospital. Nixon was addressing
    63 words
  • 100 7 LONDON, Nov. 23: (Reuter) Mr. John A. Thivy, a <" Representative of the Go i ment of India in Malaya, nas been appointed Minister t India to Syria, according to tin announcement released b^ Indian High Coqi »n m London. Fifty-one-year-o d Mr. Th practised
    100 words
  • 90 7 NICOSIA, C.. >i i< > —Mrs. Anna B'-' it, British SUbj€ in.- I. urity i h rived h- air innr. Cairo and told how for Um 'ie had I receive a anonymous lo land ma i< J l COfllti I wainSl that if; bi 14 had
    90 words
  • 43 7 1 I *m inc h' a frr«-ii tuld tod cyt. wren tl ill-fed I well wider tl i k ton Mr. N T l lot »00 Id a i us to 1 v I I
    43 words
  • 19 7 BOY SHOT THI EVES RAN >NW v i off thiev< < '•with t ped f!l»' on 'I loiitit. 1 1
    19 words
  • 39 7 i EHERA i i Premiei i t h«« POU on tor "I i If they i < then I will s^Mk Asked If )\u(i pn p.ii:*' i j rhurkled Or Mf. i t.i'k mort than lOfl month.**
    39 words
  • 29 7 HONGKONG, Til!' M.i i 1 1 i Ptking im tried i usually rell poi U Th»* Chiru I».ip«-| lid F pond< I > tak< It
    29 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 A L\ W/ m sfß m /ft^\ U«f« KUALA LUMPUR ti '.39 A.M. X ALL \X gi»)WAY5^> 2 Arrive in KOTA BAHRU at 12.20 P.M. EXCEPT BY TRAVELLING MALAYAN AIRWAYS
      30 words

  • 197 8 PASSENGERS in tourist class airliners wiLl have to do' without liquor, roast turkey and caviar, which are some of the luxuries served aboard first class international airliners today. Sir William Hildrod. Director General of the International Air Transport Association said recently that tourist class air
    197 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 810 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE AND NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD joim smvici J(» nlon.lM. (.i-no.i Marseilles Antwerp K(»tt«rdam HainlMirß K Bremen S'pore t Sham IVnang IS. Nabob (NDL) ...5 Dec ItDec H [JDec •TS Leverkuscn (HAPAG) 11/I«Dee 17/18Dei l»/2IDe« •lone B«»ru Manila Kobe A Vokuhama Pena.m I* Sham Sport IS Issm (HvPA(i) 29/MNOf :ilSuy/Wer
      810 words
    • 1152 8 xe.:-i^ BLUE FUNNEL LINE TT^T m line*) MANSFIELD CO., LI I). l>a^ Incorporated in S.ngapore Dwe Sail* P Sham Pensnp Atreus for Liverpool Glasgow fi. :U 31 X«» -'> Xov 26/28 Nov 29 JO TrollM for Holland. London. Nm Antwerp Hamburg O-tt «<» > n^ W le sw P anlea
      1,152 words
    • 646 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam I lovd Holland America Line Ned* 1 land Line Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX, BOSTON. NEW YORK. PHll IDELPHIA. BALTIMORE. MOBILE. NEW OKI LANS via SUEZ. Spore P. Sham Penan. BOKNEO (SMN) VJ/2.'iSov 26'Nov 27/28N«\ SOMMFLSDVR (HAL) 0/13De<' ItiDec- 17/IKDei HOT 4 r.FI»F (III.) ?<>l)er
      646 words
    • 602 8 EAST ASIATIcIif •AHJIMii rttUM S( \ND in \\i K S pore p s IjUT) •MANCHURIA for Bangkc k Saigon Hongkong Manila Kobe Yokohama 3 ZUrc 1 "FAI,STRI/V for Bangkok B'9lto l/|n "LALANDIA* for Bangkok 20 2f»nrr "PANAMA" for Bangkok anr Hongkong .t I Ja B "JAVA" for Bangkok. Salfon! Hongkong.
      602 words

  • 111 9 Chocolate Men Throw A Party TIIK m Pn mho srll vome oi the things that brin* dHight to children i n Ma'•jya sat down to a sumptuous rhinrsr dinner last week to honour two of their associates On the ritht is the ffroup of these men who wre photographed a|
    111 words
  • 199 9 DOING THE MARKET Price Goes Up RUBBER prices in Singapore improved by 1 4 ,ent, per ;b to o«j cents per ib. for first Rrade rub 1 December shipment on a steady market yesterday I ra ten attributed the sharp rise in prices to the news from Washington thai the
    199 words
  • 40 9 THE produce market in Singapore ren ain< d teady in all lions yesterday, with isinoss pas< in c. Sing >ore product pnee.^ were:nbiei $210; Bjji cotlei $28 (Spli ;ntok w I3fl fSara $295 (Lampong ilinsffJ and 10 $H (Sarawak)
    40 words
  • 23 9 COLOMBO. (ReuUr) —The Cai High Cor imisr here. Mr. J .1. Hurley. that Canada wants to import graphite from Ceylon on
    23 words
  • 200 9 NEW YORK. Nov. 23— flJP) A leading sugar expert cxprr: v COnfid* the agreement sign* recent London conference will operate on the i» and thai will function successfully. Speaking at i n informal meeting of members ol the sugar trade Dr. Arturo Manas, a
    200 words
  • 56 9 LONDON, Nov. 2 R it< r) t3O Bi tu 1 iin in N4os nol now picet of the Brii C tor the Pro- ma] Trade. A member r 'ii'- F jn s tary, Mr. Al I Eden's in the H Commons, the Ai once
    56 words
  • 149 9 LONDON, Nov. 23, (Reutcr) The British Commonwccfth's dollar earnings from wool, jute and rubber fell in 1952 1953 be ousc ofjower world prices for primary products, it wos disclosed here tedoy. i But the United Kincdoai earned more d(- vehi. rics and machim did iifla with
    149 words
  • 307 9 THK upward trend in the tin metal price rrIlected in a lesser extent in the MalayiS tin Ju market yesterday. Industrial shares uese ibt Iml'.i Kubber shares attraeted sonip interest wiih the im provement in thr rubber tommoditv pi ire. iNucsrts But* er» •*. Vex
    307 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 239 9 Abner By A( Copp ,<OOK WHO'S MtlUl.r OCR Y S^E SHORT WAvP \ZI r/W/G ™&2%£'r*J VpZS^S?^ -s£u V" W? 'T'c??^*^ HAMBASSADOR.'T WHAT'S Bp-oSkDcSST^K C/r ™'**S.T TV CA?Culpof«t i L«ai a'-^I 2i I€ l^_ By Vr Horn/in //sUEY OOP I JV IN \TWE-r^CH.Nf 1 C*F SOMEPLACE Vl^^-I^ THE OTMFR I HOME
      239 words
    • 358 9 -fh-f*fr.-A- T-^ -^^Z^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MPSa^JNß^%^ •^Bo'3W<nPfrg3ftHJg^jftla^BaflKjftji^^i&Bi^^ A^ rf -^^w ■th.^p^, jiivi,.." -*^aQ^vj^x^.-j r r^y^^j^yy^QyjQgy^.y > Q^ SSq&^y^lfti^4rhhay^a^hala^a^tal^a^fca^sfc> j^fc—^b^.^^. S 'PORE DIARY n KLAKC V.»V.£V T m: ENTfSTAINV.ENT w/.l >; moo B SUhGEI PATANI 3sCtl «^tMiyc 1 TERTAINMtNT w 1 ,7, rrr Collyer c, ENTERT A INMF KIT Royal Aeron n e' cm
      358 words

  • 808 11  -  LINESMAN By IN FEW WEEKS, delegates of countries partiin the Asian Games will meet in ."Manila to two moot questions— (a) the eligibility of letes taking part in the Manila Games next May IIH b) whether the Asian Games Federation should thdraw from the International
    808 words
  • 124 11 SYDNEY, Nov. 23 (AP>— Star Finnish miier Denis Johansson is to ,'ace against Australia's Landj in the Australian mile championship at Sydney cricket grounds on Feb il. Under favourable conditions. one spurred by the could break four minutes for the mile. Austral Athletic
    124 words
  • 79 11 TAIPING, Mon.— ln a w 1 contested h fix- at the Esplanade the K ai j bcai P T 1-0. Th j P T played w tn ten throughout but despite the handicap had the better ol the rst half. The score shcrt was blank half
    79 words
  • 47 11 CHARLOTTE (North Carolina). Nov. 2:J—(AP)— Thirty-one-year-old Willie Pep had little trouble winning a unanimous 10-round decision over Sonny Luciano of Paterson, New Jersey Luciano failed to win a round and had to be urged by referee Marnon Diehl to step up his pace.
    47 words
  • 127 11 SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2'i <APi Robert H. McDaniel, I dapper Scotch-Irishman, Ii tiie new world champion racehorse er. With plenty of time for more winners before the year ends, tie bas set the recoid with 185 ies for the year beating the total of 184 set up
    127 words
  • 245 11 KUALA lA7MPUR. Mon.— The PWD Sports Club women beat the Selangor Club women 4—o in a fast hockey match r>n the Cher as Road ground today. The Selnncor Club Were without three of their regular players— Pearry and Houston. full barks. and SutherlandBrowri. left wing. Their
    245 words
  • 22 11 AN' AHDITIONAL tie tfl t's Singapore Bi npkmship fixtun i open sin Mi m Helen Hrng ajvd Miu Baby Low.
    22 words
  • 860 11 Soccer Masters Are To Meet Their Star Pupils LONDON, Nov. 23 (R niter)— The England-Hungary football match at Wembley on Wednesday has probably created greater interest the world over and certainly on the continent than any other soccer game hitherto. It is a struggle between the masters, the learn of
    860 words
  • 51 11 PORTSMOUTH. Nov. 23 (AP) Malaya's E. B. Choong won the Portsmouth opeu badminton tournament yesterday with a 15-2. 15-4 win over New Zealand's J. E. Robson In the doubles E. B. and E. L. Choong teamed to beat K«.ii >n and J. R. Best 15-t,
    51 words
  • 205 11 Almost A 'Grudge' Battle ST. LOUIS, Xov. 23. (AP)— Pierre La jlois (157£ lbs.), of Prance leaving no doubt as to h s advantage and experience—battered and pounded Jesse Turner (lo.V'bs.) with an impressive shower of sidearm lefts and overhand rights last night to win a unanimous points decision in
    205 words
  • 75 11 BRt'SSELS, Nov. »—(Renter) Franjo Mihalic. the crack Yugoslav runner, won the 8,200 metres (about five mile international "Cnterium Dei A.-" Belgium's biggest international cross-country even in 27 mins. M> He finished 150 metres ahead o f Franz Herman, Belgium's leading entrant who was second in 28 mins
    75 words
  • 50 11 ZrRICH. Nov. 2.i— (Router) —Switzerland and Belgium 2 2 .n an internation.'ii -I hero alter Bcln led 2-0 81 halt time. Portug; S uth Afi i a 'i-i tal footi National Stadium on. P- gal > 2-0 at I:, C M .-tp. the M I footb< d Jutland
    50 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      583 words
    • 514 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENT MT in S<>o Gu.«n ths, eonir attendance*: etc 'he .1 of the Itt* 1 M I SITUATIONS VACANT W'IFD by *ni printir»R ftt ?n I .h clerks Apply in st.ilinc t i !t'd (0 ber J 144M SS I>FM\TING prm l < 1 machine and H automatic mach 9
      514 words
    • 198 11 STANDARD SERVICE F< v THE DNOmVD XI Ml v|R\|(l: A ■•<! >nd in nr« I■> h»!p ,iu i,, (,m K ,irk. 'I'' I I n» nij.. ihis «..i,...,, j Ust rjJ It nrf tour !«.<• v. r irf (i>r II 1" I >„ I; <„J I ii wilt tuo r
      198 words

  • 53 12 Trotters To Tour Pacific CHK ;>'). Nov. 23 <rP)— i A s| rstin he will nl of his Har- G ttcr basketball ition them to 1 i. th Philippines, AusIra i .1 .an i trott( mnpanied hv the [> W wind headed by 1 :-i get Bill T'ru Whir wii
    53 words
  • 469 12 SPORE WILL LIKE THE Says JEFFERY JAMES WITH nine players selected for the Indonesian Asian Games soccer trials to be held in Solo, Central Java, next month in the team of 16 players, the PSMS Medan tourists, due to arrive in the Colony tomorrow for four
    469 words
  • 120 12 NEW DELHI, Nov. 23: (It iter i Y;ndo Man I i t ml] rounder, has been in in the team for the T« again the th Cricket i starting ii B nbay on Due 3. i IHi igar. who i ictory
    120 words
  • 112 12 THE University of Malaya Spurts Contingent will .still try to visit Hongkong this Dei-ember in spite of refusal of the University's three Deans to exempt students of the team from the roming Michaelmas terminal examinations. A spokesman of the University Athletic Union told Thf Standard yesterday that the
    112 words
  • 156 12 A Final Year Arts student said he could not understand why the University authorities could not shift the examinations ahead when this was done during the last Decree Examinations due to the Coronation. "I can't understand the Authorities' al l i t ude. After all, this
    156 words
  • 154 12 PENANG, Mon.— Four days i have be allotted for the Pen an g Turf Club Xmas/New '''•<: me 'ting. They are Fri- i iy. Dec. 25. Saturday Dec. lit;. Friday. Jan. 1. and Saturday, Jan. Special races are the P and O Cup over ad e
    154 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 12 NKW officials and councillors of the Singapore Amateur Weight Lifting Federation. Sitting: Chua Siak ll wee (asst. hon. sec). Chew Pin Wee (vice-Presi-dent). B. L Dunsford (President). Dmto C. J. Pa»lar (Patron), (hua Tian Teck vice-President). Chua Tye .luav (hon. sec). Tay Teo Chuan (hon. treas.). Back row: Steven Yeo.
    72 words
  • 43 12 TAIPEH, Nov. 23 (Reuter) An estimated crowd of 8.000 last nisht cheered Wcttg: Pen? Soon, threetime world badminton champion from Malaya, when he made his first appearance at the Armed Forces stadium. Won? beat Cheon? Hock I.enff 15—1?. 15—11.
    43 words
  • Letters To The Sports Editor
    • 377 12 WHAT DELAYED MR. HE AH "A ha% passed WotiQ Penq Soon and hit 1 1 hWt left tor a controversial tour of Formosa /lnyry, bltfer vords have h>-,-n uttered by his party and the Badminton Association oj Malaya. .4s t < fo«*(/-^r 0) Malayan bad' innitou affairs, 1 liarp. some
      377 words
    • 209 12 Kuantan Soccer Dilemma REFERRING to the on>tie match between the Alihtliah School and the Kuantan Malays in ichich the former were leading when the referee übaudoi^/d play seven minutes before lime due to bad /iqht and the committee of th e District FA, awarded the qame to the school I
      209 words
    • 38 12 TAIPING. Mon.—Thc RE Sports Club here, in their annual hockey match with the sister dub in Kuala Lumpur suffered a defeat losing by six Hear goals scored by Thomas <•{>. Swaiitoii, Liddell and Adams, one each.
      38 words
  • 329 12 SINGAPORE Olympic and Sports Council will fight against a 'Quit lOC proposal of the Asian Games Federation at Manila next month— and the man who will make the fight for the Council will be its honorary secretary, Mr. Ted Strickland. At
    329 words
  • 208 12  -  WINDSOR LAD By CINECOLOR, with Davy best worker at yesterday morning Millionaire as companion, he iklpprd th, 50 sec. and the last three in J7 held the advantage at the end oi ti work very attractively. 11, sn Mllj| n main six furlongs race for class mm
    208 words
  • 530 12 HAD it not been for the keenness and wholehearted endeavour behind the efforts of each side, the University of Malaya's annual North v South "Classic" at Bukit Timah yesterday, would have been mediocre. The result, a draw of eight points-all, is a fair index
    530 words
  • 351 12 THE draw for ?he preliminary and first round in both d sions of t-'ie SHA Kno k I Competition was made -i 1 erday i n the SRC. In the Senior division si\teen teams have entered M ly: SRC Reds and Blue ity A B.
    351 words
  • 55 12 HONGKONG. Nov S3 <afp>! —World b«avywejßhi bo champion. Ro ky m due to visit Honnkotm dui n> his present Far Eastern ■0 tar ha> made no ;u r in le merits to <iv e exhibition btj nerj, it w.i~ leameri p howevor cooikleed pertain mat piarciano w.n
    55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 64 12 /'CuJTsAk < w H4709 OPENING TO-DAY i Shows 8.15 fu.-, p.m Universal Plcinre N-.v Screen Sensation of (his Generation! "FLESH AND FURY" Slarrtaf •'in Mona Sterllnt; Freenmj M^y TODAY :m:»— ♦;.:{n— «> p.m Sh> ania Kap<K>r "JAGGU" (in Hindustani) Stop Pn-ss M IMII It I (V«iu s of ihr
      64 words
    • 231 12 WELCOME THE U.S. NAVY TO I ill K I IV. MOM I'.h'l Vi \;OSI»I!I ;|SM." DANCHfG MdiiTi.v I. Reautiful ind Knlert.nrii'i I! I New icik l'.ir(jii»-t (I. mm i sio.ii Cocktail Bai Praapl jnd Coartfo«« S I Citjr'i No j Hit f oi. ill i Veil WILSON s Futry I
      231 words